#all exam GK
oswaalbooks23 · 8 months
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class24 · 1 year
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mygkhelp-blog · 2 years
भारतीय दण्ड संहिता (Indian Penal Code)
By:-- Nurool Ain Ahmad
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lantanasmuttyfanfics · 3 months
omg you should totally write a story where eq wants to make gk jealous by flirting with badwolf
I’m so so sorry if this fic is really shitty, I was writing/editing while on the plane and then I got logged out of my account
But anyway I do hope this isn’t to bad and again I sincerely apologize if it is
Have a great day!!
The evil queen was not happy and while that may have seemed normal for her she was unhappy for reason that seemed so… so foolish to someone like her. She was unhappy because boyfriend was apparently ‘to busy’ to see her with his summer exams coming up.
She couldn’t understand why that seemed to take more of his time than her, wasn’t she supposed to be everything and anything he focused on? And if that was the case why did he blow her off again to study after she had finally managed to pry him away from his textbooks.
So at last she had enough.
If he wanted to focus all his attention to ink on paper than maybe she could… distract him by paying all her attention to a certain fellow future villain. The evil queen didn’t regard the big bad wolf as one of her ‘friends’ in the least, but after he’d started to date her roommate (little red riding hood) they’d come to know each other more and more.
She didn’t think it was a necessaraly bad thing, as a fellow villain he could match her bad attitude as well as anyone could when coming up against the evil queen. So the had forged an alliance of sorts, they helped each other out when needed while still staying out of each other’s business.
It was the perfect way to get the good king to take his damned eyes away from the parchment and onto her. So here she was now walking into the castleteria with her head held high and her flaming eyes ignoring the good king as he patted the seat next to him.
The evil queen rolled her eyes internally, so now he wanted her to sit next to him? No, she didn’t think so. She’d make him suffer for putting paper above her. Instead the evil queen walked to the opposite side of the table and slid in the seat next to Wolf.
The evil queen smirked as she saw the good kings eyes furrow as he looked over the two, “so sweetheart how-.” The evil queen cut him of as she rested her head on her hand while turning to look at Wolf.
“Do you work out?” Wolf stopped for a second as the words registered in his mind, he turned to look at her in confusion. He was about to ask her what she meant when he saw the message in her gaze, softly smirking Wolf stretched his arms out while flexing them, the muscles accentuating and his beings popping out.
“No. It comes with the wolf genes.” He made another show of flexing his arms in front of her face. The evil queen had to hold in her scoff as her gaze flitted to the good king just quick enough to capture his reaction.
The good king to his credit wouldn’t seem bothered by all those around. But the evil queen could see the muscle ticking between his brows and his jaw clench as he peeked at Wolf and his girlfriend ever so often. “Really? That is so… interesting.”
The evil queen ran her nail down Wolfs vein as he brought his bicep closer for her to look at. The evil queen with a pretend glee, perked up and started running her hands through his hair while her eyes trailed to the good king.
The fork in his hand was now bent at an awkward angle and his eyes had turned darker than before, “are you watching the bookball game tonight?” The good king tried to divert attention away but the evil queen jumped at the opportunity.
“Oh I think you’d make a wonderlandifull book ball player. You should definitely try out.” She made a big show of biting her lip as she slid closer to Wolf who looked ready to burst out laughing as he looked at the more than unimpressed look on the good kings face.
“You know what they say bookball players have the best arms.” Nobody actually said that, bu the evil queen doubted that the good king actually knew that. I mean if he spent all that time looking at stupid ink on paper she was sure he’d not know that it false.
“Sweetheart.” The good kings voice had an edge that even the evil queen was surprised to hear. “How about we go for a picnic tonight?” The evil queen smirked internally as she pretend to think it over for a while before answering.
“No can do. I’m going to go watch Wolf do some… sparring!” Wolf and the good king looked at the evil queen in confusion, the latter speaking out first. “No I’m not- I mean yeah sorry man but I need to borrow her for a while.”
Wolf put his arm around the evil queen for emphasis while rubbing his leg from where she had kicked him moments previously. The good king gritted his teeth while his mind swirled, he knew that she wasn’t the one to cheat even despite her destiny to be evil.
So he was more aggravated with the lack of attention she gave him compared to Wolf. The evil queen suppressed a little smile as she saw his reaction, all she needed now was for him to follow the bate.
The good king scrunched a piece of parchment and threw it in the bin as he sighed. Since the encounter at lunch he’d been agitated and full of jealousy seeing someone else so close to his girlfriend.
He wasn’t usually a jealous guy, but seeing her and Wolf together… they looked so right like they made sense. Him and the evil queen didn’t and that hurt him.
It wasn’t just the jealousy, it was also the fact that if the evil queen and the big bad wolf did decide to date nobody would question it. They were two destined villains, while him and her…
Dropping his head against the table, the good king groaned but just as he was about to continue with his assignment he heard the distinct laugh of the evil queen.
