#almost nothing has changed except fae’s been late to work ever single day for the past two weeks
dilfcherricola · 2 years
Trying not to resent my roommate/coworker for things that are not in faer control but damn if the things aren’t making my life harder
#I’ve already done this rant in tags before scroll back if you’re curious it was like two weeks ago#almost nothing has changed except fae’s been late to work ever single day for the past two weeks#including today. i knocked on faer door at 8:55 to make sure we could leave at nine. not awake.#i leave at 9 and work for an hour mostly doing cleaning in the lab because it takes two people to do most other things#i come back at ten to check up bc I’m like. did you fall into the toilet.#knock on the door again 10:05. wake faer up AGAIN#i say ‘we have to go collect samples and I’m leaving at 10:30 with or without you’#because I’m a little pissed at this point#and at 10:15 the fire alarm goes off (no fire it’s been broken)#so I go sit in my car instead of in the lobby. because it’s loud.#at the Stroke of 10:30 the door to the building opens and put comes roommate.#carrying a cat kennel. with a cat in it. to go get samples.#we go get samples. the cat yells the whole time. it’s annoying and I turn the music up because at least that’s noise I can control.#(we were collecting crabs and I caught all of them because fae didn’t want to touch the seaweed)#roommate turns the radio off because it’s too loud so we just sit in silence and cat yowling.#get back at noon and that’s all the work for today apparently so we go home. fae gets back in bed Immediately#and I do not hear from faer until 9:45 pm.#fae had a zoom meeting at 3 that’s already been rescheduled like twice#and has another one tomorrow that is somehow exactly at high tide. which means I have to get the samples myself. in a canoe.#so like. i think it’s not unreasonable of me to want a 21 year old coworker and roommate to also help with being a functional adult#and not have to have me drag faer along like a middle schooler#also I do all the cooking and fae has the AUDACITY to complain#in summary#I’m pissed but I’m not gonna say anything because I’m afraid that fae’d kill faerself#so! having a great summer so far#shush up jj#personal#mine
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youngster-monster · 6 years
Die every day
The twin have been at war for as long as they can remember.
(That’s a lie. They remember better times as clear as if they happened yesterday; they simply can’t comprehend how they could ever act like friends when the thought of it now brings them more disgust than nostalgia.)
Of course their personalities are drastically different, and they are only similar in how selfish they will be in the pursuit of their personal goals, but such things have failed to turn siblings against each other many times before. Maybe the Klersfields never knew how to do things in moderation, not even sibling rivalry, or maybe it’s the magic in their veins that won’t let them be anything but bitter enemies. It doesn’t matter.
The escalation of hate has been going on for years, the feud reaching new heights of petty revenge every week, if not faster. As children, Aloïs stole the last slice of cake; a decade later, then-law student Samaëlle swindled him out of their late parents’ estate, forcing him to join the war just to support himself on a soldier’s paycheck. Today — almost another decade later, short by a few months — he had her lover poisoned, a personal attack whereas most before were targeted at her business empire.
He has had enough of corporate espionage and sabotage. He had pirates pillage her shipments, set fire to her warehouses, killed her employees, divulged her involvement with organized crime syndicates and generous use of corruption, and yet she still walks free, persists to survive through his plan. Assassinations didn’t work either — they were soldiers on opposite sides of the war and are both intimately aware of the other’s abilities.
Maybe that is why her numerous attempts at sending assassins after him are such an insult, more than anything else she ever did. She ruined his reputation, killed the people she couldn’t lie and blackmail into publicly rejecting him, had his own lovers sent across the globe — ever out of his reach — and still she persists to believe a single man with a knife could get rid of him.
In the end, there is no single last straw — only a million drops of blood slowly filling up the cup until it overflows.
They fight, they argue, they undermine each other, ruin every plan the other tries to bring to fruition, and at some point along the way Aloïs decides, enough. Enough with the lies, the constant scheming to bring the other down without risking their own neck in the process. They were soldiers. Let them solve this like soldiers: with a duel.
One of them will die. Let marksman abilities decide of who.
