#kane and jim bbu
whumpsday · 1 year
Kane & Jim BBU AU #1: 100913
Kane & Jim AUs Masterlist / Next
content: bbu, pet whump, shock collar, broken dish trope
welcome to the Kane & Jim BBU AU! if you don't know what BBU is: in short, it's a shared pet whump universe a bunch of whump authors write in. more info here. as i feel it necessary to state up front to avoid confusion, everyone in this AU is human, no vampires.
@bbu-on-the-side BBU Community Days #3: Discipline
913 was a good enough pet.
He wasn't perfect, not by a long shot, but he was good at most of what he needed to do, his tasks. Cleaning wasn't hard. Neither was laundry, or dishes, or caring for plants.
Cooking was especially easy, that was 913's specialty. Not only that, but he enjoyed it, too. He didn't get to enjoy a lot of things at this place. Given it was his specialty, they would probably advertise him for that. Then he could cook every day for his owner and not have to worry about anything else.
However, while the chores came easy to him, the rest didn't. The pet stuff, the things everyone had to learn no matter what kind of pet they were. The positions, and how to talk all polite, that kind of shit. The respect crap, that was where he always messed up, and that was where he got his punishments. He wasn't trying to fuck up, it was just a lot to remember at once. He could never be a platonic.
913 rubbed at his collar. He hoped his owner would get him one without shocks. Even when it wasn't activated, the prongs dug into his neck all the time, and he hated it. Made him antsy.
But he didn't have time to worry about that right now. He grabbed his bucket to take to the other side of the room and continue his mopping.
"100913," Handler Schroeder called from behind as he stepped inside. 913 startled, dropping the water-filled bucket.
Handler Schroeder sighed, obviously irritated, which only made everything worse.
"I'm sorry, sir," 913 mumbled as the water spread over the floor. "Uh, you snuck up on me, so I just-"
913 cut himself off with a shriek as his collar activated, white-hot electricity arcing right into the side of his neck and setting his nerves alight. He fell to his knees, soaking his pants in the soapy water.
"Is that what you're going to do with your owner?" Handler Schroeder accused. "You mess up and blame it on them? Unbelievable. If that's the case, they'll return you right back here for refurbishing, you know. Maybe I should switch your program and make you a guard dog instead."
"I'm sorry, sir," 913 repeated, quieter this time, voice choked up with tears. His eyes bored down into the floor, too afraid to steal a glance at his handler. "Please- please- let me know how I can fix it. I wanna be better. Sir."
Handler Schroeder stomped over and grabbed him by the hair, rough fingers closing in his curls and yanking, forcing him to look up. "I will."
It had been a month since 913 got bought, and he was okay.
Master de Sang was miles better than the facility, it wasn't even close. Things were fine here. 913 had his own room, and he spent most of his time looking after the estate. Master liked the meals he cooked, the very thing he'd bought him for. It was fine.
It wasn't like they told him it would be, though. Master wasn't the loving owner he'd been promised. Master was strict. Master had a temper.
He was still better, far better than the handlers. He wasn't always bad. When he was in a good mood, Master could even be nice to be around, better than being alone. Master would play cards with him, or let him watch TV with him. 913 loved the TV, giving him a view into what a person's life was like.
But Master never replaced his collar, and the prongs still dug into his neck every second of every hour of every day, even though Master didn't use the shocks. Yet.
And when Master was irritated, which was almost all of the time, 913 couldn't help but get nervous.
Today was a good day so far, at least. He stole a moment to stand in front of the kitchen window, to feel the sun on his skin. He couldn't remember what it was like to be outside, but he knows he must have been outside at some point. Before. He wonders if the sun feels different when it's not filtered through the glass.
913 let himself have just a moment to bask in its warmth before he got back to cleaning up lunch, the water running over his wrist having no effect on the barcode and number permanently etched into his skin.
As he washed the dishes, he couldn't help but wince as he heard Master stomping around upstairs. He only did that when he was upset, and when he was upset...
He tried to shake it off. Master was just on the phone. That was all.
Master came downstairs just as 913 was finishing drying everything. "Welcome back, Master!" he said, chipper and friendly despite the dread building itself inside him.
Master just scowled at him, as though the greeting had made everything worse. 913 wanted to pull his hair out and scream. He wished he'd gotten a little training in what the platonics do, complex conversations with their owners besides the basic respect and obedience. Maybe he could help Master if he did. But better a domestic than either of the other two.
"Hi," Master said flatly. He leaned against the counter, tapping his fingers against it restlessly.
"Can I get you anything?" 913 asked.
"We just had lunch," Master pointed out. He wasn't looking at 913, but he wasn't sure if that was good or bad. He was staring off into space like he always did when he had family troubles.
He remembered talking to one of the platonics once back in training, 418512. 512 was talking about how they were trained to sometimes be a little more casual, something that might sometimes be interpreted as disrespect. How if they stayed fully respectful all the time, it could come off as cold. Maybe that was why Master was irritated with him.
913 was pretty sure he knew what Master was upset about. It was a risk, but he decided to go for it. He made his voice as soft and sympathetic as he could.
"Is it your father, Master?" he asked quietly.
The slap rang so hard across 913's face that his ears rang. He dropped the mug he was holding, the ceramic shattering against the floor.
Master grabbed 913 by the chin as pain bloomed over his cheek. "Don't you fucking talk about my father. Don't even mention him. Got it?"
"Yes, Master," 913 squeaked, trembling in his grip.
Master threw him to the floor over the jagged pieces. "Clean this up."
He stayed down, not moving from where he was tossed even as the edges cut into his palms. "Yes, Master."
913 stayed completely still until Master left in a huff. Once he could hear the sound of his footsteps fade away, he began picking shards out of his skin, failing not to cry.
expect two more of these :)
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i-eat-worlds · 5 months
Worlds’s Whumpy Recomendations
[Large Text: World’s Whumpy Recomendations /End ID] Sorted by genre for convenience. If you feel your story fits better in a different category, or would like to add a note let me know and I’ll do that!
