#all my mobile games are testing my patience for christmas
gifti3 · 9 months
why did they make 1-11 that difficult
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magma-paint · 6 years
Well, I think I finally figured it out. The constant anxiety attacks over school and tests, the frustration that I can’t retain information like I used to and the vitamin supplements I’ve been taking to fix my memory and focus just aren’t working, the constant fear of failure as a result, all of it, it traces right back to my job.
Working retail, while it’s given me job experience and pays the bills, has NOT had any positive effect on my mental health in the three years I’ve worked it (though you could probably bump that up to 5 years if you count my first job working at the truckstop food court). It’s had an astronomically bad effect on my ability to focus and especially my ability to retain information, both of which I’ve been needing increasingly as I work toward finishing my degree and the courses get harder and harder and more and more demanding, with both Structural Geology and Linear Algebra being prime examples of this and the consequences coming from reduced memory and ability to focus. I found that I work best on assignments when I have some kind of quiet or have some kind of sounds I like going on in the background, such as relaxing music from Pokemon, Homestuck, Jak and Daxter, quiet piano or Celtic music and absolutely hate it when I’m trying to study on the bus or in the library or another designated classroom because it’s way too loud and disruptive. However, the problem starts coming in when cashiering gets involved. It’s noisy, the acoustics of the building amplify the most grating sounds, it’s a sensory overload nightmare I have to tough out for up to eight hours (probably nine because the sound can’t be escaped in the break room and the annoying medley of coworker banter, text ringtones, and videos and mobile games plague it because apparently no one’s heard of headphones and I’ll probably be seen as an asshole if I say anything about it). In response, I’ve developed a kind of autopilot I just switch to when it’s insanely busy where all of it becomes registered as ignore-able background noise and you need to speak loud and clear to get my attention. Cashiering is also insanely monotonous and brainless; all you’re doing is standing there, scanning things, pressing buttons, and that’s it. All the calculations are being done for you. There are no opportunities to do something else related to the front end or seek the department manager of wherever you’re trying to transfer to. It’s just one continuous stream of nothing that will surprisingly exhaust you physically though mentally is the target. And the final piece is the setup. Once the customer leaves, the slate gets wiped clean so the next one can be taken care of and the previous one isn’t occupying your attention any longer. They’re out of the picture once the transaction is completed and the bags are gathered. Rinse and repeat until the end of the shift.
In order, the noise problem still affects my ability to study, but it’s bleeding into my focus in the lecture as the autopilot kicks in and registers the lecture as white noise, even when I’m paying attention to what’s being written on the board or shown in the powerpoint. I’m at the point where I cannot accurately register what is important information that needs to be kept and what’s auditory garbage that can just be filtered out. So that one formula or important facet of geologic structures that’s absolutely key to doing good on the exam is most likely going to be registered as trash and filtered out. This is especially bad when you take into account that I can’t write notes fast enough and neat enough that they’ll make sense later, and if you’re like my current math teacher, good luck finding that information again because it’s nowhere in the book and I can’t find any sites that address it exactly without demanding money (instructors, please stop including problems on homework that never get covered in class and are hard to get access to if we don’t understand it). The monotony and brainlessness that comes with cashiering should go without saying. It’s wired me to do the task quickly and move on if it’s taking too long to sort out. As a result, if I’m not grasping the concept immediately, I’m going to abandon it entirely which will make it even harder to revisit if it’s going to be on the test and I’m still struggling with it. That’s how my grade starts suffering. As for the exhaustion, I obviously can’t work on homework at the register even when it’s completely dead in the store and we might only see one or two customers in an hour and a half. I try to work on it during breaks but idiots will make you want to clear your head and not even think about cracking open the book. Some people have suggested reviewing the concepts mentally while scanning, and I have tried it. It didn’t work and on top of that it only made me more exhausted and wore me out much faster than if I was completely blank or retreating into my mind to sort out my characters and their stories. In fact, it only made the information even harder to recall. And the final nail in the coffin is the new customer, dump old information setup. After doing this for so long, you cannot expect me to pick up a book, do the assigned reading, and be able to remember a thing I read or a concept within once I put the book down any more. No joke, I’ve forgotten important notes I’ve taken and concepts covered in class entirely within five minutes after class is dismissed. I’ve forgotten assignments that covered stuff that was going to be on the test even after focusing and working on the problems diligently. And that’s even factoring in essential oils and brain health vitamins I use for the sole purpose of helping me focus on schoolwork. That is how awful my memory and focus have become as a result of three years of cashiering.
I suppose it gets even worse when the only anchor for my sanity, drawing and exploring my characters’s stories, have become a double edged sword if not an outright curse. While I quickly exhaust at work if I think about my school stuff, thinking about my characters, their stories, and some headcanons I have about the world that Cuphead takes place it tends to keep me steady and from wanting to just rip off the vest and leave with a deadpan “I’m out of here” right in the middle of a rush or outright collapsing into a tired pile of frustration that just ran out of patience for your stupid “It won’t scan? Must be free today!” jokes. But it quickly becomes a vicious cycle when the stress of everything escalates and the only thing I know how to do is retreat into fantasy, which ends up becoming the least productive thing I can do to what really matters. What it comes down to is that working retail has left a disastrous impact on my academic abilities, especially in areas where focus and concentration are an absolute necessity, and during the semester has turned my favorite pastime and sanity anchor into an absolute hindrance to my studies. It’s going to take me down and take everything else with it just for the sake of keeping a reliable worker drone in the company.
Retail is a dead-end job and the only benefit I can see to it anymore is that it does pay the bills. The 10% employee discount isn’t enough of a perk to keep me there (funnily enough, when my older sister worked at Walmart part-time when she was in college years ago, the discount was 20%) and I don’t want to put down for the health/retirement/vision care plans because it’ll just keep me there longer and make it harder to leave and more of a hassle to get a new plan together after leaving. And with what it’s doing to my ability to get through the rest of school, it’s not even worth it to stay with Walmart. This is why I launched commissions and have planned to make a webcomic that could bring in fan funding from those who wanted to support the project. If I could get both off the ground and enough people coming in who’d like to pay me to make them some art, I could quit the retail job and cut out all the problems that it’s been causing me. In fact, I’m about to send out my priceboards again and get those circulating to see if I can get some business. In the meantime, I’m also going to try and get a position on campus as a TA for one of the earlier Geology courses offered or something productive that would help with my studies and reverse the damage retail has had. If you want, you can check out my commissions page to see how you can help out--I’m even gonna offer a Christmas discount for orders through January 7th if you wanna take advantage of it--or you can always support me at Ko-Fi if you don’t have enough for a full-blown commission.
And now, with that off my chest, I’m going to get back to studying for the time being and finishing my Studio MDHR portfolio. I know this post has been insanely long, but it’s something that’s just been building up and building up until I can’t ignore it anymore.
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Star vs. the Forces of Evil episodes in One Sentence (Season 3 edition)
Star Comes to Earth: Princess Cinnamon Roll that Could Kill you comes to earth and meets Misunderstood safe kid.
Party With a Pony: Spoopy Wardens hunt for the glitter pony while Star gets ice for Marco’s sweaty back.
Matchmaker: In which we learn it was probably a bad idea to give Star the wand in the first place.
School Spirit: Star misunderstands football and Marco tries to get Ferguson to blow his whistle not in that way.
Monster Arm: “Not my bowels! I love my bowels!”
The Other Exchange Student: Star is jealous of the meatball man from Bakersfieldville.
Cheer Up Star: “It’s supposed to be ironic!”
Quest Buy: Very accurate depiction of what it is like to work in retail.
Diaz Family Vacation: Both Marco and Star see new sides of their dads but that’s not necessarily a good thing
Brittney’s Party: Star and Marco party with someone who hates them while Ludo hijacks a bus
Mewberty: Star gets horny and snares boys in her web but not in that way
Pixtopia: Marco messed up and Alfonso marries Ferguson’s rebound
Lobster Claws: “… You can’t eat children.” “Really? Not even the annoying ones?”
Sleep Spell: “Camera Phooone!”
Blood Moon Ball: We’re suppose to ship them now, right?
Fortune Cookies: Love is never the answer kids
Freeze Day: Father Time offers Star and Marco some mud before riding away on his wheel-mobile pulled by giant time-hamsters I am not making this up.
Royal Pain: King Santa Claus destroy mini-golf
St. Olga’s Reform School for Wayward Princesses: Princess Prison sure is a nightma–OH MY GOD ARE THOSE CLUBS?!
Mewnipendence Day: No wonder monsters hate Mewmans so much.
The Banagic Wand: Star still doesn’t get Earth and like all of us, Marco is always hungry.
Interdemensional Field Trip: Miss Skullnick fears the “Big Change” while Marco sends Jackie cat memes
Marco Grows a Beard: Ludo is out, Toffee is in, and Marco will probbaly be terrified of beards forever
Storm the Castle: “SURPRISE!”
My New Wand!: DIP DOOOWN
Ludo in the Wild: Wait, since when did Ludo become badass?
Mr. Candle Cares: “Star and I have recently become smooch buddies… On the lips.”
Red Belt: Marco searches for a meaning in life and Star searches for hammer.
Star on Wheels: *epic remix of Marco saying Star is in trouble*
Fetch: Marco can’t open juice and Star runs away from her problems and sending thank you cards
Star vs. Echo Creek: Star gets high and destroys a police car
Wand to Wand: Both Ludo and Star are terrible at magic also major ship tease
Starstruck: Star and her idol Sailor Super Saiyan destroy a park and Marco is 100002% done with this shit
Camping Trip: King Butterfly has a mid-life crisis and tries to control an eagle
Starsitting: They’re gonna be great parents some day.
On the Job: Buff Dad is best dad and buff babies are adorable
Goblin Dogs: “You might think this line is long, but listen to my goblin song!~”
By the Book: Ludo and Star still suck at magic and Glossaryck is a bigger troll than Alex Hirsch
Game of Flags: Queen has no patience and legs.
Girls’ Day Out: Janna is back and is still awesome btw
Sleepover: “TRUTH! STAR HAS A CRUSH ON MA–” *cube gets crushed*
Gift of the Card: R.I.P.  Rasticore Chaosus Disastorvayne… He couldn’ get his fucking chainsaw to work
Friendenemies: Star becomes one with Christmas tree while Tom and Marco go on a date and sing a romantic pop ballad.
Is Mystery: Meatfork is apparently a family name and Ludo is really starting to freak me out tbh
Hungry Larry: “He’s still hungry…”
Spider with a Top Hat: He tries and he is awesome and that’s all that matters
Into the Wand: SPAAAAADESS!!!
Pizza Thing: Marco is OCD about mushroom and Pony Head buys skinny jeans
Page Turner: Glossaryck is awesome and how did Moon miss Lizard-Loki in the orb?!
Naysaya: Tomco friendship confirmed and Marco finally asks out Jackie while Star the supportive noodle armed friend cheers on
Bon Bon the Birthday Clown: Starco fans cry, Jarco fans rejoice, and Ludo now has the book god dammit Nefcy
Raid the Cave: Glossaryck is the true neutral asshole.
Trickstar: Weird Al is a treasure and I’ll mes up anyone who makes Marco cry!
Baby: *glances around nervously* So… Star is similar to Eclipsa, huh? *Nervous laughter* Great…
Running With Scissors: Marco gets a new edition to his shipping harem and she is so cute!!!!!!
Mathmagic: Don’t worry Star, I can’t math either.
The Bounce Lounge: Marco is definitely the mom friend.
Crystal Clear: The Chancellor guy is amazing and Rhombulus just needs a hug and wAS THAT ECLIPSA IN THE BACKGROUND?
The Hard Way: “SURPRISE!” 2.0
Heinous: Oh, so that’s how Marco got all that money.
All Belts Are Off: “Jermey is the biggest dick…. around!~”
Collateral Damage: Marco how do you not know what a possum is?
Just Friends: I’m fine! *blows up sign to prove just how fine I am*
Face the Music: Moon=Badass, Star=Why?, River=Loving Husband, Marco=Shocked, and we got to meet Ludo’s family so pretty cool episode overall.
Return to Mewni: This is… just an exposition filler. Not much else to say….
Moon the Undaunted: B4! B4! B4 B4 B4 B4 B4 B4 B4 B4 B4 B4!
Book Be Gone: “I hate that fucking book!” -Ludo, at some point probably.
Marco and the King: *Party music intensifies… and then slowly dies down*
Puddle Defender: They’re bonding and getting so big and I am so proud–Star you idiot don’t go alone!!!!!!
King Ludo: The mime stole the show.
Toffee: I can’t…. I just… how do you want me to react?! To much happened and I mean…. what do you want me to say? I’m still processing just…. What do I say? *slowlys ponders how I will survive until November*
Scent of Hoodie: Huh, so Ponyhead can be written as likeable, who would’ve thought?
Rest in Pudding: Ish da Glossaryck! And he’s Globgoring all over da place!
Club Snubbed: I literally yelled “Phrasing!” whenever they dropped the title
Demoncism: Tom is a wonderful baby boy and Ponyhead is written as likeable, part 2!
Sophmore Slump: *sobbing* Jackie deserved better, dang it!
Lint Catcher: Introducing a Lavaboe! He’s pure and wonderful and deserves a raise and did I mention I love him?
Trial by Squire: I think the writers were all like” You think these guys will ship anyone with Marco?” and decided to test that theory.
Princess Turdina: I got more lore out of this episode than I thought I would.
Starfari: Welp, she makes me uncomfortable.
Sweet Dreams: *Sailor Moon-ing intensifies*
Lava Lake Beack: Proof that this fandom will ship anyone with Marco at the slightest inclanation
Death Peck: Rich Pigeon is my new favorite birb and Ponyhead is written as likeable for the third time
Ponymonium: Well, it was nice while it lasted.
Night Life: The writers made so many new ships they had to get rid of an old one!
Deep Dive: “Chicken butt”
Monster Bash: ........ Well, that explains the cheekmarks. 
Stump Day: I think they just made an episode based around a picture from that bookcover, not that it was bad.
Holiday Special: *insert every cheesy Christmas/Holiday episode trope here*
The Bog Beast of Boggabah: The title is fun to say and the episode is average at best.
Total Eclipsa the Moon: Seriously, I’m supposed to think she’s an ultimate villain.
Butterfly Trap: In which we are all Sean, don’t lie we were all him at the end
Ludo, Where Art Thou?: Dennis is best brother, hands down.
Is Another Mystery: *sniff* I got more emotional over this episode than anyone else did and I’m not sure how I feel about that
Marco Jr.: I... I just... Why? What’s the point?
Skooled!: Epic advertisment fakeout combined with wonderful character development and lore with a shock ending makes a 10/10 episode.
Booth Buddies: Old Man McGucket ships Starco, proceed to react accordingly
Bam Ui Pati!: Ponyhead is kinda likeable in this episod--nevermind she’s back.
Tough Love: Oh man, it’s happening! It’s happening guys here we go!
Divide: We are going to war everybody--And they’re all dead. That was quick.
Conquer: So Glossaryck has upped his trolling antity and turns out Eclipsa’s probably evil, Meteora’s a baby again, and Globgor is her husband and imprisoned in crystal... Idk about you guys but I’m going to go scream into the void...
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khiphop-stories · 7 years
Umbrella - Chapter XI
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Lesson Eleven: Testing His Patience
[Christian Yu, DPR Live]
You had been waiting for them at the airport for over two hours now, but they were still nowhere to be seen. Feeling a bit anxious, you constantly checked your cell phone in case their was a change of plans or something had come in between, but there were no new messages. You even asked an airport staff for information as you were growing more and more impatient by every passing minute. However, she could only tell you that their plane had arrived on time. She couldn’t tell you about their whereabouts, so you returned back to your previous spot and began playing games on your phone in order to distract yourself. You were so focused on the mobile game that you didn’t even notice Christian was waving at you from the arrival gate.
Suddenly you felt a pair of arms slinging around your waist and you were lifted up into the air. This sudden motion almost made you drop your phone in surprise, but you quick reflexes enabled you to clutch onto it, before it fell out of your hands. You looked down and Christian was grinning at you from ear to ear.
"Hey!" He greeted you softly as he put you down on your feet again.
"What was that?" You let out a nervous laugh and gave him a weird look.
"I just missed you," he said nonchalantly with a smile on his lips.
"It's only been a week,” you pointed out with a chuckle.
"Yeah, but I missed the hammering on my door at 6 in the morning. I missed the bumping into you in the hallway. I missed watching movies with you... and I missed annoying you.” You let out a light chuckle while rolling your eyes and gave him a gentle flick on his forehead.
"Where's Dabin?" You looked behind him, turning your head left and right, but Dabin was nowhere to be seen.
"He's going to stay with his brother in Guam over the Christmas holidays."
“And your team?”
“They’re all still in London. They’ll return in two days.”
“Why are you here then?” Your eyes that were resting on him were filled with confusion.
“I have a meeting later today, so I had to come back earlier-”
“Jenn, give me your hand,” he prompted out of the sudden, before you could ask another question.
“Why?” You looked at him with your eyebrows raised.
“You’ll see…” A smile appeared on his lips and he motioned you to stretch out your hand. After giving him one last suspicious glance, you reluctantly put out your left hand.
You saw him pulling something out of his pockets, but you couldn’t recognize what it was since he immediately hid it in his fist. Expecting him to put something in your hand, you opened your palm, but instead he tied something around your wrist. He pulled his hands back and smiled contently.
You raised your hand and stared at the silver bracelet around your wrist. For a little while you were just flustered, you couldn’t even say a word, but then you gave him a glare about to protest, but he cut you off.
“Don’t worry. It wasn’t that expensive;” he let out a chuckle as though he had read your mind.
“But why…?”
“No reason, I saw it and just thought you might like it,” he shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. There was a frown on your face and Christian had noticed your reluctancy.
“You don’t like it?”
You shook your head, “no, I love it. It’s pretty.” Biting on your lips, you let you eyes wander back and forth Christian and the bracelet around your wrist. It was such a simple bracelet, nothing too tacky nor fancy, yet extremely pretty.
“Let’s go. The longer we stay the more I have to pay for the parking ticket.” Christian started walking towards the elevators, dragging his suitcase along. You followed him right away and overtook him, leading the way since he wouldn’t know where you had parked his car.
“How was London?” You asked him, your voice filled with curiosity.
“Good. The city is great, but the weather was shitty,” he laughed.
“How was the food? Did you do some sightseeing?” You continued to bombard him with questions. You were probably more excited than he was. You just loved hearing traveling stories from others, since you couldn’t experience it yourself.
“The food was ok. Didn’t really suit my taste though.”
“For being such a picky eater, you sure are a horrible cook,” you teased him. You pressed the elevator button with your index finger and turned your body, facing Christian.
“You never ate something I cooked. I’m a great cook.”
“Oh really? Dabin disagrees,” you chuckled. The high-pitch sound of the elevator chimed, but you didn’t hear it since you weren’t paying attention to it. You were too distracted by the man standing in front of you. Christian gently grabbed your arm and pulled you aside, so the people in the elevator could pass by.
“Oh sorry,” you immediately bowed your head to them, before entering the empty elevator.
“Dabin only says that because he wants to eat homemade food. He sucks at cooking and I’m too lazy,” Christian told you and your eyes widened at him in disbelief.
“No way,” you shook your head vigorously.
“I’ll prove it to you.”
“How?” You lifted one of your eyebrows at him.
“I’mma cook for you and you will be blown away.”
“I doubt that.”
“We’ll see,” he gave you a confident smirk. “Let’s make a bet.”
“What’s on stake?” You looked at him with interest.
“If I win, you’ll be my girlfriend. And If you win, I’ll be your boyfriend.”
You made a grimace, groaning at his cheesy line. “God, Rome, I think I have to throw up,” you told him teasingly, shrugging it off. 
Christian stared at you with affectionate eyes. His lips were parted. He wanted to say something, but he held himself back. It had only been seven days, but he had missed this so much. He missed spending time with you, seeing your lovely face and hearing your beautiful laughter. If he were to say something wrong, he would lose all of this. He would push you farther away. The thought of not having you around anymore scared him; so he tightly pressed his lips together and kept whatever thought that had passed his mind to himself. 
"Shall I drive?" He asked you and held out his hand, asking for his keys.
"You don't trust my driving skills?" You turned your head to him surprised and let out a light chuckle. Nonetheless, you put the keys into his hands, after you had unlocked his car. You walked over to the passenger seat and opened the door.
"No, but you look tired," he pointed out and followed suit. He entered the car and inserted his keys. The first thing he did was connecting his phone with the audio system of his car in order to play some music. Soon soft jazz music filled your eyes, making you even more tired than before. It was the perfect lullaby. “Yeah I pulled an all nighter because I forgot to hand in a paper.”
"Damn, it's cold in Korea," he cursed and turned the heater to the maximum level as he took off his jacket.
"Why taking off your jacket then?" You laughed at his action which didn't match his words.
"It's just a habit. I can't drive with a jacket on." He folded his jackets once and put in onto your lap. Taking it into your hand, you covered yourself with his jacket.
"Tell me if it gets too hot," he told you, but he received no reaction from you. So he turned his head to you, noticing that you had already drifted away to sleep.
Christian unloaded the trunk of his car, placing his luggage down onto the ground. He closed the door of the car trunk as carefully as possible as he was afraid the noise and jolt would forcefully stir you awake. Then he jogged over to the passenger’s side, gently pulling the door open.
You felt a soft tap on your shoulder, but your body felt too weak to show any kind of reaction. Your eyelids were too heavy, they just wouldn’t open.