The sound reverberated within him and unconsciously he was getting up from his seat. His body wanting to see what made her laugh without his mind realizing.
He took a few steps out the library, making sure to he as quite as possible as he perked around the corner.
As he did all thoughts of insecurity left his head and instead was replaced by a deep burning anger and jealousy.
Just ahead he saw Wolf and his girlfriend sitting together by the schools entrance. The evil queen had her arm wrapped around Wolfs shoulders as he explained some sort of joke.
The closeness of the two itched at his mind and as they walked out towards the forest his envy and jealousy got the better of him.
He followed close behind, teeth gritted and jaw clenched as he continued to watch the encounter. He prided himself in being a level headed man but at this moment the only thing he wanted was so break Wolfs head against the tree.
What he didn’t realize was that the evil queen was well aware of his presence and was boasting in the jealousy he radiated.
The evil queen thought with satisfaction that she’d have to tease and rile him up more often. Something about his jealous nature took deep root in her heart.
Pretending to laugh once again the evil Queen ‘tripped’ and waited for Wolfs animal reflex’s to catch her as she smirked at him while quickly glancing over her shoulder.
The good kings knuckles had turned white and the veins in his forehead jumped out. I was clear to all he’d had enough.
With that final thought, the good king jogged over to the pair. He didn’t think it over as he grabbed his girlfriend by the hand and pulled behind his back as he glared at the big bad wolf.
The evil queen from behind him finally let her face erupt into a smirk that rivaled the Cheshire cats while she let the scene unfold.
“Don’t you have houses to huff and puff down.” The words came out in a soft growl as the good king looked at Wolf with distaste.
Wolf furrowed his brows his hands clenching, sure he didn’t care about his destiny that much but he found it disrespectful when someone deliberately got it wrong.
“Don’t you have a mirror to stare out trophy husb-.” The evil Queen cut both of as she let her magic erupt around her.
“Enough. Wolf I’ll see you tomorrow.” Without an other word she dragged the good king back to the castle. He followed glad for her attention to finally be on him.
The evil queen thought the same as they stopped beside a dark empty corridor. “I’m glad I finally got you away from those stupid books.”
Before he could question her, their mouths met in a long and passionate kiss. They soon got lost in each other and ignored the rest of the world as they stood in that hallway mouths locked.
Yes. She decided, she really did like his jealous side.
I do hope it wasn’t to bad
Just a quick reminder since I’m getting back on schedule after traveling please hold of any requests until my routine is normal again
Anyway hope you enjoyed and have a great dayyy!!
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ramayantika · 1 year
A goodbye needed
From being born in Hyderabad to living in the northern part of India, that is Gurgaon and then the Western side, Maharashtra to Vishakhapatnam in the south and finally in the eastern states of Chhattisgarh, West Bengal, and Odisha, I do get to say that I covered eighteen years of my life in the four main directions of India. But my favourite city has and will always be Kolkata.
To be honest, my brother desperately wanted to live in Kolkata because of Eden Gardens in our GK book. I wasn't that interested until I arrived in Kolkata in 2016 to appear for the written test in my school. The exam went well and so did the interview. I remember my father lived in a small bachelor's one room apartment in Ruby Park. My eleven year old eyes were stunned as they took in the grandeur of the old buildings from the British era to the modern metros and malls of Kolkata. When I came back to Raipur, all I knew was Kolkata would be life changing for me.
And in 2017, I did come home. To Kolkata. A small roadside apartment facing a canal where you don't have crystal clear water but drainage water. Somehow the water wasn't stinky until the arrival of the monsoon showers. I lived there from 2017 to 2020. I was supposed to stay there until 2022 but fate had other plans but that's a story for another day.
I always call Kolkata home even though I am from Odisha. It was the only city that embraced all shades of me. I spent the first two years of my teenage there. The damp roads leading to my apartment have heard my songs above sweet love and true friendship. On quiet midnights, my tiny balcony knew the whispers of my soul, and the questions it asked about fate and the world. The monsoon rainfall told me how to appreciate nature and beauty. I learnt to dance with storms, and dream of stories that I now write and desperately wish to be a part of.
I met a teacher who told me in a tone akin to a whisper in front of the class that I am like a small pandora box, hidden from view but having the most wonderful and beautiful things to offer the world. The next month I danced for a school event and God since then I never looked back. Kolkata connected my soul to literature and culture.
I am no longer in Kolkata but each time my calendar notifies Rabindranath Thakur's jayanti, my heart goes to the old tunes of Rabindra sangeet; the beauty and tenderness of his songs that captured my heart and caused me to spill some of my poetry in the last page of my rough notebook.
I visited kolkata again in December 2021 after first term examinations of class twelve. My connection with kolkata broke like a plant uprooted from its soil. It felt as if I had been banished from home. All the months that passed, and all the seasons that changed showed me memories and dreams of what could have been in kolkata. But when I visited kolkata, I saw how some things had changed.
