#aldrich park
Far-Right Mass Shootings, May 2022-May 2023
Now that we know that the mass murderer in Allen, Texas was a far-right extremist and incel (as well as that puzzling but not-that-uncommon mix of being a racialized neo-nazi/white supremacist), we wanted to illustrate that mass shootings by the far-right are not aberrations with this list of similar events from over the last twelve months: December 23, 2022: A gunman opens fire in Paris, killing 3 Kurdish people & wounding 3 more in a plan to “kill non-European foreigners.” The attacker had just been released from prison after attacking migrants in Paris with a sword the year before. December 19-20, 2022: 22-year-old Anderson Aldrich enters a CO. gay bar with an assault rifle & opens fire, killing five and wounding 25 others before he is subdued. November 25, 2022: A 16-year-old former student storms two schools in Aracruz, Brazil, armed with two pistols and wearing a bulletproof vest emblazoned with a swastika. The teen shoots 16 people in the rampage, killing three of them. October 12, 2022: After posting an online manifesto against Jewish & LGBTQ+ people, a Bratislava, Slovakia teen shoots three people outside a local gay bar, killing two and wounding the third person before fleeing. The suspect was found dead the next day. September 27, 2022: Brothers Mark & Michael Sheppard are charged with manslaughter for opening fire on a group of migrants getting water near Hudspeth County, TX. One victim died from gunshot wounds, and one is recovering at an El Paso hospital. September 26, 2022: A gunman wearing a balaclava and a t-shirt with a swastika emblazoned on it enters an elementary school in Izhevsk, Russia, killing 15 people - 11 of them children - and wounding another 39 before turning the gun on himself. September 11, 2022: 53-year-old Igor Lanis’ obsession with far-right conspiracies ends when he guns down his wife, 25-year-old daughter, & family dog, before turning his shotgun on responding police, who shoot him dead. Only his daughter survives. August 9, 2022: A group of Black men helping someone jump-start a car in a Macon, GA. Wal-Mart parking lot are subjected to racial abuse by another man who then pulls a gun and begins shooting at them. May 15, 2022: 68-year-old David Wenwei Chou is charged with hate crimes after storming a Taiwanese church in Laguna Woods, CA. and shooting parishoners, killing one and injuring five others
May 14, 2022: An 18-year-old white supremacist opens fire in a supermarket in a black neighbourhood in Buffalo, NY, killing ten customers and wounding three others while livestreaming the attack.
May 11, 2022: A masked gunman walks shoots 3 Korean women working in a Dallas hair salon. Authorities believe the incident is connected to two earlier drive-by shootings targeting Asian-owned businesses in the Dallas area on April 2nd and May 10th. This is just a list of mass shootings committed by bigots, fascists, and far-right extremists over the last 12 months. We haven't included shooting with less than two victims, thwarted mass shootings, or any of bombings, stabbings, vehicle attacks, or other acts of violence.
In 2022 we documented 477 violent incidents motivated by hate or committed by bigots, fascists, or right-wing extremists, including 112 shootings. These attacks killed 366 people and injured 399 others. Read our 2022 report here. When we say anti-fascism = self-defence, we meant it. The endpoint for far-right ideology is mass murder. Fascists intend to do harm to our communities and will seize on any opportunity to hurt others. The only thing stopping them is ourselves. WE PROTECT US!
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whumpsday · 1 year
Kane & Jim BBU AU #2.5
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@bbu-on-the-side BBU Community Days #10: In-BBU-Media
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Kane de Sang, 30, was last seen at his home on Monday, according to multiple employees of Home Sweet Home Cleaners. His car, a black Volvo S90 sedan, was found parked by a concert hall. De Sang reportedly never made it inside the venue.
De Sang is the youngest of Aldrich and Rosemary de Sang’s seven children. His parents were unavailable to be reached for comment.
The disappearance comes just five years after a robbery at de Sang’s residence. The assailant, who remains at large, shot de Sang non-fatally and made off with his box boy, which was never recovered. It is unknown at this time if the event is connected to de Sang’s disappearance.
