#aldous leekie
A Rachel simp too why am I even surprised
Going to assume this is about Rachel Duncan. Anyone who's been around when I go to bat for Merula knows what's coming next. To the uninitiated, brace yourselves. Unabashed Rachel defense incoming.
Now I admit, she's done horrible things. Like when she stole Beth's identity. Or when she stood by and watched her friend suffocate as punishment for a crime she did not commit. Like when she shot Helena in the chest. Like when she murdered a ton of her own sisters on the orders of the Prolethians. Or even the time she put a pencil in Rachel's brain.
...Do you see my point?
The Sisters pretty much all do terrible things at some point during the show. (Except Cosima, she is a cinnamon roll and Delphine does not deserve her. I said what I said.) You can argue that Rachel's crimes are more numerous than the other clones, but that's probably because she's on the other side of the conflict, and we're seeing things from the perspective of the main heroes. I know, I know, Neolution is evil, and after all, it was Rachel's choice to join them. Oh wait, no it wasn't. Not at all. She was raised by them. They are a cult, and Season 5 spells this out about directly. Rachel frequently shows the same tendency as most Neolutionists to put their loyalty to "science" (read: eugenics) above human life. But that's because, again, she was indoctrinated as a child and brainwashed. Which resulted in her dealing with her situation in the worst way possible.
From a young age, she was taught to see herself as a string of numbers. As a subject. As property. The older she got, the clearer that was made to her. Rachel may be power-hungry, but her lust for power is nothing more than a desire for autonomy. In her mind, it's the only way forward. Despite being "Pro-Clone" she has not been raised without knowing human compassion. It's worse than that. She was given a taste of it with her parents (who are both terrible people but I could make a full post about each of them so let's stay on topic) before being taken by Neolution where she was forced to adapt if she wanted to survive. But everyone she knew or cared about, or was even allied with, betrayed her at some point.
Ethan Duncan, her father, took his own life and made her watch. His last words? "You don't deserve me anymore." Yeah, all kinds of fuck him. Aldous Leekie, who she once trusted enough that she considered him a father figure, constantly went behind her back and it was during one of his examinations that he refused to share her results and told her "You're not exempt from the experiment." Susan abandoned her when she was little, gave her to Neolution, and even when they were reunited, the way she treated her was despicable. It was textbook emotional abuse. I know I'm supposed to think of Rachel as the villain when she stabs Susan, but this act immediately followed the line "I regret creating you." She also stabbed Sarah in the leg in the same scene but...again, Sarah put a pencil in her brain. I'd say they're even. Oh, then there was Delphine, who tortured Rachel for information when she could barely speak. (This is unrelated but. Fuck Delphine. She is such a creep.) Let's not forget Westmoreland, who took advantage of her, lied to her, all while still objectifying her as property and spying on her through the eye-cam. The only person Rachel cared about who didn't stab her in the back? Kira. Because of this, I refuse to believe Rachel ever wanted Kira hurt or would have let it happen on her watch.
I still don't see how the word "simp" applies here but...y'know what, screw it. I'd have coffee with her. She'd probably stab me in the neck with an icepick in the middle of the night, but I'd still have coffee with her. Just consider me a full Rachel Duncan simp. Hey, as long as we're talking about her dating life, Ferdinand is a fucking creep who does not love her at all, he's just got some disturbing obsession with her that is possessive and violent. ("Who's a dirty clone" made me want to hurl, and I only wish Delphine hadn't stopped Sarah from finishing him off.) His obsession includes strangling Rachel, and pretending that Mika is Rachel while he's murdering her, in some sick, twisted form of venting his aggression at Rachel. It is messed up and I despise Ferdinand. But Rachel genuinely thinks that he is the only person who ever loved her and I just want to scream. No. No no no.
I'm still mad that Rachel was barred from Clone Club when all was said and done. It goes against the entire spirit of what Clone Club was supposed to be about, especially since they still let Helena be a part of it back in Season 2, despite her crimes. The gang would never have defeated Neolution without Rachel's help. She rescued Kira, betrayed Westmoreland and put a huge target on her back in the process. For crying out loud, she cut out her own eye to stop him from monitoring her. She betrayed Ferdinand (The "only person who ever loved her," don't forget) and warned Siobhan when he survived. She provided information on all of the other clones. And excuse me, after all that, Felix just gets to unilaterally decide that she can't come in? Screw that, why aren't the actual Sisters consulted? Or Kira? I feel like this should be put to a vote at the very least. I know Sarah will never forgive Rachel, but Rachel seems to have put the whole pencil incident behind her, so...that kind of makes her the bigger person here, just saying. Even if the writers wanted Rachel to go her own way, they didn't have to Felix slam the door in her face before she'd even knocked.
