#aldo raine x oc
saltysideblog · 10 months
Flex Appeal
Donny Donowitz x OC Blurb
Inglourious Basterds (2009)
Summary: Subtle is not a word one would use to describe Sergeant Donny Donowitz.
Warnings: Nope!
Words: 510
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It was a cold November morning when Evelyne Grenier first stepped off the truck with Aldo and met Sergeant Donny Donowitz. 
According to him, however, the first time they met was a muggy July evening, at an Allied camp. 
"You know... the medical tent in Villebout? You patched me up?" 
She was busy unpacking her supplies, setting up shop in the adandoned mill they had claimed for the time being. He was being insistent. She paused, carefully rolling up some gauze that had come undone, 
"There were lots of soldiers in Villebout, Americans, Canadians, British..." 
He leaned in and whispered,  
"Yeah but you and I, we... you know... behind the tents?" 
Ever the gentleman, Donny didn't say it out loud, opting instead to make his index fingers kiss. Evie looked amused at first at his childish display, when realization struck her, 
Her outburst drew the stares of Wicki and Utivich, who had been quietly playing chess in the corner, as well as Aldo, startling in the chair he fell asleep in. She smiled sheepishly,  
"I thought I lost this!", she waved a small bottle of pills, "But I found it..." 
She cleared her throat and Donowitz looked smug, 
"Now you remember." 
She lowered her voice to match his tone, "I didn't recognize you without the bandages." 
"M'all better now and handsome as ever." 
She chuckled, "Yeah, hold on, lemme have a look at you." 
She carefully grabbed his chin with her thumb and index finger and he obediently tilted his head from side to side as she examined him. 
It was only then that Donny noticed how far across the table he was, how close her face was to his... when she released him, he stumbled forwards, bracing himself with his hands. 
"Man, I'm good. Not a scratch.", she smiled proudly. Her attention returned to counting inventory. 
He stood straighter, shrugging off his jacket, "You stitched up my arm too, see here?" 
He flexed and she squinted. 
"I don't see it." 
He rounded the table, still flexing, pointing at a spot on his bicep, 
"You sure? Here, feel." 
Her fingers ran over his skin and she shook her head, "No..." 
He quickly raised his other arm, "Maybe it was this one." 
Evie crossed her arms, "You'll strain something flexing so hard." 
He blushed, "Oh, I wasn't- I mean, it’s just, look..." 
She laughed and pushed past him to gather up his jacket, "It's cold out, sarge." 
"Wait, look at both and compare, it's there I swear..." 
From his spot in the rickety chair, hat over his eyes, Aldo spoke up, 
"Fer the love ah God, Donowitz, wouldya give it a rest an' cover up? S'freezing." 
Wicki and Utivich quickly stifled their laughs when the Sergeant glared in their direction. 
She threw his jacket over his shoulders, fixing his collar and patting his cheek with a mischievous smile. 
It was a muggy July evening when Sergeant Donny Donowitz first met Evelyne Grenier.
According to him, however, it was a cold November morning when he first fell in love with her. 
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A Princess Among Basterds 👑| Inglourious Basterds Imagine (700 follower celebration)
Takes place during right before chapter Operation Kino in IB
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My IB masterlist
Characters & Pairings: Female!Princess OC x The Basterds (platonic), slight Female!Princess OC x Wilhelm Wicki if you squint.
Content warnings: graphic injury to hand, implied violence, profanity, blood, mentions of death and hate crimes (read with caution), inaccurate history to go with the story | Female OC (she/her) | wc: about 5k
Premise: The Basterds were about to receive the mission of their lives when they were summoned to General Banks of the OSS. The goal: blow up a cinema that several of Hitlers top associates would be attending. But what the Basterds did not expect in their meeting with Banks would to be face to face with a member of a royal family who is on a path for revenge against one of their targets.
Note: so I had an idea of making this a series originally but I have so many ongoing series right now I need to finish that I just changed it to suit a single imagine. This could eventually become a miniseries depending on the feedback but right now I don’t have future plans to make it one (or at least until after I finish my top gun maverick and dark phoenix series)
Thank you so much for 700 followers !!! I started this blog back in January and can’t believe it’s grown in so little time! I appreciate all the love and support and thank you for the kind words and feedback on my works ♥️🥹 I have so much planned and can’t wait to share with you all!
“Raine, you better have a goddamn good explanation for the shit show you just pulled out there,” are never the words one wants to hear as they enter a meeting with their superior.
For Lt. Aldo Raine, it was becoming a habit.
General Banks, leader of the Office of Strategic Services for the United States Army, was less than pleased when the Basterds made their way to camp after weeks of being in enemy territory. It wasn’t like they weren’t doing what was expected of them….it was just they gave no warning in advance.
Aldo shrugged sheepishly, “just doin’ ma job, sir.”
“Yeah I can tell. You know, I’ve chewed your ass out more than any other man I have under my command. You’re lucky what you’re doing is working, otherwise I would’ve had you on the next plane back to America.”
With his hands on his lips, Aldo bit back a smile. Behind him the other men shuffled awkwardly though few like Hugo, Donny, and Wicki appeared amused.
“I got a new assignment for you gentlemen,” the General announces, slapping a file down on the table for Aldo to pick up. “Recon in the Village of Nadine. This is a joint effort with the Brits.”
Immediately there’s groans from the audience, Donny muttering, “Not the Tommy’s.” With one look from Banks they shut up. Aldo flipped through the file lazily before dropping it back down, “What’s the plan?”
“Well for the next two weeks you’ll be scouting the area. Get a feel for it until it’s time for the mission. The Brits will let me know when they’ll be sending in their spy.”
“What’s the point of this mission?,” Donny asks from the side, stealing the file to see the words ‘Operation Kino,’ written in bold on the Manila colored folder.
“To put it simple,” Banks pauses to light a cigar, “blowing up a cinema full of Hitler’s Third Riech.” Now that had their attention. The folder nearly spilled from Donny’s hands, and Hugo dropped the knife he was sharpening.
“You’re serious?” Hirschberg couldn’t help but slip out.
“As serious as the war happening in our backyard,” Banks puffs out smoke from the cigar. “Goebbels is hosting a premier for one of his propaganda films in Paris. Many of Hitlers associates will be in attendance, so what better way to take them all out than crashing the party by sending you in. A German film star turned allied spy is the other contact, she’ll be joining you on the planned rendezvous. Word is she will arrive in Nadine the night before the premier.”
“Well butter me up like a French baguette,” Aldo clapped his hands. The other Basterds had blinked out of their shock and were also celebrating the news. It was an exciting mission at first glance. One that would surely go down in history.
Before anyone could say anything else, a young soldier bursts into the room, stands at attention to salute and in one breath says, “Sir, I just received word from the infirmary that—,” he is abruptly cut off when a woman—who looked to be in her mid to late thirties—pushes past him despite the yells of protest behind her.
All the Basterds stagger back at the sight. The woman’s dark hair was a mess, clothes dirty and tarnished, and there was a nasty cut to her temple that was dripping blood down her face, not to mention a bruise forming on her jaw below a split lip. The most shocking was the fact a knife was impaling her hand. Utivitch had to look away, moaning like he was about to spill his guts.
“Ma’am, we need to get you back to the infirmary,” a medic and soldier flanked the unknown woman’s side. The medic had gauze in his hands, shouting angrily, “You cannot just barge in—!”
“It’s alright,” Banks raises a hand, drawing confusion from everyone minus her. The woman, now standing a few paces from the table, remained stoic as she stared at the general. He takes another puff of his cigar, “See to her in here.”
“B-but, sir, I-I don’t have my materials.”
“Then go fucking get them,” Banks said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Blushing, the medic scurried away while the remaining soldier stood awkwardly. “You can go back to your post, soldier.” The young man, though hesitant, salutes and exits, leaving only the general, the Basterds, and the woman in the room.
“Quite the entrance don’t you think,” Banks glances her over, shaking his head at her estate. He should’ve known sending her out would be a mistake, but she was persistent. With a curse he asks, “What the fuck happened? I told you to lay low, get what you needed and come back.”
“And I did just that,” her voice had a thick accent to it that raised many eyebrows. It wasn’t British for one thing and it wasn’t French or German. So what the hell was it?
“And nearly got killed from what I can see.”
“Please,” she scoffed, offense all in her tone. “This was just a scratch.” That’s when her eyes traveled over to the eight men standing against the wall. There was a mix of expressions ranging from shock, confusion, and curiosity. Her lips curled up in a smirk. “You should see the other guy.”
At that moment the medic returns with a first aid kit. The poor guy was like a fish out of water, not really knowing how to act as if it was his first time tending to an injured person. With a roll of the eyes the woman pulls out a chair, sitting down and tilting her head up so he could work on bandaging her forehead.
“Don’t you want me to remove the knife first?”
She returned the question with a pointed look, “Do you think you have the guts to do it at this moment? I didn’t think so. Fix this first so you can mentally prepare yourself so I don’t have you fucking puking all over me. ¿Comprendido?” It was obvious he didn’t understand the last phrase and the woman let out an annoyed sigh. “Oh Dios mío—just get to fucking work.”
Though the Basterds didn’t know what the phrase translated to, they were able to pick up on the fact it was Spanish the woman was speaking. Now the accent made sense.
But the question remained: why the fuck was a Spanish woman at the camp and what was she to Banks.
They all watched as the woman slightly flinched when the medic pressed a cloth to the open wound to stop the bleeding. Pain consorted her face, but she fought it and turned her attention back to the general.
“What did you find out?”
“I assume you already know,” eyes flickered to the file on the table. With a narrowed expression she asks, “Would you have told me if I hadn’t found out?”
Banks appeared conflicted, tightening his jaw when he refused to meet her eye. “Not so sure I would.”
“We had a deal,” she hissed angrily, throwing a glance to the medic when he didn’t warn her he was about to clean the wound. But her anger was directed at Banks, betrayal in her eyes at his honest truth. The medic shuttered, muttering an apology that went ignored. The Basterds looked in between her and Banks, wondering what the hell kind of a deal she was referring to.
“Yes, we did,” Banks walked around the table so he was directly in front of her. “But I recall that deal going out the door if something like this—,” he pointed a finger at her state, “occurred or it interfered with my men. Which is what this mission details. So now I have two valid reasons to put an end to this revenge fantasy you have.”
She grows quiet for a moment, but the rage is evident in her eyes. “Thought you were a man of his word, General.”
“Let’s not go there.”
Her head tilts in challenge, pushing the medic away with her non-injured hand when he went to dab her lip. “You will not get in my way. I’ve helped you Americans for three years now—three years! I have gathered information, using my name and title as a means to do your dirty work. If you think I am going to just stand down when I am so close to finishing it once and for all—.”
Banks startles the room when he slaps his hand on the table, “I will not be the one to tell the King of Spain his daughter was killed because she was stubborn enough to go on a suicide mission!”
It became so quiet even the medic had to pause his work at the jaw dropping revelation. King of Spain? But that meant….
“Wha-wait a damn minute,” Aldo was the first one to break the silence, eyes flicking between the two. Behind him the Basterds were conveying the same level of shock. “Did I hear that right?”
“King of Spain’s daughter,” Omar whispers, but it is heard by everyone. “But that means…” all eyes drift to the woman clenching her jaw, refusing to meet one's eye.
Banks sighs, wiping the sweat that had gathered at his hairline, “Gentlemen, may I introduce you to her royal highness—.”
“What did I tell you about titles, Banks?”
“—Princess Josefa María Carmen Concepción Barbón of Spain. Eldest child and only daughter to the King and fourth in line to the throne.”
It was almost comical by the reactions of the seasoned war soldiers. Shooting krauts left and right was easy, but this was not what they expected when they signed up for war. Hell what were they supposed to do when in the presence of royalty? Let alone someone who was in line of succession to the throne? Do they kneel? Do they bow?
“What the fuck,” Hirschberg breathed out which earned him a hard nudge from Smitty and look of disproval from Wicki.
“Yer the princess of Spain?” Aldo asked more to himself, still trying to process the news. “Like the country Spain?”
Josefa makes a sound, snapping the medic out of his daze which has him going back to work. It was obvious the poor guy was buzzing with nerves. He was treating a princess and couldn’t believe he had raised his voice at her when chasing Josefa to the room.
She waits until the medic removes the blood on her lip to answer, tone full of resentment. “Technically I’m not anymore. I relinquished my title when I went against my family and government to marry my husband.” Her eyes go to Banks, narrowing slightly, “So you don’t have to worry about informing my father of my fate if I perish, General. I doubt they even believe I’m still alive after finding out the Germans invaded France.”
“Even if that’s the case, as a father I would want to know if my daughter was dead even if there was bad blood between us. I would feel morally obligated to inform the King.”
The Basterds still couldn’t wrap it around their head. Donny, feeling confident and mostly curious, takes a step forward, “Hope you don’t mind me asking, uh—,” he scratches his neck, “What do we call you? Princess? Your highness—?”
“Josefa, is just fine,” she raises a polite hand, wincing when she realizes it’s the one with a knife through it. The pain was excruciating, but the high emotions she was feeling kept her distracted. “Please, I would appreciate it if we disregarded the formalities. I’m not a Princess anymore, I’m a spy and a damn good one at that if I must say.”
A few guys smile and Aldo exchanges a glance with Banks, who nods at Josefa’s claim. The Lieutenant mutters, “well I’ll be damn. The princess of Spain is a goddamn spy for ‘Murica.”
“What was it you wanted to ask, sergeant?”
“Oh! Uh forgive me if this is too personal, but why is it you are working for the allies? Or is that classified information.”
“It is classified,” Banks interrupts.
“Not anymore it isn’t,” Josefa fires back, lifting her elbow onto the armrest so her injured hand was displayed. There was a scared look from the medic as he eyed the knife producing from the skin.
“Backing down now, soldier?” Her brow raises, gesturing to her hand. Again, Smithson and Hirschberg had to look away. Which was ironic since they could stomach scalping Nazi’s no problem. But a knife through the hand got them turning away like school girls.
“I’m just not sure how to go about it, ma’am—uh princess, I’m sorry.”
Josefa closes her eyes, trying not to snap at the poor medic who she was well aware was feeling all kinds of stress. But her hand was on fire and at risk for infection if it was removed at that second.
“For God’s sake,” in a flash her free hand came up, gripping the handle of the knife and yanking it all the way until it was removed from her flesh. Josefa grunted, blood spattering onto her lap and onto the medic’s uniform. Hugo lets out a whistle, Donny muttering a ‘damn,’ while both Wicki and Aldo look on impressed.
And the medic? The *thump* that echoed in the room as his body dropped to the floor signaled he was out cold.
Banks tsked, “kid was new. Just got in last night.”
“Wonderful,” Josefa hissed, gripping the wrist of her bloody hand to keep it up.
“Let me,” Wicki approached the Princess, sporting a cigarette in his mouth. Of the Basterds, he was the most knowledgeable when it came to first aid and could handle injuries. He bent down to grab the gauze and motioned to the bottle of whiskey on the corner of Banks’ desk. “Do you mind, general?” The man just waved in response and Wicki grabbed the bottle. When he turned back to Josefa, he offered it to her, “You may wanna take a quick swing. This is gonna hurt.”
Taking the bottle, she tilted to him in a cheer before downing a shot of the burning alcohol. Again, the Basterds were impressed when she didn’t so much as flinch. Handing it back to Wicki, Josefa adjusted herself in the chair and allowed him to douse her hand in the liquid. A grunt escaped her when he did that, squeezing her eyes shut. It felt like her hand was on fire but it soon soothed as he gently did his best to clean it.
