#almost canon!verse
iwasbored777 · 10 months
The fact that all Gwen knows about her variants in other universes is that they're dead is so sad. Like imagine you want to know what happens to you in other dimensions and it turns out that wherever you look you mean nothing, you're so unimportant that there's no bigger role for you other than dying.
And I've seen you guys pointing this out, where she's looking at what looks like her own death and even if it's not this is not just a "love interest" Gwen, this is a superhero who is supposed to mean something, but she doesn't. She's only here to die. And so far this (our) Gwen doesn't have any reason to believe that she won't die very soon just like other Gwens.
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I think that one of the main reasons why she's rejecting Miles is not just her trauma and all shit she's been through and the fear of dying like other Gwens when they're involved with Spider-Man, but also because if they start something and she dies this will hurt him too.
It's easy to say "canon events aren't true she shouldn't believe in that" but this isn't just a regular risk, this is her life we're talking about.
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whaliiwatching · 1 year
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unfair, he says, meaning something else entirely
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starry-bi-sky · 1 year
just wanted to say that your thomas wayne au is making me swoon - baby bruce is the most adorable baby ever and they love each other so much 😭
(I saw you mentioned them meeting canon dc and I think everyone of the batfam would be unwillingly won over by this adorable baby and their grandad (and adult bruce would either be paralysed by emotion or start crying or both)) (and maybe there is no martha wayne, simply thomas and alfred raising the cutest and most troublesome baby 😏)
Aaaaahhh I'm so glad you like it 🥺 i love making aus that have the emotional effect of a gut punch on the Bats 🥰 its why 'Danny being a variant of Jason' is such a fun little au I have that I haven't shared here since its pretty convoluted imo.
And i absolutely agree you have it down pat that the canon DC Batfam would be unwillingly won over by Baby Bruce and Danny/Thomas frfr. Danny is so protective and affectionate with his little guy, and I have a personal headcanon that he teaches Bruce how to play piano after discovering an interest in it once he's adopted by the Waynes. (OH and when Bruce is older Danny sits him out in the gardens or on the roofs and shows him how to find constellations)
Danny finds out that the bruce in this world grew up without his parents and starts side-eyeing him HARD bc he wants to be affectionate to this version of His Boy but he doesnt want Bruce to react negatively to it
I'll also tell you a secret: the day Danny and Bruce are transported into the canon universe was the day Danny and Bruce were meant to end up in crime alley :) they were just about to leave the manor.
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*slams table*
Well thank you for the excuse to dump my brainrot–
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This is (a very quick sketch of) Cam. She is Jesse and Cole's daughter. She is the next Elemental Master of Surprise.
...wait, what?
Sometime Post-Legacy!Crystalized, the world is finally free of the influence of the Overlord, meaning that there's finally time for the Ninja for themselves. They all still live at the Monastery together, and train to remain vigilant for the next threat, but eradicating the most prominent source of all evil in the Realm kinda takes the sails out of anyone/anything else, so y'know. Things are calm. For now.
And Cole, now happily married to the "most perfect, most prettiest, most pizazziest, most pinkest person ever" (his words, not mine, and definitely not Jesse's), kind of longs for a kid. We already know he's got the killer dad instinct, is great with children, yadda yadda, it was all only a matter of time. Jesse knew this too, but is terrified of being a parent (although taking care of Miranda + his own inherent paranoia about things has made him rather attentive, if not a touch over-protective). And if Cole's with him, then...maybe it's doable.
So they try to adopt.
("There's so many orphans, Jess. So many orphans. Maybe we could just—" "We are NOT adopting them all." "But the guilt of leaving them all behiiiiiind..." "...oh no the guilt." "How are we both like this??")
("Just pick the cutest one, duh! Or the most talented! And stay away from the mean ones!" "We're choosing a CHILD here, Mira, not a damn pet!" "Can we get a baby though? I kinda want the baby experience." "...and now Cole sounds like he's shopping at a grocery store." "HEY.")
("Are we still going to that meeting today?" "Shoot, I forgot, I've got a show in West Haven tomorrow; I have to leave tonight! What about Friday?" "Can't, that's the day me and the boys are investigating a potential sting operation." "UWAAAAH HOW ARE WE THIS BUSY?!")
...so, uh, that kinda doesn't go well.
("...if we had a kid of our own, what do you think they'd be like?" "...Cole I think we're kinda lacking in the equipment for that—" "Humor me, Jess." "Well, uh, they'd obviously inherit your powers, so probably very strong, and brave, and would love music and art and can't really cook–" "...is there any of you in this theoretical child or are we just making a lackluster clone of me?" "...they could have my smile?" "Jess.")
