#alhamdullilah for the time I was given with him
shufaya · 1 year
And if you’re missing a lost loved one, I pray a reunion in Jannah is written for you.
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ambiewoo · 2 months
I guess its true.
When the time has come, everything around is your clue. You just feel it in ur guts. Your cue that's it's time to leave it all behind.
Leaving behind does not mean forgotten. It just mean thank you for all the wonderful memories. Alhamdullilah for the presence which is truly cherished.
Allah swt truly knows it all as all has been planned. In HIM I trust.
Ya Allah swt, I seek in you for me to be given keredhaan. InshaAllah Ameen2 💕 love u loads.
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oceanspray5 · 3 years
Sorry to hear you have the flu but really excited to hear you're cooking up some fics! Hope you feel better soon <3 I love that we have some really similar interpretations and some that diverge - I'd thought of Wonderland as a song about Julia (it was all a dream that Spike got lost in, only it couldn't last forever) but you have given me a fresh perspective on how it fits with the final episodes too! You're right that Long Story Short could totally be from Spike's POV, particularly 'if someone comes at us this time I'm ready' because I agree his actions in the final episode as motivated by protecting his crew rather than obsessing over the past like before. Reputation is in my top Taylor albums because I love the dark/light themes in it and the story of finding love and someone who sees the real you when you have your guard up against the rest of the world. I agree about New Years Day and the lyrics you chose. It's a really beautiful song a bit like You Are In Love in terms of spending the mundane moments with someone as well as the extreme highs ('I'll be cleaning up bottles with you') but there's also a vulnerability to it ('please don't ever become a stranger') - they've both been hurt in the past and sometimes those moments can seem too good to be true. Another good one about that vulnerability is Dress and it's also sexy in a way that feels like them - 'all of this silence and patience, pining in anticipation' and then revealing 'I don't want you like a best friend, only bought this dress so you could take it off'. And the lyric 'I woke up just in time' is pretty Spike! Your Cowboy like Me and The Archer analyses are pretty much exactly mine, haha. I can't believe there's even a lyric that says 'easy they come, easy they go' almost word-for-word with 'easy come, easy go'. It reminds me of That's When, This Love and Come in With the Rain in terms of letting someone go and then letting them come back when they're ready. Both Spike and Faye, as you said, have the tendency to run off and come back after a bit of soul-searching. In fact, I think all of the crew sort of have these moments. It's like an open-door policy on the ship which is why it works so well for all of them. I like to think Ed would eventually come back too. Another song that could fit for all the crew is evermore, but there are some particular Spike and Faye-appropriate lines in it: 'I rewind the tape and all it does is pause on the very moment all was lost' for Faye and 'I replay my footsteps on each stepping stone, trying to find the one where I went wrong, writing letters addressed to the fire' for Spike (reminds me of the line you mentioned 'the war of words I shouted in my sleep'). The Bon Iver part is so beautiful, 'I dreamed of you // it was real enough // to get me through' - they are all there for each other in a way that helps them weather the storm. Finally I love that you picked Haunted as a bit more of an angsty one, it really does feel like Faye breaking down at him leaving. An angsty one I have for them is The Other Side of the Door because it reminds me of Faye's tendency to shut Spike out and tell him to go away, but almost as a test to see if he'll try and break through ('babe if you know everything tell me why you couldn't see, when I left I wanted you to chase after me'). We know that him leaving is actually the last thing she wants in the end (''I scream out the window, I can't even look at you, I don't need you' - but I do, I do, I do'). It's not a healthy way of communicating but it's a defense mechanism, and she overcomes it in the end when she outright asks him not to leave.
I'm so sorry this is so late! I had exams but now that they're over I can finally answer this in detail! Also thank you for the concern. I'm all better from the flu now, Alhamdullilah. As for fics, I just posted my 4th one and it was coincidentally inspired by Spark's Fly! I'd love to hear what you think of it.
Wonderland from Julia's perspective is super interesting and it wasn't my first thought but I definitely feel like it fits her POV too.
I adore Reputation too. It has such an interesting sound and the dark/light themes are really interesting. Dress is absolutely a song that defines their pining and the 'will they/wont they' side of their relationship.
As for The Other Side of The Door, I agree! The following lyrics you quoted just perfectly capture Faye.
I said leave, but all I really want is you / To stand outside my window throwing pebbles / Screaming I’m in love with you
So babe, if you know everything / Tell me why you couldn’t see / When I left I wanted you to chase after me, yeah
Faye is someone who wants someone to want her. My headcanon is that in Jupiter Jazz, when she leaves wanting someone to come after her, Spike's violent reaction to dismiss her and chase Julia is partially cuz he's hurt she left without saying anything but doesn't want to admit it. Julia crops up both as a convenient distraction to help distract from the pain of her up and abandoning him and naturally he is curious about her as well so he takes it as an out instead of going after Faye (cuz we know he does go after her when she asks like in Ballad of Fallen Angels, even if he had his own reasons for it). Its a classic case of miscommunication where Spike is betrayed she left and Faye wants someone to come after her to know she's wanted. These lyrics just capture that wish of hers perfectly.
And I’ll scream out the window / I can’t even look at you / I don’t need you, but I do, I do, I do
Naturally Faye doesn't want to admit that she needs him but she knows she does.
I love your interpretation of Evermore! I don't have much to add cuz it's so perfect but I will say that the 'violence of the dog days' line fits especially well for Spike considering his syndicate past. And the lyrics you mentioned
And when I was shipwrecked / I thought of you / In the cracks of light / I dreamed of you / It was real enough / To get me through / But I swear / You were there
It's such a beautiful metaphor cuz Spike always thinks he's dreaming but when it matters Faye does help pull him out to reality again, usually by saving his life. The 'I swear, you were there' is such a lovely image cuz when Spike wakes up in Ballad of Fallen Angels, Faye is real and sitting next to him. He hears her voice in his dreams and dreams of Julia but the one who saved his life and gave him a chance to continue living, the one who is real, is Faye!
Also the rewind the tape line is very Faye-appropriate and writing letters to the fire Spike-appropriate.
