#alien abduction au
whumpy-wyrms · 1 month
…thinking about alien abductions, alien parasites, possession, mind and body control, telepathy, hypnosis, the completely helplessness of being taken control over by something far more powerful and otherworldly than you, the vulnerability of knowing they can do whatever they want to you and you’re helpless against it, them being able to read your thoughts and communicate through your mind, the fear that comes with it all, and the fact i desperately need ocs like this or i may explode
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evilhasnever · 7 months
Chapters: 1/2 Fandom: 魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù, 魔道祖师 | Módào Zǔshī (Cartoon), 陈情令 | The Untamed (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Lán Huàn | Lán Xīchén/Mèng Yáo | Jīn Guāngyáo Characters: Lán Huàn | Lán Xīchén, Mèng Yáo | Jīn Guāngyáo Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Aliens, Alien Abduction, Dubious Consent, Somnophilia, it veers into consensual almost right away, thanks to lan xichen monsterfucker extraordinaire, probably too light hearted for the subject matter, Minor Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī/Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, Power Bottom Mèng Yáo | Jīn Guāngyáo, Dubiously Consensual Blow Jobs, POV Alternating Series: Part 1 of A-Yao's Earth Logs Summary:
A-Yao is an alien in charge of human abductions for the ship’s breeding program. When his father fails again and again to recognize his scientific contributions, A-Yao hatches a personal agenda, one that hinges on the collaboration of one human specimen named Lan Xichen.
(or: Lan Xichen gets gently manhandled for science by a giant alien jellyfish, and gets a crush. A-Yao is just doing his job. Wei Wuxian wants the other human for himself, please!)
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eyesoverinfinity · 2 years
L4D2 alien abduction au
Based on this post by @house-of-wack that I rebloged
This is an Au where the survivors are abducted by aliens so they can study the green flu as part of a human conservation effort. Because the Aliens, I'm calling them the "Hikra Mala" (Hike-ra mal-a), are the only other sentient species in the known universe and don't want to lose humanity.
I didn't quite know how to describe them, but here's one I drew in pixel art under the cut.
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It has wings, one eye, one tail that splits into two and claws for feet.
The claws and tails are their form of hands, and so all of their interactive technology is on the floor.
They have variation in colour, like humans do, but not between different sex/genders. (I'll put those in a different post if this gets popular enough.)
Here's Francis for scale
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Shut up Francis
Anyway that's the biology sketch, here's what they look like with clothes
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They wear skirts because it doesn't get in the way of their wings or feet. The bands on the tails are purely decoration. But I'll get into more detail in a different post.
Lets move on to the survivors.
The left for dead 2 survivors are abducted as they leave Savannah. They are taken at a fuel station because the Hikra Mala can't abduct a car while it was going at full speed.
They wake up in different cells with their weapons confiscated, new clothes and their wounds treated. To which they are understandably confused. Then they are approached by the Hikra Mala and are told about the human conservation effort, they all take it differently.
Ellis: He is over the moon (wink, wink.) that aliens exist, but once the hype dies down, is concerned over the idea that the human race is doing so bad that aliens feel the need to intervene.
Nick: Thinks that "human conservation effort" means that the aliens think that humans are animals and gets mad. Luckily the alien with him is a patient one. Once he found that the others where safe, he stopped caring about earth, or at least the people on it.
Rochelle: is amazed on the existence of another species and their technology. But is worried about the fate of Earth and what may happen if they discover the Hikra Mala.
Coach: Is thankful for the aliens help, but has a small crisis of faith as he unsure how aliens fit into his world view. He decides that God probably made them too. he is also worried about earth.
And that's my alien au. if people like this, I'll see where this goes.
eyesoverinfnity out!
