#and she hurt people and was forgiven
dabblingreturns · 2 years
There is something profound in the way Nona the Ninth deals with forgiveness.
The fact that this exchange between Nona and Hot Sause
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Happens only two chapters before this line from John:
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It feels telling.
Nona makes herself vonenerable for the chance to experience forgiveness in a way that John will not risk.
So Nona received something that John never can have.
I think that moment might be a turning point.
Up till now all, Alecto has only realy known John and his view of humanity. But now, after being Nona...maybe Alecto can understand forgiveness. And maybe she can leave some of her fury behind.
Maybe Hot Sause, in a tinny broom closet, on a fair away planet, has indelibly changed the World
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to-be-a-dreamer · 5 months
And if I make a full post talking about how Abby, Shannon, and Taylor were actually really interesting and compelling characters that were just wildly mishandled by the writers and weren't allowed to fully explore their own motivations or personalities outside of being a love interest then what?
This is a threat.
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mukuberry · 2 months
Ik Amane's voting period is long over and I've already talked about this but I can't stand when people talk about her like she's not a threat. I completely understand why people are annoyed about this conversation, because for some reason alot of people conflate 'ability to do harm' with 'deserving of being hurt', and alot of guilty voters genuinely see Amane as nothing but a monster who needs to be contained to save the perfect innocent Shidou. That being said, not only does Amane herself hate being viewed as completely harmless and inconsequential (because being unable to cause hurt therefore means she can only ever be hurt), but the idea that Milgram themselves are setting up Amane to be a potential danger only to not follow through on it is genuinely laughable. You think when trial 3 rolls around the other prisoners are just going to say "oh yeah also Amane got pretty upset but we put her on the naughty step for a bit and everything was fine ☺️"??
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alliumbunny · 2 months
wish people would stop normalizing the action of physically hurting your sibling, i don't mean small pinches or slaps on the shoulder or back, i don't mean the small pull of an ear or twist of a finger.
I mean when people say that literally punching or kicking with your full or almost full force is normal. I mean when people say that trying to suffocate or trap your sibling is normal. I mean when people say that trying to leave marks and scars is normal.
The thought that some people are getting abused by their siblings and others are saying it's completely okay just because of them being siblings, is disgusting.
I understand that pain can be funny in fictional media, but at some point, people should be able to understand that a character punching their sibling just because they pissed them off, is fucking weird and gross and normalizing that is even worse in my opinion.
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ibijau · 2 years
today I feel very lonely, and very stupid
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rackartyg · 2 years
what frustrates me with a lot of the takes on jod is that they keep trying to flatten him into just a remorseless megalomaniac, and it feels like such a … self-interested interpretation? because the point of jod is that he knows that, how, and why all the things he did were wrong, and the entire time he’s been jod, he’s felt the emotional turmoil of that — but he keeps making excuses for himself.
you don’t need to excuse an action you think is actually good and correct. he knows he’s done bad things, but he thinks he had good reasons or at least the circumstances were such that no one could blame him. and that’s what his nona chapters are — his confession. he saw himself in harrow, so he thinks she’ll agree with him, and he wants her to know what he did and then tell him ‘it’s okay, i understand why you did it, you did the best you could’ because he knows he’s done atrocious things and believes there can be no forgiveness.
all he can do under that belief is double down and hope to be excused, so of course that’s what he does. owning up to his own actions would involve admitting he did something wrong, and if forgiveness is impossible, then there’s no coming back from that, and even if nobody can impose external consequences or punishment on him, he’d feel it internally and punish himself with guilt. because his moral compass is actually working fine, he’s just convinced himself that it’s okay he isn’t actually going north because 10,000 years ago, someone made him so angry that all the needles looked red.
which, ime, tracks much better with how real people behave than the classic villain act. most people know what they’re doing is wrong on some level, they just feel like they have a good enough reason to flaunt that moral rule in that instance. they’re not right. they’re excused.
