#alex ishvan
A little rain in every life must fall
****Trigger warning, themes of depression, suicide and death****
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-Derek Dagda
Alex was dead…their best friend … their love.The humming sound of the electronic heart monitor was all Derek could hear. Even the sound of their own voice didn’t register. They failed their mission. Alex’s heart had stopped ,they stopped breathing and some distant part of Derek understood that the hospital would not be resuscitating them. Time seamed to freeze for him. A thought bubbled in Derek’s mind. seven minutes , a bit of trivia. Seven minutes was how long a human being could go without a pules without breathing before catastrophic brain damage. If he started CPR right now, would it matter, if the hospital refused to resuscitate Alexander? ,Derek thought. They had used the power of friendship ,of love .Derek had felt Alex’s family and friends pour themselves in him to bring Alex back and it hadn’t worked. If love didn’t work how about spite Derek though defiantly. If Alex could not rage against the dying of the light, Derek would do it for them. He didn’t have a plan not really, and moved and act purely from instinct. Cortana his Aegislash acted in concert. Derek is a Spirit Harmonizer, a person whose life-force is powerful enough and controlled enough to bond with a Ghost pokemon and unlock their greatest potential. Cortana was forged by Wayland the Smith. Ancient and powerful like its sibling blades, each a work of art by a master craftsman. Each unique unlike any other. Cortana was said to be able to cut through anything. Derek did not know if that was true ,Part of him wondered if he could cut away Alexander’s death. However, Cortana was made they were different. Tied to more power then just cold steel and frightening, phantasmic force … green growth and warmth was part of them too. So as one Derek and Cortana began to melted together. life in exchange for power overflowing filled the room with green and orange and violet light. Like charged neon bleeding into open air. Sera had joined him. Derek saw her standing beside Alexander bed ,skin glowing luminous white, speaking words that hurt Derek to listen to. Her Unown Mystery, and X beside her, in a broiling aura of blue light. Was it magic? Was it Psionics ? Was it both? he didn’t care. Alexandria ( @alex-ishvan ) appeared on the other side of Alex’s bed. Her body had become the space between the stars, fire raging from her form. Derek could hear the distinct sound of stones cracking. Derek didn’t care what they did so long as they didn’t get in his way. Hopefully no one would be curious enough to interfere. He didn’t know what would happen if someone got in the way of the power they were going to unleash into Alex.
Derek poured growth and death and fire and steel into Alexander. Understood that Alexandria and Sera did the same with their own Tidal waves of power. A Near deafening roar filled the the room as light near blinded him. was somebody on top of Alex? was somebody singing? why had no one from the hospital come into the room yet? Derek didn’t care. Together they had seven minutes to pour power into the void Alexander had became and hoped it would make a difference.
-Alexander Esparza
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Darkness , hollow, and eternal. An ending. The shadow was gone and Alexander was tired. They had went somewhere ,been brought back somewhere and it was over. They had become only the part of themselves that have been unmoored that day all those years ago. So young and empty, and Alexander only yearned for it to be over. People had come. Alexander distantly recognized… thought someone had come before as well. That this story had been different before but it was over. Alex wanted only to be darkness hollow and Eternal. But the fragment Alexander had became wondered ,if this place was darkness, hollow and eternal why did they hear cracking? Like crunching glass. Were their voice here? We’re other coming? Coming to this nowhere place. Darkness shattered splintering apart and in doing so pulling what was left of Alexander’s towards it.
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A familiar presence filled the nowhere place that Alexander had come to inhabit. Six to be precise ,each a beauty that seam to accentuate why Alexander only wanted an ending. It made the shattered bit left of Alexander recoil. They would prefer the shadow be back anything then their final moment be this visage of dead friends. Why were they here ?wasn’t Alexander’s failure enough to go out with.
The brown haired man , whose scared face smiled spoke with a mature, honeyed voice “Oh sweetness, you’ve had such a bad time haven’t you?”
Alex couldn’t respond they only wanted oblivion. But the six that came from the darkness surrounded them. They want Alexander’s attention , the six were speaking . Alex tried not to listen, tried to fall deeper into darkness, but their voices still laced through them in bits and pieces. The hate ,the vitriol, the disappointment they had expected to hear … didn’t come. The voices only asked how Alexander was, if they were ok. TheyHeard Destiny, Hessa , Andromeda ,Emmanuel ,Margaret and drawing closer Antonio… if Alexander hadn’t known better thought they sounded concerned.
