#albuquerque brewing company
idesofrevolution · 3 months
Cult of Personality
The blistering New Mexico heat bared down on Douglas' '99 Chevrolet Cavalier. The small blue coupe meandered up I-25, enroute from Las Cruces to Santa Fe. The old man quietly sighed to himself, fruitlessly trying to think of a better pitch to sell his Solar Panels to the rich folks up in Albuquerque. Las Cruces ended up being a bust, just as much as Tucson: the damn things were just too expensive up front. Not that the company gave a single damn, quotas are quotas. Thus, still empty handed, he passed the exit sign for Socorro- still an hour until he'd reach his destination.
As he passed the exit, he noticed a bright red glint a bit further up the road. Douglas adjusted his glasses, squinting his eyes to see. He slowed down on the empty highway as the sight became clearer. It was a car. In fact, it was a bright red '67 Mustang; it's owner leaned on the hood as black smoke bellowed from the tailpipe. Douglas looked down at his watch, knowing fully well that he needed to be in Albuquerque before sundown. Though, as he approached the broken down muscle car, the sweltering heat of the Chihuahuan Desert at high noon would be a killer. The young man leaning on the car turned his head, not even sweating a single drop, and stared blankfaced at Douglas as he pulled up.
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Douglas hit the brakes, stopping his car right alongside the young man. He strode up to the old man's car, leaning in and resting his elbows onto window ledge. His stoic expression slowly melted into a wide grin, licking his lips before he spoke.
"You headed toward Albuquerque?" A thick Texan accent flowed from the man's lips, his dark brown eyes nearly black even in the blinding light of the sun. Douglas felt an odd twinge of nervousness as the grinning young man casually smiled; it felt off. Behind that handsome visage, something was brewing within.
"I'm headed to Santa Fe, but I can call you a mechanic from Socorro, he'd be here in a jiffy!" The young man's smile didn't fade, he simply shook his head 'no.'
"Phone's got no service out here, brother. I sure would appreciate a ride. It's just a mile or so up the road." He turned, pointing down the seemingly endless highway. Before Douglas could deny the young man his request, the hitchhiker leaned in closely. It may have been the heat, or it may have been his exhaustion, but for no more than two seconds, he thought he'd heard whispers blowing in the wind. Douglas said nothing, and the young man's grin grew wider. "Thank you, brother. I'll hop in the back."
As he strode back to his car, grabbing a duffel bag from the trunk of his car, Douglas wanted to slam on the gas and blitz out of there. An air of menace surrounded this man, despite his magnetic charisma; yet his foot did not press down on the pedal. The passenger side door opened, as the man hopped into the back seat of his coupe. Too late. The door slammed by itself, evidently thanks to a gust of wind he neither felt nor heard. He pulled the car out of park, and off the duo went. He glanced into his rearview mirror, taking in the sight of his hitchhiker.
He nearly took up the entire backseat. The duffel bag sat next to him, his muscular arms tightly holding it against his side. He was easily above six feet tall, likely even more than six and a half. He threw his arms behind his head, kicking his large feet onto Douglas' armrest. Outwardly, he seemed like just another good looking guy- one he'd likely see on his granddaughter's TikTok. But his guard remained on high alert.
"Just keep driving, brother. I'll tell ya when to turn off." His velvety voice was disarming, a carefree confidence just wafted from him alongside the strange heat which seemed to emanate from his muscular body. For about an hour, the two sat in silence as they rocketed down the highway. Each glance he shot into his mirror, Douglas would see the man smirking- his gaze never meeting the old man's. Thus, as the road veered to the left in the distance, their silence was broken. "Don't turn, just keep going straight." He carried a tone of authority in his voice, a natural command that would be highly unlikely to be ignored.
"There isn't a road straight ahead..." The hitchhiker finally stared into the mirror, his eyes locked on Douglas' reflection.
"Go straight."
As if of their own accord, the old man's hands kept steadfast on their trajectory. As the road began to curve, the Cavalier shot in the commanded direction, straight into the sands of the desert. They swerved, avoiding large rocks and towering Saguaros, before the foothills of the mountains started to come into view. Through the mirage before them, Douglas could see what looked like a campsite ahead, just beyond the thicket of green brambles. A crowd of maybe 50-70 people had gathered in the bowels of the desert. For what purpose, Douglas did not yet know. But as he slowly began his approach, the entire crowd had turned their eyes toward the car. Like the parting of the Red Sea, the crowd split in two; leaving a clear straight shot toward a makeshift platform right at the base of the mountain.
"Thank you for the lift, brother. Do me a favor, will ya? Stick around. I have a feeling you'd love what we have going on today." Again, his timbre was less of a request- and far more of a demand. The tone was never raised, nor was it ever aggressive. However, he felt as if one would be wise to heed his instructions. Douglas simply nodded, turning the car off, and opening the door.
The crowd was filled with a diverse cast of people, all of which were fit, energetic, and young. Not a single soul had seen a day over 30, no less than 21. They stared with vacant expressions in silence until the hitchhiker exited the backseat, at which point they erupted in cheers and applause. Douglas watched with confusion and shock as the young man walked toward the platform, shaking hands, playfully punching shoulders, giving out high fives like condoms at a clinic. Who the hell had he picked up? Where the hell was he? As he hopped atop the wooden structure in one single leap, easily five feet off the ground, he shucked the grey tank top and tossed it into the crowd. A young woman caught it, tenderly holding it against her chest as the onlookers admired his chiseled build. Raising his arms, the crowd went silent.
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"Brothers and Sisters, today is the day! Are you ready? Are you rearing? Tell me!" The crowd erupted, Douglas stared around the transfixed athletes, feeling entirely out of place- as if he wasn't meant to be there. "For one full year, you have trusted me to build your bodies into machines: daily training, nightly runs, some of y'all are out there doing some of the hardest workouts we have to offer. Look at you now!" More cheers. "When I told you that your bodies were temples, to treat them as such, each and every one of you took my words seriously. I said that each of you had the potential to become something incredible. You said, but Cameron, I can't ever get to where you're at! But guess what? You followed the regimen, you became part of our family, you became a part of something so much bigger than you even knew. And we are here today, your induction into our movement, the final hoo-rah!" Mimicking the leader, every single one of the parroting people began to chant hoo-rah, once... twice... thrice... like a warcry on the battlefield. Douglas turned, searching through the sea of people to find an escape route. Instead, he only saw five men of the same jacked physique of the leader handing out what looked to be bottles of water. Peering closely, the unlabeled bottles carried a milky white liquid.
"What sort of Jonestown shit is this..." The bottles were disperse quickly amongst the crowd, the cheery if not dim young men had seemingly finished in minutes as the leader droned on. Douglas took the opportunity to make his way back toward the car, only for a moment of dread to wash over him. It was gone. In it's place, a line of tire tracks came to an abrupt end, no vehicle in sight. The old man felt a hand on his shoulder, turning quickly to be face to face once again with 'Cameron' himself.
"I wanted to thank you for helping me, Douglas. I'm more than happy to reimburse you, you've saved the day." Whispers again started to rise around him, incoherently babbling a language far outside of his own knowledge. "Today, my friend, your journey begins." Douglas tried to pry his eyes away from Cameron to no avail. The deep brown eyes seemed to swallow any thought, any desire, any need. Cameron's pupils started to pulse, mimicking the old man's heartbeat, growing larger and larger, until the inky blackness had swallowed his entire iris & sclera. Cameron smirked as he watched the old man's posture fall forward, his shoulders drooping and his jaw hanging loosely. "Mmmmmmm. Good, fall deep, vessel. For your assistance today, your reward is to be one with me, just as all in my inner circle have done."
