#alien - han
389 · 10 months
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kiss, light panel version, Inspired by The Shape of Water & The X Files Ram Han
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superdogbiter · 5 days
I don't know i just had the idea for this poll
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producedbyhanjisung · 6 months
⎯ ALL MINE. christopher bahng chan
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🎧 : christopher bahng x female reader
TROPE. alien chan au, friends to lovers au, eventual smut, minors dni
WARNINGS. mentions of war, mentions of aliens
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SYNOPSIS. when chan crash-lands on earth after running headfirst into the international space station, he has no choice but to follow the mysterious girl from earth who offers him exactly what he needs - a place to sleep, food to eat, and a pair lips that were practically a dream on their own. chan finds that he is fantasizing about you more and more, until finally, he snaps.
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SMUT WARNINGS. nipple play (female receiving), hickeys, making out, tentacle play, corruption kink, spit kink, blindfolding, dom!chan, sub!reader, bulge kink, oral sex (female receiving), unprotected sex
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If you were anything, you were smart. Street smart, book smart - a combination of the two.
Any smart person knows not to run towards an explosion. Any smart person knows not to run toward an explosion that came from a ship. Any smart person knows not to run towards an explosion that came from a ship that came from the sky.
And yet, that's exactly what you were doing.
What if someone was hurt? What if there weren't even people on board?
Thoughts ricocheted through your head as you ran, but you didn't react to any of them. The only thing in your mind was getting to that sleek silver work of aerospace art that had collapsed onto the property of you and your college roommate’s newly purchased farmhouse.
When you arrived at the crash site, it was burning. But not regular flames - these were purple. Tendrils of violet and lavender reached up to the sky, grasping for the sky, never to reach.
You froze, watching someone stumble out of the wreck, coughing and dusted in a layer of dark ash. "Fuck!" They yelled, turning and kicking the ship, not minding the fire. "Fucking fuckity fuck!"
You weren't sure what to do. Should you approach the guy, or should you hide and watch from a distance, until you knew he wasn't a threat? What would a smart person do . . .
Thankfully, you didn't have to think that hard. The person turned, catching a glimpse of you through the trees.
"Hello?" he called - you could see he looked more masculine now, but you couldn't make out the details of his face or clothes.
"Is that yours?" you ask, dumbfounded.
"What do you think?" he snapped. He had an accent - vaguely Australian sounding, but not quite. His voice was deep and full, and sent a corkscrew of warmth down your spine.
"Well I'd assume so, but people out here have been getting wild lately."
The man shook his head, groaning and pressing his face into his hands.
"What's your name?" you call after a moment of watching him mentally decompose.
He doesn't answer for a minute. Then, "Chan." It's muffled through his fingers, but you hear it. "Bang Chan." Then he looks up, eyes meeting yours. "Yours?"
Silence again.
"How'd your ship crash anyways?"
Chan shakes his head. "Your fucking International Space Station."
You pause. "What?"
"The International Space Station - you know what that is right?"
"Obviously. You said your. As if it's not yours too. It's international." You suppose a smart person would have caught on by now, and you slowly were. But you don't want to admit it - it's impossible, isn't it?
"Y/N, darling, I'm not from Earth so therefore the word 'international' does not apply to me, so yes, I meant your stupid fucking space station took out my stupid fucking spaceship."
You stare at him, mouth hanging open. It's only when a little bit of drool threatened to slip out that you close it. "You mean you're-"
"An alien~ wooooooo." He turned towards me on the "woo", half-heartedly making an impression of a ghost from a shitty 80s horror movie. "Scared?"
You just blink. "Not scared . . . maybe a little confused?"
"If you wanted to hurt me you would have done it already."
Chan is crossing to you now, tilting his head as he stops a few feet from you. "How do you know I won't hurt you? My species loves feasting on humans. How do you know I'm not saving you for later?"
"Maybe you are. Later is later, whatever. I have so many questions."
Chan pretends to pout. "I don't really wanna answer them."
"Can I have three?" You pretend to pout back, rolling your eyes.
He nods, waving me on.
"Why Earth?"
"Just what I was passing by."
"Where are you from?"
"A planet called Levanter. On the planet, I'm from District 9."
You take in the information, calculating your final question. "Are you really gonna eat me?"
Chan laughs. "No, of course not. That would be bad etiquette."
You smile a little as he turns away. "Levanter is where you're from?"
He hums in response, nodding. "Levanter is an ugly planet. You wouldn't like it."
"What makes you think that?"
"It's dying. All black rocks and lava and women with no teeth."
He frowns. "Levanter's dying, and its people are too. Everyone is as ugly as the planet."
Before you can bite your tongue, you blurt out, "You're not ugly."
Chan scoffs. "Please. By standards on Levanter, I'm purely average. I have this friend named Hyunjin-" He pauses, as if checking the amount of information he gives you. "Anyway. I have to fix my ship now. So if you could-"
"I have space. Where you could fix it. And tools." You can't help but want to know more about this mysterious world of Levanter, and Chan's home of District 9. You also don't want to leave the strange alien-man wandering around in the woods near your house - you'd rather be able to keep an eye on him, especially since your new neighbors are nosy. You're sure that the people of your town wouldn't take Chan's arrival on Earth as well as you had. "And food," you add. "You eat, right?"
"Everything eats, Y/N."
"So will you come with me? It's getting late." You motion at the sinking sun, which has just begun to dip below the horizon, casting a beautiful light show of crimson, gold, and vermillion across the atmosphere. "We can leave your ship here, if it makes you feel better. We can get it tomorrow morning. No one ever comes out here."
"You came out here."
I sigh. "I saw your ship crash. Seeing as no one else is here, I'm assuming I was the only one. Plus, you need to get your wounds treated. That doesn't look too good." You motion to a gash on his shoulder, exposed where his suit had torn. It looks fresh, and you gather that it was from the crash.
Chan pauses, thinking for a minute, then nods. "We'll leave the ship here, and bring it to your safe place tomorrow. Right?"
"Right. Is that okay?"
