#all my homies hate mosquitoes
worms-be-upon-thee · 4 months
Call me Jane Prentis the way I’m getting consumed alive by bugs.
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fuck dengue wdym i can barely stand n make myself a cup of coffee without wanting to lie on the ground n cry what is this fatigue get me out of here screams
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frankiehasfangs · 1 year
I’d like to say a very big fuck you to every mosquito that’s ever flown around my head and subjected me to that awful high pitched buzzing noise
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me-when-uncl · 10 months
mosquitoes were invented by greedy businessmen so that their mosquito repellent would sell
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kororen · 2 months
I hope all mosquitoes BURN and DIE. I hope they all perish in a HOUSE FIRE. Squishing them is not enough. I need to DROWN them in their own fears. I need to rip their stupid legs off one by one, followed by their wings and then stomp on it’s useless fucking body.
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nohriantomatoes · 5 months
Not to turn into Laios Touden or anything but I will always champion the lesser-loved animals bc fuck human opinion, there is always something that makes them So Cool!!!
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xoivy · 1 year
i keep getting bitten into oblivion by mosquitoes every time i step foot outside so now i have to go in the middle of a field in bumfuck nowhere to work in sweatpants on this fucking weather all because of these little fuckers (and because i don't have work jeans)
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cuntwrap--supreme · 1 year
Legit gonna throw hands with the next AT&T cunt I see in my yard trying to sell me fiber optic internet.
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2hufacts · 1 year
Mosquitoborne illnesses: "this one gives you a fever and can kill you, this one gives you a fever and can kill you, this one gives you a fever and can kill you, and this one: guess what? Gives you a fever and can kill you"
tickborne illnesses: "this one makes your anus implode, this one makes you unable to eat meat ever again, this one makes you sneeze if you go out in the sun for three years, this one turns your skin purple and makes you talk like jar jar binks"
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nexo-nex · 2 years
i am summer's biggest hater in the world
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silvernyxchariot · 1 year
Formaggio is currently my emotional support hitman. So, have a rant.
The synopsis is that no one appreciates this character and it makes me sad. Formaggio, come pick me up; I hate it here./j
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Out of La Squadra, Formaggio's generally not my favorite, but as a La Squadra whore, I'll make an effort to appreciate my boys.
My initial impression of Formaggio and the majority of La Squadra was... non-existent. I paid attention to Giorno, Bucciarati's group, and subsequently Narancia during this fight. But if I had to come up with something for Formaggio, the only thing that stood out to me was Little Feet. After part 3 and 4, finally, someone had to have the ability to shrink. It's such a simple and convenient ability to have, both on the battlefield and on the daily.
Lock yourself out of your house? Shrink and crawl under the door. Have a lot to carry or something incredibly heavy to carry up a flight of stairs, like a car or a 5 ft x 6 ft paining (don't ask)? Shrink it down to size and put it in your pocket. Or maybe carry a couple of grenades and automatic rifles and wear them like a braclet until you're ready to use them... No one's gonna know. They're gonna know. No one's going to know./ref
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The more I made La Squadra a part of my personality, the more I realized, "Fuck yeah, I would appreciate a homie like Formaggio." He may look like an annoying punk (like 99% of my classmates) but he's adaptable and clever. During his first conversation with Narancia, it sounded like Formaggio was just rambling and making jokes, but every sentence was a transition to get information or a reaction from Narancia.
Vol. 2 VA, chp 31:
(To Narancia) "Word is, Polpo died last night. Then, all of a sudden, Bucciarati, Fugo, Abbacchio, and Mista all went into hiding They're not anywhere. I finally found you, though, Narancia. Do you know where they are and why they disappeared?"
"Did you hear about Polpo's body? . . . They can't figure figure out how to cram his fat ass into the furnace. Ha ha ha! They're going to have to cut him into tiny pieces to get him in!"
"Why didn't your crew show up at the capo's funeral?! Answer me, Narancia! If I can't tail you then I'll make you tell me everything!
Baby boy, if you'd stayed quiet and patient, you might have been able to follow Narancia to the vineyard without interruption.
He also has an unnecessary amount of knowledge on mosquitoes and arachnids.
Vol 3 VA, chp 34
"Mosquitoes can sense the carbon dioxide animals exhale. . . That's what's happening here. Aerosmith is seeking out my carbon dioxide!"
