#alexei petrov
otmaaromanovas · 2 years
Alexei chilling with his tutors and friends, c1916
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Also, how cute is Gilliard napping on PVP lol
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markedbyindecision · 2 years
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Rachel Goldberg & Alexi Petrov in UnREAL s3e2 “Shield”
[image ID for last 3 gifs bc it won’t let me add them since there’s more than 10???: 1) Serena standing on the ground below the balcony / On the balcony, Rachel says “Then be a man.” to Alexi 2) On the balcony, Alexi says “Fine. What did you have in mind? What do I do?” Rachel steps closer to him and says “Exactly what I tell you.” 3) Alexi and Rachel are facing each other and he says “You see? Russian soul. Very dark.” They smile at each other.]
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the-last-tsar · 1 year
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"Since the outbreak of war Alexey had been playing soldiers at home, proudly strutting around in his soldier's greatcoat - 'quite like a little military man', as Alix told Nicky - standing guard, digging trenches and fortifications in the palace gardens with his dyadki and in the process sometimes provoking attacks of pain in his arms. But aside from this he was in better health than he had been for years, and for some time now had had no serious attacks. It was hard for Alexandra to let her boy go, but she agreed on condition that Alexey's studies should not be interrupted. He was by now, however, woefully behind in his lessons and although he was followed to Stavka by both PVP and Pierre Gilliard, he rarely knuckled down to a full day's lessons, preferring the distractions of board games, playing his balalaika and enjoying the company of his new dog, a cocker spaniel named Joy. At Stavka Alexey was in his element, sharing the same Spartan living conditions with his father, sleeping on campbeds, going on trips to army camps, inspecting the troops with him and enjoying the camaraderie of the soldiers, and taking particular pleasure in swimming with his father in the River Dnieper. Back at Tsarskoe everyone in the entourage felt the absence of father and son: "life at the Imperial Palace became, if possible, even quieter", recalled Iza Buxhoeveden. "The whole place seemed dead. There was no movement in the great courtyard. We ladies-in-waiting went to the Empress through a series of empty halls." Whenever Nicholas and Alexey returned on visits, "the palace sprang to life". At Stavka the young heir made a strong impression on all who met him. True, he could still be brattish - particularly at table, where he had a penchant for throwing pellets of bread at his father's ADCs. But his extraordinary energy lit up a room. "It was the first time I had seen the Tsarevich when the door of our box flung open and he came like a gale of wind," recalled US naval attaché Newton McCully:
"Full of life, healthy looking, and one of the handsomest youngsters I have ever seen, I was particularly glad to see him so closely because I had heard so many rumors about his being paralyzed - maimed for life - and so on. One could not wish to see a handsomer child. Undoubtedly he has been ill, but there are no signs of illness about him now - if anything perhaps a too exuberant vitality, perhaps an organism over-nervous."
In mid-october, Alexandra, Anna Vyrubova and the girls visited Mogilev, in time to see Alexey awarded the Medal of St George 4th class. They were all delighted to see the continuing improvement in his health and strength. "He was developing marvelously through the summer both in bodily vigor and gaiety of spirits", recalled Anna Vyrubova. "With his tutors, M. Gilliard and Petrov, he romped and played as though illness were a thing to him unknown.""
The Romanov Sisters | Helen Rappaport.
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simsimperial · 3 months
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Emperor Petrov and Empress Galina. They are the parents of Emperor Alexei IV, grandparents of Xavier II, and great-grandparents to Emperor Tobias I.
