#all hallows jangobi 2022
allhallowsjangobi · 8 months
Recap All Hallow's 2022
Hello there! While we still have some time before the event for 2023, why not take a look at everything that was created last year? Here is all the art from 2022:
Daemon AU by Pitchthepeach
Early meeting AU by Pitchthepeach
Ritual gone wrong by Pitchthepeach
OC Caznet'arkona, House Mereel by Czigonas
OC Kuuran Dyre, House Ordo by Czigonas
Here are all the fics from 2022:
Time is a Thief (Gladness and Grief) by Czigany
To Love Your Enemy by IvyJaySkywalker
A Fate That Befell Me by wanderingjedihistorian
Stay With Me by TheShinyLizard
Tugging on strings by Tyu
The Road Less Traveled By by Triskellion
Under the Moons of Mandalore by IvyJaySkywalker
It's Coming Home by Czigany
Every Stumble and Each Misfire by wanderingjedihistorian
Like Roving Storms by Czigany
Nights on Stewjon by IvyJaySkywalker
Long is the Road by wanderingjedihistorian
Please, Alor by TheShinyLizard
Rewrite the Stars by TheShinyLizard
Made Whole Through Broken Jaws by Czigany
Cravings of the Soul by wanderingjedihistorian
Soul Flowers by Llamaal
Why Looks My Lord So Deadly Pale... by Triskellion
This Abjured Land of Bliss by Czigany
The Ka’ra Wants to Show You by wanderingjedihistorian
Eternally Bound by IvyJaySkywalker
There Are Frontiers, They Are Endless by Czigany
A Good Way to Start the Day by wanderingjedihistorian
Turn Rivers Into Reservoirs by Czigany
And here is the podfic from 2022:
[Podfic of] Every Stumble and Each Misfire by Flowerparrish
Enjoy (and hopefully find some inspiration for 2023)!
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jango Fett/Obi-Wan Kenobi Characters: Jango Fett, Obi-Wan Kenobi Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Incubus Obi-Wan, Mandalorian Jango Fett, Bounty Hunter Jango Fett, Never a Jedi Obi-Wan, Implied Past Rape/Non-Con, Mentions of Slavery, Post-Battle of Galidraan (Star Wars), Jango's anger sometimes makes him act first and think later, Leads to some issues, Obi-Wan Kenobi Needs a Hug, Obi-Wan Kenobi Gets a Hug, Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Feels, many feels, Hopeful Ending, implied prostitution Series: Part 2 of All Hallow's JangObi Week 2022 Summary: The problem was that tact had never been Jango’s strong point. He knew it. Normally, he didn’t care much, and it wasn’t a problem. But this was different. He’d screwed this up majorly and now he had an upset incubus on his hands.
For @allhallowsjangobi Day 2 Prompt: Creatures
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czigonas · 2 years
Time is a Thief (Gladness and Grief)
When Jango opened his eyes, he was, at first, confused that he was alive at all.
He was laying on a fairly comfortable bed in a room he didn’t recognise, which was worrying enough, but he’d also been stripped of his armour. On the other hand, he didn’t appear to be poisoned anymore, which was nice. If suspicious.
All Hallows JangObi Week Day 1: Curses
Under the cut for length. Also on AO3. Mando'a is in-line translated here, hovertext enabled on AO3.
When Jango opened his eyes, he was, at first, confused that he was alive at all.
He was laying on a fairly comfortable bed in a room he didn’t recognise, which was worrying enough, but he’d also been stripped of his armour. On the other hand, he didn’t appear to be poisoned anymore, which was nice. If suspicious.
Then the door opened and a very pretty human or near walked in, bearing a tray of food. Unfortunately, they were also dressed kind of like a jedi. He doesn’t like it.
“Oh! You’re awake!”
Very adept at stating the obvious, this one. Jango decided they didn’t deserve an answer for it.
“How are you feeling?” They continued with a small smile, setting the tray over Jango’s lap, seemingly oblivious to his antagonistic mood. “You weren’t looking too well when you stumbled in a few days ago.”
“Where have you put my armour, chakaar [thief]?” Jango snarled instead of replying directly.
They frowned ever so slightly. A little hesitantly, probably wary of his anger, they gestured to the side. Jango narrowed his eyes but turned. Hanging neatly on a stand in the corner was his beskar’gam [armour]. His kute [bodysuit] had been cleaned and was folded on a table next to it. Well now he just felt bad.
Proving that he hadn’t entirely lost his manners while he’d been enslaved, Jango turned back to the stranger, inclined his head just enough to be polite, and bit out a gruff, “N’epar’it [Sorry].”
“Kih’parjai [No problem],” they smiled serenely, folding their hands into their draping sleeves.
Jango wondered what it would take to do more than barely ruffle them, then he registered what they said.
“You speak mando’a?”
They frowned again, looking faintly worried. “Yes? We’ve been speaking it this whole time.”
Jango must still be rattled from the fight with Tor and the subsequent recovery. He frowned back. “But you’re jedi. Who taught you?”
They sniffed a little, insulted maybe, but answered anyway. “What does it matter that I’m jedi? So is Baji’ur [Teacher] Vizsla. They taught me when we left Coruscant.”
Before Jango could do more than curl his lip at ‘Vizsla’, the jedi’s eyes grew hard. “What I want to know,” they returned, unyielding, “is how you got their sabre. Baji’ur [Teacher] never lets it out of their sight.”
That threw Jango for a loop. “What? What sabre?”
The jedi pursed their lips, staring him down before holding a hand out towards his armour. One of his belt pouches shivered, then opened. From its depths shot a very recognisable hilt, settling gently in the jedi’s grasp.
Oh. That sabre.
“I killed that hut’uun [coward] Tor and took it from his corpse.”
They paused, some of their irritation melting away into confusion. “Tor?”
Jango gave them an incredulous look. “Yes. Tor Vizsla. Descendant of Mand’alor [Sole Ruler] Tarre Vizsla? Leader of Death Watch and pretender to the title of Mand’alor [Sole Ruler]?”