Anyone with any information on Kane de Sang’s whereabouts is urged to call...
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uranium · 4 months
I'm a UCI student and these past 24 hours have just been so sad and frustrating. None of us in my 3pm class could stop watching the divest livestream (luckily my professor understood and let us). I walked through aldrich park not even 3 hours before cops started pushing people out there. I basically begged my parents to let me stay the night at their house because I did not feel safe with fucking armed cops on campus. Wishing you all the best, and I'll donate towards bail funds when they get posted. 🍉❤️
wow yeah it seems crazy for everyone on campus im glad it seems like at least a few professors were understanding D: i live slightly off campus, i cant imagine trying to sleep directly on campus with hundreds of cops running rampent omg
i have yet to see any bail funds posted but i will make an update if/when that happens and thank you for your concern and wanting to help out!! ❤️🖤💚
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moonflowerxox · 5 months
Orange Grove - 2
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chapter two - home, baby, home
Y/n's last name will be Mackey so that it's not constantly written as "Y/n L/n" thanks for reading <3
   The jet landed, each team member standing up one by one to make their way towards the exit doors. You yawned, raising your arms in the air and stretching your sleepy muscles. Having barely slept since the last case, you felt like you were running on empty. You exited the jet with the rest of your team. 
   Arriving at the police station, you immediately met with the sheriff.
"Sheriff Davies, thank y'all for coming." she was shorter than you would've expected, likely around 5'2 with a slight chub to her build. Her face was lightly wrinkled, and she had green eyes with deep tan skin. Her hair was pulled into a sleek bun. Hotch reached out to shake her hand. "Ma'am" he said politely, his face as stoic as ever. "I'm SSA Hotchner, and this is my team. SSA David Rossi, along with agents Prentiss, Morgan, Jareau, Reid, and Mackey."
"You brought a full house" she joked, cracking a slight smile. She continued, "it's terrible what's been going on around here, it's got everyone scared to death. Children are afraid of losing their parents, and the parents are driving themselves crazy. I wouldn't be surprised if a few families were to back up and get out of town." She shook her head.
"Well, we're all happy to be of assistance. Morgan and Prentiss, you take the crime scene and see what all you can find. Reid, Mackey, I want you to interview the families, starting with the latest victims. See if they have any information that might be useful." Everyone nodded, dispersing to work on their tasks. 
   Starting with the Brown family, you and Reid entered the neighborhood of Laine Brown's sister, Darla. you looked around at the houses, taking a minute to absorb your surroundings. Something seemed familiar about this street, suddenly it clicked. Madeline, an old childhood friend of yours, used to live at the end of the block. You hadn't spoken to her since high school graduation. You wonder how she's doing. Focusing your attention back onto the case at hand, you parked the car on the side of the street, you and Reid both hopping out of the car promptly. 
   You closed your eyes, feeling the cool air brush across your skin. You inhaled, detecting a slightly sweet smell. 
"It's going to rain soon" you looked up at the clouds, ever so slightly graying. 
Spencer looked at you. "You know, many people believe that they can smell when it's going to rain. There is some evidence to support this, being that when a higher humidity is experienced as a precursor to rain, the pores of rocks and soil become trapped with moisture, forcing some of the oils to be released into the air." You looked back at him, letting out a playful scoff. 
"Look at you, Mr. National Geographic" you teased.
"Actually, did you know that National Geographic was one of the first magazines to reproduce color photographs?" 
"Uh, no, I did not know that" you responded, you couldn't help but smile. Spencer's knowledge of things had actually always been really impressive to you. "You're an odd one, Spence. Never change." You gently patted his shoulder before approaching the front door of the home. 
"Thank you?" he said, caught off guard by the assumed compliment.
   A woman opened the door, seemingly confused at first; she stepped out onto the patio, closing the door behind her. "Can I help you?" she asked. Flashing your badges, you spoke. 
"Mrs. Aldrich-" 
"Please, call me Darla" she interrupted. 
