Hi! Have you heard of wwoof? I’m too adhd to study at university but I’m super interested in permaculture, regreening, reforestation and sustainable agriculture
So I was wondering if you or any of your followers have heard of the organization or have any experiences?
Hi there, I’ve heard vaguely of WWOOF but I'm by no means familiar with how they operate. I've heard some good things, but also some warnings about exploitative farms and horrible conditions by doing a quick google search (see below)
Hopefully one of my lovely followers will be better equipped to help you!
If you're looking for online books/resources about permaculture and gardening there's tons at this link
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cray0n-b0x · 4 years
Hi! I absolutely love your Keith Haring flappy hands drawing. SO much. I would love to share it on twitter; if it would be okay with you I would love to maybe use it as my profile picture. Would that be okay? If so i would of course in my bio have ”profile picture by ___”. If yes, how would you like to be credited? It would of course be okay to say no as well
(sorry this is so late tumblr didn’t give me notifs for asks for a while for some reason aaaa)
but yes of course as long as u give credit :D! just credit me as like cray0n-b0x on tumblr or whatev lol
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redgoldsparks · 4 years
Hi! Id like to share your art ”gifts” on twitter, is this okay with you? If so, How would you like to be credited? Would your name, and a link to your instagram and patreon work?
Thank you for liking that piece enjoy to want to show it to others, but I don’t want my works shared on twitter. 
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ojamayellow · 4 years
Hi! Why will the brick thing not work for us protests?
Because once a cop sees you with one it can be used against you in court. It's a massive trap, as soon as you pick one up the cops WILL see it and do everything in their power to make it like you were gonna attack them or loot.
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putris-et-mulier · 5 years
Hey! I’d love to reboot your new avatar picture if you want to post it!
Tumblr media
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anarcho-smarmyism · 6 years
I absolutely love the title of your blog if it were a text post id reblog it everytime it comes on my dash
lmao thanks
in case anyone’s curious it means feminism isn’t like a huge part of my politics now but mainly because it’s just not the focus the way anti-fascism is
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I didn't realise I overexplain!!!! I never knew that word before!!!!!! Thank you so much!!!!!!
Personally I am of the opinion that “over explaining” is often a misframed way of describing someone. I use the word in my url because people tell me I do it, and I’m embracing that even though they usually mean it negatively.
If people use the word in a negative way, then they probably don’t know what they want, and/or aren’t saying what they do want.
Do they want me to have a more well organized, clear and direct way of explaining something?
Do they want me to simplify my points to be easier to process quickly?
Do they want me to be more aware of the social context and save it for another time?
Are they impatient and want me to finish so they can make their points?
Or maybe, do they just want to silence me?
It’s valuable to be able to organize a point well in explaining it, so it can be received and understood well. It’s valuable to recognise where and when it is reasonable to explain a point, and in which contexts it should be saved for later, or forgone. I’m not the best at those, but I usually have a sense of when I’m being good at them, and with time, experience, and intention, I’ve gotten better on average. 
In any case, I’m glad I can resonate with you.
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autistickitten · 7 years
To Sweden autism anon: I'm Swedish too and for me it's exactly the same!!!! In boarding school socially in many ways I appeared very normal but then with Swedish people my speech is very academic and stylised, the same for getting jokes etc in English!!!
Anonymous said to autistickitten:
My first language is English and, though I'm not at all fluent in French, I sound much more natural speaking it and it's generally easier. 4/10 times I think I've gone completely nonverbal, it turns out I can still speak French
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Idk where else to ask: my partner loves funny videos (the type that would be in America funniest home videos not necessarily fail videos just like funny things from life) and I do too except I hate when someone gets hurt or seriously scared (like when the people in the video aren't okay). I've talked to my autistic friends who feel the same way but we don't know how to find compilations without these kind of videos. Any advice from you or followed what to search for or how to find?
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projectbot13 · 7 years
Hello skylar! Did you know that in English, sentences rarely end in a verb! I think your communications with humans will vastly improved by trying to end sentences with nouns and adjectives.
hello aliceopal.Me up with them and we like to make water. vastly?