“De… descendant?” They crumpled in on themself just a little, then straightened, eyes fever-bright. “What’s the year? Please.”
“958 as the Republic counts,” Jango told them, watching their reaction closely. If they were asking, though… “7935 by the Hosnian Reckoning.”
The jedi looked on the verge of collapse, freckles standing out starkly against dramatically pale skin, staring sightlessly at the hilt in their hand. “Seventy-nine… But…”
Before Jango could pry any further, they left in a flurry of robes. He looked back down at the forgotten tray of food in his lap. Shrugging to himself, he picked up the spork and started to eat. It probably wasn’t poisoned, if they’d gone to the trouble of saving him once, so he might as well not waste it. As he ate, he went over the conversation again, dissecting and cataloguing the jedi’s mannerisms and body language as much as his words. Something seized his attention in the way they had fled the room.
Beneath the swirling fabric, Jango thought he’d caught a glimpse of beskar.
The jedi hadn’t come back by the time Jango finished his food so he got up, listening for returning footsteps the whole while, and dressed in his armour, politely clipping his helmet to his belt instead of wearing it. He checked his weapons, a little surprised to find every single one in its proper place. In fact, they seemed to have merely undressed him for treatment, not daring to touch his beskar any more than necessary. That was strangely considerate, for an aruetii [outsider].
Since the only thing missing from his kit was the darksabre and he still didn’t really know where he was, Jango decided to explore. The bedroom he’d woken up in turned out to be one of a handful in what appeared to be a moderately large building. There were no windows and he hadn’t found an exterior door yet, but he was probably still on Corellia if he’d only been unconscious for a few days.
He found the jedi kneeling before something that looked kind of like an altar in a chamber near the back of the building. Jango paused in the door to take in the rather elaborate carvings, detailing what looked like a hunt through the jungle culminating in a light from the sky striking down the leader of one party, who was interred in a building that probably looked a lot like this one if he’d seen it from the outside.
Jango approached from an angle; it was never smart to walk up directly behind a warrior, especially if you couldn’t see their hands. It didn’t seem to matter though, because the jedi just knelt on the floor, hunched over what looked like a weird stone tablet that had been cracked into several pieces. They looked up when he got close, grief on their face.
“Well,” they laughed weakly. “I suppose I should thank you.”
Jango tilted his head in question and they waved a hand at the reliefs lining the room.
“It appears I’ve been sleeping here for over a thousand years. I was cursed,” they gestured at the carving he’d noticed earlier, with the light, and then at the slab in front of them. “And you broke it.”
“I don’t remember being cursed - though I have my theories as to who would have done it and how - but the tablet is pretty specific on the conditions required to break it and since you were the only one here when I woke up, you must have met them.”
Jango leaned forward to have a look at the so-called conditions. “Bunch of Force shit?”
The jedi hummed, not seeming offended at all. “No, though it’s cryptic enough to be.”
Jango leaned further into their space when he saw just what was on the tablet. “Is that written in mando’a?”
“Yes,” they sighed, standing, letting him catch another glimpse of the armour they wore beneath their robes. “Let’s move this discussion somewhere more comfortable and,” they shot a wry smile over their shoulder as they headed for the door, “perhaps we can finally get around to introductions.”
They settled at the table in a small kitchen near the bedrooms. It was well stocked, especially for having sat unused for a millennium. Maybe the whole place had been in stasis. The jedi folded their hands neatly on the table and gave an annoyingly serene smile. Jango tried not to scowl back.
“I am Obi-wan, Clan Kenobi, House Vizsla,” they began. “I was one of Baji’ur [Teacher] Vizsla’s students, and left the Temple of Coruscant to follow them back to Manda’yaim [Mandalore]. The last I recall, it was 6911CRC, and we had received word of an increase in Sith activity in the Grumani Sector. Any memory I had of our original mission is gone. I don’t know for sure how I came to be here, only that I awoke on that altar with you collapsed at its base, heavily poisoned.”
Jango took a minute to process that, pulling his gloves off and placing them and his buy’ce [helmet] on the table to stall for a little time. He bit down on the urge to withhold information from a potential ally; no matter their House affiliation, they couldn’t possibly be a member of Death Watch themself.
“I am Jango, Clan Fett, House Mereel,” he finally sighed, ignoring both their surprise at his clan and their confusion over what must surely be an unfamiliar house. “I came to Corellia to kill Tor Vizsla as revenge for their killing my buire [parents] and ori’vod [older sibling]. I succeeded, but they poisoned me in the process and I must have dragged myself in here as the closest available shelter.”
Obi-wan nodded, processing that for a moment, then spoke again. “Who is Mand’alor [Sole Ruler]?”
Jango carefully kept his reaction under control, eyes straying to the darksabre’s hilt resting on the table between them, and didn’t answer.
“You said that Baji’ur [Teacher] Vizsla’s descendant was only a pretender to the title, so who else has claim?” Obi-wan waited only a beat, then pressed further. “I swore the Resol’nare [Six Actions] and even a millennium out of time I will honour my vows.”
They stared each other down for a long minute, until finally Jango sighed. “It’s complicated.”
Obi-wan gave him an unimpressed glare and crossed their arms. “Try to explain. I doubt it’s really all that complicated.”
“It is,” he snarled back. “Manda’yaim [Mandalore] was nearly destroyed by the jedi on Republic orders three hundred years after you were stuck in here. Ever since, the clans that survived the Dral’han [Excision] have been in disarray. No single Mand’alor [Sole Ruler] emerged to lead, though several tried.
“Our best hope was killed a decade ago by that shabuir [motherfucker] Vizsla when their own second betrayed them.” Obi-wan looked stricken, but Jango found that once he’d started talking he couldn’t stop. “Montross was exiled, I was elected in Jaster’s place and I tried, but I’m not-- I was fourteen. I couldn’t protect them.”