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ooc-miqojak · 2 years
Year 6: The Burning of Quel'thalas
The Second War was well under way, and reports had begun to pour in from scouts in the south - the Horde had allied with the Amani, and the bloodlust of the Orcs and the Amani combined had over-run the borders of Quel'thalas. Civilians were advised to retreat to the city proper, to seek refuge before the brutish onslaught of enemies both old and new, as they defiled the sacred forests of the High Elves.
The Elves had sent aid to Lordaeron - the Orcs were never supposed to have come this far north. It was unfathomable, at first.
But it was never enough for the Horde - never enough blood, never enough terror; the Amani kept coming now, further emboldened by Orcs wielding necromancy, and orcs on dragon-back. She hadn't known, then, what a 'Death Knight' was - no one had, but Gul'dan - and even then, the twisted creations weren't what they would one day become; and yet, they were no less dangerous to the people of Quel'thalas than the monsters that would follow in similar footsteps years down the line, to further defile her home.
The young noblewoman had been forced to flee, alongside everyone else - forced to seek shelter within the magical barrier protecting Silvermoon, and put her faith in the Farstriders, the Magi of Dalaran, and the brave soldiers of the Alliance that faced down the bloodthirsty berserkers who had routed around from the west, putting pressure on the last Alliance outpost left standing.
Her aunt had warned her away from the walls of the city, but the plumes of smoke from the forest beyond weren't something that Lilliana could just ignore. She'd grown up chasing the gentle, whispering winds of Quel'thalas - she'd sat among the rustle of gilded leaves, doodled the Springpaws from afar, watched the Dragonhawks swoop and dive and perform intricate mating dances every spring.
And the Horde was burning it all.
The forests of her people.
The animals, and the people therein.
They'd enslaved the most noble of races to commit an atrocity that the young woman couldn't - no, wouldn't - look away from now, no matter how it ached to watch the flames encroach, or smell the smoke on every breeze; she would commit the desolation of her people and her home to memory now, and forever.
She would never forgive the Orcs - nor their barbaric Horde - for what they'd done, if she survived this siege.
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skrunksthatwunk · 1 year
haruka should be allowed to be mad at kiryu tbh
#not just in y6 but like all the time#dont get me wrong i LOVE them and i love them being sweet and happy and i love kiryu being a good dad ok#but kiryu is uh. not always the best. in ways that i think she should be upset about#and i think the canon narrative doesnt rlly wanna address that bc kiryu is trying so hard and that effort must be forgiven#and for a happy ending to occur the family must be reunited#and i get that but like. haruka's side of the story is often ignored completely#or else boils down to unconditional daughter love in ways that are supposed to be admirable#and again. i love these two dearly. i love them very very much. but i think that tension should be explored#their relationship would be Very Complex and i think it would be Messy tbh. not like screaming fighting per se but i think haruka should be#allowed some moments of Uncle Kaz Im Sick Of Your Shit type stuff#im not even sure why i feel this way specifically bc i know i used to have reasons for it but like. yeah#even if you dont think haruka's justified or that she's missing some details/perspective or whatever i think she should be hurt and upset#about some of The Bullshit. baby girl needs therapy she needs some support and sometimes kiryu just. idk.#anyway go listen to welly boots by the amazing devil. thats basically my thesis statement#look maybe I'm just projecting my own daddy issues or whatever idk. maybe more people should do that with them like. shit#I'll do it someday I'll make that content i swear#sorry thinkjng about the unconditional daughter love again. she's kind of an ideal. she's a fantasy sometimes of a daughter figure who will#always understand how hard you're trying and be cute and love you no matter what. does that make sense??? and it's like. like i almost feel#bad for knocking that bc i get parents are under a lot of stress but i think she should have that power and that agency to be upset with#him. idk if im making sense. she's reduced to the Ideal Daughter and i want her to be loving and kind but with some moments of bitterness
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thomastair · 2 years
billy loved daisy more than camila let's be fr because that's the concept of soulmates and right person wrong time... he loved camila but he stayed for comfort and security and to be a good dad.. if daisy didn't struggle with addictions like him the tables would've turned really fast
bold of you to assume daisy would have stayed with him if he was the type of dude to leave camila when part of daisy’s story is her trying to find stability and self love. she would never have found that with billy because if he was the kind of guy that would leave his wife and kid then he’d be the kind of guy to leave daisy when someone else caught his attention. but that would never happen because that’s not how either of their characters are and you’re making things up. they’re both addicts and they’re written to be addicts and making up scenarios where they aren’t changes everything about the story for obvious reasons because it’s a Huge part of how they both navigate the world and how they form relationships with the people around them. and even if they weren’t addicts do you think that him becoming another version of his father by abandoning his wife and child would have been a fulfilling conclusion for him? do you seriously think either of them would have been happy?
