#all art is by the incredible cait may of course
losing my mind trying to figure out what the different colored backgrounds mean for the fhjy characters. Absolutely cannot find a common thread so far. It's not villains/non-villains bc gorthalax and ruben are both red?? maybe the more major characters are certain colours? maybe it means absolutely nothing at all and I'm steadily going insane over nothing??
Tumblr media
^ me rn
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whoblewboobear · 4 months
There have been a lot of negative posts about how this season turned out bc of the rat grinders exclusively and everyone is entitled to their opinions on the season. But in light of it, I’m gonna throw out some positives about this season 💖
Sophomore year will always hold a special place in my heart because of the Fabian arc but Junior year might be my favorite fantasy high season overall. I loved learning about Ankarna and Cassandra. I thought I’d be bummed out not seeing some of my fave npcs but the downtime mechanic and the stress tokens added sO much. The Porter & Jace reveal was incredible. KRISTEN’S CAMPAIGN ARC!!! Fabian and Mazey!? K2 and all the blimey shenanigans 👏 Everything with Wanda Childa and Ruben and fig’s complicated women podcast was sooooo funny. I genuinely laughed harder this season than I have with any other d20 season I’ve seen.
I feel like with this season they really hit their stride with pacing too. It felt a lot more fluid with how we rolled into combat most of the time. I loved that first party of the year and seeing Adaine become the party wizard. After ep 18 it makes me love the party with the Oisin missing his shots so much more bc he got in that nasty little one liner later. I adored that the rat grinders were essentially a red herring to keep the bad kids looking elsewhere to take the heat off Porter and Jace a bit.
We didn’t see much from all of them, and we didn’t see nearly enough about Lucy, but I really loved the Rat grinders as in school rivals for the bad kids. Ruben was hands down my favorite but goddamn did I also love how much of a girlfailure Kip was. I loved seeing her rage out and I hope we get to see her really go nuts in the finale too. I really really warmed up to Mary Ann last episode with her tugging on Jace’s shirt and saying she didn’t feel good and then seeing her rage when her strawberry got destroyed. She’s so fascinating to meeee. I loved everything with Buddy and Kristen. I wish they had more scenes together. And while I’m talking about the Dawns, that entrance from Bobby Dawn as the new cleric teacher made my skin crawl in the best way. I loved Kristen calling him frumpy and sad on her teacher evaluation too- and holy shit Fig meeting Ankarna for the first time? Ankarna being the inspiration Fig needed to make music again too?
The incredible art from Cait May this season was hands down one of my FAVORITE d20 artist collabs ever. Just overall improved designs for everyone that just make so much more sense for their characters and art for new characters that made me adore them even more. Also holy shit the Porter maxi is genuinely my favorite mini that’s ever been featured on the show. I’m typically not into how the minis look in general, they always look a lil goofy to me but goddamn when they hit, they fuckin HIT.
And speaking of Porter, I really got endeared to him this season. Yeah he turned out evil and always has been a dick to gorgug and is definitely a shit teacher, but before the reveal I loved his training with Fig and Zara. One thing about Fantasy high is that I just love a lot of the teachers. My two faves this season being Terpsichore and Henry! They’re both so dedicated to their students and are such a specific type of teacher that you’ve definitely met before in real life. Like all my favorite math teachers back in school were so much like Henry and that made me love him even more.
Of course my #1 favorite thing about the world of Spyre is the religion aspect and how Brennan and Ally both approach it. That scene with Ally connecting with Yolanda and Lucy to allow them some comfort in the afterlife was so beautiful. Kristen’s talks with Bucky throughout the season were very touching and hit very close to home as someone that grew up in a religious household and doesn’t connect with the divinity I was raised on. Just- wow wow wow. I also really love that despite the breakup, Tracker and Kristen still have really interesting convos about divinity even if they don’t agree.
I loved seeing different dynamics in the bad kids too, I love the huge sibling energy that Fabian and Adaine have and the bond that Kristen and Fig have. I love how interwoven all the bad kids feel as a group. I love the little quirks that they all have, and I loved all the fandom posts about them like the sharing clothes posts and the one about how everyone lets Riz crawl on them to get better vantage points. I love Riz’s wall of text breaking down to gorgug about how much he appreciates him. Him calling gorgug a sweetie almost made me cry. I of course love all the parent/child moments this season. I loved the bad kids finally healing Lydia and seeing how happy it made Ragh. I LOVE Aelwyn and all her cats 🤧 I loved seeing Baron again and I loved how the bad kids got to the funhouse version of mordred through riz’s briefcase. I love seeing Adaine and Sandralynn bond. I loved finding out that Sandralynn and Sklonda go out for drinks and are friends. I just 💖 and goddamn, Ayda’s message to Fig and how Zara helped to surprise Fig with it. I love how Bill and Pok are such proud dads of their boys and I hope they’re doing some bonding over drinks in the after life.