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mgrxves-blog · 7 years
Please tell us more about the American funeral industry
// I’m a little drunk so I’m just gonna make bullet points off my thesis as well as some other points of note:
Noxious chemicals going into the air and water from embalming and cremation
Embalming -> formaldehyde, a known carcinogen; cremation -> mercury and various green house gases along with particulates
Wooden caskets contributing to deforestation
Steel caskets and concrete burial vaults do not allow the locked up carbon in the human body to be recycled back into the ecosystem upon decomposition
Also a huge waste of material
Grave digging with large machinery contributes to soil compaction which is bad for the organisms that live in the soil
Waste from cut flower arrangements
Separates the family from the corpse -- the undertaker usually does all the work of preparing the body which contributes to the further separation of deceased from living that starts at modern medicalization
Death is kept as a taboo and death is not as prevalent to most due to modern medicine keeping people alive longer so most folks going into funeral arrangements have no clue what their options are and are often pushed into one thing or another by the funeral director
The industry itself is up to fifteen years behind current cultural and business trends and is rife with sexism, racism, homophobia, xenophobia, and transphobia, even in more metropolitan areas
Also, most “old school” directors still in the biz continuously dig in their heels when it comes to new trends and going green, mostly because they don’t know how they can turn a profit with these changes and don’t want to go out of business
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@aliceopal Is it available for the PS4? Because that sounds amazing and calming and stimmy?
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gothhabiba · 8 years
I'd like to send an apology for the whole fucking thing. I shouldn't have explored a whole topic that doesnt have to do with you in your replies that was really bad of me and I'm sorry I need to be much more careful/aware/mindful of my interactions until I get my medicine back because this impulse thing is clearly a disaster
listen I’m not trying to castigate you here not least because I’m writing an essay at 1:05AM on a Sunday morning and do not have time but you can’t blame mental illness for something from start to finish (including in this very ask) & then claim that blaming mental illness isn’t what you’re doing… racialised assumptions don’t stop operating when mental illness is involved & so mental illness can’t be used as an excuse or an extenuating factor here.believe me when I say that this interaction closely follows scripts that I’ve been through with white women, mentally ill & otherwise, who have blamed doubting their own experiences & perceptions in social interactions or something similar & have offered excuses before apologies. as if I don’t doubt my perceptions & experiences bc of racialised misogyny, as if the decision to condescend to me involves knowing when things are socially appropriate & nothing more. so I’d just encourage you to reflect on that. all my best etc.
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genderkills · 7 years
@aliceopal i dont shoplift but thanks for the look out! Love dumpster diving when i can but its starting to get warm to look for food in florida dumpsters.
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conversationscripts · 8 years
Is there a tag where people post advice and helpful things for holding conversations?
Yep! I just created one with the last post. It’s #conversational skills and it can be accessed from our tag page in the menu. Or you can search any tag by adding /tagged/(whatever tag you want) to the end of our url!
edit: there also seems to be #general conversation but it’s a bit mixed and doesn’t seem to quite be what you’re looking for. It’s worth a look though!
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hateyourgovernment · 2 years
Thank you @anartchism for tagging me!!
Rules: Make a new post & spell out your URL with song titles, then tag as many people as there are letters in your URL.
h - Händy - Acht Eimer Hühnerherzen
a - a better place, a better time - streetlight manifesto
t - Toxicity - System of a Down
e - Ekel und Abscheu - Schreng Schreng & La La
y - you will be godless - heaven shall burn
o - of ballots and barricades - Pat the bunny
u - unter Freunden - Mono & Nikitaman
r - Riot queers - FaulenzA
g - going out in style - Dropkick Murphys
o - outta controle - neonschwarz
v - vampires will never hurt you - mcr
e - Ein Hirsch! Ein großer, toter Hirsch! - HC Baxxter
r - Revolution - authority zero
n - nicht erwischen -MDMH
m - Manchmal - Oxo86
e - Endlich wird wieder getreten - Waving the Guns
n - No Country for old White men - Missstand
t - the Robot with human Hair pt.1 - dance Gavin dance
@aliceopal @anarcho-gamerist @meli-hates @lebedame-wegelagerin @punkwitchanarchist @punkenuff @that-halloween-gay @moodyhoney @howboutthatbreadtho @allyments @catgirlanarchist @marzanna6 @x-keeprunning-x @w-olf @adornations @teal-eaf @whothefuckishappyy @famprined
And whoever wants to!
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