"Darla, my name is Y/n Mackey, and this is my partner, Spencer Reid. We work at the FBI for the behavioral analysis unit." The woman's eyes saddened, the realization of why you were both here sinking in. "We'd like to ask you a few questions about your sister, Laine" Spencer expressed.
   Darla sighed, "please, come in." She opened the door, moving out of the way and allowing you and Spencer to enter the home. You looked around, taking in your surroundings. It was a beautiful home. The walls were a deep pumpkin, lined with family photos and paintings. At the end of the room sat a sofa, it's yellow creme color and green floral printed throw pillows mixing nicely with the reddish-brown area rug underneath. In front of the couch sat a round wooden table, on top were a few books next to a clear vase filled with purple hyacinths, a box of tissues, and a half finished puzzle of the ocean. On either side of the sofa rested an ivory armchair, each with a light brown diagonal gingham pattern. 
"Please, sit." Darla motioned towards the furniture. You took a spot on the couch, Spencer placed in the left armchair, Darla in the right. She had rich brown skin, and she was wearing a forest green sweater and black trousers. Her hair was in twists, pulled back into a half up bun. 
"Now, Darla, what can you tell us about the afternoon Laine died?" Spencer inquired. "Was there anything that may have been said or done that struck you as odd or out of character for your sister?"
"No" she answered begrudgingly, dropping her head. You and Spencer met each other's eyes, slightly taken aback by how quickly she answered. Before either of you could respond, Darla continued, eyes glued to the floor almost as if she was in a trance. "My sister..." she paused, trying to find the right words. "Growing up, Laine always found herself in some type of trouble. Drugs, men, bar fights. It's like she didn't know how to stop. I tried to be there for her.." she choked on her words. "But we were just kids. I felt like part of me didn't know how to help her."
Your stomach dropped.
"It all became too much. I couldn't put my life on hold waiting for Laine to get hers together. I moved away for college, met my husband. After that, I never gave her a second thought." She paused, stumbling over her words as she choked back tears. "It's been nearly 20 years since we last spoke. I loved my sister. I loved her. That never went away. Even in the years we didn't speak. Never." You handed her the box of tissues from the table as tears streamed down her face, jaw quivering. She wiped the drops away. Holding the tissue in her hand, eyes red and puffy, she spoke once more. "Sometimes I'll just sit here and think about her last moments, the thoughts that must have been running through her head. I didn't even know that she had a husband and children. I never called. Visited. Not even a post card. I almost pretended she didn't exist. She- she must have died thinking that I hated her. I should have been there for her.. maybe things would of been different."
   You felt an anchor in your stomach, the aura of anxiety creeping up on you. You took a breath, focusing on the current moment. This isn't about you. 
   Spencer looked over at you once again, meeting your eyes. Honestly, neither of you were really sure what to say to Darla. You reached over and placed your hands on top of hers, holding them gently.
"Darla, this is not your fault." you swallowed thickly. 
"I loved her" she choked out. 
"I know."
   After getting back in the car, you let out a deep, almost shaky breath. 
"Hey, Y/n, are you okay?"
"Yeah" you replied hesitantly. You two drove off.
   After a few more interviews, you made your way back to the station. You pulled into a parking space and turned off the car. Spencer opened the passenger door, hopping out. 
"You coming?" he asked.
"Yeah, go on ahead, I'll be there in a minute" you pushed out a smile. He shut the door, walking into the building. You took out your phone and dialed a number, a familiar voice answering on the other line. 
"This is Garcia, here to to make all of your deepest, wildest fantasies come to life" she said in a sultry voice. Your eyes softened as you let out a slight chuckle. You had always compared Penelope to the sunshine, she just had this brightness about her. She always knew how to light up a room, just by being herself. You admired her for that.
"Garcia, I need you to look someone up for me."
"Sure thing, babydoll, just give me the name" she said cheerfully. 
