#all whilst my professors are already asking me to have my ducks in a row and send them like.
miodiodavinci · 7 months
oscillating rapidly and producing a low tone in the note of c
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iliveiloveiwrite · 4 years
Secrets // D.M.
Request: CONGRATS BOO!!! Could I get a Secret relationship with Fluff 4 for Draco Malfoy pretty please at Hogwarts??? Also I was wondering if it could be with a Hufflepuff reader? (I love Hufflepuff x Slytherin pairings) THANKS AGAIN FOR DOING THIS BOO AND CONGRATS 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛 - @herstory-study
Fluff 4: “Is that my shirt?”
A/N: The first of my blurb celebrations!! Thank you, lovely!! I hope you enjoy!! It could be argued that I got carried away but there’s a large chance I could end up writing full fics for each request 😂 Anyway, I hope you enjoy!
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Hufflepuff!Fem!Reader
Warnings: secret relationships, some kissing, some feelings, a whole lotta fluff, a cheesy ending and an abuse of commas and semi-colons
Word count: 2.7k
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There were some aspects to History of Magic that could be classed as interesting; the witch-hunts of Salem, for example or even the brief study dedicated to the founders of the very school you sit in. However, there was nothing remotely interesting about hearing the tale of the Goblin wars for the sixth year in a row.
You tap the feather of your quill to your cheek; jotting down a sentence every now and then to make it look as if you are paying the strictest attention to whatever Professor Binns happens to be mumbling about in that particular moment. You fade in and out of daydreams; letting your mind wander back to two nights ago when Draco had snuck you back into the Hufflepuff common room – stopping every few so often to draw you into another laughter-filled kiss.
You startle when a piece of parchment falls onto your desk. Folded like a paper crane, you only knew who this could be from. A sly glance over the blonde-haired teenager who’s attention is most definitely on the pacing of Binn’s ghost confirms your suspicions.
You delicately unfold the piece of parchment; smiling to yourself as begin to read Draco’s elegant scrawl: “Meet me at the Room of Requirement? 7:30pm?”
Anticipation curls in your gut like a ball.
A brief glance is all it takes for you to confirm. A brief glance in your direction from Draco; a subtle nod from you and your plans for the evening have been wiped clear and replaced entirely with Draco.
The bell rings. You stand, gathering your things together and placing them in your bag. A slight brush to your side is the only contact with the Slytherin you’ve found yourself head over heels for. A slight brush to your side and it feels like every inch of you is on fire; a reaction that only Draco has the power to elicit from you.  
The day passes by slowly now that you have something to look forward to. A day where short moments are stolen behind tapestries or on less traversed corridors. Five minutes each time between lessons where you can quickly whisper a hello before dragging him into a kiss by his green striped tie.
Keeping your relationship a secret was a mutual decision; the fallout on both sides being something neither of you could be bothered to deal with right now. Instead, you were happier hiding in empty classrooms where you could have your fill of the Slytherin Prince, and he could whisper sweet nothings in your ear without the risk of anyone overhearing.
There were times when it was stressful; when the week had been too long and there had been no time to see one another. It was only then that you questioned the secrecy of your relationship.
But when you came together after a long period apart; everything returned back to normal and a smile found its way back to both your faces.
Your excitement for the evening makes it almost impossible to eat; picking at the food on your plate as you think about finally seeing Draco tonight. From your position at the Hufflepuff table, you have an excellent view of him, and he knows it. All evening, Draco sends you subtle winks and smiles from his seat at the Slytherin table.
You clench your fist; your fingernails biting into the sensitive skin of your palm as you resist the urge to throw yourself across both tables to him. You resist the urge to simply kiss him in front of his housemates.
You resist it all; every single feeling and urge because you know that in a matter of hours, he would be yours for the entire night.
Instead, you send a flirty smile back to the blonde-haired teenager before returning your attention back to your meal.
The Room of Requirement is located on left hand corridor of the Seventh Floor. You knew from how he rushed out of the Great Hall that Draco would beat you to it.
With a large grin on your face, you walk past the section of wall opposite the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy three times. The entire time, thinking of Draco and how you’d like to see him.
On your third walk past, the large, ornate door appears. You don’t hesitate to pull it open and duck inside.
It’s never a different layout; always the same one that Draco imagines. A large, almost cavernous room with a grand fireplace that’s already lit and warming up the room. In front of the fire sits a couch big enough for an entire Quidditch squad but you know from experience that it’s perfect for the two of you to lie down on comfortably. A great bookshelf covers one of the walls; filled to the brim with ancient looking tomes and books, all there ready to read. You’ve taken advantage of such an offer in the past; reading to Draco after a particularly bad day.
