#all this too say good for hank & connor ig
codename-adler · 5 months
What i’m supposed to do:
- write Fic 1 & Fic 2 for the Daylight Savings/Kevin Day Fic Fest
- write for Baby Girl, Good Luck
- write chap. 21 of the Kevaaron fic
- finally get on with reading my physical tbr
- work work work work (while also looking for new job)
What i’m doing:
- writing a Hankcon/dbh one-shot🧍‍♂️
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aydaptic · 9 months
Hi there! Just passing by to ramble about how much I love your take on Gavin since he's also my favorite non-playable character in the game.
(Connor is my fave playable character ((predictable, ig?)) and I know [read it somewhere in your post, at least] you're not very fond of him, and that's okay.)
I know Gavin may not be everyone's favorite, but I just love how you see him differently regardless of what people say. I'm always relieved to read all your posts about him because it makes me feel like I'm crazy for even liking him while others are very against him.
I think some people are just conditioned to hate him instantaneously for being antagonistic towards Connor and Hank. And I think he has a good reason for it too. He's not a saint and I guess it's fine to like a character who's a bit cocky and with a lot of flaws.
But you had to admit that despite how seemingly shallow he is in the game, he does show a bit of his character upon extensive scrutiny and that's the beauty of what you're doing. I'll be reading (quietly) more of your opinions about this lovable jerk and I'll be loving every bit of it. ❤️❤️❤️
Hi :)
I'm glad to hear that. The toxicity/vitriol towards Gav has always made me concerned for humanity. It proves that so many ppl are incapable of thinking logically instead of emotionally. Where are their empathy? Likes/dislikes are subjective, but to say he's "nothing but a bad guy" and/or "has no redeemable qualities" are such brain-dead takes.
Despite his unpleasant attitude, Gav has every right to be canonically concerned about androids, and he has every right to believe they're not alive. It's logical. The guy doesn't have the insider knowledge that we, as players, do. Gav's not a psychic.
I love the gameplay of Con -- the detective aspect -- as well as his journey... but his awkward + overtly positive + doormat personality type annoys the shit out of me, lol. I'm Team Gavin Reed™ in disliking Con. Kudos to you for having enough intelligence to put aside your love for him and recognize that Gav has a point.
These are the reasons I've seen ppl hate Gav for:
some are too blinded by their love for Con and/or Hank (as you say)
some are narcissistic enough to feel entitled to their personal favorite characters having more fandom content (...and thus they take it out on fandom favorites)
some feel envious that Gav has the charisma to get away with being a dick (...and they aren't capable of doing the same bc they don't have charisma)
some try to take some BS moral high ground (...and fail)
some see parts of themselves in Gav and thus desperately try to convince others that, "I'm not like him!" (...and funnily enough, every Gav hater I've interacted with has proven themselves to be worse ppl than he is -- so yeah, they're not like him, they're worse)
some ppl are envious that Gav is better/more beloved than them and/or their favorite characters
some ppl hate white ppl (racists)
some ppl hate men (sexists/misandrists)
some ppl ignore the lead writer's statement that "the game is about androids and not race" so they can make it a modern-day political issue, and get brownie points saying stuff like "androids are real-life POCs meaning anyone who dislikes them is racist," bc they can't separate fiction from reality (...and thus they have the brain-dead take that Gav is "racist." I don't like AI such as ChatGPT taking jobs. Does that make me a racist, too?)
some ppl claim to hate Gav just bc it's popular (pack mentality)
some ppl just wanna create drama
some ppl are so starved for attention that they claim to hate him "just bc"
some ppl lack empathy (...and thus they don't understand what losing a job you love is like -- especially to someone who was just programmed to be better than you -- when you worked your ass off for decades getting said job)
some ppl didn't pay attention (...and thus they don't know that Gav had every right to step in both in The Interrogation and Last Chance, Connor bc Con was literally breaking the law)
some ppl see the world as black and white meaning they only think in extremes (...and are incapable of seeing the greys/finding balance)
some ppl are specifically looking to get triggered and thus bring up completely unrelated topics like "misogyny" bc god forbid you like Gav and not North even when they're completely different ppl (...and it's hypocritical that they protect North for hating humans, while at the same time, cursing Gav out for hating androids -- I don't go around with the false claim that, "you're sexist/misandrist for liking North and not Gav" bc I'm not an idiot)
That hatred is all based on emotions instead of rational thought.