“Five more minutes,” you whispered powerlessly.  Your face was scarlet red and your skin glistened in a way that had Christian worried. Checking your temperature, he placed his hand on your forehead. His hand was soft and cold. Exactly what you needed. It felt good against your skin. You were radiating heat like a brick right out of the oven.
“Shit, Jenn you’re glowing,” he gasped with his eyes widening with concern.
“No, your hand is just too cold.” Your eyelids fluttered open, looking straight into his worried eyes.
“I think you have a fever.”
“I’m fine,” you pushed his hand away and rose onto your feet. You didn’t notice his jacket was still around you. The moment you stood up, it slid down. Christian was quick enough to catch it, before it touched the dirty ground.


“You can’t go to work like this,” his voice sounded like that of a nagging mother who was concerned about her child. He wrapped his jacket around your shoulders, as you both walked towards the elevator.

“Nothing Ibuprofen can’t solve,” you chuckled.

“I’m serious, Jenn. You’re not going to work like this.”
“I’ll just take a nap at home and then I’m good to go.”

You woke up suddenly. Your eyes took in the last remaining rays of sunlight. Without a doubt you had slept far too long. Taking a glance at the clock on your night stand, your pupils dilated.

“Fuck!” You jumped out of your bed, your feet touching the cold floor. You clearly got up way too quickly as your view blurred and your surrounding began to spin around you. Tumbling forward, you grabbed the door frame for support. You shut your eyes close, waiting for the dizziness to fade away.

“Hana! Why didn’t you wake me up?!” You shouted out loud, once you were able to walk again without swaying around.
“Don’t worry. I called in sick for you. You literally passed out as soon as Christian tucked you into your bed.”

“Really?” You furrowed your eyebrows, trying to recall what had happened a few hours ago, but you had no memory. It felt as though your brain was swept clean.
“I made you some tea,” Hana pointed to the white cup on top of the kitchen island. There was still white smoke swirling above the liquid. She must have made it recently.

“I hate tea,” you rolled your eyes.

“It’s from Christian,” she said with a teasing chuckle coating her voice . As though the tea coming from Christian would change the fact that you hated tea.
“Why would he give us tea? We have enough of it.” 
Anybody who knew Hana also knew that she was the biggest tea lover in the world. She would drink it at any time of the day, any time of the year. You were pretty sure she was addicted to it. So your cupboards were always full with all kinds and brands of tea.

“He brought it as a gift from England.” 

You noticed the unfamiliar boxing on the kitchen island, so you took it into your hand.
 Tilting your head, you read the lettering on the packet out loud, “English Breakfast Tea.”

“That’s nice of him.”
Now, consumed with curiosity, you took the cup into your possession, wondering how English tea tasted like.

“Is there something going on between you and him?”

“What?” You chocked on your tea, coughing out loud as your eyes widened at her.
A knowing smirk crept onto her lips. “He didn’t leave your side the whole day. He even brought his laptop over and worked on his stuff next to you. He would probably still be here, if he didn’t have to go to some meeting.”
“He did that?”

“Yeah, he was really worried. He’d check your temperature like every five minutes,” Hana chuckled, before she wriggled her brows at you in a teasing manner, “so…? Is there anything you want to tell me?”

“Actually…he sort of told me that he liked me before he went to London.”
“And you’re only telling me now?!” She gave you a look full of disbelief. 

“Well…I-I didn’t know how to react. I mean he just broke up with his ex not all too long ago. Plus, I really like how things are right now…I don’t really want anything to change.”
“So you left him high and dry?”
“You make it sound like I’m the bad guy.”

“Well, that poor guy had to wait for a week and he still hasn’t gotten his answer.” 
“But…he didn’t mention it at the airport…so…maybe he forgot about it? Or maybe he realized that he doesn’t have any feelings for me?”

“He didn’t say anything, because he was waiting for you to say something, you idiot! He already confessed once! It’s not like he’s gonna confess again with the risk of being turned down again! There’s something called pride, you know?”
Merry Christmas guys! <3 Here’s a little gift for everyone who was craving some fluffy and soft Christian ^^ 

