#alex inc
chernobog13 · 7 days
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Alex Ross' cover for the first issue of Dynamites Justice, Inc. #1 (August, 2014) featuring a crossover between The Shadow, Doc Savage and The Avenger.
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dailydccomics · 10 months
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Black Canary by Alex Garner
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laflamejpeg · 1 year
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“Polaroids” by Dash Snow.
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wondyvillains · 9 months
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floral--disaster · 2 months
Sometimes I see ppl argue for partition/a two state solution to the Israel/Palestine conflict and I just. One thousand yard stare from the part of Ireland under partition where paramilitaries very much still exist and make life hell
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alphacomicsvol2 · 1 year
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Amazing Spider-Man #793 Cover Art by Alex Ross
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artverso · 11 months
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Alex Garner - Black Canary & Deathstroke
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koreanbibliophilegirl · 2 months
Oh hi Bean!!! :D
LOL I have not watched s3 yet but I saw you brainrotting, I'm assuming it was great!👍
Okay okay okay so!!! Brief recap bc I need to refresh my memory:
Tommy as Alex, Techno as Yassen, Uhhhhh Phil as John and Kristin as Ian I think???
Dream as "a younger, greener Blunt" to quote myself, uhhh I think Mrs. Jones was Puffy?????
Jack Niki Sapnap Eret as K-Unit/K-Squad! Code names Thunder, Arson, Animal Abuse, and Tax Fraud!!!😃 (I believe Tommy was Drug Abuse lol)
Quackity as Ash, Hannah and Punz as [Point Blanc] with Purpled & Enderboo as two of the clones, Ranboo Aimsey and Eryn as the [PB] kids, with Ranboo(in the role of Kyra) later transferring to Tommy and Tubbo's school. Kyranboo pog!
Tubbo was Tom!! As he should be!!!
Uhhh okay I think that's about as far as we got???
AR!Wilbur was Jack(the Starbright variety not the Manifold variety) but I think we might want to change that particular bit...😅 I suggest Charlie or Schlatt!! If it's Schlatt then Tubbo could also be Tommy's pseudo-brother?? Yknow since Schlatt is usually Tubbo's dad in these things. Charlie would be funnier though, considering Ash and Jack canonically went on a few dates in AR.
"Oh yeah Quackity from Las Nevadas, we f*cked a few times!" "Charlie-" "He made real nice noises when-" "CHARLIE STOP-"
Awesamdad would be nice too, but I think Sam was Smithers??? Or maybe it was Foolish, idk.
Uuuuhhhh Point Blanc!! Still needs a name!!! It's just Hannah and Punz (+Purpled) so... uh.
....Academy Bedwars????
idk what to call them OTL, I'm saving Skephalo/Eggpire for Scorpia, I can't call PB the Eggpire...
Uuuuhhhh anyway!! Bedrock Bros bc we love Bedrock Bros in this house!!! Phil got discovered/fought his prodigy/got betrayed a little later than John did in AR canon, so Techno met baby Tommy a few times. Tommy's blue sweater coming from Techno was what we agreed on I think!
Anyway even though Techno felt betrayed by Phil being a spy, I think his feelings are a little different than Yassen. With Yassen it was pretty complicated, with him already being committed to Scorpia/the morally grey(like, really really dark grey) side, still being grateful to John for saving his life, etc. Meanwhile Techno would betray the Eggpire for one corn chip- if said corn chip was Phil. He was just angry Phil never told him.
"You're a spy????" "Techno I can explain-*" "AND YOU WEREN'T GONNA TAKE ME WITH YOU???!?!!! I thought we were a team, smh! S M f*cking H!!!"