“When is this mission, Banks?” Josefa broke the silence, aiming to distract herself from the pain.
Banks gave her a look that read, ‘Are you serious?’ “None of your concern.”
The rage ignited once more, “Banks I swear to God—.”
“I’m not having this conversation. Stop trying to entertain it, or I’ll have you escorted off base and on the first train to Barcelona.” That shut her up, though it did not stop the glare burning a whole through his head.
Josefa wanted to argue that he technically had no authority over her. Easily could she sneak off in the night to Paris and wait for whoever he sends out to Nadine. From the information she had gathered on her recon, the informant told her that Goebbels was hosting a premier in Paris and it would be sometime in the month. And as she was coming down the hall she overheard bits of the conversation about the rendezvous.
And by the looks of it, the Basterds were in on it.
It got her thinking, so Josefa surprised Banks and kept her mouth shut. Little did he know, she was conspiring.
“Fine.” The simple word had Banks do a double take, as if he couldn’t believe she was relenting. With a satisfied huff, he gathered the file and handed it to Aldo. On his way out however he leaned close to the Lieutenant and warned (ordered) Raine to not let any details they discussed leave that room. Banks also made it clear Josefa was to not be told either.
With one final look of warning to the Princess, Banks took his leave. Wicki was just finishing up wrapping Josefa’s hand when she took the bottle and brought it to her lips. “Thank you, Corporal,” she told him, putting the bottle—a little harshly—-down on the table in front of her.
“It’s my honor,” he softly replied, though it was a bit muffled from the cigarette in his mouth. She gestured to it, “You have another you can spare for a lady?” Chuckling, Wicki cut the gauze and secured it before reaching into his pocket for the pack of cigarettes and lighter. Josefa took one, brought it to her lips for him to light and thanked him when he pulled his hand away. They held each other’s eye, the Princess raising a brow in challenge which had Wicki smirk.
He returned back to the wall, leaning against it next to Hugo—who the small interaction did not go unnoticed by. The blonde nudged him, amusement etched in his face, but Wicki pushed him back with a shake of the head. Josefa chuckled under her breath, letting her eyes drift over to Donny as she remembered what he had asked earlier.
“To answer your question, Sergeant,” her voice went low, but it captured all the men's attention. “My apologies for getting side tracked, but the reason I’m working for the allies is I’m after someone—someone very close to Goebbels who’s the reason my family is dead.” She took a puff, letting the smoke draw out before continuing, ignoring all their curious eyes that held sympathy. “As I said before, I had relinquished my title when I fell in love and married my husband. He was everything my family disapproved of: French, Jewish, and a commoner. They gave me a choice and I chose him. I moved to Paris, we had a couple kids and lived what was supposed to be a happy life. But then the Germans invaded….” She trailed off, face tightening as the memories replayed in her mind.
“Four years ago my husband and I decided we should migrate back to Spain. He thought I should attempt to get back in good graces with my family, but I knew damn well they would not welcome us. So, with the bit of my fortune I had and earnings from selling valuables to keep us afloat, I traveled to Spain alone to find us a place to settle. We thought it would be the safest option while they gathered all the necessary things to leave. My identity was concealed ages ago with fake papers, but I always kept my real ones hidden. I was not gone long,” her voice wavered slightly, “But when I returned they had already been discovered.”
The men all had similar reactions. Most were frowning, pity and anger for the Princess in their gazes. Even Hugo appeared solemn.
Josefa finished the cigarette and threw it into the ashtray on the table. “I found out who sold them to the Gestapo. My neighbor—who was a good woman and knew who I was—took pity on me.”
“And that’s who’re after,” Aldo stated, putting his hands on his hips. There was no doubt he felt for the woman. If he were in her shows he’d be on the hunt for the bastard who sent his family to a death camp. At Josefa’s nod he asked, “You said they're close to Goebbels. Mind tellin’ us who it is?”
Josefa’s eyebrow raised in challenge, “On one condition, Lieutenant.”
Yeah he saw that coming. There was no way she would just lay it all out and not expect anything in return. She was on a mission. One he respected. “Hit me.”
“If I tell you who it is, then I come with you boys to Nadine.” He didn’t know how Josefa knew about the rendezvous in Nadine, but he wasn’t going to question her when it’s been established she’s a spy. That could have been what she was doing before showing up like she went three rounds in a boxing ring. Which reminded him, he really wanted to know what happened to cause her those injuries. But that could wait for the time being.
What Aldo should have said was, “Banks ain’t gonna like that and I don’t need another chewing after the one I just had.” This was a fucking Princess for crying out loud. If anything happened to her, regardless of her estrangement from her father, the King would surely have his head.
But instead the Lieutenant found himself walking up to Josefa so he was standing right in front of her. With a small smirk on his face, Aldo paid a glance to his men and saw they matched his expression. “Ya know how to shoot a gun?”
Josefa leaned back into her chair, lip curling up, “I prefer a knife but I shoot well.” When he briefly glanced to her hand, Josefa rolled her eyes, “that wasn’t my knife and I although it was in my hand, I used it against the fucker with a simple,” she lifted her palm so it faced him before turning it fast before he could blink. The movement had Aldo realize she slit the Krauts throat with the way the blade had impaled her.
Damn that was impressive. It was also something to hear a member of a royal family curse so openly.
She would fit in just fine with the Basterds.
“Just so you know,” she brought him out of his thoughts, “besides my native Spanish and obviously English, I’m also fluent in German and French, not to mention a bit of Italian. One of the many great things of growing up a Princess was having to learn many languages for the times diplomats would visit.” She pauses to nod her head to the two men against the wall, “I know you already have two German-speakers amongst your ranks but there’s no harm in having a third. And may I ask if any of you know French?”
“We don’t,” Also sniffed, a little embarrassed since they had been in France for nearly two years and not one of them knew a lick of the language.
“Well, thank God I’m here.”
“Now, now hold on,” he raised a hand with a chuckle, “I didn’t say yes just yet, Princess.” He laughed again at her scowl, but composed himself and became serious. “This is more than likely a suicide mission ya know?”
“I’m well aware, Lieutenant,” she sighs, exhaustion taking over. The woman had had a long week and was dying to sleep. She would need her energy to heal and for the mission, but at the moment she needed to secure her place on it. “I’ve accepted that I may not survive this war. But if I die, It better be because I achieved my goal.”
“You’re really serious about this?” Donny questioned from the side.
Josefa nodded, determination in her eyes. “She and I have unfinished business.”
“So it’s a she,” Aldo hummed, a little surprised by the revelation.
“Yes,” Josefa hissed, pushing off the chair so she was now barely chest to chest with the officer. “And I will finish what I set my mind to all those years ago. I let my family down once, I will not do it again. Even if you try to stop me, I already know where your little rendezvous is going to be. I’ll just scout every inch of that village until you arrive and sneak my way into wherever it is held. It would be wise of you to let me find out what I know, help in any way I can since I could be of great use, and then we go our ways to complete our goals. So, Lieutenant,” her uninjured hand came up, “do we have a deal?”
Stretching his neck a bit and clicking his tongue, Aldo simply said, “fuck it.” Their hands came together in a firm shake. “Welcome to the Basterds.”
“It’s a pleasure,” she smirks, releasing his hand and dropping it back to her side.
“You gonna tell us that name now?”
Josefa straightened a bit, a flash of anger spreading across her face. “Francesca Mondino.��
“Where have I heard that name?” Donny said aloud, brows furrowing in thought. A few others exchanged glances, wondering the same. Josefa answered for them, “She’s Goebbels interpreter and mistress.”
“And she sold yer family to the Gestapo?” Aldo tilted his head. It was hard wrapping his mind around it. “Goebbels' mistress?”
“Before she was stuffing her mouth with his cock and translating French and German, Francesca lived two doors down from me in Paris. We never liked each other, hardly ever spoke but the few times we interacted were anything but friendly. I won’t get into details, but she knew I was gone when she called the Gestapo. The whore made sure to leave town before I returned.” Few of the guys had to bite back laughter for they too were just as shocked to hear a lady like Josefa use terms like whore and cock.
“So why spy for us?”
“It was my way to track her. Gather information and figure out where the hell she went. The first two years I was at a loss, then I met Banks and offered him a deal. Of course he didn’t believe who I was until I showed him the papers and news articles from Spain that had my picture on it. Once he realized I was indeed the ‘lost Princess’ he agreed to keep my identity secret and listened to what I had to say. The deal was I would spy while he worked on finding information about Francesca so long as it did not interfere with his men and I remained unharmed.”
So that’s why Banks refused to let her continue her plot any further. Not only did she show up to base beat up with a knife through her hand, but this mission that would ultimately give her Francesca tangled up with them. He understood Banks' decision, but also Aldo felt for Josefa and believed she deserved her revenge.
“This Francesca,” Aldo leaned back so he was pretty much seated on the edge of the table. “You know for sure she gonna be with Goebbels at that premier?”
“Of course,” Josefa scoffed like it was the most obvious answer. “She’s always by his side. When he’s not in need of translating her mouth does other things for him to pass time.”
Aldo let out a snort, “What’s yer plan to get to her?”
“I’m working on that,” she crossed her arms. “It won’t be easy, but I have some ideas. I need to find out more about the cinema first so I know its layout.”
“Hmm,” Aldo nodded, not wanting to question anymore with the risk of Banks walking in at any second. They needed to get going so Josefa could follow them without getting caught. Pushing off the table, Aldo gestures for his men to follow him, “We head back into enemy territory tonight. I’ll leave you to get whatever the hell you need and meet us at the drop off point. Think you can handle that on your own.”
Josefa waves her injured hand up and motions to her bruised complexion, “I think I can handle a lot on my own, thank you very much, Lieutenant.”
“That’s for damn sure,” he laughs, removing his tin of snuff from his pocket. He snorts in each nostril before putting it back and nodding to Josefa. “Well see you soon then, Princess.”
As the Basterds file out, they all bid a nod and even some smirks to Josefa who returns them all the same. Donny gives a mock salute which has her roll her eyes but it ignites a laugh. Even a wink is thrown at Wicki who bites his lip to stop from chuckling.
If there was one thing for sure the Nazi’s were not ready for when when they signed up for war, it was they would meet their end with a Princess among Basterds.
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knives-out20 · 4 years
Inglourious Teens #2
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Fandom: Inglourious Basterds (2009)
Pairing: Joshua Margolis (OC) x Aldo Raine
Warnings: Gay asf, Secret relationship, Babyism, Swearing, 
Notes: I missed these two, enjoy.
Joshua sat at his desk in his room, re-reading through his copy of Dracula by Bram Stoker. He hummed the song that had been passed down to him from his great-grandfather, looking up at out his bedroom window. This gave Joshua a clear view of the estate’s orchard, beautiful as ever under the summer sun. “Django, have you always been alone?” He chirped, flipping the page of his book.
Joshua’s bedroom door creaked open. “Young Master Margolis?”
Joshua looked up, and turned around. “Phillip, good afternoon,” he smiled in welcoming. “Now, how many, uh, how many- how many times have I told you to call me ‘Joshua’?” He reminded.
Phillip, his butler, chuckled, twirling his graying mustache. “Apologies, sir, but you know I cannot do that.”
Joshua put his bookmark in its place, closing the novel. “A-Are you at least able to call me ‘Young Master Joshua’, or- or something? You could converse with my parents- as long as you, um, mention me giving you the thumbs up to call me such,” he suggested, standing up.
Phillip nodded. “Yes, sir.”
Joshua crossed his arms. “What did you, uh, need me for, Phillip?”
Phillip cleared his throat. “You have a guest, sir. Young Aldo Raine, your friend!” He answered.
Joshua’s eyes lit up as he walked over. “Oh, wow! Really?” He asked. “Where- Where is he now?”
Phillip stood aside. “Right by the front doors, Young Master. But I’d advise you to be careful; Henrietta just polished the floors, and we’d hate for you to trip and fall, she’d be feel terrible.” He warned.
Joshua pat Phillip’s chest in thanks. “Yea, yea, uhm, thank you Phillip,” he replied, racing out the bedroom. Joshua ran down the hall, almost tripping down the stairs and around the corner. “Aldo!”
Aldo turned around, hands in his pockets. “Joshy!” He happily returned.
Joshua giggled with glee, running over and jumping into Aldo’s arms for a hug; Aldo caught him, and did that small spin he always did after catching Joshua in a leap-hug. “I’m so- so glad you’re here.”
“Ah, I jus’ hope I’m not interferin’ with nothin’, y’know?” Aldo smiled sheepishly, hands lingering on Josh’s shoulders after gently putting him down.
“No, I was just reading Dracula. Y’know, the, ah, the Bram book. Nothin’ c-could ever be too important to pass up seein’ you, Aldo!” Josh said, cupping Aldo’s cheek.
Aldo leaned into the touch, quickly pulling away when he saw Phillip. He nodded in greeting, “howdy, Mr. Phillip.”
Phillip nodded back. “Young Master Raine, long time no see. Could I offer you anything?”
Aldo shook his head. “No, sir.”
“You- You- You can leave us be, Phillip. I’ll call you if anything, uhm, arises, m’kay?” Joshua instructed.
Phillip bowed. “Yes sir,” he swiftly left the two secret lovebirds alone.
Joshua broke out into a wide smile, hearing Phillip’s footsteps fade into the distance. He leaned in, placing a sweet kiss to Aldo’s lips. “I missed you.”
Aldo’s found himself pulling Joshua into his arms. He pulled away to speak, “y’only jus’ saw me a couple days ago, sugar.”
“Doesn’t mean I’m not allowed to- t’miss ya when you’re gone, sweetie.”
Aldo chuckled, pulling him in for a deep hug. He inhaled Joshua’s scent, eyes falling closed. “Y’smell like a dream,” Aldo commented.
“I know, right? I smell like a whole goddamn fuckin’ orchard,” Joshua squealed, hands balling into fists.
Aldo planted a kiss on Joshua’s neck before he unlatched himself from Joshua’s body.
Joshua hummed in thought. “Ooh, ooh! Aldo, we got a- a new, uh, mare in the stables, wanna come see the gal? Shines like silver in the moonlight, shit, I swear!”
Aldo put his hands up, gesturing for Joshua to calm down. “Sure thing, doll. Lead the way.”
Joshua grabbed Aldo’s hand, leading him through the house. He led the way out back, over to the stables. Joshua led Aldo inside, eyes scanning around the ranch. “She’s right...There!” He pointed, pulling Aldo across the room. 
Inside the specific cage stood a clean, white mare.
Aldo whistled, “whats her name, now?”
“Sybil, her- her name’s Sybil. Fastest gal I-I’m yet to see, I tell you. A, uh, true beauty, though” Joshua introduced, reaching a hand in. “C’mere, Sybbie.”
Sybil slowly approached, close enough for Joshua to softly pat her head.
“She’s really a strong one, I love her. She gets along w-with Moby over there-” Joshua used his other hand to point halfway across the stables to a black horse. “They look, uh, mighty fine together, heavily eye-catching.”
Aldo put his hands on his hips.
Joshua stepped back from Sybil’s stable, turning back to Aldo. “Pretty, ain’t she?”
“Yer prettier.”
Joshua smiled knowingly, blushing. “Stop it-”
“Make me,” Aldo teased, tugging Joshua up against him. He kissed Joshua’s nose. “Prettier than any creature I’ve ever come across, ‘n’ will ever come across. Even fuckin’ better when yer all mine, Josh,” Aldo muttered.
Joshua swept Aldo’s hair out from over his forehead, getting a clearer view of those dazzling blue eyes. “Ain’t nothin’ got anything on y-you, Aldo,” he added, slowly licking his lips. “Walk with me through the- the orchard?”