When it comes to Dress I love it for them! You're right that its so sexy but also really vulnerable. It also has this meta-interpretation when it comes to Spike x Faye cuz a lot of people who watch the show don't realize there is a lot of romantic undertones and nuance to their relationship so the lyrics address that too. The surface level platonicness which hides something deeper (Everyone thinks that they know us, but they know nothing about). And then the lyrics:
Flashback to my mistakes / My rebounds, my earthquakes / Even in my worst lies, you saw the truth of me / And I woke up just in time / Now I wake up by your side / My one and only, my lifeline
They definitely fit Spike from the 'waking up in time' aspect and remembering mistakes but the line about seeing the truth in each other fits them both. Also I love the idea of them being each other's lifeline, something worth living for in a life that took so much from them (Jet, Ed and Ein aside).
Since Red (Taylor's Version) was just released (and isn't it just fantastic? I love it so much more than the original in some ways! It's so wonderfully done!), another song that I realize fits them perfectly is Forever Winter.
The following lyrics describe Spike and his depression perfectly:
He says he doesn’t believe anything much he hears these days / He says, “Why fall in love, just so you can watch it go away?” / He spends most of his nights wishing it was how it used to be / He spends most of his flights getting pulled down by gravity
The chorus is so perfectly Faye though:
All this time I didn’t know / You were breaking down / I’d fall to pieces on the floor / If you weren’t around / Too young to know it gets better / I’ll be summer sun for you forever / Forever winter if you go…
Cuz for Faye it really does feel like the end of everything once Spike leaves. He takes her hope of a family and home with him the way Julia did for him by refusing to run away. It describes their final moments perfectly cuz Faye didn't realize how much Spike was going through even if he knew about her. I also like how it still focuses on how the she'd feel if he's lost cuz by the end Spike has put himself back together enough to confront his past but Faye doesn't realize that.
Also the lyric 'Too young to know it gets better' hits me where it hurts cuz Spike and Faye really are SO YOUNG to have lived the lives they have. They are struggling and don't know enough about life to realize what is going to stick and what isn't so in a way everything in the moment feels huge. It's so reflective of their youth, especially Spike's cuz he takes his first love leaving him as the end of the world when he could have tried to move on after Julia but doesn't even try until Faye forces herself into his life. As old as Spike and Faye act, forced to grow up by circumstances, they're still foolish 20-somethings and I think this lyric is a beautiful illustration of that.
The bridge is what I think Faye wishes she could say. She can't but she wishes she could and that she had the power to make Spike stay and fix what is depressing him.
I’d take that bomb in your head and disarm it / I’d say I love you even at your darkest and / Please don’t go
It's such a pretty song for them. One of my new favorites for sure among all the others in Red that fit them: Treacherous, State of Grace, Red, I Almost Do, (personally in my mind Starlight fits them too but a very specific fanart by Johanna the Mad so not in general xD) and Come Back, Be Here.
And this is when the feeling sinks in / I don't wanna miss you like this / I don't wanna need you this way / Come back… be here
Faye asking Spike to stay and be with them at the Bebop and undoubtedly hating how much she needs him but its something she can't deny.
This is falling in love in the cruelest way / This is falling for you when you are worlds away and and I break down / Cause it's not fair that you're not around
I guess you can take New York and London as a metaphor for living and the dead when it comes to them? xD especially cuz of the 'worlds away' part of the above lyrics.
But yeah, the way they fall in love is undoubtedly cruel because its right person, wrong time in the most painful way.
Anyway I would love to hear your thoughts some more and maybe on Red TV too! Do let me know if you decide to check out my fic(s) and what you think of them! 💖✨
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flowersofjannah · 3 years
idk sis but it's crushing me. i've literally been on the bathroom floor crying wondering why i let my heart do this to me. then i wonder that why did Allah even put him there more and more each day as my feelings grew? Only Allah knows but given that he was unavailable anyway it doesnt make sense to me. like today i saw him many times and the thing happened and i. sis i just feel so helpless and hopeless. like i said ive always been so shy and keep feelings to myself. i feel pathetic for letting myself hope after the uni guy. i shouldve shut the possibility of even meeting somoeone just a few months later. i feel so stupid and embarrassed. the 2 sisters from work that helped me find this out - i dont know them well and mashAllah theyre such lovely sisters - without them i woulve embarrassed myself asking him so alhamdullilah that that didnt end up happening but they probably feel pity for me too. idk again i hope (and know) that these intense feelings of sadness and confusion will pass but i honestly just feel like closing my heart up. i do understand that Allah can make anything possible and knows what's best for us but. idk i just feel so overwhelmed and upset for hoping. like he genuinely seemed like a private guy, focused etc mA. similar to uni guy. it seems that most of the good guys get married rlly quickly and idk. and like i said in my first post to u when mentioning the uni guy - families dont even consider me because my younger sisters (mainly my 16 yr old sis) seems prettier and older etc (im shorter than them etc). i honeslty never expected any of this to happen. i remember being younger and having hope that id one day find someone who i could trust and have a family with and a private life with centred around Allah. as i get older, i feel so helpless. all i have left now are online means and arranged marriage - but half og my family isnt even practicing and theyre not looking and the people they find are so liberal but not in their eyes. i feel like taking my heart out idk sis my heart just aches so much that this is happening again. it took me so much courage to get past the uni guy. it's worse in some ways with the work guy i guess. idk sis, i really dont know anymore... i cant even tell my family, only my younger sis knows and i have to act fine and all but ... sighh
You will look back someday and you will know exactly why this happened to you and how it made you grow. Trust me when I say this, you will definitely come across the realization later in life. Allah does things we don't understand at the moment but we understand later on.
There is absolutely nothing to feel embarrassed or stupid for. It is not embarrassing or stupid, you are a human being with a heart and feelings. We are all this way sis.
Protect your heart sis but don't let it go hopeless. It's hard to do but this is the best way.
"all i have left now are online means and arranged marriage" Allah works in mysterious ways sis, He provides for us from places we don't expect. Make dua for what you want, do what you can, and leave it to Allah. I know many masajid also have services to help you find a partner, maybe look into that? If you don't mind out of state, there is a local masjid near me where they have an excel sheet of potentials you can sign up for. I can link it to you if you would like.
