#allerta meteo
klimt7 · 11 months
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Ecco dove vorrei essere io, fin da questo preciso momento, in cui le Previsioni Meteo annunciano una rapida impennata delle temperature in pianura padana!
Con afa a livelli di massima allerta, per la salute psico-fisica e mentale ( mia, oltre che dei pazienti 😱 🙈).
Afa? Afanculo!
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aitan · 2 years
Basta un battito di ali di farfalla a Pechino (o a Berlino, o a Pachino) che tutte le scuole restano chiuse.
Si teme il peggio perché si sa che si è fatto poco o niente per prevenire gli effetti degli accidenti e per mettere un argine agli uragani, alle catastrofi ambientali, al vento forte o anche solo a qualche minuto di pioggia scrosciante.
Forse ci sarebbe bisogno di più scuola, invece, soprattutto dove manca già il tempo prolungato anche per le scuole elementari e medie e di scuola se ne fa già poca poca (senza contare che pure in età scolare da queste parti in tanti già le aule scolatiche non la frequentano affatto e per loro piove ogni giorno; e piove sempre sul bagnato, porca miseria!).
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cioè ma qua non era allerta meteo era allerta vita
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pietroalviti · 4 months
Frosinone, Ceccano, attesi venti forti e piogge intense
La conferma viene dal Dipartimento della Protezione Civile del Lazio che ha diramato l’allerta gialla, in cui si legge dalla notte di oggi, venerdì 09.02.2024, e per le successive 24 – 36 ore, si prevedono sul Lazio: Venti dai quadranti meridionali, da forti a burrasca. Mareggiate lungo le coste esposte. Altresì, dal mattino di domani, sabato 10 febbraio 2024 e per le successive 24 – 36 ore, si…
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livornopress · 1 year
Meteo, aggiornamento: Neve alla Valle Benedetta
Meteo, aggiornamento: Neve alla Valle Benedetta
Livorno 26 febbraio 2023 Aggiornamento situazione meteo da parte della Protezione Civile comunale: Pioggia: rovesci contenuti, con cumulati bassi. Vento: grecale con velocità di 70 km/h e raffiche a 95 km/h, che sta determinando numerosi interventi da parte dei Vigili del fuoco. Neve: sul rilievo della Valle Benedetta è in corso una nevicata per il momento di modesta entità, Alle ore 18.30…
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u-more · 1 year
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Meteo, dal nord arriva il ciclone Thor: porterà sull’Italia un gelo mai visto.
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ifattinews · 2 years
Allerta vento: stop scuole ad Ostia, a Roma chiusi i parchi, giardini, ville storiche e cimiteri
Il comune avverte che oggi 22 novembre, in relazione alle previsioni metereologiche che annunciano forti venti di burrasca sul litorale del Lazio, il Sindaco di Roma Roberto Gualtieri ha firmato un’ordinanza per la sospensione dell’attività didattica per le scuole, di ogni ordine e grado, presenti nel X Municipio di Ostia. Per quanto riguarda il resto della Capitale, l’ordinanza del Sindaco…
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secondopianonews · 2 years
Maltempo: Allagamenti e frane nel Messinese, danni e paura
Maltempo: Allagamenti e frane nel Messinese, danni e paura.
Dopo la strage di Ischia dove incessanti piogge hanno provocato il cedimento di mezza montagna e finora undici morti, il maltempo ha colpito la provincia di Messina, soprattutto nella zona peloritana e tirrenica, da ieri pomeriggio, con temporali e forte vento che hanno causato allagamenti, danni e profuso paura e angoscia tra la popolazione. Ora sembra che la situazione meteo sia migliorata…
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sauolasa · 2 years
Allerta maltempo: è possibile prevedere l'intensità dei fenomeni meteo?
Allerta maltempo: è possibile prevedere l'intensità dei fenomeni meteo? La spiegazione di @BernardoGozzini, direttore del consorzio Lamma
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pietroalviti · 1 year
Frosinone, Ceccano, Cassino allerta meteo per temporali
Livello giallo: è stata emessa dalla Protezione civile del Lazio l’allerta meto per temporali con validità dal pomeriggio di domani, 28/02/2023 e per le successive 24-36 ore. L’allerta ha lo scopo di far sì che tutti gli Enti chiamati ad intervenire in caso di necessità siano pronti ciascuno per le competenze che li riguardano.
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livornopress · 1 year
Meteo, emessa allerta gialla per rischio idrogeologico
Domenica 8 gennaio allerta gialla per rischio idrogeologico idraulico del reticolo minore   Livorno, 7 gennaio 2023 Domani, domenica 8 gennaio, dalle ore 16.00 alle ore 23.59, rischio idrogeologico idraulico del reticolo minore, colore giallo, dovuto all’intensificarsi delle piogge su Livorno e Gorgona. Raccomandazioni alla cittadinanza In caso di allerte la Protezione Civile consiglia ai…
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3nding · 8 months
Quindi domani:
Giorno della rabbia in diverse parti del mondo musulmano per Gaza
Allerta meteo
Sciopero dei mezzi
Stato di allerta antiterrorismo nazionale con sospensione di Schengen al confine con la Slovenia
Probabile invasione di terra da parte dell'esercito israeliano
DOS Usa che emette avviso a tutti i cittadini per scontri ed allarme terrorismo
Previste almeno due offensive e controffensive lungo il Dniepr meridionale in Ucraina.