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hallwyeoo · 2 years
“Joels decision at the end of tlou1 was justified. His death was completely uncalled for” WROOOOOOOOOOOOONG. Incorrect! Joel’s decision is UNDERSTANDABLE, not justified. There’s a significant difference between the two. Joel also knew when he saved Ellie that he was signing his death warrant. He was fine with it because it meant he got more time with her, and because she’d be alive. Joel is a very flawed person, and while no one deserves to die (especially not in the way he did) it wasn’t uncalled for. It was a necessary narrative decision! I cannot see a way tlou2 could’ve existed with Joel alive.
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acidhued · 2 months
forgiving your abusers is such a complicated topic for me because i have forgiven one of my abusers but i was coerced into it by my family. like even though i fully forgive her now i wish id been given the choice instead of forgiving her out of obligation. sigh
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kyliafanfiction · 2 months
Probably a year back, I once made a comment about wanting to find a way to take the basic concept of Eilistraee, file the serial numbers off, and do something interesting with her that the owners of the IP of Forgotten Realms won't do, because they don't seem to be interested in doing anything with her.
The problem of course is that Eilistraee is such a specific thing that you file the serial numbers off and it becomes impossible. Like, how do you remover her from her context in such a way that you can still use her in a way that keeps what's interesting about her and still be sorta recognizable as her influence without just being a blatant copy
(I actually do have an idea that sort of does this and I really really need to get back to it but).
And I really want to do something like that with Amy Dallon.
Like, again, haven't read Ward, but from where I sit, what Wildbow did with Amy in Ward is, if nothing else, the most boring choice he could have made for the character as a concept, narratively speaking. One does or does not have to agree with that, because I think what I think and I don't really care if anyone else agrees with me on this one.
But like... how in the name of fuck do you take the platonic ideal of the character of Amy Dallon, who is so specific to the unique tortures of her context, and then use it anywhere else that again, isn't such a blatant riff you'd get sued or at least mocked?
Like, adopted characters with shitty parent are a dime a dozen. Sympathetic characters with an unrequited incest crush on their sibling are... rarer, but still, I'm sure they exist. Characters with spiraling guilt complexes that make them overwork and burnout - god, those are hardly uncommon.
Amy is so many things put together in a way that should feel like a franken-monstrosity of a character concept (she is the fucking platonic ideal of a character that is not a woobie but is woobifiable, istg), but like - the specific hell of open cape life on Earth-Bet, the way Earth-Bet just sucks so very hard that Carol is how she is, that no one who has the authority or position to step in any way to help Amy (by force, since Amy's issues make her unwilling to accept help because she's a fucking TEENAGER, and teenagers are already not usually mentally well to begin with) and then the way Shaper, works to mash Amy's stress levels up even more and give her the powers to do what she does and what she doesn't want to do and like -
One could create a superficial facsimilie of a character like Amy, an overstressed, overworked healer with shit mom and an incest crush and all that, but you can't just port Shaper into another story concept as is, because there's so many implications to the world if powers like that exist.
And then there's the fact that like... I don't actually like superhero media, as a genre. Worm has just the right things I need to make me enjoy the superhero concept, partly because it isn't actually a slave to the pacing and structural rules of comic books that make me not like them (also why I'm more likely, though not always, to like superhero TV shows or other superhero webfiction. My favorite piece of superhero media remains a work that is/was posted to a tg/tf kink website but remains an excellent story well beyond the excellent kink material and a really interesting exploration of a number of classic superhero tropes and archetypes).
With my serial-numbers filed Eilistraee concept, I'm still working with a fantastical setting that has many of the usual suspects - elves and dark elves and dwarves and orcs and wizards and so forth, and sure, I have my own spin, but it's still the same kind of setting that Eilistraee herself comes from.