"it took me so much courage to get past the uni guy." And you have the courage to get past this guy too alhumdulilah, Allah does not burden us beyond what we can bear. He knows you can get past this, thus He allowed it. I know at times you may feel "but I can't deal with this burden, it's too much for me." Allah knows what you are capable of, we underestimate ourselves.
Don't beat yourself up sis, you are only human. Every human being is like this, we develop feelings for people and things we get hurt by. And then do it again, and again, and again. All of us are stupid and embarrassing then if you feel what you did was stupid and embarrassing.
Don't be so consumed with the marriage aspect, live your life and when the time comes, your spouse will come. I'm 27 and unmarried sis, I mean I should be crying my eyeballs out every day then. We have similar struggles sis, don't be so hard on yourself and don't lose hope.
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wrappedinamysteryy · 4 years
*SOME EASY DAILY ADHKAR (remembrance of Allah) ✨*
*1. Qur'an*
The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said: "Whoever reads a letter of the Book of Allaah will be credited with a good deed, and a good deed gets a tenfold reward. I do not say that Alif-Laam-Meem is a letter, rather alif is a letter, laam is a letter and meem is a letter."
📚: Sunan Tirmidhi 2910 | Hasan
*2. Alhamdulillah, Subhan Allah, La ilaha illal lah, Allahu Akbar*
The Prophet (ﷺ) passed by a tree with dry leaves, so he struck it with his staff, making the leaves fall. Then he said: “Indeed, Alhamdulillah (all praise is due to Allah), Subhan Allah (glory to Allah), La ilaha illal lah (none has the right to be worshipped but Allah) and Allahu Akbar (Allah is the greatest) cause the sins to fall from the worshipper, just as the leaves of this tree fall."
📚: Tirmidhi 3533 | Hasan
*3. Subhan Allah — 100 times*
The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said: Recite Subhan Allah (Glory be to Allah) for by reciting them 1000 good deeds will be written for you and 1000 sins will be wiped away."
📚: Sahih Muslim 2698
*4. Subhan Allahi wa Bihamdihi — 100 times*
Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said: "Whoever says Subhan Allahi wa bihamdihi one hundred times a day, will be forgiven all his sins even if they were as much as the foam of the sea."
📚: Sahih Bukhari 6405
*5. Subhan Allahi wa Bihamdihi, Subhan Allahi-l azeem*
The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said: "(The following are) two words (sentences or utterances) that are very easy for the tongue to say, and very heavy in the balance (of reward), and most beloved to the Gracious Almighty (Allah)."
📚: Sahih Muslim 6682
*6. Astagfirullaha wa aatubu ilayhi — 100 times*
Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said: "I seek the forgiveness of Allah and repent to Him one hundred times each day."
📚: Ibn Majah 3815 | Hasan
*7. Rabbighfirli wa tub alayya innaka antat tawwabur rahim — 100 times*
Ibn Umar (رضى الله عنه) said: "We used to count that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said one hundred times in a gathering: "O Allah forgive me and accept my repentance, for You are the Accepter of repentance, the Most Merciful."
📚: Ibn Majah 3814 | Sahih
*8. La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah*
The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said to me: "Shall I not tell you of a treasure which is one of the treasures of Paradise?" He (ﷺ) said: "There is no power and no strength except with Allah)."
📚: Ibn Majah 3825 | Sahih
*9. Sall Allahu alayhi was sallam* (may peace be upon him), *Allahumma Salli wa Sallam alaa Nabiyyinaa Muhammad* (May peace and blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad) *— recommended easy darood, read full one too*
The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said: "Whoever sends blessings upon me once, Allah will send blessings upon him tenfold and will erase from him ten misdeeds and raise him ten degrees in status."
📚: Sunan An Nasaai 1297
*10. Subhan Allah, La ilaha illa lah, Alhamdulillah*
The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said: "What you mention of glory of Allah are Subhan-Allah, La ilaha illal lah, Alhamdulillah
– revolves around the Throne, buzzing like bees, reminding of the one who said it. Wouldn't any one of you like to have, or continue to have, something that reminds of him (in the presence of Allah)?"
📚: Ibn Majah 3809 | Hasan
*11. La ilaha illa lah, Alhamdulillah*
The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: "The best of remembrance (dhikr) is La ilaha illallah (None has the right to be worshipped but Allah), and the best of supplication (duaa) is Alhamdullilah (praise be to Allah)."
📚: Ibn Majah 3800 | Hasan
*12. Laa 'ilaaha 'illallaahu wahdahu laa shareeka lahu, lahul-mulku wa lahul-hamdu, wa Huwa 'alaa kulli shay'in qadeer — either 100 times or 10 times or 1 time*
The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said: "Whoever says – 'None has the right to be worshipped except Allah, alone, without any partner, to Him belong all sovereignty and praise, and He is over all things omnipotent.' – one hundred times will get the same reward as given for freeing ten slaves; and one hundred good deeds will be written in his accounts, and one hundred sins will be deducted from his accounts, and it (his saying) will be a shield for him from Satan on that day till night, and nobody will be able to do a better deed except the one who does more than he."
📚: Sahih Bukhari 6403
The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said: "He who uttered (above dhikr) ten times, he is like one who freed four slaves from the progeny of Ismail."
📚: Sahih Muslim 2693
The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said: "Whoever says (above dhikr) in the morning will have a reward equivalent to that for setting free a slave from among the descendants of Isma'il. He will have ten good deeds recorded for him, ten evil deeds deducted from him, he will be advanced ten degrees, and will be guarded from the satan till the evening. If he says them in the evening, he will have a similar recompense till the morning."
📚: Sunan Abu Dawud 5077
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ghinanotlinetti · 5 years
A Review of ‘Ayesha At Last’ by Uzma Jalaluddin
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Ayesha At Last is a modern-day take on Pride and Prejudice and the story is centred around characters who are Muslim and immigrants from South Asia living in Canada. Ayesha was living in Hyderabad, India until she was 7-years-old and had to migrate to Canada with her family due to unfortunate circumstances. She’s got a bubbly personality, is passionate about literature and wants to be a poet, but is stuck trying to make a teaching career work for her. Khalid is a first generation South-Asian-descent immigrant. With the passing of his father, him and his mother move to another part of Toronto for a fresh start, his mother begins a search to find a wife for him. He’s mysterious, you could say he’s religious, pious, his outward appearance is somewhat strikingly Muslim/ethnic, it triggers some people but he doesn’t care. Ayesha and Khalid meet and the story unfolds from there.