("Too bad we can't just work a miracle, huh?" "..." "...Jesse?")
("...but what if we could?")
So three to four existential crises and one very heart-wrenching discussion later, Jesse uses Miracle Make to manifest their kid, sacrifices his powers (thinking they've hit a point where he's not really in need of them anymore anyway), and boom, they're parents of a beautiful baby girl now. Whee!
...except with Jesse sacrificing his powers in the very same instance that Camellia Brooke Marvell is born, she becomes "the most unsuspecting individual" at the time, and winds up inheriting the Element of Surprise. Uh, Surprise?
That little unexpected snag-or-maybe-not-a-snag aside, things are great! Cole was destined to raise this child and is utterly crushing it, while Jesse becomes okay with being powerless and a parent and gets excited at the prospect of teaching his daughter all his old tricks. Jesse's still not big on cutesy nicknames, but will call Cam 'our little miracle' or 'sweetpea' from time to time...while Cole calls her a list of fluffy nicknames but his favorite is "my little lily".
Cam calls Cole 'Papa' and Jesse 'Daddy', and while she's got Jesse's habit of catching people off-guard (i.e. seemingly disappearing and reappearing from sight, giving both of them heart-attacks at least once a day) and is also scared really easily herself. So loud sounds are a definite no around her, especially during nap-time (looking at you, Jay).
Jesse's family goes ham on making sure she's well-fed and "getting a well-rounded palate" while Miranda, a high-ranking member of Borg Industries' staff now, becomes the favorite "rich aunt with no kids" that spoils Cam.
("Happy First Birthday to my favorite niece...! Just a little something-something ;) " "MIRA DID YOU BUY MY DAUGHTER A PONY?!" "Nooooo! ....it's a unicorn!" "YOU TAPED A PARTY HAT TO ITS FOREHEAD?!" "Oh stop whining! Look she loves it!" "I'M NOT RAISING A HORSE!" "Calm DOWN I just rented it for a week!" "A WHOLE WEEK?!")
Grandpa Lou also spoils his granddaughter rotten, and very unsubtly tries to encourage her interest in the performing arts.
("Oh, look at how adorable she is in this tutu! I'll have to get express shipping on some ballet shoes for her—" "...Dad you are not about to make a dancer out of my daughter." "But what if she likes it?! We have to find out early! What if she's a born-performer like her daddy? Look, she's pirouetting around already!" "You swinging her around in the air is NOT dancing, Dad...!")
Either way, it's as delightfully chaotic as you'd hope raising a child to be, and Cole, Jesse, and Cam are blissfully happy just as they are.
Cam is only two when The Merge strikes.
. . .
Cam is seven going on eight when "the dragons began to rise", and rumors of the old Ninja Team along with a brand new one begin surfacing. She asks her daddy constantly if that means Papa is coming back, but he never gives her a direct answer. Daddy doesn't like to talk about Papa; only once bitterly mentioned that 'Papa went to fight The Merge when it first appeared' and...then never came home.
Cam doesn't remember a time when The Merge did not exist.
And now her daddy spends the days looking to the skies, waiting for another rift. Aunt Mira has their appearances above the remains of Ninjago City timed almost-perfectly now, and when another is set to strike, Daddy quickly pulls out his old weapon. The crystals it is adorned with have faded back to their natural blue. He curses, and regretfully turns back to his daughter.
("Are you gonna do your magic again, Daddy?" "...something like that, yes." "Yay! I like when you do magic!")
So Cam taps the crystals, feels a small portion of her own power seep into them (despite the lack of her own potential), and watches them change from blue to a brilliant pink. Her daddy thanks her quickly, then swings the wand out, shifting it into a naginata with a single wave. Cam gasps in awe, admiring as her daddy's eyes temporarily glow, and launches himself towards the sky, sealing up the rift with the strongest blast of "surprise" he can manage, even despite the meager amount. He doesn't want to siphon too much power from his daughter, but this isn't going to be enough–!
Suddenly the sky erupts in green and gold—Cam winces at the bright light, but the rift is sealed in an instant. Daddy returns back to the ground with a stunned flourish and sparkles, standing protectively before Cam, as the legendary Green Ninja appears as if from nowhere, eyes shimmering with complication.
But, he addresses her daddy like the old friend that he is.
"Hey, Jess. There's...something I have to show you."