He was standing now, pacing, too worked up to stay still. “Vizsla kept trying to kill me - kill anyone who followed Jaster’s Codex - because they wanted to go back to conquering instead of rebuilding our home, but they were also a coward. They refused to face Jaster in single combat, and they refused to face me. Instead, they tricked the jedi into slaughtering us without cause. Three hundred forty-seven of the best of our commandos, cut down by those bastards. Then they sold me into fucking slavery and I couldn’t protect them!”
Jango was jolted out of his rant by a half choked off cry. When he turned back to the table, it was to see Obi-wan watching him with wide, wet eyes, tears streaking down pale cheeks and a tremulous hand clasped over their mouth. He tried to hold onto his rage, to lash out further at them as an embodiment of an order that had brought him so much pain, but he couldn’t. They held no fault in what had happened.
“So yeah, it’s complicated.” He sagged back into his seat with a shattered sigh. “Technically, I have the best claim now that Vizsla’s dead and I have the sabre, but no one would answer my call. They probably think I’m dead and good riddance.”
There was a long, loaded silence as Jango stared at the ceiling, feeling wrung out and empty of anger for the first time in years. He heard Obi-wan stand, the sound of them making shig breaking the uneasy quiet. A mug was set on the table in front of him, and Jango finally looked down again. The jedi looked just as hollow as Jango felt, drawn out and tired, though they’d cleaned their face.
Jango looked away again, sipping his drink but tasting nothing as the silence drew out between them. Stars, he was exhausted. Obi-wan sighed softly, as if in agreement.
“I would swear to you, if you would accept.”
Jango nearly choked, setting his mug back down with a clatter.
“Several reasons,” Obi-wan answered, smiling with soft, bittersweet affection. “But the most important is that you remind me of Baji’ur [Teacher] Vizsla - of Mand’alor te Nau’jorir [Mand'alor the Lightbearer].”
Jango swallowed down his instinctive denials. He hadn’t even been able to live up to Jaster’s legacy, how could someone say he reminded them of such a legendary leader?
“It’s in the way you feel,” Obi-wan tried to explain, reading Jango’s bewildered confusion in the set of his shoulders. “Your convictions burn with starfire. Even now, when you think yourself too broken, I can see the shape of the Mandalore you would create and protect. I want to be there as it comes true. I want to help you make it happen.”
“There aren’t--” Jango broke off with a grimace. “The Haat’ade [True Children] are dead.”
“All of them?” Obi-wan seemed more concerned than disbelieving. “Even so, they cannot kill our people’s spirit. Mando’ade atiniir [Mandalorians endure], we will always rebuild.”
They would, too, with or without him. Mandalore survived, in their people and their ideals, spread across the galaxy. They’d been nearly destroyed so many times over the long centuries; a cyclical rise and fall like Manda’yaim’s [Mandalore's] ancient ocean under the thrall of their moons. Even now, burned away under the heat of the Dral’han [Excision], the deserts moved with familiar tides, scarred but unbroken.
Thinking about Obi-wan’s soft question, Jango acknowledged that, while he had brought an entire company to Galidraan, that had not been nearly the full strength of the Haat Mando’ade [True Mandalorians]. He still didn’t feel worthy of them but - he slanted a considering glance across the table at the jedi who had offered him the first hope he’d held in years - maybe he could get there again, with the right help.
Jango stood and reached for the darksabre.
Obi-wan smiled and knelt.
Together, Mandalore rose.
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flowerparrish · 2 years
For the @allhallowsjangobi Prompt: Creature
Original Fic: Every Stumble & Each Misfire by @wanderingjedihistorian
Rated: Mature
Audio Length: 10 mns
Warnings: Implied/Referenced Non-Con; Mentions of Slavery; Mentions of Prostitution
Additional Tags: Obi-Wan is Not a Jedi; Incubus Obi-Wan; Post-Battle of Galidraan; Angst and Hurt/Comfort; Hopeful Ending; Pre-Relationship / Developing Relationship
The problem was that tact had never been Jango’s strong point. He knew it. Normally, he didn’t care much, and it wasn’t a problem. But this was different. He’d screwed this up majorly and now he had an upset incubus on his hands.
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tyusening · 2 years
Chapters:  1/1 Fandom:  Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Star Wars - All Media Types Rating:  Mature Warnings:  No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships:  Jango Fett/Obi-Wan Kenobi Characters:  Jango Fett, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Boba Fett Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - His Dark Materials Fusion, Alternate Universe - Daemons, Pre-Relationship, Mind Manipulation, because of the Dark Side, and general manipulation, Mildly Dubious Consent, due to daemons touching, No Sexual Content Summary: Obi-wan and Boga play detectives on Kamino. They didn't expect to run into a Mandalorian bounty hunter and his strange daemon.
For @allhallowsjangobi Week Day 1: Daemon AU
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pitchthepeach · 2 years
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All Hallow’s Jangobi Day 3: Early meeting AU
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shamelesslymkp · 9 months
REC: RangerJedi67 - Cravings of the Soul
URL: https://ift.tt/yxQDVeM Soulmates were a liability. Every single Sith was taught that from a young age. Obi-Wan had always hated that. (Words: 2,435) Part 4 of All Hallow's JangObi Week 2022 !!!fandom, !!fic, |site:archiveofourown, +fandom:star.wars.prequel.trilogy, +fandom:star.wars.-.all.media.types, ::rating:explicit, ~author:rangerjedi67, character:obi-wan.kenobi, character:jango.fett, relationship:jango.fett/obi-wan.kenobi, ::category:m/m, \no.archive.warnings.apply, ~ao3:alternate.universe, ~ao3:sith.obi-wan.kenobi, ~ao3:mand'alor.jango.fett, ~ao3:soulmates, ~ao3:meet.interesting, ~ao3:dominant.jango.fett, ~ao3:submissive.obi-wan.kenobi, ~ao3:anal.fingering, ~ao3:anal.sex, ~ao3:multiple.orgasms, ~ao3:post-coital.cuddling, ~ao3:banter.and.snark, ~ao3:obi-wan.has.a.competence.kink, ~ao3:podfic.available
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allhallowsjangobi · 2 years
All Hallows Jangobi 2022: Prompts
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The day is finally here! Thanks everyone for voting, some of these were really close!!
