stabbykiri · 7 years
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Fluffy hairrr
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hail-andfarewell · 7 years
I dedicate this short fic to my our loft in brooklyn family. Thank you for the never-ending headcanons, both angst and fluff, that are sooo amazing and wonderful and emotional. Also, thank you for encouraging me to write this thing down after I shared the idea in the chat. Hope you all enjoy it! I love each and every one you of so much!! xx <3
The New York Institute was on high alert as the swarm of demons and other creatures from hell caused devastation and despair right outside of the holy walls of the old church. The once-imminent war ultimately broke out a few hours before, and the casualties from both sides were rising as Shadowhunters and Downworlders finally put aside their differences to defend their world from being taken over. The main holding area of the Institute was crowded, with every single race—nephilim, warlocks, seelies, vampires, and werewolves—gearing themselves up as they waited for the next moment to strike. It was a rare sight to see the tension between these diverse group of people to die down, to see each and every one interact and give one another strength and comfort through this dark time. As his eyes scanned around the room, Alec wondered how things would’ve been if all of them had been a united front a lot sooner.
As he continued to scan through all this chaos, his alliance rune was pulling him towards the direction of the other side of the room. His hazel eyes looked around and found a familiar pair—he could recognize those dark brown eyes anywhere—and he let out a sigh of relief. He struggled his way through the crowd as a few swords and armors were bumping onto him, but his eyes never left his as he walked closer and closer. He noticed that Magnus was also walking towards him, and he was also fighting through the people in the way between them. 
When they finally met near the entrance, they somehow found enough room for them to share a moment. Both of them stood quietly, sharing a worried smile as they took in every detail of each other as much as they can. It took a while, but Magnus eventually broke the stillness when he stepped forward and wrapped his arms around Alec’s waist. Alec, in turn, wrapped his arms around the love of his life and buried his face at the space between Magnus’s neck and shoulders. The pair of lovers clung to each other tightly, and if both of them had their way, they would never want to let each other go. They knew all too well that they eventually have to, but they tried to push those thoughts back as they try to find peace in each other’s arms.
A moment later, Magnus slightly pulled back and stared at Alec with a worried look on his face. Their faces were mere inches away from each other, and Alec could feel Magnus’s warm breath as the High Warlock of Brooklyn whispered, “I could feel the wards weakening around the whole building. It won’t hold for much longer.”
Alec sighed, closed his eyes, and nodded. “I know. They’re getting closer.”
Magnus reached out and placed his hand at the side of Alec’s neck, and his thumb lightly caressed the deflect rune that decorated most of that side. Alec held onto Magnus’s wrist and placed a kiss on the rune that he drew there a few hours ago. With a strong urge to be closer, he leaned in and rested his forehead against Magnus’s, and both of them let out a heavy breath as they listened to their hearts beating in time with each other.
Alec leaned back to place a lingering kiss on his boyfriend’s forehead as he murmured, “We should probably go and take our positions.”
Magnus nodded in agreement, and both of them slowly unwrapped themselves from each other’s arms. As Alec was about to turn and walk back to the middle platform of the room, Magnus remembered something important and he immediately grabbed hold of his boyfriend’s arm. The Head of the New York Institute turn back to his lover with a confused and worried look on his face, but Magnus slid his hand to hold Alec's as his other hand reached at the pocket of his trousers.
“I want you to have this,” he said as he placed a small charm on Alec’s hand and closed it tightly with both of his own. He lightly shook his head as a small smile appeared on his lips, “I can’t believe I almost forgot to give it to you.”
Alec looked down and placed his other hand on top of Magnus’s, who dropped his other hand so that his boyfriend could take a look at what he got for him. The little charm was a small rectangular one, with a vibrant color of orange on it’s body and a small white rope at the top of it. It was decorated with a few writings on it, and it made Alec feel a wave of emotions because it was a very familiar amulet. He realized that it was the omamori, the very same one that he bought Magnus when they went on date in Tokyo. 
“Why are you giving this back to me?” he asked quietly, a little crease formed between his eyebrows. “This is for you, Magnus. I want you to have it.” 
Magnus flashed him a smile, and he shook his head as he reached his other hand in the inside pocket of his jacket. When he got what he wanted, he placed his hand beside Alec’s, and he presented an identical omamori charm that looked exactly as the one Alec is currently holding.   