Finally, pushed up against the furthest wall is a four poster bed covered in a thick, downy quilt and topped with blankets – both green and yellow to represent both houses. It was the cheesiest section of the room, and you had brought it up to Draco before – teasing him, but he simply shrugged and distracted you from further conversation.
You throw your outer robes on the bed, leaving you in your blouse, tie and skirt.
Draco remains seated on the large couch; his gaze focused on the flickering flames of the growing fire. Your arms snake their way around his shoulders; your hands trailing down his chest as you lean against the back of the couch. Pressing a small kiss just under his earlobe, you whisper, “I missed you today.”
Draco leans his head back, kissing the side of your jaw, “I missed you too.”
Letting go of him, you take a seat on the couch. In times like this, you never stray too far from the blonde-haired teenager, worried about how long it’ll be until you have a night like this again. An arm opens for you; you automatically press yourself into his side, inhaling the familiar scent of cashmere musk and roses. It was heavenly.
“How was your day?” He asks, voice quiet.
“It was boring until a note landed on my desk. Then it started to look up.”
Draco smirks, “How odd. Mine was taking the exact same route until someone responded to my note.”
You shift out of his hold; resting your head on your elbow that’s perched on the back of the couch. Your other hand pushes his hair back; pulling it out his eyes. He’s grown it longer over this year and stopped using so much product; it’s nice, more natural and a lot easier for you to run your hands through.
You open your mouth; trying to think of something to say but nothing comes to mind.
It doesn’t matter anyway.
Draco captures your lips in his. One of his hands settling on the back of your head whilst the other pulls you across his lap to straddle him. You smile into the kiss as your hands brace themselves on the back of the couch.
Breaking the kiss, you ask, “What was that for?”
He shrugs, “Nothing. I just missed you.”
“You’re missing me an awful lot.”
He kisses the underside of your jaw, “Can you blame me?”
You hum, “I don’t think I can. I’m missing you more too.”
“Then let’s not miss each other anymore,” Draco murmurs against your skin. Lifting his head just enough, he draws you in for another kiss effectively ending all conversation for the night.
You wake up tangled in the sheets of the four poster bed; Draco’s arm heavy across your waist.
As your eyes get used to the brightness of the room, they focus in on the clock on the beside table. Your eyes grow wide as you take in the time.
You’d slept through the lesson of the day already.
You launch yourself out of bed, shrugging off your pyjamas and rustling around to find your uniform.
“Draco!” You shout, pushing your arms through a shirt, “We need to get up, we’ve missed the first hour.”
Draco rolls over, groaning. Fastening your skirt, you kneel on the bed, “Love, we have to get up before the bell.”
He blinks his eyes open, grinning sleepily at you. Your resolve almost breaks then and there; happy to say to hell with it and get back into bed with him.
“I’m free second lesson,” Draco mutters.
You roll your eyes, kissing his lips briefly, “I’ll see you later?”
He nods, stretching his arms above his head, “I’ll see you later.”
Grabbing your outer robes and your bag, you rush from the Room of Requirement, fastening your tie as you bound down the stairs to Transfiguration.
“Where have you been?” is how you’re greeted by Miriam, your close friend and dorm mate.
You shrug, biting your lip knowing that there was no way you could lie yourself out of this.
Miriam narrows her eyes at you, “You never came back to the room after dinner and then you didn’t show up at breakfast. I was seriously worried. Where did you go?”
You look either side of you; checking that there’s no-one listening to your conversation, “Can you keep a secret?”
Miriam rolls her eyes, “Of course I can.”
“I was with Draco Malfoy,” You rush out in a single breath.
Miriam’s eyes widen and she pulls you to one side, “You were with Draco Malfoy? All night?”
You nod your head. Miriam puffs out a breath, “Well I didn’t expect that. How long have you been seeing each other? Tell me everything please!”
You laugh, “It’s almost ten months now, and I’ll tell you more at lunch, I promise.”
Miriam bites her bottom lip; glancing between you and the now open door to Transfiguration, deliberating whether it would be worth skiving the entire day to hear about your exploits with the Slytherin Prince.
She sighs heavily, deciding not to risk McGonagall’s wrath, “I want to hear everything at lunch – do not leave anything out, promise.”
Laughing once more, you cross your finger over your heart, “I promise.”