The black-eyed stud gently guided Douglas away from the crowd, who were busy downing the contents of their respective bottles just as moans and groans started ringing out from the poor fools. The five members of Cameron's inner circle followed suit, their eyes flooding black and mouths curling into devilish grins. The group soon arrived in a clearing of the thicket, circling around a pile of filthy clothes strewn across the dirt. Douglas was slowly guided to them, entirely unwavering in his stonefaced obedience.
"Well, my children. You continue to serve me well. I admit, this body must be hard to say no to. He is a joy to wear." The five goons chuckled menacingly, one or two of them groping at their bulges through their running shorts. "Today, as you all did before him, Douglas aided me in my time of need. On a momentous day as this, such acts must be rewarded. Today, you welcome your new brother." With a swipe of his hand, Douglas' corporate clothing dissolved into thin air, burnt ash flying into the desert wind. He stood there in the nude, the group watching in anticipation as Cameron simply pointed down to the pile of reeking clothes, and Douglas could do nothing but obey.
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One by one the articles began to tremble, before sliding across the sand toward their soon-to-be owner. Cameron snickered, snapping his finger. A sweaty jockstrap quickly flew into the air, levitating for a moment before shooting toward the old man's groin. Like a liquid hitting a solid, the grimy fabric collided with Douglas, warping and wrapping around his legs and package until it had settled into it's new home. The brothers grinned, as they watched the old man's admittedly humble bulge swell rapidly. It expanded outward, his balls dropping like ten pound weights as they grew, and his cock elongated and widened until it peeked it's head out from the bottom of the sweat stained pouch. Douglas moaned as his ass swelled thick and bulbous, the formerly wrinkled and smooth skin sprouting dark brown hairs as his bush followed suit. Cameron grinned, strutting over to cup his hand over the musky horsecock and balls that had sprang from his jock.
Another snap of his fingers, and the shorts shot upward, wrapping around Douglas' legs, quickly inflating them with thick mass. His hamstrings widened, his quads becoming hard as iron while his calves tightened. The chicken legs he used to possess now were two massive slabs of hard meat. Cameron continued to grope and massage his prey's bulge, the fabric of the jockstrap growing sticky with his pre as he moaned. The five grunts slowly lowered their own shorts and jockstraps, releasing their sweaty dicks into their waiting palms.
"You humans are so... simple." *snap* The socks slithered like snakes across the ground, surrounding Douglas' toes and sliding around his heel and fastening around his ankle. "All it takes is slipping into some attractive male, and you'll be worshipping at my feet. As will you." The old man's feet cracked and stretched wide, his soles growing soft and sweaty as the stinking running shoes melted around his gigantic feet. The rubber and fabric contorted and stretched, the funk of a thousand runs in the desert heat wafting from within their confines as they reformed into a perfect fit. The group started to stroke their cocks, small droplets of black sludge seeping from their slits. Cameron grinned, sliding his hand into Douglas' jockstrap and wrapping it around his throbbing member. "You, however, will be a prince among men."
*snap* The pot belly which had plagued Douglas for 30 some odd years slowly receded, fading into obscurity as if it had never been there to begin with. His abs tightened, his pecs became lean, his waist slimmed quickly with powerful obliques and cum gutters pointing toward his hose. Whispers started to echo in the wind as the five cultists stroked their cocks, streams of black, tar-like slime coalescing into pools at their feet.
"You will be a father of my spawn, a carrier of my seed." Cameron continued to pump the massive dick, watching with malicious glee as his arms grew sinewy and lean, his hands large and wide, his fingers long and slender. "Today, our army is founded." The possessed stud placed his hand on the balding head of the former salesman, pushing him to his knees; his mind blank as his master's shorts slid down to his thighs, releasing a grotesque sight. Whatever his host's member used to be was long gone, now corrupted with demonic seed. It stood upright, intricate black symbols wrapping around the foot long shaft all the way to his foreskin. "Receive my blessing, mortal. Be one with me." The ripe rod inched forward, dripping thick globules of the black sludge onto Douglas' thighs as it pressed against his face. His mouth opened, and it was over.
In a single thrust, the monstrous cock pushed past his lips and deep into his throat as Cameron began to face fuck the old man. The pools of black sludge from his minions writhed toward him, engulfing his legs in their glistening form before slinking toward his tight hole. Cameron threw his head back in ecstasy, howling a thunderous and unnatural roar as his underling's seed seeped into Douglas' rear. The sounds of squelching, cracking, suction rang out as the roars began to grow louder. Each slap of his face against Cameron's bush reformed his aged face. New hairs sprouted on his scalp, a thick forest of black spreading across his head. His lips plumped as they slurped on the smelly cock, his skin tanning and all wrinkles disappearing. The last vestiges of the black sludge squeezed into his hole, and with a wicked, fiendish grin the possessed stud cursed out into the open desert air:
"WE... ARE... ONE!" 'Cameron' released his gift down into his new son's throats, a torrent of black seed rushing out of his length and into Douglas' transformed body. His veins started to flush dark, until an inky blackness had sprawled across his lean, taut figure. Whatever remained of Douglas sunk into a void of darkness, only to be encompassed by the viscous corruption. 'Cameron' grinned, his will quickly overwhelming the spirit of the old man before slipping his demonic essence within it. More and more of him flooded into the body, squeezing into the soul, until it was unclear where Douglas began and 'Cameron' ended. Dismounting his new creation, he watched with glee as the convulsions died down, and it's eyes opened, revealing an endless inky black as it grinned.
"Yes, my master, this vessel shall fit our needs quite nicely." As his eyes slowly started to return to their normal hazel, the corruptive sludge within his veins reformed, pushing upward through the capillaries and into the skin, now little more than tattoos to the naked eye. 'Cameron' grinned, another human ensnared into his dark consciousness, little more than a husk to house his essence.
'Dougie' smirked as he pulled up his fetid shorts, quickly masking his cock dripping the black sludge of his master and brothers as he threw his sweaty arms around his new family, walking toward their new army.
"Alright, Santa Fe! Are we ready to get fit?" The crowd erupted as Cameron stood before them, his arms raised on the roof of the building, grinning over the 200 new disciples he was prepared to imbue with his gift. Those who had been with him at Socorro stood silently amongst the unsuspecting enthusiasts, ready to 'assist' their 'ascension' should the need arise. Just beside the building, his sons had gathered behind the truck in a circle, chanting words beyond our most vivid imagination as they stroked eachother's musky cocks into the large vat of water. 'Dougie', now a favorite of Cameron, devilishly grinned as he felt the first torrent of his corruption spew into the clear water, the thick black sludge slithering about before dissolving into the liquid as if it were never there. Round after round, they shot their father's seed into water, until there was more of the seed than there was of the water.
"Alright, brothers. I think that should do it." His deep, bellowing voice brought each of his brothers attention on him as they put their cocks back into their shorts. "Hah, and not a minute too soon." The crowd of feckless initiates began to line up, in desperate need of hydration, of which 'Dougie' was more than happy to provide. He hopped up onto the bed of the truck, as his brothers ladled their refreshment into individual bottles. Snatching one, 'Dougie' snickered. "Who's thirsty?"
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riobravobrewing · 4 months
Exploring Albuquerque’s Vibrant Brewery Scene
Albuquerque Brewery Restaurant experiences have become synonymous with the city’s vibrant culture, offering locals and visitors alike a taste of the Southwest with a twist. Nestled amidst the enchanting landscape of New Mexico, breweries Albuquerque boast a rich history of crafting exceptional brews and providing memorable dining experiences. Among these gems is Rio Bravo Brewing Company, a cornerstone of the local scene.
Discovering Rio Bravo Brewing Company
As you step into Rio Bravo Brewing Company, located in brewery Albuquerque NM, you’re greeted with an inviting atmosphere that seamlessly blends the spirit of the Southwest with the artistry of craft brewing. Established with a passion for creating exceptional beers and fostering a sense of community, Rio Bravo has quickly become a beloved destination for beer enthusiasts and foodies alike.
