#aldila sutjiadi
stateofsport211 · 10 months
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📸 Eurosport
Although Dila/Bopanna tried to step up and open the path in the second set, it was insufficient due to Taylor/Shelton’s early return anticipation, maintaining the baseline as much as they can until it overwhelmed Dila/Bopanna to some extent under pressure. One of the most important challenge, as this set went, would be pace absorption, but it would definitely be harder in practice considering how dynamic Taylor/Shelton set up their pace, which sometimes affected the intensity.
The second set started on Dila/Bopanna’s serve with them holding to 1-0, before a net exchange was won by Taylor/Shelton to start their service games before they held to 1-1. Fast-forward until the eighth game, Taylor/Shelton appeared clutch after averting the damage made out of their own errors while trying to paint their own lines through their quick service games, which was serve+1 dominant before they ehld their service game 4-4.
Two games later, although initially, the baseline was fine with Bopanna (with a working lob in the ninth game before they hold), Dila’s forehand to close a rally ended up being too wide for Townston’s equalizer before Shelton’s forehand return ace created the break point. Even though the said break point was saved once, it was insufficient because Taylor tried to get Dila into a forehand-to-forehand exchange, cross-court, from the baseline, when Dila finished his forehand down-the-line attempt being too wide for Townston’s break of serve to 6-5. Shelton, whose service games are often reliable, served for the match for Townston, which he did successfully with an unreturned serve to top it off, dialing in Taylor for their first Grand Slam quarterfinals appearance together as a pair by taking the second set 7-5.
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daikenkki · 1 year
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bestgamestrick · 4 months
Mantap, Aldila Melaju ke Babak Kedua WTA 1000 Dubai
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Malang Posco Media - Petenis putri andalan  Indonesia Aldila Sutjiadi bersama pasangannya, Miyu Kato dari Jepang,  berhasil melaju ke babak kedua turnamen WTA 1000 Dubai Tennis Championships 2024. Aldila/Kato memastikan satu tempat di babak 16 besar setelah menang atas pasangan wildcard asal Inggris Sarah Beth Grey/Eden Silva dengan skor 6-4, 6-2 di babak pertama yang berlangsung pada Senin WIB. “Saya sangat senang dengan kemenangan ini,” kata Aldila, dikutip dari keterangan resmi yang diterima di Jakarta.Adapun pertandingan berlangsung sengit di awal set pertama. amun Aldila/Kato mampu menunjukkan ketangguhan dan performa yang solid. Kegigihan mereka berbuah manis, dengan Aldila/Kato berhasil merebut set pertama dengan skor 6-4. Pada set kedua, Aldila/Kato semakin mendominasi permainan. Permainan yang rapi dan kompak, ditambah dengan kerja sama apik mereka membuat ganda putri Inggris kesulitan untuk mengembangkan permainannya. Aldila/Kato pun berhasil menutup set kedua dengan skor 6-2. “Pertandingan hari ini cukup menegangkan, terutama di set pertama. Tapi kami berhasil menjaga fokus dan bermain dengan baik. Kami bersyukur atas dukungan dari para fans Indonesia. Dukungan mereka memberikan semangat bagi kami untuk terus berjuang di turnamen ini,” ujarnya menambahkan. Kemenangan ini mengantarkan Aldila/Kato untuk berhadapan dengan unggulan keempat, Katerina Siniakova/Storm Hunter yang mendapat bye di babak pertama.“Kami akan berusaha semaksimal mungkin untuk memberikan yang terbaik di pertandingan selanjutnya. Mohon doa dan dukungannya dari seluruh rakyat Indonesia,” kaya Aldila. Sebelumnya, Aldila dan Miyu menjadi juara nomor ganda putri di ajang Thailand Open 2024 atau yang juga dikenal dengan Hua Hin Championships 2024. (ntr/nug) Read the full article
