#alphabet letter necklace
mmaz1 · 2 years
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Letters Of Names, C Letter, Tiger: Stop This Is My Limit
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frederickkittens · 1 month
Sweet Lolita through the years
Part 1: Late 90s-2005 (ish) “Oldschool”
Oldschool sweet is the first truly recognizable form of sweet Lolita
Though during the Oldschool era the substyles had far more crossover and less individual traits I think there’s just enough that you still label coords from the time. When most people think of Oldschool they think of a solid color main piece with lace topped otks and a rectangle headdress… but Oldschool is so much more than that.
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Oldschool in general was simpler, though some brands like Metamorphose Temps De Fille , Emily Temple Cute, and baby the stars shine bright were already making prints
Printed fabrics of fruits or florals were very common, but you did see a good amount of screen printed and appliquéd pieces coming out at the time too. Some very common sweet motifs in the oldschool era were:
•alice in wonderland
•bunnies / rabbits
•alphabet / letter prints
•music notes
The closer to the end of the identifiable oldschool era the more prints became popular! Though through most of the 2000’s prints would remain more minimal with the focus being on more structural elements like lace, bows, construction, and interesting fabric choices.
Due to the image limit on tumblr here’s a link to the correct sorting to see examples on lolibrary with examples of some early sweet prints and patterns. If you click the link on any of these items you’ll be able to view their lolibrary entries as well if available
Color balance wasn’t considered as highly as it is today, the overall vibe of Coords was more chaotic and experimental. A very make do attitude can be seen in many street snaps.
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Patterned main pieces were another popular alternative to prints, things like gingham, stripes, tartan/plaid.
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Bag choices were pretty varied, honestly in a lot of oldschool sweet coords people would use unique bags as the visual interest / focal point. You can already see that in someone of the coords above. Faux leather shaped bags like btssb’s heart bags weren’t very common yet. A few brands had put out heart bags, such as milk, but they were much simpler and often real leather in limited colors. You also didn’t see usakumyas in their modern iteration until well into the 2000’s towards the 2010’s. Plush bags of the era did not have the same clean marketable look. Some common / popular bags were:
-basket / wicker purses
-plush animal bags
-tote bags
-matching fabric bags
-leather handbags
-designer handbags
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Shoes at the time were much chunkier and much less cutesy even in sweet styles. Tea parties didn’t exist until a good deal past this time period- honestly most popular modern Lolita shoe styles weren’t really seen. Real leather was far more common, in a much more limited pallet. When you did see colored shoes they typically weren’t used to color balance a coord like we do now a days. A lot of different styles were worn though, including:
-Mary Jane’s
-Rocking horse shoes
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Socks are often overlooked in oldschool. I’ve seen so many people say printed socks weren’t worn even though they absolutely were and many brands made them. Sure, lace topped otks were the trend and the most popular option but simple motif printed socks absolutely existed and were worn!
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Headpieces were one of the most varied category. So many different styles and kinds were worn.
-mini crowns
-hair ribbons
-mini hats
-lace headdresses
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Jewelry / Accessories were one area that Oldschool definitely was simpler. However brands were absolutely making both jewelry and other accessories. Plain metal necklaces with various motifs were common, lace chokers, faux collars, capes, ties, and though extremely uncommon you do sometimes run across wrist cuffs. Hopefully there’s more of an effort to start documenting jewelry and accessories from this time since it’s quite lacking
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Makeup and hair were something that like all eras of Lolita followed the over all cultural trends of the time. More minimal make or simple 90’s - early 2000’s makeup is seen often. As for hair there’s so many different styles that really it would be impossible to list them all. In older magazines there’s often sections with hair tutorials and makeup tutorials!
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Common lace styles included Torchon, Cotton, Eyelet, and Raschel. Many different trims and such were used in addition to these.
Part 2 and part 3
Scan credits @obscuredesireofbourgeoisie
If you want to see more old magazine scans
Lolita history
Internet archive
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moondirti · 27 days
Who from the 141 speaks the best arabic do you think? From one arab girl to another, it’d be so hot if any of them were fluent 🫠
if my memory serves me correctly, we get a bit in the first campaign from price. to me it seems to be a basic knowledge. a few sentences he picked up on the field and memorised to make his job easier. evac orders, cardinal directions, how to ask for water, food, medicine. that kind of stuff. pure utility, though that’s his approach to most things.
i like to believe (call it bias or whatever) that gaz is fluent. this ties in to my headcanon that he’s the only member who attended and graduated uni, but he strikes me as someone intensely curious about everything. introducing him to something, be it language or cuisine or a skill he hasn’t mastered yet, is like knocking down the floodgates. it’s his time in urzikstan that does it. hearing the way it rolls off farah’s tongue (let’s ignore doumit’s canon pronunciations), or how she’s able to translate a long, winding, clumsy sentence to something short. beautiful.