For this review, I’ll be talking about the plot so careful for spoilers if you haven’t read the book! I also want to firstly say that art is subjective; a story isn’t going to be everyone’s favourite, there’s going to be people who really enjoy it and others who might not get it. When I was reading the book knowing that it was an adaptation, I knew what to expect but there was somethings that I didn’t expect at all. The book follows a specific love story formula, reminiscent of a Nicholas Sparks novel and following Jane Austen’s storyline with a touch of Bollywood-like drama; it works well for those stories written by those authors for their target audience, but when i read this story I wasn’t too sure of who the target audience was. Don’t get me wrong, I like Jane Austen, some of the Nicholas Sparks stories are okay and I love Bollywood including the drama Bollywood stories narrate because they do it so well, but for me the formula and the characters felt awkward. It’s not that it isn’t done well, I think Uzma Jalaluddin wrote a beautiful story, but I personally didn’t get some parts of the story. For instance, the title of the book is Ayesha At Last and the book open’s the story with a scene of Khalid looking out his window with a view of Ayesha who’s on her way to her job. I wanted more Ayesha from the story, and that’s not to say that Khalid isn’t important to the story, it’s just that I found it misleading given the book’s title. There's definitely villain type characters used in the story, and I personally would've liked it better if they were more fleshed out. A character that I really really didn’t get was Tarek; I think having this character as a villain was confusing when the story already has Khalid’s mother that fits the role perfectly as the bitter hard-to-impress mother of the son. He’s connected to Khalid's sister in the past and I personally thought that there was going to be some sort of confrontation between those two in the end (there wasn’t). That whole thing with Tarek and Hafsa and the website... umm??? Yeah, it was a bit overkill for me with some parts, I just don’t like cliches but I get that some things had to be written, it is after all a love story and an adaptation. On the other hand when cliches are written and it just somehow works with the story, that’s when I don’t mind it at all. My absolute favourite characters are Ayesha's grandparents. I love the dynamic, love the role that they play, and they say the most touching, inspiring things throughout the story! Our wise and humble elders truly are a treasure to society. I thought the parts of the book which the author narrates the reveal of Ayesha’s true identity was so well written, hands down my favourit part of the book along with the dialogue between Ayesha’s grandmother and Khalid’s mother. The build up in tension for me was perfectly done!
This book is something I would love to have read in high school instead of *insert Caucasian author who writes YA novels here*. I love seeing representation, especially for Muslims and especially when the story doesn’t involve the hijabi girl taking off her hijab and falling in love with a white boy *insert eye-rolling emoji here*.
I read this book recently in a few days, I tend to speed read when I’m reading stories like these. I’m fully recovered from being sick the past week, Alhamdullilah! I’ve got a lot of books piling up on my reding list and I’m glad to be having more time for myself to read, I miss reading. This book was 8/10 for me. I’m glad it’s out in the world, because I hope it means we get to see more stories with us Muslims and diaspora in them. Should’ve been done sooner, honestly, but anyway moving on - I hope future stories don’t feel that it’s necessary to follow a formula, it’s fine if it does but it’s definitely not necessary. Has anyone else read this book? Would love to discuss this story with someone’s who’s read it to see what other people think out of pure curiosity!
Last edited: May 26th 2020
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aya-azzam · 5 years
Hardship accompanied by Ease
I am thankful. I know it’s super cliche to write a whole “I am thankful for life” whenever a birthday comes around or when something amazing happens in a persons life. But lately I’ve been thankful for the things Allah took away from me. For allowing me to get closer to him. Thankful for continuously becoming a stronger person throughout everything. Thankful for the positive things, people, and moments he allows to remain in my life throughout the hard times.
“verily, with every hardship comes ease.” -94:6
The ease accompanies the hardship. He knows how much we can handle, and how difficult it would be if it was complete hardship. Whether the ease is a friend, a family member, the moment you see a beautiful sunset, a simple journal entry, or the feeling of putting your head down in sujood to cry your eyes out. All given to you in order to give your heart and soul some type of relief, even if it’s for a brief moment.
At moments the memories return and the world feels unbearable, just for a moment. I allow myself to retreat to the ‘ease.’ That which allows me to escape or relieve the pain. To empty my heart of the pain it’s feeling. To allow myself to make room to grow. To become a stronger person, all on my own with only His help. Reminding myself that this is it. This is why we’re here, why He put us in this dunya. All these tests and unbearable moments. Are just that, tests. Preparing us for what is yet to come.
I must admit that it did take me longer to get my head above the water this time. I allowed my heart to attach itself to something that was temporary. But I made it this far. Alhamdullilah.
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naramdil · 6 years
Would u ever marry someone who is financially not in the best situation? I like this guy who checks off all my requirements and what i want in a man and we hit it off very well alhamdullilah but he’s still in school cuz he took some years off working and wont graduate until a year from now. I like him a lot but my mom is worried about his financial position. I know the decision is up to me but i wanted some insight. Financially supporting is an important factor for me in deciding to marry but...
I havent had a connection with any guy but him so far. I know he’s not the richest dude out there but he listens to me and is kind and i like him. Maybe i’m not thinking logically cuz money is one of the biggest problems couples face. And financial stability is one of the signs that you are ready to support a family. Maybe i’m letting my feelings for him get in the way of me living a stable life.. and i’ll regret it later. idk what to do.
you came to my inbox, so I am going to give you my thoughts, but I am not telling you what to do. that decision is yours alone. 
