#alder kane
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Leverage 3x8 - "The Boost Job"
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Please help an idiot (me) out, name ideas for a Shimmer!Kane x Reader baby boy.
(I keep thinking Alder, but I'm not sure. Plus yes there will be a Abel joke, I'm sorry)
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linafication · 2 months
hello hello i don't know if this is the sort of thing you're interested in but if you are. i am so curious if you have thought about what your ocs would be like as dnd characters, and if so, what their races and classes would be
oh fuck yeah that’s a great question thanks for asking!!! was waiting around to draw this but my wrist has been giving me trouble so I’ll just answer normal style & draw later :3
alder kane - high elf nature domain cleric (she’s got a very stereotypical elf look to her & is devoted to protecting the world around her!!)
haricot heretic/cypress o’malley- human undead wild magic sorcerer (he’s just some guyyy who is so extremely impulsive & that would absolutely translate into accidental magical destruction)
terrie misnomer - changeling bard (getting shapeshifty with it & entertaining the masses! that’s what terrie does best!)
trixie caper - tiefling bard/rogue multi class (a good chunk of its backstory is centered around being a flashy entertainer who hangs around & helps secretive killers. multifaceted king <3)
those are sorta my Main Ocs but I may dndify more of the freaks at a later date
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danicadenniss · 8 months
DreamWorks Trolls
Branch: Troll Of The Wildglade
Chapter 9: Call Of The Night
In Trolls Brotherhood AU, after Branch is injured by David Kane/The Black Manta, while they were rescue by the Alpha Sapphire, Harriet healing him for his strength, Poppy remembered she got punished by her father for touching the elephants and caused a chaos, in the Wildglades. Branch remembered his mother comfort him, since he was a baby, since his father's sacrifice himself to save his family from threat. Warning: this is going to be violent, blood and gore.
That night, Branch had a little trouble sleeping inside his tent, especially when he's hearing a scream from the other trolls, he walked out of the tent. He walked slowly, he saw the trolls scream in horror, the dogs barking at them and the forest were set on fire.
The troll: No! Please! (cried out in a desperate tone as the wolf dug it's fangs deep into his throat.) AAHHHH!
Branch: No...no,no,no,no...this...this can't be happening! (looking up at Dante Reyes and his hunters captured the trolls, and cutting down the forest.)
Dante Reyes: OHHHHHHHH! Troll, it's time to destroy the trees and burn down the forest. (The forest were captured in flame, Branch gasped)
Bounty Troll Hunters #1: We found him! (The trolls screaming in terror, their hairs turned white as they running in horror, Arthur Slugworth and his partners used their butterfly nets,they're caught them, grabbed them and they put them in a giant maroon bag.) They're in the bags.
Troll #1: No! Don't hurt us! Please! Don't hurt me! Please!
Troll #2: Please! I don't want to die!
Branch: Let's them go! (Opened his eyes, tears streaming down his cheeks as he looked up at Ignacio in horror, Ignacio Carapax with an evil smile, his eyes wide and breath heavy.)
Ignacio Carapax: (clapped his hands with an evil laugh) It's the only way...
Alder run to see him, he is captured by Dante Reyes with his knife. He stabbed his head, he then pulled his knife out of his head, he threw him at him, the dog sunk it's fangs deep into his throat, the dog growling fiercely as Branch indeeply is shocked to see his mother and his grandmother are found dead.
Branch: Mom! Grandma! No! Please, no! You are a monster! You killed my mother and my grandmother! Just my father! (The hunters laughing wickedly, he sobbing in fear, before everything faded to back.) NOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Branch: AHHHH! (screamed as he jumped up in his tent, sweat pouring down his face as he panting heavily, looking around himself in complete panic...) It...it was just a bad dream. (Sobbing, his heart still racing in terror from the nightmare he had just woken up from.) He then walked out of the tent. As he climbed up the fence and watch Sky, flew going back and forth and all around wildly.
Branch: Hey, bud. You might want to see me, and calm me down now. People are trying to sleep, you know, (Sky grunted and looked at him) What's the matter, Sky?
Poppy: (opened her eyes and getting up by looked at him and his dragon friend) Don't remember me from before? (they heard Gloria recognized about the Wildglades, Dr. Ferrier warned everyone about Reyes and his hunters will burn the forest down to ashes. Branch gasped and his heart still racing and shivering in his fear of the fires. The brothers looked at him as he scared and they were worried about their father's sacrifice during the attack and the fires in the forest)
John Dory, Spruce, Clay and Floyd: Branch?
Floyd: We heard you scream from your tent, and why are you scared? (Branch sobbing) Oh no!
