#alect the first
dabblingreturns · 2 years
There is something profound in the way Nona the Ninth deals with forgiveness.
The fact that this exchange between Nona and Hot Sause
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Happens only two chapters before this line from John:
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It feels telling.
Nona makes herself vonenerable for the chance to experience forgiveness in a way that John will not risk.
So Nona received something that John never can have.
I think that moment might be a turning point.
Up till now all, Alecto has only realy known John and his view of humanity. But now, after being Nona...maybe Alecto can understand forgiveness. And maybe she can leave some of her fury behind.
Maybe Hot Sause, in a tinny broom closet, on a fair away planet, has indelibly changed the World
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derseprinceoftbd · 17 days
Hey uh I can't be the only person who regularly contemplates the possibility that Alecto splits in the writing again and we get like Kiriona The Ninth in 2026 and Alecto The Ninth in 2029, yeah? Am I crazy for wondering, without considering it good or bad, if it might happen?
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durneytune · 3 months
As newly alected president my first order will be to reinstate all yes all juul pod flavors. Amen
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bytheangell · 4 years
Thinking Reckless
(tw: self-harm, references to anxiety) (Read on AO3)
It starts off innocently enough. Alec is out on a patrol with a few new recruits when things get a little dicey - an unexpected encounter with a demon turns into an unexpected encounter with several demons. Nothing they can’t handle, but it’s far from smooth. When things move to the close quarters of a dark alleyway Alec finds himself in the way of a haphazard, panicked knife slice that catches his arm instead of the intended demon, hissing at the sharp bite of pain. Giving himself a moment to make sure the damage is mostly superficial Alec jumps back in to deliver the killing blows to the remaining two demons.
“Everyone alright?” He calls out, glancing around the small group. They’re winded but wide-eyed with adrenaline, used to trainings and simulations, not the real thing.
“Are you alright?” One of the boys asks him, glancing at the bleeding cut on his arm that’s clearly visible through the torn fabric of his shirt. “I’m so sorry, Sir, I-”
Alec dismisses him with a shake of his head. “I’m fine. It’s fine, Whitmark. Just keep the blade a little closer next time, alright? You have to keep it controlled, no wild swings. If Jace saw that after last week’s lesson he’d have your head,” Alec laughed a little to show the advice comes good-naturedly.
The young Shadowhunter nods, relieved he isn’t in trouble, and Alec puts in a call for a clean-up team before wrangling his patrol back to the Institute to get checked out. There are a few with scratches from the demon, and Alec saw one of them take a pretty nasty fall during the fight, so it’s always better safe than sorry.
There’s a lot going on, from using some of their missteps as teachable moments on the walk back to the general bustle of the Institute when they get back, his focus entirely on the new recruits and the debriefing afterward. The cut on his arm stings, though the pain fades to something dull and comforting among the rest of the night’s activity. Once and awhile, entirely subconsciously, he brings a hand up to touch it gently, wincing slightly at the momentary jolt of pain before it fades back to that background ache, but he doesn’t pay it any mind.
When Magnus asks him about it later Alec says that he just forgot - except that isn’t quite true. He was aware of the cut from the moment he got it, he just didn’t mind. If he thinks too hard about it he might wonder if he liked the feeling, one he hasn’t had in a while… so he does his best not to think about it.
The same way Alect absolutely doesn’t think about the sense of loss he experiences when Magnus magics the cut, and the pain, away.
It’s a rare day off and Alec finds himself sitting out on the balcony, pouring cream into half a dozen tiny saucers for the strays while Magnus is out meeting a client. He’s around Magnus’ Loft often enough that the cats recognize him, and trust him enough to come over to be pet if they’re feeling sociable. The sun is out so Alec shrugs off his jacket and rolls up his sleeves before sitting himself down on the ground. If he’s being honest he hates days off - they make him tense, constantly anxious over things that need to get done, ways he could be helping - and he can’t wait for Magnus to get back and help quiet those thoughts a bit.
Alec starts to play with one of them, swiping his hand back and forth along the ground while the cat bats at it, when the cat finally catches him. Alec snaps his hand back, watching the angry red lines form down the top of his wrist from the cat’s claws.
It hardly hurts, barely a flesh wound, just a light prickling. Nothing worth stopping over, as the cat rolls onto it’s back in a clear dare for Alec to even try and pet it’s stomach. Alec does, and they repeat the game from before a few times before all four of the cat’s paws close in on his arm, catching him in more light scratches.