He doesn’t act on it right away, of course. You do not engage in a war against your own twin without being ready to learn something from them along the way, and one such thing the conflict taught him is patience — a difficult lesson, preceded by numerous failures. It ought to be a virtue, if only he didn’t use it to such nefarious means.
Cunning is another. War takes strategy, but nothing like the underhanded tactics required in an open conflict against Samaëlle Klersfield — he hates her, but even he has to admit she is as brilliant as she is devoid of any kind of morals.
Which is why he has her lover poisoned rather than sending her an official dueling notice. She’d just laugh and send it back coated in cyanide like all the previous times he tried the same tactic. The best way to get her to agree to such a stupid plan is to make her angry. And Sam, always the opposite of her twin, is not easily moved to anger: everything she does, she does it coldly, methodically, with a kind of detached mercilessness, like she doesn’t care about the matter but the success of her endeavor is a matter of pride.
The only exception to that rule is her lover. She loves the woman the way only the criminally insane can: single-mindedly, obsessively, possessively, using a massive amount of her wealth to spoil the woman with riches and exotic components for her harebrained experiments. And she oh so does hate it when Aloïs touches her things — even more so in a way that she could have easily avoided, if only she’d been more attentive.
Doing it with poisons, now that’s just adding insult to injury.
She is furious.
Her lover survives, if only just, but the fact is the same: Aloïs harmed what is hers by right, harmed the only thing that was supposed to be out of his reach — in the same way she only ran his favorite bedwarmers out of the country rather than killing them, out of basic decency. He has to pay. He will pay.
So when, in the middle of her rampage, a letter comes to her, another off-hand insult in the form of an offer to duel… she is just angry enough to accept.
He smiles at the terse letter he receives in response, written in a neat hand on a paper too big for the three words written upon it: Tomorrow. Mortlake. Dawn.
The cemetery, then. He chuckles. That’s that much less distance he’ll have to walk to bury her.
The ski is still dark when they meet, the sun barely a red glow at the horizon.
Aloïs takes a moment to watch her. It’s the first time they’ve seen each other in life in— oh, seven years, maybe? Ever since she’s moved from the ancestral Klersfield estate in the countryside to better manage her business from London, they have made a great deal of effort to never meet in public, for the sake of the people of London. Even before that he used to only see her in newspapers, beside articles about her sprawling empire, and the sight of her disgusted him to the point that he hired someone only to cut such articles from his daily paper before it makes his way to his desk. The holes, of course, were a constant source of frustration as they reminded him of her continued presence in the world, but it was a lesser evil.
She’s changed since then. Matured, of course, in a way only discernible to him, who has kept a clear image of her in his mind as motivation to go on just to spite her. She doesn’t have a single wrinkle — they are only thirty and have been blessed with excellent looks in the face of time — but her golden eyes are harder, fury raging in her eyes but unseen in her impassive expression.
He always has envied her this inscrutability. He knows himself to be an open book, and although he has turned it into an advantage — he is a much better liar than her, capable of great, completely fictitious yet believable tales whereas she can only offer falsehoods deadpan or not at all — he still sometimes wishes people wouldn’t be able to read his every emotions, feigned or not, on his face.
He’s tried, but it only makes him look constipated.
Apart from that, of course, they are perfectly alike. Same pitch-black hair and golden eyes, although her pupils are slit like a snake’s; same porcelain skin; same bone structure, delicate and almost other worldly — an enduring trait from a distant fae heritage. It’s infuriating.
She watches him similarly from the other side of the small burial ground, her second standing nervously a step behind her. He’s taller than her by a good foot, a lanky, awkward giant of a man with cruel looks but none of the attitude. Jason, her lieutenant and enforcer. Aloïs knows him; he’s responsible for the loss of his eye, the wound now hidden under an eyepatch the man keeps fidgeting with.
Vampires can heal anything, but they can’t regrow limbs. The eye sits in a mason jar filled with formaldehyde on Aloïs’ shelf, a gruesome but eternally entertaining display.
Oddly, there is a third person present: her lover, Tahlia, stands beside the two of them. She looks pale and sickly still, but resolute as she refuses to hold onto anyone else. She must have insisted to come with despite her state.