"I need you to look up Jordan Makey." 
chapter one
[BAUbxbe on ao3]
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grimmmedic · 1 year
Into the Woods (RP with The-Hunter-Of-Teufort)
Aldrich grumbled to himself as he double-checked his pack, ensuring that he and Heinrich had everything that they needed; water, compass, first aid kit, some food, a small emergency tent, flashlights, the map of the area, including elevations, trails, ranger stations, and other info. Satisfied, he did the same with his brother’s pack, while Heinrich was busy admiring the trees around the parking area that they had left Al’s Impala.
“Al, take a moment to look around!” His sibling said, beaming. “Isn’t it beautiful?” Aldrich grunted in response, zipping up his twin’s pack and handing it over. “Do not wonder off, or I am leaving you.” Heinrich snorted, clearly seeing through his brother’s grumpy nature and sarcastic comment.
They set off soon after, mostly being silent, enjoying the nature. Heinrich talked enough for the both of them. They decided to take a break near a river, eating some granola bars and dried fruit.
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tangledinourstrings · 9 months
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Favorite First Time Watches of 2023
Martyrs (2008) directed by Pascal Laugier
オーディション (Audition, 1999) directed by 三池 崇史 (Takashi Miike)
The Vampire Lovers (1970) directed by Roy Ward Baker
ギニーピッグ2 血肉の華 (Guinea Pig 2: Flower of Flesh and Blood, 1985) directed by 日野日出志 (Hideshi Hino)
아가씨 (The Handmaiden, 2016) directed by 박찬욱 (Park Chan-wook)
薔薇の葬列 (Funeral Parade of Roses, 1969) directed by 松本 俊夫 (Toshio Matsumoto)
Les Yeux Sans Visage (Eyes Without a Face, 1960) directed by Georges Franju
Malá mořská víla (The Little Mermaid, 1976) directed by Karel Kachyňa
ハウス (House, 1977) directed by 大林 宣彦 (Nobuhiko Obayashi)
Misery (1990) directed by Rob Reiner
Scream (1996) directed by Wes Craven
Ginger Snaps (2000) directed by John Fawcett
ギニーピッグ マンホールの中の人魚 (Guinea Pig: Mermaid in a Manhole, 1988) directed by 日野日出志 (Hideshi Hino)
ギニーピッグ4 ピーターの悪魔の女医さん (Guinea Pig 4: Devil Woman Doctor, 1986) directed by 喰始 (Hajime Tabe)
LSD -ラッキースカイダイアモンド- (Lucky Sky Diamond, 1989) directed by 橋本 以蔵 (Izo Hashimoto)
Creep (2014) directed by Patrick Brice
Creep 2 (2017) directed by Patrick Brice
Wilczyca (She-Wolf, 1983) directed by Marek Piestrak
Five Nights at Freddy's (2023) directed by Emma Tammi
What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? (1962) directed by Robert Aldrich
Barbie (2023) directed by Greta Gerwig
The Little Mermaid (2023) directed by Rob Marshall
La Morte Vivante (The Living Dead Girl, 1982) directed by Jean Rollin
私の赤い腸 (はな) (Women's Flesh: My Red Guts, 1999) directed by 穴留玉狂 (Tamakichi Anaru)
無残絵: AVギャル殺人ビデオは存在した!(Celluloid Nightmares, 1999) directed by 山内大輔 (Daisuke Yamanouchi)
Lisa, Lisa (a.k.a. Axe, 1974) directed by Frederick R. Friedel
血の海の美女 (The Lady in the Sea of Blood, 1997) directed by 沖本 (Okimoto)
処女のはらわた (Entrails of a Virgin, 1986) directed by 小水 一男 (Kazuo Komizu)
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amourxheart · 8 months
Hi! I'm Bee and I've been roleplaying for about four years now and I live in the UK. I'm a girl and 16+ only please!
- Please be respectful!