On some level, he knows exactly what he’s doing. He knows why the pain is so intimately familiar, he knows why he doesn’t stop, even though he should. But he isn’t doing anything wrong. This isn’t his bow or the punching bag. He’s just playing with the cats. It’s fine. He’s fine. For now, he allows himself the comfort of the distraction. The scratches aren’t doing any real harm, so he sees no need to do anything about them right away but he definitely will once he’s done.
Except the sound of the front door reaches him and Alec hesitates only a second before sliding his shirt sleeves down and shrugging his jacket back on, hiding the red marks from Magnus by the time he comes outside. Alec knows it’s wrong the moment he feels the guilt wash over him. Memories of old habits come to him unbidden - of keeping secret cuts and bruises hidden from those around him, ones he’d press on during stressful meetings or when he caught himself drifting or spiraling, to anchor him. He remembers the moments, but more than that, he remembers the feelings: an almost serene sense of focus, of self-awareness, of calming control.
He remembers it all and he misses it, and the desire wins out over the guilt.
“Careful, or they’ll start to like you more than me and follow you back to the Institute,” Magnus jokes, watching the way the ones Alec was playing with come to circle around Alec’s feet first, then Magnus’, as they stand together.
Alec leans in to kiss Magnus hello, feeling the sting up and down his lower arm with the shift of fabric as he moves his arm to wrap around Magnus’ waist. Not just feeling it - enjoying it. He experiences a brief moment of annoyance to think he should be past this, that he should be better than this; it passes as quickly as it came and instead he practically sinks into that familiar comfort like pulling on an old favorite sweater or embracing a friend you haven’t seen in too long.
“They only like me when you’re not here,” Alec reassures him, the smile on his face not betraying an ounce of discomfort despite his constant awareness of the scratches now that his sleeves are pushed back down and he’s moving around in the jacket. Instead of distracting him they do the opposite - they keep him focused and present. Not that he needs that now, not when Magnus so easily commands all of his attention and eases his mind and his soul.
...he doesn’t need it, not the way he used to. That would be a reassuring realization if the greater implication wasn’t even more concerning: he might not need it but he wants it, missing it enough to chase the ghost of it here on the balcony. Enough to know he has no intention of slipping away to apply a quick iratze.
“Ready?” Magnus asks, breaking into his thoughts. “Dinner awaits.”
“Dinner awaits,” Alec agrees, turning with him to leave.
When he says the long-sleeved shirt he wears to bed that night is because of the increasing chill in the air, he almost believes it himself.
There’s no reason for Alec to run in front of the others the way he does, making no move to activate the seraph blade at his side. He’s too close, his blocks with his bow too sloppy, and it’s no surprise when he gets caught across his thigh by the sharp claws of the elapid demon. It’s especially no surprise to Alec because it’s exactly what he intended. This isn’t the first dangerous mission Alec volunteered himself for lately, and it isn’t the first he’ll come back injured from, either.
It is a surprise when the claws are followed by teeth so quickly that he has no time to block when he actually wants to, and if it wasn’t for Jace throwing one of his knives at the demon’s head Alec would be in much worse shape than a few drops of venom from its fangs that managed to break the surface of his skin.
The mission is a success, technically speaking. They got the swarm of elapid demons taken care of without a single one escaping into the city and no one died, which is all that matters when it comes down to it as far as the Clave is concerned.
To almost anyone who’s there, it simply looks like Alec took control of the situation and put himself in front of the others to protect them like any good leader would. If he had a group of newbies with him or any of the numerous Shadowhunters he isn’t particularly close with, he could get away with that.
Except it isn’t just a ragtag group of ‘anyone else’ on the mission with him: it’s Jace. Alec tries to avoid him even as he feels his steps swaying from the poison in the venom hitting his bloodstream. He could’ve given himself an iratze at any point after the danger passed but he pushed himself in the hopes of drawing it out just long enough to write up a report first. Instead, he nearly passes out two steps past the front door. Foolish. Careless.
Jace practically drags him the rest of the way to the Infirmary.
“What the hell was that?” Jace demands the second the Infirmary’s healer walks away.
“I was too slow on the blo-” Alec starts, ready to repeat the same thing he’d told the nurse, but Jace isn’t having it.