And I cannot end this post without saying that I loved how cinematic this season felt too. It had INCREDIBLE imagery that you could easily visualize. Everyone at the table was in their element this time around from a role playing and a strategic standpoint. Everyone had their moment to shine and something important to do this season that fed back into the main plot. So thank you to Brennan and the intrepid heroes for giving us another killer season. After the season ended I was planning to finish Starstruck and Neverafter but I might just rewatch Junior year all over again just to get it out of my system.
Feel free to add things you loved about Junior year!
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seawitchkaraoke · 4 years
Sketch in Shadows
(ao3 link in the notes)
This whole idea was stupid. It was way too early, barely even afternoon, she should be in bed and instead, here she was, sitting at a too small desk on an uncomfortable chair, listening to this human guy talking about some other long dead human guy, who had apparently been really good at drawing sunflowers.
The whole thing had been Toby‘s idea – of course. She‘d suggested that going to university would help her learn about the modern world and at the same time continue the „figure out what you actually like and what your mom made you like“ thing Raysel and her had going on and August had agreed, because she was bored, and she didn‘t have anything else to do and hey it might be an adventure, except this time without the getting lost for a hundred years part. So she‘d looked up some classes that sounded interesting and snuck out way too early, letting Raysel sleep who had wisely refused the education plan.
She had been bored. Somehow, she was even more bored now; she‘d really thought that art history would include a little more art and a little less life stories of dead humans.
August leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes for just a second, sighing. She could leave anytime, it‘s not like she‘d signed up for anything or like she was actually planning on getting a degree.
She opened her eyes again.
There was a cat on her desk.
She stared. The cat stared back.
August blinked. The cat did not. It also didn‘t disappear, which would have been convenient.
„Um.“ said August, intelligently „I kinda need that desk. You‘re sitting on my things“
The cat said nothing.
August sighed. „Fine. I wasn‘t taking notes anyway, but once the class is over you have to let me get my stuff“ She reached out, petting the cat behind the ears. It was very fluffy, with long grey and white fur, making it look almost silver. It was a beautiful cat.
August leaned back, her hand still buried in the cat‘s fur, closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She couldn‘t wait to get out of here, beautiful cat or not.
The air smelled of paper and dust and human sweat and the violets and dry hay of the Daoine Sidhe changeling in the second row and the peppermint and burning walnut wood of the Cait Sidhe in front of -
She yanked her hand back so fast, she almost overbalanced, as she stared at the not at all normal cat in front of her.
The cat blinked, slowly, deliberately. August did not. She stared.
„You‘re Cait Sidhe! What are you- never mind, I don‘t care what you‘re doing here, why are you on my things?“
The Cait Sidhe, still, did not say anything. Of course not. They couldn‘t exactly transform back into a form capable of the English language in the middle of a lecture hall after all. They just looked at her with big purple eyes.
Right. Mortal cats didn‘t have purple eyes. She really must be more tired than she‘d thought.
„Ugh fine! Just give me my stuff back once the class is over okay? And then I can go home and tell my sister this was a stupid idea and you can do, whatever it is Cait Sidhe do all day“
The cat, again, said nothing, just looked at her out of big purple eyes that really should have ticked her off earlier that this was not a mortal cat.
The cat‘s name, it turned out, was Zircon and they were part of the Court of Golden Cats (which was ironic considering how silver they were), though they mostly stayed at the university, helping out stressed students and making sure none of the faerie brides were stirring up trouble. They told August all this in the span of the few minutes it took to walk back to the carpark, where Quentin would hopefully be waiting with the car.