"He's a dick!" So is Hank, North, and Con can be. "They have good reasons for it!" So has Gav. These ppl are in no position to decide who's 'the most' affected/traumatized, etc. bc we all react differently. Some are more distraught by their pet dying than a parent. That doesn't make their pain any less real.
Disliking him is fine, but don't give BS moral reasons for doing so. Sometimes we just don't vibe with a person/character and that's perfectly fine. Not vibing with someone, however, isn't hatred. It's apathy. Ppl who are just "meh" about him and don't spout BS excuses are valid.
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wolveria · 4 years
Feedback Loop
Pairing: Sixty x Reader
Summary: After breaking things off with Sixty, he shows up on your doorstep and reveals a side of himself that shakes you to your core.
Prompt: For @uh-kitty-got-wet​ ‘s birthday!! Happy birthday!
Chapter Warnings: Angst, Explicit sexual content, Happy ending
Word Count: 4.4k
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(Screenshots from @vrtuellereality on IG)
You were working at your terminal, oblivious to the low, ever-present murmur of the bullpen when a shadow darkened your desk. Your head jerked up, and for a moment you thought it was him.
It wasn’t. It was only Connor, though the way he crookedly smiled at you was certainly different.
“Hey, Con,” you said, pulling your hands off the keyboard. “Something I can help you with?”
He sometimes went to you for questions about a case, or just to say hi and see how you were doing, but he seemed to have something different in mind.
“Not exactly.” He sat on the corner of your desk, a lot like how he did with Hank, but his expression was decidedly more mischievous. “I just wanted to tell you that you look nice today.”
“Nice?” You blinked like the bewildered creature you were.
“Very nice.”
His smile grew, and oh dear. Oh dear.
“Are you free this weekend?” He looked down at the hands clasped in his lap and paused, as if his confidence was flagging. “I mean… it’s been a while since we’ve socialized outside of work. Ever since…”
Ah, yes. Ever since The Incident everyone was too polite to talk about. You were grateful for that, because it wasn’t anyone’s business, and the sooner you moved on the better.
“Yeah, I know.” You smiled a little. “You’re right. I’ve missed you, Connor.”
Now it was Connor’s turn to fluster, his LED spinning yellow as a pink flush crept on his cheeks.
“I—yes.” He cleared his throat unnecessarily, and you half-expected him to reach up to adjust his tie. “I’ll come by your place at 8 o’clock this Friday. Is that all right?”
“Sounds perfect.” Your smile grew, and you patted his knee. “Can’t wait.”
Connor looked like he might short-circuit at the touch, but instead he peeled off your desk, gave you an awkward little smile, and hurried away at a stiff, nervous gait. You would have laughed, but that would have been unkind; Connor was doing his best, even if he was still a goofball.
You watched his retreat, and another pair of brown eyes caught your attention. They stared at you with a dark, heated intensity. You quickly turned away and returned to your work, face hot and heart thundering like a jackhammer. You couldn’t focus on your work after that, and it was just as well, because another shadow loomed over your desk. This one much more foreboding.
“What was that?” spoke a voice that sounded just like Connor’s with a tone that couldn’t have been more different.
You ignored it. Even though your heart raced and you felt like you were suffocating, you ignored it. It was the only way to make him go away. Go back to pretending you didn’t exist, something he’d become an expert in the last few weeks.
“Really?” the voice sneered. “You’re going to ignore me after so blatantly flirting with my brother—“
You jerked your chair around and glared up at the android ruining your day. Sixty leaned against your desk where Connor had been a few minutes earlier, arms crossed over his chest as he peered down his nose at you.
“That’s none of your business,” you snapped, hating how good his long legs looked, one crossed casually over the other. While Connor was still awkward in body language, Sixty had mastered it to an unfair degree. “And I wasn’t flirting.”
“Yes, you were.” He leaned forward, giving you a nice view of his throat with the top button undone. “You get this shy little smile on your face, pretending your bashful while your eyes wander to places they shouldn’t.”
