threebranch · 2 years
Vince Frankenclone: Your newest Clone High OC
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Esquel, petite pause bien méritée 😌
Hola todos,
Après le spectacle fabuleux de la Cueva de Las Manos, nous avons mis le cap en direction d’Esquel avec l’idée d’y séjourner 2-3 jours. Nous avons trouvé une cabaña incroyable, si confortable qu’elle nous a même poussé à prolonger le séjour. En tout, nous avons passé 5 jours sur place.
Esquel c’est un petit havre de paix entouré de montagnes avec un paysage très vert. On avait la vague impression de retrouver la Haute-Savoie et nous n’aurions pas été surpris de trouver le Mazot de Charles au détour d’une ruelle.
Durant nos quelques jours sur place nous avons été nous balader dans les environs de la ville, nous avons enfin dégusté la viande Argentine si réputée pour ses saveurs (sans surprise, elle était excellente) et nous avons été au Parque Nacional Los Alceres qui offre de sublimes randonnées au bord d’un lac bordé de montagnes. En bref, un séjour très doux, reposant et qui nous en a mis plein les mirettes une fois de plus.
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Après Esquel nous avons repris la route et nous avons fait une pause d’une nuit à San Carlos de Bariloche. On nous avait décrit la ville comme étant la Suisse de l’Argentine mais, honnêtement, je n’ai pas du tout eu cette impression. Pour accéder au cœur de la ville il faut d’abord traverser un véritable bidonville (ici ils appellent ça « villas ») dans lequel nous avons pu être confronté à la vraie misère que subit le pays depuis la crise économique. Si le centre-ville et la partie plus huppée de la ville servent de cache misère, nous n’avons cependant pas eu l’impression d’être au milieu d’un environnement suisse, plutôt réputé pour sa richesse, ses montres et son chocolat. L’énorme différence entre la partie pauvre et la partie plus riche de la ville nous a néanmoins donné cette petite claque nécessaire, celle qui nous rappelle notre chance d’être deux touristes européens plutôt aisés. La ville est assez sujette aux vols et cela n’a rien d’étonnant, nous nous sentions un peu coupables en déambulant dans les rues touristiques du centre, gavées de gringos venus dépenser leur argent. Nous sommes repartis avec un goût un peu amer en bouche, même si nous avons passé une super soirée en amoureux avant le départ. Point important cependant, nous avons vu notre tout premier Gauchito Gil, une figure sainte pour les argentins. Plusieurs histoires ont fait sa légende mais certains miracles après sa mort l'ont issé au rang de divinité.
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Nous sommes désormais en direction de Mendoza, les températures remontent peu à peu et c’est à nouveau agréable de dormir en tente. Nous avons fait une halte près d’une jolie rivière cette nuit.
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Nous sommes actuellement dans un petit bled perdu appelé Zapla. Charles est tombé un peu malade, il a une vilaine crève, on a donc pris une cabaña pour qu’il puisse se reposer ! Il sera sûrement sur pieds demain, il se sent déjà mieux après une bonne douche chaude.
Je vous tiens au courant de la suite !
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aldo1410 · 1 year
So nice
So nice
Father to have known you
Since you had made me
In your image
Along time ago
And today I am an adult
Living a free life here
On earth
Together with
My friends that you also
Had made in you image
And it is so nice
That I had known
My friends for my entired life
And we don’t have anything
Bad to tell you father
Then tell you how much
We enjoy living here on earth
Also, father you gave us
The gift of life
And we are taking good
Care every day of our lives
Father we never smoked ajoint
Because we would be killing our selves
Also father we never drunk any alcohool
Because we would be destroying our liver
Also we are afraid to became an
An alcoholic
Because we also could end up addicted
To alcohol
And we would also be drinking like a fish
Causing our stomachs to have alcers
So nice
Father that you finally had brought
The spring to us
And father you also had ended the Winter
That we hate so much
And also you brought the birds back
With you here on earth
So nice father
For delivering us the sunny days
That my friends and me
Now the days are finally longer
And it doesn’t get dark until 9:00 pm
Now is finally the end of the day
And my friends and me
Watched the sun go down
And we had been so happy to
See the sunset in the sky
Now the night finally arrived very fast
And we returned home
From the park
And we went straight to bed
When we got home
Also tomorrow we already made some
Plans how we are going to spend our day
Also we just can’t wait for new day to arrived
We know that the night will end soon
And we are ready to welcome the new day
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proxnotxaxfool · 7 months
She loved Reno to bits. Her firstborn, he would always have a special place in her heart. And even though he started to get to an age where he wanted to be more independent and a 'big boy' now with his own opinions and ways... Ida knew her son would always accept a kiss to his forehead.