„That‘s all great but it doesn‘t explain why you were sitting on my things. I‘m not planning to ‚stir up trouble‘ as you said, I‘m just here because my stupid sister convinced me that university might be fun and not boring“
„Excuse me, you find me boring? And that, when I was trying so hard to entertain you, I don‘t know whether to be hurt or insulted“ they smirked, walking backwards, facing August „you might say you don‘t want to stir up any trouble, but I always check out the new fae on campus just to make sure. And you‘re not exactly just any random fae, August Torquill, you said your name was? I met your sister, though I doubt she realized, she was covered in quite a lot of blood at the time. More importantly I heard what your mother did to the king of dreaming cats to force your sister to bring you home. So I hope you can forgive me, if I need to make my own picture of whether you‘ll stir up trouble“
„Great so you‘ll judge me because of what my mother did? You just said yourself I wasn‘t there for that! I was the one who made her give Tybalt and Jazz back, but no one ever seems to remember that”
That was the wrong thing to say. Zircon hissed and was suddenly too close to her face, the smell of peppermint and burning walnut wood welling up all around them „you want a price for doing the bare minimum? For not being as horrible as your mother? Should I get you a medal?“
August paled, “No! I…. I’m sorry, I’m just really exhausted and tired of people looking at me and only seeing my mother”
Zircon stopped at that, stepping back, slightly „Okay. I won‘t judge you by your mother‘s actions but I know how dangerous your family is, I‘m not so stupid to think you wouldn‘t be as well.“ They looked at August, smiling, showing their far too sharp teeth „you‘re welcome to continue classes here if you decide it isn‘t too boring after all. But this university is mine as much as it is anyone‘s and if I think that you are going to cause anyone here harm either by yourself or by bringing your cursed mother down on us, I will not hesitate to rip you apart. I‘ve heard how fast your sister heals, so I‘m sure I wouldn‘t need to worry about breaking Oberon‘s law“
They stepped back and grinned, teeth having lost their inhuman sharpness and said, almost joyfully „If you‘re interested in art but not the ‚boring‘ stories about dead human artists, you might want to check out some of the more practical classes, I‘m sure you‘d enjoy them“
With that, they sauntered around a corner and a moment later a long haired silver cat with bright purple eyes ran off over the yard.
Well. That could have gone better.
August dropped in the passenger‘s seat of the car, groaning. She just wanted to go home and sleep some more and not deal with any stupid cats anymore.
Quentin shot her a sidelong look, as he drew out of the parking spot „So who was that person you were talking to? Cait Sidhe?“
„Their name is Zircon and yeah they‘re Cait Sidhe. They don‘t like me on account of my mother being the worst, they threatened me in case I was planning to start trouble for ‚their‘ university and they told me to try practical drawing classes since art history was boring“
Quentin blinked. That seemed to be the motto of today. „Huh. Well, I can‘t say I can fault them for disliking your mother-“ „Who could“, August muttered, „-but practical drawing classes might be a good idea if art history was too theoretical?“
„ Less theoretical, more just talking about the life and death of some human artist who was really good at sunflowers or whatever“
„Van Gogh?“
„Yes him. And I‘m sure that‘s interesting for the humans, but I wanted to hear about history of art, not history of dead artists“, she sighed, sinking deeper into the car seat „This whole thing was a stupid idea, I can learn about art by practicing, I don‘t need classes, especially not at a university with a cat who hates me“
Quentin looked at her for a second, then turned back to the road, „You know Toby used to be convinced Tybalt hated her. It was all she ever talked about“, he smirked, „so… you know how that ended“
„I‘m not Toby, I‘m not going to fuck a cat!“, Quentin shot her a look, “sorry, sorry I know I shouldn’t say it like that but still. I’m not gonna have sex with the first person I meet who isn’t related to me or a teenager, Cait Sidhe or not”
Privately, she thought she really didn‘t think she wanted to have sex with anyone, cat or no, but that wasn‘t something to discuss with her sister‘s teenaged squire
„and anyway, I‘m not going to see them again, I‘m not going back“
Two weeks later, August was once again standing in Berkeley, this time with art supplies slung over her shoulder and at a more reasonable hour – thank Oberon for evening classes. She hadn’t wanted to come back, but while going shopping with Raysel and occasionally May was fun and drawing on the giant chalkboard in Raysel and her shared room was enjoyable and occasionally incredibly cathartic, she’d been hanging around Raysel for months now and as much as she was learning to love her cousin, occasionally she needed some time away from her and away from the house that had a far too high average number of screaming teenagers in residence than August was entirely comfortable with.
So here she was, stepping out of Walther’s office, that Chelsea had opened a portal to – after calling first, to make sure Jack or some other mortal grad student wasn’t in – waving goodbye to the alchemist, who was working on some project or other in between his classes, and walking over to the art building.