Well, well...who do you think is right? Hana or Jenn? Is Christian really over his ex? Is he waiting for her to say something first? What will her reply be?
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bevioletskies · 7 years
i put a spell on you
characters: peter/gamora, peter & gamora & groot, guardians-centric
summary: groot was just a twig in a pot last halloween, so this year, he's determined to get the guardians to take him trick-or-treating.
word count: 12.5k
a/n: If you haven’t read the main fic, all you need to know is: a) the guardians attend a superhero school on earth, b) therefore they are in their early-to-mid 20s (except for rocket and groot), c) peter and gamora were fake-dating but are now dating for real, and d) they’ve been playing an “endless” game of twenty questions since they started fake-dating as a way of getting to know each other. very little of these plot points come up aside from the first one.
fic title is from the song i put a spell on you by nina simone.
ao3 | tag | masterpost
“I am Groot?”
Gamora let out a startled yelp of surprise, unceremoniously (and a little too suddenly for her liking) yanking her hand out of the front of Peter’s sweatpants, nearly tumbling off the bed in the process. “Aw, Groot what the he - heck?” Peter hollered, scrambling to pull his T-shirt back down over his exposed torso. “How’d you get in here?”
The little one, who was casually sitting on Peter’s desk, swinging his feet over the edge, gave a shrug of indifference, smiling at them both so innocently, completely unaware of what they had been doing, as if he hadn’t interrupted them. “I am Groot.”
“I dunno what you just said, but I hope that was an apology,” Peter grumbled, watching as Gamora turned away to hastily wipe her hand on the bedsheets. “Something wrong?” He quickly scanned Groot inquisitively, but he didn’t appear to be sick or injured. Peter frowned, eyes narrowing in suspicion. “Did Rocket send you? I swear, that guy has a weird fascination with catching us in the act - ” Gamora elbowed him before he could continue.
Groot stood, walking across the desk to point at the poster Peter had hung on the corkboard above its surface. “I am Groot.”
“The Halloween party? You can’t be serious,” Gamora said, straightening up. “Groot, it’s not exactly age-appropriate. There’s going to be alcohol served there. And inappropriate dancing that Peter’s going to fail at convincing me into doing.”
Pouting, Groot stomped his foot petulantly, nearly ripping the homework Peter had left lying out in the process. “I am Groot!” he whined.
Sighing, Gamora got to her feet, crossing the tiny bedroom to scoop him up and set him on her shoulder. “We’ll talk about this in the morning, okay? It’s past your bedtime and I have no patience for your antics right now.” He stuck his tongue out at her in response, tugging angrily on a loose strand of her hair. “Ow - hey! Don’t be like that, or I’m feeding you Chr’yllite larva for breakfast instead of pancakes.”
Peter laughed to himself as Gamora briefly left to put Groot to bed, leaning back onto the pillows. He was still a little annoyed about being interrupted - they hadn’t even managed to take their clothes off yet - but he couldn’t blame Groot for wanting to celebrate Halloween. The others had been curious about Terran customs and holidays as each one came and went, but in a way, this was Groot’s first Halloween, despite them having been here last October. He had just been a twig in a pot at the time, his mobility limited to wherever Rocket would set him down. Now that he was running around on his own two feet, his curiosity only grew stronger. They still wouldn’t let him go anywhere by himself, fearing he would accidentally get crushed in the crowds of people across campus, but they did take him out to see more places, hoping he would be familiar enough with his surroundings so that he could navigate by the time he was big enough to go out alone.
“Where were we?” Gamora slipped back in, firmly locking the door behind her, before crawling back onto the mattress. Her hands moved to push Peter’s shirt back up under his armpits, tracing a fingernail over his bare abdomen, her gaze seductive.
“Wait - before we continue - did we actually make Halloween plans yet?”
She raised an eyebrow at him before settling back to kneel on the bed, sitting firmly on her feet folded beneath her. “I assumed we were going to the party. We went last year, after all. You got completely wasted. I had to literally carry you back.”
“Oh, man. That hangover was the worst,” he chuckled, reaching to loosely tangle their fingers together, bringing them to rest on his stomach. “Y’know, maybe Groot’s onto something. Not the party, but we should do something else for him. Make his first real Halloween fun. It was one of my favorite holidays as a kid, maybe it can be his.”
“As long as we don’t give him too much sugar,” she warned. “I don’t think I have to remind you what happened when Mantis left him alone with a bag of her Twizzlers. We’re never going to get that puke stain out of the wood.” Gamora pulled her hand away from Peter’s, instead splaying her fingers across his pecs. In one fluid movement, she swung one leg over, bracing her knees against his hips, and lowered herself down against his front. “So. Did you want me to finish what I started anytime soon, or do you want to keep discussing our holiday plans?”
“Continue, please,” he murmured, cupping the back of her head so he could bring her in for a kiss. ______
“So, we’re in agreeance on the embassy job?” Peter blinked. “Guys? Hello?”
To his dismay, the only other person who seemed to be paying attention, as always, was Gamora. She was glaring daggers around the table on his behalf, and seemed all of five seconds away from pulling out an actual dagger. “HEY!” she barked.
Everyone jumped in their seats, looking up from their respective devices rather bewilderedly. “You tryna blow our ears out, girl?” Yondu grumbled, cupping a hand protectively over his own.
“Don’t test me, I’m still pissed about you trying to steal our money,” Gamora snapped, brandishing her pencil at him. “What is going on with all of you? The faster we finish this discussion, the faster you can return to your stupid phones.”
“But Janet posted something about there being a change of plans for Halloween this year,” Mantis explained, holding out her phone for Peter and Gamora to see. “To continue her efforts in unifying the campus and providing a more realistic college experience.”
“It looks quite interesting,” Drax added. “Participating in this ‘trick-or-treat’ business might be more desirable than getting as inebriated as we did last year.”
“Speak for yourself, that was a great time!” Rocket hooted, slamming a paw against the table in joy. “I’d do it again in a heartbeat.”
“Is this really what we’re talking about right now?” Gamora swatted the phone away, somewhat regretting it when Mantis gave her giant puppy-dog eyes in response. “We can talk about Halloween after we finish our line-up for November. Did everyone write out their due dates like I asked? We need to schedule around Peter’s debate and my combat final, I know that much, but as far as I can tell, no one else has given me anything. You can’t blame me if we end up off-planet during your engineering practical exam, Rocket.”
“God, you’re such a mom,” Nebula sighed, slouching across the surface of the table as if her elbows had suddenly stopped working (they hadn’t, she had performed a maintenance check on her robotic arm just last night). “Why am I even here? I’m not on this team, as you all like to remind me so often.”
“Director Fury says you and Yondu might get an early Christmas present this year and become official Guardians before December if you’re good,” Peter reminded her. “Might as well get used to it, Nebula.”
“Present? I want no part of this team if all it consists of is sitting around, talking,” she sneered. “Not to mention the fact that your last mission went horrendously.”
“What are you even talking about? It was the smoothest job we’d ever had,” Gamora frowned.
“Exactly. That sounds so incredibly boring.”
“It kinda was,” Rocket admitted, as much as he disliked agreeing with Nebula. “I’ve gotten used to the whole ‘almost-dying-and-having-to-save-everyone’s-butts-’cause-I-gotta-do-everything’ deal. This time, the most excitement we had was when Drax got a papercut.”
“It was very unpleasant,” Drax nodded solemnly. “I’m not used to seeing so much of my own blood. Only the blood of my enemies.”
“Can we finish this sometime today? Please?” Peter begged. “We have a whole week off ahead of us, and I don’t wanna ruin it with more team meetings.”
“I’m sorry, Quill, did you have plans?” Yondu said sarcastically. “I swear, all you ever do nowadays is hang with your girl.”
“Am I supposed to not hang out with Gamora?” Peter said, furrowing his brow in confusion. He glanced over at her, but she only shrugged, as perplexed as he was. “Besides, I do have plans that you would know about if you actually checked the freaking group calendar for once. Rocket and I were gonna go check out the new ammo they shipped into SHIELD yesterday. They repurposed some of the old Chitauri weapons from the Incident, and we know alien tech way better than anyone else.”
Groot perked up. “I am Groot?”
“Yeah, I guess you can come too,” Rocket said, patting him on the back. Pleased, Groot made his way down the table to Mantis, hefting her phone out of her hand and dragging it back towards Gamora, pointing at the screen eagerly.
“Groot…” Gamora let out another groan, running her fingers through her hair. Honestly, she had never experienced hair loss problems before becoming part of this team, and now she felt as if she were shedding like a Mephitisoid going bald. “Come on, now. We can discuss our plans after we finish, okay? I know you’re excited, but if we don’t get this done, we’re never going to have time to get back to it later.”
His bottom lip wobbling, Groot reluctantly returned to his spot by Rocket. Finally, Peter and Gamora managed to get their friends back on track, though they were all a little grumpier than they had been five minutes ago. Everyone answered with short, terse responses, uncharacteristically agreed with everything Peter and Gamora suggested, and got snappy whenever they were asked for their real opinions. After finishing all the items on the agenda, Gamora called for a break, completely fed up at this point with everyone but Peter. Even Mantis was starting to get on her nerves, a rarity for anyone. Drax and Mantis went to get dinner going, while Rocket and Yondu retreated to the cockpit to do their weekly Friday check-in call with Kraglin.
Peter, on the other hand, sprawled out onto the couch, gesturing for Gamora to join him. “I have a headache,” he told her. “Wait, let me rephrase that. This team is a headache.”
“At least we got everything out of the way for next month,” she sighed, settling into his side. “If you can even call it that. Not a single argument out of anyone. Rocket agreed to an engine cleaning on a Saturday.” She laid her head on his chest, smiling a little at the sound of his steady heartbeat. At least Peter had become much more reliable in their time together. His tendency to get distracted by other things was starting to diminish in favor of keeping them efficient. “It’d be nice if someone other than you and I actually cared about investing time and effort into our job outside of the missions themselves. To be quite frank, we’d be in debt if I wasn’t constantly, actively looking for work.”
“Yeah, and all Rocket wants to know is how much we’re making. It’s never ‘what’ or ‘how’.” Peter shook his head in disappointment as he slung an arm around her shoulders. “And thanks, Gamora. I dunno if you hear that enough.”
“Honestly, I don’t. At least, not from the others. You're almost a little too complimentary sometimes, especially when you want something,” she teased, patting him affectionately on the stomach. “And the whole ‘mom’ comparison, that’s starting to bother me. I don’t mind it in relation to Groot, or even referring to you and me as the parental unit of this team, but it does feel degrading and dismissive at times.”
“Then ask them to stop,” he suggested. “Make ‘em know you’re serious.”
Gamora’s gaze traveled to the armchair across from them, where Groot was lying on his belly, idly kicking his feet in the air, while he was flipping through a picture book. It was the kind meant to be read to babies, so it was small in size, but it still looked relatively large compared to Groot, who was barely a foot tall. “I suppose he brings out a maternal instinct in me, one that I thought would have never existed in the first place, but I still don’t see how my other behaviors make me everyone else’s mother,” she continued.
Groot seemed to sense that they were talking about him, his head shooting up immediately, turning to look towards the couch. “I am Groot?” he asked hopefully. Peter paused for a moment, trying to translate, before patting his lap, indicating that he could join them. Beaming, Groot hopped down from his spot and skipped cheerfully across the floor, climbing up Peter’s leg so he could lie on his stomach.
“It’s a dumb stereotype, I guess. But you have to admit, you kind of always sound like you’re five seconds away from giving everyone a time-out,” Peter chuckled, running a gentle finger along Groot’s spine.
“So you think I should take a more relaxed approach? I wouldn’t know how,” Gamora admitted, reaching to scratch under Groot’s chin. The little one let out a satisfied sigh, snuggling deeper into Peter, his eyes sliding closed in contentment. “It’s hard to be patient with such aggravating individuals. I’m hardly ever mad at Groot or Mantis, but everyone else…”
“Hey, I didn’t hear my name on that list of yours,” he teased, pinching her arm playfully.
“Don’t pretend like you’re a saint, Peter, our last fight was only two days ago,” she retorted, swatting at him.
“I still maintain that SHIELD agent was definitely hitting on you.”
“And I still maintain that I can fight my own battles just fine, thank you,” she said with a huff. Groot stirred a little, sleepily drifting over into Gamora’s lap, before settling back down. “You really shouldn’t be so hostile to everyone who looks at me strangely.”
“He wanted to do more than look, trust me,” he mumbled.
“Okay, we’re not getting into this again. I’m not in the mood to argue with Groot sleeping on me,” she groaned. “Speaking of, Halloween. Let’s talk about what we’re doing, otherwise, the others are probably going to start a riot.”
“Well, like I said, we should do something for the kid,” Peter replied, a fond smile slowly spreading across his face as he observed Groot, who was sucking on Gamora’s thumb as he slept. It was an odd habit of his that he didn’t do with anyone else, but like anything Groot did, it was heart-meltingly adorable to witness. “We haven’t been spending a lot of time with him lately, what with the crapload of midterms we’ve been having.”
“That is why I was suggesting we go along with Janet’s new Halloween plans,” Mantis said smugly, appearing in front of them seemingly out of nowhere. “If you had looked at what I was showing you…” Relenting, Gamora held out her hand with a reluctant sigh, allowing Mantis to finally pass her the phone. “As you can see, Janet has decided to forgo her big party with alcohol and dancing, for something a little more school-friendly, since there are many underage students as well. Did you go trick-or-treating as a child, Peter?”
“Yeah, with my mom,” Peter nodded. At Mantis’s inquiring eyebrow, he added, “Honestly, I didn’t really...have...friends.”
“That’s a shame,” Mantis frowned, sitting on Peter’s other side. “Well, you have plenty now. Even if we annoy you sometimes.” She chewed her lip thoughtfully, her antennae drooping slightly in shame. “I am sorry if we have upset you - both of you - earlier.”
“If anyone needs to apologize, it’s certainly not you,” Gamora said reassuringly, reaching across to pat the other girl’s hand. “I’m still trying to correct Nebula’s attitude, and Yondu and Rocket could use a talking-to as well. They’re all improving, if a little slower than I’d like to see.”
“Speaking of Nebula, you two have been spending a lot of time together recently,” Peter added, gesturing at Mantis. “How’s it going with that girl you have a crush on?” He had admittedly been a little surprised when Mantis confessed a little while ago that she had romantic feelings for someone - socialization and cultural understanding were still difficult for her at times - but ever since then, he’d been trying his best to leave her be, allowing her to figure things out alone instead of attempting to insert himself into what was clearly an emotional situation for her.
“Those are two completely unrelated questions,” Mantis squeaked. “Nebula keeps telling me to use my powers on that person, but I do not find it very ethical. I am also too afraid of discovering the truth. How did you two do it?”
Peter and Gamora exchanged dubious glances before looking back at Mantis. “I don’t think we’re exactly sure, either,” Gamora confessed. “After all, we had quite a lot of misunderstandings and miscommunication. But I suppose it’s all in a day’s work for Peter,” she added teasingly.
“Hey!” he protested, though the wrinkle between his brows eased away when Gamora pecked him quickly on the cheek.
"I’m kidding,” she promised, though there was still a wink of mirth in her eyes. There was a sudden sound of crashing from up above, followed by Yondu hollering loud enough to rattle the ship. Sighing, Gamora set Groot back into Peter’s lap, getting to her feet. “I better intervene before they break something. I’d rather not spend our money on pointless repairs, after all. Mantis, maybe you and Peter could start planning for Halloween together in the meantime?”
“Sure,” Mantis smiled, turning towards her brother as Gamora left the room. “So, what exactly is this ‘trick-or-treat’?”
“Well, it’s a phrase you say when you go to someone’s door, usually,” Peter explained, gently bouncing Groot in his arms. “It doesn’t really mean anything, though people used to expect either a trick - a prank, or a treat - candy. It’s usually just for kids, and they’ll dress up in costumes, go in groups door-to-door. It’s mostly an excuse for free sugar.”
“Interesting,” Mantis said, her face lighting up at the sound of sugar. “It says on the invite that Janet has volunteers setting up booths and secret hidden places for students to get candy from. A mix of both a scavenger hunt and a campus-wide haunted house.”
Peter nearly jumped out of his seat in excitement, almost jostling Groot awake in the process. “Okay, that sounds freaking amazing, and we’re definitely doing that. I’m not even mad that there’s no dancing this time.”
“You almost fell over last year because you were sooo drunk,” Mantis reminded him. “You puked on Carol’s shoes.”
“Yeah, well, she’s mad at me for about a million other things, anyways, what’s vomit gonna do?” Peter shrugged sheepishly.
Once dinner was served, the ship was blessedly quiet for about two minutes before Groot gave up on the baby spoon the others had purchased for him, and instead began sticking his fingers in his mash. Gamora was itching to chastise him as she often had to do, but hesitated this time out of worry that the others were going to make fun of her again. She instead prodded Peter on the arm, hoping he would understand. He shot her a curious glance before realizing what she wanted.
“Groot, buddy, we got you that spoon for a reason,” Peter said gently, reaching to nudge Groot’s arms out of his bowl. “If you make a mess, I’m not reading Brown Bear to you tonight.” Groot let out a squeal of panic before picking up his spoon and vigorously digging into his food, shoveling it into his mouth a little faster than he needed to. “And slow down before you choke.” Gamora shot Peter a grateful smile before turning back to her own plate.
“So, did you reach a consensus on our holiday plans?” she asked, looking across the table at Mantis.
“Janet will be transforming the entire campus into what she is calling ‘Wasp’s Wicked Wonderland’. It is a mix of a festival, a scavenger hunt, and a haunted house,” Mantis recited. “I think it sounds very exciting. We have been so busy with school and missions lately, it would be nice to have some fun as a group.”
“It could not possibly be any worse than last year’s disaster,” Drax said, nodding in agreeance. “Remember when Quill - ”
“Oh, my god, why is it always me? Did we just collectively forget that Rocket drunkenly challenged Stark to a weapon build-off, which, by the way, not a thing, and also not a thing to do when you’re drunk, and then went around asking people if he could take their cellphones apart?” Peter exclaimed.
“And then got yelled at by both Potts and Hill at the same time? I still have my video recording of that on my phone, it was quite glorious,” Nebula smirked, leaning back in her chair a little.
“Well, I definitely won,” Rocket said, a little more defensively than he meant to, folding his arms. “It was like Stark wasn’t even trying.”
“That’s because he wasn’t, he was too busy hitting on me,” Gamora retorted, wrinkling her nose a little at the memory. Tony hadn’t meant any harm - to his credit, he had backed off the second she told him to go away - but it was so odd to think about it now, how different he had been, how different she had been. “So, are we in agreement? Would anyone like to not participate?” Her eyes immediately went to her sister, though to her surprise, Nebula didn’t say anything. She instead opted to push her vegetables around her plate slowly, staring into them intensely, as if she were willing them to tell her the right answer. “Neb?”
“Well, my other choice is to sit around on the ship alone, my favorite pastime,” Nebula mused aloud, stabbing at her peas more viciously than necessary. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Mantis pouting rather childishly in her direction. “But I suppose I can make an exception. Just this once. Otherwise, god knows you’ll bother me about it ‘til the end of my existence. Or yours.”
“That’s the spirit,” Peter said sarcastically. Gamora gave him a warning poke with the handle of her butter knife. “Yondu, how about you? You’ve been pretty quiet.”
“Sorry,” Yondu said immediately, and it was so unexpected that Peter didn’t even attempt to hide his stunned expression. “Kraglin was tellin’ me about how he’s strugglin’ out there, tryna get them other Ravager clans to help him build us up again, get some recruits. Ever since we lost a good chunk of his friends to the Black Order, it’s been...rough.”
“Has he considered - ” Gamora began, but Yondu cut her off, fierce.
“No,” he said adamantly. “He ain’t interested in being at this school. He’s damn good at what he does, especially now that he’s captain. He’s just been havin’ some difficulties, that’s all.” He glanced over to meet Peter’s sympathetic gaze. “And sure, Quill, I’ll be a part of this Halloween thing. But only ‘cause I’ll be pretty bored otherwise. And I’d like to get my mind off the whole Kraglin business.”
“Glad to hear someone else is as enthused as me,” Nebula said, setting her fork down. “Are we done with this discussion yet?”
“You got somewhere better to be?” Rocket countered.
“Away from you would be a good start,” Nebula sneered.
“Can we not do this tonight, guys?” Peter groaned, holding out his arms in precaution. Rocket tended to leap across the table to bite in the heat of his own anger. “I’m still not cool with how you were behaving earlier during the meeting, y’know.”
“Whatever you say, Dad,” Rocket snickered, grabbing his plate and heading into the kitchen. Nebula let out what sounded like an attempt to hold in her laughter - or maybe it was just a hiccup? - before she disappeared down the corridor, retreating to hide in her bedroom for the rest of the night as she always did.
Peter looked over at Gamora, perplexed. “Wow, okay, that does feel weirdly condescending.” She gave him a sympathetic shrug before standing to clear the table. ______
The weekend, for the most part, had the Guardians scattered across campus. As with all the students, the particularly grueling midterm season, paired with Halloween landing on a Tuesday, led to Director Fury making the generous decision to cancel classes for the entire week. He also suspected they had another alien invasion on the horizon, but that was another story.
Peter’s Saturday was spent at SHIELD with Rocket and Groot, evaluating the Chitauri weapons that even the highest-ranking SHIELD officials couldn’t figure out. Meanwhile, Gamora and Nebula managed to drag Drax and Mantis to the gym in hopes of doing a trial run for their future combat lessons. They had finally gone through all the mundane paperwork to get their fight clinic set up, and they decided it would be best to start fresh in January, at the start of the spring semester.
On Sunday, Peter found Yondu sulking in the Milano’s cockpit, where had also been hiding the previous day, and convinced him to join him on the loading bay so they could work on repairing the major issues that had come about as a result of their last mission. They had been working in companionable silence for about fifteen minutes before Peter couldn’t stay quiet any longer.
“If there’s anything I can do about Kraglin...or the Ravagers…” He trailed off, unsure of what else to say.
“They ain’t your responsibility, Quill, so don’t worry about it,” Yondu sighed. “I jus’ worry about them a little too much, that’s all.”
“It’s just...weird. I’ve never heard you apologize before,” Peter said half-jokingly. “I know I haven’t talked to Kraglin in a while, but he’s family, too. Tell him, if he needs anything from me, I’ll be there. Well, within reason. I’ve got my limits, y’know.”
“Don’t have to tell me,” Yondu snorted, poking at Peter with a wrench. “So...things are goin’ pretty good with your girl. Never seen you so smitten.”
“Aw, come on, are we really doin’ this right now?” Peter complained, yanking one of the damaged panels free. He let out a yelp when an electric spark flashed in front of his face. “You guys were the ones pushin’ so hard for us to be together so we’d stop being dumbasses and focus on other stuff, except now you won’t stop talking about it. Which one is it, Yondu?”
“Come on now, I already gave you all the speeches I got in me about love, boy. I jus’ thought it was interesting, seeing how diff’rent you are to how you were back before all this Guardians business,” Yondu commented, smirking. “You were quite the flirt when you were a young’n. Now, you’re a committed man. Ain’t nothing wrong with that. For what it’s worth, you’re a damn good pair.”
“Thanks, I guess,” Peter said, shooting Yondu a suspicious glance. He slid on his protective gloves and began poking around at the wires inside. He loved his ship inside and out, but sometimes, looking at her actual insides made him wonder how she managed to run at all. “Yeah, I guess I didn’t know what I was lookin’ for in a relationship so I never gave it an honest try. Then I met Gamora, and I realized it was a person and not a list of qualities, y’know? It was her I was looking for all along.”
“You two are sappy as hell,” Yondu chuckled with a shake of his head, passing Peter a pair of wire cutters. “And here, I thought, ‘Gamora, she’s a toughie, she don’t cry or laugh nearly as much as Quill. She ain’t the affectionate type’. But shit, I was wrong.”
“What type am I, then?” Both of them startled at the sound of Gamora’s voice, rotating slowly on their heels to see her standing right behind them, arms crossed. “Go on, Yondu, tell me.”
“I ain’t taking your bait, girl,” Yondu said, moving aside so she could join them. “But you keep Quill in check. God knows he needs it.”
“What is this, ‘pick-on-Peter’ week?” Peter bemoaned.
“More like your entire existence, I think,” Gamora teased, settling down and pulling the toolbox closer to her. “Anyways, the others have left for the day, and I figured you two could use the extra set of eyes and hands.”
“As long as you two don’t start slobberin’ on each other, I’m good,” Yondu shrugged. Peter and Gamora shot him scarily synchronized dirty looks before turning back to the task at hand.
A few hours later, Yondu left to grab them lunch, snarking about how he didn’t want to come back to any “funny business”, resulting in Peter flipping him the bird on the way out. “Hey, come on, none of that,” Gamora scolded, gripping his hands and pushing them back down into his lap, her fingers wrapping around his wrists. “The last thing we need to be doing when we have a week off school is antagonize each other.”
He hung his head, somewhat ashamed. “Yeah, yeah, I know, you’re right. It’s just, it’s been a good six, seven weeks since we got together, and they still won’t stop teasing us about it. It’s really freaking annoying.”
“I’m sure they don’t mean it negatively, you know how they are,” she replied. “Besides, just do what I do. Threaten to kill them if they don’t stop.”
He laughed, moving to pull her a little closer to his side. “Yeah, well. That’s your default for everything.”
“It’s worked so far,” she retorted playfully. “Though maybe I should try that whole ‘relaxed compliancy’ approach. Be nicer or something.”
“Hey, that wasn’t what I meant,” he frowned, squeezing her hand. “You’re awesome just as you are, Gamora. You’re a good leader and a good friend. And you are nice. Maybe not always in the traditional sense of the word, but you’re not the same ‘stab first, talk later’ person you were when we first met. Don’t go changing just to make us happy. Do it ‘cause, y’know, you want to.”