Aldo held Joshua’s hand in his own. “As always” he nodded, leading them out.
Joshua turned to wave Sybil goodbye, letting Aldo lead him to the mouth of the orchard. “Funny how this is an orchard, a-actually.”
“Really? How’s that?”
Joshua grinned. “‘Cause you’re the apple of my eye, duh” he answered, eyebrows raised.
Aldo scoffed, pushing Joshua against a tree. “Alright, y’little-”
Joshua laughed, nudging Aldo off of him. He leaned against the tree. “That was smooth, darling, c-c’mon” he whined, fake-pouting.
“Yea, yea, yea, it was, whatever. Come on, Joshy,” Aldo gestured for Joshua to walk with him through the orchard. He linked their pinkies, starting their walk through.
”Want- Want me t’ask Philly for some apple cider, later? You know my family only makes the, uhm, the- the best in the entire state” Joshua offered.
“Mmh, sure thing” Aldo breathed out, glancing around. “Where’re yer doggies?”
“Raskolnikov ‘n’ Razumikhin?” Joshua arched a brow.
“Yea...with ‘em weird names from that Russian story.”
“Crime And Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky. You could a-always call them Raskol and Razu, Aldo” Joshua recalled. “They’re inside the- the, uh, the house, fast asleep when I last checked. Missed you almost as much as I did. Almost.” He pointed back in the direction they came from.
Aldo stole a kiss from Bobby’s cheek. “No one could ever miss me a much as you do, eh?”
“Never ever.”
Aldo went from linking their pinkies to holding Joshua’s hand; he gave it a quick squeeze. “Can’t think of anythin’ I could ever be more damn grateful for, sunshine,” he whispered.
Joshua grinned, not knowing if he could ever possibly love Aldo more than he currently does. “I love you, Aldo.”
“I love you too, Joshua. Let’s sit down for a sec?” Aldo asked, walking over to a shady tree. He let go of Joshua’s hand, sitting down.
Joshua nodded, plopping himself down beside Aldo. He took Aldo’s hand, bringing it up to his plush lips to kiss his knuckles. “Think we-we’ll, uhm, ever be able to be who we are, freely?”
“As long as we fight for it at any time we can, sweetheart” Aldo responded, glancing over. “If not, we can run off together. Hop into somewhere in France, or Canada. Or stay, if it’s all the same t’you,” he listed.
Joshua leaned back, Aldo’s arm snaking around his neck. He leaned his head on Aldo’s shoulder. “Any-Anywhere’s fine, honey, as long as it’s with you.”
Aldo cooed softly. “Ain’t that sweet?” He teased.
Joshua snorted, “shut up” he mumbled. “Think you- you could stay the n-night, tonight? It could be arranged, uhm, quite quickly.”
Aldo puckered his lips in thought. “I’d have t’run back ‘n’ ask my folks, later. I’d love to, though.”
Joshua sat up straight, turning to Aldo.
Aldo looked back over at him, raising his knuckles to graze Joshua’s porcelain cheek. “Yer beautiful, y’know that?”
Joshua looked him up and down. “Hard not- not to, with your, uh, constant reminders. Beat it into my brain, at- at this point,” he giggled.
Aldo leaned in, giving him a loving kiss. “I only say it ‘cause it’s true, darlin’” he hummed.
Joshua closed his eyes, pushing into the kiss silently. When he pulled away, he stayed close enough so that their noses were touching. “I love you, Aldo” Joshua found himself repeating.
“As if I didn’t already know that” Aldo smiled. “I love you too, Joshy.”
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theprettiestlamb · 6 years
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rurivu · 2 years
I love bastard's soooo much!!!!🛐
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Bonus:Hans and Aldo dynamic
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                              Here, you can find all the imagines I wrote.
💌 = Request
🎁 = Gift
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🔎Sherlock (BBC)
Save your tears... (Mycroft X Male!Reader) 🎁
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🩸Hannibal (NBC)
I don’t want to wake up from you (Will X Fem!Reader) 💌
Maneater (Hannibal X Male!Reader) (TW: Mentions of smut and violence) 🎁
An hurricane in my kitchen (Will X Fem!Reader) 💌
Papa, don’t preach... (Hannibal & Fem!Reader X Will Graham) 💌
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🐺Teen Wolf
Beware the alpha! (Derek Hale X Male!Reader) 💌
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🦸‍♂️MCU (Avengers, X-Men, GOTG, Fantastic Four, Agents of SHIELD, Agent Carter...)
You’re my sunshine (Helmut Zemo & Male!Reader) 🎁
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🔦Criminal Minds
I’ll be brave for you... (Spencer Reid X Fem!Reader) 🎁
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🦸‍♀️DCEU (Justice League, BVS, Suicide Squad, Birds of Prey, Titans, The Flash, Arrow...)
Play me me like a violin (Bruce Wayne X Male!Reader) (TW: Smut) 💌
Sweet but psycho (Roman Sionis X Male!Reader) (TW: Violence) 🎁
Sending my love to you... (Roman Sionis X Fem!Reader) (TW: Smut) 💌
Miss Independent... (Victor Zsasz X Fem!Reader) 🎁
The only one I need (Roman Sionis X Fem!Reader) 💌
War of the fathers, peace of the sons (Zsasmask and Male!OC & Maxwell Lord and Male!OC) 🎁
Who’s laughing now? (Joker VS Fem!Reader & Harley Quinn) (TW: Swearing & Violence) 🎁
Primal fears... (Zsaszmask and Male!OC & Maxwell Lord and Male!OC) 🎁
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💥Inglourious Basterds
Innocents don’t shed blood (Donny X Fem!Reader) 💌
Speaking her language (Wilhelm Wicki X Fem!Reader) 💌
Severed blood ties (Hans Landa & Male!Reader) 🎁
We’re in heaven (Hugo Stiglitz X Fem!Reader) 💌
The Apache and The Comedian (Aldo Raine X Male!Reader) 💌
Let her be mine and mine alone... (Hans Landa & Fem!Reader x Omar Ulmer) 💌
Amour à la française (Aldo Raine X Fem!Reader!) 💌
There’s no mountain high enough... (Wilhelm Wicki X Fem!Reader & Child!OC) 🎁
You better run... (FemaleOC! & The Basterds) 🎁🎃
Run to you... (Donny Donowitz X Fem!Reader) 💌
Birthday Girl (Aldo Raine X Fem!Reader) 💌🎁
All against odds (Wilhelm Wicki X Male!Reader) 🎁
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🗼Pacific Rim/Kong: Skull Island/Godzilla
Written in the stars (Nate Lambert X Fem!Reader) 🎁
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An unholy seduction (Lucifer X Male!Reader) 💌
My mama is the best man in the universe (Lucifer and Male!Spirit!OC) (Father-son relationship) 💌
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😇Good Omens
My boyfriend is back (Crowley X Demon!Fem!Reader) 💌
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🤵Kingsman: The Secret Service
Too old for her? (Harry Hart X Fem!Reader) 🎁
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🔮Harry Potter
Love is like a tornado (Remus Lupin X Fem!Reader) 💌
It’s just the price I pay (Hermione Granger X Male!Reader) 🎁
Falling (in love)... (Remus Lupin X Fem!Reader) 💌
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🔥The Witcher
The deepest soul (Geralt X Mermaid!Fem!Reader) 💌
Music is my way to say I love you (Jaskier X Fem!Reader) (AU) 💌
Put your wings on me (Jaskier X Fae!Fem!Reader) 💌
Love song... (Jaskier X Bard!Fem!Reader) 💌
I will find you (Jaskier X Fem!Reader) 💌
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💣James Bond Movies
Velvet Tango (James Bond X Fem!Reader) 💌
You targeted my heart (James Bond X Fem!Reader) 💌
Sugar Boy... (James Bond X Male!Reader) 💌
Don’t worry child... (Gareth Mallory & Male!OC) 🎁
In my arms... (James Bond X Male!Reader) (TW: Smut) 💌
Like a porcelain doll... (Ernst Stavro Blofeld & Fem!OC) 🎁
Unconditionally... (Gareth Mallory X Fem!Reader) 🎁
Come what may (Gareth Mallory X Male!OC) 🎁
No more secrets (00Q X Male!OC) 💌
I care for you (Gareth Mallory X Fem!Reader) 💌
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🪔Merlin (BBC)
For my king (Arthur X Fem!Reader) 🎁
Under your spell (Merlin X Fem!Reader) 💌
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🎭Prodigal Son
Mystery Girl (Malcolm Bright X Fem!Reader) 🎁
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🤴The Crown
I’d put a crown at your feet... (Philip X Male!Reader) (Part I) 💌
All Hail to my king (Philip X Male!Reader) (Part 2) 💌
Give us a chance (Charles X Male!OC) 💌
A royal affair (Margaret X Male!OC) 🎁
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The art of seduction (Oswald Cobblepot X Fem!Reader) 💌
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🧙‍♂️The Lord of The Rings/The Hobbit
The King’s precious gem (Thranduil X Male!Reader) 💌
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💀Pirates of the Caribbean
Something fishy... (Jack Sparrow X Fem!Reader) 💌
As wild as the sea... (James Norrington X Fem!Reader) 🎁
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⭐Star Wars (Episode I to IX, The Mandalorian...)
Silent words, loud gestures... (Din Djarin X Fem!Reader) 💌
⚽Football (France NT, different players...)
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The player & the writer (Antoine Griezmann X Male!Reader) 💌
My only one (Lucas Paquetá X Fem!Reader) 💌
🔣Other fandoms/universes/suggestions....
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Sundays mornings (French Politics) 🎁
If you are interested and you wanted a tailored story, please read the rules before requesting!
290 notes · View notes
Game of Thrones
Podrick Payne x Reader
Did It Hurt When You Fell From Heaven Pt. 1
Did It Hurt When You Fell From Heaven Pt. 2
Joffrey Baratheon x Reader
The Worth of a Bird
•Joffrey Meeting the Reader’s Ex
• Dating Joffrey Would Include
A Slip of the Heart Series (Joffrey x OC)
•Chapter One
The Hobbit/Lord of the Rings
Thranduil x Mage!Reader
• Magic in a Time of Need
The Great Gatsby
Great Gatsby AU
Knives Against the Current Ch. 1
Knives Against the Current Ch. 2
Star Trek
Chekov x Reader
• Fiery Flirtation
Prodigal Son
Malcolm x Reader
• Holy Matrimony
Helmut Zemo x Wife!Reader
• Schemes in a Storm
Helmut Zemo x Agent!Reader
• Your Lips are Venomous Poison
Doc Ock x Cursed!Reader
• Cursed Love
Kurt Goreshter x Reader
• Sunsets and Sweet Kisses
• Kurt with A Chaotic Yet Mature Reader
Suicide Squad 2021
Abner Krill (Polka Dot Man) x Reader
• I Totally Know How to Propose
The Sandman
Morpheus x Demon!Reader
• An Ineffable Meeting
The Lost Boys
David x Mate!Reader
• Chaos at the Carousel
Dwayne x Mate!Reader
A New Family Member
Lost Boys x Reader
• Cuddly Comfort
BBC Sherlock
Sherlock x Reader
• Fun and Games
• Flirting, My Dear Watson
Jim Moriarty x Reader
• World’s Best Consulting Baker
Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure
Ted Logan x Reader
• Love Song
Bill x Reader, Cinderella AU
• A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes
• A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes Pt. 2
Bill x Pregnant!Reader
• Do You Want to Know a Secret?
Inglorious Basterds
Donny Donowitz x Reader
• Love, Comfort, and Pancakes
Aldo Raine x Reader
• The Hunter and the Apache
Omar Ulmer x Reader
• Empty Chairs at Empty Tables
Inglorious Basterds and What We Do in the Shadows crossover
• Inglorious Shadows Pt. 1
Django Unchained
King Schultz x Reader
• Moon of My Life, My Sun and Stars
Santa Clause Movies
Bernard the elf x Elf!Reader
• Sweet Tooth
Umbrella Academy
Five x Vampire!Reader
• It’s Just A Scratch
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure
Guido Mista x Reader
• Adoring Stands
Kakyoin x Cursed!Reader
• Beautiful Wings
Attack on Titan
Levi Ackerman x Reader Enemies to Lovers
• Fighting Words
Star Wars
Padawan!Obi-Wan x Padawan!Reader
• Element of Engagement
Jeffrey x Reader
• May I Have This Dance?
• Fashionista Forever
The Cornetto Trilogy
The World’s End
Gary King x Reader
• Somebody Told Me
Gary King x Demon!Reader
• Bring Them Back Down to Their Knees
Paul 2011
Graeme x Reader
• Just Use Your Nerd Powers
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saltysideblog · 10 months
Aldo: You a nurse?
Evie: Yes, sir.
Aldo: You any good?
Evie: Yes, sir.
Aldo: Confident one, ain'tcha?
Evie: You sound like my father.
Aldo: You speak French?
Evie: Oui, m'sieur.
Aldo: You Jewish?
Evie: No, sir.
Aldo: Be better if you were Jewish.
Evie: I get that a lot. I'd be happy to convert, if it'd make you feel better.
Aldo: Smartass.
Evie: Now you sound like my mother.
Aldo: ...
Aldo: Yeah, we'll take 'er.
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rurivu · 2 years
I've been thinking and just imagine. Tne Bastards in "Cell block tango"!!!It's just incredibly suitable for them!!
"And now six glourius american Nazi murderers in Cell block tango!"
I promise...💃💃💃
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51 notes · View notes
knives-out20 · 4 years
Inglourious Boyfriends - NSFW Edition
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Fandom: Inglourious Basterds (2009)
Pairing: Joshua Margolis (OC) x Lt. Aldo Raine
Word Count: 1482
Warnings: Smut, Swearing, A Bunch Of Kinks, 
Notes: ehehehhee horny
Aldo guided Joshua to the bedroom, getting more handsy by the second. He pushed the door closed behind them with his foot, Joshua's giggles like music to his ears when he kissed softly along his beau's neck."Get on the bed" Aldo whispered against Joshua's ear.
"Yes sir".
Aldo grinned when Joshua did as told, climbing onto the bed and kneeling. He strolled over, absolutely eating up the sight in front of him."Strip for me. But do it quickly, y'know I don't like waitin'" Aldo ordered, Josh wasting no time in following his instructions.
Joshua hooked his thumbs behind his suspenders, peeling them off and following it up by un-tucking then unbuttoning his shirt. He shrugged the shirt off, tossing it aside and working himself out of his pants. Josh slowly ran a hand down the side of his chiseled body, stopping at the waistband of his boxers.
Aldo swore under his breath, taking a step closer as his eyes traveled down Joshua's body."I said strip, sunshine. Not 'take off all yer clothes except yer boxers'. I'm gonna ask ya one more goddamn time: strip. Now.”
Joshua slowly trailed his tongue across his lips, nodding and slowly pushing his boxers off. He held them in his hand, barely sparing them a glance before adding it to his small pile of clothes on the floor. Josh outstretched his arms, as if showing himself off."Ta-da" he sassed, chuckling.
Aldo took a deep breath, taking off his bow-tie with one hand. He held the tie in his hand, using his other to gesture for Joshua to give him something."Gimme your hands".
Joshua grinned, putting his hands out in front of him, wrists pressed together like he was about to be cuffed. He bit the edge of his lip, watching Aldo tie his hands together."What now, sir?".
Aldo pat the edge of the bed."Sit down properly" he instructed, taking a step back. Once Joshua was able to sit with his feet on the ground, Aldo got on both knees in front of him. He looked up at Joshua, sliding a finger up Josh's thigh.