She had barely set her things down, and there they were, a silver cat, with ridiculously fluffy fur and clearly unnatural purple eyes. August wondered briefly if any of the veterinary or biology students had ever tried to catch and study them; it should really be obvious to them that those eyes weren’t mortal. Then again, humans could dismiss a lot of things and would probably not jump straight from “cat with purple eyes” to “fae are real and walk among us”. Still it seemed irresponsible.
Irresponsible or not, they were strolling in casually, looping around students’ legs who cooed and occasionally bent down to pet them. August smoothed out her face, it wouldn’t do to be caught glowering at the campus cat, that would just make her stand out and not in a good way.
She shrugged out of her denim jacket – full of patches and glued on rhinestones and metal studs, because it turned out she liked being able to customize her own clothing however she wished – and sat in her chair. The teacher called the room to silence: “Welcome everyone! I’m sure Zaddy here is very happy to have your attention but I’ll need you to focus on me now. My name is Professor Smith and today we’re gonna learn how to draw a still life – though when we get to animals, you’ll be free to focus on Zaddy all lesson long….”
She kept talking, explaining the concept of a still life – apparently a drawing of unmoving inanimate objects – and setting down various things for them to use as models. August did her best to ignore Zircon – who had stalked over to her and was now sitting on a nearby shelf full of art supplies, yawning and showing off all their teeth – and listened intently to the teacher, already thinking on which of the objects she would like to draw most. There was a vase of flowers, though thankfully no roses, making the decision easy enough.
After the lesson ended, August packed up her half finished drawing and walked outside. Zircon had left at some point during the lesson, but she didn’t worry about them, if they wanted to talk, they’d find her before she called Chelsea and left, if not, all the better for her. She did not want to talk to the cat. If they had decided to leave her alone, that was exactly what she wanted anyway.
No such luck. She turned the corner and there they were, leaning against a wall, human disguise firmly in place. Their eyes were a dark blue in this form, their fluffy hair, that would surely be striped silver, grey and white in their true from, simply black. They looked good, of course, it would be silly to choose a human disguise that made them look bad, and yet August suddenly really wanted to know what they looked like in truth.
She pushed the thought away just as Zircon pushed off the wall and fell into step beside her
“I can’t say, it isn’t a delight to see you again, but I thought you’d said you found this place “boring” and didn’t wish to return?”
“Yes, and I thought you might not bother me with a speech today, but I guess we’re all mistaken sometimes. Also, you can drop the pretentious speech, if you’ve been living at this university for as long as you implied, there’s no way you speak like that”
Zircon laughed at that, “Ah but it’s that or speak in memes, which might at best confuse and at worst horrify you. I would have thought you’d prefer this sort of speech, after all as far as I know, you haven’t been living in the mortal world much?”
“Right because you’d know how much exposure to the mortal world I’ve had. I live with an average of 2 to 4 teenagers, I pick things up. Anyway, what do you want? I already told you I’m not here to make trouble.” August inwardly prepared herself for another round of threats. Maybe she should just find another university to attend; true Berkeley was neutral territory and therefore convenient but surely she could figure something out.
Zircon shock their head: “I know, and I already warned you what would happen if you changed your mind on that. As far as I’m concerned we’re good; no, I am here to tell you the same thing I tell every fae student here and to ask you a question that’s just for you”
August frowned “okay? And what would that be?”
“First, I’ve been taking care of this university for a long time. I protect and help the students, both mortal and not and in return no one minds when I steal some snacks from the cafeteria or curl up in someone’s office. That means if you’re planning to attend regularly, I’ll be happy to help you too. You’re unlikely to need this, but if you ever need a place to sleep or a warm meal, just find me and I’ll help you. If you need advice on what classes to take or where the best spots are to get someone to teleport you out of here, if you want somewhere closer to the art building than Professor Davies’ office, I’ll be happy to give suggestions.”
“And you offer this to everyone?”
“Yes, although obviously I can’t just say it to the humans. With them I have to be a little more subtle, but I help them all the same”
“I’m sorry but aren’t Cait Sidhe supposed to, I don’t know, keep to the court of cats and run around chasing rats all day or something? Tybalt is going to have to give up being king when he marries Toby, because it’s a conflict of interest, how is taking care of an entire university not a conflict of interest?”, she stopped herself, “um, no offense or anything.”
