#cait may if you see this is it just that some colours look better with certain characters??
losing my mind trying to figure out what the different colored backgrounds mean for the fhjy characters. Absolutely cannot find a common thread so far. It's not villains/non-villains bc gorthalax and ruben are both red?? maybe the more major characters are certain colours? maybe it means absolutely nothing at all and I'm steadily going insane over nothing??
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^ me rn
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edelwoodsouls · 4 years
calling out for one more try (to feel alive) - ch. 1
Adam hasn't been able to sing since he found out what his parents do for a living. Until he stumbles across the ghosts of a band who died twenty-five years ago, and the world begins to look a little brighter. But how did they die? What did they leave behind? (and why is the front man so freaking cute??)
(ghost band au, or the jatp au that possessed me last night and wouldn’t let go)
Shoutout to @exhaustedwerewolf for putting up with my yelling and giving me some brillianty angsty thoughts for later plot
Word Count: 3,071 | Also on Ao3
chapter one: wake up, wake up (if it's all you do)
It's quiet in the music room.
Just outside the door he can sense the seething mass of teenagers and noise and colour, the pantomine of a clockwork life ticking onwards. But in here it's quiet, and the world stretches out in a haze of blue and grey.
His fingers rest on the piano in front of him, slotting perfectly against the keys. A heartbeat away from making sound, falling short.
He could spend a life in this moment. Let the whole world slip away into silence. He stares at his splayed fingers, stark against the pale keys. Just play, he thinks. Shatter this moment into fragments, break free from the weights around his ankles dragging him slowly to the bottom of the blue.
Just play.
He looks up. He hadn't even noticed her open or close the door, but there stands Chloe, hands on her hips, blond hair so frizzy it looks like its about to make a break for the sky. There's paint on her nose and splattered all over her overalls in messy, natural way aesthetic influencers could only dream of.
"Oh, hey, Chloe. What's up?"
She gives him a frown, hands on her hips. "I could hear your thoughts from the art studio." She raises an eyebrow. "That's on the other side of school, Adam."
"Oh, uh. Sorry."
"Don't you dare apologise!" She comes to sit beside him at the piano, leaning against his shoulder. "You know you don't have to apologise to me, of all people. I know what you're going through."
"Whether I want you to or not."
"Pros and cons of having a mind reader for a best friend," she shrugs, a smile playing on her lips.
They've been friends ever since they started high school, the quiet creative kids who spent more time in their own heads than the world around them. Silent lunches together had become awkward murmured conversations had become a tentative friendship.
That was before Chloe started hearing voices in her head, and Adam found out what his parents do for a living.
Sophomore year had been pretty intense, and their friendship had been forged in fire.
It's certainly strange having a mind reader for a best friend, but it comes with perks. Like not having to name the endless blue sea in his chest for her to understand what it is.
"You nervous?" she asks.
"Do you even need to ask?"
"I like to hear it from the source, sometimes."
"Isn't my brain the real source, technically? So you're always going direct, unless you listen to someone speaking instead of thinking?"
She narrows her eyes in mock annoyance. "You're deflecting. But it's okay, I'll let you. I know you're stressed out."
How could he not be stressed out? There's an unscaleable wall inside his mind, behind which he's trapped everything he cares about. Music. Feelings. Sunshine.
He hasn't played the piano, hasn't sung, since Chloe stumbled across a homeless man with thoughts of Adam's parents burned into his brain. Can't bring himself to even press into the keys resting under his fingers.
And now he's about to get kicked out of the music programme, if he can't perform today.
"I've got this," he says, and from Chloe's expression he's not fooling anyone.
"Even if you can't play, Adam, you know that doesn't make you a terrible person, right? People want you to play for  you, because it used to mean so much to you, not because they think you're only worth what you create."
"Mm," he shrugs noncommittally, as if she hasn't hammered right to home. As if he hasn't always judge his own worth by what he can do.
This is his thing.  What is he without it?
"I'm gonna get to class early," he says, pushing away towards the door before Chloe can stop him and confront him on his so-called unhealthy coping mechanisms (aka - none). "I'll see you later."
"I'm rooting for you!" she calls after him.
His phone buzzes in his pocket as he weavs through the halls. He doesn't dare to check it; knows that it's his parents wishing him luck.
The absolute last thing he needs. The one thing, in fact, more likely to throw him off performing than anything else.
He isn't the first to arrive to class, as much as he'd hoped. He could never be that lucky -  of course Caitlin is already there, surrounded by her entourage.
"Oh hey, Adam," she smiles, more viper than girl, as he spills into the doorway. She's dressed stunningly as always, pale purples and creams.
The jacket Adam bought her for her birthday last year, before everything.
If she rememebers, she doesn't say anything, looking down at him with the look of someone regarding an insect.
He knows he deserves it. They'd been close, before last year, but how could he possibly explain everything to her? How could he explain the rainclouds that gathered above his head and made a home? How could he explain what his parents did, the whole world of the atypical, without being thought completely crazy?
It had been easier to let her go, and she had taken it personally. Friendly rivalry had become enemies.
He can't feel enough today to even be sad.
"Hey, Cait," he shrugs into his seat.
"I'm surprised you came today. Wasn't yesterday your last chance?"
She knows that's not true, is trying to get a rise out of him. He busies himself with leafing, unseeing, through the sheet music he's half-heartedly prepared for today.
He already knows he's not going to be using it.
Caitlin sighs dramatically and turns back to her group, the conversation quickly drifting away from him. Frankie is staring at Adam, trying to catch his eye, to ask if he's okay, but he ignores that, too. As he much as he appreciates him - the only other atypical in school apart from Chloe, who knows a little of everything that went to shit last year but has also very clearly thrown his lot in with Caitlin - he doesn't want to give Caitlin reason to pause.
Better to fade into obscurity.
He doesn't notice the rest of the class file in. Doesn't notice the teacher begin the lesson, or the other performances that come and go.
"Your turn, Adam," Mr Beck says gently, and the world snaps back into focus.
Every eye in the room is on him.
He makes it to the piano without breathing. Chest constricting, world contracting to a single, narrowed point. There's cotton wool in his ears, spots dancing in the corners of his vision.
His fingers rest on the keys.
Just play.
Just play just play just play just play just play just-
"I'm sorry." He stands up suddenly and, without looking back, flees the room.
It feels like freedom.
It feels like the cell door slamming shut behind him.
When he gets home, he heads straight around the back, avoiding the risk of his parents being home.
Tears burn in his eyes but he refuses to blink them away. He can’t bear to see the sadness on his parents’ faces, the confusion, when they find out he’s been kicked out of the music programme.
Because they know they’re the reason he stopped. They just don’t understand, or refuse to try to, why he’s still not over it.
As if his horror at human experimentation should have a shelf life.
Behind their house is the old garage slash studio his parents had soundproofed, back when Adam first got into the music programme. They’d been so proud, and the world had been so full, back them.
He hasn't been back inside his studio since he found out what his parents do for a living. His mom had been the one to first bring music into his life, and now he can’t trust anything she's ever given him. This studio is built on blood money and half-truths.
The air is thick with dust when he slips inside. Sunlight filters through the garage door window, catching the dust motes in beams, spinning dizzily like planets.
His piano sits in the centre of the room, untouched, surrounded by boxes of half-packed things - relics of Adam’s childhood, old memories and things that might be useful someday, left over objects the last owners of this house forgot to take with them.
He has the sudden urge to smash everything in this room apart.
Instead, he takes a steadying breath. It’s not like he needs a studio anymore - may as well start packing his things away along with the rest of these forgotten memories.
He grabs a half-full box at random and begins shoving things into it haphazardly. The first notebook he wrote songs in. The headphones his aunt gave him that only work through one ear now. The metronome perched on top of the piano, its slider in the shape of a smiley face.
The sellotape at the bottom of the box gives out just as he’s shoving a second notebook in, and everything clatters onto the floor. Of course. This is on par with the rest of his day, really.
He stoops to begin picking things back up when he sees it: a CD box, dusty with age. The front cover is watercolour, blue blending with yellow to create a sea of green in the middle. The band name -  Atypical!  - is emblazoned in black across it.
He doesn't recognise it, though it's in a box of his old things. One of his parents’, maybe? Or left over by the last owners? Curiosity guides his hands, and before he knows it he's clicking play on the old CD player his mom gave him for his twelfth birthday.
Music bursts into the room for the first time in a year, swells to fill the space. This room has felt hollow and empty, a black hole pulling at light, this whole time- until now.
It's good music, too. Rhythm sinks into his bones, sparking something inside him he hadn't thought was still alive.
He's so caught in the music, it takes him a minute to notice the air is beginning to shake. Not with the soundwaves- he's not playing it that loud - but the space in front of the speaker is shivering and shimmering, like a heatwave.
He can't say when it happens, can't pinpoint the moment his life pitches off a ledge. Between one blink and the next- they just appear.
Adam blinks. He blinks again. Rubs at his eyes until they're swimming.
They're still there.
There are three people in his studio. Strangers, teenagers about his own age, two guys and a girl.
The first guy is dark haired, dressed in an over-sized pink hoodie, so many leather bracelets peeking out from his pushed-up sleeves he looks more straps than skin. The girl wears her black hair in space buns that are trying their hardest to escape her head. A slashed denim jacket covered in patches, black pleated skirt, neon green and black striped leg warmers.
It's the second guy that stops Adam's heart in his chest. Bright green eyes, styled golden curls spilling over one side of his face. He's dressed in a red high school lettermans jacket, except the sleeves have been cut off, showing off muscles that are frankly unfair given the current situation. He's staring around the studio in surprised confusion, eyes darting over the room in a remarkably familiar way.
His eyes land on Adam, and it's like lightning has struck. Adam's breath vanishes from his chest.
"Who the fuck are you?" he manages.
"What do you mean who the fuck are you?" the guy narrows his eyes. His voice is low and hypnotic. "Who the fuck are you? What are you doing in our studio?"
Frustrated anger crushes any confusion momentarily. "Your studio? Dude, this is my studio."
"Uh, no, it isn't. Look-" the guy all but lunges across the room, as if he knows exactly where to go. He digs through a pile of discarded objects and emerges seconds later with a guitar clutched triumphantly in his hands. "See! This is my guitar."
"That guitar's been there since my parents moved in. Seventeen years ago."
The guy deflates suddenly, and Adam feels immediately guilty, finds himself wanting to find any way to reignite his enthusiasm.
"We're dead," the guy in the pink hoodie says, in a nonchalant way, as if this is a perfectly normal thing to say. He waves an awkward hello, a bashful grin. "Hey, sorry about him. He's a total jock sometimes."
"You are, Caleb. Embrace your brand."
The cute guy - Caleb? - pouts, still clinging to his guitar. It’s ridiculously adorable.
"I'm sorry, I'm confused," Adam says slowly, mind racing along with his heart. "You're dead?"
"Uh, yeah. Sorry, this is a lot, huh? I'm Mark." He sticks his hand out to shake and Adam, instinctively, reaches out to take it.
Their hands pass right through each other.
Welp. Not much more proof he needs.
"Ghosts," he breathes, staring at the place where their hands should have met.
"Oh my god, it wasn't a dream," the girl says, voice high and taut with anxiety. She's twirling drumsticks in her hands - where did she get those? - so fast they blur into panic-inducing windmills at her side. "I really thought- that maybe- but no-  but how long have we been- I mean, maybe we just- but that means-"
Her gasped sentences are triggering a tightening in Adam's own chest.
"Hey," Mark says softly, reaching over and putting a hand on her shoulder. The twirling freezes immediately, their eyes locking. "Sam, it's okay. We're okay. We're safe."
"We're dead," Caleb deadpans. How is he holding that guitar if he's incorporeal? None of this makes sense.
"Well nothing can hurt you when you're dead," Adam says before he can think better of it. Three pairs of eyes fix on him, unblinking.
"Oh my god," Caleb laughs suddenly, snapping the silence instantly. "I love this kid."
"I'm not a kid - you look the same age as me!"
"Sure, kid," Mark says, turning back to the girl - Sam. "Look, I know this sucks. But for now, we're okay. We've got each other, yeah?"
Sam nods shakily, tapping the drumsticks in a nervous but manageable rhythm against each other.
Caleb practically bounces across the room to Adam. "Hey. Sorry for the freak out. We, uh, we've been through a lot."
"Not surprised, considering you're dead."
Caleb cracks a grin that makes Adam's insides swoop. "What's your name?"
What's my name. His brain short circuits. "Uh, I'm Adam."
"Adam! Cool. That's really cool. How're you so cool with all this?"
"You're, like, super chill about this. We just showed up in your studio and told you we're dead. Wouldn't most people freak out about that?"
Why isn't he freaking out? He supposes there isn't much left that can surprise him, after everything. Superpowers? Evil scientists for parents? Ghosts seems like a logical progression.
"You're not the weirdest thing I've seen. Wait, hang on- how did you know I was so chill?"
Caleb's face plummets like he's been caught in a lie, face cycling through too many emotions to translate.
It clicks like a spark to a fuse, understanding crashing through him so fast he's almost knocked over. How the hell did he not put two and two together?
"Oh my god, you're atypicals!"
It's as if he dropped a bomb in the centre of the room. The three ghosts freeze, not in the surprise of before, but palpable, chilling fear.
Sam vanishes.
"Fuck," Mark hisses. Takes a slow breath to gather himself. "It's okay. She'll be back soon. No need to worry."
He sounds very worried.
Caleb is so close to Adam he towers above him. If it wasn't for the open, imploring eyes, Adam would have his own fear thrumming through his chest. "How do you know that?"
"I mean, I played a CD for a band called Atypical! and you appeared. I’m guessing that’s your band? And you said you knew how I was feeling, I'm guessing you're an empath?"
“You listened to our CD?” Mark asks, bright-eyed. “What did you think?”
"More important,” Caleb shoots Mark a look, “how do you  know  about atypicals?"
"Caleb, he can see ghosts!" Mark throws his hands up in exasperation. "He's obviously atypical, too."
"Uh, no- I'm not- at least, I don't think-"
Adam's brain grinds to a halt. Is he atypical? He's never had reason to consider it. He's always been at the periphery, a totally average human looking in through a window at the miracles and atrocities on the other side.
Wouldn't Chloe know if he was atypical? Not if he didn't, he supposes.
Do his parents know? They can't, can they?
The pit in Adam's stomach becomes a sickening, plummeting vacuum.
"My best friend is atypical," he says quietly, carefully boxing away those dizzying thoughts and burying them beneath the sea of blue in his mind. For future consideration.
Or never.
"Oh, cool." Caleb says, no doubt feeling the hurricane going on just beneath his surface. "What can they do?"
"She’s a mind reader. Great in class, not so much fun at parties. Ha." The words fall flat. He's in shock, he thinks. The world is distant, slipping back beneath the grey fog of the rest of the day.
Mark grimaces. "Okay, kid- Adam - I know this is a lot, but you need to chill."
"Your emotions are all over the place. We haven't been around people in a long while, aren't used to other people's emotions."
"You're an empath too?"
"Mirror. I take on other people's powers when they're around."
“That’s cool.” His parents would have a field day if they knew about this guy.
“Most of the time,” Mark says, something odd and hitching in his voice. “Not right now, though.”
“I can go,” Caleb frowns. “If it’s getting too much-”
“No, no,” Adam interrupts, guilt rising up to churn alongside his apathy. He feels bad enough when he inflicts his depressive thoughts on Chloe - he can’t imagine how awful the emotions themselves must feel. “I’ll go. It’s, uh, it’s been a long day. I’m sorry. I just-”
He flees the room, for the second time that day.
He really does ruin everything.
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x688plsloveme · 6 years
Companions react to tech savvy Sole arranging an awesome firework show for them that ended up with the firework writing nice messages
ADA: It was right after stopping the Mechanist that Sole took Ada to see the celebratory fireworks they had recently developed. Ada was impressed, to say the least. Not even people who were advanced in robotics knew how to craft such fine fireworks. None that she’s met anyway. When she saw the final firework spell out ‘We’ve Done It!’ she truly felt like it was all over. Jackson was avenged, and she is content.