He nods again, starting to follow you as you turn on your heels.
It's a fifteen minute walk back to your small farmhouse, shared with Mina, your roommate, who texted you the day before that she was staying in the city with her boyfriend for the week.
"No one else is home," you explain to him as you push open the door. The city you attended college was only an hour from the seemingly-middle-of-nowhere location you and Mina had chosen to stay over the summer, which meant she could visit her boyfriend, who had bought an apartment on campus.
"You live with someone else?"
You nod. "Her name's Mina. She won't be home for a few days though. How long will it take for you to get your ship back up and running?"
"A week, maybe two?"
You cough. "Two weeks?"
He shrugs. "I didn't look at the damage at all. I just followed you. I won't really have a good idea until I look tomorrow."
You stare out the window, eyes focused on your old Land Rover in the driveway. "Okay."
"Do you have anything to eat? I'm really hungry," Chan says, laughing a little. "I had plenty of food on the ship, but I'm guessing it might be a little burnt right now."
“Maybe just a little,” you agree. “What kind of food do people on Levanter eat?”
He shrugs. “I like Nilla wafers.”
“Those come from Earth, don’t they? Nilla wafers. Do you have any?”
You shake your head slowly. “I could run out and get some, if you’d like.” You’re baffled. Here’s this strange alien-man with an Australianish and who you can see has at least three knives on him currently, and here he is asking for Nilla wafers. “You’re a silly dude, Chan.”
He shrugs.
“Do you really want Nilla wafers?”
Another shrug.
“Do you want me to go get you some? It’ll probably take me around a half an hour.”
Yet another shrug. You glare at Chan, who gives you a half-hearted thumbs up.
“You’re so . . .”
“Human,” you finish, staring at him.
“Humans descend from people on Levanter. We migrated here long ago - when we first found out our planet was dying. The lucky ones escaped to here - paradise. The unfortunate were left to die on Levanter.”
You stare at him. “Then how come people don’t know about Levanter here? Or that there are other beings in space?”
Chan sighs. “They wanted a fresh start here. The ships dropped them off ass naked and freezing to the bone. That’s what you call Neanderthals, right? Memories fade over time, and over millennia, I guess it’s easy to forget about what you don’t want to remember.”
You stare at him. “So Earth has this big crazy lore and no one even knows about it? What the fuck?”
Chan nods. “I know it sounds crazy. You don’t have to believe me.”
And yet, you trust him. You believe that Chan is telling the truth.
The two of you sit in silence for a few minutes, letting the new world of information sink into your mind. It’s hard to wrap your head around, and even harder to realize that you’re probably the only Earth-born person alive to know about the existence of Levanter and entities beyond Earth. And here, one of them is sitting in your kitchen, drinking chocolate milk out of a bright blue sippy cup.
Finally, you clap your hands together, startling Chan. “Okay. Should we go to the store?”
“Like a grocery store? For what?”
“Nilla wafers, dummy.”
Eight days after Chan landed on Earth, it feels like you’ve lived together for an eternity. Like he’s a regular human guy, who goes to college with you - maybe he majors in something dumb like English.
He works on his ship during the day, and you visit him, working on summer homework in the back corner of the barn, listening to him tell stories about Levanter and his family, and his dog Berry (dogs were also apparently Levanter-delivered to Earth, because humans were too incompetent to survive on their own).
He’s moved on from his short-lived obsession with Nilla wafers, moving onto the strange discovery of sprinkles, which he now keeps a tin of in his back pocket. The first day he was here, you went out and thrifted a bunch of clothes for him that weren’t a space suit, since most of his burnt up in the crash. He liked the baggy jeans and knit sweaters you brought back for him, saying that if you ever needed to borrow one, he'd be happy to lend it to you.
You're curled up in one of his sweatshirts currently, sitting on a hay bale in the barn, watching Chan as he works on his ship. The night breeze tickles what little skin you have exposed, and you shiver under the mint-green layer. It smells like him, you note. Something homely but unfamiliar to you, although it felt like you should know it. The scent gives you heavy eyelids.
"'S fucking hot in here," Chan mutters, turning around to look at you.
You shiver in response, shaking your head. "I don't know how you're hot."
"Are you cold? Come here." Chan opens his arms as he waddles toward you, wrapping his body around yours in a warm hug. He looks down at you. "Should we call it a night? I need to let a few things sit in there."
You nod sleepily, letting him gently tug you to your feet.
"Tired too?" Chan asks. He tsks. "Y/N, why didn't you tell me earlier?"
"I wanted to sit with you. I like your stories," you mumble.
"Of Levanter?"
"Your sister, your dog. Your music."
In the short while you've known Chan, you've discovered lots about him. He produces music on Levanter, and was a part of a music group before he and the rest of his band enlisted in the military. He has a dog, a sister, a brother, and two great parents. He and his friend Felix were both pilots in the military of District 9, which was at war with District 16. He and Felix had been on a deep space mission when they were struck by a meteor storm, and Chan was blown off course. He ran straight into Earth's International Space Station, and landed in your backyard.
And that's how he ended up here, with you peacefully sleeping beside him on the couch of your living room. He couldn't help but watch you. Your lips were parted slightly, eyes flitting back and forth beneath your lids, chest rising and falling with your gentle breathing.
How can someone be so beautiful? he thought. Sure, women on Levanter were usually not too pretty - but even compared to the other Earth-born women he had seen on TV and such, you were like a goddess. Chan found himself wanting to drop to his knees every time you entered the room, and treat you exactly how a goddess should be treated.
Yesterday, he had awoken in a cold sweat after having a dream exactly like that. He was on his knees in front of you, lips trailing up and down the insides of your thighs while you fell apart above him. Such pretty sounds dream you had made.
Chan shakes off the memory. He's only known you for eight days, how is he having thoughts like this? And yet he can't shake the image of your pretty eyes watching him, hooded, and your lips parted for a completely different reason. He wondered what you taste like. Sweet, he finally decides. Like raspberries.