Until lunch, Miriam sends you excited glances and knowing smiles. In between second and third period, she comments on the fact that she didn’t even think that you were seeing someone – not to insult you, but she just assumed that you holed yourself up in the library where you studied as late as you could.
Miriam practically bounces up to you when the bell rings announcing lunch. She keeps her questions to herself until you both take a seat at the Hufflepuff table, filling plates up with whatever took your fancy.
“So how did it start?”
You take a sip of pumpkin juice before beginning, “Over last summer, my family got invited to one of the many balls thrown by his parents. I don’t usually go to those things, but my parents asked me to join them this one time; I think they were worried because I’d spent too much time in the garden studying the plants. So I went with them and Draco’s father asked him to ask me to dance and it all stemmed from there.
“He sent me a letter the day after thanking me for an entertaining evening and wondered whether I would want to meet up again. I agreed and then from there it evolved into this.”
Miriam’s smile drops into a frown when she asks her next question, “Why keep it a secret? Was it his decision?”
You shake your head fiercely, “It was both ours. We were both equally as worried about the fallout from our families and our houses.”
“But surely if Lucius Malfoy asked Draco to dance with you, he wouldn’t mind?”
You tilt your head, thinking, “Perhaps not. He wouldn’t mind the blood status, but he might mind my being a Hufflepuff,” You shrug, “Anyway we haven’t gone public yet.”
“Ten months is a long time to keep this a secret.”
“It’s not like it hasn’t been hard and that there haven’t been times where I wanted to shout it to the entire wizarding world, but for now, it’s a secret.”
Miriam nods; the frown still expressed on her face. She reaches out her hand to yours, taking it tightly, “You’ve told me now though so that’s a shoulder to lean on should it get too much again.”
You beam at your friend, “Thank Merlin for you, Miriam.”
Miriam goes to reply but she’s distracted by someone approaching the Hufflepuff table. She lets go of your hand and nods her head to something behind you.
Turning in your seat, you find Draco patiently waiting. You smile at him, “Draco, how can I help?”
“I was hoping I could talk to you for a minute… about our last History of Magic lesson? You see, I didn’t take any notes and I was wondering if you had some.”
You smirk, “Why don’t we go outside? That way I’m not cluttering up the table for the others that are still eating.”
Draco grins, nodding at you understandingly, “Wonderful idea. Lead the way.”
Hoisting your bag on your shoulder, you send a wink in Miriam’s direction. She returns one with a laugh before beginning to eat once again.
Draco follows you from the Great Hall and to a less busy corridor. You lean against the wall with a smirk, “Now did you really want my notes, or did you already miss me?”
“More the latter than the former,” Draco admits with a small smile. He frowns though as he takes in your uniform, his eyes running up and down, “Is that my shirt?”
You look down at your clothing, only now realising that the shirt you had put on in a hurry this morning was indeed Draco’s. The arms being too long that you had to roll them twice before you could even start writing something.
You giggle, “I think it is.”
“I only wondered when I had to walk back to my common room shirtless.”
“No!” You shout, delighted at the thought of Draco running shirtless through the corridors.
Draco laughs, nodding, “I had my outer robes of course, but there was very little underneath.”
You clap your hands in sheer delight, “I’d give you back your shirt, but I’ve become awfully fond of it, you see.”
“Oh you have?”
Nodding, you say, “I have. It smells a lot like you which is great for when I miss you.”
Draco groans, throwing his head back, “If we weren’t in public, I’d be kissing you senseless right now. I didn’t realise how good you would look in my shirt.”
“Why don’t you?” You challenge.
Draco’s mouth drops open, “What?”
“Kiss me senseless.”
“Are you sure? We’ve kept this secret for so long,” Draco comments, a finger pointing between your two bodies.
You shuffle closer to him, “I’m sure. Ten months is long enough to keep you a secret, I’m happy to tell everyone now.”
Draco wraps you in his arms, not hesitating to kiss you. You gave yourself entirely to the kiss; pushing yourself off the wall and wrapping your arms around his neck. Your heart skips a beat when one of Draco’s hands starts to draw aimless patterns on the small of your back, sending heat rushing through your body. You sigh against his mouth before pulling away; repressing the urge to continue as the need for oxygen has become too great.
He presses one last gentle peck to your lips before grinning widely, “Are you really sure you want to go public?”
“Super sure. So sure in fact I’d make out with you again to prove my point.”
Draco raises an eyebrow, “Tempting but I say we go back to lunch. I think your friend had more questions.”