CAIT: Cait would never admit it if anyone asked, but this was the nicest thing anyone has done for her without asking for anything in return. Judging by how Sole was looking at her though, she knew they could tell even without her saying anything. She was always grateful for them for just knowing what was going on even when she couldn’t put things into words. She calmly watched the show with her arm around her boyfriend/girlfriend the entire time. A laugh escaped her and she lightly hit Sole’s arm because of the final message displayed in orange and gold. ‘You’re Sweet as Sugar ;)’
CODSWORTH: He’s always known of Sole’s skills when it came to tech and engineering, but Codsworth had never seen them do something so spectacular before. And for him! To say he was flattered would be an understatement. “I thought we could watch the fireworks together like we did the year we got you.” Ah yes... Codsworth could almost remember it like it was yesterday. Those were simpler times. When the final firework exploded, he would’ve cried if he were able to. ‘Thanks for Sticking by Me’  Codsworth was so grateful to serve someone who was so appreciative of everyone, even their robot.
CURIE: Curie’s eyes lit up as soon as she saw the first firework explode. She let out a gasp each time a different pattern appeared. Experiencing this in person versus just knowing about it in her database were two very different things indeed. The pastel coloured hearts at the end was just the icing on the cake. She didn’t know what all of the emotions welling up in her were called, but she knew that they were all pleasant. She couldn’t form any words since she was so overwhelmed, so she settled for giving Sole a kiss on their cheek as a thank you.
DANSE: Danse wasn’t a very affectionate on most days, even with Sole - and they’re dating. With his military background and semi-recent identity crisis, he’s more than a little closed off. In Sole’s opinion, he more than makes up for it whenever an anniversary or birthday pops up. He goes the extra mile each and every time to show that he cares and it’s endearing. This time was different, however, when Danse came down with a cold on Sole’s birthday. He felt terrible that he couldn’t do anything for them, but they weren’t put off at all. The fireworks show was how they cheered him up. They’ve done it before, but this is the first time they added a message at the end. ‘Thank You For Always Taking Care Of Me’. It made him feel immensely better.
DEACON: On the outside, Deacon tried to act unimpressed, but this was definitely the coolest thing anyone’s ever done for him. “I’ve seen like, twenty of these this doesn’t phase me at all.” Sole could clearly see the wonder in his face. And the rapt attention he was giving the show gave him away. “Sure Deac. Just wait till the end.” When it came - ‘You Can’t Disguise How Cool You Are’ - he can’t even pretend that he wasn’t touched at the message, even if the pun was bad.
DOGMEAT: Now that they think about it, Sole should’ve seen this coming. They just thought that Dogmeat-who gets shot at almost daily-would be used to loud noises, and wouldn’t be affected. That wasn’t the case at all considering their trusty companion hid under their bed when the fireworks started. He wouldn’t even see the giant bone they put at the end. Oh well. They’ll just make it up to him later by giving him a real bone to chew on.
GAGE: Gage will be the first to admit that he was pretty apprehensive when Sole dragged him to the outskirts of Nuka-World and told him they had a surprise for him. They may be alright in his book, but the are still the overboss to a bunch of raiders. He was pleasantly shocked however, when the firework show started. It’s not everyday you see a raider do something like this. “You gotta show me how to do this sometime boss.” A figure that looked suspiciously like Gage’s eyepatch was the last firework to explode. At their friend’s questioning look, Sole shot him a wink and shrugged. “Just in case anyone else was watching to closely, they’ll know who I made this for.”
HANCOCK: This had to be Hancock’s best birthday yet. He was still a little disbelieving when he saw the first firework explode. “Am I high right now?” Sole let out a slight chuckle. “No you aren’t. Now enjoy my present before I take it back.” It was a little to late for that, but they weren’t going to tell him that. Not when he whipped his head to look at the fireworks so fast, it was almost adorable. He focused on the display and let a smile grow on his face as the last few fireworks wrote out ‘Happy Birthday!’. “How’d you even find out when my birthday was?” “I told Piper I’d never give her any more sweetrolls for the rest of her life if she didn’t find out.” Hancock laughed a little at that. “Thanks sunshine.”
MACCREADY: When Maccready told them he was bringing his son to the commonwealth, Sole knew what they had to do. They arranged a whole evening just for them to be alone at Red Rocket. When they sat down Duncan and Maccready, they told them to get ready. They were a bit confused at first, but when the first firework shot into the sky and exploded into half a dozen different colours, they let out twin gasps of surprise and amazement. Sole was very proud to see their boyfriend speechless for once. The ending message was ‘WELCOME HOME DUNCAN!!!’ which had both father and son crying. Happy tears. But it still caused some worrying on Sole’s end.
LONGFELLOW: He’s seen a lot of wild things in his life, but this might just take the cake. Wild as it is, it’s still cool. Especially the picture of him standing atop what looks to be a dead fog crawler. “Far Harbor has always been to foggy for this. I’ve heard of fireworks, sure, but I’ve never seen ‘em before. Good job cap’n.” Praise of any kind is hard to come by when it comes to Longfellow, so Sole counts this as a win in their book.
PIPER: “Wow Blue. It’s like a rain of light! this is so cool!” Piper was beyond amazed. When her girlfriend/boyfriend told her they were taking her out on the best date of her life, she wasn’t expecting this. Colours of every shade and pictures depicting the two in the wasteland had Piper awestruck. The last firework was a picture of two rings, symbolizing the promise rings the couple wore. She tackled Sole and showered them with kisses. It really was the best date ever.
PRESTON: Preston insisted on a whole picnic for Sole and him to enjoy while they watch the fireworks. He’d never seen any before, but Sole’s descriptions made him excited. The absolute amazement on their boyfriend’s face had Sole laughing a bit. The stars were bright in the sky and framed the fireworks perfectly. Preston found his face heating up when the final firework exploded to reveal a bunch of  hearts around an ‘I Love You’. It only got worse when Sole kissed his cheek and said, “Thanks for making the commonwealth a better place babe.”
STRONG: As a supermutant, Strong didn’t really agree with anything that had anything to do with technology, so he was miffed that Sole would waste their time with something like ‘fireworks’. He stormed off to do whatever it is he does in his free time, but at least everyone else i the settlement liked it. 
VALENTINE: Nick felt a sense of nostalgia at the sight of the fireworks. Little snippets of the original Nick’s memories let him not be surprised completely with the fireworks, but he was still awed. He never thought he’d be able to see them in person. He enjoyed the bright flashes and patterns, and smiled widely when the final message stretched out onto the clear night sky. ‘Best Private Eye I Know’. “I’m the only private eye you know kid, but still... thanks.
X6-88: The bright flashes of colour that emitted from the fireworks Sole made rendered X6 speechless. It wasn’t until he noticed Sole smiling at him that he spoke. “I’ll admit. Being in the institute, there’s no way I could’ve seen this before. I would never had imagined the sight to be so... breathtaking.” The message at the end made him speechless for the second time that night. ‘Thanks For Being My Best Friend <3′ It was a minute before he found himself speaking again. “I never realized you saw me as anything other than a bodyguard. Thank you. Truly.”
I may have been listening to Serendipity and Euphoria by BTS on repeat while writing this, so it’s cheesier than intended, but I hope you still like it @ishtar0110
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thespearandthecrown · 5 years
What if ...
In this episode of Nightly working on something other than the Spear, The sheriff and the Soldier, and Start//End.... Have a Vi and Cait first Kiss?
{ London Grammar- Non Believer}
Rain cascades in a blinding sheet, covering the lower streets of Piltover in large puddles. The tall figure leans back against the old brick of the alleyway wall, keeping their arms crossed over their chest. With the rain descending down so heavily and with the fall of night, a small shiver runs up their spine as they pull the collar to their leather jacket up. 
Uneven florescent pink hair is drenched causing lines of water to trail down over a tattooed cheek. The hiss of steam pulls out into the air as the tall figure clenches and unclenches their large metal fists. The small ambient glow of pressure gauges and the heat of a hextech crystals lining around the joints of high pressurized metal, brings a small haze around the brawler. 
“They’re moving.” The high Piltovian accent warms the figure’s ears.
“On my way.” The pinkette replied, pushing herself off of the brick wall and rounding the corner
 It has almost been a year since the two of them started working with each other. A full year of getting on each other’s nerves, threatening jail time, nearly leaving the partnership, of butting heads so hard that being with each other caused more migraine pain than any hangover she had ever felt. The two of them shared such different life perspectives and ethics that it was almost impossible to work together.
But they had found a certain...harmonious workflow, one could say. Once they put away their stubbornness and started to learn from each other, things started to shift. 
Vi wasn’t just some street rat that wanted nothing more than to wreak havoc and violence like Caitlyn originally believed. The brawler was a lot more than that. She had learned that Vi only wanted the best for those who were living in Zaun, who were less fortunate than herself.
Caitlyn wasn’t the goody two shoed priss of a power-tripping that Vi had originally thought she was. Sure she was uptight about laws being followed and serving proper justice. But she had almost the same goal as Vi. The sheriff just wanted the best for the citizens of Piltover. 
They both wanted a better life for the people they represented. 
It took a lot of arguing and flung out opinions for the two of them to come at a metaphorical cease-fire. Slowly, but surely, once the two of them could see their handy work causing positive effects, they started to understand even better.
Sure they still had some more work to do, but the Sheriff and her new Deputy were becoming a force to be reckoned with.
And stupid gay idiot Vi, may have started to kind of sort of somewhat...develop...a kind of soft side for...Caitlyn.
Gods above, even now she shakes her head at herself. She curses her weakness for brunettes in all honesty. And the Sheriff’s eyes always had a way to look so soft and knowing and concerned, especially when she would put a delicate hand along Vi’s tattooed forearm. 
But Caitlyn totally didn’t care about her like that. They were starting to become really good friends, to the point now that she can get the Sheriff to half chuckle at some inside joke, or roll her eyes with a small smirk. Or the nights they would spend at a stakeout or a patrol or Caitlyn planning out an offensive with Vi totally pretending to listen, they would slowly cross the line into their personal lives; their histories, what made them...well them. 
And of course, Vi being Vi, she started falling head over heels when she started learning the little things about the Sheriff. 
Like how she likes her tea with just a tiny splash of milk; just enough to change the dark colouration into something a bit lighter.
How she likes to hum a jazz tune under her breath to help her remember file numbers as she would dig into the massive filing cabinets in the archives room.
Or how she would bake on her off days and always make something a little bit special for Vi, once Cait learned that she had a preference for strawberry flavoured goodies.
Or how when she was deep in concentration, a small wrinkle would form just above the Sheriff’s eyebrow and it was probably the reason for her near-constant tension headaches she would get. It’s why Vi brings a bottle of pain killers with her to work now so that when she sees her co-worker/boss/new friend/kind-of-maybe-crush rubbing at her temples she would slap two of them down next to her elbow and continue her work on her hextech.
“Thank you for meeting with us.” Caitlyn’s voice crackles in Vi’s earpiece. The Sheriff must have finally made contact with the dealers. “Were you followed?”
The plan was for Caitlyn and two of her officers to go undercover as hextech specialists to “sell” to these black market dealers. Once the transaction was handled, Vi and the SWAT force would surround them and make the arrest.
“We have what we had discussed earlier.”
It annoys Vi that she can’t hear the other side of the conversation. 
“Absolutely, please count out the gold and place it in the middle.” 
There’s a pause. Vi peeks out from her hiding position against the wall of an old run-down forgotten diner. Five figures dressed in black all standing protectively over a shorter figure, face across from Caitlyn and her two officers. The shorter figure points in the direction of Sheriff and Vi’s hackles rise. Steam from her gauntlets snarl out in agitation. 
“Of course, nothing but the best tech in topside.” 
The smaller figure seems just as agitated as Vi. One of the taller figures fidgets nervously, a hand going to their weapon’s belt. Immediately hexpistols are drawn and aimed at Caitlyn.
“This transaction is nothing but legitimate.” 
As soon as Vi hears that sentence she moves out of her hiding place. In the torrential downpour, she sees Caitlyn raising her hands. She sees the figure starting to carefully stalk toward Cait. She sees the smaller figure marching forward and getting into the sheriff’s face.
 She doesn’t hear her partner calmly talking the figures down. She only hears her heartbeat slamming into her ears and the rain clambering down on her body.
“Deputy get back into position.” One of the waiting SWAT officers commands in the radio. 
But it’s too late. 
Vi catches the group off guard as she slams a concussive blow into the ground they stand on, making most of them fall to the soaked cobblestone. She ducks under an elbow and snaps her metal fist into the open abdomen of an armed figure. Heavy boots stomp circles around her as the SWAT team rallies. 
The short figure in reaction grabs at Caitlyn and Vi reacts almost instantly. She takes two menacing steps toward the figure who realizes their mistake of placing their hands on the Sheriff. Fury lines violet irises as the brawler grabs the figure by the collar of their black rain jacket and lifts them up. 
“You’ve got the right to remain silent, fuckface.” Vi snarls lowly.
“We went over this!” Caitlyn tutts angrily. She has her hands on her hips as she glares up toward the brawler who rolls her eyes. “We needed them to complete the deal, to charge them, Vi! What you did, nearly cost us! Gods know what could have happened if the SWAT team didn’t follow you!” 
“Yeah, whatever. I see hextech aimed, I’m gonna fucking move, Cait.” Vi defends as she sets her gauntlets into the trunk of the Sheriff’s cruiser. She closes the door a bit too firmly, before she leans up against it. “ ‘speacially if it’s aimed at you. Ain’t letting that fucking happen.”
“We had it under control.” Caitlyn manages as she pinches the bridge of her nose. The small wrinkle above her eyebrow pulls down as she mutters something under her breath as lights and sirens sound. Police cruisers drive off, leaving the two of them alone in the small pattering of the rain and late night air.
Agitated the brawler pushes off of the cruiser and gets a step too close to the Sheriff.  “If them surrounding you, was under control...What if..” Her jaw tightens like one of her tension wires in her gauntlets. 
“You know, I can handle myself, Vi. You don’t have to assume I can’t defend myself.”
“I know you can.”
“Then trust me to handle those situations.”
“I’ve seen too many of those kinds of deals going sour, Cait.”
“I have too, and I’ve learned ways to help control that kind of situation. It’s why I had you on standby. Incase it got too serious for me to not have it under control.” A gentle hand moves to Vi’s left shoulder in a reassuring gesture. 
Vi’s heart nearly soars a hundred feet in the air. She can’t help the gut reaction as worry curls around her gut. A warmth starts to center to where Caitlyn is touching her, and she nearly melts instantly. When those eyes, infamous for freezing perps atleast three times her size in place, soften and begin to search for why Vi is so...bothered.
“I don’t care. I’m not risking you,” the brawler admits. She can’t lie when Caitlyn is looking at her like that. She does her best to avoid eye contact. She tries to swallow the pit in her throat. When she finally has the courage to look back to the sheriff, she is surprised to see Caitlyn staring at her in realization. 
“Vi?” It’s a quiet sound that is nearly drowned out by the rain. “Do you have... feelings for me?”
“Voids, Cait, I just...You’re...I...”Vi panics and begins to step backwards. She is stopped by a firm hold on her wrist.
“Vi, don’t run away, let’s talk about this.” 
“I ain’t running!” Vi quickly barks.
The sheriff quirks an eyebrow to the brawler who is completely redfaced. 
“Fine, you want an answer so fuckin’ bad?”
She retakes her step, cups Caitlyn’s face in her calloused hands and kisses her. 
Shock courses through the sheriff instantly.  It’s surprisingly soft, for someone who was so frustrated just moments ago. Slowly as the shock wears off, Caitlyn closes her icy eyes as she begins to kiss her back. Her small arms rest at Vi’s hips.
She notices that she tastes like coffee and bubblegum.
As quick as it came, the brawler pulled away. She turned on her heels instantly and pulled the collar to her leather jacket up to her ears. 
“There’s your stupid, bloody, fucking answer!”
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sablelab · 6 years
Magical Walk
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SYNOPSIS: Sam’s thoughts turn to the hill he and Caitriona had climbed together in the early stages of their relationship called  North Berwick Law. This definitely was a significant night or else he wouldn’t have called it “MAGICAL.”  