But I would never want to write my serial-numbers filed off Amy in a superhero verse because... well, I don't want to write a superhero story (that isn't fanfic, anyway). And It's just very hard to imagine doing the things I'd want to do with a character like Amy in the kinds of sci-fi or fantasy or steampunk settings I like to play with. Superhero really is a genre well unto itself, especially in terms of power scaling.
It took me a while to come up with my version of Eilistraee and a story that included her, so maybe I do think of something for Amy Dallon as well, eventually, but I really do have a hard time imagining how I'd even start.
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thewispsings · 3 months
two people that matched each others freak | max verstappen
pairing: max verstappen x teammate!reader
summary: max verstappen and y/n l/n love to match each others freak.
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liked by, carlossainz, maxverstappen1, redbullracing and 692,028 others!
yourusername: what an unfortunate series of events. first crash kinda nervous 🥰🥰@/carlossainz kill yourself for what you did to me.
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user2: carlos deserves way more then a 5 place penalty after that…
user3: no literally ??? y/n is literally BLEEDING !!
maxverstappen1: yeah @/carlossainz. KILL YOURSELF.
user4: you tell ‘em max 🗣️🗣️
user5: queens first crash and it’s not even her fault 😞😞
user6: queens first crash and she almost DIES
user7: carlos hate club reunite !!!
user8: oh let’s not…
user9: to quote y/n: “accidents happen. i know carlos didn’t get into his car with the intention of hurting me. there’s no hard feelings whatsoever.”
carlossainz: IM SO SORRY Y/N.
yourusername: i only take apologies in cash and gift cards xx.
maxverstappen: i only take apologies in cash.
carlossainz: why would i apologize to you?
maxverstappen1: because you almost killed my bestfriend.
carlossainz: do you accept venmo?
user8: max still calling y/n his bestfriend even tho they’ve been dating for two years now is so ??
user9: they were bestfriends for 6 years before that so..
charles_leclerc: give us a big scare there l/n 😬 happy you’re okay!
yourusername: thank you charles ❤️ but because you are carlos teammate, i feel like i am also owed compensation from you as well.
maxverstappen1: yeah leclerc! pay up!!
charles_leclerc: text me the amount 😞
user10: i love how max just goes along with everything y/n says???
user11: we love a man who matches his gfs freak ❤️❤️
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liked by charles_leclerc, carlossainz, redbullracing, and 720,629 others!
maxverstappen1: thank you to @/charles_leclerc and @/carlossainz for funding our date night 💙
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user12: NO WAY
user14: this is so cute 🥹
user15: yns so pretty 🙁
maxverstappen1: the prettiest 💙💙
user16: i just looked at my bf and sighed
charles_leclerc: ofc!! cute couple 🥰🥰
user17: charles definitely has a favorite couple
user18: y/n, my favorite nerd
user19: max, my favorite nerd lover
user20: perfect couple
user21: i have a theory that y/n and max are so happy together because they genuinely compliment each other so well
user21: they literally clicked as soon as they met, and they have said that “they feel at home” with each other, they can be their true selves when they’re together
user21: conclusion; i’m lonely and i wish i had a relationship like this
carlossainz: you’re welcome ig. am i forgiven now?
yourusername: we’ll see!
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liked by 284,029 others!
f1gossip: throwback thursday!!! throwback to when max and y/n broke the internet, by announcing they were both no longer virgins..through cake.
