hshqedit · 1 year
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@ignvc & @alexcnder
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ilijaf · 2 years
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     - ‘ WHEN DID you beef up like that ? and so quick too, your arms weren’t that big last season. ’ / @alexcnder​
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ziclovs · 2 years
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❛  barely had time to greet you at the wedding, it’s good to see you. i’m surprised you’ve joined !  ❜   royals coming and going is a norm, but those like himself, like wiebke, like sergi at one point, had specific purposes.  ❛  i didn’t manage to catch the match, but what an outcome !   ❜  /. @alexcnder​
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inescroy · 2 years
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“ you’re not really considering it, are you ? ” surely not. alexander and fanni ? it’s absurd !     * / @alexcnder​
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jinmeixu · 8 months
july 2024
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" mind if i take a seat? " ( @alexcnder )
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ignvc · 9 months
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" i CANNOT think of a single headline that might be good to fabricate for christmas. maybe your knee is causing trouble and your football career is at risk ? ALL because of having to run on uneven terrain on that island. " [ &&. @alexcnder ]
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diannayi · 1 year
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bare feet padded down the hardwood stairs, a yawn still halfway out her mouth as fingers sluggishly taming the remnants of yesterday’s curls; dahye made a bee line to the direction of her pristine kitchen. it took her a moment to realise that the smell of coffee had already settled into the room — a strange fact considering her chef knew profusely that it was something she preferred to make herself. a scowl made it’s way upon her lips before she stomped her way towards the door that leads to the service kitchen. clink !  the unmistakable sound of ceramic being placed down upon a surface from her sitting room, and dahye whirled to face the sound with a jump. “what the fuck!” a very smug alexsander esterhazy-kohary had very obviously made himself at home on her couch. “you have got to stop doing that—”  ( @alexcnder​ ) 
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blazcj · 9 months
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@ignvc / @alexcnder
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tywysoges-g · 1 year
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gwen has an alt instagram where she primarily posts memes and pictures of guys in the program she thinks are hot. it’s technically a private instagram, but it’s a terribly kept secret with 65K followers. 
( pictured are @bielbraganca @giorxcci @aurcls @alexcnder and Andrew lololol)
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mariisolss · 1 year
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“Maybe we are already dead,” she whispered to Sasha in Spanish, a language she was fairly sure none of the children here spoke. “Maybe they shot me on the dock and this is just some twisty particularly cruel type of purgatory.” @alexcnder​
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oh-hxfiz · 1 year
The Hateful (GROUP) 8 : @fannicroy @catherinestuart​ @nataliademarquis @alexcnder​ @mariisolss @arturcii​ @vcrcnc​ @vslvano
“We should all think very carefully about what we do next,” she muttered softly. Hafiz cradled her daughter closer to her chest, a hand passing through Nuray’s hair. “They have a plan but it can’t involve hurting children, can it?” 
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dvisckc · 1 year
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there was no windows to look out of but he jumped up anyway at the commotion, going to stand by the door, listening to the shouting the hall. “what do you think happened? did they get away or...” worse cased scenario. he started to pace. it was never good when your captors didn’t have control over the situation. chaos made people panicky and sloppy. he looked at the newcomers. “did you see anything on your way in?” ( @mariisolss​, @alexcnder​, @fannicroy​, @inescroy​, @okcyo​, @laylabahiti​, @leobraganca​ )
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olimpiacroy · 1 year
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" how would you feel about doing some sort of a pr-move together ? some initiative that makes it so very clear that the croÿs care very deeply about their most lovable duke ? you could take lead, it could be your thing and you could get the main credit ? " | @alexcnder
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lcvcntc · 1 year
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“Do you expect our pr department to just deal with this or are you planning to perhaps, if I may suggest, set the record straight? It’s wonderful how concerned the people are for your safety.” Such worry had not been directed at the royal family. ( @alexcnder​ )
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roxanadclcon · 1 year
re: @alexcnder
to all the thirsties thank you for your service
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hrhmancns · 1 year
text to: washed up footballer (@alexcnder)
manon: losers on the internet are making edits of you set to taylor swift again manon: really getting mileage out of that last shoot manon: i'm still not entirely sure how wandering through rainy moors like a heartbroken minor character from an Austen novel relates to football or real madrid, but the girlies are EATING it up manon: the mud was a bit much. what a slut.
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