My home appeared....... different? I always say that my young soul blossomed in Kolkata. The same soul turned sad at the emotion that the city showed me. Perhaps that's how growing up is. To see that things around you change, people, roads, hearts everything but somewhere there still lies a calling that says, 'hey, I know things are different. But I am still here. Look at me, embrace the new me. Embrace yourself. You are changing too.'
Where it once used to be wonder, nostalgia filled my heart as I met my friends after two years. I passed through my apartment again and smiled at the balcony, my small corner for solitude. I saw a few towels hanging there.
Going back from Kolkata felt a little sad. I could not accept the change. I had been uprooted from my roots, and when I come back I see new flowers springing up. Without me?
Then after a year, I visited Kolkata again in July 2023. I had grown so had the city. When I passed by the same British era buildings and Howrah bridge, the same wonder struck my soul. I saw a few flowers growing on the pathway, getting their nourishment from the July showers. The empty space in my heart too was filled with flowers. My friends who are now in their respective colleges, doing their own things with their own friend circles now but somehow we come together. Just like old days before.
Home is always home no matter how far you go or how long you stay away from it. Home will always welcome you back. The fragrance of wet earth filled my soul with a warm blanket, as if telling me that all this while, I waited for you. I am different but I am still your friend.
Era sukher laagi chahe prem, prem mele na.
Shudhu sukh chole jaye emoni mayar cholona
This song will always remind me of Kolkata, the warm monsoon nights that were filled with a longing of love, friendship and magic. It will take me back to dreams and whispers of a fantasy that my heart still believes in that I would one day bring forth the wonder and beauty of my Self to the world. It will remind me that there must be tender days to be spent in reading poetry on a cool evening.
The day I boarded the train to Durgapur, my heart hummed the tune of Era Sukher Lagi from Choker Bali. As the train left the station, I waved at my young self through the window. It was farewell. I would come home later for my dance work, a thread that shall tie me to this wonderful city forever but I would never come home this way ever again and for the first time I was happy. And perhaps to witness an end to a heartwarming journey of nostalgia, acceptance to change and farewell, the clouds showered rainfall against the window just like the cool monsoon nights years ago.
All was well....
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ajayvermablog · 8 days
Top Study Resources for Preparing for NABARD Grade A
Preparing for the NABARD Grade A exam requires access to high-quality study materials that cover all aspects of the syllabus. From general awareness to specific subjects like agriculture and rural development, choosing the right resources can significantly boost your chances of success. Here are some top study resources that every NABARD aspirant should consider.
1. Standard Textbooks
Textbooks form the foundation of your preparation. They provide a comprehensive understanding of core subjects and help you grasp fundamental concepts.
Indian Economy by Ramesh Singh: An excellent resource for economics, it covers both basic and advanced concepts.
Agriculture at a Glance by R.K. Sharma: A must-have for aspirants to understand agricultural science and technology.
Lucent’s General Knowledge: For general awareness, this book provides concise information on various topics.
Additionally, many aspirants choose to enroll in a NABARD Grade A course to complement their preparation. These courses are designed to provide structured learning, expert guidance, and comprehensive coverage of the syllabus, ensuring you don’t miss out on important areas.
2. Government Websites and Reports
Staying updated with the latest government policies, schemes, and reports is crucial for the NABARD Grade A exam, especially in the areas of agriculture, rural development, and the economy.
NABARD’s Official Website: Regularly visit the NABARD website for updates on schemes and initiatives.
Government Reports: Read important reports like the Economic Survey, Union Budget, and NITI Aayog reports to stay informed.
Yojana and Kurukshetra Magazines: These monthly publications focus on rural development and government schemes, making them valuable for preparation.
3. Current Affairs Resources
General awareness is a key component of the NABARD Grade A exam, and staying updated with current affairs is essential. Relying on multiple sources ensures comprehensive coverage of national and international events.
The Hindu or Indian Express: Reading a daily newspaper helps keep track of important news, especially in the agriculture and rural development sectors.
Monthly Current Affairs Magazines: Choose from well-known publications like Pratiyogita Darpan or Banking Services Chronicle for detailed analysis of important events.
Mobile Apps: Use apps like GKToday or GradeUp for daily current affairs quizzes and updates.
4. Online Study Platforms
Online study platforms offer a wide range of study materials, mock tests, and expert lectures that can enhance your preparation.
EduTap Learning Solutions: A popular platform among NABARD aspirants, EduTap offers comprehensive courses, mock tests, and study materials designed specifically for NABARD Grade A exams. It provides detailed video lectures, notes, and quizzes to help aspirants grasp difficult concepts easily.
YouTube Channels: Many educators provide free lectures and tips on NABARD preparation. Channels like Study IQ and EduTap are popular among aspirants.
