#alema rar
starwarsyuri · 4 months
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CAUTION ‼️ the toxic girl best friend situationship can and WILL kill you !!!!!!!
Jaina and Alema- quick doodle for fun
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Alema Rar and Lumiya vs Leia and Luke Skywalker by Chris Scalf
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tenelkadjo · 10 months
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I’ve been trying to sort folders full of old random stuff (images, photos, graphics, stories -- all kinds of crap) and I came across some Really Old SWEU-related stuff I made. Here’s what each thing is and some notes about them.
Some friends and I made playlists that were musicals for EU characters and I did one for Jacen and it was just called HEY. This was one of the images for the main post I made about it. There was one for each song.
I wonder if I can find the other ones because I remember in one of them Jacen had a mullet.
This shit was ridiculous and I really miss all the people I did this ridiculous stuff with. ;D
THE SARLACC -- really early... near prequels?
My sister and I were like LET’S PUT CHARACTERS IN THE SARLACC.
I can’t remember what the site was gonna be but we had a ball in MS Paint.
LOOK AFTER YOUR BROTHER -- a Death Troopers fanmix -- 2009
This was an unfinished front & back cover for the mix I never finished.
god kale and trig were so good and precious
The Jedi Strike Team because of course.
A totally accurate depiction of a voxyn.
Shimrra and Onimi. :)
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magnetarbeam · 2 months
This pitch is cursed, even if only by its association with Dark Nest, but an AU where through some circumstance Alema surrenders to Jaina on Lumiya's asteroid, and the entire fic is Alema and Raynar helping each other work through the process of recovery from Killik Bullshit.
I can tell you right now, I will never write this, so do with it what you will.
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forcesung · 1 year
There were times when it was a wonderful thing that Han knew the Falcon as well as he did—that he knew her well enough to handle every control, every instrument even if blind or disoriented. Without taking his gaze off Alema, he reached forward and disengaged the freighter’s inertial compensator and artificial gravity generator. In the same instant he hit the thrusters and hauled back on the control yoke.
—Legacy of the Force: Fury, Aaron Allston
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jedivoodoochile · 1 year
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Alema Rar.
Art by Tsuyoshi Nagano.
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mogranet · 1 year
Star Wars - Legacy Broken - Darth Talon (Alema Rar) Cosplay
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rjalker · 2 years
Troy Denning is like, "And here's one of the villains, she's evil because she's a young woman who wears skimpy clothes. She's been literally mind-controlled into helping the other villains, who are all disabled and disfigured, and she will also become disabled to show how evil she is, and even though she's literally being mind-controleld into it, I'm going to act like it's something she's doing by choice. Because she's a hot young woman who wears skimpy clothes and that makes her evil."
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the-rejected-princess · 3 months
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hannagoldworthy · 7 months
One take I regularly see from the “Jedi Critical” corner of this fandom always manages to baffle me: “In Legends, Luke Skywalker corrected the mistakes of the dogmatic Jedi Order!”
Since my days as a dumbass first-time tumblr user, in which I was rather sternly corrected by older users if I got too aggressive in my arguments, I’ve tried to steer away from pointing out how STUPID that take is. But? Nothing’s saying I can’t make a post of my own about it!
With the bare minimum of due respect.
What fucking book did you read where Luke Skywalker corrected his own fucking mistakes, let alone those of any Jedi who came before him?
Because from what I’VE read? Luke had a nasty habit of doing the same things everyone criticizes the Prequel Jedi for doing, only ramping the ante up in a way only a Skywalker trained by TWO of the Disaster Lineage can.
Mace Windu threatened a “helpless” old Chancellor in his own office and was trying to assassinate him? Gag me. Luke Skywalker electrocuted Shimrra Jamaane to death with Force Lightn-pardon me, “eLeCtRiC jUsTiCe.”