Rachel may be a villain, but that's because she's a victim of her circumstances. She didn't ask to be a clone, she didn't ask to be raised by her creators and groomed to suppress any empathetic urges. Her upbringing turned her into some strange, contradictory blend of slave and slave master, and it probably gave her a boatload of identity issues and self esteem issues. It took time for her to figure all of that out, and considering that she was constantly under the surveillance of Neolution, that's totally understandable. She didn't have any counter-examples apart from Sarah's gang, who were framed as enemies from the moment they met. Just consider for a moment, that Rachel was subjected to the fate that Sarah fought tooth and nail to protect Kira from. But no, Rachel had to live that life. But above all...she suffered for her crimes. She suffered so much. She spent two entire seasons learning to speak and walk again. She had to watch her father kill himself. Sarah and the others were willing to open their hearts to Helena, so why not Rachel?
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aerial-ace97 · 1 year
Aldous Leekie Reframing?
So I’m watching Orphan Black for the third time right now cause it’s amazing and one of my favorite TV shows of all time.  Anyway, I’m becoming convinced that Leekie might have been the best of the Dyad Institute and maybe the best bad guy of the show besides those who clearly or even just effectively swapped sides (AKA Helena and Paul).  Spoilers though so I’ll put my reasoning under the cut.
To start off, I am by no means calling Leekie a good guy.  He was known to kill in order to keep the experiments safe, as in the case of Olivier (to be fair he was a sex offender so I don’t feel too broken up about it and you could argue Leekie hired him but with how many heads Dyad has there simply is no way to know that).  He also supposedly killed Rachel, but oh it turns out no he didn’t, so did he just... burn documents or something.  He did have grandiose ideas about eugenics but that’s... everyone in Dyad and he honestly was mostly just a figurehead while others did the real work.  He also had a creepy relationship with Delphine.  Maybe?  We never got the full picture on how that worked though.  Certainly his status was above her and so you could make a point for work place exploitation but besides that... I’m not really sure what’s creepy about their relationship.  Is it just ageism?  Rachel and Ira are creepy because Rachel LITERALLY raised Ira from four years old.  We know nothing of the history of Aldous and Delphine.  Aldous was... also vaguely an asshole and superior around most people.  Not exactly a crime akin to the monumental violations we see from others on the show.
On the other hand, Aldous was deeply committed to maintaining as little intervention with the subjects as possible, or at the least, the most that we saw (I guess besides Marion Bowles but she was hardly even a character and MK’s revenge list with her named crossed off suggests she was involved with Helsinki so... not a great look for her).  He didn’t try to kill any clones we know of and forwarded the greatest impetus for curing the clones of anyone in the Institute.  When Rachel went out of her way to have one of her sisters murdered and autopsied he was disgusted.  Not to the extent anyone should have been but with more genuine frustration than anyone I can recall in the Institute.
When we compare him to other members of the group there really is no contest with most of them.  Virginia Coady advocated for genocide and rape.  Her cadre of clones, while arguably manipulated, were also rapists.  PT Westmoreland experimented on a child and eventually killed him in cold blood, manipulated everyone around him to do his eugenic dirty work, stole blood from dozens of youth and let them die thinking they had a cure, you name it.  Evie Cho had dozens of babies euthanized when they were ‘defective’.  Ferdinand massacred clones.  And Rachel, for all people try to argue for her redemption and as manipulated as she was, went a long with both Westmoreland and Ferdinand, held back Cosima’s cure, tried to kill her mother and Sarah, did have one clone murdered, manipulated and abused Kira, and was perfectly fine with however many clones had to die.  Sorry Rachel fans but her being manipulated doesn’t absolve her.  Everyone is a product of others.  No upbringing makes Rachel vindicated.
Of course Prolethians fair no better with all of them abusing faith in order to manipulate the murders of clones.  Tomas was abusive, Henrik a rapist, Bonnie a murderer and abusive.  Probably way more crimes for all of them.
There are only two members of Dyad who may have had any chance of being better.  Susan Duncan being one.  But... Susan Duncan was still ok for a while with experimenting on Yanis in the horrible tests he went through.  Speaking up isn’t really stopping it and she should’ve cut and run then and there.  Also had that above creepy relationship with Ira.  I don’t know that she couldn’t have been aware of some of the Helsinki stuff and other things that Dyad got up to as essentially the head of Dyad for a time.