5. Revision Notes and Flashcards
Preparing for a competitive exam like NABARD Grade A requires continuous revision to retain important concepts and facts.
Create your own revision notes for important topics like government schemes, agricultural terms, and economic policies.
Use flashcards to memorize important dates, data, and definitions quickly.
Focus on revising current affairs and static GK daily.
Having the right study resources is essential to cracking the NABARD Grade A exam. From textbooks and government websites to online platforms, using a mix of resources ensures a well-rounded preparation. For structured guidance, enrolling in a NABARD Grade A course can further enhance your learning experience, giving you the confidence to tackle this competitive exam successfully. With dedication and the right resources, you can achieve your goal of clearing NABARD Grade A and embarking on a rewarding career in the banking sector.
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goldenkamuyhunting · 2 years
Is it normal for Koito to be a high ranking soldier at his age? How did he do that? That's pretty impressive to me. Hopefully it's not because of his father's influence. I don't remember reading about this in the manga, so I was wondering if you'd know! Thanks :)
For Koito to have that rank is absolutely normal.
Premise, things in the Army changed through years so I might be slightly off in regard to what happened in the years in which GK take place, but I hope this will give you a general idea of how things worked.
Now... you can losely split the Japanese Army in two branches, those who studied to become officers and those who didn’t.
Whose who didn’t study to become officers start in the army with the rank of Nitōhei (二等兵 “Second Class Private”) and, normally, can rise up till Sōchō (曹長 “Sergeant Major”). There are rare cases of some rising even higher (usually reaching at most Tai-i (大尉 "Captain”) unless they lived in wartime... in this case they had a chance to rise even higher) but they’re not the norm, especially if they keep on not attending officer school (and attending to officer school might be an option they don’t have).
Those who study start with the rank of Shōi (少尉 “Second Lieutenant”) and can rise up till the rank of Taishō (大将 “General”).
Koito attended the Rikugun Shikan Gakkō (陸軍士官学校 “Imperial Army Academy”) so, same as Yuusaku and Tsurumi, started his career in the army as a Second Lieutenant (you can see Tsurumi managed to rise to First Lieutenant, all the characters above in ranking to Tsurumi also started as Second Lieutenant and managed to rise higher).
The fact Koito is a Second Lieutenant means that he’s basically fresh from the Imperial Army Academy and has just joined the Army.
The soldiers below Koito, who might be in the Army by longer time than him, never went to the Academy and only received a mandatory training. Some of them, like Sugimoto, decided to join the army on their own, others were conscripted as some years of military service were mandatory. You might notice there are no Second Class Privates in the story because that’s the rank soldiers get when they’re receiving their training and then they’re moved up to First Class Private.
A special case is Kikuta.
You might read in the English translation he’s a Warrant Officer, but in the Japanese text he’s defined as Tokumu-Sōchō (特務曹長  “Special duty sergeant major" or “Master sergeant”) which is kind of an obscure rank that was around only for few years and that later was fused with Jun-I ( 准尉 "Warrant officer” or “Associate officer”) and disappeared, hence why they went with Warrant Officer in the translation.
Tokumu-Sōchō is a rank for whose who didn’t go to the Army Academy but just rose to the top of the ranks for those who didn’t study to become officiers and therefore are not considered an officier.
Jun-I is also for whose who didn’t go tot he Army Academy but are considered an officier. They can also be given the chance to attend the Academy and therefore further rise in ranks (though keep in mind things changed a lot through the years so I’m not sure about how this applies during GK).
All this to say that yes, for Koito is normal to have such rank and, more than due to his father’s influence is due to his father’s money that he was allowed to attend military school (Ogata is poor and although he aims to rise in ranks he can’t attend military schools, not even the Rikugun Yonen Gakkō (陸軍幼年学校 “Military Preparatory School”) at which one attends prior to the Academy)... same goes for Usami who wanted to attend to it to get close to Tsurumi).
Once you attend school, if you successfully finishes it, you’ll have such rank so it’s not really impressive, it’s just the first step in the officers ranking system.
What the manga says is impressive and which Koito accomplishes is that he was studying to attend to the Navy Academy and instead switched to the last minute to the Army (due to meeting Tsurumi). Since there’s an exam to pass, Koito managed to prepare himself in record time. Now... it’s still possible they were more lenient with him due to his father’s rank and title (I mean, rejecting the son of his excellency Koito? It really wouldn’t look good) but I tend to think Koito just made it on his own, as, when he decides to, he seems to be a hard worker.
At least those are my two cents on it.
I hope it helps!
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manasastuff-blog · 9 months
Best NDA Crash Course in Vizag
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Are you a passionate young individual dreaming of a career in the Indian Armed Forces? Do you aspire to serve and protect your beloved nation? If so, then enrolling in the best NDA crash course is the first step towards turning your dreams into reality. This article explores the top-notch NDA crash course offered at Manasa Defence Academy in Vizag, providing you with a comprehensive and detailed overview of why it is the best choice for aspiring candidates.