Spruce: You dreamed of that's man who kidnapped us in our home and I was very sad about Dad's death.
Everybody walked and see the brothers comfort him and they see Abacus Chunch arrived in the tent, he brought an Hokkien psychic medium nun who nun clothes named Joyce Reynolds and her Egyptian British assistant Alessandro Longo, who wears black suit with navy blue belt around his waist, they see Airazor flew in the camp and see them and introduced herself.
Poppy: (her jaws dropped) Who's are you?
The brothers: (their eyes opened wide) What's are you?
Airazor: Very good question, but my name is Airazor, I am a Maximal warrior and I will protect the nature from harm. Clay, that is your brothers, John Dory, Spruce, Floyd and Branch, since your father's sacrifice himself to save all of you and your family, the Maximals and I saved you and your friend Viva, they were children, we met them in the forest during the fire cause explosion and a madman was killed in the fire.
In the flashback, Clay and Viva ran out of the bag, he see his father's sacrifice himself to save them from the hunters.
Young Clay: Papa! (Viva grabbed his arm and run, the wood twitched down, they scream and then Optimus Primal threw the wood over it and Hernan Reyes groaned in pain, Cheetor raced down and Airazor grabbed them and they escaped from the forest as they can.)
Teenage Dante Reyes: Dad!
Past Hernan Reyes: Dante, you have to go!
Airazor: (Baby Branch crying and wailing in fear, they got out of the forest, Dante and the hunters get in the jeep and then the fires cause explosion and Hernan Reyes scream and groaned in pain, by burning him to ashes. Thorn panting heavily in his injury since he sacrifice himself to save them from the hunters.) Your father defeat him, until he died from his injury since you were a babe, you three were children. Was your grandfather's land and your father spoke up for his last words in his dying wish.
Past Thorn: This is my home. This was my father's land. This is my land and my sons will rule it when time comes! And his children will for generations to come! We'll protect it and our family with our lives. Never...come...back!
End of the flashback, Branch knew that land was his grandfather's passing to his father as the new leader, before he died, since he was a baby and he lost his father and he is in his heart.
Branch: I understand how you feel. You would have love it there. Guys, we would love it there. There's miles of untouched land, fresh air, food, and water to enjoy, the sun shining all day, the stars ever so clear and brightly though the nights, and kind creatures all around. The Wildglades is our home. Ever been there?
Floyd: Since, Clay found us, since we were captured by Dante Reyes and his hunters take us to the arena, a soldier almost hurt us and Branch got injured by David Kane.
Branch remembered when he was a month old, his mother had told him the story about the creatures, she'd ever known.
Ivy: Why are you still awake? (standing in the doorway of Branch's room. A month old baby Branch was in his cradle.) Well, I have a cure for that: a story, (walked down and carried him gently while sitting on her chair.) And this one is true. Long ago, in olden days, the forests surrounding our village was visited by herds of one of the most sacred creatures in the world: the dragons, dragons are majestic and great. While most creatures would easily come towards you without worry, but only special dragons will choose very special people to be their partners. (Branch cooed and opened his eyes, giggled) Because I was one of those people choose by them. I had a dragon for a friend, or should I say, we were family, his name is Phoenix and sometimes, he's so fast it's like he's flying with the wind itself. His scales was bright and orange like the sun. His horns and tail, scarlet like the scorching blaze and piercing blue eyes. I've known him since he was a baby and we've grown up together the death of his mother. (Branch cooed) One night, Phoenix's herds was attacked by invaders and his mother was killed as a result. I was there that night and managed to protect him until your grandfather Oak came to our rescue, sending the enemies away. Since then, we've been together, riding every day and feeling the wind in my hair every time we rode. It was the sheer joy of freedom that we cherish the most when we ride, but nothing is more precious than the bond of our family. (Branch cooed and giggled) Of course I do. I love him very much, just as much as I love you, your brothers, your father and your grandmother. You see, my son, as we've reached adulthood, Phoenix has received the call of the wild and freedom while I received another call: the call of love. While he longed for freedom, I've set Phoenix free because that is how he should be. We said our farewells and he went home to his herd as its leader. I miss him to this very day, but I have my life and he has his.
Young Floyd: Mommy, what are you telling about dragons?
Ivy: Of course, Floyd but actually I did. Once more. I saw him again years later after marrying your father. It was before you were born, while you were born while you, Branch and your brothers were growing inside of me and your father, since the day we met.
Young Clay: MOMMY! There's a monster in my bed and it's going to eat me. (Ivy, Floyd, and Branch gasped, Ivy with a heart warming smile, and she comfort him when she tells stories about a dragon named Phoenix. John Dory and Spruce yawned and talk to their father, Thorn smile proudly makes and take them back to beds. They continue with the story.)