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ifattinews · 2 years
Domani caldo rovente, 16 città con bollino rosso, attenzione agli animali domestici
La giornata di domani, sabato 6 agosto, non darà tregua per il grande caldo previsto. Sono 16 le città da bollino rosso, interessate dall’allerta del ministero della Salute. Bolzano, Trieste, Brescia, Milano, Torino, Venezia, Verona, Firenze, Campobasso, Frosinone, Latina, Palermo, Perugia, Rieti, Roma, Viterbo. Questo l’elenco delle località dell’allerta 3, la più alta, che vuol dire: condizioni…
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byakuwan · 24 days
adding to the list of never-to-be-finished khr fics:
Allerta Meteo ( Extreme Weather Warning )
byakuran & uni AU. not romantic or nsfw, but also not platonic. basically i was just messing around with uni's dedication to her duty and only her duty.
they both understand what it's like to be revered, never being treated as a person - byakuran is a pseudo-god and uni is a pseudo-religious leader.
so, luce was the last sky arcobaleno that needed to use the lighthouse. aria never needed to and passed away before the need came up… so uni doesn't know how. but she still needs to harmonize the sky with the earth so that they won't clash for a long time.
that's why she, at a loss, has to find a way to light it without knowing what she's doing.
but she doesn't know where to find it - her grandmother luce did not show her daughter (uni's mother) for a reason: she wanted to be the last one to do it. however, that means now, they don't even know where the tower even is.
she looks all over old documents and legends to try and find it, then runs into that the first arcobaleno was not sepira, her ancestor. his name was byakuran. he was cast away for unknown reasons, and there was no mention of him anywhere else. as the rest of the first arcobaleno still exist in some form… does this mean the first sky arcobaleno does too?
uni searches for the tower and him both. she doesn't know where to find the tower or how to light it when she finds it.
she starts to pray in the hopes her words will reach the first sky arcobaleno in the same way the guardians pray to their own alignment's.
and eventually, he responds.
(it was split up into 3 convos but we'll see if i end up talking much about them)
now for some Actual Context because things were never actually written anyway:
this is in a fantasy au. there is a country with absolutely horrific extreme weather. the people who settled there made a system with the Sky - a vague entity, not a deity - to provide energy to use for flames. unlike the rest of the world's Earth Flames, the Sky Flames are a different system that they use to get the extreme weather phenomena under control.
giotto & guardians were there as the country's founders of course. each type had one of the other initial settlers become an arcobaleno, becoming a pseudo-deity for each one. but the only two people 'attuned' with the Sky enough to do it were giotto and a whimsical weird teenage kid named byakuran. and given that giotto was kinda busy founding the country, byakuran got himself put in the role.
but sometime into the country's development, sepira showed up and was able to 'attune' with the Sky just as much as byakuran did. and as sepira was capable of being a part of the country's governing body (and actually mature and an adult) the country picked her up as the new sky arcobaleno. she was a mortal tho, so even though she did the same things byakuran did, she would end up passing away early as a result.
and meanwhile, weird kid byakuran just kinda Left after being demoted. the Sky never took his pseudo-deity power away from him, so… he's still a weird kid. something like 15-16 and looks like it.
so he went and wandered the world as a whimsical weird kid doing miracles and Sky Flame things, but no one had heard or seen the Sky Flame system and most people just assumed he was a Really weird kid with some combo of earth flames no one he met managed to understand.
and he was like. teenager angst. 'I'm so tired of humanity. literally no one has ever really understood me or taken me seriously except the Sky and I'd rather just go be a hermit with it and nothing else.'
(anyway back to the starting bit! these are my notes. also uni is == and byakuran is ++ in the convo part.)
i don't think he likes the fact that uni is prepared to die for her country (or something) and he doesn't like her borderline-religion for the Sky. he tells her that the Sky is not something to be worshipped. it is neutral, it is no deity. he knows it better than anyone, he says. if it cared, it would not have let go of him when the country (?) eventually turned against him. it does not care whether uni lives or dies.
and he has no intention of helping a country that doomed him to being a myth and nothing more. "I have no desire to rescue your country from ruin, descendent of Sepira. This is the task of the Sky Arcobaleno, and that is your role."
until she manages to communicate that she understands what he's feeling. being unable to fulfill the entire point of his existence.
++ … Let me ask you a question. Why do you fulfill this role?
== It's my duty - I was born to do this. It's the role of my family. If we can't, there will be no hope for the country… it will fall to ruins. This beautiful country will fall if the lighthouse can't be lit…
++ Is your love of this country greater than the love of your own life?
== … That is why I am here at all. You may think differently after all this time, but you felt this way as well if you chose this role… right?
++ That is a viewpoint I do not share. I chose to become the Sky Arcobaleno for the sake of power, not the role.
Uni… falls silent. She could have been wrong. Maybe Byakuran was ousted for a reason. Maybe the country will still fall no matter what she does.
++ If help was your only request, I decline.
== Wait-- You said you chose to become the Sky Arcobaleno. Were you human before this?
++ All the Arcobaleno were once human.
== Were you ever able to use the role in the way my family was?
++ A few times, but your ancestor was much better. It was never a question.
== Don't you regret it, then? If you had a life before, but sacrificed it for a role that my ancestor eventually replaced you. Even if you had different reasons, you were still thrown away, weren't you?
++ ………..
== … Byakuran?
++ … Hm. Find the lighthouse first. Only then will we speak.
== You'll--
++ We will speak there.
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