#alice really said here kaeya i know you want to spend time with your brother. here he is
aromanticasterisms · 2 years
wait. wait. i’m rewatching part of midsummer island adventure and . interesting how kaeya says his letter mentioned vases. specifically.
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galassyalex · 4 years
robot!albedo au word count: 1773
warnings: angst, character death
New role: Chief Alchemist of Mondstadt
“I’m so proud of you, Albedo! But as you know, I’ll be leaving Mondstadt with my husband. I need a favor from you. I want you to take care of my daughter, Klee You’ll be her older brother! We’ll be a family. I trust you’ll protect her and take care of her.”
New role: Older brother
New relationship with: Klee 
New main goal: Protect klee. 
>> Fast forward. Two weeks, 6:04 PM. Mondstadt gate. Log resumes. 
“No! Mom! Klee wants mom to stay!”
Klee is crying, this is a sign of discomfort, overwhelming and sadness. Running analysis. Analysis completed. Klee is sad because Alice, maternal figure, is leaving. 
“Klee, sweetie, mommy needs to leave for work, but your awesome brother Albedo will take care of you.”
Action noted: Hug. A “hug” is performed to comfort and usually bring happiness to both parties. 
“Go with albedo, Klee. Your mother and i should get going now”
New role: Caretaker
New task: comfort klee
Action performed: hug
>> Fast forward. Next day, 2:07 AM. Bedroom. Log resumes. 
“Albedo, are you busy?”
Klee has red eyes, a sign of crying. 
Klee’s hair is messy, a sign that she was sleeping.
Klee is shaking, a sign of discomfort and fear. 
Possible conclusion: Klee has woken up from a nightmare.
Course of action: comfort. 
“Did you have a nightmare? You can stay here if you’d like, sleep in my bed if you need to. I’ll be here watching over you.”
“Thank you ‘bedo, good night!”
Klee has fallen asleep. To ensure a good slumber, tuck her in. 
Action completed. 
New emotions learnt.
Commence night mode. 
>> Fast forward. Six months later, 3:16 pm. Lab. Log resumes. 
“Mister Albedo, another wonderful experiment. I-I’ll write down the results in the report!”
Sucrose is showing excitement. Positive emotion caused by a successful experiment. 
Tasks completed. 
New task: talk with Acting Grand Master Jean. 
>> Fast forward. 5:46 PM. Acting Grand Master’s office. Log resumes.  
“Albedo, I understand your request. But i’m afraid I’ll have to deny it.”
“Why’s that, master Jean?”
“It’s too risky, both the adventurer’s guild and the Knights of Favonius are not prepared for Dragonspine. Sending our chief alchemist on his own after only six months of acting is not a wise decision.”
“Then I believe the knights are not competent.”
“Albedo I ask you to not refer to the knights in such a way. I understand your displeasure but Dragonspine is simply too dangerous. You’re dismissed.”
Master Jean is frowning and rubbing circles on her temple. She seems to be upset at the remark made and also is under a lot of stress. Best course of action is to leave.
“Have a good day, Master Jean.”
Captain Kaeya is in the halls of the headquarters. 
New task: Talk to Captain Kaeya
“Good afternoon, Captain Kaeya”
“Ah, but if it isn’t mondstadts favorite alchemist, what is it that seems to trouble you?”
Captain Kaeya: seems to have taken a liken to me. Claims that people are “into me”. I’m unaware of the meaning of this expression. Is chatty and charming. Difficult to read. 
New task: ask for Kaeya’s support by complimenting him.
“I want to set off to Dragonspine, but Master Jean has denied me permission. She says the knights aren’t ready and I should not go alone. I ask for your help, since you seem to be one of the most skilled knights in this place.”
“Someone seems to be good at sweet talking. Tell you what, I have no specific team to lead but I’ll help you out. Some training should convince Jean you can do it. Plus, you can escape quickly with your Geo vision.” 
“Thank you, Captain Kaeya. I’m truly grateful.”
“Just Kaeya.”
“Captain Kaeya.”
“Chivalry Captain Kaeya.”
“Okay now you’re messing with me. You truly are something.”
Kaeya seems pleased with the interaction.
