tumblr just suggested me this blog. the irony
pFFT Oh this is unfortunate I’m sorry LMAO
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25, 33, 5 and 19 for the hcs asks!!
Here you go! Thanks for the ask!
5.) How do the Asuran Colleges work?
Each college is two part. There is the smaller actual organization of the college: classes, professors, enrolled students, curriculums, that sort of thing. And then there is the much bigger, much less cohesive version of the college that is a loose coalition of asura who share a similar body of ideas. So for example there could be an asura who went to the College of Dynamics but after graduating got involved in the Synergetics idea movement. I think of it kind of like artistic movements, kind of like the difference between studying impressionist painting and meeting up with a bunch of painters who practice different method for coffee to talk about art. The actual organizations of the colleges are very competitive and don’t like to collaborate and that’s where a lot of the tensions come from. But I think the bigger groups are more relaxed and encourage teaming up in new and different ways.
19.) Can Skimmers actually go underwater or is it just a gameplay mechanic to satisfy the fans?
So I think that skimmers are actually amphibious. They soak themselves in water when they get the chance and then store it inside their bodies to help survive in the desert. So yeah I absolutely believe skimmers can go underwater.
25.) Horses.
Are a myth perpetuated by humans as a propaganda campaign against the centaurs. Not really. But maybe. Humans are aliens after all.
More realistically I think that horses just haven’t evolved yet on Tyria. There are a lot of species (such as Arctodus or pinnipels) in Tyria that are extinct here on Earth. So give it another couple millennia and Tyria could very well have horses.
33.) Are Choya edible? Ibogas? Sylvari?
Choya? Yes. They don’t taste good but yes.
Ibogas? If you want the trip of your life? Yes.
Sylvari? Yes. In the way that humans are technically edible. Just because you can doesn’t mean you should
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shittyavatarideas · 4 years
lonely avatar but its my phone kicking me out of voice chat every five minutes
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kerra-and-company · 3 years
hiii 25 and any ones you'd like in 6-10 for the hc asks!!
Heya and welcome to my blog; happy to have you here! :) And sounds like a plan!
25. Horses
Ah yes, the cryptids of Tyria asdkjfasf. I feel like they've got to exist somewhere, but specifically on a level of weirdness that's kinda like that regular bear the Earth king has as a pet in Avatar: The Last Airbender. Rare, for whatever reason, and just not quite meshing with the rest of everything, but definitely still there!
Aaaand guess who went on a spree and answered all of 6-10: it's your host today, Kai!
6. How does an average asura’s average day look like?
Their days tend to be centered around academics and projects. It's common to find asura either up early or staying up quite late, fiddling with something and forgetting to give themselves proper lighting because they're too focused. On average, they'd probably wake up from like 6-7 am on the regular, or whatever time is necessary for them to arrive at their college classes or job on time. (6-7 am is just me basing it off our world, but I have no idea if asura would be better or worse about letting people sleep in. Potentially the second, considering how much drive they have for science.)
Mandated breaks definitely have to be a thing for them, like we have recess and lunch for grade schoolers and a required lunch break for workplaces, otherwise both krewe leaders and teachers might not be inclined to provide them (and culturally, the rest might be inclined to let that slide, but I also think they'd be persuaded by what's more productive in the long term, which is having breaks for sure). Discussions on breaks can range from more scientific discussion to talking about goings-on in the world or their personal lives to seeing how fast Progeny A can run to that tree as compared to Progeny B.
7. How does an average sylvari’s average day look like?
They wake up (earlier if they're a dawn bloom and at least slightly later if they're not, and potentially at a specific time depending on their job), consume some nutrients (could be rations, could be snacks from that one restaurant in the Grove, could just be fruit or nectar), and proceed with the rest of their day. If they're a sapling, that involves lessons from luminaries and mentors, as well as potential training. That overlaps with Valiants, who (from what I can tell from ambient dialogue) seem to receive specific training related to their Wyld Hunts when applicable. Wardens will go on patrols, chat with the locals, and defend the territory/area they've been assigned to.
(Side note that's not relevant At All, but I am now super protective of any of the Wyld Hunt Valiant NPCs that I run into while wandering around Tyria doing stuff. I think I just interpret them as Baby, and I've thought so much about the trauma that characters like my OC Kerra experienced because of their Wyld Hunts that I just jump in to help them with whatever they're doing even if I was supposed to be doing something else. I straight-up wiped out (temporarily of course since they respawn) a bunch of the Risen in one area of Mount Maelstrom because they downed a couple of the Valiants there asldjfasdaf.)