I would marry someone who wasn’t making an income yet if he had a solid career plan and intended to be making an income within a certain timeframe. (i.e. he’s still in school, has a graduation deadline, and a job lined up) like, I had a rishta from a guy recently that hadn’t graduated yet but he didn’t have any post grad plans either. so it’s like.. what am I supposed to do with that...?? anyways, what I am saying is that having a plan and following through with it is important. proving that he will be able to provide you with stability is important (to me) and to a certain point I am ok with hustling together but I also know that I am not going to be the ‘breadwinner’ for a long time, given the field I am going into. so that’s something to think about for yourself - where are you financially and how much weight do you have the potential of pulling on your part, and how long would you be willing and able to do that alone for?
additionally, if I knew he was almost done with school, had a job lined up, was going to be making an income soon, etc. then I would honestly just wait? I personally have no issue with a long engagement. every couple is different and has to work through their hurtles differently - however it suits them. ik for me that I would be ok with getting engaged and then waiting (within reason) to get married. (ofc setting a boundary of like, ‘we expected to get married in x number of years once things on the career front have began to settle down a bit’ type of thing) bc marriage is expensive. living as a couple is expensive. I would rather have a few uncomfortable years as an engaged couple than to get married in an untimely manner. 
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zainabi · 6 years
guys i just...im so proud of donghyuck,,hes come so far he went thru so much within the past year hes had the Markhyuck Fight, hes been working non stop, hes dyed his hair 6 times and hes been part of such a big n successful project hes travelled so much and im so fking PROUD of him hes done SO WELL and ik ill never get to see him but i love him so much and i pray tht he gets all the happiness in the world +more and everything thts good for him its such a blessed time to have his bday its ramadan and its pride month and its just such a nice time of the year hes so lucky and im so grateufl to be living in the same world as him.....hes rlly such a kind being n i have given n will continue to give him all of my love and support no matter howmany thousands of nct members there will be in the future,,,,, wallahi im crying acc tears i hope hes enjoying himself n eating cake n being happy and tht he finds peace and allah gives him health and wealth and gifts and he gets jannah too for making somany people happy,,,alhamdullilah we are so blessed to have donghyuck hes such a pure n kind n generous being mashallah allah save him from evil eye and from everything bad in the wordl .......... my bb ily so so so so much habibi meri jaan main jaan dungi tumare liye mehbooba allah tume kush rakhe,,,
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yusefalalmahdi-blog · 6 years
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Master Aba Sadiq a.s: Imam Ahmed Al Hassan (as) told me that the believer does not fear anything except Allah (swt). He never fears except Allah (swt), ever, And by Allah, the believer that does not fear anything except Allah (swt), Allah makes all things fear him. Today is the day of the promise of Allah and there is no true believer, believes that we are in the return and Imam Al Hussein (as) is present and at the same time… in his heart there is any kind of fear from any tyrant or any enemy, because Allah (swt) is our victory giver, and our protector, and he is the one capable upon all things. Alhamdullilah many time, and thanks be to Allah many times. And I ask Allah (swt) that you become true believers and not to fear from a thing, and you be glorious for the Family of Muhammad (as). And I ask Allah (swt) that you give victory to Ahmed Al Hassan (as) with all of what you were given of power. And I ask Allah (swt) that you spread the Dawah (call) in all places, and not to become lazy anytime. O’ Believing Men and Women, how many people have come to this Dunya (World) and went out of it, and did not gain anything from it. Walk in your path to Allah (swt) and search for Allah and know Allah, and know that Allah (swt) loves his children. And the creation are his children, the creation is the children of Allah. Those whom are more gentle to his creation, are the nearest to Allah, and know that a Father and a Mother, no matter what the son does they still love him and they forgive his sins, and his mistakes, and Allah (swt) is greater than this. And Allah (swt) like how you think that he is if it was good then good, if it was evil then evil. As for Allah (swt), if the Father and Mother do not sleep nights because they think about their children and make sure that their children ate, and slept in safety, so how be it for the Lord of the Worlds! Don’t fear anything O’ Believers, do not fear anything. Don't fear poverty, don't fear the tyrant… don't fear nothing, don't fear your parents, don't fear your enemies… don't fear anything. With us is the Lord of the Worlds, the Creator of the Heavens and the Earths, the Merciful then Intensely Merciful, the Almighty, Generous, the Omnipotent, the Avenger. He hears and sees, and aims ‘I am with you, I hear and see.’ No power except with Allah. No Might nor Power except with Allah, nothing will land on us except that, which Allah has written for us. And this is that time…this is time that the Prophets and Messengers will see victory and nothing will land on the Prophets and Messengers, what had landed upon them before, except what Allah (swt) willed because this time is a dear time, that will not repeat, and did not happen before, that these many Prophets, Messengers and Righteous ones gather in this time and era. Allah is Sufficient, and Allah is Great, and there is no God except He. Peace be upon Michael, peace be upon Aaron, how I miss him, how I miss you O’ Ahmed, O’ Murad’ O’ Mujahid, O’ Beloved, O’ Good… Peace be upon you! by Kalim Ansari Aal Al-Mahdi http://en.ahmedalhassan.wiki/p/Main_Page YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCg1LldWV7giHNvytf2u4sg Live Stream www.facebook.com/blackbanners10313 Twitter https://twitter.com/BlackBanners313 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theblackbanners10313/ SATÉLITE: NILESAT FRECUENCY: 11096 SYMBOL RATE: 27500. HORIZONTAL
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khaikhai09 · 5 years
It all started with just a normal conversation between me and Japna catching up on and each other and i remember asking her about you settling down soon but I was told that you broke up with him some time back. It was a shocking news cause i knew you were engaged and would probably get married soon. I did ask Japna how are you coping with things and I ended off the conversation by telling Japna to send my regards to you if she happened to see you. Little did i know by asking japna to send my regards to you would totally change everything.
Honestly, I was shocked that you DM me on instagram. I always thought that you will forever hate me due to what I did to you what more having feelings for me was out of the equation. Well, deep down i was happy to be receiving the DM, we talked and catch up on life after like 8 or 9 years apart. We met over dinner at 18 chefs on 19/12/2018 at Djitsun Mall and it was awkward at a start cause I never expect to be meeting you again. Moving foward, came the news you fell sick and warded at SGH. That was when you break the news to me about your sickness. Part of me hurts to be hearing about your sickness cause I always thought you are healthy and all. Well, just nice when you were warded, I was on long leave and i tried visiting you whenever I can. I know i had feelings you when there is one particular day where I reluctantly want to leave you alone at the hospital. But I remembered you did told me that you don’t want to have that feelings back for me. I was little bit broken by that cause I thought that there’s no way that you are going to have feelings for me. Well we are both wrong, as we got closer your feelings began to develop for me while my feelings towards you never fade. I met your parents and siblings too and Alhamdullilah they are okay with me.
