#all the other places have been out in like. greenville. which is actually So far away and So crimeridden
eric-the-bmo · 5 months
The Neighborhood Watch S3 Ep2: Lost and Found
[Summary: John sees a familiar face, and Louis has a chat with Song's father. Someone from Markus's past makes a surprise visit.] @gr3y-plays-ttrpgs
This will be less formal today! Wanted to try out a more chill style again. Happy New Year btw!! <3
So, Last we left off: Shelby had gone missing.
John is trying So Hard to not panic because oh my god where's Shelby where did she go. He rolls well to Investigate, though he's visibly a bit more nervous than usual, and eventually finds a crowd! And screaming!!!
He pushes his way through and finds Shelby at the center- a crowd's gathered around her, taking pictures and selfies with her.
John is relieved- of course , everything's fine, she had just run into some fans of hers, he was overreacting- and then Shelby spots him and waves, and suddenly the crowd is looking at him!! He's a deer in the headlights as people recognize him; while he's never shown his face on camera, he's appeared in the background of Shelby's streams at times. Shelby eventually sees the attention is making him uncomfortable, so she gets the people to leave, pulls him aside, and- after they both go "hey where were you??"- she asks if he's okay, does he need some air?
John can tell that Shelby wants to stay, so he refuses the offer despite everything happening, and the two of them go to play blackjack.
But then, from the dealer's part of the table is a familiar voice: "John?" It's Clara. You know, the girl he's been avoiding for a whole month.
Meanwhile at the North Hotel, Song, her father, and Louis are continuing the tour. Song's father pays for lunch at one of the restaurants the hotels have; it's this New Orleans place, and it's kinda close to how Louis remembers food being back there.
Song's dad asks Louis how he likes Greenville, and our southern gentleman is all "well i was hoping it would a nice place to have an early retirement, but so far it's been... Well it's an interesting place with interesting people." He continues, and I'm counting this as another "this town is weird" rant. He says he works in personal security and finances when asked about his job, and Song's dad finds out Louis used to work for one of his branch companies.
The food arrives; they talk about Song's studies, her mom is mentioned (HELLO? IS SONG'S MOM DEAD??), and meanwhile Louis is trying so so hard to be chill and not freak out bc Man, his girlfriend's dad is really intimidating!!! Speaking of the man, he asks if they've got plans later and Song is all "yeah, cooking lessons"- which, btw: sometimes song and louis actually do cook, and sometimes they do... other stuff- howver her dad doesn't know this and is all "oh, nice! Anyway i should get going, work duties and all"
He pays for the lunch, gives Song some extra cash, and also finally introduces himself to Louis by name: Greyson. He goes to shake Louis' hand; it's a firm handshake, and Louis tries to match it. Greyson does that whole Scary Dad thing of "take care of my daughter now, ok?" and walks off.
Song tells Louis he did a great job talking to her dad! Meanwhile since Greyson left, Louis is able to show how nervous he was the whole time, holding his hurting hand like "aaa thanks darling :'-)"
Song asks Louis how he ended up here anyway- Louis said he had a lot of heat on him (his vampiric ex, a detective, etc), and when he found out he won a raffle he didn't even enter for a house, he took the chance and left. They have a whole conversation I unfortunately didn't catch, about fate and coincidences.
Song kisses Louis against the wall and heads into the casino to find Shelby and John. Louis is extremely flustered before he goes to follow.
Markus heads home to find a tourist couple waiting outside their house, asking if it's the bug museum that was listed on Google Maps, because they would like a tour! Markus is like "oh my god my house is a location on google maps now?? what the fuck???" but gives them the tour anyway.
They're very attentive, asking all sorts of questions- at first Markus is socially anxious about it, but eventually the joy of their special interest takes over, and they ramble about it ☆
But Markus only has enough social energy, and it turns out the tourists paid enough to come back The Next Day, and as they leave Markus leans against the wall, dreading more social interaction.
There's a knock on the door.
Markus goes to open it ("I swear if it's that rat-summoning creep again-") and upon seeing who it is they immediately slam it shut. After the shock wears off, they slowly open it again.
They ask their sister, Analetta, how she managed to find them.
She holds up her phone- Google maps. ("Do our parents know where I am?" "No, they don't.") She hugs them, crying, and while Markus hugs back they reassure her that everything is fine? There's no reason to cry?? ("I mean, I don't have a car but besides that everything's fine-")
Analette says Markus had just disappeared without telling anyone- Markus is like "Do you blame me?" They tell her they vanished because a way to leave home had suddenly appeared for them, and they didn't know if a chance like that would ever show up again; They didn't really have to take things or people with them.
Analetta tells them she managed to visit them by saying she's studying abroad ("oh thank god you didn't move here"), and Markus apologizes for slamming the door in her face. They ask if she'd like to meet their friends. Analetta's like "oh my god? you have friends??" and pokes fun at their sibling when they mention Shelby. Markus is all "No it's not like that, she's my friend," and the two argue over who's going to pay for the food they're going to get from the only DoorDash guy in town (who, btw, is also the only weed dealer in town- they get some of that too).
As they eat sushi Markus fills her in on everything, and while she knows about their bugs, they omit the rest of the supernatural stuff- they don't wanna drag her into all of this. Analetta says that life got harder back home when Markus left, and while she's trying to live the life her parents want her to live, it's killing her inside. She took an opportunity to leave, and wanted to visit Markus one last time. They say she can stay as long as she wants, and might take them up on it; She's actually supposed to be in Japan right now.
Markus sends a text to the group chat so the Main Cast can their sister.
In the hotel, Song and Louis finally get a text notif for the message, which reads: “PLEASE COME TO MY HOUSE ITS SUPER IMPORTANT PLEASE!!!!!”
Louis texts back like "Hey sorry we got this late, is it still possible to come over?"
Song and Louis are all "ok we should find shelby and john," and they bump into Sammy on the way over– he helps one of them up, since he accidentally knocked one of them onto the floor.
Meanwhile, John is in a social scenario hell- yes, Clara is here, being kinda cold and professional (and part of him wonders if she's making sure he keeps losing), but you wanna know who else is here? Harold, that little creep who was really rude to Shelby last season!! John hates this man- He manages to scare him off by Staring at him with his monster eyes.
At this point, Song and Louis show up like "hey, we got a text from Markus and they want us to come over, and we don't wanna disappoint them like last time." (John doesn't say anything about how he actually visited them last time they asked, so-)
(Shelby notices that hey, yeah, the cell service is shit here in this casino!)
Anyway, so John and Shelby get up to leave but Clara insists that John cash in his chips- as she's doing this for him, she discreetly hands him a small note. He catches the vibe he should look at it later, and leaves the Casino with the Main Cast. As they leave, everyone's phone clocks correct themselves to match the current time outside the casino- it's currently around 3pm. John trails behind the group as usual, and opens the note to read it.
"Meet me out front at 5:30 after my shift."
I forgot Shelby was lowkey a celebrity lmao
It's canon that every single photo of John is a little bit blurry! That's so funny <3
Hi. Something about John sacrificing small bits of comfort (ie not leaving the casino to chill out) bc he wants Shelby to be okay/not leave her.... he has issues
Hey Song. What's with your mom, did she leave? die? what's up??
The GM informed me later that casino workers are meant to be all formal and not show favoritism at their jobs, right, and Sir i think she was doing the Opposite of favoritism /lh
John being able to initimidate people is very cool, thank you GM
I was? Not aware our guys had a group chat??
SAMMY?? SIR?? weren't u being kidnapped earlier whats going on /lh
My notes say "Song easily finds John bc he's tall as fuck"
The players are placing bets (/j) on if Clara is a secret monster hunter or not-
John is fully expecting to get yelled at by her btw :-(
I so badly want him to try and date her or somehting. please for the love of god can john actually kiss someone and be really nervous about it bc he's never done that before and wants to try it out, and maybe he'll have to roll for Hunger bc his teeth are So So close to human flesh and it'll just be Dramatic <3
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Reflection 5: Adapting
After being in London for a little over a week, I find myself adjusting to life pretty quickly. There are some things that are easier to understand such as the Tube’s ins and outs and how to make sure you are going the right directions there and with the buses. (Though, you should always build in some extra time just in case for errors.) It’s more natural to sleep with the sounds of a city flooding in the windows. It’s also becoming a little easier living with others as I’ve grown very accustomed to living alone back at home. 
I find myself thinking through my days and the time I have left here a lot more than I would at home, because time is that much more precious when it has an end date on it. I am walking and remaining much more active here than at home. I think it’s easier to get up and move when there are interesting destinations and activities. Greenville doesn’t really offer as many options to occupy time compared to here.
Obviously, I miss my cats. They are everything to me. I miss them particularly at night when I am trying to sleep. I feel their absence the most then. In London, though, there are not really any mosquitoes, so the windows are as open as possible in the flats to increase airflow. While I miss air conditioning, there is a certain joy in having the wind blow through the flat. I suppose there is something there about feeling closer to nature as we discussed in class.
Ultimately, I’m grateful that there is not too much of a learning curve in adjusting to life in London. I speak English, just like most others here. I’m not particularly religious, so I don’t have to worry myself with any sort of religious conflicts. I’m a vegetarian, and there is a huge amount of food here to choose from, which is actually vastly different from back home. This is all a huge amount of privileges in the end as I never had to really consider if there would be any conflicts so far as culture. In fact, when I accompanied Rachel to get her tattoo, the artist was amazed at how different things are in America. She commented that she thought things were bad in the UK with rising costs of living and issues in Parliament, but upon hearing just a portion of the vast systemic issues in America, she was speechless. 
My biggest qualm thus far with London has been the overall lack of accessibility for those with disabilities. There seems to be some push for the acknowledgment of triggers on shows and attractions for those with neurodivergencies, but there are many other areas of failure for those with other forms of disability. For example, I had to find a restroom and was directed to Five Guys. It took me longer than it should have to realize that the restrooms were in the basement, down a set of stairs. There were no lifts in the building to take someone who may have been in a wheelchair or unable to navigate steps to the restroom. Additionally, there were no larger stalls for in that restroom for someone with mobility equipment. I’ve realized over the last few days that this is not an outlier. Many places are built like this, and there are often no lifts or room for those with mobility issues. It feels like common sense, but when considering the age of some of these buildings, the lack of accessibility starts to make sense. Though, now that prompts the question of what can be done to correct this?
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snowdice · 4 years
The Horror of Stereotypes (Part 4)[Dice Roll 6]
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Relationships: Remus/Logan/Patton with Remus/Logan focus (more pre-romantic considering the situation), Remus & Roman, Logan/Patton (established, but not at the forefront for most of it)
Main: Remus, Logan
Appear: Roman, Patton, Deceit (but blink and you’ll miss it)
Summary: There had always been a certain stereotype about people like him for as long as anyone could remember. After the Heart War of 1963, those stereotypes had been legalized and places like this had been created to enforce the universal truth: everyone had a soulmate. One soulmate. No more and no less.
At least they were supposed to.
When Remus’s brother gets arrested because of his two soulmarks, Remus risks everything by infiltrating the facility he legally should be in as well due to his own two soulmates to save him. There he meets Logan and it turns out they have a lot in common: they both got hired this week, they both have two soulmates, and they’re both here for the same reason.
Oh. And as it turns out, they’re each other’s soulmates too.
Universe: Soulmate AU
Genre: Horror (Yeah, it’s a fun combo. The horror vibe is mostly contained to chapter 3 though. It’s all still horrifying, but that specific tone is pretty much only there.)
Notes: Torture, Torture of a main character, Dystopian, Blood, Guns, Gunshot wounds, Leg wounds, Mentions of Desecrating an Animal Corpse by a Main Character, Imprisonment, Mentions of Cannibalism, Genocide Suggested, Sexual Innuendo, Fear, A tasteless but not serious incest joke, Medical procedures.
This is part of my Roll the Dice Event which is where I do random ships, universe, and genres for the Sanders Sides fandom. For more details see this post. I posted my results from this dice roll here.
It’s a pretty low action chapter, but we have a lot of relationship growth and more bodily harm threatened to poor Gavin. 
Part 1  Part 2 Part 3
When Logan had said it would be a long day, he was absolutely right. Remus’s morning was started with an adrenaline crash when he finally sat down at his desk which he did his best to disguise with copious amounts of coffee until he didn’t even know why his hands were constantly shaking anymore.
And then there was Gavin, of course. Remus wasn’t sure if he was hovering more or if Remus was just a bit more on edge after the night he’d had, but Remus was ready to claw his beady little eyes out by 10am.
“You seem tired today,” Gavin commented sitting on Remus’s desk. If Remus ended up being here long enough, he should put some type of trap on his desk to train him off of doing that. Maybe bright green duct tape so it gets stuck on his butt or hidden tacks like he used to do to Mrs. Kinder in 8th grade. Or maybe just a trigger trap that’d shoot him in the head the next time he sat there. There might be collateral damage if he wasn’t careful, but honestly, as long as he warned Logan off (which to be honest, the man didn’t seem like a sitting on someone’s desk type) then that probably wouldn’t be a bad thing. He snapped out of his daydream as Gavin’s eyes scrutinized him carefully. “Long night?” he asked.
Shit. Did he know? Or maybe Psycho Killer guy eventually reported shit and now everyone was being silently investigated. Remus carefully relaxed and leaned back against his chair, smiling. “I did actually. Met a guy in a bar. You know how it is.” Ick. Imagining Gavin having sex was just gross.
“Hmm,” Gavin replied. His fingers tapping against the desktop felt like bullet through Remus’s brain. “Is that why you’re wearing sweats and a hoody?”
“Yeah. Was rushing out the door this morning and grabbed the first thing I could find. I didn’t want to be late to work today. I’ll make sure it doesn’t happen again.”
Gavin hummed, his eyes sharp. “I didn’t know you went to Greenville University,” he said.
Greenville University? He looked down at Logan’s sweatshirt. Shit. “I didn’t,” he said because Gavin definitely could figure that out himself, likely already had by the look in his eyes. “My older sister did,” he lied; he only had one sibling and that was Roman. “Bought it when I went to Sibling Day at her university a few years ago.”
“I see,” Gavin drawled. “I didn’t know you had a sibling.”
“…Well I do.”
His eyes lingered for another moment before he peeled himself off of Remus’s desk. “I’ll see you later Remus,” he said.
“Yep.” Then he walked away, but he wasn’t gone. Remus could feel his eyes on the back of his head many times throughout the morning.
Around lunch time, Logan came out of the design room briefly and met Remus’s eyes over Gavin’s head before tilting his head and leaning on the wall outside the door.