The only thing I needed to know was that mosquitoes are little menaces that help transfer diseases and need to be smacked out of existence. I didn't want to know this extra CO² info, but thanks, I guess./s Did I want to read about spiders' digestive fluids killing their prey from the inside out on a random Tuesday night? No, not at all. But here we are. u.u
When the brainrot got worse, the anime and manga yielded superficial results. So, I'm glad the JoJo World Event gave us a bit more. In a Twitter translation of the La Squadra info, Formaggio was described as an insightful opportunist and aware of his comrades' deficits (condensed from image below). Good, because I'm going to need my emotional support hitman now. 🫴/lh
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Not gonna lie, Formaggio gave me "annoying jock" vibes initially when I took everything that I've mentioned into consideration. But seeing that he does pay more attention to others than they believe is somewhat... hmmm, comforting. In all earnesty, I would trust Formaggio to be a good judge of character or a human lie detector.
This part's not important, but I don't like the majority of his design. In the manga, he's given orange hair, and while I understand his name means "cheese," the grey in the anime helps bring contrast from the rest of his outfit that focuses on a red top and brown pants.
Like his Stand, he's very unassuming, but there's this slow burn effect that endeared this character to me. Formaggio still isn't my favorite among La Squadra, but I think about him a lot sometimes. u.u
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⭐️ My work is for entertainment and personal purposes. Do not take, translate, repost, or use it for profit. Don't take it seriously.
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eupheme · 2 years
My headcanon: Harvey is kind to animals (except mosquitoes of course, fuck mosquitoes, all my homies hate mosquitoes) and it helps with the farmer falling for him. He catches spiders and crickets in the clinic and puts them outside instead of killing them. He uses humane mouse/rat/etc traps that catch them without hurting them then sets them free in Cindersap Forest. Etc, etc.
Ohh, this is such a good headcanon! He definitely seems like the type to appreciate all forms of life. And I’m just imagining Farmer in their cabin like - frozen in fear after finding some spider creeping across the floor, only to have Harvey whisk it away outside. Impossible not to feel a lil 🥰 after that!
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ilostyou · 8 months
FUCK mosquitoes all my homies HATE mosquitoes
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tsuki-sennin · 1 year
After unexpectedly being sold out by Lord Kaguragi of Toufu just as quickly as he was protected by him, King of Evil Gira is put on trial for his criminal acts. With his life on the line, Gira stands nervously in the international criminal court in the tundra kingdom of Gokkan's capital city of Zaiban. In spite of its reputation of law and order, Gokkan's massive population is predominantly incarcerated thanks to the hardline stances of its Sovereign and Chief Justice, Rita Kaniska. Can Himeno and Yanma discover a way to defend Gira against Kaguragi and Racules's machinations? Or may Rita's icy heart prove to undo the justice they hold so dear? So we must discover today...
In short, Spoilers, I guess...
-Wow Gira, you... seem really into getting arrested by this extremely powerful and gorgeous person.
-...I mean, I would too, but-
-I see Racules's Radical Royal Retainer... Douga, I think his name is, he don't like the bee boy.
-...I notice I tend to kinda skim over the Bugnarok in my narrations. That's not intentional at all, but I'm just really fascinated by this Fire Emblem-ass court drama we've got going here.
-To be clear, I mean court drama as in royal court drama, not courtroom kind.
-Oooooooh, Scorpion!
-...Ironically, I don't think they can live in snow capped places like this.
-"Snowball this bitch."
-Oh hell nah, they put my boy on ice.
Rita: "International terrorism is a crime... punishable by execution. Pray that you are found innocent." Gira: "Kyaahahahah~! You kna.... Y'know, in Hell, they f-f-ffffffreeeeeeze traitors alive in the depths of Cocytus! Hah... suppose this is a mere prelude to my fate... for betraying Racules!" Rita: "Racules has no jurisdiction over you here. You're mine to deal with." Gira: "OH GOD OH FUCK, PLEASE DON'T KILL ME I'M A GOOD LITTLE BEETLE BOY, I PROMISE!"
-Ah yep. There they go. Questioning their permafrost justice.
-Oh shit, this is early.
-Ooooooh, goddamn Rita.
-I love you very much.
-Pop it On~!
-Oh their eyes...
-Man, these wind effects and snow effects are so cool.
-Wasting not even a second.
-Oh my God, they kick!
-Our prison at the end of the world. Big Daddy Alcatraz.
-No opening this week, huh?
-The Judge retreats to their chambers.
-God Rita
-They're so iconic, I love them so much.
-"Oh yes... Morphonia! Fetch me the King's Weapon. It's Rita Time."