You rose to your feet, turning away from him to grab your purse. You’d forgotten to take a lunch, and right now was as good a time as any. Anything to get away from the android’s scrutinizing gaze.
“Your jealousy is not my problem,” you said, but when you tried to walk past him, he blocked your path. Sixty glanced around to see if anyone was watching, and then he pushed into your space, trapping you there with his hands on either side of you against the desk.
“Jealousy? I’m simply stating the truth.” He was too close, his breath hot on your lips, his eyes dark and dangerous. “Or did you forget I know what you look like when you want to spread your legs?”
You shoved him, hard. Perhaps too hard. You didn’t mean for him to stumble back so he lost his balance and hit the ground on his ass. You didn’t even know it was possible to catch him off-guard like that, being the advanced prototype that he was.
But you had. And for a split second, his LED was solid red and his expression was hurt. It passed so quickly it could have been wishful thinking, but you didn’t wait around to find out. With every other officer in the bullpen staring after you, you quickly left the station, grimacing as you wiped at your stinging eyes.
You’d email Fowler later to let him know you weren’t feeling good and you’d be gone the rest of the day. And while you were at it, maybe you could file for a transfer.
The email to the captain wasn’t a total lie. You felt like absolute shit as you lay bundled up on your couch, wallowing in misery and instant noodles. It was snowing outside fairly heavily, and you didn’t plan on going anywhere. Maybe for a while. You had vacation days saved up, and it might be a good idea to disappear until you could show your face in the station. What a humiliating day.
Connor would miss you, and so would Hank, but that wasn’t a good enough reason to stick around when he was always there. You sensed his dark eyes following you, but whenever you turned to look, Sixty always had his attention elsewhere, pretending you didn’t exist.
It hurt so damn bad even though you were the one who left him. You’d been miserable, Sixty’s ego always coming before your relationship, and eventually you’d had enough. Human or android, you wouldn’t put up with that shit from anyone.
But a part of you had hoped, maybe, he would try to be better. Make an effort to get you back. Instead, he’d given you the cold shoulder and acted as if you were a stranger, only for you to swear he was watching your every move like a hawk. Today seemed to prove that theory, and it was driving you crazy. Something had to give, and you knew your sanity would break far sooner than Sixty’s love of control.
When the doorbell rang, you almost ignored it, but your phone informed you it was half past eight. Maybe it was Connor, a few days early but worried when he heard about your confrontation with his brother. You had little doubt it would be the gossip of the bullpen for hours.
That thought finally dragged you off the couch and to the front door, where you opened it and for a moment thought it was Connor.
But you knew them both well enough by now to recognize the subtle differences. His posture, while stiff and uneasy, was still fluid enough to tell you it was Sixty.
Still, his expression was definitely un-Sixty-like. Half-melted snowflakes darkened his hair, his skin glistened in the hallway lights, and the shoulders of his jacket were damp. He looked like he’d been out in the storm for a while, and since he was deviant, he was probably cold and uncomfortable.
“Before you slam the door in my face,” he began, tone weary, “there’s something I want to say.”
“What do you want?” You maintained your grip on the door, the urge to shut it in his face very strong.
He released a breath, gazed down at his shoes, and mumbled, “Can I come in?”
You stared at him for a good long moment, debated the pros and cons of letting Sixty back into your apartment.
Pros: maybe he actually had something worthwhile to say.
Cons: It was Sixty.
“Fine.” You opened the door wider, allowing him entrance. “But only for a few minutes.”
His brows lifted in surprise.
“A few minutes are all I need.” The words were arrogant but his tone wasn’t, and he almost seemed nervous as he slipped past you over the threshold. That was strange. Sixty always covered his self-doubts with displays of bravado. That was kind of his thing.
But his confidence still hadn’t returned after you shut the door and followed him to the living room. He just stood there, hands hovering as if he didn’t know what to do with them, until he finally shoved them in his pockets. Over the white dress shirt he always wore was a windbreaker you’d bought for him months ago. You’d been worried the freezing temperatures would harm his biocomponents, and he’d laughed off your concern. He’d still kept it though, and the navy fabric went very well with his tight, dark wash jeans.
It wasn’t fair.