. . .
They're whisked to the Monastery in a near-heartbeat, Uncle Lloyd guiding them up those almost-familiar steps and into a definitely unfamiliar courtyard with equally unfamiliar people. There's a beautiful golden fountain with a dragon and waterlilies that Cam immediately scrambles over to splash around in, if Jesse hadn't scooped her into his arms beforehand.
He and Lloyd have been speaking in very careful, very hushed whispers since arriving, and Cam desperately wants to know what the big dramatic secret is, if it's got nothing to do with Aunt Nya working with the cat-girl on a mech, or the dragon-girl gnawing on Uncle Kai's arm. Lloyd walks pass them all, leading them to the back gardens of the place.
Jesse stops as soon as he sets foot onto the cobblestone path. Lloyd bites his lip, and, as ever, quickly ejects himself from the impeding potentially awkward and/or emotionally charged conversation.
Cam peeks over Jesse's shoulder, watching as a large man in black and orange paces frantically back and forth across the garden, muttering aimlessly to himself and unable to keep himself calm. Jesse curses Lloyd's name under his breath—the other man picks up on the sound, marigold eyes instantly connecting with Jesse's.
"...Jess—" Jesse immediately takes a defensive step back. The other man's voice turns devastated. "J-Jesse, please, you have to hear me out. Just that, nothing else—!"
"...What's there to hear out?" Jesse's words are clipped as he clings tighter to Cam on his back. Cam shrinks under the thinly-veiled fury. "That you, once again, chose to do something reckless and endanger yourself when I begged you not to? That you, once again, left me to think you were dead? That's not something that should be a reoccurring pattern, Cole!"
Cam perks up at the mention of 'Cole'—that's her papa's name! Excited, she starts fidgeting, but Jesse keeps her still. She pouts; he gently quiets her down before redirecting his fury back at Cole.
"...and worst of all, you left me to raise our daughter without you! She...she doesn't even remember you, Cole!" Cole physically buckles at that revelation. "And now you're just gonna pop back up five years later like nothing's wrong?! And you dragged Lloyd into this–?!"
"In Lloyd's defense, he is a little familiar with growing up without a father that would have wanted to be in his life otherwise." Cole tenses, eyes glowing with despair. "So I knew at least he would have understood from the get-go."
That breaks Jesse a bit, giving Cole the opportunity to close the distance between them, just a bit.
"...Jesse, you know that this is the very last thing I wanted to happen." Cole speaks slowly, lest he break down crying otherwise. "And if I didn't help when I did, things could've ended up a whole lot worse. I've spent every single second since trying to navigate this new, crazy, giant, mixed up world to get back to you. And the thought of seeing you, Cam, and everyone again is the only thing that's kept me going."
"...I know." Cam's never heard her daddy sound so broken before. "But the fact that you've done this to me so many times and I know it's never really your fault and yet it still hurts! I'm allowed to be mad at the circumstances!"
"You are," Cole agrees, and Jesse's lip starts to tremble. "And I'm so, so, so sorry."
Things go quiet between the two, with half a decade's worth of more conversation to catch up on, and yet neither being sure of what move to make next. Cole, however, can't help but peek around at the little girl staring curiously right back at him. His heart clenches.
"I-Is...that her? She's...she's gotten so tall..."
Jesse nods, and, after thinking on it a moment, places Cam on the ground and encourages her to introduce herself.
"...I'll let her decide, then." Jesse clarifies, watching as Cole's heart now jumps into his throat. Cole's breathing goes still as Cam looks back with fuchsia eyes full of potential. She trots up to him; Cole crouches down on instinct, lowering himself to her level.
"...hi," he says, holding himself back from being an overly emotional as he'd like. The last thing he wants is a bad first impression. "I—um...it's nice to meet you. You're Camellia, yes?"
Cam nods. Cole smiles, though it trembles.
"Do you...know who I am?"
Cam puts a hand to her chin, wondering if she should voice her hopes. She glances back at Jesse; Jesse gives her an encouraging nod. Thus, she returns Cole's question with another.
"Are you...my Papa?"
Cole nods, curling his hands into fists to ground himself.
"I am, but...only if you'll have me."
Like a light switch, Cam plows into Cole's arms; Cole springs back up, hugging her with all the strength he's got (without snapping her tiny self in half, of course).
They laugh and cry and Cole can't contain himself as he whispers apologies and promises and a thousand questions into her ear that Cam swears they have all the time in the world to get around to.