there’s a word for everything, he finds. one for the state of gossiping with your friends over morning coffee. one to congratulate someone on their cleanliness after a haircut. one that means may you be the one to bury me, for it would be unbearable to live without you – that is used so casually in conversation, kyle is stunned when he learns the true meaning. it doesn’t hold the same expectation, the same trepidation, as it does in english, though it retains its weight all the same. he wonders what makes a language so special that its intrinsic devotion has found a common place within its cultures, and he sets to find out.
this turns into a thing. more rambling under the cut.
the largest learning curve is the alphabet. the sounds that don’t exist in his mother tongue. he’s especially hard on himself when it comes to enunciating them properly – half the beauty is in the way words flow together, and there would really be no point in indulging in arabic’s more lyrical aspects if he’s off pitch. he gets the hang of it eventually, of course, one too many vocal exercises later.
the weathered dictionary he picks up at a second hand store teaches him that most words have three letter roots, and that it isn’t so easy as to look them up alphabetically. picking up new vocab becomes infinitesimally harder, then. for twelve million choices, the distinction between some words comes down to diacritical marks. necklace, decade, contract, held, complicated, and knots are all spelt the same way, yet pronounced ever so slightly different — a fact he learns the hard way when he tells the cashier at the kibbeh place he frequents that he likes her decade.
reading. reading is what helps him get over that.
(he probably should touch on basic grammar first — nouns, verbs, particles, sentence structure, that sort of stuff — but figures he'll pick it up as he goes, basing his methodology on an inability to remember any rules for the english language. he grew up hearing it, reading it, watching it, surrounded by it, so it just is what it is now. why work so hard on task books made for kids, then, when he can just get right into the meat of the matter? acclimatise through force.)
he picks up stacks of books upon books upon poetry. naguib mahfouz. ghada al-samman. al-mutanabbi. mahmoud darwish. it takes him a month to get through the first, and another month for the second. which only means he really takes his time with them, roving over the same line until it's etched into his memory. the cadence, the beats for pause, the way a word he has to punch from his throat is followed by one that lilts, all sing-songy. eventually, he starts to (inadvertently) mimic that sweeping manner of speech, employing it in contexts which certainly don't call for it.
the cashier — the very same one whose age he mistakenly stressed, despite the fact that she couldn't have been much younger than him — is far too nice to say anything about it, smiling instead, endeared, while he waxes poetic about meze.
farah calls him out immediately the next time they catch up.
apparently, no one speaks in classical arabic anymore, go figure. it would be like talking in shakespearean english, she tells him. he imagines it, iambic pentameter and all, and cringes, newly determined. his own research unearths (though it wasn't really a secret) the fact that there are roughly 25 different dialects belonging to different regions — and while some are pretty similar (syrian and lebanese), others could classify as a whole other language on their own (moroccan).
reddit tells him what he already knows; that the best way to learn is through exposure. there are no dictionaries for patois. and farah, despite her total enthusiasm at his interest, is far too busy of a woman to help.
(really, it just gives him an excuse to finally do what he's been meaning to.)
the next time he's craving kibbeh, he's fixed on not making a fool of himself when he asks the cashier out to lunch.
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complaints I've already seen about Coral Island, a new Indonesian kickstarter cozy game: the barman selling a ruined dish is an uncalled-for jab at restaurant workers! cats shouldn't hang out outdoors! eew, this woman shouldn't display her pregnancy stretch marks! where are all the kippot! why is everyone in such good shape! preposterous! this partially deaf character talking in caps lock is triggering me! no one in doctors without borders would be that tattooed, this dreadful representation is literal murder! no doctor would forget her paperwork at a library, for that matter! why is a japanese fisherman talking like a scottish pirate, this is inaccurate!
meanwhile in the game: I freed a stone statue from a magical underground prison and he put an enchantment on my hoe. his brother asked me if I liked figs is he flirting. my hippie boyfriend is heartbroken because his bucket-wearing pet duck is sick but shhh watching tv will heal him. last night when I talked to the outdoors cat she mentioned that she has a crippling fear of birds and thinks of getting therapy. a stem academic looks like a kpop idol and is getting enough sleep. he wears his astrophysics degree all over himself like a linguist would have worn alphabet necklaces, just to spite his dad but it's not working why is it not working ah shit it's working. mermaids hired me as a janitor. it's not pro bono I'm paid in diamonds. my neighbor is worried that his shiba inu went back to rejoin the mountain whence it came from. a turtle won't let me pass until I serve her spaghetti. I'm fighting capitalism with a literal scythe. the local blacksmith is asking my opinion regarding a legendary battle hammer and if it's worth the logistics hassle. it's been a year crabs are still dancing in celebration their zeal is admirable but their choreography could use some work. this giant monkey covered in two layers of meta wants to sell me a nostalgic souvenir. I know it because he sent me a polite letter. how many propaganda flyers can I fish out of this pond a challenge. I barged into a local lab and upended a barrel of seaweed over intricate circuitry now my flowers are five percent prettier. the scientist at the lab attached a mermish translator to my diving suit via the power of coffee. hold on I'm doing meal prep for next week let me finish putting ectoplasmic slime on okra
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yanderederee · 5 months
I'd like to request yandere Ran Haitani with the letter K for the yandere alphabet 🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Ran loves to tease his darling. Constantly playing with your hair, poking you at any given chance, caressing your face, staring at you like a little puppy. It’s kind of annoying for everyone, but he can’t get over how much he really loves you. It takes him a while, like, years, to get out of this phase.