BBU/Pet Whump
Do No Harm: Jamie and Sebastian by @peachy-panic (+ Medical/Lab whump)
The Fighter by @hold-him-down
Charles and Ollie by @cupcakes-and-pain
Unintentional by @distinctlywhumpthing (+ Medical/Lab whump)
Guard Dog David and Guard Dog Riley by @redwingedwhump
The Palette by @squishablesunbeam
The Safehouse by @itsawhumpsideblog
Linden and Colton by @whumpzone
Max & Carlo by @deluxewhump
What We Can’t Make Right: Chris by @ashintheairlikesnow
Medical/Lab Whump
Edurance by @whither-wander-whump
Peter and Joy by @alittlewhump
Land of Liars by @whumpy-daydreams
Mediwhump May Masterlist by @demondamage (+Nonhuman Whump, Angles and Demons. Comics)
The Last Lab Rat by @whumpy-wyrms
Marcus/Lucien by @whumpywhumper (+Urban fantasy)
Immortal Cannon Fodder by @pigeonwhumps
And Still and With Bloody Outstretched Hands by @wolfeyedwitch
Honhuman Whump
Our Man Flint by @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night (Vampires)
Blackthorne Hall by @redwingedwhump (Vampires)
Kane & Jim by @whumpsday (Vampires)
The Heart and The Hunger by @wolfeyedwitch (Vampires)
When Hell Comes Knocking by @snaillamp (Demons)
Ash & Callum by @whumping-every-day
The Shadow of Death by @actress4him (High Fantasy)
The Tiefling by @redwingedwhump (DnD Homebrew)
No Warrior by @secretwhumplair (Medieval, Vikings)
Fog and Furrow by @wildfaewhump (Urban Fantasy/Dystopia, telepaths)
MD-264N by @pigeonwhumps (Living Weapon Whump)
Morja & Company by @newbornwhumperfly (Conditioned Whumpee)
Riot Kings by @befuddled-calico-whump (Comics)
Weapons Don’t Weep by @wolfeyedwitch (Living Weapon Whump)
Honor Bound by @whump-tr0pes (Near Future Apocalypse-ish)
Freelancers by @whumpacabra (Modern, Mercenary/Millitary whump)
A1 and A2 by @hcnnibal (Modern, Mercenary, Romance, Comics)
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Recommended Stories
Just a compilation of whump stories by other writers that I’ve enjoyed. No, no one asked for this, but here it is anyway. Since I’m always looking for new stuff to read, I imagine that this list is going to grow. But for now…
(this isn’t in any particular order and they’re all SFW as far as I’m aware)
Our Man Flint by @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night
Poetic prose that lures you into the story. A vampire hunter is forced to face (quite literally) his worst nightmare.
Erebus & Terror by @brutal-nemesis
There’s a gradual loss of humanity as the prince of a fallen kingdom is turned into a science experiment. Gore, suffering, and a protagonist you love to hurt.
Diamonds to Dust by @kira-the-whump-enthusiast
Some fantastic villain whump, with a sprinkling of angst. Family dynamics involve a distraught brother as a caretaker.
Jane’s Pets by @another-whump-sideblog
Nasty captivity and heavy torture featuring an immortal twelve year old whumper and her human pets. A very relatable protagonist and cast of characters.
Ongoing Untitled Story by @verkja
Fantasy adventure whump with some cool worldbuilding and three morally grey main characters. Oh and btw? The world is ending.
Kane & Jim by @whumpsday
Whumper turned whumpee and whumpee turned caretaker. Vampire whump and some truly horrible torture methods. It’s fantastic.
Seven Series by @whump-queen
Objectification and pet whump, hoo boy. A roller coaster of BBU suffering and a sad whumpee who’s in way over his head.
Waking Dreamer by @painsandconfusion
An intriguing magic system with a very whumpy plot that only gets worse and well developed characters.
Sunlight and Embers by @whither-wander-whump
Fantasy setting and a rebellion in the making. A prisoner is recruited from the dungeons to be used as a pawn in the rebellion and the plot continues to thicken.
Betrayed by @suspicious-whumping-egg
Hero and Villain whump. A hero is betrayed by their team and left at the mercies of the opposing side.
Hero and Villain Story: Behind the Masks by @whumpering-heights
Hero and Villain whump, but with a villian who does not deserve what he’s been put through. There’s an unlikely bit of mercy from someone you’d least expect. As the kids say, it’s right in the feels.
Weapons Don’t Weep by @wolfeyedwitch
A human weapon in a dystopian setting is rescued by a team of rebels. Dehumanization and angst with hopes for a recovery arc.
The Second Wave by @there-will-always-be-blood
Whumper turned whumpee and is furious about it. A morally-grey (she’s more than happy to commit murder) type of protagonist and an antagonist you want dead.
Liliholm and Page by @yet-another-heathen
Vigilante whump with a cinematic feel and characters who are vividly human, whether whumper or whumpee. God-tier whump will have you gripping your screen.
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whumpzone · 1 year
Hi! I absolutely adore your writing. Are there any bbu/pet whump fics (maybe with recovery too?) that you recommend? Thank you!
hello and thank you!
here is a post with refs, that also leads to ANOTHER post with refs
and here are some stories not on that list that I also highly recommend:
Kane and Jim by @whumpsday
The Kennel by @whumpcereal
Victor and Lilah by @caramelis
Pet Safety by @justplainwhump
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letstalkwhump · 1 year
Let's Talk Whump
Welcome to Let’s Talk Whump, a series of interviews that spotlight the amazing people in our whump community! I’m Malice and I’ll be your host today. 
Here today to talk all things whumpy is the fabulous @not-a-space-alien!
Thank you for joining us today! Do you mind sharing a fact or two about yourself to start us off?
I love pet rats.  I don’t know if I can have them anymore, though, because it’s really hard when they start getting sick and they get old so fast.
Rats make the most adorable pets! And how would you describe what whump means to you? 
To me whump is about lingering on the effects of trauma and pain that mainstream media usually minimizes or ignores because it’s “too messy” or apparently not interesting I guess?  Humans are messy and I want to revel in that sometimes.  It feels wrong to ignore it.  Sometimes I feel messy and in pain and overwhelmed and I want to read about people who also feel that way.  I also like the hurt/comfort aspect because…..well, my fantasy is that someone will comfort me when I’m hurting and that someone will rescue me when I’m in pain (or on the flip side that I can save someone who’s in pain)
How did you find the whump community? What made you want to join? 
I’ve written these sorts of things for a while even before engaging with anything on tumblr that was primarily made as whump.  I started posting my writing on tumblr and engaging in online circles originally in the Good Omens fandom, years before the TV show came out, and gradually my writing on that front started getting darker and darker as I realized there are other people who like reading that sort of thing and it wasn’t just me.  I think it did make people a little uncomfortable sometimes and they weren’t really sure how to handle it, so that’s why these days I try extra hard to make sure it’s clear what’s in the writing and how it should be viewed and handled.