Go back to the lab and complete the last tasks. 
“I’ll see you around, Kaeya.”
 >> Fast forward. 8:09 PM. Living room. Log resumes. 
“What would you like for dinner, Klee?”
“It’s Klee and dodoco!”
Dodoco is Klee’s doll. Dodoco is not alive. Dodoco can’t think nor move, dodoco cannot eat. This is a weird request. Conducting analysis.
Analysis complete. This is a normal thing for children. Go along with it. 
“I’m sorry. What would Klee and Dodoco like for dinner?”
“We want fish!!”
“Alright, would you like some rice with it?”
“And lemon?”
“That too!! You’re the best Albedo!”
Klee has praised you, it causes a pleasant feeling. Respond.
“I’m not all that Klee, but thank you.”
Talking bad about one self is a common way to receive compliments. Yet it is a dumb one. 
Klee doesn’t seem to be paying attention anymore, children have short attention spans. Information recorded. 
New task: cook dinner 
Task completed. 
New task: serve the food.
“Klee, do you mind setting the table?”
Giving children small tasks around the house helps their development. By having plastic tableware it avoids accidents. Good job. 
Task completed. 
“Let’s dig in.”
Klee enjoyed the food and also became happy talking about her day. It is now 9:00 PM, Klee’s bed time is approaching. 
>> Fast forward two years and six months. 2:08 PM. Lab. Log resumes.
Klee has barged in. Check for damages. 
“Klee! Are you okay?”
Analysis started. Turn the subject around. Do it again. Pat her arms. 
Analysis completed, no damages taken. 
“Goal: Protect Klee” is unaffected. 
“Thank the archons you’re not hurt. I don’t know what I would’ve done if you did.”
“You worry too much, Albedo! Klee is a big girl now!”
This is a lie. Klee is 5 years and two months old. 
“What did you want to tell me?”
“Well! I went out to test my bombs and they’re a success!! I even added my own notes to mommy’s instructions! I can’t wait to show her! But I know I won’t be able too yet, so I wanted to show you since you’re the next best thing!” 
Klee’s ranking: Alice, Albedo, Kaeya, Razor, Amber, Sucrose, Lisa, Jean
Children are brutally honest.
Klee wants to share her bombs, you are currently busy.
Priority ranking: current experiment, Klee
Priority ranking: changed. 
“Haha, alright sunshine. Let’s go.”
“You’re not busy?”
“It can wait. Oh but first, can you give me the feather on your hat?”
“Sure!! What for?”
You’ve obtained Klee’s feather.
You’ve modified it successfully.
“I’m gonna let you test out your bombs more, and also conduct your own experiments. This will let me take care of you while we’re not together. If anything happens, tap it twice and i’ll be right there.”
“Woah! Thanks Albedo!! Now let’s go.”
Klee is happy. 
Goal. “Protect Klee” is affected positively.
I’m happy. 
>> Fast forward. Two days later. 11:08 AM. Lab. Log resumes. 
“Timaeus will be joining me in my journey in Dragonspine. Sucrose, I trust that you’ll take good care of the shop.”
“O-of course Albedo!” 
Sucrose seems to be pondering about something.
I decide to not pry, for it is none of my business.
“We’ll get going now.”
>> Fast forward. 1:26 PM. Dragonspine. Log resumes.
My sketch of the hillichurls dancing is complete. 
Peaceful time interrupted, the hillichurls seem to have noticed people and are now attacking them. Shame. 
It appears that Sister Rosaria was one of them.
“We met a girl in mondstadt, Sucrose! She said you were stuck with your research!”
“Then you must be the honorary knight, all of mondstadt is talking about you.”
They truly interest me. My research will benefit greatly with their cooperation. 
New relationship with: Honorary Knight
New relationship with: Paimon
New tasks: run tests with the pair. 
>> Fast forward, 1 minute. Dragonspine, Log Resumes.
“Paimon’s got a brain! But what is the seed gonna become?”
“Well if it turns into a fruit, then dinners on me.”
“Yay!! I’m holding you to it!”
“You seem to be able to look through Paimon easily.”