1. Outstanding Faculty
At Manasa Defence Academy, excellence is not just a goal; it is a way of life. The academy boasts an exceptional team of highly qualified and experienced faculty members who are dedicated to nurturing and shaping the future leaders of the nation. These experts bring with them a wealth of knowledge, having themselves served in the armed forces. Their firsthand experience and expertise enable them to deliver quality education that goes beyond the scope of textbooks. With personalized attention and guidance from such distinguished individuals, you can rest assured that you are receiving the best possible training for your NDA journey.
2. Comprehensive Curriculum
The NDA crash course at Manasa Defence Academy is carefully designed to cover all aspects of the examination, ensuring that you are well-prepared and confident on the day of the test. The academy follows a holistic approach, covering subjects such as Mathematics, English, General Knowledge, and Current Affairs. The curriculum is structured in a manner that balances depth of understanding with the ability to solve problems efficiently. Through interactive sessions, concept-based learning, and regular assessments, you will develop a strong foundation in all the required subjects, giving you an edge over other aspirants.
2.1 Mathematics
Mathematics is a crucial component of the NDA examination, and Manasa Defence Academy recognizes its significance. The academy provides an in-depth and comprehensive study of mathematical concepts, ensuring that you are well-equipped to tackle the complex problems that may arise in the exam. From basic arithmetic to advanced algebra and geometry, the faculty at Manasa Defence Academy will guide you through each topic with clarity, making the subject interesting and easy to understand.
2.2 English
A strong proficiency in the English language is essential for success in the NDA examination. The faculty at Manasa Defence Academy understand this requirement and offer specialized training to enhance your language skills. Through interactive sessions, grammar drills, and vocabulary enhancement exercises, you will not only become well-versed in English but also develop effective communication skills. The academy also focuses on improving your reading comprehension and writing abilities, which are essential for the English section of the exam.
2.3 General Knowledge and Current Affairs
The NDA crash course at Manasa Defence Academy places great emphasis on General Knowledge and Current Affairs. The faculty ensures that you stay updated with the latest national and international events, thus keeping you well-prepared for the extensive GK section of the examination. By providing regular updates, organizing quizzes, and conducting discussions on current affairs, the academy ensures that you are well-versed in a wide range of topics, including history, geography, science, politics, and more.
3. State-of-the-Art Infrastructure
In addition to its exceptional faculty and comprehensive curriculum, Manasa Defence Academy offers state-of-the-art infrastructure to create an optimal learning environment. The academy believes that a conducive atmosphere plays a vital role in the overall development and success of students. With spacious classrooms, well-equipped libraries, advanced audio-visual aids, and modern study materials, the academy ensures that you have access to all the necessary resources to facilitate your learning journey. The comfortable and positive ambiance at Manasa Defence Academy will encourage you to excel in your studies and reach new heights of success.
Enrolling in the best NDA crash course can significantly enhance your chances of success in the highly competitive NDA examination. Manasa Defence Academy in Vizag stands out as the ultimate choice for aspiring candidates due to its outstanding faculty, comprehensive curriculum, and state-of-the-art infrastructure. By choosing Manasa Defence Academy, you are embarking on a journey towards achieving your dreams of serving the nation with pride and honor. So, why wait? Take the first step towards your bright future by joining the best NDA crash course in Vizag at Manasa Defence Academy today!
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vermaaditi718 · 10 months
How to prepare for clat 2025
The legal landscape in India beckons aspiring lawyers, and the first step toward a rewarding career in law is often through the Common Law Admission Test, commonly known as CLAT. In this blog, we delve into the intricacies of CLAT 2025, offering insights into the exam, preparation strategies, answer key analysis, and the subsequent result and cutoff procedures.
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Understanding CLAT Exam
The CLAT exam is the key that unlocks the doors to prestigious National Law Universities (NLUs) across India, offering courses in 5-year integrated LLB (UG) and one-year LLM (PG). Administered by the Consortium of NLUs, the exam covers a spectrum of subjects such as English, Current Affairs and GK, Legal Reasoning, Logical Reasoning, and Quantitative Mathematics for UG courses. For PG courses, it delves into Constitutional Law and other subjects like Jurisprudence, Torts, IPC, CrPC, CPC, Family Law, and IPR.
Beyond NLUs, CLAT scores open doors to 61 private affiliate colleges, broadening the scope for legal education. Furthermore, public organizations like ONGC and BHEL utilize CLAT-PG scores for recruitment, underscoring the exam's significance beyond academia.
Toppers' Strategies for CLAT 2025
Success in CLAT requires a holistic approach to preparation, balancing all sections of the exam. Relying solely on a few sections is impractical due to the variable difficulty levels each year. To crack CLAT 2025, aspirants should focus on two key aspects: concept building and practice.
Concept Building:
Develop a strong foundation in each section.