Ethan Duncan is the other contender and yeah for all intents and purposes we’re left to believe he was better than Leekie but he was also... only very briefly ever a member of Dyad.  Certainly not the Dyad we see in the current age.  So I find it difficult to count him.
This is all worthless info of course.  They’re all scheming and cruel eugenicists more interested in profit and science than actual human lives.  But in retrospect of watching through the seasons I feel like Leekie shines as not so bad when we stop and think about it.  Course he might have been.  In an alternate story where the Club sides with him over Rachel in season 2, maybe he becomes the worst of the worst.  But I can only judge by what actually happened.
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ao3feed-orphanblack · 9 months
Bitter Partnership
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/gAhLSXD by Baurpower02 Follows two renowned female agents, Sarah Manning and Rachel Duncan, thrust into an uneasy partnership for a critical espionage mission. Their individualistic approaches and mutual dislike threaten the success of the operation. Sarah's street-smart recklessness clashes with Rachel's controlled precision. As they navigate treacherous threats and unexpected betrayals, their animosity softens, revealing vulnerabilities beneath their tough exteriors. Forced into cooperation, their initial hostility evolves into a fragile trust, possibly leading to a bond that transcends the mission itself. Amidst danger and deception, they grapple not only with external threats but also with conflicting emotions, exploring a tenuous line between enemies and unexpected allies. ProPunk-Spies AU Words: 2466, Chapters: 1/5, Language: English Fandoms: Orphan Black (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/F Characters: Sarah Manning, Rachel Duncan, Felix Dawkins, Siobhan "Mrs. S" Sadler, Aldous Leekie Relationships: Rachel Duncan/Sarah Manning Additional Tags: Spies & Secret Agents, Alternate Universe - Spies & Secret Agents, Enemies to Lovers, Hate to Love, Project Leda (Orphan Black), Childhood Trauma, Dark Past, Manipulation, Angst, Kissing, Neck Kissing, Sarcasm, Knives, Ass-Kicking, Undercover Missions, Bathrooms, propunk - Freeform, proclone, Forced Bonding, Sharing a Bed, Thigh Holsters read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/gAhLSXD
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ao3feed-cophine · 2 years
Self Rescuing Princess
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/UVWwImx
by Kneesuh
When King Aldous Leekie decides that he would like a wife, he makes a deal with the Fae King, PT Westmoreland, to create the perfect woman for him. Princess Delphine Cormier is born with no idea of the deal made that will affect the trajectory of her life. Growing up in relative seclusion, Delphine leads a lonely and boring life. That is until her parents invite the other royal families from the realm to begin introducing the young princes and princesses to one another. Immediately, Delphine finds herself drawn to one princess in particular. Princess Cosima is unlike any of the other royalty Delphine has ever met. What will the future hold for the young princesses? Only time will tell...
Words: 2413, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Orphan Black (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Delphine Cormier, Cosima Niehaus, Evie Cho, Sarah Manning, Siobhan "Mrs. S" Sadler, Aldous Leekie, Helena (Orphan Black), Rudy (Orphan Black), Mark Rollins, Felix Dawkins, Colin (Orphan Black), Rachel Duncan, Paul Dierden, Scott Smith (Orphan Black)
Relationships: Delphine Cormier/Cosima Niehaus, Delphine Cormier & Cosima Niehaus, Delphine Cormier/Aldous Leekie, Sarah Manning/Cal Morrison, Colin/Felix Dawkins, Paul Dierden/Sarah Manning, Delphine Cormier/Paul Dierden, Shay Davydov/Cosima Niehaus
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/UVWwImx
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c0rmier · 1 year
note : in my main verses, delphine is either dating or married to cosima. that said, i am open to most shipping, but it'll be placed in a different verse, unless otherwise plotted. ( please do not feel pressured to ship if you play cosima ! this is just a personal preference. )
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001. MAIN VERSE : takes place after the events of orphan black. delphine is living and working in toronto, canada with her wife. she works as a professor at the university of toronto and is trying to leave dyad and project leda in the past. tag.
002. IT IS PERSONAL : set during season two, most of delphine's days are spent in the lab, or split between cosima and aldous leekie. her loyalty is to curing cosima before anything else, and there's absolutely nobody that can get in her way. tag.