As time goes by, we started planning on our engagement and even our marriage. To begin with, we aren’t officially together as a boyfriend and girlfriend. But our official day came on the 17/08/2019 where i can proudly call you my fiancee. It was relatively a new experience and milestone for me but i am sure you are the person whom I wanna spend the rest of my life with. I told myself that I lost you once and I will never want to lose you again.
If you happen to read this, please know that up till this very day, i am still amazed with the fact that you are willing to give me a second chance because not many deserved them. I can consider myself lucky to be given a second chance to be with you and I definitely do not want to mess things up. I know the journey leading to our marriage day will not be smooth sailing but as long as you do not give up on me, i will never give up on you. We will go through thicks and thins together okay. I really love you with my all heart and l am really blessed to have you again in my life. Thank you sayang for everything. ❤️❤️
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Never Be Jaded...a Surfer’s Motto but also a Sunnah?
It's so easy to find things in this day and age of a mind-blowingly big world wide web, want to share it, and then have absolutely no idea where to credit. Thank God I am not in academia or I fear the plagiarism police would have me. This is one of those things.....
One of those surf dudes I'm led to believe, I think the one with the fin-less board, has had the lifelong motto:
"Never Be Jaded".
There are so many reasons I love surfing as a practice, as a way to explain successful operation in the financial markets as an investor/trader, because it is hard to find a surfer who doesn't have an appreciation for the marvellous and powerful natural environment that Allah swt has given us, and it seems to find 'old surf dogs' with mindsets that belay their age.
Life is hard. This Dunya (the world we are living in, as opposed to the Ahkira, the hereafter) is tough.  Without going into Arabic grammar the word represents the low of the low, the bottom, like the mud on the bottom of your shoe.
It's tough down here and as Muslims, we know that this life is a struggle and a test.
So it is often incredibly hard to not be jaded.
However, this surf wisdom is also a Sunnah or at least very close to a Sunnah*.
I'm going to keep this easy breezy and not get too heavy and share a reflection and an example or two:  
The reflection is that having read the Seerah of Prophet Muhammad pbuh we find a man that was tested. We often think we have it tough but research the lives of the Prophets (peace be upon them all) and we find people who were really tested. Now despite these incredible tests the Prophet pbuh was known to be the most balanced of men, always smiling, always optimistic. The very example of someone who was not jaded.
So I say, never be jaded, predates our surfer friend substantially and is a mindset that we should adopt if we want to emulate the best exemplar of our Deen**.  
More than that Allah swt gives us reason to be optimistic multiple times in the Quran: “And the life of this world is nothing but play and amusement. But far better is the house in the hereafter for those who are Al-Muttaqun (the pious). Will you not then understand?” (Quran, Al-An’aam: 32)
Reading the Quran as a trader back in the day, I was hit with the phrasing of choosing this life over the next, as a bad trade. Allah swt in this verse is reminding us of that and the reality that what is waiting for us in the hereafter really is cause for us to be optimistic.
A favourite example of the optimism we must have, and I feel optimism is the opposite of being jaded, or close enough for my brain to work with is the following hadith:
Anas ibn Malik reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “If the Resurrection were established upon one of you while he has in his hand a sapling, then let him plant it.”
Source: Musnad Aḥmad 12491
This life can weigh you down, feel too much for even the best of us but let's be fair even when the most momentous and terrifying affair is upon you, the Prophet pbuh reminds us to get on with business, optimistically planting that little sapling, as if all is cool and there is nothing to worry about.
Don't ever be jaded and always be optimistic - you're Muslim after all and you have the certainty that it is only going to get better for you. Alhamdullilah!
* What is a Sunnah? By Sunnah, we refer to the words, actions and tacit approvals of Prophet Muhammad pbuh. These are collected meticulously in the Hadith collections. They give us a wonderful insight into this beautiful man pbuh and our tradition. Muslims use them to try to emulate the Prophet pbuh. What is this tacit approval thing? Prophet's job descriptions entail commenting and correcting if anything is against the laws of God. Thus if xyz happened in front of the Prophet pbuh and he didn't comment - whilst not always the best of behaviours or actions it is not forbidden.
** What is Deen? A very simple surface level explanation of what Deen means is our Religion or way of life.
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undertheyasmintree · 8 years
I have been learning Arabic for nearly a year now, and the struggle is real. Whatever pride I had about being great at English grammar is pretty much gone. Arabic grammar is way tougher. It’s much more of a gendered language than English, and that’s the toughest part. For most words, you need to memorise the masculine, feminine, singular, dual, plural, etc. And then there are tenses! Hello, tenses, we meet again. I lost a lot of marks in English exams as a kid because of you. You return to haunt me. 
I have a lot of help with Arabic. There’s the weekend classes in fusha with my madrassa-educated Indian teacher, who explains the grammar really well, even though he is not a native Arabic speaker. Then there are the weekly Skype chats with Yara, a Syrian conversation partner I found online. She travelled home to Aleppo last week from Cairo, so now our conversations are often interrupted by bomb sounds that make me jump in my chair and nervously call out: “YARA? ARE YOU THERE?” Moments later I hear her chuckle and say, “Yes, yes, I’m here, dear, don’t worry. I’m fine.” “Shukr Alhamdullilah! (Thank goodness!),” I say under my breath.
“Is it happening very close to you? Aren’t you scared?” 
“You know, it’s about 15 minutes away from here. But it’s much lesser now. Earlier it was happening so much that we could not bear it, we would go to our basement and press our hands against our ears. It was happening all day. So you know, now is much better.” 
When I first started talking to her, I was stunned to hear she had a disability in her leg, could not stay home in Aleppo due to the war, and was working as an online Arabic teacher because she really needed the money. In Cairo, she barely steps out of her house because of the rampant harassment of women and refugees in general there.