His own second is his secretary, Alaude. She’s smart, and he’s pretty sure she can at least be trusted to hand him his pistol. It’s not like they’re expecting the seconds to settle this dispute: it’s only a matter of appearances. There are two letters in her breast pocket, perfect copies in his own penmanship to be sent to his lovers at the unlikely event of his death. If they are ever sent, he’ll be glad to no longer be on this earth to live through the consequences.
He expect a similar letter to be sitting on Sam’s desk, waiting to be found by her mistress if she doesn’t come back to burn it herself.
They both know and trust the doctor. Iris has patched them up countless times before, and is painfully aware of their feud. He believes the death of one of them might scar her forever, but that’s hardly his problem.
Jason and Alaude meet and talk in tense whispers before exchanging a long look Aloïs can’t quite describe. Right. They too never expected any resolution to happen here without a bloodshed.
They are barely a foot away, closer than they’ve been in decades, but not a word is exchanged between the twins as they each take hold of their pistol, provided by a third party as neither could be trusted to not cheat. This is not the time for words — apologies or insults, taunts or goodbyes.
They walk ten steps away from each other, facing opposite directions. Then, they turn around, weapon drawn.
Their seconds intone the countdown in uncanny unison.
“One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine-”
Aloïs’ finger doesn’t so much as twitch in anticipation, or his arm quiver in strain. You can take the soldier out of the war but you can’t take the war out of the soldier; he will never unlearn how to wield a pistol with deadly precision.
“Ten, fire!”
Two shots ring out at once. Lightning strikes Aloïs in the shoulder, throwing his arm back as he bites back a cry of pain.
He’s surprised she only hit his shoulder. She’s always been an excellent shot.
Twenty foot away, Sam blinks in quiet shock and lifts a hand to her stomach. Blood seeps through her white shirt like a blooming flower, just a little off from her heart.
Of the two of them, he always was the better marksman.
Her brows furrow together in perplexity, then she looks at him with resignation. Her pistol slips from her fingers; her legs give out from under her and she collapses on the ground, barely kept from hitting the ground by her second’s quick reflexes.
He and Tahlia lay her on the ground and the doctor jogs up to them, but Aloïs walks calmly toward his sister. He stops next to her as she feebly waves away the doctor’s care, mumbling about how pointless it would be to try to save her. She glances up toward him and, in a look, both her companions reluctantly step away too.
Aloïs hands his pistol to Alaude and kneels down next to his twin.
“Good shot,” he offers. “Shame you only nicked my shoulder. It would have been- poetic, if we had killed each other in a duel.”
Nicked, ha. It will be a miracle if his arm ever works like it used to, with a wound like that.
Her lips twist into a mocking sneer and she lifts a trembling hand to his face. He moves to hold it — her first, last and only act of forgiveness in her life, maybe — but she avoids it with more dexterity than a woman at death’s door has any right to have.
Her fingers touch his forehead, right at his hairline, and he feels her draw something there in a few quick movements, grinning as she does. There’s blood on her teeth, he notices distantly, before his common sense makes him lurches back.
“With my blood I bind thee,” she gasps in a painful-sounding wheeze. “to the ground that saw you into this world and will see you out of it. May you- may you not shift for as long as I cannot-” she coughs, spitting blood over her chin. “-and may you never fly again.”
He jumps back but it’s too late, and she drags a chuckle out of her bleeding out body. The weight of her magic bears down on him like chains, blood burning into his skin. The comforting warmth of his own magic twists and contorts into something strange and unfamiliar, fire turning dim and cold as all whispers of his shape shifting falls into the darkness of his consciousness, forever in sight and out of reach. Suddenly his wings feel their weight, heavier even; he misses his landing and collapses to the ground, tripped by his own feathers.
She is still laughing.
Of the two of them, she has always been the more powerful witch.
He stumbles to his feet, half-running from her in pure, wild panic. He catches a glimpse of Tahlia putting Sam’s head in her lap and carding her fingers in her hair before Alaude takes his arm and guides him away, and once she does he doesn’t look back, not even when he hears her weak voice asking Tahlia, “Will you stay with me while I die?”