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ascorian · 1 year
i was tagged by my dearest @lnox-shitpost !! i've been unable to use my puter these days but ANYWAY here i am
favorite color: green :) i realised that i actually have a favourite colour only recently and it's the wierdest feeling ever!!
currently reading: yoooo i've recently read "closed. life of gay people in ussr" by rustam alexander. devastating reading. now i'm reading "sacred and terrible air" by robert kurvitz. seems to be not less devastating than the previous one but i hope to get from it more disco elysium lore.
and to be honest i'm listening to the audiobooks more than read normally. my favourite one is "petrov's flu" by alexey salnikov. i've listened to it like 3 times and still find it very fun smart and charming
last series: atlanta by donald glover!!! i love this man's art
sweet, savory or spicy: all of them are good. even all at once ok too
currently working on: nothing 'cause universities suck. but the last thing i wanted to do was the mafuemu comic i've thought of last year. i don't think that i'll finish it but i HOPE. SOMEDAY.
look at this cute part
tagging @gastik00 @chernkii and @princesslunasgf
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twenty-words-or-less · 4 months
Command Performance (2009)
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Summary: Russian premier Alexei Petrov (Hristo Shopov) is taken hostage at a pop concert, and it is up to drummer and ex-biker Joe (Dolph Lundgren) to try and save him.
Perfectly serviceable Die Hard at a pop concert. Lundgren just wanted to drum in a film, let's be real here.
Rating: 2.75/5
Photo credit: TMDB
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romanov-ramblings · 2 years
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Cadets Evgeni Makarov and Vasili Agaev - Part VII (Continuation of the 1916-1917 Album of Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna) These five photographs come from the Album of Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna (Circa. 1916-1917). If one peruses through the albums (generously scanned by Ilya Grigoriev), you can see that copies of the same photograph were pasted into various albums belonging to the Grand Duchesses, as well as, Their Majesties. Cadets Makarov and Agaev (affectionately referred to as “Zhenya” and “Vasya” by the Tsesarevich, and his family), came to Stavka at Mogilev (General Headquarters) in mid-late Summer of 1916. In the Tsesarevich’s diary entries, his times spent at “HQ” were some of the happiest in his life. He felt the most freedom there as opposed to Tsarskoe Selo where he was surrounded always by “fussy women.” This is the end of photographs of the two boys, in the way of the Imperial Family’s private photograph albums. In other albums and funds (archives) are other photographs. I plan on sharing these too (though they probably have already been posted on here xD) - but I need some shut-eye! Good night everyone (actually, good morning!), hope you enjoyed this series of posts. ^_^ ________________________________________________________________ Photographs: 1. Tsesarevich Alexei Nikolaevich with Cadets Evgeni Makarov (left) and Vasili Agaev (far left), as well as, Petr Petrov (right) and Pierre Gilliard (far right).
2. Tsar Nicholas II (far right) with Cadets Evgeni Makarov (standing, left) and Vasili Agaev (sitting, infront of Cadet Evgeni Makarov), as well as, Tsesarevich Alexei Nikolaevich (center, next to Cadet Vasili Agaev).
3. Tsesarevich Alexei Nikolaevich with Cadets Evgeni Makarov (left) and Vasili Agaev (right).
4. Cadets Evgeni Makarov (right) and Vasili Agaev (left), as well as, Petr Petrov (next to Cadet Vasili Agaev) and Boatswain Andrei Derevenko (next to Cadet Evgeni Makarov). 
5. Tsesarevich Alexei Nikolaevich with Cadets Vasili Agaev (left) and Evgeni Makarov (right), as well as, Petr Petrov (center, between Cadet Vasili Agaev and Tsesarevich Alexei Nikolaevich). ________________________________________________________________ Sources:
Альбом Анастасии Николаевны, 1916-1917 гг. Link of courtesy: https://www.flickr.com/photos/149552988@N02/albums/72157703990478911
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April 17, 2013
Vladimir Putin attended in Sochi the preview screening of Legend No. 17, a film telling the story of Valery Kharlamov, a legendary Soviet hockey player. The film has consistently ranked high among the most popular Russian motion pictures. Other guests at the preview screening included Soviet hockey stars Alexander Yakushev, Alexei Kasatonov, Sergei Makarov, Vladimir Petrov, Vladislav Tretyak, Vyacheslav Fetisov and the son of the famous hockey player, Alexander Kharlamov.