“I was there. You weren’t too slow, you weren’t even trying,” Jace accuses.
Alec’s distracted, already missing the ache healed away by potions and iratzes, silently cursing himself for the careless slip-up that landed him in the infirmary rather than his office upon his return.
When Alec doesn’t immediately reply Jace charges on, unrelenting.
“Are you trying to get yourself killed?” The question holds both anger and sadness, the frustration of a brother and parabatai unable to help the hurting soul he’s attached to.
“What? No, of course not,” Alec says, forcing his head back into the conversation. “I fucked up, alright? I made a mistake, it won’t happen again.”
Does he mean he won’t pull a stunt like that again, or that he won’t get caught pulling a stunt like that again? Alec isn’t certain, but the words are honest, a lot more honest than he’s allowed himself to be in a while. The longer the sentiment sits heavy in the air between them the more uncomfortable Alec grows. The pain used to be about grounding himself, about feeling in control, and lately he’s been anything but grounded or in control. Today he’d been borderline reckless.
“I’m on all your missions this week,” Jace says finally. It isn’t a request, and though Alec could pull rank and pick a fight he just doesn’t have it in him right then.
“Whatever,” Alec says, rolling his eyes. He isn’t really angry with Jace for not believing him, not in small part because he knows that Jace is right. If their roles were reversed Alec would be doing the exact same thing, and if he had the presence of mind to be objective he’d know this is for the best. Except he can’t be rational when all he sees is a week without what’s become an almost routine pattern of trying to chase this particular release without completely giving in to it, and just thinking about going without it for that long puts him on edge.
“Should I call Magnus to come get you?” Jace asks, in a would-be casual tone under any other circumstances. They both know Alec won’t bother Magnus in the middle of the night over something like this, no matter how much he might want to, but if Jace calls, Alec can pretend it’s out of his hands and play it off as an overprotective sibling instead of a personal need.
“No,” Alec says, and maybe he turns the offer down a bit too forcefully because Jace immediately raises an eyebrow. “It’s already late, I’ll just sleep it off here.”
“You sure?” Jace asks again. They both also know that Alec is much more likely to be persuaded to take care of himself by Magnus’ concern than Jace’s, especially after so many years of Alec conditioning himself to brush off his siblings’ worries as nothing more than nagging.
Alec nods. “I’m fine, really. Just tired.”
Jace eyes him warily for another minute. This is one of those rare moments he wishes Jace didn’t know him as well as he does. Alec can practically hear Jace mentally debating whether he should ignore both of Alec’s refusals and call Magnus anyway, but instead Jace sighs and decides not to push it. “Alright.”
Alec waits for Jace to leave before standing, stretching his sore limbs. It takes him all of two steps into the hallway before he gives in to the pull of the training room over his bedroom, telling himself it’s just to tire himself out a little before bed so he’ll sleep better. Except he can’t even fool himself on that one - he’s exhausted already and everything aches, and not in a good way. Up until now, he could lie to himself about exactly what he was doing, but this? He told himself as long as he didn’t end up back here that it wasn’t the same, that he hadn’t really slipped... And now here he is. If he does this, now, he’ll be crossing a line he isn’t sure he’ll come back from in one piece.
Instead of walking over to the punching bag, he came here for Alec paces back and forth in front of the door, running his hands anxiously up and down his bare arms. At first, it’s an instinctive, comforting motion, but then he feels a familiar sting and looks down, surprised to see red lines where he’d turned to running his nails up and down his arms without meaning to.
Alec made a lot of mistakes lately - today especially - and coming here is just another one to add to the pile. He knows it, he acknowledges it this time in a way he hadn’t all the others… but instead of leaving, he begins to pace again, conflicted. He wants to stay. He wants to stay and shoot and hit the punching bag until he gets back that sense of distraction he lost earlier in the infirmary. He wants the pain to focus and ground him. He wants to give in so badly it nearly consumes him, until walking away barely feels like an option anymore.
He wants and desires and craves more than he has in a long, long time… but he won’t allow himself to need it.
Alec’s hands are shaking as he pulls the phone out of his back pocket and pulls up Magnus’ contact... Then he stares at the screen. And stares at it. And finally closes out of it and slips the phone back into his pocket.
He knows he should call Magnus. That he should talk to him, or Jace, or anyone about what he’s feeling. There are people he can turn to, people who have told him time and time again that they’re willing to listen any time he needs... friends and family who know of his history and would be more than happy to help him talk things through instead of allowing himself to face these lows alone over and over.