8. How does an average charr’s average day look like?
Out of all the races, I'd imagine their days to be the most rigidly structured (because Military). Get up, grab food (side note, do the charr have mess-hall-type places, like our world's militaries or colleges, or do they just all grab food from the type of places that we can see around the Black Citadel? I feel like it has to be both), and report in to your legionnaire for duty, whatever that happens to be. Cubs' training and missions are planned out by their primus--lots of training, both physical and magical, with water and snack breaks when needed.
Also, I wonder what the exact procedure is for legionnaires and centurions reporting in? My guess would be that they have a set time every day or every couple days to check in with the leadership above them, though it can vary. For example, if an Ash warband is on a stealth mission, they won't check in in the standard sense of coming to meet the centurion in person, but they might send messages and updates to make sure everything is on track.
9. How does an average norn’s average day look like?
This has got to be the most varied. Norn are very individual, and the way they spend their days can vary from taking care of a family and a homestead (and doing all the related chores therein, or getting their children to assist) to going on long solo hunts after dangerous prey to some combination of both.
(Wait, how does the norn education system work? Do they have one? They have to have something, right? Are the kids mostly homeschooled? I imagine they'd learn more about each of the great Spirits in Hoelbrak at each of the lodges directed to them, but do they have any sort of school-place that's like how most of us would think about school? I've somehow never considered this and I'm very curious now because I haven't played norn enough to have a proper idea, so if anyone reading this has a headcanon--or knows whatever the canon answer is, if there is one--feel free to weigh in here.)
10. How does an average Human’s average day look like?
I'd say that humans are the only race that has a specific time built in for worship of their gods. I'm not sure if it'd be on one day of the week or observed in some different manner, but there's definitely a set time for it, whether it's by praying/worshipping at home or by traveling to a nearby altar to pay their respects (like the ones in Divinity's Reach) or something else entirely. Outside of that, a typical day would likely be fairly basic--wake up, have breakfast, and go to their jobs (whether it be teacher, socialite, Seraph, Shining Blade, etc.) or schools (pretty sure humans canonically have schools? if not then that's also a headcanon of mine) and follow the schedules required there.
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mystery-salad · 3 years
25, the most important one. and 11 maybe uwu
We’re all absolutely stoked over horses and I love to see it lmao
11. Are magic abilities learned or are people born with them? A combination of both?
Both entirely! Anyone can be born with an affinity for magic, but anyone can also hone that affinity within themself over years of training or study. Born powers do not guarantee a person will want to grow up wielding the kind of magic that comes easily to them, if they choose to wield magic at all, just as someone born with completely mundane skills could choose to become a necromancer! Tyria is a world rich in magic, it permeates the land and cultures and religions of Tyria, there’s not an aspect of existence that is without some facet of magical involvement. As such, the various species that inhabit the land contain that same magical attunement whether its strong or weak. Those born more directly upon a leyline or a leak of raw magic would be more magically inclined, but the world of options is open to all so long as one simply reaches out and grasps it.
For example, I have Matthias who was born with a natural skill to harness magic based on his emotions and in worshiping Balthazar he specifically cultivated the heat within himself and his anger. While he hasn’t necessarily trained much, the skills of a berserker come entirely naturally to him, and he can use them if he so chooses. On the other hand, I have Rieft who was born with next to no magical affinity at all. But she chose to explore the world and take in the teachings and fighting styles of those around her, she trained diligently and with great respect to the craft she was learning until she could call upon a spirit from another realm as a revenant and communicate freely with it.
25. Horses
Already answered cause everyone loves horses
BUT I love talking about evolution and extinction and the intricacies of how this could affect agriculture SO if you read that little brick of text have this too!
Horses likely had to go through a Lot to go extinct, in our modern world irl they exist on most continents and in most societies barring those with extreme cold that are better suited to fluffier hooved beasties such as reindeer and such, so I honestly assume the majority of the extinction process was the last successful Elder Dragon feeding was what took out probably a split 80-90% of the horse population, along with most others of course.
This lead to those races who were alive at the time finding alternative animals to handle a lot of typical horse labor, animals that were hardier and either survived the dragon feeding better, or were just starting to evolve into that niche shortly thereafter. Animals such as dolyaks, raptors, and even moas where their capabilities could match up! Which is why in Tyria you see so many more animals specialized for certain types of tasks rather than one overarching species that handle the bulk of things as horses would in our irl world. These are various animals filling niches where possible that were left open by horses going extinct!