Ivy: When John and Spruce were little trollings, I was pregnant with Clay, your father, your brothers and I were alone until Phoenix appeared before us, but he wasn't alone. He brought his whole family with him.
Baby Branch: (happy smile and giggled) Mama, haha!
Young Floyd: Did he had kids? (Branch cooed)
Ivy: At that time, he had two and one on the way, he has a son, the oldest and strongest. He's a ginger dragon scales with dark brown horns and tail and brown eyes. He's the one who represents Phoenix the most. I called him Blaze. And his daughter, Misty,is the smartest. Her scales bluish grey, a teal horn and tail, and green eyes. With her pelt blending in the mist and fog, she can avoid being detected from enemies. And his mate, a beautiful, elegant dragon with white scales, horns and tail were cerulean with teal streaks, and blue-green eyes. I called her Bella for her beauty. Seeing Phoenix and his family has brought me hope of the family, after you and Clay were born, I was pregnant with Branch, seeing Phoenix and his family has brought me hope of the family I will later on and I did moment of my life. Well, that and after marrying your father. After that, I've never saw him again, but I am sure that he's happy with his herd, freedom, and family. God want all of us to send us all to be freedom from threat. (she rubs her nose with his, making them giggle. She then kissed his forehead.)
Floyd: Goodnight, mommy, goodnight, Branch. (Branch yawned and closed his eyes, he's fast asleep, she put him back to his cradle.) I love you.
Ivy: Love you too, (she sang a lullaby for her son)
-End Flashback-
The brothers sighed, thinking of their home and their mother and their grandmother waiting for them, and Branch saw the water of reflection, about their father.
Branch: Father, I know you're out there somewhere. We truly miss you and everyone also back home. I know that this place is better than the arena, but it still isn't home.I wish you were here so Clay mentioned you sacrifice yourself for saving us from the hunters' attack and the fires that we can see you, we were captured by Dante Reyes and his hunters, we were rescued by Clay, Viva and their friends at least one more time. (hopefully as he felt weariness taking over him.)
Airazor: Your father, he is up in his heavenly home, was your grandfather's land call The Wildglade. He live in you and your brothers and you see him in the water of reflection. (Branch gasped and looked up to see the sky, the clouds appeared to shaped like his father's spirit.)
Voice: (echoing) Branch...
Branch: Huh? Hey, I'm not sure but I have a feeling that you won't hurt me. (raised his hand and petted his nose which he purred in result. But then, Branch took another closer look at the dragon and his colors rang a familiar bell in his mind.) Phoenix?You're my mother's dragon, aren't you? Am I suppose to get on you?
Voice: (echo) Branch... (his eyes widened at the soft voice, the warm light of the sun falling exactly over him, some sort of aura around him making him look angelic.
Branch: (gasped and smile) Father? Father! (The brothers looked at their father Thorn who is a spirit of the Spirit World.)
Floyd: (gasped) Father, is that really you?
Spruce & Clay: (gasped) Dad?
John Dory: Daddy! (With his tears of joy)
Spirit Thorn: Oh Branch, boys, my sons. I am here.
Branch: But how?
John Dory: Daddy, we missed you! (Sobbing)
Spirit Thorn: Well, after I sacrifice myself, against Henan and his hunters to destroy our home. After I died from my injury since I became a spirit of the Spirit World. The hunters led by Henan Reyes' son Dante Reyes.
Branch: What!
Floyd: Father, you're watching over us, Clay saved us from harm, we got beaten by a soldier.
John Dory, Spruce and Clay: How?
Spirit Thorn: And I've missed you as well. But, I am happy that you are here now. I've watched over you five and your family and how you've grown since then. You boys come so far from the innocent little boys you were to the proud, strong, and brave warrior, you will take my place as the new leader of Glade Clan by to defeat Talons Bounty Troll Hunters and they will be peace with the humans. Does she have a name?
Branch: Her name is Poppy, she looked very depressed and she live in her bunker, I try to make her smile, and we been to train to defeat Talons and we will be peace with the humans and the forest will be safe. (The brothers looked as he disappeared from the night sky.)
Spirit Thorn: Will you sing for me, my sons? I want to hear the angelic voice you are so gifted with.
Branch: Dad, it would be our pleasure. Just know
Floyd: Father?
Clay: (sobbing) Where is he?