003. DYΛD'S DOG : takes place during the events of season three. delphine has been crowned ceo of dyad institute after the tragic death of one rachel duncan. gone is her warm disposition, instead making room for a mask made of steel. tag.
004. B.C ( BEFORE CLONES ) : the job opportunity from dyad would be life-changing, delphine knew. moving to america permanently, a new apartment, a fresh start... a chance to get away from her ex-boyfriend, claude, who would sometimes leave a sniffling voicemail on her phone. as of right now, there is no clone conspiracy. just a girl and her microscope. tag.
005. CLONES... IN SPACE ! : delphine is one of few physicians on topside, a space station with a population just bordering on overflowing. the quarters are cramped at best, but delphine supposes they're better than whatever horror lies back home at earth. it's been over a hundred years since she's been on-planet, having been apart of a select number of humans to cryofreeze themselves when the station was still being built. last to unthaw, and alone in a big universe, delphine dreams of one day leaving the station behind, but this will do for now. tag.
006. SUCCESSION : delphine's father has served as editor-and-chief for atn's les temps du paris for as long as she can remember. growing up, her life was full of impromptu trips to america, sneaking cigarettes at grandiose galas, and pretending to be interested in the other kids her age. this puts her in quite the awkward position, following the acquisition of pierce global media by her company, dyad. entrusted by the owner, marion bowles, delphine finds herself back in new york; this time with many more responsibilities. tag.
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obrienpolycule · 4 years
Delphine/Leekie and Susan/Ira fight
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gay-af-sideblog · 5 years
Rachel Duncan deserved better 🥺😭
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sandy-stills · 5 years
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that one time Leekie caught Delphine and Cosima snooping round
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stiffshots · 5 years
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#OrphanBlack #TextsFromLastNight are currently available in all 159 counties in the state of Georgia.
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aclashofcaps · 6 years
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elliesgaymachete · 6 years
Me: still mad that they never explained what the fuck was up with the relationship between Delphine and Leekie
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(sees another fandom that I can ask you about and cheers) Orphan Black! Thoughts? I don't know Dr Who but Tatiana is one of my favorite actors period.
Anon you are so sweet! I'm always happy to chat about fandoms and characters and whatnot, and I will never not appreciate the majesty of Tatiana's acting. That is one of the greatest parts of the show hands down.
Orphan Black, to me, is a show that had incredible potential, but didn't really live up to the excitement it created. (Loooong post ahead.)
The thing is, Orphan Black builds a chilling mystery and background, the world it gradually creates as it goes for about the first two seasons, got be very invested and made me wonder a lot about where it was going to go and what the answers were. The setup is brilliant, right from the start with that iconic cold open of Beth's suicide. The unknown is what really helped this show get as thrilling as it was, because the actual answers behind the unknown were kind of hit and miss, and it seemed like far too often, the show just wasn't interested in telling it's story. Hijinks where the clones impersonate each other in slice of life events? That's fun at first and it really works well as they're still getting to know each other. But after a while, it gets tedious, and it seems like the show would rather fuck around and have dance parties (seriously, that scene was such a #BigLippedAlligatorMoment) than focus on the story and the threat that the sisters are facing. Virtually all of Allison's plotlines are like this, they feel like they belong in a different show, and for some reason the writers insisted on giving her one of these storylines like, every season. After Allison passively murders her own friend out of suspecting that she's spying on her, I just don't feel like an arc about her running for some PTA office position even matters. It doesn't feel right.
Speaking of that, here's another example: Donnie. Why did the end of the first season suggest that he was this secret mastermind working for Leekie? The whole idea just deflates in Season 2 and doesn't really go anywhere. He just goes back to being the bumbling sweetheart he was before. Why even have him be the spy? Maybe it should have been Ainsley. Do you want to know the exact moment that I think Orphan Black went wrong? Like, the specific scene? When Leekie was killed off. The character who had thus far been the Big Bad, gets taken out in the stupidest possible way, a literal accident on Donnie's part, and it's even played for laughs. After that point, the show really struggled to regain it's footing, though I don't think it completely went off the rails until about Season 4, and it was still generally hit or miss. Like, some stuff was really good. The introduction of the Castor clones, the development of Rachel's character (I'll get to her, trust me.) and the reveal of Kendall Malone. But it seemed like so much else was just forgotten or otherwise not resolved. Whatever happened to Cal? Sure, the show wanted to focus on the sisters...but Kira deserves to know her father if she wants to. That's just one example. It's a crying shame because this show is sometimes incredible. The metaphor that I always use for situations like this, is a card game. The show has all the right cards in its hand, they're just not being played.