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ashalsdream · 4 years
🍓 - do you have/want any tattoos?
I want a bow & arrow with flowers around it! I’ve wanted it for years, I wanted it firstly for Sari since he was a huge part of my life but now it’s a mixture of my love for Sari & Ashal 
🌈 - tell us about your best friend(s)!
3 more best friends!!  @thethedasarchives - While he doesn’t have a personal blog & just uses the archives, Alex is my best friend irl - he’s a nerd & sometimes I wish I could cut his knees off so he doesn’t tower over me but he’s a lovely guy!  @captainfinebuns - Peter means a lot to me & always will, from our dumb late-night calls to playing dragon age multiplayer together and getting carried by Isabela, he means a lot to me & I was so happy to meet him in January! I really hope we can meet again, he’s definitely one of my best friends 
@akurathereaper - Akura is an absolute sweetheart & I’m always really happy to message them, even happier when they respond to me :’D! Their art is also just fucking stunning & they’re so talented that I’m shocked that they even take the time to talk to me let alone be an amazing person like they are 
(Also Alex u know full well ur also one of my best friends, if I trust anyone to run DAI if I can’t, it’d be you. You’re so trustworthy & you’re just an absolute sweetheart <3 you’re so kind-hearted and such a good friend!) 
Wholesome asks!
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foxholemonster · 3 years
4 and 9 for the film asks? uwu
A film you could watch on repeat for the rest of your life?
Mad Max Fury Road, the new Mortal Kombat (I’m in love already okay it’s stupid and cheesy and so fun), Kim Possible a Sitch in Time (child me actually did watch this, on repeat, for two weeks. Made my parents want to rewind time and not rent it lol), and several others I’m currently forgetting. I’m a repetitive bitch if I like a thing enough I can just Do This tbh.
The most aesthetically pleasing movie you’ve ever watched?
Pacific Rim for that color aesthetic, Annihilation for that uncanny aesthetic, Bad Hair actually looked gorgeous to me in terms of intentionally looking like an older film and the color theory and shot framing in it was 👌✨
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pinkplantmakesstuff · 3 years
🎁🖤🍽 for Alec?
More of the local sad gay goth XD <3
🎁- What kind of gifts do they like to give? What do they like receiving?
He’s often unsure of what to give people as gifts, he’s definitely more into actions and words - he probably gifts food quite a lot as he likes making people’s favourites and he reckons you can’t go wrong with a tasty meal!  Alec also doesn’t really know how to respond to getting gifts? Like he appreciates them but he feels like he needs to give them something in return! He loves getting practical things, or stuff he’d never dare getting for himself like a nice coat, or a new journal or more expensive cooking ingredients.
🖤 - Random romantic headcanon
Loves having his hair played with, he combs it himself a lot anyway because he hates being tangled, so having someone to gently brush it for him probably makes him kind of sleepy. He’s a bit wary about having it plaited or tied up but with some convincing will let it be done. (And then think it looks kinda nice)
🍽 - Do they do a lot of cooking?
Yes totally! Living on the streets meant him and Casey often went hungry, so since then he’s constantly making sure he’s got enough food, and that his companions do too. Overtime this developed into him enjoying cooking and trying different ingredients and herbs and spices, and Casey became a baker so they often cook for each other when he goes to visit her.  (HoT was a bad time for him traipsing around the jungle with little to no food ;;) 
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cycleof-dusk · 3 years
hello ♥ can i have a 25, 1 and 21?
25. Horses
SO. We have never seen a horse in game! However, there are references to horses in the history, mostly in Cantha, as well as murals depicting horses and carnival rides and rocking horses and also just the use of "pony" and "horse men" to refer to centaurs. That had to come from somewhere, right?
So either horses are around, they're just not shown in game on a mechanical level due to assets cost money, OR. OR OR OR. They were around, and possibly died out as use for food in hard times, or abandoned as dolyaks became more of a better beast of burden.
1. How long do you hc the travel time between Divinity’s Reach and Lion’s Arch?
I pulled up a map to get a better visual reference, and I'd say on foot, weather depending, probably close to 3-4 days. That's a lot of ground to cover. Mounts would cut that down a lot, but having beasts of burden with you may extend the time.
