#all according to keikaku >:^ )c
whisperwillyou · 1 year
I wonder if all the people following me for that Noceda siblings art know that they’re signing up to be subjected to my AroAce Hunter agenda lmao
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bhaalble · 10 months
The hottest boys you know are up at night pondering why Gortash was writing Helsik about getting into the House of Hope just before he died
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all-seeing-ifer · 2 months
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c/angelgifs dot tumblr dot com propagandising tsv on my behalf all according to keikaku
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punkitt-is-here · 1 year
by some incredible feat of sheer chance despite being obsessed with mlp as a kid i never got into the brony fandom but im glad b/c i stumbled into it at just the right time to b horsepilled by ur comics
all according to keikaku......
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kucho04 · 8 months
ENOUGH!!!! I wanna hear your take on HimuKuro because now I think about them!!! And I blame your gorgeous drawings!!! (this is a request to unleash all the headcanons and thoughts and everything sorry i sound overexcited lmao)
Hello ❤️❤️ its so satisfying to see others liking it haha just according to keikaku...
I am still building out their dynamic and headcanons on my head, but I have a couple of things(also a sort of starting point). Kind of long post ahead
As I have mentioned in an older post(and I'm pretty sure you read it?) Himuro is a very emotional person, and Kuroko is a great support, chill to be with and listener. Not like harmful emotional dependence, its more a relationship of safe space and acceptance of each other.
Himuro has a tendency of being too harsh with himself and Kuroko could be a great influence changing that :)
I don't think Himuro would get in between Kuroko/Kagami, I see it happening if Kuroko feelings are unrequited therefore his heart got broken :'( Himuro heart got broken by Kagami once too so yeah. At first, he thought it would work between them, and surprisingly it didn't.
Kuroko in love gaze was still there, but with a pinch of sadness on it. On the few occasions they were all reunited, at some point Himuro noticed he was unconciously thinking about Kuroko in a different way, maybe seeing himself on it.
On a solidarity act 💔❤️‍🩹🤝 Himuro asked him to go eat something together without any particular reason(of course Kuroko figured out what was the reason behind). Although initial Himuro intentions were to comfort him a bit, as the conversation went on, and he knew Kuroko a bit more, he again empathized with him and did not wanted to see Kuroko so sad like himself were years back.
Not sure of what he was doing, feeling? compassion, love, friendship? asked Kuroko to hang out more often. Kuroko could get distracted doing activities with him + Murasakibara as a plus ^_^ "ooo muro-chin liking kuro-chin means I get to see kuro-chin more often..." haha
Occasional, though! Kuroko is still close to his Seirin friends and Kagami :D
Eventually Himuro acknowledges what he felt when seeing or talking with Kuroko, and asks him to have a date <3 in this field Himuro is more confident, if reciprocated. Kuroko is surprised, but happy to share this with someone like Himuro-kun ❤️ so cheesy forgive me.
Anyways... they could bond on similar past experiences. Also, I think they're breaking a pattern on the type of people they've liked before, and that's interesting for both. I like to believe that Himuro knows what he wants, and is an attentive, passionate lover in his own way. Kuroko is similar :)
In more headcanons, weekend visits are occasional, but very special! I think Himuro would visit Kuroko more often than the other way around, specially in surprise on fridays after class :) Kuroko at the beginning is still a bit shy in doing things like that but gains enough confidence to also appear from sudden in Akita :D the distance between them is big as hell but they do text a lot, when time is available.
Murasakibara is included, and invited into 85% of their plans. How could you not invite him
Himuro calls Kuroko by his name(Tetsuya), but for Kuroko it takes him longer and is difficult to do the same thing, forgetting it often. Tatsuya-kun is more fitting for him to say and uses it occasionally :)
That could be all for now! It can be longer, but I don't want to delay this ask more ahh
I think about them at least once or twice a day so more HimuKuro stuff to come :)c I am obsessed.
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gudaho · 1 year
I am so happy I got Koyanskaya of the Light, as was according the keikaku, and now I am planning for Koyanskaya of the Dark and her kit is going to be much more tricky for me to fully utilize
As a general support, K-Light is excellent because of her np charge and skill cooldown skill, and c-star dump skill. As a buster-support K-Light absolutely destroys because of her buster up skill, buster looping capabilities, and buster chain compatibility
K-Dark is more confusing but here is how I understand her
Skill 1 is straight forward, 30% buster+ and 30% NP gauge while giving hominidae-sevants c-star absorption down. It's actually easier to show which servants are NOT hominidae
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Skill 2 throws in a curve ball, it improves NP level and provides another on-hit buster buff (K-Dark's buff supplies c-stars while K-Lights is np). But it provides an additional attack and defense buff for 'animal characteristic' servants- at lvl 10 it's a max 30% buff each
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This improves Koyanskaya's lifespan on the battle field and can lend itself to her wave clearing abilities.
Skill 3 turns K-Dark into D-Day, it gives her +crit damage buff, ignore invincibility, and the ability to inflict curse, poison, and fire when she hits. To top it off she even inflicts the damage up for each individual debuff.