Zircon laughed lightly: “ah, see Tybalt is a king and I am just a normal Cait Sidhe who finds that “chasing after rats” all day gets old quickly”
August reddened in embarrassment “I didn’t mean it like that, I’m sorry, I’m still…. I’m still unlearning a lot of the things my mom taught me”, this was getting uncomfortable, “um, but you said you had a question?”
“Yes!”, Zircon grinned, “would you like to go for coffee?”
Wait what?
“Excuse me?!”
“I asked if you would like to go for coffee. Or tea if you prefer, of course.”
“Caffeine doesn’t work on me, so I would prefer tea actually, or hot chocolate, but that’s not the point-  are you asking me on a date?! Last time we talked you threatened to rip me apart!”
“True and you came back here anyway and didn’t try to hurt me or set your mother or your sister on me. You’re the daughter of a firstborn but you attend art classes at a human university and wear a denim jacket with patches and stuts and glitter and you haven’t called me a beast or vermin even once. You’re intriguing and I’d like to get to know you better. Call it a date, if you like, or a call it just a friendly chat between acquaintances”, they smiled, this time almost softly and August knew she would say yes, “or call it nothing at all and decide afterwards what it was. Now I ask again, though slightly amended: Would you like to grab a hot chocolate?”
The night had barely started, and Chelsea wouldn’t mind picking her up later – it wasn’t like it would take her much time after all. And Toby always said she should meet more people.
“Yes” August said, a smile of her own forming on her face, “I think I’d like that. Just one condition”
“And what’s that?”
“We go somewhere run by fae if there is such a place around here. If were gonna get to know each other better, I want to see your actual face”
Zircon smiled.
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dungeonsandberries · 5 years
Session 19: Infiltration
The party returns to where they never wanted to...
Before we set out to rescue Veilour’s mother, each of us had some errands to run. Maevia seemed to want to get the skull of the spider-snake abomination prepared as a trophy, and her lugging it around has definitely been the least pleasant part of the last few weeks. As if it wasn’t distasteful enough when it was attached to its body, now it was beginning to rot. To my immense, though withheld, displeasure, she actually succeeded. I had really hoped to be rid of that thing.
More interesting to me is that she mentioned a mentor, a dwarf named Grandar. Maevia hasn’t spoken much of her past and I was curious to hear more of this. I had assumed up until now that she’d simply left home and started killing things, her style of fighting has always seemed wild and unrefined. She’s as likely to bash herself into her foes as she is to use her weapon on them. But, as it seems, this is a style of dwarven fighting called battleraging. I hope we run into this Grandar on our journeys at some point, it should be interesting to pry some stories out of him about Maevia.
Felfedau sent a letter to her sister back in Tidesoria, and then slipped away to ask Ayre about her dreams. She seemed to want privacy during the meeting itself, but she was willing to speak about what transpired later. Ayre supposed that the red light in her dream is actually someone trying to make contact with her by means of a spell. I am uncertain about this, however. I may not be a magic scholar, my spells are derived from my draconic ancestry, the magic is more something I feel and will into existence than something I earned through study, but it seems to me that if this were simply a communication spell, they would have a clearer message than an ominous red light.
Veilour also went shopping, and he found a merchant who was selling armor of a higher quality than what could be found elsewhere. I worked with the leatherworker to get a suit fitted for myself, and I fear I may have splurged a bit on the result, but I rather think that the end result was worth it. You can’t put a price on comfort and beauty.
With our business here concluded, we sadly had to make our way back to Gunnato. The irony here was not lost on me. I had wanted nothing more than to escape Gunnato and come to Ursalia. And now that I am here, I have to return. It was for a good cause, of course, but the trip felt longer than any other part of our travels so far. Every step took me closer to the same prison I had risked everything to escape from.
At least Maevia’s cooking was still good. And we got out wagon back, so I didn’t have to walk.
Along the way, Felfedau woke up to a disturbing nightmare, saying she saw a second light in her dreams. I still assume this has something to do with Aurmilx. We really need to eradicate them as soon as we’re done here, for poor Felfedau’s sanity if nothing else.
We arrived on the border of Gunnato not long after this. But I had been working on a new spell along the way to try to help us go unnoticed. The sisters know what we look like, and my master lived in this same city, so I did not want to go in looking as we did now. I used my magic to disguise us, and I put a great deal of work into making each of my companions as beautiful or handsome as I could manage. Except, I fear, for Felfedau. She was far lovelier without the illusion, and I felt a pang of guilt as I disguised her features with magic, as though I was covering up some fine piece of art.
