#alistair x dorian
sulky-valkyrie · 2 months
Helloooo Happy Friday! I come requesting "i’m watching you date all these other people and i don’t know what it is i’m feeling but it’s definitely not jealousy" for Dorian/Alistair :)
Happy Friday Sterling 💜💜💜 for @dadrunkwriting
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It was strange to see Dorian again after all this time.  Strange to have this much distance between them.  They'd talked nearly every day, of course, but it had been through the sending crystal - just a little bauble, Alistair had told the First Warden.  Lying came more easily now.
They'd discussed it, of course.  How Dorian’s fledgling post as the newest member of the Magisterium demanded he act the part in every way - most ways, at least.  How Alistair’s own notoriety as one of the few Wardens that hadn't succumbed to the despair of the False Calling would be all the more suspect if his fraternization with a magister were to get out.  How it was best to keep their relationship as quiet as possible without the Inquisition to fall back on as a safety net.
It wasn't so difficult to pretend when literal countries separated them, but now, in Minrathous, as the Warden Commander (not his, of course - Maker knew where Daylen was) greeted the Archon, seeing Dorian’s eyes light up then immediately flick away hurt like a knife in the gut.
To help maintain the fiction of his non-involvement with Tevinter, Velanna had accompanied him.  It was flimsy at best, wouldn't hold up under heavy scrutiny, but it was better than nothing.
Dorian, for his part, had a dapper younger man on his arm.  Alistair had heard about him of course: Rezaren was an up and coming prodigy with long brown hair and soft eyes who looked like he'd be more at home spread across a cushioned bed than stuck in interminable meetings.  They'd discussed that too, of course - nothing quite so brazen as whatever Hawke got up to with whatever and whoever crooked a finger at him, but their own concessions to time and distance and politics.
Alistair hadn't sought out any companionship, but he'd stopped turning it down when it was offered.  Dorian, on the other hand, had very publicly engaged in several rather torrid affairs in the last six months.  All part of politics here, he'd assured him as recently as last week. Disgrace, discredit, disenfranchise.  Alistair didn't doubt it, but he worried all the same.  What if he found someone else without meaning to?  What if one of those dalliances proved possessive, or dangerous some other way?
Archon Radonis was a dreadful orator, and even though he was standing, Alistair nodded off twice during his speech.  Only a few jabs of Velanna's impossibly sharp elbows kept him from tumbling over, and both times, he caught a glimpse of Dorian’s fond smirk from across the room before he tugged at his mustache and smoothed his face back into serene attention.
When the Archon finished his patently insincere monologue about working together against the Venatori, Alistair made his escape as quickly as was feasible, and definitely more quickly than was polite.  He raced out of the throne room and down the hall to the guest wing, clutching fruitlessly for the necklace he'd carefully tucked away in the bottom of his bag.  Dorian would most likely be busy for hours and unable to answer, and probably had hidden it for the same reasons Alistair had, so the weight of it in his hand would have to be enough.
When he finally skidded to a halt in front of his room, his heart was pounding his chest as he threw the door open, nearly off its hinges, and dumped his whole bag out across the mattress, desperate for the only token he had, just to hold it and know he hadn’t dreamed the whole thing.
The necklace was missing.
"No, no, I packed it, no, where the void is it?" he hissed to himself as he tossed spare trousers and shirts to the floor.  Could it have been stolen?  Would someone really be so bold to rob the Wardens when they were guests in the Archon's household?
He grabbed each bit of clothing and shook it out, hoping against hope that it was simply tangled in a pant leg or a sleeve, but it was all for naught.  He’d lost it.  It was the only thing Dorian had ever given him, and he'd lost it.
"Looking for this, amatus?"
Alistair was moving before the second word was out of his mouth.  He spun around and charged, catching Dorian in his arms and pinning him against the wall as he kissed him.  The sending crystal clattered to the floor, unimportant now that the real thing was in his grasp.  "How'd you get here so fast?" he murmured.
Dorian chuckled.  "How do you think, darling?  Magic."
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scarfacemarston · 3 months
Going on a trip tomorrow that I really don't want to go on. Spam me!
It can be anything. Headcanon requests, prompts, meta questions, history questions, just anything. It sucks because it's me going from my toxic household to visit more toxic family. They're super MAGA..........I'm a queer disabled adopted immigrant so you can imagine how that goes. Anyway, send me anything! Tagging for visibility and what I'll write for. I can't fit many tags so if you don't see your fave character, ask anyway!