If I remember correctly I found myself in this corner after a period of years where I didn’t write anything at all, then while watching some random movies I re-watched Night at the Museum and of course looked at tumblr posts about it, which led to me starting to browse g/t more often (thanks Jedtavius), and after being into g/t stuff for a while I stumbled across some people who wrote g/t whump, and from there I found some “regular” whump.  The first person I remember actually talking to was @oddsconvert, who told me to read Kane and Jim, and I have been mildly obsessed with Milly’s writing since then, which gave me a framework to pull together pieces of ideas I’d always had to write MMSS, which is really my only current contribution to “whump tumblr.” (I’d always had an idea about a scientist vampire getting caught while trying to make artificial blood, I combined this with Valen, a DnD character I’d previously played as a drow, because I knew the setting in Milly’s story would be the perfect thing to tie it all together.)
Do you think your view on whump changed since you discovered the whump community?
I’m not sure if I would really consider myself part of the “whump community” because so much of what’s out there doesn’t appeal to me.  At first I gave everything a try but as time went on I started getting more and more picky.  I’ve grown to really dislike “pet whump”/BBU as well as nameless snippets/prompts that use cardboard cutout characters or flatten characters into two-dimensional archetypes like “Caretaker” or “Whumper.”  This sounds really negative but it’s entirely a matter of personal taste and I wish people who write that stuff the best. I wish I could enjoy it because there’s so many talented people out there writing it but it just does nothing for me.
No, that’s entirely valid. There’s a lot of tropes out there and certain ones like BBU can feel inescapable sometimes!  It really can be hard to find ones that tick all of your boxes. Do you have any particular favourites?
I love when a character is scared for their life, not knowing that in reality they’re completely safe/being helped.  
Shocked when receiving mercy and gentleness when none is expected or deserved.
Character unused to receiving love being loved.
Monster characters hiding their monster nature, being exposed, but being loved anyway despite being treated badly for it in the past.
The power of FriendshipTM
Love being a powerful force that can pull people through the worst ordeals
Complicated relationships between vulnerable characters 
Excellent trope choices! Unexpected mercy or kindness is so good! Would you like to share a favourite piece that you’ve written? 
Honestly this isn’t even whump but I think my favorite thing I’ve ever written is still Falling Hazard.  I put SO much work into that story.  It had so many moving pieces and I wanted to make sure it was all polished and got the attention it deserved so it went through 3 or 4 drafts, I had the whole thing written before I even started posting it.  It was the culmination of an OC-heavy, plot-intense Good Omens second-apocalypse fic that turned into more of a thriller than anything.  
Haven’t really been interested in Good Omens fandom stuff for a hot minute but I’m honestly still really proud of it.  I don’t think it’s really possible to try the “sand the barcode off and sell as an original fiction” thing because it’s so interwoven with the themes of the novel but I think even people with only a passing knowledge of good omens could enjoy it.  (the first few entries in this series are kind of whumpy but the later ones are less like that)
Good Omens?! I’m going to binge this so much, I swear! What does your writing routine look like?
I only write when inspiration strikes, I generally don’t do my best work if I’m forcing myself to write.  I do my best work when I’m seized by some mad ideas and feel like I’ll explode if I don’t write RIGHT NOW.  I think the worst case I ever had it was this one time I wrote an entire ficlet on my phone at work.  RIP my thumbs. 
Ah yes. And the urge to write always comes at the most inconvenient time, doesn’t it? Do you find that somethings are easier to write than others?
I struggle to write in any universe where I can’t keep a firm hold on the worldbuilding in my head.  My brain will take implications of things we see and run off with it and it’s like I run up against a wall if I can’t take everything to its logical conclusion.  So I tend to write easiest in settings where the worldbuilding is simple, or based on a few things that are flexible.  I tend to get really picky and a bit ridiculous about taking things too seriously when it comes to worldbuilding.
Is there anything you're working on at the moment? 
My two big current writing projects are Watch Your Step and MMSS and I can’t really see that changing anytime soon.  I do have a google doc with some ideas for shorter pieces and snippets that I might write when inspiration strikes. 
Do you have a joke or pun you would like to share to spread some smiles today?
I'm bad at this.  Please can people comment with a joke or pun.  I’m the one who needs smiles.  I'm so tired.
A joke for you then: What's a fanfic writer's weapon of choice? His headcanon! 
Do you have any writing advice you’d like to share?
Pay attention to people in real life. Listen to the way they talk and act, the lies they tell themselves, the way they juggle things, the way they behave when they care vs when they don't care. Listen to what they say with their words and without. Dissect why strangers, acquaintances, friends, lovers interact the way they do. Notice patterns. Appreciate the complexity of human existence. Pay attention to context and background and how circumstances affect behavior. Understand that there is no true "you" at the core of every human, just a million fragments of personality seen by a million different people. Once you understand all this, you can mix and match to build a person in your head. Every character feels real when they get pieces of you, or pieces of people you know.  That’s my philosophy anyway!
I’m writing that advice down, that’s really good. Are there any blogs you’d like to mention?
@whumpsday and @oddsconvert  <3  I also love @demondamage’s stuff even though I havent been following for too long :)
Anything you'd like to add? 
Stay frosty coolios 
It was a pleasure to have you here today, @not-a-space-alien! 
And to all you fab folks at home, have a whump-derful day!
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whitehairandblood · 2 years
| Introduction |
Hello! I've been a long time lurker for a while now, but I wrote a couple things that even my friends approved of, so I thought the whump community might also like them :)
You can call me A, it's very nice to meet you!
If you decide you like what I'm doing here, feel free to ask me things or give me prompt ideas you'd like to see me do.
|| What you'll find on my blog
Semi-fantasy settings
Urban fantasy
Emotional whump
Defiant whumpee
Reluctant whumper / carewhumper
Occasional gore
Vampire whump (apparently)
Art :)
|| What you will NOT find
Pet whump
Lady whump
|| People who inspire me :]
|| Born to Live - Masterlist [DISCONTINUED]
Double Trouble
The Incident
Part 1 - Day in, day out
Part 2 - Zap!
Part 3 - Help
Part 4 - Rescue
Present Day
|| Art
Kane & Jim fanart
Our Hell On Earth fanart
|| Oneshots
Long haired whumpee / Vampire whumper - pt 1
That's all for now,
Long haired whumpee / Vampire whumper - pt 2
Vampire / Hunter - campfire oneshot
I hope you enjoy your stay! ⭐
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gottawhump · 2 years
What are some of your favorite whump series?
Argh. I’m never good at picking favorites.
But I will start with @ashintheairlikesnow The Danny Michaelson Story (which dealt me permanent emotional damage) and her collab with @comfy-whumpee The Motherfucking Gallaghers.
Very much @hold-him-down The Fighter series.
@justplainwhump Mark and Gemma Get a Pet captures the mundane horror of the BBU for me. (Though I love all her writing).