Joshua shivered slightly, leg twitching when Aldo's big hand was suddenly wrapped around his dick. He cleared his throat, teeth clenching when Aldo stroked his hand up and down."A-Aldo-".
"Quiet, sunshine."
Joshua nodded, inhaling shakily when Aldo's hand sped up. He whined softly, not at all prepared when Aldo pulled away, replacing his hand with his mouth. Joshua's eyelids fluttered open and closed, gasping daintily when Aldo took all of him. 
Aldo's hands found themselves dragging up Joshua's thighs, fingernails digging in. This, promptly, got a reaction out of him, which is exactly what Aldo was looking for. He stroked his fingers against Josh's perfect thighs, head bobbing along to the hard length in his mouth.
"F-Fuck, Aldo, fuck-" Joshua cursed, a choked moan falling off his lips. 
Aldo grinned, immediately pulling away and wiping his mouth."Yer easy t'please, eh, darlin'?".
"W-" Joshua looked down at Aldo."What-? But you- you were-".
"Couldn't have all the fun doin' that all night, right?". Aldo stood back up, quick to discard of his blazer and the shirt underneath.
Joshua pouted, reaching his tied hands up to touch Aldo, to feel him.
"Ah, ah, ah, Joshy" Aldo pushed his hands down."Y'can't touch yet". He quite enjoyed how easily worked up Joshua could get at times like this, using one hand to push Josh flat onto the bed. Aldo crawled on top of Joshua, pinning him down. He caressed Josh's cheek with the back of his hand, slowly licking his lips."Yer so fuckin' beautiful, Joshy" Aldo praised, leaning down and starting to lead a trail of kisses.
This ventured down from Joshua's jaw, peppering along his neck and down his fine collarbones. Joshua let another whine come through, Aldo doing nothing in return but kissing down his gorgeous body. 
Aldo let his hand slither along Joshua's torso, ghosting dangerously around his crotch as the Lieutenant led slow kisses down Josh's V-line.
Joshua whined, legs writhing in protest."Aldo-" he started, head leaning back and hitting the pillows.
"Another word outta ya and I'll stop" Aldo silenced, a hand reaching up to around Josh's neck. He crawled back up to make eye contact with his boyfriend."Yer mine, y'know? All mine, 'n' no one else's" Aldo reminded, leaning in and hungrily kissing him.
Joshua greedily kissed him back, hungry for the taste of himself, his pre-cum, on Aldo's lips against his own. He wished his hands weren't tied; fuck, the things he would do to Aldo's body.
Aldo dragged his lips down, placing loving kisses on his neck.
Joshua leaned his head up to give Aldo more room, silently nodding once.
Aldo scoffed, softly sucking on this one spot around the base of Josh's neck; it's his sensitive spot, Aldo's known this ever since they were dumb, hormonal teenagers. He knows every single square inch of Joshua’s divine body.
Joshua moaned suddenly, jaw hanging open as Aldo used one hand to keep both of his tied ones down.”Fuck, Aldo, f-fuck me, fuck me, please, Aldo, please” he begged, feeling himself getting hard already.
Aldo left a quick kiss over the hickey he created, leaving more along Joshua's neck to hear him. Josh moaning and begging, for Aldo? Easily the best sound in the world, it's music to his ears. Satisfied, Aldo started another line of kisses up to Josh's ear."Alright, baby. I'm gonna flip ya over, y'hear? And if I hear a single whine outta ya, at all throughout the rest of the night, I’m stoppin' alright?" He hissed.
Joshua gulped, nodding obediently."Y-Yes, sir".
Aldo carefully lined himself up with Joshua, swearing under his breath as he pushed into Josh.
"F-" Joshua cut himself, eager to follow what Aldo had told him to do.
"Good boy," Aldo breathed, palm of his hand rubbing against the small of Joshua's back, "such a fuckin' good boy". He pushed his entirety into Joshua, eyes rolling up in pleasure as a groan let slip from his lips. 
Joshua let his eyes close, tongue running over his teeth as he completely surrendered himself over to Aldo.
"Who d'you belong to, Joshy? Who do you belong to?" Aldo demanded, picking up the pace.
"You- You, sir, I'm- yer's, fuck-" Joshua stammered, moaning afterwards.
Aldo kept his hands steady, holding onto Joshua's hips as he pushed his length in and out of Joshua."Fuck, Joshy, you feel so good, yer so fuckin' good, Josh, all for- all for me-" he rambled, tilting his head up.
Joshua could only bring himself to nod in instant agreement."All for you, baby, I'm all for you, shit-" he spoke, moaning Aldo's name loudly.
Aldo was practically thrusting himself into Joshua, grunting as his grip on Josh's hips tightened."Y'feel so fuckin' good, Joshua, fuck-" he mumbled, feeling himself climbing up to a high.
"Faster, dammit-".
An airy smirk landed onto Aldo's lips, slamming into Joshua at this point, Aldo's name leaving Josh’s mouth in loud, pleasureful moans."That's right, baby, yer mine, all- fuckin'- mine-" Aldo prompted between thrusts, joined by breaths praising Joshua and his body.
A lazy grin slid onto Joshua's mouth, he himself making his way up a certain high."A-Aldo, I'm gonna- fuck, Aldo-" he panted.
"Don't fuckin' come until I goddamn say so." Aldo growled, preferring to be in control.
"Yes, daddy~" Joshua purred, restricted hands gripping the bed sheets.
That only sent Aldo spiraling."Fuck, Joshua, yer so fuckin' good, I love you" he continued praising, moaning his name in a way he was more than used to. Aldo smoothly started to slow down, thrusts going at a calmer pace."Yer so beautiful, Joshy" he commented, "yer such a good- good boy, I love you".
Joshua hummed weakly, needy for more contact with Aldo.
"Fuck, Joshua, I-I'm gonna-" Aldo didn't get to finish as he came, barely getting out a "come for me, Joshy, come for me, p-please, come for daddy".
Joshua moaned in gratitude as he released his load, whispering "thank you, fuck, thank you, sir, thank you, f-fuck me" in thanks. He hands slowly unclasped the sheets, fingers trembling as Aldo slowly pulled out of him.
Aldo groped his way up Joshua's back to his shoulder, slowly massaging them."I love- I love you, Joshua, I love you".
Joshua glanced over at Aldo behind him."I love you too" he replied, desperate to catch his breath."So fuckin' much, Aldo".
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knives-out20 · 4 years
Inglourious Boyfriends - Part 1
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Fandom: Inglourious Basterds (2009)
Pairing: Joshua Margolis (OC) x Lt. Aldo Raine
Word Count: 1242
Warnings: Spoilers For Inglourious Basterds,
Note: Welcome To Inglourious Boyfriends, 3.0! This Time, I’ve Taken Out ANY Parts That Mention Aldo As Jewish. You Know The Drill- Joshua Margolis Is His Richer Best Friend Since Childhood, Josh Is A Year Younger, He’s Smarter, Etc. Whatever. If I Have To Rewrite This One More Fucking Time, You Guys Aren’t Getting It Back. Enjoy.
Aldo had his hands on Joshua's hips, as he swayed closer for a moment to look at his recruits. His thumbs stroked Joshua's sides in an up-and-down motion, turning back to his lover."Y'ready?".
"As ready as you are, Lieutenant" Joshua nodded, giving Aldo an assuring smile.
"Listen, Joshua-" Aldo sighed softly, glancing down.
"You experience thangs 'n' then they're over, 'n' ya still can't explain them. The KKK, hatred towards relationships like ours, and whatever ol' uncle Adolf is doin' to you Jews. I'm just a man with a military rankin'. The only reason I haven't cracked up yet is probably 'cause o'you. Which is amazing- I love you, I'm damn lucky to have you".
Joshua's smile twitched into a bigger one as he listened, mumbling "I love you too, Aldebrande".
"Threat is...imminent. And I have to protect the one thang that I can't live without: that's you. I just want ya to know that, with whatever happens, I love you, okay? And by fuck, I'll stay lovin' you through all this, and protectin' you. And ain't nobody gonna stop me". Aldo let Joshua softly cup his cheeks for a moment, letting his guard down to quickly melt into Josh's touch."Now go run along t'Donny".
Joshua nodded, pulling away and marching to Donny's side.
“Ten-hut!" Aldo called, his eight Jewish-American soldiers standing in a horizontal line in front of him, all but one having an artillery armed. He glanced to Joshua, then Donny, before marching in front of the new recruits."My name is Lieutenant Aldo Raine. And I'm puttin' together a special team, and I need me eight soldiers" Aldo started."Eight. Jewish. American. Soldiers" he clarified, eyes skimming over the men in front of him."Now, y'all might have heard rumors about the armanda happenin’ soon. Well, we'll be leavin’ a little earlier".
Joshua regained his posture when Aldo suddenly turned to look at him, then tilting his head for a second to beckon him over. He nodded and exchanged glances with Donny, walking over to Aldo's side."Aldo?".
Aldo put an arm around Joshua's shoulders."This here is Lieutenant Joshua Margolis. My right-hand man, among other things. If any of you can put yer heads together, I'm assuming y’all know what that means. Does anyone have a problem with this? If we're gonna go on with trust to defeat the Nazis, I don't need any pansies on the team" he asked.
The recruits quickly looked at one another, all of them shaking their heads.
"Good. Joshua, explain to them what the plan is" Aldo nodded, pulling away and giving Joshua the floor. He gave Josh a quick, assuring smile.
"Uh..." Joshua gulped, looking over each of the soldiers."We-We're goin’ t'be dropped into France, dressed as civilians. Once we're in enemy territory, as a bushwhackin’ guerrilla army, we're goin' t'be doin' one thang, an' one thang only" Joshua declared, looking to Aldo for validation."Killin' Nazis".
Aldo had his hands on his hips, nodding in approval."Good, right. I don't know about y'all, but, Margolis and I sure as hell didn't come down from the goddamn Smoky Mountains, cross five thousand mile o' water, fight our way through half of Sicily, and jump out of a fuckin’ aeroplane hand-in-hand to teach the Nazis lessons in humanity".
"Nazis ain't got no humanity" Joshua harshly cut in, Aldo sparing him a proud look, gesturing for him to go on."They're the foot soldiers of a Jew-hatin', mass-murderin' maniac, and they need to be dee-stroyed" he explained, tracing his thumb across his neck.
"That's why any and every son of a bitch we find wearin' a Nazi uniform...they're goin' t'die" Aldo spoke, pacing back and forth in front of the line of soldiers. He slowly licked his lips, pausing for a moment before continuing on."Now, I'm the direct descendant of the mountain man Jim Bridger. That means I got a lil' Indian in me. And our battle plan, will be that of an Apache resistance. We will be cruel to the Germans", Aldo growled, "and through our cruelty, they will know who we are. And they will find the evidence of our cruelty in the disemboweled, dismembered, and disfigured bodies of their brothers we leave behind us. And the German won't be able to help themselves but imagine the cruelty their brothers endured at our hands, and our boot heels, and the edge of our knives". He turned to Joshua, expecting him to hand over a remark of his own.
"Uh, and- and the Germans will be sickened by us, and the Germans will talk about us, and the Germans will fear us" Joshua declared, balling one of his hands into a fist."And when the Germans close their eyes at night, and they're tortured by their subconscious for the evil they have done-" he caught Donny looking at him with mischief in his dark eyes, an evil, but proud grin of excitement on his face. Joshua smirked back at him, continuing on."It will be with thoughts of us that they are tortured with."
Aldo nodded, strictly turning back to the recruits."Sound good?" He called, the soldiers exclaiming "yes, sir!" In response.
"That's what I like to hear" Aldo grinned."But I got a word or two of warnin’ for all you would-be warriors. When you join my command, you take on debit. A debit you owe me, personally" he listed, pointing to himself."Joshua".
"Tell these toddlers what each and every man under my command owes me".
"One hundred Nazi scalps, Lieutenant".
"Goddamn, Margolis, I love you! And I want my scalps" Aldo demanded, stepping forward."And all y'all will get me one hundred Nazi scalps, taken from from the heads of one hundred dead Nazis. Or you will die tryin’” he ordered."And another thing- if any of ya Basterds ever make the mistake of putting my Joshua in harms way? It's you that I'll be scalpin'" Aldo threatened.
Joshua nodded from behind, arms strictly behind his back as he went to Aldo's side, mumbling an "I love you" back to him.
"Go soften up to some o'the soldiers, see what they're all about. I'll talk to Donny".
Joshua nodded, sparing Aldo a kiss on the cheek before locking his eyes on a fellow blue-eyed soldier."Hey! Uh, yer U-Utivich, right?" He called, walking over.
Aldo put his hands on his hips, a soft smile sparking onto his mouth as he watched Joshua for a moment."Donny," he called, turning to the Sergeant."A word?".
Donny looked over at Aldo, confused."Sir?".
Aldo led Donny a few feet away from Joshua and the recruits hushing his voice down to a whisper."I gotta talk to you about somethin'" he confessed.
"What is it, Lieutenant?".
Aldo nervously licked his lips, tearing his gaze over to Joshua, who was already deep in conversation with Utivich."I'm gonna...I'm gonna ask Joshua t'marry me, once this is all over".
"Now- Now keep yer goddamn voice down, damn" Aldo waved his hand."And I want you to be there when it happens. You could be my best man, or the officiant. Someone important. If that's okay with ya".
A wide grin broke out onto Donny's face."I'd be honored, sir" he nodded, "truly".
"Good...Now just, don't tell Joshua?".
"Gotcha, Lieutenant".
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knives-out20 · 4 years
Inglourious Boyfriends - Alternate Ending - Part 2
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Fandom: Inglourious Basterds (2009)
Pairing: Joshua Margolis (OC) x Lt. Aldo Raine
Word Count: 1433 (1667 With Post-Death)
Warnings: Angst, Death, Sad Aldo, TW Suicide, 
Notes: I Wanted To Post This Last Night But Tumblr Was A Bitch. Here.
Meanwhile, Aldo paced back and forth upstairs, waiting impatiently to see the soldiers and the love of his life, alive.
Donny was half-asleep on the bed at this point, sure that Joshua was able to take care of himself. He was jostled awake by a parade of various gunshots coming from the basement tavern, very easily coming from more than one gun."Shit- we gotta go check on 'em".
Aldo nodded, hands on his hips."Alright. I'll go first, Donny, you follow me. Hirschberg, stay on lookout with the others" he ordered, Hirschberg nodding obediently. Aldo gestured for Donny to follow him, making his way towards the door and opening it. He froze on the spot, hearing more gunshots- this time from a singular gun- fire at the bottom of the winding staircase.
"You, outside, who are you? British, American? What?" The unfamiliar, but terrified, voice asked, cocking his gun.
"We're American" Aldo called down in reply."What are you?".
"I'm a German, you idiot-" the voice called.
"Speak English pretty good for a German" Aldo commented, the voice calling up "I agree".
"So let’s talk" it added.
Aldo glanced to Donny, and back down the stairs."Okay, talk" he agreed, ready for a load of bullshit to be said.
"I'm a father. My baby was born today, in Frankfurt. Five hours ago. His name is Max; we were in here, drinking, celebrating, they're the ones that came in shooting and killing, it's not my fault!" He yelled.
"Okay! It wasn't yer fault" Aldo nodded, going along with him."What's yer name, soldier?".
"Now, is there anybody alive on our side?" Aldo asked.
"No" Wilhelm shook his head.
"I'm alive!" A frantic, female voice suddenly called, sounding like she was in pain, followed by Wilhelm yelling angrily in German.