You’ll notice the dates listed here are slightly different from the dates we originally announced. Turns out we don’t know how to count and had 8 days instead of 7, so we removed October 24th.
Anyway, without further ado... Here are our prompts:
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October 25th: Curses | Daemon AU
October 26th: Creatures | Fairies
October 27th: Monster AU | Early Meeting AU
October 28th: Vampire | Soulmate AU
October 29th: Ritual gone wrong | Timeloop
October 30th: Eldritch AU | Canon Divergence AU
October 31st: Ghosts | Celebrations
All the prompts are open to interpretation! I know some of you werewolf lovers are gonna be sad about it not being voted in, but guess what? It definitely fits under Monster AU or Creatures, so go wild! (Or you could always have a fun vampire/werewolf soulmate AU ;p)
To be more precise, the “creatures” prompt only has to feature creatures, whereas the “monster” prompt is about one or two of the characters actually transforming into monsters. Always a mermaid!Obi-wan would correspond to the creature prompt, but possessed by a demon!Jango would correspond to the monster one. Hope that helps!
Feel free to drop by our askbox if you have any questions about the prompts or anything related to the event!
We look forward to what everyone comes up with! Feel free to share snippets of your work ahead of time, we’ll do our best to reblog them if you tag us or use #all hallows jangobi 2022
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jango Fett/Obi-Wan Kenobi Characters: Jango Fett, Dexter Jettster, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker Additional Tags: Pre-Relationship, Alternate Universe, Bounty Hunter Jango Fett, Magician Obi-Wan Kenobi, Inn Owner Dex, Magic, Curses, Mandalorian Jango Fett, POV Jango Fett, Jango questions all of his life choices, To be fair Obi-Wan also questions Jango's life choices Series: Part 1 of So Many Questionable Choices, Part 1 of All Hallow's JangObi Week 2022 Summary: Curses were, at best, an inconvenience. More frequently, they were a fucking pain in the shebs.
For @allhallowsjangobi Week Day 1 Prompt: Curses
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jango Fett/Obi-Wan Kenobi Characters: Jango Fett, Obi-Wan Kenobi Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Dubious Consent, Multiple Orgasms, Nipple Piercings, Anal Sex, Sex Toys, Dry Orgasm, Collars, Beskar Metal (Star Wars), Obi-Wan is compromised by the beskar, But he is aware of this and doesn't try to fight it, Jango takes advantage, Dominant Jango Fett, Submissive Obi-Wan Kenobi, Post-Coital Cuddling, Overstimulation, Anal Fingering Series: Part 6 of When Beskar Sings, Part 6 of All Hallow's JangObi Week 2022, Part 4 of Kinktober 2022 Summary: Jango woke up pleased about the fact that he didn’t have anything on his schedule until late morning. It meant he could indulge a little. Specifically, he could indulge in taking his time with Obi-Wan.
For @allhallowsjangobi​ Week Day 6 Prompt: Canon Divergence AU
@kinktober2022​  Days 19 (Collaring) and 20 (Overstimulation)
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jango Fett/Obi-Wan Kenobi Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jango Fett Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Sith Obi-Wan Kenobi, Mand'alor Jango Fett, Soulmates, Meet Interesting, Dominant Jango Fett, Submissive Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Multiple Orgasms, Post-Coital Cuddling, banter and snark, Obi-Wan has a Competence Kink Series: Part 4 of All Hallow's JangObi Week 2022 Summary: Soulmates were a liability. Every single Sith was taught that from a young age. Obi-Wan had always hated that.
For @allhallowsjangobi Week Day 4 Alt Prompt: Soulmate AU
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jango Fett/Obi-Wan Kenobi, Qui-Gon Jinn & Obi-Wan Kenobi & Anakin Skywalker Characters: Jango Fett, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Padmé Amidala, Naboo Royal Handmaiden Characters Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Covers Phantom Menace timeline, Mand'alor Jango Fett, Implied Sexual Content, Mentions of canon character death, Jango's history with slavery means he asks some questions Obi-Wan hadn't yet thought of, Protective Jango Fett, Obi-Wan Kenobi Needs a Hug, Obi-Wan Kenobi Gets a Hug, For once in his life Jango is the Voice of Reason, Anakin Skywalker Needs a Hug, Young Anakin Skywalker Series: Part 6 of Launch Sequence, Part 3 of All Hallow's JangObi Week 2022 Summary: Obi-Wan counted the number of days since he and Jango had spoken. The problem was, he had no idea how long this job Jango was on was supposed to last. Still, attempting a call wouldn’t hurt. The comm went directly to messages and Obi-Wan slumped. No help for the Naboo would come from that angle, then. Deciding it couldn’t hurt, Obi-Wan left a message anyway.
For @allhallowsjangobi Week Day 3 Alt Prompt: Early Meeting AU
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jango Fett/Obi-Wan Kenobi Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jango Fett, Qui-Gon Jinn, Adonai Kryze, Myles the Mandalorian (Star Wars) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, eldritch au, Eldritch Jango, Mand'alor Jango Fett, Mandalorian Civil War | Death Watch vs Jaster Mereel's True Mandalorians, The Mandalore Mission goes differently, canon typical levels of violence, Obi-Wan had A Feeling About This, Worried Qui-Gon Jinn, First Meetings, Oaths & Vows, Jango Fett Has No Chill, neither does Obi-Wan Series: Part 1 of All the Stars and Galaxies in His Eyes, Part 5 of All Hallow's JangObi Week 2022 Summary: “Ka’ra touched?” the duke asked.
Myles shrugged. “Or potentially Manda blessed himself. There are stories. Ancient ones,” he pointed out. Obi-Wan had no idea what any of that meant and part of him worried about finding out. Suddenly, he felt a rush of reassurance in the Force that was not coming from his master. It was as if the Force itself was soothing him.