This is my account as to what may have happened. This short story is featured in my multi chapter story Three Days in the Highlands.
Sam had meticulously thought out what he wanted to do on this weekend away in the Highlands long before they had left Glasgow. It had always been his intention to make climbing Mount Schiehallion the highlight of their stay in the Highlands and given that the conditions on the mountain were indeed perfect, Sam was somewhat relieved.  If they had to turn back because the weather had deteriorated then that would throw his picnic plans into disarray and he would then need a plan B. Surreptitiously he mentally crossed his fingers because he knew that once they reached the top the view would be spectacular.  
He wanted his love to have a fantastic day and that was his aim for Caitriona with her first Munro bagging.  He hoped that today would be just, if not more memorable than their first hill climb together … the one that had been the catalyst for a relationship that had blossomed and grew into a love as deep as the deepest ocean. He clasped Caitriona’s hand a little tighter as pictures of their first hill climb and the spectacular view … metaphorically and physically … suddenly resonated in his mind.
The first time they had climbed a mountain was some time ago when Caitriona had initially come to Glasgow and on the spur of the moment he had taken her hill climbing on North Berwick Law in East Lothian in order to get to know each other a little better away from the set in those early days.  He was a climbing fanatic and although she was ill prepared that night for what he had in mind, he refused to let Cait’s bad choice of footwear stop her assent to the top. If he had to drag her up the mountain caveman like then he would, but he was positive that Caitriona Balfe had the tenacity and resolve to do it all on her own despite her footwear.
Sam smiled to himself as he could still hear that conversation they’d had in his mind when he’d asked Cait to go on what constituted a first date … their first date … hill climbing with him. It was a good test for him for any date with a girl as he was not sure that every girl would particularly like to be dragged up a mountain, but it was a good indication to find out if they did. Although Caitriona had been reluctant at first, he had managed to bring her around to his way of thinking and she had passed with flying colours.  That night he just knew that she was the one. This gorgeous woman who had been thrust into the world of Outlander as he had been was a conundrum. Ms Balfe was circumspect, but there had been many an occasion when she had let her guard down and this intrigued him. He wanted to get to know her better not just as his co-star but on a deeper more visceral level. Cait challenged him like none other before her and it was what he found so fascinating about her.  
Her voice danced around in his mind as he remembered her words and her expressions on the night he’d asked her to go climbing. He could still picture Caitriona’s smile and the twinkle in her eyes as she accepted his proposition and all it involved. He loved that about her … she was up for anything and that night she proved it in spades.
“You’re so very into this climbing aren’t you Sam?”
“Aye … I love it and so will you too once you start. Come with me tonight.”
“But … these are the only shoes I bought with me.”
“No Problem … I will be most impressed if you can go hill climbing in those boots Caitriona.  Are you up for a challenge?”
“Are you goading me Heughan?”
“Who me?  Why no, of course not … but …”
“Okay … You’re on. I’ll go with you Mr Totally Outdoors.”
“You’re a brave woman Balfe.  I’m impressed.  It will be fun.”
“Who for? … You?...Or me?”
“Why both of us of course.”
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It was certainly magical for him and he was taken with Caitriona from that moment forward.  In fact he was very attracted to this very feminine tomboy who would hill climb in heels. It was a spur of the moment decision, and one he had thanked his lucky stars that she had risen to the challenge with.  And boom … he was totally hooked. He couldn’t believe that his new co-star would even contemplate a hike up a mountain, two hours drive away from Glasgow, then spend time in his company for dinner and drinks afterwards and then spend another two hours on the drive back to her flat.   He’d tried to hide his immense pleasure that Caitriona would even consider this as a first date as such, a get to know you type of date but a date nonetheless.  He was over the moon with anticipation at what might unfold when they were alone together.
However, in retrospect, the look on their faces on the selfie he’d taken at the summit under the monument at the top … Live for the Moment … really said it all. It was indeed serendipity. They were both smiling and so happy looking.  They were wedged up against the monument with Cait on her derrière her feet resting on his thigh showing the soles of her boots in which she had conquered the hill climb and him smiling like the cat that had swallowed all the cream.  She’d also given him a quick little smooch just before that selfie was taken and if he looked close enough he could still see the evidence of her lipstick shade on his lips. Each time he looked at the photo he couldn’t help but remember what it felt like to have Caitriona Balfe kiss him on the lips
He’d captured a perfect moment in time for posterity of them grinning joyfully at what they had achieved that night. This indeed had been a magical night on so many levels and without really knowing, that night had also been the beginning of their enduring love affair.  The fact that Caitriona had climbed in her high-heeled boots was testament to the mettle of this wonderful woman.  He could hardly believe his good fortune at having their paths cross in the way that they did. He never expected to find the right woman that was his equal. Caitriona Balfe was everything and more than he never knew that he wanted or needed in his life.  She was the epitome of class, smart, beautiful and funny.  They just melded together. He fell more and more in love with her each and every day thereafter.
Ahhh … and THAT kiss … That kiss had been magical just like that night and the amazing woman with him.
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It had hit him hard in the plexus without even knowing what was happening to him for he had fallen hard for his co star.  He knew that Caitriona was the one and the climb on North Berwick Law was the sealing of the deal. If Cait had been able to climb like she did with no complaints whatsoever and to be totally enamoured with his company he knew that she was a keeper and he would try everything in his power to make her realise that they were meant to be.  They had conversed so easily on the way up.  They’d laughed and joked around and when Caitriona had gotten a little tired of walking, he’d piggybacked her part of the way up the hill. She was no weight at all and he’d consciously jiggled her around a bit, which only encouraged Cait to grab onto his shoulders a little firmer and lock her legs more tightly around his waist while his hands cupped her delectable backside feeling the roundness of her butt cheeks nestled in the palms of his hands.  It was fun but it was torturous at the same time.  When Caitriona had linked her hands around his neck her head had fallen closer to his cheek and her hair had brushed his face as she giggled in merriment. Then when he smelt the perfume of her tresses and the essence of her scent, it made his heart accelerate in leaps and bounds.  
Perhaps Cait had felt the change in his body for she had asked him to put her down soon after that lapse in control. Now that he thought back on it perhaps she too had felt something special in that moment that had scared her a little as well, because his reaction to her had certainly scared the living daylights out of him. Caitriona Balfe was the epitome of a classic beauty. She was unpretentious and self effacing. Cait played down her looks but when she was dressed up she was a knockout … a goddess in his eyes, but that night hill climbing she was more beautiful than all the stars in the night sky. So natural and carefree and inwardly stunning, her beauty oozed out of her pores from the inside out. Everything from the sparkle in her eyes to her laughter made her a woman of immense beauty to him and that night she was glowing in his eyes.
Despite the battle going on in his brain at his escalating feelings for this woman, it seemed like in no time at all that they had reached the top of North Berwick Law. They had laughed and talked about everything under the sun until they had solved the problems of the world.  Caitriona had a similar outlook on life and knowing that she too was involved in a cancer charity showed how similar they were on so many levels.  They had talked about family and he had run past her his ideas for fundraising for a charity that was close to his heart.  He had no idea until then that she too was involved in a charity of a similar nature and when it involved children with cancer something just went boom in his heart.  Caitriona was so unassuming, a quiet achiever that worked so tirelessly for charities even before she became patron of World Child Cancer.  That was in fact how she was discovered for modelling… giving out charity bags for underprivileged in Ireland as a teenager.  She had a kind soul and he gravitated to that in her.  
The climb to the top had been enlightening and he had learnt a lot about Caitriona as a person and what he learnt thrilled him no end.  They had talked for hours and never ran out of conversation, they engaged easily in repartee, they were at ease with one another and the time had passed in the blink of an eye.  They were comfortable together and somehow after the night their deep bond had been formed and had never wavered.  He had never met a woman like Caitriona Balfe and there was no way in the world that he was ever going to lose her.  
Once they had reached the top of the mountain Cait had taken in the magical view looking down over the town below, the rolling crop fields and the tranquil sea but when she had turned her head to look at him the look on her face took his breath away.  Her hair was cascading around her beautiful face while her smile was radiant and said it all.  She was happy, exhilarated and in awe of what she was seeing.  Little did she know but that was exactly how he was feeling too. It was as if he was rooted to the place where he was standing.  Caitriona had then caught him completely off guard again as she came to where he was standing, threw her arms around his waist and kissed him on the lips.
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The touch of her mouth to his knocked the stuffing out of him but when his brain finally went into gear his lips responded. His arms tightened around her body drawing her closer to his torso as his lips gently nipped hers again and again until they locked on Cait’s with delicious intent. He deepened the kiss and Caitriona followed his lead. Their heads aligned and their mouths changed position as time seemed to stand still. They kissed until they became breathless … it was then they had to break away. Cait shyly loosened her arms and he reluctantly let her go. The kiss had changed everything. He tried to act nonchalantly and not place too much emphasis on what had just occurred between them … but they both knew that the earth had somehow shifted on its axis with that kiss although they didn’t want to admit it. Inwardly though he was doing cartwheels with happiness and hoped that this moment would last forever.
“Thank you Sam for bring me up here.  It is the most beautiful sight I have ever seen.”
“Me too Caitriona … Me too.”
“I’m so glad that I decided to come with you, I’ve had the best time ever.”
“And I’m so glad that you did. I congratulate you for making the climb in those boots. It’s a feat on its own.”
“Why thank you Heughan … You do know how to flatter a girl.”
“Any time Balfe.  You know where to find me if you want to climb me … Ah, with me again.”
“Hmm … well next time I won’t wear my boots then.”
“Good idea.”
He couldn’t help the double entendre of his words and judging by Caitriona’s smile she was not fazed. She had understood and nothing had been lost in translation. They had stayed a little while longer admiring the night time view, the setting sun and twinkling stars before reluctantly making the journey back down the hill.    
North Berwick Law was quite steep especially coming down in the moonlight and with Caitriona in heels the going was a little tricky, but he remembered just what he’d done as if it was yesterday.  He’d held her hand and the touch of her smooth skin entwined in his large hand had sent a jolt of lightning through his body, but it was nothing compared to the feeling he felt when he’d placed his arm protectively around Caitriona’s waist a couple of times to prevent her from tripping up on a loose rock on the downhill slope. Purely for balance he’d said to himself at the time.  However, the feel of Cait’s slender waist under his protective arm had felt so good and the gentle surreptitious squeeze under the guise of keeping her steady made him smile.  He knew at that moment he wanted to know just what was under that jacket and jumper she wore and he knew that he wanted to feel her soft, warm, pliant skin under his hands and explore her flesh with a lover’s touch with his fingers. He’d nearly stumbled himself as these thoughts ran amuck in his brain. It was little wonder that they had made it safely down the slope at all. He’d been well and truly sucked into a vortex where Ms Balfe was concerned and he would have laid her down then and there in the grass and made love to her under the stars. Their unsolicited kiss at the apex had affected him more than he wanted to admit.  He was smitten with Caitriona Balfe and judging by her participation and the spontaneity of initiating that kiss, she was equally taken with him too. She was a complete mixture of so many amazing things packaged up in one person. 
At the same time Sam was pensive, Cait too was lost in her own thoughts of a gorgeous guy, who was extremely talented, funny and above all kind. He was a kindred spirit and tonight he had left his mark on her in the most adorable way. Sam Heughan was a special man and one she wanted to know better. There was depth to this layered man and she wanted to pull away the layers to find the prize waiting for her in the hidden core of this most marvellous human being.
They were so comfortable together in each other’s company and had fallen easily into a camaraderie and a strong relationship both on and off the set.  Somehow after the night, their deep bond had been formed and had never wavered since then. He had never met a woman like Caitriona Balfe and there was no way in the world that he was ever going to lose her.
Caitriona had noticed that Sam had been a little distracted. She brought his hand up to her lips and kissed his knuckles.
“Penny for your thoughts babe.”
Sam immediately reacted to her touch. “What?”
“Honey … you were off with the fairies somewhere.”
“I was … wasn’t I?” He smiled and hugged her to his side. “Just thinking about our first hill climb together and wondering if today will be any similar.”
“That was certainly a magical night Sam. I remember it just as much as you do no doubt.”
“Aye … that it was Cait … Magical. And what about those high heeled boots you were wearing?”
“I’ve still got those boots I’ll have you know… They’re a little worn now but they are still very comfortable.”
“They must have been for you to climb up North Berwick Law. That’s no easy feat.”
“You know I couldn’t resist the invitation to go hill climbing, especially not when you made it sound like a challenge.”
Sam laughed.  “It was my darling and you passed with flying colours.”
Caitriona hit him playfully in the ribs. “So is today another challenge?”
“No.  Today is just for lovers.”
“I thought that was the night.”
“That ‘tis … hold that thought, but so too is today.  We might be the only ones up on Mount Schiehallion and after all it is not called the Fairy Hill for nothing.”
“Ohhh …”
“It’s a magical place too and today I get to show it to you.”
Having reached the Audi, Sam dropped his arm from around Caitriona’s waist and opened the door to the car. They exchanged glances before he leaned down and placed a tender kiss to Cait’s mouth before closing the door once she was seated. Jumping in the driver’s seat on the opposite side of the car, he turned the engine over and the Audi Q5 purred to life.
“Lead on Macduff … I can’t wait to bag my first Munro.”
“I think the correct quotation from Shakespeare’s Macbeth is “Lay on, Macduff, and damned be him who first cries ‘Hold! Enough!’” He stated with mischievous mirth in his voice.
“Shut up Heughan and just drive.”
Their combined laughter echoed in the interior of the car as Sam did what he was told to do. He headed back across the bridge then turned the Audi on the road towards Mount Schiehallion and the adventure that lay ahead.
Caitriona Balfe is still THAT girl!!!
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madaboutmerlin · 6 years
Merlin Writer Month: Round up
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Hello Merlin fans! We hope you’ve had an amazing week and that you found some new fics to enjoy! 
Again, we want to remind you to use the hashtag: #MerlinWriterMonth2018, so that we may reblog all of your wonderful recommendations. Also, we noticed that some of you recommended authors instead of specific fics, so you’ll find them at the end after the GEN cut.
And without further ado, enjoy!
1. Rules For Roommates by Pickitup  Length: 41,235 Summary:  Modern AU. Arthur works in publishing and is ashamed to tell anyone he’s secretly editing erotica, and being bullied by one of his authors - the arrogant ‘Lake Anders’. He’s also just taken in a new roommate, the adorable Merlin Emrys, who is definitely Not His Type. Or is he?
2. The Oncoming Storm by  Diana_Prallon Lenght: 133,914 Summary: The only thing the Republic isn’t ready for, is war. Everything in their power is being done to appease the systems that have joined the Separatist Movement, to try and keep the peace among all. The Jedi Knights have been sent all over the Galaxy, trying to solve conflicts and stop more and more planets from leaving the Republic, with mixed success. King Arthur Pendragon of Camelot, however, doesn’t believe that avoiding war will be that easy and has devised a scheme to help boost the Republic’s defenses – if he can survive the many attempts on his life and remain hidden under the custody of Jedi Padawan Merlin long enough for his master, Mordred, to figure out who is behind the attempts.
3. Let’s Ruin The Friendship by silver_etoile Lenght: 24,564 Summary:  Desperate to get Merlin over his breakup with Lance, Arthur makes a suggestion that surely can’t backfire–sex with no strings attached. Arthur’s perfectly capable of controlling his own feelings, so why does this feel all wrong and more than a little bit right? 
4. Close Quarters by RocknVaughn Lenght: 3,948 Summary:  Albion University’s rather unique “Get to Know Your Roommate” exercise has Merlin seeing red…and blue, and yellow, and green. 
5. The Dreams Inside by winterstorrm Lenght: 9,959 Summary:  Arthur had always held back, not trusting himself. After all, he’d been in love with Merlin since he was eighteen years old—and Merlin had been with his sister. Now that Morgana was off the scene, could Arthur be blamed for taking his chance with Merlin?
6. Everything by beckybrit Lenght: 5,970 Summary:  Arthur wants Merlin to let go and hold nothing back. The result isn’t quite what he expected.