He knows he should, but he can’t bring himself to do it. Talking about it would make something he’s barely been able to admit to himself feel too real, and his emotions are way too raw, too unstable to put into proper coherent thought just then. He doesn’t think he can handle the patronizing tones and pitying glances that would come with That Particular Conversation no matter how well-meant.
Alec spares one last, longing glance at the punching bag and the weapons rack before turning and walking out of the training room. He doesn’t stall or look back before heading straight towards the stairs that lead to his room. Maybe tomorrow he’ll be able to talk about it. Maybe tomorrow he can make that extra step. For now, he needs to figure out how to want this for himself.
For tonight, being able to walk away is a win he’s more than willing to take.
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hvedless · 3 years
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*    ⟢  NOW  INTRODUCING  ━━   ❝     ALECTO  CARROW  !  
this  is  my  first  time  playing  alecto  tbh ,  so  i  hope  i  can  do  her  justice   !  i’m  still  feeling  her  out  so  pls  bare  with  me
                                                         the basics //
full name :  alecto carrow .
birthdate & zodiac :  
gender & pronouns : cis woman. she / her.
sexuality :  bisexual  .
bloodstatus :  pureblood  .
house &  year  :  slytherin  .  sixth  .
label :  the  caliginous  .
                                                  deeper dive //
traits  :  +  shrewd   &  debonair  .  -  capricious  &  dramatic  .
aesthetics  : dead flowers wilting on white window sills ,  a collection of expensive jewelry ,  eyes like daggers shooting across corridors ,  & ink splatters on parchment paper  .
                                                         bio //
alecto  carrow  was  the  light  of  her  father’s  eyes  ,  but  a  mistake  in  her  mother’s.  her  relationship  with  her  had  always  been  very  complicated  .  her  mother  favored  amycus  ,  and  often  turned  a  cold  shoulder  to  her  .  she  was  also  a  lot  harder  on  alecto  .  she  had  high  expectations  for  her  daughter  ,  and  tried  to  control  everything  from  what  she  wore  ,  what  she  studied  ,  who  she  hung  around  .  she  was  always  boring  her  with  lessons  on  how  to  be  a  proper  lady  ,  and  teaching  her  a  whole  bunch  of  stuff  she  had  no  interest  in  .   she  spent  a  lot  of  her  childhood  defying  her  mother  ,  and  though  it  pissed  off  her  father  and  ��  ruined  their  reputation  ’   she  continued  to  act  out  .    when  she  was  younger  ,  she  wondered  why  her  mother  hated  her  ,  but  the  more  she  grew  without  a  mothers  love  ,  the  less  she  cared  .
behind  the  facade  of  the  picture  perfect  carrow  family  ,  lied  a  bunch  of  secrets  and  ugliness  .  her  parents  fought  often  ,  nearly  everyday  .   her  father  had  such  an  awful  temper  .  (  it’s  where  she  got  her  from  )  he  cheated  with  multiple  women  ,  and  her  mother  acted  as  if  she  didn’t  know  .  even  though  she  did  .  there  was  times  when  their  father  would  disappear  ,  and  would  make  it  up   to  the  family  with  meaningless  gifts  and  money  .  it  was  the  one  thing  that  she  really  hated  about  her  father  ,  she  loved  him  nonetheless  .  the  two  of  them  had  always  been  very  close  ,   and  he  was  always  there  to  bail  her  out  of  trouble  .
despite  their  home  life  ,  i’d  like  to  imagine  amycus  and  alecto  always  maintained  a  strong  ,  sibling  bond  .  she  finds  herself  to  be  extremely  protective  of  her  brother  ,  she  will  hex  you  (  or  kill  )  no  hesitation  .  family  and  loyalty  is  something  that  is  very  important  to  alecto  .  despite  all  her  bad  ways  ,  the  one  thing  she  would  never  do  is  betray  someone  close  to  her  .  