Her NP is the most straight forward part of her kit, a buster aoe that removes all offensive buffs from enemies and then inflicts buster resist down
I plan on using her three different ways
crit star supplier and buster support, not because she will be uniquely effective but because i love her and want to take her out on a slaughter date
buff support for extra-class non-hominidae servants. Specifically Douman because this would allow him him to absorb more stars to loop with Skadi and his curse would do more damage with K-Darks third skill. She is monsterous when paired with non-hominidae, animalistic, buster servants- such as Ibuki Douji, Barghest, any Tamamo, KingProtea, Kijyo, Paul Bunyan, and Gorgon.
K-Dark as dps. Her kit is quite selfish when you consider that all her little bonus traits apply to herself as well. Koyan wants to beat things to death, she clearly craves violence. Her third skill provides a 50% crit damage buff, paired with the 30% attack and buster buffs she may be a good finisher who doesn't need external support. Her stacking debuffs would also pair well with Van Gogh, whos NP would buff K-Dark.
K-Dark isn't a straight forward support but I think that makes a lot of sense given how sexy and evil she is <3
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sparkerinparadise · 1 year
i dont know anything about electropolis but i have seen your posts in passing and seeing "allisticbobsparker" on my dash felt like a jumpscare
all according to keikaku......... >:^]c
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solivcgant · 1 year
ubiquitousidol ~ c:
Do I Follow Them?: yes 
Why Did I Follow Them?: i was threatened on discord-- 
Do We Role Play?: yes, but we should also rp some more and explore the rest of your muse list (¬‿¬ ) 
Do I Want To Role Play With Them: always, we just get VERY lazy actually writing our ideas tand then stay on discord with stupid videos  
An AU Idea For Our Muses: i offer.. another angst au where eiji is successful in bringing yuuna back through yuna ouo but will she be happy with all the sacrifices the other players had to make? of course not. and then imagine.. her telling eiji that he has to let her go-- cries. there is only angst for us here. 
A Song For Our Muses: go sign - billy laurent just bc of this lyric saying it'll be alright when our muses are together heh. キミがいれば alright, oh, yeah
Do I Ship Our Muses?: perhaps.. we should discuss so we are on the same page of which muse to ship heh. bc eiji doesn't want to be enemy #1 to yuna's roommate
What I Think About The Mun: really fun to chat with ooc. someone has an arsenal of animal videos from twitter that she uses to start the next day conversation cries. i can never unsee the kiwi fruits and hamster-- or whatever small animal that was. whenever she comes back to tumble after living her best life attending concerts, i always look forward to reading her threads. she will promote buried stars and remind you to buy it when it goes on sale-- she's secretly part of the marketing team hMMM.  
Overall Opinion: i enjoy the behind the scenes and less glamourous take on the idol muses ouo. her blog is forever tba apparently, but that leaves so much to explore since i just have to talk about an idea a few times and then suddenly we're considering a new plot. all according to keikaku ψ( ` ∇ ´ )ψ  
Blog Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 1∞
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stormyoceans · 2 years
[VICE VERSA episode 7 parts 1&2]
Oh my god Puen’s arm is so dead
Wait, what do Up and Aou think their relationship to Joob is?
“Hello, beautiful” Pang: *leaves*
I’ve completely fallen in love with the intro at this point
I imagine making a comedy is super-hard, it’s not just about the writing but timing and delivery as well
I see you Puen being the one to suggest a romance
“Our script should be more mellow with a girl on our team” I have no idea what any of that means
“I’m afraid you’d die” I think you should be ten times more afraid for yourself Talay
“Hasn’t it occurred to you that I’m your portkey?” yes, all the way back in episode 2
They should definitely be hearing what the other party is saying at this distance
Thankfully it didn’t occur to Talay that Puen might be dead
“Your scent smells nice” It’s true, Puen is an actual cat
Talay: *takes off the shirt* /much/ better
“I won’t let you go back alone” Puen’s heart launches itself into the wall
“I’m paying” Fuck your wallet Tess, you’re rich anyway
This reminds me it’s been a while and I wanna go see a movie in theaters too, fuck streaming services
Talay learn to lock the door for god’s sake
Now Talay has no one to share his popcorn with :c
Omg the show even pointed it out adjfkdl
This looks like such a comfy cinema, holy shit
“Who did anything to you?” me with people I hold dear (you included <3)
As much as I appreciate that Talay can talk to Tess’s brother, friends can be just as important if not more important as romantic interests, dickhead
Oh my god these two are such wrecks without each other
“One sec my ass, I’ve been waiting half an hour” Me and my autistic ass
LEARN TO LOCK TH–ugh fuck it
Btw you won’t hear me complain about the product placement because I was taught Thai BLs need it to even exist
Puen that pu(e)n was terrible why would you do this
Omg Puen is being so open and honest, good
What if he called him “kitten” in be–
I’d like Tess’s dad to cry but not for the same reason
Wait, what do Up and Aou think their relationship to Joob is? <<<<< the only time up and aou saw joob was when she and dol went to their movie premiere, so i think they just assumed she was one of tess and tun's friends