Remus waited until Gavin went to get a soda from the vending machine for lunch and then pranced over to Logan. “Hey, Nerdzilla, what’s going on with you?” he asked. The two others left in the office shared a glance, likely amused by Remus making fun of someone they all scored pretty harshly, but they quickly went back to their work.
“Ah, Remus,” Logan said without reacting to the nickname. “I did want your input on a room I’m designing if you have a moment.”
“Ugh,” Remus groaned. “It’s lunch. Do you ever take a break? But fine.” He followed him into the other room and closed the door behind him. “We have to work quick,” Remus said when they were alone. “I may just be paranoid because of the lack of sleep, but Gavin seemed like he might be a bit suspicious. Not to mention I’m not completely sure if Psycho reported us, but I imagine he probably did.”
Logan nodded, the only sign of his stress over the matter in the lines around his mouth. “Luckily, I know where both of them are.”
Remus blinked. “Already.”
In answer, he pushed a button and pulled up a map of the facility on the screen. “Roman’s housed there on the first floor, but we should strike right before shift change at 6. He’ll be coming in from work detail at that time and will be outside here,” he pointed, “plus he’ll be nearer to the escape car too which is here,” he pointed to an area at the edge of the map. “Patton is on the level below us in this room,” Logan said, pushing a button to flip to the floorplan of that floor. “He won’t be moved at any point, but the escape vehicle is already in a good enough position for him. There’s a staircase there that leads directly up and outside. From there, it’s a fifteen-meter run to cover and about five more to the car. It’s doable if we time it right.”
“Okay, right,” Remus said. “When?”
“You should have gotten your own access card today, so tonight.” Then something flickered across his face. “I’ve been thinking,” Logan said, and Remus turned to him, distrustful of his change in tone and the way he shifted his weight side to side suddenly.
“What?” he asked.
“They might be suspicious if you tried to get permission to see Roman even if you do have an access card, especially if they are already are looking into last night’s events. They know your last name and the two of you are twins.”
“Yeah and your point it?” Remus snapped.
Logan took a breath. “My point is, the way we’ve been thinking about this is not the optimal configuration. You should get Patton and I should get Roman.”
Remus paused. “What?”
“It makes more sense. Roman doesn’t know his soulmates so he’s upstairs. I can say I’m going over there to look at past designs. Patton…” he swallowed. “Knows I’m his soulmate and they are likely attempting to get that information out of him. It would be far easier and less suspicious for you to get to him considering your position here.” As someone who’s supposed to torture people, Remus filled in. “I know it isn’t what you probably want. I mean, you don’t even know Patton. You barely know me and it’s your brother, but…”
“You’re right,” Remus interrupted. Logan shut his mouth in surprise. “I don’t like it, but you’re right.”
“I…I know it must be difficult,” Logan said. “I can tell you really love your brother.”
“I’d sell him to the devil for a tablespoon of wheat flour.”
Logan smiled and Remus thought it was probably the first genuine smile he’d ever seen from the man. “Clearly.”
Remus narrowed his eyes. “Don’t test me nerd; I’ll sell you for a teaspoon.”
Logan considered him, the smile softening just a bit. “You show your affection through insults and pretending you don’t care about people,” he declared, seeming proud of his deduction.
Remus rolled his eyes, but then paused. “I don’t like the idea of splitting up. I don’t know what I’d do if I got out of here and you didn’t, but… you’re right. It’s the best chance for all of us to make it out of here and we have to try.”
“Oh,” Logan said softly.
“And don’t worry,” Remus said. “You can trust me with Patton. He’s my soulmate too.” Of course, there was no way to know for sure until they met, but it was the obvious conclusion and though he knew next to nothing about the man, Remus had a feeling.
“And I’m your soulmate,” Logan said. “So, you can trust me with your bother.” It was the first time either of them had actually said that out loud, Remus realized. This is not how Remus had imagined the I’m-your-soulmate discussion to go. It wasn’t how it should have gone. The world shouldn’t be this.
“I do trust you Logan,” Remus replied seriously. It was not quite an ‘I love you’ not yet. They were not in love yet.
“And I trust you.”
But god could Remus seeing them be so someday.
Want to read more? Click below!
AO3 Part 5 Part 6
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dallastx-rp · 5 years
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Name: Greyson Moretti Gender: Cisgender male, he/him Date of birth: October 7th, 1983 (35) Sexuality: Heterosexual Occupation: Jazz Musician / Saxophonist Hometown: Dallas, Texas Neighborhood: Lower Greenville Time in Dallas: 35 years Faceclaim: Ryan Gosling
Perhaps if there was something more notable to write, Greyson Moretti’s birth parents would have more real estate in the body of his biography. A drug-induced night, an accident, a baby boy experiencing meth withdrawal of his own left in the custody of his grandparents - the only parents he ever really knew from the moment he was old enough to actually formulate lasting memories. He didn’t have parents to miss, because he was never aware of their presence in the first place - and thankfully, his grandparents made sure he never had a reason to feel an emptiness in their absence. Nana and Papa Moretti were the epitome of warmth, and - despite their age and lack of funds - gave Greyson so much love, support, and freedom to be his unique self.
From early childhood to his early teen years, Grey was always a bit of a wallflower, an oddball who never really found much relation among his peers, who were more interested in action figures and flag football - a stark contrast to Grey’s obsession with Miles Davis and the endless nights spent teaching himself how to play the harmonica, which turned into the piano, until eventually his passion stuck onto the saxophone. The young Moretti boy was completely enamored by music and eventually leaned on it to express himself, since communication through words wasn’t exactly a honed skill. It was his crutch to lean on when life became too deafening, his safe space to hide his true self from the rest of the world.
Despite his lack of proper socialization outside of the normal day-to-day of school, you could say that all-in-all life was pretty good for Grey, rather uneventful in terms of major change or trauma until the summer before his senior year. Gone was the baby fat, the lanky posture and short stature, and with that went the ease of being practically invisible to members of the opposite sex. Soon enough, he found himself genuinely interested in a girl with big, blue eyes and long blonde hair, who absolutely mesmerized Grey from  across the classroom and somehow making popping spearmint gum a sensual experience. Mia Jameson had Grey under her damn spell and she didn’t even know it.
As you can probably imagine, it took Grey until just before graduation to even speak a single word to the girl who he assumed was ignorant to his existence as anything other than classroom furniture. She was the girl all the guys had the hots for, the girl all the girls wanted to be friends with, but she couldn’t have been more unaware of her status… or rather, uninterested in it. So when Grey finally did pipe up and introduce himself, awkward as it was, she did not laugh in his face. When he told her she was beautiful, she giggled. When he offered his salutations, she just smiled, grabbed his hand, and pulled him under the bleachers to have a little fun.
The summer that followed was a complete whirlwind - Grey had never felt anything like he felt for Mia. When she left for college and he stayed home to work in his grandparents’ restaurant, he missed her like crazy while she dated around. She’d return every summer and things would pick up right where they left off - intense feelings, amazing sex, and earthshattering fights. When she graduated, they ran away together to the county courthouse and slapped some wedding bands on their fingers.
Less than a year of less-than-newlywed-bliss later, Mia found out she was pregnant and Grey found out he was going to be a father. The two were frightened of parenthood, but Grey reached his acceptance the moment Lillian Rose Moretti was born. However,  Mia struggled with feeling connected to little Lily during the entire first year of motherhood - she resented both Grey and the baby as she continued to suffer from postpartum depression. Before Grey knew what hit him,  the marriage was done, his wife was gone, and he was left with all the responsibilities of a single parent.
It has been over a decade since Lily was born and Grey is still trying to figure out how to be a proper father to a preteen girl who is mostly without a mother or strong female figure. While Mia makes her appearances here and there, she is by no means a stellar mom and not even Lily thinks of her as such. The relationship between Grey and his ex-wife is stable now that he’s had the time to accept her for who she is. He’d probably even consider her a “friend” if he was to think about it, as Grey is never one to harbor resentment for others’ shortcomings - no matter the fact that all that weight fell upon his shoulders alone.
Currently, he’s struggling to juggle fatherhood, hustling to find gigs and playing the Twilite Lounge 6 nights a week, and taking care of his ailing grandfather whom he and Lily currently reside with. However, as difficult as finding balance may be, Grey does his best to be optimistic in the face of pressure - things could always be worse.
Greyson Moretti is the embodiment of good nature, and while he is quite resilient to negativity, has a deep-rooted issue with others being mishandled in a way that is harmful or unfair. Keeping the peace and staying far away from conflict comes naturally to Grey and with that comes the tendency to give and give and give and not get much in return. Albeit reserved when it comes to his true feelings, he can pretty much talk to anyone and is never afraid to get deep with people who are on the same wavelength as him. He is afraid to show his cards too soon and will almost always take a long time to make crucial decisions and think through his emotions before communicating them. He wants everyone around him to be happy and fulfilled, even if he isn’t quite there himself.
The smell of fresh tobacco, a sad saxophone melody, dark under eyes, whistling while walking, cluttered desk, quiet classic vinyl on a sleepy Sunday morning, calloused fingers, hands in pockets, slow dancing in the living room, jingling keys, train stations
— Greyson is penned by Admin Emm.
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My Trip to the 2019 College Football Championship Game!
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The 2018 season had its ups and downs but after all of that excitement it became clear that two teams were the obvious choices to play for the National Championship. Alabama and Clemson went a perfect 12-0 in the regular season and won their respective conference championships. They then plowed through their semifinal opponents with ease, setting up a title game that would be completely undisputed, featuring the only two choices to be called the best team in the nation for the 2018 season.
Maybe the matchup was boring, after all there are 130 teams in the highest division of football and for the fourth straight year the winner of national title was going to be either the Alabama Crimson Tide or the Clemson Tigers. Boring yes, but they’re in the game because they’re the most deserving. Plain and simple.
It did seem like people were getting a bit fatigued for this fourth go-around. After all, ticket prices started to fall once Notre Dame and Oklahoma got knocked out of the running. Though I’m sure a lot of it also had to do with fans of these Southeast universities checking the cost of travelling to the Bay Area on short notice after the match was set and thinking twice. Their loss was my gain.
I was born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area. I moved to San Diego to attend SDSU and spent a good 5 years in sunny SD before moving back up to the Bay around this time last year. It was quite a fun coincidence then that the College Football National Championship Game would come to Levi’s Stadium the year that I made my return. My dad--who introduced me to college football and sports in general--and I had been planning on going until the cold reality of paying $1500 per ticket hit us in the face. It was a nice thought, but ultimately too hard to swallow. Then, in late December, the prices started to fall. I wish I could say we waited until they bottomed out around $150, but we were too excited to have that kind of patience.
Just to be cautious, we took public transit to the game. We knew that it would be a hassle to drive to the stadium, it turns into a zoo when we went to 49er games. Plus you never know what kind of state you’re in after being around football for most of a day. We took the Caltrain, the SF to SJ commute, down from our station and my dad began chatting up a nice couple from Huntsville, Alabama in the seats across from us. Their son was in the band and they were nervous about the game. My dad told them not to worry, he was fully confident in a Tide victory. They asked me and I said I wasn’t that certain.
We changed over to the VTA, the local light rail, along with the Bama couple. My dad gave a guided tour of the Silicon Valley offices that we passed to the couple, who snapped pictures at the nondescript, box shaped buildings where Google, Amazon, Yahoo, and Youtube make their magic happen. At the Great America stop we bade them goodbye and good luck, and sauntered over to the pregame tailgate. It was around noon and the game wasn’t going to start until the evening.
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We slipped through the still rather small-ish crowds, past the ESPN booth and its caravan of buses, and made our first trip to the beer and merch stands. I had to pause and admire one of the food areas: there was brisket and pulled pork for the Southerners who made the trek but also crab fries for the locals. We wandered around as the crimson and orange fans kept filtering in. Every once in a while we’d encounter the odd unaffiliated passerby, most of them wearing PAC-12 shirts and occasionally the out of place Silicon Valley techie taking in the scene. I got a few compliments on my SDSU sweatshirt. One kind old Alabama fan stopped me and asked if I went to South Dakota State, he had kids and grandkids who went to the USD. I had to let him down gently.
We got our pulled pork and crab fries, whose preparation likely pleased few of the fans in attendance, and went down to a tented area with tables to eat. I spotted perhaps the only open table in the tent the same time as a Clemson fan and we agreed to share. He was a nice guy and was at the game with his parents and uncle. We chatted for a while about various sports history moments that a Clemson man could share with a Bay Area family. Dwight Clark was mentioned more than once (later that night we passed by his statue on the way out). His group came over after a while, having spent time in the now considerable lines forming around the food and drink. After a nice half hour or so of conversation we went our separate ways, but not before my dad and I were gifted the famed $2 bills, with a perfect orange paw print stamped in each one.
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We spent the next few hours hanging out, waiting for the game to start. We bought merch, bought drinks, and watched the predominantly orange crowd start to buzz with a nervous energy. Alabama fans were concentrated on the other side of the stadium. I checked twitter and felt tried not to feel angry that my favorite accounts were making fun of the projected low attendance. It seemed like every Greenville, Mobile, and San Rafael resident who made the trip was having a good time. Then again, the game hadn’t started yet.
I’ve written nine paragraphs and the game hasn’t begun so let’s fast forward a bit. My dad and I were comfortable in our fancy indoor digs but we just had to be outside for kickoff. We walked the long way around the stadium and up and up and up to out seats. We were one row below the highest in the house, and smack dab in Tuscaloosa West. The anthem and flyover went off without a hitch, and suddenly we had a football game on our hands. Oh yeah, and the stands were full after all of that fuss made by the press.
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Clemson’s first drive isn’t worth mentioning but Alabama’s certainly was. On the Crimson Tide’s third offensive play of the game Tua Tagovailoa, undefeated in his college career, gave up a shocking pick six to put the Tigers up 7-0. No matter, on the third offensive play of the second drive, Tagovailoa threw a bomb to Jerry Jeudy to even things up. Then on four plays the Tigers scored. And Bama marched right back down the field.
We watched the first four drives of the game, which was turning into a very unexpected score-fest, high up in our seats before we began to make our way to warmth of the United Club.
[Redacted because we snuck in to a better part of the stadium and I can’t say how]
It’s a good thing the first quarter turned out to be so long, we didn’t actually miss a whole lot. The game was developing in a strange manner. By the time we got indoors and got some food Clemson had grown their lead to 28-16 midway through the second quarter. My dad noted that the Tigers hadn’t actually stopped Alabama on any drive. The Tide had scored two touchdowns, kicked a field goal, and Tua had thrown two very ill-advised passes that were intercepted. It definitely felt like a near-even game, with Bama slightly outplaying the Tigers but nothing to show for it.
In the last minutes of the first half Clemson finally got a stop and not for the last time either.