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year
Humans are not space orcs
They are feral and terrifying to other species and they shouldn't even be in space wtf- But can also procreate with practically any other sapient species, which is baffling and horrifying because for some, gets another human, some it's another of that species, but for others there's now hybrids between two very dangerous deathworld species runnin about
Humans should not be out in so far in space but some poaching idiots brought some and now there's not getting rid of them  It's like someone's pet rabbits got out and bred with the wild rabbits only way more dangerous and with pack instincts and the intelligence to use weapons to keep you from putting them back in their hutch 
Humans are not space orcs.  Humans are the space equivalent of africanized honeybees
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bizarreauhavre · 1 year
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discordiansamba · 4 months
Personally I think that Lance, Pidge, and Hunk all end up getting yeeted into space with the blue lion without Keith or Shiro in tow in the earthbound Krolia AU. Like, they know something has been going on at the Garrison these past few days that has everyone bustling. Pidge suspects it has something to do with the Kerberos mission, so she sneaks in to try and figure out what's going on, nearly gets caught and ends up hiding with Hunk and Lance...
...the latter of whom think it's a good idea to follow some Garrison officials to see what they're doing in the middle of desert. Turns out, they're checking out the blue lion!
...and now they're on the other side of a wormhole. Oops.
Keith sighs. Alright. Guess one of them is the blue lion's paladin. They're just going to have to go after them. This is fine. Also what was with that vision of Voltron that he saw?
Wait. Shiro saw that too?
Huh. Guess he'd better bring him with them.
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w1f1n1ghtm4r3 · 19 days
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one human and two aliens
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leadouttrain · 2 months
out of context lines!
thanks @interdisciplinary-disaster for taggging me!
rules: post a line from your current wip with no context
okay here's the one I've been working on rn:
They weren't going to try too hard to break either of the curses after that intial life-threatening backlash, the inspector told Mathieu, even if they were going to assure the victim they had. All too frequently, these sort of complex curses actually were protecting them, even if it seemed like a curse.
and then a line from the dragonriders of pern au!
There was only four people in the candidates circle, and the poorly lit warehouse made the crowd of observers appear a faceless whispering mass, stirring up the silt of unease that had begun to gather in Wout’s gut.
I'll tag @thedeadparrot, @fftifft, @flourbray and @etapereine if the urge strikes you all- and if anyone else wants to do it consider this my tag for you!
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Here are some simple little mockup posters(?) for my 2001 A Space Odyssey AUs!
A rundown of each is under the Readmore.
The Messenger AU- As Discovery One makes it’s way to the Jovian system, Dave starts receiving visions that grow more frequent and vivid as they approach; Sights of distant galaxies and worlds take over his mind and he slowly becomes fixated on them ( possibly also an influence from the Monolith ), gradually changing his perception that these are just random thoughts into a firm belief that he’s being communicated with. He keeps this from Frank and Hal the best he can, though he noticeably loses focus in what the other’s are saying and will often draw what he remembers seeing as time goes on.
Once they are close enough to TMA-2 for an EVA Pod to make it there, Dave ‘goes rogue’ while Frank is asleep, shutting Hal off to keep him from interfering. Frank wakes up shortly after, just in time to find Dave, only in his flight suit, behind the locked interior door to the Pod Bay and about to take off. He shouts at him to stop and open the door, but it’s too late.
The next time Dave returns he has become a Star Child and has some explaining to do.
Imposter AU- ( Get all your Among Us jokes out now ) The trip to Jupiter goes without incident; Hunter, Whitehead and Kaminski are awoken from hibernation to begin studying the Monolith in orbit, however, Dave and Frank are kept awake for a short while to assist in their observations.
Dave is eventually sent out to inspect the Monolith, and to everyone’s surprise he is suddenly sucked through it; panic ensues as the crew try to contact Bowman and discern what happened, but he returns soon after unharmed. He’s of course given a quick physical once he’s back in the ship; everything appears to be normal so he’s then questioned about what he saw, to which he gives vague answers and claims he can’t quite remember.
A few weeks pass, and Frank and Dave are finishing up what they need to do and preparing for hibernation when something else exits the Monolith. It’s an EVA Pod- except it appears severely charred and worn. Then a voice comes over the communications system screaming to let him in, it’s Dave’s. Once one of them moves a pod out of the way and the mysterious extra one enters, Dave exits from it’s hatch. He’s disheveled, sporting some facial scruff and unkempt hair, he’s completely naked, and most worrying of all is that he’s covered in decently fresh surgical scars. As soon as Dave exits the pod he blacks out, hitting the deck’s floor.