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Full name: George Fabian Weasley
Meaning: George = farmer
Reasoning: Fred and George were named together after Molly’s brothers, Gideon and Fabian Prewett.
Pronunciation: J-ore-j fae-be-an  wee-z-lee
Nickname(s) or alias(es): Georgie (occasionally by his family) 
Preferred name(s): George
Label: the peter pan - someone who doesn’t want to grow up ; childish and irresponsible ; someone who fear of letting go and moving on.
Date of birth: April 1st 1978
Zodiac sign: Aries
Religion: Atheist
Ethnicity: White European
Nationality: British
Gender: Male
Preferred pronouns: He/him
Sexual preference: Bisexual (demisexual)
Romantic preference: Panromantic (demiromantic)
Hometown: Devon, England
Resides in: London
Occupation: Owner of Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes
Language(s) spoken: English
Native language: English
Marital status: Single
Political views: Moderate liberal
Financial status: Well off
Species: Wizard
Birth order: Middle Child
Traditions/customs: Snowball fights with his family on Christmas
Level of education: Almost finished Hogwarts
How were their grades? Acceptable
Best childhood memory: Christmas morning with his entire family together  
Worst childhood memory:  He once charmed a rock to act like a bludger so they could practice Quidditch and it hit Ron in the head, knocking him unconscious. His parents healed him, but they were both furious.  It was the angriest he'd ever seen his dad get. He and Fred were grounded for a week - they spent the first two days locked in separate rooms. He wasn’t sure what he hated the most being alone, disappointing his family, or that he put his brother in danger. From then on, George was more thoughtful about possible repercussions of his actions.
Experienced discipline: Despite lenient parents, he was disciplined a lot for pushing their wide boundaries
Family’s economic status: Not great.
Childhood career choice: Changed regularly depending on what Fred wanted to do - he just wanted to work with Fred. The one they stuck with the longest was being a cursebreaker like Bill
School subject they excelled at: Charms
School subject they had trouble with: History of Magic
Looks like (or face claim): Oliver Phelps
Height: 5’8
Shoe size: 9
Figure/build: Athletic, slightly skinny
Hair color, Natural or Dyed? Light red, natural (he dyed it brown for a while after Fred died, but it’s since grown back to it’s natural Weasley red)
Hair style/length/width: Just long enough to cover his missing ear. It’s straight, with a few waves depending on if he took the time to brush it or not (usually not)
Eye color: Brown
Eyesight: 20/20
Teeth: Bottom teeth are slightly crooked, but nothing to worry about. He’s never given it much thought
Shape of face: Oval
Body/facial hair: His facial hair is too thin and pale to grow a beard, so he shaves it off. He doesn’t shave his chest, which has a relatively thin layer of sandy red hair.
Self-care: Lots of tea. Chocolate. Friend. 
Skin tone: pale
Birthmarks/scars/distinguishing marks: He’s missing his left ear. He has a thin scar from quidditch on the back of his right shoulder.
Tattoos: None.
Piercings: None.
Innie or outie belly button? Innie
Dominant hand: Right
Describe their signature: Matter-of-fact, Hastily scribbled half-cursive
Nail polish color:  None
Clothing style: Bright colors, patterned, earth tones
Frequently worn jewelry: None
Describe their voice, what accent? Smooth clear voice, British acent
Speech style: fast, energetic, enthusiastic
Singing voice: Decent for a karaoke bar, but nothing to write home about. Although he likes to intentionally sing off key sometimes just for the hell of it.
Verbal tics: He still says ‘we’ instead of ‘I’ sometimes, or ‘our’ instead of ‘my’ since he’s so used to everything he does involving Fred as well.
Scent: earthy
Posture: Relaxed. He slouches and leans against things a lot, unless he knows he’s in front of an audience - then he’ll immediately straighten up
Gestures:  Energetic. He talks with his hands a lot without realizing he’s doing it.
Default facial expression: Cheerful or contemplative
Age often mistaken for: 27
Personality type: ENTP
Upon first meeting them: He seems very cheerful and goofy, a bit full of himself
Catchphrase(s): “Wicked”, “You know what?”