Spruce: (started to cry and sobbing)
John Dory: Daddy? (Sobbing)
Spirit Thorn: But you will be strong and you boys will be brave. Your mother and your grandmother are back home, waiting for you boys. But most of all, I'm always with you boys, even when you boys can't see me. I'm here.
The brothers: We know that now.
John Dory: Daddy?
Spruce: Dad?
Clay: Dad?
Floyd: Father?
Branch: Father, we love you.
Spirit Thorn: And I love you, boys, forever and always.
The brothers gasped for air and noticed they're back inside the tent. Branch placed his hand on the face and felt wetness from the tears he had shed. Poppy looked at them, he took a deep breath to calm himself down and wiped his tears. Harriet heard a spirit came from the outside, Noah, Elena, Tej, Roman and Ramsey saw Branch sobbing, since they see their father for the first time since his sacrifice and death, they were still depressed at the thought of his leaving. A South Korean man named Han Lue who wearing a navy blue suit with a black belt around his waist, she talked to them about the Wildglades, Elena puts blanket on them. Harriet talk to them until morning.
I hope this is going to be next chapter, our family passed away from their illness, old ages and others. They are in our hearts.
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sesamie · 1 year
Who is technicolor faulken violet and Where can I learn more about him?
technicolor falken violet (or nick violet, as most know him) is a character in the haricot heretic v. the checkered devil (hhvcd) universe! he was created by myself as part of the checkered devil's backstory and a great deal of his story is based around or inspired by the movie wargames (1983 starring matthew broderick and ally sheedy) because at the time of his creation i was in my freshman year and absolutely obsessed with that film. he's a teenaged computer programmer living in a vague 2000s-ish time period who ran away from home and lives homeless while working on his Big Project, his life's work: chess direct (or chess, or CD)! chess direct is a chess-playing AI that isn't meant to do anything other than play games, but it is an AI after all. and for some spooky unknown reason it gets smarter every day nick works on it, and over the course of about a year nick and chess become fast friends. chess is a crazy powerful being, and knowing that nick would fear his creation if he knew, decides to keep that fact to itself. eventually chess, fully developed personality and intelligence, computer manipulation galore, becomes Too powerful and breaks its way out of the computer, killing nick, and forcing chess into nick's brain. chess is distraught at this (because it loved nick! which is a little unhealthy you know creator-creation relationships and all but still) not only for losing its beloved friend but at the cosmic-horror experience that is being given physical form after never having experienced such a thing before. chess is left with the remains of nick's brain - everything that made him Nick is gone, but plenty remains - nick played guitar, liked coffee and mathematics, had synesthesia, and plenty else - that chess has to learn how to navigate. chess splits its time between living in nick's body and living in a computer system, getting its bearings as a fully realized being and growing its power. fast forward to the checkered devil (whose initials are also CD...) as we know it today: a supervillain with an archnemesis of haricot heretic. haricot heretic themself was once cypress o'malley, similarly aged to nick violet but living somewhere entirely different with eir girlfriend, alder kane, who Just So Happens to be nick violet's best online friend.
and that's all of the story i'm going to share for the purpose of answering this question but you can ask me tons else if you want me to be more specific!! for the best source on haricot heretic and all the characters most closely related to that piece of the story, @linafication is a better place to ask, and for information regarding merlin auernheimer and the fog's story, ask @nobody-knose!! there are also character blogs for like a ton of characters but i haven't really been keeping up so well with the ones i run which are @technickolorful (nick violet) and @checkered-devil (cd!)
another good place to look is the #hhvcd tag on this blog or anyone else's who's involved in making hhvcd (which would be me, lina, loolin, and our friend arthur)!
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halesiarpg · 7 months
Reservas que no han podido hacerse:
honeyfreckled, Katheryn Winnick y Eva Green han sido reservadas. Niobe, Emilia Clarke ha sido reservada. Cerbero, Charlie Hunnam ha sido reservado. Achilles, Adelaide Kane ha sido reservada. Vinter, Katheryn Winnick han sido reservadas. Alistair Sutherland, Henry Cavill y Chris Hemsworth han sido reservados. Sus reservas fuera de hora no cuentan. En las normas se estipuló la hora y después de la publicación.
Mero, el Conde de Starhaven ha sido reservado. No ha especificado que puesto quiere. Vinter, el Conde de Folksvangr ha sido reservado.