“Hello, beautiful” Pang: *leaves* <<<<< POOR PANG HAS TO DEAL WITH SO MUCH
I’ve completely fallen in love with the intro at this point <<<<< JUST ACCORDING TO KEIKAKU
I imagine making a comedy is super-hard, it’s not just about the writing but timing and delivery as well <<<<< AGREED as a general rule i think making people laugh is way harder than making people cry, and when it comes to comedy there's also a very fine line between being funny and being absurd. the risk of overdoing it is always very high
“Our script should be more mellow with a girl on our team” I have no idea what any of that means <<<<< not sure what they meant with that either but i choose to interpret this as talay saying 'diversity is important and we should try to incorporate a different point of view in our story'
“Hasn’t it occurred to you that I’m your portkey?” yes, all the way back in episode 2 <<<<< I KNOW I ALREADY SAID THIS MULTIPLE TIMES BUT THE WAY THEIR ATTITUDE ON THIS COMPLETELY CHANGED IN THE SPAN OF A FEW EPISODES MAKES ME CRAZY. it's also SUCH GOOD ANGST because on one hand they (and we as viewers too) don't really know how portkeys work at this point, so it's impossible to say who is right between them, and on the other you have talay taking the fact that they aren't already back in their universe as proof that they aren't portkeys and so that they aren't meant to be, while puen is taking talay pushing him towards someone else as a rejection (more on this in the next post when the almost kiss happens if i ever get there alive)
WHAT IS THAT RANDOM-ASS BUST <<<<< truly a questionable choice in home decor sfjksgdj though now im wondering if it has some particular meaning because the show often does this (for example in episode 3 they actually show a wooden hand with its pinky out as a sort of foreshadow to the pinky promise puen and talay make at the end of it)
Thankfully it didn’t occur to Talay that Puen might be dead <<<<< VERA PLEASEFJKSGDKSG but also they slept in the same bed so many times i think at this point talay just knows puen sleep in the most ridiculous positions
“I won’t let you go back alone” Puen’s heart launches itself into the wall <<<<< AND MINE IS RIGHT BEHIND IT these two owe me so much monetary compensation for the shit they put me through
“I’m paying” Fuck your wallet Tess, you’re rich anyway <<<<< talay was so real for this because i, too, would just pay everything for my friends if i suddenly got rich
This reminds me it’s been a while and I wanna go see a movie in theaters too, fuck streaming services <<<<< BIG SAME i haven't seen anything in theaters since before covid it's been AGES and im grateful for streaming services to a point but it's just NOT THE SAME
PUEN BAILED??? FUCK <<<<< talay even took the time to dress nicely and search for the perfume puen liked 😭😭😭
Now Talay has no one to share his popcorn with :c // Omg the show even pointed it out adjfkdl <<<<< TWO MEN AND THEIR BAWL OF POPCORN THE ROMANCE OF THE CENTURY (the way im not even joking........)
LEARN TO LOCK THE DOOR <<<<< sfjksgdksg idk if it makes it any better, but back in episode 1 fuse and kita said that tess gave him the passcode to enter his place. i guess talay just never changed it sfjksgdj
“Who did anything to you?” me with people I hold dear (you included <;3) <<<<< VERA YOU'RE GONNA MAKE ME CRY YOU ARE SO SWEET 😭😭😭 SAME THOUGH IM READY TO FIGHT EVERYONE FOR YOU
As much as I appreciate that Talay can talk to Tess’s brother, friends can be just as important if not more important as romantic interests, dickhead <<<<< i tend to forgive kita for being like 'if you are so upset then that friend must be more than a friend' because that man has been talay's main support system for the entire show when it comes to his relationship with puen and coming to terms with his own feelings, so i just assume kita KNOWS who talay is talking about
Btw you won’t hear me complain about the product placement because I was taught Thai BLs need it to even exist <<<<< yeah and it's also like.... admittedly vice versa had way more product placements than usual, but it's also probably the reason why a show like the eclipse could be made without having any of them. anyway i still think most of the product placement scenes in vice versa are actually good or at least straight up adorable (nivea bathtub scene in episode 3 you will always be famous to me)
Puen that pu(e)n was terrible why would you do this <<<<< AS AN ITALIAN IM BOTH HORRIFIED AND DELIGHTED BY THAT PUN (AND I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE VERA)
Omg Puen is being so open and honest, good // TALAY STOP TEASING HIM HE’S BEING SINCERE, LOOK AT HIS POOR FACE <<<<< im sorry if im gonna sound rude but the way people were so pressed about puen not telling talay his name when him being so vulnerable and honest about his feelings was the most important thing for talay to begin with. it's not the name that matters to talay but knowing that when puen says "not many people see this side of me. you're one of them" he actually means it (the name thing has always been about puen's character arc, which is learning to accept himself, rather than talay's, which is letting himself love and be loved)
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specterchasing-a · 3 years
Unjust Trophies || Dani & Eddie
TIMING: Current (Yesterday)
PARTIES: @surmamort​ & @specterchasing​
SUMMARY: Eddie has a weird way of showing gratitude after Dani saves his life.