He watches you for a while longer, ignoring the quiet noise of the television in the background. Finally, when he decides you won't be waking up any time soon, he walks quietly over to you and scoops you into his arms, bridal style.
You stir a little as he lifts you, and mumble into his chest, "Fucking chinchillas." He wonders what you could possibly be dreaming about that you're having an argument with chinchillas.
Chan's careful as he goes up the stairs, making sure not to trip over the crooked sixth step. When he gets to your room, he carefully lies you in your bed, pulling your blanket up over you after he did so.
He turns toward your closet, where his small repertoire of Earthy clothes are sitting on one of your abandoned shelves. Softly, he changes his clothes into pajamas, opting to put on a pair of black and white plaid pajama pants and leaving his shirt off. When he steps out of your closet, you're still fast asleep, facing the opposite wall.
He leaves your room quietly, making his way down the hall to your roommate, Mina's room. You told him a few days ago that Mina was staying with her boyfriend in the city nearby for a little bit, so he didn't have to worry about sleeping in her bed or intruding on her space. You assured him that he should make himself at home, but he still got a little nervous every time he walked in the room, feeling out of place.
He sat down on the edge of the bed, sighing, and tapping his intercom face. Though the screen was damaged, he had kept it on his wrist since he had arrived on Earth. The screen remained dark, and he tapped it again, twice this time.
Suddenly, there was a holographic image of Felix standing in front of him. The hologram was shaky and out of focus, but it was definitely Felix - what other soldier with an intercom had bright blue hair and wore a sweater vest?
"Chan?" Felix asked. "Where . . . disappeared . . . went home . . . sorry . . . are you?"
"You're cutting out," Chan said, standing. "Felix, wait, say that again, you're-"
"Come . . . invasion . . . soldiers . . . pick up . . . weeks . . ."
"You keep cutting out." Chan's voice was raising. Stupid fucking broken intercom. Suddenly, the communication cut out entirely, and Chan was once again left in silence in the strange room.
You were screaming. That's all you could register as you sat up straight in your bed, breathing heavily.
Chan's in your room in a heartbeat. He's shirtless, wearing a pair of pajama pants you remember buying for him. "Y/N? Y/N! Hey, what happened?" He's in front of you now, hands on your shoulders and face inches from yours, searching your features in a frenzy.
And now you're crying. You can't even remember what you were dreaming about anymore. Just the fact that Chan had sprinted from his room to yours in a matter of seconds just to make sure you were okay is enough to make you cry. You're so cool, Y/N. You roll your eyes at yourself mentally.
Chan pauses awkwardly in front of you as you bury your face in your plush blanket. "What the fuck?" you manage to say, wiping your tears as you look back up at him.
"Are you okay?" he asks gently.
"Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay."
"Okay. Breathe with me, okay? In . . . eight, seven six . . . out . . . four, five, six . . ."
You realize he's doing Box Breathing with you, a military technique for staying calm. Moments like this, seeing him so humanly, you forget he's a soldier - and one not even of this world. You forget he's killed, and injured, and committed heinous crimes against other beings.
"See? Everything's fine." Chan reaches out, taking your hand in his. You look down, caught off guard, and take in how veiny his hands are, how nimble and long his pretty fingers look. "Just breathing. Yeah?"
You look back up at his face. "Thank you."
"Yeah, of course."
The two of you sit in silence for a moment.
"Can you stay with me?" you ask quietly. "In case that . . . happens again."
Chan nods. "Do you want me on the floor?"
You shake your head. "You can stay in my bed. It's the least I can do, if you're gonna stay in here."
He gives you a small smile, dimples extra deep-looking in the moonlight.
You move over, closer to the wall your bed is pushed against, and let Chan get in next to you.
He slides softly under the covers, and you feel his arm touching yours as the two of you look up at the ceiling.
"Do you miss Levanter?" you ask him quietly.
Chan is silent for a minute. Then, "No."
"No?" You turn over to face him, propping your head up on your elbow and curling your knees to your chest. The room is dark, but you catch a glimpse of his eyes raking up and down your legs.
He turns too. "Y/N, you don't know what it's like to be a soldier on a dying planet. Riots, homicides, bombings . . . they're everyday things no matter where you are on the planet. Here it's . . ." he pauses, looking for the word. "This is the safest I've ever felt, actually."
You stare at him, overcome with emotion. You can't even begin to imagine the traumatic events he's witnessed, the countless lives he himself has had to take, the amount of people he's watched the life seep away from.
"Look." Chan sits up, turning away from you so that his bare back is in front of you. You try to ignore the way his muscles ripple as he moves, the way they flex tenderly beneath the skin. "Can you see?" You nod, taking in what's on top of the muscles. Scars. Tons of them, big and small, twisting across the canvas of flesh on his back.
"You have so many scars," you murmur, slowly reaching out to touch one right below his left shoulder blade.
He hisses quietly, wincing away gingerly. It's an inhumane sound, one that a snake might produce, and you're reminded that Chan isn't actually a human. Humans may have evolved from his species, but you have no idea of his anatomy and physiology - you can only assume it's similar to yours. "That's war, love."
Love. You try not to shiver at the unexpected pet name. "I'm sorry."
He looks at you over his shoulder. "Why are you sorry?"
"That this happened. That your planet is like this. That-"
"Stop." Chan's hand is covering your mouth. "You shouldn't be sorry. Let's not talk about this any more."
You nod.
"Yeah?" You glance over at him.
"Is it weird if I ask to kiss you?"
Your heart is pounding out of your chest, threatening to jump out and give Chan a big old smooch itself.
"I-no. It's not weird. Why though?"
He shrugs. "Wanna see if Earth people do it differently."
You stare at him. "Do you think we do?"
"There's only one way to find out." His lips are on yours. They're big, plush, soft against yours, groping desperately for a hold on your mouth. He's a fantastic kisser, pausing to bite your lip gently and pull it towards him. He lets go, and his lips are back on you in a moment, soothing the pain.