“A few days ago, I went back to Tokyo to work with an old client,” Magnus began, looking directly at Alec with a gentle look in his eyes. “After I was done, I was walking through the same street we went through during our date, and I saw an old shop at the corner that sold a lot of Japanese charms. It instantly reminded me of you, and how you somehow managed to sneak out and buy me this omamori while I wasn’t looking.” 
Alec couldn’t speak, so Magnus chuckled, and continued, “I decided to buy you one, and I was supposed to give it to you sooner, but a lot of shit happened recently and I never got the chance. But I guess it’s okay, since you need it now, more than ever.”
Alec looked down and studied both of their hands, but Magnus lifted his free hand to tilt his head back up to look at him. Magnus leaned it closer and rested his palm lightly on Alec’s cheek as he whispered, “Alexander, I’m not the only one who should have luck and protection. I want you to have those, too.”
Alec looked down as a few tears formed around his eyes. He was speechless, but he clutched on to his own omamori tightly as he looked back up to Magnus. He didn't say anything, but Magnus understood Alec so much that he knew that his boyfriend loved. Alec leaned in and placed his lips against Magnus’s in a quick but sweet kiss, and he breathed out a low “Thank you” as he rested his forehead against his boyfriend’s own. 
Magnus kissed the tip of his nose, then he leaned away as he helped Alec placed the omamori in the pocket of his lucky denim shirt, just near his heart. Once it was there, Magnus patted it in a fond way, to which Alec smiled lovingly. 
“When all of this is over, we should definitely go back to Tokyo.” 
Magnus chuckled, and nodded eagerly. “Yes, we should definitely go back.” 
Both of them shared a quiet laugh, but they were promptly interrupted when Magnus felt a few powerful blows around the last remaining defensive wards around the Institute. Alec also felt them through the rune he shared with the High Warlock, and both of them looked at each other in concern. Magnus turned around and caught sight of a few of his warlock friends and acquaintances, who also felt the strong disturbance around the building. 
“They’re coming.” Magnus announced, his tone immediately turned serious as he looked back towards Alec. “The wards are going to fall down at any moment.” 
Alec nodded, and he grabbed Magnus’s hand as he pulled his boyfriend with him towards the platform at the middle of the room. They bumped through a few of their family, friends, and allies on the way, and most of them quickly understood that the time has come to fight.   
Their enemies are already at their door, knocking on it aggressively. Those demons are eager to grab hold  and annihilate any soul they could dragged down with them, and they are hungry for their flesh and thirsty for their blood. 
“It’s happening,” Magnus announced as he stepped on the platform with Alec, staring at the crowd before them. Everybody in the room grew silent, and they all listened as Magnus added,  “They’re coming in.” 
“Everyone, take your positions,” Alec called out loudly. He took out his stele and fully-activated the rune that connected him with Magnus, and everyone watched as the alliance rune glowed a mixture of fiery red and a cold blue hue on their marked skin. With a quick movement using his stele, Alec summoned his bow and arrows on his hands, and he took a deep breath as he held them in a relaxed yet prepared position. 
The rest of the nephilim collectively activated their alliance runes, and every rune in the room glowed as each souls of both Shadowhunters and Downworlders united in a harmonious display of strength and unity. When the short ceremony was done, the large group hurriedly split up around the halls and floors of the building. Each members of the diverse group had prepared themselves with their choice of weapons: the vampires showed their lethal fangs out; the seelies used their connection with nature to manipulate their surroundings while also battling with their spears; the pack transformed into their werewolf form and roamed around with their allies; the warlocks cast defensive spells around their groups and are also ready for any offensive spells needed; and the nephilim expertly leads their respective groups around the halls and floors, while also being ready to strike anything with their seraph blades. 
Alec looked around at the remaining group left, which consists of his family and friends. He stared at each of their faces as he followed Magnus down the platform. 
“I guess this is it, then,” Magnus muttered solemnly, a rush of magic already pulsing through his veins. His hands twitched slightly, and a few sparks of magic formed around them, all the way to his wrist. 
Alec turned to look at his man, the love of his life, and the way he stood there waiting as he subtly played around with his magic. Looking at him made Alec more confident, knowing that he’ll be able to defend and fight for the Shadow World and its people with the man he loves by his side. 
“Yes, Alexander?” 
“I love you,” Alec said, staring at Magnus with such conviction and certainty. At those words, the rune on both of their respective wrist started to glow more brightly, and both of them could’ve sworn that the omamori in their pockets somehow felt a little bit heavier than before. 