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gazeta24br · 8 months
Vitória em competição na China reaproxima brasileira do top-10 mundial A paulista Beatriz Haddad Maia conquistou, neste domingo (29), em Zhuhai, na China, o maior título na categoria simples de sua carreira. Número 19 do ranking da Associação de Tênis Feminino (WTA, na sigla em inglês), a brasileira foi campeã do WTA Elite Trophy, torneio que reúne as melhores tenistas fora do top-8 mundial. A brasileira precisou de duas horas e 50 minutos de jogo para superar a chinesa Qinwen Zheng, 18ª do mundo, por 2 sets a 0, ambos definidos no tie-break, com parciais de 7/6 (13-11) e 7/6 (7-4). O troféu conquistado em Zhuhai é o terceiro de Bia em disputas de simples. Em junho do ano passado, a paulista foi campeã dos torneios de Nottinhgam e Birmingham, no Reino Unido. O título na China reaproximará Bia do top-10 do ranking mundial. Na próxima atualização da lista, a brasileira terá 700 pontos a mais e aparecerá na 11ª posição. A melhor colocação da paulista na carreira foi o décimo lugar, atingido em junho, após ser semifinalista de Roland Garros, na França, um dos quatro principais torneios do circuito, conhecidos como Grand Slams. Bia também foi campeã do torneio de duplas do Elite Trophy. Na final, realizada após a decisão de simples, ela e a russa Veronika Kudermetova derrotaram a japonesa Miyu Kato e a indonésia Aldila Sutjiadi por 2 sets a 0, com parciais de 6/3 e 6/3. A competição de duplas não soma pontos no ranking da WTA, onde a brasileira aparece na 24ª posição. A parceira Kudermetova está na 30ª colocação, enquanto as rivais Sutjiadi e Kato ocupam, respectivamente, o 26ª e o 27º postos. Apesar disso, o título garantiu à parceria uma bonificação de US$ 55 mil (R$ 274 mil, aproximadamente), a ser dividida entre as atletas. Pelo título de simples, Bia embolsou outros US$ 605 mil (R$ 3,01 milhões). Com isso, ao todo, a paulista se despediu da China com um total de US$ 632,5 mil (R$ 3,15 milhões) em premiações. Edição: Denise Griesinger - Fonte: Agência Brasil
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oecsports · 9 months
《杭州亞運》中華隊男雙明爭金 女雙確定金包銀
李亞軒和梁恩碩率先在女雙四強賽出擊,面對韓國黑馬Boyoung Jeong與Dayeon Back,兩人迅速取得6-2, 4-1領先優勢,然而中華隊連丟五局,反遭對手扳平比數。決勝第三盤超級搶十,李亞軒和梁恩碩更陷入7-9落後,但兩人頂住壓力,不僅化解對手兩個賽末點,更連拿四分上演逆襲,成功挺進金牌戰。
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另一場女雙四強戰,「詹家姊妹」詹詠然和詹皓晴對決印尼組合Aldila Sutjiadi和Janice Tjen,首盤雖然先遭對手破發,但兩人重振旗鼓,跨盤連下8局,最終6-2, 6-2收下決賽門票。這也是繼2010廣州亞運之後,中華隊再度於女雙個人賽上演金包銀戲碼,雙方將在週六金牌戰對陣。其中詹詠然身為五屆亞運的元老級前輩,確定寫下連續五屆參賽皆成功奪牌的另類紀錄,更要鎖定個人第五面亞運金牌。
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男雙四強賽,莊吉生和許育修對決泰國黑馬Pruchya Isaro和Maximus Jones,中華隊雖然先丟掉首盤,次盤歷經纏鬥後,在搶七勝出,兩人更延續氣勢至決勝盤超級搶十,連下八分奠定勝基,最終4-6, 7-6(5), 10-2上演逆襲。莊吉生和許育修將在週五金牌戰,強碰印度第二種子Saketh Myneni和Ramkumar Ramanathan,兩人目標首度搭檔合拍,就勇奪亞運金牌的壯舉。
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混雙八強賽,黃琮豪和梁恩碩對決韓國韓娜梨與鄭允成,最終以7-5, 5-7, 10-4苦戰勝出,週五和菲律賓黑馬組合Alexandra Eala和Francis Casey Alcantara爭奪決賽門票。梁恩碩上屆參加印尼雅加達亞運,收穫銅牌成績,談到二度出賽的心態差異,梁恩碩認為,「上次其實算是有點懵懵懂懂的就來參加亞運,也很幸運的拿到一塊獎牌,這次可以說是做了很多準備,為自己設定目標,很開心有達成。」
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許育修和詹皓晴面對上屆亞運奪金的印尼組合Aldila Sutjiadi和Christopher Rungkat,則在兩盤關鍵盤末時刻,突破對手發球局,6-4, 7-5收下勝利。接下來將和印度第二種子Rutuja Bhosale和Rohan Bopanna爭取決賽門票,其中男子選手Bopanna為雙打傳奇名將,除了上屆亞運拿下男雙金牌,目前世界排名高居第7,在今年美網男雙和澳網混雙皆拿下亞軍成績。