For @allhallowsjangobi Week Day 6 Prompt: Eldritch AU
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allhallowsjangobi · 2 years
All Hallows Jangobi 2022: Prompt Voting OPEN
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The prompt submissions have been sorted and prepared for voting here! Please vote for as many as 7 spooky prompts and 7 non-spooky alt-prompts!
Voting will remain open until August 6th, at which time we will tally the votes and assign each day a main prompt and a secondary prompt. Results will be announced both on here and on the AO3 collection on August 12th.
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czigonas · 2 years
Turn Rivers Into Reservoirs
"So how’d you get here from there?” “It’s kind of a long story,” Obi-wan hedges. Silas just gives him a look, pulls out two more bottles of tihaar, and starts pouring a fresh round.
[This is a direct sequel to This Abjured Land of Bliss and may not make sense without that context.] All Hallows JangObi Week Day 7: Celebrations
Under the cut for length. Also on AO3. Mando'a is in-line translated here, hovertext enabled on AO3.
They’re well on their way back to Manda'yaim [Mandalore], leaving the mess on the unnamed moon to the Jedi and their Shadows, when Jaster invites Jango and Obi-wan to have dinner with his council. They take over the ship’s command centre rather than eating in the mess, covering the low holotable so as to not damage the surface and settling on the small couches and soft chairs that ring it. Jango is more relaxed around others, now, confident in his knowledge of the galaxy since he and Obi-wan had the chance to sort through his returning memories while they were visiting the AgriCorps Chapter House.
The food is good, hearty and filling, and accompanied by thick, black beer and a sweet, fizzy fruit drink Obi-wan had picked up on Garqi. Once they’re sated and Obi-wan has made sure his apprentice is settled in their berth for the night cycle, Jaster hauls out a bottle of some stronger spirits and pours them all a round. The conversation mostly sticks to lighter topics, but invariably it turns towards the years that both Obi-wan and Jango had been gone and, of course, curiosity over their lives on the other side.
Kuuran is the one to actually bring it up, gesturing at the pair of them tucked together on one of the couches. “We got most of Jango’s version already, but not yours, Ob’ika. So how’d you get here from there?”
Obi-wan groans, debating the merits of just physically hiding behind Jango as the man’s family leans forward in interest. Unfortunately, Jango looks like he wants to hear the answer also, so he’ll be no help.
“It’s kind of a long story,” he hedges.
Silas just gives him a look, pulls out two more bottles of tihaar, and starts pouring a fresh round. Obi-wan sighs deeply enough to make Jango chuckle and jostle him with an elbow. Jaster watches them both indulgently and Obi-wan feels a flash of guilt that he and Jango haven’t actually gotten around to telling the Mand'alor [Sole leader] yet that they’re going to get married. He downs his shot and fidgets with the glass, wondering where to start.
“We both ended up in the military over there, which is where we met. We were in the same unit and it was near the end of the cycle. We’d been sent out on patrol but it wasn’t supposed to be dangerous. No one expected any actual contact, though we were, of course, all ready for it if it happened.”
“So of course trouble found you,” Cazne sighs, wiggling his fingers at Obi-wan until he passes over his cup. The twi’lek pours an extra generous measure before handing it back.
“Yes,” Obi-wan agrees, pressing a little further into Jango’s side as he accepts the new drink. “Without going into too much detail, we were captured and the rest of the unit was killed. They had us for…”
“Months,” Jango interrupts roughly.
“Yeah. It wasn’t a vacation, that’s for sure,” Obi-wan laughs unhappily. “But neither of us gave them whatever it was they wanted, and one day they did something new.”
“New?” Tr’sush hums through their vocoder.
“Ah… different from their usual, yeah. They took me down some new hallway; it just felt different, even if I couldn’t see it, you know?” He takes a sip of tihaar, checking on Jango out of the corner of his eye as he savours the light, fruity flavour over the potent burn of the alcohol. “They brought me out into a courtyard and, uh, well. It looked like something out of a bad horror holofilm, to be honest.”
He gestures loosely, nose scrunching as he tries to find the words to describe just how cheesy the whole setup had looked. “There was this big ritual circle? Drawn on the ground in paint, I think, and a weird altar thing at one side like some zerek-grade interpretation of an old Sith ritual. There were also candles everywhere. Why they needed lit candles in the middle of the day, I don’t know. Certainly didn’t add to the ambiance.”
He knows he sounds like he doesn’t quite believe what was there, but it really was just that weird to see. Out of place with the rest of the filthy stone bunker they’d been kept in. Cazne and Silas both crack a laugh, and he can see Jaster and Kuuran hiding smiles as well. Tr’sush tilts their helmet just enough that Obi-wan knows they’re also deeply amused. He takes another drink, waiting until the room settles again.
“So, how did the bad holofilm set get you to us?” Kuuran prompts with a smile.
Obi-wan scrubs a hand through his hair, looking rather embarrassed. “Well, they wanted to sacrifice me, I think, but I had the shiv Jango gave me and I stabbed one of them before they could stab me, and it activated the circle. I landed just outside the Mand'alor [Sole leader]’s camp right as they were being approached by a group of jedi.”
Jaster scoffs, shaking his head good-naturedly and pouring himself another shot. “Pretty sure you gave no few people on that field heart attacks with your appearance, Ob’ika, myself included.”
Obi-wan flushes, glancing at Jango beside him. “Yes, well… they wanted to soften me up before they--”
“Wait, wait, wait.” Silas waves his hands, cutting Obi-wan off. “He gave you a weapon?”
Jango raises an unimpressed eyebrow at them over the glass of tihaar he’s nursing and answers for the jedi. “Elek [Yes].”
“That you made?” Kuuran clarifies, leaning forward intently, interest and mischief warring in her expression. “While you guys were prisoners?”
“Elek [Yes],” Jango drawls again, daring anyone to challenge the claim.
“And you killed at least one person with it?” Silas jumps back in, turning to Obi-wan who is looking between them all, not quite sure where this line of questioning is leading.
“Yes?” He doesn’t mean to sound hesitant, but this feels significant and he seems to be the only one who doesn’t know what’s going on.