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j-nightingalesb1tch · 26 days
guys tag this with your forbidden dragon age ships. i'll go first.
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lgvalenzuela · 3 months
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Main Dragon Age ships but wlw because I almost have no wlw ships and I feel like a traitor to my kind
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lockescoles · 2 years
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TOP 5 DRAGON AGE ROMANCES ↳ for @pastramis​
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theluckywizard · 11 months
Lucky's Writing Masterpost
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Hi I'm Lucky! I'm a writer and an artist, 41 years old, living in New England. I started writing Dragon Age fan fic in January after decades of original fiction hell where I never finished a damn thing. My main OCs are Rose Trevelyan and Garrett Hawke and I love them very much.
The Long Fic
In the Shattering of Things,
Explicit, WC: 400K + (WIP), fluff, angst, smut, all of it New chapters every every 2-3 weeks on Sunday/Monday
My Dragon Age Inquisition long fic featuring Rose Trevelyan, my "level 1" archer Inquisitor, my playful, optimistic OC who learns to be fierce on the fly and dodges death as she fumbles her way across Thedas but does it with heart. As her journey deepens, she starts to realize she's tangled in the center of machinations she barely understands. She romances both Cullen (slow burn) and my other OC, a very charming, very silly warrior!Hawke (fast burn). (Rose POV)
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Many more below the cut:
In the Shattering of Things related One Shots
The Protestations of the Commander's Bed, Mature, WC 1348, Fluff
With her hands on her hips, Rose stares at Cullen's bed, his cursed bloody bed. “We meet again,” she says softly, snorting to herself. Rose and Cullen attempt to enjoy some personal time. His bed has other ideas. (Rose POV)
Good Old Garbolg, Mature, WC 1462, Fluff
Hawke's heard about all these weird bottles of booze the Inquisitor's been picking up in her travels. He particularly wants to try Garbolg's Backwater Reserve because... well, why wouldn't he? He's Hawke. Besides, any excuse to sneak off to a dark and cramped corner with the flame-haired imp he's hopelessly in love with is a good thing. (Rose POV)
Fractures, Explicit, WC 3660, Smut/Whump/Pain
Cullen has been recovering from severe injuries after a catastrophic encounter with Samson in Emprise du Lion in Inquisitor Rose Treveyan's quarters. Rose has been nursing her anger and anguish for weeks. Amid the necessary care and closeness of his convalescence, it all comes spilling out at last. (Rose POV)
Pull Me From the Dark, Mature, WC 2107, Flangst
The Inquisitor arrives in the Western Approach and Hawke's been waiting three infernal weeks to see her again. There are a couple emotions Hawke hasn't felt in a long time and he's about to experience both of them. (Hawke POV)
Contact, Gen, WC 427, Flangst
Bethany Hawke has lovely dreams of her childhood home where she often looks inside Father's little chest for the curiosities that lie within, memories of the entire family she's lost- Malcolm, Leandra, Carver and Garrett. The Fade is nothing if not surprising. But today she gets a little more of a surprise than she bargains for. (Bethany POV)
Some Kind of Witchcraft, Explicit, WC 2213, Fluff Smut
Inquisitor Rose Trevelyan is away clearing rifts along Sulcher's pass but she leaves plenty of reminders behind for Cullen to find while she's gone... and after she returns! (Cullen POV)
Together Alone, Teen, WC 1578, Angst
Knight Captain Cullen Rutherford can't afford to screw up the apprehension of Garrett Hawke's apostate sister. Even as he wrestles with his actions he reminds himself that this is right. Bethany Hawke has been bracing herself for this visit since she first arrived in Kirkwall. In some ways she feels that this is for the best. But she can't help the spark of indignance the slips out as she faces her destiny in the Circle. (Cullen & Bethany POVs)
Proper Provocation, Explicit, WC 2250, Fluff Smut
Rose and Cullen renew a war room debate that quickly devolves into a spirited attempt to spank each other which quickly devolves into smut. (Cullen POV)
Unrelated One Shots
The Boy Who Talked too Much, Explicit, WC 2373, Fluff Smut
Elissa has been coming to Alistair's tent for a week now for cuddles before anyone else is up. But they'd never kissed. Today is different. Alistair is a nervous nelly and can't seem to stop talking (or thinking for that matter!) (Alistair POV)
Unvarnished, Explicit, WC 3636, SMUT
Clinging undergarments and more proximity than they've ever had sparks an unexpected blaze between Rose Trevelyan and Blackwall and unleashes parts of the impostor Warden he thought he'd long buried... (Blackwall POV)
The Firmness of his Resolve, Explicit, WC 2166, Fluff Smut
In which Cullen just wants to finish some vital work and Inquisitor Theresa Trevelyan has other ideas. How an under the desk act turns into a (very) friendly competition. (Cullen POV)
Long Fic Excerpts and Companion Pieces (spoilers!)