Jesse watches them, a little overwhelmed by the sight, until Cole swings in front of him, freeing up a hand to hold out to Jesse. He smiles warmly, in the way that Jesse's missed for so, so long.
"Hey, I missed you too, y'know."
And then of course that's when Jesse starts crying and throws himself into Cole's arms too, the trio hugging as a family for the first time in forever...and then Cam gets to bear witness to her parents having a long overdue kissing session (read: ew).
But then again, she doesn't remember time when Jesse was this happy, either. So she'll let them have the moment.
. . .
Cam then begs to be a ninja and "join the cause" but while both parents at least allow her to train (as they both wished they'd been in the know about their powers when they were younger), she's not allowed on any dangerous missions until she's older (or at least, gets her True Potential). In the meantime, Miranda hooks her up with a bunch of video equipment to become something of an internet idol to "bring the people of all realms together" (as to Cole's somewhat horror, Cam indeed has the blood of a performer and has Jesse's ability to sing). It takes some getting used to (and a lot of hugs and probably therapy to comfort Cole on the fact that he missed five years of his kid's life), but...eventually, things do return to a state of normal.
(...And then maybe down the line they actually do adopt this time, and Cole gets to be around for it this time, and Cam's little brother willingly becomes the next Master of Earth once he's ready)
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andorerso · 7 months
single dad Cassian but he's raising Kerri's kid after she passed away
or alternatively, Jyn was the godmother because she was Kerri's friend but she never really got along with Cassian and now they kinda have this kid to take care of
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a-shadowedvales · 5 months
when jane's powers return in season four (and because they were regained by her confronting and accepting her past, rather than being retraumatised with it!) they're stronger than they ever were. when she starts getting a handle back on them, she very quickly comes to realise not only have they affected her, but her mother, too. one of the biggest losses that came about with her losing them was the fact that she could no longer visit terry in the void; while there was no real communication there, it did allow jane to sit with her, and gain a little more connection than she could in the real world. when she first visits the void after their return, it takes her three hours to find terry, something that is both unexpected and incredibly worrying. but when she does, it's something of a miracle. jane's increased strength and control over the void actually wakes terry up from her catatonic state, but only in the void. there's no way to help her mother physically, but she does do so (unbeknownst to her) mentally. terry is reborn in jane's newfound control over the vale of shadows; she becomes the woman she once was, and while her body remains frozen in a "good dream", her mind connected to jane's own allows her some freedom. jane is able to speak to her mother in the void, is able to be held by her, and while it's still unfair and jane cannot stay in there forever, it's something. this only lasts for about eight months, as each visit slowly begins deteriorating terry's physical and mental state, and jane's health begins declining after spending hours upon hours in the void each and every day.
when jane finds out these visits are actually killing her mother on the outside, she deems to stop, but terry expresses the importance of them being able to speak, that she'd prefer to die on the outside, if it meant she could have just a few months with her daughter like this. terry and jane's connection was always so strong, which ultimately led to terry "waking up" in the void, but even jane's newfound strength cannot save her from the harsh realities. each visit nearing the end of those eight months, terry fades more and more, becomes weaker in the void, and her real body eventually gives up. jane's in the void when her mother eventually passes on, and physically feels their connection weaken, like some part of her suddenly becomes lost in the shadows, a part she'll never find again. jane falls into a depressive state for weeks after her mother's death, given she's technically lost her a second time, but soon comes to realise she was lucky to have even shared those eight months together. it was better than nothing at all. there is a proper burial and funeral, (and when jane dies, she's buried next to her mother) which allows jane some sense of closure. she never fully recovers from losing terry, nor from the fact that she never had a proper relationship with her, but she does eventually find some peace with it all.