I started talking to her at a time when I felt like nothing was going right in my life. I remained depressed most days, felt like I was losing passion towards my work, and struggled to come to terms with my inability to fix my life. After learning about her problems, I thought I would spend most of our lessons feeling disturbed and pitiful for her. 
But far from it. I learn so much about strength, resilience, and kindness from her each time we chat. She always has stories to tell. Sometimes form the Quran, sometimes about the war, other times about her younger days. They’re mostly tragic, or serious, but always narrated with ample doses of chuckles. 
It’s scary to me how people can get used to violence, and even learn to laugh about it. Yara’s chuckles and cavalier attitude reminded of my time in Karachi, where people would wake up and discuss “the score” of the number of people killed the previous day by, at a point of time. This was, of course, a long time ago. I hear things are much better in Karachi these days. 
There are also examples closer to home, in my father’s hometown of Jhansi, a mostly rural region in what is probably the most lawless state in India – Uttar Pradesh. I’ve grown up hearing stories from my father of cousins being abducted by the still very active kidnapping mafia there. Just two weeks ago, a relative visiting us from there broke into laughter halfway into narrating an incident about a close cousin of mine who was kidnapped while going to school. I was stunned. I hadn’t been in touch with this cousin for a while, but I adore him. 
“He was walking to school when three men came toward him from behind, and one of them put chloroform-soaked napkin on his face, so he fainted. Luckily, a sabziwala (vegetable-seller) was close by and saw it and started screaming, so they ran away, leaving the boy there,” my relative said. There was about half a minute of stunned silence as my family and I tried to digest this news, before the relative broke into a laugh saying: “Imagine what would have happened if they actually had kidnapped him! He would have troubled them so much, they would have probably regretted it and handed him over themselves, maybe even given us money to take him back!” 
Everyone laughed, and we moved on to discussing other lighter, less-awkward stuff.
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flowersofjannah · 7 years
I made my dad cry really bad and I feel so sad eversince. There's a story to it:I am a 23 year old young lady whom just graduated. I am finding a job and have even found multiple jobs along the way. I had to turn them down because my parents didn't like it - be it pay wise or benefit wise. Before anything, let me emphasize its all halal jobs and doesn't go against my religion. I sometimes feel like all my life, both my parents never given me a chance to make my own choices for my own life.
+ Whenever I have come to a decision for something, they will talk me out of it. They do their best to influence my decision and make me change my mind. I appreciate it but there’s certain things I want to be responsible for on my own. I am an adult and it gets frustrating to be treated like a kid who has no room to make her own decision.
+ I have been jobless for months due to this. My friends have all gotten a job. It gets depressing staying at home with no income and each time I got a job offer, I have to turn it down because my parents didn’t like it. They want me to pursue a career they had actually liked. I really just want to be out there working so I can be an adult to help my parents financially. I just feel like I am being restricted.
+ My dad had asked his friend for help for this job that he wants me to work. I really do appreciate it, but all my life I just feel like I am being spoon-feed. I want a job because I have the credibility, not because of something else. It affects my self esteem knowing I probably would get this job not because I am fit for it.
+ The process of getting this job just takes too long, interview, test, exams and interview again. I have went for the first interview and eventually passed the test. Now I have to wait for a second interview with them. My dad’s friend has told him that I have to keep applying so the HR department would know I am really keen if I don’t get it. The thing is: I dont have all of the time in the world. I dont come from a rich family. I need income. I really do. I rejected jobs because my parents want
+ me to work for this company. I am open to working for this, and I have communicated with HR on how long the process takes but they refused to answer (which adds to my frustration). I cannot afford to spend months again re-applying and go for the interviews and exams with no income. I would probably have given my parents monthly allowance by now if I had accepted one of the job offers I had gotten. To keep re-applying for this job he wants me to work was what my dad had enforced me to do.
+ When I said that I can’t be waiting around like a doormat like I have all the time in the world with no income, he refuted that this career has a good prospect (he is trying to influence my decision again). This was what made my dad cried because I brushed him off which I admit was rude of me but I was so frustrated at everything.
+ I felt like nothing I do will ever be good. Whatever decision or suggestion I make will never be good. I must always listen to them. Theirs is the best. When I said that I will probably find another job if the one they wanted me to work at takes too long to process, it is for their sake too. I want to be able to financially support them. Do you know how frustrating it is to be treated like a kid all the time? My friends has started working and here I am locking myself in the house with nothing.
+ Truth is, as an entry level, I mustn’t be too picky finding my first job. The job offers I got was Alhamdullilah, considered good as compared to the general first job offers. Good prospect or not, when it comes to the first job, I am aware experience comes first. That’s what I want. Good prospect is something I will pursue once I have the experience but I dont and I cant have it.
+ Thats the story. But it still breaks my heart seeing my dad cry like that. I really didn’t mean it. I never wanted to belittle him, but my actions just comes off that way after keeping all the frustration inside me all these while. Its just that we are hardly on the same page. I really want to help them. My parents are not that educated and I never want them to feel their suggestion and decision is invalid. They are smart and they raised me well but what I want for myself is not what they want 
+ I need some advice. I know I am committing a major sin making him cry. But how do I keep dealing with this? Am I really wrong? Do i keep obeying them and pursue the things they want for me or do things I want to do? I don’t know what to do now. I have been lying on my bed with guilt and immense sadness because I made my parents cry and have been jobless for months. I really do love them. How can I redeem myself as a daughter? 
Assalamualaikum dear sister,
I’m so sorry you are going through this, I can understand your concern. The thing with parents is that they are not always right, but they think they are doing the best for you. Sister, what your parents are doing is DETRIMENTAL to your career. As you stated, turning down offers at entry-level is the worst things to do. At entry level, people grab whatever they get, and usually, the first job is low pay and a relatively bad occupation. Your parents need to understand that the first job is probably not going to be your last and it is most likely going to be a comparatively “bad” job. Those who get a great offer right after graduating are blessed mashallah.
Your parents do not listen to you, try one more time. Try going to them, very calmly, say sorry and express your concern very kindly. If they start interrupting, ask them to just listen to your side of the story first and then they can express themselves. If this does not work, try talking to someone they trust, ideally someone older than them, someone they look up to, or someone they consider smart so that when he or she speaks on your behalf, your parents are more likely to 1) actually listen and 2) consider the information, 3) try to understand the situation, and 4) accept in sha Allah. Maybe talking to your dad’s friend would be a good idea as he works in the company and knows his way about HR, he must be educated and know life’s struggles. 
