#alecto & megara
desmodus-draculae · 2 years
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POV you turn on extreme measures 1
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wrathofconpics · 29 days
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Magfest 2024 | Hades
Cosplayers: Message us and we’ll add your URL! cabezadebaka (Alecto) lillylolly_creations (Megara) rosiemariecosplay (Tisiphone) violetvixencosplay (Nyx)
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curious-trickster · 4 months
Looking for a fanfic
I read a Hades (The Videogame) fanfiction once, where Zagreus had to drink blood to survive, since he has been a baby. They first gave him water fromt Styx and I think they got him blood from the human world until Hades had the supply stopped, to punish Zagreus for his escape attempts?
Anyways Zagreus bites Alecto at first bc he is so hungry and then Meg offers and I think Than gives him blood too?
It had this really beautiful undertone, of all of them caring for Zagreus and I've been gushing about it to my sister. My search didn't come up with anything, does anyone know this fic?
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monstrumpuella · 2 years
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The Guests
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laukinis-tarakonas · 2 months
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megara, alecto, ir tisiphone
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moddieeee · 2 years
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Three hot sisters that can and will absolutely kick your ass
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anitabottempubs · 1 year
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Zag found a new chthonic companion
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randoimago · 2 years
Hi there I just wanted to say I like your writing also can I please have headcanons for Zagreus,Thanatos,Megara and hypnos from hades with a gender neutral s/o who is the god of decay like their powers are able to suck the life force/energy out of any living being and slowly kill them and because of that a lot of people fear them and make rumors of them being this destructive/scary God when in reality their actually really nice and kind just kinda quiet and their also kinda lonely and depressed because of their powers and rumors that have been made about them and just wanna have companions/friends I hope this isn't too much to ask for I enjoy reading your writing ☺️💖🤗❤️
Very Sweet S/O Is the God of Decay
Fandom: Hades
Characters: Hypnos, Megaera, Thanatos, Zagreus
Type of Request: Headcanon
Notes: This is a very interesting request, I’ll do my best with it!!
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Calls you a sheep in wolf’s clothing. That’s really what you are when you’re not causing some plague somewhere in the mortal realm.
If he’s ever asked what it’s like dating you because you’re this “big, scary god” then he just gasps and mentions all these horrible, awful things you do. “One time, they accidentally tried washing some colored clothing with white clothes!”
He’s really head over heels for you even if he acts like a little shit at times. If you ask anything of him then he’ll do it (so long as he doesn’t lose his job).
You’re just so precious and always has time for him (unlike his actual family) and so he wants you to feel just as loved.
She understands having others view you as intimidating and unapproachable. She gets that, her sisters get that. You being pretty much the complete opposite is something that throws her for a bit of a loop.
In her mind, if you’re scary then you should work with it and use it to your advantage. You’re just a sweetheart and she’ll kill anyone that dares lay a hand on you.
Meg isn’t really the type to talk about you to a lot of people, but Zagreus and Thanatos know and they quickly befriend you (after they give you a bit of a graveyard talk, that is).
She is hesitant to introduce you to her sisters. Probably shows you Tisiphone first since you two are a lot alike in ways before going to Alecto, who she quickly threatens if she tries to harm you.
He heard the rumors and so he had it in his mind to be the utmost respectful to you as your job can’t be an easy one. And then he meets you and you’re apologizing and asking if he’s okay and if you can do anything to make him comfortable with his visit.
He doesn’t know if he’s ever fell in love that fast. You’re just so pure despite your title. He vows to protect and keep you safe when you two start being together.
Thanatos understands being lonely due to being feared, so he tries to introduce you to Zagreus and Meg as they have been his lights in darkness for so long and hope you can be friends with them. He also secretly hopes his best friends like his S/O.
Definitely talks about you to Nyx before actually introducing you to his mother. Doesn’t really want to introduce you to Hypnos as he knows there’s going to be lots of embarrassing stories, but he still does as he cares for his brother and wants his S/O to meet his family.
Of course he was a bit hesitant when he heard about your title the first time. But then he met you and felt guilt for judging you based on things he’s heard.
You get so many gifts from him. You’re just the sweetest and he wants you to feel treasured because you deserve it.
Is more than happy to tell others that you’re his S/O. He might get asked “aren’t you scared?” and the answer is always “hells no” because you’re amazing and he gladly tells you that all the time.