You stood a short distance away, arms crossed over your stomach in a gesture that was more protective than it was defensive. Seeing him here, in your house, it brought back so many memories and emotions you’d managed to lock away since you kicked him out. Now it was threatening to spill out all over again, and all you wanted to do was reach out and touch him. But you didn’t.
“Well?” you said, sharper than you meant to be. “What did you want to talk about?”
Sixty stared at the ceiling as if he’d find answers there. Or maybe he just didn’t want to look at you.
“I’m not… good at this,” he finally said. “I don’t know how to choose the right words and I’m pretty sure I’m going to make shit worse. But Hank said if I didn’t stop being a jackass and come talk to you—”
You blinked and walked around him to get a better look at his face.
“Hank? You’re here because Hank told you to?”
“No! I—“ He met your eye, his expression pinched and upset. His LED was bright yellow, but you didn’t need to see it to know he was struggling. “I’m here because I…”
He turned away from you but not fast enough for you to miss the flash of red.
“Six?” you asked, softer than the tone you’d used with him lately. “What’s going on?”
Moving toward him when he didn’t answer, your hand slightly trembled as you reached out and rested your fingers on his arm.
He whirled around, grabbed you by the shoulders, and pulled you hard against his chest. You gasped, startled and frozen, but Sixty only hugged you tight, burying his face against your hair.
“I’m sorry, okay?” he choked out. “I’m sorry I’m such an asshole. I’m sorry I sabotaged our relationship. And I’m sorry I made you so miserable that you had to leave.”
You didn’t move, couldn’t even breath as Sixty continued to tremble around you, holding on as if you were a lifeline. He’d never acted this way before, emotionally vulnerable and exposed. Almost… afraid? Where was the confident, arrogant android that had broken your heart?
“I don’t want to lose you,” he said so softly you could barely hear it. “I can’t lose you. I would rather feel nothing at all, go back to being a machine. I don’t want to be alive if this is what living feels like.”
That was all you said, your little nickname for him. Created at first to annoy and antagonize him, until it became a pet name, and then finally a term of endearment.
“I’m not saying this… to make you feel sorry for me.”
He didn’t need to breathe, but warm puffs of air tickled your throat. It was comforting and familiar.
“I’m not going to trick and manipulate you, even though that’s what I was designed to do. I just... had to see you one last time. Tell you it wasn’t your fault. And… apologize. For all the shit I did. I thought ignoring you would make it better. Make this-this feeling go away. It didn’t. I… fucked up.”
You slowly raised your arms and wrapped them around his waist, returning the hug, wanting to touch him, be close to him again despite the warning signs. Or maybe because of them. With Sixty, they came with the territory.
And the fact was, he was hurting. You were too. The way you’d been ignoring each other was pure misery, and you’d had no idea it had negatively affected him too.
You slowly pulled away, preparing yourself to tell him that while his apology was a big step in the right direction, it would take more than words to fix the damage he’d done.
But the words died in your throat. His eyes were large and glassy, brows turned up in worry or sadness, as if he was bracing himself for your rejection. It was unbelievably raw, and you’d had no idea Sixty could even make that expression.
Like a dam breaking behind flooding waters, you surged forward, capturing his lips with yours. He made a surprised sound, red cycling out of the corner of your vision before you closed your eyes. You fisted his jacket in your hands and pulled so he was flush against you.
Sixty was many things. Arrogant, haughty, with an ego the size of CyberLife Tower. But one thing he could never do was deny you, and with the hard bulge shoved against your hip, you knew he didn’t want to.
Sixty lifted you up, never breaking the kiss as he wrapped your legs around his waist, and he carried you to your bedroom, somehow without looking where he was going. Probably used his goddamn X-ray scanners.
He followed you down onto the bed, barely letting you draw breath as he lifted off your shirt and fumbled at your pants. Your bra was already gone, having been removed in preparation for your night in, and he hungrily groaned as he kissed down your collarbone to your chest.
You ran your hands through his soft hair, ruining his immaculate style, but he didn’t even notice as he finally tugged off your pants. His hands were everywhere, running along your stomach, your hips, down your legs as he yanked them open and settled between them. He was still completely dressed and you were almost naked.