- Please be aware that not all my free time will go to replying as I go to school full time
- Be patient with replies
- Smut is okay but do not make it the entire plot
The Summer I Turned Pretty
Belly Conklin
Taylor Jewel
The Society
Cassandra Pressman
Allie Pressman
Kelly Aldrich
Elle Tomkins
Helena Wu
Outer Banks
Sarah Cameron
Until Dawn
Jessica Riley
Samantha Giddings
Matthew Taylor
The Quarry
Emma Mountebank
Kaitlyn Ka
The Vampire Diaries
Elena Gilbert
Olivia Parker
Jeremy Gilbert
Hope Mikaelson
Elizabeth Saltzman
Penelope Park
The Wilds
Leah Rilke
Toni Shaloife
Teenage Bounty Hunters
Sterling Wesley
Blair Wesley
April Stevens
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alvadee · 1 year
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Fans Fete 'Baby Jane's Buono, Then Get Shock of Their Lives by Joe Thesken
"The premiere of "What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?" at the Orpheum Theater last night startled, thrilled and chilled those In the audience. To many it bordered on a traumatic experience.
Most of the opening-night crowd, in gay spirits, came to see San Diego's blossoming actor, Victor Buono, in his first film role. Some 300 of them crowded into the reception hall of the Fine Arts Gallery in Balboa Park to toast the talented actor before the premiere. They apparently were not prepared for the stark horror, almost nightmarish episodes in "Baby Jane." There was a visible shuddering and apprehension which swept the audience, especially the fairer sex. Expressions of "No, no!" and "I can't bear It" escaped from the lips of some.
The acting is superb. Robert Aldrich, producer and director, has woven a masterpiece of suspense, building up an eerie quality which literally explodes at high points in the picture. Alfred Hitchcock would have been proud to be associated with such a production.
Bette Davis, in possibly the strongest role of her long acting career is ghostly, ghastly and grisly as Baby Jane, a faded, frightened former child-actress who failed to mature emotionally. (...)
Buono enters the scene as hack planist who answers Baby Jane's advertisement for an accompanist. He's introduced into the eerie life of the former actress.
Many of the little touches so familiar to those who watched Buono perform at the Old Globe Theater's productions are evident in the picture. His boyish charms, his facial expressions, his manner of walking are trademarks on the screen.
It is left to Buono to precipitate the exciting climax of the picture. His breaking into Miss Crawford's room and seeing her condition forces Baby Jane's hand.
There Is a Hitchcock type twist at the end which gives the audience one final jolt.
Buono arranged with Seven Arts for the premiere of the motion picture here as a benefit for the Old Globe building fund. He lauded the Old Globe as a showcase for young actors and paid tribute to director Craig Noel, under whose tutelage Buono developed his dramatic artistry."
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grandmaster-anne · 2 years
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11 July 2022 Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Gloucester officially opened the Alan Hudson Day Treatment Centre at North Cambridgeshire Hospital, the Park, Wisbech, and was received by Mrs. Belinda Sutton (Deputy Lieutenant of Cambridgeshire). 📸: Dina Aldrich
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antih3r0s · 1 year
tentative muse list:
euphoria: elliot vasquez, nate jacobs, cassie howard, lexi howard, maddy perez, jules vaughn, fezco, kiara jacobs (oc), rue @th1rdact
skymed: milosz nowak, chopper, emma
phantom of the opera: raoul de chagny, erik (the phantom), christine @dreamtagain
hadestown: orpheus
the society: harry bingham, luke holbrook, elle tomkins, kelly aldrich, emily, elaine pressman (oc), allie pressman @pressm4n
stranger things: chrissy cunningham, eddie munson, nancy wheeler, will byers, paula byers (oc), colin cunningham(oc), cindy mckinney (oc), steph mitchell (oc), denise carver (oc)
video games: mike munroe (until dawn), jessica riley (until dawn), leon kuwata (danganronpa), princess peach (mario)
south park: stan marsh, karen mccormick, betsy
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Here's what we know about the Colorado Springs shooting
Here’s what we know about the Colorado Springs shooting
  Law enforcement officers walk through the parking lot of Club Q, an LGBTQ nightclub, in Colorado Springs, Colo., on Sunday.   November 21, 2022 A gunman killed five people and injured at least 25 others at an LGBTQ nightclub late Saturday in Colorado Springs, Colo. Authorities identified Anderson Lee Aldrich, 22, as the suspect and took him into custody shortly after arriving on site at Club…