When he pulls away, he swears he's never seen a prettier sight. The neck of your sweater is pulled down, exposing your bare shoulder, and your lips are swollen and red. You're looking up at Chan through hooded eyes, trying to guess his next move.
Chan moves closer to you, gently pushing you down against the pillows. Not with either of his hands, you realize as he hovers over you, because they're both supporting his weight on either side of your head. You look down, seeing a flash of purple disappear behind Chan's back.
"What was that?" you ask him.
"What was what?"
"You know exactly what I'm talking about." You jerk your head at his hands.
Chan sighs. "I thought you might get scared, but I got carried away. I won't bring it out again. I'm sorry."
"Don't fucking apologize. Can I see it?"
"Can I see your weird tentacle thing?"
His weird tentacle thing pokes up over his shoulder, slithering through the air towards you. You reach out, brushing your nails over it, and Chan shivers, grabbing your wrist. "Don't."
"Why not?"
"Please don't."
"It . . ." Chan pauses. "It feels good."
You raise your eyebrows. "What do you mean?" You reach for it again, this time with your other hand, but his other hand shoots out to grab you.
"Y/N." His eyes are dark, watching you carefully. "Don't."
"What'll happen if I do?"
"God, Y/N." Chan is standing now, pacing around the room, his tentacle trailing in a wave pattern behind him.
"What's the big deal?" you ask. "If it feels good, why can't I touch it?"
"Because," Chan says, "once it starts I don't know if I'll be able to stop." He kneels next to your bed, looking up at you pleadingly. "I don't want to hurt you."
You bring your face closer to his, tilting your head and breathing in his sweet scent. "What if I don't want you to be able to stop? Who says people from Levanter don't fuck the same way people from Earth do?"
Chan snaps. In one motion, he's pulled you from your bed, tangled in blankets, and has you pressed into the fluffy fabric of your rug. "You don't know what you're getting yourself into," he says softly, voice deep.
"I have a pretty good idea. Plus, it's good experimentation, right?"
Chan grins, face moving closer to yours. You lean up to kiss him, but you feel something pinning you down - his tentacle, you realize.
"Not so quick, pretty."
You barely register the fact that his tentacle is taking off your shirt. All you can think of is that Chan called you pretty.
"Take your time," he chides, tracing his fingers slowly, teasingly up your bare abdomen.
"Are you kidding?"
His lips move down to yours, smile pressing against your mouth. "I'm dead serious."
You giggle a little, but are quieted quickly when his tentacle taps lightly against your hip, then traces itself towards your core. Chan leans back to look at you - half dressed, lips puffy, eyes lidded, chest heaving already. "You're perfect," he mumbles, leaning down to kiss right under your bra. He slides the fingers of his right hand up to your bra as well, sneaking them under your bra to roll your nipple between them. You gasp a little at the contact, and he looks up at you, grinning. "You like that?"
You nod quickly, and he squeezes your nipple a little, pushing your bra up at the same time so he can watch it. He stares, almost fascinated, as he tweaks and pulls and rubs your nipple. At one particularly harsh tug, you moan out quietly.
"That's so fuckin' hot," Chan mumbles, moving up so that he can lick your nipple. He runs his tongue harshly around it, seemingly trying to bury itself in the little hole in the center. Then he wraps his beautiful lips around it and sucks in, breathing in deeply as though it was the best thing he'd ever tasted. "You're divine, love," he mumbles around your tit.
You feel his tentacle tracing your neck, slowly wrapping around it. "Chan," you say quickly, a little panicked.
"Sh, sh." His hand reaches up to cover your mouth, his own lips still hanging loosely on your nipple. "It's okay." As if reading your fears straight out of your mind, he adds, "I have complete control over it. It's not trying to kill you. Is this okay, or do you want me to stop?"
"Don't you fucking dare stop."
He chuckles against your skin, letting his tentacle fully wrap around your throat. It squeezes a tiny bit, and you gasp at the feeling, your hips bucking up towards Chan. He tsks, tilting his head up at you and unlatching his mouth from your tit.
"Chan," you mumble, "Need more."
"More? More how? Show me."
You take his hand, watching him with hooded eyes, and pull it down to your core. The moment he comes in contact with you over your shorts you shiver.
"You're so sensitive," Chan says, lips turned up in a half smile as he watches you.
"Are you not?" You wrap your hands around part of the tentacle around your throat, testing the waters by stroking it a little, and his eyes roll back in his head, his entire body convulsing over you.
"Holy fuck," you say. "Chan, did you just-"
"No! No. No. I'm not- no."
You sit up, eyes widening. "Channie, did you really-"
His hand covers your mouth. "I didn't cum if that's what you're asking. I just wasn't expecting it."
"Are you sure? 'Cause you look like you just descended into heaven and came back down a changed man."
Chan scoffs. "I did not descend into heaven."
You pump his tentacle again, and he doubles over, face pressed into your neck, a low groan tearing from his throat. "That's so fuckin' hot," you mumble.
Then, Chan is up again, pushing you once again back down into your pillows, this time using his tentacle to pin both hands above your head. "No touching, now," he says lowly.
You bite your tongue as he takes hold of your chin, turning your head so he can examine you. "Such a pretty little thing. I wanna ruin you."
You've never been more turned on in your entire life.
"Open," he says, one finger tapping your lips twice. You open your mouth obediently, and Chan leans forward. He opens his mouth, and a glowing blue liquid drips from his mouth into yours. He just spit in my mouth, you realize.
"Now you're mine." Chan watches as you swirl the spit around in your mouth. "All mine."
You hardly have time to ask what he means before his lips are on you again. You break the kiss away, looking up at Chan. "Fuck me. Rail me. Whatever you wanna fucking do- I need more."
He smiles. "Your wish is my command. But first . . ." He stands up next to your bed, his tentacle still holding your arms in place over your head, and pulls off his pajama pants, leaving him bare except for a pair of Calvin Klein boxers. He pauses in front of you, lips parted. "Do you trust me?"
"Yes." It's the fastest you've ever answered a question, you think.