(*: he cannot)
Anyway after Phil "dies"(I don't think he's actually dead, I feel like a major deviation from AR canon is bound to happen sometime and I think Phil returning would be an important plot point), Techno just. Stays with the Eggpire. He doesn't know how to contact MI6 anyway, and he doesn't really see the point when Phil isn't gonna be there. Also, staying with the Eggpire means he can keep an eye out for Phil's remaining family, so that's what he does till one day he sees Tommy(Techno had been keeping track of him so he knows what Tommy looks like, but the kid looks exactly like Phil anyway) in a... rich kid boarding school?? And he's going by Tommy Outit(/ref)??? Bruh???
Tommy, of course does NOT recognize Techno and he's like Why is that guy looking at me like he recognizes me. Meanwhile Techno is bluescreening bc Hey. Hey Kristin? Why is your son doing spy work? Kristin???
Okay Imma pass the baton onto you now, feel free to add on lol.
-Lilly xx
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wwprice1 · 5 months
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Relieved that Hank survived Avengers Inc. #5, but sad that his part of the story didn’t get more of a happy, hopeful ending.
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dropoutfailure · 5 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Original Work Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Original Male Character/Original Male Character, Original Male Character/Reader Characters: Original Male Character(s), Original Trans Character(s) Additional Tags: Parent/Child Incest, Father/Son Incest, Penis In Vagina Sex, POV Second Person, Trans Porn by Trans People, Father-Son Relationship, Incest, Rough Sex, aftersex, Consensual Sex, Misgendering, mention of past physical child abuse, Revenge Sex, dubcon, Transphobia, Age Difference, No Underage Sex, Trans Male Character
POV: You’re a trans guy with conflicted feelings about your dad. You fuck him about it.
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crazycoke-addict · 3 months
Alex Bale's Pixar Metaverse Theory makes more sense than The Pixar Universe Theory.
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angrelysimpping · 2 years
Alex sibling PC is good but do you think I could ask about being Remy's sibling or child going around Alex's farm? If it's not too much?
Remy's Sibling
Remy's pissd, how could they not be? You're their sibling, you're meant to be on their side, always. Blood is thicker than water, right?
So, why are you sneaking off to that upstarts farm?
You're not torching the place, no. Would be eaiser if you were.
Oh, Remy won't turn you into part of the herd. They can't do that to you, and only partialy because they don't like anyone thinking about how people as high up as Remy could fall into beasthood. No, it's beacuse you're their darling sibling!
That's why you wake up bound to a bed in the mannor.
They'll make you see the error or you ways, one way or another.
Remy's Child
They're fucking furious
What is this, some kind of late stage teenage rebellion?
Sneaking off to their rival's farm? Sharing kisses under the moonlight? Play wresteling in the medow? Letting them pin you down? Letting some no name, low life fuck you?
Oh, what, you didn't think they'd find out?
Oh, honey, what kind of parent did you think they were? Remy keeps a close eye on everything you do.
They raised you, after all. Brought you up to be a proper member of society. They won't let you go throwing that all away.
Don't worry, they're your parent, they know what's best for you.
And, what's best for you now is locking you up in your room on the estate and make you forget every single thing that fucker ever did to you.
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trevlad-sounds · 2 months
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The Village Balloon
Released 26.04.2023
Gilroy Mere-The Age of the Train Alex Tyson-AQUACRUSH Pearl & The Oysters-Paraiso The Twelve Hour Foundation-Square One Sara Berts-Mayflies Binaural Space-RTWSF Suite Movement 3 Digitonal-Sphericals Joseph Shabason-Balloon Round The JWA-Dayglo Moonbeams, Pt. 2 Scanner-The Village Movement ybot-smoke Vague Imaginaires-Space Birthday Ajukaja-Sunda School 2 Sababa 5-Keyf Felix Laband-Minka Mary Yalex-Epic Room Two Bob Marley & The Wailers, Chineke! Orchestra- Is This Love David Boulter-Across Sea to Sand - Crab Claws
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wondyvillains · 7 months
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Art Credit to Alex Garcia
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specialc · 10 months
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( little Alex design by @jaffre )
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