#all due respect to Neil Gaiman sir
emilydickinsonsghost · 3 months
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Thanks Neil babygirl, really needed to hear that this summer…🖤
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nikothebookdragon · 11 months
so. ya boi just came back to the hellsite after god knows how many months because good omens 2 just happened and i'm. i'm not okay. what the fuck. neil gaiman, all due respect, but sir that was a lot of damage
(apologies to all who follow me, there is going to be so much good omens spam. feel free to unfollow lmao, I just need to get this out of my system ;-;)
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elentary · 3 years
Black as the devil, pure as an angel
Happy 31st Good Omens anniversary! (i’m late as usual)
A little story about Aziraphale and Crowley popped up in my head and I tried to write it down. 
This is my first story and my first language is not English (so don’t expect a masterpiece out of this): any correction or comment will be appreciated!
(All material related to Good Omens is the property of Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett.)
Black as the devil, pure as an angel
London, Monday, 10th May 2021
"Hey, this is Antony Crowley, you know what to do, do it with style"
"Ah, hello, it's me… ...Aziraphale! Well, ehm, it's been a while since we spoke and I suppose you're still sleeping in this moment because you aren't answering the phone. I just hope you aren't sleeping on the ceiling or on the walls: I'm pretty confident to say that's not comfortable for your backbone and I know for sure you have a perfect soft bed in your room. Also, last time I saw you up there, I almost had a heart-attack and I'd like to avoid it, even if I'm sure I can't die of that since I'm not human, but… ...oh, I wandered off too much with this!
Ehm, I called to inform you that lately the situation here in London seems to have improved and, since some restrictions have been lifted, I thought we could maybe meet again when you'll wake up: my bookshop will be open just for you at every hour! 
 Oh, don't worry if you'll be a bit sleepy: I'll prepare my special qahwah (kahve/caffè) in a jiffy! Well, it's not so special, it's just an old recipe I learnt because… ...oh, not that, it's a secr…. ehm, it's not important at all!
I… I… hope to see you soon, my chuck-… my dear!"
Aziraphale hung up the phone and started fidgeting with his golden ring almost immediately: "I shouldn't have called him: it didn't go how I planned", he muttered to himself. Unsurprising, the phrase "it went down like a lead balloon" popped up immediately in his head.
He had been rehearsing the call for ten days, preparing himself for every possible scenario, but in the end he went completely off-script after a few words, letting his emotions spill too much in his tone. 
But what worried him the most was the moment he let slip the words "old recipe" from his mouth: not for the recipe per se, but because of the little secret behind it. 
"I'm quite sure - he said out loud using a hopeful tone to calm himself - I was able to stop in time, thanks goodness! I’m sure that he won't ask anything even if Crowley notices something, because he'll think there is just a boring story behind it".
While he was heading for the kitchenette to make a cup of tea (there is no problem that couldn't be fixed with a good cuppa), he halted midway and wondered: "Why did I call coffee in that ancient way?"
The reason for that ancient name was very old, pretty much as old as Aziraphale's secret: a little more than four hundred years old.
Venice, 1596
"...and just a cup of qahwah for me" said a guest all clad in black who was slouching on a chair in the most luxurious house of the city. 
The young waiter who was taking the order, looked at him a bit perplexed for the last order. 
"Right, that was Arabic" chuckled Crowley "bring me some kahve or whatever is called here".
"Oh, caffè, here it’s called caffè here, Siór!” [1] , said the young one, ”How much sugar would you like in your cup?” added hasty at the demon's expression.
“I'll have Sade kahve but with a bit of cardamom. Remember to grind finely the beans”.
The waiter was still lost but the other guest at the table helped him with a smile: "He doesn't want any sugar in his caffè, dear" 
“I'll bring everything as soon as possible" said the young man and, after bowing a little, he headed for the counter.
Aziraphale was a bit surprised by what just happened: "It seems you are the meticulous one today: I have almost never seen you so specific with your food or drink order, unless alcohol was involved". He also added: "I just hope you didn't want to mess with the poor waiter".
No, angel, I didn't pull a prank. I have been drinking coffee for a while: but since my last mission in Malta [2] I have been loving it: Altan was the best at making it, but he went to Rome", Crowley said with a sigh.
"The funniest thing - he continued, smiling - is that I was lured to that because I thought it was an alcoholic drink since they called it qahwah, that also means wine. At first I was a bit disappointed but later I discovered it helps to stay awake during boring stuff: it did wonder with every task Hell gives me."
"I tasted some qahwah some times ago but it was too energetic for me… but maybe I should try it to deal with Gabr… ehm, with tedious tasks". Crowley politely didn't mention Aziraphale's little slip but smiled a bit inside.