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arsip-bang · 3 months
23 Juli 1815.
“The drought has been so severe the park is short of feed… Violent winds, more floods, drifts of snow that made roads impassable, and hard frosts greeted autumn and winter...” - Edmund Woolterton from Denton, Norfolk (1815)
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[ Caspar David Friedrich Zwei Männer am Meer (Two Men by the Sea), 1817 ]
Telah genap tiga minggu sejak Helena menyaksikan cahaya senja memerah di ufuk langit. Pemandangan yang sungguh indah untuk dilukis di atas kanvas putihnya, jika saja dia tak terlalu peduli dengan berita yang baru saja dibacanya: tragedi yang merenggut puluhan ribu nyawa akibat letusan Gunung Tambora beberapa bulan lalu, di belahan dunia lain. Tak hanya di Indonesia, koran mengatakan bahwa seluruh dunia tengah menghadapi dampaknya, dan London bukanlah pengecualian.
Helena? Sebagai seorang bangsawan, tentu saja ia tak begitu merasakan dampaknya secara langsung. Ia sangat nyaman di rumahnya dengan perapian yang hangat memancarkan kehangatan di setiap sudut, menghadiri pesta-pesta di mana teman-temannya mengeluhkan betapa gaun mereka tak sehijau yang mereka harapkan tanpa menyadari penderitaan yang terjadi hanya beberapa kilometer jauhnya, serta diam-diam mengomentari betapa Sang Princy, pangeran manja George, tampak tak tergugah oleh semua ini serta hanya sibuk menghias istana dengan emas dan menambah kekasih simpanan selama empat tahun terakhir.
Tak boleh diabaikan lagi, Helena segera mendekati kakak sulungnya—yang wajahnya berseri-seri setelah mendengar kabar baik mengenai usaha The Bricky Winery yang ia buka beberapa bulan lalu—dan memohon izin untuk mengadakan pesta amal. “Aku setuju, bahkan lebih baik jika sasaran donasinya diperluas lagi.” jawabnya dengan singkat, sebelum kembali menandatangani tugas-tugas keadipatian serta urusan bisnis barunya. Sebaliknya, reaksi Aldrich ketika Helena datangi justru memandang adiknya tersebut dengan pandangan penuh arti—yang sebenarnya adalah tatapan kagum yang sayangnya gagal dipahami oleh Helena—lalu memeluknya dengan hangat. "Tak kusangka kau sudah besar sekarang, Nana. Rasanya baru kemarin yang kau lakukan hanyalah kabur dari pesta semacam ini. Tentu saja, Dik, aku sepenuhnya mendukung usulanmu.”
Pada minggu ini, para Patron dan Patroness Briton's Social Club resmi mengadakan pesta amal mereka untuk pertama kalinya atas usulan dari Helena. Selain setiap Patron menyumbangkan sebagian emas dan permata, mereka juga mengajak para anggota untuk ikut serta untuk beramal dengan cara melelang barang-barang berharga Phantomhive. Namun, antusiasme para Nobbyovolent yang sangat tinggi ternyata melebihi ekspektasi, menyebabkan para patron kewalahan dalam menanganinya. Setelah berpikir cukup panjang agar tidak ada pertengkaran, para patron pun memberikan usulan agar semua Nobbyovolents hanya dapat beramal dengan jumlah terbatas pada pesta amal kali ini, yaitu melalui permainan yang adil.
---- (benerin wordingna yah)
Hy langsung bahasa bayi aja, ya!
Di awal event, semua Nobbyovolent membawa uang sebesar £5000. Selanjutnya, masing-masing patron akan mengadakan permainan di mana Nobbyovolent diperbolehkan berdonasi sesuai dengan poin yang didapatkannya selama permainan.