Halftime was spent indoors away from the marching bands. The only college football tradition I’ve never enjoyed went totally ignored on my end. A million dollar band can’t buy my attention, my apologies to that nice couple from Huntsville.
The third quarter was surreal. Suddenly Alabama couldn’t score to save their lives. The Tide spent minutes and minutes grinding out drives that went nowhere against a defense that had solved them. The fake field goal was just the beginning. Bama couldn’t convert on 4th down in three straight attempts. Meanwhile Clemson made every possible (and perhaps impossible) play conceivable to score. The scoreboard crept up from 31-16 to 38-16 to 44-16 before the third quarter was even up.
Back in the United Club, we were again sitting in a predominantly orange part of the stadium and the atmosphere was charged. When the Tigers began to pull away the feeling was a nervous excitement, then giddiness. By the fourth quarter it was absolute delirium. It wasn’t just obvious that Clemson was going to win, it was obvious that they were about to absolutely embarrass the alleged best team in football. The Alabama machine, the dynasty of the 2010′s, was being completely humiliated on the biggest stage in the sport. 
This wasn’t some flukey upset like the A&M, Ole Miss, and, yes, the earlier Clemson title in years past. This was a mauling. Nick Saban’s Alabama hadn’t lost like this EVER. This was Saban’s best offense on what looked like his best team and they were getting lapped by the understudy. Dabo Swinney, a former backup wide receiver for the Tide, had built--essentially from scratch--a program that could BTFO of Alabama on a good day. And it was a pretty good day for those Tigers.
And we still had the fourth quarter. It passed pretty quickly. Alabama was still futilely grinding out long drives that went nowhere, but now Clemson joined in bleeding the clock dry. They could've hung 50 on Nick Saban’s Crimson Tide if they’d wanted to, but against the wishes of the more vindictive (and scorned) fanbases, the Tigers pulled the plug. The last few minutes were a bit of an anticlimax, the game had been won, some time just had to be spent to make it official.
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The confetti cannons sprayed out the orange and the Clemson band played, though I never got a handle on what the cheer was. If it was fun for an outside observer it must have been exultant for the tens of thousands of Tiger fans who made the trip, and the thousands more who were watching on tv.
I’ll cut my travelogue short here. I stayed for another hour enjoying myself before my dad and I slowly made our way home. The denouement felt good but is hard to verbalize.
What I would like to say is a great, big thank you to all of the Alabama and Clemson fans who traveled so far to see their teams play. I had a great time and both fan bases were perfectly charming the whole way through. I’ll forgive the one bit of bad behavior I saw when a despondent Tide fan in a sea of orange had words with a guy in an OU sweatshirt who was hollering his way. I doubt I could’ve composed myself any better. If looks could kill.
I couldn’t fit this in anywhere else but before I go I must comment on the weather. It rained buckets the days before the game and hasn’t let up since. I’m sure it dampened the plans of most of the tourists who came out in droves, many of whom had never seen the Golden State before. But, just like the Rose Bowl, whenever there’s a special game to be played, clear skies of sunny California suddenly appear. There’s some kind of magic attached to it, I’m certain.
It was a strange feeling watching that game. For once in my life I was watching sports without a vested emotional interest. It was a very liberating feeling going in without a nauseous nervousness or the thought of “what if?” permeating the game.
Thank you all for reading if you made it this far. This was a pretty singular moment in my life as a college football fan so I wanted to cover it properly and give all of my thoughts. I hope you don’t mind the extra details, I’m sure you were watching it yourselves so you didn’t need the straight retelling anyway.
I should also probably thank my dad for getting me into football, paying for my college, and buying the tickets.
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In Defense of William Johnson
Government =/= Templars. The Templars wants to replace governments. They use them but isn't fighting their battles(that's all about themselves and not humanity). The government put the land on sale, told them to leave and the Confederacy(CSA or C.A) gave their consent. It's open to be purchased by any wanting colonist and William intended to buy it. The natives would be driven out unless a buyer doesn't throw them out. If it isn't sold(like it ended in game), then they would be forced out by the government. It's not about morals, it's about how they worked back then and William knowing how the system works(unlike the natives) wanted to prevent them from being forced out. He was regardless how you twist it trying to save them. You do know there was an increase in slaver after the AR and not long after the Northwest Indian(government vs natives) happened? Kanen'tó:kon: "Men came, claiming we had to leave. They said that the land was being sold and that the Confederacy had consented. We sent an envoy, but they would not listen." http://assassinscreed.wikia.com/wiki...nson%27s_Trail Kanen'tó:kon: Ratonhnhaké:ton! Ratonhnhaké:ton! Connor: Kanen'tó:kon? Why are you here? Has something happened? Kanen'tó:kon: William Johnson has returned - with all the money required to buy our land. He meets with the elders as we speak. I have begged them to resist. But I fear he shall have his way unless you intervene. Connor: How is this possible? We destroyed the tea. Achilles: The Templars are nothing if not resourceful. You should have heeded my warning. Johnson: "Ah, no. What have you done?" Connor: "Ensured an end to your schemes. You sought to claim these lands for the Templars..." Johnson: "Aye. That we might PROTECT them! Do you think that good King George lies awake at night hoping that no harm comes to his native subjects? Or that the people of the city care one whit about them? Oh, sure, the colonists are happy to trade when they need food or shelter or a bit of extra padding for their armies. But when the walls of the city constrict - when there's crops that need soil - when there's... when there's no enemy to fight - we'll see how kind the people are then." Connor: The colonists have no quarrel with the Iroquois. Johnson: Not yet. But they will. 'Tis the way of the world. In time, they'll turn. I... I could have stopped it. I could have saved you all... Connor: You speak of salvation, but you were killing them. Johnson: Aye. Because they would not listen! And so, it seems, neither will you. Connor: May the Faceless One grant you the peace you claimed to seek. http://assassinscreed.wikia.com/wiki...e_Negotiations Haytham: And what's this? George: Private correspondence! Haytham: Of course it is. Would you like to know what it says, Connor? It seems your good friend here has just ordered an attack on your village. Although attack might be putting it mildly. Tell him, Commander. George: We've been receiving reports of allied natives working with the British. I've asked my men to put a stop to it. Haytham: By burning their villages, and salting the land. By calling for their extermination, according to this letter. Not the first time either. Tell him what you did fourteen years ago. Connor warning Washington and Haytham to not interfere George: That was another time. The Seven Years' War. Haytham: And so now you see what happens to this "great man" when under duress. He makes excuses, displaces blame. Does a great many things, in fact - except take responsibility. Clan Mother: Ratonhnhaké:ton! You have returned! But why? I thought you would be with that other man. Connor: What other man? Clan Mother telling Connor about Charles Lee's involvement Clan Mother: Boiling Water. The one called Charles Lee. He took Kanen'tó:kon and a few others with him. Connor: What? Where have they gone? Clan Mother: To push back those who would take our land. Connor: No. This is wrong... Clan mother: Why are you troubled? Is this not what you wanted? For us to take a stand? Connor: I... I have to go. I need to stop them. Connor: Peace, Kanen'tó:kon! Kanen'tó:kon: Ratonhnhaké:ton. Come to kill me yourself? Connor: What?! Kanen'tó:kon: Charles Lee told me everything. The Patriots seek to destroy us. And you would aid them. Connor: That man is a liar! Kanen'tó:kon: He said you had been corrupted. That you would try to deceive. But here they are on our doorstep. What say you to that? http://assassinscreed.wikia.com/wiki/Broken_Trust Another point proving William is right is when Haytham reveals who burned his village and it was happening again. Washington had no problem massacring them despite being a freedom fighter and Connor being his ally. And with none owning the land during the war Washington could attack it without being stopped by a colonist. That colonist could have been William but he's dead. He could have prevent his tribe from siding with the British and told Washington he's trespassing his land to wage war on innocent natives trying to make a living. So obviously they are now forced to fight back and Connor continues supports the Patriots even after Washington betrayed him and attempted to "burning their villages, and salting the land. By calling for their extermination, according to this letter. Not the first time either." That is evidence enough they didn't fight for all people and equality but Connor's naively can be shocking at times. Even Haytham was surprised by how naive he was when they meet and he came with his accusations. Washington was going to destroy them and Charles knowing this warned them, gave them the opportunity to defend themselves and allow the British to aid them like they did in Johnson's time before he tried to purchase the land. Charles was telling the truth regarding the Patriots and William was right about them turning on the natives, like they always end up doing. Traveler: If you're hungry, I've extra. Connor: No thank you... Where is everyone? Traveler: Gone west. Been a while since they left. Seems some fellow from New York was granted the land by congress. Connor: What? Traveler: Seein' it happen more and more. Government SAYS they don't take land that's already owned, but, uh... Connor: How could this have happened? Traveler: We're on our own now. No more Merry English parts and labor. Which means we gotta go at it ourselves. Gotta pay for it too. Sellin' land is quick and easy and not quite so nasty as taxes. And since some say they're what started the whole war, ain't no rush to bring 'em back. Clever men, these new leaders of ours. They know not to push it just yet. Too soon for taxes. Too... British. http://assassinscreed.wikia.com/wiki...séton_(memory) So the Government(with the consent of the Confederacy) put the land on sale for anyone to buy forcing the natives out since they don't take land they already own(their words btw). So William Johnson knowing this tried to buy it without harming anyone but someone killed his workers, guards before attacking his two ships containing tea he was selling to buy the land(economy 101: he properly has far more than two ships so that damage isn't that huge(except for every life lost)). Now since Templar is nothing if not resourceful he will be able to recover from the losses and setbacks but is forced due to recent events to negotiate. The natives not knowing the system or that they'd get forced out by the Confederacy accuses him of taking the land when he is actually the only one we know of that tries to let them keep their lands. So he could protect if from the king who does't care or the people of the city who considers it bad to be a native. And when a city of people like that expands it will force them out, it's the way of the world. So he gets killed by Connor during his negotiates when William got desperate, threatened them and killed some... ...Now the American Revolution is ended and he can live happy ever after with his tribe but wait a minute. Since William didn't own the land and it was given to a fellow in New York by Congress. Why didn't Connor's "allies" step in and say it is owned the natives? Because they didn't fight for the natives. Some are slave owners or has massacred natives before, they don't care and was using him all the time. Connor being naive believed it was a fight for all, a place where all could be equal and live side by side. He finds out they traveled west, no more Merry English parts or labor for the people living in the frontiers. They are left to survive on their own. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northwest_Indian_War "The Northwest Indian War (1785–1795), also known as Little Turtle's War and by other names, was a war between the United States and a confederation of numerous Native tribes, with minor support from the British, for control of the Northwest Territory. It followed centuries of conflict over this territory, first among Native American tribes, and then with the added shifting alliances among the tribes and the European powers: France, Great Britain, and their colonials. Great Britain ceded to the U.S. "control" of the Northwest Territory, which was occupied by numerous Native American tribes. Despite the treaty, the British kept forts and policies there that supported the Natives in the Northwest Territories. President George Washington directed the United States Army to halt the hostilities between the Natives and settlers and enforce U.S. sovereignty over the territory. With Harmar Campaign (1790) and St. Clair's Defeat (1791) being major defeats. After St. Clair's disaster, Washington ordered Revolutionary War hero General "Mad" Anthony Wayne to organize and train a proper fighting force. Wayne took command of the new Legion of the United States late in 1793. He led his men to a decisive victory at the Battle of Fallen Timbers in 1794. The defeated Native tribes were forced to cede extensive territory, including much of present-day Ohio, in the Treaty of Greenville in 1795. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northwest_Indian_War The natives traveled west and if ended with a war between the natives with change of support including the British who Connor "liberated"(resulted in no more British parts or labor to those living in the frontier) the land from and "saved" his tribe. So William was right, they did turn the natives and Washington(his ally) who also was the one who killed his mother and is responsible for the attack on his village. The guy fully aware of him fighting for his people turns his back on him and fights the natives in the west(with failure) until he puts Anthony Wayne in charge of dealing with them so they can enforce U.S sovereignty over the territory they moved to after being forced out because the Government don't take land they already own, resulting in a fellow from New York owning it. Regarding Stanwix, we all know what land the Colonial Templars will dig up. The Grand Temple. Then there is also the fact that it will also be digged up by the fellow from New York who owns it since William got killed. Had William owned it they would be living on their land. http://assassinscreed.wikia.com/wiki...ian_casualties In his time, Connor ensured the abandonment of his tribe's native lands and the onset of the American Revolutionary War by eliminating William Johnson and John Pitcairn in pursuit of freedom, to his eventual regret.
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liliannorman · 4 years
Soggy coastal soils? Here’s why ecologists love them
Katrina. Harvey. Laura. Sandy. Maria. For some people, these might be merely names. For others, they’re reminders of utter devastation. Some of the most damaging storms to hit North America bear these names. Each one did billions of dollars of damage to buildings, roads and other property. People died in their floodwaters. Many coastal areas have yet to recover.
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Hurricane Katrina’s high winds and coastal flooding destroyed this beach house in 2005.ParkerDeen/iStock/Getty Images Plus
A storm’s destructive power stems from its winds. Powerful gusts not only blow objects around, they also churn up massive waves called storm surges. This is a rapid rise water that rushes onshore, sweeping away trees, cars and almost anything else in its path. Storm surges can flood buildings, trapping people inside or forcing them onto roofs, where they wait for rescue.
What if there were a way to slow those storm surges, to prevent them from scouring the coastline with their raw power? Turns out, there is — if we allow nature to do its thing.
Coastal wetlands hold the key to damping big waves. They provide flood control and critical habitat for young fish and other marine creatures. They help stabilize climate by trapping carbon. And they’re critical for coasts dealing with rising sea levels.
Standing up to storms
Wetlands are more than just wet land. They are ecosystems of plants and animals thriving in areas that flood at least part of the year. Coastal wetlands are often grassy marshes. Warmer areas may support mangroves. These trees grow right along the coastline, their long, stilt-like roots stretching down into the water. Those roots provide critical habitat for fish, shrimp and other marine animals. They also trap silt and other sediment, protecting it from erosion and building up the shoreline.
Anna Armitage is a marine biologist at Texas A&M University at Galveston. There, she studies coastlines along the Gulf of Mexico. Hurricanes regularly hit this area. She and her team have created study plots with randomly placed patches of marsh and mangrove. As temperatures have been warming, mangroves have been spreading. The team wanted to learn about the ecological changes that take place when mangroves overtake a marsh. But in 2017, their plots took a direct hit from Hurricane Harvey. A category 4 storm at the time, Harvey’s winds raged up to 217 kilometers (135 miles) per hour. The event offered a unique opportunity to study how different types of wetlands survive a big storm.