Cullen Presents a Training Plan, Gen, WC 1538, Flangst
Rose Trevelyan can hunt and ride and possesses a host of other skills a Lady of Quality might need. But the Herald of Andraste needs combat skills and Cullen has a training plan. (Rose POV)
An Inexplicable Pull, Gen, WC 1504
It's only been a week since Rose Trevelyan stumbled out of a rift in the temple ruins above Haven. She may come from a privileged, sheltered background but she's applying herself to her training admirably. There's something willful and impish hiding under that polite veneer. And something else. He can't stop looking her way, trying to puzzle it out. Perhaps he should try talking to her. (Cullen POV)
Into her Hands, Teen, WC 1334, Fluff
Watching the Inquisitor read the book he'd picked for her across the mess tent in camp in Crestwood, Hawke decides to grab the book she'd picked for him and join her. Sitting beside her on the damp ground he feels an awakened sense of possibility. (Hawke POV)
The Commander, the Tevinter and a Bottle of Lightning, Teen, WC 3,325, Fluff
It starts as a professional favor to Inquisitor Rose Trevelyan, taking the Stick in the Mud out, drawing him away from the work he clings to so desperately. But what she doesn't know is that Dorian has positioned himself to be double wingman extraordinaire and Cullen is about to be utterly boiled in the bag. (Cullen POV)
The Gift, Teen, WC 1,249, Angst & Fluff
Waiting to receive word from the Inquisitor from Crestwood, Cullen's feelings wrestle out of his grasp. And Maker why are there so many entrances to his office? Rylen arrives just in time to help his friend sort his thoughts out. (Cullen POV)
Point, Teen, WC 1,224, Action and Angst
Hawke takes on the bandit leader's second in command at Caer Bronach, a shockingly large bruiser before discovering that Inquisitor Rose Trevelyan isn't anywhere in sight. (Hawke POV)
The Coldest and Warmest Dawn, Teen, WC 3419, WIP, Angsty
The attempt on the Breach approaches with agonizing speed. The amplified magic of three hundred odd mages will channel through Rose Trevelyan and her marked hand. And in all likelihood, it will claim her life. Cullen finds this unacceptable. He recruits a crack team of Dorian, Vivienne and the dangerous Tevinter prisoner in the Chantry's cells to find a way to save her. (Cullen POV)
Bumbling Hearts, Gen, WC 2372, Fluff
Inquisitor Rose Trevelyan is just learning to control the dangerous new feature of the Anchor- discharging accumulating power by opening a rift in Veil- the mark of the rift. She enlists Cullen as back up and as is tradition, much awkwardness ensues. (Rose POV)
Dead Draw, Gen, WC 1574, Angst and Whump
After the catastrophe between him and the Inquisitor earlier in the morning, Cullen expected Dorian's confrontation. He just didn't expect it to arrive so soon. (Cullen POV)
The Map, Teen, WC 1089, Angst and Whump
Rose Trevelyan awakens standing over her desk, quill in hand, a kind of wildly drawn map beneath her. She doesn't know what's happening and she wakes Cullen to help her sort it out. But he doesn't react the way she needs. (Rose POV)
Rumors, Teen, WC 2189, Angst
Returned to Skyhold from Crestwood, Hawke's been dogged the whole way back by rumors about the nature of his relationship with Inquisitor Rose Trevelyan. His old friend Leliana wants to know what his game is. (Hawke POV)
A Sense of Duty, Teen, WC 2220, Angst
As commander of the Inquisition forces, Cullen needs to have a chat about tactics and protocol with his old acquaintance, famed warrior Garrett Hawke after spurious reports come in from Crestwood. The mountain of history between them and the salacious rumors about Hawke and Inquisitor Rose Trevelyan make this conversation more intense than he expected. (Cullen POV)
Thirst, Mature, WC 6450, Angst and Whump
Commander Cullen Rutherford has had a shit few weeks. Headaches, tremors and memories dog him. His romantic hopes have crumbled. His blood feels empty and thin. With so many cares weighing upon him he's been wondering if he's still fit to serve, if he ever was. He should resign, shouldn't he? But perhaps it's not that complicated. Perhaps he's just one bottle of blue away from feeling right after all. (Cullen POV)
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yesiplaygamez · 1 year
What is you're canon lover in all 3 games. Mine is
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ceo-of-sloppy-men · 1 year
Everyone complaining about Dorian going back to Tevinter in Tresspasser irks me. Because if you romance Alistar in DA:O you do the same thing to him. Regardless of if you’re queen consort or consort. The HOF leaves. She goes on big adventures heading the Grey Wardens and finding a cure for the ritual. Hawke does the same thing too. They go to help the inquisition without their li and have the potential of actually dying.