His voice is like silk with how calm he is at all times, barely ever showing you anything other than his confident and collected demeanor.
Around other people he may seem more sloth-ish and nonchalant. Maybe a smirk here or a taunt there, but not too expressive. If you’re around though, he stands a little taller. Ran has a stationary small grin at all times, always with an arm around you, or your knees propped up on his thigh, feet dangling.
Ran is flirtatious 24/7. It’s impossible for anyone within a 20 foot radius of you to Not know that you are Ran Haitani’s pretty little thing.
If he could convince you to get a tattoo of his name, he would double down on it as sweetly as he could. If not, he’ll settle for buying you all the accessories, including a necklace with his name in cursive.
Takes care of you with expensive things too. Never got your nails done before? Try it, he’s paying. Like them short? Long? Fake? Clean and cute? Anything you want. Hair done? Takes you to his usual place, and tells you to be a bossy as you want about what you want.
Even if you’re not interested in name brands or designer fashion, he is, and he loves to spoil you. Will start off small, since he actually wants you to wear the things he buys for you. It makes him sad if you don’t. A crossbody with matching wallet, tolerable wedged heels, heavy hair clips, makeup and skin care that he wants to share with you.
Gift giving is one of his long languages. Even if you don’t like it, let him spoil you. It makes him happy.
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cameronspecial · 11 months
Let Me Give It To You, Angel
Pairing: Frat!Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings: N/A
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.9K
Summary: After a month of dating, Y/N isn't sure if what she has with Rafe is love.
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Y/N and Rafe have been girlfriend and boyfriend for a month now and everyone knows it. She has to admit that she is nervous about being with him. Her biology major clashes with his business one. Her more reserved personality isn’t supposed to go with his outgoing party one. She knows there must be whispers about her around campus because she’s heard a few of them. She’s only with him because he needs help with some of his school work and she wants something out of it. She makes him stay home from parties. She is trying to control him. Everyone seems to think that whatever she and Rafe have is anything but love. They are, of course, wrong because she does love him. And he loves her. At least, she hopes that he loves her. Neither of them has said the words yet, but she knows that’s how she feels about him. They are both scared to say the words out loud. They just don’t know the other’s feelings. 
A small part of her feels like maybe he doesn’t like her. She can see how he treats her differently from the other girls. How he looks at her with a special twinkle reserved only for her. How he always follows his rules to take care of her. Her brain wants to take all of those facts though and replace them with doubt. And Rafe can see that. 
Her head is placed on his chest, letting it rise and fall with his breathing. His fingers twirl her hair around and around. He looks down to see her deep in thought, “What’s on your mind, Angel?” She readjusts her head on his chest, so she can look at him. “Do you ever hear the rumours about us on campus?” she whispers. His brows meet at a point, moving her hair behind her ear, “Yeah, why are you asking?” “Do you think they are right? That what we have isn’t lo- liking,” she worries, occupying herself with tracing her finger along his chest. His heart flutters at the word she is about to say. He knows she is going to say she loves him and he wants to scream to the world how happy he is. “I love you,” he says, looking her dead in the eyes. If this conversation is going where he thinks it is, then he knows she needs those words. Her cheeks raise to create a puff and her eyes gleam with happiness, but her concern comes back soon. “But how do you know what we really have is love? We’ve never been in love before.” 
He gets off of his bed, searching for something on his dresser. He returns to her and pulls her onto his lap. “I may not have been in love before, but I know exactly how I feel about you. When I’m with you, the world stops. All I can think about is you and how I can make you happy. The thought of you being taken away from me would kill me,” he confesses. “And I’ve never felt that way about someone before, so if that’s not love, then I don’t know what is. But if that doesn’t convince you about how I feel, then maybe giving you this will.” He holds up his hand and a golden chain dangles from between his fingers, hanging from a small jump ring is the name of his frat in the Greek alphabet. His fraternity letters. A necklace given to him by his frat brothers that Rafe is never supposed to give it away. 
“Rafe, you can’t give this to me. Your frat brothers are going to kill you,” she refutes, pushing his hand back towards him. He shakes his hand, unclipping it to put it around her neck, “I don’t care about them. If this is going to show you how much I love you, then let me give it to you, Angel.” His lips greet her cheek as he admires the way the letters rest between her breasts. He thinks he might die with how happy he is with her wearing his necklace. “Rafe, thank you. I love you too,” she says, giving him multiple kisses on the lips. His hands go to play with her hair, “I love you so much, Angel. I don’t think you will ever understand.” He places his head on her neck, enjoying the warmth of her in his arms. They may have only been dating for a month, but he already knows he would stay the rest of his life in hell for this Angel. 