Explainer: Winds and where they come from
Marshy wetlands came through quite well, researchers found. The storm surge covered the grasses completely. This protected them from damaging winds. “There was erosion right along the shoreline,” Armitage says. But just 10 meters (33 feet) in, the marsh plants were fine. If they were submerged for longer, the plants might have drowned, Armitage notes. But Harvey’s storm surge didn’t last long enough to kill those plants.
High water also protected the shorter, scrubbier mangroves. But trees more than 2.5 meters (8.2 feet) tall, which grew right along the water’s edge, weren’t completely submerged. High winds broke branches above the water and stripped off their leaves. Those areas began to regrow within two months of the hurricane. But they still haven’t completely regrown. “It appears that full mangrove recovery will take longer than two growing seasons,” Armitage says.
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Mangrove roots form a thicket along the waterline, which supports a wide variety of marine life. During storms they can also diminish an oncoming surge of high waves.Damocean/iStock/Getty Images Plus
Both marshes and mangroves help reduce inland flooding. “Mangroves may reduce [storm] surge more because they are taller,” Armitage says. “But their height also makes them more vulnerable to storm damage.” The benefits are about equal between the two types of wetland, she concludes.
Coastal wetlands are essential for flood protection during big storms, says Siddharth Narayan. He’s a coastal engineer at East Carolina University in Greenville, N.C. He and a team of researchers from around the world used a computer model to understand just how much of a difference marshy wetlands make. (A computer program, such a model uses math to predict how a complex real-world event might unfold.)
Explainer: What is a computer model?
They ran their program using Hurricane Sandy as their model storm. This superstorm hit the Northeastern United States in 2012. It killed 72 people and its flooding alone caused $50 billion in damage.
The computer model looked at property damage that Sandy caused along the Atlantic coast from Maine to North Carolina. The team ran the model twice: first with wetlands as they exist now, and a second time with all these wetlands removed. Without those wetlands, the U.S. East Coast “would have experienced $625 million more in damages,” Narayan now reports. Areas upstream from coastal wetlands also benefited in the model — even if they no longer had nearby wetlands. That’s because coastal wetlands would sop up the excess water, slowing the surge upstream.
Wetlands could actually cause a few areas to flood more, according to the model. That’s because homes here had been built between the wetlands and ocean. Those homes wouldn’t get any benefit from wetlands soaking up the storm surge. What’s more, the wetlands would prevent some of that water from moving inland, so flood levels around those homes would rise higher.
Wetlands under threat
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Storms bring extremely high tides and large surges of water that can overwhelm seawalls. Wetlands can sop up some of that bonus water to limit flooding — and in some cases even prevent it. Moorefam/iStock/Getty Images Plus
Narayan’s model didn’t include wetlands as they existed 100 years ago. Those were much larger than today’s. Coastal wetlands have been shrinking around the world for the last century. Anything that interrupts the way they interact with their surroundings can pose risks to them, Narayan says. That can include changes in the flow, temperature or saltiness of water, he notes. That last one is a major problem. If too much freshwater — or salty seawater — gets into the wetlands, it can kill off plants that need just the right amount of salt to thrive.
Wetland sediment also erodes from the constant wash of waves. In the past, spring floods replaced that missing sediment, Narayan says. Swollen rivers carried sediment downstream, depositing it along the way. This rebuilt the sandy base for wetlands along rivers. It also built the broad deltas that form where rivers meet the sea.
But people have altered rivers to prevent floods. Dams hold back sediment, trapping it higher up the river. Riverbanks are often reinforced with concrete, to prevent them from eroding. These changes have stopped the essential flow of nutrient-rich sediment to the river’s deltas and the wetlands they support.
Other threats to wetlands are more direct. People fill them in to build homes, restaurants or hotels. They use chemicals that kill weeds and pests. These can then wash downstream, harming plants and animals along the way. Building roads can cut off the flow of water. Severe storms can kill wetland plants by carving channels that let seawater move too far inland. Other times, Narayan points out, storm surges can be surprisingly helpful, depositing sediment that helps wetlands extend out into the ocean.
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This salt marsh along the Delaware coast allows movement of both fresh- and saltwater through the grasses.McKinneMike/iStock/Getty Images Plus
To survive, coastal wetlands need space to shift, Narayan explains. Wetland plants need specific amounts of salt in the water — too much or too little will kill them. That creates another problem: As Earth’s climate changes, sea levels are rising, pushing saltwater farther inland.
Wetland plants respond to rising sea levels “by growing vertically and also by shifting landward,” Narayan says. They try to “stay in the same tidal range that they’re used to.” But this requires space, he notes. And in many places, human-built barriers prevent a wetland’s ability to move. “As a result, these living wetlands end up getting squeezed against a hard shoreline and drowned,” he says, as the seas rise.
Explainer: Why sea levels aren’t rising at the same rate globally
Exactly how sea-level rise will affect coastal wetlands has been a bit of a mystery. But a recent study by Australian researchers offers hope. Kerrylee Rogers is a coastal scientist at the University of Wollongong. It’s in New South Wales, Australia. Rising seas can play a role in fighting climate change, her team finds. They do this, Rogers explains, by forcing coastal wetlands to store carbon below ground and within the living plants.
The team compared the carbon stored in the sediments of 345 coastal wetlands. They were on every continent except Antarctica. Some were where sea level is rising rapidly. In others, water levels had been largely stable. Where seas had been rising, they found, coastal wetlands collected more sediments and carbon. “As long as the plants can survive, the sediment will continue to store carbon as seas rise,” Rogers concludes. “This will help coastal wetlands to adjust to sea-level rise.” It also could help slow climate change, she notes, by storing more carbon where it can’t be released into the air.
Bringing wetlands back
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After Hurricane Sandy in 2012, water flooded — and badly damaged — the Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuge beach road in Delaware, seen here.USFWS/Flickr
People around the world are starting to recognize the important role of coastal wetlands in flood control. And in supporting the fisheries that feed us. Many organizations are now working to restore coastal wetlands. However, those efforts face challenges. Some new wetlands haven’t worked as well as the wetlands they replaced. But with every setback, researchers learn what doesn’t work — and what does. This helps guide their next efforts.
Allowing the flow of water through coastal areas to return to normal seems key. That’s the lesson from Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuge. Home to sand dunes and marsh, it sits along the coast of Delaware. From 2006 to 2012, a series of storms broke through the dune barriers. Saltwater washed into an area that had been freshwater only, killing 4,000 acres of vegetation — an area equal to more than 3,000 football fields. In 2012, Hurricane Sandy blasted through the remaining dunes, completely flooding what had once been a thriving ecosystem.
See how restoration of Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuge in Delaware revitalized devastated wetlands, helped limit flooding and invited wildlife back.
The next year, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service began studying how to best rebuild the refuge. After studying computer models of natural water flow — both saltwater and fresh — they begin a massive restoration project. Bartholomew Wilson led the effort at this government agency.
His team dredged sand from Delaware Bay, using it to rebuild two miles of beach. They dug channels through the former wetland to let both freshwater and salty tides flow through it as they had in the past. Mud from the channels built soil up so that it was higher than the water line. On those mud flats, a team of 12 people planted more than a half million marsh plants to help anchor the sediment in place. A plane dropped about 4,500 kilograms (10,000 pounds) of seeds to further boost plant growth. And a new road along the shoreline now includes a bridge and four pipes that let tidal waters flow freely into the wetland on the other side.
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Dredges at Prime Hook in Delaware brought up mud from beneath the floodwaters, spraying it onto nearby areas. This created channels for water flow.Richard Weiner/USFWS/Flickr
It was a massive project — and that was the biggest challenge, Wilson says. “We had a beach being rebuilt with one very large dredge and six bulldozers.” Those moved enough sand to fill 424 Olympic swimming pools. At the same time, three smaller dredges dug 25 miles of channels through the wetlands. “This is the largest restoration project ever on the East Coast,” Wilson says. It’s also one of the most successful, he adds.
By 2018, Prime Hook was a thriving ecosystem again. Many plant and animal species again call it home. These include bird species such as piping plovers, least terns and American oystercatchers. All three species are endangered, and the restored wetland provides habitat that may help boost their populations.
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Endangered American oystercatchers rely on coastal wetlands for food and nest sites.Rabbitti/iStock/Getty Images Plus
What’s more, the area has held up well to storms. “We had four storms last year in a few-week period,” Wilson told Science News for Students. And Prime Hook experienced “only minor erosion,” he says. No hurricanes like Sandy have yet tested the area’s resiliency. But one nor’easter brought a near-record storm surge — and it had very little impact on the restored refuge. (Nor’easters are a type of big, intense storm that can strike the northeastern United States.)
Wetland restoration benefits human communities, too. “Before the project, several of the roads leading through the refuge would flood every month or two,” Wilson says. The project finished in 2016. Since then, these roads haven’t flooded once.
Prime Hook is just one example of a restored coastal wetland. Many others are also underway around the world. Organizations and government agencies often work together, says Narayan of East Carolina University. They might move a road to give nearby wetlands more space. Or they might nourish them with sand or mud that, for a while, had been prevented from reaching the area. Adding culverts (openings) under roads can allow tidal flow in and out of a wetland that’s been disconnected from the ocean. It’s a big task, but many teams are up to tackling it.
“People are trying to figure out how we can work with nature to improve the health of these wetlands,” Narayan says. There is no one right answer on how to do this. And the solutions will vary with the site. But in the end, he says, such efforts can pay big benefits to both the environment and human communities.
Soggy coastal soils? Here’s why ecologists love them published first on https://triviaqaweb.tumblr.com/
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randomtowns · 4 years
50 Worst... Sometimes
This is going to be a long post, because I’m going to be discussing 50 towns instead of just one.
These 50 come from a USA Today clickbait article titled “America’s 50 Worst Cities to Live” (https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2020/02/29/americas-50-worst-cities-to-live/111367058/). In addition to the obvious ambiguity in “worst,” “cities” also isn’t quite right as it mostly contains unincorporated census designated places. However, it’s not without merit. I remember, as a kid, pouring over the “Places Rated Almanac.” My parents had two of these, from the 80′s, apparently to try and pick a place to live. The almanac used statistics like climate, crime, available of mass transit, team sports, schools, and other publicly-available information to create a score that determined the town’s rating. What was the best? I actually don’t remember, but I recall that, in both editions we had, Yuba City, California was dead last. But my history with this led me to actually scroll through this entire article one night, thinking of why exactly these places had been deemed so deplorable and unworthy of habitation. I’m going to go through each one on the list, and talk about my thoughts on the place, if I’d been there, or reasons as to why the area comes up, in my opinion.
Let’s get started...
Piney Woods, NC Been there? No
Piney Woods is a CDP located just east of the Jacksonville, NC city limits, and directly across the road from the main entrance to Camp Lejeune, most known as a facility for Marines when they are deployed. The area is mostly low density residential, with a mix of middle-class homes and mobile home parks. The article faults it for its poverty rate, unemployment (both slightly above the national average), and lack of public transit. Like any community adjacent to a large military, Piney Woods is going to see many ebbs and flows in its fortunes, and is not going to be a place where most people would want to live. Being a military community means it’s a largely transient area, with few interested in the improvement of the overall community due to the temporary nature of their assignments there. Those who stick around are likely mostly if not totally dependent upon the fortunes of the base.
Oskaloosa, IA Been there? No
Oskaloosa is a town about 60 miles southeast of Des Moines along Highway 163. It’s just far enough to miss out on being a Des Moines bedroom community, but maybe close enough to live within its shadow. The article cites the slightly above-average poverty and unemployment rates again, and points to the home value being half of the national median. There’s an annual regional fair held here, there’s a small liberal arts college (William Penn University), and a couple of companies located here. Originally a coal mining area, it’s possible that Oskaloosa has fell into the trap of a lot of industrial Midwestern towns, where they are unable to move on with a mostly unskilled labor pool.
West Pensacola, FL Been there? Yes
West Pensacola is a CDP with a number of unrelated neighborhoods just west of the city of Pensacola. There is a strip of retail along the major highways, including a number of hotels. It’s mostly a community of small homes in small neighborhoods with medium- to large-sized lots. However, it does include a particularly rough, poor section of Pensacola that is conveniently just outside of the city limits. Additionally, the area is just north of Pensacola Naval Air Station, and the southern boundary of the CDP is littered with strip malls, tattoo shops and low-end motels. It’s likely that a lot of the residents here work at the NAS. The article points out high unemployment, low income, and low home values, all attributable to the above. I’ve stayed here a couple of times, last in 2003, and I recall the area as being somewhat dumpy but not having an overall dangerous feel.
Greenville, MS Been there? No
It’s inevitable that a Mississippi Delta community would come up on the list. The region is notoriously poor, and with a poverty rate of 35%, the article points out that Greenville is the poorest city in the country. It’s the economic center of the area, but it being located in a particularly poor area is going to inevitably doom it to being a poor town.
Moss Point, MS Been there? Yes
Moss Point is at the eastern end of a string of towns along the Mississippi coast. Unlike the other towns though, Moss Point has no beachfront property, and sits directly north of Pascagoula. This likely leads to it having lower home values than those surrounding towns, which was exacerbated by Hurricane Katrina in 2005, from which the town has never fully recovered. The article points out that it’s one of the poorest towns in the country.
Middletown, OH Been there? Yes
Middletown sits almost directly between Cincinnati and Dayton. Originally a canal town, it became a steel town in the 20th century, and has seen a similar fate as other steel towns. The article points out that the unemployment rate is just below 10%, and the poverty rate is just over 25%. Medium-sized (Middletown’s population hovers around 50,000) Ohio towns have had a rough time in the late 20th and early 21st century. If it’s not industrial exodus, it’s opioids, and Middletown is not exception to these issues. It’s pretty though, and it’s big enough that there are still nice areas in spite of the problems.
Augusta, GA Been there? No
One of the largest cities I have never been to. But can you blame me? James Brown’s beloved hometown has an awful reputation. Aside from the annual Masters golf tournament, there seems to be nothing to do here. The article points to a 10% unemployment rate and a 23% poverty rate. Like many southern cities, it’s a town of haves and have nots. The western side of town, home to the Augusta National course, features large, well-kept homes on large lots with mostly white inhabitants, but cross the tracks to the south and you’ll find many abandoned homes, or homes with bars on the windows, in a predominately black area. The consolidation of the city and county in the 90′s was meant to stem the tide of flight to the suburbs, and the resultant loss of revenue, but many middle-class residents have instead chosen to live across the river, in South Carolina. While Augusta has seen massive population decreases, North Augusta, SC saw a 20% jump between 2000 and 2010.
