#on the other hand my brain is so so desperate for goofing around time after spending basically the whole break working
miodiodavinci · 7 months
oscillating rapidly and producing a low tone in the note of c
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arkiliastuff · 3 months
Morning Lullaby
Jesse Cash x Fem! Reader - One Shot
Warning : None. Just fluff and comfort fluff. Also cute stuff
A/N : So I had this idea the other day, when I woke up, very early (5 AM), having troubles sleeping (yay) and thought about this. I just imagined that, in need of comfort, so here you go! First fic about Jesse, it's very short, but I think more will come (hehe). Hope you'll like that short story that you can read and read again as long as you need ! :D
~ The little beans taglist : @valiantroeagleangel @lma1986 @thatchickwiththecamera @vanishxcanvas @thefallennightmare @burning-outx @cncohshit
─── ⊹⊱✿⊰⊹ ────── ⊹⊱✿⊰⊹ ────── ⊹⊱✿⊰⊹ ───
You were having a bad night, filled with strange dreams. You were moving and turning around in your bed, hoping that changing the position will actually do something. But it didn’t help. You suddenly heard a meowling cat outside. You tried to ignore it at first. But as it continued, you heard more clearly. Despite having your window and shutters closed, this noise alone kept you awake. You took your phone from your nightstand and turned it on. You sighed in exasperation when you saw the time. It was almost 5 AM. You were awake for more than ten minutes at this point. Yet you still needed to sleep. You had an appointment in a few hours and you needed a full rest. However, this desperate cat was still meowling and it was getting on your nerves.
So you decided to open your shutters, trying to see what was going on below, with this cat. The latter one had stopped meowling when you shushed him, before running away when it saw your face.
“Great. Now I’m completely awake, you idiot.” You muttered.
You heard the early birds singing while the sun was slowly rising, changing the night sky into a pinkish-orange shade of the dawn. You inhaled the morning scent, giving oxygen to your still sleepy brain.
With your phone in one hand, you started to dial a number, hoping he would pick up even though you were miles away from each other. The ringtone rang for two long minutes but with no answer. As expected. From where he was in the world, touring with his music band, the hours weren’t the same as yours. It was probably the evening in his time zone. You tried to call him a second time. You ended up on his voicemail. Okay, that was a bit odd of him, but you also thought he was maybe having a party with his bandmates. Or perhaps he was goofing around with them after a show, as usual. Yeah, that was more of a believable thought. So you decided to leave a voice message.
“Hey, it’s me. You’re probably busy right now, considering what time it is, but I just had a bad night and I couldn’t sleep anymore. I know it’s silly but you said I could call you anytime if I needed to. Even if it was the middle of the night. So please, call me back when you can, okay?”
You paused shortly, feeling a bit emotional as tears were coming to your eyes.
“I miss you so much, Jesse. I miss your voice. I miss seeing you. It’s hard to not see you at home, these days. Anyway, call me, okay? I really need to hear, at least your voice. I love you”
You ended up your voice message, before wiping away your tears and leaning your elbows on your window, staring at the small courtyard outside of your apartment. As you were about to go back to your bed, your phone buzzed. It was him. Your cell phone almost slipped between your hands as you picked up.
“Hello ?”
“Hey, Y/N. I just saw your two missing calls but I couldn’t answer right away. So, I called you back as soon as I could.” Jesse replied with his raspy voice.
“It’s fine. I figured it out. Did you listen to my voice message ?” You asked shyly.
“Yeah, I did. That’s why I called you immediately.”
You hummed as a response, not knowing what to say all of a sudden. But Jesse anticipated the upcoming silence and continued talking.
“So you were having a bad night? How do you feel ?”
You smiled on your phone, just hearing him being so considerate with you when it came to troubles with sleeping. You were missing him deeply.
“Well, I just had some random and stupid dreams that kept haunting me somehow. I was remembering some old conversations I had with my colleagues. I guess work is stressing me out, recently.” You told him.
He listened to you patiently, waiting for you to continue.
“If you were here, I’d really need a big hug right now.” You admitted.
“I know. Me too.. I'm having fun with the guys here, but it's different without you.” He said softly “ Plus, it’s always nice to cuddle when one of us is having a nightmare.”
You smiled and nodded as if he was in front of you, having this conversation.
“How time is it in your zone ?” He said, changing the subject.
You quickly checked the time.
“It’s 6:17 AM.” You replied.
“Gosh, and you’ve been awake for an hour now ?”
“Also, don’t you have an appointment today? You told me about it a few days ago”
“Yup, I do. And I’m going to be sooooo tired the rest of the day.” You said, ironically.
“Y/N…You should really sleep.” Jesse insisted with a worried tone.
“Well, you know what could help me? I still can sleep even if it's an hour and a half, if you sing me one of your songs.” You suggested, already smiling as if he couldn’t refuse it anyway.
Jesse sighed, faking an upset tone before answering.
“Hmm okay. Just hold on a second.”
He turned on his camera, before leaving. He picked up his guitar and came back, sitting on the floor. He was making adjustments on his instrument while you quietly turned your phone camera on, as well. Getting comfortable under your blanket, you wriggled happily in anticipation.
Then Jesse started to play softly the first notes on his guitar. You find them pretty familiar. As he continued, you began to realize which song it was.
“Oh! Is that ?...” You started.
You saw Jesse smiling while he kept playing. Blue Reverie. A fitting song considering your situation. When he started singing, you felt chills all over your body. After all, he was singing it only for you.
“Silent wake as the day is burning,
Slip back into my silhouette.
I don’t know when the trains are running. Get me back home to hide away. Hide away, hide away”
He subtly moved on the next verse after playing his soft notes of on his guitar.
" Sky ablaze in the subtle turning Two way motion in a pirouette Wide awake with a quiet yearning Get me seaside to hide away"
The notes on his acoustic guitar were so soothing, which made you slowly, but surely, dozing off. Jesse continued to sing so gently to the refrain.
“Time waits for me in a blue reverie
Time waits for me in bloom”
Your eyes were closing on their own as if Jesse’s voice was so hypnotic that it could put you into a sleep filled with sweet dreams. You wished you could record him and replay his tender lullaby on a loop. But your fatigue was getting the best of you, not giving you the time to regret your untaken decision. Once you’d pressed more your head on your pillow, your eyes fully closed, Jesse was getting to the end of the chorus.
“...Do you imagine? The illusion calls your name
From a world you can't embrace
Hide away, hide away
Hide away.”
As he was finsihing the song, he stopped playing. Yet you were already sleeping deeply. He chuckled softly when he saw you forgot to hang up your video call. Jesse took also this short opportunity to admire your sleepy face.
“Well, it seems you enjoyed it. Goodnight, sunshine. I love you.” He whispered.
That night, you found yourself having the most gentle dream ever, with Jesse in it, telling you sweet words. Even though you had a short night, you felt pretty much right for your appointment. The lullaby did really help you to fall asleep. Little did you know that Jesse had sent you later during the day, an acoustic demo for Blue Reverie, just for you, so you could listen to his soft voice all the time. He was definitely the sweetest human being ever.
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3d-wifey · 7 months
NSFT Alphabet: Star (poly!lost boys + Michael) Edition
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A/N: I needed to add my girl Star to the equation. It's been a WIP for ages, but I decided to finish it to give my brain a little break from writing Chapter 14 of the Finnick story---which should be the next thing I post. This is to be read in conjecture with the nsfw alphabet: poly!lost boys edition since it's all the same universe.
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Out of all of your partners, you and Star are certainly the closest. Emotionally, at least. When it's just the two of you, it always ends in caressing skin, giggling, and whispering declarations of love to each other. All in all, it's very soft. You're very soft on each other. If you're with the other boys, she'd love for you to lay on her while the two of you watch them goof around.
B = Body Part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partners)
Her favorite body part of hers is her legs. She loves how it feels when you rub your hands up and down them. She especially loves wrapping them around your waist. She loves all of you, especially your hips. She's insatiable, standing behind you with her hands gripping your sides, always touching. She can't get enough of you.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum, basically)
She loves it when you cum on her strap. That way she can fuck into your mouth while she makes you clean it off. She loves coming on your face the most. The pure joy in your eyes when she puts her full weight on your face is almost as gratifying as the orgasm.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
This is a shared one between you and her. The boys will usually send you out together to lure them a meal or two in. I mean, the combined beauty and seductive power between you two is enough to make a nun break her vows. 
And whenever that happens, Star has the nifty idea to play up the flirting, so to speak. You could very well get the job done with fleeting touches and coy smiles, instead, Star hangs off of the arm of one guy and you play with the hair of another. Of course, in full view of the boys. The entire point is to make them jealous. And when David, because obviously, confronts you both about it with snippy little comments like "Have fun, girls?" or "You two were playing longer than expected." You just shrug with innocent smiles and hold hands. After all, they're the ones that told you to seduce the prey. They can't get too upset at their own idea, especially when it works so well (they can and they do). 
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Star was turned in the 70s, the era of free love, so she's had her fair share of partners. That being said, she has more experience with girls than she does with boys. So you're in good hands.
F = Favorite Position (This goes without saying)
Need I say more? I will say more. She loves being on top of you as you grind your wet cunts together. What's not to love? From up there, she can dictate the pace and just how hard she wants to go. Watching you writher and whine under her, the sounds of your begging, and just how wet you both are. It makes her feel desperate to reach her high until she grinds faster and faster against you. 
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? etc.)
She might grace you with one of her angelic laughs every now and then. But honestly, it's almost always a very giggly affair. You're a couple of giggly girls in love. 
H = Hair (How well-groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Picture this: you're at Woodstock, you're on crazy hard drugs, the guy on stage is on crazy hard drugs, the people you're having an orgy with are on crazy hard drugs. It's a time of peace and nature and free love, man. You don't need any of that consumer shit the Man says you do, like razors or scissors or basic hygiene. That kind of mindset has sorta stuck with Star even after she turned. But she does trim it before it can get too wild. So, think more of a shrub than a bush.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment? The romantic aspect.)
Now, you're speaking her language. The only person who can rival her in this department is Dwayne, but why would you pit two queens against each other? Between the two of them, you're gonna be showered in so many romantic gestures you'll get a rash in the shape of a heart. 
J = Jack off (Masturbation Headcanon)
No need ;)
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Enthusiastic consent: There’s something about the desperation of your begging, it’s a heady feeling knowing just how much you want her.
Mommy Kink: You may have awakened Michael's, but he awakened hers. Now, it's almost guaranteed that whenever you and Star have sex with the boys, they're getting dominated. You're a tag team, a dynamic dom duo. Everybody say “thank you” to Michael. You give up the reins to her whenever it's just you two. Good choice. 
Overestimation: To others, of course. Even if you think you can't cum anymore, she surprises you by coaxing another and another and—you get it. Doesn't stop until you and your pussy are crying (Paul loves to be a witness to this). The guys aren't exempt from it. When the dynamic dom duo is loose, the boys get to find out if that accelerated healing is fast enough to stop them from shooting blanks.
L = Location (Favorite places to do the do)
In her room, one of the surviving rooms of the sunken hotel the boys eventually cleared out for her and moved her bed into. 
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Pain, but not her own. Odd, for how compassionate she is. She’s not getting horned up over Michael stubbing his toe or grievous harm done to her partners. There’s more nuance than that. Like, the first time you let her give you a piercing, she got alarmingly wet. That kind of pain. Regardless, you wanting her gets her going. Especially if you’re begging her even if you don’t have to considering she gives into you the easiest. 
N = No (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
No anal, that hole is off-limits. It's never interested her before, and it sure as shit doesn't now. Sorry, Marko. No period sex, for obvious reasons. If she thought resisting blood was hard before, boy was she in for a surprise. Your period is almost harder on her than it is on you! But she endures it because she loves her baby :(
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Prefers to give you head even though she enjoys your mouth very much, hence why your period is a tricky time of the month for her—for the tribe as a whole, honestly. The boys are especially greedy around that time, they make you feel like a damn capri-sun but at least they take care of your cramps. While the boys are enjoying breakfast in bed, Star and Michael learn the true meaning of restraint. 
Prefers to get head from the boys though. Queen shit.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Depends on many factors and what position. She's strapping you down from the back? Fast and deep strokes. Missionary? She's going slow and deep, making sure you feel every inch despite your begging for her to go faster. Tribbing? Fast and rough, she's usually just as desperate as you to cum. The pace with the boys depends on who she's with and if it's more than one person.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Quickies for y'all involve either fingering or oral. The boys might like the thrill of doing it in public, but she prefers the cave where she can lay you out the way she likes. But, she will be taken by the urge to make you cum, and if it just so happens to be in public? Welp. Que her fingers honing in on your G-spot in a truly diabolical fashion. It feels like she knows the intricacies of your vagina better than you do. (Off-topic side note: it's a toss-up between her and Dwayne for who makes you squirt for the first time.)
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.)
Like I said for the boys. Safe, sane, consensual—but, unlike them, she actually cares about the sane and safe part too. It's hard to consider much of anything a risk that isn't garlic, holy water, stakes, and the sun. If it's something all parties involved are okay with, then Star is too. (Still no anal).
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
Supernatural stamina, even as a half-vampire. Goes for a loooooong time, especially with that overestimation kink. If it's just the two of you, you won't even remember how many rounds there's been. Truly insatiable, you'll need someone to tap in (likely Michael).
T = Toys (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Strap-on, obviously. You actually go pick it out with her since, you know, you're the one she's using it on. Michael tags along. She mainly tops whenever y’all break the strap out. Even if you're wearing it, she's riding you.
U = Unfair (How much they like to tease)
She loves to tease. She’s not teasing you, you're her baby, and she can't deny you anything. Now, the boys are a different story. She much prefers to tease them with you. 
Something she likes to do with you when they’ve pissed her off, or pissed you off, or just because she wants to is to start making out and feeling each other up in the cave while the boys are distracted with wrestling or smoking or doing something other than doting on their pretty girlfriends. 
But the gag is, the boys aren't allowed to join in. It’s always so fun getting them desperate and seeing their reactions. You two usually make a bet about who’ll cave and approach the two of you first. They typically send in Michael or Dwayne since Michael typically isn’t the one pissing you off and Dwayne is, well…he’s Dwayne.
It’s even more fun to do it on the boardwalk because their pride won’t let them grovel like they need to in order for you and Star to let them in on the fun. So they’re forced to watch and not touch.
And if anyone is dumb enough to say anything in front of your five very protective/quick-to-anger boyfriends when they’re already frustrated, well, free meal, am I right?
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Ah, so pretty. Surprisingly raspy. Low tones and sweet moans. She really makes you feel her voice.
W = Wild Card (A random headcanon for the character)
This goes for the whole tribe actually, but she can smell when you’re ovulating. Yeah, and it affects her viciously. Especially when it falls a week after your period. She’s a weak woman, she’s already had to abstain from you for, like, a week. She needs her fix. Truly, as soon as you step foot into that cave when you’re ovulating, you’re getting accosted by seven ANIMALS (>)0o0)>
X = X-ray (Let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
A perky B cup with brown nipples that get hard even when it's not cold. A proud member of the FPS, Fat Pussy Society
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Very high, and she is a fiend. But she’s also a lady, so she wears her horniess better than the guys.
Z = Zzz (How quickly they fall asleep afterward)
Like I said in the aftercare, you’re very soft together and then you pass out together. It’ll really happen between one blink and the next. Suddenly you’re kissing each other, and then, bam! You’re drooling and snoring together. The boys find it adorable, sans Michael who’s passed out with y'all. Makes their undead hearts skip a beat.
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childlikegoblinqueen · 10 months
Huntlow Week Day 5: Laughter/(Love) Letters.
Hunter had already spent two full weeks at Hexside and he knew that he'd be lying to himself and everyone around him if he didn't admit he'd gotten off to a "rocky start".
Of course, Boscha had used this term as a way to mock him. During his first few weeks, Hunter worked hard to adjust his very strict scout-trained brain to a High School setting.
One time in particular he'd saluted the Construction Magic professor after turning in his homework, and to his horror, the entire classroom -- including the professor burst out laughing. In fact, they all laughed so hard that a few class projects began to break apart, crashing
Hunter had slunk out of class, covered in dust and rubble to meet Willow and the others in the cafeteria. Here, he was soothed with many stories about Gus, Luz, Willow, and yes -- even Amity's own past classroom mishaps.
"Ya see?" Willow wrapped her pinky around his. "We've all been there."
When he'd finally relaxed enough, he leaned into Willow's shoulder and the two split a Crispy Chicken ala Vodka Sauce sandwich that Hunter had made earlier that morning. But his spine snapped right up at the sound of the bully's voice.
"Oh! Hello half-a-witch!" Boscha sang, "I heard your freak boyfriend is off to a rocky start to his school year! How appropriate since he crawled out of actual dirt and rocks like an insect."
Hunter fought his darkest instincts to fight Boscha right there. Since the moment he'd stepped into the advanced potions class beat her out for top student, Boscha had been constantly pointing out that he was a grimwalker and thus implied that Hunter was not worthy of being treated like a regular student. Really, he was used to it.
But when Boscha called Willow that terrible moniker? The one Willow had called herself in the cave when her magic had gone haywire in a desperate attempt to be everything for everyone (and no one for herself)?
Hunter balled his fists close to his chest.
He began to glow.
And then?
Willow grabbed his hands. Slowly, unfolding his fists she dropped a floral shaped piece of paper right into the middle of his palm.
Slowly, Hunter unfolded each petal as gently as a kitten.
In the middle was a note.
Two words.
You're cute
A squeak escaped his throat. Next to him, Willow was smiling softly.
Now there were three new words.
I like you.
And then? Six more words.
You've got something on your face.
"W-what is it?" He gasped. "More dirt? Sauce from the sandwich?"
Blushing, Willow reached forward and laid a palm on either of Hunter's scared cheeks.
She was blushing. Hunter felt his heart rumble as he looked down one more time at the note.
The words had changed again. This time it read.
My lips!
And without any more warning she kissed him! In front of everyone in the cafeteria, Willow laid a soft warm kiss on Hunter's lips.
"Ooooooooooooooooooo!" Sang Luz and Gus and Amity and Skara and Viney and Matt Tholomule, Jerbo, Cat, Amelia, Bo, Mary...
Then he stopped. Everyone was smiling. Willow was smiling.
And then they all fell apart into peels of light gentle warm laughter.
And Hunter? In spite of himself he felt his eyes and mouth turn up as he also began to laugh.
Arching a brow, he grabbed a piece of paper and a quill and scribbled furiously in the middle before folding it into three parts and sliding it over to Willow.
"Oh? For me?" Coyly, the plant witch batted her eyes and began to unfold the note.
Fold one. Three words.
You are beautiful.
Willow blushed.
Fold two. Four words.
I like you too!
Her green eyes lit up, and her cheeks dusted red.
Fold three. Eight words.
Now you've got something on your face, Captain!
And Hunter lunged forward delivering the loudest, wettest raspberry ever across one of Willow's perfect apple round cheeks and then the other.
"YOU GOOF!" She laughed, which made Hunter laugh too -- and then all of their friends, as the memory of Boscha's bullying became nothing but a passing shadow.
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subhlibrary · 3 years
can u rec fics where harry is really slutty
this is basically all of my recs lmao but here’s some more <33
Your God Shaped Hole Tonight by objectlesson (8k)
Harry gets railed by five huge cocks at public play party.
Desperate for it by blankiehxrry (2k)
Harry doesn't believe it when the boys tell him that he's loud during sex. He asks Louis to prove it to him. Things might get out of hand. everything from this author tbh
Double the Fun by stretchmybones (1k)
Based on the photo of Harry in NYC wearing the blue bandana and pearl necklace simultaneously. My brain screamed "day collars" at me and then I wrote this lil fic.
A slut in my eyes by blankiehxrry (2k)
Harry is a Playboy bunny.
I have often prayed for an angel by orphan_account (2k)
the one in which Louis fucks Harry in the VS wings after he wears them onstage. i might’ve recced this before but idc it’s a fave
 Medicine by thisisafamilyshow_orisit (3k)
Another very self-indulgent fic featuring Harry with an oral fixation and Louis being Daddy af.
We Were Too Young by alurringmind (2k)
Louis expected that to satiate Harry. Much to his dismay, it did not. They ran late to the interview, as Harry decided to take his time showering and picking out clothes. During the interview, he kept talking over the other boys, avoiding questions, goofing off, and making countless sexual innuendos. Management chastised him several times, but it didn't stop there. In the dressing room after the interview, the boys were all sitting on the couch as Harry was wrestling Niall to the ground after ruining Liam's new shoes and fucking up Zayn's hair.
He was gonna get it.
FUCKING BRAT!!! by wannabebestseller (2k)
Louis is a busy CEO now and Harry wants attention so he becomes a monster brat.
When The Wolves Come Out by rosemarianthyme (1k)
It didn’t matter that Louis would never once pop a knot or that Harry’s slick was always artificial. When Harry was whining desperately against his neck and Louis was growling low in his chest he could only grab Harry’s hips and pant out 'Omega.'