@for-the-love-of-nsfwhump/ @for-the-love-of-angst Taron and Zeria series. It reads to me as alien high fantasy, and Vee’s writing immerses me in the setting and characters. (And any of her writing is worth checking out).
@whumpsday Kane and Jim series. It’s an interesting take on vampires, but the dynamic of whumper turned whumpee, and whumpee turned caretaker to their former whumper is pretty delicious stuff. I love Complicated (Non)Human Relationships!
@whumpzone Linden and Colton and @maracujatangerine Lydia and Coriander both warm my heart. (Be sure to check out the Lost Property collaboration!
And now I’m ending this, because I’m tired of link-hunting.
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What are some of your favorite whump series?
Hi. :D The list is slowly but steadily growing.
Kane & Jim from @whumpsday. I love their characters, and the way the story fleshes them out from multiple angles. We see the titular characters grow, how they interact with their families and friends, and what motivates them. The devastating whump makes the comfort all the more satisfying. (Check out whumpsday's other series with mers and demons too.)
The Fighter by @hold-him-down. The premise behind this series, and the sort of quiet menace whumpers like Parker or Ivan exude gives me chills. I also love the themes touched on by Luke, a U.S. senator, having to get involved with the system he's trying to dismantle in order to help a person trapped in it, Leo.
Do No Harm by @peachy-panic. Like hold-him-down's writing, the ideas behind the series make it stand out, as well as how real the characters feel. It takes fascinating looks into a BBU-type system, showing us characters involved in keeping the whole horrific thing running.
Hart and Prey by @the-blind-one-speaks. As if you couldn't tell by now, characters and world-building/premise are aspects of a story that draw me in. I love the mysterious fantasy setting and the gradual clues we pick up about how it and its characters work. Poor Hart, the imp whumpee, makes a lot of progress thanks to the Eye, Reuben, and his murder of crows. It's fun to experience the story through magical or inhuman characters too.
Blue Monday, Kosta the Purring Vampire, the so-called "Fun Swamp Vacation" and...well, everything by @thecyrulik. Vampires who are just lil creechurs, vampires who are trying their best in a bad situation, vampires who are nice enough to wait for your soup to finish cooking before biting you, plus a lady whumper who should be drawn and quartered based on her pet naming choices alone. There's nothing here I don't love.
Self-Sharpened Fangs by @redwhump. People sure do think of some scary uses for silver. Like all good stories from talented writers, these got me thinking about what sorts of Situations I can put my own OCs into in the future.
Basically anything by @deluxewhump. I admit I've only read bits and pieces, mostly her vampire stuff (I'll get to everything eventually though!), but each one was amazing.
Of Vampires and Men by @whumpy-writings is pretty much required reading for vampire whump, and she also has a fantasy whump series, Blood of Magic, which does exactly what I like with magic: makes it look cool and exacts a terrible price for using it. I look forward to reading her published works outside of Tumblr as well.
The Jackal of An-Nadr by @yet-another-heathen. Oh, hey, one of the rare ones without vampires. Seriously, though, I love the setting, the details, the writing, just everything about this. Stop listening to me and go read it now. Go.
Honorable Mentions (aka your series/stories are on my to-read list and I will get to them, promise): Multiple series by @bloodsweatandpotato, And Then You Kill Me by @thewhumperinwhite, yet more cool stuff by @blackrosesandwhump, and vampires + more from @bluewhumpcrew.
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wolfeyedwitch · 2 years
Whumpmas in July: Day 5
Favorite whumpee! That's hard, because there are so many good ones, so let's go with a list.
@maracujatangerine's Cory, from Lydia and Coriander. He's so very sweet, and still waiting for the other shoe to drop. This character was actually my first introduction to the concept of the BBU (I think), and the writer is fantastic at not only showing the extent of the trauma that creates in the pets, but also is doing some AMAZING worldbuilding.
@deluxewhump's Carlo. I'm especially partial to the vampire AUs, both where Carlo is a vampire whumpee and where he's a vampire's bloodbag. He's still recognizably himself even in such different circumstances, and it's fun to play around with his relationship to Max, his caretaker, with the different setups.
@kim-poce's Neo, from Alex and Neo. She has a TON of whumpees so it was hard to pick just one, but I really think that Neo is my favorite. (Ask me on a different day and you might get a different answer. Who knows, not me.) Plenty of caretaker-new-master angst, my beloved, and everyone in the story turns into a whumpee at some point I swear.
@whumpsday's Kane, from Kane and Jim. Vampire whumper turned whumpee, with a nonlinear storytelling so it jumps back and forth between when Kane was a whumper and when he's a whumpee, both during and post captivity. It's a fascinating look at how someone can change so fundamentally and shift to become someone better. And also, vampires. I love vampire whumpees and everyone's worldbuilding for them.
@ashintheairlikesnow's Chris. I haven't read his entire story yet in the canon-verse, because OMG THERES SO MUCH (and its amazing but also somewhat intimidating), but I have read all of the Vampire Chris AU and it's fantastic. Chris has trauma on top of trauma. You get to unwrap all the layers!
@secretwhumplair has so many good whumpees to choose from, but I think my favorites are Joy from The Monster of Lindborough and Ainsel/weapon from Royal Arms. They have such complex relationships with their caretakers, and are in tough situations where there don't seem to be good options so they're just trying their best. Joy is an adorable sweetheart and I want to pet his floofy werewolf ears, and Ainsel needs so many hugs but I think if I hugged them they'd throw an Error 404 message.
There are so many good whumpees!
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darlingwhump · 2 years
1 What are your favorite whump tropes? 4 Do you prefer physical whump or emotional/psychological whump? 18 What whump content are you currently craving?
Hello!! Thanks for sending in an ask~
For this ask game!
1: Favorite whump tropes
Recovery & rescue are definitely one of my faves. Working through trauma and figuring out everything that happened. Pet whump & lab whump are also my jam. And most of my content will be relating to d&d and fantasy whump so nonhuman whumpees/whumpers as well?
Also conversation piece/trophy whumpees. Ooo that's good.
4: Do you prefer physical whump or psychological whump?
Psychological whump all the way. Physical whump is always good too, but I get even more whumperflies when there's some sort of unspoken power dynamic or learned helplessness. When paired up with magic or mind control this is *chefs kiss.* When my Whumpee is rescued, I don't just want them to be hurt, I want them to have Trauma.
18: What whump content are you currently craving?
Honestly probably some more yandere whumper or pet whump training? I've always had trouble finding some long bbu training content and if someone ever posts that I will eat it tf up.