7. Arthur Pendragon and the Philosopher’s Sword by  a8csock (ladysockalot), ladysockalot  Lenght: 60,941 Summary: Arthur Pendragon was living a normal, mundane life, when he received a mysterious letter inviting him to the magical University of Camelot. Despite his scepticism before long he found himself being whisked of to a world of magic, mystery and destiny. His life would never be the same again.
8. Crisis Muffins by flowersheep Lenght: 2,334 Summary:  Merlin needs to stop having crises at ungodly hours of the morning.
9. Meant to Be Heard by jessicamdawn Lenght: 4,768 Summary: Arthur Penderson meets the eccentric Merlin Emrys when he is twenty. While getting to know him, Arthur happens to hear strange things coming out of Merlin’s mouth when he isn’t looking but can’t figure out what they mean. Reincarnation fic.
10. Clouds On The Horizon by Diana_Prallon Lenght: 49,975 Summary: The Golden Age has arrived.It’s been three years since King Arthur Pendragon legalised magic once again in Camelot. Side by side, magical and non-magical folk have worked to rebuilt the land that was torn in the war against magic just as the King and his sister try to heal the rift between themselves. In times of peace, Albions prospers. Prosperity, however, brings a new threat to the land, one that Camelot cannot face without the aid of its allies. Meanwhile, Arthur and Merlin have to figure out how to live with each other now that there are no more secrets between them.
11. Sail Thou Forth (The Untold Want Remix) by fifty_fifty  Lenght: 37,070 Summary: Trapped in a marriage of convenience, Merlin Emrys doesn’t believe in love at first sight - or true love at all, for that matter.That is, until he meets Arthur Pendragon, an extraordinary man whose courage inspires him to begin the career that he has always longed for, and in whose arms Merlin begins to hope for better things.But society isn’t kind to men like them, and both must overcome tremendous obstacles before they will be free to live the life they’ve been dreaming of.
12. Touch by autumdragon Lenght: 2,596 Summary: It’s not black. Not really. It’s more shades of blacks: constant silhouettes floating in and out of his vision. It’s all he’s ever known. Black. But then he meets Merlin. And he sees colour for the first time.
13. A Rose in Spring by daylighthour Lenght: 3,746 Summary: Merlin is fed up with doing all the hard work and getting none of the credit. When Arthur lashes out at him in a fit of anger, it’s the last straw.
14. Death Invades Camelot by yourrockyspine Lenght: 19,665 Summary: Camelot’s Police Dept. is facing a multitude of problems: A) A series of brutal murders in a small town. B) An exhausted DCI connecting said murders, much to the derision of his fellow officers. C) A homeless, petty criminal hoping to share his observations (and possibly land himself the DCI in question). D) The DCI’s half-sister, who senses someone is following her.
15. Silhouette by rotrude Lenght: 12,409 Summary: Though his father objects, Arthur wants to become a poet, not a lawyer. Moving from London to the country, he finds his muse, in more way than one.
16. The Sidhe Prince by Caite Roswen Lenght: 67,207 Summary: When Prince Merlin of Avalon visits Camelot, King Arthur is confident that everything will run smoothly. He does not expect to come face to face with a destiny that never was, or to find his most closely guarded secrets unravelling around him. Merlin disarms Arthur with his unexpected charm, lays bare his charade as easily as if Arthur’s whole kingship were made of glass, and accompanies him on a journey which will change Camelot forever.
17. The Door at the End of the Hall by tamerofdarkstars Lenght: 6,998 Summary: Sometimes, what the human mind perceives as reality is different than what is actually there. A debilitating virus has decimated the nation, turning people into vicious, bloodthirsty creatures, and for Merlin and Arthur, trapped in the complex they used to work in and racing together to find a cure before the worst befalls them both, the line between reality and perception is blurring. 
18. M.E.R.L.I.N. by Lunadeath02 Lenght: 30,666 Summary: Captain Arthur Pendragon mail orders for a companion robot to keep him company and provide him with sex while he’s exploring the galaxy for unknown worlds; he didn’t plan on getting MERLIN. 
19. Time’s Up by Detochkina * Lenght: 31,700 Summary: Is there anything in common between drugs and excellent grades? Or business and psychology?  The answer is simple – in the world of big money a lot can happen when you’re bored to tears. Under pressure from his father, Merlin becomes involved in a strange relationship. At first, he can’t get out of it; on second thought – he doesn’t want to. “When they ask me in court how I got into this,” Merlin said slowly, trying to recover from the initial shock, “I’ll just tell them I was too busy snorting crack to notice. Think that would move them to tears?” Gwaine tossed his head back and laughed.”
*You’ll need to log in to AO3 to read this work. 
20. To You I Pledge by beren Lenght: 45,009 Summary: Merlin lays his life on the line to save Arthur yet again, only this time there are witnesses, lots of them. Only Arthur prevents him going to the headman’s axe straight away, but Arthur alone cannot save him. That is up to both of them. 
21. Learning by Touch by Capriccio Lenght: 802 Summary: Arthur might be a simpleton, but he’s not stupid. He sees the look in Merlin's eyes: soft and fond and sad, like he wants something he can't have. (Set during 4x12.).
22. One Sheet to the Wind by Capriccio  Lenght: 753 Summary: Merlin is just a plain white sheet, happily drying on the clothesline, until a gust of wind tangles him with the arrogant blanket next door.
23. Where This Road May Go by batgurl88
Summary: Arthur is a royal who can’t remember his past. Merlin and Gaius are con-men, hoping to return Arthur to Uther for a hefty reward. Little do they know they have the real deal on their hands.
24. I Win. by Kitty_Kanneas Lenght: 4,476 Summary:  At the summer faire in Ealdor, Arthur tries his hand at what he terms a 'peasant' game. When he isn't pleased with the outcome, he makes sure everyone knows it's just not really the way things are.
25. The Untold Want by Cookie Lenght: 18,572 Summary: Arthur Pendragon was the down-trodden son of the Duke of Camelot. After a break-down he goes to Cascades, a sanatorium, and begins to learn how to live his own life. That becomes even easier when he meets aspiring architect, Merlin Emrys.
26. Cold as the Wind Blows by arthur_pendragon Lenght: 1,780 Summary:  Every year on the first day of spring, Uther lets Arthur and Morgana and the rest of the nobles and servants do as they please, just for the day - and this year, Merlin finds himself invited to the best picnic of his life.
27. Ydill by arthur_pendragon Lenght: 2,955 Summary: One serene day where they're all as happy as they can be.(In which Merlin and Arthur are abysmal at hiding their emotions, Gwen has a big heart for her friends, and Morgana does, too.)
1. Shatter into the Hope of Tomorror by Mara93 Lenght: 48,000 Summary: Arthur casts Guinevere out of Camelot for the treachery of his heart. When the true treachery begins, and his beloved Camelot is lit ablaze, he is forced away from his home. Without kingdom, his heart must face fate’s greatest fear.
2.  Sound and Smoke by sneetchstar Lenght: 27,129 Summary: The newly-crowned King of Camelot gets some assistance in his rule from an unexpected source. With unexpected consequences.
3. Striking a Balance by sneetchstar Lenght: 75,807 Summary: Princess Guinevere and Prince Arthur are promised to one another as toddlers, but never meet again until their wedding day.
4.  Growing Up with Benefits by scarlettpeony Lenght: 46,949 Summary: Arthur and Gwen have always been close. As children, they were secret playmates and as adults, they are secret bed-mates.
5. To You, An Admirer (Remastered) by sneetchstar Lenght: 6,376 Summary: When Guinevere and Arthur unwittingly exchange love letters not only do they fall in love but also their entire world is set to change forever as the Kingdoms of Albion teeter on the verge of war. Many obstacles stand in their way, especially once they come to the attention of King Uther Pendragon and Arthur’s aunt, the powerful Queen Anna Lothian. Elsewhere, Merlin tries to help Morgana decode a recurring dream prophesising imminent doom.
6. Be of Good Cheer by schweetheart Lenght: 935 Summary: Canon AU. Camlann is over, and Arthur reigns triumphant over Albion. Gwen basks in the beginning of Camelot’s Golden Age.
7. Here by loveandthetruth Lenght: 422 Summary:  It’s barely past midday and there’s not nearly enough shade here to hide them but Arthur just doesn’t care.
8. Plus ca change (plus c’est la meme chose) by loveandthetruth Lenght: 35,649 Summary: Merlin’s hopes to have left the past behind come under fire when destiny intervenes and history appears to be repeating itself. Chaos and adventure ensue as Merlin tries to stop this story ending in the same tragedy. 
9. The Moment I Saw You by sneetchstar  Lenght: 62,777 Summary:  “Hi, I’m Arthur. Will you marry me?”
10. Broken Shackles by AngryPurpleFire Lenght: 26637 Summary: An invasion on Camelot leaves everyone in shambles. Unlikely alliances unfold in hopes of rebuilding what has been lost.
11. Touch by sneetchstar Lenght: 7,259 Summary: After a car wreck, Arthur needs to see a massage therapist.
1. Dust of Snow by AkakoDukes Lenght: 503 Summary: Merlin and Gwaine during the first snow of the season on their way to Ealdor. Fluff.
2. Discovery by Luthorchickv2 Lenght: 1,371 Summary:  Arthur follows Merlin on an herb picking trip and discovers the source of Merlin’s good mood.
3. Riversong by ViridianJane  Lenght: 402 Summary: Merlin’s hands are soaked in blood; poison seeps under his nails and turns his dreams against him. He’s killed with these hands. He’s held death between them and couldn’t bring himself to mourn when he felt nothing inside of him shatter.  But Merlin’s hands are also loving.
4. A Type of Heaven. by leashy_bebes Lenght: 2,685 Summary: Gwaine has to be off doing knightly things. Merlin pines. But then "Every parting is a form of death, as every reunion is a type of heaven.” Canon future-fic.
5. The Gravity of Love by VTC Lenght: 9429  Summary: Gwaine zeroes in on the burdens Merlin seems to carry on his shoulders, and embarks on a mission to discover them and alleviate them. It does not go as planned, but it is so much more.
6. This is Just To Say by Heronfem  Lenght: 4,510 Summary:  Merlin can track all of his relationships through the books on his shelves.
7. Time Enough by CanaryPaper Lenght: 738 Summary: “I always feel like we’re trying to conquer time,” Gwaine whispers into the soft shell of his ear. Darts his tongue out for a taste.
1. Back To Where It Began by LittensTinyMittens Lenght: 818 Summary:  After Kilgharrah has been sent away, Merlin takes his father back to Ealdor.
Gwen/Merlin 1. Kiss Me When I’m Down by sadpendragon Lenght: 937 Summary: We were each other’s first after all.
1. The Love That Binds Us by rubberglue Lenght: 3,593 Summary: Camelot’s greatest strength was the love that connected her people. Nine snippets of love in Camelot.
1. Hidden Dragons by LittensTinyMittens Words: 103,388 Summary: When the Purge began, the Dragonlords fled to the mountains and created their own little society with the dragons. Merlin is born and raised with his family and his people, only learning of his destiny when he is 16 years old. No one knows how he will meet the Once and Future King, since these days leaving the mountains can be a death sentence.  Lucky for him, the Once and Future King finds him, but to everyone’s shock, it is Arthur Pendragon. Merlin can’t help but feel drawn to him and is then tasked with the mission of teaching the Prince all about magic and their people. Along the way, they’re joined by a handsome traveler named Gwaine, and Merlin feels the pull of destiny with him too…or is it really destiny?
1. A Delicate Thing by freezerjerky Words: 1,569 Summary: Mithian comes in person to give her condolences.
1. A Mother’s Eyes by SheWhoStumbles Lenght: 1,598  Summary: It had been three years since the messengers had brought news to Ealdor of King Arthur’s death. It had been three years since magic was restored to the land and Albion entered her golden age. And it had been three years since Hunith had last heard from her only son.
2. Don’t Drink if the Mead Tastes Funny by KaterinaRiley * Lenght: 7,155 Summary: It’s all Arthur’s fault! Merlin didn’t want to drink the mead -it tasted funny- but oh no, Arthur just insisted that Merlin quit acting like a girl. So what happens? They get kidnapped and Arthur’s about to be sold as a slave, that’s what! It’s all Arthur’s fault.
*Canon compliant pairing and hint of slash, but they’re not the focus of the fic.
3. Testament of Weapons by shamera Lenght: 3,569 Summary: Four years and Merlin still had a hard time keeping a sword in his hand for more than a minute in a fight.
12. Problems by MayGlenn Lenght: 40,216 Summary: “Gwaine’s sixth problem, which may have been and always would be the greatest, was his complete and utter refusal—nay, inability—to accept help from others. It tied into his hubris, yes, a bit, and also his pride—for Gwaine had a great deal of pride, contrary to popular opinion—it was shame he didn’t have, which was different."  Gwaine has had worse scrapes than this: he just can’t think of any right now.  A boar hunt with the knights goes terribly wrong, but as things progress, it turns out that that’s the least of his problems.