Dorian saving Tevinter from itself is no better than the past actions of player characters. At least we get a funky locket to stay in touch and hear his voice.
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anaiqn · 6 months
Show me your favorites fanfics of:
Cullen Rutherford and Female Lavellan
Fenris and Fem Hawke
Dorian and Iron Bull
Alistair and Female warden (both human and will be accepted)
Solas and Female Lavellan
Josephine and Blackwall
Cassandra and Varric
Also feel free to add another one related to the games :)
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ringneckedpheasant · 2 years
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i see no difference love is love (picrew)
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derpyfangirl · 2 years
Cullavellan Headcanons I came up with writing my fic
Cullen and Alistair were friends back when they were training to be Templars. Best Friends, in fact.
This means Alistair is a fountain of information on younger Cullen. Lavellan often asks him about their misadventures, much to Cullen’s dismay
Lavellan was often teased by her companions about her crush on Cullen before they started dating.
Dorian told her that if she didn't go for him, he would. Said Mage also told Cullen that if he broke her heart, he would make him suffer a slow death.
Lavellan can't drink to save her life. Neither can Cullen.
Cullen is a flirty drunk. A very flirty drunk. So is Lavellan.
When his withdrawals get really bad, he can get so sick he can't get out of bed. Lavellan will stay with him and use ice magic to kept him cool while he has a fever.
Lavellan will often come and sit on his lap while he works. He often gets flustered about it, something the soldiers find adorable.
The first time he noticed she had made his coin into a pendant she wore around her neck, he was so happy.
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sulky-valkyrie · 2 months
It's Friday!!! how about "things you said that I wasn’t meant to hear" for Dorian/Alistair? Happy writing 💙
Happy Friiiiiiidayyyyyyyyyy 💜💜💜💜 for @dadrunkwriting
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All Dorian had wanted was a drink; a proper one, not the pony keg equivalent of mystery stew, but Talbot's stores were thin, and that was apparently all he had left until the caravan made it to Skyhold.  Just a whiff of that rank swill was very nearly more than Dorian could stomach, so he handed his cup to Krem and beat a hasty retreat to greener pastures.
Membership in Trev's inner circle had its perks.  He didn't take advantage of them often, of course, as the ‘evil Magister with undue influence’ rumors were still in full and irritating force, but sometimes, one simply needed a glass of sweet Antivan port.  Josie always had some on hand or, if not that, some other delightfully drinkable delicacy dumped on her by diplomats.  His mouth twitched.  I sound like Cole.
As he headed toward her office, he heard voices.  Josie’s and – what's Alistair doing here?  Last I heard, he and Bull weren't due back for another week.
“– told you I would handle it, Warden Theirin.”
“I didn't mean to!  I just saw the sign then Bull asked what was the matter!  Ben-Hassrath, remember?   Lying to Leliana would be more successful.  Anyway, I've got it now, so you don't have to worry about the Celibate –”
“Celestine League.”
“Them too!” Dorian could hear the heavy footfalls as Alistair paced the room.  “He just dragged me over, made me ask, then threatened to turn his skin into a drum.  To beat him everyday, he said.  Then Pounchard fished it out and threw it at him.  Bull told me to buy a horse and come back to tell you.  Well, to tell Dorian, but also you.”
Dorian frowned.  Ponchard?  The same one who bought my amulet?  Selling it had likely saved his life, since it had given him the means to make it to Ferelden in the first place, but after his disastrous ‘reconciliation’ with his father in Redcliffe, he missed it, if nothing else as a proof of a time when he’d believed Halward Pavus could do no wrong.  
“Consider me informed,” Josie sighed through the door.  “Now go give it to him before he bursts a blood vessel outside trying to stay quiet.”
Bloody bards.
“Shit.”  The door swung open, and there he was.  Alistair, in all his travel-rumpled sweaty nervous glory, held a necklace out with a shaky hand.  “Please don’t be mad?”