Lately I've been obsessing over Kane and Jim by @/whumpsday, Angel on the Wall & No Longer Asking by @/emmettnet and rereading Ida & Oren by @/painsandconfusion. So I'm always refreshing my mentions for those yummy taglist notifications.
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whumpsday · 1 year
Kane & Jim BBU AU #3: Erased
Previous / Kane & Jim AUs Masterlist
content: bbu, pet whump, rescue, recovery, caretaking, amnesia, whumper turned whumpee, starvation
takes place 10 years after Liz rescues 913/Jim. don't forget to read ⭐ this drabble ⭐ taking place between #2 and #3 first!!
@bbu-on-the-side BBU Community Days #13: Safety
Jim was a person. He'd been a person for almost ten years, now. It was hard at first, but he was used to it by now.
He couldn't legally work, but he'd been helping out where he could. In a way, he was still doing the same things he did as a domestic, just by choice this time, for his family. He was good at it, and even if he wasn't a fan of all of it, he liked cooking. Liz told him he'd always liked cooking, even before. He had no problem believing that. He even did some odd jobs around the neighborhood that worked in cash, babysitting and mowing lawns and shoveling snow.
He wasn't as involved in the pet lib stuff as she was. It scared him, even after he'd started being able to stand up to the voice in the back of his head that repeated everything his handlers told him. Too risky.
Life wasn't a constant walk on eggshells anymore. He still got scared sometimes, or fell into his old conditioning, but he was safe. He was free.
So when Jim was out grocery shopping, he almost dropped his basket when he saw him.
There, right down the aisle. He'd know that face anywhere. Practically the only face he saw for the first five years of his memorable life.
He almost bolted right away, but something was... off. Master didn't look like how he usually did. Gone were the expensive suits and bitter scowl, replaced with plain clothing and an anxious frown.
He was wearing a collar.
Jim ducked into the next aisle, watching him through the gaps in the shelves. There was no way, right? Master- Kane was wildly rich. He'd have no need to sell himself to WRU.
But Kane went missing years ago. No one knew where he was, or what had happened to him.
He watched Kane further, looking down at a list and plucking items off the shelves, eyebrows bunched together with nerves. Jim had never seen Kane look this... unsure of himself.
There was a barcode on his wrist too, sure enough. It wasn't clear enough to make out from this far, but he could see the number, something with a 4 in it.
He wondered if Kane's owner gave him a name.
It was stupid, Jim knew. But he had to. He couldn't just leave, not after seeing this.
Jim hesitantly approached, ready to run at any time. "Master?" he asked, voice coming out smaller than he'd have liked.
Kane turned, eyeing him up and down, only growing more tense. "My master sent me to do his shopping, sir." He shrunk away slightly, as if afraid Jim would hurt him after finding out he was alone.
"Do you remember me?" Jim blurted out, despite already knowing the answer.
"I'm sorry, sir." Kane's hands gripped the cart's handle tight, like it would protect him. "I'm- I'm bad at- at everything. I'm so sorry."
Of course Kane thought Jim was a person. He had taken care to remove every last trace of his tattoo, though the marks on his neck from the collar wouldn't go away, even after a decade. But Kane wouldn't be able to see that under his turtleneck.
"It's alright," he said softly. The words 913 had wanted to hear so, so badly. "I'm Jim. I knew you before."
That certainly got Kane's attention. "I'm- my designation is 110146. Do you mean... before I was a pet, sir?"
"Yeah." Jim could fully take stock of Kane's state, now that he was standing close. Dark circles ringed his eyes, bruises poked out from under his sleeve. He looked thinner than Jim had ever seen him, to the point it was obvious he wasn't being allowed enough food. And-
Something that looked like a knife mark, barely visible above his neckline.
"Yours hurts you?" Jim asked.
Kane seemed to study him, searching for a shred of mocking for a moment. He found none. "Master can do as he likes with his pet," he settled on.
Jim stepped closer, lowering his voice to a conspiratorial whisper. "Mine did, too." His heart raced at the revelation. He hadn't told anyone outside of pet lib about his past, ever. And here he was telling Kane, of all people.
Kane glanced at his wrist again, but of course he found nothing. "Yours, sir?" he asked.
Jim tugged his collar down for a moment, revealing the faint outline of a collar that had scarred itself permanently into his skin. "Mine."
Kane's eyes widened. "Oh."
"You wanna get out of here?" Jim extended a hand toward Kane, even as every logical bone in his body screamed at him that he was being a careless idiot, throwing his life away for someone who never cared.
Kane looked around wildly. "I can't just- Master would be furious."
"Life can be better than this. I promise." Jim kept his arm extended. "No more hurting. And I can get you a good meal."
Kane stood there frozen for a long moment, just staring at him, before he broke down in quiet tears. He forced himself to nod. "I- I- Thank you."
He reached forward and took Jim's hand uncertainly, bony fingers wrapping around Jim's own.
"You're doing great," Jim encouraged. Despite a lifetime of resentment, all he could see was the terrified boxie in front of him now. Kane couldn't even remember how cruel he used to be. He couldn't even remember his own name. "Just try and calm down a little. You're gonna be okay."
Kane clung to Jim's forearm like a lifeline. "Yes, s-sir."
Jim tried to calm himself down, too. Having Kane on him like this flipped a switch in his brain that told him to cower and placate, that he was about to be hurt. But he managed to repress it, with some effort. He'd had a lot of practice over the years.
When Kane got himself to stop crying and wiped the tears from his eyes, he nodded. "Thank you for- for being patient with me. I'm ready."
"Good," Jim said approvingly. "I'm just gonna check out what I've got in my basket, and you can follow behind me and pretend to be... you know. We'll get outta here without a second look from anyone. Just follow my lead."
Kane did spare a glance for his nearly-full shopping cart, but nodded agreeably anyway. "Yes, sir."
God, that was still so weird.
Jim eyed the meat section they'd met in. Kane always loved steak. He couldn't afford the fancy stuff he used to make as Kane's pet, but he grabbed a cheap, on-sale cut and threw it in his basket.
"By the way, your name's Kane. Kane de Sang."
There was no issue getting out of the supermarket, and Six- Kane, now, or maybe again- followed behind Jim like his life depended on it. Jim from before. He wanted to offer to carry the bags, but he didn't. He didn't want to do anything to disrupt what was happening, this miraculous whisking-away.
He was being so bad. Master would be beyond furious. Master would punish him worse than he'd ever been punished before. But Six was so tired. He had no idea what was in store for him here, but it had to be better than back home.
Jim led him to an apartment building, opening the door and ushering him inside. "I'm home!" he called, setting the groceries down on the kitchen counter. He turned to Six and gestured toward the couch. "Have a seat there," he ordered, his voice gentle.