CONTENT: Gore tw
Dani held onto her bag with one hand while she flipped through a magazine on the rack with the other. The customer in front of her was taking a little too long to get through their groceries. She let out a sigh and looked around, trying to see if there were any other lanes that were open. Dani noticed the green light turn on for one down the way and she hurriedly put the magazine away. All she needed to buy was almond milk and it was taking her nearly thirty minutes for something that should’ve only taken ten. Just as she was about to step inside the lane, somebody cut her. “Hey!” Dani whined, prodding at their shoulder. When they turned around, she was surprised to see Eddie. 
“Oh, hey!” She hadn’t seen him much since high school ended, but had kept up with his channel-- mostly out of curiosity, and to see exactly what the other unseen side of White Crest had to offer-- plus, she wanted to make sure that he wasn’t sticking out his neck too far. “Sorry, I was just stuck behind somebody and they were taking forever.” She rolled her eyes before she set the milk down between her feet, her hands beginning to go numb from how cold it was. “How’s the channel? And yes, I do watch.” Dani said matter-of-factly. She may have only been able to catch episodes while at the university’s computer lab, but she did keep up with each video released. 
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Eddie ambled over to the check-out line, bag in hand. He made for an awful shopper, always forgetting what he needed to buy unless it was for Bucket. He gripped the dog food and, in his rush to return home, slipped past someone he didn’t see. Their prodding finger caused him to turn around in genuine confusion, but his expression immediately shifted to unfettered delight when he recognized who’d been poking him. “No, that’s totally my bad,” he confessed with a dismissive shake of his head. “I get major tunnel vision in places like this and forget how to be, y’know, considerate.” 
“You watch my channel? Dani Edwards watches my channel—color me flattered,” Eddie said in mild disbelief, a hint of pride shining in his eyes. “It’s going really well, actually. 1.5 million subscribers isn’t too shabby.” He realized he was edging too close to bragging territory for comfort and quickly switched gears. “What about you, how’s adult life going for White Crest’s resident mysterious loner?”
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“Of course, dude.” Dani smiled at him. She looked past him to the cashier who was ringing up somebody’s pears. “That’s awesome. See, you don’t even need Crestians.” Though, she knew that he did, considering the content he explored was centered in the hot spot. She stuck her hands into the back pockets of her jeans and nodded at his dog food. “What kind of dog do you have?” Every day, she was closer to adopting one and just bringing it home. She was old enough to sign at the shelter-- and maybe she could argue that that one annoying French hunter had one he took with him on hunts, so why couldn’t she? 
The cashier coughed loudly and Dani looked past Eddie again, noticing that now she was free to take his groceries. “I think it’s your turn.” She smiled and leaned down to pick up her milk. She glanced to the side and saw the rack of gum lined up. She snagged a spearmint and held it between her thumb and index finger, flicking it against the half-gallon of milk as she waited for Eddie to be finished ringing up.
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“Maybe not,” Eddie mused. “But I thrive off of hometown support.” Not that he received much. Despite how many subscribers he had, not many of them were from White Crest. The majority of Crestians preferred to pretend his content didn’t exist, so it gave him a nice boost of confidence when one occasionally acknowledged his work. “Oh! A Pomerianian—his name’s Bucket and he’s essentially the center of my universe,” Eddie said, partially speaking over his shoulder as he walked towards the cashier. It didn’t take long for her to ring up his one and only item, but he remained nearby to wait for Dani.
“Thanks for letting me go before you, by the way,” he said with a cordial smile. “Maybe, I could return the favor by walking you to your car? Safety in numbers, y’know? You never can be too careful in this town.”
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“Bucket,” Dani mouthed as Eddie turned around to turn his attention to the cashier. She listened to the rhythmatic beeps of the scanner and smiled at Eddie when he offered to walk her to her car. Dani refrained from explaining that she’d be giving him safety. “Oh, sure.” Instead, she placed the almond milk down on the conveyor belt and waited for her turn. 
As she stood behind him, she glanced outside towards the parking lot-- visible enough. The sun hadn’t started to dip yet. Then again, the likelihood of being attacked in a supermarket parking lot… Dani didn’t finish the thought, hopeful that things would stay normal for once. She pulled her wallet out of her backpack and began to thumb out a five dollar bill. When it was her turn, she quickly paid for her milk and followed behind Eddie. “How old is Bucket by the way?” She asked innocently, always interested in other peoples’ dogs, seeing as she couldn’t have her own. The parking lot was mostly empty, save for the sense of existential dread that washed over her.
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While Dani went through the motions of checking out, Eddie busied himself by rocking from heel-to-toe and carefully examining a rack of magazines. As soon as she joined him, his feet carried him to the door. “He’ll be…” Eddie paused to do some quick mental math. “5 in a few months. I got him as soon as I—”
Eddie’s sentence was interrupted when a snarling man with weathered and sallow skin took hold of his sweater. He threw Eddie to the ground, promptly descending upon him with ill-intent; the bag of dog food burst open as it hit the ground. Eddie struggled beneath his weight. “What the fuck? What the actual fu—” This time, he’d been interrupted by his own jaw clenching as the man’s teeth began closing in on his neck.
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Dani cursed under her breath. Of course every time she hoped for something to go smoothly, it didn’t. The snarling wasn’t unfamiliar, but something she hadn’t heard in awhile. It was rare that there were starving zombies roaming White Crest, especially in town. Dani jumped into action as the zombie reached for Eddie. 
