saigoto · 2 years
Kfz-Gutachten – Hagelschaden nach Unwetter, Gewitter & Co.
Durch das letzte Unwetter, Gewitter, ein Niederschlag aus Eiskörnern, dass durch das Land gezogen ist, hat Ihr Auto einiges abbekommen. Kommen Sie aus der Region um die Städte
Und es gab einen Schaden durch ein meteorologisches Ereignis? Durch den Klimawandel und den häufigeren Unwetterereignisse werden Hagelschäden an Autos immer öfter zu beklagen sein. Solch ein Hagelsturm kann immense Schäden anrichten. In einer Studie geht bereits hervor, dass ca. 200.000 Fahrzeuge nach einem Unwetter / Hagelsturm beschädigt wurden. Kein Wunder, die Hagelkörner sind bis zu 10 cm Durchmesser, tennisballgroße Dimensionen mit knapp 2 kg an Gewicht haben. Eine Fallgeschwindigkeit von bis zu 150km/h, diese verdeutlichen die Wucht eines Aufpralls, die zu enormen Hagelschäden führen können. Wenn diese auf die Autos hinabfallen, kann es zu gesprungenen Windschutzscheiben, verbeulte Motorhauben oder zu einem deformierten Faltdach kommen. Was ist bei einem Hagelschaden zu tun, lassen sie sich auf keinen Fall die Laune „verhageln“, sollte es mal Ihr Auto treffen. Am besten informieren Sie zeitnah, Ihre Versicherung, damit die sich mit Ihnen in Verbindung setzt und ein KFZ-Gutachter beauftragt. Je länger Sie warten können noch weitere Ereignisse zum Hagelschaden dazukommen, Unwetterschäden lassen sich in den aktuellen Kontext einordnen. Das Versicherungsrecht gilt im Regelfall, eine maximale Frist von 7 Tagen für die Schadensmeldung. Nehmen Sie daher in der Region um Aachen zügig mit dem Kfz-Gutachter Aachen, dem Kfz-Sachverständigen Ibrahim Dede, Kontakt auf. Er ist Gutachter mit langjähriger Erfahrung und arbeitet sein ganzes Berufsleben im Bereich Automotive in und um Aachen.
KFZ-Gutachten – wichtige Details über einen Hagelschaden
Die wichtigsten Punkte zusammengefasst zum Thema Hagelschaden:
Ein Hagelschaden am Auto wird von der Teilkaskoversicherung reguliert. Eine Haftpflichtversicherung reicht nicht aus.
Der Hagelschaden sollte genau dokumentiert mit aussagekräftigen Fotos und schnellstmöglich der eigenen Versicherung gemeldet werden.
Die Kaskoversicherung übt ihr Weisungsrecht aus: Sie wird bei Bedarf ein KFZ-Gutachten in li geben, um den Hagelschaden bearbeiten zu können.
Die Reparaturkosten werden von der Kaskoversicherung bis zur Höhe des Wiederbeschaffungswertes erstattet. Ansonsten liegt ein wirtschaftlicher Totalschaden vor.
Die Kosten hierfür hängen von der Anzahl der Hageldellen und der Tiefe der Schäden ab.
Es besteht allerdings keine Pflicht zur Reparatur, die Fahrzeugbesitzer können sich den Hagelschaden auch auszahlen lassen.
KFZ-Gutachten – Kosten für ein Hagelschadengutachten
Die KFZ-Gutachtenkosten hängen unmittelbar von der Schadenshöhe ab. Je höher der Schaden, der durch Hagel entstanden ist, desto teurer wird das KFZ-Gutachten. Aber: Im Regelfall übernimmt die Teil- oder Vollkasko die Kosten für das KFZ-Gutachten, auch wenn der KFZ-Gutachter keinen Hagelschaden feststellen sollte. Wenn Sie aus der Region
kommen, und es um ein Gutachter für ein Hagelschaden geht, rufen Sie den Kfz-Gutachter Aachen Dede aus Alsdorf an.
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mucillo · 2 months
MAXIMILIAN "MAX" THEO ALDORFER: Quando tutto sembra perduto
accade qualcosa di inaspettato.
Fantasmi: prendono forma nella mente.
Come ci si può allontanare da essi?