Understand legal concepts, stay updated on current affairs, and hone language and mathematical skills.
Regularly revise and consolidate knowledge.
Practicing and Analyzing:
Solve previous years' question papers to understand the exam pattern.
Identify weak areas and work on them systematically.
Take mock tests to simulate exam conditions and improve time management.
CLAT 2025 Preparation Strategy
Preparing for a national-level entrance exam demands a well-structured study plan and effective preparation strategy. Consider the following tips to enhance your CLAT 2025 preparation:
Customize Your Timetable:
Tailor your study plan based on your priorities, weaknesses, and daily study time.
Create a flexible timetable that accommodates all sections.
Task-Based Approach:
Focus on completing specific tasks each day rather than counting hours.
Break down subjects into manageable tasks to maintain focus and progress steadily.
Be Specific:
Detail your study sessions with specific topics, book names, and page numbers.
Clearly define what you aim to achieve in each study session.
Utilize Study Materials:
Incorporate the best CLAT books and study materials into your plan.
Ensure that you cover relevant materials and assignments effectively.
Track Your Progress:
Maintain a daily log of tasks and mark them as completed.
Stay organized and motivated by witnessing your progress.
CLAT 2025 Answer Key
Shortly after the examination, the Consortium of NLUs releases the CLAT 2025 answer key on their official website. Candidates can download the answer key and question paper PDF to cross-verify their responses. The exam authority welcomes objections from candidates, addressing any discrepancies between the question paper and the answer key.
How to Download CLAT 2025 Answer Key:
Visit the official website of CLAT Consortium - consortiumofnlus.ac.in.
Click on the CLAT answer key link.
View, download, and save CLAT 2025 answer key and question paper PDF.
CLAT 2025 Result
The Consortium of NLUs announces the CLAT 2025 result within a month after the exam. The results are prepared based on the final answer key, which is released after reviewing objections raised by candidates. The result, indicating the qualifying status of all test-takers, will be available on the official website. Candidates can also download the scorecard by logging in.
How to Check CLAT 2025 Result:
Click on the result link on the official website.
A log-in window will open.
Fill in the CLAT 2025 application number or admit card number and date of birth.
Upon successful login, the results will be displayed on the screen.
Download and take a printout of the CLAT 2025 scorecard.
CLAT 2025 Cutoff
The CLAT 2025 cutoff marks for UG and PG courses are released separately by the Consortium of NLUs after each round of counseling. These cutoff marks vary for different categories, including Open, PwD, SC, ST, and OBC. The cutoff marks represent the minimum score or rank required for admission to preferred law colleges.
Preparing for CLAT 2025 requires dedication, strategic planning, and a comprehensive understanding of the exam pattern. By following a customized timetable, a task-based approach, and utilizing study materials, candidates can enhance their preparation. The answer key and result analysis provide valuable insights for improvement. Aspiring law students should focus on maintaining a disciplined approach and staying motivated throughout their CLAT journey, as success in this exam is not just a gateway to prestigious institutions but also a stepping stone to a fulfilling legal career.
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iworshipsappho · 1 year
my hc about you is that you're a wizard in tamil and that you know at least two poems that you're ready to recite at the top of your head :D
(don't mind me i am just in awe of the one time you typed a tamil poem and translated it if i remember correctly)
bestieeee PLEASE😭😭😭 i actually suck ass at tamil lmaooo and its my native tongue so like i get bullied all the time :')))
like there are obviously poems i know by heart bc i've had to memorise them for exams... like thirukkurals are only 2 lines so yeah i have manny memorised fhdgjdkgk but other than that i forget quite easily after i finish my exams actually:((( such is the state of the education system lmao
but other than that my tamil gk is absolute shit😭😭 i used to be "better" when i was younger but yeah ;-;
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eclubstudy · 2 years
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gkrights · 2 years
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Gk Questions 2022 in Hindi for Competitive Exams | सामान्य ज्ञान प्रश्नोत्तरी 2022
Through this post, I am sharing with you the general knowledge (Gk Questions 2022 in Hindi) questions and their answers asked in any kind of competitive exams. All the questions are important from the exam point of view.
For the best preparation of competitive exams, you can prepare well through Gk Questions 2022 in Hindi. From this post you can get the right way to get ahead of your competitor.
Gk Questions 2022 in Hindi for Competitive Exams
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class24 · 1 year
Daily Current Affairs, latest news, GK Updates for all upcoming bank, SSC, railway, govt exams, current affairs 2023,daily current affairs, current affairs today, current affair 2024, Daily, Monthly Current Affairs Today, Latest Current Affairs 2023,Get Latest Daily and Monthly Current Affairs, Get Today's Current Affairs, daily current affairs 2024
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How to read a newspaper for CLAT 2023?
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Newspaper reading is very much essential for everyone. Reading newspapers has numerous advantages one can get in the context of any competitive exams. If you are preparing for the CLAT exam, then newspaper reading is highly essential.