He nods, taking his pant leg and draping it over your eyes. "Lift your head," he says. You do as he says, and feel him tie it in the back. You're blindfolded, your sense of sight blocked by a pair of black and white pajama pants. The pants smell good, you realize. Like rosewater.
Meanwhile, Chan pauses above you, one leg on either side of your hips. He looks down at your still form, arms draped above your head, eyes covered, stomach inflating and deflating with every breath you take. "Let's get rid of these first," he mumbles, pulling off your shorts. He watches as goosebumps spread along your body, the act foreign to him.
He runs his finger over your panties experimentally, and your hips jerk up into his palm, searching for friction. "Woah, woah. Needy, needy."
"Wasn't expecting it," you say softly.
Chan moves down so that his face is level with your core, pressing a gentle kiss over the fabric of your underwear. You squirm a little, and he moves his palm to press flat against your pelvis, holding you in place.
Gently, he hooks one finger under your panties and pulls them down off you. His eyes stay completely attached to your glistening cunt, watching for any little movement you make. Then, slowly, he leans forward to kiss it.
You moan the moment his lips touch you, wrapping around your clit. "Fuck," you breathe out, hands grasping tightly onto each other, still rendered useless by Chan's tentacle.
Chan looks up, gouging your reaction to his movements. You cum once, twice, three times on his tongue before you're using your legs to shove him away, the alien completely pussy-drunk.
His boxers are off and he's inside you before you can even ask him for it. Chan knows he's purely average-sized on Levanter, but here, on Earth, he has a monster cock. When he bottoms out inside you, listening to your pretty sounds and the way your face contorts so delightfully, he can already see the shadow of his cock bulging through your stomach. He runs his hand over it, pressing a little where it's most prominent, and you throw your head back. "Look at this, pretty girl." Chan reaches up to take your chin again, tilting your head so you can see the bulge. "So beautiful," he mumbles to himself, shallowly thrusting.
As his thrusts get faster, deeper, harder, he leans forward, kissing you, but in the overwhelming pleasure neither Chan nor you can keep your lips attached, mouths parted open instead as you near your highs.
"Chan, Chan, I'm gonna cum," you say. "Chan-" Then you're shaking violently, entire body tensed and head thrown back as an almost animalistic noise rips out of your throat.
Your walls squeeze tight around Chan, and his lips drop to press against your shoulder, muffling his groans as he thrusts one last time, much harder into you, and cum spurts out of him, coating the inside of you.
The two of you lie in silence for a few minutes, before Chan rolls off you and gets out of bed. "Where are you going?" you call after him, but he doesn't respond.
You sulk back into your sheets, annoyed. Twenty minutes later, the pretty alien returns wearing a new pair of pajama pants, and carrying with him a wet washcloth, bowl of ramen, and bottle of water.
"Chan . . ." you say quietly.
He sits down next to you, surveying your body. His cum is dripping out of you - shimmering blue. "Are you tired?" he asks.
You shake your head. "Wanna talk to you."
He smiles. "You eat and drink. I'll clean you up, and then we can talk, okay?"
You stare at him for a moment as he hands you the bowl of ramen and water, wondering how he could possibly be real. That pretty smile with those gorgeous dimples, on the same body as those perfect abs and massive dick - not to mention the fact that twenty minutes ago, he was railing you into your next life, and now he's sitting in front of you like he's your babysitter.
"I looked up a phrase, while I was making this," Chan mumbles as he runs the washcloth of your center, wiping up his cum off you and cleaning you up. "A word, actually." He folds the washcloth over so his cum is stuck inside and deposits it gently by your door, then returns to hand you what you can only imagine is one of the sweaters you got for him, since it's not one of yours. He goes to your closet, and gets out a fresh pair of panties. You reach to take them from him, but he shakes his head, sliding them onto your legs and up until your thighs. "Hips up, sweetheart," he says, concentrated. You do as he asks, and he finishes putting your panties back on.
"What word?" you ask, watching him crawl back over you to get into bed.
"L-O-V-E. How do you say it?"
"Love." You look over at him. "You don't know that word?"
He shakes his head. "It's not something we have a name for on Levanter. I guess people there tend to not care as much. I like the word though."
"Why did you want to know it?"
"Because I think it applies here. To me, at least. For you."
You turn over to face Chan. "What do you mean?"
"I love you." You can tell he's blushing, and you giggle when he asks, "That's how you say it, right?"
"Yeah, it is."
"Okay. Yeah. Good. I mean, Y/N, I know I've only been here for, what, two weeks? But, I don't know. Everyday I just . . . I want to spend more time with you. And get to know you, and make you food, and give you kisses, and, I don't know, raise kids with you, and buy a house together. Never go back to Levanter. I want to just . . . stay here."
You want to cry, all of a sudden. "You wanna stay here? On Earth?"
Chan takes your hand, lacing his fingers with yours and rubbing his thumb over your own. "Yeah. If you'd have me, I think."
"Chan, what about your parents, your sister? Your friends? Felix?."
He looks down. "Felix is coming to find me. I'll have a chance to say goodbye. Y/N, nothing is honestly that important to me but you right now."
You quiet your voice, and ask again, "You really want to stay on Earth?"
"Yes. But, look, that doesn't mean we have to stay. There's a whole world out there, love. We could always visit Levanter - or if you didn't want to go I could go by myself."
"Your ship is still broken though."
Chan's eyes are glued to your wall.
"My ship has been fixed for three days," he mumbles. "I just . . . didn't want to leave. Like I said, I think I'm in love with you."
"I love you too, Chan."
The two of you sit in silence for a little longer, and you nestle close to Chan, tucking yourself into his chest as his arms wrap around you.
"So," you ask, looking up at him. "Do people on Earth kiss differently than people on Levanter?"