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(Frase tratta dal film "Il Portiere Di Notte", 1974, di Liliana Cavani)
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mikimeiko · 10 months
Day 20 - From Germany, through Switzerland, towards home
I'm having breakfast peacefully when I get an alert from the train app that says that my train has been cancelled. Cancelled?! My 5 hours and a half train back home? What?!
And then I open the app, panic for a bit trying to understand how can I get to Basel (the train wasn't entirely cancelled and would start from there), and I realize that the alert framed the situation in the worst way possible, and there's actually a substitute train from here to Basel and I don't have to do anything? Come on! (I am of course happy that this is the case, but still annoyed at the unnecessary panic XD).
The tram stop near the train station is actually on a bridge that connects directly to the platforms, a really interesting solution for commuters who have to change here.
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I arrive in Basel, and while still on the train there's an announcement that the passenger who are traveling onwards to Milan should get the train at the platform opposite the one where the train will arrive. I get on that train, but its destination is Lugano, not Milan? The route is the same, and I overhear other passengers saying that you have to change to Milan once in Lugano, but looking at the predicted arrival time in Lugano is more than half an hour later that it was supposed to arrive there? (Also, the stops are at the exact same time until Aldorf, then in Bellinzona is suddenly 40 minutes more? D:)
Using the VERY SLOW train wifi I managed to find out that the train will take longer because the Gotthard base tunnel is closed and the trains are being deviated on the panoramic route. On one hand I really didn't want to spend MORE time on the train today, but on the other a PANORAMIC route through THE ALPS? :D
I make the mistake of getting a coffee from the bistro of a SWISS TRAIN: 4,60 euro for an espresso is a new (horrifying) high XD
Ah, beautiful Alps, my babies, I missed you so. Even in this hazy light you are magnificent.
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I do manage to get on the connecting train in Lugano and find a seat - and even though I'm still going backwards at least I am not on the on the side of the sun this time.
Also Lugano station is up on the mountain, and from there there's a beautiful view of the lake.
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(no, this is not the view from Lugano station, this is the "back in Italy!" photo I sent my mum the second I had my data plan back XD)
From Milan central station I take a local train to go home and finally, finally!, there's proper air conditioning XD thank you Trenord for this welcome home gift XD
And that's a wrap on this not actually interrail, central European trip :D
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dialogusnes · 11 months
Alright folks, here's the bananas Warhammer fan-theory of the night:
Every Warhammer universe belongs to a single unified timeline.
In the past, there were small teases regarding a possible connection between the universes of warhammer fantasy and 40k. Old sources had little references to a galaxy in a bottle in an aldorf wizard college tower or a planet in the eye of terror- contradicatory and only easter eggs at that.
With the return of primarchs and the advancement of the 40k timeline, many people wonder if a 40k end times is coming.
There are a ton of ways it could go, none of which I find terribly interesting to explore. What interests me is the potential that the end times of 40k lead to the creation of the Old World.
My working theory is that the Emperor ascends to Godhood and creates a planet in the image of old Earth as a refuge for humanity to survive the destruction of the galaxy, warded from chaos. Several Xenos races fight their way onto the ark-world, and chaos manages to breach the wards at the pole, but the plan is successful and a small number of humans survive the destruction of the galaxy.
This would mean the story of warhammer begins with the modern day, and the furthest possible point forward in the timeline is the Age of Sigmar.
The grand timeline would look like:
Modern Day->Horus Heresy->40k->Old World->Age of Sigmar
Do i think GW would ever in a million years? Probably not. Fun to think about, though.