Bay St. Louis, MS Been there? Yes
Where Moss Point is at the eastern end of the Mississippi coast, Bay St. Louis is at its western end. You may look at a map and point out that there are communities to the west, but I’ve driven through here at night, and leaving Bay St. Louis is like leaving earth: it’s just dark, trees and bugs until New Orleans. Just like Moss Point, Bay St. Louis was heavily damaged during Hurricane Katrina in 2005, and has never fully recovered. The article points to its slightly above-average unemployment rate and its lack of recreation activities. It’s hard for me to judge that but, in looking at the map, it does seem to have few park areas that are not dedicated to sports facilities.
Lithia Springs, GA Been there? Yes
Lithia Springs is a small CDP just off I-20 west of Atlanta. Like a lot of suburban Atlanta, the area was developed with middle-class homes and little thought to zoning, only to be passed on in subsequent housing booms as the city grew. The article points out its lack of access to grocery stores. There is a Kroger at its eastern edge, but it’s strangely just outside of the CDP’s boundaries, which may explain this.
DeRidder, LA Been there? Yes
DeRidder is a small town north of Lake Charles, and is the seat of Beauregard Parish. Just across the Sabine River, in Texas, the region is known as “the pine curtain,” a reference to both its pine trees and its reputation as backward and isolated. DeRidder largely has the same reputation. It’s a logging town, and, likely due to that, it has a high unemployment and poverty rate, as the article points out. The parish’s low population is likely the cause of the lack of grocery stores and recreational options that the article laments.
Denison, IA Been there? No
Denison is a small town about 90 minutes north of Omaha. It sits in a heavily agricultural region, reliant on farming and meat production. The article points to its high unemployment rate, made higher within the last four years, a lack of an educated workforce, and low home values. Denison has emerged as a face of the new Midwest: now at 42% Hispanic. The unemployment increase can be attributed to the Tyson beef plant closing in 2015.
Atmore, AL Been there? No
Atmore sits just off of Interstate 65 north of Mobile. The article points to Atmore’s recent massive drop in employment and its current unemployment rate of nearly 20%. A new casino by the interstate, and some surrounding commercial development, are possibly the city’s plan at getting out of its rapidly declining economic state. As far as small Alabama towns though, Atmore does not seem anymore unsustainable.
Pahrump, NV Been there? Yes
Pahrump is a place you move to when you want to get away from people. Whether you’re a preper who distrusts the government, a retiree just seeking to live on your own terms, or a meth manufacturer, Nevada in general is possibly the most libertarian state, with Pahrump its possibly most libertarian community. The area is a mostly unorganized and random roads running off of just a couple of highways an hour or so west of Las Vegas. It’s close enough that you can still get what you need in the city, but far enough that you don’t have to feel closed in by the city or its housing prices. The article points to Pahrump’s drug issues as its main point of contention, but also its 10% unemployment rate. But it’s a cheap place to live, and its various qualities make it an attractive place to live while on government assistance. The town also features two of the few remaining legal brothels in the state.
Lakeland Village, CA Been there? No
On the more isolated southern shore of Lake Elsinore, against the Santa Ana Mountains, Lakeside Village did not grow the same as its Temescal Valley neighbors did. Interstate 15 has brought both steady traffic and a commuter route to Lake Elsinore, the lake’s namesake town on the other shore, but Lakeland Village seems to have been largely passed up. It has a reputation locally as both crime- and drug-ridden. The article points to its 12.9% unemployment rate, and high commute times.
Makaha, HI Been there? No
An isolated community along Oahu’s western shore, this is the only time Hawaii makes the list. The article points to its high cost of living contradicted by its below-average median income. It also points to its excessive 16.7% unemployment and 28% poverty rates. Its isolation (over an hour from Honolulu on a small, crowded highway) and reputation for having dangerous waves have kept it from being excessively developed like other parts of Oahu, but that also has meant that it has remained poorer than other areas.
Lehigh Acres, FL Been there? Yes
Lehigh Acres actually started as a stereotype: one of those large pieces of swampland where developers marked streets and plots on a map, and then speculators ate up, occasionally building homes with little or no infrastructure available. The area sat as mostly undeveloped until the 2000s real estate boom, and the subsequent crash was particularly devastating on the community, with its poor climate, lack of services, and longer distance to the beach. The article points to the community’s below-average income yet above-average cost of living. Google amazingly has nearly the entire area on StreetView.
Artesia, NM Been there? Yes
A town I actually like. Yes, despite having an oil refinery directly in its center, I’ve always found Artesia to be a charming little town, and a stark contrast to its larger, despicable Estacado neighbors to the north and south. There’s even a little brewpub here, called The Wellhead, that’s been open for many years. But the article reports an elevated poverty rate and lack of access to grocery stores. The latter may be due to the town’s only supermarket being very near to the Walmart Supercenter.
Arizona City, AZ Been there? Yes
Arizona City is a small, isolated CDP stuck between desert and cotton fields just south of Interstate 10, between Phoenix and Tucson. The article points to its above-average unemployment and poverty rates, and residents’ lack of access to both restaurants and grocery stores. But this is a snowbird town, and isolation is typical in places like this. This area just happens to be especially isolated. There is a large Hispanic population here, likely due to the surrounding agricultural industries, which may account for much of the poverty.
Bacliff, TX Been there? Yes
When I lived in Houston in the early 2000s, I would sometimes take drives to this small community along Galveston Bay, to sit by the water, and buy some quick food at one of the places along Highway 146. But it’s been a long time since I’ve been, and the article points out some changes. Bacliff’s above-average poverty may be directly related to the closure of its local chemical plant. The gang activity mentioned in the article is surprising, but it may be due to its proximity to Houston.
Earlimart, CA Been there? Yes
Yeah, okay, Earlimart sucks, I’ll give you that. There was an LA-based band in the 2000s called Earlimart, and the music led me to believe that they just got the name from the sign on the freeway, and never actually stopped here. I would say that Earlimart is the closest thing to a scummy Mexican border town I’ve seen in California. The article points out its staggering 41% poverty rate, above-average unemployment rate, and isolation from services. Despite its population, there are few restaurants here, but that’s largely because locals can’t afford to eat out. I’ve stopped here mainly for its cheap gas, but it’s a depressing little town, even for the low standards of the Central Valley.
Coatesville, PA Been there? Yes
Another steel town that has been forsaken. Meanwhile, it’s just a little bit too far from Philadelphia to be a viable bedroom community. The article points out its high unemployment and poverty rates, as well as its low home ownership rate. It’s hard to pick this as a lot worse than any of the countless similarly-sized towns throughout Pennsylvania, but I suppose the numbers are what puts this over the edge.
Perry, GA Been there? No
It’s strange to see a town right along a major interstate corridor be on this list as interstates often have a way of keeping a town afloat just enough with service and retail jobs. Reading over the article and the numbers, I’m not totally clear on why this one deserves such a high ranking (#29). Its unemployment rate is high, but not compared to cities surrounding this. This part of Georgia blows (the people are great though), but I don’t know why Perry gets such shade.
Bessemer, AL Been there? Yes
Another steel town, and one that has had issues with unemployment, poverty and blight for longer than most steel towns. This is partially due to early white flight, as the city was majority black by the 1950′s, and continues to be so today. A major interstate, close proximity to Alabama’s largest city, and a large water park, are not enough to boost the town out of its perpetual rut. The article points to a high unemployment rate and a very high poverty rate of 28%. However, there’s also an excessive violent crime rate (the highest of any city over 25,000 in 2019) and, it’s not just USA Today that thinks Bessemer sucks: the Wall Street Journal ranked it the worst city in Alabama in 2019.
Stockbridge, GA Been there? Yes
At one point, Stockbridge was a tiny town well outside Atlanta. As Atlanta grew though, Stockbridge became a large part of that city’s rising black suburbs, as African-Americans pushed out of the urban confines into home ownership as red lining and other racist policies were struck down. Based on the numbers provided in the article, it doesn’t seem that bad. My guess is that, like a lot of these poorer suburbs, it looks bad in terms of area housing costs versus incomes. Just like Perry though, I’m not sure why Stockbridge is getting picked on so much here.
Brooksville, FL Been there? No
The seat of Hernando County, Brooksville may be a symbolic center for the county’s issues with poverty, drugs, and crime. The article points to the town’s high unemployment and its low home value, and $49,000 median home value seems especially low for Florida. Then again, there are just not many large homes built in Hernando County in general, and Brooksville may be a more extreme example of that.
WHEW!!! That’s 50 to 26. I’m going to cover 25 to 1 tomorrow to break up the posts. Hope you enjoyed.
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mitchbeck · 4 years
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BY: Gerry Cantlon, Howlings HARTFORD, CT - Two-thirds of the victorious Atlantic Division All-Star champions made it back to Hartford. Head coach Kris Knoblauch was still stuck at Ontario International Airport (All-Star Classic title sponsor) trying to negotiate his way back leaving Gord Murphy to run practice in his absence. For Vinni Lettieri, the team top scorer and 20th best in the AHL with 18 goals and 37 points, the unexpected All-Star invite was a great experience “It was great to share with Keaner and Knobber out there and it was nice to win a championship,“ remarked Lettieri with a laugh and smile “its always nice winning and get a chance to see other guys on the West Coast to connect with you.” What was your first thought? “You don’t want to lose the puck right off the bat and let somebody score or miss a shot, I might get benched.”  Lettieri with a laugh and he had space and plenty of ice on his first goal, ”that was good to get the breakaway right off the bat, but never want to miss on those.” The Toyota Center blew him away for an AHL arena. “If I didn’t know it was an AHL building you would have thought it was an NHL building. Everything was beautiful inside, it was amazing. one of the best places I have ever played in (college or pro) you had no idea it was an AHL rink. Ontario (Reign) did a great job hosting us. The setup was fantastic, everything was so well presented. It was seamless very easy for us. Considering all the people coming at different times, from different places and some whose flights were late, not getting a lot of sleep it was very well done they did everything to help us out. I want to thank them and all the fans that came out.” There were a few drawbacks. “All told it was 20 hours of travel there and back it was pretty tough on that end, but it was worth it.” He and Keane got the flight out of LA and made it back, but Knoblauch might be courting a team fine for missing practice !! For defenseman Joey Keane, the whole scene was something he still has to take it all in. “it was great, a lot of travel, a great experience. Did well on the individual puck weave and the fastest skater competition and my parents made it out there, so it was a  very cool time,” said Keane. Playing with guys you compete against in the division is quite a bit different. “For sure it takes getting use to it was nice to get to play with them and see guys from out West (you don’t see at all,” said Keane who assisted on Providence’s Paul Carey’s (Salisbury Prep) goal “I actually sat next to him in the locker room it was a lot fun meeting so many other players.” On Thursday, it was back to work for associate head coach Gord Murphy, Vinni’s game which is goal scoring there is also an intangible he really likes in him, is his competitiveness. “He really works with the puck and in getting pucks back. He sticks his body in there and shields the puck from people. His competitiveness is a big part of his game. Lots of goal scorers can get so focused on just goal scoring and don’t pay attention to other aspects of their games. That really stands out about him, he’s not just the typical goal scorer standing out on the perimeter. He competes for the pucks and that’s what gives him those opportunities,” Now all the energy is to complete the final games secure first place and the team's first playoff berth in more than five years. The Wolf Pack (25-10-4-50) for 59 points tied with Hershey, but are in first by mere percentage points play Springfield three in a row over the next six days even unique by AHL standards starting with this weekend's home and home. The Thunderbirds went 7-3 over their last 10 before the All-Star break and have climbed into third place in the Atlantic Division will look to keep their streak going and snap the Wolf Pack currently modest three-game winning streak. “Now its time for us get back and to continue what we have been doing that got us to the top of the division. We have to stay balance working with each player individually to keep their game where it needs to be. The other thing you want to do is keeping your fingers and toes crossed that we stay healthy. Stay off the IR and avoid the injury bug and make that push towards the end of the season.” Murphy sounded a note of caution as well. “You don’t want to look to far ahead and its cliché I know, but you have to just look at the game in front of you and go forward from there. We’re coming out of break here and you have to be focused on the first 10 minutes of the game making sure they have their skating legs under them and the timing is where it should be. Do all the little things we’ve been doing and keep the good habits we have developed. That’s out focus point right now.” 32 games to go, the push for the postseason is on. NOTES: -Pack defenseman Nick Ebert is nursing a lower-body injury didn’t finish practice today and is out for the weekend. There is a hope he might be available on Wednesday. -Murphy wasn’t able to announce tomorrow’s starting goalie with Knoblauch’s absence. “I really wish I could tell you because I really don’t know. I’m not hiding anything, that’s Kris’s call. He was going to be in touch with both of them (Adam Huska and Tom McCollum) this afternoon about the weekend. Right now he is trying to get a flight and get back here.” -The Pack’s Ryan Gropp was awarded the assist last week against Bridgeport initially credited to Mason Geersten the correction was asked for and granted by the AHL and he now has four points in his last four games. -Springfield is a little thin and inexperienced at goalie for the time being. Samuel Montembeault, the second-year goaltender from Quebec City was recalled today by Florida. Chris Driedger was in Florida has suffered a severe upper-body injury and a Springfield source says it's likely he could be gone for the season. He was undergoing further medical evaluation. That leaves two rookies at the helm of the goalie ship. Philippe Desrosiers with 19 games of AHL experience and Ryan Bednard who has played just two games with Springfield who has spent most of the season thus far in Greenville (ECHL). -The Thunderbirds feature some familiar names in ex-Pack Ryan Haggerty (Stamford) acquired from Wilkes Barre/Scranton last month as was ex-Pack defenseman Rob O’Gara (Yale University) who was the assistant captain last season till back surgery ended his season prematurely, Defenseman Tommy Cross (Simsbury/Westminster Prep) is the third player with CT ties. Joining Montembeault going to Florida is defenseman Riley Stillman grandson of ex-New Haven Nighthawk and Springfield Indians, Bud Stefanski. The Thunderbirds recalled Adam Rockwell and Will Lochead from Greenville. -Sebastien Aho was recalled from Bridgeport by the Islanders as was goalie Alex Lyon (Yale University) was recalled by the Flyers from Lehigh Valley. -Detroit recalled a trio from Grand Rapids in Filip Zadina, Givani Smith, and Dennis Cholowski. Read the full article
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wanna-be-bold · 7 years
Thanks to Tali - Ch 7
Read the previous chapters here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12498508/1/Thanks-to-Tali
April 5, 2019
“Tony, I want to go on a trip.” Tony stared at her in surprise from his seat across the room as they waited for the nurse to come in. “What? I think it would be nice for the three of us to get away for a few days before I cannot fly again for 3 more months. Plus it would be our last vacation with just me, you, and Tali. Please Tony?” She looked at him with puppy dog eyes that he couldn’t resist and now he knew where Tali learned it from. He just laughed and shook his head.