“ hey you why don’t you coming back” Andromeda spoke
“ come on man, I haven’t seen you in how long and you can’t be bothered to talk back” Emmanuel jabbed
“ Honey why don’t you speak to us we’ve missed you?” Margaret asked
Each voice seamed to bring forth more of Alexander a bleeding shard at a time.
“ heeeeey yooou” Hessa said playfully
“Will you hurry up we don’t have all day Alex” Destiny demanded.
“ Destiny!” Antonio said trying to sound reproachful but Alexander could hear his barely held back chuckle. More shard of themself were racing towards them know. More awareness. Antonio was so close now Alexander though “ oh, Sweetness, how sad you have been but Destiny is right, we don’t have much time” as he spoke he brought a broad hand to Alexander’s young face. “ this isn’t you anymore.” Antonio spoke with some thing like contentment in his voice. With that touch with those words the last piece of Alexander that had been missing since they fell to nothing seem to fall into place.
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Alexander was whole. “ there you are Sweetness!” Antonio said joy filling his voice. “ hi everyone “ Alexander responded voice, cracking with joy and grief and surprise. They all rushed to Alexander crying and hugging and asking questions about their life and family and new look. “ I always told you you had a lovely hair.” Antonio sad” it looks so nice grown out”.
“ I finally started listening to Andromeda’s hair advice.” She slapped Alexander’s back as they all laughed. “It’s so great to see all of you. I’ve miss you all so much, but…oh” they stoped talking ,awareness flooding Alexander. “Your… all…Dead” Alexander searched their faces, then seem to frantically search for anything. They were nowhere. “ I’m dead aren’t I ?” Alexander asked.
Destiny was the first to speak. “Not sure my bet is yes” she said, shrugging her shoulders.
“Destiny” Margaret scolded at her “ but the invitation we got, I don’t think we would’ve been able to come to this” Margaret gestured around her” place if you weren’t”
“ invitation? I didn’t invite anyone here I’m still not 100% what here is.” Alexander said.
“Sera invited us” Andromeda answered “ and your friends, Topside tried to bring you back”
“ back , back from” Alexander pause “oooooooooooooo” Alexander could not keep the grimace from their face at the realization that their own rash actions have led to this. Alexander never regretted more having such an expressive face, all six of them stare daggers at them. “ what about Nimbus!?” They asked alarmed.
“Well they’re not here so I would take that as a good sign” Destiny said. There was a pause from Alexander “ i mean… as long as Nimbus is ok I guess this wasn’t the worst why to go, if means I’ll get to be with all of you guys” Alex sighed “ it weird… I’ve been tired for so long now “ Alex sighed again more resigned “I’m ready , I know all of them” Alex gesture vaguely upward “ they’ll be fine”
“ no Alex they won’t” Antonio said.
Alex stared at Antonio for what seamed like long moments. “What do you mean?” Alexander asked with more intensity than the six had been used to. “Alex, things … thing are coming , forces in the world are shifting and their are battles yet to come” Antonio said “ you need to be there , your freinds will need you to be there when what come reaches them”
“ how do you know any of this?” Alexander asked “ things aren’t” Antonio paused searching for the word “linear where we were Sweetness but we know that it’s true. I may not know exactly what’s comeing or if it’s the only threat but we do know that you are needed. there are still fights to be had ,battles to be won.”
“ I’m tired Antonio, haven’t I fought enough. even if I had the strength to do so. I don’t know how to leave this place I’m not the only person who can fight these battles. There are other people like me.”
“Like your siblings, Jordan, Ariadne, and Mika and their kids ,that’s who you want to fight these battles?” Antonio asked.
“ Never!” Alexander retorted “ then you want Sara or Derek to face what’s coming” Antonio confronted ”or your new friends .Alex, Sweetness I know you’re tired and I know you’ve been brave for so long but you still need to be brave, there are things still to be done” Antonio was holding Alexander’s face now wiping away the tears that traced their cheekbones “ besides sweetness there are good things to go back to your Pokémon, your friends, your family and Derek” Alexander almost flinched at that last one Antonio spoke. Antonio only smiled. “ it’s not such a bad thing to want to go back for him.”
Alexander gestured around them. “There’s nowhere for me to go and even if there was… I’m so tired Antonio, I don’t have the strength to go anywhere” Alex spoke through voice breaking.