Fingers fumbling, you tugged down his jacket zipper and tried to pull it off his shoulders, but Sixty was making things difficult, slowly rolling his hips against yours, torturing you.
“Damnit, Sixty,” you cursed, gasping when he nipped at your shoulder. He dipped his hand beneath the waistband of your underwear and practically purred at what he found.
“This all for me, sweetheart?”
In lieu of responding, you moaned and thrust your pelvis against his hand, but he only chuckled and held your hip down with his other hand.
“Now, now.” He pulled his head up to smirk at you. The loose curl of hair hung across his forehead, giving him an especially devilish look. “I want to hear you say it.”
Sixty loved being in control. He got off on the sense of power, and you knew part of that had to do with the fact he’d had none at the beginning of his short life. No power, no control, no choice. Just a thing to be used and thrown away.
Well. You’d have to show him that sometimes, losing control and being under someone else’s power could be a thrilling thing.
You grabbed his wrist and pulled his hand out of your underwear, earning you a surprised, disappointed expression. You almost smiled, but that would have ruined the ruse.
Maintaining eye contact, you took his long fingers, glistening with your juices, and popped two of them into your mouth. You closed your eyes partway and groaned around his fingers, your tongue licking up your own slick from the sensitive pads of his digits.
Sixty’s pupils went fully blown, his tongue darting out to lick his lips, and when his LED shifted from yellow to red, your plan had worked. He rose off the mattress where he’d been kneeling and pulled off his jacket and shirt, giving you a full view of his pale, lightly muscled torso.
Next came off the shoes and jeans, yanked off clumsy in his haste, and you might have teased him if not for the large cock that sprang out of his pants, hard and flushed.
Sixty didn’t give you time to admire it; he grabbed you by the hips and dragged you to the edge of the bed. He tugged off your underwear, rubbed the head of his cock against your opening to make sure you were wet enough, and then pushed.
Giving you no time to prepare, you arched your back and struggled to breathe, fisting the sheets as he kept going. He was thick, and long, and the people who had designed him had apparently decided he needed to be well-endowed. Whatever the reason, you were sure enjoying the fruits of their labor.
“Fuck, oh fuck, Sixty.”
He didn’t laugh or even make a snide comment. You weren’t sure if he was even breathing, his brow creased in concentration as he gripped you tight, not stopping until he was fully embedded within your slick heat.
Only then were you able to fill your lungs, and then the next breath of air was cut off as he kissed you, hungrily and deep, his tongue plunging into your mouth as his cock twitched inside you. You moaned, digging your nails into his back, not afraid you would hurt him as you dug deep and wrapped your legs around his waist.
Normally, Sixty liked to draw out the foreplay, exploring all the ways he could take you apart. But not this time. It was like he couldn’t wait, too impatient and greedy as he began to move, hips jolting against yours as he set a hard pace.
You hadn’t been touched like this in weeks, not even by your own hand, and each thrust was a burst of sparks behind your eyelids. You broke the kiss and clung to him for dear life, whimpering when his lips attached to your neck, sucking mercilessly. You were going to have bruises all over you tomorrow for everyone to see, and you loved it. You wanted Sixty to make you his, to never leave you in a cold, empty bed ever again.
You groaned his name, tried to meet his hips as he set a brutal pace, but he had your thighs trapped open as he fucked you from the edge of the bed. You were getting close but you weren’t quite there yet; Sixty must have known, because he gripped your hips and pulled them up so he could thrust even deeper.
Tears pricked in your eyes as he hit your sensitive spot over and over, driving the pressure in your pelvis to new heights. You were babbling nonsense, a mixture of his name and pleas for him to never leave again. Sixty responded with promises that he wouldn’t while peppering desperate kisses all over your face and neck.
And then he said three words he’d never said before, low and throaty and right into your ear, and you came undone with tears running down your face and a cry on your lips. The pleasure was so intense you weren’t sure when you came down from it, only that he fucked you straight through your orgasm without stopping.
You squirmed and whimpered, oversensitive, and you moaned his name again and again, not sure what you were asking for. He snapped his hips forward and choked out a groan, burying his face into your neck as he throbbed deep inside you.