Unveiling the Charm of Breweries in Albuquerque
Breweries Albuquerque are renowned for their creativity and commitment to quality, and Rio Bravo is no exception. From crisp lagers to bold IPAs, their diverse selection of handcrafted brews caters to every palate. Whether you’re a seasoned beer aficionado or a newcomer to the craft beer scene, there’s something for everyone to enjoy.
The Micro Brewery Albuquerque Experience
What sets Rio Bravo apart is its dedication to innovation and excellence. As a leading micro brewery Albuquerque, they pride themselves on pushing the boundaries of traditional brewing techniques while staying true to their roots. Each batch is brewed with precision and care, resulting in a lineup of distinctive beers that capture the essence of the Southwest.
Embracing the Spirit of Albuquerque Brewery Restaurant
Beyond their exceptional brews, Rio Bravo Brewing Company offers a culinary experience that’s equally impressive. Their Albuquerque brewery restaurant features a menu crafted with locally sourced ingredients and inspired by the flavors of the region. From hearty burgers to flavorful tacos, every dish is thoughtfully prepared to complement their signature brews.
Planning Your Visit
Whether you’re a local resident or just passing through, a visit to Rio Bravo Brewing Company is a must for anyone looking to experience the best of Albuquerque’s brewery scene. With its welcoming atmosphere, delicious food, and exceptional brews, it’s the perfect destination for beer enthusiasts and food lovers alike.
In conclusion, breweries in Albuquerque are more than just places to enjoy a cold beer — they’re vibrant hubs of creativity, community, and culture. And Rio Bravo Brewing Company stands as a shining example of everything that makes the city’s brewery scene so special. So, the next time you find yourself in Albuquerque, be sure to stop by and raise a glass to the flavors of the Southwest. Cheers!
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chorusfm · 8 months
Portugal. The Man Announces New Tour
Portugal. The Man have announced some new tour dates. 02/06 – Albuquerque, NM @ Sunshine Theater 02/08 – Oklahoma City, OK @ The Jones Assembly 02/09 – San Antonio, TX @ Stable Hall 02/10 – Houston, TX @ Bayou Music Center 02/12 – New Orleans, LA @ Civic Theatre 02/13 – Birmingham, AL @ Iron City 02/14 – Louisville, KY @ Paristown Hall 02/16 – Royal Oak, MI @ Royal Oak Music Theatre 02/17 – Cleveland, OH @ Agora Theatre 02/18 – Port Chester, NY @ Capitol Theatre 02/20 – New Haven, CT @ College Street Music Hall 02/22 – Boston, MA @ Roadrunner 02/23 – Asbury Park, NJ @ Stone Pon 02/24 – Washington, DC @ The Anthem 03/14 – Monterrey, MX @ Showcente 03/16 – Mexico City, MX @ Vive Latin 05/01 – Wilmington, NC @ Greenfield Lake Amphitheater 05/02 – Asheville, NC @ Rabbit Rabbit 05/03 – Nashville, TN @ Ryman Auditorium 05/05 – Atlanta, GA @ Shaky Knees Festiva 05/06 – St. Louis, MO @ The Pageant 05/07 – Kansas City, MO @ The Truman 05/09 – Des Moines, IA @ Val Air Ballroom 05/10 – Indianapolis, IN @ Egyptian Room at Old National Centre 05/11 – Chicago, IL @ The Salt Shed 05/14 – Milwaukee, WI @ The Riverside Theater 05/15 – Madison, WI @ The Sylvee 05/17 – Minneapolis, MN @ First Avenue 05/18 – Minneapolis, MN @ First Avenue 05/20 – Fargo, ND @ Fargo Brewing Company Outdoors 05/22 – Bozeman, MT @ The ELM 05/23 – Spokane, WA @ Knitting Factory 05/24 – Carnation, WA @ Remlinger Farms 07/05 – Memphis, TN @ Minglewood Hall 07/06 – Bentonville, AR @ The Momentary 07/07 – Omaha, NE @ Steelhouse 07/10 – Morrison, CO @ Red Rocks Amphitheatre 07/11 – Dillon, CO @ Dillon Amphitheater 07/13 – Vail, CO @ Gerald R. Ford Amphitheater 07/17 – Missoula, MT @ Kettlehouse Amphitheater --- Please consider becoming a member so we can keep bringing you stories like this one. ◎ https://chorus.fm/news/portugal-the-man-announces-new-tour/
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nickgerlich · 11 months
Foam On The Range
The history of beer in the US is an interesting one. In the 1870s, there were more than 4000 breweries, their sheer numbers virtually guaranteed success if only because distribution as we know it today did not exist. These 4000+ may not have been able to maximize sales by virtue of reach, but they sure could have a grip on a local market. That limited their size, kind of like the corner market, but they could still carve out a living.
In the decades that followed, some of these consolidated, while others succumbed to growing temperance movements. By 1920 and the enactment of Prohibition, there were 1500 breweries. But Prohibition was like an extended pandemic, and breweries had to pivot in order to survive. Some turned to selling ice, brewing sodas or “near beers,” or whatever it took to hang on. By 1933 and the repeal of the 18th amendment, only 700 remained.
Then the numbers began to tumble more. By 1950 there were only 407, and 11 years later, that number was down to 230. Once again, consolidations were the cause of some of these, but others simply went under. In any regard, brands like Schlitz, Pabst, Budweiser, and Black Label started becoming mega-brands with outsized market shares, leaving the others to fight for the crumbs.
By 1980, that number was down to 101, with a handful of large brewers grabbing the majority of market share. It was a bad time to be a small brewer, because as the market had evolved with power in the hands of the few, it meant that getting distribution was increasingly difficult.
But in the 1970s, Anchor Brewing in San Francisco staged a revival of the historic brand, reformulated its flagship beer, and became the first craft brewery in the US. It would take quite a few years for the notion to catch on, but in the last two decades, the genre has exploded. Today, there are more than 9500 craft breweries, with no sign of that number turning around.
And yet beer sales in the US are not just flat, they have actually been creeping downward. Having so many breweries is like having 9500 uninvited guests show up for dinner, and you have to add a lot of water to the spaghetti sauce to help spread it around.
All of which means that craft breweries not only have to have great product, but also know a thing or two about their consumers. After all, in a declining market characterized by increasing numbers of producers, the spoils will likely go to the smartest and best. Founders Brewing Company in Michigan is aiming to do just that.
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It’s a messy marketing scenario, because distribution is very difficult. There is a finite amount of shelf space in stores, and a finite number of tap handles at bars. Further complicating matters is the promiscuity of craft beer drinkers who love to drink around, loyal to the craft, but not anywhere near as likely to be loyal to one particular brand.
About the best a craft brewery can hope for is loyalty to the local brewery, but even that can be wishful thinking in cities like Albuquerque, with more than 30 breweries. You could do one a day for a month.
Thanks to basic market research, Founders is trying to do a better job predicting which styles of beer will be popular, and with whom. That’s no small task, especially when many brewers feel it is imperative to continually roll out new varietals. Rather than leave it to gut and instinct, Founders is relying on cold, hard data, the way large consumer packaged goods manufacturers do it.
I guess you could almost say that Founders went to business school.
While new products will still be a part of Founders, the emphasis now will be customer-driven rather than product-driven. For Founders, which is a large regional production brewery with widespread distribution, that means not just tracking sales by the barrel, cans, and bottles, but also trying to put faces to those sales. Who is buying the hazy IPAs? Who is drinking the fruited sours? Who prefers the Mexican Lager? Are women drinking beer in a market characterized as male-dominant?
And just like a firm trying to write its strategic plan, this is not a one-and-done. It must be done continually, because tastes—like strategies—change over time. The trend toward IPAs in the last decade could easily fade, but your guess is as good as mine as to what its replacement might be.