21. Mallyck. Other Trees. Mordremoth’s blighting trees… Are the Sylvari not unique?
oh maaaan oh man
The Sylvari are NOT unique in the concept of they are, at their very core, minions of Mordremoth that come from pods of a blighting tree.
What makes them unique is the Pale Tree herself. Brought farther away from Maguuma, to the Tarnished Coast, planted atop the corpses of Ronan's loved ones and then nurtured by him and Ventari until both of them eventually pass under the shade of her branches. All of these things are what make them unique. There's no doubt about it that the Tree herself was a Blighting Tree, but lacking the corruption from growing so close to her master's influence.
With her size and her sentience, myself and riverwoofs have talked about how she's much like Glint - a lieutenant of the dragon, but something went awry and no longer following the dragon - while for Glint, it was the Forgotten purifying her themselves, and for the Tree it was that proximity prevented her from being corrupted, or weaning away from the dragon's power.
Malyck gives me many emotions, though - with Mordremoth dormant, those trees may have been producing Sylvari rather than Mordrem up until his arousal, or a seed was washed just far enough away! But that tree, those trees, don't have the Dream.
The Dream also makes them unique, especially since the Pale Tree herself does not control it - it may be a slice of the Mists! It may be something else entirely, but we may never find out more about that.
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akurathereaper · 4 years
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A sketch commission for @alex-erievee  ! Thank you for commissioning :>
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ashalsdream · 3 years
I really know NOTHING abt english-speaking mcyt so i cant pick questions cuz i dont even undestrand them so if its not too annoying just choose a couple and explain everyhing to me cuz im dumb but i wanna learn
SURE, I’ll gladly explain because its the only thing on my mind rn 
Dream SMP is the one that I’m into - I know there are a few out there but Dream’s is the one I watch, its just a minecraft series that is livestreamed within a group of friends with occasional rp elements and stories to them, I can go into aLL the different events but honestly? there are a few xD 
The reason I love the Dream smp is because 1) sleepy bois inc (Techno, Philza, Tommy, Tubbo, Wilbur) are the PERFECT found family trope and they bring me so much joy 2) the main Dream Team (Dream, George, Sapnap) have such a good friendship that listening to them talk I can do for hours 
idk they bring me a lot of happiness right now xD  I have a playlist of all the dream smp events in order so like hmu if you want it
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ashalsdream · 4 years
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ashalsdream · 4 years
all my gifs seem to destroy quality so heck it, video time 
Eyeam teaches her girls how to dance 
(this was taken at my birthday party which again, I’m very thankful for!!) Eyeam belongs to @likemesomesalads Luna - @commander-luna, Ren (who I don’t think has tumblr), & Maiwenn - @alex-erievee in the background is @akurathereaper, @thethedasarchives & @captainfinebuns
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ashalsdream · 4 years
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@duskroots, @sylvari-bouquet, @captainfinebuns & @alex-erievee took me through the new fractal for the first time and am I in love? YES I AM
Listen this fractal is STUNNING and the story is amazing, its sooo well done & I had so much fun exploring it with these cool people!! thank you for taking me through~ I had so much fun :D 
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ashalsdream · 4 years
Tales of Thedas Guild Members
This is mostly a reference post for my guild & their tumblr accounts, this guild is open to join so just dm me! or join our discord - https://discord.gg/eXFF3f9
Official Tumblr - https://talesofthedas.tumblr.com/ Archives of the Guild for lore - @thethedasarchives Memes of Guild - @thememesofthedas
Guild leader  - @ashals-dream Officers - @commander-luna - @alex-erievee
Members (but still our lovely friends) - @talesofthedas-fae - @shiverpeakstraveler - @mordrem-moth - @halotato - @fellis-world  - @commandertollwife - @commander-wame - @brandedsalad - @cousinslavellan - @commander-triangle - @commander-rox - @little-leaf-man - @fuuinrei  - @novakricff - @toomanycharr - @astralarias - @thief-commander - @sylvarilining - @duskroots - @purple-saladleaves - @sylvaridreamers
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ashalsdream · 4 years
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My guild is having a lot of fun doing SAB right now! It’s by far some of the funniest moments we’ve all had together <3  @captainfinebuns​ / @alex-erievee​ / @commander-luna​
Tales of Thedas (our guild) is open to all so msg me if you want an invite!!  
Bonus: we all got matching squad outfits 
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