Positive traits: Enthusiastic, passionate, brave, thoughtful, creative, resourceful
Negative traits: Cunning, blunt, rebellious, self-indulgent, spiteful 
Likes: cheering people up, people who make him laugh, people who stand up for others
Dislikes: authority, people who act like they’re superior, people who try to tell him what to do
Usual mood: Alternates between cheerful and melancholy
Sense of humor: George has a broad sense of humor that ranges from childish pranks to sharp witty jokes. For the most part, he has an innocent sense of humor, preferring to makes jokes at his own expense (or the expense of his close friends or family who he knows will receive them well).
Soft spot/vulnerability: Fred and his grief around Fred’s death.  His future.
Insecurities: He sometimes worries that he bothers people by reminding them of Fred, that they’ll mistake him for Fred, or that they think it would have been better if he’d died and Fred had survived instead.
Fears: Unable to move on after Fred’s death, spending his whole life alone, never being happy again, losing more members of his family
Comforts: one-on-one time with close friends or family
Habits/quirks: Talking with his hands,
Nervous tics: He sometimes bounces or taps his foot with nervous energy. If there’s something in his hands, it makes noise - he’ll jingle keys, tap his quill, or clink coins together. He can’t keep still for long.
Hobbies: Quidditch, pranking people, reading short fast-paced (often comedic) books, thinking up new inventions for his joke shop
Guilty pleasure: childish pranks
Desires: Happiness, a family,
Wishes: Fred hadn’t died.
Regrets: Not being able to save Fred. Anytime someone got hurt during one of their pranks.
Secrets: At Fred’s funeral, several people told stories about ‘Fred’ that had actually been about George, and vice versa. George never corrected them.
Superstitions: None.
Lucky number: 7
Pet peeves: People who talk for long periods of time without saying anything interesting.
Level of seriousness: 4/10
Level of independence: 9/10 (Financially, he’s independent. Emotionally, he’s still dependent on his parents and his siblings)
Accessory: Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes pin
Activity: Playing games with his family or friends
Animal: Dog
Beverage: Butterbeer
Clothing item: He secretly loves the jumpers his mom knitted him. He never wears them out, but still sleeps in them sometimes.
Color: Orange and Purple 
Day of the week: Monday
Food: Fish and chips
Gem: Sapphire
Holiday: April Fools
Ice cream flavor: Butterbeer
Instrument: Piano (he can’t play, but he likes the sound of it)
Mythological creature: Griffin or Dragon
Number: 77
Quote/saying: Laugh it off.
Person: Fred. (Living = Angelina or Lee)
Possession: His wand.
Scenery: English countryside
Scent: Autumn leaves
School subject: Flying Lessons, Troublemaking + avoiding  Filch (there’s an art to it so it counts as a subject), Charms
Season: Autumn
Quidditch team: Holyhead Harpies (since Ginny is on it)
Teacher: McGonagall
Time of the day: Late afternoon
Transportation: Broom
Weather: Warm, sunny, and breezy
Word: Joke
Vacation destination: The burrow with his family
Blood type: O-positive
Time of birth: Morning
Place of birth: At home
Manner of birth: It was a quick and straightforward birth, the only surprise being that there were two kids born instead of one. No one knows which twin was born first, as they weren’t given their names until later that day, and no one could remember which of the two identical babies was which.
Vaginal birth or cesarean section?: Vaginal
Birth weight/length: average
Sex: Male
Diet:  Eats what he wants when he feels like it.
Alcohol Use: Socially.
Drug Use: Rarely, for experimental purposes.
Addictions: None (except occasionally he’ll get addicted to his work -  perfecting a potion or new line of products)
Allergies: None.
Body temperature: Average
Exercise habits: Occasionally runs to relieve stress. Enjoys playing recreational Quidditch (or any sport, really, though most often Quidditch)   
Sleeping habits: He rarely had trouble sleeping until Fred died. Now it’s hit or miss. Sometimes he sleeps deeply - sometimes he has nightmares. Sometimes he dreams of Fred and wakes up crying. Sometimes he has pleasant dreams. He hasn’t found the secret to predicting what kind of night it will be.
Do they get occasional checkups? No. If something bothers him, he’ll see someone about it.