“Like I could say no to you Ziva.” Tony walked next to her bed and leaned down, pressing a kiss to the crown of her head. “Besides, I think a vacation would be amazing. Do you think you’ll still be able to fly?”
“As long as my due date has not moved up by a month, then I’m still in my second trimester and able to fly. Although I would like to ask my doctor first and get her opinion.” A knock on the door interrupted their thoughts as Dr. Thomas came in.
“How are we today?” After the couple replied with synchronized “goods,” the doctor continued. So, you’re 25 weeks now Ziva, how have things been going since the last time we met?”
Ziva thought back for a moment to almost a month ago, the last time she had had an appointment. “Well, I started having morning sickness. It started one night after I ate too much watermelon and has not stopped since. I had hoped that, since it did not happen in my first trimester, I had gotten lucky this time but, wishful thinking I suppose.”
“And how often has it been occurring?” Ziva looked to Tony for help, trying to remember just how much time she had spent emptying her stomach in the past month.
“I think it’s been almost every day. I know I usually hear her get up around 5 or 6 in the morning and rush to the bathroom. When it first happened I thought maybe it was just from all the food she ate that morning but it’s been happening a lot since then, even when she hasn’t eaten anything since dinner.” Ziva looked down sheepishly before turning to her husband.
“Well, that may not exactly be true.” At his look of confusion she elaborated. “Since then I may have been waking up in the middle of the night for a little, snack.”
“What? But, I’ve never heard you get up or felt the bed move until you’re waking up in the morning.”
“Yes well, I have kind of been keeping snacks in my nightstand drawer and, under my pillow.” She looked at Tony ashamed and he just shook his head, smiling at his wife.
“Well, I guess it’s better than keeping a gun under your pillow.” Ziva just smiled, then turned her attention to her doctor when she cleared her throat.
“You two are my most interesting patients, always getting so wrapped up in one another I believe you forget anyone else is in the room.” Tony and Ziva looked at each other with sparks in their eyes, being all too familiar with their actions, before turning to look at their doctor. “Anyway, I believe we have figured out where this morning sickness is coming from. Ziva, try to avoid snacking in the middle of the night. If you do feel hungry, drink a bottle of water and try something bland to avoid getting sick in the morning. If you try this and are still getting sick in the morning, then it is just your everyday morning sickness that comes with the joys of being pregnant.” Ziva nodded and promised to follow the doctor’s orders and cut down on her midnight snacking. “Now, how about we get to the fun part, the ultrasound. So, are we wanting to find out the gender today since little one was stubborn last time?”
“No. Tony and I have discussed it and we would like to be surprised.” She looked to Tony for confirmation and he nodded, agreeing with his wife.
“Okay, well let’s get started.” Ziva laid back on the bed, pulling her shirt up to allow for the sonogram. She squirmed at the feel of the gel, something she never was able to get used to. All eyes were on the screen as Dr. Thomas moved the wand around Ziva’s stomach, pointing out arms and legs. The baby was stubborn yet again, not allowing them to tell the gender even if they wanted to know. After the pictures were captured and printed and measurements were taken, Ziva was able to wipe off the gel and sit up, pulling her shirt down as she looked at their latest sonogram. “So, any questions before we wrap things up?”
“We were talking earlier about taking a trip before the baby’s born but I’m concerned about her flying. What’s the best way for her to travel now?”
“Well, a common misconception is that flying is dangerous past the second trimester. Ziva, you can actually fly as late as 37 weeks as long as there’s no complications which, as of now, have been non-existent. If you’re travelling by car, try to limit your driving time to 6 or 7 hours and make sure to stop every couple of hours to stretch your legs. Just remember, you know your limits on what you can handle, and that applies to your vacation spot as well. I would recommend staying away from amusement parks and instead find a beach or nature area that you can relax in. Other than that, I have no other advice for you on that regard. Please contact me if you have any more questions or concerns and I will see you in a few weeks.”
Tony and Ziva took in her advice carefully, standing up and shaking hands before walking back out to the front to schedule her next appointment.
“So,” Tony asked as they got into the car, “shall we go pick up Tali and then get something for lunch?”
“Sounds good to me. And we can start talking about where would like to go on vacation.”
By the time they got to Senior’s to pick up Tali, they had narrowed down vacation spots to four different places. They decided to tell Tali at lunch and hopefully they would be able to choose one then. With a happy toddler in the backseat chatting about her day with Nonno, they drove to their usual diner and chose a corner booth. After placing their orders, they decided now was the time to bring up their conversation from earlier.
“Tali, your Abba and I were talking earlier and we would like for the three of us to go on vacation before your baby brother or sister arrives. What do you say to that?” Tali looked at her Ima with wide eyes and nodded enthusiastically.
“Can we go to Disney World Ima?” Ziva and Tony laughed, expecting that question to come up since Tali had been watching Brave and Mulan recently.
“Well, that is on our list tesoro, but we haven’t decided yet. Your Ima and I will talk about it tonight and, once we have our list narrowed down, you can help us decide.” Tali beamed at her parents and began talking non-stop about what princesses she wants to meet as Tony and Ziva listened intently, smiling at their daughter’s enthusiasm.
 “Well, we finally have one place knocked off of our list.” Tony and Ziva had been sitting on the couch since Tali went to bed one hour ago, going over their vacation options and, after crossing out and re-writing places, they finally decided to eliminate one off of their list. “Ziva.” She jolted awake, the pen falling out of her hand and landing with a thud on the floor, her reflexes not as fast when pregnant and half asleep.
“Sorry Tony, I guess I was more tired than I thought. Now what were you saying?”
“We can knock a place off of our list now, California. I don’t think it would be a good idea to travel that far at this stage in pregnancy. Maybe we could go when this one is a little older.”
“I believe you are right Tony. And as much as Tali would love it, I believe Disney World is out as well. I want to be able for all of us to spend time together and, since I cannot ride the rides, I would be you and Tali or me and Tali and that is just not what I want right now. Maybe we should put it off as well until this one is at least a year old.”  
“Okay, Disney is crossed off the list. That leaves us with two options: Gatlinburg, Tennessee or Greenville, South Carolina. Should we make a list of pros and cons?” At Ziva’s nod, he started drawing a chart for each place. “First, Gatlinburg. Pro, they have a wonderful aquarium and are very family friendly. Con, the traffic can be terrible.” Ziva chimed in with the next items.
“Pro, we could see the mountains. Con, it is a popular tourist attraction and we would be going during spring break so it would be really busy.”
“Pro, there’s plenty to do, including miniature golf. Con, it’s at least six hours from a beach which we talked about going to.”
“Let’s talk about Greenville now.” Ziva waited for Tony to make his last remarks about Gatlinburg before continuing. “Pro, I read that they have a fantastic children’s museum. Con,” she paused for a moment, “I cannot think of a con at the moment, you go.”
“Oh, uh, pro, they have a nice trail downtown. Oh, and they have an art and history museum I think you would like.” Again, there was a pause before he decided he could not think of a con and tuned it over to Ziva.
“Pro, it is only 3 hours from a beach, but we would have to rent a car to drive over to it. Each place is the same distance, by car or plane.” Ziva looked at her husband in thought. “I think the choice is obvious Tony.” He smiled back at her, leaning over to press a kiss to her lips.
“We’re going to South Carolina?” Ziva smiled and nodded, leaning in as far as she could for another kiss.
“Well, now that that is settled, I am ready for bed.” Tony stood up and grabbed her arms, helping her up even though she could still get up easily on her own. “You go on to bed and I will be there in a minute.”
“Remember what the doctor said about snacking tonight.” She paused half-way to the kitchen and looked back at him, sticking her tongue out and proceeding to the kitchen while Tony went to get ready for bed. She came into the bedroom five minutes later carrying two bottles of water, a loaf of bread, and a bag of pretzels, receiving a look from Tony.
“What? She said if I had to eat a midnight snack to eat something bland and these are bland.” Tony just shook his head as she placed her items on the nightstand before laying down and rolling over to face her husband. “Goodnight Tony, we love you.” He placed on kiss on her lips, then kissed his fingertips and pressed them to her belly, whispering goodnight to both mother and baby. Relishing in the ability to still do so, Ziva rolled over and pulled Tony closer to curl against her back. His arm went immediately across her stomach as it had since he first found out she was pregnant and pressed a kiss to the back of her head as her arm reached up to intertwine with his.  
Tony woke up at 6:00 am expecting to hear Ziva in the bathroom but instead found her still curled in his arms. Surprised yet pleased she was still in this position, he pressed a kiss to her shoulder before getting comfortable and preparing to sleep for another hour or two. He could not help but notice though the empty water bottle, half-eaten bag of pretzels, and opened loaf of bread that rested on the nightstand.
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mermaid-with-ms · 5 years
2019 - My move to SC, MS Update, and anything else I feel like rambling about
I’ve been meaning to log on here and write for a while.   So about 6 Months ago, Brandon and I moved to Greenville, South Carolina.  I really can’t believe that it’s been that long.  I truly love Greenville.  It has everything that I need, cost of living is much less, and most jobs that I’ve come across have either had identical or MORE pay than the jobs I was seeing on Long Island.  
Unfortunately, Greenville doesn’t have my HUGE, amazing support system from NY.  Jeez.  I always knew I was blessed to have the friends that I had.  But being without all of you is only getting harder for me.  I’ve been able to visit a few times - and we are basically always connected through the internet - but it’s not the same.  “I wish there was a way to know you're in the good old days before you've actually left them.” - Andy, The Office
I’ve made a few really great friends here who I feel so lucky to have.  I feel like this move has brought me to one of the lowest points in my life, and they’ve helped to lift me up.  My sisters are here as well - I’m never alone.  Just lonely.  
It’s amazing knowing that even my friends and family that are 800 miles away, are always there for me when I need them.  I feel like a bad friend lately.  I really don't reach out to people like I used to, or like I should.  It’s mostly because I haven’t had many good things to say - and I haven’t really felt like talking. 
I am happy to say that things seem to be turning around.   We just got back from a family trip to Disney.  (I made a PowerPoint presentation last Easter to convince them to go... it worked).  It was a once in a lifetime kind of trip and I am so grateful for it.    
Two days before our trip, I was hired with a truly wonderful organization and I’m starting to believe that this is the job that I always dreamed of.  It’s actually kind of mind blowing.  I’ve faced lots of rejection... but 500+ applications, dozens of interviews, and a lay off seemed to be what I needed to get to where I am now.  There’s so much to say about this that I’ll save that for another post.  I am really loving it so far and has the potential to be the best job I could ever ask for. 
Quick MS Update:  I haven’t taken MS medication since I moved here.  I have some pills that I take for energy so that I can actually function lol.  There is no cure - so any medication that I take is supposed to reduce relapses/slow down progression. I was getting monthly infusions - but I was always sick.  My immune system was completely destroyed from the drug.  I was suffering from all kinds of viruses and other BS things and it was like my MS symptoms were easier to deal with than some of those things.  It would take me a long time to fight things off, and I would catch things so easily.  I decided that I was going to stop treatments and look for something else.  I’ve felt better over the last few months while taking no medications, than I did when I was sitting with that IV in my arm every month.  I honestly felt great until I lost my job - and all of the stress caught up to me.  I did have a relapse recently which I kept quiet, and losing my job also meant losing my health insurance.  I really didn’t want anyone to worry.  I’m looking forward to feeling good again.  It definitely helps that I don’t have those winter blues that I got in New York.  My new job provides 100% paid health benefits, which is truly wonderful.  My doctor in New York stressed the importance of prevention medication to me - saying that I could feel great today, and could wake up tomorrow unable to walk.  I have faith that things will be alright.
I’m going to try to write more often.  It’s so crazy how much happens in a year.  I’ve had my heart broken by a close friend, but made some great new ones.  I’ve said some really hard goodbyes, but I’ve moved to a brand new place that I love.  I’ve been "let go”, but hired by a wonderful organization doing something that I love.  I’ve felt sick, and I’ve felt great.  I guess life is all about balance and I just hope to have more ups than downs moving forward this year.  
xo - E 
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woodworkinghere1 · 4 years
20 Issues I Discovered in my Twenties
Breaking News Today -
Good morning, guys! It’s my THIRTIETH birthday immediately (wow I really feel previous simply saying that!). I can hardly consider that I used to be simply 20 years previous once I began this weblog. That’s ten years of sharing my life with you guys. In these previous ten years, I graduated from faculty, received my first massive woman job, met my husband, moved 5 completely different instances, began running a blog full-time, received married, received a canine, purchased a home, and in addition grew up. I skilled excessive pleasure (like on my wedding ceremony day) and excessive loss and grief (when my husband misplaced his mother and father). However one factor has remained fixed, and that’s the assist and love I obtain from you guys each day. I’m so grateful in your friendship, recommendation and sort phrases all through the years. Let’s be sincere, there’s no means I might nonetheless be running a blog immediately with out your assist.
At the moment I needed to share some issues that I’ve discovered in my twenties. Some had been onerous classes, and so they took me up till 12 months 29 to be taught! I’m pleased with myself for a way far I’ve come – I can nonetheless see myself as a naive twenty-year previous typing her very first weblog submit whereas sitting on her twin mattress in her sorority home. Clearly, I nonetheless have room to develop, and I by no means wish to cease rising and studying. Hopefully once I flip 40 I’ll have an entire new weblog submit for you.
1. God all the time has a plan, even when you possibly can’t see it.
There have been loads of instances the place I questioned God’s plan for my life. As an example, once I was rejected from my dream job after faculty. Or when Chris and I broke up after a 12 months of courting. I had no concept that the toughest instances in my life would result in even higher issues that God had in retailer for me. As an example, once I was rejected from my dream job, I ended up taking a job in Greenville, S.C, the place I met Chris. After we broke up, I used to be heartbroken, however put alllll of that vitality into my weblog, day after day, till I used to be in a position to get it off the bottom. And the breakup was truly nice for mine and Chris’s relationship, as a result of we each appreciated one another a lot extra once we received again collectively. Each of these issues result in the place I’m immediately. These are small examples; there are loads extra I may offer you of how God’s plan was greater than my very own.
2. Wash Your Make-up Off at Evening
Gosh such a easy one, however I actually want my faculty self had taken my very own recommendation! And on that notice, spend money on skincare routine. Your pores and skin will thanks years down the street.
3. Good friend breakups are onerous, however generally needed
I didn’t have a single “pal breakup” till my twenties. In my twenties I encountered some individuals I believed had been true mates, even greatest mates, however didn’t have my greatest curiosity at coronary heart. Good friend breakups are powerful – the grief lasts deeper and longer than grieving over an ex-boyfriend. However you’ll be happier with out somebody inflicting negativity in your life. I can have a look at the place I’m now and see how a lot happier I’m with out sure individuals making me really feel unhealthy or inflicting drama.