"Yes, sir. Thank you." Six sat, grateful for the simple, easy-to-follow order.
"We don't have a lot of extra space, so you're gonna be sleeping on the couch, sorry. I'm just gonna go explain what's going on to my sister. Don't worry, she's with us-"
"What the fuck!" a woman shouted as she came out from one of the rooms. She glared at Six, bolting protectively in front of Jim.
Six pressed himself back against the couch, putting his arms up in surrender. "I'm s-sorry, ma'am, I'm so sorry, I thought- he said-" He cut himself off with a sob. He was so stupid to go along with this, breaking the rules. He didn't even know why this woman was angry with him, but at least with Master he knew what to expect. He didn't know how to please these new people. How could he have thought this would work? "I'm sorry!"
Jim placed a hand on her shoulder. "Liz, it's okay."
"You can't have him!" the woman called Liz shouted at Six with a glare, only confusing him further.
"I don't- Ma'am, I'm so sorry, I don't understand!" Six cried.
"Liz." Jim stepped out from behind her and, to Six's great relief, got between the two of them. "Look at him for two seconds. Like actually look."
Liz listened, even though Jim was sort-of-a-pet. Her eyes lingered on Six's collar.
"He doesn't even remember," Jim continued.
Liz eyed him warily. "You're a boxie? You?"
"Yes, ma'am," Six answered, still pressed back into the couch. "I'm sorry. I didn't realize that- that my presence here would be a detriment. I could go back?" He could still make it back to the grocery store and home with the shopping. Master would punish his lateness, but it would be far better than a punishment for an attempted escape.
"You're not going back," Jim said so firmly that Six couldn't possibly argue with him. He turned to the woman. "He's just another rescue. Could we host him? I just- I gotta make sure myself. That he's taken care of."
Another? he wondered.
"You sure? You don't have to deal with him again if you don't wanna. There's plenty of people who'd be willing to safehouse. He's put you through enough."
Six's stomach dropped. When Jim said he knew him before, Six had thought he meant they were friendly. Why would someone he's been enemies with help him?
"I'm sure." Jim stepped forward and gestured toward Six. "Liz, this is Kane. Kane, this is my sister, Liz. Neither of us are gonna hurt you. You're safe now."
Six- Kane, he was Kane now, he had to remember- bowed his head. "It's nice to meet you, ma'am."
Liz wouldn't stop looking at Kane like he was a bomb that could go off at any moment. "We've met," she said coldly.
"C'mon, be nice. He can't even remember," Jim pointed out.
Liz sighed. "Yeah, sorry, you're right." Her gaze softened. "It's good to meet you too, Kane." She headed to the kitchen. "I'll put the groceries away before I head to work."
"Thanks. I'll save you leftovers." Jim sat next to him. "So, you got any questions? I know this is a lot, believe me. I've been through it, too."
"What will be expected of me here, sir?" Kane asked. That was the most important thing. He couldn't do what he was supposed to without knowing what it was first. "What will my duties be?"
"First, you can just rest and recover. It's been a while since you've had a break, I bet, and you look like a strong gust of wind could blow you over. Take a breather. Once you're better, we can split work around the house and some odd jobs I do in the neighborhood, which is mostly just stuff you know how to do anyway. Domestic stuff. If there's anything I want you to do, I'll let you know, so don't worry about trying to guess."
Kane nodded, a bit nervous about not having duties to fulfill. He wanted to make a good impression.
"I mean, I assume you're a domestic, 'cause you were doing the shopping. Unless I'm wrong...?" Jim asked cautiously.
"I am, sir," Kane assured him.
Jim gave him a wry smile. "I was, too."
Liz bopped Jim on the head as she passed by. "See you later. Uh, have fun." She stopped for a moment, looking at Kane quizzically. "Can I see your shoulder for a sec?" she asked, pointing at his right.
"Yes, ma'am." Kane pulled the neck of his shirt down, exposing the scar there.
She brushed her fingertips against it, gentler than he'd thought she would be. "Does it hurt?"
"Only sometimes, ma'am, when I strain my shoulder too much. But usually not. I've always had it," he reported.
Liz tapped the scar. "I did that." She stepped back.
"Oh." Kane had been told it was a bullet wound. This woman had shot him? Why? Was she going to do it again? His mind raced with fear.
"I don't regret doing it. But I'm sorry it still hurts." Liz nodded at him before leaving the apartment.
Jim shook his head. "She's too much." He stood up. "Let's go to the kitchen. I'll make your favorite. 'Cept I can't get the fancy stuff like you used to get, but I hope you like it anyway."
Food. Kane was going to be allowed a meal, that was what Jim had said, instead of just the scraps. "Thank you so much, sir."
"No problem." Jim led him to the kitchen and indicated for Kane to sit as he started preparing food. It felt wrong. Kane was the pet, he was supposed to be doing the chores. But Jim said he wasn't supposed to yet, so he didn't.
"Any other questions?" Jim asked as he worked.
"What are the rules?" Kane ventured, trying to suppress a shudder as Jim picked up the knife. But he didn't come at Kane with it, he just started peeling a potato.
"Don't hurt anyone or destroy other people's stuff on purpose. Don't go tattling to WRU, obviously. Pretty much as long as you're not hurting anyone, no one's gonna have an issue with you. No discipline. You don't have to be scared of messing up. And you're allowed to want stuff."
It sounded far too good to be true. "Okay," he said, a bit choked up with emotion. "Please let me know if it's rude to ask, but when- when you first got away, was it easy for you, sir?"
Jim paused for a moment, then continued. Kane tensed, worried he'd offended his... new master? But Jim just kept talking. "It wasn't. I was all messed up. I was happy to be out, but I had no idea how to be my own person. And shit was... complicated with Liz. She kept expecting me to be someone I wasn't anymore. And I missed- my master, sometimes. He wasn't good to me, but he was everything I knew. And there were good times too, mixed in with the bad. So it made everything real complicated. But it all worked out eventually. I'm... actually happy now. I'm not the guy I was before, but I'm better." He smiled at Kane.
Kane didn't think he would ever miss his master. There weren't good times too. It was just pain and fear. "I'm glad you're happy now, sir."
"Me, too."
As Jim cooked, it was hard for Kane to restrain himself. When he cooked, he made use of everything he had. Potato peels that he would have eaten raw as he worked were dumped in the trash. He wondered if he would get in trouble for digging those out later. It wasn't against the rules, as far as Jim's description of them went.
At last, dinner was ready. Jim brought over two plates, piled high with food, and set one in front of Kane. He could hardly believe it.
"This is all for me?" he asked, just to make sure.