The humanoid figure slouched, half of its face rotted. The smell curled around her nose, enough to make her gag, but she repressed the urge. She immediately reached for the collar of the decaying zombie’s shirt, yanking him away from Eddie. “Get the fuck off of him!” The zombie stumble-walked backwards, knocking into a nearby car. It began to gargle, its arms outstretched towards her. Dani used all of the force she could and chucked the almond milk at its head. It exploded on impact, giving Dani enough time to turn back to Eddie. “You-- we-- We need to go. Now.” 
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As Dani yanked the zombie off of Eddie, its nails raked against his forearm hard enough to draw blood. Almond milk sprayed the area while he stared at the wound in disbelief. He didn’t know much about zombies, least of all that zombieism could only be transmitted via bite. As far as Eddie was concerned, he’d been handed a shiny new species to look forward to once he wound up on the wrong side of the grass.
Dani shouted orders at him, bringing him out of his thoughts, and Eddie quickly scrambled to his feet. “My car’s right over there,” he pointed to the cherry red Mini Cooper S across the parking lot and took off after it, hoping Dani would follow. If she didn’t, he hoped she wasn’t done offering instructions. Eddie had questions he needed to ask her, they couldn’t part ways now.
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“Car. Yes. Go.” She looked over at the red Mini Cooper S that he pointed to and nodded. It wasn’t her truck, but it’d do. Dani hadn’t ever mowed down a zombie with her truck before, and a part of her was disappointed that she wouldn’t get to try. She followed after Eddie closely, turning to look behind them as the zombie scrambled towards them. Gee, they were a lot faster than in the movies. Once they got to the car, Dani waited on the passenger side door, but the zombie had stumbled after them. She was shoved against the car, unhinged jaws snapping open and closed at her neck, just as it had to Eddie. Now, not only did it smell like rot, but it smelled like almond milk, too. Disgusting. It was strong, but she was stronger. She had noticed that it was missing large chunks of flesh from its arms and face, showing teeth, sinew, and abhorrent gore. 
“Dumbass, you can’t do shit to me.” Dani struggled once as she felt herself get pinned against the door. She lifted her forearm in defense as the starving zombie aimed for her neck. Even she wasn’t immune to a torn jugular. Instead, the creature caught her arm with its teeth. “Oh, fuck you,” She seethed. She twisted slightly from its weight and grabbed the back of its head. With all of her force, she slammed it against the top of the car. Brain splatter and fluids coated the roof and her shirt, but she didn’t care. It wasn’t dead, not yet. She heard the door click open and Dani took the opportunity she needed. She wrenched it open as the slobbering zombie bent towards her, aiming to take another bite. She swiftly pushed the zombie into the door and crushed its already rotted head off of its body. It rolled into the passenger seat with one final guttural groan and Dani looked at Eddie. “Sorry. Pop your trunk.” She couldn’t just leave it in the parking lot, not where somebody could find it. It was already bad enough that Eddie had seen her in action. She awkwardly dragged the zombie backwards, looking over her shoulder as she did so. It wasn’t until then that she noticed the blood coating the sleeve of her sweater. Whatever. She’d deal with that later.
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While Dani struggled with the zombie, Eddie struggled with his keys. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he repeated in quick succession as they slipped out of his shaking hand, hitting the asphalt below with a pathetic jingle. Without hesitation, he dropped to his knees and collected the keyring, but the sound of Dani being pushed against the passenger side of the car nearly made him drop them again. He caught sight of her and the zombie through the windows, his heart beating wildly in his chest. At the store entrance, she somehow managed to pry the zombie off of him, but its jaws were closing in on her now. Eddie thought Dani was about to die, and he couldn’t move a single muscle in his body. He was useless.
Instead of succumbing to her undead assailant, Dani shouted something that made Eddie’s brow furrow. “Dumbass, you can’t do shit to me.” Her words echoed in his mind a few times before the pieces fell into place. Fear receded in pulsing waves as he rose to his feet and unlocked the door, opening it to give Dani access to the passenger seat with the click of a button. Before he could duck into his seat, he saw Dani grip the back of the zombie’s head. Eddie instinctively lifted his arm to cover his face. Gray matter painted the roof of his car on impact. A few errant chunks clung to Eddie’s jacket sleeve and hair. “Oh, what the fuck, Dani?” he shouted in disgust. He whipped his arm to try and persuade the rancid meat to make friends with the ground instead of his clothes.
“No! No, no, no,” he pleaded, pressing the heels of his palms against either side of his temple, as Dani played executioner with his only means of transportation. A zombie’s head was in his passenger seat. Eddie looked at her with incontestable annoyance. “Sorry?” he parroted with unfettered bewilderment. “Are you fucking kidding me right now? I drive this car everyday, Dani. Everyday. You’ve got super strength at your disposal, but you couldn’t give the car two feet away from us the honor of being anointed with rotted head guts instead of mine?” He exhaled sharply and fell into the driver’s seat. Chewing on the inside of his cheek, Eddie popped the trunk. He knew better than to say no to a hunter. She likely wouldn’t do him any harm considering he was only human (for now, anyway,), but the last thing he needed was a hunter who had a bone to pick with him. He knew too many supernatural beings to invite that particular brand of bullshit into his life.