You Love the Way I Ride It by stylinsexualxo (1k)
Its just a smutty one shot in which Louis gets bored and Harry gets horny on the way home.
ain't this what you came for (don't you wish you came) by sugarbabyharry (2k)
Harry is married and Louis happened to be his secret lover who's really good at fucking.
Black Flowers Blossom, Fearless on My Breath by cupcakentea (4k)
Louis and Harry shotgun in public, a very private moment ensues
i heard you had a slut mouth by lohoron (32k)
Louis fucks Harry once at a frat party and suddenly forgets how to act. i definitely recced this before but it’s my favorite smut fic ever sorry
Thank You, Daddy by fournipplesau (10k)
 Harry's hot, wet mouth is around him before Louis even has the chance to blink, and it feels so good, the icy sting of the frozen dessert disappearing as Harry's soft tongue laps it up. After Harry swallows, he pulls off the head of Louis' cock and then dips down to trail his tongue up the shaft, collecting the bits that dribbled down. "Yummy. Thank you, daddy." He hums pleasantly.
Or the one where Louis gets an idea, and Harry wears panties this whole series tbh
scream for air to breathe by toplinson (5k)
 harry gives louis five orgasms for his birthday
smile in slow motion by istajmaal (24k)
“It’s 2011, Niall. People can fuck their friends’ faces without it meaning anything more than that.”
or, Louis is Harry's dom and maybe also his soulmate
it's all for you, everything i do by moonshinelouis (2k)
Harry's needy, Louis plays bored.
Whoever, However by Brooklyn_Babylon (8k)
Louis could feel his heart rate pick up as he positioned the camera and Harry slowly stood up. They both knew what came next –– it had been clearly outlined in the advert Harry answered. The studio Louis worked for was filming a new series of camboy videos. Louis’ job was to make it look like amateur porn –– sweaty, sensual, dirty –– but well lit and edited. He was an artist, thank you very much.
Or: Louis has a much better day at work than he’d expected.
give it to me like i want it by orphan_account (1k)
Harry is overwhelmed by Louis's size and after being fucked by him, he just can't stop wanting to have him inside of him at every opportunity.
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outlustings · 3 years
Can you do some super romantic Chris Walker headcannons please
(i tried to go for romance but my brain jumped into sadness mode instead. oops. also pre!ME chris is fascinating and needs love. soft chris but also head ripping chris in the same post??)
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Since his job isn’t exactly the most well-paying job in the world, he will take you on affordable dates. Chris is pretty sad about not being able to spoil you the way he thinks you should be spoiled, however, you’re just glad you’re able to spend time with him and that is more than enough for you. Whenever you bring this up to him, he blushes furiously and turns his gaze to the ground and mumbles something you can’t quite catch. Just reassure him and say that you prefer handpicked wild flowers over synthetic-smelling roses anyways.
He does shiftwork so getting your schedules to line up is pretty hard, however, he doesn’t mind coming home to find you already sleeping in one of his old t-shirts. To him, it’s the best sight in the world, even to his tired eyes. He creeps around to the bathroom, takes a quick shower and slips into bed, trying to be quiet – of course he’s not that quiet, you always wake up whenever he comes home but you’ll just yawn and outstretch your arms as an invite to come and snuggle, and he can’t refuse it.
Visit him during his breaks or just pop into his little corner of the clinic whenever you please. There’s no better way to cheer him up during a work day than popping into the room with rain-soaked clothes and a grin on your face. There to just spend some time with him, enjoy some lunch together, something like that. Bring him his favourite coffee and a donut as a little treat and sit on his lap while he keeps his eyes on the security feed, sipping his coffee, acting like he’s still fully focused on his job – but the way he leans his head against your shoulder is a clear indication that he’s with you and not the monitors. He hates saying goodbye when you have to leave but the goodbyes probably won’t be for long, since you’ll probably meet up in the evening anyway.
Lunch break dates!
He lives on coffee so expect a lot of coffeehouse dates. His clothes always smell a tiny bit like a dark roast, and you’ve come to associate the scent with his hugs.
Walking in the park or even taking a hike in some woods is one of his favourite ways to spend a free day with you. Sitting on a park bench, holding hands until the sky turns dark and the streetlamps light up, bathing the two of you in orange, just talking about your day or some deeper stuff for hours on end.
If or when your feet get tired during a hike, he’ll carry you on his back. Even if your feet are not tired, he’ll scoop you up and carry you around just because he can.
Chris’ love language, for some reason, is play wrestling and just overall goofing around, but he loves hearing you roar in laughter as he tackles you to the ground and the two of you struggle in an attempt to tickle each other to death. He always lets you win, because he knows you’ll give him a kiss as a consolation prize.
Spontaneous hugs from behind whenever you’re cooking or putting away laundry are very common. He loves how you relax into his touch and turn your head to give a peck to his jaw before going on with your task.
Will call you piggy in private because he’s a dork.
Chris is more desperate for a gentle touch after being experimented on. He just wants to not hurt after so long a time where all he knew was pain. He feels so much resentment towards everything but you and your hands on his cheeks makes him feel like there might be something good in this world.
He tries to give you kisses, but since his flesh is torn and ripped, he can’t. He can’t feel your lips on his and it drives him mad. The wounds hurt so much. feels a mix of frustration and guilt and so, so much sadness whenever you reach up to him and give him a kiss on his jaw, and he can’t do anything. He’ll press his bared teeth to your lips, close his eyes and breathe heavily, fighting back bitter tears as he tries to mimic what the two of you once had. He’ll make up for it though, with his hands, with the way he holds you against his chest so gently, pressing you into him and rubbing his cheek against yours.
Pressing your foreheads together has become a kind of “kiss” for the two of you. He likes it.
Chris is protective, so protective. He wants absolutely nothing to happen to you and if there is even as much as a hint of danger anywhere near you, he’ll escort you back to safety by flinging you across his shoulder and carrying you away to your safe spots in the complex. He frets and fusses over every bruise on your body and will only relax when you tell him that everything is fine for the hundredth time. He loves you too much to let anything hurt you.
He wants to get you out of the asylum, away from the horror, but he’s silently very glad you’re sticking next to him. It makes him feel conflicted, because on the other hand, he feels he has to do something about the Walrider and its influence, but he also wants you to get the fuck out. You will not leave, though, not without him.
“Turn away,” he’ll growl, his low voice trembling for a moment as he fixes his milky eyes on yours. He waits for a nod and for you to slink to the shadows before digging his talons into the softness of a neck and twisting, tearing the flesh. He hates it. Hates that you have to be there. You wrap your arms around him as he mutters apologies to you, his blood-soaked hands gripping you as he settles his head on top of yours and sighs.
He’ll carry you around the asylum whenever you’re feeling out of it. He never leaves you alone, and if you’re not that keen on moving, he’ll just have to move you.
The two of you sleep together in a warm embrace underneath hoarded blankets, your soft breathing about the only thing he cares to hear in the middle of the night as he sits awake, your head in his lap and his eyes fixed on the door lest someone attack you in your sleep. He’ll stroke your hair and mumble feverishly about keeping you safe.
He’s so warm. Everything about him is so warm. His skin is almost hot to the touch, but he makes for a great radiator when you snuggle into him in the coldness of the asylum’s buildings.
Everything else is so cold in this world but him.
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h0neypjm · 4 years
Confident 02 | jjk
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↳ Summary: After giving Jungkook the best suck of his life he’s left wondering if what you said was true. Was it really your first time? ‘Cause Jungkook thinks you might’ve lied.
↳ Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
↳ Genre: Smut, fluff, angst, college au, fuckboy! jk, our fav cheeky virgin reader!
↳ Rating: 18+
↳ Word count: 8.8k
↳ Warnings: swearing, mentions of past toxic relationship, mentions of being pressured into sex, mentions of body image, mentions of stds, Jungkook being very confused, no smut in this part
↳ a/n: here it is !!! thank you for all the love for the first part, i hope you enjoy this part ! please feel free to leave any feedback <3 
↳ Series: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04
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“She said it's her first time.” He pauses, looking up at his friends' concerned faces. “I think she might’ve lied.”
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“I’m sorry, what?”
Jungkook groans, cradling his head before banging it on the table. The utensils on the table rattle and clang, bringing unwanted attention to his mini breakdown. Taehyung is quick to place his hand under Jungkook's forehead just as he goes in for another blow. “Ok, Jungkook- Jungkook!” Jimin giggles beside him. “Fucking stop, people are staring.”
Jungkook pauses and subtly peeks out of his long bangs, checking to see that Taehyung’s words were indeed true. He breathes out and sits up in his chair, fixing his shirt to play off that he wasn’t just having a mental meltdown.
Jimin rolls his eyes, “soooo are you gonna talk now, cause’ I have a horrible headache and you’re really not helping.”
Jungkook nods opening his mouth to speak. “Alright so uh, I met a girl last night and-”
“I thought you went home?” Taehyung shoves Jimin’s shoulder and Jungkook glares, “yeah, well that clearly didn’t happen.” He rubs his temples, “could you do me a favour and let me speak first, and then you can ask the questions. Ok?”
The two boys nod, settling into their seats as Jungkook delves back into his story.
“Alright so anyways, I saw this girl and like, I haven’t ever seen her before? She was literally perfect”. He exhales looking at nothing at particular as he continues. “Gorgeous face, prettiest lips and oh! speaking of her lips, God the way she sucked-”
Despite what Jungkook said earlier, Taehyung feels the need to intervene. “Ok as much as I love a good suck myself, I need you to stop here, we don’t need the graphics.” Jimin nods in agreement even though it’s clear he’s not paying an ounce of attention. Jungkook smirks at the memory, but it soon drops as he remembers one tiny detail. He places his hands on the table, total seriousness etched onto his face. “But here’s the kicker, she said it was her first time.”
“So did you or did you not take her virginity?”Jungkook crosses his arms. “No, after that she just up and left.” “Wait, fuck”, Jungkook suddenly realises, “I didn’t even make her cum”, he groans and Taehyung bursts into laughter. This finally garners Jimin’s attention, his dazed eyes squinting. “Who’s the girl?” Jungkook sighs, “if you were listening before you would’ve heard me say that I don’t know her.” Jimin leans forward,“well can you at least describe her? I pretty much know everyone who attended the party”
Jungkook doesn’t have to think that hard. “She was wearing this plaid skirt and like a white top-” Jimin’s eyes widen, “Holy shit, Y/N?! Man, Jin’s gonna kill you.” This makes Jungkook pause, thoughts running back to the text he had received from Jin. “Wait, they’re not a thing are they?” Jimin chokes, “God no, they’ve been family friends since like forever, Jin’s practically her protective older brother.”
That explained his text earlier. Jungkook furrows his brows, more questions beginning to arise and spill out of his mouth. “How come I’ve never met her and if she’s a virgin, then how- how did-”, Taehyung cuts in, “dude she’s done other things before.” More confusion. “And how would you know that?” Taehyung smirks, shrugging as he gets up out of his chair. “I'm gonna get a drink, Jimin, you want anything?” God, his head is spinning. “Sure, you know my usual.”
It was the way Taehyung spoke too casually, like your lifestyle choices were common knowledge. How the fuck hasn’t he met you, yet his friends seem to be well acquainted with your existence? “What the fuck was that look?” He focuses on Taehyung from where he orders his drinks. “Did you see it Jimin? Kinda sus.”
Jimin remains nonchalant, blowing a strand of hair out of his sight before answering one of Jungkook’s urgent queries. “Jin never introduced you to her because well…” He looks Jungkook up and down with an unimpressed look. “You would get your grimy hands on her immediately. And Then after that, It’s like she never existed ” Jungkook opens his mouth, rebuttal on the tip of his tongue. “Don’t argue with me boy, the second you met her, you already wanted her on your dick, did you not?”
Jungkook is shocked to say the least, jaw hanging open as Taehyung makes his way back to the table, drinks in hand. “Oh God, what did you tell him?” Jungkook slams his fist on the table, yet again grabbing the attention of people around them. “That is not true! I have standards, and what about you two. You guys are just as bad.” He points accusingly at the bruises peeking out of Taehyung’s loose shirt, “Look at Tae! Those hickies are probably a combination of the three girls he fucked last week!”
Jimin doesn’t want to get kicked out of the cafe, so he attempts to calm down a soon to be raging Jungkook. “Look, to put it nicely, you’re a heartbreaker, you lead girls on whereas Tae and I actually tell people we’re not interested in anything more than a hookup.”
Jungkook seems to understand where he’s coming from. He can admit, he does have quite the reputation if the amount of times he’s been slapped in the face says anything. But now, with this newfound information, he can also admit that you’ve certainly intrigued him, that was for sure.
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Jungkook wants to see you again.
Not for a rump in the sheets, but rather a friendly conversation. 
It was just his luck that he had heard through the grapevine that you had been invited to one of Jin’s small pool party get togethers. If Jungkook was being honest, he’s quite excited to be within your vicinity again but he knows he needs to keep his cool. Especially after the series of death threats and slaps on the neck from Jin. He shudders at the memory.
And so, Jungkook prepares himself more than he usually does. He wants to do it right this time. No flirty teasing, just friendly innocent conversation. He makes sure to carefully pick out the right swim shorts that display the thickness of his thighs. Not for any sexual gain, more so to show off the hours spent at the gym in hopes that maybe he can get you to become more interested in him as he is to you. He sounds desperate, and he’s sure you’re not that materialistic, but he has this nagging want to impress you somehow. He huffs and does a few pushups, for extra measure of course.
He’s not sure as to why his brain decided to make him act this way. You’re more or less a stranger to him. However, when Jungkook begins his short journey to Jin’s house he really lets himself think, which usually isn't a good idea. 
Jungkook doesn’t know you, but you’ve definitely left an imprint in his mind which makes you all the more fascinating. It’s news to him that you seem to be very close to his small circle of friends which is probably thanks to your deeply rooted friendship with Jin. That new piece of information had been bugging him since the day he met up with Taehyung and Jimin. Surely his reputation couldn’t be the only reason why you’ve never met him. Right?
Parking his car in Jin’s enormous driveway, he makes his way up to the grand front door. Sometimes he wishes he could live a life like Jin. He grew up being fed with a silver spoon his whole life. Having everything paid for instead of rolling in the miseries of college student debt.
Once Jungkook makes his way into the large house, he sets down the drinks he had brought onto the kitchen counter and watches his best friends goof around and enjoy the summer sun with a warm grin. He chuckles quietly when Jin pushes Jimin and his perfectly styled hair into the pool. Jimin screams a slur of curses while Jin quickly runs beside a sleeping Yoongi for protection.
Slipping out of his loose oversized shirt, Jungkook scans the entirety of Jin’s backyard, looking for the face that has been haunting him since that fateful night. She’s not here. He reexamines the pool seeing nothing but the chaotic mess of his favourite people, and he sighs. Just as he prepares to step out into the blazing sun, the sound of his stomach growling stops him in his tracks. 
Thinking about you made him nervous. So nervous that his stomach couldn’t bear the thought of breakfast. However, after the realisation that you hadn’t arrived just yet, makes him do a full one eighty, long strides taking him to Jin’s expensive fridge.
His head is already deep into the fridge when he hears the sound of the sliding door opening, revealing a dripping Jin with a small scowl on his face. It seems Jimin finally got his revenge. “I’m starving you got any leftovers?” Jungkook queries, his head popping out from the cool air of the fridge.
Jin grabs a fresh towel and whacks it against Jungkook’s naked back. “What’s the point of even asking when you’re already going through my damn fridge!” Jungkook flashes Jin an innocent grin and glows when he discovers a small bowl of Chinese takeout. 
It very quickly dawns on Jungkook that in order to enjoy a nice warm meal, he would need to heat it up. His stomach all but roars, not used to the lack of food in its system and Jungkook wants to cry. He wants to cry and it's not from the angry hunger pains, but rather something extremely laughable. He has to use a fucking microwave. 
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You’re running late, there’s sweat running down your brow and you feel like your arms will fall off any second. The weight of snacks and alcohol you had brought making you stagger as you finally enter Jin’s enormous home.
The one and only thing that’s on your mind is the refreshing feeling of slipping into Jin’s pool while sipping on an iced beverage. This motivates you enough to put all the strength left in your exhausted being to speedily walk into the kitchen and throw everything onto the counter. 
“AHH FUCK!” You flinch at the sudden scream, hugging your body protectively. Jungkook slowly pops out from behind the other side of the counter, his doe eyes big and wide. “You fucking scared me Jesus!” He exclaims, running a hand through sweaty bangs.
The air had escaped your lungs long before you could utter your next sentence as the sight before you has you freezing. There he was, Jeon Jungkook in all his glory. Tanned skin and taut muscle sculpted by the Gods. You didn’t mean to stare, but how could you not! Your eyes had a mind of their own. He’s glorious, every single part of him, and you’re not even afraid to admit it. Your eyes are quick to eat him up, tracing the art staining the whole of his right arm and you wonder what every swirl of ink means to him.
Jungkook coughs awkwardly, going in to scratch at his neck. You imagined he would tease you about your obvious ogling, but it never came. Strange. “Why were you hiding?” You ask, dropping your gaze from his body in order to arrange the snacks into neat piles, using it as an excuse to slowly step closer to him. “Oh! Uh-”, he scratches his head, looking down at his feet before jumping five feet into the air, a startled gasp leaving his lips when the timer of the microwave goes off. 
You burst into laughter and Jungkook flushes in embarrassment. Jin had told you about Jungkook’s embarrassing fear of microwaves but you never thought you would see it first hand. You hold in the laughs that tickle your throat and try to settle him down by lightly touching his shoulder. He flinches at your touch.
“Are you okay?” You’re really close to him now. Your chest is practically pressed up against his and Jungkook gulps. How was it possible that you could look even more stunning than the last time he saw you? Your cheeks are glowing from the soft golden rays of the afternoon sun and the way you look up at him, your soft smile curling makes his head spin.
“Yeah, I’m good”, he breaks eye contact in embarrassment. “Sorry, just uh, microwaves are scary you know?” You giggle up at him. Is this really Jungkook? The Jungkook you’ve seen flaunting a new girl every week just to abruptly break her heart when he can’t promise anything more than sex? 
You’re not complaining, he’s quite adorable like this.
You’re not too sure why his personality has the sudden switch up. It could possibly be the fact that he’s with his closest friends and doesn’t feel the need to put up his playboy persona. Although, the way he blushes when he looks at you plays a different story. Do you make him nervous? Surely not, if the memories of that heated night are anything to go by.
“So uh, are you gonna head into the pool?” His empty stomach is long forgotten as he gestures to the large backyard, you nod up at him excitedly. It’s then Jin decides to bust back into the kitchen, a stern gaze set on his face. “Y/N, can I speak with you for a minute?” Jungkook cautiously takes a step away from you, your bodies no longer close to each other and you notice this with a small frown.
“Yeah, sure”, you relent walking over to Jin who places a protective arm around your shoulders. Unknowingly to you, Jin traps Jungkook down with a hard stare and signals Jungkook to go outside, to which he accepts with a nod.
“I know what you’re gonna say, and no I do not see him like that”, you cross your arms defensively. Jin sighs, “I just don’t wanna see you get hurt again.” He places his hands on your shoulders, full lecture mode on. “Let’s face it, you’re a hopeless romantic, I can’t trust that you won’t do something stupid, but you and Jungkook… You’re both important friends of mine and-” 
You’ve heard his overprotective brotherly speech plenty of times, “I know, and I’m so thankful that you’re looking out for me. I just don’t see the harm in befriending him, you’ve never let me speak to him before.” Jin releases his hold on your shoulders to fix the mess of his wet hair, “and there's a reason for that.”
Why was he so damn hard-headed. Jin loves Jungkook like he loves his family. It just didn't make any sense to you that Jin could approve of their friendship but when it comes to you, he completely shields you away from any interactions with the so called playboy. 
“When are you going to stop protecting me from boys?” Jin senses your frustration immediately. “I may be younger than you, but I’m also an adult just like you. An adult that can make her own choices.” You exhale slowly, “You’ve let me befriend your whole group and they’ve been nothing but wonderful to me, I don’t see the wrong in getting to know Jungkook.” 
Jin lets his guard down. You do have a point, maybe he was being a little too overprotective. He gives you a soft smile, you look away. 
“You’re right, I am in no position to dictate your decisions and who you choose to hang around with, it was wrong of me to treat you like that. Jin looks out into the pool, watching Jungkook tackle Taehyung. “I’m sorry I was a bit too harsh, Jungkook’s a good kid, he just got into the wrong crowd at first. Although, you gotta promise to tell me if he hurts you, cause he knows I’ll beat his ass.” 
You laugh accepting his apology, “are you sure about that? He’s a literal muscle pig.” You both begin to make your way outside and Jin shoves you slightly, “hey! You know I’m right.” Jin shakes his head and brings you into a comforting hug. “Yeah, yeah whatever.” He rolls his eyes, you beam up at him and together you walk out into the warm sunlight.