You grin at the thought of Miriam’s reaction to see you walking with Draco, “It sounds too good to pass up,” You hold your hand out to Draco, “Lead the way.”
It was all worth it when Miriam’s reaction to seeing you sit back down at the Hufflepuff table with Draco in tow was to spit out her pumpkin juice.
General (HP) taglist: @chaotic-fae-queen​ @obsessedwithrandomthings​ @harrypotter289​ @dreamer821​ @kalimagik​ @heloisedaphnebrightmore​ @nebulablakemurphy​ @the-hufflefluffwriter​ @figlia--della--luna​ @bforbroadway​ @idont-knowrn​ @summer-writes​ @big-galaxy-chaos​ @black-lake-confessions​ @annasofiaearlobe​ @imboredandneedalife​ @levylovegood​ @mytreec​ @haphazardhufflepuff​ @teheharrypotter​ @chaoticgirl04​ @accio-rogers​ @msmimimerton​ @izzytheninja​ @slytherinprincess03​ @iamobscuring​
Draco Malfoy taglist: @the--queen-of-hell​ @obx-beach​ @obxmxybxnk​ @sycathorn-slush​ @dracomalfoyswifey​
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jayankles · 7 years
Death Brings Truth (AU)
Pairing: Teacher!Dean x Student!Reader
Word Count: 2254
Warnings: character death, lies, language.
Summary: Dean is a professor at the local school in Lebanon, Kansas. Everything is going smoothly until one of students displays a whole side of herself that he has never seen before. Is she willing to divulge the information to her teacher? Can she cope with the responsibility that has been dumped on her?
Written for @spnangstbingo and @evansrogerskitten ‘s Ash’s Hottest Dean Challenge
Square Filled: Free Space
A/N – I picked Scruffy!Dean and I couldn’t have been more happy about the prompts that were given to me. I have been planning this fic for a while but never got around to it and it’s not like the Student/Teacher pairing that you are used to. Prompt: “Well, that’s fantastic. Would you like a stuffed bear?” and the gif below the cut
A/N 2 – Also I am so sorry this is late I don’t know what went wrong, this was supposed to post yesterday but tumblr is an ass and didn’t post it, sorry Ash!
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Professor Winchester was sat at his desk behind his laptop, pen in hand going through his schedule and what he was going to teach today. It was the usual for the two of you. You would walk in with twenty minutes to spare so you could get ahead in the class, write a few notes and if the professor was in the mood to talk then you would ask him whether he had a good weekend or not.
The class filed in a few minutes before the bell and they had all settled into their seats and the professor began to teach about the lore of mythical creatures. Sometimes he spoke with such passion about it that you actually believed that the creatures he spoke about could be real.
Notes were taken but your eyes hovered from Professor Winchester to the board he was pointing at behind him. His arms waved around frantically, they always did that when he spoke to the class in front of him and the animated smile on his face told everyone that he was happy to be here, that he worked his ass off to make sure that every single one of his students were involved in the session and were up to date with the course.
Professor Winchester had finished the class, earlier than usual, telling everyone that they had an assignment to do. It would be a project with all the details emailed to each individual, also given the opportunity to work in a group or by themselves. He made it abundantly clear that they were due in a month and that it was essential to complete this project to pass this year.
You nodded as you wrote everything he said, highlighting and drawing an asterisk next to the ideas that you were thinking of writing up for the project.
The rest of the class had left, a few of the girls giggling as they got into a group and admired your professor. You understood the fascination, Professor Winchester was attractive of course, his eyes were the most gorgeous shade of green, his short sandy brown hair was always perfectly spiked up, he had let his stubble grow into a coarse beard and his arms had bulked out his dress shirt. He was a fine looking man, you couldn’t deny that, but none of it mattered, you had to think about your work and nothing else.
Writing up the final due date, you put in your bookmark and shut your notepad. Shoving your equipment in your rucksack, you zipped it up and flung it over your shoulder. Professor Winchester neatening up his papers before he slotted them into his briefcase.
‘See you next week, Miss Y/L/N. 20 minutes before class?’ Winchester asked with a teasing smirk on his face.
‘Sure thing, Professor Winchester.’ You nodded in return, adjusting the straps on your bag.
He scoffed, loosening his tie and pulling on his suit jacket and coat. He was done for the day. ‘Please, Miss Y/L/N, call me Dean. The rest of the class do, makes me feel like my father too.’
‘I’ll only call you Dean, if you call me Y/N.’ You held out your hand for him to shake. He nodded his head and recited your name back to you whilst you did the same.