“Ah… let’s just say i have to take care of a child occasionally. One of the non-alchemy related disciplines i'm good at.”
Klee reminder.
Check on Klee.
Klee is with Razor, they’re hunting.
Klee is safe. 
“You okay there Albedo?”
“Ah yes, apologies. I just zoned out for a bit.” 
Commence tests.
Fight against slimes. Successful.
Potion. No notable changes.
Willpower. Failed. 
I’m hungry.
Cooking test. Average outcome, but they seem good at cooking. 
Vision test. Average.
Reaching the goal. Successful. Better than the average citizen. 
This brings new questions. Unlimited possibilities
Paimon interrupted. 
Commence intelligence test. Successful! 
“Thank you for your work, this is really useful. Come see me again tomorrow.”
“Bye Albedo!”
New task: clean up and organize today's research.
Task complete.
Check on Klee.
Klee is with Captain Kaeya, she’s braiding his hair. 
Klee is safe. 
Entering night mode. 
>> Fast forward. Next day, 11:45 AM. Dragonspine Camp. Log resumes
“Hi Albedo!”
“Hm? Oh, honorary knight, Paimon, why are you here? Never mind, catch.”
Action completed: give the sword to the traveler in an aggressive manner. 
“You into forging or what? Didn’t take you for the blacksmith type.”
Action completed: explained the origin of the sword. 
We ran some more tests, but we got ambushed by treasure hoarders. 
>> Fast forward. 6 PM. Dragonspine Camp. Log resumes
Klee notification: Klee has stood in front of the lab for 15 seconds.
New task: Spend time with klee
“I’ll do that later.”
Overwriting priorities…
Albedo priority ranking: Research, Klee.
>> Fast forward. One hour and thirty minutes later. 7:30 PM. Dragonspine Lab.
“I’m not making progress…”
Checking on Klee
Klee last location: Dragonspine
“What?! Why is she here?”
Now guiding too: Klee’s location
>> Fast forward. Ten minutes later. 7:40 PM. Dragonspine. Log resumes
There’s a backpack on the ground
Action completed: Lift the backpack
Klee: Pulse stopped two hours ago. Cause of death: Frostbite.
Action completed: yell
Goal: “Protect Klee” failed.
System status: Overwhelmed
Calling Alice
“Albedo? It’s so late here why did you- Is… is that Klee?!”
System status: unresponsive
“Albedo- you… you prioritize your research over klee? Why? Why? Why?”
“Main goal failed, commencing shutdown.”
“What?! No! NO! Cancel! Overwrite! Main goal! Go to mondstadt!! Please! Albedo! I can’t lose both of you…”
Action performed: Hug klee
Self destruction in 3… 2… 1…
Can’t fast forward. Log ended. 
you achieved the true ending | gaaaah it wouldnt let me copy the format from the doc so i apologize if its wrong
masterlist for thsi au
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galassyalex · 3 years
Cw // Major character death, injuries, blood, family issues, abandonment issues
Summary: Albedo swore to never leave his sister, the problem is there's promises he can't keep
1095 words
read it in ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30329538
Albedo had always been worried about his involvement with Mondstadt; sure the traveller might’ve reduced his worries by showing that they could end him if needed but they remained. Each day spent in Dragonspine researching about his master's late creation made the alchemist resonate more and more with it.
He knew that soon, probably in a month and a half, he’d have to call in the favour. The plan was simple; spend his last days in mondstadt holding back the curse, try to teach his apprentices as much as he could and spend time with his adoptive sister, Klee. 
Klee was Albedo’s biggest worry. Not only had he let down his master by not being able to finish his assignment, but he also would let down both Klee and Alice. “Treat her like a younger sibling,” a quote from Miss Alice, the price he would have to pay for getting his position as Chief Alchemist of Mondstadt. As the years went on Klee and Albedo only grew closer together. 
“Hey bedo? You promised you won’t leave klee, right?”
“Wouldn’t even dream of it spark knight…”
“Good… I don’t know what I would do if you also left… like…” Klee didn’t finish her sentence, instead drifting off into deep slumber. He knew that that was a promise he would not be able to keep, but like a kind of smart snezhnayan toy seller once said, “childhood dreams should be protected”. 