Reading newspapers will enable you to know about the latest events and current happenings in and around the world. Also it will help you to score better in the English and Logical reasoning sections.
If you are one of the aspirants who have been ignoring newspapers because of too much content or any other reason, it is high time to make it a habit of reading newspaper daily.
Tips and tricks for reading newspaper for CLAT 2023
Newspapers assist you in preparing for the exam in various ways, from improving reading comprehension and vocabulary to developing analytical abilities. Also, it will help enhance your CLAT GK preparation and score well in the upcoming exam.
Most of you might have difficulty finding references for current affairs topics while reading newspapers because reading newspapers requires skills and routine while studying current affairs from other sources is a shortcut.
Being a law student, you must understand which news is essential in the newspaper from the CLAT perspective.
To make it easier, we have provided a few tips and tricks below to help you better understand how to read newspapers for the CLAT exam.
Skimming and filtering – First of all, you need to filter out the main topics of the newspapers which are relevant for exams and have a national or international considerations. After reading items from apps and websites, you should read the newspaper. This is because articles you create for websites are repeated, and you have a deeper understanding of these issues after receiving an introduction from websites.
Prime focus areas – Don’t get involved in local or state news. They will never appear in the question paper and always concentrate on national and international concerns.
Editorial tips - Most importantly, read the editorials carefully because they will help you improve your reading speed, which will aid you in the actual examination because CLAT requires a good reading speed. Furthermore, editorials frequently contain essential information, so make a note of it. I’m very sure that after reading an editorial, you don't churn it in your head and form your own opinion on the subject, which is why you read an editorial like any other piece of information and forget about it after a while.
Important Dos and Don’ts
Keep your own current events journal. Focus on topics such as committees in the news, legal developments, bills, major decisions, and awards among others.
Jot down important points
Make a list of relevant events in the notebook to review when the exam is coming. Make succinct points rather than long paragraphs. You can also take cuttings of any data, graph, or object. For future reference, keep an eye out for new laws and revisions to existing ones. Offline newspapers are preferred over online newspapers. While reading the paper, use a marker to mark any new words that come up (do not write them).
The following are the important areas that you need to focus on while reading a newspaper:
·Editorial page - language, knowledge, terminology
·Recurring issues like Hong Kong protests, news related to elections, etc.
·Standard Questions News such as appointments, records, awards, etc.
·Business related news
·International news
Hope you like reading this article, and know how to read a newspaper for CLAT exam 2023. Or else visit the Edufoster Institute which is famous for its clat coaching instutute in Kolkata. Visit today.
Author’s Bio
I Sushma Gupta, a professional content writer of Edufoster Institute enriched the maximum knowledge about the institute and its services provided. I write contents for this particular institute on CLAT and other competitive exams.
This article summarizes about how to read newspapers and what are the advantages of reading newspapers. Hope you like reading this article. Visit top clat coaching in Kolkata for more information.
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sharralover · 2 years
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Pfffft- I thought it would be humus, sir. 😂
I know I took a long time in updating and I am sorry for it, but I can't do anything in that. My exams are starting this month and I need to study for my GK exam. So, have some patience. I will try my best in the exams as well as in updating to u all. So, have a nice day. Sayonara ~
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shraddhamatre · 3 days
A Comprehensive Guide to Securing Your Future in the Power Sector: Mastering the UPRVUNL Exam
 Overview One of the main agencies in charge of producing and distributing energy in Uttar Pradesh is the Uttar Pradesh Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Limited (UPRVUNL). The UPRVUNL holds recruiting examinations each year for a range of technical and non-technical jobs in the electricity industry. The UPRVUNL test is a great chance for those hoping to pursue a career in the power industry. But much like any competitive exam, passing the UPRVUNL exam demands concentration, a thorough comprehension of the format, and a well-thought-out study plan.
We will go into great detail on the UPRVUNL test in this blog, including its curriculum, important exam-taking techniques, and advice to help you ace it. An outline of the UPRVUNL Test Exams are held by UPRVUNL to fill a number of posts, including Assistant Engineer (AE), Junior Engineer (JE), Technician, and Chemist. The positions' excellent pay, development potential, and employment stability make them much sought after. Usually, the test is administered in two stages: Written Exam Interview (for particular positions such as AE) The purpose of the online written exam is to evaluate the applicant's technical expertise, general aptitude, and reasoning skills. The format of each exam could change depending on the job you're applying for. Below is a breakdown of the exam structure for common technical posts like AE and JE.
Exam Pattern for UPRVUNL There are two sections to the written UPRVUNL exam: Section 1: Subject Knowledge Exam There are 150 questions in this section that are specific to the technical field (engineering disciplines) for the position you are applying for. The questions for the Junior Engineer (Mechanical) position, for instance, will center on mechanical engineering principles. The technical portion of the test is the most crucial and bears the greatest weight.