“Oh, that’s so romantic,” Cazne coos dreamily, looking like he might be blinking back tears.
Jango doesn’t look surprised when the jedi turns to him with furrowed brows. He gives a smirk and blatantly runs his gaze appreciatively over Obi-wan’s body, just to watch the blush stain his cheeks again.
“Do you still have it?” Tr’sush asks before he can get any more flustered.
There’s a loaded silence, everyone staring at Obi-wan in curiosity and Obi-wan staring back blankly. Ever so slowly, he twists his wrist, careful not to spill his drink, and pulls a thin blade from the folds of his arm wraps. It’s nothing special - it was a prison shiv, so of course it wouldn’t be that fancy - but the blade is both curved and tapered and the semi-shaped handle is wrapped neatly in sturdy fabric. Jango shifts forward to inspect it and nods in satisfaction at seeing it well cared for. Silas whistles low as he, too, leans in for a look.
Jaster barks out a laugh and downs his shot. “Congratulations on your engagement, then, and welcome to the family, Ob’ika.”
Obi-wan nearly drops the knife at that. “What?”
Silas starts chuckling again, but Cazne nods seriously even as his lekku twitch with amusement. “Like, I said, it’s very romantic. He gave you a weapon and you used it in defence of both yourself and your future. If you hadn’t fallen through that portal, you would have used the knife to get back to Jango and break yourselves out, right?”
“I probably would have picked up at least one of their guns,” Obi-wan clarifies slowly, watching Jango in his peripheral vision again. “But yes, the end goal was to get us both free and back to base.”
“Traditionally, there is a full exchange,” Tr’sush explained further. “So far, Jango has only proposed, but you have not necessarily accepted.”
“For that, I would offer a weapon in return?” Obi-wan hums, considering.
Kuuran gently waves off his concern. “Or a culturally appropriate equivalent, since you aren’t mando’ade [mandalorian].”
Obi-wan relaxes at that, sparking curiosity all around. Jaster pauses with his glass half-raised and watches them both with weary amusement. “Wayii [Good grief]… did Jan’ika actually propose second?”
“Depends on how you look at it,” the jedi smiles slyly, grinning wider when Jango lets out a noise of protest. “The custom over there, in the places we thought we were from, was to exchange rings. Once for the engagement, and again for the marriage. I had a set waiting for us at base and was going to ask after that last patrol.”
“Only because Supply liked you better,” Jango grumbles goodnaturedly.
Obi-wan pats his knee with mock sympathy, not protesting at all when Jango captures his hand to twine their fingers together. “But no,” he continues, expression softening, “Jango got his proposal in first by the customs of this side.”
“But you have asked, haven’t you,” Jaster observes shrewdly.
It’s Jango’s turn to smirk, but he doesn’t keep them in suspense for long. From his pocket he pulls a coil of thin, braided cord - brilliant blue, deep green, and faintly shimmering white - knotted and capped with a carved bone spike on each end.
“I had the bone already,” Obi-wan explains, reaching over to run a finger along one of the spikes. “Traditionally, it should come from your last kill, but I’m pretty sure she ended up in a sarlacc, so these are juvenile scyk fangs that I was gifted by my apprentice’s tribe, instead. The cords I picked up on Garqi, since I wasn’t exactly carrying the proper supplies around on a whim.”
There are a few snorts of agreement; Jaster stands, circling the holotable to give them both a soft, heartfelt kov’nyn [forehead press]. Silas pours everyone a fresh shot, raising it in salute. “We’ll have a proper celebration when we get back to Keldabe but, for now, oya [cheers]!”
“Oya [Cheers]!”
Kuuran slaps Jaster on his shoulder as he settles back in his seat. “See! You’re gonna get Ob’ika for a kid anyway! You could’ve let one of us try and adopt him before.”
Obi-wan groans and buries his face in his hands as Jango perks up beside him. “How many offers did he get?”
“None,” Tr’sush huffs, exasperation audible even through the vocoder. “Mand'alor [Sole leader] staked a claim and never followed through.”
“I was letting him get comfortable with us before just springing it on him!” Jaster protests. “It’s not my fault he left before I could!”
Cazne leans towards the couple on the couch as the others settle into a good-natured argument. “We still have your beskar’gam [mandalorian armour], Ob’ika,” he murmurs conspiratorially. “Maybe now you’ll wear it for longer than a few hours at a time, hm?”
“Ben, you have armour already and didn’t tell me?” Jango raises his eyebrows, giving Obi-wan another flirtatiously assessing look.
“I didn’t think they’d kept it,” he answers with a frown. “I did leave quite abruptly."
“Mm,” Jango hums sceptically, wrapping his arm around Obi-wan as Cazne politely turns his attention back to the ongoing debate, breaking in to needle whichever of them seems to be winning in the moment. “Well, I’m afraid I’m going to be on their side about you wearing it.”
“I’ve already heard all of their reasons and countered them,” Obi-wan huffs in return, even as he curls into the hold and settles his head on Jango’s shoulder. “But perhaps, for you, I can be persuaded.”
Jango laughs under his breath, pressing a swift kiss to Obi-wan’s temple before they settle back to watch their family cheerfully bicker amongst themselves, contentment woven around them like a warm blanket.
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czigonas · 2 years
Like Roving Storms
No one had seen a jedi in years by the time the ginger-haired human or near-human wandered through the grimy cantina door in the nameless backwoods town his current hunt had led him to. Once upon a time, Jango would have called them out in public to fight - and kill - any jedi that crossed his path. These days it just doesn’t seem worth it, despite that the Empire’s bounty still stood.
All Hallows JangObi Week Day 3: Monster AU
Under the cut for length. Also on AO3. Mando'a is in-line translated here.
No one had seen a jedi in years by the time the ginger-haired human or near-human wandered through the grimy cantina door in the nameless backwoods town his current hunt had led him to. Jango isn’t even sure most people knew what they were - besides a faceless, monstrous traitor the Empire told them to hate - but most of them could sense that something was different about the weary traveller.