Antonio smiled “Sweetness. Why do you think we’re here? Why do you think your friends came here?” he held out a ball of light that wasn’t there before iridescent and lovely.” your friends dropped this when they got yanked out when your heart stopped. It is strength Alexander and it’s yours now.”
Alexander held the light in their hands. Felt and watched that lovely light drain into them , they had never experienced this kind of energy before. It was dense , and warm and alive. Alexander wondered how long they could hold this power , it wanted to be used and soon.
The six smiled at Alexander “ will be helping you to” Antonio said . a little exasperated but no longer tired. Alexander asked.” how what am I supposed to go? What am I supposed to do?”
Destiny was the one to answer “ well if I had to guess” she pointed somewhere far behind Alexander and for the first time since becoming aware of this place noticed the light in the distance.
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“ in a reversal of clichés Alex, I think in this situation it would be appropriate for you to head towards the light and soon” destiny finished
“What even is that?” Alexander wondered aloud .They thought it looked as though someone had dropped a star in the distance. To illuminate the nowhere place, they now resided. “ it’s your friend Sweetness, and Destiny is right you need to go now” Alexander for the first time noticed the alarm and all the voices. “ what do you mean? Can’t I talk to you guys for a little longer? It’s been so long I know I would love to bring Messages back if I’m going. What does it matter if I leave now or later can it wait a little?” There was something like pain in all of their expressions. “ Alex, you’re dead you’ve been dead for five minutes now , we all would love to talk to you and give you messages for our family but you need to go right now the window of opportunity for you to go back is closing” Alexander looked at the star on the horizon, measure the distance in their mind “ I’ll never make that! I’m not fast enough I will I’ll never make it!” Panic filled them.
“ Not unless you start running right now Alex NOW RUN!! , we’re right behind you!” shoving Alexander forward. Alexander began to run they didn’t know if the strength of friends had given them would be enough. even with the unnatural speed at which they ran, it did not seem like they would reach the sun quick enough.
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“ hurry up slow poke!” destiny yelled, shoving Alexander forward and rocketing them closer to the light.
“ lightspeed dude” Emmanuel said, right behind them as Alexander was again rocketed forward.
“ faster, Alexander” Andromeda yelled and Alexander found themself again blasting forward towards the light.
“ don’t stop honey run harder” Margaret yelled to them and again they were launched forward drawing closer and closer to the horizon. Alexander felt them self wheezing in their unreal body and thought Seriously I’m getting out of breath while being dead.
“ don’t you dare slow down”Hessa roared at them. Alexander almost tripped when she shoved them forward towards the light. it was growing so close now, but something told Alexander that they were running out of time. Then Antonio spoke. “goodbye Sweetness I love you” with one final earth shattering shove Alexander reached the light.
-Derek Dagda
Derek had been thrown across the room. Making a roughly him shaped hole in the drywall. Rousing from where he slumped on the floor he saw that Alexandria and Sera had experienced something similar. Sera at least appear to have been caught by Elisa and Lynn ( @adventures-on-foster-island ) before slamming into the adjacent wall. Alexandria was being helped back up by Rai ( @ranger-rai ) after leaving a similar hole in the other adjacent wall. What happened? He had been pouring power into the void that was Alexander. Into the abyss hoping for it to do anything in the seven minutes they had left. And then… he felt something. Something ,someone grasping at the end of that power.. and he didn’t know. He thought he felt something as best as he could discerned devour it before shoving the rest back at him. Derek looked at Alexander lying in the bed ,the monitor still hummed unchanging, but some thing else was wrong. was Alexander glowing? Their features had paled in the past weeks but Derek knew that Alexander was glowing and growing brighter. what was happening Derek could see you light beginning to shine through Alexander’s hospital gown and blankets. They were growing so blight it was hard to see. There wasn’t time to question anything as Alexander turned wholly incandescent in the hospital room. As quickly as that started, the light vanished, and as Derek struggled to clear the dark spots they had formed in their vision …they heard a sound. A electronic rhythmic beeping. And his vision cleared. He heard something beautiful.
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“Hi everybody” Alexander said
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Current side blogs are
@alex-ishvan status:currently active
What blog is about:follows a pokemon trainer oc who runs a rescue
@the-all-mighty-one status:currently active
What blog is about:follows my personal pokemon fan made worlds Arceus as they do goofs and tom-foolery theyre appearance is a fanmade form called the creator form
Which they only take on in they're personal realm or if they have all the plates on hand
They can take on the form of any pokemon they wish
(Ooc I know that's not canon but I just love the idea of the eldritch being that is my Arceus just chilling as that strange skitty that always stares at you no matter what)
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Hiya it's alex from Alexandria's home for wayward wanderers how has the happiny/cleffa hybrid been doing have they settled in or are they a bit still anxious from the big move that was being sent to your rescue?