"Hammersmark" Donny breathed, barely above a whisper.
"Who's that?" Aldo asked, Wilhelm answering with another question; "is the girl on your side?"."Which girl?" He followed up, a weird feeling rising in his chest when he didn't hear Joshua's voice.
"Who do you think? Von Hammersmark" Wilhelm exclaimed.
"Yea, she's ours" Aldo sighed, Wilhelm ignoring his "is she okay?" To cuss Von Hammersmark out in German."Wilelm!" He called, to get the German soldier's attention back onto him, but he only heard Wilhelm yell at her.
"She's been shot!" Wilhelm finally complied, "but she's alive!".
Aldo thought for a moment, eyes darting around as he thought of an explanation as to why Joshua didn't call up to him. Any answer, except for one obvious one."Okay Wilhelm. What do y'say we make us a deal?".
"What's your name?" Wilhelm hesitantly asked, panting.
"Aldo" Aldo answered."Okay, Wilhelm, here's my deal; you let me and two of my men come down there and take the girl away. No guns, no guns me, no guns you! And we take the girl, and leave. It's that simple, Willie. You go yer way, we go ours. And little Max gets to grow up playing catch with his daddy. So, what do you say, Willie? We got us a deal?".
Wilhelm stayed silent for a few moments."Aldo?" He spoke up.
"I'm here, Willie".
"I want to trust you, but- but...but how can I?" Wilhelm stuttered.
Aldo glanced to Donny, then back down the stairs."What choice you got, son?" He asked, softly.
Donny put a hand on Aldo's shoulder, just as frightened that Joshua hadn't revealed himself yet.
Wilhelm took a deep breath."Okay, okay, Aldo, I'm gonna trust you. Come down".
Aldo turned to look at Donny."Stay at least a few steps behind me. I'm sure Joshy's just hiding" he whispered, staring his descent down the stairs. Aldo put his shaky hands up, slowly peaking out and looking at Wilhelm with a hopeful smile. He ducked back when he saw the gun in Wilhelm's hands."Hey, Willie, what's with the machine gun? I thought we had us a deal" Aldo complained.
"We still have a deal, now get the girl and go".
"Not so fast" Aldo showed his face for a second, "we only got a deal when we trust each other. And a Mexican standoff ain't trust".
"Whoa, whoa, you need guns on me for it to be a Mexican standoff" Wilhelm corrected.
"You got guns on us. You decide to shoot, we're dead. Up top, they got grenades. They drop 'em down here, yer dead. That's a Mexican standoff and that was not the deal" Aldo whined, pointing a finger at Wilhelm."No trust, no deal" he added.
"Wilhelm." Von Hammersmark pleaded, speaking to Wilhelm in German.
Wilhelm huffed in thought, his gun shaking in his hands as he looked down."Alright, Aldo. Fine" he gave in, standing up straight and putting the gun down on the counter."Just take the fucking traitor and and get her out of my sight" he snarled.
Aldo and Donny were about to go down the rest of the stairs, but stopped dead in their tracks when they heard a handful of gunshots.
"Oh thank fuck, that must be Joshua" Aldo let out a relieved sigh, peace washing over him.
Aldo came around and saw Von Hammersmark, shaking as she pointed a small gun at Wilhelm, who was now dead.
As was everyone else in the room, except for her.
"Woah, what the-- Josh? Joshy? Joshua Margolis, quit playin' games and come out right now!" Aldo called, looking around.
"Sir..." Donny spoke softly from behind him, gaze steady on the floor.
"Joshy? Joshua, it- it's me! C'mon out, yer safe now! Joshua?" Aldo ignored him, looking around."What the fu- JOSHUA!" He called.
"Quiet, Donny. Joshua!" Aldo cupped his hands around his mouth."Joshy, c'mon, dear, this isn't funny anymore!". He made the mistake of inching forward, toes of his boots softly hitting a body."What the-" Aldo arched a brow, making the second mistake of looking down at what Donny had his eyes fixed on.
On the floor in front of him, just as limp as everyone else in the room, lay Joshua Margolis’ corpse. An arm was reached out for the stairs, eyes wide open, mouth agape, like he was saying something as he died. His gun was only a foot or two away from him, by Donny's feet. Joshua was bleeding out, his blood oozing onto the tips of Aldo’s boots.
”No...” he breathed, eyes going wide.”No, no, no, no-“ Aldo repeated, getting down on one knee.”Josh. Joshy. Joshua, wake up, sweetie. Get up, Joshua, c’mon, g-get up-“ he urged, shaking the lifeless body before him.”Joshua! Getup right now, that’s an order from yer fuckin’ Lieutenant!” Aldo exclaimed, refusing to believe what was in front of his very eyes.”Joshua Margolis, get- get up, right now, y’hear me?”.
”Shut UP, Donowitz!” Aldo’s voice boomed, as he continued to rattle Joshua’s body.”Joshua, baby, no, no, no. Joshy, come back to me...please, Josh, come on, we- we gotta do this together...Joshua...” Aldo stuttered, tears welling up in his eyes as they bore into Joshua’s glassy blue ones.”Joshua...” he called softly, scooping his love’s dead, bloodied body into his arms.“Joshua, baby, please...” Aldo sobbed, waterworks streaming down his face.
”A-Aldo...” Donny called.
”Sh-Shut up, Donny” Aldo hissed, holding Joshua’a body close to him.”It wasn’t supposed to end like this, it- it wasn’t supposed to” he told, now on both knees, wetting his clothes with the blood of his boyfriend.”We were supposed to defeat the Nazis together, Joshua. A- A team, a fucking team, Josh. What...What we’ve always been” he cried, tear droplets landing on Joshua’s pale face, no longer bearing the smile it always donned.“Joshua, we were supposed to end the war together...we were supposed to die together, d-dammit, Margolis you dumb righteous fuck...I should’ve said no, I should’ve said no, why didn’t I fucking say no?!” Aldo yelled, crying into Joshua’s shoulder.
Donny reached to put a hand on Aldo’s shoulder, but his Lieutenant swatted his hand away.
”I love you, Joshua, I love you, I fuckin’ love you, come back to me, baby. I love you so much, Joshua, why’d you- why’d you have to go and goddamn leave me, Margolis? We were supposed to do this with you, I- I was supposed to do this, with you fuckin’ with me, dammit, J-Joshy” he croaked, fingers curling into Josh’s uniform. Aldo slowly pulled away, pressing one, last kiss to Joshua’s cold lips.”I love you, Joshua Margolis. I’ll never fuckin’ forget you”.
Donny and the other Basterds ended up dragging Aldo away from Joshua, and out the tavern. The rest of their plan went just as it had in the movie, but it was very obvious, the sudden demeanor change in the Lieutenant. He didn't speak as confidently, or with as much macho as he always had. Over the rest of the mission, he would find himself calling "Josh" "Joshy" or "Joshua" and turning, expecting to see his love, but to no avail. Though he tried to seem alright, and okay, and just fine, it was clear to the Basterds how much Aldo was struggling to keep his composure without Joshua.
Post-movie-ending, Aldo hauled his ass back to the tavern with Utivich to retrieve Joshua's body. Upon receiving it, their OSS General was able to help the three Basterds get back to America, specifically back to Maynardville, Tennessee. Aldo and Utivich held a small burial for Joshua, burying his body in the middle of the Margolis estate orchard. 
Although strictly unheard of, Aldo attempted to go on with his life, without Joshua. This was proven difficult, seeing as Josh and Aldo had planned for their lives to intertwine ever since they were kids. But one day, Aldo had enough.
On Christmas day, 1996, Lieutenant Aldo Raine committed suicide, alone in the Margolis estate orchard. He figured only then could he reunite with his beloved.
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knives-out20 · 4 years
Inglourious Boyfriends - Part 9 - FINALE
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Fandom: Inglourious Basterds (2009)
Pairing: Joshua Margolis (OC) x Lt. Aldo Raine
Word Count: 2709 (3480 With The Post-Ending Info)
Warnings: LONG, Lil’ Fluff
Notes: Okay, Here’s The Ending FOR REAL This Time. Here We Are, Boys. The Great, Eluded Finale. Again, As I’ve Stated Before, Fear Not! You Are All Getting A Donny Donowitz x FtM-Trans!OC With Two Endings. I Really Hope You Guys All Enjoyed This Series As Much As I Did, I Know I’ll Keep Aldo And Joshua In My Heart Forever. Well...Enjoy.
Utivich, Joshua, and Aldo once again found themselves in the back of the truck, which drove them through a dirt road to the middle of some misty forest made up of tall, thin trees. It looked straight from a horror film.
Hans sat in the passenger seat of the truck, admiring Aldo's knife, which he had confiscated.
The truck finally slowed to a stop, Hermann and Hans getting out and walking to the back. There, they pulled Aldo, Joshua and Utivich out, pacing the group a few feet away from the truck. Hans kept their hands cuffed and made them stand in a line, Hermann beside him.
Joshua glanced up at Aldo, giving Utivich a quick look before turning back to Hans.
"Hermann, uncuff them" Landa told, Hermann nodding and going to uncuff Joshua, Aldo, and Utivich, in that order.
Aldo groaned softly once he was uncuffed, so Joshua immediately turned to softly hold his hands, inspecting Aldo's wrists for any marks or bruises.
"Are you okay?" He softly whispered, blue eyes full of care as he gently handled Aldo's wrists."Did they cut ya?" Josh asked, momentarily looking up at Aldo's face as his thumbs stroked one of Aldo's wrists.
"It's fine, darlin'" Aldo mumbled, Joshua nodding and pulling away. He looked Hans up and down, taking the gun the Colonel offered him. Aldo cocked it, showing it off to Joshua before tucking it into his belt. He brushed his hand against Josh's, then pushing his blazer back to place his hands directly over his hips.
"I'm officially surrendering myself over to you, Lieutenant Raine" Landa smiled, using both his hands to hand his own fancy-looking knife over to Aldo; the same Aldo who has only ever really been used to Joshua surrendering himself over to him- in a completely different way, obviously."We're your prisoners" he added, Aldo swiftly taking the knife when Hermann was back beside Hans.
"How about my knife?" Aldo asked, giving Hans a fake smile of his own.
Landa chuckled, digging into his coat and finally giving Aldo the knife that he rightfully owned.
"Thank you very much, Colonel" Aldo squinted."Utivich, cuff the Colonel's hands behind his back".
Utivich wordlessly nodded, walking behind the whining Colonel.
"Aw, is that really necessary?" He fake-pouted.
"I'm a slave to appearances" the Lieutenant admitted, pulling Joshua closer to him before fiddling with the artillery now in his hands."Why do y'think I chose Margolis here above anyone else?" He asked, turning to smile at Josh.
Joshua smiled to himself, lightly elbowing Aldo. He shot a glare Hans' way, before leaning in and placing a sweet, loving kiss on Aldo's lips.
This gained him just the reaction he was looking for: a groan of pure, absolute revulsion from the cuffed Colonel.
Utivich freely kicked the Colonel.
"Cover yer ears, simple thang" Aldo informed, pulling his 'simple thing' nickname. He put an arm around Joshua's shoulders, keeping him close.
Joshua looked up at Aldo, confused, slowly going to cover his ears with his hands. He watched Aldo nod thankfully, and shoot Hermann without even looking at the guy. Joshua leaped back a bit, having still heard the gunshot even though it was muffled.
Utivich pat Joshua's shoulder, as Hans looking down at Hermann, shocked.
"Scalp Hermann." Aldo blankly commanded, giving Utivich the fancy knife.
Utivich looked pleased, pulling the knife out of the sheath and walking over to Hermann quietly.
"Are you mad? What have you done? I made a deal with your General for that man's life!" Hans snapped, looking between Aldo and Hermann.
Joshua smiled in a sickeningly sweet way, wrapping his arms around one of Aldo's and leaning his head on Aldo's shoulder when the Lieutenant pulled his arm back from around Josh's neck.
"Yea, they made that deal, but they don't give a fuck about him" Aldo explained.
"They need you" Josh finished.
"You'll be shot for this!" Hans yelled, having Joshua scrunch his face up in disagreement.
"Uh, n-nah, we don't think so. More like chewed out, we've been chewed out before, haven't we, Aldo?" Joshua asked, Aldo nodding in response. 
"You know, Utivich, Margolis and myself heard the that deal you made with the brass. Hard not to, since we were all in the same room. End the war tonight? I'd make that deal" Raine nodded again, stare fixed on Hans."How about you, Utivich, you make that deal?" Aldo asked, turning to look down at Utivich, who was scalping Hermann like he was told to.
"I'd make that deal" Utivich nodded.
"And you, Josh, you make that deal?" Aldo turned over to Joshua, a smile melting onto his lips.
Joshua had his cheek flush against Aldo's arm, nodding once."I'd make that deal".
Aldo's smile turned into a triumphant grin at Landa."I don't blame these two, damn good deal! And that pretty little nest you feathered for yer-self? Well, if yer willing to barbecue the whole High Command, I suppose that's worth certain considerations. But I do have one question" he turned to Joshua, to speak for him.
"When you get to yer little place on Nantucket Island, we imagine yer goin' take off handsome-lookin' SS uniform of yer's. Ain't ya?" He asked.
Hans stayed completely still, his silence speaking for him.
Joshua grinned, exchanging a knowing look with Aldo."That's what we thought".
"Now that I can't abide" Aldo huffed.
"How 'bout you, Utivich, can you abide it?" Joshua asked, putting his hand on his hips.
"Not one damn bit, sir" Utivich grunted, a sound of relief escaping his lips when he finally pulled Hermann's scalp clean off.
"And you, sunshine, can you abide it?" Aldo asked Joshua.
"Not at all, Lieutenant".
Aldo lightly nudged Joshua, who automatically pulled away. He took a step towards Hans and leaned in."I mean, if I had my way, you'd wear that goddamn uniform for the rest of yer hinga-dinga-durgen fuckin' life" Aldo grumbled, a strict gaze on Landa."But I'm aware that ain't practical, I mean, at some point, yer goin' to have to take it off. So," the Lieutenant pulled out his knife, showing it off in front of the Colonel's face."I'm goin' to give you a lil' somethin' you can't take off. Actually-" Aldo turned to his beloved."Joshua Margolis, I believe it's about time. If you would be so honored, would'ja like to give this grimy motherfucker what-for?".
Joshua's eyebrows jumped in surprised, as he pointed to himself."M-Me? Oh, uh, Lieutenant, I dunno-".
"C'mon, Lieutenant, y'seen me do it about a hundred times. Utivich'll hold his feet down, and I can guide ya" Aldo bargained, using the tip of his knife to tilt the Colonel's hat up, revealing his forehead.
Next thing Joshua knew, Utivich was indeed holding down the screaming (in agony) Colonel's legs from kicking and moving, as the Nazi lay on the cold, wet dirt he was pushed onto.
Aldo crouched by Hans, Joshua squatted in front of him, as he steadied his knife in the Lieutenant's grip. He had his chest pressed against Josh's back, his hands over the other's."Just like that, baby, smooth 'n' steady" Aldo whispered, guiding Joshua's hands as he helped the other carve a swastika into Landa's forehead.
Joshua gulped thickly, exhaling shakily as he tried his best. He had Aldo all up against him, his boyfriend's hot breath on the nape of his neck and purrs of praises rolling into his ear, after all. This was proven a little bit difficult given his current situation with trying to stay focused on cutting a swastika into a Nazi's forehead, and not all the ideas running around his head that involved Joshua and Aldo within close proximity of each other; but under drastically different circumstances.