It hadn’t even been a second since you stepped outside, and already Yoongi’s long term girlfriend, Jieun is squealing your way. “Y/N! I’m so happy you're finally here, the amount of testosterone out here was starting to make me feel faint.” You giggle at her exasperated tone, pulling her into a tight hug. 
Nonchalantly you peel off your flowy sundress, it’s stickiness from your sweat making you cringe. “I missed you last week, why didn’t you come to class?” Jiuen pouts, “I'm sorry bub, I somehow caught a cold, but I trust you have some notes for me.” 
The way Jieun flutters her lashes at you innocently forces a roll from your eyes. Slathering sunscreen onto your arms, you reprimand her, “I swear you’re only using me for my notes, you literally never listen in class! Can you get my back please?”
She hums while you turn around, her small hands kneading sunscreen from your shoulder bones to the small dip in your back. Jieun continues to blabber on about the joys of life, not even checking if you’re listening to a single word she says. Instead your eyes are zeroed in on a certain someone.
Your staring is blatantly obvious but you don’t care. It’s only when Taehyung spots your burning gaze with a small smirk does he signal Jungkook to turn around to meet your flirty grin.  
Holy shit
The sun does a real great job of highlighting the gorgeous curves of your body adorned in quite possibly the smallest baby blue bikini he’s seen on a woman. Your breasts practically spill out of the tiny triangle cups and the pretty colour compliments your skin beautifully. 
Whilst Jungkook can admit you have one of the hottest bodies he’s seen in a while, his eyes surprisingly don't linger on your delicious curves for too long. Instead, he finds himself utterly enamoured by the way your eyes crinkle slightly when you smile prettily at him, your cheeks glowing with it. 
It suddenly dawns on him that you are the first girl that has truly enchanted him, and no, your ridiculously gorgeous body had little to do with it. 
Jungkook does not mind this change one bit. 
So, instead of staring at you like a gaping goldfish, he matches your flirtatious body language with a boyish grin and a small wave. His previous nerves dissipating only to be replaced by confidence and polished charm. He doesn’t want to scare you off with his sudden look of epiphany just yet, but the new unfamiliar feeling you give him is surely doing exactly that.
“My, my, Yoongi wasn’t lying.” Jieun stifles a giggle when she notices how Jungkook’s attention has steered towards you and only you. You’re quick to turn around, brows furrowed. “What are you on about?” 
“Oh you know… You and Jungkook”
You grimace, tired of the repeated topic of conversation. “Just because I sucked his dick once does not mean we're a thing” 
“Oh really? He’s asked me an awful lot of questions about you I was beginning to think otherwise”
“Wait, really?”
Jieun has the widest cheshire grin plastered on her face, it's starting to look quite unsettling.
You’re thoroughly shocked to say the least. You thought your fast, fleeting blowjob, sort of, was nothing special. A usual escapade to get his daily fill. Ordinary. Unmemorable.
However, it seems to be quite the opposite.
Jieun grabs your hand and swings it back and forth, exactly like a mother would do, although she’s merely two years older than you. “I know Jin’s been up your ass about Jungkook and frankly I don’t blame him he’s still a little shit from time to time but, he’s actually quite fun to be around and honestly I think his playboy tendencies seemed to dial down a bit since he met us.” The two of you giggle quietly amongst each other, quick feet making your way closer to the pool to avoid the scorching pavement.
Your toes are the first to dip into the pool and you practically moan at the cold water melting away the blistering haze that sticks onto your skin. The water is icy at your waist and you love it. “So my advice would be not to worry about him, instead it's his little army of plastic bimbos that you should watch out for.” 
“Ahh, internalised misogyny. We love to see it.” 
Jieun acknowledges you with a hum as the two of you float around the calming abyss. She then swims closer to you, nodding her head into the direction of a lonely Jungkook, who lazily stares at your alluring form. “I think your loverboy over there wants to talk to you.”
Jieun swims away before you can protest, leaving you to face the handsome man before you. His eyes are round and docile, yet his stare is tantalising, it pulls you in as if he’s slowly reeling you in with a rope. 
The water delicately ripples around your body when you approach him and you internally sigh in awe at the striking features of his stunning face. You want to use this opportunity to finally get to know him, and perhaps form a new friendship. 
You take note of the lack of Jin’s hawk-like eyes or for better the lack of any eyes on the two of you. You’re alone, huddled into one of the far corners of the pool, your conversation private, just for two pairs of ears. 
You open your mouth to speak, “So-”
An uncomfortable silence stills the air and you both halt your words to giggle quietly amongst yourselves. God, this is awkward. 
“You go first”, You offer, tucking a wet strand of hair behind your ear. Jungkook follows the subtle movement of your fingers before taking a deep breath. 
“I feel like we should discuss the elephant in the room”
You're stunned. “Huh?”
“You know… That Friday night?”
Of course you knew what he was referring too, yet you wondered why as you honestly didn’t think that night had much impact on the man. 
With a raised brow you ask, “What about it?”
“I’ve just had a lot of... thoughts”
You scratch your head feeling puzzled. You’re sure Jungkook has had better blowjobs in his lifetime. Hell, Jungkook did most of the work that night. “Do you usually discuss the past hookups you have, or am I just lucky today?”
You’re teasing him, nevertheless Jungkook tilts his head back towards the sky. All he wants is clarification, only this conversation is heading down an awkward path, so he decides to spit out what’s been bothering him for the past few days.
“Okay listen, I know this is odd to say, but ever since that night, It’s like I can’t get you out of my head.”
Your ego inflates at his statement and you smirk. You knew you could suck dick well, but according to Jungkook you seem to have quite the talent.
You smile proudly, “damn, look at me go, I can’t believe I have the campus playboy wrapped around my finger.”
Jungkook scoffs, both in annoyance and embarrassment because shit, he could have worded that differently, now he sounds like the clingy girls he fucks.
“Yeah, yeah let’s not pretend like I was the only one enjoying myself here. Weren’t you the one practically begging to be touched?” 
You’re amused. “Weren’t you the one who couldn’t make me cum. Yet came from their own handjob?”
Jungkook tongues his cheek and looks away. The way you speak so casually intimidates him. No girl has ever spoken to him this way, in fact, Jungkook’s the one who usually likes to tease. He can slowly feel the creeping heat alighting his cheeks and God does he hope you don’t notice.
You patiently wait for Jungkook’s reply, a sly grin adorned on your pretty face. However, Jungkook doesn’t say anything, rather he frowns and immaturely splashes water at your face. 
“Jungkook!” You sputter, wiping at your face to rid of the chlorine in your eyes. “What the fuck was that for?”
He shrugs, “sorry my hand must’ve slipped”
You don’t take that for an answer, your petty nature crawling out as you splash him back harder than he had done. “Hand slipped, my ass.”
You cross your arms smugly, a small laugh blossoming out of your mouth when Jungkook cutely rubs at his eyes. 
It’s after a minute when you realise Jungkook hasn’t stopped furiously rubbing his eyes. The circular motions of his hand move so intensely that it begins to look painful and irritating. “Fuck, it stings”, he exclaims in agony.
Shit, you inwardly curse, gently touching his wrist, concern lacing your features because you didn’t think getting chlorinated water in one's eye would sting that much. You analyse his facial expressions closely and you wince at the redness surrounding his eyes from his harsh rubbing. 
On the contrary, Jungkook knows exactly what he’s doing. He’s competitive and won’t back down from a fight, even if it’s just fun banter, so he continues his little scheme just for the fun of it and hides his small grin under his large hands.
You’re now slightly panicked, “fuck, Jungkook I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hit the water that hard I-”
Jungkook cracks.
Ever so slowly, he peeps his eyes out at you and watches with a mischievous smirk as your face morphs from alarmed to annoyed in less than a millisecond.
You tighten your grip on his wrist and attempt to slap his hard chest with your free hand, however Jungkook’s reflexes are fast and he grasps your hand tightly, a teasing glint in his eye. 
“You little shit-”
All of a sudden a loud holler is heard from the front door, rousing a relaxed Jin out of his chair as he sprints while simultaneously yelling at the ruckus being made. It’s then a stampede of both familiar and unfamiliar faces come crashing in. Some jump straight into the pool to cool off from the blazing sun while others rush to the table of assorted alcohol, desperate to get an ounce of it in their system.
Word seemed to go around about Jin’s supposed small get-together unbelievably fast, causing the once tranquil Kim Seokjin into a raging volcano. 
You’re pressed right up against Jungkook’s solid chest and he surprisingly pays you no mind, even though your perky tits are deliciously pushed up perfectly against his body. Jungkook’s eyes are not settled on them, rather he pays close attention to the amount of people dangerously plunging into the pool at a fast rate.
Jungkook protectively hugs your shoulders to shield you from the rowdy party goers who definitely do not understand the definition of personal space. Your heart swells when he then delicately places your head in the crook of his neck and wraps an arm around your fairly exposed body, essentially guarding you from frantic wet limbs and ignorant individuals.
You feel comfortable and safe, so comfortable that you wouldn’t mind staying like this for a while if it weren’t for the throng of college students delving into the cooling water. 
Jin’s house begins to fill with unexpected guests very quickly and you wonder how Jin is handling the situation. You suppose not very well when you see him whipping people with towels, red ears making an appearance and his booming voice following him.
Jungkook wants to get out and he’s sure you feel the same way which is why he smoothly slots his hand into your own, long fingers wrapping around your hand to carefully pull you through the growing crowd of people in the pool.
Whilst pushing past a variety of college students you are met with many stares, even worse, numerous envious eyes and whispers of possible gossip. You try your best to avoid their gazes, the hard stares reminding you of the last time Jungkook held your hand to push through groups of people. 
Water drips down the curves of your body and lands in little pools around you when you step out of the pool. At this point you’ve garnered even more turning heads that examine every inch of your skin closely. Their stares itch your skin and you feel akin to an animal kept in a zoo enclosure, curious eyes breaking down your confidence, you want to hide. 
You usually like to pride yourself on your confidence because you know you’re hot and you know your worth. It had taken many failed relationships to build up your self love and nourish the scars and memories of questioning if you’re good enough. 
You fight on and squeeze Jungkook’s hand, mostly for some sort of reassurance. It shocks you when he astonishingly squeezes back and softly rubs his thumb over the back of your hand. It’s almost as if he knows how you’re feeling. 
You glance up at him shyly. Jungkook keeps his eyes straight ahead. He smiles a different kind of smile than the one he had directed to you a few hours ago. His lips are in a permanent smug smirk. His usual playboy smile. He flashes it at everyone as if he’s asking for their approval and even goes in to high-five a few people who are unrecognisable to you. You soon realise that this is what Jungkook thrives on. People, validation and his notorious reputation he’s created for himself.
Jungkook lights up at the presence of crowds, flirty smiles and people calling his name, whereas you want to crawl into your skin and run away because from the perspective of outsiders it looks like you’re just another one of Jungkook’s flings that will soon be forgotten by next week.
Well, you hope you won’t turn out to be one of them.
At last you find yourself away from the heart of the party, your dress in hand but your body still wet nonetheless. Jungkook is in the same state as yourself, droplets of water dribbling from his dark hair and onto the timber flooring. He leans into your ear, “I’ll go get us some towels, stay here.”
He’s gone before you can reply, making small conversation when he passes by various people, his boisterous laugh echoing down the halls. 
You’re alone now, and defenceless at that. There’s not many people you know here, besides the few odd people you share a class with and some sleazy frat boys that hold a similar reputation to Jungkook. You want to find Jieun so you can hug her or maybe ask her if she can take you home, but she is nowhere to be found.
Fuck, You remember leaving your bag on the kitchen table, unsupervised with many personal belongings stowed away inside. Using your dress to cover the most of your exposed skin like a blanket, you stride over to the kitchen and sigh in relief when you find your bag untouched and in perfect condition.
Snatching up your bag, you grab your phone and immediately text Jieun to find out where the fuck she’s hiding, but there’s a part of you that knows she’s probably fucking Yoongi somewhere. Traitor.
Jungkook finds you to be in a completely different part of the house than where he asked you, one towel wrapped around his neck and the other draped over his arm. You haven’t noticed him yet, your frantic fingers texting a treacherous Jieun, “princess, didn’t I tell you to stay put?”
You’re startled. Switching your phone off you stick your arm out, waiting for Jungkook to pass you the towel but he doesn't. Jungkook gently pushes your shoulders so that you turn away from him and carefully wraps the towel around your body like a cape. You hold the edges of the fabric to help him hug the towel around yourself, keeping it tighter to your body.
Your voice is quiet, “thank you.”
Jungkook leans down to meet your face, “What was that?”
Even though Jungkook had been in the pool longer than you, his cologne still sticks to his skin and you kind of want to breathe more of it in, but that would be weird.
“Oh, I said thank you.”
You’re close to him again, although this time he towers over you with a look almost identical to a predator meeting its prey.
Jungkook’s eyes flirt around your face and descend. He shamelessly drinks up the swell of your breasts and whatever skin is visible amidst the fluffy towel around you. It’s strange. You had noticed Jungkook doing the exact same thing when you were alone with him. The difference though was that his looks were cursory as if he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. Now, It's like a new persona had taken over him and he was ready to pounce at any sign of a green light. 
He’s stuck in a trance, fuckboy tinted glasses fogging his vision.
You force out a giggle and playfully shove his shoulder, “my eyes are up here, you know.” 
His reply comes lighting fast, he’s definitely been in this position before. “I know, just admiring them.”
Jungkook wants to hit himself the second his reply spewed out of his mouth. He desperately wants to reassure your unimpressed (though also very cute) face, because goddammit he wanted to be respectful. Jungkook knows he has a tendency to slip into a new personality when the right amount of people hyped him. Call it being two faced, he knows it's one of his fatal flaws. 
“I'm sorry.” 
He says it genuinely. 
Jungkook only just got to properly meet you, he doesn’t want to give you the wrong impression! He can admit, your first ever official meeting (moreso hookup) wasn’t ideal, yet the way Jin dragged him through the mud undoubtedly made him understand that you weren’t the type of woman that should ever undergo the treatment he puts his hookups through. Scratch that, any woman shouldn’t be treated the way Jungkook treats them.
You're now fully covered under the towel, not a sliver of skin on display. You don’t know if his apology was genuine. “It’s ok I guess, I expected nothing less from you anyways.”
“Right.” He’s messed up.
You clear your throat, “I’m gonna go get changed, maybe look for Jieun unless-”
Jungkook finishes your sentence, “-she’s fucking Yoongi.”
You exhale, “yeah.”
“Jeon Jungkook!”
The voice makes you halt at its familiar tone. Jungkook doesn’t notice your growing panic as he too freezes in his spot. 
No, it can’t be.
The world plays in slow motion when he walks into your line of vision. His assertive stride, smug smile and sharp eyes.
Jeong Suho.
His name explodes inside of you like a blistering fire yet your heart feels ice cold. He is the very man you have spent weeks trying to avoid and even more trying to get out of your head.
The world plays at a normal speed when he approaches Jungkook. Their facial expressions are the same, the way they greet each other is the same. They’re practically the same breed of fuckboy, born from the same mother.
“Been awhile since I’ve seen you around.”
Jeong Suho was a person that Jungkook didn’t really mind, In fact there was a point in Jungkook’s life where he would’ve considered Suho to be one of his closest friends. They were two peas in a pod freshmen year of college. Never giving a fuck about their education and always present for any opportunity to get completely wasted with as many girls they could possibly seduce. Nowadays, Jungkook would rather keep his distance from him.
On the contrary, you were one of the many girls that had fallen deeply for Suho’s alluring charm. You fell so hard, you thought that maybe just maybe there was a possibility that you could secure a future with him. Obviously that was not the case.
You thank your lucky stars that Jungkook was there to distract Suho while you make your haste escape. All you need to do now is somehow locate an unoccupied bathroom, preferably without having to walk in on someone getting it on, and then you could get the hell out of there.
You must admit, you look quite ridiculous right now. Navy blue towel wrapped tightly around your body, your small head peeking through. You could probably pass as some form of E.T cosplay right now. You don’t care if you look rude, pushing and shoving whoever stands in your way. You only have one goal and you’re so so close to succeeding-
“Wait, Y/N! Is that you?”
Do you run? Maybe duck behind some poor innocent student looking for a good time? You huff, you're already sticking out like a sore thumb, there’s no use in trying to hide when the enemy has already spotted you. Even worse Jungkook motions you over with a wide gleaming smile. If only he knew how much you’re dreading this interaction.
Grudgingly, you walk over, looking like an irritated gremlin with your towel still firmly secured around you. Jungkook makes matters worse by pushing the towel off your head, releasing your scruffy ball of hair. You grimace. 
“I didn’t know you knew Y/N?”
Suho sends a smirk your way. You however, glower.
“Yeah we go way back, don’t we baby?”
You force a tight lipped smile, howbeit you look as if you have a mild case of constipation. 
“Sure.” It comes out rough through gritted teeth.
Suho notes your frustration, a sly grin carving onto his punchable face. He turns towards Jungkook, seemingly blocking you from their conversation, yet you know Suho wants you to hear what he has to say.
“You know it’s a shame. Y/N’s gorgeous, ten outta ten body, knows how to put it to good use, however she never let me fuck her. Don’t you think that’s weird?”
Jungkook stays silent for a minute, eyeing your shaking fists and angry eyebrows. Jungkook may be dumb, but he sure knows how to read a room, thus leading him to the conclusion that your relationship with Suho isn’t something you’re very fond of and that he should probably get you out of here.
“Uhhh no, that’s not weird at all actually. What I think is weird is the fact that you think you have this sick claim on every girl you’ve defiled and even worse, you’ve always had this strange need to chase after every virgin you see like some perverted cherry picker. Yeah, that’s weird.”
Suho laughs right in his face, spit grossly tickling his skin. “That’s rich coming from you Jeon, weren't you quite the cherry picker in your freshman days, no?”
Jungkook doesn’t know what he expected from this conversation. It definitely wasn’t this.
It's obvious that Jungkook isn’t a saint, he really fucking far from it. Although, one thing's for sure, it’s his absolute hatred for the way his brain was wired in his freshman year of college. Yes, Jungkook still remains as one of the standing campus fuckboys but he’s gained a few more brain cells since then. 
Jungkook opens his mouth to retort, only to be met with Suho’s back as he turns his attention towards you.
“Y/N, darling if I were you i’d make a run for it, ya know keep your chastity intact or whatever.” His smile is saccharine sweet, though his words are sickly sour.
The months of pent up anger stored within your being bubbles and overflows like a bad science experiment. You’ve quickly decided that now’s that time to expose the shitty excuse of a man, and quite frankly you don’t care that you have an audience. Actually, an audience would make this all the better.
Your finger is strong, pointing accusingly at his broad chest. “You know what you stupid motherfucker? Don’t waltz in here with that dumb smile of yours when you know you have some disgusting cheesy infection growing down there.”
Suho’s eyes widen slightly. It was no secret he was a walking STD, just about infecting every girl that was naive enough to sit on his dick. 
Everyone at the party has definitely stopped to listen to what you have to say. You even spot Jin from the corner of your eye sending you a proud smile. “And while we're on the topic of cheese, Learn how to wash your fucking dick!”
You don’t let him have a moment to speak, grabbing Jungkook’s hand and pulling him out of the house.
A few people applaud, some girls praise you on your way out. You give them no mind, you’ve had enough for tonight.   
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Jungkook starts his car, no questions asked. It’s obvious to him that there’s bad blood between you and Suho. What you don’t know is that Jungkook can also relate. 
Technically there was no bad blood between them, moreso the hurtful memories and manipulation Suho put him through. To put it simply, Suho was probably the worst influence Jungkook could ever have as a vunerable freshman. 
The crunch of gravel and soft melodies that spill out of Jungkook’s radio converse with eachother and fill the defeaning silence that sits between you and Jungkook. 
Jungkook doesn’t even know where he’s going, he just drives. 
Every so often he checks up on you from the corner of his eye. Your knees stick tightly together and point away from him. Your fingers curl and uncurl, leaving cresent moons in your skin. And to finish it off, your face remains still, hostility completely washing over your features. If Jungkook didn’t know any better he would think you’d jump out of his car and make a run for it at the chance of him stopping the car.
It’s seven sniffles later when Jungkook decides he knows where he should take you.
The night sky is clear and the stars burn brightly to accompany the full round moon. It’s the perfect setting for release and maybe a screaming session if you’re up for it.
Jungkook makes a stop behind a forest of tall trees and a dirt path. You sit up immediately. 
“Where are we?” Your eyes are rimmed with tears, “I want to go home.”
Jungkook shuts the engine off, “you never told me where you live.”
“Well you never asked!”
Maybe you shouldn’t have yelled because from the looks of it, Jungkook just wants to help you out and clearly you’re not being the friendliest right now. 
You curl back into yourself, “sorry”, another sniffle.