1.  AO3 user flammablehat 
2.  AO3 user triste
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identybeautynet · 3 years
Doctors suggest you don’t take your beauty tips from TikTok
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Doctors suggest you dont take your beauty tips from TikTok “I always know when something is trending on TikTok because I’ll have an influx of patients coming in and asking me about the same thing,” says Dr Niket Sonpal, a gastroenterologist. Most of the time, that “thing” is a beauty or wellness tip that’s gone viral on the video-sharing platform, without evidence that it actually works. The advice may be ineffective or outright dangerous, from drinking chlorophyll to induce weight loss, to using sunscreen only in select areas to “naturally” contour your face. “We talk about TikTok all the time in my office,” says Dr Dendy Engelman, a dermatologist and cosmetic surgeon, “and I think it might be worse than other platforms because people are really looking to create content with that wow factor, the thing that will go viral, even if it’s not grounded in science.” It’s not surprising that the app that brought us the “Benadryl challenge” (taking large doses of the antihistamine to induce hallucinations) and “the Everclear test” (doing shots of the high-proof alcohol) is not a fount of doctor-approved beauty guidance. But many consumers throw reason and caution to the wind when faced with these trends, underscoring a growing subversion of authority in which an influencer’s word is replacing that of experts. “It’s funny because patients are often so timid in our office about trying treatments,” Engelman says. “But when they see something done on Instagram from an 18-year-old influencer, they’re like, ‘Sure!’” What not to try at home Compiling an exhaustive list of TikTok’s bad beauty advice is next to impossible because the content on the platform seems to multiply in step with our increasingly short attention spans and insatiable craving for the new. But a few trends that have dominated the platform of late are especially mind-boggling to doctors. If people are seeing ‘results’ from drinking chlorophyll, it’s likely because they’re drinking more water than normal, so their skin is getting better and their bathroom trips are more regular Dr Niket Sonpal Take “slugging,” a TikTok trend advising people to sleep with a thick layer of Vaseline on their face to aid hydration. Videos with the hashtag have 14.4 million views on the platform, and the trend has been promoted by influencers like Hyram Yarbro and Cait Kiernan. But dermatologists warn that it can have adverse effects on your skin. “Putting an occlusive on your skin and letting it sit overnight sets you up for exacerbating clogged pores and breakouts,” Engelman says. Then there’s the “sunscreen contouring”, which dermatologist Dr Neera Nathan heard about, to her horror, from one of her patients. Some influencers have advised people tired of contouring their faces with makeup to use a thick sunscreen with high SPF, applying it only on the areas they want to highlight, like the top of the cheekbones and bridge of the nose. The rest of the face is left to tan (and burn), sunscreen free. It’s a tip that flies in the face of the American Academy of Dermatology’s recommendation that everyone wear a broad-spectrum SPF of at least 30 on any exposed skin. “We know that this is crucial to do from a very young age from both a skin cancer and anti-aging perspective, so the idea that these videos are suggesting otherwise to a very young audience is disturbing,” Nathan says. In April, drinking chlorophyll, which has had moments on other social media platforms, had a spike in interest on TikTok, driven by the endorsements of influencers like Amelie Zilber, according to Traackr, an influencer marketing platform. It has been called a “miracle product” that can increase energy levels, induce weight loss and clear up skin, but doctors say these claims are not backed by research. Drinking chlorophyll is one of the more harmless recommendations on TikTok, but it’s likely to be a waste of money. (Raw chlorophyll drops on Amazon cost about £15, on average.) “If people are seeing ‘results’ from drinking chlorophyll, it’s likely because they’re drinking more water than normal, so their skin is getting better and their bathroom trips are more regular,” Sonpal, the gastroenterologist, says. What trend do doctors really want to see left to the professionals? Microneedling, which involves puncturing the skin with tiny needles in an effort to generate new collagen. On TikTok, conversation around at-home microneedling grew in 2020 and is already experiencing five times more engagement in 2021, per Traackr, but experts say it’s incredibly risky to do at home. While some studies have shown that medical-grade microneedling can improve skin suppleness and lessen wrinkles, “it needs to be done in a really clean, safe setting,” Engelman says, pointing to the high risk of infection. “If you go hard enough on your skin, it can lead to colour change, textural change and scarring, essentially worsening what you’re trying to make look better, like fine lines and acne scars.” Viewer, beware Tilly Whitfeld, a reality TV star from Australia’s Big Brother, has learned firsthand just how dangerous beauty trends can be. After spending her time on the 24-hour surveillance-style show wearing clay face masks or heavy makeup, she was questioned by viewers about what she was hiding and confessed vaguely on Instagram in May that a TikTok beauty trend had damaged her skin. Whitfeld, 21, says by phone from Sydney that she hadn’t told anyone exactly what it was because she “knew” she would look like an idiot. Last August, she was browsing TikTok when she came across a video teaching people how to give themselves freckles using sewing needles and ink that were said to fade within six months. Since the video didn’t clarify what type of ink to get, she ordered brown tattoo ink she found on eBay, which she later discovered was a counterfeit product made with high levels of lead, and began pricking her face in a freckle pattern. “It didn’t hurt at all, so I didn’t think I should stop,” says Whitfeld, who went over the marks multiple times, as advised by the video’s creator. There weren’t any faux freckles, and her face swelled up from infection, which caused her to briefly lose sight in one eye, she says, and she now has scarring across her cheeks and nose. With nearly $12,000 already sunk into doctor’s visits, Whitfeld has yet to find a solution to correct the damage. Laser removal is apparently not an option because, doctors have told her, the ink she used will turn black rather than fade. “The main response has been that I’m stupid, and, yeah, I agree,” she says. For doctors, it’s a terrifying scenario. “You have a lot of people claiming to be experts who have no real consequences for giving really bad advice,” Sonpal says. Stories like Whitfeld’s have doctors hoping that the companies running these platforms will place disclaimers on beauty content stating that it’s unverified or dangerous to try at home, but they’re not holding their breath. In the meantime, they’d prefer that you reach out to, yes, a doctor, via appointment or direct message on social media, before putting your faith in a TikTok video. As Sonpal puts it, “We can counsel and educate you for more than 60 seconds.” Doctors suggest you don’t take your beauty tips from TikTok Read the full article
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radreactions · 7 years
Romanced Companions react to slapping sole during an argument and sole just dumping them right there and then. (No forgiveness)
Just a heads up, potential DV triggers here guys and in case it needs to be said, DV is NOT okay in ANY circumstance. I’ll also be working on something romantic and fluffy to make up for the angst ;)
Cait – Sole got her so fucking mad that she simply lost control of herself, barely having enough sense of mind to not throw a punch but instead – at the last possible moment – transform it into a hard slap across their face that jerked their head to the side. She started yelling at them then, not fully realising what she’d just done until they pushed her aside and stormed out the room, yelling back that they’re relationship is over. Cait continued to yell profanity back at them, slamming the door behind them before sliding down the wall and burying her face in her hands, crying now because dear God she realised she’d just hit them. She just became every lousy piece of shit that she’d ever come across in her life and actually hit the one person who was good to her. Swallowing her pride, Cait rips open the door and sprints after them, intent on making things right. It’s no surprise when they don’t forgive her, when they turn their back on her and keep walking with hurt and resentment in their eyes. The pain in her chest hurts so bad that she turns to the only remedy she has left and drinks herself into blissful stupor, unable to live with what she’s done sober.
Curie – The argument was so futile, so trivial in comparison to the consequences of her own actions. She didn’t mean to, she would never ever mean to hurt the person she loved, but her body had a mind of its own and left the little synth just as shocked and surprised as Sole when her hand whipped across their face. Hard. “S-Sole I am so sorry! I-” She tried to apologize, reaching for them quickly only to recoil when they flinched, expecting another blow. She started crying then, her tears flooding her vision, making it impossible to see the hurt in Sole’s eyes as they spoke but regardless she knew it was there. She heard it in the roughness of their voice as they spoke the words that crushed her.“We’re done, Curie. We’re over.”She cried out, reaching for them but finding nothing but empty air and regret. How could she have done such a thing? How could she live with herself now that the person she loved more than science, more than anything in the world has left her?
Danse – He’s quite a physical man, Danse, so much so that it’s easy for anyone to tell his mood simply by observing his posture alone. If he’s unsure, he’ll shift from foot to foot and scratch absently at his jaw. If he’s troubled, he’s restless and can’t keep even a finger still for more than a few moments. When mad, he searches for something to hit until he’s calmed down some. But never, never did he consciously mean to slap Sole during their first real argument. When he realises what he’s done because of the hurt look on Sole’s face, it feels like the entire world fell out from under him. “Sole, I-I’m sorry. I honestly didn’t mean to strike you, I-”“Just shut up, Danse! I can’t fucking believe you! How dare you!” Sole rips away the hand he reached forth to soothe their stinging cheek, their eyes burning with resentment. “I’d expect to be hit by a raider, Danse, but never you. And never again. We’re over!”He knows he deserved it, he knows he was in the wrong but he just can’t let them walk away and leave things like this unaddressed. “Sole-”“Go away!” Sole’s yells were so loud and his grip so strong on their forearm, that some of their other companions had to come in to separate them because Danse just wouldn’t let go. He needed them to know that he didn’t mean it, that he loved them, that he wishes he could’ve snapped his own arm in two places instead of hitting them. Days, weeks, months, years later – even though the damage was well and truly done – he still keeps trying to make it up to them, to show how much he cares, because the alternative is not an option. He will never accept that they’re over. Not because of him.
Deacon – He’s never slapped anyone in his entire life. He’s punched before, karate chopped and even glove slapped, but never actually hit anyone with his palm before. So the stinging comes as a surprise to him, but the actual realisation that he’d done it to Sole shocked him even more. In fact, he’s so stunned, that he stares down at his hand speechlessly, the silence between him and his lover stretching for so long that he thought they’d stormed away.“How could you?” Sole hissed through a harsh whisper. “I thought you loved me. Or is that yet another one of your lies, Deacon?”He tries to speak, he tries to defend himself, but there really is no point in that, is there? He’d just hurt them. Physically hurt them. There was no coming back from that and he knew it. In response to his silence, Sole just scoffed and shook their head, before brushing past him and pushing open the door to their shared house. “We’re done.”Their words pierced his heart, the pain so sharp that he actually winced. He turned to stare at the closed door, feeling lost for the first time in a long time. Once again, he fucked up everything that was good in his miserable little life, and for what? A petty argument? Already he’s berating himself and can’t think of a single defence simply because there is none. “I…I’m sorry, Sole.”
Gage – It was not big deal to him, slapping Sole. He didn’t want to, but they wouldn’t stop yelling at him and he…he just acted in the way a seasoned raider veteran would instead of a doting lover. “Will you listen to me now, boss, or do I need to do it again?” The words tasted bitter in his mouth even while saying them, but he was so worked up that he didn’t consider how it would seem to Sole. He didn’t consider that it was a real dickhead move and would quite obviously lead to them doing what they did next.“Fuck you, Gage!” They grabbed the nearest thing and threw it at him, a rusted lamp that he easily swatted away while trying to follow them as they left the room.“Sole, wait minute, come back here. I know I fucked up, okay?”“Yeah, you did!” They spat, spinning around to fix him with a glare. The words were right on the tip of his tongue, so easy to speak for anyone else, but Gage? Having gone through what he’s gone through in life? No. He’s never said those words before, so it was incredibly hard to get them out even though he knew it was all that was needed to fix this, and that moment of hesitation cost him everything he held dear in life. “And I can never forgive you for that, Gage. Not that.”“Sole-” The slam of the door was final, like a gunshot. It may as well have been one, one that was directed at his heart.
Hancock – He rarely ever gets mad, let alone mad enough to strike out on anyone physically, but when he does it always revolves around something he cares about. Sole is most certainly within that category and even though he wasn’t necessarily angry at them during their argument, he got so overwhelmed with his frustration and the fact that they wouldn’t listen to him, that he slipped and before he knew it his hand had whipped across their face. “Oh shit, Sole! Fuck! That was an accident, I’m-”“Get the fuck away from me!” They growled, ripping their arm from his grasp. “How the hell was that an accident, Hancock?”He could’ve blamed it on the chems, on his nervous twitch, on some bullshit story that there was a fly in the air and his swipe at it inadvertently hit them too. But he loved them too much to even consider lying. “Sole, I love you. I’d never purposely do that to you.”“Fuck you, Hancock.” They whisper harshly. “I don’t ever want to see you again.”It had been seventeen years since Hancock cried. Seventeen years that he’d kept himself safe from a pain so sharp and unforgiving a bullet to the chest would seem appealing in its stead. But when Sole left that room, Hancock was reduced to tears. Not only had he lost the greatest thing in his miserable life, he’d lost it because of his own foolishness. Something that drives his chem addiction even higher in the coming days and months.
MacCready – The only drawback of being in a deep, meaningful relationship is that you get to learn not only the great and lovable qualities of the other person, but also their flaws as well and the things that really get under their skin. In arguments such as the one he was having with Sole, this is particularly hard because that kind of knowledge can be used against them and things can be said and done that cause far too much hurt than that warranted by the petty quarrel. It was a scene repeated too many times over in the history of human kind, where MacCready had reached his breaking point and wanted both of their yelling to just stop. It did though, when the loud slap echoed in the room, emphasised only by the deafening silence and the reddening handprint on Sole’s face. “Oh crap.” The colour drained completely from his face as he realised just how badly he’d fucked up. “Sole, I-I can’t believe I just did that to you, I’m so sorry I-”The damage had been done. Sole – with burning anger and hurt in their eyes – had just turned around and roughly pulled open the door to their room before MacCready could finish his sentence. “No, I can’t be with someone like you. I deserve so much better. Have a nice fucking life, MacCready.”“Wait-” The door slammed shut and he was left gasping for air, hand reaching for the nearest piece of furniture to keep himself standing. That just happened. He just fucked up so fucking badly and he can’t think of what to do next. Should he go after them? Should he give them space? What the fuck did he slap them for?! He near about drowns in guilt and shame, barely able to look anyone in the eyes because of what he’d done. His greatest fear from then onwards is raising a son that will do the same thing as his father, knowing that even though it only happened once, it was one too many times.
Maxson – Discipline is something he has a knack for instilling in people, whether it’s seasoned Brotherhood Knights or the still wet behind the ears squires. He hasn’t had much in the way of experience when it comes to romantic relationships and during the first falling out with Sole, he’d resorted to using what he already knew to try and take back control of the situation that was rapidly getting out of hand. When he realised it was most certainly the wrong approach to take, it was too late and his handprint was already reddening on Sole’s cheek. Silence stretched between them for a long time until Maxson finally spoke. “I’m sorry.”Sole glared at him, on the verge of tears but much too proud to let them fall. “You’re sorry? Really?”“Yes.” He affirmed and even though the words were the last thing Sole expected the stoic Elder to say, they weren’t enough to fix this. They were never enough to fix this. Maxson knew it himself and under the unwavering stance of his body, under the proud showcase of a man in his prime and achieving everything he believed in, lay a feeble man in love waiting for the guillotine to drop.“We’re done, Maxson. We’re fucking done.” Sole’s words sliced through him, ballooning out the guilt and self-hatred that had the Elder close his eyes against the sight of them leaving. He took in a deep shuddering breath and mentally recited the oath he’d taken as Elder, because now he’s left with nothing but the Brotherhood and even though it was once satisfying on its own, it is now barely enough to fill the hole left by Sole’s retreating back.
Nick Valentine – The amount of wife beaters Nick had put behind bars before the war was astounding for all the wrong reasons. He could never understand it, could never understand why or how a relationship could get to a point where one partner would strike the other. He always assumed it was voluntary, which made it so easy to lay the blame on the attacker because surely it wasn’t that hard to refrain from hurting the one you’re supposed to love. He never accounted for accidents. His hand moved so fast that he didn’t realise he’d done it until he saw the scratches on their face. Of course his right hand was the one to do it. The metal one. The one that could damn well have taken their eye out too. “Dear God, what have I done? Sole, are you okay? I promise you I didn’t mean-”Sole shoved him away roughly, small beads of blood smearing across their cheek as they wiped at where he’d hit them. “I thought you were different, Nick.” They hissed, tears mixing with the blood. “But now I see that you’re just like everybody else. A scumbag.”He wanted to reach for them, to stop them from leaving him, but let his hand drop to his side and stared woodenly at the door Sole had just slammed closed behind them. “You’ve really done it now.” He muttered to himself, disgusted. He knew Sole was too good for him, that he didn’t deserve them, and this only goes to prove the point. Even though in the days ahead he’d want nothing more than to win them back, he wouldn’t let himself be anywhere near them, because they were right. He was just a scumbag and maybe now that he’s out of the way, Sole can find someone better than him who’ll treat them right. Who’ll treat them better than he did, but one who couldn’t possibly love them more than Nick still would.
Piper Wright – She didn’t mean to slap them. She’d never, ever meant to do that. Not to Sole. But with how vigorous her hand movements were, how angry she’d gotten with them, she just…lashed out. The sound it made, the shock on their face, the silence thereafter. She just stared in shock, her hand still stinging from the force of it. “I’m sorry.” She whispered, panic taking over as she reached for them, only to be pushed away. “Blue, I’m so so sorry, I didn’t mean-”“Get out.” They uttered harshly, a hurt-born fire in their eyes. “Get the fuck out. We’re done.”Piper left with tears in her eyes, panic flooding throughout her chest. How could she have done something like that to Sole? They will never forgive her now, after all, how could they? She just slapped them – the person that she loved! Piper would keep her distance despite her own misery, hoping that maybe, maybe they’d want to talk. Maybe they’d want to reconcile, accept her apology. Maybe she hasn’t well and truly fucked things up between them, but as days passed and Blue still hadn’t contacted her, Piper realises with heart wrenching clarity that it really was over and it was all her fault.
Preston Garvey – He didn’t know what came over him. Normally he has a pretty steadfast hold on his temper, especially when it came to Sole, but that day he’d had enough and his control slipped only momentarily. The slap was like a viper strike, hard and fast, and by the time his hand lowered to his side, the red mark on Sole’s face was already glowing bright. By the time he realised what just happened, Sole pushed him away and growled out that they were done, so fucking done and that they never want to see him again. Preston desperately tries apologizing, damn near begging for them to stop and listen and just please know that it was a mistake, but Sole just leaves him calling out to them. He locks himself inside a room somewhere private and just yells, tears in his eyes and guilt in his heart. How could he have done that to Sole?
X6-88 – The courser was a patient man, a man that didn’t believe in spousal abuse and so believed that he himself was not capable of something so deplorable. But that was before his argument with Sole, before his patience was stretched so thin that it snapped like an elastic band – only instead of it flinging harmlessly off into space, it was his hand that flung harmfully at Sole’s face. The force of it knocked them to the ground and had him standing over them, shock written plainly across both Sole’s and X6’s faces. “I-I’m sorry. I did not mean to do that, Sole. Please believe me.” He knelt down to help them up, but was quickly shoved away and glared at.“Get away.” Sole hissed, rubbing their stinging cheek. “Get the fuck away from me you bastard!”With what he’s already done, X6 has no choice but to oblige, leaving the room quickly and already chastising himself for losing control. No matter how much or how sincerely he apologises to Sole in the following days, he knows he won’t ever be forgiving and is left wondering to himself just how on earth he’s to live with the guilt and self-disdain.