"Pretend he ain't screamin', alright? Pretend he ain't doin' nothin', and y'can't hear shit, alright? Yer doin' amazin', baby, good boy" he praised, hands still over Joshua's, leading him through it.
Once the swastika was perfectly etched, Joshua pulled the knife away, cheeks growing darker as more ideas swam into his mind.
The two Jews (and Aldo) looked down at it in wonder, Aldo tilting his head slightly."Good job, Joshua, I love you" he planted a kiss on Joshua's cheek, unaware of his boyfriend's current underlying problem.
"I love you too, Aldebrand" Joshua repeated, voice full of glee. He turned and kissed Aldo again, the Colonel's cries getting louder when they did. 
Utivich slapped Hans to make him shut up.
"Y'know somethin', Utivich? I think this just might be our masterpiece" Aldo spoke when he pulled away, Utivich giving a toothy grin as he nodded in agreement. He groaned as he stood up, helping Joshua and Utivich up with him.
"S-So, uh, so wait..." Joshua started, scratching his jaw.
Aldo and Utivich turned to look at him.
"So- shut up-" Joshua hissed, stomping on one of Hans' legs. He scoffed, looking back up at his boyfriend and the Basterd."So if- if Landa here gets arrested, what happens to all the shit he asked of from the General? The medals, the privileges, the money, the property on Nantucket Island. If he gets arrested, none of it will go t'him" Josh listed, looking at Aldo, specifically, for answers.
Aldo put his hands on his hips, biting his bottom lip in thought, holding back a chuckle as Joshua kicked the Colonel, scolding him to stop screaming."I think," he started, scooping Joshua into his arms, grip around around his waist, "that I'll see to it that the General finds enough kindness in his goddamn heart to hand schnitzel-shit's gifts over to us" Aldo pulled Josh closer, chest to chest."I'll see to an extra piece o'property in Nantucket for Utivich" he declared.
Utivich's eyes widened as he turned to Aldo suddenly."Sir!" He exclaimed, hands raised, as if to grab something.
"Yer the toughest Basterd we got, Utivich. After all, yer the last one that's alive. It's only right" Joshua pointed out, an excited smile on his face."But- But what about the first house?" For the first time in his life, Joshua wasn't very smart.
Aldo chuckled, in an 'awe, he's so cute' type of way as he checked Joshua out."We'll take it, of course; it'll be somewhere only we know".
Joshua now had an expression identical to Utivich's on his face, stomping on the Colonel's leg to shut his protests up. He remembers the many 'somewhere only we know' hideout locations the two of them had, growing up."Seriously-? Aldo, I- I don't-".
"Aw, c'mon. Imagine it, Nantucket Island. Ever wanted a weddin' by the sea, Joshua?".
Joshua felt his heart fall out of his chest with happiness, locking eyes with Utivich, who had an equal amount of shock written all over his face."I- I- I've wanted t'get married, yea, but was always a lil' too afraid to think about the, uh, the- the details 'n' such..." he shyly admitted, looking down at his feet.
Aldo placed a finger on Joshua's chin, tilting his head up to make eye contact."Our lives are as fucked up to the public as is, doll. Now that the war's over, nothin' is stoppin' me from getting my hands on two rings 'n' makin' Utivich our secret officiant, if he so wishes". He turned to look over at Utivich, who nodded urgently as his eyes darted between Aldo and Joshua.
"Sir, yes sir!" He sounded eager.
Aldo smiled, turning back to Joshua and interlocking their fingers."Think about it, Joshy. Weddin' by the sea, our own place in Nantucket t'wind away, in. We'll adopt a lil' doggy or take in a youngster of our own- don't go thinkin' I didn't see you smilin' back at the doctor's with Bridget, I saw ya- I've been waitin' long enough, Joshua. Lovin' you since we were teenagers, that's long enough, darlin', seriously. Like I said before, threat is imminent. And I gotta protect the one thang I can't live without: that's you. I wanna- I wanna marry the one thang I can't live without, Joshua, I wanna marry you. I also don't wanna almost lose you again like at the tavern; I don't wanna almost lose you like that without havin' put a ring on ya, first" he professed, breaking his gaze to softly kissing both of Joshua's knuckles.
Joshua gulped, feeling his face start to heat up again. If this was Aldo's way of proposing (especially right after the deaths of so many men the two of them quickly grew attached to), Joshua would allow it. As of right now, the two of them haven't been able to properly mourn for the Basterds they lost, so the quicker they got together, the better, right? Saves no room for what could have been, if one of them were to die before getting married. He could already feel the tears welling up in his eyes.
"This love has gotten stronger ever since our teen years, and I don't wanna wait any fuckin' longer to actually make you mine. I wanna be with ya even when we're grey 'n' old, Joshy, believe me. Now, I know, I- I- I've never been good at the whole sweet-talkin' thing, so I'm kinda going off on a limb, here, with all o'this and I'm bein' as honest as I've always been, with you" Aldo stuttered, shaking his head."I'm so in love with you, darlin', and I'm proud of how we've come so fuckin' far. We've both lost men- good men, that we both already miss 'n' really care about, and now, it's up to us to not lose each other. You were always there for me when I needed you most, and I want you to be with me forever, 'cause baby, I'm yer's. What'd'ya say, Joshua?".
Joshua swallowed, lips slowly parting. He pulled his hands away to drag them up Aldo's arms, one hand around his neck and the other on the back of Aldo's head."Aldo, I, uh...I..." he quickly licked his lips, too happy for words as tears slowly started to trickle down his cheeks.."That's what I've waited all my life for" Joshua giggled, a huge smile breaking out onto his perfect lips as he nodded.
Aldo let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, his loving gaze going to longing when he looked down at Joshua's lips.
Joshua knew that look all too well, and turned to Utivich."Y'don't mind, if we...y'know, do you, Smithson?" He asked, wiping his eyes swiftly.
"No, sir, of course not. Congrats, I can't wait!" Utivich shook his head, clapping his hands quickly. On cue, he kicked the Colonel in the face, knocking him out and finally shutting him up.
"Thank you" Joshua squeaked, turning back to Aldo, pressing his lips against Aldo's own. He closed his eyes calmly, slinging both his arms around Aldo's neck and pulling him as close as he could, Aldo doing the same with his muscular arms around Joshua's waist.
Aldo slowly closed his eyes, momentarily lifting Joshua up, off the ground, to show how happy he was. He broke out into a grin when Josh's feet touched the ground again, going to kiss his cheek, jaw, then one final one on his neck. Aldo slowly pulled away from giving him his much-deserved affection, just to look at Joshua and smile."God, Joshua Margolis..." he called, hugging Josh.
"Hmm?" Joshua hummed, a warmhearted smile on his lips as he hugged Aldo tightly.
Aldo shook his head, "I love you. So goddamn much".
"Well, Aldo Raine..." Joshua sniffled, pulling away to look Aldo in the eyes."In, uh, i-in a way that's too damn much for anyone to understand, I love you too" he confessed, using his thumb to wipe a stray tear from under Aldo's right eye.
The pair burst out into a fit of soft giggles, knowing that as of this moment, they were no longer the inglorious boyfriends everyone could know, but inglorious husbands. Aldo and Joshua quickly reconnected their lips for another kiss, one that only Basterds who were truly in love could share.
Thus concludes the tale of Lieutenant Joshua Margolis and Lieutenant Aldo Raine. You're probably wondering "But Beck!", And "What happens to them AFTER the movie?". Well, I'll tell you.
Right after this glorious kiss we left off at, Aldo pulls away. He looks Joshua right in his blue eyes, and his face finally breaks. Aldo's smile disappears, as he starts crying- and I'd be lying if I said Joshua doesn't start crying over Donny and the Basterds, too. I'd also be lying if I told you all that Utivich doesn't finally let his guard down and break down sobbing, like he almost did in the truck in Part 7. Joshua pulls Utivich into the hug, and it's a whole group-hug sob-fest that they're finally able to mourn over the Basterds they lost, in.
Joshua and Aldo moved on to fight in the Korean War side-by-side, in the early 50's. They retired from their respectful military lives sometime before the Vietnam War, and settled down. Shame, though: they would’ve kicked ass in it.
Aldo and Joshua settled down in Maynardville, Tennessee, back where it all began. Josh used his family money to build a Jewish day school near his childhood home, in honor of Donny (there's a plaque out front and everything). If possible, I’d like to believe he named it after Donny. 
Speaking of...Joshua was right, in Part 7. For years after the second world war ended, Aldo and him would find themselves spending many silent nights, lying awake, wishing things could have gone differently for the Basterds, imagining what could have been, thinking about how much they miss these truly good men. Joshua would occasionally find himself comforting Aldo, telling his husband how it wasn’t Aldo's fault, there was nothing they could have done, and so on, while holding back tears of his own because he’s having these same thoughts haunt him, too. These same thoughts, on how it was probably Josh's fault, and how there could've been something Josh could have done, and so on.
On a brighter note about the Basterds, the two of them made sure to put in an effort with keeping in touch with Utivich. Joshua and Aldo took in an orphan, a young boy. Wanna know what they named him? Easy.
Smithson Raine. They named their son after PFC Smithson Utivich, who was blown to tears after he found out. Aldo thought Utivich wouldn't cry, but Joshua knew he would.
Smithson Utivich retired from the military shortly after Aldo and Joshua did- he found a girl, got married, and had kids of his own, a son and a daughter, that he named Omar and Bridget.
Utivich eventually wrote and published a book, revolving around WW2. Specifically, the Basterds, his time with the Basterds, and their fates. He wrote stuff about Aldo Raine, and wasn’t afraid to hide Aldo’s romance with Joshua. He wrote about how Aldo and Joshua grew up together, got into military life together, formed the Basterds together, and how they shamelessly did so while romantically involved. This was because he had an inkling that the history books would merely write Aldo and Joshua off as ‘close friends’, but Utivich wanted to share the truth with the world. He wrote about how close Aldo and Joshua were, how they got married in secret, and took in a kid (he mentioned how he officiated the wedding, and how they named the child after him) and how their love never faltered, a day in their lives. This war autobiography grew to be a huge success, which is surprising, due to its clear message about Aldo’s and Joshua’s homosexuality. 
Smithson Utivich passed away in June 1996, 5 decades after WW2 ended (in Inglourious Basterds). He passed away due to a heart attack, his legacy being left behind in the form of his kids and his book.
Aldo and Joshua died hand-in-hand on December 25th, 1996, after Aldo’s long battle with cancer, and after Joshua came to the conclusion that his own pneumonia has won. Joshua left behind his childhood estate to their son Smithson Raine, who obeyed his parents’ wishes and buried them in Joshua’s family’s orchard, side by side. He’d have buried them side by side whether they asked him to or not; it would’ve made sense for them to be buried like that, since Aldo Raine and Joshua Margolis have been at each others’ sides their entire lives. And they should have the right to still be with each other, side by side, in death.
Because for these Inglourious Husbands, even death can’t do them part.
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knives-out20 · 4 years
Inglourious Birthdays
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Fandom: Inglourious Basterds (2009)
Pairing: Joshua Margolis (OC) x Lt. Aldo Raine
Note: Happy Birthday, Aldo Raine! I Love You! 
Joshua and Aldo stood among the bodies of their sleeping Basterds, careful not to wake them up. Josh slithered his arms around Aldo's shoulders, Aldo's own arms around his waist. 
"Follow my lead, darlin'" Aldo whispered, leading Joshua in a slow dance around their men, careful not to step on any of their feet.
Joshua nodded silently, chest-to-chest with his boyfriend as they basically ballroom danced around the dimly-lit tunnel."Uhm, Aldo?" He softly called.
"Yea, Joshy?" Aldo answered, looking down at him.
Joshua pulled his face back from leaning on Aldo, turning to face him."O-One day, when this is all over, we'll be back in my house's ballroom. We'll be dancin', with- with, uh, Billie Holiday, or Ted Lewis playin' on a record player. We'll be safe, y'hear? No wars, no Nazis. Just us 'n' each other. Yer all I'm ever gonna need".
Aldo gazed down at Joshua, his smile growing even more."Is predictin' the future yer new shtick, Joshy?" He asked, chuckling. Aldo leaned in as he swayed Joshua around, softly kissing him."Sounds good" he mumbled against Josh's lips.
Josh dragged his hands down to stay at Aldo's shoulders, heart beat picking up the pace."I love you, Aldo".
"I love you too, Joshy. Ain't no Nazis are gonna touch ya, as long as I'm here. No one will. We'll get outta this alive, and we'll be dancin' in peace in no time, alright?".
Joshua made sure not to accidentally step on Hirschberg's hair."Alright" he agreed, adding "Donny did a number on that- that Nazi earlier, didn't he?".
Aldo nodded in agreement, turning to look at his Sergeant; Donny was sleeping against a wall of the tunnel."I'd do a different number on ya, if we were in this here tunnel alone~" he purred, turning back to Joshua and gently kissing his neck.
Joshua giggled, leaning his head back and pushing Aldo away."Ugh, calm it, y'old dog. We'll be able t'have more than enough time when this here war is over" he reminded, catching a certain look glaze over Aldo's blue eyes.
Aldo slowly licked his lips."Can't wait for that" he whispered, grip around Joshua's waist tightening."I'll finally be able t'have ya all t'myself, again. No fights, no distractions. Just me 'n' you, as it always should be".
"As it always will be" Joshua corrected, humming an old tune he knew.
Aldo interlocked one of his hands with Josh's."You make me so unbelievably happy, Joshua. I'll never let anyone hurt ya, y'know?".
Joshua glanced away, following Aldo's lead in their little ballroom dance."I know- not like you've ever wanted anyone to" he shrugged, kissing Aldo's cheek.
"I love you, Joshua. Seriously. Yer the only one left on this damned planet who understands me. And I'll be damned if anyone, any Nazi for that matter, tries t'take you from me" Aldo professed, letting his guard down around Josh.
Joshua cupped Aldo's cheek, muttering "I love you too, Aldo". Nothing but adoration was caught in his perfect, blue eyes.
Aldo and Joshua delved into silence as they continued to slow-dance around their Basterds, Josh's eyes falling closed; he's always felt safe enough to do so around Aldo.
Joshua stood in the middle of the ballroom of his childhood home, hand outstretched to Aldo in an offering manner."May I have this dance, birthday beau?".
Aldo chuckled, dusting off his white tux."You may". He took Joshua's hand, pulling him close and wrapping his other arm around Josh's waist.
"Ah, I- I was right" Joshua raised his eyebrows, staring to slowly spin the couple once the music began.
"What do you mean, Joshy?".
Joshua chuckled."Remember back in the s-second world war? We slow danced in that tunnel around our men, careful not to wake them up. I told you we'd find ourselves in this exact room, doing exactly this. No wars, no fights, no soulless N-Nazis. Just the two of us in pure bliss" he reminded, mischief in his eyes.
"That does ring a bell..." Aldo nodded understandingly, looking Joshua up and down."Those were some days, huh?" He reminisced."Donny 'n' Omar were some one of a kind type'a men, I'll say".
Joshua sighed, tongue grazing across his top row of teeth."Yea...".
Aldo decided to change the topic."Joshua?".
"Aldo?" Joshua returned, looking back up at Aldo as they waltzed around.
"I'm glad yer still here with me. No war's ever gonna keep us apart".
Joshua cracked into a goofy smile."I love you, Aldo, Happy birthday".
"I love you too, sunshine" Aldo scoffed, leaning in and happily kissing Josh, the two of them finally at peace.