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rhooboob · 26 days
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mildewewe · 1 month
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Buseojin my world
부서진 my world
(alien stage, ruler of my heart)
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red-airhead · 9 months
【Meddle About】 C h O n e : P l a n e t M i r o h
⭐︎ WORD COUNT: 1,020
⭐︎ WARNINGS: crying, pet names (darling), mentions of a technical miscarriage, dirty jokes (1), home sickness,
⭐︎ SYNPOSIS: after finding out about her boyfriends more alien side in the bedroom and exploring it, he further explains the normal things on his homeworld that are considered taboo on Earth. Especially with his seven friends.
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Being a scientist meant taking risks, so when you ‘bred’ with Hyunjin, you expected that his egg would actually live. 
Unfortunately for either of you, the egg didn’t take, and the way Hyunjin cried for a little more than a few hours made you want to try and find ways to actually have an alien child.
You spent the next couple of nights trying to find his home planet, and to see if you could study the female reproductive system, see what you were actually missing, the reason why the egg couldn’t take.
Soon days began to blend with nights, pulling all nighters after all nighters. It made Hyunjin worry more than anything, that at one point he had to drag you from your lab.
“Just one more look and I’ll come to—“ He quickly cut you off, refraining you from carrying on.
“You haven’t slept since you walked into this lab, you look sickly darling..” Hyunjin muttered, walking over to where you were sitting and squatting down to your level. “What are you even doing in here? I thought you didn’t need to do any research for a little while..”
“I’ve been.. since we found out the egg didn’t take— I’ve just— I’m..” you couldn’t seem to find the words with the way he looked at you with such worry, “it’s nothing..”
He sighed at the way you tried to brush it off, gently reaching to cup your cheek, “You can be honest with me, y’know? You don’t have to hide away..”
You knew you could be honest with him, you just felt more or less worried he’d find it concerning you’re spending all your nights looking for answers.
After a few moments of contemplating and silence, you sighed and decided to give in.
“I’ve been trying to find your home planet.. I knew that if I could find it, I could learn about the female reproductive system but I haven’t found a single thing.. it’s like your planet isn’t even in our solar system..” you showed him the amount of writing you had done after countless nights of research.
“That’s because it isn’t.. when I first crashed on earth, it wasn’t exactly what I wanted.. I was going to Saturn, but a meteor hit my ship and directed me towards earth. Meeting friends on Saturn isn’t exactly the smartest thing to do..” he joked towards the end, looking at you with a soft smile, “but when I crashed on earth, and when I saw you for the first time, it was like that meteor was meant to hit..”
You watched his facial features shift, the way his expression changed as he tried to find the right words, “but your ship is wrecked now, and you can’t go home..”
“I don’t think I want to go home, not after I met you.” He admitted, sitting up to pull you close and press a loving kiss to your lips.
That kiss was held for a little while before you pulled away, “You’re so sweet, Hyune..” you smiled at him, nuzzling your nose against his.
“And you're sweeter.. you taste sweet too.” He teased a smirk on his face, making you flush and look away.
“Anyway.. You said your planet isn’t in the solar system?” He asked, turning to your digital map of space itself. 
He hummed in response, grabbing a nearby stool to sit next to you, “Yeah, you guys would call it exoplanet.” He hummed out, looking at all of your research with fascination.
“What’s it called? Have we discovered it yet?” You quickly turned to him, expression now begging for answers.
“Gliese 581g, that’s the planet, or that’s what you call it at least.”
“What is the real name of Gliese 581g?”
“Miroh.” He replied, pulling up the images of his planet.
“Wow.. Plante Miroh.. It’s very similar to earth—“ you looked at Hyunjin with a deadpan expression.
“Well, remember when I told you our species is similar to humans? That’s the reason why.” He explained, now getting off of the stool and typing in some of his own knowledge about his planet.
“No humans have visited before?”
“Nope, and I don’t think they ever will..”
You frowned at the way he sounded so sad about it, “What if I wanna go?”
“You can’t, my ship is wrecked and I haven’t talked to my friends for almost months now. We’re too far to communicate..” Hyunjin did seem very sad about his friends, and the way it seemed like he was just about to cry made it even worse.
“I could make a machine? Maybe?”
“It’s pointless, and very difficult. We’re light-years away from Miroh..” he huffed, watching your hand cup his cheek and wipe away any stray tears.
“There’s always hope..” You reassured him, pressing a kiss to his forehead before turning to your laptop and beginning to look for ways to get radio frequencies from space.
“I think if there’s a way to cut into radio frequencies like connecting to a ship, maybe we could reach them. There could be a lucky chance they're on their ship and you could talk to them, maybe it’ll be your chance to go home.” You were so determined to get answers that you didn’t even realize that he was looking at you with a saddened expression.
“If I go home then I won’t be with you. I don’t want to leave without you.” He was automatically straight forward and you didn’t know what hurt more, the way he was practically begging you or the way that you didn’t want him to leave without you as well.
Pausing on your research you sigh gently, running a hand through your slightly tangled hair, thinking for a moment.
“Then I’ll go with you. I know that it’s technically dangerous but if you want me to go so badly then I will.” You watched as his face lit up, and you couldn’t help but smile at him. 
Quickly, he went to pepper you in kisses, “Yes! You won’t regret it I promise you..”
“Well then, the mission to contact your friends is a go.”
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series tags: @collisiion @queenmea604 @binnies-minsung-fanclub @stolasisyourparent @zandra-42 @saintriots @soobery @chartrucewhore @nobody3210 @warren-thedarkangel @hanjingin
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realmyth · 2 days
The urge to make fanart of my favourite characters but all I have is a finger and will
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gamerwoman3d · 8 months
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Welp. It's been fun but I gotta go to horny jail for about the next thousand years or so. Holy fuck.
[Spicy/Explicit AND gifs AND gore under the cut 🔞]
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Original video:
[And not to brag but yes I did get a flawless victory over him in that ridiculous Seasonal Tower in Invasions mode. Watch the whole thing if you want to find out how.]
Okay. It is horny hours.
They objectified the fuck outta this man in this fatality and honestly? Kudos.