Floating blissfully, you sighed and petted his hair, pressing a kiss to his red LED and watching as it slowly downgraded to yellow and finally blue. Sixty turned his head away from you as he panted, his breath too uncomfortably hot for human skin as he attempted to cool his internal components.
Without a word he got up and went to the bathroom, returning with a warm cloth. He seemed almost shy as he cleaned you up, not speaking until he was done cleaning himself up as well.
“I suppose… I should go,” he said, avoiding your eye as he went to retrieve his pants. You stopped him by grabbing his wrist.
“You’re staying right here.” You tugged him back toward the bed and pulled back the covers. He didn’t get inside, his frown unsure. “Please?”
He didn’t move, chewing the inside of his cheek, and when you feared he might actually leave Sixty slid under the covers and pulled you in close. You hummed contentedly as you leaned your cheek against his chest.
“Plus,” you said with a smirk, “we still need to talk.”
Sixty groaned.
“Ugh. Talking.”
“Yes, talking.” You poked his side. “Babbling while you dick me down, doesn’t count.”
“Sure it does. I meant everything I said during the dick-talk.”
You ignored his attempt at a joke and pulled back to look at him.
Sixty looked away, pressing his lips together into a thin line, but the adorable blush on his cheeks was answer enough.
“You love me,” you said, grinning. Sixty tsked and refused to meet your eye. “You really, really love me.”
Grumbling, he turned his head into the pillow. You didn’t know his face could even turn that shade of red. You grinned and rained down kisses on his exposed neck, merciless in your revenge.
“Sixty’s in love,” you sang, your fingers finding the spot just beneath his thirium pump regulator where he was ticklish. “Sixty wants to kiss me.”
“Shut up, no I don’t.” The effect of his words were lost by the fact he whined them into the pillow, drawing his limbs up so you couldn’t reach his tickling spots.
“You love me and you want to kiss me.”
“I-no-“ His voice warbled, glitchy with embarrassment, and this time you did laugh.
You also decided to grant him a reprieve and stopped tickling him, instead flopping half on top of him, taking advantage of the fact he’d curled into a ball. You could definitely get used to a softer, bashful Sixty, a side of him no one else got to see.
“So…” He cleared his throat like the suddenly awkward android he was. “Are you still going to see Connor on Friday?”
You broke into a wide smile. Oh, this was too delicious.
“What do you mean?” you asked, drawing a circle on his chest, dangerously close to the tickling spot of his regulator. “Do you think something would happen if I did?”
He managed to keep his expression closed, but the blaring red ring was a dead giveaway. You smiled and kissed him on the cheek, laughing when he made a face.
“You really are jealous.”
“I’m not—“
“Yes, I’m going to hang out with Connor. Because he’s my friend and I adore him. But that’s all it is, Six. Connor is not your replacement.”
That was his exact fear, and you knew that, because you knew him as intimately as you knew yourself.
He took a slow, steadying breath, and his LED finally cooled to a slow blue. You buried your face in his neck, smiling at first, and then letting the full weight of everything settle on your shoulders.
“I really missed you,” you said, suddenly quite serious. “I want you to stay. Not just for tonight.”
Sixty slowly uncurled his arms and looked up at you out of the corner of his eye. Hopeful but with a hint of wariness. You understood he had abandonment issues. His baggage with Connor and Hank, the manipulation by Amanda. He was terrified of letting people get close, and he compensated by being an insufferable jerk.
It was moments like these that revealed it was all a set of armor, made to protect him from being hurt again. It was one of the things you had to show him about living: being hurt was inevitable, but so was being loved, if he was willing to let it happen.
“I missed you too,” he said softly. The crooked little smile he gave was charming but also fragile. “And… I want to come home.”
He lifted his arm so you could snuggle back against his chest, and you did, breathing in that faint, silicone scent you associated with androids. It was one that used to make you happy, and lately had just brought you pain. You didn’t want to feel like that ever again.
“It’s going to take work. Real work,” you said. “We can’t just fuck our way out of it.”
His lips formed into a grin against your temple.
“We could always try.”
“Fine. Talk first, fuck you into a crying mess after.”
You closed your eyes and sighed, trying to pass off the sudden warmth between your legs as mild annoyance. Sixty could read you even without a scanner, so there was little doubt he knew the effect he had on you.