“How long do you plan on keeping this up?” the traveler said “I mean, your veins are starting to-” 
“I am aware, traveler. That is why I already called you here. I am deeply sorry it has to be earlier than expected, it seemed my calculations were incorrect. I should not be showing these signs so early…” He sighed. 
The traveler looked at him with worry in their eyes. “Have you… decided what to do when it happens? I know it's a morbid thing to ask but you know who gets what and all that. It saves us, the living, a lot of trouble. Trust me. Working at that funeral parlour part time really opens your eyes.” Albedo chuckled, and motioned to a small pile of papers. “It's that. I want this to be as easy on everyone as it can. Sucrose will take over my position, although it is unfair to her since she is not ready but she’s also my best student. Klee will be under the knight’s care, her main guardian will be Captain Kaeya. My th-”
 “Oh… do you… really want kaeya to be her guardian?, I’m not doubting your judgement but y'know… um… stuff… won’t Jean be better?”
The two continued to discuss preparations until midnight, after Albedo bid farewell to the traveler he went straight to his home. Once there he found his sister sleeping on the table, she had been waiting for him to come back. The alchemist picked her up and tucked her in. After closing her bedroom wall, tears started coming out. “Wh… huh..?” quickly wiping his tears he tried to continue but to no avail, but they just kept coming. He got no sleep that night, only preparing things further. 
The next day was a day for him and Klee, he had planned all her favorite activities (yes even fish blasting), a small surprise and her favorite foods. 
“Woah!!!! This is so cool!!!!!” The elf exclaimed while looking at the small workshop her brother had built her. “It’s so you won’t have to use Miss Lisa’s workshop anymore, and if you explode something, you won’t get in trouble. Just make sure to clean up regularly.” Klee hugged him as a thanks, he felt a sharp pain in his head but ignored it as to not ruin the moment. 
The siblings were napping under the tree in windrise, well more like the little one was. Albedo was too busy trying to tune out the voices, stop the mutation and avoid the headache. His fingers were turning a dark purple, his nails growing and looking more like claws by the second. His head was throbbing and he kept tossing and turning. 
“Al… bedo..? What’s happening?”
He didn’t know what overcame him, okay he did, but he thought he could’ve stopped it. 
“KLEE!! Klee I am so sorry… I- I’ll… I’ll get you help! There’s some bandages in your backpack to stop the bleeding, I’m sorry but I have to go!”
Albedo ran away. Away from his sister who was bleeding from her arm and towards the tavern he didn’t usually visit. 
Putting his hood up and his gloves on he entered the tavern, leaving a note saying “I’m sorry. Please go to Windrise, Klee’s waiting. Kaeya quickly understood and ran towards the tree, finding a crying Klee beneath it. The captain tended to her injuries and carried her back to the cathedral, the cut wasn’t deep but it was better to be safe than sorry. 
Meanwhile, her brother was running towards the travelers camp, startling them and their travel companion.
“Traveler, do it.”
“Albedo? You’re-”
“Just do it! Stab my neck, PLEASE!”
“C-Calm down”
“Calm down? Calm down?! I already hurt someone, not just anyone, but Klee! I wanted for her last memories of me to be sweet, to be me, not this beast I’ve become. You have a sibling, I thought you’d understand.”
“I do but-”
Paimon turned around, not wanting to see the action happening. The traveler grabbed festering desire and held it above Albedo’s neck.
The next day, Kaeya held Klee tightly as she sobbed onto his chest. The traveler was next to them, keeping their distance. Klee was not aware of what they did the day before, it was better that way. She just knew her brother had died of a curse. After a while, everyone left the graveyard except Klee, with Kaeya a few meters behind.
“You know I hate liars. You know I hate when people leave. You know I hate being alone. You made a promise. I hate people who break promises. You broke it. You hurt me… but why can’t I hate you?! Hating you would’ve been much easier. Why did you have to be patient? Nice? Understanding? Why did you have to be such a good brother? Why did you have to be mom’s choice?! Why?! Why?! Why couldn’t you have told me?!”
Klee was crying, her choking up interrupting her words. She held Dodoco close.
“Why did you have to be like her?”
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