4. Well being is about stability
In my early twenties, I tended to be a bit obsessive over my well being. I might observe each calorie I ate, all the way down to a stick of gum, and obsess over exercising on daily basis. I could have seemed wholesome, however inside I used to be the other. It wasn’t till my mid-twenties that I found intuitive consuming. Once you hearken to your starvation cues, your physique will TELL YOU when it’s hungry and when it’s had sufficient to eat. And one thing much more superb occurs whenever you begin consuming actual, complete meals and minimize out the processed crap: your physique merely is aware of what to do. I’ve been in a position to keep at the very same weight for the previous a number of years with out serious about it in any respect. I really feel superb. And I nonetheless take pleasure in treats infrequently (particularly on trip!) with out considering twice about it, or feeling “responsible” afterward.
5. A Canine actually could be your greatest pal
I made the choice to get a canine once I was 26, though some members of the family and mates warned that I wasn’t prepared. They cautioned that I traveled quite a bit, and I could not be capable to deal with the accountability of a canine. Even Chris was in opposition to it! However, alas, solely you realize whenever you’re prepared for a canine, and I felt prepared. And it was the most effective selections I ever made. I’m actually scared to have children trigger I don’t understand how I’ll be capable to love them greater than Winnie! (haha) Seeing that little ball of fluff together with her wagging tail places the most important smile on my face at any time when I stroll within the door. Within the mornings, I like to observe Good Morning America in mattress, and Winnie crawls below the covers in between my legs – I swear I really feel happiest proper in that second! She is really my greatest pal. I inform her every part, and generally I swear she talks again. Since we don’t have children but, she is our child. And sure, Chris did come round – the very first day I introduced her house, he was as smitten together with her as I used to be.
6. It feels good to face up for your self
I used to be extremely shy rising up. I used to be all the time the quiet one within the college, and I usually let others stroll throughout me. Not anymore! I began studying that I had a voice in faculty, and since then it has grown stronger. And let me be sincere with you guys – whenever you do begin standing up for your self, it feels superb. Particularly if somebody is attempting to reap the benefits of you. Don’t allow them to! You might be WORTH IT.
7. Evaluating Your self to others is the quickest strategy to really feel anxious and unfulfilled
It takes follow and self-love to have the ability to rejoice others’ success, particularly when issues aren’t going the way in which you need in your personal life. I’ve discovered to cease evaluating myself to others (particularly different ladies on Instagram). We’re all on our personal journeys. For those who really feel down on your self, get up within the morning and write three issues that you just’re grateful for.
8. Crucial issues in life aren’t issues, they’re individuals
The running a blog trade is a bit irritating generally, as a result of it’s so materialistic. Persons are judged on their success by how massive their homes are and how much automobiles they drive. It didn’t take me very lengthy to determine that materials issues aren’t the important thing to true happiness. Once you die and go to Heaven, you possibly can’t take all of your issues with you!
9. You Can by no means please everybody
If there’s one factor running a blog has taught me, it’s this! It doesn’t matter what I do or say, how I costume, or what I consider in, I can’t and can by no means please everybody. I’ve discovered to cease worrying a lot about what others suppose. I submit about what I really like and consider, and if somebody doesn’t prefer it, then they’ll unfollow. I’ve additionally constructed up an extremely thick pores and skin by running a blog. Once you select to dwell your life on social media, you’ll inevitably obtain judgement and criticism from others. I’ve realized that more often than not, when somebody is absolutely merciless, it’s as a result of they’re sad with their very own life.
10. Exhibiting emotion (and crying) is okay
I cry in all probability each different day. I’m a delicate individual… generally I cry at commercials, different instances I cry simply serious about how a lot I really like my household and canine. I was ashamed to cry in entrance of others, however I’ve come to comprehend that it’s simply who I’m! I feel it takes a stronger individual to indicate vulnerability than to carry all of it in. I might a lot quite really feel feelings, and really feel them deeply, than not really feel in any respect.
11. Instagram is a lie
Instagram is really a spotlight reel of everybody’s life. It’s not actual life. An individual could select to share the easiest elements of their life (together with me), however there may be a lot happening behind the scenes that you just don’t find out about. I do know that I personally solely select to share a fraction of my life with the general public. There’s a lot happening and a lot that I’m feeling that I don’t share. Remind your self of that the subsequent time you see somebody’s “excellent life” on Instagram.
12. You possibly can change your life if you wish to
It all the time bugs me when individuals inform me that they’re sad with their lives. They’re sad with their home, their job, their physique, and so on. Properly, change it then! For those who’re sad with your home, then transfer. Or repair it up – paint is cheap and may remodel a room. For those who don’t like your job, discover a new one. Or work onerous and begin your personal enterprise. Sad along with your physique? Begin consuming more healthy and shifting extra. I’m a really sturdy believer than you (together with God ) management your personal happiness and your future.
13. Put on sunscreen
I REALLY want I had taken this recommendation in my early twenties. I by no means wore sunscreen, particularly on my face, considering that basis was sufficient to guard me from the solar. Now I can begin to see the results of that, with wrinkles and solar spots. Now I placed on sunscreen each single morning.
14. Drink water and ditch the weight-reduction plan drinks
Once I was in my early twenties, I hated the style of water. Significantly! I most popular Food regimen Coke, and I NEVER drank water. However this behavior led me to be hospitalized for kidney stones. It wasn’t till the previous couple of years that I spotted how superb water is, and now it’s just about the one factor I drink. Once I do drink extra water, I can see a serious distinction in my pores and skin and even my focus ranges. AND I spotted how unhealthy weight-reduction plan soda was for me and ditched it altogether – it’s full of chemical compounds and aspartame, which has critical well being dangers.
15. Ladies can Kick Butt
Anybody who actually is aware of me, is aware of I’m a feminist at coronary heart. I feel it’s ridiculous that some males are scared of ladies who make more cash than them or are extra profitable! That is 2020 you guys! In case you are a lady, go after your goals. Ask for that increase. It’s not okay for a person in your identical place to be making greater than you. Ladies actually are superb – we’re emotional, caring, have infants and lift kids, and are badass within the office, too.
16. It’s okay to have nervousness – and go on medicine for it
In my twenties, I suffered from among the worst nervousness I’ve ever had in my life. Panic assaults, days the place I didn’t wish to get away from bed, and so on. There are such a lot of of us in the identical boat, and it actually helps for us all to speak about it. I opened as much as Chris and my mother and father, and so they each inspired me to speak to my physician. I did, and was prescribed Lexapro for nervousness. It modified my life. You possibly can learn extra about my psychological well being journey right here.
17. Schooling Doesn’t At all times Come from the Classroom
I discovered quite a bit at school, particularly in faculty, however most of my studying has come from the true world. As in, after faculty. From work experiences, residing alone in an condo and paying payments, relationship experiences, and touring. And on that notice, I feel journey is the quickest strategy to broaden your thoughts. I’ve regretted many purchases, however I’ve by no means regretted a single journey I’ve taken.
18. Getting pregnant isn’t straightforward.
I all the time thought that the minute we determined we had been prepared for a kid, BOOM! It might occur immediately. Properly, my mates, I used to be mistaken. We have now been attempting to conceive since early final 12 months. It has been a tough journey, and one which may be very lonely – not many individuals perceive except they’ve been by it. You probably have a pal struggling to conceive, attain out to them and inform them you’re considering of them!
19. Marriage is gorgeous, however it’s onerous work.
I all the time thought that when you bought married, it was all roses and butterflies from there. Don’t get me incorrect, I completely LOVE being married to Chris. However marriage, like every relationship, requires work and dedication, and compromise. It’s really superb what occurs whenever you do put within the work, although. You uncover a belief and loyalty in direction of your associate that’s deeper than something you’ve ever identified. And I really feel like I actually perceive the phrase my different half, now. Chris appears like aside of myself.
20. At all times be variety
You by no means know what another person goes by. Kindness and compassion is all the time the reply.
As all the time, thanks, thanks, thanks from the underside of my coronary heart to everybody who comes again to my weblog day after day. I’m really grateful for you all. xoxo
The post 20 Issues I Discovered in my Twenties appeared first on Breaking News Today.
source https://daily247.net/20-things-i-learned-in-my-twenties/
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deangmja703-blog · 4 years
The 17 Most Misunderstood Facts About Quick And Easy Dinners For 2
And bear in mind that utilizing a small-claims court can be a feasible Quick And Easy Dinner Ideas For Two alternative to using an attorney in specific injury cases, however it is still a smart idea to consult with an attorney first to see if that is finest course of action for you to take with your specific case.
When you start searching for accident lawyers in your area, don't randomly select names from ads that stretch the truth. Benefit from matching services and guarantee that your requirements are going to be satisfied. When you find the best possible resource for personal injury attorneys, you will have a higher possibility of turning a bad scenario into one that you can deal with. Take just a little time and attempt using one of these services. You'll never understand, you may not have to go any further to discover the most qualified counsel for your legal requirements!
If you're dealing with insurance provider, your attorney can also manage the tasks on your behalf. You will receive the needed suggestions as to ways to correctly file a suit and the best ways to finish the legal formalities that accompany it. When you submit a lawsuit, you have to submit specific types and not just that, you likewise need to pay the required charges.
Often times, when people are associated with accident cases, they do not look for the assistance of personal injury lawyers for worry that doing so will be too costly and complex. As you all may know, submitting a case and the whole court proceedings is so difficult and worst, they cost you lots of money. These have ended up being the major downsides of accident cases. But the good thing nowadays-- there are a great deal of law office at present that relieve those worries right now. And, getting the services of injury lawyers has already become an effortless job.
Roadway traffic accidents account for a large proportion of all accidents and injury payment claims. Motorists of automobiles are required to have some level of insurance cover. These policies supply protection for anybody (including members of the same family) who might be involved in an accident, who suffer accident as a result of the chauffeur's neglect and may have to place a personal injury compensation claim whether or not the chauffeur's negligence has resulted in a cops prosecution. If it is discovered that a negligent chauffeur had inadequate or no insurance coverage at the time of the accident, you might still have the ability to bring a personal injury payment claim.
These are cases developing from a scenario where products are defective and trigger injury as a result of the problem. If you have actually been injured as a result of acquiring a basic customer item which is defective, then you may be able to make an injury payment claim from the manufacturer/supplier in addition to individuals/companies through whom the goods may have passed.
Accident legal representatives can assist on cases where something wrong was done to you. Cases as automobile mishaps resulting from another's dui, bodily injury because of a malfunctioning item, poisoning because of the ruined food served by a restaurant, illness because of drug consisting of damaging active ingredients or maybe by medical malpractice by a physician, trauma http://felixmyjg578.bravesites.com/entries/general/10-misconceptions-your-boss-has-about-association-of-personal-injury-lawyers-dallas because of uncalled for actions and hazards by another individual, and many more, which threaten the safety of a private and detrimentally agitate one's psychological, physical and mental well-being.
If you have been physically harmed or injured due to another person's commission of an act or because of another's carelessness, you deserve to file a suit and demand for damages. Likewise, if you feel your track record was ruined by the disparaging words of another, and if you feel you were maltreated by your boss because of his screaming, then you likewise have recourse in the legal arena.
There are a variety of online databases of local and regional accident attorneys. While most of these are pay per listing or free submission, some actually do supply reviewing services. Even here, nevertheless, watch out for putting excessive stock in a site's suggestion as this info can be easily manipulated.
Another excellent resource is your city bar association. Your city bar will keep more basic details about who has not been approved by courts for malpractice and typically keeps a short list of advised lawyers. But once again, take this list with a grain of salt as there are manipulations going on behind the scenes here too. Often a much better tack is simply to have a list of three or four attorneys you are considering and then call the bar association to hear their ideas on every one.
Settlement is generally granted based upon the strength of your documentation and degree of injury. An attorney is recommended in Personal Injury cases over all others in order to maximize your compensation in the face of the Insurance companies, which normally safeguard such cases.
Pick an attorney who concentrates on personal injury. Your accident legal representative must be able to accurately examine the merits of a personal injury case, approximate its financial worth, and identify the very best technique for pursuing it. He or she should likewise have comprehensive experience in the field. Your personal injury attorney should likewise who keep existing with the most recent developments in personal injury law.
Kinds of Injury. Injuries can be nearly anything that results in an injury. Whether this is a cars and truck accident brought on by another motorist, or whether you slip and fall while shopping or perhaps at work these are all most likely causes for accident claims. Tripping over severely laid paving pieces may lead to a successful personal injury claim. Canine bites, asbestos diseases, a crash while on public transportation or any accident that results in bodily injury might imply you are entitled to claim. A personal injury attorney will be able to encourage you whether you have a case or not.
The pain and suffering triggered by many accidents can be long-term and not just physical however psychological and mental also. It can take months or even years to recuperate from the anguish triggered by some injuries.
If you have been hurt and are considering hiring an injury lawyer there are a couple of things to keep in mind.
If you consider asking an accident legal representative for legal assistance, you must not be discouraged by the sudden mesh of ads of numerous law firms and independent injury attorneys everywhere. For your details, there is a much easier way to find the best legal counsel for your injury case-- discover ways to discover a lawyer through an online directory. By this, you'll have the ability to conserve time, cash and effort, and you'll not be exploring databases of trustworthy, skilled and previously-screened lawyers in your geographical region.
Compare their last case experiences and choose the most competent and reputable attorney. It's far better if you can find an accident attorney in your region since you can make the necessary appointment at your most convenient time. That way, you can currently talk about the information of your case and the lawyer can currently assess if the case is entitled to a claim. Look for legal assistance now especially if you're a victim of injury.
Indeed, a competent counsel is so crucial in a personal injury case. So, if you've been involved in such case, don't think twice, head out, discover the accident attorney to be your partner in your quest for justice, and take pleasure in the services that he provides you.
A passenger associated with a mishap in almost all circumstances can bring an effective accident payment claims for damages where they have suffered injuries. Passengers are generally regarded as blameless casualties who have suffered as a result of somebody else's carelessness. Nevertheless, failure to comply with the law relating to the wearing of safety belt may affect the level of damages acquired in any award.
In a legal battle, you desire someone on your side who will safeguard and fight for your rights. You will need the services of personal injury lawyers in such a fight, and the more knowledgeable and efficient they remain in court, the much easier it is to win your case.