she  is  very  much  into  the  death  eaters  .  their  ideals  ,  the  chills  their  names  send  down  the  spines  of  others  ,  voldemort  .   alecto  is  set  to  be  marked  soon,  something  she  is  very  excited  about  .  she’s  been  working  hard  on  perfecting  darker  spells   (  if  ur  down  to  have  ur  character  be  a  target  practice  lmk ok) ,  dueling  .   despite  being  a  troublemaker  ,  alecto  is  a  very  intelligent  and  skilled  witch  .  she  takes  great  pride  in  this  ,  and  boasts  about  it  often  .  it’s  part  of  the  reason  she  is  so  competitive  .  she  is  obsessed  with  the  idea  of  winning  and  being  on  the  top  .  she  can  not  stand  to  loose  .
she  has  conflicting  feelings  about  school  .  she  loves  to  learn  but  it’s  the  people  around  her  that  she  can’t  stand  .  she  has  most  likely  had  the  same  few  ‘friends’  since  her  first  year  .   alecto  is  known  to  be  a  bully  and  a  mean  girl  .  she  finds  it  amusing  ,  and  a  great  pass  time  .  she  is  also  always  getting  herself  into  trouble  at  school  ,  and  is  on  the  verge  of  being  expelled  nearly  every  year  .  though  of  course  ,  her  father  always  comes  to  her  rescue  .  
personality  wise  ,  alecto  is  definitely  a  little  shit  .  i  like  to  call  her  the  ice  queen  ,  because  she  is  very  cold  ,  and  rude  .  she  was  no  regard  for  others  or  their  feelings  .  she  will  walk  all  over  someone   if  you  let  her  ,  and  will  laugh  about  it  after  .  there  are  very  high  walls  up  around  her  ,  and  she  doesn’t  dare  let  many  get  close  .  she  does  not  do  feelings  ,  hardly  does  friendships  or  commitment  .   she  is  dramatic  and  will  throw  a  major  fit  for  all  to  see  .   she  is  also  a  chaotic  mix  of  tempermental  ,  impulsive  ,  and   reckless  .  alecto  is  always  finding  her  way  into  some  kind  of  trouble  ,  but  she  thrives  off  of  it  .  the  only  .,,,  redeeming  ??  qualities  she  has  is  that  she’s   loyal  and  fun  !  if  there’s  one  thing  she  knows  how  to  do  ,  it’s   party  and  have  a  great  time  .  she  does  not  do  well  with  boredom  and  will  make  fun  for  herself  .  she   is  also  super  fashionable   ,  and  always  dressing  to  impress  .  if  there’s  one  thing  she  took  from  her  mother  ,  it  was  that  first  impressions  are  everything  .
some  wanted  connections  are  enemies/rivals  ,  people  she  bullies  ,  old  childhood  friends  ,   flings/fwb ,  exes  ,  dueling  partners  (  someone  she  duels  with  outside  of  the  class  )  friends  turned  enemies  ,  unlikely  friends   ,  gimme   a  muggleborn  that  actually  saved  her   ,  and  she  sworn  them  to  secrecy  about  it   but  she’s  always  worried  they’re  gonna  tell
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Colours of the Universe: The Beginning
In the sea of darkness, there was only one living creature in an empty space. The creature was named, "Colours of the Universe." Reports say that she looked like young girl or a young woman. Alone in that dark space forever. She got bored and created another being who is almost like her. A male child named, "Michael." Her son. They were happy together, until one day, Colours' soul broke apart in six different parts of the colour spectrum: red, blue, yellow, purple, orange, and green. All were separated by another strange being who claimed to be from the future. All of the separated colours felt when they separated from each other. It felt like their body was breaking like glass and staring into the eyes of the person who separated her. They all looked the same but it's only their eye colour and blood. Michael looked at his mother in fear at the six pieces that was his mom. He quickly abandons her without saying goodbye or even help her. He was too scared. The only person who helped was Red. They realized that Red is the only one who remembers their past life as "Colours of the Universe."
Of course Red has Colours' memories because she still has the white and black wings on her back, but as well Red is the original body of Colours before she shattered. This was how the universe was created. Like those dumb scientist back in my homeworld that the was created by a hot dense thing that exploded into a cooler spot that created stars and planets and that dense thing did last less than of a millisecond. 