The two strongest characters, at least to me, were Rachel and Helena. One of these characters was superbly written and went through a devastating arc. The other was Helena. We need to talk about her. In Season 1, she really cemented herself as a memorable presence with her trademark accent, her scars, her whole damn personality (again, hats off to Tatiana) and of course, that iconic screechy theme music that accompanied her. Which at first made us jump, but eventually made us cheer. I adored Helena, and I loved the development of her relationship with Sarah. Who went from shooting her in Season 1, to being deadset on rescuring her in Season 3, being furious with Siobhan for betraying her. (This is unrelated but Siobhan has the same " twist villain fakeout" at the end of Season 1 that Donnie does, and it's quite frustrating.) And yet, I swear, the writers just didn't know what to do with Helena half the time. They put her on a bus for long stretches, including one point where she just up and leaves Allison's house in Season 4, for no given reason. And the characters just kind of...don't care. The same thing happens when she gets arrested. No one cares to try and find Helena, even though she's unstable and often a danger to those around her. Even though she's by herself with no real ability to function in society. Even though she's pregnant. There is no excuse for this, and no Sarah, that "I'm sorry, I avoided you" scene in Season 5 is not going to cut it. It's such an afterthought.
I'm being rather critical, but I hope you can tell that this is from a point of passion. I genuinely enjoyed this show and getting to watch it. Just that sometimes it didn't feel like the show cared that I was watching. However, this was not true whenever Rachel was onscreen. Look, I'm a Merula Snyde stan, so you can probably already guess how I feel about Rachel. Despite her crimes, despite her constant slipping back the dark side, I felt so bad for Rachel at the end of it all. That scene with Kira really sums it up. "Who hurt you?" "All of them." And no scene is more intense than when she stabs out the eye cam. Like, I'm sorry, I pitied Rachel pretty much from Season 2 on. Her parents were horrible to her, and I'm supposed to think Ethan is the good guy here? He kills himself in front of his own daughter, telling her that she doesn't deserve him. And then Sarah shoots a pencil through her eye, causing brain damage and requiring a long recovery. I'm not saying that Sarah was wrong to do what she did, just that if I were in her shoes, I'd still feel a degree of guilt for Rachel's condition. In the end, I'm devastated that she was barred from Clone Club, when she made the right decision at the point it mattered. But there's just too much history there, and Sarah won't ever forgive her. (Though again, I do feel as though there's blame to share.) Rachel is my favorite character and I never expected her to be. But she's just so complex. Side note: "Enjoy your oophorectomy" is so damn quotable. I don't know why but I love that line.
So, Rachel's my favorite. Who's my least favorite? It might surprise you. It's Delphine. I'm sorry, but I just...I couldn't get on board with C*phine. Not after Season 3. I was waiting for the point that the show would push to finally redeem Delphine for her turncoat role, for all of the hell that she put Cosima through. By Season 5 though? I realized that as far as the writers were concerned? She already was redeemed. Even though she did nothing to earn it, except be presumed dead by Cosima. The way she treats Cosima in Season 3 is actually disgusting. Her reasoning for breaking up with Cosima is circular. She has to love "all the clones" in order to be with Cosima, and the way to do that is to take over Rachel's job, which means they can't date anymore? I'm not the only one who thought that didn't make sense, right? Oh and let's talk about how she stalks Cosima's date, breaks into her house, and threatens her life. Red. Flags. Cosima even says the line, "If you're not going to be with me, just let me go." I'm sorry, that should not be something she has to beg for. Delphine's behavior made me want her to stay far, far away from Cosima. Who is, incidentally, a sweetie and I absolutely adore her. I legit have trouble remembering that Tatiana's playing her because she just looks and acts so different. That said, even though I immensely disliked Delphine, I am so very glad that they made one of the clones gay. Just like I'm glad that they made one of them trans. (Though...Tony wasn't handled especially well.)