This hit me in all the kinks at once. No trigger warnings past this point read at your own risk
On screen, the whole thing about Shang Tsung pouring pain-inducing liquid on Sub-Zero's chest reads like hot wax. It reads like overstimulation and forced climax. Omg his hips... the way Shang Tsung watches/monitors him almost gives the viewer permission and encouragement to do the same. It's as if Shang Tsung is telling us "I'm enjoying watching this man writhe and spurt and lose his mind. I'm enjoying it immensely, actually. There's no reason not to do so."
We get so many of Sub-Zero's expressions. That's the more intimate part - the part most often censored in any kind of porn is the man's face, as if it's illegal for them to display any kind of expressions. As if they might accidentally leak proof of an actual emotion, it is too taboo even in the realm of porn to show the guy's face. That's what makes this particular piece of art-violence unique: it's usually a woman cringing in fear and pain and dread at the brink of being devoured by a monster that is simultaneously a vagina dentata and also phallic. [See: Ripley, Aliens.]
So we get to see his face in part pain, part fear, part on the brink of death, all the way through a symbolic climax, until literally he's getting his mind blown. And it's kinda amazing.
As for the other kinks this scene is reminiscent of, I'm personally not a big fan of being tied down but exceptions can be made - I'm into it if he is. There's the dom/sub[-zero hah] element of Shang Tsung having autonomy while Sub-Zero can only watch and pray [he kinda mouths 'oh my god' - right? if you read lips, lmk]. Not into the power imbalance part but Shang Tsung's enjoyment of the situation itself is also kinda arousing.
The final bit is the blood/birth stuff. Skipping the mpreg stuff [Barbara Creed has all this covered in The Monstrous Femme, check it out from a library], the blood stuff is... well its a kink for some. For me there's only one week a month where seeing blood on his nose is acceptable 😝
And yea I'd still sit there if the enthusiasm was mutual. Damn snake beat me to it this time tho.
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the-false-last-act · 14 days
the fun thing about an orv/alien stage crossover where kdj and yjh are Ivan and till, respectively, is that you can just… have kdj come back. one convoluted and viciously calculated plan featuring hsy later and he just pops up again with the resistance after having thoroughly traumatized yjh. yjh tries to kill him a second time, etc., etc. it’s great, best of both worlds.
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leaves-of-laurelin · 6 months
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WIP Wednesday, now with a fun new banner. Thanks to @kiwiana-writes for the tag and thanks to everyone who has tagged me in various tag games over the last week or so. Here is some more from the sci-fi actors au that I've been working on. (For context, Alex’s character is named Dev Creehil, Henry’s character is named Qindeli, and the ship name created by fans for the two characters is qindev.)
“What do you think of the script?” Alex asks, unable to handle the silence of the room any longer. “I think it’s incredible,” Henry responds, not looking up. “Though, Rafael’s scripts always are. And I think the fans will really love it, too.” Henry’s voice is even and unaffected, as if he’s chatting with a stranger about the weather. Alex watches him, the way he’s just sitting there all nonchalant as if he hadn’t been a total asshole to Alex the night before. “Do you ever wonder where the ship name qindev came from?” Alex asks, leaning his elbows onto the table. “Because I feel like it should be the other way around: devqin. Dev is smarter, more resourceful, more interesting, better looking. Just kind of better in every conceivable way.” Henry takes a sip of his tea and then places the cup back down on the table before turning a page. “Historically the character who is more dominant in the bedroom has their name come first,” he says as if it’s not a completely insane thing to say. Alex wants to pick up his stupid cup of tea and throw it across the room.
No pressure tags: @cha-melodius, @littlemisskittentoes, @happiness-of-the-pursuit, @affectionatelyrs, @daisymae-12, @inexplicablymine, @cricketnationrise, @dumbpeachjuice, @hgejfmw-hgejhsf, @rmd-writes, and anyone else who wants to join, please tag me if you do!
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spacevixenmusic · 4 months
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Source: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles [2003]
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fauna-and-floraa · 9 months
this segment is still my favourite. like it actually makes me cry with laughter.
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eaglezzbear · 22 days
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ET is an alien and he is kinda spacey 😵‍💫
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red-airhead · 4 months
【Meddle About】 Ch Three: Megaverse
⭐︎ WC: 1,054
⭐︎ CW: Talks of moving, horrible sleep schedule, hyunjin complains about sleep a lot, packing, pet names (1x sweetheart)
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Y/N wasn’t sure when she had fallen asleep, or even when she had gotten home. The last thing that she would have remembered was being at Hyunjin’s ship and trying to get in contact with his friends. One thing for sure, she was happy to wake up to him right next to her. It must’ve been late, with the moon lighting the room as little as possible.
Immediately, she could tell Hyunjin was awake, with the way his eyes glimmered in the dim lighting, admiring her once peaceful sleeping face “Good morning, sleepyhead.” He said with a sweet smile slowly creeping onto his face.
Y/N couldn’t help but smile as well, snuggling right back into the covers, and burying their face into Hyunjins chest, “Good Morning to you too.. How long have I been out for?” 
“Just a few hours, nothing too bad.. Sometime between 7pm to now?” He claimed, his fingers rubbing circles on her back over and over, soothing her into relaxation.
“And now is,” Y/N turned her head to check the little alarm clock she had set on her bed side, it was around 4am, “4 in the morning.” She scoffed, turning back around and yawning.
“Tired still?” Hyunjin asked, moving his hands away from her back and stretching, yawning shortly afterwards as well. He knew very well that she was still tired, but knew that there was a lot to be done. After all, he finally got back in contact with his friends.
She nodded and sighed, “Yeah, but, there's a lot we need to get ready for, and that means getting back in contact with your friends from your planet and getting there safely.
“ I don’t think we have to worry much. I may or may not have forgotten to mention that during our conversation that uh,,” He cleared his throat and started to get out of bed, “That before they tracked the ship they said they’d come get us. It could be days from now or a few hours from now.” 
Y/N eyes widened with excitement but also nervousness. Hours? Days? Why didn’t he mention this before? “Hang on, hang on.. Why didn’t you say anything?’