Three weeks later
Dean had noticed that something was wrong as soon as the class as started. You hadn’t walked in twenty minutes earlier like you usually did, there was no email to say that you were elsewhere or couldn’t make today’s session, he was starting to worry to say the least. The front row was empty – the place where you had frequently occupied to see a little better – not a single thing clued him in as to where you were.
Forty five minutes into the class, the door had bashed against the wall and interrupted Dean when he was talking.
This was someone he had never seen before but was all too familiar to him.
It was you!
Dean’s arms were crossed over his chest as he waited for an explanation but you wasn’t concentrating on him, your eyes were on your phone, you didn’t even have your rucksack and your usual attire was completely out of the question. Anything Dean had previously knew about you was no more, it was as if someone had created a clone of you but switched on the evil twin lever. It was a complete 180 from what he was used to.
The tapping of his foot became evident and he flicked his wrist so he could check the time. ‘Miss Y/L/N!’
You finished off your text and popped a bubble with the gun you chewed on. ‘Aw, Dean. What happened to “Y/N”?
‘You are late by forty five minutes, do you have anything you have to say for yourself.’
‘I do in fact, Dean. I say well, that’s fantastic. Would you like a stuffed bear? It’s, honestly, a wonder that you can tell the time.’
‘I beg your pardon?’
‘Would you like me to say it slower so that you can comprehend what I’m saying?’
‘I understand perfectly! Take a seat and we will discuss this matter after class.’ Rolling your eyes you waltzed to the back and kept your eyes on the phone, seeking a seat far away from everyone else in the class that was stunned that you spoke out of line to one of the best teachers in the whole school.
‘Assignments are due next week people!’ Dean had said when he finished up the class. ‘Class dismissed.’
You were already up and out of your seat, no hanging around today.
‘Miss Y/L/N, where do you think you’re going? We have to discuss your behaviour.’
‘You dismissed the class so I'm leaving. Buh bye.’
Dean was getting even more frustrated by the minute, he has never been so disrespected in his entire career. ‘No Y/N, you will stop and you will listen to me.’ He was seeing too much red to see you flinch. ‘I don't know what is going on but you need to snap out of it.’
You furiously wiped at the tears that hadn't fallen yet. ‘You're right, Dean. You don't know what's going on. So back the fuck off, and stay out of my business because you don't know shit.’ Your phone pinged again and you glanced at it. ‘I'm sorry, Professor Winchester, I have to go.’
Dean had completed his day but his mood was dampened, he tried to not let it get to him but it had affected him. He had to figure out what was wrong and see if he could fix the problem. He slid into his car and the rumble of his car had started to settle in his churning stomach.
The tunes in the impala played lowly, but Dean was in a world of his own so the ride back to the apartment he shared with his brother. Thankfully, though, the apartment was empty and Sam hadn’t come home.
Dean placed his briefcase on the table before he shucked off his coat and suit jacket, rolling his sleeves up again. After he had huffed and pinched the bridge of his nose, Dean tugged open the fridge, pulled out a beer and twisted off the cap.
While he sipped at his beer, he took out his laptop and sat on his bed, his legs stretched out with his ankles crossed over each other.
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Dean hadn't even noticed the door had opened until Sam had tossed his keys into the bowl next to the door.
‘How long have you been on that thing?’ Sam asked as he closed the door behind him, going straight to the kitchen to reheat his leftovers from the night before. When Sam didn't hear a response, he walked over an shut the lid of the laptop, only then gaining Dean’s full attention.
‘What is wrong with you, Dean?’
‘One of the kids today. She’s - something’s just not right. She’s talking back and she was late, she’s one of those kids that is never late, always early.’
‘Was is Y/N Y/L/N by any chance?’ Sam inquired, loosening his own tie and retreated back to the microwave to retrieve his dinner.
The older Winchester’s eyebrows had furrowed, how could Sam had possibly known. ‘What the hell?!’
‘How the heck did you know that it was Y/N?’
Sam had spooned some of the leftover Chinese from last night, quickly chewing on it and gulping it down before he responded to Dean. ‘Because she didn’t show up this morning and when I tried to talk to her after your class she just brushed me off as if she didn’t hear me but I could tell she’d been crying when she was on the phone.’
‘There is something going on with her and we’ve gotta fix it.’
Dean had emailed you for an appointment saying that your attendance and punctuation was imperative. You had rolled your eyes after reading it, of course he would make you come in the next day to have a discussion. You were tempted to email back and say you were sick but you knew he wouldn't buy into it.