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knives-out20 · 4 years
Inglourious Boyfriends - Alternate Ending - Part 1
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Fandom: Inglourious Basterds (2009)
Pairing: Joshua Margolis (OC) x Lt. Aldo Raine
Word Count: 4765
Warnings: Angst, Death, LONG ASF,
Notes: Unofficial Angst Ending. Part 1. When They Speak In A Language That Isn’t English, It’s In Italics. Enjoy.
Due to the fact that Aldo couldn't say no to Joshua, he let Joshua go down with Hugo, Wicki, and Hicox to see Von Hammersmark. He put his hands on Joshua's shoulders."Be wary down there, alright, dear? Never know what can happen, and even with Hicox 'n' Stiglitz 'n' Wicki with ya, things could go south. If anything does happen, I want ya to call me, or run up these here stairs. Alright?" He explained, taking a good look at Joshua's beautiful, fulfilling face.
Joshua chuckled, nodding obediently and leaning in to lovingly kiss his lips."Yes, Lieutenant".
Aldo exhaled through his nose, pulling Joshua in to hug him tightly."I love you, Joshua".
Joshua wasted no time in hugging back."I love you too, Aldo".
Aldo lingered on holding Joshua in his arms, very slowly pulling away and nodding for Joshua to go.
Joshua nodded, looking Aldo up and down before following Hicox, Wicki, and Stiglitz downstairs. They heard loud laughter going down, and a female voice yelling "attention!" once they reached the bottom. 
Suddenly, a group of men and women stood at attention, saluting the Basterds.
The corner of Joshua's lip twitched up, as he stood by Hicox.
A blonde woman blew out a puff of smoke as she leaned back in her chair, offering them a charming smile."Hello, my lovelies! Take a seat. I will join you in a moment, I'm just saying goodbye to my five new friends here" she instructed in German.
"No hurry, Fräu Von Hammersmark" Wicki smiled
"Take yer time" Joshua added."Enjoy yer-self, we'll be waitin’ over here" he told, following the three men in front of him to sit at the table closest to the stairs. Joshua opted to sit at the chair closest to the stairs, Wicki and Hicox sitting beside each other and Hugo across from Hicox.
"Eric, my love. Those are the friends I've been waiting for. Please treat them to anything they'd like" Fräu gestured to a bald waiter, who returned with "Fräu Von Hammersmark, your wish is my command" and walked over to Joshua's table.
"Officers...it would appear that the drinks are on the Fräulein. What would you like?".
"Whiskey" "two whiskeys" "three whiskeys" "four whiskeys".
"Four whiskies, very well" Eric turned, walking behind the counter.
Joshua shifted in his seat, repeatedly mentally reminding himself that Aldo was somewhere, right up those stairs. He caught Hicox looking at him, and offered a quick, polite smile.
Hicox smiled and nodded back, a certain assurance to it. Already, it was all too clear how fidgety Joshua got without Aldo around. With what happened between Joshua and his dad's friend, Hicox could imagine how Josh wouldn't feel safe in a room without Aldo to protect him.
Fräulein stood up."I wish you all a wonderful evening, I thank you" she praised, turning to walk away.
"Same to you- ah, your card!" The men reminded, holding up their hands.
Fräulein giggled."Yes, you're right" she walked back over, taking the card out from her hat and reading it."Let's see- Genghis Khan! I would never have gotten that!" She teased, putting the card down on the table.
"But of course you would have!" One of the men flirted.
Fräulein walked over, Wicki, Joshua, and Hicox standing up as Hugo stayed seated."Hello, darlings" she greeted, hugging Joshua, Wicki, and Hicox in that order."How are you?" Fräulein asked, Hugo standing up.
Joshua did the cheek-kiss greeting smoothly; growing up as fancy as he did, he grew accustomed to it. The four soldiers silently sat back down, Hicox helping Fräulein into her seat before going to sit in his new seat, across from Joshua.
"I thought this place was supposed to have more French than Germans?" Hicox asked, leaning over as Fräulein sat between Wicki and him.
"Yes, normally that's true. The Sergeant over there's wife just had a baby. And his commanding officer gave him and his mates the night off to celebrate" she whispered, glancing around. Her gaze stuck to Joshua."You look quite young to be involved in such a setting, how old are you?".
Joshua gulped, standing up straight."Uh, t-twenty nine, my lady" he nodded.
Von Hammersmark nodded, turning back to Hicox.
"We should leave" Wicki suggesting, Joshua nodding eagerly, as he was already to go see and touch Aldo again.
"No" Fräulein softly turned to look at him."We should stay".
"For one drink, a-at least- leaving out of, uh, nowhere would look suspicious, especially leaving a bar after having no drinks" Joshua figured out, Fräulein nodding as if he made her point exactly."Just be calm and enjoy your whiskey" he told, more to himself than to the others.
Fräulein thanked Eric when he came around and poured her a glass of champagne."There's some new development" she whispered once Eric left, Joshua leaning in."The cinema venue has changed".
"No one knows but that should not be a real problem. The cinema it's been changed to is considerably smaller than The Ritz. So whatever explosives you brought for The Ritz should be doubly effective here".
Joshua went to take a sip of his whiskey shot, but sternly put it down when Fräulein leaned back in her seat.
"Now for the next piece of information...is colossal. Try not to overreact" she started."The Führer-" Fräulein got cut off when a stammering, drunk German from the other table stumbled over, a card stuck to his forehead.
Joshua groaned softly, closing his eyes.
"I was just thinking..." he started, mug in hand."...Could you sign an autograph for my son on his birthday?".
Fräulein smiled at him, blowing out another puff of smoke."Of course. I'd love to, Wilhelm- this handsome Staff Sergeant had just become a father today".
"Oh, congratulations" Joshua smiled warmly at him, Hugo nodding along as if Von Hammersmark hadn't already told them this.
"Thank you" Wilhelm laughed, nodding at the other men.
"Do you know the name of this progeny yet?" Fräulein raised her eyebrows.
"I most certainly do, Fräulein. His name is Maxmilian" Wilhelm nodded.
"What a wonderful name. It means 'greatness', if I recall correctly. I'd say he's destined for it, then?" Joshua played along, propping his arm up on the head of his chair and leaning back. 
"Thank you, Lieutenant" Wilhelm smiled at him again as Fräulein wrote down an autograph for Max on a pure-white napkin."What does your name mean, if I may?".
Joshua closed his eyes, smile still plastered on his lips as he placed a hand over his heart."Mine means 'to save', or otherwise 'salvation', which I say I'm doin’ a great job at keepin' up with" he looked back up at Wilhelm, winking at the new father.
It's no surprise to anyone who knows, that Joshua is obviously Aldo's salvation.
Fräulein placed a kiss on the corner of the napkin, offering it to Wilhelm before he could strike up any more of a conversation with Joshua."Nothing but the best for little Maxmilian".
Wilhelm took it, thanking Von Hammersmark once again."Thank you, Fräulein, thank you. Max may not know who you are now, but...he will. I will show him all of your movies".
Joshua's smile disappeared when he noticed Hugo, who was growing impatient with Wilhelm's lingering presence. 
"Good" Fräulein smiled proudly.
"He will grow up with your films and...with this napkin on his wall" Wilhelm gazed at the napkin with a similar fondness of how Joshua would look at Aldo.
Joshua dug his hand into his pocket, pulling out a pocket-watch and opening it up. He glanced at the time, then up at the inner side of the lid; staring back at him was a black-and-white photo of his dearest Aldo, who was probably losing his mind upstairs over Josh's safety. Joshua smiled adorably, shoulders dropping in relaxation. He quickly kissed the photo, closing the pocket-watch and shoving it back into his pocket. This will all be over soon, and Joshua will be back in Aldo's arms before he knows it.
"I propose a toast to the greatest actress in Germany!" Wilhelm proposed, raising his mug."There is no Dietrich! There is no Riefenstahl! Only Von Hammersmark!" He yelled, raising his mug again.
Joshua held back a chuckle when some of the mug's contents spilled onto Hicox, who flinched away.
"Cheers!" The Germans at the other table all drunkly yelled.
"Once again-" Von Hammersmark tried again, Wilhelm cutting her off- again, as Joshua sipped his whiskey.
Wilhelm huffed, placing a hand flat on the table as Hicox leaned back in his seat to move away from him."Fräu Hammersmark, what brings you to France?" He asked, interested.
"None of your business" Hicox replied firmly, Wilhelm looking to him in disgust."Staff Sergeant."
Von Hammersmark uncomfortably looked down, leaning away as Hicox told off the disorderly German soldier.
"You might not have worn out your welcome with the Fräulein with your drunken boorish behavior...but you have worn out your welcome with me. Might I remind you, Staff Sergeant, you are an enlisted man. This is an officer's table! I suggest you stop pestering the Fräulein...and rejoin your table" he scolded.
Joshua grew very uncomfortable with the energy they've created in the tavern today.
"Excuse me, Captain, but your accent is very unusual. So is his" Wilhelm glanced over at Joshua, who tilted his head up confidently."Where are you from?".
Before Wilhelm could get either a truthful or untruthful answer, Hugo grabbed his collar and pulled him over.
"You must be either completely drunk or mad to dare to speak to superior officers with such impertinentness, Staff Sergeant" he scowled. Hugo let go of Wilhelm, turning to face the German soldiers."I'm making you and you responsible of him. I suggest you take hold of your friend, or he'll spend Max's first birthday in jail for public drunkness!" He raised his voice, pointing at two of the soldiers, who did not hesitate to get up and rush over to Wilhelm.
"Might I inquire?" a faceless voice called.
Joshua heard a book close and get put on a table, slow footsteps belonging to a Nazi in a smaller room near the back of the tavern. 
The Nazi wore an official hat, and held a humongous glass of beer in his hand. The Nazi turned off the silent record player, all eyes on him as he turned around. He paused to inspect the scene, and calmly walked forward."Like our young newly christened father here...I, too, have an acute ear for accents" he commented, walking over to Joshua's table. The Nazi pat Eric's back, eyes on Hicox."And like him, I, too, find your accents odd".
Joshua slowly panned his gaze up at the Nazi near him, hand over the pocket he kept his pocket-watch in as he prayed for Aldo to come down, and intervene, and fucking save him.
"From where do you hail, Captains?" The Nazi questioned.
"Major, this is highly-" before Wicki could finish his start at defusing the situation, the Major cut him off.
"I wasn't speaking to you, Lieutenant Munich. Or you either, Lieutenant Frankfurt" the Major turned to Hugo, who simply glared at him."I was speaking to Captain I-don't-know-what and Captain I-don't-know-who" he clarified, gesturing to Hicox, then down at Joshua.
All eyes in the room darted between the Major, Hicox, and Joshua.
"I was born in a village that rests in the shadow of of the Piz Palü" Hicox calmly lied, as Joshua racked his brain for an answer.
The Major turned down to Joshua."And you?".
Joshua glanced over at Hicox."I'm from Berlin. I just have a slight speech impediment from a Jew hittin' me in the mouth, it's still healin'" he blurted out, mentally crossing his fingers.
The Major's gaze suspiciously lingered on Joshua."So sorry about your injury, Lieutenant" he shook his head, turning back over to Hicox."The mountain?".
"Yes. In the village, we all speak like this. Have you seen the Riefenstahl film?".
"Then you saw me. You remember the skiing torch scene?".
"In that scene was myself, my father, my sister, and my two brothers. My brother is so handsome, the director, Pabst, gave him a close-up".
"Herr Major," Von Hammersmark spoke up."If my word means anything, I can vouch for anything the young Captain has just said. He does hail from the bottom of Piz Palü. as does that handsome Captain from Berlin, even considering the terrible accident he went through. This Captain was in the film and his brother is far more handsome than he is" she grinned, Joshua glancing at Hicox and trying not to laugh.
Hicox brushed his hand against Hammersmark's arm, faking offence as she laughed. When she did, the men at the table all slowly joined in on it to keep the act up, except for Hugo.
The Major chuckled."You should rejoin your friends" he reminded Wilhelm, whose friends pulled him forcefully back to their table."May I join you?".
"By all means" Fräulein nodded.
Joshua sat up straight, glancing up the stairs and palming the watch in his pocket, to remind himself that his dearest Aldo was close by.
"Wunderbar!" The Major exclaimed, going to stand by Hugo, going as far as patting his shoulder.
Hugo groaned silently and moved to the seat closer to Joshua, the Major sitting in his old seat.
"So those are the sources of your bizarre accents" he recalled, gaze switching between Joshua and Hicox."That's extraordinary. What are you doing here?".
"Aside from havin' a drink with the lovely Fräulein?" Joshua fake-flirted, pointing over at her and smirking.
"Well, that pleasure requires no explanation" the Major agreed as Fräulein smiled."I mean in country. You're obviously not stationed in France or I'd know who you are".
"You know every German in France?" Hicox scoffed.
"Worth knowing" the Major muttered, looking up at the ceiling.
The group laughed.
"Well, there lies the problem" Hicox nodded.
"We never claimed to be worth knowin'" Joshua finished.
"All levity aside, what are you two doing in France?" The Major repeated strictly.
"Attending Minister Goebbels' film premiere as the Fräulein's escorts" Joshua answered.
"Ah" the Major glanced at Fräulein."You are the Fräulein Hammersmark's escorts".
"Someone has to carry her lighter" Hicox raised his eyebrows, lifting a lighter to light Fräulein's cigar.
The Major chuckled, Hicox and Joshua fake-laughing along.
"The Captain over here is my date, but all four are my guests" Fräulein refined."We are old friends, who go back a long time" the Major looked at Wicki, the Joshua, and locked eyes with Hugo, who nodded. She sighed, "actually, longer than an actress would care to admit".
"Well, in that case, let me raise my glass to the three luckiest men in the room" the Major told, raising his huge glass of beer.
"I'll drink to that" Fräulein clinked her glass with the Major's, all of them raising their glasses and drinking.
The Major set his glass down, wiping his mouth on his sleeve. He turned to quickly take a look at the table behind them."I must say, that game they're playing looks like a good bit of fun".
Joshua bit the inside of his cheek, wondering when the next time he could have 'a good bit of fun' with Aldo could be.
"I didn't join them because you're quite right, Captain. An officer should not fraternize with enlisted men. But...seeing as we're all officers, and a sophisticated lady friend of officers," the Major gestured to Fräulein."What say we play the game?".
"Yes! Great, one game" Fräulein nodded, holding Hicox's arm to speak for him.
"Wunderbar" the Major clapped, turning to get up from his chair."Soldiers, the cards" he asked of the German soldiers, who spared him their empty cards.
Stiglitz, Hicox, Wicki, and Joshua all exchanged awkward glances with one another.
Joshua desperately wanted the Major to leave them alone so that they could get back to business and he could go back upstairs, and see Aldo again.
"Thank you" the Major nodded, sitting back down and handing everyone one card."So, gentlemen, the object of the game is to write a famous person on your card. Real or fictitious, doesn't matter. For instance, you could write Confucius, or Doctor Fu Manchu. Eric! More pens" he explained, yelling to Eric to bring them more pens to write with."And they must be famous, not aunt Frida. When you finish writing, put the card face-down on the table, and move it to the person to your right- thanks" the Major nodded up at Eric, handing out the pens.
Joshua held his pen in his hand, and quickly scribbled down 'Jay Gatsby'. He figured Gatsby would be more famous than General Zaroff from The Most Dangerous Game.
"The person to your left moves their card to you. You pick up the card without looking at it, lick the back, and stick it on to your forehead".
Hugo looked as if he was zoning out when the Major explained, and both Joshua and the Major caught it.
Before Joshua could calmly snap Hugo out of it, the Major slapped Hugo's chest.”Write." He ordered.