It’s the frat’s weekly meeting and every brother is supposed to wear their letters to it, but when Rafe shows up without it, it causes an uproar amongst the boys. “Where are your letters?” Kelce questions, holding up his own as if Rafe doesn’t know what he is talking about. Rafe shrugs nonchalantly, walking to his chair at the head of the table, “I gave it to Y/N.” “What! Dude, those are your letters. You aren’t supposed to give it to some random chick,” Topper argues. Rafe’s head whips towards Topper with anger, “My angel isn’t some chick. I love her and she needed something to prove that. I don’t want to hear another gripe about this. Do you understand?” “Man, he is whipped for her,” Topper mutters under his breath. Rafe ignores Topper and starts the meeting. He places his phone on the table, accidentally turning it on so the whole room can see his background photo of Y/N smiling with his letters around her neck. 
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia
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yurinaa-world · 8 months
This is for the 800 milestone 🎉🎉🎉🎉 Argenti and Dan Heng Letters are Q, X, Y
Thank you!!! Congratulations! ❤️
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✦Characters: Dan Heng & Argenti
✦Alphabet: Q, X, Y
800 Follower Milestone Event; Under The Stars
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𝒟𝒶𝓃 𝐻𝑒𝓃𝑔
✦Quirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
Photographic memory: he remembers everything you need to do or where you need to be. He'll remind you if you forgot to fix your weapon since it got damaged. Clothes you needed to return but forgot, and it’s already the last day, he’ll remind you to return before you go out. That one accessory he saw, waiting for it to go on sale, but now you’ve completely forgotten it, he’ll remind you since he doesn’t want you to groan later about how you completely missed the sale and now you’ll have to wait or buy it at full price!
✦XOXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
He’s shy about it but loves being affectionate with you. Like after a long day of putting several things into the archive without a break, he’s exhausted, you can keep talking your head off to him while you hold each other close. It's actually relaxing.
✦Yearning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
Got you two matching rings so he can look at it and think of you. His ring has the colour of your eyes, and your ring is his eye colour. He just can’t wait to see you again.
✦Quirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
He is an amazing stylist; he knows how to get you looking fabulous in any type of occasion, in any type of clothes. You feel like a model whenever you go out on a date together. Just look at yourself while feeling so happy with how he dressed you and he’s always happy when you're happy. You can pick his outfit as well, he trusts your fashion choices.
✦XOXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
He is a complete romantic, like if you're gonna kiss you gotta have a beautiful setting as well AND! You can’t forget the roses dedicated to you, which are only one fraction of his love for you.
✦Yearning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
Has a picture of you in a necklace that he always puts under his shirt just in case it gets damaged. It would undoubtedly be a nightmare if that necklace breaks, and he loses your beautiful picture. Luckily, that never happened, well lucky for any who hasn’t been put in the position of his wrath.
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dissiasims · 15 days
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Simlish Alphabet Necklace
For adults, kids and toddlers
52 swatches (26 letters in silver or gold)
Base Game Compatibile
Custom Thumbnail
Get it from TSR: Simlish Alphabet Necklace // Simlish Alphabet Necklace Male // Simlish Alphabet Necklace Kids // Simlish Alphabet Necklace Toddlers
They are part of TSR Back To School Collection! :)
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simdertalia · 1 year
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🔮 Altar Set 5 🔮
20 items | Sims 4, Base game compatible.
Type “Altar Set 5” into the search query in build mode to find  quickly. You can always find items like this, just begin typing  the title and it will appear.
Always suggested: bb.objects ON, it makes placing items much easier. For further placement tweaking, check out the TOOL mod.
Use the scale up & down feature on your keyboard to make the items larger or smaller to your liking. If you have a non-US keyboard, it may be different keys depending on which alphabet it uses.
I hope you enjoy!