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user22: oh yes the good old days
user23: been matching each others freak since DAY ONE
user24: back when ynstappen was still not OFFICIALLY confirmed
user25: you should throwback to when max refused to resign with red bull until they gave y/n a multi-year contract ☺️☺️
user26: this was a CRAZY day for f1
user27: this connected the dots for all the ynstappen shippers because they basically confirmed they lost their virginity to EACHOTHER!!
user28: did we ever find out who’s idea this was?
user29: a couple months ago it was brought up and max spoke: “i know lots of people think it was yns idea..but it was actually mine. i guess i was just tired to hiding our relationship, so i brought it up, and y/n thought it was hilarious.”
user30: my parents ☝️☝️
user31: from teammates, to friends, to bestfriends, to lovers. living my dream.
user32: them.
user33: if they breakup i will genuinely never believe in love ever again.
user34: them becoming bestfriends was so unexpected, but made so much sense.
user35: if it weren’t for the ice cream shop they never would have happened ☹️
user36: pls explain?
user35: this is when y/n and max had just started the season as teammates, max hadnt performed his best at one of the races, coming in at 6th with y/n behind in 7th
user35: after the race, y/n had unexpectedly asked max to go get ice cream with her at a ice cream shop nearby
user35: max, feeling like he didn’t deserve to celebrate in anyway, declined. but y/n persisted, basically pulling him into that ice cream shop
user35: that’s when max said he truly had the time of his life, he felt happy, even though his race went horrible, he said that he has so much fun with yn and that he has never laughed so hard; the start of ynstappen ☹️
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liked by maxverstappen1, redbullracing, landonorris, and 729,624 others!
yourusername: siri, play nasty by tinahe.
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maxverstappen1: listening to it right now!
maxverstappen1: oh wow
maxverstappen1: i like this liefde!! 💙💙
maxverstappen1: come to the room so we can listen together!!
yourusername: coming!! 💙💙
landonorris: you are aware you can text privately right?
user37: he looks so happy 😭😭😭😭
user38: sobs
user39: y/n healing maxs inner child is something i KNEW i needed.
user40: power couple !!!
danielricciardo: i been a nasty girl, i been a nasty girl
user41: i need someone to love me like max loves y/n
landonorris: whos gonna match my freak 😣
user42: the first picture?? 😭😭
user43: omg the second picture. i’m going to throw up with joy. i love you guys.
user44: ynstappen ships used to PRAY for days like these.
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liked by, yourusername, redbullracing, danielricciardo, and 829,924 others!
maxverstappen1: i’ll match her freak!!! i will !!!
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user45: yes max, we know
user46: i just looked at my boyfriend and sighed
user47: the shirt???
maxverstappen1: @/danielricciardo thank you for the shirt :D i love it 💙
user48: i’m totally ready for max to wear that shirt on race day…
yourusername: the perfect photographer 🥰
maxverstappen1: it’s easy when my muse is perfect ☺️☺️
user49: that SHOULD BE ME.
user50: con🥹gra🥹tula🥹tions
user51: no one will ever understand how much i love this couple
user52: we love a man who matches his gfs energy ❗️❗️❗️
user53: so happy for you guys! haha. ha. ha. so happy.
charles_leclerc: beautiful shirt mate!
user54: the way charles and max still don’t follow each other but this is charles every time max post:
user55: oh! such a cute shirt! haha, ha, i’m so lonely.
user56: max could do better
maxverstappen1: kill yourself you worthless piece of garbage
user57: y’all saying you miss mad max but he makes an appearance every time someone says something negative about y/n 😭
. . .
notes: took a small break to enjoy my summer break start!! but i’m back, request are open !!
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grokebaby · 1 year
(thinking about Ngah) oh, yeah.. I hope she fucking. Hurts so bad. I hope she cries. I hope she breaks down after everything. After being an awful dictator leader and emotionally damaging both her kids I hope she fucking,
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ineffectualdemon · 10 months
Why they got canceled - SVSSS Influencer AU
Airplane "Drama" Youtuber- He wrote smut for a living in the past and that was enough for some people. But also the money laundering and money scams. He does not care
Shen Yuan Video Essayist- got in too deep about dumb fandom drama, panicked, faked his own death. Eventually comes out years later when he's making internet essays about monsters and his past is mostly forgiven because he seems sorry
Shen Jiu Troll Channel: first for hiring a hit on Liu Qingge which he didn't do and then later and more severally for throwing hot food at a customer service employee (Luo Binghe before he started his channel ). It doesn't hurt his career because he makes money by being hated
Yue Qingyuan ASMR channel: for defending Shen Jiu
Luo Binghe Cooking Channel: for stalking Shen Yuan (revealed by Shen Jiu) which leads to Shen Yuan being half canceled and Luo Binghe being half uncancelled when they start dating because of the stalking
Liu Qingge Martial Arts Channel: for punching Shen Jiu even though people thought he deserved it and later for refusing to apologise for breaking a statue by kicking it
Zhuzhi-lang Nature Channel: for stalking Shen Yuan but is forgiven because he's just so cute
Tianlang-jun Book Review Channel: for reading erotic RPF of his own son
Liu Mingyan Book Review Channel: for writing erotic RPF of Bingqiu
Sha Hualing beauty channel: for having her nudes leaked because she definitely leaked them herself. She didn't even deny it
Mobei Jun Ice Carving Channel: killed a man
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ham1lton · 3 months
if we were a movie.