Selama event berlangsung, uang yang dibawa oleh Nobbies akan terus berkurang. Objektif utama event ini adalah memiliki sisa uang paling sedikit. Tim dengan rata-rata sisa uang paling sedikit akan menjadi The Talk of The Ton minggu ini tanpa tambahan 10💎 di fortnight sheet; sebagai gantinya, 10💎 akan diberikan kepada 10-12 individu (tergantung tim pemenangnya ada berapa members) dengan sisa uang pribadi paling sedikit.
Jawaban dari FAQ:
Q: Ada misi gak? Misinya susah gak?
A: Gak ada misi. Gak ada diskusi. Gim gim gim dan have fun only di last event ini!
Q: Mint, janji gak toksig? Aku pusing sama gim britons selama ini.
A: Iyahh, janji gak ada gim toxic atau relay. Gak ada gim perwakilan juga, jadi setiap member yang pengen ikut langsung ikutan aja ya!
Q: Loh, kenapa TTOTT buat tim, tapi diamondsnya dikasih ke individu?
A: Iya soalnya ini event campuran antara tim dan individu a. GDM tim dipakai buat ngobrol dan saling support aja. Gak perlu ada hard feelings di event terakhir karena ada AFK atau pasif ya, soalnya ada apresiasi 10💎 buat individu yang sisa uangnya paling sedikit (dengan asumsi mereka yang paling gendong tim selama 2 hari) serta apresiasi 2💎 buat sisanya yang ENGGAK AFK (tapi kalau ijin tetep dapet, kok!🩵). Pokoknya have fun aja, kalau ada yang AFK gak usah dimasukin ke hati, oghey?
A: Cara ngitung poinnya gimana a?
Q: Good kuesyen. Caranya tiap tim ngelist nama member dan sisa uang setiap gamenya selesai. Misalkan:
Dietrich: 5000-500 = 4500
Aldrich: 5000-700 = 4300
Cecilia: 5000-0(afk) = 5000
Helena: 5000-0 (ijin) = 5000
Q: Trons, mau jadi ketua tapi minder. 🥺
A: Heyyy hilangkan keminderanmu karena ini last chance jadi ketua eveng Briton's, mana gak ada misi dan diskusi, lagi!!! Semua yang udah jadi ketua di assembly (event maupun misi) sebelumnya dilarang keras apply jadi ketua lagi (tapi sekre sekre masih boleh apply yah). Jika ternyata timmu gak ada yang mau jadi ketua, langsung hubungi Patrons supaya kami tuker beberapa anggotanya dengan anggota tim lain yang double pengen jadi ketua. >.<
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molsons112000 · 4 months
I never knew this that Elk Grove, Illinois is the largest industrial park in the United States.
Elk Grove Village the largest industrial park?
Elk Grove Village is home to the largest industrial park in the U.S., which includes 62 million square feet of inventory and is home to various industries, including manufacturing, technology, retail, health care, warehousing, and logistics.
https://www.madeinelkgroveexpo.com › ...
Manufacturing at Elk Grove Village, IL
So Elk Grove Village should get a partnership going with these 2 other large industrial parks. Saudi Arabia has the largest industrial park in the world and Tahoe in Reno. Nevada is racing to be one of the world's largest. But this also means that Elk Grove Village in Illinois is probably the second-largest industrial park in the World.
The Saudi Arabia Jubail Industrial city is known as the largest industrial area in the world. Jubail is located in the Eastern province of Saudi Arabia.Apr 27, 2020
https://businessfacilities.com › ind...
Industrial Parks: Cities Of Industry - Business Facilities
The 43,000ha Tahoe Reno Industrial Center in the US state of Nevada is developing into the world's largest business park, with more than 160 companies already …Oct 6, 2015
https://www.globalconstructionreview.com › ...
World's largest industrial park takes shape in Nevada
Where is the largest industrial park in the world?