Set contains: -Brass Jar | 7 swatches | 1208 poly -Captured Spirit | 4 swatches each | 306 poly -Flower vase | 5 swatches | 818 poly -Love Letter | 9 swatches | 722 poly -Love Letter on Stand | 27 swatches | 1016 poly -Magic Circle BGC | 1 swatch | low poly -Moon Statue | 7 swatch | 514 poly -Pedestal (slotted) | 8 swatches | low poly -Pitcher Plant (wall) | 1 swatch | 2138 poly -Book | 10 swatches | 350 poly -Book (upright) | 10 swatches | 350 poly -Skeleton Key | 5 swatches | 554 poly -Spell Bottle | 1 swatch | 758 poly -Spell Bottle Empty | 1 swatch | 594 poly -Spell Bottle with Key | 5 swatches | 1138 poly -Tarot Card Stand | 18 swatch | 324 poly -Tia Dalma Doll | 1 swatch | 3524 poly -Wall Necklace Key | 30 swatches | 718 poly -Wooden Trivet (slotted) | 3 swatches | 80 poly -Wooden Trivel, small (slotted) | 3 swatches | 80 poly
As always, please let me know if you have any issues! Happy Simming! 💗
📁 Download all or pick & choose (SFS, No Ads): HERE
📁 Alt Mega Download (still no ads): HERE
📁 DL on Patreon
Will be public on August 30th, 2023 ✨ Some of my sets will be early access from now on. If you like my work, please consider supporting me:
★ Patreon  🎉 ❤️ |★ Ko-Fi  ☕️  ❤️
Thank you for reblogging ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
@sssvitlanz  @maxismatchccworld @mmoutfitters  @coffee-cc-finds  @itsjessicaccfinds  @gamommypeach  @stargazer-sims-finds  @khelga68  @suricringe  @vaporwavesims  @mystictrance15 @public-ccfinds
-Altar Set 1 (water) -Altar Set 2 (air) -Altar Set 3 (earth) -Altar Set 4 (fire)
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milkyboiiiii · 1 year
hello! Me again, I already saw and you don't have the Hanma alphabet... you could make the letters A, D, K and O
NSFW Alphabet : Hanma!
A, D, K, O
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Hanma always has a cigarette after sex, so he'll pull you on top of him and light one. He cuddles with you until his cigarette is finished then he'll get a warm damp towel to clean you up.
You sit on his lap as he wipes of any mess left on you. Aftercare with Hanma is surprisingly sweet considering he was just fucking you like a whore. He loves holding you close, he gets really clingy afterwards.
There's a really cute thing he does ones he gets you cleaned and comfortable (definitely gives you his shirt too) he takes your hands and draws his tattoos on them. It's a small little thing he does that feels so special.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Hanma has sold Kisaki your panties, videos of him fucking you, and your nudes before.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Choking kink obviously! Thinks his hand is your prettiest necklace Ɛ>
Always chokes you when he feels that you're about to cum, causing your eyes to roll back as you cream on his cock "look so pretty dollface...fucked dumb with my hand around your neck like that..."
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Could fuck your face for hours! Holds you by the hair and uses your face like a fleshlight. Loses it when you look up at him with tears in your eyes, you look like a mess, drool and tears running down your face. Somehow made his pace got faster and rougher.
He also loves getting lost in between your thighs, eating your pussy for hours. Thinks you taste amazing, telling you how sweet it is. His fingers hit the spot that has you seeing stars perfectly as he sucks on your clit!
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I missed writing for him Ɛ>
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mmaz1 · 2 years
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jamiewintons · 8 months
Felix Fickelgruber Smut Alphabet
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Hey everyone! I’m so sorry that this took so long for me to finish. I hope you enjoy it 💚
18+ ONLY! F!Reader. Reblogs and comments are always appreciated <3
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
If you're in a relationship with him, Felix is surprisingly sweet after sex. He’ll be very attentive and help you clean up, and then cuddle you after. If its a casual thing he tends to be a bit more standoffish, but you can tell he's catching feelings for you if he starts getting a bit more affectionate.
B = Body part (favourite body part of their partner’s)
Your lips. He can't help but stare at them, and if you wear brightly coloured lipstick he's going to get ridiculously distracted. He also has a thing for your hips, and your legs in general - but mainly your thighs.
C = Collar (do they mark you as theirs in some way?)
Felix is incredibly possessive, and will mark you more literally with hickeys, but also by giving you lots of clothing/jewellery - its probably all dark green because that's his favourite colour and it matches with his outfits. Maybe he even gives you a necklace with the letter 'F' on it?
D = Dominant (do they prefer to dominate, or be dominated? are they a top or a bottom?)
He's definitely a dom, but he doesn't mind giving you a little bit of control every once in a while. That's how you know that he trusts you.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Felix is experienced with sex, but a lot less experienced with relationships. He definitely knows what he's doing when he pleasures you, and he's quite smug about that fact.
F = Fuck (do they prefer to fuck or make love?)
Depends on how he's feeling in the moment, but I think he always refers to it as 'making love' because he's classy like that.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Felix definitely laughs quite often during sex, usually when he's teasing you and you either moan loudly or start begging for him. He loves that, and won't give up a chance to show you how pleased he is.
H = Hot (what turns them on, gets them going)
You wearing lingerie/a sexy dress, or if you sensually eat chocolate. Put the two things together and he's gonna want to fuck you right then and there.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He’s very romantic despite the whole heartless businessman thing, because you’re the only thing he cares about more than the money and prestige of being a successful chocolatier. Felix will definitely create a romantic atmosphere by lighting candles, covering your bed in rose petals, etc. All in all, he treats you like a queen.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Felix finds it super hot when you put on a show for him and let him watch you get yourself off, especially if you surprise him in his office (at work or at home).
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Foodplay for sure, particularly involving chocolate (his chocolate, of course). Also, as an anon said, he really loves seeing you in lingerie and stockings. Also I think he’d probably like it if you called him Daddy—
L = Location (favourite places to do the do)
At home in the bedroom you share (if you're at that point) is the best place, but Felix also loves the thrill of having his way with you in his office.