When the order arrived the angel observed how his partner smelled and tasted happily the concoction humming approvingly: 
"I didn't think you were a coffee connoisseur" Aziraphale joked. 
"It's not so bad for someone with so little experience: you should try it sometimes. If you're done with your food, let's organize our Arrangement. For my report…"
They discussed their work for a couple of hours, drinking coffee. Aziraphale tasted it too (a lot sweeter than the demon) but in the end he still preferred his tea. The angel, however, decided he'd propose another place with coffee, since Crowley enjoyed that drink so much.
Milan, Four years later
"Why can't I have a cup of coffee?" Sulked a very crossed demon who was missing a couple of years of sleep due hellish work. "Lent was over 2 month ago, wasn't it?"
The owner of the shop was distraught: "The priest told us that is not proper now, Sir: the Infidels are using it and - he started whispering - it seems that's a Devil's plant". 
"I'm pretty sure that the Devil wasn't involved in any botanical project, even before Falling, and he has never tried any coffee. Instead, if you are speaking about demons, I am the onl-"
"Why don't we order wine instead this time?" Interrupted quickly Aziraphale before Crowley could say something more compromising. The unhappy demon agreed begrudgingly so several bottles of red wine were shared among them. 
"I'm sorry for your coffee, Crowley. It seems idiotic banning a plant just because somebody else has it".
"Well, they copied the idea from the Boss: God was the first to ban a plant, you and I should remember that easily" Crowley snickered.
Aziraphale started blushing and his cheeks soon were as red as that famous fruit: "ah, it… i-it wasn't just a normal fruit and that was part of God's plan…  I suppose.". That phrase was just commented by the demon with a bemused expression.
"So, Crowley, what are you going to do with this? Are you going to tempt a lot of people to drink coffee?"
"Nah, I'm already too busy with Hell's job at the moment. It would be too troublesome to convince people and especially priests: those at top are the worst."
I'm sure I'll miss the ability of coffee to transform random thoughts into ingenious ideas: humans were experts at using that!" The demon slouched sadly on the chair.
Aziraphale would have missed the improved human genius too but, in his opinion, would have regretted more not seeing his demon's smile but he said nothing. He instead started thinking if there was something he could do and soon became lost in his thoughts.
"...anything there?"
"Sorry, what was that?" 
"I told you I'll go back to Spain tomorrow for a temptation: do you need anything there?" 
"Oh, nothing special, just the usual [3] we can share and those books, if you could be so courteous." Aziraphale happily answered, giving him a neat written list.
"Are you going to stay here long, angel?"
"Oh, no, I'm departing for Rome the day after tomorrow… … I know you don't like it because of the absurd amount of consecrated ground there, you don't need to make a face each time I mention it"
"And every pope makes the problem worse." 
The angel assumed a grim expression: "I have to meet pope Clement VIII for the closing ceremony of the Jubilee"
"You don't seems pleased" 
"The Archangels, especially Sandalphon, think highly of him, but I don't… appreciate him, especially after he burned at the stake messer Giordano Bruno and other poor humans."
Crowley liked discussing the stars and the universe with Giordano: he tried to warn the poor man but he was too stubborn to listen.
"May I reciprocate your favour from Spain? Maybe some wine?" Suggested the angel.
"Only if you're sure the bottles are not blessed - Crowley shuddered - I still remember last time I was wrong".
"Are you sure it will be enough?" 
"I'm sure, angel. Let's party now and forget our troubles for now". 
Unfortunately Aziraphale couldn't party happily because he couldn't forget what happened with the cup of coffee and he thought his favour was too small: he decided he should do something about it! 
Luckily the following morning was more propitious and he found a way to repay Crowly for his favour: he'll find a way to lift the ban on coffee.
The only remaining problem was how to do that.
Rome, a week later
Aziraphale was reading the same line of the missive for the third time in a row at his desk: the angel was too distracted because hadn't found a solution for his "problem" yet. 
"I bet I have the solution under my nose but I can't see it" mumbled the angel touching the pope's sigils on the papers.
"Of course, the pope! - he yelled happily - He is the highest authority for the priests: he could convince everybody that drinking coffee is not bad if he tastes it himself".
"I just need to learn how to make the best coffee ever". A name came back to his mind, the name Crowley gave him: Altan. 
Immediately he used a little miracle to locate him that led him to a small cemetery outside the city and on the grave and there were few sweets with a little cup: unfortunately Altan died 10 years before. The angel bowed a little to pay respect. 
A big Turkish man came next to him and inquired "Did you know my father?".