Zagreus knows so many people, he’ll happily introduce you to them all! He promises that some of them are even nice so you can have friends.
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library-seraph · 8 months
Higher that the Stars primarch names
Realizing I never posted these on tumblr
The Lion- The Lioness (obvious, been trying to thing of a way to replace the Lionel Johnson joke with a Virginia/virgin joke for Virginia wolf but I can't quite get it to click)
Fulgrim- Electra (switching the "fulgur" pun to electric. not an electra complex joke i SWEAR)
Perterabo- Petra (Phonetic similarity, feminine form of Peter and is therefore based on the Greek for rock)
Jaghatai Khan- Alakhai Khan (named after one of Genghis Khan's daughters)
Leman- Ylva Russ (literally just a Swedish name meaning she-wolf)
Rogal Dorn - Rhiannon Dorn (Means great queen, is a welsh name when Dorn is derived from fist in a bunch of Celtic languages)
Konrad Curze- Megara Curze (named after one of the Furies. I kind of prefer the mouthfeel of Alecto as a name but if I named a character in this Alecto I think it would cause some sort of minor reality breaking paradox)
Sanguinius- Sanguinia (Quickly feminizing the fake Latin)
Ferrus Manus- Ferra Manus (^ ditto)
Angron- Angharad (Started as Phonetic similarity, but I think the fact that Angharad means "much loved one" adds a nice nasty kick of irony)
Roboute Guilliman- Augusta Guilliman (Augusta is a Roman title for empresses, this one is hard because the guy who named Roboute Guilliman has admitted he has 0 idea what the name's supposed to mean)
Mortarion- No change, I made it so the Overlords don't do gendered names
Magnus the Red- Magdalene the Red (Phonetic similarity I got super attached to)
Horus Lupercal- Ishtar Lupercal (Ancient Bablylonian goddess of love and war, which I think gets across the vibes of this au's imperium well)
Lorgar Aurelian- Sophia Aurelian (Named after the Gnostic emanation of knowledge, who is deeply connected to gnostic conceptions of original sin and redemption)
Vulkan- Vesta (Going from the Roman god of smithies to the Roman Goddess of the hearth)
Corvus Corax- Corvida Corax (Corvidae, modified a tiny bit to make it less obviously just a genus name)
Alpharius Omegon- Alpharia Omege (Same feminizing of fake Latin. Omege is pronounced like O-may-gay)
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echodoctor · 2 years
Okay, but consider: what if Harrow keeps the trademark Distinctive Golden Eyes now that she’s back in her own body, as an aftereffect of being possessed by Alecto.
Then we have three golden-eyed girls for three furies- there’s already an Alecto, why not a Megara and Tisiphone?
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loreolympiad · 1 year
Muse Poll
Starting to feel confident enough in my ability to manage multiple muses under one blog. So I'm going to add two more LO muses and I want to see what duo is most wanted atm.
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dusmoros · 2 years
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questions sent in by @wishkept​​ ⇀  Send me lore questions
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What was Meg's initial impression of the Shrouds and their attempts at managing the Underworld in Hades' absence? How did she handle the loss of him on her own end?
To start,  we need to go to your second question and then work our way up to the Shroud line.  It’s a long story,  but I’ll keep it as short as I can. 
Megaera had,  and still has,  complicated feelings towards Hades,  and Persephone;  these feelings that she cannot readily express,  or that she considers her greatest weakness.  The kind of feelings that would put her on the same level as Alecto,  and that is not something she will ever be ready to discuss out loud.  As the Age of Gods came to an end and the Gods she was closest to began to fade,  entering the great sleep or unmaking,  Megaera found a lot of her time being spent at Hades’ side,  fulfilling roles that were once Persephone’s,  for the Queen wouldn’t return after the last Spring of the Era.  ( Hades would be marked as one of the last Gods to fade,  lingering longer than Poseidon,  and even Zeus,  but outlived by Hera. )
During this tumultuous time,  Megaera had to balance out her duties as a Fury,  and those of Underworld guardian.  Her feelings,  whatever they were for Hades,  were buried beneath eons of careful planning and diligent work effort.  And should she stray too close,  quick backlash would make her retreat.  Not that she ever strayed in the sense of wanting to become that kind of companion.  ( Megaera does bear several scars from Hades’ wrath as his time grew shorter and his temper flared.  The most obvious one is a ring of burned tissue around her throat that she masks beneath an illusion casting choker. )
When Hades did eventually disappear,  Megaera was given temporary control over the Underworld.  She became the key-holder to the gateway to the Underworld,  and the wingless queen upon the throne.  For centuries she remained in the dark,  her sole focus on ensuring that the Isle of Lamentation would not be found until a true heir could take her spot.  During these centuries,  Megaera was unable to really contemplate the disappearance of Hades.  She wasn’t allowed to linger on her wants,  or to mourn him.  She was busy trying to hold up an entire island,  to use her own body as an anchor point to the Underworld,  guiding souls and so forth.  This would cause severe damage to her body,  let alone her own core being,  burning away at her primordial essence,  but she bore the unending pain for the sake of loyalty.