M = Mood (what’s the foreplay like? how do you get them in the mood?)
You could probably get Felix to do anything you wanted if you simply sat on his lap and whispered something spicy into his ear, especially if you happened to be wearing a sexy dress at the time. He loves foreplay too, and it tends to involve a lot of neck kisses and him feeling up your legs and hips.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Felix would never want to share you with anyone else. He's far too possessive for that. He might like other people to see the two of you together and envy him, but he'd never let anyone else touch you.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He's very skilled at giving, and he's incredibly proud of that fact. He loves receiving almost just as much, especially when he's sitting in his office chair and you're kneeling beneath his desk.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
It differs! Sometimes he’s so sweet and romantic, but other times he’s rough and demanding.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Felix is a big fan of quickies when you come to visit him at his office. When you’re at home together, he prefers to take his time with you.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Definitely! I think that Felix is quite open minded about sex, and would be willing to try new things that either of you bring to the table - as long as that doesn’t involve sharing you with anyone else, as noted above.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
It depends on the day and the circumstances of your encounter. If you’ve been teasing him/trying to get him worked up a lot, he might not last that long, but he is very quick to recover.
T = Tryst (are they into casual sex or one night stands?)
Your relationship with Felix probably begins as a casual thing or a one night stand, so that would be a yes. But once he’s fallen for you, he can’t even imagine being with anyone else.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He loves to tease - sometimes he’ll take things so incredibly slow and then won’t give you what you need until you’re begging him.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Felix can get pretty loud. I don’t think he’d be embarrassed by it, so he makes no real effort to keep himself quiet, unless he absolutely has to (if you’re somewhere where you could be heard). At home/in private, he’ll moan as loudly as he feels like, and encourages you to do the same because he likes to hear you.
W = Wait (how long do they wait before having sex with their partner for the first time?)
As I said above, I imagine that your relationship probably begins as a kind of casual thing, but if it doesn’t, I think that he’d still want to start having sex pretty early on. It all depends on how quickly you want to move the relationship.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He’s a skinny guy (as all of Mat’s characters are), dick size wise I’d say he’s probably a bit bigger than average? I don’t have an exact measurement in mind.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
I’d say pretty high. You probably have sex at least once a day if time permits and you’re both up for it. Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
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lulu2992 · 2 days
My beaded creations
Have I ever told you about my handcrafted beaded jewelry collection?
Don’t answer that, I know I haven’t.
Well, I’ve been making bracelets, necklaces, rings, and other stuff for years now, most of them inspired by things (such as games or movies) that I like, so I thought it would be nice to finally share and talk about my creations :)
Part 1: Seed beads
One of the first video game series I fell in love with, back when I was 14-15, was The Legend of Zelda. Of course, I had to make Zelda jewelry!
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Hyrule Crest bracelet, made with gold and clear beads.
In 2011, I played Skyward Sword and became… a little obsessed with Ghirahim :’)
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A bracelet inspired by Ghirahim’s final form, and another with his name (and a reference to his white outfit).
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Rings inspired by Ghirahim’s final form (top) and cloak (bottom).
2011-2012 was also the time I fell in love with two pieces of media that are still very dear to my heart and that, in a way, almost changed my life: the movie Sucker Punch and the video game Far Cry 3. They inspired many creations.
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BABYDOLL and VAAS sets of rings, made with seed and alphabet beads.
By the way, I made a lot of stuff using alphabet beads, but that will be in Part 2.
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Bracelet with Babydoll’s “full” name, M.REEAS, and two orbitoclasts.
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BABY and DOLL rings.
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A VAAS ring.
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Bracelet inspired by Far Cry 3 with the word INSANITY written in symmetry, in turquoise blue and iridescent grey.
In 2013, I played Tomb Raider, the first game of the “Reborn Trilogy”. Years later, I also played (and enjoyed) its two sequels.
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Bracelet inspired by Lara Croft’s journey, with the words I SURVIVED and an arrow.
In 2013 and 2014, I discovered two other video game franchises I still love today: Hitman and BioShock. The first titles I played at the time were Hitman: Absolution and BioShock Infinite.
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Two rings, one inspired by Agent 47’s iconic suit, and the other by the AD scar on Booker DeWitt’s hand.
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A recreation of Elizabeth’s medallions: the cage and the bird.
Later in 2014, I played the rest of the BioShock series.
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Bracelets inspired by the tattoos on Jack Ryan’s wrists, made with clear and black beads.
In 2015, I was introduced to the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII and specifically to Advent Children. I’ve never played the games but, to understand the movie, I watched all the Crisis Core cutscenes and read extensively about the story of FFVII and even Before Crisis. Many tears were shed for Zack and Aerith in the process.