Jungkook brings your fists into his hands and warmly opens them up. You refuse to look at him, it doesn’t deter Jungkook one bit.
Tenderly he brings a finger under your chin, gradually bringing your eyes up to his. Jungkook takes his time with you, careful to not set you off until you’re face to face with his warm eyes. 
“I brought you here because it’s apparent we both need let out some pent up steam.” He drags his fingers delicately across the curve of your chin and back into his lap. His touch is fleeting, you miss it already. “I just thought you may want to vent or just shout out into the void, it’s up to you.” You nod, fully trusting Jungkook’s intentions. “And at any time you feel like going home just say the word and I’ll take you there, okay?” 
Your heart swells in adoration at his caring nature, though you can’t help but wonder how he can have such a sudden change in personality depending on where he is and who he’s with. It’s unnerving. 
Jungkook clicks his seatbelt off and heads out the car, “put your dress back on princess, I’ll be out here waiting for you.” You mutter your confirmation and do as he asks.
The cool summer air kisses your skin and runs through your hair as you step out of the car. Jungkook is already by your side dressed in an oversize hoodie with another in his hand as well as a fuzzy blanket. 
Jungkook steps closer to you, holding the hem of his hoodie to slip over your body. Without a second thought you raise your hands causing Jungkook to chuckle at how cute you look dwarfed in his clothes.
The same cologne you smelled on his skin earlier lingers on every fibre of fabric around you. His scent is everywhere, swirling around your head, instantly calming down your anxieties. You smile at him, “Lead the way Jungkook.”
Jungkook leads you up a small hill and you notice the trees opening up to display a lush field of grass. However, the sight before you leaves you in absolute wonder. You stand completely still and take it all in. 
The night sky is dark but the city below illuminates is beautifully. Your gaze bounces over all the buildings, skyscrapers and their dazzling bright lights. It’s peaceful up here, you decide as you take a glimpse of the hundreds of tall structures looking so tiny, so ant-like.
Jungkook is settled behind you, his legs comfortably folded underneath himself. He remembers what it was like the first time he saw the view, which is why he doesn’t blame your stunned silence and glazed eyes. 
“How did you find this place?”
You find your way towards Jungkook and plant yourself right beside him. “I don’t know, I was just driving aimlessly one night and found it, It’s nice right.”
You hum, “it’s beautiful.”
Jungkook murmurs in agreement as you lie down on the woolly blanket beneath you. The stars twinkle and glimmer amongst the deep blue sky, creating a serene experience. You shut your eyes.
“I hate him.”
Jungkook looks down at you, you don’t see him though. “Suho?”
“Yeah”, you exhale deeply, “I can’t believe I had to see him again.”
Although Jungkook knows you can’t see him, he swivels his body around to face you properly. “Did you guys date or something?”
You scoff, “pffft you know Suho doesn’t date anyone.” You open your eyes, meeting a pair of round docile ones. You continue, “Suho was the first guy who every gave me an ounce of attention. Before him guys never looked my way. Jungkook remains silent, letting you pour out what’s on your mind.
“Suho had me fooled, I thought I was special to him, thought he saw something in me that was different from the others. Turns out that was his game after all”
You speak so animatedly, your hands wave around in the air, your eyebrows scrunch when the memories come back to you. “It’s stupid really, how I used to gush to him about finding the one person in the universe that was created just for me. I guess he used this as my weak point.” 
Inhale, exhale. 
“He made me believe he was that special person for me, used it as an excuse to pressure me into sex.” A tear rolls down the side of your face, falling perfectly in a straight line. “I almost gave in, but something just felt so wrong. Every time I said no he would call me terrible names, tell me that no one would want me if I never gave them what they wanted. And I believed him.”
Another tear escapes your wet orbs, Jungkook is there to wipe it this time.
“I broke it off after I found out he fucked my roommate and gave her some disease.” You chuckle, “I guess I’m lucky I never let him fuck me huh?” 
Jungkook’s heart breaks at your saddened eyes and the way Suho treated you, he sweeps a stray hair out of you face. “I think you dodged a bullet there princess, what he did to you was pure evil, no one, and especially you don’t deserve that”
You sit up, wiping remaining tears and thanking him as you go, “It’s your turn now.” You pat his thigh, “tell me why Suho got you so riled up tonight.”
Jungkook shuffles in his spot, “It’s actually kind of similar to you.”
You gasp sarcastically, “no way he pressured you into sex too?”
He laughs, eyes squeezing shut, “No, no, nothing like that.”
You lean closer to Jungkook, giving him the same attention he had given you. “My father left when my mother found out she was pregnant with me, so growing up I had no male figure present in my life. My mother stopped at nothing to give me that to the point that almost every week I’d wake up and see a new man drinking out of my favourite mug. I didn’t mind it because I was only a child and some part of me always hoped they would stay, but they never did.”
“My mom was a hopeless romantic. She held so much sentimental and idealistic views on love that it stuck to me. She always told me that there was someone special out there just for me.” You smile at the similar belief, Jungkook sighs. 
“Cut to college, Suho was the first friend I made. I had no experience with girls whatsoever, and I still held on to my mother’s faith. Whenever I talked to Suho about it he would always shut me down or make fun of me.”
“He told me that all my feelings are bullshit, and that I only felt that way because I’ve never hooked up with anyone before. Next thing I knew we were going to parties every week getting absolutely shitfaced and fucking every girl I laid eyes on.”
You nod, listening intently. “And tonight, he hit a nerve. What he said made me realise that I’m just as bad as him. He moulded me into this person and now I have a reputation.”
Jungkook’s eyes drop, “he broke my concept of love before I even got to experience it.”
You never knew Jungkook was in a place like this. You always thought he was like Suho, built to break hearts and show no emotion when it came to love. Jungkook was nothing like that. His heart was truly big, desperately longing for someone.
Placing your hand on top of his own you comfort him as best as you can, “oh, Jungkook, trust me when I tell you this, the love in your heart is not broken. Think about it, most people you’ve met have been through college right?” He nods, “there are so many other people out there that you’ve never met, soon you’ll be able to find that someone and learn how to love. I know you present yourself as this emotionless playboy, but once you let that part of you go it’ll feel so freeing.”
Jungkook stares deeply into your eyes, he’s so thankful that he decided to bring you here, he can’t contain his happiness. 
“Can I like, hug you?” Jungkook asks shyly. You smile, and it’s so big and bright Jungkook might as well be staring at the sun. Before he knows it, you’re tackling him into the most wholesome hug he’s ever had. You’re warm and you smell like vanilla, It feels like home.
“Get up”, he says abruptly, extending his arm to pull up your confused self.
“What-”, Jungkook cuts you off, “have you ever just let yourself scream?”
Jungkook has intertwined your hands together, and your heart pounds at the realisation of how well they fit together. “Well, no but I assume that’s what we’re about to do right now.”
He pulls you closer to the edge of the small hill, the view of the city sparkles right in front of you. “On the count of three, one- two- three!”
You scream, you let it all out and God does it feel refreshing.
The two of you sound utterly insane, but none you give a single fuck. You scream until your lungs burn and your throat itches you to stop.
The volume of both of your voices ring out into the night sky only for the moon, stars and yourselves. The night is still young but Jungkook wouldn’t have it any other way.
With you he lets go of everything, all the past mistakes, all the hurt because at this moment he feels like he could fly, soar into the clouds. 
He feels infinite.
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Taglist <3 
@zibermuda @uskookie @jeonscandies @melaninkpops @apollukee @hollowtree10 @liliskies @madygswich @pjmochii @eggbutnotyolk @gyukult @yukiehyukie @purplepearl07 (couldn’t tag) @tae165 @youurkryptonite @94ser0da @french-myfries @zippytheshark37 (couldn’t tag) @we8joon @tearvantae​ @emrysts @inspinkyring​​
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jimalim · 2 years
Hi!! Here's a leatin prompt: the girls setting them up to be on a date without knowing they've been dating for a while already
Or one with the "when we're 30 and single, let's marry each other"
(ps, i love your fics!!)
Hey! Thank you so much! I'm so happy you enjoy my fics! Thanks for the prompt, this one's a little short so I'm just gonna post under the cut here (will add to ao3 after)
“So much for girl’s night out. Martha just canceled too.” She was the last of their group to contact the pair with some last-minute excuse explaining their absence from their weekly hang.
They typically stay in, gathering at one of the girl’s apartments, cramming all together in the small living room watching movies and goofing off. This week they had plans to grab dinner out before heading in to drink and gossip. Except Fatin and Leah are the only ones who actually showed up tonight.
Sitting by themselves at a table they booked for eight certainly drew the eyes of patrons around them. When Leah announces last holdout, Martha had called in sick, Fatin starts laughing.
“You know what this is right?”
Leah scrolls through the messages on her phone, double and triple checking that each one of them had messaged in one form or another that they’d be unable to attend dinner. “Our friends being flakes?”
Fatin scoots closer to Leah in the oversized booth. “No, it’s a set up.”
Leah’s eyes remained focused on her phone, once again going over the group chat and checking their friends’ locations. “For what?”
Fatin reaches out and takes the phone from Leah’s hand, Leah looks up. “Leah, please, use that big, beautiful brain for one second.”
The way Fatin eyes her as she speaks, the suggestive tilt of her eyebrow, the cocky grin on her face…It dawns on Leah instantly and she feels silly for not seeing it sooner. “Shelby was acting pretty strange when she suggested we go somewhere for a change.”
Fatin leans back against the seat and crosses her arms. “Yea, in hindsight her bubbliness was a little more manic than usual. And that explains the elbow to the ribs Toni go when she groaned at the idea.”
There’s a silence for a moment. Both girls sitting awkwardly at a table much too big for just the two of them. Leah is the first to speak, releasing the tension between them. “So do this mean they know?”
It had been nearly eight weeks since Leah and Fatin went on their first date. Secretly hanging out and hooking up behind their friends’ backs. They weren’t exactly dating, but they also kinda were. They never labeled it, but agreed it was best they kept whatever it was between the two of them (for now.) So far they’d done a decent job keeping their private life just that. Truth be told, it was fairly easy considering how not much about their daily lives changed. They were always spending time together before, often spending the night in each other’s rooms, engaging in friendly PDA often. Unless the others became privy to the things that happened behind closed doors, no one should’ve known.
Fatin mulls over the thought with a quiet hum. She leans forward, elbows on the table. “Could be, that or they genuinely think they are setting us up.”
“I’m not sure which is worse.” Leah’s nerves begin to creep up her spine. So far, everything between her and Fatin had been very casual. No pressure. And though she may long for more, she was fine with that. Afraid that if the thought of them becoming serious was brought up, Fatin might reject her. So she tried her best to go with the flow. But this wave could knock her out.
“On one hand they think we’d make a great couple and are trying to get us to see that,” Fatin gestures, “or on the other, they know we know that already.”
Fatin’s word choice rings in Leah’s ears. Couple. Does she dare tempt fate and test the waters? She thinks it over a moment before sucking in a deep breath, ready to take the plunge. “Oh, a couple? Is that right?” She desperately tries to keep her hand from picking at her eyebrow, slipping them under her thighs as she kicks her feet under the table.
“Well, I mean yeah…” Fatin confirms, she voice trembles the slightest as she asks for Leah’s confirmation in turn, “are we not?”
“No! No, I mean yes-ugh let me restart.” Fumbling over her words, Leah’s face lights up bright red. Her leg begins to shake and the intense fluttering in her stomach rages as she awkwardly tries to reset. She moves to sit a little bit closer. “I wasn’t sure if we were like, official yet.”
Fatin closes the remaining distance between them and places a gentle hand on Leah’s knee. “I’d like to be-” she pauses to scan Leah’s face for a reaction, “that is if you’re interested.”
A grin slowly grows across Leah’s face and her fading cheeks begin to reflush. She licks her lips and notices the way Fatin watches close. She trails her over Fatin’s and threads their fingers together. A tight squeeze. “I’d love nothing more.”
An equally bright grin appears on Fatin’s face and she lightly laughs with a giddy excitement. Instead of leaning in for a kiss right away, Fatin stops herself to ask, “does this mean we should tell the others?”
Leah gets her kiss before answering, “after our date.”
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archived-kin · 3 years
arcade date with levi (with a twist)
note from kin: the twist is that, rather than just meeting up and going to an arcade for a date, you and levi are actually characters from two different games in the arcade that come to life at night and go on cute romantic hijinks together! (wreck-it-ralph au essentially)
you, simeon, and luke are from a battle game, levi and his brothers are from a side scrolling platformer, solomon is the tutorial dude in an experimental alchemy game, diavolo is the owner of the arcade, and barbatos is the janitor! your character’s costume is basically the same as caesar’s from jojo’s bizarre adventure, and you’re kind of the pseudo-leader of your game’s characters
fandom: obey me!
character(s): gn!reader, leviathan, luke, simeon, lucifer, solomon
pairing(s): levi/reader
warning(s): guns, non-descriptive injury
genre: fluff
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“Lights out!”
You cheer and hop out of your character selection box, stretching out your cramped limbs, then sitting down with a huff. Beside you, Simeon falls out onto the floor in a tangled heap of cape.
“Thank goodness,” He sighs, turning around and lying flat on his back. “Is it just me, or were our patrons picking me far more than usual today…?”
Luke carefully slides out of his own box, landing neatly on his feet with a little flourish. “Yeah, normally [Name]’s the crowd favourite…”
“It’s all those new promotional posters, I bet,” You hum, pulling off your headband and fanning yourself with one hand. “Seems like Diavolo’s really been pushing the angel series lately.”
“I wouldn’t call it a series,” Simeon says, chuckling slightly as he undoes his fancy cape. “There’s only two of us, after all.”
“Well, you’re the only ones out of us who actually have a theme between them,” says another one of your fellow fighters, taking off his hat and twirling it around a finger. “Anyway - [Name], shouldn’t you be going off to meet that loverboy of yours soon?”
“Oh, right!” You jump to your feet, dusting off your pants. Then you pause, raising your hands to pat at your face. “Wait, do my triangles look okay?”
“Your triangles look fine,” Simeon sighs, reaching over and tapping fondly at the little patches of paint on your cheek. “They always do.”
“Alright!” You adjust your scarf and throw the ends over your shoulder, tying your headband around your wrist. “I’ll be off, then! You guys know the drill, right?”
“Yeah, yeah, boss,” calls one of the younger fighters, hunched over in front of his box and scratching restlessly at the tip of his nose. “Not like we haven’t been doing it every day.”
“Don’t get cheeky,” You scold, but give his pompadour an affectionate pat on your way past anyway. It feels almost concerningly solid beneath your touch. “I’ll be back before morning!”
Your fellow fighters give a collective murmur of assent that’s abruptly cut off as you open the network door and hop into a wire. You’ve gone on this path so many times that it’s practically muscle memory at this point - six sections ahead, then to the left twice, a right at the purple junction, and then another four sections forwards.
The Tale of the Seven Lords’s network door is already open when you jump out of the wire, and the first thing you see when you poke your head in is Lucifer polishing one of the transport tubes used to get between levels. He’s discarded the fancy coat that he has to wear all the time as part of his character costume, and you don’t blame him - you couldn’t imagine even just running for five minutes or so with that one, let alone jumping about and punching at things for about fifteen minutes at a time, often longer.
“Lovely evening, Lucifer,” You greet brightly. He pauses in his work for a moment, then turns to look at you.
You’ve never gotten the feeling that he particularly likes you, but you’ve been trying your best to stay on his good side - after all, one must need the eldest’s blessing to date one of their younger brother. And your efforts must have paid off, too, because the corner of his mouth actually lifts slightly when he sees you grinning at him around the side of the door.
“[Name],” He says with a nod. “Levi’s up on Level Six.”
“Right!” You skip inside and shut the door behind you. “Good day?”
“About as good as it can get, I suppose,” He sighs, and you silently cheer. Willing small talk - that’s progress! “Most of our players for today picked either Belphie or Satan, so I got to take a break of sorts.”
You’ll never understand why some of characters in this arcade dislike actually being played so much - after all, isn’t that your entire purpose? Still, if Lucifer’s happy about not being picked, you’ll be happy for him as well. “That’s good!”
“Indeed,” He says, allowing a rare proper smile. He pulls back from the transport tube. “Up you go, then. Levi’s been restless all day - excited, no doubt.”
“He’s so cute,” You coo, adjusting your headband around your wrist to make sure it doesn’t slip off. “We go on dates all the time, but he’s still just as enthusiastic every time.”
“As Asmo likes to say, I suppose that each date should be just as exciting as the first,” Lucifer says evenly as you hop up into the transport tube, taking care not to get the freshly-polished metal grubby. “At any rate… Levi seems to be happy. So I suppose you must be doing something right.”
“What a wonder, right?” You reply with a laugh, giving him an enthusiastic thumbs up. “I’ll have him back before first light. Promise.”
“If you say so,” He says dryly, and stands back as the transport tube sends you up.
Just as Lucifer said, Levi is bustling about on Level Six, accompanied by Belphie, who’s having a whale of a time snoozing on one of the platforms and letting his brother do all the work restocking the power-up bricks. Levi abruptly straightens up as soon as you pop out of the transport tube, as if he can sense your presence immediately, and turns to see you waving happily up at him.
His face immediately lights up, and he hops down from the brick he’s standing on with a goofy jump sound effect, landing beside you with a slightly wobbly grin. Slightly out of breath, he greets, “Hi.”
“Hi,” You repeat back to him, kissing his cheek. From up on his platform, Belphie makes an exaggerated retching noise.
Levi absent-mindedly chucks an inactive supersize star behind him at the sound, and it hits Belphie directly in the forehead with a high-pitched ping, sending him toppling backwards off the platform. Luckily, fall damage isn’t programmed into this game, so he lands on his back with nothing but his pride hurt.
“Ready to go?” You ask, disregarding the rather thunderous-looking brother behind your partner. Levi nods eagerly.
“Yeah! Belphie can take the rest of my bricks. He’s barely done anything so far.”
“It’s not my fault so many people picked me today,” Belphie groans, getting up and catching the rest of the power-ups that Levi tosses his way. “I’m tired…”
“You’re always tired,” Levi replies, shaking his head. “Get Beel to do it if you’re so desperate to sleep.”
“Maybe I will,” is Belphie’s final retort before you and Levi disappear back down the transport tube.
Passing Lucifer at Level One again, the two of you slip out through the network door and hop into the wires. Your destination today is the Suspect Sorceror’s abode - one of your regular date spots, and one of your particular favourites.
Despite the fact that the two of you see each other pretty much every day as soon as it’s lights out, there’s always a fresh kind of thrill to the prospect of spending time with Levi, no matter how much you do. It’s kind of like your heart grows wings every time you’re around him - you can’t help but feel all light and fluttery inside.
You’ve never felt this way about anyone - heck, you didn’t even know it was possible for you to feel like this! Every character in this arcade is programmed with a set personality that’s simply impossible to break away from. In some cases, some characters are reduced to such one-dimensional traits that they can only ever respond to anything with one of a predictable and very limited number of possible reactions.
Incidentally, your code has established you as a rather boisterous and confident person who doesn’t always think before they punch, while Levi’s has always dictated him as rather self-conscious and insecure, but passionate about his interests. Neither of you have ever been programmed with anything close to the sort of AI that would be required for you to develop your own feelings separate of your codes - and yet, somehow, you have.
You’ve never pretended to understand your own existence. You’ve not very smart, after all; where your programmers gave you excellent fighting spirit and leadership skills and an unwavering sense of determined justice, they seem to have forgotten to give you very many brain cells. Even so, you’re fully aware of the impossibility of the nature of yours and Levi’s relationship.
Still, your philosophy has always been that worrying about the little things never benefits anyone in the long run. Well, this might not be a little thing, but if there’s anything you’re good at, it’s goofing off to avoid getting too dismal.
You hop out of the wire as soon you’ve reach your destination, landing neatly on your feet with your arms spread wide in a rather flamboyant flourish. Levi scrambles to follow suit, but loses his balance on his way out and immediately starts heading directly for the floor; you quickly dart forward and catch him by the arms.
Levi’s panicked eyes dart up to meet your own, and before you’re even fully aware of what you’re doing, you deftly lift him into the air and give him a smooth twirl, then set him on solid ground once more. His knees immediately nearly give out beneath him, and you have to reach forward to catch him again before he takes a tumble.
“Wh-wh-wh—” Levi’s entire face is a bright, burning red. You’re pretty sure you can actually see smoke coming out of his ears. “You— huh?”
It’s just about the cutest thing you’ve ever seen; you can’t help but lean forward to plant a kiss on the very tip of his nose. Unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to have been the right move, because Levi immediately goes stock still, then abruptly slaps his hands to his face.
“You alright?” You ask, crouching down with him as he slowly sinks down to the ground, practically steaming. You can’t help but laugh, feeling a little bad for flustering him so much. “Caught you off-guard, huh? Sorry.”