Hey! Thank you so much for sending me this little bundle of joy! We've named her Aerith, and she is the sweetest little bean. Our Chansey, Beatrix (although we call her so many nicknames instead), has pretty much adopted Aerith as her own daughter. For the first few weeks, she was a little shy, and hid in Bea's pouch whenever she got scared. Now she's toddling around the main building with her friends! I'm so proud of how far she's come. Since she already seems so eager to help, we'll start getting her on a soft schedule for training to learn some healing moves and first aid skills soon. @alex-ishvan
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dragonofthenorth · 2 years
Hey it's Alex from @alex-ishvan seeing the picture you have of sephs babies I noticed they don't appear to be like your usual drink is that because of some unknown variants genetics that seph could have been carrying or do you think it's because of the two dragons of titomoth?
I'm assuming you're referring to the monsters rather than Thorn and Iris. (@startistdoodles art of course)
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These two... are something. They're, well to put it bluntly their dad is a monster of genetics. His name is typhon and he's a nidorino not fully but it's what he presents as, but he has enough dragon in him to APPARENTLY jump egg groups.
Now @prof-gil-mangrove-of-ilibrium is typhons owner and the one who is gonna take the blue one, I'm keeping the green, his name is Chimera. So he'd be better to explain typhon BUT. I do believe that some hinky stuff happened just of the legendaries here. I think seph might have some altaria in her and some.. well giant mountain variant thanks to Thorn. These two might have survived through being.. born cuz of the legendaries. It's a thought, and now I have to keep dragon researchers away for a moment. But if @ask-professor-dracaena wants to take a look at my girl and the monsters I'd be more than happy with some answers.
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breederpatmos · 2 years
Hello Patmos i don’t… I don’t really have a Torterra related question but was wondering if you’d be interested in adopting a paternal highbred? @alex-ishvan is hosting an adoption drive. Several breeders during the recent holidays overstressed their Dams to meet the demand and as a result produced several litters of Paternal hybrids that unfortunately couldn’t be sold. Alex is currently looking for their forever homes would you be interested in potentially adopting?I could send you a link to the updated post to see the one still available? You as a breeder may find the experience of raising a paternal highbred particularly rewarding as each is truly a unique experience.
Oh, hello! Thank you for reaching out. I saw that adoption event earlier and have been pondering the choices. I think that I could do very well with that Marill/Togepi hybrid that's left, if no one has taken them. Please do let me know if they are still available.
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pokemon-breeder-sky · 2 years
Hello Sky i don’t know if you’d be interested but @alex-ishvan is hosting an adoption drive. Several breeders during the recent holidays overstressed their Dams to meet the demand and as a result produced several litters of Paternal hybrids that unfortunately couldn’t be sold. Alex is currently looking for their forever homes would you be interested in potentially adopting?I could send you a link to the updated post to see the one still available? As a professor you may find the unique experience of raising a paternal highbred rewarding.
I'm totally interested! Though I'm not a professor, I do a lot of research in hybrids and pokemon genetics!
I'm not looking for new team members at the moment, but we're pretty well equipped at the sanctuary to deal with most hybrids.
@alex-ishvan If any of them are having trouble getting adopted or have special needs, feel free to send them my way. We'd love to have them!
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ranger-rai · 2 years
Rai I don’t know if you’d be interested but @alex-ishvan is currently fostering a few litters of faults that she’s looking to adopt out and find forever homes for. Several breeders overstressed there dams in an attempt to meet the demand for “baby” pokemon this past holiday and accidentally produced several litters of unsellable paternal hybrids. As a Ranger you may personally find having a paternal highbred on your team extremely valuable as they are truly wildcards. All paternal hybrids develop entirely uniquely ,even members of the same litter generally do not develop exactly the same. There ambiguity and non-standard abilities generally make it difficult for anyone who is not their trainer to accurately guess their strengths and weaknesses. As a field ranger who unfortunately every so often has to deal with human threats , an unknown variable Like a well trained hybrid could throw even very experienced criminals off. Also I’m certain any of them would make a wonderful companions . So if you’re interested I could link the post to their most recent update were they show all the Pokémon still left to be adopted.