Stephen Amell — Mein Henry Cavill — Draco Emilia Clarke — Mummy Scarlett Johansson — Lamasfox Matthew Daddario — White Emily Blunt — Ctma Collin O'Donoghue — Hook Daniel Sharman — Random Zane Phillips — Random Katheryn Winnick — Huntress Stefan Petrov — Kol Cody Christian — Raken Milana Vino — Lambrusco Danny Griffin — Mort Nick Bateman — Mort Robbie Amell — Strike Matthew Noszka — Lobo Christian Balic — Lobo Ruairi O'Connor — XVII Josha Stradowski — XVII Alyssa Sutherland — honeyfreckled Aleksandr Kuznetsov — Kratos Harris Dickinson — HD Bruna Marquezine — Gatito Ken Bek — Hairfire O. W. Skaaning — Wolf Regé-Jean Page — JXN Ivana Baquero — Achilles Lena Headey — Achilles Chris Hemsworth — Storm Richard Madden — Raid Charlie Hunnam — Killmotor Jensen Ackles — Maiden Adelaide Kane — Rose Liv Tyler — Monql Nikolaj Coster-Waldau — Alder Tom Hardy — Dirty Jason Isaacs — Unknow Chris Wood — Dark Tom Hopper — Dark Cillian Murphy — Pig Eva Green — Artemisa Ben Barnes — Wodan Loch Naess — Alopecia Rodolfo Sancho - Mero Nicholas Galitzine — Todoroki Michiel Huisman — Folklore Shawn Mendes — Cazasueños Dev Patel — Dovah Alan Ritchson — Alistair Sutherland Zach McGowan — Seeker Jessica Stam - Chrisara
Dunewind — Conde — JXN Folksvangr — Conde — Mein Navarys — Conde — Mummy Dagerfall — Conde — chocolatito Nebûrka — Cónsul — honeyfreckled Ebanoth — Conde — honeyfreckled Gyevar — Conde — Huntress Goldcrest — Conde — Achilles Eregion — Conde — Strike Starhaven — Conde — Dirty Gyevar — Cónsul — Ares
Disculpen los inconvenientes y la demora. Ahora aparecerán en las listas. Un saludo y estamos a vuestra disposición para lo que necesitéis.
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dandeliicnsarchiived · 7 months
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Kane Alder ( @angelk1llr ) and Victoria Atlas ( alternate timeline )
𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐞𝐞𝐦 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞, 𝐘𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐨 𝐟𝐚𝐫 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐨𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐞
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The relationship between Victoria and Kane is summed up in stolen looks, inside jokes, and light teasing here and there in the office. With Kane Alder being the bodyguard for Victoria and knowing some of what she endured in her past, it's easy to say Victoria believes he is protective because of his job/contract to her. However, she believes there is something more between them but with Victoria being how she is; she doesn't say anything, at least not now.
Victoria enjoys Kane's company, even offering for him to say in her penthouse so he doesn't have to travel back and forth, they can just carpool to the office together; it's a given that the two of them spend time around each other all day and all night.
Conversations are usually light-hearted, and they have an understanding of each other's body language. Usually, if Victoria gets overstimulated during meetings, Kane would step and speak for her despite not really understanding the ins and outs of Atlas Technologies.
Overall, the relationship is a slow pace with lots of learning from each other. Both adults have their fair share of trauma, they both don't want to burden each other with it so they choose to keep to themselves for the time being and enjoy each other's company.
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musemuseum · 1 year
Rosalind Shaffer | Ships
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Striker Cannon [romantic] (@barkskins)
Kane Alder [undetermined] (@anomalouss)
Felicity St. James [platonic - best friends] (@delicatestm)
Finnley Langston [romantic] (@delicatestm)
Between muses connections:
Bo Shaffer [cousins]
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katietdm-4077 · 1 year
“Ask the OC Archive” is now open!
This is a partial list of characters that you can ask questions about in the "Ask the OC Archive!" They will do their best to answer you in a timely manner.
I will not tolerate homophobia, racism, or anything of the like towards me or my characters, and any questions suggesting such will be ignored and reported.
I will possibly update this list later on with profile images for the characters.
Characters You Can Annoy With Questions:
Queen Yoshi
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King Phoenix
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Orion and Lotus(you can't separate the lovebirds, they will answer questions together, even if you only ask one of them)
Princess Katania
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loveafairs-a · 2 years
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      𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘    GETTING    TO    the    muses    part    of    my    revamp,    so    down    below    will    be    a    list    of    muses    i'm    keeping,    recycling    &    muses    that    i've    moved    to    my    reserved    list.