Levi shakes his head silently, then finally pulls his hands away from his face. His blush has calmed somewhat - it had been so aggressive that it almost looked like a rash before, but now it’s more of a sort of reddish dust - and he’s looking you in the eyes again.
“Y-y-you can’t just do stuff like that out of nowhere,” He says finally, leaning forward and dropping his forehead on your shoulder. “I have to prepare myself first…”
“Aw, that’s no fun,” You wrap your arms around his shoulders and rock him back and forth slightly. “You'll get used to it eventually!”
“You’re going to give me a heart attack,” He mumbles into the sleeve of your jacket, though you do notice that he’s deliberately pressing himself closer to you. “Well, you would if I had a heart.”
“You’re so cute,” You chuckle, pressing another kiss to the crown of his head. “C’mon, we’ve still got a date to finish!”
You give Levi another five minutes or so to get his face back to its usual colour and calm himself down, and he’s pretty much back to normal by the time the two of you step hand-in-hand into Solomon’s little alchemy hut - you with a wide grin on your face and him with a slightly shaky smile. Unfortunately, it seems that date night isn’t going to be going smoothly today, because Solomon is currently being held at gun-point by a character you’ve never seen before.
“Well, well, well, what do we have here?” crows the strange little man, brandishing one of his two revolvers in yours and Levi’s direction. You instinctively step in front of your partner, steeling your fists in case you need to fight. “Two lovebirds, is it?”
“Evening,” Solomon greets, not looking in the least bit fazed by the barrel he’s currently staring down.
“Who's this?” You ask in reply.
Solomon sighs and leans forward on his counter, ignoring the threatening click of the gun that the little man has pointed at him. “He’s from that shoot-em-up game a couple consoles down. No idea why he’s decided to show up here.”
You wrinkle your nose, reaching behind you to give Levi a reassuring tap on the arm before stepping forward. The little man watches you cautiously, keeping one gun carefully trained directly on your head.
“Your bullets aren’t going to work on me,” You say matter-of-factly. “I haven’t been programmed to take damage when a bullet hits me.”
“Won’t work on you, eh?” He raises an eyebrow. “How about your beau over there?”
You narrow your eyes. “He isn’t any of your business.”
Of course, you know full well that Levi’s game features projectiles that he certainly takes damage from, and while you don’t know if that extends to bullets from this man’s guns, you don’t want to risk it. You, on the other hand, have only ever taken damage from the punches and kicks your fellow fighters throw at you - or the beams of light Simeon and Luke shoot for their respective ultimates.
The man grins, and you note that he’s missing one of his front teeth. “So you won’t mind if I just fire a little bit at him—”
Your arm shoots forward before you even fully register it, and the man careens backwards with a cry as your fist lands directly in his face. The gun he’d been raising to point at Levi clatters to the floor and lets out a shot into one of the walls; Solomon winces.
“You’re a real piece of work, aren’t you?” You scowl, striding forward and planting a foot on the little man’s stomach. He struggles under your boot’s heel, cursing. “First you spoil our date, and now you’re threatening my partner. You’re really starting to piss me off.”
“If you’re going to start a fight, take it outside,” Solomon intervenes, shaking his head. “I’ve got far too many glass bottles in here to risk letting you have a battle in here.”
“Doesn’t matter where I fight as long as I get a good punch in,” You smirk, folding your arms across your chest slightly and glaring down at the man as he scrabbles at your boot, attempting to wrench it off of him. “So, what’ll it be? Either you get your guns and scram, or we can brawl right here and now.”
The man responds by reaching to grab the gun he’d been aiming at Solomon earlier and firing a shot at your face. You jerk back in surprise, foot lifting, and he immediately scrambles out from beneath your foot, pointing up at you with a gleeful laugh.
“See how you like that!” He exclaims. “Not so cocky now, huh?”
You slowly reach up to press your fingers to where the bullet struck you, directly in the forehead. Solomon raises an eyebrow, while Levi calls out your name frantically, stepping forward with his hands outstretched.
You shake your head as the man laughs, holding up a hand to stop Levi. “Stay there. I’ve got this under control.”
“Huh?” The man’s grin fades as you pass your hand over the hole, only for it to be gone when your hand moves away. “What the—?”
“Didn’t I tell you?” You ask, looming over him as he frantically attempts to back away. He gulps, fumbling with his gun, but before he can try to fire another round, you knock the gun out of his hand with a swift punch. “Your bullets don’t work on me, pal.”
He turns as if to run, but your leg immediately darts out to trip him, and he tumbles forward onto the boards of Solomon’s hut with a muffled yell. This time you plant your foot directly on his neck, setting a single hand on your hip.
“I’m only going to say this once,” You begin, staring him dead in the eyes. “So listen up - got it?”
The man attempts to protest, but your heel only presses harder into his throat, and he has no choice but to give his gurgled assent. You smile, but it’s a menacing expression.
“This game is under my protection,” You say firmly. “You don’t come in here and start threatening to shoot up the place - and you most definitely don’t point the gun at my partner. Got it?”
He gurgles again. You nod in satisfaction. “Then we’re all in understanding here. Now scram.”
You lift your foot, and he immediately fumbles to get to his feet. You stay on your toes, prepared for him to attempt to go for his guns again, but he only gives you one last terrified look before turning and booking it out the door, tail between his legs.
You stare after him at the swinging door. The hut is silent for a moment more.
Finally, Levi says, eyes wide, “I think that was the coolest thing I’ve ever seen.”
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roger-that-cap · 4 years
at first, you loved the words on your body that connected you to your soulmate, your one and only. but the older you got, the more annoying and mocking they became. what weirdo sings rhianna when they first meet their soulmate, anyway?
steve rogers x fem!reader
soulmate au!
word count: 1.7k, she’s a baby :,)
warnings: none besides the fact that this was written in an hour and a half, flufff!
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By the time you were old enough to read, the song wasn’t out yet. At the time, you had no idea it was a song, of course, and the words were still cute. It sounded like you had a sweet soulmate. You thought of your soulmate coming to you in a million different ways in your imaginative little brain every single time it rained.
But when you were eight years old, the song came out. And then, you were teased for your words relentlessly. They started to hum the song when you walked by. Someone drew you a picture of a raindrop. One kid was even bold enough to laugh right in your face and tell you that Rihanna herself was your soulmate.
And every morning, you would turn on your side, lift your arm up, and look at the words inscribed in semi-neat cursive, your soulmate’s writing.
You can stand under my umbrella
Who even said that? It was so… cheesy. As the years went by, you doubted that it was rain at all that made the words come out of your soulmate’s mouth. By the time you were in high school, you were certain that it was a pick up line. You no longer longingly stared at every rain shower that happened.
Even though you had a certain, tiny disdain for whoever was behind the words, you knew that you missed them in a way that you didn’t understand fully yet. Perhaps the reason was that everyone else around you was happy with their other halves, living perfect lives with the person destined for them, but you knew that wasn’t their fault that you didn’t have yours. By the end of high school, most people already met their soulmates. You didn’t have yours yet, and it was your second year of college. Naturally, you started to worry.
What if they didn’t exist at all?
The possibility of not having a soulmate and just having filler words in the form of a Rihanna song plagued you every day, and the thought only got stronger when it rained. When you were younger, rain meant good luck, and it was your comfort weather. Now, all it brought was the cold and negative thoughts.
It was your lucky day, because it was quite literally pouring while you served the drenched customer her coffee. You watched her yank the door open and rush towards her car through the glass windows, and you swore under your breath when you remembered something.
Your car was in the shop, and you were supposed to be walking home from work. That meant walking home in the torrential downpour.
You sighed and shook your head, leaning over the counter and already anticipating getting ultimately drenched on your short walk home.
Your boss let you go home early and started closing shop, and you didn’t know if you wanted to thank her or send her the bird for not letting you wait out the storm. She had never let you go home early before, not once in the entire history of you working there. It was unusual. You had full intentions of asking her if she had a hot date, but she started to turn off the lights before you could ask her what made her want to do something nice for once.
You shook your head again as you realized that you didn’t even have a hood or jacket or even worse, and umbrella. You sighed and braced for the cold, yanking the door open and folding your arms, pushing through the uncomfortable feeling of the cold, wet rain with your head down.
You got caught at a crosswalk and had to watch cars fly by. Of course you did. There were footsteps behind you, and you sighed and regretted the second that you stomped your foot, looking up to the sky and letting the rain hit you right in the face. “This is the worst fucking day of my life.”
There was a gasp from beside you and you didn’t even open your eyes. You assumed that whoever it was, was offended by your language. “Sorry,” you said, but you didn’t sound apologetic at all.
Someone cleared their throat from beside you, and you turned your head to the side to see a handsome blonde man with a dark blue umbrella and a pink flush on his face smiling at you, already moving the umbrella your way. Your heart raced. This couldn’t be it. Was it? Your hands were suddenly shaky as you waited for the man to say something, anything. No, not anything, you were waiting to hear the predestined offer (or pickup line) that you now loved again.
“Here,” the man said, and the sound of rain hitting the roof of the umbrella was almost as empty as you felt in the moment. You mustered up a smile at him and said a small thank you, trying to mask the disappointment that came with being so close meeting your soulmate after all.
The man held the umbrella for as long as he walked in the same direction as you, and then he apologized for not being able to hold it for you any longer. “It’s alright, thank you” you said, and hoped that the sound of the pounding rain was enough to hide the tremor in your voice. You were not about to cry.
You went to stand under the roof of a building on the side of it, hoping that the wave of rain would be over in a few minutes. It was better than running for two minutes, you supposed. You saw another blonde man with large strides walk past, with an even darker blue umbrella in his hand, and he was dry.
You groaned. “How am I the only one who didn’t know about the rain?”
The man stopped in his tracks and turned around, looking at you with wide, blue eyes as you stood nonchalantly under the roof, arms crossed and still a little hurt after the universe teasing you with the first umbrella man. When all he did was stare at you, you have him a harsh look and looked away. Staring men always meant trouble, and the meaner you were, the faster they would leave you alone.
“You can stand under my umbrella,” the handsome man said, and slowly, your head turned back his way. Your eyes locked again, and it was your turn to stare like an idiot. “I-I mean, if you want to.”
You leaned off of the wall of the building and took a step towards him. “Did you really just say that?”
A grin lit up on his beautiful face, and you already decided that his smile was your favorite thing on earth. Screw churros from the fair. “Depends, did you just say something about being the only one who didn’t know about the rain?”
You threw yourself into his arms, and he nearly dropped the umbrella just to hold you. His embrace was warm and strong, and he used just enough pressure for you to feel he was there. “I didn’t think you were real.”
It truly did felt surreal. You were in your soulmate’s arms after all that time wondering, worrying, and losing sleep, and now it all felt like it was going to be alright. You could see the happiness in you near future coming your way, the questions and the subtle and uncontrollable bitterness towards others fading away quickly. You already held this man high in your mind, and just like that, he was a priority. And you didn’t even know his name yet.
Instead of asking him for the name that you so desperately wanted to know or saying any of the cheesy words swirling around in your mind, you decided to talk about the words. “Because, who quotes Rihanna?”
“Who doesn’t look at the weather before leaving the house?” He retorted, pulling back a bit to study your face. You were glad that he was able to do it, because you discovered that his face was just as comforting as the warmth of his arms.
“Shut up, weatherman.”
He smiled down at you, blue eyes giving you a fond look that only soulmates could give each other after meeting so suddenly. He poked you right on your nose, a fluttering touch that made your heart skip a few beats.
“I can walk you wherever you need to go.” Your heart warmed at his kindness. It turned out the younger you that hoped that your soulmate was a sweetheart was right, after all.
“No, it’s okay, it’s probably out of your way,” you said anyway, disregarding the way the inner you was screaming at the part of you that had control over your mouth.
“I’m not even supposed to be all the way over here right now, and I think I already missed my appointment.”
“Where are you supposed to be?”
“The barbershop.”
You frowned at him. The barbershop was all the way on the other side of town, and he didn’t seem like he was lost. “How’d you find yourself over here?”
He paused for a second, like he was debating on whether or not to tell the truth. “Something told me to walk this way.”
You could have fallen apart, and you believed that without even knowing you, he would have known how to put you back together again. “Looks like you listened,” you breathed out, in awe of the man before you, who was staring at you with the same look of bewilderment.
“How could I not?” He took one of your hands in his after asking for permission with his eyes, and you felt the tingling build up at the connection. “I’m Steve.”
You told him your name, and he repeated it once, and then twice, and then a smile was on his face, like that was the one word he needed to hear. You resisted the urge to touch his face now that you could see the subtle stubble growing in. “Don’t wear it out, weatherman.”
You took a step forward, and his long legs only took half of his normal stride to match up with you. He walked you home while you talked about anything and everything with him, every now and again talking about the words on your respective wrists and how glad you were that you found each other.
It felt so right.
You met him the next day at the park, and it was as sunny as it could be. He was carrying a tackily designed gift bag that he put red tissue paper in, and from then on, you knew he was a big goof. He handed you the bag with a huge, dopey smile on his face, and you cackled when you opened it.
It was an umbrella, an poncho, and a copy of Weather for Dummies.
omg omg not my first soulmate au lmao and many more to come in different shapes and sizes bc-
i’m obsessed
hope y’all liked it!!! <3
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hotdogct · 3 years
as dreamers do ||| n.jm
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pairing: na jaemin x reader genre: fluff words: 2.2k a/n: hello!!! this is my first piece of writing in a very long time, so apologies if its all over the place/makes no sense!!! obviously this is all a work of fiction, disclaimer, blablabla, idk what i’m doing i just wanted to write drabbles about nct lmao, so with that being said!!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
“Do you trust me?”
You roll your eyes in the direction of your coworker, Jaemin, who was sitting across from you in the fluorescent lit break room located just behind Splash Mountain’s gift shop and exit. The two of you were part of the massive workforce of college aged youth that Disney recruited every year to staff their theme parks and resorts. While you weren’t initially thrilled with your role as a custodian, you learned to appreciate its quirks - and that included the unique cast of characters otherwise known as your coworkers. From the full-timers that did their best to ignore your presence, knowing another semester would just bring a fresh wave of new faces, to your fellow program cohorts - Jaemin being one of them.
Assuming he was just quoting Aladdin at you, you offer no response to Jaemin’s initial query and continue scrolling through your phone, shoveling the few remaining cheese crackers from the nearby vending machine down your throat, intending on savoring the remaining minutes of your last break for the evening.
Your thoughts wandered back to your fellow cast members. There was Daehwi, sheltered and away from home for the first time, affectionately nicknamed ‘baby’ by everyone he befriended. Wendy, with her melodic voice and cheerful disposition, eager to break into song at a moments notice. Lucas, who might’ve come to Florida to party first, but worked equally hard. Hani, who arrived a few weeks after you, always the first to come help when you radio that your restroom has overflowed, again. Even Jinho, who had initially fooled you with his youthful looks before revealing this was his third time through the program, had somehow wormed his way into your heart. But nobody had been as captivating as Jaemin. When you first met him in passing in the cramped break room, you were convinced casting had made a mistake, that he was lost on his way to costuming for entertainment. He certainly looked like a prince - perfectly straight teeth, boyishly handsome good looks. A few days later he was assigned to clean the same bathrooms as you - “bathroom buddies” as everyone affectionately would call the practice. There, in the shared stockrooms, you learned who Jaemin was beyond his beautiful face - how his friends back home called him Nana, that he was studying photography in college, that he was an only child, a helluva flirt. Even your music tastes were similar, a fact you discovered on one of the many cramped, late night bus rides back to program housing where the two of you stood packed shoulder to shoulder, like sardines in a can. Jaemin interacted with guests both young and young at heart with an effortless charm and grace. Your managers loved him immediately, and before you knew it, you found yourself incredibly enamored with him too.
It wasn’t until his hand suddenly broke through your field of vision, blocking sight of your phone, that you realized Jaemin had stood up and was now standing directly in front of you. His head covered the harshest of the overhead lights, casting a soft halo glow around his black, messy hair and broad shoulders. He smiles down at you, innocently, and you feel your heartbeat accelerate when your eyes meet his own.
“Do you trust me?” he asks, again. This time, without thought, you place your hand firmly in his.
Jaemin leads you out of the blinding light of the break room silently, into the dark of the early winter evening. Eyes still adjusting, you follow behind him, thankful that your corner of the park was mostly deserted - Splash Mountain still closed for the season, only a few stragglers were coming and going to use the restroom in the area. You vaguely remember that Jaemin had been assigned a nearby zone to clean that evening - which was it again…?
He leads you up a flight up stairs, then, and that’s when it hits you. Train Zone. The Frontierland Railroad Station. It was an easy zone to clean, as the railroad shut down early each night before the fireworks display. Gathering the trash in an empty zone like this was a godsend, especially when compared to the other ride queues you had to clean, oftentimes fighting constant guest traffic like a fish swimming upstream.
Lost in your thoughts, you follow behind Jaemin as he completes his task diligently, making sure each trash can within the train station is empty and re-bagged for the next morning. It had been a few days since the two of you had worked in neighboring areas, and you often found yourself tongue tied when around him. The background music loop of Frontierland was noticeably absent, the speakers within the station shut off for the night. This led to Jaemin singing nonsense songs while tying up trash bags and wiping down surfaces, dancing lightly on his feet.
Turkey leg-g-g
At the train
D-d-d-driving me insane~
All you could do was laugh at his antics, and before you knew it, the nearby banana boat parked at the exit ramp was full of trash bags. Satisfied with the results of your hard work, you were about to begin the walk to backstage, where the dumpsters were located, when Jaemin turned about face, walking instead towards the train station.
“What are you doing?!” you hiss, not wanting to shout but needing to stress your confusion at his actions. Jaemin stops at the gate, unlatches it, before turning around, beckoning you over with a smile.
“I asked you if you trusted me, didn’t I?” his voice low in your ear upon your arrival at his side, banana boat now parked safely out of any guest traffic. Jaemin unlocks the gate for you, both of you falling silent on your walk back up into the depths of the train station - no more cute, silly songs spilling from his lips.
“Are you sure we aren’t going to get caught?” your voice carries louder than intended across the empty room as you go through the turnstile, and you wince.
Jaemin’s boisterous laugh took you by surprise, followed a moment later by his hand ruffling the top of your head, messing up your hair. As if to say, foolish.
“Getting the trash from up here is technically our responsibility. So what if it took us a little long?”
He was right - the best part of your job was the agency it provided. Sure, you were cleaning up garbage and bathrooms and vomit, but you could walk around freely. Explore hidden corners and crevices of the park. You knew all too well the allures of the shared hallway between the Frontierland restrooms, the stock closet next to the Veranda breezeway, the dumpster behind the Haunted Mansion - places the rest of your desperately horny coworkers had used to hook up in weeks prior. As you follow Jaemin around a corner towards the front of the station, through an open passageway, you wonder if that’s what he has in mind. That is, until you see the view in front of you.
Jaemin had led you to a small balcony that overlooked the whole expanse of Frontierland. From above you could spot guests walking about the park to and fro, the Rivers of America flowing gently behind them in the distance. Bits and pieces of Cinderella’s Castle were visible through the tree line, shining bright in multicolor as the nightly projection show proceeded to play.
“Jaem, it’s….”
“Nice, isn’t it?” He finishes your thought for you, his hand brushing over the staged decorations of fake barrels and crates against the wall of the balcony that seemed perfect to sit upon. Moments later, Jaemin plops down with a satisfied smile on his face and pats the space beside him, silently asking you to join him.
“Nice is an understatement” you offer in reply. A small laugh leaves his lips, a breeze rolls through. For just a moment, it is quiet and still.
“I’ve been wanting to show you this place for a while, but the stars just never aligned right until tonight.”
“You mean, the computer system that automates scheduling and staffing didn’t randomly place us in neighboring areas of the park until to-” Jaemin’s stiff elbow into your side lets you know to drop the wit. That you could do, but a question lingered in your mind, still, and you did have to voice your sole concern.
“How do you not get caught up here?”
Jaemin turns around, points to the solitary light on the balcony, and it’s then that you notice the bulb is off. You might feel exposed looking down upon everyone, but quickly realize that nobody is looking up at the closed train station - let alone looking for two cast members in white uniforms in the dark, goofing off on a weeknight.
Fooling around…
You were thankful for the cover of darkness in that moment, as you felt your cheeks turn crimson at the thought. Being alone, with Jaemin, this close, in the dark...This all seemed very sudden, despite everyone knowing about your big crush on Nana - he had to know too?
“So,” Jaemin’s voice cuts through your ever-racing thoughts, and your chest goes cold. “A little birdie told me there’s something you really, really like…”
If jumping off the balcony was a safe option, in that moment, you would’ve taken it. A confirmation of your worst fears - that Jaemin was aware of your ridiculous, schoolgirl like crush on him. You are speechless, sunken, pulse racing, and terrified.
Without the usual cue of area music, caught up in the last hour, you had missed your usual clues. A loud boom caused you to jump in your seat, out of your brain, head immediately turning towards Jaemin - only to make eye contact with him, bright lights reflecting off the surface, who smiles and motions for you to turn around. Of course.