“Well you just seemed so tired after everything that happened that I didn’t want to keep you up any longer that I thought I should just wait to tell you.” He reassured, trying to make sure that she understood why he would wait.
She sighed, getting out of bed and getting changed, “I guess that makes sense, but if they’re on their way we should probably start packing.” Y/N explained, looking at Hyunjin who was slouched over and still dreading the fact that he had to get out of bed and away from the warm blankets.
“Do we have to pack now?” He pouted, locking eyes with Y/N as she started to move around and gather clothes and things that were considerably important.
“Yes, we have to pack now. Like you said it could be hours or it could be days, we have to be prepared, y’know?” She clarified, walking over to Hyunjin and setting down all of the stuff she had gathered before. Y/N gently cupped his face with her hands and tilted his head up.
“You’re right, but we could spend time cuddling before we have to travel across space…” He pouted even more, arms wrapping around her waist, not wanting to get ready to leave anytime soon. It was very evident that he wanted to sleep even longer.
Y/N giggled at all of his pouting, combing his hair back with her fingers, “Sweetie, as much as I’d love to, we really have to pack.” She explained, emphasizing on the word ‘really’.
Hyunjin groaned, letting go of her and flopping backwards before sighing, “Fineeeee.” He huffed out, watching her walk away and going back to packing, in which he soon got up and did the same, “I’m just saying though, sleeping while traveling in space is rough.” 
She hummed in response, “Well I did research on that like long ago, before we met, so I’m plenty aware.” Y/N began to put things in bags and boxes, even though they won’t serve a purpose after they travel across space.
“And Planet Miroh has a different time zone too, especially where I live.” He explained, starting to pack as well. Y/N smiled at his attempts of trying to sleep longer, knowing full well that it wouldn’t work. 
Humming in response to all of his attempts of trying to go back to bed, she still continued to set everything up and walk around the house, gathering more important things. All of her paperwork on research of space itself going into folders and then a box specifically labeled ‘research’. All of her equipment going back into its original boxes.
Hyunjin helped as well, wanting to make sure that all of what she needed was what she actually needed, “I think Chan will be quite impressed with all of your research. You even having a folder separate on Miroh would be impressive as well.”
Y/N looked at Hyunjin with confusion, “Chan?” You tilted your head as well, stopping all of your movements.
“Yeah! Chan is the oldest of our friend group, and also technically our ‘leader’. He was the one I spoke to on my crashed ship.” Hyunjin explained, moving all of the boxes together.
“Oh, okay.” Y/N accepted, putting the last of the many folders into the box and setting the box along with all of the others.
“I think that’s it.” She said, turning to Hyunjin and wrapping her arms around his neck.
Hands gently resting at her waist, he pulled her close and smiled at her gently, “That’s all of it. I don’t think it’ll be too long before they arrive.” He explained, pressing a kiss to her forehead gently.
After a few moments of silence, she finally spoke up, “Jinnie, is the air on your planet safe enough to breathe?”
“Well if I can breathe the air here, I think we should be–” suddenly a bright light seemed to be beaming down onto an empty area of grass, causing both her and Hyunjin to squint and quickly make their way over to a window.
The ship was finally here.
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series tags: @collisiion @queenmea604 @binnies-minsung-fanclub @stolasisyourparent @zandra-42 @saintriots @soobery @chartrucewhore @nobody3210 @warren-thedarkangel  @ hanjingin @lolli4me @cherryonigiri @skz-f0rlif3 @leeknowsthigh @satsuri3su @roseprincess11 @bl00dysunsh1ne @moondustmemories @im-sinking-in-mud @loverlixie
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autistic-ben-tennyson · 2 months
Thinking about the similarities between these two trios
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It’s been talked about a little but ever notice how similar the alien force and SW OT trios are? They do fit similar archetypes with the cocky but pure hearted hero, the morally grey bad boy and the team mom of the group. Some even theorize that Ben and Gwen are twins that were separated at birth like Luke and Leia with Gwen/Leia growing up in a wealthier home than Ben/Luke. There are some differences like Leia not forgiving and hating Vader compared to Gwen seeing the good in Kevin and Kevin being the one with daddy issues instead of Ben, but the similarities are there.
Ben and Luke: green themed, cocky and shown to be capable of falling to evil, but ultimately chose good. Both strive to be an all loving hero who’s willing to see the good in those others don’t like Vader/Reiny. Has both a human mentor (Max/Obi Wan) and a centuries old alien mentor (Azmuth/Yoda). Ben stopping himself from killing Kevin and resisting Vilgax’s temptation in UA could be seen as similar to Luke’s final test in ROTJ where he stopped himself from killing Vader and resisted the dark side. Both also considered killing someone (Kevin/Kylo Ren) and boy did that divide the fandoms on whether it was OOC to do so. UAF Ben does kind of resemble ROTJ Luke with the darker clothes, cleaner haircut and jacket collar. Both are pretty chill, friendly people but if you threaten their loved ones like Vader wanting to corrupt Leia or Nemesis kidnapping Julie, you better start running.
Leia and Gwen: mature beyond their years, twin female relative of the main hero. Both are very skilled in their own right. The most mature and intelligent of the trio. Both end up dating the morally grey bad boy and are willing to kick your ass if you harm them. Both choose not to follow the same path as their twin with Gwen going to college and Leia not becoming a Jedi. Child Leia in the Kenobi series was just as snarky as OS Gwen.
Kevin and Han: shady past (Kevin in the OS and Han working for the empire and jabba). Older brother figure to the main hero. Works with the heroes at first for money before deciding to join them for selfless reasons. Is very protective of their ride. Still has connections from their shady past, although Lando is definitely a better person than Argit or Vulcanus. Did UAF take a lot of inspiration from the OT as there are definitely moments it feels that way?*Side note, Grandpa Max is actually the garbage manipulative mentor that a certain Anakin apologist thinks Obi Wan was. He faked his death and never apologized, kept secrets but it was much worse since he was putting a hero complex on a child and showed hypocrisy in who he was willing to show mercy to.
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reddskyy · 2 months
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your honor it's the same picture
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