“That smell is never going to come out,” he groaned, wiping his hands down his face. “This is my life now.” He slammed his door shut and turned in his seat to face Dani at the rear of the car. “Where are we taking this guy, anyway? Do you have a usual spot for this kind of thing, or is it time for a little improv?” Once she was inside the car, he would begin unleashing the more important questions.
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Dani quickly (and efficiently) dumped the headless corpse into the trunk. She then retreated to the passenger side door, ignoring the look that Eddie sent her way. She had just saved his life and he wanted to cock an attitude? She let out an annoyed breath before she picked up the head, cradling it as if it were a small infant. She dropped it into the trunk with less care and slammed it shut. She hung outside of the door for a moment, assessing the damage that’d been done. She didn’t have a lot of money, but if she told Lauren she needed a chunk of change for something, she was sure to get it. She took off her sweater, revealing a tank top beneath. Her arm was smeared with blood and there was a small indentation there. Again, whatever. 
“It will, don’t worry.” She’d cleaned enough surfaces to know that the smell of zombie guts didn’t last forever. She quickly cleaned up the seat as best as she could before rolling her sweater in on itself, holding it in her lap as she climbed into the car. 
She looked over at Eddie once inside and pursed her lips. “So obviously since you know shit about ghosts, you can take a look and understand the pieces of what just happened without me having to explain it to you,” She held up a finger to keep him from talking over her, “I won’t answer your specific questions because you shouldn’t even fucking know this shit in the first place, but--” She reached over and took a look at the scratches on his skin, “doesn’t look too bad.” For somebody like Eddie, Dani didn’t think to correct him about his hopes that he’d become a zombie. Instead, she rolled a window down and looked out into the parking lot. It didn’t seem like anyone had seen them. If they did, they were probably too terrified to come forward. 
“I’d just…” She paused. “Appreciate it if you didn’t go telling anyone about this. Namely, your Youtube channel.” She gave him a cold look, “This isn’t shit to fuck around with. You could’ve been seriously killed back there.” 
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So, she saved his life, big deal. Eddie didn’t ask for a savior of any kind, least of all one who talked to him like he was some burdensome child; out of his depth and exasperating the adults who knew better. He realized he had a long way to go and a lot to learn, but that would never happen if people kept doing their level best to keep him ignorant. “Yeah, I’m not a moron, Dani.” he said, his brows knitting together in frustration. A trace of despondency settled in his eyes. He hated this feeling, this imposed inadequacy. No matter what, he would never be allowed to do the one thing that made sense to him, and he couldn’t figure out why. No one had an answer for him beyond ‘it’s dangerous.’ That just wasn’t good enough. 
Eddie rolled his eyes at Dani’s assertion. She took his arm and examined the wound along his forearm before he could pull down his jacket sleeve. He didn’t know what her morals were as a hunter, she could very well nip a condition like his in the bud while she had the chance. “Doesn’t look too bad?” he repeated with sincere confusion, soon after realizing she must know something he didn’t. Maybe zombie scratches were only effective when Mercury was in retrograde, or maybe the zombie in question needed to have gotten a haircut the Tuesday before an attack for it to turn someone. Eddie didn’t know, how could he? To people like Dani, people who had answers, he was persona non grata. “Great.”
With a sigh, Eddie put the key into the ignition and started the car. An unexpected laugh broke free from his chest. “Yeah, I’m kind of aware of that since I experienced every second of him trying to eat me in brilliant Technicolor.” He shot a sideways glance her way, his smile already failing, before his gaze settled on where he was driving. “I’m gonna ask you to do me a favor, Dani. Should you come across me in a situation like that ever again, don’t be a hero.”
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Dani did not, by any means, expect for Eddie to jump for joy and slobber over the fact that she had saved him. She preferred it when people kept it lowkey, but the irritation rolling off of him was hard to miss. Had a near death experience done that to him? Maybe it was the fact that she had splattered zombie guts over the top of his car, into his door, and onto his seat. She stared a beat of a second too long. She forced herself to breathe through her nose. Maybe a bad idea, because it was starting to smell. 
She slumped back in the seat, not sure what to say. She looked down at her hands, covered in gore. She wiped them again on her already ruined sweater and chewed the inside of her cheek. When he snapped at her, she froze momentarily. What the fuck was going on. She blinked a few times. Maybe it had been a bad idea, getting into his car. Maybe she should have just dragged the corpse to her truck. It wasn’t that far away anyways. Even if she wanted to leave now, she couldn’t be sure that he wouldn’t speed off.