Ever broken a bone? Yes, in Quidditch at Hogwarts his second year, he broke his arm, but he was laughing about it and it was fixed within minutes.
Hospital visits, what for? If the hospital wing counts, then a lot - he’s been there thirteen times for himself, three more for Fred, and every time Ron or Ginny or one of his Quidditch team mates were injured, he visited them. He also visited his dad in St. Mungo’s after he was attacked by Voldemort’s snake.
Any physical ailments/illnesses/disabilities? None.
Any mental illnesses/disorders? Complicated grief that manifests similar to depression and PTSD
When were they diagnosed? About a year after Fred died - he had showed up at his parents house crying and saying that he couldn’t live like this anymore - it felt like his heart was physically hurting every day. They took him in and he slept for two days. When he woke up, Mrs. Weasley encouraged him to see a therapist. He went six times before he stopped.
Any medication regularly taken? No.
Phobia(s): None.
Are they prone to violence? Only if you insult or threaten  his family.
Enneagram Type: Seven/ The Epicure
Moral Alignment: chaotic good
Temperament: sanguine
Element: Air
Intelligence Type: Linguistic intelligence
Approximate IQ: One point below genius
Sociability: Extroverted
Emotional Stability: Moderately stable, apart from his grief over Fred
Birth Name: George Fabian Weasley
Other legal names: N/A
Have they ever been arrested? Surprisingly not.
Ever served prison time? No.
Do they have a criminal record? No.
Have they committed any violent crimes? No
Property crimes? Not that he was caught for (although he trespassed a lot and has broken and entered several places around Hogsmead, just to go exploring with Fred)
Other crimes? He has gotten some of the materials for his potions from questionable sources.
Primary Source of Income: Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes
Secondary Source of Income: None.
Approximate Amount per Year: More than enough to pay his bills,  cover his extravagant clothes, buy everyone in his family nice birthday  presents, and still end the year with a bit more in his bank account than he’d started off.
Content with their job (or lack thereof)? Yes
Past job(s): None.
Spending habits: George hardly ever buys things on his own and prefers to spend his money on experiences - taking friends out for drinks, going to Quidditch games, vacation, etc.
Dream job: Exactly what he’s doing, but with someone helping him
Work ethic: If he cares about it/ thinks it’s important, he’s great. If he doesn’t he won’t get it done.
Feelings on their past occupation(s): N/A
Reason for leaving past occupation(s): N/A
Reason for their current choice of occupation: It was Fred’s idea, but George loved it. It was basically making his favorite pastime into a career
How long have they been in their current occupation? Five years
Are they well liked among their colleagues and employers? He thinks so, and for the most part he’s right. He genuinely cares about his employees and they can see that.
Living situation: Alone.
Good or bad neighborhood? Diagon Alley is decent enough.
Cost/rent: Fairly expensive.
Home type : Flat over Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes
How many stories? 1  
Exterior colour: purple
Interior colour: earth tones
How many bedrooms? 2 (he’s turned Fred’s bedroom into a study)
How many bathrooms? 1
Any plants? No.
Tile, wood, or carpeting? Wood
Housekeeping: He keeps it from getting too bad, but it’s not exactly clean. When it gets too messy, he pays someone to clean it.
Something they usually keep stocked in their fridge or cabinet: Tea, milk, sugar, honey, cookies/biscuits
Something they always keep next to their night stand: A glass of water or milk
How do their neighbors feel about them: They never hear him in his flat, but they get annoyed with him for the commotion the joke shop sometimes causes - or the sounds of explosions from his office which doubles as a lab.
Do they hate their neighbors; if so, why? No - he hasn’t given much thought to them
Is their home haunted? No
Has there been any deaths in their home? No
Physical strength: 6.5/10
Offense: 7/10
Defense: 8/10
Speed: 8/10
Intelligence: 9/10
Accuracy: 8/10
Agility: 8.5//10
Stamina: 7/10
Teamwork: 8/10
Lying: 9.5//10
Sociability: 10/10
Talents: Playing pranks, juggling, muggle card tricks, story-telling
Shortcomings: organization, attention to detail, expressing his feelings 
Cook? Not well.