Jim's eyes fixated on him, watching intently for his reaction. "Yep, dig in."
Kane cut off a bite of meat, practically melting at its delicious taste. It was more than that- it tasted... familiar, somehow.
"Do you like it?" Jim prompted, an anxious look in his eyes that Kane knew all too well in his own. Seeking approval.
"It's the best thing I've ever tasted," he said emphatically.
Jim beamed, picking up his own fork. "I'm glad."
Kane had never eaten this much at once in his life. Everything was so good, better than anything he'd ever been able to make. When he'd finished his plat, he felt full for once, full with food he was allowed to have. It was the best feeling in the world.
"I- I'm sorry if I've wronged you," Kane said. "I didn't know. Thank you for helping me anyway."
Jim stared at him with an unreadable expression. "Oh." He shook his head. "Yeah, I mean, yeah. 'Course. You're pretty much not even the same guy."
A sneaking suspicion had been creeping up on Kane, and he was growing more and more certain of it by the minute, no matter how much he hoped it wasn't true. "Was I...?" He touched his own collar.
Jim glanced away. "Yeah."
Mine did, too. Jim said his master hit him, too. Had Kane been just like Master, but to Jim? Was that why Jim was so anxious for his approval? That's who he was before, that was Kane de Sang?
"I'm sorry," he said again, now feeling the weight of what he'd done. "You didn't deserve that. You're so kind."
Jim wiped at the tears starting to form in his eyes. "Thanks. I never thought I'd- thanks."
"Sir?" he asked, since this seemed to be going well. "You said I was... allowed to want things?"
"Yeah. You're allowed," Jim confirmed.
"I don't think I want to be Kane de Sang anymore."
in canon, liz has a good-sized 3-bedroom house, because housing by the vampire territory border is dirt cheap since no one wants to live there. in a world without vampires, i am whisking their comfortable house away. apartment be upon ye
and that's the final part of this AU miniseries! hope you enjoyed!
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whumpsday · 1 year
Kane & Jim BBU AU #2.5
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@bbu-on-the-side BBU Community Days #10: In-BBU-Media
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Kane de Sang, 30, was last seen at his home on Monday, according to multiple employees of Home Sweet Home Cleaners. His car, a black Volvo S90 sedan, was found parked by a concert hall. De Sang reportedly never made it inside the venue.
De Sang is the youngest of Aldrich and Rosemary de Sang’s seven children. His parents were unavailable to be reached for comment.
The disappearance comes just five years after a robbery at de Sang’s residence. The assailant, who remains at large, shot de Sang non-fatally and made off with his box boy, which was never recovered. It is unknown at this time if the event is connected to de Sang’s disappearance.
Anyone with any information on Kane de Sang’s whereabouts is urged to call...
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whumpsday · 1 year
Kane & Jim BBU AU #2: Loophole
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content: bbu, pet whump, guns, rescue, begging, reference to holocaust, recovery, amnesia
@bbu-on-the-side BBU Community Days #8: Barcode
It had been five years since Master bought 913, and things had gotten marginally better.
Master still hurt him occasionally, but 913 had gotten much better at anticipating his wants and placating his moods. Blasphemously, he had eventually decided he didn't like Master very much at all, but that was okay, as long as he never said it out loud and did his job well.
He even found joys in this life. He wished he could read, but he was unable to parse a single word in the cookbooks in Master's library without getting a splitting headache. He experimented instead, teaching himself, building on WRU's culinary training. He could see himself getting better and better by the day, creating meals both Master and himself could enjoy.
As 913 finished up his evening chores and prepared to go to bed, the window unlocked.
His head whipped around at the sound. To his utter horror, it pushed open, and a young woman with a pistol on her hip climbed through.
913 backed away, hands up. "You're not- this isn't your house, ma'am," he pointed out dumbly.
The woman stared at him like a long-lost treasure. "Just let me explain," she insisted, her voice low. "I'm your sister."
"I'm a box boy. I don't have a sister." Even as it came out of his mouth, he knew it was a ridiculous point. Of course he had a family out there somewhere, even boxies come from somewhere. He just couldn't remember.
The woman looked like he'd just broken her heart. "Yes you do. It's okay, I'm gonna get you out of here. You're gonna be fine."
913 backed even further away at that, heart racing. He was going to be stolen. He didn't know how to deal with that. He wasn't a person or a guard dog, all he was supposed to do was cook and clean.
"Master!" he cried. "Help!"
"Fuck!" The woman dashed forward and grabbed him, only prompting him to scream louder.
"Master, please help! She's trying to steal me!" 913's life here may not have been perfect, but this crazy person with a gun was not what he wanted to risk it all on. He knew well that things could be much, much worse than they were here.
"Shh! Shut up, shut up!" The woman clamped a hand over his mouth, and though she was smaller than him, she was much stronger. 913 couldn't wriggle out of her grasp no matter how hard he tried.
To his relief, he heard Master coming down the stairs. He burst into the kitchen just as the woman was attempting to manhandle him toward the window.
"Unhand him!" Master commanded indignantly. "That's my box boy! What do you think you're doing!?"
The woman shoved 913 aside and drew her weapon, pointing it squarely at Master, to 913's horror. "Don't move!"
"Don't!" 913 begged. "No, no, please!"
This only made Master more furious, heightening 913's fear. "How dare you! Do you have any idea who I am?"
The woman glared at him. "Kane de Sang. I don't care. I'm taking him home and there's nothing you can do about it."
913 started to cry. "Master, please!"
"It's okay. You're gonna be fine," the woman assured him, like this wasn't the most terrifying moment of his life. Even back in the horrors of the facility, at least he knew everything was under control.
While the woman was distracted comforting him, Master made a break toward 913.
She didn't hesitate. Before 913 could move, she leveled her gun and-
913 startled at the bang, ears ringing as the smell of blood filled the room. Master screamed, clutching his gushing shoulder.
"That's what you get for messing with my family." The woman took 913's arm firmly, and led him back to the window.
He couldn't stop crying, looking back at the tear-blurred image of Master handling his phone with bloody hands, but he didn't resist. He was too scared his captor would kill Master if he did.
His breaths came hard and fast. "Wh-what's gonna happen to me?"
"Nothing, you're safe, I promise." She dragged him to her truck, buckling him into the passenger seat. "We're going home."
"I'm... yours now, ma'am?" 913 asked desperately, trying to get a handle on the situation. "Is Master gonna die?"
"I only managed to get him in the shoulder, I'm sure the paramedics will handle it," the woman said as she sped away. "You're not mine. You don't belong to anyone anymore, okay?"
Suddenly, things clicked into place. "You're pet lib?"