Saudi Arabia
Jubail Industrial City, the world's largest industrial city, was established in 1975 and is located in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. It covers 1,016 square kilometers and includes industrial complexes and port facilities. It contributes to about 7% of Saudi Arabia's GDP.
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Ju...
Jubail Industrial City - Wikipedia
Oh, just like you have sister cities. You can have sister industrial parks or maybe brother industrial parks. So they can create a strategic alliance between them.
So they could create a strategic alliance these 3 industrial parks.
Ivey Business Journal
https://iveybusinessjournal.com › s...
The first step in creating a successful alliance is to develop a well-thought-out alliance strategy. This is a critical step. We have found that too
What is the manufacturing strategic alliance?
Strategic alliances are agreements between two or more independent companies to cooperate in the manufacturing, development, or sale of products and services, or other business objectives.
https://corporatefinanceinstitute.com › ...
Types and Benefits of Strategic Alliances - Corporate Finance Institute
Here is how to collaborate with your competitors because they are competitors but to make a relationship work for both.
Harvard Business Review
https://hbr.org › 1989/01 › collabor...
Collaborate with Your Competitors—and Win
For collaboration to succeed, each partner must contribute something distinctive: basic research, product development skills, manufacturing
Manufacturing strategic alliances emphasizes strength by creating leverage through the alliance.
Aldrich CPAs + Advisors
https://aldrichadvisors.com › strate...
Manufacturing Strategic Alliances Leverage Strengths
Jun 15, 2016 — Manufacturing strategic alliances allow you to retain control of your business while accessing your partner's resources and testing
Now the wheeling industrial park industrial park in Illinois where Waltz's brothers could be part of this Strategic alliance.
Business Facilities
https://businessfacilities.com › busi...
Illinois - Strong Demand Lifts Industrial Parks In Wheeling, IL
A review of the available space inventory reveals that Wheeling's industrial parks continue to experience strong demand from both existing and new businesses.
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Village of Wheeling, IL (.gov)
http://www.wheelingil.gov › Business
Business | Wheeling, IL
Wheeling has long held its reputation as a strong industrial center in the Chicagoland region with nearly 14 million square feet of manufacturing
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northiowatoday · 5 months
OBIT: William Russell Aldrich
OBIT: William Russell Aldrich
William “Bill” Russell Aldrich, 70, of Mason City, Iowa passed away Friday, May 3, 2024 at MercyOne North Iowa Medical Center in Mason City. A funeral service will be held at 1:00 pm. Friday, May 10, 2024 at Hogan Bremer Moore Colonial Chapel, 126 3rd St. NE, Mason City, Iowa 50401. He will be laid to rest at Memorial Park Cemetery in Mason City. Visitation will take place one hour prior to the…
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agrpress-blog · 7 months
Un ricordo di Lee Marvin nel centenario della sua nascita  Cento anni fa nasceva il grande attore... #leemarvin https://agrpress.it/un-ricordo-di-lee-marvin-nel-centenario-della-sua-nascita/?feed_id=3243&_unique_id=65dadce2d8dcc
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pop-sesivo · 7 months
Mis 16 películas favoritas de Lee Marvin (1924-1987), por el centenario de su nacimiento
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Gorky Park (1983). Director: Michael Apted
The Big Red One (1980). Director: Samuel Fuller
Emperor of the North (1973). Director: Robert Aldrich
Paint Your Wagon (1969). Director: Joshua Logan
Hell in the Pacific (1968). Director: John Boorman
Point Blank (1967). Director: John Boorman
The Dirty Dozen (1967). Director: Robert Aldrich
The Professionals (1966). Director: Richard Brooks
Cat Ballou (1965). Director: Elliot Silverstein
The Killers (1964). Director: Don Siegel
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962). Director: John Ford
Attack (1956). Director: Robert Aldrich
7 Men from Now (1956). Director: Budd Boetticher
Bad Day at Black Rock (1955). Director: John Sturges
The Big Heat (1953). Director: Fritz Lang
The Duel at Silver Creek (1952). Director: Don Siegel
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