#study‚ in my dreams it's all real and my heart has so much to reveal.#IF U SAW ME POSTING THIS YESTERDAY. no u didn't.#i wanted to change things again (who is surprised!!) and decided to just rewrite it all rip.#me taking a few weeks off from this blog and then coming back with a brand new terry / jane hc? more likely than u think.#purely self indulgent too i might add!#every day i battle with making my terry portrayal canon to jane's timeline so jane can have her mother in every verse not just#selected ones.#but. her not having her mother is ultimately important to my writing of her and sfjasfjas >:( hate myself for it.#so here be a brand new addition to my timeline that gives jane SOME time with her mother!!! bc i need it for my mental health.#i imagine when terry dies her body turns to smoke in the void. almost like what happened to billy when jane was spying on him.#and he stopped her connection and faded in front of her.#and jane also visited terry a lot in the void because it allowed her to see more memories of her mother.#i hc that she had a real grasp on that before s3 when she looks into billy's memories.#terry (even in her catatonic state) WANTED jane to see what happened to her in hawkins lab.#so she'd want her to see the good stuff too. her childhood. andrew. her grandmother that raised her and becky.#all the good memories!#so when terry dies jane loses all that completely.#which leads to jane grappling with the conflict of whether or not she should have kept visiting terry in the void which eventually led to#her death.#because if she hadn't connected to her. she'd at least be able to look back on all those memories.#jane becomes obsessed within those months and barely speaks to anyone else.#in any free time she has. she's in the void with terry.#her own physical body grows very weak after a little while but she pays no attention to it and even gets into heated arguments with becky.#because becky is jane's carer and needs her safe and healthy. needs to look after her.#but jane is so adamant about the fact that this is her MOTHER and she's finally able to speak to her.#UGH i have so much to say abt this actually i sense a brand new addition to my timeline coming on.#ANYWAY. i'm emotional about them that is all.
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starsailed · 3 months
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Promotional photos for DOCTOR WHO: "Voyage of the Damned"
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pollyna · 2 years
Slider is twenty-nine the first time he loses the love of his life and thirty-six the second time that happens. Nick was kissing him sweetly that morning, sharing a cup of coffee, lamenting about its sweetness (forty years later and Ron is still drinking the same coffee) and demanding a rematch for the volleyball-thingy (just-wake-uo Nick wasn't the most awake person) the very next day, and by the afternoon, Ron was crying and screaming against Ice's shoulder, bagging his best friend to tell him it was all a bad dream.
With Carole, it is different. Cancer takes her way a little by little, just like Nick's death did. They aren't together anymore, but he's around because she needs help and Bradley needs someone to focus on him. He takes care of Carole and Ice of Bradley, Maverick too. They share good and bad days, long stretches of chemo treatments, and sweet nightmares when Ron dreams of a third body hugging him during the colder hours of that sad winter. Carole dreams of the same thing too. She dies on a sunny Saturday in a forgettable week of February, kissing him goodbye and reminding him that she loves him, as did Nick. She closes her eyes and Tom's hands are big and warm on his skin when he hugs him so strongly he almost stops breathing.
By the time he's in his sixties, he's sure nothing that big is ever going to touch him again. Then Tom's cancer is back and he's saying goodbye to people like he knows he won't be able to beat this. Ron's heart breaks all over again. It's new and bittersweet in all different ways than it was with Carole because Ice doesn't band, doesn't let the cancer beat him until the very end, and no amount of pleading stops him. They go to movies, eat ice cream in places Ron never knew existed, and Tom lets Ron take him up in the air, flying over Lake Superior, because the Apostole Islands are so beautiful this time of year, aren't they?
One of the last times they see each other, Tom says, signs, I'm glad Mav has Penny back in his life. She is good for him, better than I could ever be. And Ron can't muster the strength to do more than cuddle with him on a couch that's too small for two grown men. He would like to shake his friend and tell him that nobody could have been better than him, not in this or another life.
Ron knows is going to happen soon when Tom texts him you were the best RIO and best friend I could ever ask for. I love you. But he doesn't know when. Two days later, he's standing in front of a granite tombstone, trying to not fall apart in front of the entire Navy and a kid, a grown man, who looks like a carbon copy of Carole and Nick.
They are all dead, and he's walking around with ghosts that used to warm his bed, and his day, and photos of a past that used to have a future.
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itsaash · 2 years
[podfic] Till We Have Arrived Home Again, written by prouvairing
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I am giddy! I can't explain how much I love this fic. Thank you prouvairing, for writing such a beautiful story. And to the wonderful popuch_mangeusedcrayon (on instragram) who made this art, thank you ♥♥♥
Listen on a03 to hear a fix-it story, where everyone lives, and Harry comes home with quite a bit of news.
Full credit list of voices is on the ao3 post, but I'll thank tumblr friends @men-written-by-women and @shesrinnnow here too :)))
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Charlie, what inspired you to be the amazing cult worthy being you are today?
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"I am so sick of the cults."
"Your not killing people in my name, your just a murderous asshole."
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"You wanna make me happy? give me shoes and soap, come to my restaurant, buy food!"
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"and by the way, I have no inspirations I inspire myself, I'm the way I am because no one else can be me, and that's the way it should be."