Magnus stared at him with a look full of love and assurance. He smiled, and the magic surrounding his arm quickly vanished as he reached out and took Alec’s hand on his own. “I love you, too.” 
Both of them gripped tightly on their intertwined hands before they felt the last strike outside the wall, and the Institute’s wards collapsing around them. Immediately after, the swarm of demons came rushing in through every opening possible, and the sound of metal swishing through demonic beings and spirits shrieking as they disintegrated filled the whole room.   
As Alec aimed his arrow at an approaching demon, he watched as his arrow flew above with a flash of red magic circling around it in lightning speed. The impact of it instantly killed the demon, and at least two surrounding others behind it. 
He turned around to see Magnus smirking at him from a distance, with his amber cat eyes burning brightly among the darkness.
With a slight shook of his head, Alec’s focus went back to the battle at hand. Magnus also shifted his stance as an incoming demon made its way to him. Both of them stood firmly on their positions; both of them feeling the runes working as they shared their energy, skills, and abilities with one another.
But what surprised them was the feeling of the omamori near their hearts, connecting their souls as they fight through the war raging around them.
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kittrook · 7 years
I have never said the word 'no' as much as I did when I saw your last post I FEEL LIKE LUKE SKYWALKER
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jaskiersbeloved · 7 years
i ate a flower once (i was dared to do something like this Don'T asK ily)
Glad to now it, and glad that you haven’t poisened yourself XD
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s0ftmalec · 7 years
School is starting soon bless me lemon goddess 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋
ahhh bee good luck in school! here’s some lemons for good luck 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋 you’ll do great :’)
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harryshmjr · 7 years
but also same i’m still in tears, this sneak peek... i didn’t ask for angst and fluff in the same sneak peekam i supposed to be happy for domestic malec or maybe cry bc of magnus’ flashback and pain
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hypatiavex · 7 years
you're amazing... i don't deserve you i can't believe you talk to me?? I'M BLESSED
Omg, I actually can’t believe that you talk to me... Like woah...Also putting this on my wall... 
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jamescarstairz · 7 years
you like mint ice cream??? i should ask u what happened tbh
Mint ice cream is bomb af I mean it’s not on the same level as chocolate fudge brownie but damn my dude mint is so damn good (and tastes nothing like toothpaste @ Marta)
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oikyskau · 7 years
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@daddarios, @alexanderimfine, @moonylady
lov you lots!!!! thank you and im v v glad youre gay thats great
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kitherondxle · 7 years
this is a tumblr hug. (✿づ◠‿◠)づ pass this to 15 of your favorite blogs to let them know that you love them ♥
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darcyolsson · 7 years
🦊 (don't ask why you give me dan vibes)
i’m dan bc i’m all of my friends’ disappointed mom tbh
tell me wat tfc character you think i am most like
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vmpirekoo · 7 years
🐧 this is positivity penguin. positivity penguin thinks that you're amazing! send this to 10 people to keep the positivity going. have a great day! 💗💗
Ahh thank you darling ❤️❤️ 
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hail-andfarewell · 7 years
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*I’m Luke in this scenario, wherein I’m happy and drunk, and I just want to celebrate with everyone and spread some love all around!
After being on this site for almost 8 years, I recently reached a follower milestone and I wanted to take this opportunity to thank a lot of people by doing my first follow forever! I’ve only became super active when I officially joined the Shadowhunters fandom a few months ago. With that in mind, most of the people I would like to thank are those that made my experience here worthwhile, and also those that gave me lots of inspiration and motivation through the beautiful content they share—fanfics, gifs, edits/graphics, etc. It was because of you that I finally rekindled my love for writing after neglecting it for years, and also the reason for me to learn how to make my own gifs and experiment with photoshop (which is so enjoyable and fun, so thanks for that!).
The list of people here are a mix of those who I admire from afar, those who I recently became friends and mutuals with, and those who are part of my lovely Shadowhunters family (#our loft in Brooklyn). Here’s a lil shoutout to all of you, for being such lovely and amazing people!