The Eddie that Dani had met in the grocery store was absent now. He had seemed more grateful that she subscribed to his Youtube channel than when she saved his life. People in this town had some fucked up priorities. “Mm, can’t do that for you.” She leveled with his gaze, her own skin growing hot with the altercation that was taking place. “It’s my damn job to keep people out of trouble. Do you not realize that?” She lifted her arm to show the zombie bite. “This could’ve been you. But it’s not. I don’t understand what your fucking deal is. Did you want to die?” She looked out the window and forced out a laugh. “What would have happened was you would’ve gotten your jugular torn out. Then what. You give it a couple hours, maybe overnight. You come back, like that,” She jutted her thumb towards the trunk where the corpse laid, “And life as you know it is over. You eat and kill innocent humans, just like that one tried to do to you.” She felt her voice begin to shake, “So I’d appreciate it if you chilled the fuck out. I don’t know if this is you upset because you nearly died, which, okay-- Understandable, but I don’t deserve this bullshit.” She slapped her hands to her knees and shook her head. “I don’t know what the fuck I did to piss you off so badly. Sorry I used your car as a fucking weapon, I guess? But it’s not like I’m not going to not pay for any damages caused, so if that’s your concern, then--” She took a deep breath. Another mistake. God, it smelled. “Then I’ve fucking got it, okay? I was just trying to protect you.” Why the fuck was she getting so worked up over this? 
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Between Dani’s condescension, the rancid smell of rotted skin tissue giving him a formidable headache, surviving a near death experience, witnessing the death of something that used to be human, and discovering that the scratch was likely nothing more than a potential infection in the making, Eddie was having a pretty bad day. He liked to think of himself as a generally friendly and upbeat kind of guy, but this felt like too much for him to brush off. 
Eddie gripped the steering wheel firmly as his passenger retaliated. She raised her arm and he made it a point to keep his eyes on the parking lot. “Money? Is that what you think this is about?” he snapped at the end of her diatribe. “I don’t want your money. I don’t want anything from you.” His jaw clenched and his shoulders ached with tension. “You killed a zombie, congratulations! The guy was fucking starving. He used to be someone, now he’s a pile of putrid flesh in the back of my goddamn car.”
He thought about Morgan, how she resented the quip he made about her eating human brains. She took the subject seriously enough that jokes were off the table. To think, someone might do to her what Dani did to the zombie mere minutes ago, it was unforgivably unfair. For all he knew, Dani herself might run into his undead friend and put a brutal end to her. If she did, he knew who the real monster would be.
“And you’re so full of shit, not every zombie is a mindless husk hunting down innocent humans. Which, by the way, fat chance they’d ever find one even if they were.” Dani’s dogmatic viewpoints twisted Eddie’s already churning stomach into knots. “I don’t give a shit that I nearly died, it happens. I give a shit that someone I used to think was alright turned out to be one of the most reprehensible people I’ve ever known, and you proved it in less than an hour.”
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Maybe it was her fault, Dani thought. To think that everyone would think the same way she would. She’d be immersed in a life that wrote BEWARE against every terrible creature that White Crest, or the world, had to offer. She felt her skin start to crawl. The way that Eddie was looking at her was the same way that Jeanette looked at her when she made a mistake, or when she asked a question that had an obvious answer. Her mouth tasted like iron. He was upset with her for saving his life, and for killing that zombie. It would have killed him, and then Dani would have had to watch somebody else succumb to becoming something monstrous-- something they truly didn’t understand. 
Everything she wanted to say before, it died on her tongue. If you show anger, they’ve won. Did that count with humans? Arguing the worth of something that, at the end of the day, wasn’t worth arguing about. At least, not in this regard. Eddie sounded like Bex, only angrier. “Eddie,” Dani warned. She ground her teeth and gripped the door. Why did these humans, these people with rose colored glasses, decide what was right and what was wrong? Why were they so hellbent on protecting, or showing mercy to these things that tried to kill them? Dani wanted to scream at him, to tell him to wake the fuck up. She wanted to show him the countless maulings she’d been forced to identify before she could stomach it. She wanted to guide him to the families who lost their loved ones to these creatures-- the ones who didn’t turn, the ones who were dismembered, the ones whose hearts were eaten, who had nothing left behind to reignite, to stand up on their own two feet. 
Dani hated the way that he looked at her. Who was he to pretend? He hunted ghosts on his stupid Youtube channel, big whoop! There would have been danger there, Dani realized, but at this moment it didn’t matter. She had been taught to kill before anything else. Before she had even been taught to love. She didn’t know what kind of life Eddie led, which was why she didn’t snap back. It’s why she kept her mouth shut as he berated her. She continued to ground her teeth, pulling the skin of her cheek between them. She could taste the blood now. It was hot and loud in her mouth. She sat there, stunned. Heart loud in her ears. The smell of the zombie curled around her nose and all she wanted to do was get out of there. 
She didn’t dare cry. She didn’t dare show weakness. Dani instead nodded. “If that’s what you think, but it’s still my job.” Her chest was tight. She wanted to scream, to pound her fists against the very thing she’d just killed. What could have been something simple turned into something outright disastrous. “My truck is on the other side of the parking lot.” She steeled herself further. She was no warden, but she felt herself made of iron; every insult, every disgusted sneer sent her way, pushed deep. Deep into the blood that ran through her veins. Killer, killer, killer. It was written all over Eddie’s face, what he thought of her. She couldn’t care. She wouldn’t care. He was some stupid kid with a camera who threw himself into things he didn’t understand. She wouldn’t cry. She couldn’t. 