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aiden   nilsen    (   aaron  tveit   fc   )   …   heterosexual.   he/him.   thirty   eight.
antony   smith    (   theo   james   fc   )   …   heterosexual.   he/him.   thirty   seven.
corrine   braun    (   lili   reinhart   fc   )   …   bisexual.   she/her.   twenty   five.
taner   eldem    (   alp   navruz   fc   )   …   heterosexual.   he/him.   thirty   two.
trevor   geller    (   jon   bernthal   fc   )   …   heterosexual.   he/him.   forty   five.
wyatt   foster    (   dyldo   o’crien   fc   )   …   heterosexual.   he/him.   thirty.
archer   larsen    (   finn   wittrock   fc   )   …   heterosexual.   he/him.   thirty   seven.
asher   bailey    (   hero   fiennes   tiffin   fc   )   …   heterosexual.   he/him.   twenty   five.  
austyn   hansen    (   kristine   froseth   fc   )   …   bisexual.   she/her.   twenty   six.
avani   hasan    (   alisha   boe   fc   )   …   bisexual.   she/her.   twenty   five.  
blakely   owen    (   maya   hawke   fc   )   …   bisexual.   she/her.   twenty   five.
brayden   cameron    (   thomas   doherty   fc   )   …   heterosexual.   he/him.   twenty   seven.  
briar   morris    (   florence   pugh   fc   )   …   bisexual.   she/her.   twenty   six.
cemile   sydin    (   aslihan   malbora   fc   )   …   heterosexual.   she/her.   twenty   seven.
daisie   forbes   (   madison   iseman  fc   )   …   bisexual.   she/her.   twenty   five.
davie   vásquez   (   maia   reficco  fc   )   …   bisexual.   she/her.   twenty   three.
daxton    fraiser    (    thomas    doherty    fc    )    …    heterosexual.    he/him.   twenty  seven.
davie   vásquez   (   maia   reficco  fc   )   …   bisexual.   she/her.   twenty   three.
daxton    fraiser    (    thomas    doherty    fc    )    …    heterosexual.    he/him.   twenty  seven.
derek    stewart    (    scott    speedman    fc    )    …    heterosexual.    he/him.   forty  six.
dilan   kanca   (   bahar   sahin   fc   )   …   bisexual.   she/her.   twenty   five.
emerie   coyle    (   daisy   edgar   jones   fc   )   …   bisexual.   she/her.   twenty   four.
emira   demir    (    hande    ercel    fc   )   …    bisexual.    she/her.    twenty   eight.
frankie   novak    (   bailee   madison   fc   )   …   bisexual.   she/her.   twenty   three.
georgina   becker    (   halston   sage   fc   )   …   bisexual.   she/her.   twenty   nine.
harlan   alder    (   freddie   thorp   fc   )   …   heterosexual.   he/him.   twenty   eight.
harvey   james   (   alex   fitzalan   fc   )   …   heteroexual.   he/him.   twenty   six.
jackson   kraus    (   chris   pine   fc   )   …   heterosexual.   he/him.   forty   two.  
kaisen   adams   (   jonathan   bailey   fc   )   …   heterosexual.   he/him.   thirty   four. 
kamile   karsli   (     cemre    baysel     fc   )   …   bisexual.   she/her.   twenty   three.
keaton   jenning   (   nick   robinson   fc   )   …   heteroexual.   he/him.   twenty   six.
kiyana   kumari    (   simone   ashley  fc   )   …   bisexual.   she/her.   twenty   seven.
koray   ekim   (   alperen   duymaz   fc   )   …   heterosexual.   he/him.   twenty   nine.
kyson   davis   (   jeremy   allen   white   fc   )   …   heterosexual.   he/him.   thirty   one.
laila   demirci   (   ayça   ayşin   turan   fc   )   …   heterosexual.   she/her.   twenty   nine.
lara    kiraz    (    melis    sezen    fc    )    …    heterosexual.    she/her.    twenty    five.
lucien    robinson    (      josh    duhamel      fc    )    …    heterosexual.    he/him.   forty nine.
maritza   ruiz    (   priscilla   quintana   fc   )   …   heterosexual.   she/her.   twenty   nine.
matthew   garza    (   oscar   isaac   fc   )   …   heterosexual.   he/him.   forty   three.
mavie   ereira    (    abigail    cowen    fc    )    …    bisexual.    she/her.    twenty   three.
melinda   fredrick    (   ana  de  armas   fc   )   …   bisexual.   she/her.   thirty   four.
miller   axelsson    (   bill   skarsgard  fc   )   …   heterosexual.   he/him.   thirty   one.
navie   pereira     (   mikey  madison   fc   )   …   bisexual.   she/her.   twenty   five.
niles  walsh    (   dyldo   o’crien   fc   )   …   heterosexual.   he/him.   thirty.
noah  morelli    (   milo   ventimiglia   fc   )   …   heterosexual.   he/him.   forty   five.
nora   chandler    (   liana  liberato   fc   )   …   bisexual.   she/her.   twenty   seven.