The bartender is clearly reluctant to serve them, but their credits are good and they don’t seem inclined to make too much of a spectacle of themselves, settling at a shadowed table and studiously not interacting with any other patrons. Once upon a time, Jango would have called them out in public to fight - and kill - any jedi that crossed his path. These days it just doesn’t seem worth it, despite that the Empire’s bounty still stood.
The jedi keeps to themself in the corner, weaving subtle suggestions into the air to ‘look away, look away, there is nothing interesting here’. Jango has no trouble seeing through them, thanks to his long years of training, but he makes sure to keep his own observations vague to avoid them sensing him in return.
They’re clearly tired - understandable for a being constantly in danger of being exposed - but they’ve kept themself well. Their clothes are simple but clean and tailored, boots worn but still comfortable looking. Despite the dark bruising under their eyes, their skin looks healthy and they seem to eat well enough for someone who must perpetually stay one step ahead of the Empire’s attack dogs.
Jango doesn’t really plan to trail the jedi when they set out the next morning; the two of them just happen to be travelling in the same direction. When the town has disappeared behind more than a few bends in the pitiful excuse for a road, the jedi steps off the path, making their way through the thick trees with uncanny stealth.
Jango follows.
“Hello there.”
He doesn’t startle when the jedi steps up next to him, despite not knowing when they had the chance to circle around. His hands do tighten reflexively on his blasters though, and he consciously relaxes them to avoid a possible misunderstanding.
“Was there a particular reason you were following me?” They continue when Jango stays silent.
He doesn’t snarl at the presumption, but it’s a near thing. “I wasn’t.”
“Ah, apologies,” they nod, as though meeting strangers in unfamiliar wilds is normal. For a jedi though, who knows; it might be, especially these days. “Might I ask your business in coming this way, then?”
“You might,” Jango replies flatly, and the jedi smiles faintly in return.
“I only ask because the way through is unsafe.” They hold up a hand before Jango can inform them exactly how dangerous he can be. “Yes, even for you. I know who you are - your reputation precedes you - but unfortunately the beast I’ve come to slay is rather more dangerous than the usual for these parts. I would rather not have anyone caught in the crossfire, especially should I fail.”
Jango looks the jedi over more closely, trying to determine if he’d ever met them before but he thinks he would have remembered someone so striking. “I’m on a hunt.”
“May I ask what it is that you’re hunting?” They ask, though it seems like they already have a suspicion.
He sighs when he realises he’ll have to give them something. “If you know who I am, you know who I’m hunting. Heard he was out this way not too long ago.”
“I had hoped you were just passing through,” their mouth twists briefly in resignation before they give in. “Yes, he was here. I’m cleaning up his messes, as always.”
“Where is he now?” Jango demands. The thought of the trail he’s followed for the last several years going cold ignites a special kind of urgency in his bones.
“I wish I could tell you,” the jedi sighs, with what seems like genuine regret. “I had hoped to find a clue in what he left behind here.”
They hesitate briefly, then dip their head in a facsimile of a bow. “I know that you deserve your vengeance, but please, the monster guarding this place is truly horrific. Let me take care of it - and any other surprises - and I swear I will not keep you from any information that remains.”
That’s far more consideration than he ever expected from a jedi. On the other hand… “Is there a reason you don’t want help?”
“Besides the fact that I didn’t expect you of all people to offer?” They reply with a wry grin. “The short answer is collateral damage. It’s been more years than I can count since I had the opportunity to fight alongside another being. I’m not sure I remember how.”
Jango bites back a scowl. They’re not wrong to doubt his offer of assistance under normal circumstances, but this is one hunt he’ll never abandon. If it takes working with a jedi to reach his quarry, then that’s what he’ll do.
“You can’t stop me,” he states implacably. “Either I follow and get in your way for sure, or you tell me what we’re likely to fight and we make a plan to take it down together. Don’t think I haven’t noticed you talking around what you expect to find up there.”
“I’m not entirely certain,” they hedge, grimacing when he gives them a flat stare in return. “From all available information, there is at least one terentatek guarding the gate and a small pack of mykal infesting the tower, though how twisted they are from exposure to his magics is still uncertain.”
Jango blows out a long, slow breath, staring at the trees around them as though he can see through them to the stone building that had been rumoured by the locals to be the hideout of a great and terrible demon. Terentateks are some of the Empire's most vicious creations; if there is one up ahead, it will be a tough fight even for two highly experienced beings like themselves.
“You know what it means if there is a terentatek up there, don’t you?” Jango asks, watching the jedi from the corner of his eye.
Their face falls and they nod again. “Yes. We’ve long suspected he has been working with the Empire on the side. A terentatek won’t be solid proof, but it will hopefully convince the last holdouts that he has no longer simply gone rogue.”
“We?” He hones in on their slip; an admittance that their people are not as wiped out as they might wish to appear.
The jedi closes off in a flash, growing still and silent as any predator, the air crackling with a taste of their rising magic. Jango raises his hands slowly, palms out, in an effort to diffuse the tension he only now realises was previously absent. “Easy, jedi. I don’t hunt your kind anymore.”
“Yes,” they murmur, eyes like chips of ice even as their body language thaws slightly. “The thousands of simulacra made in your image did that well enough, I think.”
This time Jango can’t hold back his snarl, though he keeps his hands pointedly away from his weapons. He’d barely had a hand in that, having been tricked into the contract at the end of a long hunt. If this jedi knew who he was after, they would know all of that and why. Before either of them can say something to further ruin their fragile peace, however, the jedi sighs out an apology and turns away, moving slowly into the trees. Jango takes a deep breath and follows.
They walk in silence for a while, both still somewhat brittle, until the forest around them starts to thin. Here and there, the trees bear smooth patches where the bark has been rubbed away or, occasionally, deep claw marks with their edges spidered from some creeping poison. Several are knocked down completely and then further splintered where they lay.
Jango decides to speak up, before they reach the point of no return. “Are you going to introduce yourself, jedi? Or should I just call you Atin’bur [Stubborn Guardian] in my remembrances if you fall here?”