-Getting massive Edgeworth vibes off of you, bucko.
-Ooooooh, seems like somebody's playing the mole.
-"Idk homie, seems like he just... made Kuwagon help him. That's not just something a bug does with simple coercion, you know?"
-"Who meeeee? Nooooo, noooo! You got it all wrong! Teehee~!"
-...and of course, the most biased source of information you could possibly find...
-"Kill him."
-"Oh that's okay. I'll be sure to kill you too then!"
-"Sorry. I wanted to spare this innocent mosquito from drinking that liquid nitrogen you call blood."
-Rita Kaniska is the character of all time.
-Shaddap Scalper.
-...speaking of scalping, how DARE you touch this man's beautiful hair?
-"Can't gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss your way out of this one, boy."
-"Don't blame me, this is all on Rita~!"
-Hot damn, Gira.
-Here they come. All sauntering in like it ain't no big.
-Is this
-Is this fucking courtroom just a bunch of ski lift chairs
-That's fucking incredible, I love this.
-Court is now in session for the trial of Gira of Shugoddam, King of Evil. All Rise for the honorable Chief Justice Rita, Sovereign of Gokkan.
-Oh! Okay, we're free!
-"Waiiit... Wait wait wait wait, this is NOT how this trial should've gone!"
-I see we're doing this in reverse. Technical expertise, character witnesses, evidence... all laid out after a conclusion.
-I suspected that Gira had some claim to the throne, but like
-I quite didn't expect him to be Racules's brother, but like... Goddamn.
-Gira and Racules kinda remind me of the depictions of... Richard the Lionheart and Prince John, especially in the really old Robin Hood stories.
-I just kinda figured it'd be a Hamlet and Claudius deal, but we've got a true Cain and Abel story right here.
-Well, I guess it stands to reason
-You never have a Rhino Beetle and a Stag Beetle together in a show like this without having them be related, now do we?
-Gira Hastee, huh?
-All around the room, Gira examined the faces of everyone involved in the trial as Rita laid bare their findings. Yanma, Shiokara, and Kuroko's looks of surprise conveyed a wide range of emotions, and yet Kaguragi and Himeno seemed to be not the least bit fazed. As Douga and Boshimar exhanged glares, Gira felt something inside him stir. It was an unfamiliar feeling. Perhaps to be more accurate, it was a wide range of despairful feelings: ironically it could be considered just as flavorful as the rainbow jururira, but it only left him an aftertaste as vile as rotten fruit and stagnant as the lukewarm water mosquitos lay their eggs in. Anger, sorrow, shock, dread, confusion... and yet most of all in that moment, Gira felt... a sense of betrayal. It was exactly the same sickening feeling he felt when Racules dismissed the lives of the people he was supposed to care for as ruler of Shogoddam, the same Yanma and the other rulers probably felt when Racules left them out to die at the hands of the Bugnarak. Gira had been betrayed on a level far beyond he could even imagine. And yet... Rita, by all accounts a complete stranger he'd have nothing to do with otherwise, someone who had every right to have completely dismissed him outright... They worked with those friends he made to discover the depths of his case.
-And that slowly but certainly helped his hope climb back up from the depths.
-Holy shit, man.
-Did Kaguragi plan all this?
-Not a single crime to begin with!
-Let justice be done, though the heavens fall!
-Where do you think you're going, buddy?
-Here they come! The bad buggos!
-Here they come.
-The Quintet Alliance! In its true form!
-"Stand up and fight, boy. There's no reason you can't or won't."
-"Okay, cool and all, but like... this dress isn't a snowsuit, can we make this fast?"
-"I thought I got kicked out, but okay."
-"Man, I totally saw this coming!"
-Tone Boy! Come and Kick It! Pop it On! Hatch It! Qua God!
-Ohgai Busou!
-You are the King~!
-The bugs! Fully assembled!
-Ooooooh, man.
-Love these sets, holy hell.
-Man, these sweeping shots are so cool
-"King Ohger! ...that'd make a decent team name now that I think about it..."
-Oooooh, theme time!
-Oh man, this is good for the soul.
-God Kabuto!
-You shot them!
-You jerks!
-It's a truly sad day when your level of teamwork can be compared negatively to the Donbrothers /hj
-God Damn.
-Well! We did it, somehow!
-"You fuckface!"
-This ain't good.
-One down~!
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ametrine-babie · 2 years
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viky-somebody · 3 months
i freakin hate mosquitoes. all my homies hate mosquitoes
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