“Always with the compliments,” she smiled. “Thank you, Peter.”
“You two makin’ eyes at each other, of course,” Yondu grumbled as he made his way back up the steps of the loading bay, armed with take-out containers and plastic cutlery. “Dunno why I was expectin’ anything else.”
On Monday, the day before Halloween, Peter came to the sudden and rather idiotic realization that they had, in fact, never gotten around to discussing their costumes. “It’s the most important part, how the hell did I forget?” he exclaimed in the middle of a group study session. The other Guardians, who were sprawled across the Milano’s living space, with varying levels of concentration, all startled at the sound of his voice. Groot nearly tumbled off the armrest of the couch. “Costumes, guys! Costumes!”
“Well, it’s kind of too late,” Gamora pointed out. “It’s almost seven, and we won’t be able to head into the city in time before the stores close.”
“Then we do what I do best,” Peter grinned. “We improvise.”
Which was how the Guardians found themselves dragging out the contents of their closets into the living room and dumping it all out onto the couch, partially because they didn’t really feel like studying (though honestly, when did they ever), but mostly because placating Peter was the better choice over upsetting him. He had gotten really good at sulking.
“When I was a kid, I always had this dream about having enough friends to do a group costume,” Peter told the others excitedly as they all poked around through his rather impressive array of red leather jackets. “Like Peanuts, or The Breakfast Club, or Star Wars.”
“You have strange fantasies, Quill,” Drax commented, patting him on the back consolingly. “But we will indulge you.”
“Thanks, man,” Peter said, grinning easily. “Oh - we could totally do Star Wars.”
“Only you and Gamora have seen those movies, dude, so you’re gonna have to fill us in,” Rocket snarked, tossing a T-shirt at Peter’s head.
“I’m obviously Han,” Peter continued, ignoring Rocket’s beady-eyed glare. “Gamora’s Leia. I guess Groot would be a pretty good Chewbacca if he was bigger, but that’s okay, buddy, you can still be Chewie whatever size you are.” Groot blinked at him in confusion but smiled a little vacantly regardless. “Wait! Nebula! You’re totally Luke! You have the robot hand and everything!”
“Do you ever hear yourself speak, or is it just the sound of wind whistling between your ears?” Nebula drawled.
“I imagine it to be more like carnival music,” Drax suggested.
“Or crickets,” Rocket crowed delightedly. “Oh, I am liking this game!”
“If we’re done picking on Peter, can we move on and continue planning our costumes, or do I have to put in a recommendation for sensitivity training again?” Gamora snapped, patting him comfortingly on the shoulder. “Alternatively, I could also drag you all to the gym for a 6 AM combat session tomorrow.” She paused, turning to Mantis. “Except you, of course.” She shot a glare at the rest of the group. “I wasn’t aware one had to be an empath to have some tact.”
The others fell silent, exchanging guilty looks across the room. “Sorry, Quill,” Drax mumbled.
Sullen, Peter turned away from them, pinching the bridge of his nose between his fingers. “Listen, I know you guys are just making fun of me ‘cause it’s easy, but I’ve been leading this team for two years, and I’d like to think I’ve earned your respect by now.”
“And you have it, boy,” Yondu said fiercely. “You’re a damn fine leader. We’re just bein’ assholes, y’know.” The others nodded in agreement, but it seemed to be too late. Peter got to his feet, shrugging off Gamora as she tried to pull him back down.
“Think I’m done for the night,” he sighed. “I’ll see you guys in the morning. Happy freaking Halloween.” He turned and ambled off down the corridor, disappearing into his bedroom with a firm click of his door closing behind him.
“Great job, everyone.” Gamora stood as well, gathering both her and Peter’s clothes up in her arms. “Do you feel better about yourselves now? Was any of that necessary?”
She retreated to Peter’s bedroom (though really, it was their bedroom at this point), finding him to have already changed into his pajamas and crawled under the sheets like a small child, the Walkman sitting on the pillow, beside his head, the quiet strains of a REO Speedwagon song streaming through his headphones, which were currently situated around his neck.
Before Gamora could say anything, Peter spoke first in a near-whisper. “They’re just...the worst.”
“We really should properly punish them one of these days. Their condescending attitudes towards others, and us especially, is really getting on my nerves.” She set the clothes she was carrying aside, quickly changed into her own pajamas, and crawled in next to him. Threading her fingers through his hair, she smiled ruefully as he turned to bury his face in her neck. “Do you want to sleep now?”
“Nah, too early.” He rolled over onto his back, staring up at the ceiling restlessly. “Can you...can you just talk? Hey, tell me about what you did on Saturday, I never got around to asking you.”
“It wasn’t particularly interesting,” she said slowly. “Training...schoolwork...the usual.”
“I always like hearing about your day.” He removed the headphones, setting his Walkman aside, winding his fingers with hers between them on the pillow. “Did you beat Drax?”
“Of course I did. At least three times.” She grinned at the memory. “His surprised cry every single time he hits the mat is the soundtrack of my personal victory.”
He chuckled, ducking to kiss her shoulder. “That’s my girl.” They fell silent again, eyes locked, contemplating. “Listen, I don’t wanna deal with my crap tonight, I’m just...I’m tired. I wanna spend the rest of the night just hanging out with you. Okay?”
She nodded, sliding her hand underneath his jaw, her thumb tracing gentle circles along the stubble on his chin. “Alright. So, Mantis was telling me about this news article she found online while doing research for her paper on women in superheroism…” ______
The next morning, Gamora woke to find Peter wrapped rather tightly around her, unwilling to get out of bed and face their friends. The idea of celebrating Halloween together seemed to have crumbled apart, what with their increasing insensitivity as of late. “Why do you think that is?” Peter mused aloud. “Is it really just because of us being an...us?”
“Maybe, maybe not. Do we really want to delve into the depths of their minds? I’d rather not psychoanalyze anyone, especially before breakfast,” Gamora said, smirking slightly. “But we should make it clear that we won’t tolerate this any longer. There’s a difference between teasing and malice, and it’s time they learned their lesson.”
“I love it when you get vaguely threatening,” Peter said lowly, leaning in to kiss her.
“Oh, I’m not being vague about it at all,” she murmured against his mouth.
Before either of them could close the gap, however, there was a sharp knock on the door. “Breakfast is ready,” Mantis called, albeit a little timidly. “Could you please come out soon?”
A few minutes later, they emerged from the bedroom, fully dressed, only to find the others sitting neatly on the couch together, hands folded in their laps, except for Rocket and Groot, who were occupying the armchair with equally solemn posture. “Uh, are you guys staging an intervention or something? I’m weirded out,” Peter said, taking a cautious step back.
“We wanted to properly apologize to you,” Drax said gravely. “We have been quite unkind, more than usual as of late. My social blunders have become more and more apparent since we started living on Terra, but I did not realize they still had such a strong effect on you as well.”
“Yeah, we’re sorry about being huge dicks,” Rocket said, picking at his claws, eyes darting around nervously. Peter was getting the sense that Rocket had never really apologized before, never learned how. He might have never gotten attached to someone before the Guardians, someone that he would want to apologize to for hurting them. The guilt stirring in Rocket’s gut, the worry rattling around in his brain, was a foreign feeling to him. “I guess we just don’t know when to quit.”
“Like I said last night, Quill, we respect the hell outta you,” Yondu continued. “And you ain’t stupid, none of us really think that. You’ve got your quirks, but you’re smart. We wouldn’t let a dumbass be our leader, look up to him, believe in what he’s sayin’ and doin’.”
“Yeah, well, I just gotta know - why have you been even bigger jerks lately? Is it because of this?” Peter held up his and Gamora’s joined hands.
“We don’t see you as much.” He was surprised to see it was Rocket who had spoken, though he was still refusing to make eye contact. “We gotta get in all the jabs we can, keep the conversation goin’, even at your expense. Not like we get a lot of opportunities to talk anymore.”
“Then freaking say something about it instead of wasting your time belittling me,” Peter protested. “Be like, ‘hey, Peter, you wanna hang out?’. Not, ‘hey, Peter, you have a stupid face’!”
“It’s dumb of us, I know,” Yondu sighed. “But it worked when we was kids, too. You was always runnin’ around the ship, tryna talk to as many people as possible. You’d be there and gone in a flash. Best way to get you to stick around was to challenge you. But yeah, we pushed it too far this time. We’re sorry, boy.”
“I am too,” Nebula said quietly, never looking up from her lap. “You might be weird, but I suppose we...I...could be nicer.”
Sighing, Peter scratched at his temples. “Fine. Apology accepted. Just, tone it down, okay?”
“I think we have established that everyone here is terrible at talking to each other,” Mantis piped up, though not unkindly. “I feel...so much from all of you, all of the time, that I sometimes wish I could turn my brain off when I am here with you. But I do not want to say anything, since I know feelings are meant to be private. However, perhaps in the future, I should speak out of things get this bad ever again. Intervene, if you are all hurting each other in this way.”
“That would be great, Mantis,” Gamora nodded. “Are we all on the same page now?”
Peter turned into Gamora, gently clasping her wrist. “Hey, what about you?”
“What about me?” Now it was her turn to avoid his eyes.
“You deserve an apology too,” he said. It saddened him to see her thinking otherwise. “C’mon, Gamora.”
“Apologize for what?” Yondu called, though he looked apprehensive about asking at all. The two of them turned to the rest of the group, who looked afraid at the prospect of what they had done to Gamora. The last time she had gotten incredibly angry was when they returned from their trip to Missouri, and she had yelled at Yondu for attempting to steal the team’s hard-earned money until her voice had given out.
“The ‘mother’ comparisons are, admittedly, starting to get to me,” Gamora confessed, though she kept her head held high as she spoke. “I’ll accept the title in relation to Groot - his own referral to me as his mom makes sense, given the way I take care of him. But your attitudes towards my desire to keep this team running like a well-oiled machine are condescending and unhelpful, and I won’t stand for it any longer. Peter is the face of this team, and he may call our tactics and battle strategies, and he's vital to our success, but we all know that I make the majority of the so-called ‘boring’ decisions here - money and inventory, legalities, planning, organization. And I have no tolerance for your belittlement of my job, my role in your lives, or mothers themselves. So stop. Don’t make me demand your respect. I should already have it.”
Peter held back the urge to applaud - Gamora would probably backhand him on the spot for it - and instead elected to smile a little to himself in pride as the others balked in surprise. She shouted quite often, especially in battle - hollering about their stupidity or rash behavior, or some combination of the two, perhaps calling out warnings or orders, that sort of thing. But hearing her speak dangerously low, her voice dropping a full octave or so, was frankly when she was at her scariest, and he kind of loved witnessing it, providing it wasn’t directed at him.
Multiple apologies immediately began spilling from the others’ lips, their voices getting increasingly louder as they attempted to talk over each other, promising Gamora that they did, indeed, love and respect her. Even Nebula begrudgingly admitted that the team wouldn’t last a day without her sister’s meticulous, disciplined nature.
“ - we do respect you, Gam, we just - ”
“ - as I have said on multiple occasions, you are the fiercest warrior I have ever had the honor of knowing, and fighting alongside you is perhaps one of the greatest things I have gotten to do - ”
“ - you’re always yelling at us, except Quill, you just kind of flirt-fight with him now - ”
“ - c’mon, girl, you know you’re my favorite after Quill, even if you do get mad at me pretty much every single day - ”
“ - is it a foreplay thing? Wait, no, forget I asked - ”
“ - we would be lost with you, Gamora, and we appreciate everything you do for us, I promise - ”
“ - couldn’t think of a better person to be in charge, and take it from a guy who had to handle dozens o’ nasty Ravagers - ”
“ - I think I gotta drink some bourbon - hell, maybe motor oil - to get those images outta my head, geez - ”
“Okay, okay, I got it,” Gamora exclaimed, trying her hardest not to laugh at the sight of her teammates literally starting to climb over each other in desperation to gain her forgiveness.
“I think this calls for a group hug,” Mantis sing-songed, once the squabbling had finally died down. Nebula blanched a little at the suggestion.
Peter was the first to dive in, yanking everyone into his arms. It was a little difficult, attempting a group hug with people of varying heights (and varying levels of enthusiasm), what with Groot standing on Rocket’s head and accidentally squishing one of his ears in the process, and Nebula getting sandwiched between Drax and Yondu, much to her displeasure. They managed to hold the hug for a solid ten seconds before someone stood on someone else’s foot, and it delved into another chaotic mess of accusatory yelling.
“Well, it was nice while it lasted,” Peter sighed as he stepped back, watching as Mantis dove in between Nebula and Rocket before they could draw their weapons. “Hey, guys? Halloween? Are we still doing that, because we’ve got like...eight hours before it starts, and we have zero costumes.”
Gamora turned to examine the pile of clothes still strewn across the coffee table from the previous night, considering. “If it’s not too late, I think we can wrangle something together.” ______
“You are very lucky we are the same size,” Mantis said cheerily, stepping back to admire her handiwork.
“I regret agreeing to this.” Nebula slapped her hands away as she moved to smooth down her front. She was a little uneasy about Mantis touching her in any capacity, and not just because of her powers.
“Oh, don’t be a spoilsport, Neb.” Gamora was doing a poor job of concealing her giggles at the sight of her sister’s attire. “We’re all a little out of our comfort zone here, and it’s the best we can do on such short notice.”
“You’re wearing your boyfriend’s clothes, I wouldn’t call that a hardship,” Nebula growled in disdain, though she allowed Gamora and Mantis to push her towards the mirror. “This might be the worst thing you’ve ever made me do, and that’s saying something.”
“You girls ready?” Peter called through Gamora’s bedroom door. Grinning, Mantis grabbed Gamora and Nebula’s hands, practically yanking them out into the corridor in her eagerness to join the rest of their team. She immediately burst into hysterical laughter at the sight of the others.
Once the Guardians had realized they lacked clothes outside of their comfort zones - lots of leather, consisting of a mostly black and red color palette - the only ‘real’ costumes they could possibly accomplish was by doing a clothing swap. Peter looked the most normal among the guys, wearing his tightest black pleather pants, a tight white T-shirt with a black leather vest, and a shorter version of his red duster jacket, to emanate Gamora’s usual wardrobe. However, he was also sporting her utility belt and thigh holster, complete with the Godslayer by his side (“You don’t know how to wield my sword properly, Peter, so don’t you dare unsheath it from your belt.” “Was that a euphemism for something?”).
Drax and Yondu had exchanged clothes, resulting in Drax wearing Yondu’s leather waistcoat and his most dramatic floor-sweeping coat, which also boasted a rather enormously fluffy faux fur collar. Yondu had grumbled about not wanting to around shirtless - “now, the ladies may love the idea, but it’s damn cold out there and I ain’t looking to lose the hair off my chest!” “Ew, Yondu. Just, stop.” - so he was wearing one of the very few T-shirts Drax owned, along with baggy cargo pants, hefty steel-toed boots, and Drax’s dual knives.
Lastly, Groot and Rocket were the only ones left, being the most difficult to swap with in the first place. Instead, they elected to have Groot wear the uniform he had been gifted by the Ravager tailor during their last encounter with them, and then proceeded to sprout little white flowers and weave them into Rocket’s fur. “I am Groot,” he cheered when he was done, satisfied with his work.
“I do look pretty, don’t I?” The others had never seen Rocket preen so much before. It was a little unusual.
“My jacket looks so big on you, honey,” Peter murmured, his eyes glazing over a little in lust as he reached to settle his large hands on Gamora’s waist. She was also wearing his grey “Gear Shift” shirt, which fell to mid-thigh on her, over a pair of cargo pants. “Did you accessorize?” In lieu of answering, Gamora pressed the small button behind her ear to activate Peter’s collapsible helmet. He beamed as he watched it near-instantly assemble over her face, the large eyes washing him in red light as they glowed. “Damn. You look amazing.”
She deactivated it once more, patting him on the chest in thanks before turning to the others. “Are we ready to go?”
“I am Groot!” Groot shrieked excitedly, bouncing up and down on Rocket’s shoulders, much to the latter’s discomfort.
“Relax, kid, we ain’t even out the door yet.” ______
When they finally stepped out of the ship and left the landing bay ten minutes later (Drax had to go to the bathroom, Mantis had forgotten to give Nebula her gloves, and other mishaps that had become typical of any Guardians outing), the team couldn’t help but gasp in wonderment at their surroundings.
As always, Janet had outdone herself with decorating every last square inch of the campus, transforming it into the ‘wicked wonderland’ she had envisioned. Red string lights and spiderwebs dripped from the branches of every tree, casting an ominous crimson glow over everything beneath them. The pathways were lined with fake gravestones, each stenciled with a different student’s name and a darkly humorous cause of death (“Hey, there’s mine! ‘Accidentally danced right off the edge of a cliff’. Yeah, that sounds about right.”), along with the occasional pile of bones. There were statues and props of zombies, werewolves, vampires, witches, and other mythical creatures littered across the lawn, all smeared with fake blood. Police caution tape was draped over bushes, wound around doorknobs, and scattered across the ground in bits and pieces like confetti. With Tony’s help, Janet had also rigged windows and doors on many of the campus’s main buildings to suddenly open and slam shut, complete with flashing lights and shrieking sounds. Lastly, there was music playing through the speakers that hung from every lamppost, resulting in Peter bobbing his head enthusiastically to Monster Mash.
“This is so cool!” Mantis shrieked. “I have never seen anything like this before.”
“And the night has only just begun,” Peter said dramatically, holding out his arm for Mantis to take. Grinning, she looped her arm in his as he offered his other elbow to Gamora. She shook her head fondly before accepting it as well, and the three of them began leading the way.
Not even two full minutes had passed before Drax spoke once more, unusually shy. “Quill? Gamora? I have another few things I would like to tell you two, if you don’t mind.”
“What is it, Drax?” Gamora turned to look over her shoulder at him, then quickly regretted it. It was hard to take him seriously with Yondu’s ridiculous fluffy collar practically swallowing his entire neck.
“I realize that the majority of my social errors are a result of my tendency to be terribly blunt, thus making everyone feel as if I do not appreciate them or see them as equals. But I would like you to know that isn’t true,” he said earnestly. “You are both very good leaders, and good friends. I do not mean to undermine you in my honesty, but only to help you understand your flaws in order to better yourselves. But I see now that it is not a productive way of helping, and in fact, only furthers your anger. So, I shall endeavor to be less honest, and lie to make you feel better.”
“I don’t think that’s the exact takeaway you should be having here,” Peter said slowly. “But thanks, I guess.”
“Drax, Peter once told me that I should only change for myself, and not just to make other people happy,” Gamora said gently. “Perhaps that advice would suit you as well. And maybe, just...clarify your intentions the next time you tell Peter he’s pathetic.”
“Or, y’know, don’t call me pathetic,” Peter added. “That’d be cool with me, too.”
Drax brightened a little. “Thank you, Gamora. That does sound like the wiser path to follow.”
“Why’re we bein’ so sappy, we’re s’posed to be looking for candy,” Rocket complained. Groot, who was perched on his shoulder as always, nodded adamantly in agreement. “Though...I guess while we’re at it...I can’t imagine the team without you two, either. So I’ll try to tone down the dickishness. And for what it’s worth, I’m happy you guys are together. It was freaking miserable, watchin’ you two tryna pretend you weren’t crazy into each other. Took up a lot of our time.”
“The amount o’ times I had to kick your ass a little, get things goin’? That wasn’t so fun,” Yondu added. “We just...we miss ya both.”
“We’ll try our best to hang out with you guys more,” Peter promised. “Outside of missions and classes, that is.”
“This ‘trick-or-treating’ is a very good start,” Mantis said, squeezing Peter’s arm. “I do not think we have talked for this long without yelling at each other in a long time.”
“Nice change of pace,” Gamora agreed. She turned to look at her sister, who was skulking around at the back of their group, dragging her feet like a child being forced to see the dentist. “Don’t you think, Nebula?”
“Always so sentimental,” Nebula retorted, though there was a hint of a smile in her voice. “As I’ve said before, Quill really is rubbing off on you.”
“I would not like to picture Quill rubbing off against anyone or anything,” Drax said disgustedly.
“I am Groot?”
“For the last time, dude, I’m not explaining any of this until you’re older,” Rocket said, reaching to pat Groot on the knee.
They approached their first real destination soon after, the training center designed specifically for weaponry practice and obstacle courses. Like many of the other buildings across campus, it was drenched in red string lights, caution tape, and spider webs, with bloody handprints in the windows as they swung wildly open and shut.
“There has to be something in there,” Peter reasoned. “You guys ready?”
“Always,” Gamora said with a dangerous smirk.
Upon entering, they found it to be pitch black, only managing to navigate its darkened hallways by familiarity. Eventually, they reached the main shooting range, where all the weapons had been stowed and locked away as they always were. The training dummies, however, were mummified in toilet paper and covered in plastic spiders. “I am Groot,” Groot said, pointing.
“You’re right,” Rocket said, prodding one of the training dummies. “This one’s a little lumpier than I remembered. Someone gimme their pocket knife.” Groot let out a triumphant squeal as candy cascaded from the cut Rocket had made, spilling out onto the floor. “Good eye, Groot.”
The Guardians each took a generous handful, scooping it into their bags, before moving on to the obstacle course gyms. They were dimly lit, the sounds of their heavy boots echoing and bouncing off the equipment. “Split up into pairs?” Gamora suggested. “Go with your costume partner.”
Rocket and Groot immediately took off with an excited whoop, while Drax and Yondu shrugged at each other before disappearing. Mantis and Nebula, on the other hand, hesitated until Gamora shot Nebula another warning look. They slinked off sheepishly, vanishing into the darkness, before Peter and Gamora were finally ready to head out themselves.
The obstacle course wasn’t overly large - it was approximately the size of a regulation-sized basketball court - but with the walls of varying heights, ladders and ropes, and other apparatuses, it was something of a maze, especially when it was this dark. “I’m really glad we did this,” Peter whispered as he pulled a mini flashlight from Gamora’s utility belt. “This is super cool.”
“Can always count on Janet to go overboard,” Gamora whispered back, pointing at the greenish slime dripping all over the place. “I do hope for the janitors’ sakes that she paid them extra this week.”
They ran into other students on occasion - there was an awkward moment in which they came across Peter Parker attempting to do the upside-down kiss with Mary Jane, only to get his foot caught in the rope and beg her to stop laughing and help him get down - before finally finding a large potato sack full of candy underneath one of the climbing walls. Gamora used the comms on Peter’s helmet to privately call the other Guardians to join them.
“Oh, Twizzlers,” Mantis said happily. “This might be the best night of my life!”
The Guardians then moved on to the main gym, where skeletons had been set up at all the equipment - Drax had let out a laugh of delight at the sight of one particular skeleton at the rowing machine, posed halfway through a set (“The joke is that the skeleton has no muscles! He could not possibly row as much weight as I can!”). To their surprise, Nebula was the one who found the candy this time, hidden inside one of the empty lockers in an unassuming backpack. Peter and Gamora exchanged knowing looks as they watched her pass a packet of Nibs to Mantis almost immediately.
The science lab was dripping with some suspicious-looking plasma oozing from the ceiling, filling all of the beakers and test tubes that had been carefully placed on the lab benches. Somewhat disgusted, they all dug through the gooey substance with their bare hands, until Gamora managed to unearth a Ziploc bag from the emergency eyewash station. “And here, I thought Rand was getting more creative with where he was stashing his...recreational items.”
The lecture hall was where it got a little comical, watching dozens of students running up and down the stairs, half-crouching, half-crawling as they checked under the tables and bumping foreheads in the process. Nebula accidentally stepped on Jessica Jones’s foot, and both she and Jessica had to be physically hauled away by their respective sisters before it got nasty. “I wasn’t going to hurt her,” Nebula said a little too quickly.
“You know I never believe you when it comes to physical harm, right?” Gamora dug her fingers into Nebula’s arm. “You can’t lie to me, Nebula.”
The library was the most like a scavenger hunt of all the buildings the Guardians had visited so far - there was a book placed at the very front, open to a specific page, with certain words highlighted that spelled out the title of the next book they had to look for. They then had to locate that book, find another highlighted set of words inside, and so on. It was utter chaos, making the lecture halls look like a walk in the park, with students yelling to each other across the usually quiet library. Thor in particular was lecturing Loki for running around with a highlighter in an attempt to throw everyone off.
Eventually, Peter grew bored and stumbled off into his favorite section - the plush leather couches that he liked to nap on when the one on the Milano felt a little too rough for his liking - and threw himself down, only to be shocked by the sudden explosion of candy popping up from between the cushions. Gamora, who had been hunting him down, ran in after his startled shout, only to laugh at the sight of her boyfriend, buried beneath a mountain of Hubba Bubba. “Hey, honey. How do I look?”
“Majestic,” she replied, taking out her phone to snap a photo.
Three hours had passed before energy levels were beginning to dip, for some more than the others. As much as he didn’t like to admit it, Rocket was at a disadvantage, having the shortest legs, and was beginning to grow sore. He passed Groot to Gamora in an effort to make the walk easier for him. Groot immediately snuggled into her curls, cooing happily at being close to her.
“Are you enjoying yourself?” she asked him, reaching up to gently tap his cheek with her pinky finger. “I hope you aren’t too tired yet.”
“I am Groot,” he replied, nodding enthusiastically. “I am Groot?”