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otmaaromanovas · 2 years
PETER VASILIEVICH PETROV was the Russian tutor of the five children of the Tsar and Tsarina. Petrov appears to have been a great favourite of the children, who often mention him in diaries and letters throughout their lives, nicknaming him 'PVP'. Several drawings made by the children were dedicated to him, and in return he read aloud to them and wrote poems for them.
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Petrov seems to have favoured Anastasia Nikolaevna, whom he called his 'little songbird'. English tutor Charles Sydney Gibbes recalled a lesson when Anastasia tried to bribe him with flowers so that he would improve her grade: 'Drawing herself up to the most of her small height, she marched into the schoolroom next door. Leaving the door wide open, she approached the dear old Russian professor, Peter Vassilievich Petrov. 'Peter Vassilievich', she said, 'allow me to present you with these flowers'. By all the rules he should have refused them, but professors are human; he did not.'
Finding concrete sources about Petrov is difficult both before and after time he spent with the Romanov family. He does not appear to have been imprisoned with the imperial family, which was most likely due to his poor health, which the children often me mentioned in their letters, concerned for their old tutor. Petrov appears to have passed away around 1918.
Tatiana Nikolaevna to PVP:
'5 May 1917
Tsarskoe Selo
Pyotr Vasilievich, my dear,
I feel so ashamed that I have not written to You before, but please don't think this shows I have forgotten You absolutely not. After all, it's possible not to write to friends and yet keep them in mind isn't that so? So, how are you feeling?
I was very upset, when I learnt about your illness. Do you have any news from your nephew how is he? As you will have heard, we all try to keep busy here with some form of domestic activity each one as he can. We are planting a kitchen garden. Do you really still have to stay in bed, or will you be able to go out onto the balcony once it gets warmer? Anyway, all my very best wishes. It's sad that we have not met for so long. Get well soon.
May God keep you. Your old pupil, Tatiana'
Diary of Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna by Helen Azar and George Hawkins
The House of Special Purpose by J. C. Trewin using original papers from Charles Sydney Gibbes
Alexander Palace Time Machine
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seepweed · 6 months
my absolute favourite thing authors do in books is to recontextualise little facts and details in the world. to pick a definitely random example (SPOILERS!!!!!), in "petrov's flu" (alexei salnikow, 2017), the titular petrow tells us that his son has pink tights that wash out in the laundry. this fact is forgotten by the reader when, approximately 100 pages later, his wife tells us that she kills people regularly and that after being soaked in blood once, she put the son's tights in the wash with the blood stained clothes to avoid suspicion.
i fucking ate the paper at that point isn't that a cool way to convey how we percieve different things from different perspectives. sorry i'm tipsy and tired rn but like. oh my god are you seeing this shit?!?!!!??!
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mariacallous · 7 months
A Bulgarian tycoon under house arrest, Vassil “The Skull” Bojkov, on Thursday announced a new political project, the “Centre” party, standing in opposition to Bulgaria’s current ruling coalition. 
“Bulgaria needs strong people with a sense of mission who can get the country out of its misery and lead it into the new world – something that those thieves can never do,” Bojkov said at the inauguration of the party in Sofia, attacking the current cabinet.
Party member Damyan Kachulski said the project comes at the right time geopolitically, with a “right-wing America, a strong Russia, a wise China, a reasonable Europe [and] a neighbouring strong Turkey” and it will seek the votes of “the silent majority”, referring to the low voter turnout in the 2021-2023 elections in Bulgaria. 
Dessislava Kovacheva, film producer and screenwriter of history-themed features, said the party stood against “anti-Bulgarian propaganda”, aims to attract “those who shiver when they hear the national anthem” and will deal with “the traitors who we know by name”.
Bojkov attended the launch event despite being under house arrest following his return to Bulgaria last August after a period of exile in Dubai where he relocated to evade various charges. They included being a leader of an organised crime group, wrongfully obtaining cultural and historical riches, murder threats and orchestrating assassinations. 
Since the 1990s, Bojkov has been associated with profitable businesses as well as alleged political influence and ties to organised crime. He started a chain of currency exchange offices and then expanded into the gambling industry in the 1990s, as well as into road construction, football and art collecting. 