Section 2: Overall Capabilities and Reasoning Exam This portion assesses the applicant's ability to reason logically, quantitatively, generally, and in basic English. There are fifty questions in all. Syllogism, basic arithmetic, data interpretation, and series completion are among the topics that are often addressed. Every question has the same weight, and incorrect responses result in a deduction in points. As such, applicants must to approach questions cautiously, striking a balance between correctness and quickness.
Exam syllabus for UPRVUNL This is a summary of the main topics to concentrate on, albeit the curriculum differs based on the position you are applying for: 1. Technical Topics Thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, strength of materials, theory of machines, heat transfer, and manufacturing processes are all relevant to mechanical engineering. Circuit theory, control systems, power systems, electrical machines, and power electronics are all relevant to electrical engineering. Structural engineering, surveying, building materials, environmental engineering, and fluid mechanics are all related to civil engineering. Digital electronics, microprocessors, communication systems, and analog circuits are all relevant to electronics engineering.
2. General Aptitude and Reasoning Quantitative Aptitude: Percentages, Ratio and Proportion, Time and Work, Profit and Loss, Data Interpretation. Logical Reasoning: Puzzles, Seating Arrangement, Syllogism, Logical Sequence, Coding-Decoding. General Awareness: Current Affairs, Indian Economy, Geography, History, Static GK. English: Basic grammar, sentence correction, vocabulary, synonyms and antonyms.
Important Techniques for UPRVUNL Exam Preparation
1. Recognize the syllabus and exam pattern The first step is to familiarize oneself with the format of the test. Prioritizing your preparation is much easier when you are aware of each section's weight. Examine the curriculum in its entirety to determine which subjects are pertinent. Make a list of the subjects you want to discuss and make sure you go over each one in order.
2. Enhance Your Technical Understanding Pay special attention to your core engineering disciplines because the technical portion carries the most weight. Don't forget to review core ideas. To have an understanding of the questions that are asked, practice answering past year's question papers. This will assist you in determining key subjects. Refer to standard textbooks and study materials to build in-depth knowledge of subjects like Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Circuit Theory, etc.
3. Put an emphasis on reasoning and general aptitude This segment might be difficult for a lot of applicants, particularly those with technical backgrounds. Set aside time every day to practice your English, logic, and numeric ability. To increase accuracy and speed, solve puzzles and reasoning problems on a regular basis. Keeping up with current events and reading newspapers will help you score highly in the general awareness part.
4. Make a study schedule Make sure to allot time for each aspect of your preparation. Spend extra effort on the technical portion because it is so important, but don't skip the general aptitude and reasoning area. Divide your material into digestible chunks and set daily or weekly goals. Regularly assess your progress.
5. Get Experience with Mock Exams You must regularly practice by taking mock exams if you want to succeed. You may strengthen your time management abilities, identify your weak areas, and gain an understanding of the exam format by taking mock examinations. Examine your speed and accuracy by dissecting the errors that were made in practice exams.
6. Edit Frequently Editing is essential, particularly for the technical part. Prior to the test, make sure you review key formulae, ideas, and theories. Make brief notes on significant subjects for last-minute editing. Condense important details, equations, and quick cuts.
Time management is a critical skill for acing the UPRVUNL test because it is timed. Here are some tips for doing so. Building speed and accuracy requires practicing answering questions in a certain amount of time. Be Aware of Negative Marking: Exercise caution while answering questions since there will be negative marking. Save your guesses for when you are quite certain of the response. Keep Up with Current Events: Keep up with national and worldwide news, particularly in the energy and power industry, for the general awareness area.
The Secret Is Consistency: Consistent and regular study is crucial. Establish a schedule and follow it. Refrain from cramming at the last minute, particularly in technical areas. Well-being and Health: Don't compromise your physical or emotional well-being in the test preparation process. Eat healthily, take pauses, and get adequate sleep. A sound body and mind will support your ability to concentrate while getting ready. Opportunities for Careers at UPRVUNL There are several options in the power generating business while working with UPRVUNL. You will get the opportunity to work on cutting-edge projects, maintain power plants, and support the state's energy infrastructure as an engineer or technician. UPRVUNL provides employment stability, good compensation packages, and opportunities for professional growth, making it an ideal choice for those pursuing careers in technical fields.
In summary A well-thought-out preparation plan and strategic approach are necessary to ace the UPRVUNL exam. You'll have an advantage over other applicants if you comprehend the exam structure, develop strong technical knowledge, practice general aptitude, and keep up with current events. You may contribute to Uttar Pradesh's power industry and establish a lucrative career with UPRVUNL with perseverance and devotion. I hope your preparation goes well!
Start Your Preparation With: https://gameacademy.in/ / https://clppenny.page.link/cTBm
Recommended: https://www.youtube.com/@gblions / https://www.youtube.com/@gblionsaeje
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