[ohh and to my other followers, I just want you to know that even if I don’t mention you all here and I don’t follow you back, I see you and I still appreciate all of you. You all mean the world to me! So, thank you so much for all the love, everyone xx]
***I feel like I missed a few people. So, if I miss anyone, I’m so sorry and please tell me so I could add you here!
@a-brave-turtle / @abloodneed / @alec-gideons / @alec-ty / @alecbaene / @aleclove / @alecs-lightwood / @alecslittlesnores / @alecsmaguns / @alecsmaia / @alecsplushpillow / @alexanderimfine / @alightwood / @amorverus / @anonomonomous99 / @bane--lightwood / @bane-of-brooklyn / @blckthrn-crstrs / @blissfullybane / @blj2007 / @bloodboneandmuscle / @blushyalec / @broodingalec / @byemagnus
@canislytherinthings / @champagnemagnus / @claryfairechild / @darthlightwood / @dazzling-magnus / @dearestalec / @devpatell / @dimshums / @divinemagnus / @everydayshadowhunters / @f-f-f-fight / @flawlesslylightwood / @flower-crown-lover / @fluffyjimon / @gayndsoft / @glitter-bane / @goldmagnus / @highkeybane / @highwarlockkareena / @howisalexander / @hufflebee / @isabellebiwoods / @isabellelightboob / @itscuteust / @itsimonlewis
@jael-or-not / @just-dolphin-things / @justalexanderlightwood / @kingmagnvs / @kklainesmalec / @larlarinlalaland / @lewis-bane / @lgbt-malec / @lightbanes / @lightwoody / @lonelyimmortalsoul / @lookingforalicante / @maghnvsbane / @magnificentbane / @magnusbaene / @magnusbaneofbrooklyn / @magnusizzy / @magnuslights / @magnusragnor / @magswoods / @malecislovely / @matt-in-the-hat / @mothersalem / @msalexiscriss / @mundanelion / @muslimagnus
@nanf1c / @omg-daddario / @pastelbane / @pastelfrays / @patronuass / @patronusmagnus / @peaceandcows / @prettywarlockk / @pure-magnus / @responsibilititty / @rooawesome / @s0ftmalec / @sexthaz / @smilefortheliving / @snifflyfists314 / @soft-raphael / @softjimon / @softmagnuslightwood / @softshumjr / @spreadlovelikelegs / @velasquezbats / @vlademetri / @wonderdaysoflunacy / @wynn-does-art / @zendaya-colemen
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lgbt-malec · 7 years
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as of september 7th, i hit 900 followers after only a month of being here. i’m so extremely grateful, and i want to do something for all of my mutuals, and the ones i really love following. (don’t worry, for the people i don’t follow back: i’m planning something for all of you too, you’re not being left out). so i thought why not do a follow forever??? this is for all of my lovely mutuals as well as people i just enjoy following??? so yeah. (this may be short, but i don’t follow too many people. also, mutuals will be bolded and people that may not follow me back are going to be italicized) (also don’t forget to read the tags, i asked a question down there for all of my followers!!) 
the list is under the cut. again, thank you guys so much for everything.
@azoremagnus , @abloodneed , @alecbaene , @alecs-lightwood , @alecsadorablelittlesnores​ , @alecsnores​ , @adamasjace​ , @alexanderbaens , @alexanderimfine , @anonomonomous99​ , @alec-gideons , @blissfullybane , @broodingalec , @blushyalec , @catirinaloss , @claryfairechild , @clarysgay​ , @clarynotfairchildd , @dailyfairchild , @dazzling-magnus 
@flirtymagnus , @gayndsoft , @gallixie , @garrobanes , @hoteldumorts , @hufflebee , @hail-andfarewell , @highkeybane , @howisalexander , @itsimonlewis , @isabelledarkwoods , @immortal-husbands 
@kklainesmalec , @lukemagnus , @lightwoody , @lightwoodlesbians , @lonelyimmortalsoul​ , @lucianmagnus , @lgbtjimon , @larlarinlalaland​ , @magnusizzy , @magsbanes , @madzie-bane , @msalexiscriss , @omg-daddario
@pastelbane , @prettywarlockk , @peaceandcows , @pastelfrays , @radiantmalec , @responsibilititty , @softshumjr , @saltyalec , @s0ftmalec , @simonlewhiss , @spreadlovelikelegs  , @sapphicslightwood , @siriusblacque​ , @shitmalec​
@willjtudor , @wlwclarys 
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s0ftmalec · 7 years
send me a “hey loser” if i’m your fave blog
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harryshmjr · 7 years
ppl need to stop yelling at me bc you all know you love my harry spam haha just enjoy his beautiful and amazing face of the most perfect man in the whole universe
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