The tables were turned in 2020, when his profitable lottery business was nationalised. He then became a vocal critic of ex-PM Boyko Borissov and his GERB party, as well as their partners from the Movement for Rights and Freedoms. This was a major change in attitude: before his clashes with the GERB-led cabinet in 2020, Bojkovv had shied away from media attention or comments on political events. 
In Dubai, he started a party called Bulgarian Rise, which is now defunct and replaced by his new opposition project. 
Both Bojkov and his foes from GERB and Movement for Rights and Freedoms found themselves designated by the Global Magnitsky Act in 2021. 
Several tycoons of his generation who amassed wealth and influence in the 1990s have been assassinated in recent years, triggering speculation about a tectonic change in Bulgaria’s criminal underground.
In May last year, Krassimir “Kyro” Kamenov and his wife were shot dead in Cape Town, South Africa. Last August, just before Bojkov’s return, business figure Alexei Petrov was assassinated in Sofia. In an interview in September, Bojkov denied having any major ties to Petrov and Kamenov. 
The announcement of the new party comes when relations between the two blocs in Bulgaria’s ruling coalition are tense after just less than a year of rule. The planned rotation of Prime Ministers in March, which is now turning into a fight for power between GERB/UDF and We Continue the Change / Democratic Bulgaria, risks the stability of the cabinet. 
“We don’t want another snap election but we won’t allow our alliance to be a cover-up for diverting the coalition’s main priorities,” PM Nikolai Denkov of We Continue the Change said on Thursday. He will file his resignation on March 6 to make way for GERB’s Mariya Gabriel. 
On Monday, Denkov met Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky in Kyiv. 
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fixfoxnox · 2 years
Questions about Makarov
Did his generals disapprove of his feelings towards Roach because he was American or because he was another man? Like did he ever face any backlash growing up gay in Russia
And curious if he was reincarnated again do you think he’d just make the same mistakes again or could he ever just accept the fact he lost.
(Also want to say how good SITO is and how much I genuinely look forward to each chapter 💜)
Probably a mix of both?
Like I think he definitely faced backlash for his sexuality, but he also never actually explicitly tells anyone his sexuality.
And he never tells anyone that his relationship with Roach is tilting onto romantic. Like obviously everyone knows that those are his feelings about Roach and everyone can tell that he is queer, but Makarov is very careful.
He knows that something like that, if proven to be true, could actually damage his standing and hold over the party, so he is very careful to keep from actually making an explicit move on Roach in front of others.
Again, everyone knows that's what is happening, but there is no proof. Most of what Makarov does could be defended easily by him or kinda chalked up to moves to show is control/power over Roach.
This is also why no one ever explicitly says anything about his relationship with Roach, but rather implies it. Hence Alexei and the Council member referring to Roach as Makarov's "pet" or "dog." They're playing the same game Makarov is, implying without actually saying.
Outside of them, even Petrov doesn't openly say it but will drop things like, "be gentle with him" which imply that he knows about Makarov's true proclivities with Roach. They also certainly hated Roach because he was American as well, but a lot of it and their disproval ties into homophobia.
As for if Makarov was reincarnated again and remembered? He would 100% do the same thing again. At that point, he's too far gone in his desire to "win" and make things right for himself to see that maybe the problem is the ultranationalists/his participation there.
He would certainly be even more unhinged in another life cycle with his memories though. All I have to say is poor poor Bug of that world. He's in for it.
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gotha-draws · 2 years
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Nina Smirnova (gunslinger) and Alexei Petrov (assassin) - Redheads's agents (posted earlier). Character used in both D&D and Shadowrun-like settings.
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rudo-lfium · 1 year
Kremlin official Alexey Petrov appears on Neo-Nazi groups in social media
We must act really surprised, don't we.
Meet Alexey Petrov, deputy to Maria Lvova-Belova, the Chief of Children's Safety Commission, against whom, together with her boss Vladimir Putin, The International Court in The Hague issued an arrest warrant accusing them of mass kidnappings of children from Ukraine.