Bake? If he has a recipe (it’s like making a potion)
Drive? He doesn’t have a license, but he drove his father’s car a few times and managed not to crash it (although Fred was the better driver)
Swim? Yes
Play an instrument? He tried to teach himself the drums once when he was little, but never stuck with it enough to learn more than the basics
Play chess? Wizard chess, yes. He’s surprisingly good when he’s paying attention and not thinking about something else.
Braid hair? No.
Tie a Tie? yes.
Pick a Lock? Yes.
Shoot a gun? Hasn’t tried.
Life: Too short.
Death: Too permanent.
Love: Is essential.
Sex: Intrigued by.
Marriage: Is important.
Divorce: He understands it’s sometimes necessary, but doesn’t want to see it happen to anyone in his family.
Family: The most important thing in the world.
Friends: Tied for most important thing in the world.
Politics: They’re important, but he hasn’t had the energy to keep up with them lately.
Religion: Lies to control people.
Work: Might as well do something meaningful with your time.
Money: Isn’t happiness, but it certainly is better being happy and rich than happy and poor.
Alcohol/Drug Use: Don’t abuse it and you’re good.
Tattoos/Piercings: They can be wicked cool or awful depending on what they are. You know, Quaffles are cool, Dark Marks aren’t.
Swearing: A way to express emotion. And rebel.
*optional if mun is underage or uncomfortable
Virginity? Still a virgin
Gender preference: Female
Dominant/submissive? Both
Top/bottom/versatile? Versatile
Turn-ons: Teasing. Lip biting. Laughing. Confidence.
Turn-offs: Being emotionally distant.
Kinks: Saying his name, trying new things
Anti-kinks: Anything too painful or dangerous
General libido: It’s like on hold until he meets the right person
Do they have sex often? Not at the moment. 
Do they take the initiative? Not at first, but once he’s in a committed relationship and they’ve had sex a few times, then yes.
How do they act? Excited, caring, genuine
Do they go slow or jump in? Slow
Do they act like a friend or a lover? Friend
Type of kisser: Passionate, gentle 
Do they like kissing in public? Once he knows someone will kiss him back, yes  
Can they commit to one person? Yes
What are they like in relationships? Happy, Caring, Optimistic, Clingy,  
Do they want kids? Yes
Do they want to marry? Yes
How long was their longest relationship? He’s been on a few dates, but never really dated anyone
How are they in bed? Inexperienced
Do they get jealous easily? A little, but he doesn’t make a big deal about it.
Feelings on oral? Intrigued by it.
Father: Arthur Weasley  Describe their relationship:  Warm and caring. George looks up to his father, even though he jokes around with him and gives him a hard time sometimes.
Mother: Molly Weasley
Relationship: He and his mother argued a lot during his teenage years, but they’ve made up and been very supportive of each other since the war. He doesn’t understand her sometimes, but he loves her and he knows she loves him. 
Brothers: Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, Ron, 
RELATIONSHIP: After Fred, he was closest to Ron, but his relationship with Ron was always strained by the fact that George thought of him as younger and needing protecting. He looks up to his older brothers and loved playing with them when he was younger, but lately he realizes he hasn’t gotten to know them as adults very well. He still admires them and a slight bit of younger sibling hero-worshiping going-on, but he’d never admit it. 
Sister: Ginny Weasley 
RELATIONSHIP: George always enjoys spending time with Ginny. Of all his siblings, she reminds him the most of Fred. He loves it when she tells an unexpected joke or pulls a prank. As with Ron, he tries to be the tough older brother and has a hard time opening up to Ginny about anything less than perfect in his life. 
GRANDPARENTS: Dead [*Charlie what are you putting for this? haha]
RELATIONSHIP: He has a few fond memories, but doesn’t feel like he ever really knew them. 
Significant Other: N/A
Children: N/A
Pet(s): None
Best friends: Lee Jordan, Angelina Johnson 
Childhood friends: His brothers, Lee Jordan, Gryffindor Quidditch team (most of the Gryffindors in his year and the year below, really)
Rivals: Slytherin Quidditch players 
Past romances: A few one-time dates, nothing to write home about
Roommates: None at the moment. 