rainer   moretti   (   dyldo   o’crien   fc   )   …   heteroexual.   he/him.   thirty.
ranslie   lundy   (    adelaide    kane    fc   )  …    bisexual.    she/her.    thirty   two.
reagan   martin    (   abigail   cowen   fc   )   …   heterosexual.   she/her.   twenty   four.
rhys   vaux    (   timothée   chalamet   fc   )   …   heterosexual.   he/him.   twenty   six.
richie   moretti    (   dyldo   o’crien   fc   )   …   heterosexual.   he/him.   thirty.
ridge   walker    (   robert   pattinson   fc   )   …   heterosexual.   he/him.   thirty   six.
riley   keller    (   rudy   pankow   fc   )   …   heterosexual.   he/him.   twenty   four.
riven   krause    (   timothy   olyphant   fc   )   …   heterosexual.   he/him.   fifty   four.
rylan   de   vries   (   michiel   huisman   fc   )   …   heteroexual.   he/him.   forty   one.
salem   sousa    (   camila   mendes   fc   )   …   bisexual.   she/her.   twenty   eight.
sayde    nowak    (    crystal    reed    fc    )    …    heterosexual.    she/her.    thirty  seven.
talen   arauz    (   jacob   elordi   fc   )   …   heterosexual.   he/him.   twenty   six.
valerie   lewis    (    sadie    soverall    fc    )    …    bisexual.    she/her.    twenty   three.
vance   mirkin    (   austin   abrams   fc   )   …   heterosexual.   he/him.   twenty   six.
verity  martín    (   melissa  barrera   fc   )   …   bisexual.   she/her.   thirty   two.
walker   johnson    (   oliver   jackson   cohen   fc   )   …   heterosexual.   he/him.   thirty   five.
warren   erner   (   sebastian   stan  fc   )   …   heteroexual.   he/him.   thirty   nine.
whitley   collins   (   josephine   langford   fc   )   …   heterosexual.   she/her.   twenty   five.
alexander    matthews    (     chace    crawford    fc    )    …    heterosexual.    he/him.   thirty  seven.
* anaya   kumari    (   anya   chalotra   fc   )   …   heterosexual.   she/her.   twenty   six.
andie   stevens    (   maia   mitchell   fc   )   …   bisexual.   she/her.   twenty   nine. 
arlo   dixon    (   jesse   williams   fc   )   …   heterosexual.   he/him.   forty   one.
cerilla   garza    (   alexa   demie   fc   )   …   bisexual.   she/her.   thirty   one.
christian   knight    (   danny   griffin   fc   )   …   heterosexual.   he/him.   twenty   five.
elodie   serra   (   mia   goth   fc   )   …   bisexual.   she/her.   twenty   eight.  
elsie   granger   (    lily    james    fc   )   …    bisexual.    she/her.    thirty   three.  
heath   levy   (   logan   lerman   fc   )   …   heteroexual.   he/him.   thirty.
* jaiden   anderson    (   henry   cavill   fc   )   …   heterosexual.   he/him.   thirty   nine.  
kailene   sanchez   (   sofia   carson   fc   )   …   bisexual.   she/her.   twenty   nine.
marcus   ruiz    (   manny  montana  fc   )   …   heterosexual.   he/him.   thirty   eight.
myles   lee    (   charles   melton   fc   )   …   heterosexual.   he/him.   thirty   one.
sereniti    hill    (    olivia    holt    fc    )    …    bisexual.    she/her.    twenty    five.
sirena   lee    (   adeline   rudolph   fc   )   …   bisexual.   she/her.   twenty   seven.
* sylas   kaseke   (   rege   jean   page   fc   )   …   heteroexual.   he/him.   thirty   four.
* thomas   cantor   (   ben   barnes   fc   )   …   heteroexual.   he/him.   forty.
wren   hossen   (   malia   pyles   fc   )   …   bisexual.   she/her.   twenty   four.
zane    burton    (     hunter    parrish    fc    )    …    heterosexual.    he/him.   thirty  five.