“Same here, though I can’t say I’ll be eating most, if any, of this candy,” she said, holding up her bag for him to see. “I have to keep my body running as efficiently as possible, after all. This much sugar would destroy my cholesterol.”
“I am Groot?” he chirruped, confused.
Gamora blinked. “I...I did understand you just now, didn’t I?” She used her free hand to cup his entire body, bringing Groot around to face her. “Well, I suppose we’ve spent enough time together. It would make sense that it would happen eventually.”
Peter, who had been chatting with Mantis a few feet behind them, jogged up to join in. “Hey, what’s going on?”
“I’m finally starting to understand Groot, I think,” Gamora said, smiling up at him. “Not just in the obvious way, like when he points at things, but...actual conversation.”
“That’s awesome!” Peter exclaimed, reaching to nudge Groot under his chin. “I bet you’ll be really happy when all of us can understand you, huh, buddy? It must suck, not being able to really talk with everyone yet.”
Groot shrugged, unbothered. It was nothing new to him, being understood by a handful of people at a time. He had learned how to communicate just fine without words. “I am Groot,” he replied. He reached for Peter, yawning as he did, nuzzling into his shoulder, eyes slowly drifting closed.
“Looks like he’s almost ready for bed,” Peter said softly as he slung his other arm over Gamora’s shoulders. “It’s kinda too early to call it a night, though. We’ve still got a few hours to go. What should we do?”
“We could rest for a bit, let everyone rest their feet before we head out again,” Gamora suggested. “In fact...Nebula and I have a sort-of hiding spot that we haven’t told anyone else about...until now.”
“Then lead the way,” Peter grinned. ______
All through the night...I'll be awake and I'll be with you…
“So,” Peter panted ten minutes later as he climbed the last set of stairs, a white-knuckled grip on the railing. “This is how you get to the top of Avengers Hall.”
“Technically, we most definitely aren’t supposed to be up here,” Gamora shrugged rather impishly. “But the Director’s seen us here before, and he doesn’t seem to care.”
“Gotta admit, this is a pretty nice view.” Yondu stepped out towards the edge, hands on his hips, as he gazed out over the campus. Despite the growing chill of the autumn evening, it looked incredibly warm, what with everything being bathed in an almost violently crimson light. “You never seen any other students up here?”
“The occasional classmate or two - Bobbi, Natasha, Elektra, the sort. But otherwise, no one as frequent as Nebula and I,” Gamora replied. She was the first to sit, slinging her elbows up over the middle railing as she had become so accustomed to doing.
Nebula slid in neatly on her right side, the leathers of Mantis’s outfits squeaking a little as she did. Peter settled on Gamora’s left, cradling a snoring baby Groot, still slightly out of breath from the incline of the stairway. “Don’t you get any exercise, what with my sister bossing you around?” Nebula said, the corner of her mouth quirking.
“Still used to jet boots and aero-rigs getting me around, thank you very much,” Peter pouted. Mantis and Drax sat on Peter’s left, while Yondu and Rocket were on Nebula’s right, squishing in close despite there being plenty of room. Nebula shot Yondu a dirty look, but couldn’t be bothered to threaten him any further. “So, better than last year’s Halloween?”
“Ask us when the night’s over, man,” Rocket snorted. “I’ll answer ya when I count up my candy stash.”
“Fair enough,” Peter nodded, smiling when Mantis moved to rest her head on his shoulder affectionately, careful not to jostle Groot. “How about you, Mantis? Enjoying yourself?”
“Very much so,” she said dreamily. Her antennae lit up, slowly arching forward as her eyes slid closed, deep in thought. “Wow. I think this is the happiest everyone has felt simultaneously in perhaps...ever.”
All through the night...this precious time when time is new...
“Really? That’s weird,” Rocket said, wrinkling his nose in confusion. “Woulda thought some of you’d be happier doing somethin’ else. Nebula, for example, being literally anywhere but here.”
“The rodent speaks the truth,” Nebula hummed.
Mantis shook her head, still grinning. “Do you not trust that I know what I’m talking about? We are all very happy.”
“What if you were to rank us from least happy to happiest, relative to each other?” Drax asked.
“Dude, does it matter?” Peter chuckled.
“It was just a question,” Drax said defensively. “I was curious about how specific Mantis could be.”
“I suppose it’s not the worst inquiry Drax has ever had,” Gamora whispered to Peter, causing him to giggle childishly into his hand. At the sound of Peter’s laughter, Groot stirred slowly, lifting his head up drowsily to look out at his surroundings.
“I am Groot?” he asked, pushing himself up into a sitting position on Peter’s shoulder.
“We’re on the roof of Avengers Hall,” Gamora answered. “Everyone’s getting a little tired, so we’re taking a break before heading out again.”
“Since when do you understand him so perfectly?” Rocket exclaimed, his ears flattening in suspicion.
“Since about fifteen minutes ago,” Gamora shot back. “Do you have a problem with that?”
“Guys, can we kill the animosity for like, ten minutes? Mantis just said we were doing pretty good,” Peter groaned, as Groot hopped from his shoulder to Gamora’s.
“I guess it’ll be good for the kid to finally have someone else to talk to for once,” Rocket admitted begrudgingly.
“I am Groot,” Groot said feebly, patting Gamora gingerly on the neck.
“You’ve been bothering us about this all weekend, and you want to go back already?” she asked, giving him a teasingly stern expression in response. “Someone didn’t take their afternoon nap after all.”
“We are not finished yet,” Mantis said, her lip wobbling. “Do we really have to go home now?”
“Gamora and I can take Groot back, tuck ‘im in. We’ll catch up with you guys later,” Peter offered.
“Oh, great, we know where this is going,” Rocket snickered, holding up a paw for a high five from Yondu.
“Dude, not what I meant. See you guys in half an hour, okay?” With that, he and Gamora stood, Groot in tow on Gamora’s shoulder, lazily twisted into the loose curls of her hair, yawning profusely. When Peter glanced over his shoulder to wave at the group, he couldn’t help but smile at the sight of Mantis and Nebula looking awkwardly at the sudden gap between them, shuffling closer, attempting to appear reluctant at having to do so.
Oh, all through the night today...knowing that we feel the same without saying...
“What is it?” Gamora asked once they were in the stairway. At Peter’s innocent “I-don’t-know-what-you’re-talking-about” expression, her eyes narrowed in frustration. “Come on, Peter, you can’t lie to me. You’re making a face.”
“I can’t be the only one super suspicious about our sisters hanging out together, right?” Once they reached the bottom of the stairway and walked out into the crisp evening air, Peter reached out to take Gamora’s hand. “I mean, think about it.”
“Mantis has told us both several times it’s not Nebula she has feelings for,” Gamora reminded him. “Would she lie to us?”
“You say that like it’s impossible,” he laughed. “But oh, man, could you imagine?”
“Considering Nebula has zero experience in romantic feelings - and I’m quite confident in saying that - this could only end poorly for Mantis,” she frowned, suddenly saddened on the other girl’s behalf. It was easy to think Mantis had control of her emotions, being an empath, but in reality, she had a difficult time understanding and processing her own feelings. If what Peter was saying was true, it was no wonder she was scared to delve into Nebula’s mind and see if there was any hint of reciprocity - she probably knew it was a lost cause, and didn’t want to disappoint herself. “It would make sense, though, considering how secretive she’s become lately.”
“I am Groot,” Groot mumbled into her shoulder.
“Mantis tells you things?” Gamora’s frown deepened. “We really should have a discussion about upending all our secrets onto you, Groot. This can only become a problem later on when we all know what you’re saying.”
“We should help them out,” Peter offered. “Mantis, at least. They’ve been complaining about us spending so much time without them lately, we should really do something nice. Start with our sisters.”
“I suppose,” she said, inhaling deeply. “If Nebula commits to being less confrontational, that is. She’s like a feral cat or a spooked kitten, with no in between. I doubt she’s emotionally ready for that sort of thing herself.” Looking away from Peter’s soft gaze, she murmured, “I didn’t think I would be, either.”
“Well, I’m not gonna pretend to understand Nebula the way you do,” he said thoughtfully. “But I think you’ve both come a long way already. Who knows, maybe she wants to give it a try, too. This could all totally be just speculation, though. Maybe I’m overthinking it.”
“That would be a first,” Gamora teased, standing a little on her toes to kiss him. She paused midway, her brow furrowing in sudden worry. “Wait - ”
“It’s okay,” Peter said, squeezing her hand. “You can make fun of me all you want, if that’s what you were thinkin’ about. I know you don’t mean it, either.”
“Still,” she said reluctantly, pecking him quickly on the corner of his mouth. “If our relationship isn’t built on trust and respect, then what is it worth?”
“Agreed, which is why I’m glad we’ve got that covered already,” he smiled, chasing after her lips for a proper kiss. “We’ve always got each other’s backs, a little banter ain’t gonna hurt. Come on, let’s get Groot to bed before he tells some exaggerated story to the others about how we made out in front of him.”
When they reached the Milano, Peter moved to open the door of the bedroom Rocket and Groot shared, only to hear the little one whining like a puppy, flailing his arms around on Gamora’s shoulder. “You can’t just change your mind like that, Groot,” she scolded.
“I am Groot,” he protested, pointing instead at Peter’s door. “I am Groot?”
“He wants to sleep in your room,” Gamora said, astonished. “Why - ”
“Our room,” Peter corrected, sighing. “Well, we could let him for just this one night. If we put this off any longer, the others are gonna wonder where we are.”
“I am Groot?”
“No stories, you said you were tired, remember?” Gamora poked his cheek as Peter moved to open the door and let them inside. Groot almost immediately leaped from Gamora’s shoulder onto the pillow with an excitable squeal, burrowing himself a little deeper, his large dark eyes gazing up at them both imploringly.
“What does he want now?” Peter lifted up one of the corners of the duvet and slowly lowered it down over Groot’s body.
“I am Groot,” he pleaded, using his little fingers to quite literally wrap themselves around Peter’s thumb.
“He wants us to stay until he falls asleep.” Gamora began unlacing her boots. “Well, the alternative is we leave now and he throws a fit, and I’d rather not spoil my good mood. You joining me?”
“You’re lucky you’re cute,” Peter told Groot with a chuckle, shucking his jacket and his shoes. The two of them crawled in on top of the covers, careful not to dwarf him, their noses nearly brushing his cheeks. Very slowly, Groot’s eyes fluttered closed as he yawned, mumbling nonsensical sounds under his breath. “Man, he’s adorable.”
“Arguably cuter than the Terran babies I’ve seen,” Gamora whispered, smiling. “Easier to bathe, too. Less surface area.”
Peter tried his best not to snort, though he was failing miserably. “We’re doing an okay job, right? Taking care of him?”
“I wouldn’t know what good parenting looks like,” she admitted. “But I’d like to think he would’ve complained by now.”
“I...am...Groot,” Groot mumbled sleepily, rolling over to bury himself into the soft down of the pillow. Gamora let out an oddly choked sound. Alarmed, Peter reached to touch her arm.
“Hey, you okay?”
“Groot said he loves us,” she breathed. Her eyes were glossy with unshed tears, fingers trembling as she slowly ran her thumb over Groot’s cheek.
Smiling, Peter leaned forward to press a gentle kiss on Groot’s forehead. “We love you too, buddy. And we’re here for you, always.” ______
“ - I told you this was gonna happen - ”
“ - I thought they were just gonna get up to some nookie-nookie - ”
“ - well, be glad they didn’t, now that we know Groot’s in here - ”
“ - please, we should leave them alone, we are all very tired anyways and we should go to bed - ”
“ - stop using your powers on us, girl, we don’t need you analytical-ing us - ”
“ - that is not a word, Yondu, and I meant the fact we have all been yawning the whole way back to the ship - ”
“ - will you all shut up already before they wake up and eviscerate us? Why are we standing around like a bunch of morons? - ”
“ - at least take me one photograph for posterity’s sake, I imagine this will be pleasing for them to look at - ”
“ - just do it quickly, and don’t take a million years to take one photo like you always do, Drax, it’s the worst - ”
“ - I’ll have you know my photography skills are quite adequate, thank you - ”
“Do you think they know we’ve been awake for the past two minutes?” Peter mumbled.
“Two more minutes, and I might have to revisit the idea of that 6 AM training session after all,” Gamora sighed, though she couldn’t help but smile a little to herself. This was more like it. These were the people she knew and tolerated. Okay, loved. The people she loved.
a/n: kinda wish i managed to get the star wars costumes in there since i've been thinking about that comparison for a while now, but i couldn't figure out what exactly to do with the others, so clothing swap it is. also, the "peter and gamora get no respect" plotline was originally going to be in the next fic, but i kind of want that one to be complete and utter fluff, so it ended up back here instead. i figured they could use another perspective from the co-dependent discussion they had in you make my dreams!
two new songs in peter's "for gamora" mixtape - the song playing while the guardians were on the rooftop was all through the night by cyndi lauper, and i imagine the song he was listening to while he was sulking was can't fight this feeling by reo speedwagon, mostly because that's my favorite reo speedwagon song haha
thanks for reading! likes and reblogs would be much appreciated, and feedback would be especially helpful. Also, i now have a WIP page that i'll be updating pretty regularly as i write, so in case you're wondering when the next one-shot is, i suggest you sneak a peek over there ;)
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superfamigos · 8 years
los juegos de 2016 de oli
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My inaugural post on el Super Famigos punto com! Cool beans! :D
So here's my 2016 games list. These are the games I liked most in 2016. In lieu of ranking, I'll list them in alphabetical order. I'll also add some honorable mentions, since I did enjoy them and don't want them to be left out. ;)
The List
Breath of Fire III
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(heartthrob credit: BoF wikia)
Fitting that the first on my list would be a SuperFamigos classic!
I picked up Bofee ("Breath of Fire III" -> "BoF III" -> "BoF3" -> "Bofee") after some prodding from my friend Chris. I’ve wanted it for a while, and even played it once, but… I don't have as much patience for JRPGs as I used to, even ones as good as Bofee or Chrono Cross. This time, though, ♪ I had a little help from my friends ♫.
Since SuperFamigos was just starting up, I downloaded OBS and gave streaming Bofee a whirl. And sure enough, broadcasting and interacting with friends via chat is way better than grinding alone. Chris shared all his expert secrets, and I flew through the slogs that stopped me before. And we spawned a whole slew of inside jokes too (oh man Teepo's flowing locks *o*). I haven't played/streamed much recently, due to a combination of old hardware and busy schedules, but with luck I can fire it back up in 2017.
As for the game itself: it's great! Top notch pixel art, animations, and music. Story's a bit slow, though Chris assures me it gets better. Definitely more fun with friends. ...smells burnt
rating: "9/molotov"
Chrono Cross
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(stunning opassa credit: Chrono wikia)
Frickin' Chrono Cross! What a sweet game. Beautiful scenery, amazing music, and a genuinely enthralling and mysterious story. I'm still not fully sure what's going on! The battle system can be intense too: trying to fend off the Fire Dragon with only two Revives? Are you kidding me??
I must confess, I got Chrono Cross three Christmases ago. The game has a couple of the same JRPG issues that Bofee has. So my tactic is to whittle away at it, every once in a while. And it's a bit like turning down the lights and sitting back and listening to Kind of Blue on vinyl; you come away feeling well fed.
So why is Chrono Cross on my games of 2016 list? Partly because the OSSC got me hyped to play it on my new HDTV (it was disgusting before) (and it handles the 240p <-> 480i switch quite well), partly because Chris again got me through some tough parts (he’s a boss, seriously), and partly because it's an awesome game and it won't come off my "games of <year>" list until it's beaten. So there.
rating: "poshul4mayor"
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I finally beat Downwell (normal mode) and unlocked all the palettes in 2016. Even then, I haven't stopped playing.
Downwell is the one mobile game I actually enjoy. For all the critically acclaimed mobile games I own, none have kept my attention like console and handheld games do. Except Downwell.
The mobile qualifier is important. Often I was chilling in a café, or waiting in line for a sandwich, or unable to sleep on a redeye flight, or trapped on a god-forsaken Snowpiercer Amtrak to Portland that was 6 hours behind schedule because snow somehow broke the signals and freight trains rule the rails and "we can't tell you if it'll be 30 minutes or 3 hours"
…Anyway. Downwell kept me sane in 2016. I don't even mind the touch controls.*
By the way, here's my fav strat: Floaty. Attract gems + popping gems + gem recharge. Laser if possible, or machine gun / burst / puncher. Combo as much as possible, but only to 25 each.
rating: "10/10/10"
Open Source Scan Converter
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(razor sharp credit: Rex Warden)
I know, I know, it's not a game. But it counts as one, because it gave my PS1 a new lease on life.
And what a lease it is! I kid you not, I had serious goosebumps whenever I first fired up wipE'out" XL with this puppy. It was beautiful. I noticed background textures I had never noticed before. Colors popped, not bled. I could read the menu text in wip3out! And no noticeable lag! Game after game, I was amazed at the difference. A major reason these old PS1 games are on my list is the OSSC.
Granted, YMMV; the results aren't nearly as drastic on other TVs I tried. But on mine… There's no going back.
rating: "I could cut my veggies with that PS logo"
Pokémon Sun
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Pokkén Tournament
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(sassy credit: chipsprites)
Taking a step back for a sec.
Moving to Seattle was hard. It’s still hard. I live by myself, it's my first time working out of college, and sometimes even cooking food is a chore. My life has certainly gotten better now, but those first few months were…hard.
Pokkén was what I played when I wasn't at work. It's a great game, with bumpin' music and satisfying mechanics that I could really get into. But more than that, it was a game that helped me get through a rough time. For that reason alone, I would definitely recommend.
rating: "Weavile's playmate? HECK YES"
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(manual or automatic credit: Syfy Games)
"But Oli, Splatoon came out in—"
Whoa there. Listen up. If you haven't already guessed, this is MY list o' 2016. It doesn't matter when such-and-such game came out. If I played it in 2016, it counts.
…but you do have a point. I didn't get Splatoon until Christmas 2015, which led to me missing a good amount of the summer unveils and hype and such. And online games stress me out, so I had the most fun when I stuck to my niche: off in the corner with my paintbrush, flinging paint errywhere, firin' off torpedoes to the other side, occasionally ninja-ing peeps.
In any case, still played it enough and had fun enough to include it! Very refreshing to see some color and friendly competition in a shooter. Good music and 1P campaign too. I even picked up my first pair of Vans Slip-ons because of this game. Fashion help 10/10.
Splatoon is also one of the Famigos' go-to online games! Several times we'd host a private match and not even battle, but just hang out on the stage, swim around, go explore, etc. Kinda like what we do in real life…except as squid kids.
rating: "18/12 overture"
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(let’s be friends credit: infoxicated via wipeoutzone)
Until I got the OSSC, this game was literally unplayable on my new HDTV.
Okay, not literally. Seriously though, wip3out** has some of the most succulent graphic design in the industry, and that stinkin' yellow composite cable rendes it muddy, meh, and unreadable. Yuck. wip3out was the second game I tested with the OSSC, and it's easily the best demonstration of the power of upscaling.
But enough about that. wipE'out" (the series) is the beez kneez. What's not to like? Cream-of-the-crop electronic soundtrack, mouthwatering tDR design, spicy-smooth tracks, and rich chocolatey weaponry. That feeling when you tear down the track, barely grazing the wall as you unleash a Quake Disruptor…
wip3out makes my list this year, not just because of the OSSC, not just because it's a filet mignon of a game, but because I freakin' beat Venom Tournament mode for the first time. Even with unfair AI in Sampa Run! ( *`∇ ´ ) And I plan to keep playing for a long time.
Interestingly, although XL/2097 and 3 have very different physics and handling, I can maneuver them both just fine…as long as I don't play them both in the same night. I get so used to one game, that I can't immediately swap discs and play the other without crashing into everything.
rating: "Excuse me, I think I need to return this steak, it's too delicious"
Honorable Mentions
Digimon World 3 I inherited this from a neighbor. Popped it in to admire the pixel art with the OSSC. The battle system is confusing, the FMVs are loltastic, but it has some surprisingly good music.
Hyper Light Drifter I really want to like this game more.
I love the music. And the art and atmosphere seriously gave me chills. Absolutely beautiful. But I just couldn't get into the combat: too visceral. I felt...almost dirty playing it. I understand that's kind of the point, but…
Maybe with time I'll get into it.
Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime Had a ball playing this at a work game night. Don't have many others to play with though.
Nuclear Throne Lol both Sam and I got the Humble Indie Bundle this year, so we both played lots of Nuclear Throne. Fun (3D glasses Eyes is my man), but a bit too stressful/addictive for me. Had to stop playing for my health.
Pokémon Black 2 I grabbed Black 2 as a birthday gift for myself (I did the same for White in 2015), and to tide me over until Pokémon Sun. To try and mix it up this time around, I played with only three Pokémon for the entirety of my run: an Ice Punch Weavile (bred in White), a Dewott, and a Growlithe. I only caught maybe another five. In the end, though, I didn't level enough and I ground to a halt at the seventh gym.
I think one of the many, many reasons I loved Pokémon Sun was that I dived in headfirst, catching Pokémon, playing minigames, getting invested. Guess I didn't do that as much with Black 2. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
That being said, Black 2 definitely has its moments. There's schweet music, and I still, still prefer the animated sprites to 3D models. (Some of the new Pokémon's models are great, but some are horrible.) Super satisfying to wreck newbs with a Ice Punch to the face. Just sadly overshadowed by Sun.***
Pokémon Emerald Lots of Pokémon on this list, huh? ;)
Got this along with a Game Boy Micro from my friend Cole. Similar with Black 2, I only used a party of four. Again, the music is top notch, and some great battle animations. Unfortunately petered out at Ever Grande City when I stopped taking the bus to/from work (my main time to play).
River City Ransom Lolololololol
Seriously, so silly and fun. Didn't play it much though (maybe an hour when Sam was in town).
* That much. ** Yes, I'm going to do this for the whole article. I don't care. tDR 4 LYFE *** See what I did there?!? ;)
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sub4bondage86 · 4 years
I'm stuck with family... (Stories found on Slaveboys -Jabril)
What's in the box? 1. The day after Christmas. This all started one board morning in December between Christmas and the new year, it was minus six out side and there was nothing on the TV. I Started to randomly graze the local news paper; I say graze because the top story was about the local football club having found a run away goat eating the pitch the day before. Yes it was that sort of paper. Equally the football team should have employed the goat rather than take it home, as they would have faired better with it as their manager.   Any way, I continue to read if only to delay the next conversation about the weather or another Turkey sandwich. Obituaries, adverts, the agony aunt � raised a few smiles, though to the classified adverts. I almost went to look at a trampoline just for the 2 hour drive to escape from the house. However I resisted and started reading the personal ads'. Among them there was something unusual... I say among them, it was near the other 'Same Sex' adverts. Wanted � male aged 25 � 35, hight and weigh proportionate and in good health to undergo an intense even severe physical and psychological examination. BOX 2356 The advert stood out a mile, I'd not seen a word with more than 2 syllables in the whole time I'd been reading. I decided to call BOX 2356 to find out more, but first I had to find some where quiet where my whole family would here what I was up to. Off to the bathroom! The greeting message played... �If you decide to continue to apply to take part in this examination be aware that you will be tested to ensure you meet the selection criteria. These tests may take a number of unusual forms and only the candidates who complete all of them will qualify to progress to the second stage. Successful completion of the second stage will result in the candidate receiving a personal reward for taking part. Precautions will be taken to ensure the candidate remains unharmed. If you wish to progress to testing please key in your mobile number at the end of this message.�
I must confess I was gob smacked by it and sat there listening to the static on the end of the message until the pre-recorded voice started again. It just started to repeat the message again, but that was enough to wake me up. I hung up and headed back the the living room to find my family had started playing some random game that only ever came out at Christmas. I reluctantly joined them; as it was a change from the paper. By mid afternoon the game was long over and half the house was asleep and the other half playing with new toys. My mind started to wander, I was board again and still a little curious about the advert. I called it again, this time leaving my number. Almost immediately my phone chirped, but it was just a conformation text from the message box thing in the paper... 'Reply Yes to this message to pass your mobile number the holder of box 2356, reply No or simply do nothing if you don't want us to pass on your number' I sent a yes to the number and waited, minutes turned in to hours... nothing happened. I think I'd decided it was just a scam and given up on it when my phone chirped with a message from a number I didn't know. 'Stage 1 testing take 2 or 3 hours and isnt to involved, can you get to Ambridge for 10am tomorrow? Yes or No' Ambridge is a market town (one of the few) covered by the circulation of the paper, so close enough. I reply yes if only to ensure the next day isn't as dull as this one has been. The reply comes back �Market square 10am dont be late�. I have hundreds of questions running though my head after this, but the messages are rather abrupt. So I decide they will keep until we meet the next day and simply reply 'no problem, see you there' as I head to bed.
2. The next morning.... I was tired and a little grumpy; never sleep well on the guest bed at my family home. Thankfully no one else is really about, so I simple call out as I leave 'Off in to town, text me if you want anything and I'll bring it back later, bye' I get a muffled 'OK, bye love' from somewhere in the recesses of upstairs. Coat, scaff and gloves on I head out to defrost the car and head off towards Ambridge, my phone chirps on the way but I'm good and leave it. Then it chirps again as I pull into a car park on the edge of town. The messages were Withheld � Your appointment today has been changed, disused bandstand opposite station car park. 10am sharp. Mother � Pls gt a wht lf The second message was the easy one... think she is after bread. So I reply simply OK... The first message is more tricky, I assume it's from the same source as the previous text, but I don't know for sure. I decide to call the number from the other night and see if I get an answer... straight to voice mail. I start to wonder what I should do, then I realize I've been walking towards the station for the last 5 minutes on auto pilot. I tell my self 'in for a penny, in for a pound' and keep walking. I arrive at the bandstand, but there isn't a sole near it. I lean against one of the pillars and wait, it gets to 10am and I'm still there alone. Another 10min goes by, nothing... I start to walk away assuming it's a no show when. Withheld � Patience, turn around. The box is for you. I look back at the still deserted bandstand, only to see a small brown/grey box right in the centre. I pause and have the uneasy feeling I'm being watched. Withheld � Go on then.