"I didn't but my... acquaintance considered him a genius and was very fond of his qahwa, ehm, kahve. He'll be sad when he'll know he died." 
"I'm Osmanek. May I ask you what brings you here mister...?
"Oh, I'm Aziraphale. I came here to learn how to make the best coffee ever: I hope his art was inherited by you."
"Luckily it was not lost: I loved to help him make coffee. Before revealing my secrets I have a question for you: are you doing this for your… acquaintance?"
Aziraphale nodded: "I'd like to prepare him some coffee he loves, but at the same time I'd love to see everyone have a coffee whenever they fancy, like in your birthplace. To make that possible, however, I have to let somebody else drink your coffee to.. ..to tempt him saying it's not a bad thing: that person is the pope Clement".
The angel knew what he was asking for and couldn't hold the gaze of the man anymore.
"I understand -he continued sadly- if you don't want to help me since I have seen how much that man has been hurting your brothers and sisters…" The angel couldn't say anything else, overpowered by his memories and bowed his head to hide the tears in his eyes: he has seen too many inconceivable deaths in the name of faith
Osmanek observed Aziraphale for a little moment: he was sure there was no lie in his words. "No, - he smiled - I can't leave you after you poured your heart out: I'll help you and your friend to tempt the Pope." 
"Oh, oh, thank you! - and the angel added hastily - But he's not my friend, we barely know each other!"
The man started smiling brighter than ever and guided him to his house.
Immediately after they arrived, Osmanek offered his guest a cup of his special kahve with few sweets. Aziraphale tried just a sip of coffee and he was immediately in love: "Now I know why Crowley likes it so much: it's so scrumptious even without those sweets!"
"I call this Altan kahve in honour of my father: I will teach you how to prepare it for your fr… aquietance but I ask you to not give any of this to the pope. For him, I'll give you another tasty recipe" 
"Oh, I agree with you: the pope doesn't deserve that perfection!" 
Osmanek patiently taught Aziraphale everything he should know: how to roast and grind the beans, how to use the small pot "cezve", the ratio perfect between coffee and water, how to boil and froth the concoction and  which flavours could be used.
In the beginning everything felt so difficult for Aziraphale and he failed a lot. However the angel was very stubborn and, thanks Osmanek's tips and teaching, he was able to make an excellent cup of coffee in a couple of days.
"I hope this will be good enough" mumbled the angel.
"Trust me, it will be too good for the pope", he chuckled. "Now let's see how good you are with Altan's coffee. I'll give you a final tip: imagine you are preparing some coffee for your acquaintance and not me".
"If I'm right, it will taste better"
Still perplexed and a bit nervous, Aziraphale went into the kitchen and, following the last advice, he prepared meticulously the dark drink, flavouring with cardamom and finally pouring it in two kahve fincanı, a dark one and a light one. The smell seemed quite promising.
Osmanek took the darkest cup and, after smelling the aroma, he tasted it. After a few seconds, he smiled "In my native Country there is a proverb that says the coffee should be black as hell, strong as death, and sweet as love but for your coffee this doesn't sound right". He put the empty fincanı on the table.
"I think - he continued - the Italian expression suit it better" 
"I'm sorry but I don't know it" the angel was starting to worry he messed up something even if the man was smiling fondly.
"Il caffè deve essere caldo come l'inferno, nero come il diavolo, puro come un angelo e dolce come l'amore.". [4]
The angel took his courage and drank his coffee: in his opinion, it wasn't perfect as Osmanek's but it tasted like something Crowley would enjoy and that was the best feeling ever. 
The angel couldn't stop smiling: "Oh, I am so grateful to you! But I don't know how I can repay you for this"
"Your happiness is enough: I'll bring you everything you need".
Aziraphale didn't agree with him so he performed some miracles and blessings. 
Osmanek came back with some coffee beans, flavours and utensils. There were also three kahve fincanı: two were familiar (the dark and the light ones) but the other was new (and very flashy).
"Oh, that's for the pope: I have always hated that cup and I hope it'll break when that man wants coffee most"
"Oh, that cup will do that, I can assure you" the angel promised with a mischief smile.
Aziraphale finally bid farewell, still thanking Osmanek profusely.
Two months later was the time to put the plan in action: the pope was in the library at 2 a.m. and he was getting tired but he had a lot of work to do. Aziraphale approached him: "I may have the right solution for your Excellency: it's a healthy concoction that promotes wakefulness and wonderful ideas. It was discovered b-"
"I don't care, - interrupted the holy man - give me that drink and let's hope it works".
"God gives me strength" whispered under his breath the angel while preparing some coffee that suited the pope's taste.