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Three rings inspired by the Remnants of Sephiroth, Kadaj, Loz, and Yazoo. The letters K, L, and Y are blue because of their eyes and the lifestream. The fourth ring simply has the letter S in clear silver beads surrounded in black for Sephiroth.
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Rings for Zack and Aerith. The blue and silver ones were originally pink and blue but accidentally ended up in the washing machine. A “happy” accident, after all, because they look nice too and, considering what their story is, the absence of color creates a new symbolic meaning!
In 2018, Far Cry 5 came out, but I only created these recently:
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Top: a ring with three J for the Seed brothers, John (blue), Joseph (yellow), and Jacob (red). On the other side, an attempt at the Eden’s Gate cross.
Bottom: a ring for Faith Seed, and what is supposed to be flowers on the other side (Bliss flower in the center and two pink ones like the ones on her dress). The letter F is green on a clear background, but if you look closely, you may notice three iridescent clear beads too. Combined with the F shape, they form the letter R, for Rachel.
This year, I also made sword bracelets inspired by The Legend of Zelda, Sucker Punch, and Mulan (1998):
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The Master Sword, Babydoll’s katana, and Mulan’s sword.
And these are from a while ago, but here are game controllers. The Wiimote + Nunchuk can’t really be worn as jewelry; I just felt like making that.
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To be continued in Part 2 :)
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intothestacks · 3 months
So, the escape room I made for the Grade 4s & 5s works like this (1/2):
Firstly, I made it cooperative instead of competitive, in honour of the book I’ve read for the past 2 years to the Grade 4s (Escape from Mr. Lemoncello’s Library by Chris Grabenstein), which is kind of like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory but set in a library with an escape-the-room game that turns out to be cooperative.
The story for the game is that, one day during library time, the lights go out, and when they come back on, the grownups are gone and they’re locked in the library. The landline doesn’t work, and neither does the computer, so they can’t call for help. But an unknown voice speaks from the intercom telling them that they must figure out who’s behind this if they want the grownups to return and the library to unlock.
There are 4 teams, each of which must follow clues that culminate in a clue that must be used with the final clues of the other teams to solve the final riddle, which is the name of who’s behind the library lock-in (the final clues are the letters L-O-K-I).
Each team has envelopes with a different symbol on it which in itself are technically clues to who’s behind what’s going on: 
a green sugar skull (to represent Loki’s daughter Hella, goddess of death)
a green snake eating its own tail (to represent Loki’s Monstrous Child Jörmungandr)
a blue wolf (to represent Loki’s Monstrous Child Fenrir the Great Wolf)
a brown symbol of an eight-legged horse (representing Loki’s horse-child Sleipnir).
Each envelope also has a number so they know the order to open the envelopes in.
The clues are all Viking-themed and lead them to different areas of the library. The first clue for each theme is centered around an object (a Mjollnir necklace, a pop-up card of a Viking ship, my cellphone, and a box that looks like a fake book).
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Every team has one activity where they have to decipher something and the other clues are more like a scavenger hunt style. 
For example, the clue leading to the religion section requires them to put magnets that I printed pics of gems on them in the correct order in order to place the corresponding coloured letter magnets to spell out RELIGION.
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The order of the gems is based on a list I provide them of the Nine Worlds of Norse mythology, with each world name shaded as the corresponding colour of a gem.
Two of the other interactive clues are rebuses, and the final interactive clue is the word “languages” written in Norse Runes (I provide them with a list of the Norse alphabet).
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aphroditelovesu · 2 years
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📜 Yandere Alexander the Great Headcanons (General)
📜 Yandere Julius Caesar Headcanons (General)
📜 Yan!Alexander the Great Random Headcanons
📜 Yan!Julius Caesar Random Headcanons
📜 Yandere Henry VIII w/Mistress!Reader Headcanons (Romantic)
📜 Yandere Henry VIII/Anne Boleyn Headcanons (Poly!Romantic)
📜 Yan!Husband Genghis Khan Headcanons (Romantic)
📜 Yandere Baldwin IV/Leper King Headcanons (General)
📜 Yan!Husband Henry VIII Headcanons (Romantic)
📜 Yan!Parents Henry VIII/Anne Boleyn w/Son!Reader Headcanons (Platonic)
📜 Yan!Alexander the Great w/Soldier's Pregnant Widow!Reader Headcanons (Romantic)
📜 Cyrus and Aella Headcanons (The Lost Queen)
📜 Yan!Husband Alexander the Great Headcanons (Romantic)
📜 Poison | Yan!Alexander the Great
📜 Bucephalus | Yan!Alexander the Great
📜 Opal Necklace | Yan!Alexander the Great
📜 Night Time | Yan!Julius Caesar
📜 Persian Queen | Yan!Alexander the Great
📜 Handmaiden | Yan!Alexander the Great
📜 Handmaiden - II | Yan!Alexander the Great/Yan!Roxanna
📜 Sculpture | Soft!Yan!Alexander the Great
📜 Wedding Gifts | Soft!Yan!Alexander the Great
📜 Kitten Pajamas | Soft!Yan!Alexander the Great
Long Fics
📜 The Lost Queen | Yan!Alexander the Great
NSFW Alphabets
📜 Yan!Alexander the Great NSFW Alphabet
coming soon...