You would have to finish your jobs as quickly as you could so you could make it to the appointment. It would have to be in and out. There was no time to waste.
Driving as quickly as you could, you found a parking space with difficulty but it was there in the end.
Checking your watch, you saw that you were early, thankfully. You couldn't lose any more time.
Venturing through the hallways, you scurried into the classroom through the open door, seeing the professor with his arms crossed over as he leaned against the desk. As soon as you saw the stern look on his face, you put on the other persona, your face immediately changed from strong to weak as the door slammed behind you. You whimpered, your whole body wincing and ducking.
It wasn’t until you felt a hand on your shoulder - one that wasn’t Dean’s (you knew for sure that it wasn’t - when you felt the hand you had choked out, ‘please don’t kill me. Please.’
Sam had instantly retracted his hand from your shoulder and took a few steps back stunned that you could accuse him of being a murderer.
Dean had dropped the tough guy act, much like you did, he came rushing over but at the same time he was cautious of his motions.
He had calmly spoke first, gaining your attention and your trust. ‘I’m sorry we scared you. It’s only Sam. He’s not here to kill you, okay? We’re here to help you, to see what’s goin’ on with you.’
‘Please don't make me relive it. I ca- I can't do it.’ You were beginning to become breathless, one of your hands had come to rest on your chest and the other hand hadn't decided between your own chest and Dean's arm. Dean had decided for you though, grabbing the hesitating hand and wrapping your shaking fingers around his wrist so you could feel the thrumming of his pulse against your fingertips.
After an hour of Sam and Dean trying their best to calm you. You had no more tears to weep. All the evidence of your pain had run down your cheeks to create the wet tracks that you could no longer hide. You could no longer hide your secret, not from the professors that you could trust, not from the people that had shown their true colours of caring. The Winchester Professors were there to help you, you had to tell them.
Sam had guided you to a seat, so that the three of you were no longer on the floor where you had collapsed.
They had be patient and given you your space but it was time to open up to them about what had been troubling you.
‘When I was a kid, my father was a police officer that was shot in a line of duty. It was just me, my mom and my baby brother. We thought it was over, we thought we were safe but my mom got a call a few days ago.’ You wiped away at another tear that had fallen, gulping before you proceeded. ‘She was told that the people who killed my dad had escaped prison and were after her. She didn’t tell us that my dad was a crooked cop and had killed three people that didn’t deserve to die. The guy that had broke into our home was family to the people that my dad had killed. Right before he shot my mom he told me and my brother that she was in on it, that my mom was the one that organised the shooting. He said that he would let me and my brother live because we didn’t do anything but sometimes I wish he did. I’m scared that he’ll come back and take my brother away from me and I can’t lose him. He’s all I’ve got.’
Sam and Dean sat with their mouths hung open and their hearts in their throats after it climbed its way up. They had to do something, and whatever it was, it felt as if they were raised into the live of helping others and that was exactly what they were going to do with you and your younger brother.
@thorne93 @becaamm @you-know-whodoesthat-crazypeople @jotink78 @love-kittykat21 @jensen-jarpad @hymnofthevalkyrie @capsheadquaters @kurosaki224-new-blog @supernatural-jackles @cyrilconnelly @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @iwantthedean @goody2shoessmut @ruprecht0420 @mrswhozeewhatsis @feelmyroarrrr @redlipstickandplaid @mogaruke @anotherhuntersjournal @sometimes-iwrite-blog  @pureawesomeness001 @mizzezm @jpadjackles @jesspfly @urpeachess @skybinx-blog @aubzylynn @deansbaekaz2y5 @plaidstiel-wormstache @lilasiannerd @thewayward-winchesters-blog @valerieshubin @be-amaziing @winsmut @akshi8278 @purplediamon @graceforme86 @its-my-perky-nipples  @dalikah3 @nervousmemzie @angel-blazing  @mrsbatesmotel53 @lavieenlex @percussiongirl2017 @oneshoeshort @whit85-blog @muliermalefici @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @moonlover19 @emoryhemsworth @reallyverynodansi @milo-winchester-4ever @captainradicalpassion @captainemwinchester @ilsawasanacrobat @alicat-life @cojootromuelle @essie1876 @dancingalone21 @dslocum89 @atc74 @superwhomerlockinuum @spnbaby-67 @anitalasirenita @queencflair @weasleywinchester @ria132love @spn-fan-girl-173 @nightlyinsomnious @easelweasel @grace-for-sale @roxyspearing @cassieraider @winchesterdemon67 @jadalecki-jackles
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