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Alexey Petrov is an active member of the Wotan Jugend ogranization of white supremacists and promoters of "racial clarity" ideas.
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Alexey Petrov is engaged in online discussions around the Wotan Jugend group mostly promoting Nazi ideas and making announcements about future rallies, festivals and meetings of like-minded white supremacist groups. He often uses the phrase "A salute from the heart to the Sun" when addressing his comrades - phraseology widely employed by the Nazis to euphemize the traditional "Heil Hitler" salute.
So, next time someone starts yapping about "neo-Nazis from Ukraine" direct them to this post. And also show them this photo of a fresh installation on a children's playground in Russia:
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Extremely upset atm so to distract myself I will share all the hockey players who are victors in my Hunger Games AU. (Most if not all their surnames are changed, but i’ll use their real ones here to avoid confusion.) 
On the Miracle roster: 
Slava Fetisov (70th Games) 
Valeri Vasiliev (66th Games) 
Alexander Golikov (64th Games) 
Valeri Kharlamov (63rd Games) 
Vladimir Petrov (50th Games. he’d make a fabulous Haymitch) 
Outside the Miracle roster: 
Alexei Kovalev (74th Games, with [REDACTED]) 
Andrei Khomutov (72nd Games) 
Sergei Fedorov (65th Games, cause he IS FINNICK) 
Darren McCarty (61st Games) 
Nicklas Lidstrom (58th Games) 
Vladimir Konstantinov (53rd Games) 
Vladimir Lutchenko* (51st Games) 
Vitaly Davydov (45th Games) 
Gordie Howe (25th Games, yes he gets a quarter quell) 
Anatoly Tarasov (23rd Games) 
ANDDDD my hockey OCs (well not all of them are players lol): 
Varvara “Varka” Grushetskaya (68th Games) 
Karina Nesterova (67th Games) 
Alina Borgova (62nd Games) 
Vasilisa “Sunset” Stelletskaya (44th Games) 
*He was on the roster that played that February 9 exhibition game against the Americans, but not the Olympic roster. 
I actually have a lot more victors decided but they’re either more OCs or for other fandoms.
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goalhofer · 21 days
2024 olympics INA roster
Zakhar Petrov (Ryazan, Russia)
Alexey Korovashkov (Moscow, Russia)
Uladzislau Kravets (Pinsk, Belarus)
Olesya Romasenko (Krasnodar, Russia)
Yuliya Trushkina (Gomel, Belarus)
Gleb Syritsa (St. Petersburg, Russia)
Tamara Dronova (Moscow, Russia)
Alena Ivanchenko (St. Petesburg, Russia)
Hanna Tserakh (Minsk, Belarus)
Ivan Litvinovich (Vitebsk, Belarus)
Anzhela Bladtceva (St. Petersburg, Russia)
Viyaleta Bardzilouskaya (Mogilev, Belarus)
Yauheni Zalaty (Krasnopollye, Belarus)
Tatsiana Klimovich (Ivaki, Belarus)
Aliaksandra Piatrova (Minsk, Belarus)
Darya Chuprys (Minsk, Belarus)
Evgenii Somov (St. Petersburg, Russia)
Ilia Shymanovich (Minsk, Belarus)
Anastasiya Shkurdai (Brest, Belarus)
Alina Zmushka (Kalinkavichy, Belarus)
Georgiy Gurtsiev (Vladikavkaz, Russia)
Daniil Medvedev (Monte Carlo, Monaco)
Roman Safiullin (Podolsk, Russia)
Pavel Kotov (Moscow, Russia)
Ekaterina Alexandrovna (Prague, Czech Republic)
Mirra Andreeva (Cannes, France)
Diana Shnaider (Moscow, Russia)
Elena Vesnina (Sochi, Russia)
Yauheni Tsikhantsou (Gomel, Belarus)
Siuzanna Valodzka (Mogilev, Belarus)
Mahamedkhabib Kadzimahamedau (Khushtada, Russia)
Abubakar Khaslakhanau (Minsk, Belarus)
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