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444names · 1 year
ukrainian surnames + german forenames and towns
Aburg Agdalka Agena Aldorf Alick Alkhoron Altrinz Ammen Anahmölle Aningen Anitz Anniv Antig Aplach Arkinighaj Arleid Asimbernig Asselsbern Aßlieck Baber Babernen Bachenko Bachteim Balenko Barien Barlsfürg Bauber Becksyk Berbog Bereberden Berempetz Bergan Berilheim Berringenz Bibernhau Bilowetadt Bilsal Bischesch Bisenfurg Bisfel Blanden Bloriney Boben Bocheim Boder Bolbar Bonin Bormarten Bottea Bravriest Brehndren Brelde Bresserliy Brustadena Bräfelaels Bröth Brüdio Buren Burgen Bärkhagerg Büllmau Bürensen Bürsen Cheim Chenalzen Clanisteln Claugau Cocheim Colzarne Cremberg Dalka Deretten Dindeni Dingen Dolpiney Dorbach Dorft Dremeutenz Dülsen Edrachen Eggen Eimar Einatten Eingen Emarchtsin Ertorf Esksymonau Eusen Feden Fehen Fennade Fingesko Flensdo Floitz Frattenko Fridsaarda Frierf Frivan Fürstadt Fürstelip Gabburg Gagen Gebersedt Geisenko Genburg Gerkattia Gersee Gersh Gestind Glaubak Gocko Goloßrödel Gonerenko Grach Grede Greim Greuel Grick Grieden Grietteln Groda Gronnes Gräfenfen Gunde Gunhuk Gügdorchen Güsternbe Hafelm Haggerheim Halen Halslim Halvenko Hankaitze Harane Harlsbürg Haungo Havlin Haykow Hedrafin Heilhen Heina Heißen Hemnyk Henal Henbermain Henko Henkopka Hensenheim Hensten Herndar Hifheiden Hilshko Hingenz Hochön Hoerg Hofel Hovych Hryshal Hukelgau Ippenko Ippov Isaald Ivaken Jacheiberg Jaskyj Joach Joheln Jupfur Jülfrisen Kaing Kaltryn Karien Kassenko Kausburg Kehnyj Kenko Kirch Kirchenz Kirchreen Klaniy Kligmanyj Klinger Komarsusen Korkgrow Kosch Koschofen Kosen Kossen Krail Kravra Krosniuk Kulen Kusen Kuzyr Kylautz Köberez Könick Kühlden Lahmarko Lakhachof Lamani Lameuderin Lausee Lausen Levede Leyevor Liedt Linberg Linburg Lingemna Linstädt Litvilohel Loizeild Lothuk Lottedy Lukart Lumar Lundt Lyarkrold Löhniuburg Lönich Lönweln Lötzenko Löweisim Lücko Lüdiestadt Lüglich Maigsbach Mallim Mandena Marabal Marburg Maritzko Marnhuk Mattedt Melde Melfenfen Melstalw Menth Merms Mesen Mettwerg Michko Micott Miling Mingenkow Mircheneck Mirchherg Mislub Mohaann Moorn Morneusern Munhelms Märko Möcheim Mönik Mülln Münchutich Nausch Nazuserg Nerwigsbau Neungende Neurg Neuse Neuste Nigsberg Nisen Noval Novorcheim Nueld Nörsdorzow Nürschuk Obachtweim Oberee Oberf Oberneerg Ochönine Oedving Ofsham Ohrisch Ollee Osierotadt Osteln Otsyj Ottenburg Padenbasta Paichüthau Paigstaum Palln Partreim Patteim Pfhoh Pforf Pfrenber Pfrien Pfriesnitz Pfulrand Pfurg Plaen Polch Poloessen Polßenburg Porieden Pulraltadt Puttst Pößenbern Querstyack Rabenhalch Rabin Radts Rande Rasteld Ravtuhl Reimarkt Rembabrück Remmeim Rendenzie Rensen Reubern Rheichl Rhein Rhütjerlov Rippeneck Roberg Rodorf Roitz Roloßbona Rommen Ronau Rummarem Rybadt Röttin Rünner Saachwan Sangelden Savchee Savin Savrausen Schal Schaurg Scheim Schen Schenth Schheing Schko Schof Schud Schuk Schöve Schüfin Schüten Seerg Senbürg Sepirch Seßladt Shaffenko Shvenha Sisch Soesch Soneuden Sonnal Spaping Spetabburg Stamer Staniko Stede Stedt Stelnyst Sterg Sterhürg Städt Sunkocklia Svysen Teleburg Terbach Teurg Tkasim Trattia Tredyko Trollm Truhn Tunst Tuthuk Tymkau Tößen Ulernde Undren Vanko Velderg Verne Vetelngen Viilde Viluch Vingen Vlanko Volig Volomenha Voltheim Voroda Vridorda Vöhringa Vöriedelst Wadel Walderg Waldern Walinfurg Walpen Warcusepau Wartsen Waryn Wasebea Weden Wegneuburg Weigen Weinge Weißen Weseden Weshen Wessingel Wigsburg Willherg Winge Wippsbaste Wisdorg Witch Witzsch Wolgedemch Wolodko Wolpichau Wolysterk Wortynig Wunfen Wächburg Würsum Xanedt Yvainda Zingen Zingermas Zwalteim Zwethern Öhstalberg Ösria Össoe Östosheim
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thegodwithinblog · 2 years
The story of a dwarf...