“You’re a fool,” Dorian said fondly as he took a step toward him and cupped the hand holding the necklace.  His necklace.
Alistair grinned shyly.  “As long as I’m still your fool, I’ll take it.”
He tugged him down for a kiss.  “Take it you shall, amatus.”
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rosella-writes · 2 years
My Fics for the Arlathan 2022 Exchange
I received many gifts this year in the @arlathanxchange, and somehow managed to write even more! I had a blast waiting for reveals and kept adding to the pile. Here's what I made (all are one-shots):
you are the angel that I couldn't kill, for @wickedwitchofthewilds
Pairing: Andarateia Cantori x Viago de Riva
Rating: Explicit
Tags/Warnings: bondage, rape roleplay, knifeplay, pegging, femdom, forced orgasm — all in the context of a fully consensual established relationship based on respect and love
Summary: “You were such a tricky little mark,” she coos, turning one corner of her mouth up in a promising smirk. “Just out of reach all evening, flirting with the danger that tailed you. You should have poisoned the wine.”
it's enough to be better, for @melisusthewee
Pairing: Quinn Trevelyan x Solas
Rating: Explicit
Tags/Warnings: top!Trev, bottom!Solas, established relationship fluff, teasing and banter, background poly with Cassandra, emotional constipation, confession of feelings in Elvhen
Summary: Quinn Trevelyan is bored, and Solas isn't paying attention to him. Something must be done.
memory is the poison in our veins, for @melisusthewee
Pairing: Hawthorne x Quinn Trevelyan, Hawthorne & Hygge, Hawthorne & Fen'Harel
Rating: Teen
Tags/Warnings: blood magic to access dreams, mild body horror and trippy Fade sequences, derealisation/depersonalisation, past Solas x Quinn
Summary: Hawthorne never asked for any of this. He's just a simple apostate elf with no clan and no name, making his way in the world as best he can. But things get complicated when one tangles fates with the former Inquisitor and Herald of Andraste.
oily marks appear on walls (where pleasure moments hung before), for @dreadfutures
Pairing: Solas x Felassan
Rating: Mature
Tags/Warnings: angst, non-explicit sexual themes, Arlathan
Summary: Solas loved Felassan in the gaps. They hardly had time—in between covert meetings and strikes in the dark—for each other. But for two who were so entangled, in both day-to-day and in dreams, it was difficult not to want. And so they gave in.
The Needle and the Shield, for @settiai, @razzaroo, and @thedastrash
Pairing: Alistair x Zevran Arainai
Rating: Explicit
Tags/Warnings: needles (tattoo needles), arousal from pain, mild painplay, first time bj, virgin Alistair
Summary: Alistair takes Zevran up on his offer to give him a tattoo—Zevran learns that Alistair likes pain.
Fill My Cup, for @bogunicorn and @darethshirl
Pairing: Virelan Lavellan x Solas
Rating: Explicit
Tags/Warnings: established relationship, 69 (nice), teasing and banter, fisting of the vaginal variety, hand kink if you squint
Summary: Virelan wants to come. Solas wants to teach her something new.
Amatus, Kadan, Vhenan, for @noire-pandora, @enigmalea, and @thefoxinboots
Pairing: Dorian Pavus x Solas x The Iron Bull
Rating: Explicit
Tags/Warnings: misunderstandings/arguments and resolution thereof, sex as therapy, sex as apology, top/dom!Dorian, bottom!Solas, bottom!Bull, bottoming from the top, dom/sub elements, semi-public sex
Summary: Solas shoots him another look over his shoulder. His eyes are bright under furrowed brows. “Do not assume I cannot see this ploy for what it is. Perhaps I want to remain upset with Dorian. Did you consider that, oh benevolent peacekeeper?” Iron Bull shrugs. “Or you could fuck about it and stay mad. Makes no difference to me.”
And there you have it! A veritable mountain of smut with one (1) piece of T-rated world-exploration lol. These were so fun to write and have consumed my focus for the last few months, so it's exciting to get to share them at last.
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🐉 reblogs 💚
Ten Days Left for Mod Applications for Love Across Thedas: a Dragon Age Romance Zine!
We’re looking to add a few mods to the team! Info/Apply here: https://forms.gle/KfFRLoh6i2NeRUUS6
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lgvalenzuela · 2 years
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I just did the same ship twice
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druidgroves · 1 year
ok here r all the new tags if anyone is. curious :^)
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