Like now. To calm his fiery temperament before he headed to school after having driven his father half-mad again at breakfast over some school-alceration. Ida held his hands for a moment longer.
"Ah - Reno. Remember what I always tell you. No fighting the other children today, you hear me? You are better than that." Kneeling down to his height, Ida caught the little whirlwind with her hands firm on his arms, making him look at her and repeated a small mantra she told him every so often.
"You are kind. You are smart. And you are important."
A hand cupping his face and that kiss to his forehead.
"Remember that."
@housetummelt - Ida
he hadn't meant to make papa angry, but reno hadn't been about to agree to apologise for something that wasn't wholly his fault. yes, he had gotten into a fight in school yesterday, but he hadn't started it. he knew better than to start it - starting it meant you had to take the blame because that's just the way the world worked, right?
he hadn't started it though.
was it really his fault if the other boy had started it and ended up losing? nope.
was it really his fault if the teacher had rounded the corner in time to see him hitting the other boy? nope. but somehow that made him the guilty part?
that sucked.
huffing a breath, he stuffed the last of his books into his bag and slung one strap over his shoulder, turning around just in time to stop himself walking full-pelt into his mama. her hands resting on his shoulders and slipping down his arms to hold his hands, soothing the boy's temper without a word needing to be uttered.
her reprimand very quickly slipping into comfort when she kneeled down to his level and reno found himself tipping his head forward on reflex, any hint of a scowl on his face vanishing as his mother pressed a kiss to his brow.
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' i will mama ... i won't start anything. i promise. '
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Exito absoluto en la primera Nocturna Solidaria de La Carlota a favor de ALCER (Asociación de lucha contra enfermedades renales)
Exito absoluto en la primera Nocturna Solidaria de La Carlota a favor de ALCER (Asociación de lucha contra enfermedades renales)
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infoprovincia · 2 years
El Hospital de Don Benito-Villanueva de la Serena llevará un espacio de Nefrología con el nombre de Melchor Trejo, fundador de Alcer-Badajoz
El Hospital de Don Benito-Villanueva de la Serena llevará un espacio de Nefrología con el nombre de Melchor Trejo, fundador de Alcer-Badajoz
El vicepresidente segundo y consejero de Sanidad y Servicios Sociales, José María Vergeles, ha anunciado que uno de los espacios que tendrá el Servicio de Nefrología del Hospital Don Benito-Villanueva de la Serena, el actual y el nuevo, llevará el nombre de Melchor Trejo, fundador de ALCER, la asociación de enfermos renales. Vergeles lo ha anunciado en la inauguración de la Jornada Provincial de…
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superbnature · 5 years
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Momma Moose by ChrisGreenwood https://ift.tt/2Lf6FEd
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egotistic26 · 5 years
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jesusmuca · 3 years
Hermanos de sangre
Quito la llave del contacto y apago las luces casi al mismo tiempo. Fuera hace frío, no lo sé, pero es lo que percibo. El aparcamiento de tierra a las traseras del hospital 12 de octubre presenta un aspecto desolador a la luz de la luna. Al interior del coche apenas llega la luz amortiguada de las lejanas farolas del complejo hospitalario. Miro a mi alrededor: Una mole, sumida en penumbras, se…
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miyakuli · 3 years
I know someone who had a stomach alcer and found he could only eat yoghurt. His was caused by stress so he took it easy for a while
I can eat tbh but not many because the pain is getting worse later otherwise, and I have a bit of nausea anyway so I'm not found of food lately x')
By stress? I'm a constant ball of stress lol everything I have is always linked to stress ;_;
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fucklovepayme · 4 years
The clothing brand Alcer is a nice alternative to racist and toxic Zimmermann. Plus they have better sales.