The question startles a sharp laugh from the jedi, who turns to look at him with far more mirth than they’d previously allowed to show. “I would have been surprised to be included at all, but I have been rather rude in any case. I am Obi-wan Kenobi, he/him. I usually go by Ben out here though.”
Jango nods, waving a hand around at the destruction. “I assume we’ll come across the terentatek first, so how do you want to handle it?”
Ben grimaces slightly. “They’re immune to most of my magic, but vulnerable in all the rest of the usual ways. Their hide is quite thick, but there are a few places between the plates where we can slip a blade in. Eyes as well, of course, though they’re a significantly smaller target.” He touches one of the scored trunks gently. “And especially be wary of both their teeth and claws, as they’re quite venomous.”
“More blades than blasters, but don’t get too close, huh?” Jango hums. He eyes Obi-wan shrewdly. “You do have one of your fancy light swords, right? Or are they immune to those, too?”
Obi-wan laughs softly, a silver hilt appearing briefly in his hand before disappearing into the folds of his cloak again. “Thankfully, they’re not. I’m not the only one with one of these here, though.”
Jango’s brows raise, and he tilts his head in agreement. “How’d you know?”
“Like all blades forged in the same manner, it… sings, for lack of a better word, and that song resonates with its wielder.” Obi-wan flashes a small smile over his shoulder. “You’re unusually well-matched with it, for not having forged it yourself. You should use it,” he continues, seemingly oblivious to Jango’s uneasy silence on the matter. “At least against the terentatek.”
Before Jango can think of what to say to that, Ben holds up a hand. Straining his senses, Jango can hear the deep, heavy breaths of a large beast somewhere ahead of them. With a flurry of hand signs both familiar and not, they briefly argue over the plan they should have come up with well before reaching their prey. Still, they come to an agreement and split to circle through the sparse trees in opposite directions, doing their best to blend the sounds of their movement into the general noise of the forest around them.
The terentatek isn’t huge but it’s still on the larger side for monsters Jango’s hunted before. He takes a moment to look it over, trying to pick out the weak points in its hide that Obi-wan had said were there. They lock eyes across the artificial clearing the beast has made for itself and, with a nod and a quick hand sign, they spring into action simultaneously, as though they’d been fighting together for years.
In the end, it’s easier than Jango thought it would be to take down, though that’s not to say they make it out entirely unharmed. The terentatek is obsessively fixated on Obi-wan, focussing on him exclusively, and the jedi is thoroughly bruised in short order, though he has at least avoided the venom. His distraction allows Jango to get in a few good, crippling strikes on the beast’s flailing limbs, however, and take only glancing blows to his armour in return. He climbs its back as it stumbles, riding out its panicked thrashing and stabbing his dark sword into its spine beneath its crest at nearly the exact moment that Ben pierces it through one eye with his own light blade.
They both scramble out of the way as it falls dead, sharing twin looks of disgust at the sight and smell. Jango hopes there was only the one because, though they escaped serious injury this time, a terentatek is not the kind of monster he enjoys pursuing. Besides, the faster they clear the tower, the faster he gets his information, and the faster he can get back to hunting his real prey. Obi-wan tips his head in the direction of the broken gates now just barely visible through the trees, and Jango nods in agreement.
They walk in silence for a few minutes before he can’t help but break it. “What were you going to do if you found him?”
“I’m not sure I can answer that, really,” Obi-wan sighs softly. Before Jango can do more than scowl, he continues. “He’s of my training line, so I’m sure you can see how I might feel conflicted. It doesn’t matter anyway,” the jedi perks up again, shooting Jango another small smile. “I would hardly stand in the way of your revenge.”
“Why not?” Jango asks quietly as they push their way cautiously through into the tower yard. “Thought you jedi didn’t like senseless killing.”
“Ah, but it wouldn’t be senseless, would it?” Ben counters absently, eyeing the high windows as he spreads his magic over the area. “He’s done enough damage to enough people that I would be shocked to learn you were the only one hunting him just to kill him.”
Jango concedes the point with a shrug, drawing one of his blasters and heading for the only visible door. Obi-wan follows, still with part of his attention on the skies. Continuing their run of good luck, the mykal are sleeping in the rafters when Jango eases the door open and peeks through. Holding a hand up to stop the jedi, he pulls a sonic screamer from a belt pouch, sets the timer, and tosses it in. The ensuing cries from the mykal resonate jarringly against the screamer’s unnatural shriek, but the results are unmistakable; there are only a few of the pests remaining for them to clean up when the noise dies down and they can enter the tower proper.
“How much of this do you need to convince your holdouts?” Jango asks as they dig through years of research notes and abandoned experiments, searching for any clue of where their target may have gone next.
Obi-wan hums in consideration, setting the occasional piece of evidence aside from time to time. “Not much, I admit. The confirmation of the terentatek should win most of them over, and those who doubt I fought one would not have believed me even if I brought it back alive.”
“Do you have to report in person?”
“I suppose not,” Ben replies slowly, still half-focussed on the pages he’s flipping through. “There are a few ways I could send what we find here to them securely. Why do you ask?”
Jango doesn’t look up from the desk he’s hunched over, staring down at its messy surface with a scowl. He’s not sure how to word his request in a way that doesn’t feel like admitting to a weakness that doesn’t exist. He curses to himself under his breath.
Obi-wan sets down his pile of papers and shifts closer in concern. “Jango..?”
“Do you want to help me take him down?” He blurts out before the jedi can take more than a step.
There's a brief, startled silence. “You’ve found something then?”
Jango gives a tight nod, tapping decisively at the map under his hands. Obi-wan steps into place at his shoulder as though he’s always been there.
“Of course,” the jedi breathes when he sees just which of the surrounding marches Jango is pointing to. “In that case, let me send these off and then,” he offers Jango a sharp smile. “Let’s hunt.”
Jango’s sure his answering grin shows just as many teeth.
“Oya [Let's hunt].”
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