When the cup of coffee was ready, it was given to Clement VIII: he grabbed it and started drinking absent-mindedly. The smell and the taste were so good that he woke almost immediately. 
"Librarian, what is this?"
"As I was saying, this is coffee" 
"Why has nobody given me this miraculous drink? The taste is divine and it works perfectly!"
"I suppose nobody wanted to offer your Excellency any drink consumed by Muslims. Some people also believe coffee is a Devil's plant. In my op-"
"I don't care: it's too good to be Satan's plant and we mustn't let the infidels have exclusive use of coffee."
Aziraphale was quite happy: it seemed his plan worked out nicely.
"Maybe we could bless the beans or use some holy wate-"
"NO" shouted the angel, emanating some angelic power unconsciously "Please, DON'T". 
For the first time in his life, the pope was scared he felt like a little child in front of a giant warrior.
"Ehm, please - said more calmly Aziraphale - never suggest it again or let somebody do that. Just tell everyone coffee could be drank by anybody".
The pope could only nod affirmatively.
Now the angel was sure he was successful in his endeavour and soon could have a coffee with Crowley. 
Aziraphale stayed in Rome for another three weeks, just in time to witness a fincanı to break neatly in two, pouring coffee on some important papal documents.
On his journey to London he stopped to Osmanek's house and updated him on what had happened in that time (especially the broken cup).
London, Monday, 10th May 2021, 30 minutes after Aziraphale's call.
In the end Aziraphale made some of his special coffee with his cezve: he was missing Crowley so much.
"What if i woke him up while he just wanted to sleep a bit more?" 
"No, angel, - a familiar voice answered - I want to stay awake with you for a while"
"Crowley" cheered Aziraphale
"In a jiffy" and he poured the drink in two old contrasting kahve fincanı.
"So, what's the secret behind this old recipe?" Crowley asked with a mischievous smile.
[1] Siór = mister (venetian dialect)
[2] Malta = Crowley had been at the great siege of Malta in 1565    https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Siege_of_Malta
[3] Usual = local goodies (especially wine and alcohol)
[4] "Il caffè deve essere caldo come l'inferno, nero come il diavolo, puro come un angelo e dolce come l'amore" = "coffee must be hot as hell, black as the devil, pure as an angel and sweet as love"
To write this I took some info from wikipedia about the history of coffee: if you want to learn something more accurate than my story, look here and here.
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vlr0 · 5 years
with all due respect me Gaiman, Sir, Neil, are you sure? REALLY sure? They aren't gay? Do you not see it i'm losing my mind
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regina-mortis · 6 years
19, 25 26 27 28 35 46 47 48 49 54 60
19: A fact about your personality - I am a breathing paradox. It feels as if I see through thousand eyes, countless spectres. I adore morbidness, death and decay, yet too I hold dear fragile beauty and emerald eyes of almighty nature.
25: My idea of a perfect date - Perfect? I am not fond of that word. Charming? Now, that’s better. Quiet stroll through old, misty burial grounds, speaking gently of love, literature and death. Riding swift, elegant steeds through blackened fields after the Sun sets, reading poetry in silver moonlight which dances on a fathomless lake. Visiting a play or a concert. Drinking wine and making love in dim candlelight. Something less old-fasdhioned and exquisite?.. Well, watching good horror films in the dead of the night, with occasional cigarette and/or a glass of liquor. Playing with an Ouija board... I am joking. A date should have no third wheels, not even ghosts. 
26: My biggest pet peeves - Sweet Hell, I have many, many of them... most are likely related to sounds, due to my fucked up mental state. I can’t stand chewing, clinging of dishes, loud scratching, people chattering, music I don’t like in the backgound... at my worst, there are hardly any sound I can bear without going into a fit honestly, it includes music I love. Speaking of music... I hate when people start randomly singing or yelling. It also annoys me when I have to eat with other people, let alone if they speak about food too... tagging around in large groups. It’s a headache... Socializing while I am exhausted. Many food products of bright orange colour. Whole "culture” of genders, sexualities, spite towards people for being white or cis... you get me. Unflattering pornography. Shallowness. I Can’t think of more on the spot, though mayhaps you grasp the basics. 
27: A description of the girl/boy I like - I might need a thousand words to describe him... Gentleman. Old-fashioned in most flattering way. Elegant. Exquisite writer, uneartly musician. Excellent taste in aesthetics. Well-read. Noble-faced, his eyes could be my damnation, and his hair - finer than silk. Most delightful companion for a conversation... His soul feels both cruel and gentle, I can sense our spirits kindred. Creature of Darkness... A devil, most delightful of all. 
