insomnikat-mused · 5 days
For the wip ask game:
3, 5 & 10 :D
🌍What tags or warnings will your / one of your wip(s) need if you intend to share it?
Not a happy ending
⚠️Which wip your most likely to finish or update next?
Probably the Monster Hunter AU, as soon as I decide just how not a happy ending it will be.
🤡How many Wips are you actively working on?
If I only count the ones with actual pages or files I can reference: 5. If I include the ones that there's no physical evidence of but haunt me anyway: 8-9🙃
Thank you for the ask! I totally didn't die a little inside while answering🫠. Interrogation questions for the WIPs I'm procrastinating over.
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itsmoonpeaches · 19 days
For the ask game: 10,24 & 30
10. what is the longest amount of time you've let a draft rest before you finished it?
A. A year and a few weeks. It was for The Wisps Sing (ATLA fic). Though I realize now there is actually one that is longer, but I haven't gone and finished it so...
24. how do you recharge when you're not feeling creative?
A. If I really need to become creative, I stand in the shower and go deep in thought because I get my best ideas in the shower for some reason. Or I take a walk.
If I don't necessarily need to be creative but have no juice, I read something, play a video game, or maybe watch something. I usually get inspired somehow.
30. share a fic you're especially proud of
A. Recently, I got a really nice comment on My Mirror, My Sword, and Shield. I was already pretty proud of that fic, but this comment over a year after I finished writing the fic really made me appreciate the content of it more. Also, it was my first multichapter for Fire Emblem: Three Houses fics so!! A special place in my heart.
✍️more fic writer asks!
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mysterynoel · 7 months
WIP Game
Shout-out to @dpsisquared for tagging me. Please check out their work! They got some cool things going on!
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Personal rules: these are things that I wrote more than two sentences for in this calendar year AND do not already have a posted chapter. This is only Google Docs because I’m not on my laptop. There are some secret ones in the file list; they will stay secrets. There will be less tags than wips. Text in brackets is further classification that can be asked about due to file being a master post.
Let’s go!
Dimileth | Shezleth Haunted Mansion AU
Dimileth Harvest Festival Event (Garden Gala) [Parsely, Sage, Rosemary, Thyme]
Hickering (P5, Shuharu)
Dimileth Fever - Meet Cute
TA Byleth fic
Craxis (Spy x Family)
The Ethereal King
Dimileth Garden Gala master post [red gardenia]
Lockheart (Sym-Bionic Titan)
Tags: @silversdragonemporium, @alice2catherine, @itsmoonpeaches, @theherorosalyn, @flatsuke, @a-stardusted-sky
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dpsisquared · 9 months
Tag Game- Current
I was tagged by @silversdragonemporium, Thank you so much!
Current time: 10:22am
Current activity: morning notification catch-up and working on fics
Currently thinking about: Dimitri teaching Byleth to dance since that's the scene I'm writing, and shit I need to do before vacation
Current favorite song: "current" lol I have hardly listened to anything new since like 2000 🙈 probably "I'll stick around" by foo fighters or "lump" by presidents of the usa
Currently reading: working through Dimileth goggles fics and re-reading Monstress
Currently Watching: I very rarely watch TV (I prefer games) but I was vaguely paying attention when my partner started watching the new season of good omens
Current Favorite Character: Dimitri and Byleth, of course! 💙💚
Current work in progress: oof I always have a lot going. Most actively, a regency Dimileth that popped into my head this week that I've frantically written like 7k words for already 😅 Before that hyperfixation took hold, an outsider pov of post-canon Dimileth wedding. Come to think of it, I need to post that
Tagging: @itsmoonpeaches @thaleiathorne @mysterynoel @alice2catherine @noodle-artist
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insomnikat-mused · 23 days
Hello, happy weekend! For the ask game, let's go with 19, 23, and 29.
19. the most interesting topic you’ve researched for a fic
Cirque du Soleil acrobatics for what was, essentially, a fight scene for Mantis, Shadow, Wolf. Specifically, the duo acts with aerial silks. Very specifically, 1:31 in this performance where they go into a spin holding onto each other:
He spins, his free arm outstretched to her, and she leaps into his embrace. He catches her by the waist and her additional momentum sends them spiralling in an aerial dance across the sky. ... There is absolute trust and confidence as he propels her over the army surrounding them. Sakura releases a monstrous round of fire and as gravity pulls her back down she reaches out— not blindly but instinctively —complete in her certainty that Itachi will be where she needs him to be to catch her.
23. pick three keywords that describe your writing
I will pick three that always makes me happy to see in the comments and I do strive to get for most (if not all) my fics: vivid, raw, the feels.
29. how easy is it for you to come up with titles?
Usually I've settled on a title before I've decided and written the first chapter ending. I actually find it harder to title mini fics under 2K, so maybe I have a mental word count threshold? Like, I need to write a certain amount in the drafts before a title can manifest itself. The exception is The roles we play, which was a title that I not only had right off the bat, but actually defined the recurring theme and overall trajectory the story would take.
Thank you for the asks! I've been pleasantly surprised and delighted by the activity it's stirred. Personally, I don't think there's much fic writer asks left that I haven't answered, so thank you everyone!
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