If you were known for one thing amongst your cohorts, it was that you loved fireworks. Even on the most hectic of nights you found a way to make sure you were outside during the nightly display, never taking for granted that you were being paid to watch the sky light up in time to music. You had your favorite spots to watch from, but had never once considered the train station. From the corner of Frontierland, it felt like the fireworks were almost on top of you - cascading down upon Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, the expanse of empty night sky providing the perfect canvas. As the speakers above you were silent, there was no accompanying soundtrack, but it didn’t matter - you knew the whole show by heart. You were unaware of how long your mouth had been hanging open in blissful, childlike wonder, only noticing when Jaemin gently pressed his finger up against your chin, closing the space between your upper and lower lip through simple momentum. Moments later, his hand brushed over yours, testing the waters, and finding no complaint, interlocked his fingers with yours, and gravity pulls your head to his shoulder. A soft, steady hum leaves his lips, as you settle into this newfound bliss.
The rest of the fireworks show plays out in front of the two of you - two white ghosts in a dark shadow, illuminated by glowing streaks and bursts of color from the night sky. You’re working at the most magical place on earth, sure, but this felt like the most magical moment of your life.
Before you know it, the sky calms again, signaling the end of the show. You remain frozen for a moment, not wanting to leave. When you finally stand back up, awkwardly untangling yourself from Jaemin’s frame in a rushed manner, you can almost feel yourself floating back down to the ground, back to reality. Jaemin, your co-worker, Jaemin the flirt. He brought you up here just to watch the fireworks after all. Had you been a bit more outgoing, a bit less awkward, maybe...
Taking a few steps towards the entryway, a sudden hand on your wrist pulls you against the wall - thankfully, out of sight of any guests, but now engulfing your entire body in shadow. And it’s here in the darkness that Jaemin’s hand releases itself from your wrist, finds its way up to your cheek. Here, he leans in and kisses you - pressing his chapped lips against yours gently, but with enough intent and purpose that you swear you were seeing stars after a few moments. It doesn’t last long, as all fairytales would tell you. When you part, Jaemin rests his forehead against yours, both slightly damp from the Florida humidity, and you can feel him smile against you, somehow breathless, letting out a low chuckle, before asking,
“Did you think I was talking about the fireworks?”
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sleepingcrisis · 3 years
I finished it >:) I kinda want to make a part two, but for now here you go my deprived mutuals plus anyone else who would enjoy it.
Ao3 link for those who prefer to read on there is here.
Drunk Confessions
"You could pretend I'm him you know... I wouldn't care," Joe’s voice was slurred from the alcohol as he kept his eyes away from his pink haired friend... yeah friend. "You could use me as much as you want and I would thank you for it, you could moan his name and I promise to only cry a little," he laughed it off but the tears were already forming.
"I—" Kaoru wasn't sure what to say to that. He took a breath and gently nudged the glass Joe was drinking from away from him. That was clearly enough.
"He has been gone for a year today," Joe continued and looked over to Kaoru now. Kaoru had a hard time meeting his gaze though. It was impossible. He didn't want to see the moment Joe broke.
"He has been gone for a year now," Kaoru agreed softly with a nod.
"He has been gone for a year and you don't look at anyone like you looked at him. I know I'm not him and I know I can't be him — and hey I loved him too! But fuck I have never loved anyone the way I love you. You could pretend I'm him though. You did once—"
"When did I—"
"You practiced confessing to him in highschool and asked if I would listen," Joe responded immediately. "You told me how much you loved him, but you never used his name... I got to pretend you were telling me how much you love me... pathetic isn't it?" Joe let out another pained laugh.
"Oh Joe," Kaoru whispered and sighed softly.
"Do you think you could ever love me the way you love him? Even just a bit?" He asked. He reached a hand over and clumsily cupped Kaoru’s cheek.
Kaoru looked at him. His own expression pained as he reached his hands over to cup both of his cheeks and gently hold him still.
"I do love you."
"Not like you love him," Joe countered and made a half assed attempt at pulling away from Kaoru’s touch.
Kaoru sighed softly, Joe didn't know just how wrong his thinking was. Tonight wasn't the night to confess the feelings he had for him for years.
"Let’s get you home. You're drunk Kojiro."
What could Kaoru say? He is a coward. 
“Do you remember much of last night?” he asked. Kojiro’s mother had brought them both water and currently Kaoru was gripping his glass tightly. Thumbs brushed away the condensation before he drank it again along with some medicine to ease his headache and hopefully get rid of the need to throw up.
Kojiro is still laying down which makes it easy to not look at him. His room is notably half packed. It all comes crashing back together that despite Kojiro's practical admission of love he also had said something else weeks ago. 
“No, I guess I blacked out. Did I say anything embarrassing?” Kojiro asked. Kaoru picked at the duvet on the bed. Hideous orange. Who’s favorite colour is orange? Based on the fact that none of the furniture matches, Kaoru isn’t sure Kojiro has a favorite colour despite claiming that it is orange. The desk is red, the rug is green, the duvet is orange while the pillow covers are blue and the bed sheets themselves are green. Hideous. Kaoru has always thought that Kojiro’s choice in decor was hideous. 
“No. You just seemed upset.” 
“Well I am leaving at the end of the week.” 
“Does that mean you are going to miss me?” Kaoru tried for teasing. He isn’t sure that he sounds like he is teasing the other, but Kojiro must have a really big headache because he doesn’t take notice. 
“Yeah. I am,” Kojiro whispered and it made Kaoru shortcircuit momentarily before he finished his water. He nudged the other and called him some form of ‘stupid’ before getting up and getting ready for the day. 
They don't have much time left together after all.
It happens again, because of course it happens again. Kojiro is back from Italy for a visit and on one of the last couple of days he is dragging Kaoru to a bar. 
“Kaoru,” Kojiro hummed and wrapped his hands around Kaoru’s waist from behind him after he had come back from the bathroom. 
“What is it, Kojiro?” Kaoru asked in the same playful tone. 
“I love you,” Kojiro said in a casual tone that made Kaoru’s entire world freeze for a moment. This wasn’t going to be like last time, was it? He couldn’t handle that again. Seeing the sunshine in his life look so incredibly miserable. 
“I love you too goof,” Kaoru replied casually as his face warmed. Friends told each other that they loved each other all the time. This was fine right? After the last time he was sure this wasn’t just a friend thing, but Kojiro was leaving for Italy again and in their last call Kaoru had heard about how Kojiro had some sort of girlfriend, granted he hadn’t mentioned her while he was here, but still. 
“You don’t get it Kaoru,” Kojiro breathed against his neck and held onto him a little tighter. Kaoru felt himself being tugged and soon they were outside. He fumbled for his pack of smokes and ignored how ridiculously big Kojiro had gotten after being away for nearly a year. He lit the smoke and kept his eyes on the pavement. Kojiro wouldn’t remember this in the morning anyway. 
“Do you want a smoke?” Kaoru asked softly, desperate to change the subject. 
Kojiro nodded but took the one from between Kaoru’s lips before taking a drag of it. Kaoru watched it happen and normally would have been pissed if it wasn’t for the fact that his brain was hyper aware of the feeling of Kojiro’s fingers against his lips for less then a second. 
“I want you to love me,” Kojiro whispered. 
“I do.” 
“No. Kaoru I want you to love me so I can hold you and touch you and kiss you and show you just how much I love you,” Kojiro whispered. Kaoru watched him shift his entire weight and soon he was boxed in against the wall of the bar with one hand against the brick he had been leaning against keeping him there. The other hand held the smoke which Kojiro took a long drag of before holding it to Kaoru’s lips so he could take one. 
Kaoru counted that as their first indirect kiss that mattered. 
Kaoru really needed to not drink around Kojiro anymore. It was his first night back from Italy and Kojiro wanted to get drinks. Kaoru thought he had been keeping count of his drinks enough to prevent another incident. But then Kaoru comes back from the bathroom and somehow Kojiro is plastered. Kaoru doesn't buy it this time. 
"How is your girlfriend? Are you still keeping in touch with her?" Kaoru asked and realized he never learned her name. 
"No. We broke up, I didn't love her," Kojiro said. 
"That sucks. You seemed very fond of her," Kaoru said. 
"Well there is only one person I can love," Kojiro hummed. 
Kaoru knows exactly where this is going and he will be damned if he lets it happen again. Kojiro is back. He is back for good and he promised he wouldn't leave Kaoru again. Unless they are traveling together Kaoru has zero interest in leaving. Maybe traveling isn't such a bad idea. 
"I love you," Kaoru said casually as he finished off the last of his drink before setting the glass down. His finger tips are wet from the condensation but he is able to quickly dry them when he grabs Kojiro by the front of his shirt so the other has to face him. It is practically half unbuttoned. 
"Hm?" Kojiro is clearly caught off guard by Kaoru saying it first. 
Kaoru knows that the first time this happened — the first time when Kojiro sounded so miserable — he had been drunk to the point of practically guilting Kaoru with his feelings, but last time? When Kaoru still wore his piercings and Kojiro didn't have quite as much hair, there was no way Kojiro had been drunk when he had them share a cigarette as he practically pinned Kaoru to the wall. 
"I love you," Kaoru said again. "I have loved you since middle school. No — I loved you before I even knew what the concept of love was. I love you more than I ever loved Adam. So stop hiding behind your liquid courage and love me back already," Kaoru said firmly, or at least he tried to sound firm. Instead his voice shook at the end and he turned to look away. He couldn't meet the other’s gaze. His grip on the other’s shirt loosening before his hand fell all together when Kojiro didn't immediately respond. 
Then Kojiro tilted his head so they could look at one another.
"I love you too," he breathed and suddenly he didn't sound nearly as drunk. Kaoru supposed he could never criticize his acting again.  
"Take me home?" Kaoru asked. 
Kojiro responded by gently pressing a kiss to his lips. Just the firm press of lips against one another over and over and over until they had shared many first kisses. 
"Yeah," Kojiro whispered, "let's go home." 
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 4 years
Let’s talk: RUN Episode 131
by Admin 1
I know I’ve probably said this about literally every episode but this one was so fun! Admin 2 and I were honestly laughing almost the entire time while also trying our best to follow along their “debates” and just taking in all the chaos. But, I’m getting ahead of myself.
Quick recap: in this episode we’re at the pool that belongs to the same hotel at which they had lunch at the end of the previous episode and the objective is twofold--not get wet and win a debate. That’s basically it, it’s like the mint chocolate debate episode but even more hilarious and with the addition of wet Bangtan.
Something I truly love is how it took vmin exactly 57 seconds (which includes the 18 second long intro) to find some kind of ‘reason’ to hold/shake hands behind JKs back. Because of course they did.
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After the whole “mess” that ensued after the Titanic preview picture was posted yesterday, I can basically just say one thing--there was literally no need whatsoever to get all anxious and uncertain about the picture, or anything the shippers made out of it. As always the best course of action, which is the one I usually apply, is waiting until we get the full thing so we have context for what we’re shown in the picture/teaser/scene. It’s like that scene at the end of one of the ITS episodes where Jimin goes to JK to tell him about a supposed leak in his room which was taken way out of context and proportions until we got the next episode a week later and the actual events were completely different from anything and everything that was theorized. 
So, what’s the lesson? Wait until we get the full thing, dear fellow vminnies, that way we can avoid making each other anxious and unsure.
Anyway, let’s get into it by starting with the ‘warm-up’ which consisted of one-on-one “battles” where the members stood on these floating foamy mats being held by two staff members and having to make each other fall into the water by playing the hand pushing game. 
Yoongi VS Jimin -- I like how the two shortest members went against each other, which I’d assume might’ve had something to do with Yoongi’s shoulder and how chances of Jimin hurting him due to his height/size/weight were the smallest as opposed to Namjoon or even Hoseok. Maybe I’m imagining/overthinking things but it seemed like Jimin was a little hesitant/careful in how he approached the game and in the way he touched Yoongi, which honestly is very thoughtful and cute of him if that’s true, considering his shoulder and all. In the end Yoongi, after they basically goofed around more than actually tried to push each other, offers a deal of just doing it once properly, ending in both of them falling in the water since Yoongi leans forward, hugs Jimin and drags him down with him.
Tae VS Hobi -- These two might’ve been the quickest, given how Hobi said he’s scared at least three times and Tae basically use a moment to ‘attack’ where Hobi was distracted by the fact that a moment prior he thought Tae almost would’ve hit him in the face with his forehead on accident. That lucky did not happen, but Hobi did end up in the water and Tae remained on the float and completely dry.
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Namjoon VS Seokjin -- Now these two, how can I put my thoughts/feelings into cohesive words and sentences instead of just a long key smash? They were hilarious, and their round definitely took the longest out of all of them, both trying to make the other fall yet simultaneously seeming like they weren’t trying all that hard since neither wanted to land in the water? After all before the game started Seokjin did complain how the RUN crew told him they wouldn’t have to get into the water. And yet, in the end, after a visible moment of contemplation, Namjoon hugs Seokjin (who hugs him back) and they fall into the water together (when I tell you how much I love them, wow).
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JK VS Jimin --Here’s where we get the Titanic moment while JK and Jimin stand on the float and are being pulled to the middle of the pool, the members immediately jumping in with Hobi going “Jack, come back” in a breathy voice while Yoongi (?) sings the melody of My Heart Will Go On and everyone is laughing. It was an absolutely hilarious and cute moment. What made me laugh the most during the whole thing were the Jimin heads used to hide whatever, which I as a joke called the “Victoria’s Secret Fantasy Bra (Head Edition)” while talking to Admin 2. During the game itself Jimin and JK are hilarious, slapping each other’s chests and trying different tricks to make the other fall, showing how amazing their core strength and balance is, but eventually Jimin shoves JKs chest and JK falls into the water, winning the game since Jimin “cheated” and thus lost.
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Seokjin VS Tae -- Interesting to note is how Jimin remained in the water and close by while these two were playing. Seokjin and Tae though somehow seemed the most chaotic out of all of them, despite Seokjin offering that they should just do it in one go...which didn’t work out. They leaned into each other twice while laughing before starting to “wrestle” until Tae put his arms around Seokjin’s waist and basically threw him into the water while subsequently being pulled after him and falling in as well. Sometimes I think we forget how strong Tae is (though after his BE_log earlier today I doubt we’ll forget that again any time soon).
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Once “warm-up” was done, the members were split into two groups of three while one person, the MC, sat in the middle in a glass box (though missing the front glass panel). The rules were established and we basically figured out that there are water canons in front of the seated members and a bigger one releasing water onto the member sitting in the middle. They got words and things they were not allowed to do/say since otherwise they would get splashed.
Safe to say they all fairly quickly looked even more like very wet puppies. I mean look at Yoongi and his cute curly poodle hair, adorable!
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The debate portion itself was about “crunchy or soft cereal”, “eggs of peas on jjajangmyeon” and “firm or soft peaches” and truly more chaotic shouting than actually debating. The team members and the “MC” changed for each round, which lasted 11 minutes each. Who debated what was chosen by the crew (or the MC). My highlights for the cereal debate (besides Seokjin cutely complaining how he prefers his cereal soggy and Namjoon equally cutely telling him to just pretend he likes it crunchy) were Yoongi (who was team soggy cereal) and his argument that since Kendrick Lamar eats soggy cereal, that’s basically the winning argument, Namjoon arguing that since “cereal” and “crunchy” both start with a c that’s the only right answer, and Tae arguing that if you eat chocolate cereal it’ll melt and you’ll additionally get chocolate milk so obviously soggy cereal is better. The jjajangmyeon portion had discussions about prices, as well as Hobi (team peas) arguing he doesn’t like seeing animals in pain (which was quickly countered by JK saying he’d just eaten pork before the episode) and Tae generally being appalled by having to argue in favor of peas since he doesn’t like them yet used the argument that his dad likes them so if you argue against them...well. 
And finally the peaches debate had Tae and his galaxy brain using their Chilsung Cider ads as argument and how the peaches in it were firm since they bounced and thus they are better, which JK tried to counter by pointing out that those were just CGI to which Tae basically said he’s insulting their beautiful ads, how dare. I also love how Jimin, who was on Tae’s team, went along with whatever nonsense argument Tae came up with as though it was the most logical one in the world. Just lovely soulmate things, we love to see it. Speaking of nonsensical arguments, you have to give points to Namjoon for his ability to sound like he’s making perfectly sensible and logical arguments while doing, well, the exact opposite. Or Yoongi who just bs-ed his way through the entire thing while acting totally serious about it.
Can we please have a quick look at the following screenshot:
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And now, can we please talk about how everyone is nicely sitting in their designated place with space between them...and then there’s vmin who are like magnets because “Space who? We don’t know her”. 
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Admin 2 asked me to add their comment/thought about how it looks juuuuust a little as though vmin may or may not have been holding hands below the table, which, I mean, we’ll never know but, at this point (especially after the BE unit unboxing video) I wouldn’t even be surprised if it were true.
At one point when Seokjin became the MC the water kept on coming and coming and the members were desperate to figure out what was the thing they were doing that caused it. Jimin thought it could be the caps that some of them wore, so without hesitation or question, he took off Tae’s cap (bless Jimin for giving us another view at wet hair Tae, truly) and then, I swear, it looks like he wanted to ruffle Tae’s hair yet just a second before making contact he stops himself and instead turns his hand in like a “I’m presenting some kind of argument” way. Adorable.
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A final note goes out to the fact that they are wearing white button downs which, I mean, makes perfect sense I guess? And also how the crew gave them bathrobes so they’d stay warm, I’d assume, yet very quickly those were drenched as well thanks to the water canons so it basically defeated the purpose completely. And yet, despite all the water etc they all look fantastic.
Overall it’s a hilarious episode that’ll give your stomach muscles and lungs an amazing workout. Bangtan were their chaotic, loud, and mischievous selves and honestly, I can’t wait to see what else they’ll debate in the next episode.
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sazc94 · 3 years
Pietro and Bunny
Here is my second entry for the wonderful @msmarvelwrites 2k Challenge.
This a spin-off from my Bucky fic: The three times Bucky broke your heart. Part 1 linked Here.
It follows the same timeline and explores the relationship of Pietro and Reader (Bunny) More.
Words 6034
Themes. Angst, Suggestions of smut. But mostly lots and lots of fluff. 18+ Because of the smut suggestions.
This has two parts and I will upload part 2 tomorrow.
𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰, 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲?"
Pietro thought you were pretty cool. He thought you and Bucky made a great couple. He enjoyed hanging out with you when you would all hang out as a group. Pietro wasn’t one for girlfriends. Sure he’d had a few semi-serious flings and would occasionally bring a date to the parties after a game and loved how you would instantly make anyone feel welcome. He couldn’t pinpoint the exact moment he started to think of you as more than a friend. It was sometime during his senior year.
At first, he pushed the idea out of his head. You were Bucky’s girl Y/N! You were the cute shy girl Bucky had brought out of her shell, who was still deep down that adorable musical theatre-loving dork. However, when Bucky started getting defensive around him and Sam about who he was texting, Pietro stopped feeling so bad about liking you of course Pietro would never do anything to jeopardize your relationship with Bucky and his friendships with either of you, but he couldn’t help but feel a tang of jealousy towards Bucky.
“Look at Bucky, can’t go 5 minutes without texting his little cheerleader,” Sam said walking up behind Pietro. Bucky was too engrossed in his phone to pay any attention to the pair of them. Pietro smirked.
“Sam, watch this” Pietro said, before breezing over to Bucky and pulling his phone out of his hands. Bucky instantly shot up trying to grab the phone from Pietro, however, he was too quick throwing the phone to Sam.
“Dear Doll, I love you so much and all thought I only saw you this morning, I am already missing you” Pietro sang in a teasing manner.
“Come on guy’s give it back” Bucky grunted. Sam and Pietro kept throwing the phone between them. Suddenly Sam stopped laughing.
“Hey Buck, who’s Nat and why is she asking if you’re going to be around this summer?” Sam asked his eyebrow shooting up. Bucky’s façade faltered for a second. His usual bright blue eyes deepening with an unfamiliar expression. Pietro’s interest was also piqued, he may have wanted you for himself but that didn’t mean he wanted to see you get hurt.
“Oh, she’s just a friend of Jane’s. I met her at that party after our game in Green Bay last year she’s a cheerleader like Jane and Y/N. Natasha and her boyfriend Clint will be in town the summer and she wants to introduce us apparently her boyfriend was impressed with how we played” Bucky said, shrugging it off like it was no big deal. After that incident, Bucky was on his phone around the football team less and started talking about how much he loved you and couldn’t wait to spend some quality time with you in the summer.
November 2011
By the time graduation rolled around Pietro had put any thoughts about the pair of you out of his mind, chalking it up to wanting a relationship as opposed to you. At least that’s what he kept telling himself. You came along to his graduation ceremony. Well, it was for everyone. Pietro, Sam, Wanda, Jane, and Carol. Bucky came along too. Late. But you were there with Peter Parker who was a freshman, he had talent, but he seemed to prefer being behind a camera as opposed to on the field.