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darlingpetao3 · 7 years
Seducing Caitlin’s Sister (Harry Wells x Reader)
Rating: T
Summary: When you receive an important text from your sister Caitlin, you rush to look for her in all the places she might be and end up running into Harry (who may or may not be trying to seduce you) along the way.
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She's back again. Help. -C
You get this text early in the evening and immediately drop everything you had planned for tonight. Not that it was anything much in the first place, just a nice quiet time to yourself after work, but if you did have anything major planned, you would have dropped whatever it was in a second.
Caitlin needed you.
Your poor sister...
Ever since she told you her secret about her frosty-powered, bad-girl alter ego, you made a promise to yourself to be there for her whenever she asked for help. Growing up as Caitlin's sister was a difficult experience, what with her being the far more intelligent child and getting the big fancy job at S.T.A.R. Labs. But things were different now since she had confessed her uncontrollable other self. You wanted to be a better sister for Caitlin, so you throw on some “real” clothes, grab your bag, and run out the door in search of her at her apartment.
She's not there, but a horrendous mess is, which is so unlike her. This must be Killer Frost's doing...
You think quickly. The only other place where she might be is her place of work – S.T.A.R. Labs. You hope the building is still open or that someone will let you in at this hour because odds are, if Caitlin is there (or Killer Frost, rather), she won't want any kind of help.
The bus ride there is far too slow for your liking. Doesn't the driver know your sister could be in trouble? Or causing trouble? Getting off at the stop near the infamous building, you race to the front doors and bang on them, only to find shortly after they were unlocked this whole time.
Not much for security here, are they?
Being unfamiliar with the layout of the Labs, you wander aimlessly and frantically, peeking around each open doorway. Caitlin is nowhere.
What's that sound coming from around the bend?
“Cait- oof!”
Rounding the corner, you smack into a tall man with wild hair and glasses. He takes hold of your arms to keep you from falling to the floor, which is where you were headed if it weren't for his firm grip.
“I- I'm. Hi,” you fumble.
“Hello,” he says. “Who are you?”
“Caitlin's sister. (Y/N). Who are you?”
“Harry,” is all he says.
“Harry, is she here? Please tell me she's here.”
He's still holding on to your arms.
“She's not. What's wrong?”
“I got a text from her. Killer Frost has taken over again and it sounds really bad this time. I'm here to help.”
This Harry guy guides you back into the room from which he came, managing to keep a hand on you still. He shows you a pair of glowing handcuffs on a work table.
“If this is your way of seducing a stranger...” you start. Harry makes the tiniest of laughs and adjusts his glasses.
“They're power-dampening cuffs. The very instant Killer Frost puts them on, she'll be our Snow again.” You blush for thinking otherwise. Hopefully the colour rising to your cheeks isn't too noticeable.
“Besides,” he says with a subtle wink, “I don't need cuffs to seduce a stranger.”
There's no hope for your cheeks now.
After throwing the cuffs in your bag and heading out again, you had told Harry you would be perfectly fine searching for Caitlin on your own. He strongly disagreed though, even more so when you mentioned she might be at this bar she used to work at in her college years. Harry insisted he would accompany you.
At the bar (which seems to have grown shadier with the passing years), you scour the room for your sister (or a white-haired version of her). Nothing yet.
Harry, who had at some point switched out his glasses for some shades, tugs his black cap down and stands a little straighter. Next thing you know, he has his arm around your waist and pulls you in a little closer to him.
“W-What are you doing?” you ask, feeling flustered at the sudden contact.
“Big burly fellow in the corner is eyeing you up,” he says out of the corner of his mouth. “The closer you are to me, the less likely we'll have unwanted company.”
You look up at Harry in his dark shades. He's so... something. You just don't know what.
“Let me buy you a drink,” he says, while quickly adding, “Better scoping point from the bar.”
“Are you sure you're not trying to seduce me?”
He lowers his shades slightly at you. “Is it working?”
Attempting to give Harry your best coy smile, you say, “...Gin and Tonic, please.”
You sip your drink while scanning the room full of miscreants for anyone resembling your sister. It's almost hard to believe perfect and proper Caitlin would come to a place like this. Then again, it wouldn't be her here. It's Killer Frost.
No really! It's Killer Frost! Your eyes follow the wavy, white-as-snow hair out the back exit. You bolt for the door without so much as a word to Harry, but he follows close behind anyway.
“Caitlin!” you call after her. She turns around to face you.
“I'm not Caitlin,” she says icily.
“Yes you are,” you insist. “We're family.”
“We? We are nothing.” Her words hurt, but you know they aren't true. You know how to fix this.
“We are everything. Everything to each other.” Slowly, you inch a few steps closer to her as you talk. “How could you forget all that we've been through together? I know you remember it all. The girls' nights with mom. Tutoring me in Chem. Planning a million different schemes to get back at Lexi LaRoche for the bubble gum incident.”
Killer Frost, Caitlin, makes a small laughter-like noise. Progress. Out of the corner of your eye, you see Harry keeping his distance, letting you work your magic. You're standing directly in front of her now, staring her down, trying to get through to her.
“I'm here to help,” you say softly. In the split second of seeing her eyes soften, like lightning, you whip out the power-dampening cuffs from your bag and lock them onto her wrists. The colour in her hair and face start to reappear again. Her eyes don't glow anymore. Caitlin is back.
“Oh thank you,” she says, wrapping you in a hug. “I knew you'd be there for me.”
It's a nice, tender moment between you two. That is until Caitlin spots Harry.
“Harry, what are you doing here?”
“He's trying to seduce me.” Caitlin looks at you like, um, what have I missed? “Tell you later,” you whisper. “Shall I call a cab?”
“I got it,” she offers. “After all, I am the reason you're in this part of town.” She gives a shudder. As Caitlin calls a cab, you wander back over to Harry.
“That was some fast cuffing on your part,” he compliments. “Very impressive.”
“Yeah, well, I should hope so. I do it all the time.”
Harry's eyebrows shoot upwards at what you're sure he's thinking of.
“I'm a cop,” you explain.
“Oh my God!” you laugh. “You thought-”
“You did.”
Harry chuckles, giving in. He takes off his sunglasses and gives you his best fake smoulder as if he's making fun of how he's been trying to seduce you all night. “Buy you another drink before we go?”
“You better, Casanova.”
A/N: I hope this was okay! I tried. Disclaimer: I am not a master of seduction.
Anonymous Request: Harry wells x reader where he manages to seduce Caitlin's sister when she visits to help with killer frost please?
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mrninjapineapple · 7 years
Fallout 4 Word Prompts - Patisserie Tank Shamrock Penguin
This is the longest prompt I wrote, which takes place in a utopian AU where all of the factions have made a truce and formed a formal coalition for the good of the Commonwealth. Anyway, enjoy! :D
They passed by the patisserie, arm-in-arm, both smiling at the sweet smell of fresh pastry. They soldiered on however, full after their dinner, and walked past the other shops, soon reaching the end of the pier.
Nate leaned on the railing, Nora resting her head on his shoulder. They both looked out at the ocean, endless waves of midnight blue shining in the moonlight.
‘It’s beautiful’ whispered Nora as she stared up at the pale circle set in the star-studded curtain of deep indigo.
Nate turned to her, his eyes taking in the beauty of her profile, softly silhouetted against the lights of the fairground at the other end of the pier.
‘Yes, it is’ he agreed without following her gaze.
She raised her head to look at him, her expression suddenly bashful. She jostled his arm playfully with a small laugh.
‘You know, you still haven’t told me what all this was about,’ she said, eyeing him suspiciously, smile still on her face. ‘Dancing, a movie, dinner, and now a romantic walk by the sea? If I didn’t know any better, Mr Howard, I’d say you had an ulterior motive for this evening.’
‘You got me,’ he admitted with a chuckle. ‘Not letting that degree go to waste, I see. Can’t get anything past the new hotshot lawyer in town.’
She went to punch him on the arm but he dodged to the side, grabbing her hand as he pulled her against him. They both laughed as Nora gained her bearings once more.
As their laughter slowly faded, Nate leaned in for a kiss, tasting the sweetness from their apple pie dessert on her lips. He pulled away and stared into her piercing, green eyes.
‘I love you,’ he said, barely above a whisper, before lowering himself onto one knee. ‘Nora Elizabeth Murphy…’
Her eyes widened as she realised what was happening.
‘…Will you make me the happiest man in the world?’ he continued, taking a small box from his jacket pocket and opening it up. Inside was a small golden ring, a diamond set neatly in the bezel, glistening in the light as it winked up at her. ‘Will you marry me?’
Nora raised her hands to her mouth, eyes welling at the sight before her. She managed a nod and flung her arms around Nate as he rose, a manic laugh escaping both of their lips through tears of joy.
As they began to kiss, the world shuddered, a ripple running through it like a wave through water. Colour began to drain from the world around them, everything turning cold and grey.
Marcus disengaged the memory lounger, opening the glass pod and sitting up, the experience fresh in his mind. Doctor Amari approached, reading data from the holographic tablet in her hand.
‘Did the memory freeze at the end?’ she asked, a frown creasing her brow.
‘No,’ answered Marcus, squeezing his eyes shut as a familiar ache began just above his left eyebrow. ‘I just… couldn’t remember what happens next. And you’ve told me a thousand times: “A memory can’t be created…”’
‘”…merely recreated,”’ she said, finishing the quote with a small smile. ‘Very well Mr Howard, if you say the equipment is working as intended, then I shall believe you.’
‘How many times, Doc? Call me Marcus.’
The Doctor flashed him a quick grin before turning away.
‘Good night Mr Howard’ she said as she left the room.
Marcus sat on the edge of the memory lounger and exhaled deeply. He hadn’t lied to Doctor Amari, the machine worked perfectly with the new upgrades, but…
I couldn’t remember what happened next.
The thought floated in his mind, alongside the vague trill of Nora’s voice, and the faint odour of her perfume.
Am I forgetting everything from my old life? My wedding, Shaun’s birth… Nora?
He ran a hand through his hair and stood, willing himself on, trying to ignore the hollow pit growing in his stomach.
Leaving the room, he entered the main hall and looked around.
Memory loungers were placed around the edges of the room. Set an equal distance apart from each other, they, along with the clean white walls and floor, gave the room a cold, clinical appearance. They were the original series of lounger, standard pods with no added features.
Doctor Amari had invited him to try the upgraded version, complete with detailed simulations and POV functionality, allowing him to experience the memory from his own point of view. He had also heard whispers of a new type of lounger, created with a large tank of specialised gel to give the user advanced sensory input, but Father had been scarce with the details.
The Memory Den suddenly feeling cramped and stifling, Marcus left through the large double doors, feeling the cool morning air of Goodneighbour soothing his mind. A guard passed him, his features distorted slightly and his skin sagging as if too big for his face.
Must be in the final stages of de-ghoulification.
Marcus dismissed the observation as he continued on, entering the Old State House and leaving the cold behind. He climbed the stairs up to Hancock’s infamous retreat, taking the stairs one at a time for a change, savouring the quiet.
The soft hiss of the decontamination arch greeted him as he stepped through, two guards waving him into the Den.
Through the doors, he could see Hancock posing for a portrait, his signature costume draped over his irradiated body. As Marcus entered, he felt a familiar sense of respect for the ghoul mayor. Despite the fact that a cure for ghoulification had been found, Mayor Hancock had staunchly refused, sticking by the founding philosophy of Goodneighbour and its love of the abnormal members of the Commonwealth – “Of the people, for the people.”
Codsworth, holding a brush tentatively within the mechanical grasp of his claw appendage, made swirls and splatters of colour across the canvas, the blobs of paint eventually coalescing to form an abstract profile of Hancock.
‘There we are, sir!’ exclaimed the Mr Handy bot as he revealed his work. ‘I think you’ll be most pleased.’
Hancock relaxed his pose and stared at the image for a minute, his frown lost amongst the numerous strands of discoloured muscle and cartilage stretched across his forehead.
‘Erm… what is that?’ he asked as politely as he could.
‘Why, sir, it’s a cubist representation of your glorious visage of course’ cried Codsworth, spinning with glee.
Hancock paused for a moment before reaching over and turning down a dial on the side of Codsworth’s body.
‘Sir, what are you…’ the bot began, before his system adjusted to the reduced culture setting. He saw the portrait before him. ‘Oh sir! I do apologise! This childish scrawl was not my intention…’
‘It’s okay, Codsworth,’ replied the ghoul mayor. ‘We can try again tomorrow.’
The Mr Handy bot took that as his cue and hovered out of the room, his eyestalks sagging in dismay at his failed artistic skills.
‘It’s an improvement’ said Marcus with a grin as he entered the room properly, gesturing towards the smeared portrait.
‘Yeah yeah,’ chuckled Hancock. ‘What brings you to Goodneighbour, oh Sniper of Sanctuary? How may I be of assistance?’
Marcus knew that he was aware of his visits to the Memory Den but appreciated the gesture regardless. Nothing happened in Goodneighbour with Hancock knowing.
‘Just helping Doctor Amari before I see to some business for Father,’ he said, noting the way Hancock squirmed at the name. Despite the truce between the factions, the trust of the people was a difficult thing to earn, with many vividly remembering the fear caused by them in years past. ‘You haven’t seen Cait, have you?’
Hancock took off his hat and scratched his head.
‘I think she said something about going over to Nuka-World,’ he said. ‘Something about a… zoo?’
Marcus smiled and left the room, leaving without providing any context. He left the Old State House and went to the tall building opposite the entrance to the Third Rail, walking through the automatic door and proceeding through another set of decontamination arches.
The interior of the foyer was well-furnished and neat, with an almost militaristic precision to the arrangement of the furniture. A large sign was hung on the wall before him, the words ‘Teleportation Hub: Goodneighbour Station’ clearly emblazoned across.
He allowed himself a smile as he thought about the pristine building, built and maintained by the Coalition; the formalised name for the alliance between the Commonwealth’s main four factions. Ever since he had negotiated peace, the Commonwealth had flourished under the rule of the Coalition.
Each faction had an accepted role within the makeshift government, under the main leadership comprised of the highest ranked members of each faction along with Marcus himself. The Brotherhood were the military, using their might to crush various raider groups and super mutant hordes. They also donated their top scientists to the Institute’s research branch, whose main focus was the scientific development of the new world.
The Minutemen, being a well-respected militia, were the perfect candidates for a police force, settling disputes and guarding settlements, both large and small. The final faction – the Railroad – helped wherever they could, with their best field agents joining both the Brotherhood and Minutemen, and their scientists aiding the scientific pursuits of the Institute. The main role of the Railroad however, was integral to the success of the Coalition, as they were responsible for opening trade routes, communication lines, and scouting settlements across the Commonwealth.
Marcus was broken out of his reverie as a synthetic receptionist greeted him, rising from the chair behind the desk as she asked him if he required assistance. He held up a hand, politely declining, and watched as she receded back into her seat, a smile on her face as she continued her paperwork.
Focused on his task once more, he entered a set of double doors to the right of the desk and followed the signs pointing him to the Nuka-World teleporter. He stepped onto the raised dais and felt a short pulse of energy before a deafening thunderclap sounded and the world went dark.
‘Your ears still ringin’?’ asked Cait as she placed another glass of whiskey in front of Marcus. In truth, the chipped tumbler held a noxious brown liquid reminiscent of the whiskey he once knew but Cait would take no excuses.
He downed the pungent concoction and winced as the fire made its way down his throat like shards of burning glass.
‘Smooth’ he croaked, before words failed him and he devolved into a small coughing fit. Cait remained oblivious however, pouring a glass for herself as she sat opposite him.
‘So… what brings you to my neck of the wasteland?’ she asked in her Irish lilt. ‘You don’t come around Nuka-World unless you have to…’
She fixed him with a knowing glare, a small smile playing on her lips, reminding Marcus of her keen intelligence. He remembered when he had first met her as a lost and lonely drug addict in the Combat Zone, fighting for her next fix of Jet. After he helped her to break her addiction, he wasn’t sure whether she would have the strength to resist the almost inevitable relapse.