At the local level, craft breweries need to monitor not just the usual volume figures, but also try to implement their own CRM—Customer Relationship Management—programs. It’s not easy, especially when beyond those numbers, about the best they can hope for is a bunch of anecdotes and the collective wisdom of the bartenders. It’s nice when I go into Pondaseta in Amarillo, and all the servers know my name and know that I like their I-40 IPA, but ideally they should be tracking things better than that.
I’m thinking an incentivized program that finds customers gamifying their consumption in return for swag, all the while the brewery harvesting reams of valuable data. Oh, and done responsibly, of course.
The end game for any marketing company is to have customer profiles, including demographics and psychographics. While Pondaseta can’t brew new varietals just for me, they could certainly lean on data to help them create new ones for specific groups of customers. That’s a lot better than the owners waking up one day and saying, “Hey, let’s try this…”
Hats off to Founders for taking craft brewing to a new level. It’s not going to be easy studying such fickle, variety-seeking customers, but it has to be done. And it will be even harder for the smallest of the small to do this because they lack proper resources.
Because there really is a limit to how many craft breweries the US can support. We can’t just drink more because there is more beer available, no matter how good it may be.
Dr “Feeling Hoptimistic” Gerlich
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kkv-main · 1 year
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news - 2023.06.06
Boris 2002年の名作『Heavy Rocks』がThird Man Recordsからアナログ再発決定!MELVINSとの合同ツアーも開催!
Borisが2002年に発表した『Heavy Rocks』のオリジナル・リリースはBorisの本拠地である日本国内のみで流通し、世界中のリスナーが長らくこのアルバムのフィジカル・コピーを熱望、しかしアルバムは何年もの間入手不可能となっていました。
Third Man Recordsから再発は8月18日にデジタル・リリース、9月8日にCDと2枚組LPで発売となる。 またこのリリースを記念し世界のヘヴィー・ロックを共に牽引してきた盟友であるMELVINSとの合同ツアーが開催される。 Borisは『Heavy Rocks』をMELVINSは『BULLHEAD』と共にそのキャリアの重要作を再現する。
Boris + Melvins, on tour:
August 24  Los Angeles, CA @ Belasco Theater August 25  Pomona, CA @ Glass House August 26  Fresno, CA @ Strummer’s August 27  San Francisco, CA @ Great American Music Hall August 28  San Francisco, CA @ Great American Music Hall August 29  Petaluma, CA @ Mystic Theatre August 31  Portland, OR @ Roseland Theater September 1  Seattle, WA @ The Showbox September 2  Spokane, WA @ Knitting Factory September 3  Bozeman, MT @ The ELM September 5  Fargo, ND @ The Hall at Fargo Brewing Company September 6  Minneapolis, MN @ Varsity Theater September 7  Milwaukee, WI @ The Rave II September 8  Chicago, IL @ The Metro September 9  St. Louis, MO @ Red Flag September 11  Indianapolis, IN @ The Vogue September 12  Grand Rapids, MI @ Pyramid Scheme September 13  Detroit, MI @ St. Andrews Hall September 14  Cleveland, OH @ Beachland Ballroom & Tavern September 15  Pittsburgh, PA @ Roxian September 16  Maspeth, NY @ DesertFest NYC September 18  Albany, NY @ Empire Live September 19  Boston, MA @ Paradise Rock Club September 20  Bethlehem, PA @ MusicFest Cafe September 21  Philadelphia, PA @ Brooklyn Bowl Philadelphia September 22  Washington, DC @ The Howard Theatre September 23  Virginia Beach, VA @ Elevation 27 September 24  Carrboro, NC @ Cat’s Cradle September 26  Nashville, TN @ Brooklyn Bowl Nashville September 27  Atlanta, GA @ Variety Playhouse September 28  Savannah, GA @ District Live September 29  Birmingham, AL @ Saturn September 30  New Orleans, LA @ Tipitina’s October 2  Houston, TX @ Warehouse Live - Studio October 3  Austin, TX @ Mohawk October 4  Dallas, TX @ Granada Theater October 5  Oklahoma City, OK @ Beer City Music Hall October 6  Tulsa, OK @ Cain’s Ballroom October 7  Lawrence, KS @ The Bottleneck October 9  Denver, CO @ Summit October 11  Albuquerque, NM @ Sunshine Theater October 13  Tempe, AZ @ Marquee Theatre October 14  San Diego, CA @ House of Blues
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Beer Review: La Cumbre Brewing Company Ryeot IPA
Beer Review: La Cumbre Brewing Company Ryeot IPA
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trivialbob · 3 years
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Dry January is over. I finished with a moderately-sized participation trophy.
Tonight I am celebrating my award with one of the beers my son Matt brought from New Mexico when he visited over Christmas. He lives in Santa Fe. The beer is New Mexico Piñon Coffee Porter from the Rio Bravo Brewing Company in Albuquerque. I’m a big fan of beers brewed with coffee. This one is excellent.
Earlier today I was at my dad’s place to help him with some things. One thing I “fixed” was the self-closing front door. It’s a pain. It’s also required under “housing code.” I spoke to the building’s maintenance guy (whom I will call Keith, not his real name). Keith explained that he can’t legally remove devices that close the doors.
He explained, “I am not allowed to remove those four screws on the door, and the two screws on the door frame, then place those screws in a plastic bag which I save next to the spring loaded unit that closes doors, so I don’t lose them and can find all the parts shortly before the fire department does an inspection, and the device has to be reinstalled to the door.”
This Keith, I like him.
For my camping trailer I have a canvas tool bag with an assortment of basic things I like to have on hand. That bag of tools is what I took to my dad’s. Some other stuff I put in my backpack, because my hands were full.
When I left for the day I was wearing a dark sweater but no jacket. My shiny bald head was covered with a dark colored knit cap. With the canvas bag in one hand, and a full backpack on my back, I think I may have looked like a burglar (or at least Hollywood’s version of one). Perhaps that’s why I had this odd desire to smudge my face with grease so I’d be less visible in the moon light?
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5446sublime · 7 years
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Elephants on Parade 🍻💖🐘🎉
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jawritter · 4 years
You and Me...
Chapter 21
***SERIES WARNINGS**** Rape, non con, male!rape, injury, violence, discription of injury caused by rape, nightmares, self harm, panick attackes, implied female non con, language, ass hole Jensen, hurt!jensen, dark fic, smut. If there is anything else I will add it as I go.
***Chatper Warnings***  Mentions of nightmares, and flashbacks, implyed smut? Language, fluffl. I think that’s it..
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Reader
Word Count: 1450
A/N: As always all mistakes are mine!, Please do not copy my work!! Feedback is gold! I hope you enjoy this one!
Summery: It’s funny how one choice you made can change your whole life. One mistake can alter you course, and set you on a path that forever will haunt you. Two people find themselves getthing through one of the hardest trials of Jensen’s life, on just one small promise. You and Me. We’ll get through it together…
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"Baby," Jensen's voice called you from your deep sleep. Followed by a trail of kisses from your jaw to your shoulder. 
"Baby, come on it's time to get up, and hit the road." He said again, this time slipping his hand under your thin layer of covers that was over your bare body, and pulled them back slowly. 
Trailing kisses from your shoulder to the curve of your left breast. 
A smile formed on your lips as his stubble ran across your sensitive skin. Memories of the night before flooding your mind. 
Jensen had woken up in the middle of the night and, well, let's just say that he was more than ready to 'start his day'. 
You'd fallen back asleep quickly after. 
This time when he woke you up, light hadn’t even started to flood your shared bedroom, and morning had officially arrived. 
"If you keep that up we're not going to leave when you want to." You tell him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders, and letting him pull you to him. 
"Then get up, or I'm gonna wake you up my way. Your choice." He said, a cocky smirk on his face. 