The Jedi Order of the Prequels used Padawans as “child soldiers”? Please. Luke Skywalker possessed the body of his nephew to duel Exar Kun…when Jacen Solo was TWO, a FUCKING TODDLER. That’s not even getting into the number of very young teenagers who died horrible deaths as SOLDIERS in the war against the Yuuzhan Vong - for pity’s sake, Anakin Solo was knighted at sixteen and KILLED AT SEVENTEEN, where his grandfather’s knighting at nineteen was considered a rush job!
The Galactic Army of the Republic was a slave army? So was the army of YVH-1 battle droids built to battle the Yuuzhan Vong invasion! “Oh, but those were just droids” yeah and? The anti-Jedi folk cried when Anakin Skywalker was rightfully punished for not wiping R2’s memory of sensitive battle information, and they’ve outright said they have more sympathy for the battle droids than for the living, breathing people defending themselves against the battle droids. Not to mention, Legends had a Droid’s Rights movement in full swing at this point in time, so? YVH’s were people programmed from “birth” to die in battle. Next question.
Obi-Wan was too mean to Darth Maul and Darth Vader when he cut off their limbs? Alema Rar would like a word! Luke Skywalker permanently crippled her lightsaber arm, his sister cut off one of her feet AND one of her lekku (brain tails, that HAVE HER BRAIN IN THEM), AND put her in the way of a spider-sloth that BIT HER IN FUCKING HALF. And this was after Luke helped raise her as a youngling and HAD A VISION OF HER TURNING TO THE DARK SIDE, and did FUCK-ALL to prevent her from turning!
On the topic of doing fuck-all to prevent something…oh, was Obi-Wan Kenobi unable to prevent his Padawan from being groomed by a Sith Lord? Well, Luke Skywalker GAVE his son Ben as an unofficial apprentice to Jacen Solo, who turned out to be Darth Caedus and mentally, emotionally, and physically tortured Ben for six years! And, while Obi-Wan did not like Palpatine and continuously advised Anakin not to trust him without even knowing Palpatine was Sidious, Luke fully suspected Jacen was headed down a dark path and still encouraged Ben to be his apprentice because he was afraid of the Skywalker legacy dying with him.
Obi-Wan Kenobi flirted inappropriately with enemy generals? Luke Skywalker banged them. No, seriously, Legends Luke’s sexual body count is in double digits, the man was an unrepentant fuckboi. Mara Jade, Calista Masana/Mingla, Gaerial Captison, Shira Brie, some blonde named Mary who was in one comic to die at the end, fucking ABELOTH? Yeah, Luke only married one of those women, BUT HE FUCKED ALL OF THEM. And now, we have the DinLuke ship (which only exists in fanon, so I will count it as Legends) to mirror the Codywan ship (which actually has some basis in canon), just to cement that Luke Skywalker is a persistent playboy for BOTH teams. He loves them and leaves them like a pro.
Oh, there’s a persistent fan-theory that Korkie Kryze was Satine and Obi-wan’s secret love child? There were rumors that Brisha Syo was Shira Brie’s daughter with Luke…rumors that were credible enough that Luke had to do his own investigation into the matter. Shira Brie, aka Lady Lumiya, whom Luke blew to smithereens when she tried to kill him, and fought her with no mercy when Darth Vader pieced her back together and sent her to fight him again. So, while Obi-Wan has a rumored lovechild from a respectful relationship with a woman who opted not to tell him, Luke legitimately blew up his alleged baby mamma in the void of space with the bare minimum of regret.
Yoda and Obi-Wan sent Luke to kill his own father because they couldn’t manage to do so? Luke sent his niece, Jaina Solo, to kill her TWIN BROTHER because he could not bring himself to kill Jacen himself. And, while Luke was understandably torn up about killing Anakin, Jaina had a Force-bond comparable with a canon dyad withh Jacen - it hurt her a lot more when she killed Jacen than it ever would have hurt Luke to kill Vader. She nearly DIED of heartbreak, that’s how bad it was.