Looking around, he was in awe of her resilience. Not only had she resisted but she had thrived, taking a part of the recently cleared Nuka-World as her own and transforming it into a quaint market town; not unlike the Irish quarter of the Boston he once knew.
‘Just thought I’d stop by and see how the zoo was coming along,’ he answered, his mind returning to reality. ‘Besides, I don’t need a reason to come visit, do I?’
It was his turn to flash a grin as she drained her glass.
‘Best be careful,’ she said. ‘Don’t want poor Piper to get the wrong idea… or the right one.’
She stared into his eyes from across the table… before they both devolved into a fit of laughter. As Marcus wiped his eyes, he felt a rush of affection for her. Piper would always have his heart but when it came to friends, there was nobody he would rather have at his side than Cait.
‘Come on, best get a move on,’ she continued, mirroring his own action as she wiped her eyes. ‘Cito and Curie should still be there.’
She pressed a button on her armband and Marcus saw the words “TRANSPORT EN ROUTE” flash across the small screen. With that, they left the saloon, both of them shading their eyes from the harsh noonday sun. Entering the wide street, they found themselves flanked by stores of every kind, with vendors selling their wares to passers-by and each building flying the same shamrock banner.
‘The town has certainly flourished’ thought Marcus as they passed a group of people who waved and smiled at Cait, with one even cheering her.
‘You seem to be popular’ he said, flashing another grin.
She brushed off the compliment absent-mindedly but he noticed a swell of pride as she quickened her pace alongside.
Reaching the transit station at the edge of the town, they boarded the waiting Corvega – The Red Rocket – and travelled to the large zoo facility of Safari Adventure. The ride over was brief but Cait regaled Marcus with news and tales from her time away from the Commonwealth.
Stepping out of the car, Marcus was in awe of the progress the Coalition had made. The structure of Safari Adventure remained the same, with large pre-war signage and walled perimeter, but the Institute and Brotherhood workers had erected large-scale renovations, adding entire sections and wings to the antiquated theme park area. Above the walls, a large glass dome covered the facility.
There was a hiss as the electronic doors parted as they entered and Marcus found himself stifled by the artificial humidity in the dense overgrowth. Plants and trees had been given free reign within the enclosure and had flourished, with vines creeping over almost every surface aside from the pristine pathway.
High above them, the pair could see the glistening light of the dome filtered through the canopy. A flash of red zipped past a nearby tree and a loud caw sounded.
‘What are those things?’ asked Cait in wonderment, staring after the red streaks through the trees.
‘Parrots’ Marcus answered with a smile, remembering the time he had seen the pre-war creatures at a local fair.
Together, they made their way along the winding path, passing lush vegetation full of life. With each step, the artificial biomes seemed to open up further, giving way to enclosed expanses of thick forestry, murky swampland, and arid desert; each with their own plants and creatures.
Reaching the end of the pathway, they made their way down a long flight of stairs, eventually emerging within a large subterranean structure, with thick metal pillars holding up the ceiling. As they walked through a doorway, they found themselves in a small room with a large machine dominating the space.
The cloning machine was an eight foot tube anchored to both the ceiling and the floor, connected to a small array of electrical equipment and machinery. Standing at one of these terminals, Curie smiled and waved them over as she finished making her adjustments.
‘Monsieur Marcus!’ she exclaimed as she drew him into an embrace, kissing his cheek before letting him go.
‘Curie,’ he said, flashing a smile. ‘How have you been?’
‘Tres bien!’ she replied excitedly. ‘I have been-‘
‘Eh?!’ interrupted Cait, staring pointedly at Curie as she flung her arms out wide. ‘Where’s my hug?’
‘Oh Cait, you make me laugh’ said Curie, offering a quick peck on the cheek.
‘Not bad I guess,’ shrugged Cait. ‘Where’s that hunk of meat you normally have hangin’ round?’
Curie looked puzzled for a moment, before a small smile spread across her face.
‘Cito? He is in the generator room I think. He-‘
Without waiting for her to finish, Cait had left through another doorway.
‘She is an odd one, non?’ said Curie, turning back to Marcus.
‘That’s one word for her,’ he laughed. ‘I almost feel sorry for poor Cito. He has no idea what’s about to hit him.’
‘I do not think that Madame Cait intends to attack him’ said Curie, wearing a confused expression.
‘It’s a metaphor, Curie,’ replied Marcus, chuckling at her blank stare. ‘So how goes the work?’
He gestured to the machinery around them and her eyes lit up with joy. Not for the first time, Marcus found himself admiring the life-like nature of her artificial body as he felt his face grow warm.
Curie didn’t seem to notice however, as she launched into a tirade about her work. Marcus caught a few words in the jumble but before he knew what was happened, she had grabbed his wrist and was leading him through a long hallway, glass enclosures stretching down both sides.
They passed lizards and other reptiles in their rocky habitats, big cats and large apes, bears and wolves, and all manner of different creatures. Curie continued leading him, offering insightful titbits of information about the animals.
She stopped in front of a glass panel and cleared her throat before starting her spiel.
‘This enclosure holds a group of-‘
‘Penguins!’ cried Marcus, staring in amazement at the stumpy little creatures waddling around the enclosure.
A look of irritation at the interruption flickered across Curie’s face for a second before she regained her composure.
‘Oui. Emperor penguins to be precise. The tallest and heaviest species of penguin, they were once found across the vast tundra region known as Antarctica.’
Marcus couldn’t hear her however, as he stared absent-mindedly into the artificial habitat. Another memory had surfaced from his pre-war life; a time where at the start of their relationship, Nate and Nora had visited a local fair. Wandering through the open area, they had spied a zoo and were meandering around the menagerie when Nora spotted the penguins.
Small fat creatures, they stood awkwardly nibbling at the iron bars of the cage in a sense of bewilderment, running at every loud child that walked past. A group were huddled together in the centre of the enclosure, warbling in affection with flat, expressionless eyes.
‘It’s so sad,’ Nora had said suddenly, her eyes never leaving the cage and the creatures within. ‘They don’t even understand where they are. They can’t fly away. There’s no ice, no snow. Nothing they can recognise… except each other.’
A baby penguin escaped the huddle and bobbed over to the bars, peering up with half-open eyes. Nora crouched, reaching out her hand to caress the chick’s head, smiling as the curious infant buried its face in her fingers.
It had only been the beginning of their relationship but for Nate, it was all he needed to know. In that moment, he knew that Nora would be the only one for him.
An image of Piper flashed across his mind and he jerked back instinctively.
In his reverie, he hadn’t noticed that Curie had sidled up beside him.
‘Another memory?’ she asked gently, resting a hand on his shoulder. He nodded. ‘It is difficult to lead two lives, Monsieur. Adjusting to human life has been… a struggle. But you must not hold on to the past.’
He began to reply but Curie continued.
‘You are no longer the man you were. Oui?’ she asked. Again, he nodded. ‘That is why you are now Marcus and not Nate. You have to let go.’
He looked at her for a moment before lowering his head, a sad smile on his face. She had grown so much as a person, he couldn’t help but feel a swell of pride for her.
‘Thank you Curie,’ he said quietly before perking up slightly. ‘I’m sorry I ruined your tour.’
‘It is no problem, we can continue another time,’ she replied. Her brow furrowed as she struggled to formulate her next thought. ‘I do not like to see… a friend in pain.’
Once more, he remembered the emotionless Miss Nanny bot he had met so long ago and couldn’t help but smile. He pulled her into a firm embrace and was glad of the companions he had gained during his time in the Commonwealth.
‘Come on,’ he said eventually, letting go with a sly grin. ‘Let’s go save what’s left of Cito.’
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caitie-lou98 · 7 years
Wedding Planning - Week Eight
Wednesday 27th December, 184 Days till ‘I Do’
Today, I thought it would be a good idea to hijack the blog and share with you my thoughts on our wedding planning - but from the grooms perspective. By now Caitie will have told you all about the little things that she's excited for and how some things have gone, asked for opinions etc... and whilst I am an avid reader of the blog, I don't get a lot of input to it. So here we go! 
Hi, my name is Kurtis, I am 21 years old and I am engaged to the love of my life,  oh wait... you can't marry steak; I am engaged to Caitie, she's a close second. To start off with I thought I should probably include all the things Caitie would normally write about, since you are obviously interested in our wedding planning; otherwise you wouldn't be here reading. 
Caitie’s ring finally got fixed; you have never seen a girl so happy as to receive a small item of jewellery as Caitie was on Friday just gone and then moan about it feeling weird after not wearing it for little over two weeks! Also managed to pay the deposit for our venue so all the main deposits are sorted and paid, we can relax to some degree. 
Isn't it mad to think that 2017 is almost over? This will be the last blog of the year, and this time next year we will be married and living together (possibly with around 12 dogs and 8 cats if Caitie gets her own way... HELP). I am so so excited to start 2018... and I most definitely did not think this time last year that my life would be anything like it is today, but then does anyone? Especially when so much can change in the space of a year all based on just meeting one person. 
So as a groom, really there are very few things to think about and I think sometimes grooms can fall into the habit of letting their wives to be do all the hard work, then just turning up on the day and seeing all the effort she's put in come to fruition. But that being said, I have really tried to be involved and to help Caitie as much as I possibly can. In some means practically and others just supporting her and letting her make executive decisions. However, there are a couple of things which from the start I have been put in charge of, those being:
1. Choosing the groomsmen and asking them to be a part of our special day. I have picked my longest standing friend Grant, my brother in law Sam and then a friend I have made through Caitie, Lloyd and of course last but not least my little brother Callum. 
2. The rings - we learnt when engagement ring shopping that I have far better taste than Caitie and know what she likes more than she does. So it was decided that I would be picking the wedding bands... (with of course a little input from HRH as I wouldn't want to pick the wrong thing- imagine starting of married life in the dog house with someone as stroppy as my future wife). 
3. Picking the hotel for the wedding night and then in turn choosing a honeymoon and finding the best place to go whilst meeting Caitie’s excessive specifications. (she doesn't like ANYTHING!!). Trying to pick a hotel in Wales when you live in Birmingham is proving to be increasingly difficult, especially when Cait lives in the middle of nowhere and there are no nice hotels that are not Travelodges or Premier Inns! (welcoming any suggestions at this point -which I know Cait has already asked but we are still struggling). 
4. Suits... again with Caities approval prior to making any final decisions. We have decided against renting suits because it is just as costly as purchasing a suit but with less options for tailoring and colours etc.. so suits are being purchased rather than rented. We are very fortunate to have Caitie’s mom making the ties and pocket squares... so all that is really left to purchase is cufflinks and a tie pin. We are likely to be purchasing from TM Lewin (Caitie gets discount - winner!). 
5. Handling all the savings and ensuring deposits are paid etc... whilst not actually something I was asked to deal with its just easier because we are using an old savings account of mine to put the wedding savings into, so it made sense to pay the deposits from there too.
So actually I am in charge of a couple of things. To be honest with you all I was quite reluctant to plan this wedding, as I had always envisioned myself having a small somewhat eloped wedding... but obviously with Caitie this was never going to happen! But now we are 4 months in with 6 months to go and I can honestly say this is really fun to be involved in. To all my other fellow grooms out there I would highly recommend trying to be more involved in the planning because firstly, your fiancee will surely appreciate it, and secondly you will be way more excited about your actual wedding day because you have things to look forward to that you have expressed opinions on and helped make decisions on. 
It is at this point I would like to thank my wonderful Fiancee for helping me write this because whilst I have opinions and want to say all of the above.. had I been left to my own devices this blog would have been approximately five lines long, which she surely would have complained about. I hope you are all enjoying reading these blogs as much as I am, whilst it is all stuff that generally I know about, its nice to see sometimes the thoughts and feelings Cait has had regarding them which she may not have originally conveyed to me. For example the cake which I thought we had already decided on, but then learnt in a blog that we actually hadn't and that HRH was picking a new one! 
In this post I have made a fair few jokes about Caitie being grumpy, bossy and generally a princess... so found it only fitting to use a photo where she is being all of these things in one! PS in case you didn't get the memo, HRH = her royal highness. 
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Thank you all for reading and thanks Cait for typing whilst I dictate (sorta!), 
Kurtis (aka the Fiancé) x 
0 notes
radreactions · 7 years
Companions reacting to Hancock becoming a glowing ghoul?
Ada – She is more concerned about his health than anything else and doesn’t have a bolt in her body that consists of any kind of bigotry or judgement. Although she does wonder if this new, more evolved affliction of ‘ghoulification’ will hinder him or aid him in his life. But as far as she is concerned, Hancock is still someone she considers a friend.
Cait – There’s really only one thing that bothers her about it, does he ever actually stop glowing?? He’s so fucking bright all the damn time! But aside from that, as far as Cait’s concerned, so long as he don’t go feral on them all, Hancock glowing green is the only problem she’s got with it.
Codsworth – The only thing that really bothers the Mr Handy are the subsequent ‘pinging’s on his HUD from the amount of radiation coming from Hancock whenever her enters the same room as him. Oh, plus that and the amount of mud that he always seems to tread inside Sole’s house. Surely the Mayor still has manners?!
Curie – As expected from the little scientist, she would be absolutely fascinated with the science behind how Mr Hancock’s body withstood the transformation. From her current understanding of ghouls in general, their bodies are quite hardy already but what about a glowing ghoul? Are they more resilient to radiation? Are their lifespans longer than an ordinary ghoul’s? How has the radiation not affected their cognitive capabilities considering Hancock is still his normal, ordinary self? More to the point, how did he become a glowing ghoul? She just wouldn’t be able to help herself when it came to possibility unravelling these mysteries, leaving the Mayor of Goodneighbour with one more shadow following him around everywhere her goes.
Danse/Maxson – He’s absolutely disgusted. He was disgusted before of course, when Hancock was a run of the mill ghoul, but now? Now he more than ever wants to put down this abomination once and for all. It wasn’t a personal thing, it was a species thing and when abominations like Hancock are allowed to walk the earth unchecked, well…he just hopes that it never gets that far. Now more than ever is he left feeling proud of what he and the Brotherhood stand for – eradicating these disgusting threats to preserve the future of mankind.
Deacon – He thought the new, bright green and glowing look suited Hancock for the better. After all, who wants to be your normal boring ghoul when you can be a glowing ghoul, right? He tries to make Hancock see it his way not just because he’s genuinly trying to lift the Mayor’s spirits, but mainly because he really really really wants to see Hancock dress up in a tuxedo and top hat and do magic tricks with Oswald. Seriously. He’s added it to his bucket list, in permanent marker and everything.
Dogmeat – The loveable little doggo does a double take when Uncle Hancock comes around Sole’s house again, wondering to himself if he’s still feeling the effects of the special little treat he was given the last time he was here or if Hancock really was glowing a bright yellow colour. Either way, he still smelled the same and still petted Dogmeat just the way he liked it, so it doesn’t matter much to him. (and I know what someone’s going to say: “But dogs are colour-blind!?” – they actually can see colours other than green, orange and red :D)
Hancock – He thinks that the green is going to be something he’s going to have to get used to, probably expecting to end up hating the damn colour because he now glows so bright. But aside from that, he’s still him and it doesn’t bother him that much. In fact, he jokes with Sole that they don’t even need to use the light on their Pip-Boy anymore because they got him. The right shade of green and everything.
Gage – Ghouls. He don’t like ghouls much, thinks their creepy and none too nice to look at. He could make an exception for Hancock because the two get along so well, but after a while Gage gets sick of seeing him and his damn glowing aura. He wouldn’t hurt him of course, because he’s Sole’s pal, but he utters a grunt of disdain.
MacCready – Ghouls in general – mainly the ferals – tend to leave a bad taste in his mouth, what with what happened to Lucy back in the DC, but Hancock? Nah, Hancock was something else. Along with Daisy, Hancock is one of his closest friends and him becoming a glowing one doesn’t change any of that at all.