The whole gang hung around the field and bleachers after the ceremony. Goofing off and enjoying the last time the group would all be together like this for a while. Peter took photos of you all. Pietro’s favourite was one where he and Sam had picked you up whilst you were in the middle of talking to Carol and Wanda. The laughter that came out of your mouth as you squealed and shouted for the two footballers to put you down made his heart flutter.
Okay so maybe he wasn’t as over you as he told himself he was. Now he could understand what that Taylor Swift was banging on about in that song of hers.
Have you ever thought just maybe?
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t Bucky’s girl,” he said grinning at you. For some stupid reason, probably because Pietro didn’t know what to do with his hands, he ruffled your hair like you were 5 again. He couldn’t help but notice you wince at the old pet name. He mentally kicked himself. Why had he called you that?!
Graduation was the last time he saw you for over a year. Unlike Bucky, Pietro had actually been away at a football camp when Bucky had cheated on you. He didn’t know what had happened. Only knew you two had broken up. Wanda was fiercely protective of her friendship with you and didn’t want to betray you by admitting to those that didn’t know that Bucky had cheated on you. He wasn’t going to lie; he was saddened when you didn’t stay in touch with him after he graduated. But after he started his first year at the University of Michigan, he didn’t have much time to worry about it. He was a Line Backer having secured a football scholarship after college scouts came to see Sam and a few others play, Pietro had caught the eye of the scout from the University of Michigan, all though he was a great player, Pietro didn’t want to play professionally like many of the guys on the team. He was studying Business and Economics.
Since about the age of 15, he and Wanda had always planned on going into business together. Between parties, flirting with the pretty cheerleaders and sorority girls and his studies you became a distant memory to Pietro. That was until one November game in his second year.
The Wolverines were playing the Wisconsin Badgers. Boy did they suck. Not that Pietro minded it allowed him the opportunity to watch the cheerleaders, he knew a few of the girls on the team from various parties, he hadn’t paid much attention to the new girls on the squad. Then out of the corner of his eye, he spotted someone who looked familiar to him. Could it be Y/N? Wanda had mentioned something about you getting a scholarship at Uni for your cheerleading, but he’d been in the middle of a game of Mario Kart with Sam at the time.
He tried to rack his brain’s but then the ball came towards him. He smiled to himself. Showtime Pietro. The game was an easy win. Whilst his teammates cheered Pietro made his way to the side-lines, desperate to know if the girl he’d seen earlier was you. His heart skipped a beat when he heard your familiar laugh. He couldn’t believe it. Pietro came jogging up towards you determined to chat.
“It’s just Y/N” or you can call me cutie you said winking at Pietro, he chuckled.
“How about I just call you tomorrow?” he retorted, you felt yourself blush. Pietro may come across as confident but inside he was shaking with nerves. Was he really doing this? What if you said no? You shrugged before pulling out a sharpie from your bag, you wrote down your number on his arm. He cocked his head puzzled.
“I changed it last year after Bucky wouldn’t stop blowing it up with apology texts,” you said simply wrongly presuming Pietro knew what had gone down. Before Pietro could respond you ran off to join the rest of your squad and headed for the changing room. He couldn’t help but smile to himself as your laughter rang in his ears whilst you walked off the pitch.
“Pietro! What’s good? How’d your game go tonight?” Sam asked. He sounded buzzed and Pietro could hear the faint sounds of a party in the background. Excellent he thought to himself. Sam was buzzed enough to have loose lips but not drunk enough to be of no use and if he was lucky Sam might not even remember half the conversation.
Pietro got back to his apartment, he had zero clues about what had gone on with you and Bucky. It was obvious due to your remark about him blowing up your phone with apology texts that he’d done something. He weighed up his options. Wanda or Sam? Wanda was his twin, and he knew deep down if he pulled the twin card she would tell him, but then if nothing came of this, he would be opening a can of worms with his sister over nothing.
Then there was Sam, he was still pretty close with Bucky and liked to chat a lot. But ultimately, he was like a brother to Pietro, and he trusted Sam to keep his mouth shut. Taking a deep breath and raking his hand through his Silver-blonde hair he picked up his phone and dialled Sam.
“So Sam you’ll never guess who I ran into cheering on the side-lines of the game!?” Pietro tried to sound breezy and cool like it was no big deal, despite the fact he was about to ask his friends ex out on a date.
“ I ran into Y/N. You know Bucky’s girl?” Pietro carried on forcing his voice to sound light. Sam choked on his drink down the other end of the line.
“I wouldn’t let her hear you call her that. That boy broke her damn heart, the fool” Sam said, there was an edge to his voice that Pietro almost missed.
“Wait, what do you mean?” Pietro asked genuinely curious.
“Well remember that little party your sister threw that last week of summer whilst you were away at football camp with some of your new teammates?” Sam asked. He didn’t wait for Pietro to respond before he continued.
“Well, Jane brought her friend Nat along” Sam continued. Pietro took a sharp intake of breath. No, Bucky wouldn’t have been stupid enough to kiss her at a party with your mutual friends, would he?
“Well turns out that Clint guy Bucky talked about wasn’t her boyfriend he was just a really good friend. But by the time we found that out Jane realised both Bucky and this Nat chick hadn’t been seen for at least a good 15, 20 minutes. So, she went to go find Nat. Only to walk in on them fucking. Oh yeah, it was on your bed bro”, Sam finished his story like it was no big deal. Other than the telling disdain in his voice.
Pietro stood stunned. No wonder you had winced at the use of your old nickname. Pietro’s heart broke for you at that moment. He vowed at that moment that no matter what happened between you both, he would do everything in his power to ensure you never had to feel heartbreak like that again.
Pietro will never forget that first date with you. He had come up with some lame excuse of showing you the best-hidden beauty spots of the campus. Not that there were any, he just wanted an excuse to spend some time with you. He wore jeans and a jumper with his beat-up converse.
All though it didn’t look like he had put much effort into his outfit he had spent a good hour agonising over it. In the end, he settled for a faded blue jumper hoping it would make his eyes and hair pop. He met you by the school library and the sun was shining, it was still a chilly November mid-morning.
You had turned up with your hair tied up in a messy bun a few stray pieces framing your cheeks, you had opted for a sweater dress. He remembered because it was loose and comfy but sinched inwards in all the right places. It was a silvery colour almost the same shade his hair was. Pietro swore you took his breath away.
Winter Break 2011
“And that right there is where the fraternity pledges had to stand and sing, I’m a little teapot every time someone put 10$ in the bucket. I didn’t truly understand the strange British Nursery Song or whatever it was, but I did like watching the pledges get embarrassed every time they had to sing when the cute cheerleaders walked past. So, I put 40 Bucks in the bucket when I knew the 3rd Years would be heading to practise” Pietro said pointing to the school statue.
You had nearly fallen over laughing at his story. Pietro noticed how you scrunched your nose up when you laughed. Like a rabbit. No like a Bunny. When Pietro walked you back to your dorm, he wasn’t sure if he was going to kiss you, but when you let him hold your hand, he decided at that moment he would regret it more if he didn’t take the plunge.
The moment he knew he was yours and you were his was at a party, he’d taken you on lots of hot chocolate dates, he knew you didn’t like coffee because it tasted bitter to you and that coca was nice, but you preferred the sweet comfort of a creamy hot chocolate.
It was at a party being held by the Ice Hockey team to celebrate their latest string of wins. You didn’t come to parties often preferring the comfort of a book and a cosy night in, but you always tried to attend parties after the football matches. You walked in wearing a red top and black skinny jeans.
The top wasn’t super low cut, but it hinted at your cleavage, you’d left your hair down for a change in loose curls. You’d recently gotten your hair dyed a deep chocolate brown and it brought out your eyes. Pietro nearly lost his damn mind when his Ice-blue eyes met your chocolate brown eyes after he’d drank all of you in. He excused himself from the conversation he was having with Scott Summers and co making his way over to you.
“Bunny, you look good enough to eat,” Pietro said dipping his head down to meet your lips, your lips were always so warm and welcoming a stark comparison to his cool lips.
“Bunny?” You replied scrunching your nose up. This was the first time Pietro had called you a pet name, you felt your heart somersault.
Pietro was messaging his sister on the drive home. He could tell you had something on your mind, but he knew better than to push you.
“So,” you began.
“What’s up Bunny?” Pietro asked snapping his eyes up from his phone.
“Well, I just thought now might be a good time to talk, we’re clearly going to run into a lot of our old friends, and there’s no way Wanda won’t know something is going on here, and I, I saw your lock screen,” you said. Well yeah Pietro thought, was he meant to be keeping you guys a secret? He didn’t want to, and he had just assumed you were a couple. You did couple type things, watching movies together curled up, holding hands when you guys were out together.
“So you were wondering what we are?” Pietro’s couldn’t hide the amusement in his voice. God, you were adorable. He watched your demeanour change and felt a pang of guilt, the determination in your eyes as you tried to not show that you felt embarrassed.
“Hey Bunny, look at me” Pietro grabbed your hand, wanting you to know how much he truly meant the next few words.
“We are a couple. I’m sorry you felt the need to ask, but I adore you, so we are a thing,” he said stroking circles on the back of your hand. You smiled and nodded to yourself. Pietro held on to your hand stroking circles the rest of the traffic. He couldn’t wait to tell Wanda she was wrong about him never getting serious with anyone.
“Hey Wanda, have you got a second?” Pietro and Wanda were heading out to meet up with you and the rest of the old school gang who had made it home for the Winter Break in the local coffee shop.
“Sure brother, what’s up?” she asked shrugging on her red jacket and lacing up her boots.
“So, you know that girl I told you I was seeing?” Pietro asked, you two hadn’t said if you were going to tell people or just let them figure it out, but he at least wanted to give his twin a heads up. Wanda straightened her brown hair falling behind her ears. She impatiently cocked an eyebrow waiting for her twin to continue. They were going to be late at this rate.
“Well, you know her. In Fact, you’re good friends” Pietro continued sucking in his breath.
“If you mean to tell me you’re dating Y/N, I already know brother”, Pietro froze. “I’m happy for you, but if you break her heart like that James did, I will not hesitate to kill you and hide the body” she continued.
“How did you know?” Pietro couldn’t help but ask, you guys hadn’t been a secret, but you hadn’t exactly announced it to the world either.
“I’m good at reading people Pietro” Wanda shrugged before heading out the door.
“You sly dog,” Sam said chuckling. Just then Peter turned up. Sam’s comment hadn’t escaped you, so you simply shot Pietro a quizzical look, one of your eyebrows arched. Pietro gently shook his head. He’d tell you about the phone call later.
It was great hanging out with the old gang, shame about Carol, and Jane being unable to make it back. Bucky was dating that Natasha chick and hadn’t come home from the holidays. Evidently, this wasn’t a surprise to Sam or Wanda. Pietro however was a bit taken back. That was until he heard how his sister had almost killed Bucky when she had run into him last summer. Carol had had to restrain her. Pietro couldn’t lie he was kind of bummed to miss it.
Pietro and Wanda didn’t celebrate Christmas, but they did celebrate being around people they loved and as the four of you sat around waiting for Peter Parker to make an appearance, he couldn’t help but feel his heart swell. You hadn’t even reacted to the mentions of Bucky. The way your brown eyes lit up when you teased Sam about his poor season or crinkled your nose when Wanda complimented your new hair, made Pietro come completely undone. Not being able to restrain himself anymore he leant in and kissed you, a slow soft kiss. The taste of your gingerbread cookie and peppermint hot chocolate lingering on your lips. When Pietro pulled away, he shot Sam a wink, and you promptly turned crimson. Sam just sat there gawking. Pietro watched as Sam tried to piece together his hazy memory from that phone call.
Pietro absolutely adored the photo you had gotten him for Christmas, displaying it on his bedside table proudly. He had brought you a stuffed bunny for Christmas, cheesy but it made you beam at him.
“A Bunny for my Bunny” Pietro said shooting you his signature grin. Your heart constricted; it was an adorable soft fluffy powder blue bunny.
After winter break things got crazy busy. The year also seemed to rush by, between keeping on top, your rehearsals for the play. Pietro’s football practises, football matches, nationals for your cheerleading competition. It felt like you had barely any time to breathe. Pietro always looked forward to football games, not because he loved playing which he did, no it was because when you were cheering your face lit up, you always had his number painted on your cheek. Your brown hair always pulled up in a high ponytail, accentuating your big beautiful brown eyes that always looked for Pietro’s ice-blue eyes on the field. Mostly he loved the looks of jealousy he would get from the other team when players would be checking you out. Pietro would always come over for a kiss for good luck when he wasn’t on the field. You always giggled about how Mr cool; the confident cocky big-time football player was such a dork around you. Pietro was fast, sometimes your eyes couldn’t quite make out his movements, all you would see was a flash of his silver-blonde hair that peeked out under his helmet. You had started calling him Quicksilver, originally as a joke but it had stuck.
“So, move in with me for the summer,” he had said, his heart pounding in his chest. It wasn’t a big deal really but the thought of waking up to you every day for the summer made him practically giddy. Pietro continued to stroke circles on your bare legs. He was watching Grease, but he wasn’t absorbing what was being said.
Pietro loved every single second he got to spend with you, but mostly he loved the summer. College football season had finished, school was winding down and it meant he got to sit in those quiet moments with you. Pietro had no plans to go home for the Summer.
Pietro adored you more than he was willing to admit, hell he loved you which is why he was always never going to push you for anything more than you were comfortable with. He was content just kissing you, steamy make-out sessions. He just liked being close to you breathing in your scent, in the winter you always smelt like Vanilla and crushed Rose Petals. In the summer you changed your body spray, and he hadn’t quite been able to pinpoint the smell, but you smelt like Peaches, sunscreen, and sunshine. Okay, maybe not sunshine but he felt the warmth of your presence every time you were together. Pietro knew you were stressing about summer accommodation so he couldn’t help but offer up his place.
“Okay, I’ll move in for the summer,” you said. You picked up the remote and pressed pause on the DVD Pietro had been so focused on trying to play it cool he hadn’t even heard you the first time you spoke. When you started undressing, Pietro didn’t know where to look. Sure, you’d spent nights together, but Pietro always left you to get changed in his room whilst he went to brush his teeth. His eyes couldn’t help but wander over your body as you walked into your bedroom. Pietro inwardly groaned and felt himself harden. Trying to take his mind off what he had just witnessed he pulled out his phone. That’s when you appeared in the door frame, wearing nothing but his football jersey, when it lifted to show the skin of your bare stomach Pietro nearly lost his damn mind.
“Well, are you coming or not handsome?” Pietro grinned throwing his phone on the sofa and closing the gap between you in seconds, picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder. Pietro was certain that if he didn’t get his way with you right that second, he would combust.
Winter Break 2012
“You love her, don’t you?” Wanda asked Pietro. You were finishing up tech rehearsals, so Wanda and Pietro were enjoying some sibling bonding by cooking Paprikash. Wanda’s eyes narrowed at Pietro who was avoiding eye contact with his sister. He could feel his sisters warm blue eyes boring into him. Eventually, Pietro stopped washing up and turned to face his sister. Wiping his hands on a tea towel he finally lifted his eyes to meet Wanda’s.
“Yes, of course, I do but that’s not a secret, so what are you actually asking Wanda?” Pietro raked a hand through his silver-blonde hair.
“It's obvious you two love each other Pietro, dearly. But you’re in love with her, you would hang the stars for that girl, and when are you going to admit it? You visibly had a thing for her back in high school and you have healed the damage done by James Barnes. So why don’t you let your guard down and tell her how you truly feel?” Wanda asked. Pietro stood there dumbfounded. Had it genuinely been that obvious to people he had liked you back in high school when you were Bucky’s girl? As if reading Pietro’s mind Wanda answered his question.
“You may have fooled everyone else Pietro, but not me” Wanda returned to her cooking and that was the last of the conversation.
“Are you sure your mum doesn’t mind me staying with you guys for winter break?” you asked twiddling your hair nervously. Pietro chuckled lifting your small suitcase into his car.
“Come on then quicksilver, let’s get going before the traffic builds up,” you said shooting him a grin your worries disappearing.
“Yes Bunny, she wouldn’t hear of you staying here alone. Besides, Wanda would rip my arms off if I even thought about coming home without you” he said pressing a kiss to your temple. Pietro had refused to let you drive saying it was his turn as you had driven last year. You still looked unsure tugging at the selves of your red jumper dress as you walked round to the front of his car. Your brown hair fell in loose waves, still slightly damp from your last-minute shower.
Pietro sensed something else was bothering you but didn’t push it. Instead, he hopped up on the bonnet of his car and pulled you between his legs. Pressing his forehead to yours, he uttered a silent promise that his mum would love you and that that the rest of the old gang would be happy for you both like they had all sworn they were. You looked up at him through your big doe eyes and pecked a gentle kiss on his nose.
“So, who did you say was coming tonight again?” you asked. You were standing in Wanda’s room whilst you both got ready for the small hang out Pietro and Wanda were hosting. Pietro had gone out to pick up Sam and Peter Parker and this girl he was bringing, Gwen. Pietro of course had been right about his mum loving you, you’d spent the last four days feeling welcome, included and at home. Wanda and Pietro’s mum had enveloped you into a big hug the moment she met you.
“Sam, Jane, Peter and his girlfriend Gwen. Carol’s coming, I think she said she was bringing her girlfriend. Now put this on” Wanda said handing you a low cut, slim-fitting black sweater dress. You rolled your eyes at Wanda; you were quite happy wearing one of Pietro’s oversized sweaters and your jeans, but you knew better than to argue with her. Just then you heard the door shut.
“It will be great to have so many of the old group back together,” Sam said shrugging off his jacket as he followed Pietro down to the converted basement.
“How are things between you and Y/N?” Sam asked.
“Sam, they’re pretty amazing,” Pietro said, a slight blush forming in his cheeks.
“Okay, that’s good to hear. Did you know Bucky’s in town for the holidays? I text him saying he should come along tonight; I hope that’s okay?” Sam asked. Pietro shrugged, he hadn’t spoken to Bucky since Bucky’s graduation and even then, that had been by phone. It wasn’t that Pietro actively avoided speaking with Bucky, it’s just that Pietro didn’t have anything to say to Bucky.
The pair of you had spoken in great detail about everything that went down between Bucky and yourself last year after winter break, and Pietro could see you still carried the scars from what he had done to when he cheated on yourself. Just then Wanda and you made your way downstairs into the basement. Pietro felt himself harden when he got a good look at what you were wearing. It was going to be a long night whilst Pietro thought the urge to take you upstairs and fuck you senseless. As if reading her brothers thoughts Wanda smirked to herself, a job well done, maybe now her brother would grow some balls and finally tell you exactly how he felt.
“Bunny, you look. Just wow” Pietro said. Sam rolled his eyes, you giggled before walking over to give Pietro a gentle kiss on the lips. You wrapped your arms around him hugging him close before you felt his hardened member. You cocked an eyebrow at him, but Pietro shook his head brushing your hair behind your ears before giving you another gentle kiss.
After about two hours, everyone had relaxed, caught up and were just chilling. Sam hadn’t heard from Bucky, so Pietro hadn’t thought anything more about it, no sense bringing it up to you if he didn’t show.
Sam had also gotten up nudging Pietro, swearing he would beat him next time. Pietro chuckled, that’s when Sam nudged him.
“You sly bastard Parker” Sam practically shouted. The three of them were playing Mario Kart whilst Taylor Swift played in the background, all though he’d never admit to anyone, including no, especially you. Taylor Swift had grown on him over the past year. Mostly because he loved the way you lit up when you sang along to her in the car.
Pietro was so engrossed in his game with the boys he barely registered you getting up off the sofa next to him. Whilst Sam had been busy yelling at Peter for using Banana peels, Pietro had overtaken Sam in the race. Once the game finished Pietro noticed you weren’t next to him. Feeling empty without you snuggled next to him he got up and stretched. He figured you were probably talking to the girls or something.
“Uh, Pietro, you might want to go save your girl from an awkward encounter with her ex” Sam looked pained. He was realising the error of his ways by inviting Bucky along. Pietro just shot him a puzzled look before following Sam’s line of sight. Pietro sucked a breath in.
“Sam, I swear to god if she ends up in tears tonight because of you, I will not hesitate to punch you in the face,” Pietro said before walking off to the fridge where you and Bucky stood.
“Yeah, schools fine thanks Bucky,” you said politely. Pietro’s heart was beating loudly in his chest, he had no concerns about how secure your relationship was, he just wanted to save you from any unnecessary heartbreak when it came to James “Bucky” Barnes.
December 2012 – August 2014
“Hey Bunny,” he said kissing the corner of your head before wrapping his arms around you.
“Hey Buck, long time no see!” Pietro said. Bucky stood frozen for a few seconds processing what he had just witnessed.