Obi-Wan hurt Anakin’s trust by faking his death and going undercover? He beat the crap out of Anakin to maintain his cover? Luke hurt Leia’s trust by faking turning to the Dark Side, becoming a reborn Sidious’s new apprentice, ACTUALLY FALLING TO THE DARK SIDE, and mentally fighting Leia WHILE SHE WAS PREGNANT, to the point she WENT INTO LABOR EARLY.
Obi-Wan beat Anakin in a duel and left him to burn to death? Luke Skywalker BEAT THE LIVING HELL out of Vader until Vader was wordlessly pleading for MERCY, which he DID NOT DO ON MUSTAFAR.
Is there any nuance in Luke’s situations, throughout all of these examples? Yes, there is...but there’s also nuance in the Jedi’s situation in the Prequels, which no one seems to acknowledge in their case. So, whatever grace I extend to Legends!Luke being an imperfect and fascinating character, also extends to the Jedi being imperfect and fascinating characters in their own right.
I love Legends!Luke BECAUSE he reminds me of the Prequels Jedi, not because he corrected any of their “mistakes” (he did not. He very clearly did not). So don’t come at me saying Legends!Luke was better than the Prequel Jedi. I have read the books! I have kept the receipts! AND I WILL USE THEM.
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leiadyke · 5 months
ideal legends lineup to me if you careeeeee
Mara Jade (she/her trans bi girl)
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Winter Celchu (she/her lesbian)
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Callista Ming (they/them nb ace lesbian)
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Tionne Solusar (she/her aro/ace girl)
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Kyp Durron (he/him trans masc bi guy)
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Shira Brie (she/they/he nb lesbian)
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Jaina organa (she/her trans girl lesbian)
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Jacen organa (he/they trans masc nb bi)
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Tenel Ka Djo (she/her bi girl)
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Zekk (he/him gnc butch lesbian)
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Anakin Organa (they/she trans fem nb lesbian)
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Tahiri Veila (she/her lesbian)
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Alema Rar (she/her bi girl)
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Danni Quee (she/her bi girl)
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supersaiyanjedi14 · 11 months
Jedi June: New Jedi Order in my AU
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To end the month celebrating the Jedi Order, I offer you the various characters who are part of the New Jedi Order in my hybrid Star Wars AU. Some are familiar faces, some are my own creations. Some come from the Order as it was, come are the faces of the Order as it has become. But no matter who they are or where they come from, all are Jedi. All are one with the Force, and the Force is with them.
May the Force be with you...Always.
Character list under the cut
Row 1: Ahsoka Tano, Kanan Jarrus, Vima Da-Boda, Rahm Kota, Hala, T'ra Saa, K'kruhk, Cal Kestis, Petro, Katooni, Ganodi
Row 2: Luke Skywalker, Ezra Bridger, Starkiller, Korto Vos, Mara Jade Skywalker, Leia Organa Solo, Randin Bonteri (OC), Jadah Bonteri-Durron (OC), Hedala Fardi, Kata Akuna
Row 3: Kam Solusar, Alka Koth (Eeth Koth's daughter), Corran Horn, Gantoris, Streen, Dhara Leonis, Dorsk 81/2/3, Kirana Ti, Kyp Durron, Tionne Solusar, Kyle Katarn, Ichanbo (OC)
Row 4: Tresina Lobi, Saba Sebatyne, Kenth Hamner, Fable Astin, Jaalib Brandl, Venku Skirata/Kad Tur-Mukan, Alora, Octa Ramis, X2, Rowan Freemaker, Lop Yasaburō , Maris Brood, Pypey
Row 5: Hylana Kestis (OC), Lusa, Ganner Rhysode, Daeshaara'cor, Wade Vox, Jaden Korr, Dawn Syndulla, Rosh Penin, Ceres Marek (OC), Kikto (OC), Opol Nok (OC), Raltheran, Oiri Reshna (OC)