pairings: charles leclerc x actress!reader.
faceclaim: zendaya <3
summary: need for speed, out in cinemas feb 31st 2026, follows emma, a coffee shop owner, who falls in love with christopher, a formula one driver. the film's marketing manager decides to take you and your co-stars to the next f1 race where you meet the original inspiration for christopher and maybe, find a love story of your own.
author's note: hi. this was the most voted post on the poll so i hope you enjoy it! don't forget to read until the end so you can vote on the next post! also shout out to ms hannah montana for this banger which inspired the title!
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liked by yourbestie, charles_leclerc and 2,928,927 others.
yourusername: days on set with these losers. thank god i get free and unlimited coffee!!!
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nicholasgalitzine: who is that sexy guy in the last pic 😍
-> yourusername: taylor 😍
user3: yn did they make u cry?? 😭
-> yourusername: i laughed so hard i cried 😔
user8: if nicholas is supposed to be charles, who is taylor supposed to be? also why is he going blond? charles is a brunet 😭
-> user10: evil carlos 😭 in the original plot, charles gets with emma and to ‘bring him down’, carlos exposes the relationship thinking that it would make charles lose goodwill with his fans which would then be bad pr for ferrari. so he does it so that he can be the first driver.
-> user8: thats so insane 💀
-> user10: girl its a fanfiction, that’s why 😭 also in the published version, they changed charles’ name to christopher, made him british and gave him blond hair to lessen any comparisons to charles. i mean, there is only one monegasque driver on the grid rn.
-> user8: that makes sense lowkey. also i love blond nicholas so its a win for me!
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liked by charles_leclerc, ynfan1 and 248,973 others.
needforspeedupdates: our protagonists were at the most recent grand prix in austin! nicholas met with race car driver charles leclerc! <3
tagged: yourusername nicholasgalitzine charles_leclerc
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user9: omg did you guys see charles run away from yn??
-> user5: she seemed so hurt omg :(((
-> user7: i thought he had a crush on her? maybe he was being awkward. i know people have done worse in front of their crushes 🤷🏼‍♀️
-> user5: i know but still. poor yn :(((
user23: last pic….. EIFFEL TOWER WHEN?!
-> user1: i need them both biblically.
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liked by ynupdates, charlesfan1 and 639,683 others
ham1ltonshaderoom: actress and it girl yn yln was spotted out to lunch with formula one star charles leclerc at a brunch cafe in austin. leclerc has formally stated that yln was his celebrity crush many times and witnesses say they spotted them looking ‘very cozy’ at lunch. one onlooker said that charles was very ‘apologetic’ at the beginning but yn had clearly forgiven him by the end of the outing. what do you think ham1ltons?
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user1: yn would be the most iconic wag ever.
-> user7: like come on now. this would be so cute. i can already imagine her fits.
ynhater: as if he’d date her 😒
-> user6: as if he’d date YOU 😭😭😭
user5: i think they’re so cute but it’s probably just a friendship thing. i mean… he’s the original person that chris was based off of so it’s probably pr or something.
-> user2: no i agree. 100% pr.
user4: no offence but i just don’t see it. i mean… he’s not ugly? but it’s yn.
-> user9: ?? and he’s thee charles leclerc. idk why you’re shocked. they’re both young, famous and attractive.
user34: yn be wary girl…. you know how these athletes be.
user98: charles man… how can you date a girl who’s job it is to kiss other guys lol 🤢
user55: but how was her hair blonde before and now it’s brunette?