"They were friendly little creatures, dwarves as they might be called. From about 2 to 5 feet in stature. They did not have...
-Top 20 in Children’s Scary Stories. –Top 20 in Children’s Coming of Age Fantasy books. -Top 20 in Children’s Paranormal, Occult & Supernatural Books. I write stories within stories… ALDORF’S STORY Meet Havendorf… “It was a beautiful village called Havendorf, a loving community of artisans, creatives, and businesspeople of all types; and, better yet, a truly magical place where children…
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vulukebuli · 2 years
Tricotin circulaire mode d'emploi de atlas
er>TRICOTIN CIRCULAIRE MODE D'EMPLOI DE ATLAS >> <strong><u><a href="http://vk.cc/c7jKeU" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">DOWNLOAD LINK</a></u><br>vk.cc/c7jKeU</strong> <br><p>&nbsp;</p><br>TRICOTIN CIRCULAIRE MODE D'EMPLOI DE ATLAS >> <strong><u><a href="http://bit.do/fSmfG" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">READ ONLINE</a></u><br>bit.do/fSmfG</strong> <p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p></center><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>
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Contenu : 1 notice pédagogique et 14 roues des sons prédécoupées en Contenu aldorf ontenu 1 plateau circulaire im cm , de mini pinces et de ontenu 5 fic
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loominggaia · 2 years
Anonymous asked:
Fan fic anon here, after doing work on Benfreit I’ve been having some mini bouts of inspiration for two divine characters as of late and I though I’d share them. Coming from two older fic’s and giving them characterization. I present Aldorf Hosfeild: Divine of Monsters, and Cian: Divine of Faith.
Hosfeild has always been a man of business, mainly dealing in the exotic animal trade. Having owned many pet store chains, breeding businesses and registries, maybe some endangered animal smuggling rings here and their? He even operated a high end poffle breeding operation, though according to reports these creatures where heavily inbred, to the point of coming in five colors and couldn’t stop peeing. I still undecided on how he died, but I’m thinking it had to do with assassination.
This made the dworf divine the perfect candidate for Mr. Husk “personal” project with the creation of the Nekos. Having made several calls and destroyed tons of records Hosfeild completely divorced his name and scrubbed all traces of his involvement in the cat girls creation and set his sights on more ambitious projects. He clung to the designer monster idea, a great use for his new found monster forging skills and a market nobody had yet to claim, all his for the taking.
Gathering lots of resources and greasing lots of palms he managed to get Zareen empire to life it’s ban on monster forging. Now allowing with special government permission the forging of monsters ppl level 0-1, just in time for Hosfeild to open his new business. Founding Krazy Kritters Inc, a pet store selling numerous unique, friendly monsters called “Krazy Kritters”. Each of these monsters is unique and only ppl level 0, marketed as safe, cool pets for families.
Their are several different lines of Krazy Kritter monsters, each having a lot of variation in appearance. But despite this they are all as marketed “pre-neutered, house broken and safe and fun for the whole family”. The business even offer their “create a kritter” deal where with enough money you can get a custom monster designed just for you. Despite alot of criticism and pushback this venture has found lots of success in Zareen.
One of the main criticisms is over his ethics in these monsters creation. How a lot of them have highly impractical designs that hinder their health, and that most don’t live very long. Questions have also been raised as to how Hosfeild produces all these monsters, “Officially” he states that each Krazy kritter is hand forged by himself. In truth it’s more disgusting, I’ll just say the first of these beings made where “brood mothers and breeders”, if you get what I’m saying.
He may or may not also be working on creating designer monsters as bio-weapons and other unsavory things behind the scenes. That concludes my ravings on Mr. Hosfeild and what I imagine he’s up to. Prophet Cian, lindist jesus himself will be up next once my brain irons out the details alittle more, alongside brainstorming an ending for New York and werewolf.
I’m happy to hear you’re inspired Anon! You always have such great ideas, and this is another one. Really fun stuff. Fits in seamlessly with the existing lore, this is totally something that would take off in Zareen Empire...playing God for the sake of profit, that’s right up their alley. Glad to see more of Hosfeild and his antics.