You loved this side of Jensen, and you were so glad that he'd finally started to let it show. 
"Hmm...What if I like your way of waking up better than mine?" You tell him as he worked his way from you cleavage to your lower stomach, teasing you, pulling at your pantie line with his teeth before coming back up to your lips. Kissing you sweetly. 
"Come on baby we got an eleven hour drive ahead of us today, and I want to get started." He said, grinning like a little kid on Christmas morning. 
"Fine, fine. I'm getting up." You tell him, shoving him off of you with some effort. His laugh filled the room, and you couldn’t help the smile that spread across your face. His laugh was just contagious, no matter how tired you were, if getting out of bed ment that reaction, you’d do it.
An hour later Jensen was throwing the last of your luggage into the trunk of the car as you locked the front door, and made your way to the passenger side of the car. 
"Ready babe?" He called from the rear of the car as you sat down in the passenger seat. 
Checking your purse to make sure that you'd grabbed both Jensen, and your own phone charger before answering him. 
"Yep, I'm ready." You tell him, as he climbs into the driver seat. Leaning over and kisses you deeply right before he turns the key to the ignition. 
“Let’s do this.” He said, backing the car down the driveway, and slipping his hand in yours. Lacing your fingers together, and bringing them up to his lips.
He looked lighter, happier than you had seen him in days. Maybe this trip, and getting away from Austin for a little while was just what he needed.
Several hours later you were sitting next to Jensen, your head resting on his shoulder, and your feet kicked up on the dash of the car. Jensen would lean down ever so often, and kiss the top of your head. 
Classic rock playing loudly on the radio, the Texas countryside flying by you. Jensen sang along loudly with whatever song was on the radio. 
You honestly couldn't have been happier. 
There was no other place you’d rather be than right here, with him, in this moment, and you worked as hard as you could to commit everything to memory.
When you stopped for lunch at a little small town in Texas later that day, the two of you decided on stopping at the local park, and eating there instead of sitting down inside a cramped restaurant. 
The sun was shining, the weather was perfect, not too hot, not too cold, and you couldn't get enough of that smile on Jensen's face. 
The two of you sat there longer than what you probably needed to before getting back into the car and heading out for your first stop along your journey, but you were enjoying each other's company too much to rush much of anything. Talking about any and everything that came to mind. 
His childhood. Your childhood. Past relationships. Careers. Future plans. 
It felt like you were really getting to know each other for the first time. 
You definitely had your perception of Jensen all wrong when the two of you meet. He wasn't a cocky actor/ douche bag at all. He was a sweet, big hearted, strong man. That wanted nothing more than to have a family, and enjoy life. What more could a person really ask for. 
You felt closer to him right now in that moment as you laid your head back down on his shoulder. Tracing little patterns on his thigh, Resting your head on his shoulder with his arm thrown around you. 
For the first time in...Well...Your whole relationship there wasn’t this looming rape thing over your heads, there wasn’t any fear in his eyes at all. There weren't any mentions of nightmares or panic attacks, there wasn’t any of that. It was just the two of you just being together.
The two of you had left Austin roughly at 5:30 this morning to get to Albuquerque, so that you could make your reservations at the Painted Lady Bed & Brew. 
A cute little bed and breakfast type place that Jensen had chosen for the two of you to stay that night. You didn't think it would have been Jensen's style, but apparently the man had a pretty big obsession with Western/Spanish style that is New Mexico. 
"I hope it's okay." Jensen said, as he sat your bags down in the room the two of you'd be staying in for the night. 
"Oh babe I love it, it's cute." You tell him, wrapping your arms around his neck pulling him as close to you as possible. "Honestly, you could have rented a motel 6, and it would have been just fine with me as long as you were the one sleeping next to me." You tell him, earning a heart stopping grin from him as he bends down, and kisses you deeply.
Pulling away he runs his thumb lightly over your lower lip. Astonishing green eye searching your own. 
"I don't deserve you, you know." He says, wrapping his arms around your waist. The two of you just standing there holding each other. 
“I don’t know about that, because right now, I feel like I’m the lucky one in this arrangement.” You tease him, poking him in the ribs.
Jensen gave you a wicked smirk. His entire deminor changed as he caught on to your teasing.
“Well, better make you earn your keep then huh pretty girl.” He said, before throwing you down on the bed with him, lips attaching to your own.
Later that night, after a quick trip through the brewery attached to the place Jensen and yourself had gone up to your room, showered together, and were laying in the still quiet room. Nothing at all in between the two of you. Jensen's arms wrapped tightly around you. Kissing you slowly. Enjoying just being close to each other. 
This to you was your heaven. Laying here like this with him. No walls, no secrets, no bad memories, no clothes to separate you, just skin on skin. Nothing hidden from each other. Physically as close as you can get to the person that had quickly become the other half of your heart. 
You didn't think it was possible to love someone as much as you loved this man. 
Even after everything that you both had gone through, good and bad.  He still found a way to make you feel special. Loved. 
Long after he’d fallen asleep you lay there playing with his hair, watching the even rise and fall of his chest, you thank whatever God was listening for a nightmare free night.
He’d told you today that they were still part of some of the struggles that he was having, and then there were the flashbacks too, and he opened up about his worries about playing Dean again, which impressed you. It wasn’t easy for him to do, but you were thankful that he trusted you. 
So no matter what you were going to face in Vancouver, you were determined that you were going to do this together. The bad days, as well as the good. 
Because you loved him.
Beyond all right. Beyond all reasons. You loved this man, and nothing was ever going to change that.
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newstfionline · 3 years
Sunday, August 29, 2021
Louisiana braces for ‘life-altering’ Hurricane Ida (AP) Residents across Louisiana’s coast Saturday were taking one last day to prepare for what is being described as a “life-altering” Hurricane Ida which is expected to bring winds as high as 140 mph (225 kph) when it slams ashore. A combination of voluntary and mandatory evacuations have been called for cities and communities across the region including New Orleans, where the mayor ordered a mandatory evacuation for areas outside the city’s levee system and a voluntary evacuation for residents inside the levee system. The storm is expected to make landfall on the exact date Hurricane Katrina devastated a large swath of the Gulf Coast 16 years earlier. But whereas Katrina was a Category 3 when it made landfall southwest of New Orleans, Ida is expected to reach an extremely dangerous Category 4 hurricane, with top winds of 140 mph (225 kph) before making landfall likely west of New Orleans late Sunday. “This will be a life-altering storm for those who aren’t prepared,” National Weather Service meteorologist Benjamin Schott said during a Friday news conference with Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards.
White House More Than Doubles Its Inflation Forecast in New Update (WSJ) The White House more than doubled its forecast for annual inflation in new projections released Friday, as supply-chain disruptions stemming from the Covid-19 pandemic continue to put upward pressure on prices. The Office of Management and Budget said it expected consumer prices would rise 4.8% in the fourth quarter from a year earlier, up sharply from the 2% rise that the Biden administration forecast in May. Officials see those price pressures quickly abating next year, with the consumer-price index rising 2.5% in the fourth quarter of 2022, more than the 2.1% they expected in May, and reaching 2.3% in 2023.
Hurricane Nora on track to skirt along Mexico’s coast (AP) Hurricane Nora formed Saturday in the eastern Pacific on a forecast track that would bring it near the Puerto Vallarta area and then head toward a close encounter with resorts at the tip of Baja California Peninsula. Nora had maximum sustained winds of 80 mph (130 kph) Saturday morning, with tropical storm force winds extending out 175 miles (280 kilometers) from the center in some places. The storm’s large wind field and heavy rains mean much of Mexico’s central and northern Pacific Coast could see floods, mudslides and perilous surf even if it misses the very heart of the hurricane.