Hugo silently turned to his paper, slowly writing down a name as Wicki watched him.
Hicox glanced to Hugo, then the Major.
Joshua slid his card over to Wicki, and took the card Hugo gave to him."You okay?" He mouthed to Hugo, licking the back of the card and stamping it onto his forehead.
Hugo nodded once.
Von Hammersmark laughed as she read what was on everyone's cards.
"I'll start, give you the idea" the Major offered."Am I German?".
"No" "no".
"Am I American?"
"No" "no".
"Wait a second, he goes to..." Joshua started.
"Obviously, he wasn't born in America" Von Hammersmark whispered.
"So...I visited America, aye?" The Major questioned.
Von Hammersmark and Hicox nodded.
The Major hummed in thought."Was the visit fortuitous?".
"Not for you" Wicki piped up, taking a drag from his cigarette.
The Major nodded."My native land, is it what one would call 'exotic'?".
Joshua nodded slowly. The Major seemed to be just as clever as he was, Josh would give him that.
The Major scrunched his face up."That could either be a reference to the jungle or the Orient. I'm going to let my first instinct take over and ask: am I from the jungle?" He asked, Fräulein tilting her head curiously.
"Yes" Hicox nodded.
"Now, gentlemen, around this time you could ask whether you're real or fictitious. I, however, think that's too easy, so I won't ask yet. Okay...my native land is the jungle, I visited America, but my visit was not fortuitous to me, but the implication is that it was to somebody else..." the Major slapped a proud grin onto his ugly face."When I went, from the jungle to America...did I go by boat?".
"Yes" Fräulien nodded.
"Did I go against my will?"
"On this boat ride, was I in chains?".
"Yes! Very clever, Major" Joshua complimented.
The Major spared him a nod in thanks.
"When I arrived in America, was I displayed in chains?".
"Yes" Fräulein giggled.
"Am I the story of the-" oop "-In America?".
"No" Hicox sucked his teeth.
"Well, then I must be King Kong" the Major concluded, Fräulein laughing in amazement.
"Bravo!" She clapped, "impressive!".
"Now, since I answered correctly, you all need to finish your drinks!" The major cheered, Fräulein saying "cheers" before they all drank.
"Now, who is next?" The Major asked, tapping Hugo's chest again.
Hicox removed his card."Well, Major...I don't mean to be rude. But the five of us are very good friends. And we haven't seen each other in quite a while" he glanced around the table, gaze lingering on Joshua."So, Major...I am afraid...you are intruding".
Joshua nervously licked his lips, glancing at the stairs again. Goddammit, why hasn't Aldo miraculously come to the rescue yet?
"I beg to differ, Captain" the Major shot back."It's only if the Fräulein considers my presence an intrusion, that I become an intruder". The Major held his intense stare on Hicox as he then asked Fräulein, "how about it, Fräulien Von Hammersmark? Am I intruding?".
"I didn't think so. It's simply the Captain is immune to my charms" the Major paused again, and laughed. He gave Hicox's cheek a few friendly pats as Joshua held a death-grip on his pocket-watch's pocket."I am just joking. Just joking, of course I'm intruding. Allow me to refill your glasses, gentlemen, and I will bid you and the Fräulein adieu. Eric has a bottle of thirty-three-year-old whiskey, from the Scottish Highlands. What do you say, gentlemen?".
Joshua took a deep breath."You're most gracious, Major".
"Eric! The thirty-three, and new glasses!" The Major called, looking to see Eric leaning against the counter. He turned to the men at the table, "you don't want to contaminate the thirty-three with the swill you were drinking" he explained.
"How many glasses?" Eric called over, as Joshua took off his card.
"Six" the Major smiled."Not for me, I don't like scotch, scotch doesn't like me".
"Nor I, I'll stay with bubbly" Von Hammersmark called.
"Or me, I wouldn't wanna get all drunk 'n' disorderly around such a presence like Hammersmark" Joshua raised his hand.
"Three glasses" Hicox updated, holding up his pointer, middle and ring finger.
Joshua's breath hitched in his throat when he noticed, and the Major looked just as suspicious as he had earlier. He felt his heart beat pick up pace, a certain feeling of him being about to puke crashing over, too. Joshua turned to the stairs, wondering if he should call Aldo or not.
Hicox lowered his hand, focusing on the table.
Eric brought their drinks over, setting down the glasses in uncomfortable silence.
The Major nodded to Eric, looking over at Hicox as if he had cracked the Da Vinci code. He exhaled slowly through his mouth, as Hicox put a glass in front of Hugo, and one in front of Wicki.
Joshua felt like sinking into his seat, wishing a hole in the ground would open a swallow him up, returning him to Aldo. Which, to him, is returning to safety.
"Fräu Von Hammersmark" Eric spoke, pouring her glass full of champagne.
Fräulein quietly thanked him in French, the Major still grinning.
"A thousand year German Reich!" The Major cheered, raising his glass.
Hicox and Fräulien raised their glasses, clinking them together.
Hugo didn't say anything, but drank anyway, putting his empty glass down.
The Major groaned in disgust as the alcohol burned down his throat."I must say, I've grown weary of these monkeyshines”. The sound of a gun loading could be heard."Did you hear that? That was the sound of my Walther. Pointed right at your testicles" he growled.
"Yea..." Hicox breathed, a small grin on his fine lips."Why do you have your Walther pointed at my testicles?" He innocently asked.
"Because you've just given yourself away, Captain. You're no more German than that scotch" the Major pointed at Hicox’s scotch glass.
Eric slowly reached for a rifle under the counter, listening intently.
Joshua bit the edge of his lips, glancing up the stairs."Dammit, Aldo..." he barely whispered.
"Well, Major-".
"Shut up, slut" the Major cut Von Hammersmark off in a hiss."You were saying?".
Hicox leaned in, unafraid."I was saying, that makes two of us" he reminded, a small gun of his own pointed at the Major's crotch.
Hugo shuffled closer, a hand on the Major's shoulder as he shoved a gun of his own right up against the Major's balls."That makes three of us" he whispered huskily."And at this rate, I'm a real Frederick Zoller".
"Looks like we have a bit of a sticky situation here" the Major shakily told, Joshua opened up his pocket-watch to look at Aldo, hoping it would calm him down.
Alas, only the real Aldo, the one he can touch and hear and kiss and hug, can calm him down. A small photo of him isn't able to do that much justice.
"What's going to happen, Major...you're going to stand up and walk out that door with us" Hicox started.
"No, no, no, no, no, no, I don't think so" the Major shook his head."I'm afraid you and I, we both know, Captain, no matter what happens to anybody else in this room, the two of us aren't going anywhere" he corrected.
Hicox stared at him.
"Too bad about Sergeant Wilhelm and his famous friends. If any of us expect to live, you'll have to shoot them, too. Looks like little Max will grow up a bastard. How sad." The Major showed no sign of any remorse for Max on his face.
Hicox nodded, glancing down."Well, if this is it, old boy, I hope you don't mind if I go out speaking the King's" he spoke in English.
A sense of dread filled Joshua; crap, what if he dies? Without Aldo dying with him, Aldo will be forced to go about the rest of his life, alone. The mere thought of it made Joshua feel like he'll bust out in tears. Aldo going on without Joshua...it's practically unheard of.
Hicox lit up a cigarette. 
"By all means, Captain" the Major switched to English, as well.
Hicox rubbed his eye, tired."There's a special rung in hell reserved for people who waste good scotch. Seeing as I may be rapping on the door momentarily," he downed the shot of scotch quickly."I must say, damn good stuff, sir. Now, about this pickle we find ourselves in. It would appear there's only one thing left to do".
Joshua caught Wicki and Hugo giving him warning glances- maybe telling him to leave for Aldo, before it's too late? But Joshua's too fucking nice to just leave them here. Plus, he also fears the Major will shoot him the moment he stands up, making him leave Aldo sooner than he'd like to. Joshua looked between Wicki and Hugo, nervously licking his lips as his eyes grew sparkly. This is it.
"And what would that be?" The Major asked.
"Stiglitz" Hicox called.
"Say auf Wiedersehen to your Nazi balls" Hugo giddily answered, shooting at the Nazi's balls.
Joshua jumped at the gunshot, growing antsy as more following from it, Hicox's gun and the Major's.
Von Hammersmark screamed, Wicki standing up and shooting at the other table.
Hugo stood up afterwards, pushing the Major's head down and stabbing the back of his neck repeatedly."Joshua, GO!" He yelled.
"Go, Joshua!" Wicki called.
Joshua nodded and stood up, taking his gun and shooting another German soldier at the other table. Little did he know, they meant 'go' as in 'go upstairs, to safety. Go back to Aldo. Save yourself'.
A female soldier shot Wicki, who fell back against the stairs, gun still raised and firing at her and another soldier.
Eric took his rifle, firing anywhere he could.
Wilhelm took out a machine gun, shooting at Eric and the waitress.
Joshua continued shooting over at the Nazi table, until a rapid-fire amount of bullets shot through him. He groaned in pain, arm lowering as he dropped the gun, which clattered when it hit the floor. Joshua shakily raised his other hand, pads of his fingers touching his chest. He fell to his knees, vision starting to go hazy, but not too out of focus for him to not see the red on his hand."Wicki-" he called, seeing the limp soldier's body by him. 
Joshua yelped in pain when another bullet shot through him, this one hitting his shoulder. He painfully turned his gaze to the stairs, torso wobbling back and forth."A-Aldo...Aldo" Joshua weakly called, falling to his hands and knees. He just about made it to the foot of the stairs before his arms and legs gave out, blood pooling out of his bullet wounds. His eyes fluttered open and closed."Aldo." Joshua called one final time, finally becoming another dead body on the tavern floor.
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knives-out20 · 4 years
Inglourious Boyfriends - Part 3
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Fandom: Inglourious Basterds (2009)
Pairing: Joshua Margolis (OC) x Lt. Aldo Raine
Word Count: 1019
Warnings: Spoilers For Inglourious Basterds,
Note: Boom. Part 3. GIF Above Is What Joshua’s Hair Usually Looks Like, With The Dangle Enjoy.
In the village of Nadine, Aldo, Joshua and the Basterds waited by a tavern in a basement to meet with Bridget Von Hammersmark."You didn't say the goddamn rendezvous was in a fuckin' basement" Aldo cursed, hand holding tightly onto Joshua's hand, as he kept watch with one of the Basterds behind him.
"Dear..." Joshua mumbled, having Aldo turn to look at him.
Aldo shifted where he stood, grip on Joshua's hand loosening as he turned back around.
"I didn't know" Lt. Archie Hicox confessed.
"You said it was in a tavern" Aldo reminded.
"It is a tavern".
"Yea, in a basement. You know, fightin' in a basement offers a lot o'difficulties. Number one bein’, yer fightin' in a basement" Aldo told, turning to glare at the Basterds behind him.
"What if we go in there and she's not even there?" A Basterd, Wicki, suggested, walking over.
"We, uh, we- we wait" Joshua replied."D-Don't worry you guys, she's a British spy. She'll make the rendezvous" he assured, looking over and seeing Hugo sharpen his large blade on a belt. Hicox walked over to Hugo, so Joshua turned away, back to lookout with Aldo.
Aldo reached out, turning Joshua to face him, hands pressed to his cheeks.
"Uh, A-Aldo-? What're you doin'?" Joshua asked, arching an eyebrow.
Aldo smiled softly, leaning in and pressing a sweet kiss to Joshua's forehead."I'm just glad yer still here, 'n' still with me, after all this time. It's like a goddamn miracle, or some bullshit".
Joshua smiled, putting a hand over one of Aldo's."Huh, like I-I'd ever leave ya that easy. Takin' out Joshua fuckin' Margolis is a lot of work" he teased, winking at Aldo.
Aldo looked Joshua up and down, mumbling "I love you, Joshy".
Joshua's eyebrows jumped, as he leaned into Aldo's touch."I love you too, Aldo". He noticed Lt. Hicox walking back over, so Joshua pulled away, Aldo and him both going back to being on lookout with Hirschberg.
The Lieutenant crouched down."This Jerry of yours, Sitglitz, not exactly the loquacious type, is he?" He asked.
Aldo and Joshua shared a knowing look, Aldo glancing over at Hicox."Is that the kind of man you need? Loquacious type?" He asked rhetorically, sniffing.
"Fair point, Lieutenant" Hicox looked down, immediately looking back up at Joshua, as if he had just remembered something."Lieutenant Margolis, I presume?".
Joshua glanced at Aldo, turning to face Archie."Correct".
Hicox offered him a small, quick smile."I remember seeing your family name pop up a lot in the past, especially this one time in the past decade. Now, I don't know if what happened to you really did happen, but it'd still be bold of me to assume anyway. I just want to say I truly admire you for speaking up about it either way; many men wouldn't dare be open about something like that" he admitted, nodding in respect.
Joshua's breath had caught in his throat when the Lieutenant brought up those articles, Aldo instantly going to hold his hand, giving it a quick squeeze. He blinked, confused. This was the first time someone, asides from Aldo, had said something positive to him regarding him opening up about what his dad's friend did to him. Joshua straightened up, nodding back in equal respect."Uh- th-thank you, Lieutenant. It means a lot".
Hicox nodded, turning away.
After a few beats of silence, Aldo turned around to face the Basterds, hand still holding Joshua's."So you all get in trouble in there...what are we supposed to do?" He asked."Make bets on how it all comes out?".
"Uhm, i-if we get into trouble, we can handle it" Joshua replied, Aldo immediately raising a hand to stop him from going any further.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. What'd'ya mean 'we'? Yer not goin' down there, Margolis" he told.
Joshua furrowed his eyebrows."What? No, I- I can go down there with the others! I'm yer right hand man, Lieutenant, I feel it's only right that I go" he expressed, shoulders drooping."Me, Hicox, and whoever else".
"Joshua, I said what I goddamn said. Yer important to me, one of the most important-to-me men on this team, hell, yer beyond important to me. I'm not riskin' shit by lettin' you go down there. You have more important missions later down the line, and if anythin' happens to go down, here, I wouldn't be able to live with myself. Yer stayin' up here, and that's final".
Joshua huffed, crossing his arms in protest. He looked to the Basterds, hoping any of them could back him up; but, sadly, they all knew only Joshua could talk back to Aldo and get away with it. Joshua turned back to Aldo, who looked at him with a pleading softness in those safe, blue eyes, the ones that Joshua has considered home for his entire life. He thought for a moment, but finally gave him, shoulders drooping."Ugh, fine" he groaned.
"Good" Aldo nodded.
"But if trouble does happen," Archie spoke up."We need you to make damn sure that no Germans, or French, for that matter, escape from that basement. If Fräu Von Hammersmark's cover is compromised, the mission is kaput" he explained.
"Speaking of Fräu Von Hammersmark, whose idea was it for the deathtrap rendezvous?" Donny asked in a mocking tone, as he lay on some makeshift bed.
"She, uh, she- she chose the spot" Joshua turned to him, Aldo not following through by keeping his eyes on Joshua.
"Oh, isn't that just dandy?" Donny rhetorically asked, sarcasm dripping with each word.
"L-Look, Don, she's not a military strategist. She's just some pretty, uhm, red-carpet actress" Joshua explained, waving his hand dismissively.
"Well, sunshine, you don't gotta be Stonewall Jackson to know that you don't want to fight in a basement" Aldo pointed out.
"She wasn't picking a place to fight. She was picking a place isolated, and without Germans" Hicox replied.
Aldo and Joshua exchanged looks, finally sending down Archie, Wicki, and Hugo when the time came.
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