I was particularly proud of Marv’s disguise. No longer an emaciated orc, he was now a strapping man with a fine beard. Veilour was simple, as he was already a handsome fellow, so I simply altered his features a bit and changed his skin color, and turned his horns into amami ears, and his long tail into an adorable cotton one. I wouldn’t tell him that I deliberately made it as fluffy looking as possible, of course. Airika was also along with us on the trip, and she told me she believed she was once a cait, and so a cait I made her again.
Maevia is where I decided to have a little fun. She had asked me to turn her into a small human, but I didn’t think anyone would believe that disguise. So I decided to make her into the most adorable looking halfling I could think of, complete with a wide gown. She was so cute, and her annoyance with me over this only made her cuter. I was going to enjoy this while it lasted.
We made our way through the city to the von Freitz mansion, where we had no choice but to wait for nightfall to make our move. But even under cover of darkness, the mansion was tightly guarded by well-armored mercenaries. Kicking in the front door, while possible, would likely have attracted ire from the city guards and caused a commotion, not to mention put Veilour’s mother in danger. So we decided to let Veilour do what he does best, and try to sneak his way through.
I used Silence to deaden any noise as he pried open a window, and then placed an invisibility spell on him, and wished him luck.
I was not witness to what happened within, so what comes next is a second-hand account from Veilour’s own words. He snuck through and saw his ladies in the living room together, not to mention he saw a number of other armored guards, making the whole operation more dangerous than we had anticipated.
He was familiar with the layout of the mansion, but there was one room which was under tight watch. Suspecting this was the room where his mother was being held prisoner, he used a vial of alchemist fire to cause a distraction. With their backs turned, he assaulted the remaining guard under the cover of invisibility, but somehow the guard didn’t die from the attack.
Alarm was raised, though the guard didn’t know what had hit him. She asked another guard to stand watch as she went hunting, and Veilour summoned Camilla in the form of a cat and used her to distract the secondary guard. He was then able to slip into the room, where he found his mother at last, alive and unharmed. We had made it in time.
He was able to convince her that he was her son and here to help, despite his new appearance. But before they could leave the room, the female guard from before returned, with a second guard with better equipment than the others. They couldn’t see Veilour, but decided to take his mother and relocate her, forcing Veilour to act.
Summoning a cloud of darkness, he grasped his mother’s hand and slipped by, but there was no longer any question that there was an intruder.
Meanwhile, outside, my companions were ready to bust through the windows and come after Veilour. I tried to keep them calm, but as soon as there was a sound of commotion, Felfedau acted, running straight up the wall and through the window. I called after her and scaled the wall after her, while Marv, Maevia and Airika crashed through the windows below.
Veilour and his mother were trying to make it to the window, while Felfedau ran ahead and straight into the guards, where she was quickly taken out and captured. The female one Veilour had attacked earlier transformed into a massive demon, and picked her up, aiming to take her somewhere deeper in the mansion. I used my magic to befuddle the guards near the stairs, and then uttered a word of healing for Felfedau, bringing her back and allowing her to  attack the demon’s pressure points, stunning it and giving us an edge. But the heavily armored guard was hot on Veilour’s heels, and proving too much to handle in a duel.
Down below, the fight was going better. Marv animated a bag of nails, using them like a swarm of bees to overwhelm his foes. Maevia, still in the form of a distractingly cute halfling, took the guards by surprise and delivered hammering blows to them. Airika’s cait disguise also mislead them, as she used her tail to attack them.
I nimbly dodged out of the way of all attacks used in my direction, aided by my illusion magic to create doubles of myself. But I suppose I got overconfident, because when one of our foes managed to hit me, he struck true and delivered an incredibly painful injury. The jarring pain caused me to lose concentration on the magic that was keeping the guards pacified, making our situation worse.
I watched Veilour’s mother escape through the window. Veilour tried to follow, but the well-armed guard transformed into a demon himself and incapacitated him. Felfedau and I began to back away to the window, but we were pinned in. In desperation, I called out for Maevia, and she appeared, cleaving her axe through both of the demons and banishing them back to their realm. But that still left the human guards to deal with, and I could tell that they were proving a challenge, because Maevia looked more winded than usual, and another deadly blow was struck to me, leaving me on my last legs, and with no more magic left to protect myself.
I could only hope that Marv and Airika were in better shape down below…
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