Brazil water survey heightens alarm over extreme drought (AP) The Brazilian scientists were skeptical. They ran different models to check calculations, but all returned the same startling result. The country with the most freshwater resources on the planet steadily lost 15% of its surface water since 1991. Gradual retreat in the Brazilian share of the Pantanal, the world’s largest tropical wetland, left water covering just one-quarter the area it did 30 years ago. And the data only went through 2020—before this year’s drought that is Brazil’s worst in nine decades. The ongoing drought has already boosted energy costs and food prices, withered crops, rendered vast swaths of forest more susceptible to wildfire and prompted specialists to warn of possible electricity shortages. President Jair Bolsonaro on Thursday said hydroelectric dam reservoirs are “at the limit of the limit.” Brazil’s energy minister Bento Albuquerque on Aug. 25 called a press conference to deny the possibility of rationing, while at the same time calling on companies and people to reduce power consumption.
UN team: Unclear if Fukushima cleanup can finish by 2051 (AP) Too little is known about melted fuel inside damaged reactors at the wrecked Fukushima nuclear power plant, even a decade after the disaster, to be able to tell if its decommissioning can be finished by 2051 as planned, a U.N. nuclear agency official said Friday. “Honestly speaking, I don’t know, and I don’t know if anybody knows,” said Christophe Xerri, head of an International Atomic Energy Agency team reviewing progress in the plant’s cleanup. A massive earthquake and a tsunami in March 2011 destroyed cooling systems at the Fukushima plant in northeastern Japan, triggering meltdowns in three reactors in the worst nuclear disaster since the 1986 Chernobyl accident. Japanese government and utility officials say they hope to finish its decommissioning within 30 years, though some experts say that’s overly optimistic, even if a full decommissioning is possible at all.
As China-Taiwan Tensions Rise, Japan Begins Preparing for Possible Conflict (WSJ) China’s growing assertiveness toward Taiwan has triggered a public push by Japanese leaders to plan for a possible conflict. Tokyo officials, normally wary of upsetting Beijing, are speaking openly about preparing for a crisis and supporting Taiwan, a self-ruled island claimed by China, despite Japan’s pacifist constitution. Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso said recently in a speech to supporters that Japan and the U.S. should plan together to defend the island in the event of hostilities. In its annual regional security review, Japan said there a “greater sense of crisis than ever before” regarding Taiwan, after China stepped up maneuvers by its ships and aircraft nearby. Major Japanese military drills starting in September are expected to further help Tokyo prepare for any trouble in areas including Taiwan, current and former Japanese officials say.
American forces keep up airlift under high threat warnings (AP) American forces working under heightened security and threats of another attack pressed ahead in the closing days of the U.S.-led evacuation from Afghanistan after a devastating suicide bombing, and U.S. officials said they had killed two members of the extremist group that the United States believes responsible for it. Thursday’s bombing marked one of the most lethal attacks the country has seen. The U.S. said it was the deadliest day for American forces in Afghanistan since 2011. Around the world, newly arriving Afghan evacuees, many clutching babies and bare handfuls of belongings in plastic bags, stepped off evacuation flights in the United States, in Albania, in Belgium and beyond. More than 110,000 people have been safely evacuated through the Kabul airport, according to the U.S., but thousands more are struggling to leave.
U.S. military begins withdrawal from Kabul airport (Reuters) U.S. troops have begun their withdrawal from Kabul airport, the Pentagon said on Saturday, as the evacuation efforts from the Afghan capital entered their final stages. President Joe Biden sent thousands of troops to the airport as the Taliban swept through Afghanistan earlier this month to help evacuate American citizens, at-risk Afghans and other foreigners desperate to flee. At the peak of the deployment there were 5,800 U.S. troops securing Hamid Karzai International Airport, where an unprecedented airlift operation is set to end by Tuesday.
From garbage to garden, Nairobi resident helps slum bloom (Reuters) A decade ago, a patch of land in Nairobi’s Dandora district was a dumping ground for the trash of the city’s wealthier residents with scarcely a plant to be seen. Now, children play on the grass and locals relax among avocado trees as birds sing in the branches above. The lush community garden has even become the backdrop for rappers and other creatives to shoot their videos. This transformation is thanks to Charles Gachanga, 45, who grew up in the neighbourhood back when it reeked of garbage. “We came and cleaned ... We did not even have a penny,” said Gachanga, who started working in 2013 on the garden space, called Mustard Seed, with three friends. “We just had that focus, we had that passion to see how we could transform our neighbourhood.” Their project has inspired a network of similar community-built green spaces, 20 alone in Dandora, he said. Maintenance costs are covered by community contributions. Residents living near Gachanga’s green space pay 100 shillings a month, less than $1, for maintenance. People without the funds often volunteer, planting trees or cleaning, Gachanga said.
15 more students freed in Nigeria after release of 90 others (AP) Overjoyed parents awaited the return of 90 young schoolchildren who had spent three months held by gunmen as authorities elsewhere in northern Nigeria announced a second group of 15 students also had been released. The news was celebrated across Nigeria, where more than 1,000 students have been kidnapped from schools since December. The abductions have stepped up pressure on the Nigerian government to do more to secure educational facilities in remote areas.
How water shortages are brewing wars (BBC Future) As much as a quarter of the world's population now faces severe water scarcity at least one month out of the year and it is leading many to seek a more secure life in other countries. "If there is no water, people will start to move," says Kitty van der Heijden, chief of international cooperation at the Netherlands' foreign ministry and an expert in hydropolitics. Water scarcity affects roughly 40% of the world's population and, according to predictions by the United Nations and the World Bank, drought could put up to 700 million people at risk of displacement by 2030. People like van der Heijden are concerned about what that could lead to. "If there is no water, politicians are going to try and get their hands on it and they might start to fight over it," she says. Over the course of the 20th Century, global water use grew at more than twice the rate of population increase. Today, this dissonance is leading many cities—from Rome to Cape Town, Chennai to Lima—to ration water. Water crises have been ranked in the top five of the World Economic Forum's Global Risks by Impact list nearly every year since 2012. In 2017, severe droughts contributed to the worst humanitarian crisis since World War Two, when 20 million people across Africa and the Middle East were forced to leave their homes due to the accompanying food shortages and conflicts that erupted. Peter Gleick, head of the Oakland-based Pacific Institute, has spent the last three decades studying the link between water scarcity, conflict and migration and believes that water conflict is on the rise. "With very rare exceptions, no one dies of literal thirst," he says. "But more and more people are dying from contaminated water or conflicts over access to water."
The year of COVID burnout (The Week) “September was supposed to mark the beginning of a new normal,” said Katherine Bindley at The Wall Street Journal. Instead, for many workers, the spread of the Delta variant is déjà vu all over again. Companies of all sizes are delaying plans to return to the office, and outbreaks have already forced some schools to shut down. It’s left many workers “in an anxiety-producing state of limbo.” As the pandemic drags on, more people are struggling with exhaustion, loss, and isolation, and “employees’ mental health is quickly becoming a top concern,” said Erica Pandey at Axios. In addition to seeing more employees quit, “a whopping 52 percent of U.S. employers say they are ‘experiencing significant workplace issues’ with substance misuse or addiction by employees,” according to a new survey. Forty-four percent of workers now say they feel fatigued on the job, up from 34 percent in 2020. Some companies are going to great lengths to boost worker morale, said Jenny Gross at The New York Times. LinkedIn, Bumble, and Intuit recently “introduced weeklong companywide shutdowns so employees can fully disconnect.” PricewaterhouseCoopers is even “offering workers $250 each time they take 40 consecutive hours off.” Recognizing that extended vacations might not benefit workers hesitant about travel, Adobe began giving the entire company a day off one Friday per month. Before the pandemic, “I had a solid division between my work and home life,” said Cody Barbo at Fast Company. “Now everything has sort of blended together.” My company has added a monthly flex day that employees can take off for their “mental health.” We’ve also added guest speakers, virtual happy hours, and stipends for work-from-home costs.