Nick Valentine – In Nick’s eyes, if he had any negative opinion on Hancock becoming a glowing ghoul, he may as well hang a sign on himself saying ‘hypocrite’. In what time he’s spent with Hancock, he can’t find a single damn fault in the guy aside from his excessive chem usage, and to turn around and dislike him because of how he looks now is just plain wrong.
Old Longfellow – He’s seen some ugly critters on the Island in all his years and most of those were trying to kill him, so it don’t bother him much when Hancock starts glowing green. He’s never met a friendly glowing ghoul, so that’s a damn first.
Piper Wright – She finds it a little unsettling, mostly because – like Longfellow – she hasn’t met a friendly ghoul that was glowing before, but so long as Hancock still remains Hancock, Piper has no quarrels with him and may even ask him to do an interview about it. After all, how many reporters have written an article about living life like a ghoul, let alone life as a glowing ghoul?
Preston Garvey – As long as Hancock doesn’t turn feral, Preston doesn’t care much for his sudden change. Everyone has a right to life, a right to live that life unmolested by bigots and judgmental assholes, so if Hancock gets any trouble for being a glowing ghoul, it won’t be by Preston.
Strong – The big guy wonders to himself how he changed his colour, because surely he wasn’t this ugly and this green before…right? “HAH! UGLY HUMAN TRYING TO BE SUPER MUTANT LIKE STRONG. UGLY HUMAN TOO WEAK, TOO SMASHABLE.”
Sole – Who the fuck cares if Hancock became a glowing ghoul? He’s an absolute badass, a great companion and probably one of the most loyal friends out there. No one will be doing any harm to Hancock, not if Sole has anything to say about it, and if anyone decides to get lippy, well…they’ll get what’s coming to them.
X6-88 – He disapproved of Hancock even before he became a glowing ghoul, but now that he’s devolved even further, X6 considers him to be nothing but wasteland trash and a perfect example as to the importance of the Institute and their work.
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sablelab · 7 years
Three Days in the Highlands Chapter 27
This is a complete work of fiction and as such is an entirely fabricated tale created in my imagination. This chapter is the beginning of new posts. Enjoy.
Caitriona and Sam finally make it to the top of Mount Schiehallion and the view from the summit is spectacular.  Sam also has surprises for his lady love.
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Chapter 27 
 Reluctantly they broke away from their embrace a little breathless both from the effect that the kiss had on them emotionally but also from the exertion of the race. Caitriona’s heart was beating so loudly she thought for sure that Sam could hear it and she knew for a fact that he could feel it because his hand was placed strategically over her pounding organ.
Smiling at her with that impish grin that always made her melt, Sam cheekily asked, “A bit out of breath are ye Balfe?”
“Ah ... Just ... a ... little,” Cait managed to utter for his potent kiss had turned her inside out once again.
At this rate they would never reach the summit of Mount Schiehallion. If Sam would take any opportunity to kiss her then they could have stayed at home in bed  where it was so much more comfortable and let nature take its course instead of Munro climbing and canoodling outdoors  in Mother Nature, she thought wistfully.
Sam watched the dreamy look that passed over Caitriona’s face.  He had kissed her to within an inch of her life and her garbled words were an understatement.  He could feel the hammering of her heartbeats and knew that her breathlessness was a combination of both her running and her capitulation to his embrace. This woman was adorable and he just loved seeing her off kilter any and every opportunity he got.
Leaning his forehead against her, he gazed into Cait’s eyes. “So are ye ready to continue on our climb Balfe? We are more than half way up the mountain and I know that you will love what I have planned once we reach the summit.”
Recovering her momentum, Caitriona leaned back and studied Sam’s face. “I thought you said I would love the panoramic view? Are you telling me that was just an afterthought and that I will find something else at the summit?” she stated tongue-in-cheek.
“Och no. That is no lie, the view is spectacular, you will see.”
Seeing the mischievous grin that suddenly formed on his lips Cait knew he was not telling her the whole truth. “Are you keeping something from me Sam?”  
“No ... Nothing.”
That of course was not the whole truth.  He didn’t have a mind to tell her just yet that the climb would change dramatically to something she may not be prepared for.  Caitriona knew him well and he always had difficulty keeping a straight face under her close scrutiny for he always had a glass face where she was concerned.
“Hmmm?  Why don’t I believe you? Are you hiding something in that backpack?” She questioned playfully trying to sidestep around him to see just what he had in his knapsack.
“Nothing ... Nothing Cait I swear,” Sam replied laughingly dodging and weaving out of her way.
“You know you can’t be trusted ... and I hate surprises.”
Sam’s raised eyebrow made an appearance. “Who moi?” He said innocently. “Why, I’m crushed that you feel that way babe.”
“Come on Sam.  Spill. Just what are you not telling me?”
“Well there may be something ...” he said mischievously avoiding eye contact.
“I just knew it. What is it?”
“Just a few obstacles ... but nothing to worry about.  I promise.”
“Promises are cheap Heughan. Obstacles?  What kind of obstacles?”
“Oh ... Just a couple of big rocks.”
“I see. Well I guess I have you to help me manoeuvre them don’t I,” Cait replied knowing that Sam was not telling her the whole truth.  Nonetheless that was fine, because she just liked seeing him trying to wiggle his way out of his original words that Mount Schiehallion was easy to climb.
“True dat,” he laughed. “I’ll be there every step of the way.”
Cait gave him a little dig in the ribs. “And just what have you got in that backpack then?”
“You will just have to wait and see.” Sam grinned. “Curiosity killed the cat you know.”
”Ooooh ... sometimes I hate you Heughan.”
He laughed seeing Cait’s indignation at his reluctance to tell her about the surprises ahead and what he had in the backpack for their picnic.  “No you don’t babe. You love me beyond distraction as do I you. And furthermore, you will love what I have in my backpack.”
Holding her firmly in his arms, Sam gave his love another toe curling kiss swallowing her reply. This thoroughly silenced Caitriona’s words and he felt her melt against him once more.
“Come on my little Munro virgin, it’s time to tackle the next leg of our climb. But I warn you the going may get a little rough. The good path peters off and there is a granite boulder field we have to cross before we reach the summit.”  
“So that’s it. Oh goodie ... I can’t wait.”
Caitriona felt better after their little rest and teasing distraction and they were soon on their way once again.  They had made good progress so far, as the climb along the path had been relatively flat and had only just begun to undulate to a slight rise.  It was not a struggle by any means although she did discover a few various aches and pains from her running that were now starting to manifest their presence but it was nothing to worry about. Sam slowed down his pace and they stopped a couple of times to admire the view along the way. The rolling green meadows and partial view of the loch was breathtaking as too was the heather. It was a gorgeous purple colour today and in the distance they also saw a beautiful red stag while birds of prey flew overhead in the clear blue sky. It was tranquil and peaceful at the same time and Caitriona was thoroughly embracing her first experience of Munro climbing.
The next section of their climb however, wasn't quite so steep so their progress was a bit better. Further up ahead of them, they could see the well maintained constructed path zigzagging up the mountain leading right up onto the top of the ridge.  It was not long though until the gentle slope increased in gradient. The track meandered further up the hill before some of the boulders Sam had mentioned began to appear.  Strewn along the path many random protrusions of small rocks and stones were seen scattered amongst the heather and bracken.  They trod carefully between the rocks and they also offered an opportunity for them to practice manoeuvring the forthcoming boulder field. Cait was vigilant and watched her step as she didn’t care to twist an ankle on an unsighted obstacle along the path.  Progress up the mountain was measured and with no mishaps along the way, in no time they got to a position where they could see the summit.  Thinking they had finally reached the high point, Caitriona dug deep and pushed herself for the last few metres, but remembering what Sam had said earlier about the large rocks she was a little perplexed as well.
“I thought you said that we had to pass through a boulder field to get to the summit Sam? But these are only small rocks.”
“We do hon. Unfortunately this is the first summit of many before we reach the top.”
“Oh. There are more?”
“Afraid so. It will get a little bit rockier before we hit the big boulders though.”
He hadn’t the heart to tell her that when they eventually hit that section he wondered if Cait would want to turn back.  It was a little arduous and required stealth of foot but the climb would be rewarding once they reached the top.
Continuing on, the proper path soon ended at a sizable, rocky cairn of stones with larger and bigger rocks signalling the start of the more arduous climb through the boulders. They stopped and took another little break before tackling the next section to let Caitriona get her head around what was to come. From this vantage point they also admired the vista, for the scenic views over the area were serenely beautiful. Caitriona could only imagine what they would see when they reached the peak because everything they had seen so far was just amazing. Before setting off once more, they placed a small rock on the cairn like many other hill climbers before them had done.
This large cairn may have caused some walkers to mistakenly think that this was the summit already. Cait couldn’t help but also think that the cairn probably indicated that climbers had laid their rocks before deciding to turn back rather than forge ahead to the true summit of Schiehallion which was a little further along the ridge.
Sam noticed Caitriona was a little apprehensive. “I bet you thought people placed a rock on that cairn before deciding not to go any further?”
It was as of he had read her thoughts.  She swallowed hard and failed to look at Sam when she spoke in a bravado she was really not feeling.  “I did no such thing.”
He could see the blush that laced her cheeks and Sam knew that it was more than from the exertion of the climb.  Lowering his head he gave a wry smile. “Well a cairn is actually a navigational guide on this hiking trail to the best way up to the summit and there are a number of these false high points.”
“Really?” She panted a little out of breath.
“Yes,” he replied trying to disguise the laughter in his voice at Caitriona’s veiled response. Then reaching out his hand Sam said, “Come on honey we are nearly there.”
From this point on the terrain became tougher replaced by a field of uneven rubble of quartzite boulders which littered the ridge and which also made for awkward going underfoot.  Cait didn't quite expect it to be like what lay in front of her.  Although she knew the final section of the walk was across rock this was certainly not what she had envisaged.
"Oh my God,” she said on seeing what actually was in store for them.  There were rocks and boulders as far as the eye could see and the analogy of an earthquake suddenly formed in her mind. The true summit looked miles away and it seemed like an impossible task to conquer.
Cait turned her head towards Sam with a worried look on her face. “I thought you said this was an easy Munro?  How can that be with that mountain of rock in front of us?”
Seeing her trepidation at the thought of climbing over the boulders to reach the top Sam gave Caitriona a little hug. “It’s really not that far honey. It’s only 500 metres or so. ‘Tis just a wee stroll across the gravel.”
“That’s not gravel Heughan.  That is monstrous, uneven, jaggered rocks.  I don’t think I can climb those babe.”
“Yes you can Cait. You can do it and I will help you.  It will be okay. Trust me.”
Although she replied that she would do it, thoughts of giving up and heading back down the mountain raced through her mind before Sam had spoken his words of support.
They took care on the ridge as the ground was strewn with excessive amounts of angular rocks and boulders. It was a fairly steep climb but Sam was ever encouraging and much care was taken to avoid any mishaps or painful ankle twists.  Copious amount of granite were everywhere in different shapes and sizes and the ascent was hard work and tough going. However, together they picked their way through the boulders guided by the innumerable cairns dotted in the landscape showing the best way up that people had made to show the best access to the peak.  
In no time the angle of ascent eased off and the summit soon came into view in the distance.
The boulders were tough going, but when they finally made it through the rocky fields to the summit it felt as if they would fall into an abyss if you stepped out too far. It was truly worth the effort when they eventually got to the top. Mount Schiehallion was an isolated peak so it provided an excellent 360-degree spectacular panorama postcard view of the surrounding area as a reward for their climb. Every which way they looked the views were excellent and simply breathtaking.  It was a clear day with little cloud, so visibility was excellent as the panoramic splendour with stunning views surrounded by diverse habitats from its apex was truly awe inspiring.  It was well worth the trip for this amazing view of the mountainous peaks with minimal snow.
Looking around Caitriona noticed an imposing rock formation perched upon slabs of huge, flat rock like a delicately balanced sculpture. What she was looking at was in fact the summit cairn on an airy perch near the edge of a very steep rocky slope.  It was made up of rocks of all different shapes and sizes and formed an impressive cairn to mark their assent up the Munro.
“Wow! Look at that cairn Sam.  There certainly have been a lot of climbers to reach the summit here on Mount Schiehallion.”
“This cairn was constructed by those who wanted to leave their mark showing their achievement in reaching the peak, and now, so have you hon,” he answered with pride.   Picking up two small rocks Sam handed one to Caitriona. “There you go babe, you made it. It is only fitting to place a rock on the cairn to remember that you climbed Mount Schiehallion.”
“Where shall I put it do you think?”
He watched as she thought for a moment about where to place her rock. “Right on the top Cait ... that’s where it should go. You’ve earned it. Place it there and I’ll put mine beside yours.”
Caitriona felt great and was ecstatically happy. She had made it to the top of her first Munro. She was elated at her accomplishment and she couldn’t help but smile in recognition of her feat as she stood in awe of Mother Nature from this lofty height. As far as the eye could see was homage to the beauty of Scotland.  The rolling glens, the snow tipped mountain peaks in the distance nudging their heads through a layer of clouds; to the tranquil stillness of the beautiful lochs was a feast for the eyes.
With her back towards Sam, Cait stared out at the view lost in the wonder of the spectacular sight before her. The views were just breathtaking and this mountain was simply majestic. Lost in her thought, she still felt the gentle touch of Sam’s arms as he slid them around her waist drawing her back against the strength of his body.  Leaning her torso into his, Cait snuggled into his embrace as her head rested against his shoulder. She could feel Sam’s warm breath caress her cheek as he placed a kiss against her skin.
“Beautiful isn’t it?”
“Oh Sam ... It is everything you said it would be and more. The view is stunning.”
“You’re stunning my love,” he whispered against her ear as he let the words permeate into her brain, but it was the words …“Marry me Caitriona”… that he rehearsed over and over in his brain just waiting for the right moment to say them out loud.
“Congratulations babe. You have conquered your first Munro.”
“It was rough going at times but I have loved every minute of it.” Sam squeezed her body and hugged her more tightly to his chest. “Oh! Look Sam! There is an eagle soaring above the peak. What a magical moment.”
“This is a magical place honey.  You can just feel the beauty surrounding us.”
“Yes and I feel so insignificant in its grandeur.”
Turning their bodies, Sam pointed out some of the significant landmarks that could be seen from this lofty height. “The most impressive view is to the west across the wild views over the Great Moor of Rannoch to the hills of the central Highlands as far as Glencoe. To the east is Loch Tummel, and to the south-west is Carn Mairg Mountain, above Glen Lyon. Sir Walter Scott called it the longest, loneliest and loveliest glen in Scotland. Then to the North is Beinn a Chuallaich. It’s a sizeable hill but it’s not as tall as Schiehallion.”
Caitriona looked in the directions Sam had spoken and her eyes took in the splendid views of the Loch, mountains and the rolling plains of the glens and surrounding countryside before her. “Yes I can see. Oh? Is that the Queen’s View where we were earlier?”
“It is and it’s just as an impressive view from a height as it is from below don’t you think?”
“I’m overwhelmed Sam.  Every which way I look there is more to admire.”
“Aye. The beauty of Scotland steals your heart, just like you have stolen mine Ms Balfe.”
Caitriona lowered her head towards her chest as a blush worked its way up across her cheeks at Sam’s declaration. Her heart was pounding with joy and she shivered as he hugged her a little tighter in his arms and once more placed a kiss to her warm, rosy cheek.  
“Come on Balfe we need to take a selfie of this special moment of us in remembrance of your first Munro climb,” he teased taking his phone from his pocket and giving Caitriona a moment to compose herself. “Smile babe and then we’ll find a place for a picnic.  You must be starving after that climb because I know that I am.”
“I am a little peckish now that you mention food.”
“I didn’t say anything about food ... merely that I was starving.”
She laughed at his innuendo. “Sam you’re incorrigible.”
“I know,” he laughed in return turning her around to face him after their selfie. Grinning like a Cheshire cat, Sam’s eyes caressed Caitriona’s face before his eyes lingered on her lips.  His eyebrows wiggled suggestively. “Kiss me Cait and then I’ll show you what I have ... in my backpack.”
  Thanks for reading. xox
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