The threat in running right out and employing an accident lawyer instantly after injury is that you will need to spend for their services out of whatever payout you eventually get. So, it is typically smart to very first speak with the pertinent insurance company and only then turn to legal options. While talking to the insurer will in lots of scenarios deal with the concern completely, there may be some scenarios in which the insurer either denies your claim entirely or decides to compensate you in a matter that is from your perspective inadequate. In such situations, the premium that you pay to a personal injury lawyer will come back to you in settlement damages lot of times over.
Choose a lawyer who concentrates on accident. Your injury lawyer must have the ability to accurately evaluate the benefits of a personal injury case, approximate its financial value, and figure out the very best strategy for pursuing it. He or she ought to also have extensive experience in the field. Your injury attorney need to also who keep existing with the current advancements in accident law.
The extent of your claim generally depends on the severity of your injury. You are entitled to declare for loss of incomes in addition to payment for bodily injuries and psychological distress. In many cases, for instance asbestos health problems, your household is entitled to claim on your behalf.
Law Firm of S. Craig Glickman
4925 Greenville Ave, Suite 200
Dallas, Texas 75206
(214) 407-2607
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manuelzjlj900-blog · 4 years
20 Gifts You Can Give Your Boss if They Love Personal Injury And Accident Lawyers Dallas
Throughout the consultation ask each attorney the same concerns so you have the details to equitably compare each lawyer and choose who you can work with best. You want to deal with somebody you are comfortable speaking to since you might have to talk about some very individual details with your legal representative; so bear in mind of how comfortable or uneasy you are when you visit each legal representative.
If you consider asking a personal injury lawyer for legal support, you need to not be dissuaded by the abrupt mesh of advertisements of numerous law firms and independent accident lawyers all over. For your info, there is an easier method to discover the very best legal counsel for your accident case-- discover ways to find a lawyer through an online directory site. By this, you'll have the ability to conserve time, money and effort, and you'll not be searching through databases of reliable, skilled and previously-screened lawyers in your geographic region.
Compare their last case experiences and choose the most skilled and reliable lawyer. It's far better if you can find an injury lawyer in your area since you can make the necessary visit at your most practical time. That way, you can currently go over the details of your case and the lawyer can already assess if the case is entitled to a claim. Seek legal aid now specifically if you're a victim of personal injury.
With all these services, injury attorneys have actually https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/?search=Personal Injury Lawyer Dallas TX likewise selected their location of expertise. A few of them are more adept with automobile or car accidents. Others are into aviation disasters just. And, so on etc. For that reason, you can expect that one injury attorney has actually truly mastered his craft due to the fact that he focuses just in one field. This gives you a huge chance of winning your accident case. One good idea about these lawyers is that they do not request for legal charges unless your case becomes successful.
A guest associated with a mishap in almost all situations can bring an effective accident payment claims for damages where they have actually suffered injuries. Guests are normally considered as blameless casualties who have actually suffered as a result of someone else's neglect. Nevertheless, failure to comply with the law connected to the wearing of safety belt might affect the level of damages acquired in any award.
There are many factors that add to mishaps involving equipment in the work place which can lead to a legitimate personal injury settlement claim. For example badly kept devices, or terribly trained staff can. However your mishap occurred, please consult us and will more than happy to recommend you.
With the right accident legal representatives arguing for your case in court, you are guaranteed that all your rights have actually been thought about, and any infraction to such, will be appropriately provided and shown in court. They will be able to develop a strong case for you, and with the proofs offered to prove your claims, you may just get the justice you have been longing for.
It is a good idea that when you had yourself injured, or you had Construction Accident Attorney Dallas a mishap, you must right now consult a legal representative to know the benefits you have for a case. Absolutely, getting the services of injury legal representatives to direct you on the actions to take would be a wise thing to do. Filing a protest the soonest you can, will quicken things up, and will give the impression of a genuine reason for action on your part.
There are a variety of online databases of local and regional personal injury attorneys. While the majority of these are pay per listing or https://craigglickmanlawfirm.com/Personal-Injury.php totally free submission, some actually do offer evaluating services. Even here, however, watch out for putting too much stock in a site's suggestion as this information can be easily controlled.
Referrals can be excellent if you know somebody in the legal community. However if not, the best you will leave a referral is a sort of 'he or she isn't really inexperienced.' Due to the fact that let's face it, many clients have no concept whether the settlement they received remained in actuality the best they might have.
Personal injury cases are serious matters. https://craigglickmanlawfirm.com/Child-Custody.php They frequently involve grave injury, permanent impairment, and even death. Victims depend upon the injury legal representative to recuperate monetary damages that are needed to cover their medical treatments, change completely lost earnings, and compensate for their pain and suffering.
Without a certified, experienced injury attorney, their possibilities of getting fair compensation drop. That's why it's actually essential that, if you've been a victim of accident, you choose the ideal accident attorney to represent you. Here are a few things to think about when making your choice.
Types of Injury. Accidents can be practically anything that leads to an injury. Whether this is a car accident caused by another chauffeur, or whether you slip and fall while shopping and even at work these are all most likely triggers for personal injury claims. Tripping over terribly laid paving slabs may result in an effective injury claim. Pet bites, asbestos illnesses, a crash while on public transportation or any mishap that results in bodily injury may imply you are entitled to claim. A personal injury attorney will be able to advise you whether you have a case or not.
Families and friends can be impacted too, the mental distress for them being practically as traumatic as it is for you. You might need short- and even long-lasting care. Not all injuries are short-term. Many individuals who worked with products which contain asbestos in the 20th century have developed lung cancer Personal Injury Lawyer Fees Dallas or mesothelioma. These are both very major diseases that can have unfavorable affects throughout life and possibly cause death.
Law Firm of S. Craig Glickman
4925 Greenville Ave, Suite 200
Dallas, Texas 75206
(214) 407-2607
0 notes
kailasquires · 6 years
In Case You Missed It...2017 In a Nutshell
In 2017 I pulled a bit of a Disappearing Act, and deactivated most of my online and social media presence, which was already pretty limited to begin with. This was somewhat of a cleanse for me, as I gave up drinking alcohol and deleted my Instagram account for the entire year, and deactivated my Facebook for a large part of the year. I must say that life without drinking and excessive social media browsing has forced me to engage in alot more self-reflection and for that reason I’ve decided to re-introduce my blog. I tend to be a pretty private individual, but for my final activity in 2017 I wanted to be open and vulnerable.
There’s no real topic for this post, but it’s centered around personal life, career, faith and relationships. Instead of simply boring you with a long monologue, I’ve chosen to create a list of 50 things I experienced, learned or appreciated this year. I hope you enjoy. 
Top 50 List of 2017
1. There’s power in the tongue. Start speaking things into existence ! 2. Time is of the essence, so live your best life while you’re still alive 3. That being said, don’t try to rush things. God willing we have 70+ years on this Earth, and that’s a lot of time to fill with love, laughs, accomplishments, failures and new experiences 4. My year sober taught me to be bold, shoot my shot and take the things I wanted in life. Lesson Learned: If you need help with something, don’t hesitate to ask. If you want something, Go GET IT!  5. Don’t ever rely on another person for your happiness. If you haven’t found your happy place whilst being alone, that just means you haven’t spent enough quality time with yourself 6. My brother wins Dad of the year, and I’ll fight anyone on that 7. I love to receive and give feedback. If we’re not constantly improving ourselves, what’s the point of living? 8. Jesus was a servant, spreading love and salvation to all. In the end, The Word of God will ultimately judge us, so I’m making sure I’m aligned with His Word  9. The way to my heart is comedy and food 10. Maggie is one of the most resilient people I know. Keep shining SB!  11. Applying to business school was one of the most arduous, mentally draining and stressful processes of my life, but I’d do it all over again in a heartbeat :-) 12. Child rearing/parenting is one of the greatest responsibilities a person can undertake, and it often goes unappreciated or unnoticed. No parent is perfect, but it’s important to still say thanks to the ones who raised you. THANK YOU MOM & DAD!!! You did an incredible job with my brother & I  13. If a person de-prioritizes you, don’t get angry or question why. Instead respect their decision and repurpose your efforts elsewhere 14. MLT  is one of the greatest organizations I’ve ever been a part of. My MBA prep class is filled with impressively talented, accomplished and fun black and brown folks. I’m forever grateful for the experience I’ve had with you amazing people #BosslandAwaits #CoachJTaughtMe 15. I dated a man with whom things just seemed to click naturally. He was honest, funny, caring, and NOT petty(lol). I believe we both brought out a side of each other that those around us had never seen, and for that I’m thankful. Although this kind of puppy love is exciting and heart-warming it is often times short-lived 16. Chance the Rapper was my favorite artist of the year. He has a God given talent and I pray he never stops shining his light    17. Noise canceling headphones are the best thing to ever happen to a New Yorker who enjoys a quiet commute to and from work. #ThankYouBose 18. I believe in every single one of my friends wholeheartedly and am proud to say that I’m surrounded by incredible people who I am 100% certain will be the industry leaders of tomorrow #WholeTeamWinning 19. Fellas..When I love, I love DEEP and can be a bit crazy at times. Enter at your own risk. *evil smile* 20. But I’m hella fun and you’d have amazing life experiences with me lol 21. I should’ve bought Bitcoins back in the day when I kept telling people to invest. Note to self: Heed your own advice  22. Emotional Labor is real 23. Black women are Dope! 24. People who don’t fit the description in the above comment should NOT take offense to that. I’m sure you’re all amazing as well, I just think that this group of individuals needs to hear it more often. 25. When Isi tells you to wear a life jacket, DO IT!!! Thanks again for saving me from drowning off the coast of San Andres into the Caribbean Sea :-*  26. 🗣Life is too short to waste time dealing with fickle people  27. This scripture single-handedly helped me fight against all the angst I felt while applying to business schools:  “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus” - Philippians 4: 6-7 28. I find it terribly rude when people don’t return phone calls or texts. Like I know you saw my message, the least you could do is say “ok” lol.  #PetPeeves 29. I held up an Uhaul distribution center over a disagreement and went on a twitter rant the next morning; Probably the most gangsta moment of my life, and a great showcase of my millennial sense of entitlement #SorryNotSorry 30. Everyone should engage in the self reflective, soul searching elements of the business school application process: it’s always necessary to press pause on life and take an inventory on where you are and where you say you’d like to be in the future  31. Bikram yoga was one of my favorite practices of the year. I always left feeling empowered and rejuvenated 32. I find inspiration in almost everyone I come in contact with. I’m amazed by people’s stories and wish we could publicly recognize everyday people more often. Low key, I wish I could meet every person in the world.  33. In hindsight, not getting my promotion at work in 2016 was the wake up call I needed to grab a hold of my life 34. I would love to work for Bain & Company in 2 years #SpeakingItIntoExistence 35. All Men Are Trash!!!!!!! 36. Good guys of the world, don’t take offense to the previous statement but with the rise of this #MeToo movement it’s become so apparent how many men impose their hypermasculinity upon us women (ie. inappropriate touching, unsolicited peen pics, street harassment etc.)  37. Barbados might actually be paradise, and it took me 26 years and a vacation with my friend to realize it. Moral of the story: some of the greatest treasures in life might be right in front of your eyes, you just need the right circumstance to help you see it  38. I love to see people smiling and enjoying nice hardy laughs 39. I tried Ramen for the first time this year and it blew my mind!!!! Gotta go to Japan ASAP! 40. Never trust when a man says “I can’t” because when he says I can’t, he ain’t a man. Okay maybe I stole this from Love & Basketball, but I’ve learned it’s so true though! lol   41. I want my next relationship to be God-centered. Period 42. Moving to Harlem has been incredible!! I love the culture, communal harmony and overall liveliness of the area. I can only imagine what the place was like during the Harlem Renaissance #RespectTheCulture 43. This year I limited my traveling to save money and focus on the GMAT, but I still was able to sneak in a few new cities: Budapest(Hungary), Salzbergen(Germany),Medellin(Colombia), Albuquerque, Tulsa and Greenville!  44. One of the best things about moving back to NY is being able to minister  at my home church again, as the resident saxophonist. I feel so much more fulfilled on Sunday mornings 45. This year i was determined to rid myself of gossip, idle talk, & foul language. I’m hoping to speak peace and prosperity into people’s life from now on #BuildingABetterMe 46. In a relationship, “women cannot go backwards in lifestyle” . Chris Rock taught me… 47. God has been too good to me to just sit on my gifts and talents. Laziness is far from Godliness. Disclaimer: This is not a direct quote from the Bible, just my own interpretation haha 48. This year I tried to be very intentional about the words I speak to myself and others. These days I find it’s so easy to say empty words, make & break promises and to be a “yes woman”. I’m hoping to be more genuine and true to my heart from now on 49. I’ve tried dating apps for a bit this year, and still think there’s nothing like meeting someone organically in a cafe or at a nice bashment. However, I can say there are some gems that are so hidden that you need to mine for them electronically ;-) #CoffeeMeetsBagel 50. By God’s Grace I was accepted into all 3 business schools that I applied to. Next year I’ll either be moving to Boston, Philly or Chicago. See you later NYC, I’ll be back in no time :) #WontHeDoIT
Thanks for listening. Peace n Love 
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bruce-hopkins · 6 years
Learn About Greenville SC Neighborhoods As You Look At Real Estate Listings
Greenville SC is a growing city, and it is also a city with much history. There are older parts of Greenville and newer parts of Greenville. The entire city is pretty laid back and rustic, not very urban. It is a country community of folks, and it is a great place to live. Think about what life will be like in Greenville as you search out real estate listings in the city.
When you look at Greenville SC real estate listings, it is a good idea to get to know the different neighborhoods in the area. One of the best places to live in Greenville is a neighborhood called Five Forks. There is also an actual neighborhood called Greenville, and it is ranked as a top place to live, too. Can you imagine telling people that you live in Greenville in Greenville? That’s funny, and it reminds me of the box inside a box.
Anyway, the neighborhood of Greenville in Greenville is one option, and there are plenty more. Another top ranked neighborhood is Mauldin, and there is also Simpsonville and Wade Hampton. Looking at the neighborhoods and how they rank individually according to certain characteristics is a great start, and then you can start looking at properties.
Greer, Taylors and Fountain Inn are two other popular neighborhoods in Greenville. Travelers Rest and Golden Grove round out the top 10. What are you thinking so far about neighborhoods in Greenville SC? I noticed that all of the top ten neighborhoods and then some have been given an A- rating for their public schools. That is pretty impressive, and the neighborhoods all rank highly in regards to other categories, too. Which neighborhood will you call home, and which of the real estate listings in Greenville SC is going to be that home?
The post Learn About Greenville SC Neighborhoods As You Look At Real Estate Listings appeared first on BRUCE HOPKINS.
Learn More At: http://bruce-hopkins.com/learn-about-greenville-sc-neighborhoods-as-you-look-at-real-estate-listings/
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