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designedparadigm · 11 days
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   simon  who  will  select  one  person  to  listen  to,  to  place  above  him,  and  listen  only  to  that  one  person.  everyone  else  is  considered  as  below  him  and  very  rarely  an  equal,  but  still  expected  to  listen  when  he  gives  an  order.  this  is  solidified  when  he  became  ghost.  in  fact  -  it  got  worse.  far  worse  as  ghost.
   he  heavily  relies  on  a  collar  put  around  his  neck  with  only  one  person  at  the  other  end  of  the  chains  that  keep  him  in  line.  that  way  he  doesn't  have  to  be  responsible  for  himself  and  how  he  acts.  he  needs  the  freedom  to  operate,  but  to  also  hold  control  over  those  around  him  to  keep  them  from  digging  into  him  or  clawing  too  far  into  his  chest,  his  life. 
   ghost,  to  put  it  simply,  needs  one  person  he  submits  to  exclusively  while  being  allowed  to  be  a  feral  domineering  animalistic  force  to  everyone  else.  he  needs  someone  whose  boot  can  come  down  on  his  back  when  he  loses  his  control,  someone  he  can  be  on  his  knees  before  proudly. 
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jakowskis · 3 months
ppl latching onto ianto needs to be studied actually it's so fascinating to me
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teufelme · 1 year
Fr I spend so much time thinking about my muses and their survival verses that I forget they died in canon...
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 1 year
Three Houses fans, do you have OCs? Do you use them publicly or hide them? Do you pair them with a canon character?
Just curious so I figured I'd ask, since I often see my mutuals interact with each other or their mutuals about their OCs!
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selfless-desires · 3 months
[ tie ] sender helps receiver with their tie, either by putting it on or adjusting it / for steve! fellas... dsfgfsdgf no but mb it's cute if they're going to a fancy event or smth idk... think they can have fun
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He shouldn't have agreed to come, beads of sweat gathered beneath the boy's hairline as he stormed down the hallway, trying to shake off that sickening feeling at the pit of his stomach— he should have known better, it should be no surprise they wouldn't come for him all the way out in Texas. ‏‏‎ ‎
Perhaps he was a fool to believe his mother's words, though he's always had a soft spot for her. Promises were made 'bout his father changing for the better— that they could re-unite as a family, have a pleasant dinner together… though only a day prior did he learn they wouldn't be alone, that there'd be business partners his old man wanted to get him acquainted with— that there'd be guests, people with money to their name and opportunities he was expected to show interest towards regarding his lack of success in terms of education. ‏‏‎ ‎
Another lecture disguised as words of concern would be voiced at their table, scornful remarks throughout the evening, looks of disappointment that weren't unfamiliar though left the young Harrington just as unnerved as it did throughout his teenage years. Each and every comment was a jab at his already declining confidence, led to trying to avoid conversations, though he'd still feel perceived by the people around him— and not in the way he wanted. ‏‏‎ ‎
‎Aiming to find solace would he find himself here, staring down his reflection before feeling sick of seeing his father's face within his own. Cold water would be brought to it within handfuls, trying to cool himself off, or perhaps find an excuse for him to be here— to keep his hands occupied, a breath of relief. Feeling high-strung meant Steve had to bring his focus somewhere before his mind would explore questions he wasn't sure he wanted answers to, though his options were limted-- perhaps a cigarette, he's pretty sure he brought one with himself. ‏‏‎ ‎
‎It wasn't until he heard footsteps that he's become aware he wasn't alone, the presence of another not welcome until he looked up in the mirror to see a familiar pair of browns staring back at his own. Leant against the sink did Steve watch Leland consider whether to break the silence between them— to ask the obvious, or to leave things be. It would be when the athlete stepped forward that Harrington stood up straight, lips parting with an intent to speak though words would die on his tongue when careful fingers were brought to adjust his clothing. ‏‏‎ ‎
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Doe eyes would seek for intent before they'd ease & be brought to his own reflection, admiring the other boy's work upon his tie being adjusted. "…Thanks," voice barely above a whisper, a faint smile would tug at the corner of Steve's lips despite the sadness that lingered behind hazel brown irises. "I swear, the amount of times I did this back home…" a scoff that seemed forced would escape his breath as he turned to meet the other's gaze, thankful that he's come along upon his request the previous evening— that he'd keep him company, make this experience less miserable compared to how it would've been if he did this all on his own.
‎" … You'd think I know what I'm doing . "
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either we're getting a happy ending on btsv or both miles and miguel will have a point proven
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