Row 6: Jacen Solo, Jaina Solo Fel, Brycan Wren-Bridger (OC), Lowbacca, Tenel Ka Djo, Ceres Marek (OC), Raynar Thul, Zekk, Anakin Solo, Tahiri Veila, Alema Rar, Tekli, Izal Waz, Tesar Sebatyne, Finn Galfridian
Row 7: Marr Idi-Shael, Valin Horn, Jysella Horn, Myronk (OC), Brekral Gres (OC), Ben Skywalker, Mazal Wren-Bridger (OC), Arimis Durron (OC), Negg Liglo (OC), Vlizz'amoz'aerceu "Zamoz" (OC), Rey, Vestara Khai
*microhero templates taken from SpectorKnight, Cptmeatman, Winter-Phantom, the-collector-13, JediRhydon101st, iammicroman, CloneSpartan1998, Lord-of-Havoc and various pieces from the Star Wars Microheroes wiki*
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englishlaboratory · 9 months
I have to admit that I'm surprised people are flipping out over Dave Filoni writing Ahsoka to train Sabine. The change is consistent with his writing style, and it's far less drastic than his other choices.
"It breaks pre-established lore"
Remember the Clone Wars microchips that spat in the face of preexisting books and games? Or the inconsistencies in Kanan's origin between the books and Bad Batch? Or how RotS strongly implies Obi-Wan and Grievous had never met before? At least this change has some lore to back it up (Force in all things).
"Filoni is only doing this to make his original characters special"
That's not unique to him. Just look at Saba Sebatyne or Alema Rar from Legends. Ahsoka appears in TCW, Rebels, Mandalorian, and has her own show. I still remember when everyone thought she was going to die in Order 66
"It goes against the themes and purpose of the Jedi"
Again, microchips. A show that revolved around showing clones as people only to turn them into meat droids at the end of it. Not to mention the way he scrambled the characterization of the Night Sisters (not originally necromancers), General Grievous (look at 2003), Thrawn (more cartoonishly evil), and Onderon (it's almost unrecognizable from its source material)
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magnetarbeam · 11 months
LotF/FotJ: Miscellaneous Reactions/Outprocessing 16
Over the last week or so, I reread only Allston's LotF books, paying particular attention to Jaina's bits - because in terms of what I'm using to form my mental image of these characters for writing fanfic, I trust Allston more than all the other authors in the era combined - and it really hit me how by the end of Fury, Jag and Zekk are basically over their stupid rivalry for Jaina's heart, and getting along pretty well. Just makes me really wish all three of them could have gotten together, and strengthens my desire to write that.
In that process, I've decided I actually find Zekk very entertaining. In Betrayal he's mostly comic relief ("are we on Corellia yet?") but he's good at it.
The thing about Jag's self-destructing blaster pistol is cool and all, but Alema should be embarrassed for being that predictable.
What were the Fallanassi in before FotJ? I'm assuming Black Fleet Crisis, because Abeloth-Akanah mentions the Battle of N'zoth.
I think it's kind of weird how Luke and Ben set out to retrace Jacen's sojourn, and even after they start having far more serious issues, they still end up kind of doing it by accident? Jacen is referenced as having been with the Fallanassi during that time in Vortex, and obviously he's been to Dathomir because knows how to form a blood trail. I don't think the Theran Listeners mention him, though.
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forcesung · 1 year
Han put bravado he didn’t feel into his voice. “So? What are you going to do, talk me to death?” His mind flashed through the weapons and resources he had at hand. They included one hideaway vibroblade, which wasn’t much use against a Jedi like Alema, and one very large weapon that had seldom let him down.
“We are going to wait until your piranha-beetle of a wife can see, and then we will shove our lightsaber through your heart. She can hold your corpse and cry. Won’t that be nice?”
“Not really.”
—Legacy of the Force: Fury, Aaron Allston
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