Now I know I am... I walk forward looking round to spot someone holding a phone; there aren't many people around... who could it be? I reach the box and bend to pick it up. Withheld � Swap with me, use the gents in the station to get changed. The box contained a white T-shirt, white jock strap and a pair of socks. I put the lid back on and start to wonder what I'm getting my self into. Withheld � I don't want you to freeze, so we'll trade bottom layers. I cross the road and duck in to the one cubical in the toilets that can be locked from the inside... the other 2 doors looked broken. The one I was in didn't give full privacy... there was clearly a glory hole between it and next door. I carefully start to strip and change as I hear someone else enter the room out side, then another. I'm just putting the socks on... half balanced half standing on top on my shoes (cause the floors filth) when... Withheld � good so far, but I've decided I want a sample. Poke your cock though to next door. I start to bend down to look though the hole, when the 3rd person in there slams the door and I jump up realizing I'm still not dresses. Withheld � don't mind him, now or never. So I grab the top edge of the cubical for balance and poke my cock though the hole. A gentle hand touches it, then 2 start to work it as I become more and more aroused. This goes on for a a little while until I'm very horny and ready to explode. Then I feel a toung on my cock head, then a mouth... my god did this guy know how to give good head. Withheld � That's enough of that for now, bandstand as soon as you are dressed. The mouth and hands vanish, leaving me air fucking a hole in a toilet cubical wall. My texter clearly isn't alone. I finish getting dressed, the provided jock/socks are nice so I don't have a problem putting my socks, pants and shirt into the box as requested. I have to pull my coat down to try and hide the obvious erection I now have... I get to the bandstand, but there is still no one there. However there was another box identical to the one I was now holding with my worn socks and paints in. Withheld � Hope you are having fun now, leave your box and take the new one. I swap them over and immediately...
Withheld � If you want to earn some more of the same you have 7min exactly to post the contents of the new box to your home address and get back to the bandstand I open the box to find another box, covered in brown paper Withheld � there's a queue at the post office and you just wasted 20 seconds I drop the outer box on the ground next to the one containing my underwear and walk briskly to the post office; not stopping to look round to see who takes the box. It only takes 2min to get there, but there are several people lined up. So I join the queue and grab a pen and put the address on the package... I really want some more of that guy sucking my cock; I will the queue to move faster. I don't stop to think if I should be sending mystery packages to my self. I reach the window and all but though the box at the postman in the cubical...   Withheld � 1 min to go. I bolt from the post office, and sprint for the bandstand. Before I'm half way... Withheld � times up. I keep running hoping he can't see and arrive at the bandstand 30 seconds late and breathing heavily. Withheld � Next time you won't waste 20 seconds thinking when I give you instructions. You only get 1 more chance to redeem yourself. I was disappointed and started to look down at my feet. I notice the empty box I dropped then I left for the post office was still on the floor, the the other had gone.   Withheld � Don't look so glum, you get 1 more chance.
I quickly look round trying to spot him, as the tingles run up my spine knowing he is watching. No one looking that I could tell... Withheld � bye for now, go home. I'm disappointed and still rather horny, but start to walk away. I make it to the edge of the road Withheld � and take the rubbish home, you'll need it next time. I turn back... the empty box is still there. I wander back and pick it up, turn and start back across town towards my Car and boredom back at home. All in all it had been a diverting couple of hours out, but I would have given anything to have cum in that bathroom. I can't believe I'm letting some completely unseen guy wind me round his finger like this... more to the point I don't understand why I'm letting him. I just put it down to being exceptionally horny. I stop for bread on the way to the Car, towns busy by now lots of people in the shops as the sales are in full swing. Much later that evening when I'm sitting down to dinner with the family, chirp chirp.   Withheld � your next set of tests will take a full day and start when you get your parcel. Just remember do first think second the next time. Mother enquires about who the message was from, I respond 'No one special' put the phone away and continue to eat dinner.
3. How Slow is the Post. For the next few days I'm up and looking for the parcel I sent to my self. It's only coming from just down the road; but 3 days and nothing! Every day I question weather I used this address, paid the postage and especially what was in it. At last on new years eve there is a knock and the postman hands over the package. Better still no one even knew it arrived so far as I could tell. Good for me... didn't want to have to explain it to anyone at home. I head to the bathroom, to get some privacy to finally open it.   The outer paper is off before the bathroom door is locked, it revels another gray-brown box. Next the lids on the floor and I see the contents for the first time. A typed note and a key on a wrist band with number 166... I feel a little silly having gone to hide in the bathroom for that; then better safe than sorry. The key goes in my pocket and my attention turns to the note. 'You have just about proven you can follow instructions, or you wouldn't be reading this. However you need to improve on that during your fitness test. You'll have to get up early, follow orders and break a sweat to earn your next treat. Let me know you received this e-mail [email protected] I flush the toilet for no reason, gab the box and the litter and head to the bin; closely followed by my room & Laptop. I want to ask all kinds of questions, but I some how know I wouldn't get answers. So I send a simple message, 'I have the key, what's next?' Later that evening... I go back and check my messages for the 4th time.
From: [email protected] Subject: Your fitness test. Message: Thanks to new year celebrations you are going to have to wait until Tuesday when opening hours return to normal. You will be taking the day off, so make arrangements if you have to. Be at Morden station at 7am, be wearing trainers and the white ankle socks / underwear I sent you home in last time. Bring the key. Boss
The day off is easy; I'd not planned to go back for another week. Morden is a little village that barely registers on the map, miles from anywhere. It's one saving grace is the fact it has a train station. I'm a little apprehensions about meeting there because it's deserted most of the time, at lease in town there were a few people around to hear me if I shouted for help. Still I can always jump back in the car and run away... So I reply � ' See you Tuesday' The new year passes as uneventfully as ever, the days drag on. Don't get me wrong it's nice to see family, but I prefer them in small doses. No more messages or texts appear either, I start to think I've been forgotten. But I still set my alarm for an early start, so I'm up and slip out of the house before anyone else. Mainly because I don't think I could come up with a lie about what I'm doing up at that hour; so better no one asks. It's further to go than Ambridge, but at that time of the morning it's quiet and the nip in the air from the frost keeps me awake. I just get to Morden for 7; but still no message. 7.05 � still nothing until 3 cars turn up in quick succession, men in suits jump out and head to the platform to catch the city train. Within minutes they have boarded and gone. 7.10 � The frost is making the windows steam up, so I zip up my puffa jacket, pull on my hat and start to pace up and down in the car park. 7.15 � I'm set to get back in the car and go, feeling foolish for even turning up...
Withheld � Time to catch a train, your tickets in the out put bin or the machine where I just left it. Far platform and hurry the trains about due. I Zap the car as I cross the car park, the tickets are there... but the only people I'd seen already left in the other direction. So how did they get there? No time to think... I grab the 2 parts as the train pulls in; along the platform, over the crossing and in just as the doors close. The ticket is good for 3 stops down the line, looks like I'm off to the coast for some sea air... 35 minutes roll passed. The announcement to say the train terminates here plays, I stand up and head to the doors.   Withheld � time for a treat, last carriage last seat on the right. Get it before you leave the train. I turn and start walking to the back, he's here some where... I keep looking as I head back; no-one stands out. I reach the back seat but find nothing. Then I notice a small grey brown box in the overhead luggage shelf. I calmly pick it up and step off the train. This one is lighter than the last... I wonder what I have now? The sea air greets me as I walk towards the exit of the station as I discreetly peek in the box. I'm surprised to find a swipe card with the words 'hannets guest' printed on it. Withheld � It will get you in to the Holiday complex half way down station road. 5 min to be in the gate � go. I start to walk briskly, only to realize I'm walking towards the end of the road I'm already at. Swiftly turn round and go the other way... The stations a long way from the sea, so station road must be a mile long. So my brisk walk turns into a jog, then a run... Withheld � That's more like it. I look round but still don't see anyone; 'who is he'. Withheld � Times up. You need more motivation to work hard for me. I'm not sure what that is meant to mean; but I keep running and arrive at the gate for the holiday complex at least a minute late. If I'd run the whole way I might have managed 5 miniutes. I swipe the card at the pedestrian gate and it pops open. I start to take in the interior of the place; it's in good order � looks expensive. But it's the dead of winter so there aren't many signs of life and there I am puffing from my run. Withheld � Obstacle course, in the trees on the far side of the site. 2 laps in 6 min. Go.
I start at first to jog, then run. I unzip my coat as I pass the other buildings on site � A closed shop, an arcade, pool and gym, closed bar, Equipment hire place... then more less expensive looking accommodation. I scoop my hat off and in to a pocket as I arrive at the course... looks like 6 wooden things in a loop. Didn't look that long and there was a bench in the middle so I go there first and dump my jacket.
Withheld � Warm then? 4 min to go. First wooden thing was sit up bars � the sign said to do 10. Next were monkey bars, some step ups with a do 20 sign. Up the Net climb, along the cable bridge, down the pole... crawl though a part burred concrete pipe that would be wet but for the ice. Last over the gate jump and a 50m dash to the start glancing at my coat to check it's still there. Then round again with my heart pounding, sweating and getting to be a mess. I start the sprint to the end... Withheld � Better, you need to do better than that. I collapse on the bench with my coat, 'How much do I have to do'. Withheld � Gym. Card at the door. Key in the locker; leave the box I've left for you there until later. Get a towel and clean your self up. The pimply assistant takes little notice as I walk into the gym but at least makes the effort to gesture at the pile of clean towels on the end of the counter. I find the male room and locate locker 166 and try my key. It opens and sure enough there is another grey � brown box in the back. I dump my coat and precede to strip to the towel and head to the shower taking the key with me. I'm quickly clean and back to my phone in the locker. Withheld � Box, dress, sauna. I'll come set the timer to give you a tar when you are in. So he's in the building, am I finally going to meet him in a sauna? I roll the towel up and put it in the locker as I take the box out. In side there were 2 things; a printed note Warning � translucent when wet and a pair of white swimming trunks. Who's going to see me here anyway... I pull them on without stopping to think. They don't leave much to the imagination, but the place is mostly empty. I tell my self no one will notice as I clip the locker key to them. I head out of the locker room, passed a 50m pool to 3 small separate sauna areas.   Each area had a door with a port hole window, next to each door was a thermostat and clock. The first one was already occupied by a couple of round old dears with it set on low. You could hear them cackling from out side; I guess that it makes for a nice place to sit and chat when it's like that. I head to the far one, close the door and sit facing it. A couple of minutes pass, then a shape appears in front of the window. He must be a tall, all I see is chest and neck in the window. At that moment the steam starts to pour in and I can feel the temperature going up. I expect the door to open, but the shape moves away. I'm a little dejected to think he didn't come in, but part of me is enjoying the game we are clearly playing. I lay back and enjoy the heat, it makes a change from the cold every where else. That's short lived as the temperate keeps increasing. What feels like half an hour passes, no sound from the timer or sign of my mystery man. The sweat is dripping off me, breathing is hard work in the heat. There was a tap on the door � the life guard popped his head in. 'You OK in there mate, isn't everyone that runs it this hot?' I sit up and say 'fine'. That raises a rye smile from him, so I ask 'how long have I got left on the clock?' He grins back at me 'it's been run down for 5 minutes, that's why I came to ask'. 'Shit, I didn't notice. Sorry' I get up and head for the door. 'Not the only thing you missed, mate' and hands me a towel. I give him a blank look and he gestures down as I reach the door. Firstly I turn bright red, then I start to get aroused as I apologise repeatedly... the white trunks are now translucent trunks thanks to all the sweat. I hastily wrap the towel round my waist and head to the changing room.
4. The price of Stuff. I unlock the locker to see my phone flashing and a printed note on top of my things. 'You don't think that's the only key do you?' He could have taken my stuff, but there it all was. Now the message... Withheld � You've passed basic inspection. Now you have a choice to make, take your things and go or do 20 lengths . If you swim we move to phase 2 and will be busy all day. Phase 2 is more intense.   We started early, so it's barely 10am by now. If I go I don't get to see him, have no chance of the other half of what was going on in the toilets. Equally, I'd go back to being board. What's 'phase 2' when it's at home anyway? Clearly he's not out to mug me... I sit in the changing room and weigh up the options for a couple of minutes before I decide to take a swim to see what happened next. I do the lengths quickly, this time grabbing the towel as soon as I can to hide my dick and arse from the cute life guard. I go directly back to the locker, to see what the next message was. When I open the door this time it's a bit more of a shock; firstly the note. 'I've taken some of your things, to make you earn them back. Go take a cold shower, then get dressed in the outfit provided. Start at the top of the pile and work down. Dump the see though trunks in the bin, unless you want to keep them. When you are ready bring everything you find in the locker with you and head back to the train station; it's time to use your return ticket' My shoes and socks were at the bottom of the pile, but the rest of my stuff had gone. Keys, wallet, phone & cloths; there was a half full bottle of water, an old mobile phone, a key. The pile of cloths that was there looked like it was manly Lycra with something glinting silver on top of the pile. I pick it up for a closer look � turns out to be a sleet cock ring. I remember my instructions and put it all back and take a shower first. The cool water helps me calm down; he has me in his pocket and I'm excited and scared. This game has been giving me a buzz until now; suddenly it feels more serious.   There are more people around now, so the changing room is no longer empty when I'm dry from the shower. I'm not sure how to put the cock ring on without drawing attention. In the end I take it and the top layer from the pile to the bathroom and start to dress in one of the stalls. The cock ring has the immediate effect of making me aroused. Next for the Lycra... it was some sort of sleeveless all in one thing with short legs and a zip from the neck down part way. It was a squeeze to put it on, like with the other items he had provided it was on the small side. I can see both my balls and my now erect dick pointing at my belly button.
I couldn't really hide it, so I stride back to the locker and keep my back to the room; hoping no one will see. Next I find my still muddy track suit top. Then socks, so I have to step back to sit and put them on. I keep nervously half looking round as I go. The last item of clothing turn out to be my still muddy track suit bottoms. Shoes next. The water bottle goes in one pocket, the phone, new key and return part of my train ticket in the other. I still to this day have no idea why I kept the trunks, but I wringed as much water out as I could and put them in the pocket with the water bottle. Then I head out passed the attendant, to the gate I'd arrived though a couple of hours earlier. On to the pavement and back towards the station. By the time I arrived I was feeling a little chilly, but wasn't as cold as I'd expected to be. The Lycra was keeping me quiet warm, the departure board tells me I have a short wait for the next train back so I find a seat on the platform so I can start to look at the phone. It has one number saved � mine. It's sent and receive a couple of messages to... apparently to me. This was the phone 'Withheld' had first exchanged messages with me on. There isn't any credit left to make a call, but the battery is nearly full. Then I get a message, from me... it has to be withheld, he has my phone. 'I like my new phone, not sure you'll like yours as much. Don't miss the train and drink your water' I board the train about a minute after that and slowly sip the water for the 3 stops worth of journey back to the isolated station of Morden. I spent most of the journey wondering what was going to come next and what intense thing I would have to do to earn my stuff back. Thanks to the constant reminder of the cock ring and the Lycra it was difficult to think of much else.
5. Is Moved Stolen? The Journey passes quickly, the phone remains silent. I am the only person to get off at Morden station; clearly a very popular place to go at 11am. I walk down to my locked Car and start to wonder if I could break in if I needed to when the brick in my pocket vibrates. 'Time to take a ride � the key is for the bike at the end of the row' I turn back to the station building and walk to the end. I'd seen the racks when I pulled in, so I unlock the bike in the rack- it isn't just the one at the end; it's the only one. Skinny road tyres and a skinny saddle, breaks worked even thou it had seen better days. Phone goes again... 'Dump the dirty track suit next to your car, you're going to work up a sweat on the bike for me' I wheel the bike back to the car, I feel the cold of the air as I pull the track suit off. Equally lycra and a cock ring didn't leave much to any onlookers imagination. I shiver a little, but the next message soon arrives. 'Left out of the car park over the crossing, then first right down the narrow road to the cross roads. Left there up the hill, right at the top in to a lane. The barn at the end � look for a box.' I re-read the directions so I'm sure where to head, when a second message arrives. 'You have 20min to complete the instructions in the box there, or pay the price for finishing late' I push the phone in a pocket in the lycra suit, attempt to quickly hide my track suit under the car and jump on the bike. Left and bounce over the crossing, I don't see a right turn so keep peddling hard on the flat until I do. The road has a warning sign for a ford, but I take little notice and head along it as it climbs and falls running out in to still slightly frosty country side. Then I reach the ford, there is no way round as the stream cuts across the path of the road. It isn't deep so I keep going, the spray is freezing and plentiful. Thankfully I keep upright and pedal out the other side, colder and with water running into my shoes. The road starts to climb again, so I press on up the gentle slope. The hill is a blessing, it keeps me working hard and I soon warm up after the cold of the ford. The road winds round the side of the hill, when I find a what I would describe at a T junction with a farm track across from it. The track is on the left and it clearly heads up the hill. I stop for a second to look and can make out the path it follows up to the trees at the top of the hill. I can just see a bit of a roof belonging to a barn in the trees... this has to be it. There is no way I can make the climb up there in the time left. I take the turn and keep pushing hard.
There is steam rising from me, because I'm pushing hard up the hill. The skinny wheels are pinging stones left and right as I bump up the hill. I can feel sweat running down my face and my fingers freezing at the same time. My lungs are burning from the cold air but I can't feel my feet are wet and cold. As I approach the barn the track improves; think I've come the back way to get here. There is a tarmac surface on the other approach from over the hill.   The barn has no doors, slot windows and a hole in the roof that I can see from the outside. I get off the bike and wheel it in the open side; propping it up against a wall. Inside I find my car, with my wallet, phone, jacket etc... all out on the back seat. It's unlocked with the keys in the ignition, so he stole it to beat me here? Or did he just move it because I gave him the keys. On the far side of the car is a central support pillar, presumably holding the roof up. At the foot of the pillar a gray brown box...
6. Ah... I know I haven't made it in 20 minutes, I can't of. I could just get in the Car and leave; that's the second time he's given me a chance to just go. I open the box to see what is next if I stay. The typed note reads... 'You are late and will be punished for that if you stay. 1. Strip to the waist. 2. Put one set of handcuffs on each wrist. 3. Stand with your back to the post. 4. Put the hood on. 5. Join the cuffs behind you, round the post. 6. Keep quiet when I speak unless I ask you a question. Simple right?' I'm starting to shiver, the warm sweat is turning to ice. The adrenalin is still flowing so it's easy for me to un-zip the lycra and roll it down to my waist, I quickly clip one then the second set of cuffs to each wrist. The last item I collect from the box is a hood � black leather with a draw string fastening and holes for breathing. I step over to the post holding it, the shivering is getting worse partly from nervousness partly from cold. I drop the hood on and pull the string gently, I don't think to fasten it. Instead I lean back on to the post, take the spare loop on each cuff in a hand each; reach back and a few clicks later I'm attached to the post. I'm there in silence and darkness for a minute or more when I hear footsteps moving round inside the barn with me. Then I hear my car's central locking click shut, I turn my head to look towards the noise. I can't see anything, but the hood moves slightly as I do. I can see a stream of light coming in from the breathing hole. Which is then broken as I scene someone standing in front of me. A course hand presses firmly on my chest, I gasp. �Still here then, you're freezing. Not to worry; I have something to warm you up in the house.� He's softly spoke, but forceful at the same time. The hand slides down to my stomach. �and you haven't eaten.� His hand moves round to the left as I get the sense he's looking me over. The hand moves to my head, and pushes to forwards. �That isn't good enough�
The hood is yanked back into the correct position, the laces pulled tight. Then I feel them being tided off. �better� I'm shivering more all the time. �Ready to take a short walk?� I don't speak instantly and the top of the hood gets a gentle slap. �Well, stay and freeze or walk?� I shudder as I get out �wu-wu-walk please� �walk please what?� I'm not sure what I'm meant to say �Walk please, boss?� �Not perfect but it's a start� I can feel a collar going on over the bottom edge of the hood, it's then tugged forward. I follow it as far as the cuffs and my arms allow. I hear a chain run under my chin, I feel the cuffs part behind the post and they quickly go back together behind my back with both wrists in one pair. Then the second pair snap shut. As cold and shivering as I am the adrenalin starts to pump and the feeling of cold is less than it was. �Follow me� The chain jerks me forward, round the the car and out on to the smooth tarmac path. The breeze is cold without the relative shelter of the barn. Every time I get nervous about walking into the unknown there is a re-assuring tug on the chain to keep me moving. We walk for what feels like a mile, turning left and right on tarmac and gravel paths. Before we slow down. �Carefully over the step� The chain slows but keeps moving as I half walk half feel my way using my numb feet. Over a door step and down on to a solid stone floor. I can feel warm Air round me and hear the door close. The same course hand grasps my shoulder. �Shoes off�
I struggle to kick them off, as I do the floor feels warm under my soggy foot. The hand on my shoulder steadies me, then turns me side ways and guides me down to a seat. �Now the socks� I hear him move away as I fight to get enough feeling in my toes to work the socks off. By the time I get the socks off, but loose track of Mr. Withheld. I here a distant click and the sound of boiling water. He's back at my side in seconds. �Up� The collar yanks me up to my feet and the lycra is pulled down to my ankles. Then I feel a warm towel drying me from the shoulders down.   �Sit again� The Lycra is pulled the rest of the way off to leave me sitting, bound, hooded and but still rather cold. �Lift your feet� I do so, almost on auto pilot. �Higher� He grabs them and raps the towel round them to start to massage them in the towel. I moan gently in the hood as the feeling return to my feet. �I'll soon have you warm again� He keeps hold of my feet, but drops the towel. I feel a leather cuff round one then the other before they are dropped back to the floor. �Now for the head� The collar looses and disappears to the floor near my feet, then the hood loosens and and follows suit. I blink a few times as my eyes adjust to the daylight, when the towel is wrapped round my face and head. I make out the odd detail of what's round me, a big kitchen. But Mr Withheld is behind me, so all I manage to make out is some approximation of his shape. I see an arm, briefly, but no more. A new hood drops over me from behind and slowly pulls tight. I can feel laces pulling it back so it was tight to my face. I'm blind again, but my mouth can move. When the hoods tight, the collar and chain goes back on. �Up� I find my feet, and can feel the chain hanging from the collar in front of me. The cock ring is still there and I hear it clink as the chain touches it. He lifts my arms and replaces the metal cuffs with more leather ones. 