“And no more getting jealous of Connor.”
He grumbled like a puppy having his favorite toy taken away.
“And,” you raised your voice to be heard over his pouting, “you move back in immediately.”
Sixty flipped you on to your back, hovering above you with a grin like a shark’s.
“I agree to your terms. Shall we seal the deal?”
You nodded, unsure how he planned to do that. You were not disappointed when he leaned down and pressed his lips warmly to yours, one hand on your cheek while the other crept down your hip. Sixty smirked against your mouth as he dragged the tip of his cock against your entrance.
The bastard was insatiable, but at the end of the day, he was no one’s bastard but yours.
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honestlyconkus · 6 years
conkus breaks the internet
If yall haven’t seen my social media au, this is a list of the post and some of my headcanon’s, might make a p.2 lmAOO cuz it’s so… long. You can follow the #welcometomysocialmediaau too :)))
Markus Manfred is the heir of Carl Manfred, the famous late painter of Detroit. He has a half-brother, Leo Manfred, who’s always getting caught up in scandals. This makes it hard for Markus on social media, where tabloid’s and journalists are always trying to find ways of bringing down his name.
Due to the amount of times he’s been insulted, he’s grown thick skin and couldn’t care less about what people thought of him; until they bring his loved one’s into the picture.
Considered one of Detroit’s “finest artists,” his work has gone international, showing in galleries across the world. He has also amassed a fanbase for his modeling as well. (everyone falls for the eyes. baby boy has a beautiful body too😘)
He has an instagram and a twitter, both going by the handle @markusmanfred
He normally posts his art on instagram, and his friends. Lately, his lover, Connor.
He’s a part of a friend group that the internet notoriously calls ‘Jericho’, since they are constantly visiting each other and made it public at how close they are.
The name was used after North posted a screenshot of the groupchat, which was named Jericho
North Myles is a Victoria’s Secret Angel. She’s also a daughter of one of the CEO’s, and loves modeling for other brands as well. Her favourites are Versace and Givenchy. She lives in the lap of luxury but loves using her platform for good, often donating to charity and being an activist.
She thinks what Shia LaBeouf did with “He Will Not Divide Us” was inspiring and wants to do something similar.
Jericho all say no and so does her agency, due to her track record with the police for frequent acts of civil disobedience (though these acts tend to grow violent if no one is supervising her)
With over 600k followers, she has quite the platform. She also actively interacts with her followers, constantly replying to their tweets and going on lives to keep them updated in her life, and going on spiels to defy the government and fight for the people.
She has a twitter and an instagram, @northinthefire
She tends to post about social movements, such as #MeToo, LGBTQ+ Rights, anything that empowers the people.
Her girlfriend Kara and their daughter Alice are also frequently in her posts.
The IG lives are how people noticed who Simon Bennett is.
Another model, a Calvin Klein model at that, and one of North’s closest friends. They often end up modeling together due to North’s trust in him and the chemistry they hold on screen (she hates other people touching her unless absolutely necessary). For awhile the internet thought the 2 were dating until she came out as a lesbian in 2038.
Simon wasn’t born rich but worked hard to be where he was, and he’s gotten a large following partly due to North’s influence and his own following. People like him for his genuineness and soft and sweet nature. Speculations are that Simon has a little crush on Markus from the lives they’re in, which Simon gets caught staring at his best friend and ends up blushing. There are compilations on youtube.
He frequently instagrams his cat and likes to post positive tweets. He’s notorious for tweeting at obscure times and responding to people when he should be sleeping.
his twitter and instagram handle is @itsreallysimon
Simon’s late night tweets are what caught the attention of Josh Peters
He’s not a model but hosts a famous podcast, and goes by the pseudonym Josh The Man. He talks about US History and the intricacies of politics in this day and age; he wanted to be a History professor but found a profession in hosting.
His famous podcast, called History’s Eyes, hosts nearly 3 million listeners, ranging from college students to political nuts. Many more download his episodes due to the detailed and delicate way he explains each segment of US history and the democracy they currently live in.