-> user89: could have been a wig or extensions to get the blonde? this is her natural hair!
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liked by ynswifey, charles_leclerc and 829,928 others
needforspeedupdates: yn was on good morning america to promote the film, which is out this week! she spoke about her forage into formula one. i’ll transcribe the clip attached!
interviewer: you’ve obviously dipped your toes into formula one before as you’ve been friends with lewis hamilton for a while, right?
yn: you’d think so! but i actually hadn’t. i was similar to emma in a lot of ways. both of us obsessed with coffee and clueless about motorsports! i did meet up with a friend who promised to teach me more. so that’s a bonus!
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user7: she HAS to mean charles by the friend. lewis had already been mentioned so she would have said his name.
-> user8: charles’ rizz is just asking girls if they wanna look at his car.
-> user3: he’s lucky he’s got that pretty face 😭
-> user1: not him snooping in the likes 😭😭
charleshater1: how about we ship her with an attractive driver like lewis or carlos. this is disrespectful to her brand.
-> user45: girl SHUT UP 😭
❛・━━━━━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━━━━━・❜
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liked by yourusername, taylorzakharperez and 1,828,233 others.
nicholasgalitzine: the feeling when your bestie gets a f1 boyfriend so you have unlimited paddock passes.
view all 238,829 others
-> user2: all those secret meetings and shit only to be exposed by a twink 😭
-> user3: he is nawt a twink. he’s too muscular. get your terminology right.
user5: i don’t believe this. yn is so notoriously private about her relationships that i doubt she’d like a post that is exposing her.
user6: i want nicholas, taylor, yn AND charles 🤷🏼‍♀️
-> user7: this is the kind of greed they warned about in the bible.
taylorzakharperez: yes guys. i am dating an f1 driver. sorry to burst your bubble.
-> landonorris: it’s me :D
-> user8: lando dating taylor is less believable than true famous f1 couple taylor and fernando.
❛・━━━━━━・❪ ❁ �� ・━━━━━━・❜
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liked by ynswifey, charlesfan1 and 789,827 others.
ham1ltonshaderoom: bad day for fans of actress yn yln! as she is seen strolling with her alleged boyfriend, f1 driver charles leclerc, in the streets of london. the new couple are very much boo’d up after the release of her newest rom com ‘need for speed’ that is taking the box office by storm. according to family and friends, the couple is very much ‘in love’ and excited to see where the future will take them. how do we feel about this new couple ham1ltons?
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user1: hate them!
user2: LOVE THEM 😍
-> user7: charles is yn’s wife.
user3: are you sure this isn’t just pr? i mean… come on now. she does a film about a f1 driver. now she’s dating one. it could all just be a pr relationship to drum up interest for the film.
-> user4: or… they could actually be into each other?
-> user3: i won’t believe it until one of them post about it.
user5: months of speculation but neither of them have said a thing or been at a public event together. i mean… nicholas has been at more f1 races than yn 😭
user9: lewis is influencing charles already with the cuppa in london.
-> user10: y’know yn likes a london boy 😍
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liked by yourusername, landonorris and 1,927,938 others
charles_leclerc: happy birthday to the funniest, prettiest and most incredible girl in the world. thank you for sharing your world with me. i hope to stay with you forever. 💕
tagged: yourusername.
view all 348,838 comments
lewishamilton: so happy for you both! 💐
-> charles_leclerc: thank you lewis! wouldn’t have been possible without you.
-> user5: 1644 aka MY goats
yourusername: i love you <3
-> charles_leclerc: i love you more.
landonorris: BOO I HATE COUPLES
-> taylorzakharperez: 😔
-> landonorris: doesn’t apply to us sweetcheeks 😘
-> taylorzakharperez: 😍
nicholasgalitzine: thank god. tired of being yn’s excuse to attend f1 games.
-> yourusername: you loved it really don’t lie.
-> nicholasgalitzine: 🤭😏
maxverstappen1: does this mean the groupchat can be dismantled?
-> charles_leclerc: no :)
user3: WE WON!!!!
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