I can’t wait to read more of your fics! I’ve been wondering about those. You’re killing me with suspense!
Note: When you do submit fics, please don’t do so through the askbox. They’re just too long and they get jumbled up with other fics and questions in my inbox. Please post the new parts somewhere like Wattpad, Reddit, Deviantart, or somewhere where I can copy/paste them easily, and just send an ask with a link. Thanks!
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chimminiez · 4 years
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➷Blair Waldorf icons☆
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nitro-nova · 3 years
Can You Solve the Bug in the Butt Riddle?
Welcome to another TedX video. Let’s begin our riddle.
You live in a colony of 300 bugs. You are trying to chew through a wall to reach the pantry inside of a luxurious pantry. Your bug friend Aldorf believes his butt has a bug inside of it. You can’t be too sure just from looking at it, but there might be a way to find out. When noon arrives, you’ll have two strips of tape, a lighter, and a magnifying glass. The wall has ten mice guarding the cheese you’re trying to carry back to the colony. You also need to stop time. Can you figure out how to do all these things with just those three items? Pause the video now and figure out the answer.
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calico-distract · 4 years
Bl*ire W*aldorf apologists need to freaking grow up!
You can hate any gossip girl character, that's fine.. but if you dare to hate on her you're trash apparently? Fuck off! She's everything wrong in this world wrapped up in one person. Cruel, bitchy, selfish, and thinks the whole world owes them. She's a horrible awful vindictive bitch.. being queen b is not an excuse for girls to be on her side cause "yaaas queen" barf!
I love that the other characters are getting thier comeuppance in fandom (Ch*ck especially) but my god when will people finally take off their bla*r rosey goggles!!
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angelleday · 4 years
𝐇ey 𝐀mor!nosso primeiro day!
Eu passei horas e horas pensando no que colocar aqui,mas percebi que mesmo se eu tentasse nunca conseguiria descrever a sensação que eh estar com você. Nunca fui boa em palavras mas para você eu me esforço
Se me dissessem meses atrás que eu estaria completamente apaixonada pela minha melhor amiga e ia rir da cara da pessoa. Você foi uma das melhores coisas que me aconteceu esse ano,cada célula do meu corpo te ama e quer estar com você,fazer a mulher mais feliz do mundo,formar uma ao seu lado(nós já formamos). 𝐐uero ficar até meu último suspiro ao seu lado,cuidar de você,reclamar que estamos com preguiça de fazer os pedidos e acordar ao seu lado todos os dias
Nunca rolou um pedido oficial,nós só chegamos e concordamos em nós tratar como namoradas. Então 𝐀ngel 𝐖aldorf (quase) 𝐇emmings,𝐐uer namorar comigo?/me ajoelho na sua frente tirando uma caixinha do bolso e a abrindo
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Mila Petrova Gif Moodboard 4/? : Blair Waldorf Edition
                   “ I ’m not a stop along the way, I ’m a  D E S T I N A T I O N ”
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444names · 2 years
(starting with A) tolkienesque forenames+ german towns