📜 Yandere Alexander the Great | [6]
Love Letters
📜 Yandere Julius Caesar (Romantic)
📜 Yandere Alexander the Great (Romantic)
📜 Yandere Alexander the Great (Romantic)
📜 Yandere Alexander the Great (Romantic)
📜 Yandere Julius Caesar and Yandere Alexander the Great w/Pregnant!Reader (Romantic)
📜 Yandere Alexander the Great after the birth of the twins (Romantic)
📜 Yandere Alexander the Great (Platonic)
📜 Yandere Simon Bolivar (Romantic)
📜 Yandere Alexander the Great (Romantic)
📜 Yandere Alexander the Great w/Wife!Reader (Romantic)
📜 Yandere Henry VIII w/Wife!Reader (Romantic)
📜 Yandere Alexander the Great and Julius Cesar w/Wife!Reader (Romantic)
📜 Yan!Alexander the Great, Yan!Julius Caesar, Yan!Napoleon Bonaparte and Yan!Henry VIII w/Cheat Wife!Reader (Romantic)
📜 Yan!Alexander the Great w/Twins!Children (Platonic)
📜 Yandere Napoleon Bonaparte and Yandere Marquis de Lafayette w/Wife!Reader (Romantic)
📜 Yandere Alexander the Great and Yandere Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror (Romantic)
📜 Reader Love Letter for Julius Caesar (Romantic)
📜 Yan!Julius Caesar to Yan!Cleopatra
📜 Yandere Mehmed the Conqueror (Romantic)
📜 Yandere Pompey the Great (Romantic)
📜 Yandere Catherine of Aragon (Platonic)
📜 Yandere Catherine of Aragon w/Brother!Reader (Platonic)
📜 Yandere Baldwin IV (Romantic)
📜 Yandere Caesar Augustus (Romantic)
📜 Yandere Alexander the Great Reaction: If Reader isn't a virgen
📜 Yan!Henry VIII being able to marry his Mistress!Reader
📜 Yandere Alexander the Great w/Christian!Reader
📜 Yandere Alexander the Great/Generals with a Shy!Reader
📜 Reaction to Reader wanting to have more than 5 children | Henry V, Napoleon Bonaparte, Charles Brandon, Henry VIII, Francesco Pazzi, Lorenzo de' Medici, Edward Seymour
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Letter M pleaseee!! 💗
Fluff Alphabet
M (marriage)
Now, having grown up in the country, Luke is a bit of an old-fashioned guy in the sense that he really wants to get married. He definitely would fantasize about his dream wedding as a little kid--most of all, he fantasized about having a partner to call his spouse, someone to love and be loved by for the rest of his life.
Luke is honestly the type of guy to just randomly blurt out "MARRY ME," but he makes an effort to make your proposal something really memorable. There's a pretty good chance he proposes as soon as he returns to Endor after the fateful battle on the Death Star. He's so ecstatic to see his loved ones--not to mention full of adrenaline after nearly dying at the hands of the Emperor--so he gently pulls you aside, gets down on one knee, and pops the question. Instead of conventional wedding rings, he made the two of you matching japor snippet necklaces with runes and symbols signifying love; to this day, he hasn't even taken his off once.
While Luke does have a few ideas--big or small, he definitely wants his family in attendance--he isn't picky at all when it comes to the details of the wedding. He wants it to be as personalized and meaningful as possible, so it can thoroughly represent how special your bond is and celebrate the wonderful marriage that is to come. My favorite headcanon is marrying him in the exact same place on Naboo where his parents got married (and then having your honeymoon there); he fell in love with the location the moment R2 showed him a secret recording of their elopement. However you want your wedding to be, at the end of the day, it's a really magical moment, and he's over the moon that it's one he gets to spend with you and cherish forever.
Okay, I think we all agree that Luke would basically be the perfect husband. He's a surprisingly domestic guy--Aunt Beru raised him right--and will cook, clean, and do chores without complaint. In accordance to his Jedi lifestyle, he likes to maintain relatively simple and neat living conditions. Frugality is second nature to him (growing up on a moisture farm will do that to you), and while he wouldn't mind at all if you prefer to have more vibrant spaces, you can always count on him to keep everything nice and tidy.
Disagreements are inevitable in any relationship, but with Luke, they never escalate into full-blown arguments. While he was infamously very stubborn in the past, he always makes an effort to never raise his voice at or be rude to you whenever you're having a disagreement. He believes in open communication and values above all else having enough trust in your relationship to freely share your emotions and differing viewpoints. Ultimately, you and Luke have such a strong, loving marriage, with the two of you inspiring each other to be the best versions of yourselves every single day.
obligatory shoutout to @dailydragon08 for helping me come up with ideas ❤️❤️❤️
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