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threebranch · 2 years
More about Vince
Originally, Vince Frankenclone was created in 2003 by somebody who calls himself Mad Dr. Matt. His name back then was Matt Frankenclone. 
Vincent Price, along with the DNA of six other actors from classic horror films make up this man.
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thisdayinwwi · 3 years
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New-York Tribune Jun 1 1919 Leon Alcer paints how he envisions Aerial travel in 1925 NYC. 500 passengers picked up on the roof of sky scrappers and then travelling 100 mph to Europe 
Aerial Cruises
By  Leon Alce
After having ascended the 200-foot high embarkation tower over Brookly Bridge (where the great airship is moored to the revolving platform of the tower, by its nose end, swinging to the wind) we enter and walk through a passage to the elevator that takes us up to our quarters on the top of the great bag, where we get a beautiful view of the city with its great White Way bathed in the light of the many electric signs.
When all of the 500 passengers are on board we leave our moorings and faintly hear the hum of the six 1,000 horsepower motors 200 feet below us as we start on our first journey above the clouds. The 10,000,000 cubic feet of helium gas carrying us safely above the storms of the lower areas.
As we walk out of the stateroom onto the nearly 1,000-foot long promenade deck leading toward the great rudder and elevating planes we are impressed by the seemingly strong headwind blowing, not realizing that we are travelling at a speed of 85 miles an hour. With the wind in our direction, this is increased to nearly 100 miles an hour. Wednesday evening we see faint lights on teh horizon and sometime later make a short stop in Ireland, where a few passengers are landed. Early next morning we arrive in London. After wishing our fellow passengers a pleasant journey to Australia, we descend the landing tower into the hotel, from the roof of which we watch the now seemingly much smaller airship leave for its journey halfway around the globe.
The artist who painted this picture is an engineer and inventor. The aero club of America recognizing the value of the combined talents of this remarkable young man has encouraged his efforts to visualize the fast-growing air future in the country.
He exhibited at the Aero Show, Madison Square Garden, last March, and his fine colored canvases will be seen at the second Pan-American Convention at Atlantic City
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akumarone · 3 years
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@sh1noby @azooz448 @hutsanne @guyawsomeness @lifeless-otaku @bakusatsugo @yellowfire @tr1nity28 @enchantingmugwinnerwagon @thenico1304 @mishaboyd @doublefadburgers @certainpersonranchpalace @blueeyest @hasperimsstronghold @m-all-the-way @luanigor @trafalgarlara22 @roxseatumbls @momojaaamu @kitchengoblin666 @tensai-sakuragi @yaqeenmj-77 @namizaela @oap24 @chinaito @rzkvenger795 @tanveer1886 @alcer-the-gay-demon @bulmah 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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skeez-queen13 · 4 years
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Congratulations @alcer​~! ✧⁺⸜(●′▾‵●)⸝⁺✧
You are the winner of the Roadrat Funko Pop give away~!!! 
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A big thank you to everyone who participated. I hope that the rest of the year is kind to you & hope all of your weeks are off to great start~!! ♥♥♥
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12endigital · 6 years
Alicante-Compostela: Aventura en bici para sensibilizar a favor de la donación de órganos
Alicante-Compostela: Aventura en bici para sensibilizar a favor de la donación de órganos
El alcalde de la ciudad, Luis Barcala, ha transmitido a los tres ciclistas alicantinos que salen mañana de ruta hasta Santiago de Compostela la sensibilidad municipal hacia los pacientes de enfermedades renales, les ha deseado una aventura afortunada y ha recordado que la unidad de riñón del Hospital General es puntera a nivel internacional.
Luis Barcala, acompañado de los concejales del PP José…
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