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naoparis · 1 year
【フランス】【Roland garros 2023】藤未唯(日本)、アルディラ・スーチャディ(インドネシア)組が失格Miyu Kato et de l’Indonésienne Aldila Sutjiadi ont été disqualifiées
【フランス】【Roland garros 2023】藤未唯(日本)、アルディラ・スーチャディ(インドネシア)組が失格Miyu Kato et de l’Indonésienne Aldila Sutjiadi ont été disqualifiées
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curiousmastermindz · 1 year
Update: Miyu Kato and Aldila Sutjiadi disqualified after hitting ballgir...
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skillstopallmedia · 1 year
A controversial double disqualification
The Indonesian-Japanese pair Miyu Kato-Aldila Sutjiadi have been disqualified from the Roland-Garros tournament after involuntarily throwing a ball at the head of a collector…, and following the pressure put by their opponents on the referee. Lots of tears this Sunday on court no. 14 at Roland-Garros… Those of a ball collector and those of the player who inadvertently threw a ball in her face.…
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noisynutcrusade · 1 year
Roland Garros, hits a ball boy when the game is stopped: Kato disqualified in women's doubles at the request of the opponents
Disqualification upon request. This also happens to Roland Garroswhere the Japanese Miyu Kato and Indonesian Aldila Sutjiadi they lost their doubles match after Kato accidentally hit a ball girl on the head while returning a serve ball late in the game. At first, the chair umpire had issued a simple warning, and Kato had gone to apologize, making sure that the girl was fine. The opponents, the…
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qudachuk · 1 year
Miyu Kato and Aldila Sutjiadi were DQ’d after Kato struck the ball girl
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goriaucom · 1 year
Sabet 4 Emas, Timnas Tenis Indonesia Juara Umum di SEA Games 2023 Kamboja
PHNOM PENH - Timnas Tenis Indonesia berhasil menjadi juara umum dalam ajang SEA Games 2023 Kamboja. Hasil ini didapat setelah Aldila Sutjiadi dan kawan-kawan mendapatkan empat medali emas pada pesta olahraga antar bangsa-bangsa Asia Tenggara ini. http://dlvr.it/Sp1gr1
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stateofsport211 · 13 days
RG WD R2: Asia Muhammad/Aldila Sutjiadi [15] def. Giuliana Olmos/Alexandra Panova 7-6(4), 6-4 Match Stats
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📸 Eurosport GB
Dila/Asia had their moments toward the end of the first set, but the pressing moments were not those as soon as G. Olmos/A. Panova increased their aggression. This became evident in how they handled the tie-breaker, as a more anticipative return game from the latter under pressure resulted in the 15th seeds' frequent errors, which did not help except keeping the latter pair ahead in this match. As a result, G. Olmos/A. Panova had 11 break points than Dila/Asia's 5 despite the latter's best attempts to come back, even though the former only converted 5 break points compared to Dila/Asia's 80% break point conversion rate.
On the other hand, it appeared that both pairs had their own service game strengths. In this case, even though Dila/Asia only landed 66% of their first serves, they still managed to win 2% more points than G. Olmos/A. Panova in hopes to get themselves out of trouble. However, even though both pairs did not double fault at all, the unseeded pair won 52% of their second serve points than Dila/Asia, whose frequent follow-up rushes only faded their second serve winning percentage to 39%.