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dominionleathershop · 5 years
Just ate and drank at Starr Brothers Brewing Company in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The Apple Bear cider is good and I loved their Buffalo wings! They had spice but no crying involved. Enough spice to get the nose moving. Also they were crispy. Not kidding, these may be my favorite wings I have ever had.
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quartercelticpub · 5 years
Looking for Best Irish Pubs in Albuquerque ? Our Irish pub and brewing company are now considered some of the best pubs and best breweries in Albuquerque.
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riobravobrewing · 4 months
A Look into Rio Bravo Brewing Company
In the heart of Albuquerque, New Mexico, lies a hidden gem for beer enthusiasts: Rio Bravo Brewing Company. This microbrewery has been making waves in the local scene since its inception, offering a diverse selection of craft beers and a delightful dining experience. Let’s take a closer look at what makes Rio Bravo Brewing Company a must-visit destination for both locals and visitors alike.
Discovering Rio Bravo Brewing Company:
Founded in 2016, Rio Bravo Brewing Company quickly established itself as a prominent player in the thriving craft beer community of Albuquerque. Situated in a spacious facility, the brewery boasts a welcoming ambiance where patrons can unwind and enjoy the company of friends and family.
Exploring the Menu:
One of the highlights of Rio Bravo Brewing Company is its meticulously crafted menu, featuring an array of delectable dishes that perfectly complement their handcrafted brews. From hearty burgers to flavorful appetizers, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Be sure to check out the Rio Bravo Brewing Company menu to tantalize your taste buds before your visit.
Crafting Exceptional Brews:
As a leading microbrewery Albuquerque, Rio Bravo takes pride in its commitment to quality and innovation. Their team of skilled brewers is constantly experimenting with new flavors and techniques, resulting in a rotating selection of unique and refreshing beers. Whether you’re a fan of hoppy IPAs or smooth stouts, you’re sure to find a brew that suits your palate.
A Hub for Beer Enthusiasts:
Beyond its delicious offerings, Rio Bravo Brewing Company serves as a gathering place for beer lovers from all walks of life. With a spacious taproom and outdoor patio, it’s the perfect spot to socialize and connect with fellow enthusiasts. Additionally, the brewery in Albuquerque frequently hosts events such as live music performances and trivia nights, adding to the vibrant atmosphere.
The Bravo Restaurant Experience:
For those craving more than just a pint, Rio Bravo Brewing Company also features a full-service restaurant offering a diverse menu of elevated pub fare. Whether you’re in the mood for a hearty meal or a light snack to accompany your beer, the Bravo Restaurant delivers with its flavorful offerings and attentive service.
Planning Your Visit:
Whether you’re a local looking for a new favorite spot or a visitor eager to explore Albuquerque’s vibrant craft beer scene, Rio Bravo restaurant in Albuquerque is a destination not to be missed. With its exceptional brews, delicious food, and welcoming atmosphere, it’s the perfect place to raise a glass and make lasting memories.
In summary, Rio Bravo Brewing Company stands out as a beacon of excellence in Albuquerque’s craft beer landscape. From its innovative brews to its inviting atmosphere, every aspect of the brewery is designed to delight and inspire. So why wait? Plan your visit today and experience the magic of Rio Bravo Brewing Company for yourself. Cheers to great beer and unforgettable moments!
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chorusfm · 2 years
Young the Giant Announce Tour
Young the Giant have announced some new tour dates. 5/30 – Montreal, QC – Place Bell * 531 – Toronto, ON – RBC Echo Beach * 6/2 – Asbury Park, NJ – Stone Pony Summer Stage * 6/3 – New York, NY – The Rooftop at Pier 17 * 6/4 – New York, NY – The Rooftop at Pier 17 * 6/7 – Bridgeport, CT – Hartford HealthCare Amphitheater * 6/9 – Boston, MA – Leader Bank Pavilion 6/10 – Columbia, MD – Merriweather Post Pavilion * 6/11 – Philadelphia, PA – Skyline Stage at the Mann * 6/13 – Niagara, NY – Artpark * 6/16 – Detroit, MI – Michigan Lottery Amphitheatre at Freedom Hill * 6/17 – Columbus, OH – KEMBA Live! * 6/18 – Pittsburgh, PA – Stage AE * 6/20 – Cincinnati, OH – Andrew J Brady Music Center * 6/21 – Cleveland, OH – Jacob’s Pavilion * 6/23 – Chicago, IL – Huntington Bank Pavilion at Northerly Island * 6/24 – St. Louis, MO – St. Louis Music Park * 6/25 – Indianapolis, IN – TCU Amphitheater at White River Stage Park * 6/27 – Minneapolis, MN – Surly Brewing Festival Field * 6/28 – Des Moines, IA – Water Works Park * 6/30 – Oklahoma City, OK – Zoo Amphitheatre * 7/1 – Kansas City, MO – Starlight Theatre * 7/13 – Atlanta, GA – Cadence Bank Amphitheatre at Chastain Park ^ 7/14 – Nashville, TN – Ascend Amphitheater ^ 7/15 – Charlotte, NC – Charlotte Metro Credit Union Amphitheatre 7/16 – Raleigh, NC – Red Hat Amphitheatre ^ 7/18 – Richmond, VA – Brown’s Island ^ 7/20 – St. Augustine, FL – St. Augustine Amphitheatre ^ 7/21 – Tampa, FL – Yuengling Center ^ 7/22 – Miami, FL – FPL Solar Amphitheatre ^ 7/25 – Birmingham, AL – Avondale Brewing Company ^ 7/27 – Houston, TX – 713 Music Hall ^ 7/28 – Austin, TX – Germania Insurance Amphitheater 7/29 – Dallas, TX – The Pavilion at Toyota Music Factory ^ 8/1 – Albuquerque, NM – Revel ^ 8/3 – Salt Lake City, UT – The Great SaltAir ^ 8/4 – Flagstaff, AZ – Pepsi Amphitheater ^ 8/5 – Phoenix, AZ – Arizona Financial Theatre ^ 8/10 – Vancouver, BC – Doug Mitchell Thunderbird Sports Centre ^ 8/11 – Seattle, WA – Marymoor Live ^ 8/12 – Portland, OR – McMenamins Edgefield ^ 8/14 – Boise, ID – Ford Idaho Center Amphitheater ^ 8/15 – Bend, OR – Hayden Homes Amphitheater ^ 8/17 – San Francisco, CA – The Greek Theatre at Berkeley ^ 8/18 – Santa Barbara, CA – Santa Barbara Bowl ^ 8/19 – Irvine, CA – FivePoint Amphitheatre ^ 8/20 – San Diego, CA – Cal Coast Credit Union Open Air Amphitheater ^ 8/30 – Denver, CO – Red Rocks Amphitheatre * 8/31 – Dillon, CO – Dillon Amphitheater * * TALK ^ Rosa Linn --- Please consider becoming a member so we can keep bringing you stories like this one. ◎ https://chorus.fm/news/young-the-giant-announce-tour/
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thebrewstorian · 5 years
Walter Scheurle, the Sam Adams German Brewmaster
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A few weeks ago, I interviewed Walter Scheurle, who was a brewmaster for Pittsburg Brewing Company, Sam Adams Boston Lager, and Blitz-Weinhard Brewing Company, and also consulted for many of Oregon’s early microbrewers. Scheurle was born in Germany in 1939 in his family’s brewery, Stugartt Hofbrau, and in his interview, he talks about his family’s brewing business, the impact of World War II, his immigration to the United States, his career in brewing, and his adventures hosting food and beer pairings.