Oh wow, it really has been a busy holiday season. We are only JUST NOW getting a break from all of the craziness!
We have been dealing with some unregistered breeders, and first time trainers this season.
You are welcome to send us the information but we still have some work to do over here getting things settled.
Someone tried to breed Dragonite recently, not realizing that dragon types are very sensitive when hatching eggs, and they don't like people who try to take their eggs away.
So we had to deal with that for a bit.
Ended with the "Breeder" getting the choice of a fine or letting us relocate Dragonite somewhere it could hatch its eggs in peace.
Dragonite will actually fly several miles with its eggs if it feels its in danger, so they are pretty self sufficient.
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professor-clove · 2 years
Hey prof clove it's @alex-ishvan how has the two little ones you've adopted been settling in have they manage to make any friends amongst your other Pokemon or is there anything else that they've done that you wanna share?
I did make an update post a little while back here
But yeah there's been a few updates since then. I was able to purchase a Snorunt cloak for Rifty. It's a handmade one made from shed Snorunt cloaks that a family in Snowpoint City gathered. He looks super cute wrapped up in his new cloak, and he's learning how to play hockey very slowly. The one he's bonded with the most is Barry, but Leon does enjoy relaxing with him.
Nugs is still very much attached to me, she does seem to be exhibiting the most behavior towards combat, though she is by far more like her Wynaut side: doesn't attack except by reaction. I think she's going to evolve fairly soon, but I'm not sure when or what exactly to expect. She has bonded pretty well with Conks because they both like to chill. But, she can get the berries he can't and they can also cause a lot of mischief together!
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kac29 · 3 years
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@alex-ishvan Evolution
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katsuotheespeon · 2 years
How....how did you get a account here and where is my old phone...im just so confused...oh arceus...but yea...its alex and hears my account so you can I guess bother me @alex-ishvan
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professor-fanalia · 3 years
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Professor Fanalia: “So we’re so close to spooky day, in the spooky month. Which means only one thing, the Rejuven Archipelago Events are in swing! book an date, and time to visit, or stay a night to experience what the Neverland Rehabilitation Centre has to offer.” 
Professor Kryspyn: “There’s all sorts of places that everyone can enjoy! Go to the Topaz Hive Island to play with bug-type Pokémon, or go to the Sapphire Sea Spires to witness a mysterious phenomenon that happens at the Archipelago, where Flying types and Water-types sing together as one! OR maybe~ you want to be spooked? Then head to Carnelian Key, to visit Casper’s Haunted Retreat!  Want a good scare? Or simply have a soft spot for Ghost and dark types in particular? The Haunted event is on varying times during the Fall season, please ask front of desk for more information.” 
Groundskeeper Romaine: “However we are aware not all liked to be tricked, so maybe a treat is something you’ll like to try? Well try cooking up some delicious treats for you and you Pokémon With the Island resident Chef Kalei. Or come to the orchard to pick some in season berries to snack on or take home!” 
Doctor Elias: “And for those who just want to sit back and relax, there's stories around a campfire we are setting up later, from local lore to ghost stories. Not to forget there’s the Pokémon Lecture Show with a spooky theme at the auditorium to meet some our spooky friends such as Casper the Duskull, Luna our moonstone Sableye Or Hibiscus our dancing mimikyu to say a few. 
Professor Fanalia: “Other facilities are open still, such as the Pokemon Nursery Playhouse, museum and so forth. There is a Brochure if you would like to know more.”
                   ---------------------------------------------------------------- THIS IS AN OPEN COLLABORATION! All a welcome to this Event! whether its written, drawn or a RP scene, or different type of post, choose an event you think you would have loved to experience alongside your companion - Spread word and the event, and choose an event below!
EVENTS: Local Lore  – Come around the campfire to hear stories! Haunted Event! Caspers Haunted Retreat – Like a spook? At varying times ask at front desk. Pokémon Type Lecture – Watch, Meet and Learn about this week’s Type Spot-That Pokémon! – Walk on a trail to Spot your hidden Pokémon Bingo Sawsbuck Migration – Coat Change! A challenge of Endurance! Autumn Berry Harvest  – Pick some of autumns finest berries Cooking with Kalei – Learn from Island resident some delicious meals Meet n’ Adopt  – Repeated each season  
@dragonofthenorth @ask-pokemonranger-rai @prof-bramble @prof-peach @alexanders-pokemon-adventure  @alex-ishvan @theprxfessorpair @poke-entomology @pokemon-toxicologist @galar-ranger-magnus @professor-catalpa @professor-clove​ @ask-professor-dracaena​
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Pokepark - Shout out a Pokemon IRL blog you really like!