The Dave that’s been with them seems just as shocked, but he’s ushered into a spare room or closet which is now very abruptly going to be used as a makeshift interrogation and holding cell- Hal is told not to let him out without explicit permission. Meanwhile the Dave that’s just returned is brought to the medical bay for examination and rest, when he awakes once more it seems he’s too shocked by his ordeal to properly communicate what happened.
It turns out the ‘Dave Bowman’ that had been sent back the first time was a fake made to keep the crew happy and to make observations/carry out tasks on the Monolith Beings behalf. He looks normal on the surface but the more you examine him the more ‘off’ and uncanny he seems. His wrinkles seem molded in rather than naturally formed, his teeth are too perfect, he has no scars, his fingerprints are far too uniform, his blood type is simply a mix of the most common blood types with no regard for how they’d work, and if you were to open him up you’d find that many of his organs appear to have no function than just filling space or have dead ends.
Imposter Dave hadn’t even known he was fake or that some of his actions were being influenced by The Monolith, after all he was given all the memories and experiences of the Real Dave Bowman, but of course no one believes him when he says he honestly doesn’t know what’s going on- but now he has to come to terms with the fact his memories are false and that he’s technically not even human. Meanwhile the Real Dave is having to recover from being used as an extraterrestrial science experiment and doubts if he even really escaped or if this is just a simulation to placate him, after all, the Monolith Beings tried to replicate a human hospital to their best ability while he was in there- but several small errors and inconsistencies in how the place functioned and Bowman’s memories of the Discovery gradually returning made it obvious that something was wrong.
2001 A Sky Odyssey- Instead of the Discovery One being a Spaceship, it is a fictionally advanced version of a Boeing 777, with Hal as it’s autopilot. Dave Bowman is the flight’s Captain while Frank Poole is his First Officer, and they’re tasked with flying the aircraft over the Atlantic Ocean to a specific destination. Only three passengers are aboard, the scientists Hunter, Whitehead and Kaminski, and they’re actually out to study a strange artifact floating over the open sea, the Monolith.
Like in the main timelines of the book and movie, as Dave and Frank approach their destination- Hal becomes stressed about the fact that they may find out the true purpose of their mission, and so somehow incapacitates Frank, locks Dave out of the cockpit, and attempts to murder all those aboard in order to ensure the success of the mission.
Hal fails though, as Dave is able to reenter the cockpit and shut him off before substantial damage is done. It’s unknown what happens when they reach the Monolith.
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demon-animatronic · 10 months
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Fazbear gang and how they would look in one of my fics on AO3. Also just really wanted to draw Chica and Roxy's outfits since I fell in love with them when I sketched them out.
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whumpy-wyrms · 5 months
I'm not caught up on tllr so uhhhh I wanna see what Anton looks like in the planned alien abduction au
OOOH YEAH!!! i haven’t actually thought about what he looks like in that au before so i just did some sketches and i think this is pretty accurate
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i’m not that good at designing aliens but i wanted him to be more humanoid for this au anyway! he’ll probably have light green skin or something too. wacky space alien colors. he’s so COOLL i love him
also writing has been slow but i haven’t forgotten about that au!! i’m still working on it along with a bunch of other wips so hopefully i’ll get it done soon :)
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thelastspeecher · 9 months
btw in the Accidental Abduction AU, when Stan is first taken to see a doctor (someone who specializes in "exotic" species like humans), the doctor says he needs glasses. Stan tries to weasel out of it by saying he'll be fine, he doesn't need them, since the Roswells just sort of believe everything he says about humans. but the doctor looks at the Roswell that accompanied Stan (the mom of the family, Sally) and says "he's lying"
and Stan gets a pair of glasses
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eyesoverinfinity · 2 years
au logos
Alien abduction (coming soon... maybe.)
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Vampire Ellis
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8 in the Kitchen
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Mimic infected
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among us crossover
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All of these logos where made with free logo making sites. mainly brandcrowd.
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Didja know Venus has a pet cow named Comet? He's a genetically modified Highland Cow, and he's white and black in color. He is her baby, and he's not much bigger than a German Shepherd.
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transalfredpennyworth · 9 months
i see mike walters and i go PUT THAT MAN INTO A SITUATION!!!!!!!!
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bizarreauhavre · 1 year
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