When he gets on twitter he’s almost always greeted by Simon, whom he’d gotten close to due to the quirky way he tweets. He’s always telling Simon to go to bed, since from his pov in Detroit, Simon almost always tweets exclusive in the hours of 12am-5am every time.
Simon just explains it as he’s currently in a different part of the world doing a shoot with North.
North and Josh had a rocky start, with North constantly attacking how he holds his podcasts (where is your stance for the people?!) But they’ve gotten close over the years and banter frequently.
Their fanwars are big deals in the twitterverse, and everyone gets excited when North throws shade at Josh for any reason at all
He has an instagram, a twitter, and a podcast. He goes by @joshtheman for all of them.
He posts very rarely on instagram, but it’s usually him and of his friends. Sometimes scenic pictures to have a nice theme. North calls him a local.
Connor Anderson is the son of well known Lieutenant Hank Anderson. He has a younger twin brother that also works in the DPD precinct. He’s famous for being one of the youngest rookie detectives to solve big red ice cases, with his analysis and intelligence unmatched to those of other detectives. People think he resembled his father Hank back in the Lieutenant's prime.
He has an instagram and a twitter, but he posts more on instagram. You can see pictures of the family dog, Sumo, and cute little selfies he always tries to capture while working with his Dad. Hank isn’t amused in any of the blurry pics. Recently, he’s starting to post pictures of him with Jericho, mainly with Markus.
His handles are @connoranderson1
the fic
Markus’ IG post
Simon’s live
North’s live
Josh’s twitter
here it is! I know some of their last names are debatable, it’s really up to anyone’s interpretation what Jericho’s last names will be lol. Thank you for yall’s patience <3
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princesiddie · 6 years
Siddie u got any other HankCon headcanons up ur sleeve that u haven't told us or just thought of ????
hmm.. i can git some 4 u ya !
hank? an old man. hes 53. hes an alcoholic. hes depressed. he be getting sleepy at 4pm on the dot… takin a nap @ his desk…. “wake up anderson” fowler says. he cant hear u hes asleep zzz shh.. connor lay a blanket across him .. good and soft naps with sumo on his days off .. 
speakin of naps all of his r taken on the couch despite its age despite his age despite its relative lumpiness despite the fact tht his bed has one of those mattresses thts like real good for ur back esp if ur old but BITCH he dont care he sleeps where he gets tired be it on the floor at the table in his car etc…. hes too old to care .. sumo always comes n curls up next to him if he can.. hes a very good boy n he loves his dad
speaking more of naps.. in the 3 yrs tht hes lived alone since cole hes used to snuggling up with sumo (hes a very chill and sweet puppy hes ok with the way hank holds and cuddles him in his sleep) but now he likes 2 hold connor.. he hasnt realized how much hes missed holding and sleeping next to another being (nmabsabsnbas human or android ig) but Oh God he has
connor llike Touch…. he dunno why he figures its part of his deviancy stuff he wasnt programmed to fall in luv wit a hard boiled old detective but here we r so really any thing strange tht happens w his code hes like “alright this is already so goddamn weird” BUT anyways he likes all kinds of touch hes just so not used to it coz androids dont be touching each others arms or shoulders or hands they dont be sitting noticeably closer to people they like they dont b Kissing…… its a little confusing to have it done to him but he learns quickly that he Likes It, A Lot
basbdasbnas speakin of touch connor likes touching hank all over (Like That but also not like that !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) hes spent time around humans before sure but hes never been this close to one before.. hes never gotten to see the way a humans eyes move so minutely, so constantly, or the way their faces twitch with subtle emotions at everything. hes never seen so intimately all the features cyberlife has tried to hard to replicate. hes never watched the way a humans muscles slide and bulge under their skin (like i kno hanks fat but he has to have Some muscle) or seen the way their skin flakes and peels away when it gets excessively dry or the way and direction that their hair grows, seemingly so much more natural than the way cyberlife replicates it. he likes to feel the give that hanks body has, the way it squishes and stretches and folds under his hands, especially where he has the most fat, even where theres still substantial muscle. he likes how much softer he is overall, because the only hard, stiff parts of him are his bones, wrapped in layers upon layers of hot, watery, soft flesh. he likes his realness. he likes the very fact that he is the model cyberlife had been trying so hard to capture.
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