“Hey, Pietro Yeah. It's been a hot minute, so you two are a couple? You guys look cute congrats. Oh man, wow is that Peter over there? I barely recognise him I’m going to go say hey. Catch you guys later!” Bucky said practically running over to Peter. You turned around and kissed Pietro.
“Come on Quicksilver, let’s see if I can beat you at Mario Kart,” you said pulling him over to the sofa. Pietro instantly felt himself relax, glad to see that you hadn’t been impacted by Bucky’s sudden appearance. He grinned at you as he let you drag him behind you,
“What?” you said chuckling at his goofy grin.
“I’m just so fucking in love with you Y/N,” he said. Your heart skipped a few beats. Sure, you had both said I love you, but the way Pietro’s ice-blue eye’s shone at you, the way he had phrased it as being in love with you, made your heart squeeze, butterflies erupt in your stomach and all those other cliché metaphors.
“Pietro, I am going to rock you fucking world tonight, because I feel the exact same way”, you whispered in his ear. Pietro’s eyes bulged out of his head. He lent down and gave you a hungry kiss, sending electricity coursing through your body. When you finally broke free from the kiss Pietro, caught sight of Bucky glowering in the corner of the room ignoring whatever it was Peter was wittering on about.
Winter break came and went. Your second year at Uni whizzed past. Pietro even joined you and your family for your annual summer vacation in Miami, your grandparents were getting on a bit, so you decided to skip the summer production of Hairspray. Pietro joined you for two summers of family vacations in Miami. Your Grandma took a liking to him.
“Pietro, so good to see you again,” she said hugging him. “If I was 55 years younger”, she said shooting Pietro a wink. Pietro chuckled and stuck his tongue out at you.
“See I told you that she loved me the most out of all of you,” he said. You rolled your eyes. Pietro was right your grandma did have a soft spot for him. Who could blame her? Pietro was a true gentleman and his muscles stretched out any shirt he wore. His floppy silver-blonde hair and his goody grin. You were truly a lucky girl. He was going to break your grandma’s heart as much as yours when you two ended things this summer.
Saying goodbye to you was going to be one of the hardest things he ever had to do. The pair of you had spent the last week of summer in Florida with Wanda and her boyfriend James also known as Vision. Tomorrow you would both be getting on separate planes and going your separate ways. You were dancing around in the sea not a care in the world.
Pietro loved the way you were in the summer, the stresses of school melted away. You burned easily so your skin always had a very faint sun-kissed glow to it, but the way you were with your family. That was when you truly glowed. The way you blushed when your parents would talk about how proud they were of you. You were an only child, so your cousins were the closest thing to siblings you had.
And boy did your two male cousins pick on you. Teasing you about being smart, your relationship with Pietro. The way you would roll your eyes at them. Pietro’s heart squeezed with adoration when he watched you huddled in the kitchen with your grandma. Oblivious to the fact he was watching your brow would furrow in concentration as your grandma bossed you about in the kitchen whilst the pair of you cooked up some delicious treats.
“You know brother if you asked her to do long distance and wait for you, she would”, Wanda said sitting down next to Pietro. Wanda’s red hair almost looked like fire in the setting sun. Pietro sighed and shook his head.
“I know, but it’s not right or fair on her. She has plans of her own and we will be busy setting up your fashion label in NYC” he said, raking a hand through his hair.
“Besides, She's Cheer Captain, and I'm on the bleachers. She deserves to enjoy her last year, her heart is in Michigan, where her mum and dad are.” Pietro sighed. Just then you came bounding over. Your black bikini just about covering all it needed too. You plopped down on the blanket beside Pietro, your brown hair trying to escape its messy bun. You rested your head in Pietro’s lap. You giggled as he gently bopped your nose. Swallowing down the ache in your chest.
The pair of you stood wrapped in each other’s embrace at the airport, the rest of the world shut out. Pietro breathing in your familiar scent one last time. He didn’t need to hear you to know you were crying. It was taking everything in him not to cry too.
“Be good Bunny, don’t cause too much mischief with Loki and stay in touch. I love you my little Bunny” he said wiping the tears from your eyes. You couldn’t say anything, so you just held him tight and cried. When you finally broke the embrace and Pietro boarded. He wiped away the few tears that had escaped his eyes.
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sedated-love · 4 years
Tokoyami x Reader smut
Fourth post of October!! (I’m a little late but we don’t talk about it)
It’s literally just a self indulgent childhood friends to lovers smut. Don’t mind me. 
Also not only are they 18+ (as you should be too if you are reading this) but Tokoyami is a 100% human boy for this. Bye Bye Birdie
Hope you guys enjoy though! If you like it, please take the time to reblog <3 It helps a ton! Also if you have any suggestions for what I write in the future, please feel free to leave them in my ask box!
“Fuck this!”
You groaned softly, running a hand through your hair as you used the other to sip gingerly at your coffee. You and your best friend had been paired together to do an assignment for one of your classes and you were pretty sure at this point in your life that your professor was a sadist. Not to mention that Tokoyami was driving you absolutely insane.
You loved your best friend. You had been friends with him since you were both like four, but if he suggested doing your project on the anatomy of birds one more time, you were going to rip your hair out. “You’re not even doing that correctly.” He hissed as he looked over your shoulder at the laptop where you were currently typing out your prompts.
“What’s wrong with it?”
You pulled your feet up so that you were sitting crossed legged on the couch with the laptop resting on your lap. You were using Tokoyami’s apartment since you lived in the dorms and your room mate could get a little obnoxious with how loud they were. Even if you politely asked them to keep it down, they always seemed to manage to need to vacuum or whatever the fuck in the exact time period that you needed to focus
“You aren’t supposed to use our examples there.”
He huffed, rubbing his temples as his frustration just seemed to be fueling your own. You guys meant to start the project sooner but…you were best friends, not best classmates. You always ended up goofing off or getting sidetracked but now it was 1am and the project was due at 8am. You had waited until pretty much the last minute and were now absolutely screwed.
He reached over you, his body pressed flush against yours as he typed over you on the laptop. You guys had been friends for so long that you didn’t even notice the closeness between you two as you both huddled over the laptop in your lap. You watched the screen as he wrote, waiting for a few minutes of watching him absolutely massacre your project before you finally stepped in.
“That’s now how I want it done!”
You let out a soft whine at him, pushing at his arms lightly as if trying to forcibly remove him from the keyboard as you threw a little hissy fit. You honestly were worried about the project. It was a huge chunk of both of your grades, and you wanted it to be absolutely perfect but you both had such different ideas on how it should be done.
He easily took the laptop off your lap and shoved it onto the coffee table, shoving you back against the couch with one of his hands pinning both of yours over your head and the other placed firmly against your chin so you had no choice but to look straight at him as he leaned so close to you that your noses were almost touching. The closeness that hadn’t seemed relevant before was suddenly painfully obvious as he placed himself over you with seeming ease.
You have never noticed it before but he was quite a bit bigger than you. If you had to guess you would say he was at least 6 inches taller and not to mention he was just built bigger. He worked out so his body was always well toned and just one of his biceps were honestly about the same size as your head. You felt the breath catch in your throat as he spoke, pressing his lips right against your ear as he did so.
“Tell me, then…How do you want it done, princess?”
He spoke in a hushed tone, his voice dropping an octave as you felt butterflies fill your stomach. Your back arched slightly off the couch on instinct as you felt his warm breath against your ear. You wanted to reply but it was like your brain had short circuited. You instinctively placed your hands against his toned chest, looking up at him with your entire face flushed bright red.  
It wasn’t like you had never thought about Tokoyami in that sort of way…you had more wet dreams about him than you wanted to admit and if your dildo could speak, you’d be in trouble…but you always thought he considered a little sister. You had known each other for so long after all.
Your voice came out breathier than you wanted to admit as you could already feel the wet spot between your legs forming. You wanted to yeet yourself off the nearest bridge and pretend this never happened. Pretend that you weren’t getting horny off your best friend doing something as simple as pinning you down on the couch of his apartment when the two of you were alone and you had thought about fucking him more times than you could count.  
He moved his knee, so it was placed directly against your crotch almost as if he were teasing you. You wanted to punch him in the gut and honestly you might have thought about it if he didn’t have your hands pinned above your head. You may be feisty, but you weren’t dumb enough to think you could break out of his grip if he didn’t want you to.
“I’ve thought about doing this to you so many times..”
He hummed as he moved his hand that wasn’t holding your wrists down your body, seeming to be taking in every curve with his eyes. Your heart was pounding against your chest as you realized you weren’t the only one. This entire time of holding back to preserve your friendship and he felt the same way? You cursed silently in your head, but it didn’t last long when he was yanking up your shirt, making a soft click in approval at what he saw.
“Held back for so long, princess…too long…”
He easily held your hands as his mouth latched onto one of your nipples. He tugged and played with the bud as his other hand wandered down in between your legs. Soft mewls left your lips before you could even stop them. Normally you would have been embarrassed by them, but your noises just seemed to excite him more as his hand started rubbing you through your pants.
You found yourself arching up into all his touches. The project you had been so worked up over just moments before had completely left your mind as all you could focus on were his touches. He unbuttoned your pants, letting go of your hands just to tug them off so you were completely vulnerable underneath him with your shirt shoved up so far you weren’t sure why you still had it on and the obvious wet spot that had formed on your underwear.
“Looks like you have no complaints~”
He smirked as he pressed right against the wet spot, dragging a soft moan from your lips before he leaned down and shove his face against your heat. He licked at the wet spot, not caring if you underwear were in the way which somehow made the entire thing more lewd than if he were just to lick your cunt.
You let out a soft needy whine as your now free hands went down to tangle in his hair as you were too turned on now to feel any embarrassment. You were suddenly glad he lived alone in his apartment as your moans got increasingly louder the more that he messed with you. His tongue pressing up against the fabric which just drove you insane as you were so close to the pleasure you needed and yet he denied you of it.
You let out a soft whine of complaint when he pulled away, wanting nothing more than to grab his head and shove it right back down but you didn’t get the chance. He flipped you over before you even registered what was happening. The back of his hand shoving your head down into the cushion as he grinded his still clothed cock against your ass.
He pulled your hips up so that your ass was propped up with your head still shoved deep into the cushions to muffle your noises. It didn’t take him long to shed his own jeans and boxers, grinding himself against your underwear with pleased groans.
“You look so beautiful like this~”
He purred as he ran one of his hands down your spin, the other moving your panties to the side so he could line himself up with your entrance. “Be a good girl and take it all, okay~?” He pushed inside of you with one hard thrust causing a loud moan to escape from your lips. You could feel him so deep inside of you, hitting right against your soft spot.
Just him being inside of you was driving you insane. Your body was instinctively twitching around his cock as if begging him to move. He groaned softly, leaning down so that his chest was pressed flushing against your back as he started to thrust. “You feel so good wrapped around my cock ~”
You couldn’t help the loud mewls and moans that left your lips with every thrust. Pleasure was coursing through your veins as you weakly clung to a pillow that was on the couch as if that were going to help you at all. His thrusts never seemed to slow down as he pounded into you at a steady pace, hitting right against your soft spot.
You were left a moaning, drooling mess as he had his way with your body; lewd noises filling the room every time his hips met your ass. Pleasure boiled in your stomach, threatening to push over with every push he made inside yet it wasn’t quite enough. You needed a little bit more.
As if reading your mind, his hand reached around, sliding inside your panties as he started rubbing right against your clit. You felt your thighs begin to quiver and your moans became more like broken sobs as the pleasure became almost overwhelming.
You whined loudly but it was difficult to make coherent words as your brain became muddled with the pleasure. “Shut up and take it, princess.” He pressed his lips against your ear as he spoke in a commanding tone, his thrusts getting faster as he let out soft moans. You felt your orgasm building up in your stomach as you desperately clawed at the pillow, your moans becoming louder as they filled the room the closer you got but you didn’t want to cum just yet. You felt embarrassed doing it so quickly.
Seeming to notice your hesitance, Tokoyami used the hand not messing with your clit to press against the back of your head again, forcing your face deep into the cushions as he spoke. “Cum for me.” He didn’t leave any room for argument as he slammed his cock deep insides of you, his fingers against your clit never letting up so you wouldn’t be allowed a second to relax.
Your body jerked and you let out a loud broken sob as your orgasm finally came crashing down. Your legs were shaking through the pleasure as the only thing keeping you up was his arm wrapped around your hips as he rubbed your clit through your orgasm. He only lasted a few more sloppy thrusts before he was cumming as well, groaning softly as he pumped you full.
He hummed softly as he slowly pulled out of you so he could gently flip you over. He smiled softly when he saw your face, moving the hair from your forehead and placing a soft kiss as you looked up at him, still completely dazed from your orgasm. You couldn’t help but smile back as the soft gesture made you feel more loved than you wanted to admit.
“So…Was that how you wanted it done~?”
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honeypirate · 3 years
Figure It Out part one (completed )
Hinawa x Fem!reader
Okay guys I really liked writing this even though I think it might be a little weird. It’s just the first part I have a lot more. very terribly edited
Warnings- maybe swears. Talks about a readers sisters death. Feeling so comfortable around Hinawa. Best friends with Hinawa. Aww.
You’ve liked Hinawa from the moment you met him. At first you liked him like anyone would like their superior but every day you were around him, the more you liked him. His hats, his jokes that most of the time no one but you seemed to catch, his under the breath teasing. You would chuckle every time you caught one and he would look at you with a little smirk, he liked having someone around who finally understood all of his humor. He began to look at you after every joke and whisper ones under his breath just to you, making you laugh in serious settings as he pretends to scold you for making a scene.
You became really close friends pretty quick. Sure he was your superior but you’re the same age so sometimes it was hard to see him as such. You found him easy to be around and he made you feel comfortable so you never overthought what you said or did with him. Sure you were easy going with everyone but you went out of your way to make sure he specifically knew you liked his hat, or his cooking, or that you thought he was brave and strong on certain missions. You were always honest, which he liked from the beginning. He appreciated it. (While the others found it strange when they witnessed your banters.)
One day when it was just you guys cooking together and joking around, you saw him truly smile, unabashedly, for the first time. “God Hinawa, your smile is dazzling” you said and his knife slipped, twisting in his hand when he went to cut his potato, the knife just cutting a weird chunk out of it. He felt his cheeks blush for the first time in what felt like forever, he’s worked so hard to devote himself to the world and accepted his place as a cog in the machine, but you bring his feelings to the surface without even trying. Every time you would compliment him, it would make him flustered for a good 15 seconds before he could say ‘thank you’ or something nice back to you. After a few months you found yourselves that much closer, found it that much easier for you both to address lighter feelings, feelings that you both haven’t had in a long time. Without realizing it you both changed your devotions from being about duty to being about each other.
It became a ritual between you both that whenever one would cook the other would assist, leading to you swapping stories and joking around the entire time. Cooking together became a sort of reset with each other, using it as a special few hours where nothing else mattered but the food and each other.
One night you had asked him once to tell you a story about his life before Company 8 and he surprised you both by bringing up his friend who turned infernal in front of his eyes. Telling you stories of when they would do crazy things, when they would goof off on weekends and hang out at the bar.
He didn't realize he had tears running down his face until your hands were on his shoulders, turning him to face you so you could cup his cheeks and wipe away his tears before pulling him down into your arms. “Thank you, for trusting me” you whisper as he cries on your shoulder in the middle of the kitchen.
When you felt him relax and his breathing even out, he stood up to his full height and looked at you with semi embarrassed eyes. You reach up and brush away any tears that are left and then smile softly “do you want to hear about my sister? She was my best friend my whole life.” he smiles weakly at you “yes, please tell me” you nod and as you go back to cutting up vegetables. beginning to recount the time she tried to get the grocery boy to date you, how she was always the life of your family, crazy energy and who never thought about anything until after she said it.
“Fearless. She was always so fearless. I think God gave her it all, and gave me all the common sense” you chuckle and then clear your throat “when I uh lost her, she was making us lunch, I was watching her son in the living room and before I knew it, it was all over. Brain aneurysm,” you let out a sad laugh “Not even fire”
you feel your throat constrict and you try to clear it again, you reach up and brush away your tears, turning away from him as he takes the cut up vegetables and potatoes to the pot. You sniff a few times, trying to contain it but failing. He touches your arm lightly and you turn to him, your eyes on the floor “sorry, i didn’t know this would happen. Here i am trying to comfort you but this isn't really comforting is it'' you chuckle awkwardly, feeling uncomfortable about needing to be comforted when he was having a hard time. you just wanted to share something hard from your past, so he didn't feel so vulnerable but you ended up putting yourself in a same position. you try to clear your throat again but what comes out is a strangled sob.
He tilts your face up to look into his eyes “for what it’s worth, you are one of the most fearless people I know” he brushes away your tears and smiles softly down at you, before hugging you to his chest, returning the comfort you both desperately need.
Being alone with him was nice, but rare, not happening again for a few more days until one day after work when you guys were the only ones not occupied. You decided to just spend the time together in the lounge room, not on purpose, he just found you and decided to stay. Sitting side by side on the couch, you were reading a book and he was drawing something in a small notebook.
You look up and over at him, smiling at his look of concentration and thinking about the kitchen moment, recounting all the feelings that have been brought up since meeting him, how easy it has been recently to realize what you want. When you spoke you kept your voice so quiet it barely reached his ears in the quiet room.
“Ya know, I once thought that it was easier to devote myself to my duty and to the world. Easier because when someone you love turns infernal or dies it won’t hurt too bad. I never would allow myself to truly love, so i would have nothing to lose. but i think… I think that love is something that makes you learn how to live each moment like it could be your last. At any moment something could happen and someone could be gone, I could be gone. To be alone is to not get hurt, to not feel exhausted by every emotion. But knowing the pain could happen, I realize that it makes me want to truly cherish my life, truly live my life like I have meaning, because to our city and to our team we mean everything. that’s my world, that is what matters. There are some things that i will never understand, but if I could have one scrap of truly loving someone, it would be worth all the pain of the uncertainty. It’s a crazy rush to feel like a person who matters to others. And.. I know it could hurt so much, but it’s comforting to know that I’m not alone, that I have others who feel the same, the feeling of being safe and to feel like I truly matter, of being so sure about something, or someone, the trust that someone can love 100% of me...I think I would give everything for that. The kind of belonging you can only have with family or with being in love with someone. Being in this company made me realize it. Everyone here is my family. That is something that no one could ever take or burn away”
After your first sentence he had looked at your face, his heart racing at the feelings your words have invoked in him. Like you were saying something so easily that he has been afraid of for so long. Your voice was so confident he was shocked to see tears well up in your eyes and spill down your cheeks as you closed your book, setting it in your lap as you stared at the notebook in his hands while you spoke. You felt your hands start to shake, like you were saying something extremely important, like an epiphany you were sharing with him because he happened to be here with you, caught in the same moment.
Your eyes are caught by a flash of lightning outside of the window and you reach up wiping away your tears. “Sorry” you laugh “didn’t mean to go so hard there. Just forget it if it’s too weird.” He hums softly, a comforting low sound that gave you goosebumps “no, i'm glad you are comfortable to talk to me about anything you want. I.. I think i understand what you mean” you can tell he was struggling and you didn't push him, you just scooted closer to him on the couch, until you were pressed into his side so you could find some comfort in being close to someone.
You tried to read your book again, as he resumed his drawing, but it was getting late and you had a long day, your eyes burned with the exhaustion hitting your body. neither of you moved, not wanting to be alone tonight. So you stayed there, on the couch in the lounge room, reading and drawing together. A storm was raging outside, every once in a while loud thunder would make you flinch. You felt your eyes close and you couldn’t resist it any longer, your book going slack on your things as your head fell over onto his shoulder. Humming in your sleep at how comfortable his shoulder was.
You were awoken by the feeling of his fingers brushing your hair out of your face. You sigh and smile before opening your eyes halfway “what time is it?”you whisper “just after midnight” he responds, his cheeks a little pink. “Sorry i didn’t mean to fall asleep. I guess i should go to bed huh?” you laugh and smile up at him, your cheek still pressed to his shoulder.
He cups your cheek softly and kisses your forehead, smiling when your cheeks flushed. He couldn’t resist, it felt so natural. You were so much more than just friends, but you weren’t ready to admit what you were feeling, and neither was he. “Yes, we should get to bed” he stands first and offers you his hand, which you gladly accept.
You reach his room first “thank you for listening to me tonight” you say and he nods “always, y/n” he says before giving your hand a squeeze and letting go.
You were almost asleep, almost feeling the sweet relief of unconsciousness, when your heart started racing, your brain connecting all the dots, that you felt this way because of Hinawa.
You spent the rest of your night convincing yourself to sleep.
You like Hinawa. So what? You’re not even sure if what you’re feeling really are romantic feelings for him! You’ve never been in love before so you don’t know. You need more proof. That’s what eventually led you to sleeping, relaxing in the fact that you needed more proof to really know. And no it’s not against the rules because nothing is even going on.
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