I completely understand where you’re coming from, sometimes parents just do not want to listen, they do not want to be wrong. In fact, I experienced this today and got pretty frustrated so I understand where you’re coming from. But yes sister, it was bad that it went to the extent that your dad cried. However, he wants the best for you out of his love and he will forgive you in sha Allah out of his love. Go and say sorry to him, if he is asleep, then do it first thing in the morning. It can be scary sister, but you have to do it. Say sorry and say “baba please listen to me and just stay quiet for a moment, just listen..” and express yourself. Express what they are doing is hurting your future and express that you can make your own choices now. Express you are an adult and want to help them, tell them that you trust them but some things we have to do ourselves. Tell them that you understand they want the best for you, but sometimes we have to start from the bottom. 
Prepare your arguments, stay with facts and rationality over emotion. 
Start off with apologizing and validating your parents - validate that they want the best for you and validate their intellect - then convey yourself.
May Allah make it easy for you, guide you and your family, and grant you all good, ameen. 
My followers, please give further advice if you have any, I feel I did not help enough or do justice to the concern posed. 
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amaliaonly · 4 years
Kisah kita berakhir di Januari. (April)
So yesterday was malam Nisfu Sya’ban. It was told that it is one of the 5 most important and majestic night that Allah answers your prayers and all your sins will be forgiven. I have never really practice praying or making dua on special nights like that but Alhamdullilah yesterday was the first that I have given focused on such nights. I had a good feeling after that like something light. Hmm not sure how to describe it but it was good.
Then last night also, we lost another great singer. A legendary in Indonesia. Someone who have accompanied most of my lonely nights, most of my bus and train rides home and definitely whenever I am feeling down. Glenn Fredly have passed away last night during Maghrib. Another shocking death. Even though he is not Islam but he passed away on Malam Nisfu Sya’ban. Isn’t it great right? Glenn Fredly have touched so many lives through his songs and his songs is so relateable that it can resonates in you. It does to me as I grew up listening to his song and the same ones over and over again. I have never been to his concerts and I missed a lot of chances to see him perform live. I want to share some of his songs that have been my favorite and what this songs meant to me.
The first one Terpesona. My go to song whenever I am feeling happy or when I had a crush on someone. Usually this song is linked to every guys that I liked and after spending a great time with them. The Second one Januari and Akhir Cerita Cinta. This song is for every friend that I have lost contact with. Throughout my growing years there are a lot of people that walk into my life and at the same time walks out. Be it they choose to leave, I choose to say goodbye to them or there was not a need any more to meet each other. I listened to this song to reminisce every friend that walks out of my life as there was no more jodoh for us to be friends anymore but the memories, both good and bad will always be remembered. Then all his other songs Malaikat Juga Tahu, Kasih Putih, Sekali ini Saja, Kembali ke Awal, Sedih Tak  Berhujung, Kasih Putih and Terserah is for all the times that I was feeling lonely during bus/train rides. During those lonely nights where I was feeling emotional or whenever I need a good cry. For the days where I was overwhelmed with something or stress about something or just basically accompanying me through my normal day. This songs will be on repeat I tell you at Spotify.
Thank you so much Glenn Fredly for all the good songs. Really what a shock. It’s a lost for the Music Industry in Indonesia as his songs will always be a Hit in every Movie or every album he launches. I’m sure he have touched a lot of lives through his songs. Again this is someone whom I just listened to his song like a day ago while doing my work. Death can come to you at any time. Even when you’re healthy and young. I just pray that before death comes, you guys are able to achieve or chase the things you want to do. Say to the people who have touched your lives and say to them how much you mean to them.
In my case, during my last Introspeksi AAR I wrote letters to those who have a special place in my heart. Long letters I tell you (hehe). Telling them how much they meant to me or how they hurt and have made my day. Some of them unfortunately I have to say goodbye due to some personal reasons. If you are one of them know that you are always in my prayers. To me it was a good closure as I have said what I wanted to say true from my heart. If it hurts you, I am sorry. If that Chalet day or that AAR day is the last time that we met and that we have not met for months, do know that I think about you once in a while. I hope you guys are okay and well. Keep having a strong faith, keep making prayers, jangan lupa solat. You’ll never know when death comes knocking on your door. I hope this Covid19 will soon pass. Fasting month will be coming in a few weeks. I hope we all can get to meet the month of Ramadhan and repent. Actually now is the time to repent. The signs are everywhere. I wish well for you guys and I hope you all are safe and okay. Till next time! Lots of love, Fitri Amalia
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ambiewoo · 5 years
Hello July
Welcomed the new month from the hospital bed and what an experience it was. After almost 3 weeks of ongoing menses, I decided to pay a visit to my favourite woman’s doctor just to check out what is going on. She confirmed that my blood & iron count is too low & I looked pale like a piece of sheet.
Decided to checked myself out & voila, need urgent blood transfusion as my blood count is way too low & that explains the cold sweat, migraine, total exhaustion from doing nothing. Hence, hospitalised for 3d2n and I was given 3 pints of blood inside me to at least bring some colour to my physical self. Alhamdullilah, it improved and I was then discharged and now I am on this 14 days of Hospitalisation leave for me to fully recover plus lots of medication & iron supplement to bring my iron count up too. Supposed to be back at work for a new school Term but I guess Allah swt has other plans for me to focus on my health, to reset my whole body; was given hormone pills too and who knows maybe, my baby project will be a success, pray for me peeps. 
After this episode makes me realise that, life is really legit full of unexpectedness & if you need to stop & slow down, you just have to. Listen to your body and rest if necessary. 
I am so thankful to Allah swt for giving me an opportunity to get better & keep on trying to be a better Muslimah . I miss praying so much. My menses has stopped of course. I redha and will just continue to be close to him , my love ones and keep on believing.
Ok gotta go now. Really thankful for all those people who txted, pm,dm me and call me to show their concerns. I am blessed. Alhamdullilah.
Till next time :)
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