�You're still cold and by my count you have failed me enough times to need correction� The chain is grabbed and yanked forwards once again, he takes me to another room in the house. My feet are kicked apart and the cuffs are connected out to the sides.   �This is for hesitating when I first gave you an instruction the day at the post office� His hand slaps my left Arse cheek, I gasp gently. Then the right, and left again and and again. By the tenth on I'm no longer gasping with every slap. The adrenalin is flowing and I feel warm for the first time in a while. �This is for not taking the litter with you� He slaps again, but with some force and a gloved hand. I wobble a little, he grabs my shoulder with one hand and continues to slap my arse with the other. Again ten times. �Then there was the Walk to the leisure park and the assault course, but that�s more serious. The punishment needs to be fitting. So bend over.� My hearts in my mouth and I hesitate. The chain is grabbed and pulled down, I start to fall forward only to find my self resting over something with a rounded top. I hear the chain thread into something on the floor then pull tight almost making me choke. I wriggle to try and find some slack. �That will be 10 more for hesitation� There's no holding back this time, gloved hands and 10 hard slaps. I let out a little 'Ah...' every now and then. But my heart is pounding, the adrenalin is pumping and I'm hock hard. The whole experience is just so intense, I can't help it. �I see you're enjoying yourself, that's good. But we still haven't dealt with the the Assault course� My hands are unclipped from behind my back and anchored to the legs of the horse I'm bent over. Then without warning I feel a hard thud from a heavy wooden paddle. I let out a loud 'Ahhhh'
7. So I made a mess. �You came with me knowing you were going to be punish but you still came here, you had a couple of opportunities to go that you didn't take. Now you are going to pay for everything you got wrong getting here. When I'm done you'll get your reward, then you'll be allowed to leave� With that he slowly and deliberately delivered 9 more strokes with the paddle, I followed each with a 'Ahhh' louder than the last. Each one took me closer to begging him to stop, but each one reminded me of the cost for not doing as I was instructed.   �Then you stayed in the steam room for to long, lazy boi� The 'but' slips from my lips... �But What� I finally speak to him 'but the timer was broken so I never heard it' �But What, you've forgotten something worse than a broken timer now. Sir or if I'm feeling generous Boss would do. That's 20 more for forgetting twice in under a minute� I whimper gently, as he moves round the room. �You still get the 10 for the sauna, because you picked the broken one to. I can't have you forgetting my name like that ever again. Open your mouth� I open it. �Wider than that� I open as much as the hood will allow, as I do he push something rubber in my mouth. It hardly fits between my teeth thanks to the hood. When it's there I feel a strap tighten behind my head. �If you can't speak, you can't be disrespectful. This is for your own good.� I feel it expand, then more until my mouth is full and I start to gag slightly. I feel it reduce slightly, I try to speak to thank him. 'anc-u-er' is the only noise I make. Not sure he can hear me... �Good boi, but to late to save you for now. 30, with the strap for the next set� The first one stings my warm arse, the next one my thighs.  
�OK, my aim is in. Now we begin properly� The strap comes down with some force, I scream into the gag and tense every muscle trying to move away. �29 to go, by the end you might have learned something� The second was more powerful than the first, I try to scream and fight the bonds. I don't find an ounce of slack when the third one comes down. I beg him, but the gag means the words don't come out. This continues as he works his way down the backs of my legs and up to my Arse again with the next 20 strokes. I am howling in to the gag and crying in side the hood by the time he is done. �Where were we...humm. You'd over stayed the sauna. Then you did something right and decided to trust me and continue� He gently strokes my body, as he moves round to collect something. �For that you get a little reward� I then fell some thing and wet touch my arse. �Relax and let me in, otherwise it'll hurt more than it needs to� I furiously shake my head and clench my hole for a few seconds. Then I feel lube-y fingers work there way in, my head drops and I relax. A wave of pleasure passes over me as the first finger works it way in. Then another with the second. �Good Boi� He starts to move them in and out, I find my self fighting my bonds to move in time with him. �Very good indeed, there is hope for you yet� The fingers disappear, and I feel him standing between my legs. The nipple of a condom touches my leg. I feel something bigger pressing against my hole, then both his hands on my body as he leans in and I feel his cock inside me for the first time. The wave of pleasure was immense, it made the punishment worthwhile. He trusted deeper and dee per still, each time felt better than before. I couldn't help it, and shot my load on the floor. 8. and then it clicked Soon after I felt him almost pulsate as he came inside me. �Did I tell you that you were allowed to cum on my foot?� He steps away for a moment, then I feel him wipe the lube from my backside with the towel. I'm sure my face is bright red with embarrassment if he could see it. I didn't mean to cum like that... it's not like I was even touch my self. The chain my the collar rattles and drops away, something clicks under my chin. Then my arms are released and clipped together in the small of my back. My feet are released.. �On your feet� I wriggle back and plant my feet, then a hand on my shoulder pulls me up. I hear the sound of the heavy horse I'd been bent over being dragged away from me on the tiled floor.   �On your Knees� His hand grabs the collar and half drags half guides me to my knees. The gag deflates and the strap loosens, then it's out drool and all. His hand grabs the back of the collar... �Tongue out. You made the mess, you are going to clean it up. I'll worry about what I do about your continued disobedience after lunch.� I stick my tongue out as he guides my face to the floor, I shift my weight round to keep my balance. My first taste of the floor makes me try to pull away, but his hand firmly holds my face down. �Don't miss any� He guide my head left and right, as I lick up salty cum, spilt lube and grit from the floor. �And my foot�
The hand lets go and my nostrils fill with the aroma of his foot. I feel a toe first and shuffle forward so I can work my way round his foot. I find more cum and get a taste of his skin. I work my way back down to his toes and stop when I can't find any more cum. �Get between the toes, there is some fluff in there for you as an extra treat� I start at his little toe and get my tongue between each toe as I work my across. When I get to the big toe he lifts his foot. I follow it until I'm up on my knees and he is pressing it towards me and into my mouth. I keep licking and sucking my way round his foot. He turns it further, I twist my head to the side and work my way down the sole with my tongue. The grit from them is awful, but he keeps his foot there and hasn't said to stop. I keep working my way round it, when the grit had gone it was really pleasurable to taste his skin. I decide to take a chance and speak out of turn �Sir, would it please you if I clean the other foot to. Sir?� His foot disappears from in front of me, then I get a big toe pushed deeply in to my mouth.   �Get on with it then� He keeps his foot still and I work my way round it, again the grit from the sole isn't pleasant but when it's gone the flavour of just the skin is making me so horny. I couldn't have believed something like that would have me so aroused. �Enough, with me� With that a hand grabs the collar and takes me across the room. He tips my head down and moves me forward. He un-clips my hands and pushes me further forward, so I crawl as I now feel my my way. �Wait in there while I eat� A metal door shuts behind me and the bars touch my feet. I hear a click, then it all goes quiet. 9. All floaty like. I still can't see but start to feel my way round, firstly I find bars to either side of me. I edge forwards and find more bars. There's a metal sheet below me and above me. It's a tight fit, but I turn my self to face back the other way... my fingers find the latch in the door with a large lock keeping it closed.   I bash against the sides a few times as I get comfortable sitting in the middle. Then I start to feel my way round the cuffs on my wrists an ankles... each with it's own lock. I feel over the hood and down the lacing at the back to where it disappears under the collar. I work my way round it, counting 3, no 4 metal loops round it. Then the buckle complete with it's own padlock. I get to my knees and feel the marks on my backside and legs, they are still a little sore. Time passes and I can hear distant noises, maybe a tv or radio with the mid day news. Doors open and close, but he doesn�t come back. I move round a few times trying to find some comfort in my metal surroundings without much luck. The distant noise disappears and I can't tell how much time has passed, I know I'm getting hungry as I haven't eaten. Soon the only sound is my stomach rumbling, as I lean against the bars wondering if I've been forgotten. �By the sound of it, it's time you were fed� I head the sound of metal on metal move just ahead of me. �On your knees� I scramble for space to get to my knees and bash into the bars on one side of me as I go. I feel a hand rub over the elbow the took the hit. �Head up, high� I'm up on my haunches with my arms stretched and my head just touching the top of the cage when a hand grabs the collar and pulls me forward until my cuffed hands meet the bars ahead of me. Each on is juggled and attached to the corner of the cage nearest it. My hands then pulled forwards and down slightly... passed where my hands are. Then something hard presses down on the back of my neck. Then I feel the cuffs on my ankles get pulled and attached to the rear corners of the cage behind me. �I'm going to feed you, and give you a drink. Every time you so much as make an un-favorable noise while I do that you will be left unable to move for a further 5 minutes at the end of feeding time. If you spit anything out it will be 15� My Hands and knees were already not liking the bare metal sheet that formed the base of the cage. I then felt a hand on my thigh... another cuff � then the other side. Each pulled to the sides of the cage and fixed there... next he repeats this with my elbows. Soon the only movements I can make are to arch and lower my back and nod my head. �Don't worry, you foods coming when you are properly dressed for it� The top of the hood is clipped back then his hands run something round my waist. This belt is tighten then I feel it pull me up and back, oddly this helps my knees because the weights be shifted off them. One more belt is passed round my chest and pulled up so that it takes some of the load from my arms. I'm truly helpless... I can speak or open my mouth, but no more. �Open wide� I do, can taste a combination of fingers and buttered white bread. �make sure you get the butter off my fingers� He didn't need to tell me twice, that was the best meal I've ever had. Then more bread, fingers and Marmite! I hate it and gave a loud 'urrrrgggg'. I was given a different bread, fingers and something every time... raw egg, pepper, garlic, ginger, horrible cheese, I let out a noise every time until we got to the chilli. Normally I can deal with hot food, but the flavours were all just to much like this and I spat it out. �Clearly you like it in there and want to stay� I feel a straw against my lips... �Drink this, all of it� I pout and start to suck on the straw... just water and what must have been a pint or so of it. �There are still a couple of bits that can move, soon as I've taken care of them your 45 minutes starts�   For the life of me I couldn't think what he was on about. �Open wide� A gag is strapped into place, it's so big my mouth is held wide open. A hand firmly grabs my balls from behind... �These are going to stay.... abbooouuuttt here� He says as a rope is quickly looped round and pulled tight. Then I feel some pressure against my arse, some lube and the tip of a plug. I groan gently as it goes in and start to get hard again. �I said you were going to stay there... and that's movement. Soon fix that� I let out a massive yep into the gag as the rope round my balls is pulled hard. My eyes start to water inside the hood. I then feel the plug in my Arse gradually get bigger and bigger... it stops but I couldn't have taken any more. To cap if off my jaw was also starting to hurt. �Your time starts now� I try to shake my head or protest, but nothing happens, I couldn't move enough to gesture or make enough noise to speak. For the first couple of minutes I'm tense and trying to move, to fight but then suddenly I start to relax... I'm not completely comfortable, but I let the straps start to take my weight. More minutes slip passed, and I relax further, so the straps take all my weight and the plug is even less noticeable now I'm not fighting it. It starts to feel like I'm floating there, just fixed in nothingness. I even start to get drowsy after, errr... I don't know how long any more.
10. I'll be back I wake with a start as a hand strokes my arse, I forget where I am for a second and try hopelessly to move. �So you were sleeping in there, impressive. Not seen anyone do that in a very long time� The hand runs up and down the visible flesh on my back. �Time I woke you up, looks like you found some slack� I yelp into the gag as the rope attached to my balls is tighten up more, my heart jumps into my mouth again. The plug starts to grow and I realize I'm getting hard again. �You like that, don't you� I feel a hand on head, the gag loosens and then carefully slides out. I let out a gentle 'urrr' as I close and open my mouth a few times. The a hand gently rubs it on each side, I tough it with my tong as it massages my face. �You like how I taste� I get 2 fingers in my mouth, I close and start to such on them. I relax in to my bonds and start to let my self float there, just tasting his finger. The sensation is just indescribable, I just want to stay like this. But he takes the fingers away and asks... �Well do you?� I gently reply 'Yes Sir'. �Want to get out or want some more of me?� I say 'more please Sir' without even thinking about it. I hear I gentle chuckle and get 2 more fingers exploring my mouth, I start to explore each finger with my tong. As the fingers move out I can smell something, sweat, musk, something I like. I can taste it on the air as the fingers withdraw. �Tong out� I open wide and stick my tong out, for a few seconds nothing happens. Then I feel and taste a drop of sweat on my tong, I savour it there for a moment. Swallow it and stick my tong back out for more. �Good Lad� I get a few more drops, each feels more amazing than the last. I mumble 'thank you Sir'. He chuckles, then I feel skin and hair as the smell intensify s. I like it and lick what I think is part of his crotch. I feel him carefully turn round letting me run my tong round him as he turns. I cross one muscular thigh, then a pert arse cheek. He stops and moves back to plan his crack in front of my tong. I strain to move to get further in, he starts to bend forwards and press his hole to my mouth. My tong stay push out as far as I can keep it, the sensations are incredible. I'm just a tong floating in space, everything is about the sensations from it. I push it into his arse as hard as I can. I hear him almost purr like a cat as push and push again. He slowly stands up so I run my tong up his crack. �Very Good Boi, more� I gasp 'God, Oh please, more, that's awesome Sir' I hear him laugh. �You've turned into my personal slut, anything just for my attention. Could get to like that� I stick my tong back out, he chuckles. Then I feel some more skin, softer than before. I work my tong round it and realize it's his cock head. I try to move closer so I can reach more but can't do anything. I think he see that I tried and un-clips the hood so I can move my head a little. His cock head is big, but not massive. Now I can move my head a little I work my way round as much as I can reach tasting every square millimetre. �Want more of that to� I lick my lips 'Please Sir'. �You will have to pay for it later, you don't get that for free boi� I hesitate, I want to ask what the price will be. Then I reply 'Can I please have your cock Sir, I'll pay later however you want' He laughs out loud and I can feel his dick on my tong and the edges of his cut cock head on my lips. I gently close my mouth on it and lick the tip as I do. I stretch my neck to get more, then relax back as he edges closer. I can feel him getting harder and his cock growing in my mouth.   He starts to thrust back and forth, gently at first then harder and deeper as he becomes fully erect. I get a nose fully of his mush every time he leans in; the taste and the aroma of him is everything in that moment. I gag a little is he leans in further each time, I can't move back but I don't want to; every time he leans in a little more, for a little longer. I gag more every time but start to time my breaths to fit between thrusts. As he pulls back I feel a hand under my chin, then the collar is removed.   �Close your eyes and keep them closed� He leans right in, I gag, I choke, I can't breath, my mouth, my throat is full of his dick. His hands work quickly on the back of the hood as I start to panic because I can't breath. He moves back just long enough for me to take a breath then back into my throat again. Then next time he moves back the hood goes with him, drops to the side. He quickly grabs my hair and pushes his dick back into my gasping mouth. If I'd been able to move my arms I would have pulled him closer, I'm rock hard and all I want is his cock in my throat. He keeps hold of my hair and uses it to move my head to where he wants it. I start to taste his pre-cum as he chokes me with dick again and again, every time he dose I keep my lips tightly clasped to it.   He leans in one more time, pulling hard on my hair as I choke on his dick. I start to fight it, try to push it back with my tong. I feel like I'm about to black out when I feel a judder and his cum in the back of my throat. He withdraws to leave his cock head resting on my tong, I gasp for air as the last few spots drip there. I start to lick his cock as I catch my breath, he lets go of my hair and steps away. �You can open your eyes now� I blink in the light as he walks off behind me. So I still don't get to look at him. �I'll be back to get you out when I've cleaned my self up�
11 . Until next time. I hear a shower run somewhere near by, it stops very soon after and I hear him approach. His towel brushes passed my face as he silently works his way round the cage, first loosening then releasing each strap and tie in turn. As I start to move I realize I must have been there longer than expected as my muscles ache as I start to move again. He releases my head and neck back in to the cage, at last I look-up to see him. Clearly about my age and wait I know that face... I quickly look back down, then up. I do know him, just... �You know I nearly walk up to you to say hello that first day at the band stand� he pauses as he un-clips my hands from the corners of the cage. �I walked passed at 10, then back passed about 5 minutes later to do a double take; that's why I left you hanging there for so long�. He pauses behind the cage and un clips my feet, picks something up and circles to the front again. Leans in to look me in the face and sits a glass of water in the cage. �Sit down, drink slowly; I'm a long way from done with you� I turn my self over slowly and lean against the side of the cage. This time without lumping it with an elbow; the benefit of eye sight. �Took me ages to realize where I knew you from, thankfully my pup working in the post office. So asked him to pop in to work on his morning off and get the name from the box you sent home� After everything else today, I'm barely disturbed by the fact he's been investigating me and sip the water still looking at him puzzled but knowing the face. �The name didn't help me remember, but your facebook page did� I take another sip of water and start to regain some more of the scenes that had switched off a little while earlier. I can't think of anything on my facebook page that helped me identify him. But I still know that face from somewhere. He drops a key on to the cage floor in front of me. �Take the cuffs off, don't think you'll get out of there without them.� I finish the water and slowly start to remove the cuffs. He walks over to a side board while I'm distracted and returns camera in hand. �The price for sucking my dick is a smile� he chuckles but can probable see I'm not that comfortable with the idea. �It's just for my private collection, a keep sack of an entertaining day� I drop the cuffs our to one side of the cage as he takes the first picture. I didn't smile � �On your knees, hands behind your head. And smile for me, or I'll find another price for tasting me that you won't like� I do as I'm told, even manage a nervous smile for him this time. �Better� I can see him smiling back at me, the nerves melt slowly as a few more pictures are taken. �That's adorable, now turn round and show me that nice red backside. On your knees, look back over your shoulder at me.� He's really enjoying it and I want to please him. Before long he opens the cage and I continue to model in different positions bent over the cage, leaning on it, laying on the floor looking up at him. We must have been taking pictures for 20 minutes of so, he had 100's by the time he was happy. He points to a chair by the wall with a bag on it �Home time, get dressed. I'm going to do the same, wait there when you're done.� He heads out the door and leaves me to it. I fish my things out of the bag, dress and stand there. He's soon back, hands me my car key and... �You'll have to take me back to the station so I can collect my car, yours is in my barn. It's this way� He gestures towards the door. �Move it bitch� He stops to lock up as we emerge from what turns out to an old farm building that had clearly been converted into a house. Outside was a tarmac driveway, lawns, boarders, hedges all enclosed by mature woodland. All looking a little wet and winter like. Even so it was dence enough to keep any prying eyes from looking in. We follow the drive way to a t junction under the trees and turn left, just ahead of us was the barn. We all to soon reach my car he issues 'Left here' and 'next right' orders until we are back at the station.   �I have your details, will be in touch when I want you back for a longer visit. � He steps out of the Car, but leans though the door. �and if you don't turn up all the pictures end up on your facebook page. Take care boi� He shuts the door, heads to a Range Rover in the corner of the car park. Gets in and drives away while I'm still sitting there wondering what just happened. A few seconds later I drive away and head for home.
I search for the house on line when I get home only to discover it's a holiday let, an expensive one. With little else to go on I soon abandon trying to identify him.   12. you can't fault me Several days go by, I pack and leave my parent home and go back to my pathetic flat. I get back in to my usual routine of work by day and dinners for one by night. A week passes, then two it isn't long before the end of January passes. On a rare night out with friends the subject on the holidays comes up; I tell them a little about what I did. They are a little taken back that I did that; but one of them quips �I'm not surprised, it's always the quiet ones�. Other than getting a few more off the cuff remarks not much is said. February turns into March; the days get longer, so I'm able to get out for a run after work when the weather lets me. I'm back trawling the adverts and the dating sites looking for something / someone to share the evenings with; I even joined a couple of the darker kink sites to try to re-live my christmas/new year treat. I chat to a few people on line, but fail to find or connect with anyone new as the weeks go by.   2 months have gone by, The is a message from [email protected] with the subject 'Your Recent Interview'. Then... 'Boi, After conducing several first round interviews with numerous prospective candidates I have decided to put you though to the second round. This will involve a detailed examination of all the attributes you displayed during your first physical. It will also require that you attend a short training course lasting 4//5 days in order to ensure you would be ready to perform all the duties required should a long term contract be offered. If you wish to continue text 'round 2 please' to my number or reply to this message. Regards Sir (John)' I find my heart in my mouth again for the first time in two months just from an e-mail. I reply immediately... 'round 2 please Sir'. Then realize it says 4 or 5 days, guess I was taken by the moment or the chance to see him again. He has also given me a clue about his identity, it's not long before I'm looking at facebook for every John connected with every friend I have on there. Other than wasting hours and getting me to bed late I find nothing useful. Guess he'll tell me when he's ready. The next morning I arrive at work looking like a zombie but still buzzing a little because my mystery man had been back in touch. I drag my way to 5pm, skip my run and return home early. (69) (id: deleted: jabril)  deleted: jabril Fri 20/7/12 20:39 There was a new message from [email protected] among the other rubbish in e-mail, it had only arrived there just after I got home.   'Boi As the first to accept the round there are 3 available dates for you to choose from, these are listed below. On the start date in question you will be expected to arrive at 'Ilseworth' Train station for 11am. You are to wear a T-shirt, jeans, socks, shoes and nothing else; you are to carry a rucksack containing: 1 toothbrush 1 clean set of underwear 1 clean pair of socks Your house keys � in the bag only Your mobile phone � in the bag only Your return train ticket (5 day return) � in the bag only When collected from the station you will be expected to hand the bag over; you will be searched and any items on your person will be disposed of. 5 days / 4 nights later you will be returned to the station and given the bag back.   Date options �..' I replied to pick the middle option only to notice a second message subject PS. 'PS Have you worked out how you know me?' I also reply to this message, simply 'No Sir'. No more message appear, so I look to see where the station is; cause I've never heard of it. When I look it's on a remote stretch of the south coast. The tickets not cheap with 2 changes etc... I'm going to be up in the middle of the night to be there for 11am... first trains just after 5 in the morning to get there in time. Next morning I have a spring in my step when I arrive at work, the first thing on my addenda � book a weeks holiday towards the end of march. I get a 'whats gotten in to you since yesterday' from the guys there. I tell them a good nights sleep, but I knew different. Two reply messages were waiting when I got home. The first simple says booked � see you at 11am on the Monday morning. The reply to the PS was more interesting.... 'Boi, In that case lets play a game. You guess how/where from; for every wrong or fluffy guess you give me you pay either with either your arse or mouth. If you work it out you win a day of pleasure; by that I mean I'll find as many ways to make you cum in 1 day as is possible. Just to give you a fighting chance I'll give you a clue for every 2nd wrong guess. Regards Sir' I want this guy, so I start coming up with deliberately wrong guesses to force him to have sex with me... not sure if that's wrong, but you can't fault me for trying. 13 See You Tomorrow Over the intervening weeks we trade messages every day, mainly as I try to guess who he is. My first couple were of guesses were clearly very wrong even a little silly. Both wrong, so I ask for my first clue. His e-mail back... 'Boi If you don't take the game seriously I'll find a way to make you regret it. You've already had your first clue Regards Sir (JOHN)' I should have asked for my next clue, not my first. I try more complete but serious guesses about school and same swimming teacher... I don't want him calling the game off, I want him at the end. 'Boi Both wrong, that makes 4 I have to reclaim how I see fit. Your clue is that we never had the same teacher to the best of my knowledge. Regards Sir' That rules out my next few ideas about what to suggest. I go with shopping at the same supermarket � not that I think it's likely, because of where we are meeting. Also try same church � cause I was in the choir when I was young. 'Boi I didn't know you were a church mouse! I don't do my own food shopping. That makes 6; you are thinking back to far. I didn't meet you until after you finished school. Regards Sir' I automatically think about university, but we never had the same teacher or so he says. Maybe that was a clue in more ways than one. I was in 4 sport or social clubs there, I list off all 4. 'Boi You skipped a clue this time, and you were wrong so that makes 10. Just so you don't forget again you don't get one this time. Next two boi? Sir' I haven't got a clue, literally. So wonder where else he could know me from... eventually ask if he worked at the place my car came from � as I had posted about that on Facebook. Also ask if he's a member at the same Gym, cause that's there to. 'Boi No, but good to know you keep fit. That makes 12 � you must really want the prize to keep guessing. Your clue is that we have been in the same place for the same reason. Sir' That could mean any where or when and I'm almost out of days until we meet again. So if I'm going to guess it needs to be soon. Works busy, because I need to finish things in time for the week off so keeps me from thinking about it to much. Do we drink at the same pub or are you a customer where I work are my next guesses. I don't get an e-mail back until the Saturday before our meet. 'Boi Been busy packing and working, both wrong makes 14. Your clue is that you are getting warmer! Ready for Monday? Sir' I'm quick to reply with the names of 2 places I go to drink with friends and to say yes if a little nervous about spending that amount of time with him. 'Boi You'll be fine so long as you behave, cold again so 16. Regards Sir' Must know him from work some where, I can't place him there. I know all the people in my office; would even say I know all the faces in the building. Maybe he works at one of the other companies that share the site. So I make them my next 2 guesses. 'Boi That's 18 now, but you are so very close. You can have 2 more guesses but I won't tell you if you were right until we meet. Regards Sir' My last message.. 'Sir I don't think you work for the same firm as I do, but I'll make that one of my remaining guesses. Otherwise do you work for the parent company? See you Tomorrow. Boi'