When the first Shroud arrived,  he was little more than a child,  almost physically comparable to Ortho.  He,  so full of potential,  would take his seat on Megaera’s lap,  and from there be reared by her until he could be bathed in the waters of the Styx and receive the blessing of the Underworld.  This child would be given the name Shroud only after he came up from the Styx,  if he survived at all.  This would birth the Shroud curse as well,  to be caught between life and death,  to produce blot and burn it at an alarming rate.
To say the truth,  Megaera felt nothing for this child at first.  He was merely the one who survived the ritual,  the child who bore the fading blood of the gods.  But he was dedicated,  and he ruled the Underworld like Nyx had once ruled the Night,  grasp lose enough to give freedom,  but tight enough to remind everyone not to fuck with what is theirs.  Megaera can,  now,  many eons later,  say that she respected the first Shroud,  and his approach to managing the Underworld.  But he was no Hades,  and over time,  none of his children could really fill that role,  nor those who came after him.
Does she remember anything at all regarding being immersed in the River Styx? If so, how would she describe it?
So Megaera has no memory of her deaths as Megara and her interactions with Styx.
However,  she has become very acquainted with the river outside of those instances,  as she is one of the guiding hands which leads the Shroud heirs into the heart of the Underworld where the river resides,  wading only to her waist before letting the souls of the despairing pull the heir under.  And should the child live,  they will have to drag themselves out of the soul filled stygian depths.  The waters feel incredibly heavy to Megaera,  like wading through a eternal quagmire,  the overwhelming despair of millions of souls fighting endlessly,  despairing,  hating,  suffocating.
Upon getting her wings back, did she feel more complete in herself or was it something she barely thought about?
Getting her wings back was like being reborn,  like being made whole again.  It was like awakening in Persephone’s arms,  returned from her accursed mortal life,  and feeling weightless.  Returning to the cosmos,  the everdark.  If it weren’t for the fact that the problem children still being around,  she might have manifested her wings,  might have stretched them to the sky,  shedding this fragile mortal shell for the first time in eons.  But it also made Megaera keenly aware of how fragile she had become,  separated as she was from her sisters,  her mother,  and Erebus.
If she could claim the ability to open and close the gate of the Underworld, would she?
Since she has already had such an ability in the past,  she would only claim it if she was certain that Idia or,  in some instances,  Ortho could not handle the ability.  In the past,  she has had to forcefully rip this ability from previous heirs who had gone mad with power,  or buckled beneath the weight of the Underworld.
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yuamusuzuran · 2 years
My Hades Journey Pt.2
December 15th, I’m 13,5 hours in and I still didn’t manage to escape the Underworld
First of all, let me say that I love the fact the game punishes your lack of chill, so to say. I’m sure I’m not the only one who tends to get overwhelmed when swarmed with enemies and in response, I start bashing everything and everyone which not only causes even more chaos to erupt on the screen but also chips on my health like a LOT (shocker). So when I jump on stream, I’ll try a cowardly tactic. I already love using the shield so much.
BUT I DID MANAGE TO REACH ALL THE WAY UP TO THE TEMPLE OF STYX! I died there on purpose cause even my stubborn ass knew there was no way I would be able to face Hades in such a poor state so I just started over. Currently I have Athena’s aid on.
MOST IMPORTANT THING THO: I MET THANATOS AND PATROCLUS! The pure joy I felt when I saw them. I think I tore my vocal cords. Oh well...