One of my student workers, Lance, prepared a wonderful research document for me, so I’m going to share that here. Scheurle was educated at Schickhardt College in Stuttgart, Germany, as well as at the Landes Fachschule Brewmaster’s School in Ulm, Germany. He and his brother decided not to take over for his father at the family brewery, and instead Scheurle emigrated to United States in 1961. He worked as an interpreter in Albuquerque, New Mexico, was a rocket engineer, and was officially in the US Army. My history is a sketchy, but I think because of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip??
Starting in 1979, Scheurle worked for Pabst in both Wisconsin and Oregon. He did this until late 1982, when he went to work at Pittsburgh Brewing as the brewmaster and then Director of Brewing (1985); while there he developed several “Iron City” beers. Sometime in 1984/1985, Pittsburgh Brewing started brewing Samuel Adams under contract by Boston Brewing; Scheurle helped Jim Koch with this original Sam Adams recipe. In February 1986, he was promoted to Director of Brewing and in April 1986 Pittsburgh Brewing merged with Swan Brewing Co., Ltd. from Perth, Australia. That same year he was officially hired by Jim Koch and the Boston Beer Company. In the late 1980s, Scheurle traveled to West Germany to determine if Beck Beer used adjuncts apart from barley malt in their brewing (which was illegal at the time because of Reinheitsgebot). In 1990, he returned to Portland to brew Sam Adams at the old Blitz-Weinhard facility, which was the main source of Sam Adams distribution apart from the East Coast and internationally. If you want to learn more about this time you should read the 2001 Fred Eckhardt article “The spy who saved the Reinheitsgebot” (http://allaboutbeer.com/article/the-spy-who-saved-the-reinheitsgebot/). 
This production of Sam Adams in Oregon was actually a decently controversial issue (I’ll write a second post on this to share the documents I found in the Eckhardt collection). In 1994, the Oregon Ale and Beer Company was established by Boston Beer to “develop and market Pacific Northwest style beers.” Gregg LeBlanc and Walter Scheurle in charge of operations and it seems that the beer was brewed out of the Saxer Brewery in Lake Oswego and the Blitz-Weinhard facility in Portland. As far as we could tell it was brewed at Blitz-Weinhard until the plant closed in 1997. 
When I asked Scheurle when he retired, he said he never did! But it is clear that by 1997, he was hosting beer/food pairing dinners around the country, and his position as “brewmaster” of Samuel Adams was repeatedly used in advertising the events. My favorite story had to do with serving Muhammad Ali on a plane… Scheurle loved to travel, and his apartment is decorated with souvenirs, beer related and otherwise cool. 
What a joy it was to spend time with Walter – a beer history treasure just up I-5! Many thanks to Ben from the Oswego Place Assisted Living Facility for taking such great care of Walter and for connecting us so this interview could happen. 
Listen to Walter Scheurle oral history interview, May 22, 2019
A sad update note: Walter passed away June 5, 2021. 
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puppyexpressions · 6 years
Top 10 Dog-Friendliest Cities
If you’re a dog lover looking to move to the big city, pet-friendliness is a probably a big part of what you want in a new town. Even if you find a landlord who allows dogs, you’ll need to find things to do with your pup in your city. Dog parks, walking trails, events, and dog beaches all make for fun outings with your pooch. The cities on this list have plenty of ways for people and pets to play together. Here are the 10 dog-friendliest cities in the United States of America.
1. Portland, Oregon
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Portland has 33 dog parks, more dog parks per capita than any big city in the country. It even has it’s own social network for dog lovers! It’s also home to the Lucky Labrador Brewing Company where you can have a beer and hang out with your pup at the same time. Speaking of grabbing a drink with your dog, Portland is one of the few cities outside of France where you can take your dog into a pub. There are also plenty of meetups like the Pug Crawl and Pit Bull Parade for like-minded fans of specific breeds to gather and celebrate.
2. Seattle, Washington
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If your dog doesn’t like the rain, maybe Seattle isn’t the town for you. But if you don’t mind the wet climate, you’ll be in good company as there are more dogs in Seattle than children. There’s even an indoor dog park if you don’t want to pack the umbrella and rain boots, and you can get there nice and dry as dogs are allowed on city bus lines, light rail, ferries, and even seaplanes. There are over 32 meetup groups for dog lovers, and plenty of dog-friendly businesses for you to visit with your pup.
3. San Francisco, California
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San Francisco has the lowest average pet deposit for dog owners looking to rent. Pups are allowed on trolleys, in several restaurants, and a few gyms if you want your pooch to spot you while you work out. San Fran is also home to DogFest, an annual festival that celebrates dogs and raises money for a local elementary school. There are also more than 50 different dog meetup groups, so get social.
4. Austin, Texas
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If you love pictures of your dog, Austin may be the place for you, as it’s home to 35 pet photographers. Bow-Wow Bones is a local food truck that serves up plenty of natural treats for pups out on a walk. Most restaurants welcome dogs to join diners on the patio, and the temperate climate is perfect for eating outside. If your pup is looking to cool off, you can stop by Red Bud Isle, which is a swimming spot for dogs only. Or you can find your inner peace with Austin Doga, a yoga class you can take with your dog.
5. Chicago, Illinois
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As this is my home town, I may be a bit biased. But Chicago is very dog-friendly, down to the local restaurants and bars that leave big bowls of ice water out on hot days so pups on walks can stop and hydrate. Chicago’s Montrose Dog Beach is a great place for pups to play in the waters of Lake Michigan, and the Chicago White Sox baseball team holds a Dog Day every year for dogs to join their owners for the great American pastime. There are tons of scenic walking paths along the lake and through Chicago’s neighborhoods, including The 606, a new elevated path just for walkers and bikers.
6. Colorado Springs, Colorado
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Nature may seem like a distant fantasy to city-dwellers, but not for dogs and humans who live in Colorado Springs. Not only are there plenty of dog parks, there are places like the Crags Trail through Pike National Forest, or Seven Falls, a canyon filled with beautiful waterfalls. Or you can hike through Garden of the Gods Park, a Registered National Landmark, and one that I’ve visited personally. It’s absolutely incredible and should be on your list of places to visit with your dog before you die.
7. Boston, Massachusetts
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Boston is a fun town for pups and owners, as many local bars offer “Yappy Hours” where patrons can bring their dogs along while they grab a pint. Dogs are also allowed to ride the first subway built in America during off-peak hours, as well as dog-friendly cruises of Boston Harbor, so it’s a perfect place for pups on the go. There are plenty of dog-friendly neighborhoods and apartments, too, so you can rest assured that your neighbors probably share your affinity for canines.
8. San Diego, California
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San Diego may be the only city on this list where you can take your dog surfing. In fact, it’s home to the annual Surf Dog Surf-A-Thon. Restaurants have patios where pups can join owners. There are plenty of dog parks and dog boutiques for fashionable west coast dogs who want to strut their stuff on the boardwalk. Not to mention all the dog themed events, like Paw-micon--the canine answer to San Diego’s Comic-Con–where pups can engage in “paws-play” rather than “cosplay”.
9. Tucson, Arizona
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With sunshine 350 days of the year, Tuscson is a great place if you’re the opposite of a Seattle person. For dry-weather-loving breeds, it’s a paradise. Local parks and trails provide scenic desert views to enjoy with your best friend. And Tucson is home to Pitbulooza, a festival celebrating Pit Bulls for National Pit Bull Awareness Day. No need to worry about breed specific legislation here!
10. Albuquerque, New Mexico
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Also on the dry side, though not quite as dry as Tucson, Albuquerque has 33,000 acres of public parks. To put that in perspective, that’s a quarter acre for each dog, cat, and bird in the city. And since it only rains about 60 days out of the year, there’s plenty of time to enjoy the outdoors. You can walk along the Rio Grande, or take a hike in the Sandia foothills. There are plenty of dog parks available, but you might not even need to go to one considering how many dog-friendly places there are to go with your pup.
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