Aachagder Aald Aandirch Aarchede Aarde Aaritten Abach Abalen Aberdanorz Abert Abravra Abrenheing Achau Achein Achenrad Achirk Achor Acirch Acksberg Adburg Aden Adenkfurg Ader Aderl Adild Adingoch Adomben Adorlin Adth Adtna Aduis Adusen Adûn Aedburg Aedrech Aegberg Aegen Aelden Aerbach Aervegnorf Agau Agduingerg Agen Aglangen Agondeggen Agorg Ahagochau Ahan Ahanzenda Ahdewitz Aheißwas Aheßlim Ahin Ahlügdurg Aiand Aiankow Aibbeutzil Aich Aigen Aigsfen Ailberg Aineshen Aingelch Aingen Ainya Aischönig Aith Aittma Akhîm Akhôn Akop Alach Alacht Aladt Alagorne Alahau Alana Alaneusell Alann Alansdow Alar Alarde Alau Alauben Alauff Alausäß Albach Albeck Albedt Alburg Alcalklöff Alch Alchlen Alda Aldanar Aldben Alde Aldel Alden Aldenfelim Alder Alderg Aldmünchen Aldoc Aldorf Aldreferg Aldsbern Alduin Aldë Aldürnau Alebach Aleburg Alegolleim Alen Alesky Aleuch Alfarg Alfen Alfheimo Alfreim Alfsharen Alfstern Algarsfel Algaruhith Algteim Alimrolór Alin Alinfen Alinitz Alka Alkaar Alkaldur Alkaliene Alkamo Alkendorn Alkern Alklingeon Alla Allachtadt Alladt Allaufth Alld Alleimosch Allen Allfzen Allin Allinc Allsel Allsniddar Almberste Alms Alsberghen Alsrode Alstadt Alsteisch Altedt Alteim Alteisweim Alten Alterf Althingen Althofeln Altmorn Altsrod Altvinburg Alvenniedt Alverg Alzen Alzming Aláf Amar Amben Amberden Ambrüeld Amburt Amderg Amdir Amedruma Ameldog Amelm Amich Amillinkul Amilmelke Amina Aming Amingen Amingenau Amir Amlandil Ammagor Ammelde Ammerg Ammern Ammeuben Ammieles Ammingenth Ammir Ammoorg Amperon Amranc Amron Amroßrönig Amshen Amstolë Amöllde Amöllemen Amönelde Amûl Amünch Anau Anaungel Ancalten Anch Anchterg Andach Ande Andil Andillamen Andiln Anding Andlittadt Andolfin Andor Andow Andui Andurg Andë Andóm Anel Anfeldë Anfelln Anfen Anfriën Angehrod Angen Angenats Angenburg Angensburg Angenzdorf Angerg Angeskorf Anglór Anhas Anheim Aningen Anith Anithon Anitz Ankeld Ankeln Ankupfur Anna Annabar Annar Anne Anner Anneußen Annornd Anorf Anorg Anorsell Ansek Ansen Anstadt Ansteck Anstfingen Antadt Anten Anth Anthamda Anthau Antherg Anuir Anur Anweim Anzbach Anzeyerg Anámon Appe Appen Arabrost Arach Aracherdor Aradorf Aradt Aragen Arahnerg Arahr Arainfell Aram Arammangen Aran Arand Arandorf Aranstadt Arantadt Arapeldom Arattengen Araushen Arbe Arbech Arber Arboroich Arburg Archil Ardang Arde Ardeca Ardenbach Ardor Ardorf Ardorozen Ardreyen Areimladt Aren Arenbur Arenft Arenfurg Arfen Argborf Arich Arierg Arin Arinau Arinkauen Arionnau Arkar Arkdorlich Arkir Arkkli Arkow Arkt Arktburg Arktold Arktornkir Arkulwë Arkus Arkuselm Arlin Arlinnghâl Arlshensth Armaltönig Armsdorls Armühl Arneusedt Arnthain Aroc Arock Arode Aroichste Aronbeck Arrhück Arsben Arsbrode Arsburg Arsch Arseebühl Arshenzeim Arstarburi Arsteld Arsth Artherburg Artinaur Artonne Artz Aruchemnig Aruchwalte Arvenduin Arvöhren Arwalten Arweimrodt Arzbachwal Arzburg Arzen Arzeutië Arzhofhar Asbur Asch Asee Aseibben Asen Aslinauf Assaern Assau Asselk Asser Assë Astadoriën Astarden Astauck Asten Astensthau Asterl Asturg Asulke Atad Atadelhen Ataderstra Atadt Athow Atil Atingburg Attow Atárieck Aubach Auberg Auburg Auch Auen Auff Aummeen Aunde Aunhar Aunne Auns Aunstad Aupir Auppitten Aurg Ausach Ausausese Auschwen Ausel Ausen Ausenda Auserg Ausum Auterdald Auterg Autersen Authohin Averg Avermsher Aviandeór Avil Azach Azachwaber Azahna Azow Azôn Azôr
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idbchris · 5 years
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Chuck Bass x Blair Waldorf   aesthetic
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thegodwithinblog · 2 years
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"They were friendly little creatures, dwarves as they might be called.  From about 1 to 5 feet in stature.  They did not have religion per se, but they did have stories of real, outstanding members in their society; and these were stories which brought inspiration and paved the way to become a better dwarf..."  ~The Book of 1st Witchcraft - Aldorf's Story.
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