28: A description of the person I dislike the most - Most basic of bitches. Shallow. Tasteless in things. Seems to have zero common sense. Zero any sense, honestly... Has no desire to learn (only class she pays attention to is math, she’s the teachers footlicker) nor many interests besides basketball, dancing and gossip. Always sticks her nose in other people’s business. No respect to personal space neither a private conversation. Has most annoying, squeaky voice. No manners. Liar. Forgive the rude slang.... shady as fuck. 
35: What I find attractive in men - Intelligence. Soulfulness. Deep, burning mind. Wide sight. Decent manners. Elegance. Thirst for knowlege. Artistic talent. Good taste in music, aesthetics and clothes. Fathomless, sharp gaze. Long hair. Pale skin. Tattoos. I dare deem you grasp the picture?..
46: Sexuality - Genuine feelings. (Bisexual...)
47: Got any hobbies? - Robbing graves and burning churches... Joking again. Writing, reading, watching horror movies, listening to music, training my black metal vocals, going to the theater, art gallery or for a walk... Watching people, listening, learning. Thinking.
48: Favourite clothing stores - I don’t have favorites really... I look around many. Fantasmagoria mayhaps as an example... 
49: Where I would like to study - I am uncertain where, for now I am debating the subject
54: Perfect guy/girl - my beloved @your-dark-magic-man-mysterio (I am speaking of the writer of course)
60: Books you recommend - I would spend eternity naming all, thus let us stick with a few... Faust by Goethe. All writings of Edgar Allan Poe as well as H.P. Lovecraft. Silva Rerum by Kristina Sabaliauskaitė. Bram Stoker’s Dracula. Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux. All writings of J. R. R Tolkien, especially The Silmarillion. Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Prachett. The Exorcist by William Peter Blatty. Hamlet by Shakespeare (all his writings are worthwhile, but this piece for now is my favorite). Sherlock Holmes by Sir Connan Doyle (all of the stories). Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Lani Taylor..................
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wavenetinfo · 7 years
Celebrities are speaking out to pay tribute to the late Adam West, who sadly just passed away.
The actor, best known for starring as Batman in the 1960s series of the same name, died at the age of 88 due to leukemia on Friday night (June 9) in Los Angeles.
Adam has recently voiced the role of the character Adam West on the Fox series Family Guy. Seth MacFarlane, the creator and star of the show, has paid his respects to Adam with a beautiful tribute.
Now, more stars – like Ben Affleck, Jim Carrey, Olivia Wilde, and Elijah Wood – are sharing their thoughts as well.
Adam West exemplified heroism. Kind, funny and an all around great guy. Thank you for showing us all how it’s done. @therealadamwest
— Ben Affleck (@BenAffleck) June 10, 2017
Red more of their tweets below. Click inside to read the rest of the tweets…
RIP Adam West. You will always be Batman
— Will Arnett™ (@arnettwill) June 10, 2017
Farewell, Adam West.
— Michael McKean (@MJMcKean) June 10, 2017
Farewell Adam West. You were MY Batman. Such a super funny, cool, charismatic actor. Loved the show as a kid, still love the show now. POW! http://pic.twitter.com/6QAZnOhtMs
— edgarwright (@edgarwright) June 10, 2017
When I was a kid POW BLAM Adam West was Batman! With his pal Robin and his tongue planted firmly in his cheek he brought me so much joy. ;^}
— Jim Carrey (@JimCarrey) June 11, 2017
RIP Adam West. First person I saw who was funny, badass & cool all at once.
— Kumail Nanjiani (@kumailn) June 10, 2017
Rest in Peace Adam West. We met once in 1987 and I was too embarrassed and too foolishly “cool” to tell you what you meant to my childhood.
— Neil Gaiman (@neilhimself) June 10, 2017
Rest in peace to a true tv legend who defined the caped crusader role for so many others #adamwest
— Ryan Seacrest (@RyanSeacrest) June 10, 2017
Holy heartbreak Batman. Adam West was a big part of my childhood. We were acquaintances in my adulthood. A wonderful man who will b missed.
— Jamie Lee Curtis (@jamieleecurtis) June 10, 2017
Gotham City has lost a legend. Adam West was every bit as gracious and loving in person as you’d expect. @therealadamwest
— Robin Lord Taylor (@robinlordtaylor) June 10, 2017
Mr. West, thank you for all those afternoons you helped me and other 70’s kids dream about the fun of being a hero. RIP, good sir.
— Greg Berlanti (@GBerlanti) June 10, 2017
RIP Adam West. You’ll always be Batman to me.
— George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) June 10, 2017
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