And let me say one more thing: I was most afraid of Alecto out of three fury sisters, but I beat her in the record time. Megara is still a pain in my behind but I love her.
So... this weekend... I’m finally escaping the Underworld.
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rivalfortune5768 · 4 months
I'm worried that if we lived in the megaman battle network universe you might ACTUALLY succeed in taking over the internet. What's your net navi / evil plan?
We're gonna say we have 3 navis, if this was in the games proper with their style of stuff we'd go with the 3 furies (megara, tisephonie, alecto) but it's NOT so we're gonna be SLIGHTLY MORE ORIGINAL.
A lithe navi with many floating hands that uses them to create windows, or "select" areas for attacks, called Alter
A bipedal draconic navi with a focus on sword-chip-like claw attacks called Aggro
A dreaming navi resting in a hovering bed, dreaming up various viruses and commanding them like a minion-mancer called Absent
THE PLAN IS: after wily tried to destroy the internet and after all the weird shit with duo and the cyberbeasts we figure "surely this isn't the end of these threats, and this megaman guy is a kid and also won't be around forever. how do we set this up to be okay long-term?" which then spirals through convoluted means into trying to warp the fabric of the internet into something that can actively defend itself and empower "heroes", but due to the abstract and relative nature of those concepts it gets a little screwy. After defeating all of our navis the protagonist must face them one last time as they combine, program advance style, into a cool final boss form. We probably appear as a side character or post-game story character in a following game somehow.
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grooveheartdelux · 4 months
I've been playing Hades (1) so here is my Half-formed vibes-based greek gods/aew fancast.
General pantheon (based more on a mix of their role in the game & my gut vibe for the characters [referring here to both gods & wrestling personas):
Zeus-Bryan Danielson (calls lightning with his "yes" points)
Hera-Toni Storm
Posidon- Samoa Joe
Hades- Jon Moxley
Dyonisus- Kazuchika Okada (imagining him as goofy & mean-spirited. Delights in being a bad influence)
Aphrodite- Mariah May
Ares- Christian Cage
Artemis- Red Velvet
Athena- Kris Statlander
Hermes- Isiah Kassidy
Charon- Hook
Zagreus- Darby Allin
Nyx- Nyla Rose
Megara- Willow Nightingale
Alecto- Riho
Tsiphone- Abadon
Theseus- Keith Lee (or the Miz, but whoops! wrong roster)
Asterius- Brian Cage
(bonus: skelly- Danhausen, narrator- Tony Schiavone)
Maybe Orange Cassidy as Apollo? Idk
The only rule is if you feel strongly enough about these being wrong to comment you need to give an alternative to the role or wrestler in question.
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princessmeepa · 8 months
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Can you tell the difference game from mine version or LO/RS version
Note that I do not own the characters from the Greek Myth, I was doing this for fun.
(Fun fact her personality is some what based on one of Tengen’s wives Hinatsuru)
My Alecto: Note this is an old art of her that I drawn her, when I was 17
Alecto is the one of the Furies (Tisiphone and Megaera), she is goddess of vengeance and retribution, and she punisher of moral crimes (such as anger) of humans, especially if they are against others, and she is born out of the Titans blood.
Likes: fruits (mostly pomegranates), reading, punishing people who committed crimes, dogs, snakes, her family, and good people.
Dislikes Tisiphone playing playing violent video games (mostly Thrill Kill)/scaring/teasing Thanatos and Megara about her stabbed bloody eye, Theseus, Tisiphone and Megara fighting, Tisiphone picking fights with one of the Fates sisters (mostly Atropos), people committing crimes and Stupid things.
Friends/Allies: Hades, Persephone, Tisiphone, Megara, Thanatos, Hermes, Makaria, the Fates, and Hypnos.
Enemies: Theseus (because he committed crimes), Zeus, and Sisyphus (because he tricks Thanatos).
Personality: She has the same personality just like Hinatsuru, very patient, kind, brave, and quiet (unlike Hinatsuru who kills Demons) Alecto kills people who committed crimes, and she is very most skilled of the trio. She is very protective of her sisters and the ones that she loves.
LO Alecto
She looks like Yellow Medusa and she is just a bodyguard for Christian blue, that was it and knuckles can to help.
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