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Eddie nodded silently and guided the car into the parking spot next to Dani’s truck. He clenched his jaw to keep himself from going on another acidic tirade. As much as he wanted to be a voice of reason, he knew some people couldn’t be swayed. In a way, he felt bad for Dani, knowing she would never see the redeemable side of the supernatural and how worthwhile it could be. But his anger outweighed his pity. He put the car in park and popped the trunk. “Don’t forget your trophy,” he said.
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rebelliousties · 3 years
@fireshot​ : "IT'S O-OKAY I'LL BLOW THE CELL UP"
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“Please DO NOT- that sounds extremely dangerous in such an enclosed space with no shield to get behind!”
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@lifehealed​ asked: “ who did this to you?  ” /for val :)c
protective prompts
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“Don’t worry about it.” He repeated, just a little more firmly. With any other person he might have ripped his face away from their touch, even yelled at them for getting so worried about him, but he let Amaryllis handle the injury.
Still, he hadn’t expected her to get so...upset. To put it mildly. It was a little bit intimidating.
“It was just a couple of guys doing their jobs. If anything that’s what I get for sticking my nose where it doesn’t belong.” It wouldn’t stop him from doing it again, though. “Besides, they didn’t get out of it unscathed, either. You should’ve seen ‘em.” His expression softened, a memory returning.
“Just like old times, huh?”
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starbeanscafe · 6 years
tomorrows gonna be a power day just wait
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ddarker-dreams · 3 years
well,, in good news, i’ve begun to write chapter one of deep sea! i can’t say for certain when it’ll be published yet, but i think i’ll pause on writing full length fanfics so i can focus entirely on fleshing out this story. maybe in the meantime tumblr (or apple) can slightly get their stuff together, but that’s probably asking for too much, so i’ll try not to count on it. 
i’m currently trying to figure out the best way to share this story ... since reader is a maiko (basically the step before becoming a geisha), there’s a lot of geisha related terminology in the story. not an overwhelming amount but enough to be noticeable. in my google doc, i included footnotes to explain things, but tumblr/ao3 doesn’t have a built in footnote feature. so i’m considering a few options: 
a. doing direct translation (for example, maiko reader has an iemoto in the fanfic, but that can also be translated to headmaster). i’d like to avoid doing this since well, the story is set in inazuma, a region based off of japan. it’d make sense for japanese terminology to be used (at least in my mind). i swear it isn’t like reader saying “All according to keikaku (keikaku means plan)”, i wouldn’t do that to you guys.
b. including a link to the google doc version which includes a cleaner version of the footnotes that look like this: 
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c. doing that thing where you write (2) or whatever number next to the word and including the list of footnotes at the end of the fic. 
or, finally, 
d. not including footnotes and letting you guys go wild with googling everything you don’t know (probably not this one). 
ANYWAY if you guys have any preference feel free to shoot me an ask, i will read everything and come to a decision eventually. i’m currently leaning towards c, but that’s because i don’t mind footnotes when i’m reading, i just don’t know how popular of an opinion that is thjnekmr the last thing i’d want to do is ruin the reader’s experience by making it choppy... 
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lucemferto · 3 years
Might spread this question across a few blogs. Anyways, what are your thoughts on the theory of c!Dream having organized events (one example, iirc, would've been the whole Disc finale thing or at least, the Attachments vault) purposefully in order to be put in the prison?
That would be ... lame.
Like, I know that Dream has this "devious tactician; all according to keikaku"-thing going on in Season 2, but at that point that would be horribly contrived.
It robs our heroes of their victories at the end of Season 2 by making it all part of some grander scheme and it would cheapen the current story that Dream is involved in.
Like, I'm on record as being not the biggest fan of the direction they took, but I feel like they opened this can of worms and now they can't just pretend like it's spaghetti.
The function of these twists is to reinforce the superiority of the villain and build intrigue. Why go for this roundabout way, when he could have just killed Tubbo and imprisoned Tommy. His endgame must be grander than what he revealed at the end of S2.
It's meant to show that the villain was always in control and that his plans still elude the heroes and the audience.
But ... Dream clearly isn't in control (unless he is, in which case, why did we need the elements of torture and prison break anyway?). At that point, it would just be twist for the sake of having a twist.
Unless you're going for as convoluted as possible (like Kingdom Hearts), you're probably better served with the simpler alternative.
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Julenette AU: Marinette still goes to the fencing tryouts becuase she finds out that basically everyone in the Couffaine family knows how to fight with a sword, becuase pirate mom, and thinks it could be a way for her to impress Juleka/get Anakra's approval.
After the chaos of that day. Juleka finds Marinette slightly disappointed she didn't get in afterall and, not knowing the reason why she tried out, just offering to teach Marinette herself. Pirate style of course.
God I love this so much
Them doing the gay thing where juleka corrects how marinette is holding a sword and marinette internally is just "gay gay homosexual gay"
Anarka and luka watching them and being like ":)c all according to keikaku"
After awhile of their lessons ladybug randomly gets a sword and just starts pirate dueling this akuma
Meanwhile juleka is standing there like "huh that looks familiar. Anyway-"
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