In the ABO universe, are they an Alpha, Beta, or omega? Beta
Expensive or inexpensive tastes? Both
Hygienic or Unhygienic? On the lesser side of Hygienic
Open-minded or close-minded? Open-minded
Optimistic or pessimistic? Optimistic
Daredevil or cautious? Daredevil
Logical or emotional? Logical
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Methodical and messy
Prefers working or relaxing? Both
Confident or unsure of himself/herself/theirself? Both - appears more confident than he is
Generous or stingy? On the stingy side of generous
Polite or rude? Polite to people he likes  - rude to people he doesn’t like. Strangers are somewhere in the middle.
Book smart or street smart? Street smart
Popular or loner? He’s become more of a loner since Fred died.
Leader or follower? Both - he was used to following Fred, but he’s been leading his staff at Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes successfully and he enjoys it.
Day or night person? Both.
Cat or dog person? Dog (he loves cats too though, especially if they’re friendly)
Closet door open or closed while sleeping? Cracked open
Coffee or tea? Tea
Sleep or eat? Both
Showering in the day or night? Night
Bath or shower? Shower
Shaver or waxer? Shave
TV or movies? Movies
Iced tea or lemonade? Lemonade
Ice cream or smoothies? Ice cream
Cupcakes or cake? Cake
Beach or mountains? Beach
Movie theater or Netflix? Netflix at someone else’s house
Buying music or downloading illegally? Downloading illegally. Unless he knew the artist. Then buying 100% and you better buy too.
Hot chocolate or hot apple cider? Hot chocolate
Video games or computer games? Video games.
Milk chocolate or dark chocolate? Milk
Sunrise or sunset? Sunrise
Feminine or masculine? Feminine
Are they a good or bad liar? Good
Do they have a fake I.D.? No
How long would they survive in a zombie apocalypse? A fair amount of time, as  long as if he was with other people.
Do they travel?  Yes, when people will go with him. Traveling is something he’s recently discovered he loves to do.
What do they wear to bed? Shorts or just boxers in the summer ; soft trousers, t-shirt, and a sweater in the winter
On what occasions do they lie? As an adult, to keep his family safe. To keep surprises
What is one thing they’d most like to change about themselves? He wants to be more like his old self before Fred died
How would they like to die? Saving someone he loves
Do they snore? Softly
Do they chew their pens/pencils? No
Can they curl their tongue? No, but he thinks he can
Can they whistle? Yes
Do they believe in the supernatural?  Yes
Are they squeamish? Yes
Have they ever killed anyone? Why? How? In the Battle at Hogwarts, he killed a few of the Death Eaters by hitting them with stunning spells at the same time as other people on his side.
Have they ever seen anyone die? In the battle of Hogwarts, he saw several of his former classmates hit by spells that killed them instantly.
Are they a lightweight? Yes and it’s hilarious
Do they forgive betrayal? If no one was hurt, then yes. If someone was hurt, then no.
Do they shower every day? Every other day
Most traumatic experience: Fred’s death
Do they wear the hood on their hoodie? Sometimes
Do they use chapstick? Not unless someone (like his mother) makes him
Would they rather sleep with someone else or alone? With someone else
What position do they sleep in? back/side
Which side of the bed do they sleep on? Left
Can they multi-task or must they focus on one subject at a time? He can multitask, but he’s better at hyper focusing on one thing
If suddenly challenged, would they rather run away or stay and fight? Stay and fight
Do they get restless when things are too quiet or do they favour solitude and silence? Restless
What would completely break them? Fred’s death completely broke him. Now, the death to any other member of his family would push him over the edge.
What was the best thing in their life? Fred.
What was the worst thing in their life? Losing Fred.
Do they curse often? Occasionally, when there are no kids around.
Deadly Sin: Pride
Virtue: Kindness
Celtic animal sign: Fox
Chinese zodiac sign: Horse
Zodiac flower sign: Honeysuckle
Native American Zodiac Sign: Falcon
Zodiac gemstones: Diamond, Amethyst,  Emerald
Theme song: Just hold on (Steve Aoki)
Song that would like to play at their funeral: Good life
Song that is likely to be found on their music library: It’s My Life
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