14. Not another box. My alarm goes off in what feels like the middle of the night, i've hardly slept because i'm nervous. I pull the cloths on I laid out last night, I must have checked the pile of stuff 5 times yesterday to make sure I haven't put something on or in my bag that i'm not allowed to. I'm the first person in the station car park, I walk over to the ticket machine and slot my card in to collect the ticket I'd already ordered. I dropped it in my bag and crossed to the far platform to wait for the first train south. No one speaks to me even to check the ticket for the duration of the 3 hours, it's dark and I mainly doze until I'm at the end of the line. At 8am I'm finding my way across the city using the tube, by 8.30am I'm heading up to the over ground stations and out towards the coast.   Two more changes of train later, I'm nearing my stop before the phone goes off. Withheld � Much much closer guesses last night boi but still not correct, makes 20. Must know me from work... but how? The phone chirps again. Withheld � See you at the station in 10min. I stop trying to work out where I know him from as the sudden reality of the situation hit's me. What am I letting my self in for, what was I thinking? I get the last minute jitters only ten times worse that I have ever managed before; I was starting to panic when I got another chirp. Withheld � Drink your water. Some how that calms me down, not even sure why. But I sip the rest of the water as the train pulls in, I dump the bottle in the bin as I get off. I walk in to the station building and out the other side into the car part to wait. I hope I won't be out side to long, it isn't to warm and I soon feel the cold. A minibus with darkened windows parks facing away from me on the other side of the car park. Withheld � Your ride has arrived. Get in the rear door, close it behind you and sit down. The driver will bring you to me. I calmly walk up to the bus and try the rear door. It won't open, then I hear a central locking motor pop the lock open. I try again and it opens, so I hop in and shut the door. I hear it lock behind me as I take the first available seat � back row across from the driver. Normally I'd have gone further forward, but the middle row of seats walled me in to the back part. He says nothing and starts the engine. His phone chirps, then mine. Withheld � Seatbelt. The instant I click the belt in the bus starts to move. I try to look at the driver, but can only see the back of his head and some of his white top from all the way at the back. Think he might be wearing sun glasses to; but I'm not sure. Thankfully it's nice and warm in here, in fact very warm. I start looking round and out of the windows as the bus finds it's way out of town and on to the main road. Firstly I notice that all the seats in the middle have been removed, just leaving the split back row and the full row that is ahead of me. I also spot that one of the seat belts in that row is pulled down so lean forward to see why. To my surprise there is a large ish brown/grey file box strapped to the seat. It's the kind with hand holes on either side � foolishly I lean further forward to try to look in one of them. Then I notice that it's got my name on the label. I remember what happened the last time I opened one of his boxes and think equal amounts of glee and horror 'Oh no, another box'.
15. The pup hadn't got a clue. Withheld � in 5 min the bus will stop, the driver will leave. You will climb over in to the seat in front of you. Then open the box for more instructions. My eyes instantly turn back to the box in front of me, I crane my neck trying to look in the handle hole. The bus breaks and turns down a side road that takes it up hill, steep enough to make the engine struggle and push me back into my seat. We crest the hill and sweep down into a quiet valley with the odd building nestled among grass fields, hedges and farm animals. The bus turns back up the hill along a farm track eventually coming to rest next to a cow shed. The driver gets out, locks his door with the key and leave the key on the window screen where I can see it. He gets on a scooter thats parked ahead of the bus, puts a crash helmet on that is sitting on the handle bars and rides back passed the bus and off behind me to the road. I scramble over the top of the row of seats and come to rest sitting next to the box. There is an envelope marked read me taped to the side, so I open it and take out the note in side... 'Boi You've taken a big step forward coming here like this, so you have earned a reward. If you want to leave now open the door and walk away, otherwise follow these steps to collect it. 1 � sit in the middle seat. 2 � place the box at your feet. 3 � empty it to your right. 4 � put your bag to the left. 5 � strip to your socks, putting everything you take off in the box. 6 � turn your phone off and put it in the box along with your bag. 7 � put the box on to the far left seat. 8 � place the shackles behind both front legs of you chair and lock your feet in. 9 � seatbelt on. 10 � one set of handcuffs per wrist. 11 � hood on. 12 � then cuff your arms to the far left and right head rests. I'll be watching and bring your rewards with me. Sir' I follow the instructions to the letter, it's not until I drop the hood on that I start to feel nervous again. But I quickly cuff my left hand and stretching right can just push the other cuff closed on to the head rest with my now shaking hand. The reality of the situation sinks in, naked, restrained, alone and don't know where I am. I panic and pull at the cuffs, try to kick out. I can't and that only makes it worse, but then I hear the side door open and that familiar voice. �Look who we have here then� - as he climbs in and sits to my right. �no need to panic, you're safe� - he sits back against my arm. �Sit� - I hear someone else climb in the door and sit on the floor. He puts his arm round me, I instantly relax. �There boi, much better now aren't you� I rested my head over on to his shoulder with a quiet 'yes Sir'. I then feel a nose in my crotch. �This is Ethan, you 2 half met before. He is one part your reward for getting here� He removes his arm, I feel hands gather the hood at my neck � then a strap fasten under my chin. �The collar is yours to keep, you might even get to see it later� He reaches behind my head and clips the collar to the head rest. Then runs his hand down my chest, across my torso, in to my crotch where he cups my balls. It's then I realize how horny and adrenalin fuelled I am. He gives a gentle squeeze as I writhe in the chair. �Ethan, I want these empty. He's all yours for an hour, no biting or you won't get to cum all week.� I hear a whimper. �OK pup, you can nibble but no bites. I like this one� He likes me, awesome! He gives a hard squeeze so I cry in pain, but soon lets go. He talks in my ear. �There is no one in side 4 miles, so no need to hold back. Scream if you want� Then he giggles, tightens the collar and moves to a different seat. I feel Ethans hands on my knees, as he licks my balls, then crotch, belly button and up to my nipples. I can feel his smooth face come to rest on my chest where he genty chews one nipple then the other. He works my dick with one hand while he licks ever available inch of my flesh. I know I'm close and try to fuck his hand. He notices to and just about gets his mouth in to position to lap up my mess. I feel Sir squeeze my balls hard again. �Plenty left, again Pup� Ethans hands now worked over my body while he sucked. He pinched me, crushed and twisted my nipples the more I cried out the more Sir just laughed in the background. He let this Pup's game of agony and ecstasy continue for maybe 2 hours. Just stopping for a hard squeeze every now and then. By the time Sir called a halt I'd cum 3 times, got cramp in in places I didn't know existed and would have said exhausted if I'd been asked. Not that I was. �Put his shoes back on him and clean him up, I'll get the last part of his reward from the glove box� A minute or two and a hand full of wet wipes later my flaccid penis was clean, my shoes were on and the collar was unclipped from the chair. My head slumped forward as Sir returned. �Good pup, you enjoyed your self didn't you. Wait outside.� Sir grabs my balls again, but this time he pushes them into something metal; he quickly finishes doing what ever it is. When he has I can feel metal encasing my man parts and hear locks snap shut there and under my chin. He loving rubs my arms as he unlocks them, then my legs. Lastly he helps me to my feet, un- tucks the hood to greet me with a huge smile quickly followed by a deep passionate kiss. All my Christmases arrived at once, I could live in that moment for ever. �Ethan, drive us up the the house� �You need to practice, it's only a little way up the track. You'll be fine� He turns out to look like blond bad boy pop idol type and is looking a bit of a mess � my fault I'm sure. Sir sits me down in his arms as Ethan shunts the bus back and forth up the track. The Pup hadn't got a clue how to operate a clutch, we stalled 4 times. Clearly he had other attributes.
16. The door shuts. Minutes later we shudder to a stop outside a white painted farm house with outbuildings, garden and other things beyond.   'Ethan, take this one to the kitchen and show him where things are. He can make the Tea while I put the Bus away and file his box' With that the side door to the bus is opened and Sir helps me off the step. 'Milk and none for me, the pup takes 1 sugar. Get yourself something to.' With that the Pup shrugs he head to his right to started round the side of the house as Sir started the bus shunted off towards a barn. I'm all but naked and it's cold so I start after the pup and quickly follow him into the side of the building, up 4 stone steps and into house. We stop in a utility room where he takes his shoes and socks off � he says nothing and just stands there until I follow suit. He then moves into the kitchen beyond � it has a tiled floor, but it's warm to the touch as I enter.
Ethan opens all the cupboards as he walks passed stopping to point at cups, glasses, containers marked Tea and Coffee. He closes the doors again, opens the fridge and puts a filter jug half full of water next to the kettle than stands and looks at them. I look at him and back to the kettle still expecting him to speak. I give up waiting after a few seconds and start making Tea and looking for mugs. While I busy my self he slips away into another room. I don't notice until I look round because I hear the door shut in the outer room. Sir walks in with a smile just as the Kettle clicks off. I fill the water jug and pug it back in the fridge to work as Sir sits down. �Looks like I have already found 1 more uses for you � Tea Boi. Bring mine here then you can drink yours sitting on the floor here next to me.� As he spoke Ethan returned completely naked and carrying a collar, I have to confess to tipping my head to one side to get a better look. He was one hung Pup. He knelt down at Sirs feet and held out a collar he had carried with him in to the room. �You don't get away that easy Pup, sit on the Chair and drink your Tea. When we are done I want you in your mitt's, muzzle, pads and puppy harness for the rest of the evening�
It was quiet clear that Ethan was happy about that; the smile was clear to see. I deliver both of them a Tea, then return with my own and sit on the floor next to Sir. �Bet you are glad this place has under floor heating� I smile and say 'Yes Sir' then sip my Tea. The same can't be said for Ethan, he's blowing on his Tea and trying to drink it as quickly as he can. Clearly he is looking forward to something and soon finishes. He starts to get up. �SIT, I said when WE are finished Pup. You are going to wait until we have both finished and I think you might have to have have a tail to. Just for impatience� Sir and I slowly drink the rest of the Tea. �Boi cups in the dishwasher� he points. �Then you'll have to see what else we have in store for you� I deal with the cups. �Both of you better come with me.� Ethan is close behind and I follow a few steps behind. We leave the kitchen into a dimly lit hall way with a couple of doors open to the rooms beyond. There are stairs going up to a landing with maybe 3 more doors visible. Sir opens the door below the stairs and steps down with a �
�Watch the first step, it's a little close to the door� He and the Pup disappear down into the room beyond. The cellar below the house was section off by dividing walls. The first room just had a couple of wooden benches, a large low table and some sort of side board. I passed them quickly in to the next room. This room had all kinds of things in it, more than my eye could take in... lots of small items all displayed in cabinets. Steel, leather, rubber... at one end a rail of hangers with god knows what on it. One end of the room contained a bed behind a set of bars with a small door in them � the cell was just bigger than the bed it contained. The middle of the room again had a large low table. �Welcome to the store room, every fantasy I've ever lived out or want to is stored in here somewhere boi� 'yes Sir' �In� he gestures passed me to the cage door. I turn, open the door and duck as I step in. Sir turns to one of the units and puts a hand full of items on the table. �Pup � on the table.� Ethan quickly complies as Sir comes up to the Cage. He closes the door and cluncks a big lock shut on the door. �If you forget to say yes sir when I tell you to do something again I'll punish you boi. Further more if you don't sit there and keep quiet you'll be spending the night in there with no bedding� 17 I call out again.
Sir returns to the table where Ethan is waiting.   �Knee pads on� Ethan puts the pads from the table on. �Hands� He offers Sir his hands and they are quickly strapped into a set of mitts. �On your knees and open wide� Sir pushes what looks like a large mouth guard in to his mouth. �Close, in the right place?� Ethan nods and sir drops a muzzle over his head and works the straps tight. �Up, then give me a foot� With that Ethan stood, balanced on one foot to raise the other one. Sir moved next to him to steady him as he quickly fitted ankle cuffs. �Kneel on the table Pup, face the wall�
I see sir clip the Pup mitts to the far corners of the table, pick up another item then he stood behind the pup in my line of sight. He was there working on something to the rear of the pup for several minutes. �Now you can wait like that until I'm ready for you, one day you'll learn to be patient� Sir turns and walks towards me. �I'm going to take care of some business in the office, keep an eye on the pup for half an hour. He can't go anywhere, but shout me if he misbehaves� 'Yes Sir' - with that he leaves the room and leaves me locked in a cage looking at the Pup. I soon realize he has fitted a harness to the waist of the pup with a tail, the pups feet are clipped to the sides of it. The Pup is wearing a cock ring and he was closely trimmed everywhere I could now see. His knees are clipped to the rear corners of the table. He also has a wide belt that is pulled down to the table at each side that is making his backside point out and up. Lastly his muzzle is clipped to an exposed rafter, meaning his arms are stretched and his head was kept up. He was clearly enjoying it as much as I was admiring him. He kept trying to move and every motion made me wish I was free to go over there and stroke him. He was getting hard and trying to fuck the air with the little movement he had. That just made me want his Arse all the more; but it only served to remind me of the metal prison that was currently locked on to me. 
I'm not sure about the amount of time that has passed, but I start to hear a gentle whimper from the Pup. I start to worry he has been stuck still for to long so I shout 'Sir, the pup is whimpering'. I don't hear any movement and am about to shout again when Sir appears at the door. �He can take hours like that Boi, he is just board and trying to get attention. Take no notice, I still have things to do� With that he disappears into the other room again. A few minutes pass and the whimpering starts again and slowly gets louder. Eventually I call out again 'Sir, the whimpering is very loud. Is there anything I should do?' A moment later Sir is back at the door.
18 A muffled yelp �Work is taking longer than I'd like, so the Pup will have to wait.� He pauses and looks thoughtfully round the room. �Unless you occupy him�. Then he giggles slightly. He crosses the room and hangs a chain from the rafter in the ceiling, then he opens the cage door. �Stand behind the pup� I walk over 'here Sir?' He puts a hand on my shoulder and moves to until my metal chastity device is almost touching the Pups balls. �There's the spot� He then clips the chain from the rafter to the back of my collar so I can't move any further forward.   �Step back� I move back. Sir puts something round my middle, then fastens the straps. I glance down to discover an 8 inch long dildo poked out in front of me. �You don't touch the Pup with anything other than the dildo, use plenty of this� He hands me a bottle of lube, and walks round the Pup stroking his body. �The new boi is going to play with you, cause I have work to get on with� The pup shakes his head and whimpers while Sir unclips his tail and takes out the small plug. The Pup continues to whimper and shake his head.
�Boi step forward� I do and Sir guides the tip of the dildo into the Pups arse. �Boi remember no touching the Pup, but you must fuck him with the dildo until I get done for the evening. Use lots of lube; got it?� 'Yes Sir, fuck with lots of lube until you come back. Don't touch the Pub.' �Good Boi�, with that he headed out of the room to the sound of the pup whimpering more loudly than ever. I squeeze the lube onto the dildo and edge forward to push it slowly into the fidgeting, whimpering Pup trapped in front of me. I slowly move my hips to keep the dildo moving, the whimpering turns to heavy breathing as the bitch pup tries to fuck the air between his legs. I see he's enjoying it, so more lube and step closer still so I can thrust deeper and harder. I want to reach out and grab his hips, but remember my orders and keep my hands off him. I try to bend forward to adjust my action to get a longer thrust into him, but am yanked back by the chain on my collar. 
The bitch pup realizes I can't get closer and actively attempts to move back towards me. This only servers to fuel me, but the growing pinching sensation from my metal prison holds me back. Minutes pass and i'm working up a sweat fucking Ethan with a dildo, he's liking it. I can't help my self, I drop the lube and run my hands over him then grab the pups hips with both hands. He frantically fucks the air as I now pull him back on to the dildo harder and faster than before.   I'm choking slightly every time I move deeper in to him. The Pup whimpers, and snorts the air as he tries to get enough air though his nose. Suddenly he slows down and relaxes forwards, I stroke his back and sides while I slowly continue to thrust the dildo in and out of the pups back side.   �I said no touching� - Sir barks from the door way. I let go of Ethan and step back quickly pulling the dildo clear and triggering a muffled yelp from him. 19 & sleep soon follows. Sir quickly detaches Ethan from the table and points to a corner. �Go� The pup walks on all fours to the corner and cures up on the hard concrete floor. Mean time Sir has detached my collar and is locking my hands in a set of cuffs. He gives no instructions, instead he grabs each hand in turn and bends me forward to clip them to the table where the Pups knees had been before. He removes the dildo harness from my waist. I must have made Ethan Cum, as there is a small puddle and drips on the table ahead of me. I let out a small smile, thinking that the pup had enjoyed it. �You like that sight? � he paused �WELL?� 'Yes Sir' �Clean up the mess you just made. Get your face down there and lick it up, then we'll see how much you like it� I hesitate for a second then very gingerly start to work up to a lick when a paddle the size of a cricket bat lands across my back side. I lift my head up as the second stroke lands and I let out an 'Ahhhh'.
�The longer you take to clean it up the more strokes you take� I get my head back down and start to lick the table furiously as the next few strokes land. When I'm sure the table is clean I lift my head. Sir leans over to check the table. �The strokes were for the mess� He unclips my hands and points to the open cage door behind me. �In� I walk over slowly 'yes Sir'. He locks the door behind me. �Now you get to watch what you would have received if you'd behaved. Then you can spend the night down here with a bucket for company� He returns to the table and calls the pup over and on to the table facing away from me. He removes the muzzle and the gag. Then turns the pup to face me as he opens his belt. Over the next hour or so I get to watch in envy as Sir fucks, gets sucked by and fucks again. That would have been me if only I hadn't tried to give the pup so much pleasure, now he's having all the fun. Soon after, Ethan is released and sent to wash the dirty toys and to fetch glasses of water. �Night boi, hope you don't get to comfortable�
With that Sir leaves the room, a couple of minutes later Ethan returns with water for me. He waits while I drink it, then out of the blue as he is leaving he speaks to me for the first time. 'Thanks for before with the dildo, sorry you are in the cellar for the night�. He flicks the light off, leaving the room almost dark. The light in the next room goes out plunging me into total darkness. I hear distant noises above me in the house as I feel my way on to the cot in the cell. It's tiny pillow and heavy blanket aren't to comfortable but are warm. It's been a long day of travel and I don't take long to relax in the darkness, some how the cage is reassuring and safe. Sleep soon follows.
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bigspyblog-blog · 5 years
How to promote my business on facebook with a complete guide?
promote your business on facebook is a process that requires persistence and constant testing, but if it works, the benefits are huge.
Facebook stands on 68% of the world's social resources, has an absolutely large user base on facebook, but the process of building contacts requires patience and perseverance, the following is facebook, promote the business of a complete guide, hope to help more businesses.
1.Starting a company business page
Go to facebook, click on the top right corner of your facebook page, and select "create home page". Based on your product positioning, select "Business or Brand" and "Community or Public Figure".
Then set the page name and industry, set the logo, address, contact information, website, business hours, products and other specific information.
2. Release regularly
Posts follow the 80/20 principle, 80% interesting news and 20% related business. Posts get more attention when users spend the most time online.
Frequency of Posting; Post at least one post a day.
Post to pay attention to quality. A few important comments, high-quality video, and interesting pictures can attract users.
3.Facebook Messenger app tips
Now that people have easy access to information and many choices, it's hard to establish that trying to drive people's buying behavior through exposure. Even if it is heavily promoted and seen by people, it is not easy to attract people's attention and impression.
Therefore, we should try our best to retain customers and promote the interaction rate
Use the built-in functions of the fan page to achieve the automatic reply function, or set the automatic reply robot according to keywords.
Go to the Facebook fan page and switch your prompt response to "yes."
4. Promote facebook pages
Expand your audience by placing a link to your Facebook page on your email signature and business card, or the most powerful offer code on your Facebook page.
Synchronize all industry messages in a timely manner. It can attract more followers.
5. Carry out activities
Some holiday marketing industry to do, such as valentine's day, women's day, children's day, Christmas, and so on, these are marketing activities can be launched a good time.
Each festival has a new exhibit to promote or a marketing campaign.
Or use the facebook stories series to introduce products to users in a more personal way.
6.Join a facebook group and create your own
Facebook groups are a good way to get publicity. Facebook groups have already gathered a group of potential users.
Also, to create your own group, try adding other contacts to the group or sending regular industry messages to your group to attract more users.
7. Start a facebook AD campaign
If you think the natural way to attract users is too slow, or the natural way to attract users is not very good, you can open Facebook to get traffic.
The Facebook advertising management tool is very perfect, facebook's advertising format has pictures, video, rotation, and other styles 1
Video advertising Video Ad, single Video
Carousel Ad shows multiple pictures or video's in a Single Ad
Slideshow Ad, which combines multiple photos into a single video, applies to any Internet speed
A Collection Ad that displays a single image or a single video, followed by multiple product images
Full-screen advertising Canvas Ad, combined with any of the above advertising formats, brings full-screen experience
Facebook AD location:
Feeds (mobile and desktop)
Right Column (desktop only)
Instant Articles (mobile-only, with dynamic message version bits)
In-stream Videos (mobile only)
Instagram (similar to photo-only or video tweets)
Feeds (mobile and desktop)
Stories (mobile-only, this bit can only be launched separately)
Audience Network (Facebook's advertising alliance)
Native, Banner and Interstitial (mobile only)
In-stream Videos (mobile and desktop)
Rewarded Videos (only support mobile end)
8. Choose the right marketing target
Facebook has 11 marketing goals, each with its own usage scenarios
1. Awareness: at the top of the marketing channel, raise awareness and become familiar with the face
Brand awareness: promote to users who are more likely to spend more time browsing ads
Local awareness: use local awareness to attract people near your company.
Coverage: reach as many users as possible
2. Precautions: the middle layer of marketing channels can increase participation
Traffic: promoted to users who are more likely to visit their target location (site, etc.)
Engagement: promote to users who are more likely to interact, comment, share, and respond to events.
Application installation: promote to users who are more likely to install applications
Video views: promoted to users who are more likely to watch video
Lead generation: collect lead information from interested users
Message: attract more users to contact you through Messenger
3. Transformation: marketing channel bottom increase transformation
Conversion times: promoted to users who are more likely to convert, including operations added to the shopping cart, etc.
Catalog sales: automatically displays catalog items based on the target audience
Store access: promote multiple stores to nearby users
9.Pick the right crowd
Core audience: region, gender, age, language, and other segments.
Custom audience: resell to customers who have already been converted.
Lookalike audience: there is already a similar audience of transformed customers
10. Appropriate advertising content
Facebook has strict limits on the content of ads, and all ads must be vetted before they can be shown to users.
When making advertising materials, ad spy can be used to analyze successful advertising ideas. For example, I use a free ad spy tool called BigSpy. To view successful game footage.
Open bigspy's facebook ad spy page. Positions type "game" and CTA selects "PLAY_GAME" and Sort By Like. The following results were obtained:
Above is a simple guide to promote the business, now there are many tools to help us do better marketing, a powerful tool will help us a lot.
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