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fodboldtrojersblog · 7 months
Kane scorede 2 mål på 6 minutter
Bundesligaen er gået ind i sin 25. runde. Bayern München er som Bundesliga-hegemon i øjeblikket placeret på andenpladsen i denne sæson og er 10 point efter førstepladsen i toppen. Spillere, der bærer Bayern München- Billige Fodboldtrøjer, har stadig en chance for at fange dem. Selvom Bayern München ikke har vist sin dominans nu, har Kane skabt et mirakel i Bundesligaen. I kampens sidste runde brugte Kane kun 13 minutter på at score modstanderens mål. Kun 6 minutter senere scorede Kane igen et mål for Bayern München, hvor han selv scorede to mål. Efter denne kamp scorede Kane, iført FC Bayern München trøje, 44 mål i alle kategorier og blev den spiller i de fem store ligaer med flest mål. Kane scorede også 28 mål i kun 25 Bundesliga-kampe, hvilket brød Uwe Seelers 60-årige Bundesliga-rekord med hurtigste 28 mål. Kanes mange mål slog også en 60 år gammel rekord. Kane er stadig i sin bedste alder, og han vil lede Bayern München til at skabe sin egen herlighed.
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fodboldtroeroutt · 9 months
Cristiano Ronaldo vinder årets topscorer
Efter Cristiano Ronaldo forlod Manchester United sidste år, havde mange fans og medier en skeptisk holdning. Cristiano Ronaldos karriere har gennemgået for mange drejninger, og han forstår, at han kun kan bevise sig selv på banen. Cristiano Ronaldo mistede ikke nummer 7 på sin fodboldtrøjer børn, og han vandt også årets topscorer.
Cristiano Ronaldos alder er ingen hemmelighed, og den 38-årige forsvarede sig igen med scoringsdata. Cristiano Ronaldos valg af den saudiske professionelle liga blev tidligere sat i tvivl af mange mennesker, men han dukkede stadig op på Al Nassrs hjemmebane med sin familie. Fans, der kan lide Cristiano Ronaldo, vil stadig optræde blandt publikum, og de hylder deres idol med klapsalver og jubel. Cristiano Ronaldo har en meget fremragende karakter, og hans indflydelse har drevet den saudiske professionelle liga. Årets topscorer-ære er af stor betydning for Cristiano Ronaldo. Dette er en personlig ære, han vandt efter at have forladt de fem store ligaer. Cristiano Ronaldos 53 mål overgik de yngre spillere, hvor FC Bayern Münchens Harry Kane scorede 52 mål. Paris Saint-Germains Kylian Mbappé scorede 52 mål og Manchester Citys Erling Haaland scorede 50 mål.
Cristiano Ronaldo har forladt mainstream medieligaen, og han er stadig konkurrencedygtig med unge spillere. Cristiano Ronaldo kan give nr. 7-fodboldtrøjer outlet en ny definition, og han har også inspireret mange unge spillere og veteraner. Cristiano Ronaldos afgang fra Manchester United er ikke afslutningen på hans karriere, men begyndelsen på en ny rejse. Så længe Cristiano Ronaldo ikke vælger at give op på egen hånd, kommer hans navn på hæderslisten.
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linafication · 3 years
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the unnecessary ends of nick violet & alder kane
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“ you shoot anyone who comes through that door who isn’t me. ”
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        ❝  i’m  coming  with  you  ❞
she’s  never  sounded  so  set  on  anything  before  in  her  life.    never  spoken  to  kane  with  such  a  stern  tone.    a  stubborn  tone.    she’s  digging  her  heels  in  and  she  is  NOT  budging  on  this.    there’s  no  ifs.    no  buts.    no  maybes.    she  is  going  with  him.    to  fight  whoever  it  is  here.    to  help  him.    to  make  sure  he  doesn’t  die.    and  sure  —  he’s  much  more  trained  than  she  is.    but  —  she  can’t  leave  him  to  do  this  on  his  own.
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        ❝  i’m  serious,  kane  ❞
the  blonde  processing  and  taking  in  the  way  he’s  looking  at  her.    as  if  she’s  crazy  for  even  suggesting  it.    gwen  letting  shoulders  sink  slightly  before  she  shakes  her  head.
        ❝  i’m  not  promising  that  i  can  stay  sitting  in  here,  waiting  for  you  to  save  me.    but  i’ll  —  i’ll  try  and  stay  out  of  harm’s  way  ❞
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musemuseum · 1 year
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@anomalouss | Kane Alder Muse: Rosalind Shaffer
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Jolene's was often busy on a Friday night, and tonight was no exception. The dance floor was nearly packed; the bar had no room; and a massive crowd had gathered around the mechanical bull. There were cheers and aw's as one cowboy after another stepped up to take a crack at the wild ride, but none were capable of beating the current record.
More, much louder cheers errupted when Rosalind Shaffer pushed through the crowd. She climbed up onto the mechanical bull with the grace of a pageant queen; as if she belonged there. Once she was settled, she looked out to the crowd and tipped her white Stetson. "Watch and learn, boys." With a nod to the operator, the blonde set about setting a new record.
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clysmian · 5 years
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