In general, I do think the earlier seasons were stronger. The Brightborn arc, while interesting, didn't really contribute much to the overarching narrative. We got the backstory on Beth's suicide and finally learned the truth about her, I suppose. Still, even though Beth is one of my favorite of the clones, and I never expected her to be either...I feel like the actual reason given for why she took her own life was rather illogical. She apparently did it because the investigation was putting the clones in danger of another Helsinki. Okay, but just because Evie Cho says you should off yourself, doesn't mean you have to. You could just, like...stop investigating. And if you die under mysterious circumstances without explaining anything to the sisters, they're not going to be put off from the investigation. They're going to look into this even more, because they don't know why they're not supposed to. The reveal that she and Art fell in love toward the end adds an extra gut punch, but it also doesn't make sense because wouldn't Art have referenced it during the period that he thought Sarah was Beth? On the other hand, Season 4 also introduced MK. And I have such a soft spot for her. I adore that sheep-masked sweetie. Everyone always asks "Which clone would you date" (because fandoms can think of nothing else I guess) and I never see anyone give any love to MK. Her death absolutely tore me apart. I am glad Siobhan avenged her even if she went down at the same time. Side note, her last word being the affectionate "Chickens..." Broke me.
Season 5 was a strange beast. In general, it seemed like we were finally getting some answers to the questions that were hanging over us. Exploring the deep mythos. But then they kind of turned it around and made it just be a Wizard of Oz style fraud twist. Westmoreland isn't really inhumanly old, he's a charlatan. I don't know why that was necessary in a science fictional show. I've seen the interviews and I get what they were going for, it just feels like it would have been cooler and far creepier if he was actually that old. The puppet master pulling the strings the whole time. We also finally get some answers for Kira's superhuman healing abilities (though we never learn how she's telepathically connected to the clones) and I'm loving it, but the trouble is, it's inconsistent. Ethan "Why is this guy so popular, he's an asshole" Duncan told Rachel specifically that Sarah being able to have children was a fluke, that the clones were "barren by design." I don't know, the whole concept of Revival and of the "magical island" was really foreboding and tied in with the earlier references to The Island of Doctor Moreau. Especially that song about "Revival's Children" just...the shudders, man. But just having it be a regular old scam is...a letdown. I know it may be more realistic, but I don't always need realism in my scifi. The finale is interesting, in that it's mostly an epilogue. I'm glad the clones (sans Rachel) got to live happily ever after, but there are two gut punches right at the end that are total nitpicks but they bother me. Helena naming her kids after Art and Donnie? And writing a memoir that she names "Orphan Black?" Those two tropes can go die in a hole. They can enjoy an oophorectomy, because I'm so sick of them.
The potential of Orphan Black was practically infinite. The results of Orphan Black fell frustratingly short.
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diver5ion · 7 years
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Cosima Niehaus vs The Neolutionists
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ao3feed-orphanblack · 4 months
From Across The Office
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/EAYK9cn by Delphines_puppy Cosima Niehaus has always been certain that the nice girl can get the corner office. She’s charming and accommodating and prides herself on being loved by everyone at Leekie & Leda. Everyone except for coldly efficient, impeccably attired, physically intimidating Delphine Cormier. And the feeling is mutual. Trapped in a shared office together, they’ve become entrenched in an addictive, ridiculous never-ending game of one-upmanship. There’s the Staring Game. The Mirror Game. The HR Game. Cosima can’t let Delphine beat her at anything—especially when a huge new promotion goes up for the taking. If Cosima wins this game, she’ll be Delphine's boss. If she loses, she’ll resign. After a perfectly innocent elevator ride ends with an earth shattering kiss, Cosima starts to wonder whether she’s got Delphine Cormier all wrong. Maybe Cosima doesn't hate Delphine. And maybe, Delphine doesn’t hate her either. Or maybe this is just another game. Based on 'The Hating Game' by Sally Thorne. Words: 3711, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Orphan Black (TV), Orphan Black: Echoes (TV 2023) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/F Characters: Cosima Niehaus, Delphine Cormier, Marion Bowles, Aldous Leekie Relationships: Delphine Cormier/Cosima Niehaus read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/EAYK9cn
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ao3feed-cophine · 2 years
36 Questions
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/q8E7R1e
by Kneesuh
AU - No clones here: When someone from Delphine's past shows up and throws her life into chaos, she finds herself having to fight to regain Cosima's trust and love. Delphine hopes that if she can recreate their first day together through the 36 questions, that maybe she can accomplish this and get Cosima to forgive her. Based ever so loosely on 36 Questions Podcast, as well as, obviously Orphan Black.
Words: 1162, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Orphan Black (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F
Characters: Sarah Manning, Felix Dawkins
Relationships: Delphine Cormier/Cosima Niehaus, Delphine Cormier & Cosima Niehaus, Delphine Cormier/Aldous Leekie
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/q8E7R1e
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areemeers · 7 years
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Evelyne does a gene chip system make a two channel array go moot Brochu
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