"Yeah." The woman drove like a madman, and 913 gripped the seat to steady himself. "But I'm not here because of that. I'm your sister. I'm sorry it took me so long to find you, I was only 15 when they took you."
"I s-signed up," 913 protested weakly.
The woman rolled her eyes. "You didn't sign up. They tried to recruit you and you said no, but they took you anyway and forged your signature. They do this shit all the time."
913 didn't know how to respond to that. He'd always wondered why he would submit himself to this, what his old self was thinking.
"I'm Liz," the woman offered. "Liz Lieberman."
"My designation is 100913," he replied quietly, fingers brushing over the numbers printed below the barcode on his wrist.
"Your name is Jim Lieberman. Short for James Lieberman," Liz informed him. "Just so you know."
A name. He'd always wanted a name. Master never gave him one. His bunkmate back at WRU training had called him Curls when the handlers weren't around, and that's the closest he'd ever had.
Liz glanced at him thumbing at his barcode. "The world is so fucked. Tattooing numbers on Jewish guys' arms again. How does no one see any fucking problem with this?"
"I'm Jewish?" 913 asked.
Liz got that look again, the same one she got when he said he didn't have a sister. Grief. "Yeah."
They sat in silence for a bit. 913 looked out as the scenery passed him by, getting farther from home with every passing second.
"Am I ever gonna get to see Master again?" he asked eventually.
Just like that, like it was the simplest thing in the world.
"I saw him hit you last night," Liz added. "I was looking for a good opportunity to get you out. Do you really wanna go back to that?"
How long had she been watching them through the windows in the night? He didn't want to know.
913 shrugged. "It's the best I've ever had it."
"Doesn't have to be," she countered. "It'll be better. No more hitting. Get that stupid shock collar off you. You can be free again."
The shock collar could come off. The shock collar hadn't come off since it came on, the battery long-dead. He wanted that so much.
"Pets don't have wants," 913 parroted, chastising himself.
Liz grinned at him, a mischievous glint in her eye. "I never asked if you wanted it."
Ah. A loophole. Jim tried and failed to suppress a smile.
"Well then- I guess- I guess I just have to, ma'am."
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whumpsday · 2 years
I'm thinking about Jim entering a contest with an unknown prize and winning. He's super excited at first, but then he's told he's won a box boy. He's immediately like "Oh God no." but one gets delivered to him anyway. Cue him meeting Kane again/for the first time.
interesting! i can kind of imagine a bbu au of k&j going like this:
first of all, all-human au, no vampire shenanigans, makes everything too complicated. a wru acquisition agent thought jim seemed like a perfect candidate- almost no living family, badly in need of money. so when jim declines wru's generous offer, he's "convinced" and abducted anyway. liz is delivered a hefty sum and told jim willingly sold himself to wru. liz doesn't believe it for a second, ends up joining a militant pet lib organization to try and find him.
jim is put through rigorous training and is sold as a domestic to kane. kane is not quite as bad to jim in this as he is in canon, as there is zero disobedience from jim, given his wru training. i'd say he's verbally abusive but probably not physically abusive. still terrifies the shit out of jim after everything he went through in training. liz is eventually able to find and rescue jim, who doesn't remember her at all and is even more terrified of this violent woman kidnapping him than he is of his owner. cue some rocky recovery.
kane is eventually... somehow... turned into a box boy himself. i'm coming up blank for how this would happen, honestly. he's bought by a cruel owner himself, until years down the line... kane is frantically running errands for his owner, when he runs into jim in public. jim, well on his recovery journey by this point, freaks out thinking he's been found. but then notices the collar, the blank look in kane's eyes that says he doesn't recognize him, and realizes kane is a boxie now. jim tells kane he can come with him if he wants to, and desperate to escape his owner's abuse, kane accepts. and thus jim becomes his caretaker, guiding him on the same journey to recovery he himself took years ago.
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whumpsday · 1 year
BBU Community Days #1: Introduction
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hi! i'm mill, and i'm a whump writer. i have never actually written for the BBU before, despite being a fan of the shared universe (it was my introduction to the whump community!)
my writing can be found here!
while i haven't written for BBU yet, i have several BBU and BBU-adjacent ocverses in my head that can eventually be turned into writing. some sooner than later, given i'll be using two them for this event's writing prompts.
Kane & Jim BBU AU - a BBU twist on my main story, Kane & Jim. in this all-human AU, Kane will purchase Jim (otherwise known as 100913) as a domestic boxie. given Jim's utter lack of memories, their dynamic is pretty different here. and of course, Kane will later get his whumper-turned-whumpee arc. i will be writing 3 pieces for this during the event.
Franco - a story about a box babe who escapes, is taken in by a trans guy, and upon learning that one can change their gender, realizes he's trans himself. will explore the dynamic between a fairly privileged trans man, with access to surgery and hormones and supportive family, and a trans man who's not even legally a person. i have chapter 1 of this half-written, and considered using it for the barcode prompt, but i think i'll sit on this longer.
Zack & Buddy - this is more BBU-adjacent than actual BBU, really just my own original institutional pet whump universe. about an alcoholic with anger issues who can barely take care of himself, suddenly finding himself the owner of an extremely traumatized pet whumpee after winning him on a gamble, and trying to help with the best of intentions. i will write this someday, but not anytime soon. i daydream this ocverse almost as much as K&J.
Kane & Seven - this is a crossover RP i do from time to time with @whump-queen's Seven Series, where my Kane ends up at the McQueen household and forms an unlikely friendship with their boxie. i will be editing some of it into postable form for the last day of the event.
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whumpsday · 1 year
BBU Community Days #6: Inspiration
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the first whump series i ever got into was Tomas and Rowe by @whumpzone and i adore it to death. i don't believe it's actually BBU, but it is institutionalized pet whump, and i later found BBU through that. the Pet Kasia AU also gave me inspiration for my character Kane from my main series, i loved the whumper-turned-whumpee aspect of it all. you don't see whumper-turned-whumpee often in institutionalized pet whump i think (the only other one i can think of is Siveter in the Receiver of Guests BBU AU by @blood-is-compulsory ) and i love this concept immensely, the idea of a whumper getting amnesia as they become a whumpee, it's almost like they're two separate characters. great series, great au, love it.
in terms of my Kane & Jim BBU AU, the main inspiration for that was a conversation i had with @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump about Kane & Jim crossing over with her One Night's Mistake (which i will talk more about on day 14). we talked about Kane forgoing the whole kidnapping-a-human thing and just buying a boxie (Wyatt), as well as Maisie getting 100913/Jim instead of Wyatt as her box boy. i still think about these crossovers so endearingly.
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