In the third round, G. Olmos/A. Panova gets fourth seeds Barbora Krejcikova/Laura Siegemund, who then defeated Tereza Mihalikova/Linda Noskova 3-6, 6-2, 6-2 after a slow start in the first set. This could be an intriguing match, especially with the fourth seeds' balance, where everything could come down to their shot execution. Should be interesting to follow/watch its happenings as one of the headline matches of the round!
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daikenkki · 5 months
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cdntennis · 1 year
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ASB Classic 2023 (Auckland, New Zealand)
Canadian Leylah Annie Fernandez and partner Bethanie Mattek-Sands lost 1-6, 7-5, [10-4] to Miyu Kato and Aldila Sutjiadi in the final of the WTA 250 in Auckland. The Canadian-American pair had a 6-1, 5-1 lead and two championship points before losing in the super tiebreak. They will next play together at this year’s Australian Open.
(Picture : © AFP)
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ayoeseksina-blog · 6 years
Cantik dan Berprestasi, Ini Kriteria Pria Ideal Petenis Peraih Medali Emas, Aldila Sutjiadi, Daftar?
Ayoe Seksina Cantik dan Berprestasi, Ini Kriteria Pria Ideal Petenis Peraih Medali Emas, Aldila Sutjiadi, Daftar? Artikel Baru Nih Artikel Tentang Cantik dan Berprestasi, Ini Kriteria Pria Ideal Petenis Peraih Medali Emas, Aldila Sutjiadi, Daftar? Pencarian Artikel Tentang Berita Cantik dan Berprestasi, Ini Kriteria Pria Ideal Petenis Peraih Medali Emas, Aldila Sutjiadi, Daftar? Silahkan Cari Dalam Database Kami, Pada Kolom Pencarian Tersedia. Jika Tidak Menemukan Apa Yang Anda Cari, Kemungkinan Artikel Sudah Tidak Dalam Database Kami. Judul Informasi Artikel : Cantik dan Berprestasi, Ini Kriteria Pria Ideal Petenis Peraih Medali Emas, Aldila Sutjiadi, Daftar? pria ideal adalah yang bersifat baik, beredukasi, dan tentunya berpendidikan lebih tinggi dari dirinya. http://www.unikbaca.com
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oecsports · 9 months
《杭州亞運》曾俊欣遺憾止步八強 中華隊雙打確定奪牌
男單賽事,曾俊欣面對烏茲別克Khumoyun Sultanov,然而受到天氣潮濕炎熱影響,曾俊欣在第三盤發生手腳抽筋的情況,最終以6-4, 6-7(4), 1-6遭到對手逆轉,遺憾止步八強。
女雙賽事,「詹家姊妹」詹詠然和詹皓晴對決香港王康怡和張瑋桓,以6-3, 6-4直落二收下勝利,挺進四強戰,接下來將和印尼組合Aldila Sutjiadi和Janice Tjen爭奪決賽門票。詹詠然身為五屆亞運的元老級前輩,確定寫下連續五屆參賽皆成功奪牌的另類紀錄。
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李亞軒和梁恩碩面對泰國組合Anchisa Chanta和Punnin Kovapitukted,以7-6(3), 6-3搶下四強門票,四強對決韓國黑馬Boyoung Jeong與Dayeon Back,兩組女雙目標會師決賽。
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男雙賽事,莊吉生和許育修迎戰烏茲別克組合Sergey Formin和Kumoyun Sultanov,以6-2, 6-3強勢晉級四強,接下來將對決泰國黑馬Pruchya Isaro和Maximus Jones。
混雙賽事,許育修和詹皓晴面對香港組合黃澤林和張瑋桓,以6-2, 6-4收下勝利,八強面對印尼Aldila Sutjiadi和Christopher Rungkat。
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黃琮豪和梁恩碩對決中國地主朱琳和布雲朝克特,中華隊在第二盤錯過三個賽末點,遭遇對手頑強反擊,所幸在第三盤超級搶十中回穩,雖然1-3落後,此時連下7分攻勢,並且奠定勝基,最終以6-3, 6-7(8), 10-7三盤苦戰取勝。
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