Oh that’s a tough one
@alex-ishvan (Alexandria) and my blog have been orbiting each other from the beginning I would argue to some extent, our blogs exist because of each other
I’ve never had an unsatisfying interaction with @the-koiking-pond whenever I’ve interacted with them they’ve only enhanced the experience, even on my old Tumblr with the GLOKarp fiasco.
I’ve been following @ranger-rai basically since I’ve had Tumblr, and have had numerous fun interactions since starting this blog.
@adventures-on-foster-island and I have had a blast utilizing concepts and character from each other is blogs to tell stories together or simultaneously participating in the same events.
@poke-entomology wrote a whole fanfiction that centered my character. I think about that every now and then and wonder what made Alexander such an interesting character to them.
There are many other blogs. I’ve had smaller, but memorable interactions with, but this answers already getting quite long.

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So I decided with how I've been interacting with Pokemon ask blogs I should make a master list of all my ocs alongside any credits I need to do the ninetales/vulpix, the thunderstorm jolteon,galar meowth and volcarona where designed by/drawn by skwisky on deviant art while the ice type latias was a com from smol pupper shelbs on a Pokemon adopt amino while the weepingbell was part of a oc/art trade thing between me and starknight from the same Pokemon adopt amino and the water type was a adopt I bought from UDawn from the same amino and the litten variant was adopted from @oddestoddish while the human/trainer was made using a character creator(i forgot what they are call and the exact amino is Pokemon Adopts Amino)the vishzolt was designed by me and all of the characters are currently owned by me
I now have blog for the trainer oc where also the Pokemon oc are as well
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(Ignore the blog it's the mod of @alex-ishvan )
Hey it's alex from Alexandria's home for wayward wanders how has your new dracovish resident been settling in I know from experience with shock and soak that the longer you have them the more issues you notices that crop up and how has the reverse diver suit been coming along as well?
We have dubbed him Trfion Well our main issue is the weight of the contraption, he seems to get tired quickly while using it and he has tripped on mor that one occasion and cracking the glass more often then not, Bennon has had to change out the glass for tempered glass, we are unsure how much of his unwieldy walking is due to him or the head set Bennon did manage to make it so it only needs cleaning about once a week and he said that his he may get a better design due to some advice from @professor-clove I believe it has to do with switching out the metals for durable plastics but we’ll see if that helps, another problem we have found is that Trfion can barely doggie paddle so we have been installing a pool as he doesn’t need to be on the surface but has trouble with how quickly the lake drops off and has needed to be retrieved from the lake bottom a few time by the Kingdra. The pool will be a good shallow area he can sleep and eat in without that danger.
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dragonofthenorth · 2 years
Thanks to @alex-ishvan we managed to recover all the pokemon that were the subjects of testing regressive evolution.
Thankfully none of the pokemon were hurt but I've gained another baby and as a show of good faith and as well as the fact the mon grew attached, Alex was given a Titonian roggenrola. How they managed to get them up here is a mystery to me, I'll have to have the rangers look into it.
All equipment was recovered, and is with the proper authorities. All were arrested for illegal experimentation in a protected area with a protected species.
Thank you Alex for helping us, I'm sorry if Seph was being too cuddly but I hope you take wonderful care of that roggenrola. They seem to love you a lot mate.
Now for my new baby... I've got an ancient sneasle. He's very weak and currently in my shirt. Poor thing is freezing. I'm open to names cuz I think I got another member for the household. Maybe another one to move into my team rotation?
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professor-acacia · 2 years
Hello Prof. Acacia i don’t know if you’d be interested but @alex-ishvan is hosting an adoption drive. Several breeders during the recent holidays overstressed their Dams to meet the demand and as a result produced several litters of Paternal hybrids that unfortunately couldn’t be sold. Alex is currently looking for their forever homes would you be interested in potentially adopting?I could send you a link to the updated post to see the one still available? You as a professor may find the experience of raising a paternal highbred particularly rewarding as each is truly a unique experience.
Oh this sounds interesting! I would certainly be interested in adopting one of these. I would need to do a lil research first though, can't get a new pokemon without knowing it's care needs after all!
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