That's a little bit true but Colours of the Universe never made the stars, planets, and the creatures that lived on them. It was her son, Michael who did it. Colours only created the space until she was separated. Many universes were created as well. That what my homeworld calls them, "dimensions." Worlds that are the same but different. So many years later, Michael has finish creating the empty space that's Red's universe. He was the one who created my homeworld called, "Earth" and created the first two creatures that he made, "Adam and Eve." On that faithful day that he created them, he let them be free in the a garden. The same garden where Red and him dreamed to have because when he just a kid. They always had. It Michael already knew that it was the future and created this garden. He made a time slice where is so Adam and Eve can't leave. He forgot about something. In the dream, there was a tree. A tree that gives knowledge to whoever eats. He tries to confronts his creation but he noticed two large doors in the garden. He quickly runs to Adam and Eve and found them laying on  the ground. He comes towards them and saw people that he didn't create circling around. They got through the time slice barrier. A man in white came to Michael and took off his mask. He told him, "my name is Alect. I'm from a group called the Time People." "Who are you? Why you here? I didn't create you?" "That's true but you did created us. By the time those giant doors open. The secrets are reveal and the universe is ours." "You can't!" Michael started to jump on them. "Kyle!" Michael could feel a sharp pain in arm. He looks at his arm and saw something pinching his skin. It was a snake. The person who directed the fangs at Michael was hoodie and he couldn't see his face. He reaches out and took off the hood and saw the young man's face was young but his red white pupil eyes were cold. Kyle taped on the snake on his arm. Michael didn't know he flat yet sticky on his skin but the perching of the snake's fangs went deeper and deeper. Kyle throws him down to the ground and watches Michael in pain and passing out. *** He woke for a moment of time but his vision was burry. "Get those two out of the Garden of Eden! Time is crucial and us. We need that power." "What we do about the kid?" "Leave him! He knows his destiny to leave this place after he wakes up. Oh man just staring into those doors. We are one step closer to get reincarnated and spread our souls to another..." *** Michael wakes up and notices that he was in a different place or a different time. The whole world was desert like. He walked out and notice that it look like something that his creatures made. Scuptures of people throughout history. He was asleep for that long that the place is where people has praise things like God that created this world but Michael was the one who create everything. Not them. He tried to confront the people but they ordered him to be stoned to death. Michael can't even die not even once. The people can just do it over and over again, but he was saved by on the fragments of Colours, Blue. She brought him to the future of my homeworld. Around the early 20th century. She told Michael to never go back there and do that again or it will result in his death. Michael told Blue that he can't die. Blue pointed to a spot on his skin, his neck. Snake scales. Blue told him, "you survive the interaction with the Time People because you transformed into a snake to save your own skin. You can die like anyone in this world. But why, why did you left your mother?" "All of you guys are my mom, Blue." "So you don't like us seprated? Red was the one who created you. I can see that red aura in your soul. I'm pretty jelous myself. Creating something from your own soul. You did the same thing too, Michael. However, your mother payed the price of those souls of Adam and Eve." "Why?" "They're the off-spring from you, but you're not stable yet and the souls you created went rogue. Not rogue...Possessed by something within their souls. A parasyte." "Parasyte?" "Yes, I don't know what they would do but Red did the impossible to reincarnate them by meeting the two spirits but is fused as one who can bless their souls and split apart. That is what there are souls that are a part of you but also your mother but every second time the soul dies. Their soul splits apart to stop the spread of parasytes." "What do they look like?" "You met them as the Time People. Their souls didn't fully die but they became more that just human. They have different forms that can bend and shape into many different things. Even shape into other humans. All they want to do is reincarnate but they can't because their soul has been lost." Then a book popped in Blue's hand, "ah! Another edition on the parasytes from Thomas." "Who's Thomas?" "It's your mother's advisor. He's human too but he is trying to find a way how to stop the parasyte." "What's a human?" "It's what your beings you created that call themselves these days. When you live in my house you follow my rules." "What?" "Rule one, just don't burn down the house while cooking a meal." "But I don't eat." "You have to because this the world right now. If people see you not eating, then they think as someone who is different. Remember one thing in this world. If you meet someone and they want to be friends with you. Do not leave them like you did to Red. It's hard enough as it is. Anyways, I have to work now!" "Wait a minute? What is work?" "Work is what humans call gaining money from it so you can live on. We have different things to do to make the humans surivive over the years." "If you made your own world, why not support it?" "Humans in my universe are very well developed. They don't need me to stay there. So I ask Red to live here in the meantime." "Red...Where is she?" "Oh with Thomas and doing some business to destroy all the leftover parasyte in a different world and galaxy." "Okay." "Good...Anyways...You don't have a jellyfish poncho yet my dear." "I know...how do you get it." "The best way to get one is to let go of your own feelings."
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