#alphinaud got off less with them telling him he fucked up
me projecting my character issues on stormblood by giving eyrie issues
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arisenreborn · 5 months
Uno reverse card I am asking you to do questions from your ask game first >:3c Answer my riddles three: The Pawn #3, Arisen & Pawn #2, and Miscellany #3!
You still got me first! XD Now let's see if I can keep my answers roughly condensed. (comes back afterwards) yeah I failed.
(Dragon's Dogma 2 Ask Game)
Pawn #3 - If they were infected with the Dragonsplague, are there any specific ways they would act differently?
Because of that one time Dragonsplague just vanished in his presence, I like to think Rann has a particularly high immunity to it (this maybe has something to do with his red eye also who knows it was there before I knew what DP was), which translates later into actual infection being more subtle and less pronounced. Depending on how well the Pawns around him know him, Reverie is probably the only one who'd actually notice because he'd basically just be glued to her. Much less restrained in being a bit of a mother hen but any tiny fragment of personal space is gone between them also (Reverie is a tea kettle whistling trying to grapple with this). Overprotectiveness goes up considerably so meteor sightings and maelstrom activity has increased in the area. Laughing imagining you don't have to worry about him being a danger to your world because he's just gonna go jump in the brine to go back home to Reverie.
Emrys would be significantly harder to tell until the very final stages tbh. His eyes already had a tint of red to them, and he already had a bit of an attitude problem/streak of defiance, so it's not until it's about too late that you'd start to worry - if you even knew what to worry about. Lots of wandering off (not so weird, but it's the length of time and how far he goes), and starting fights (with monsters, mostly, but that's pointedly not like him, so apologies if he suddenly drags a drake into your fight o7). With Olivia he's icy cold one second and burning hot the next; ignoring and keeping his distance from her or being really possessive and domineering the next.
Arisen & Pawn # 2 - For each of them - Who is their favorite and least favorite NPC?
Reverie has a fondness for Sven, she respects his desire to break free of his circumstances and rise above them, to do and be better - and believes he'll be a positive influence on Vermund in the future. (A bit of my WoL - Alphinaud dynamic leaks in here tbh ^^) She also has a slightly complicated relationship with Srail; they were very close once, but things have changed a lot. Still, she feels a lingering fondness for him, and feels like she can rely and trust him instinctively. There are obvious options for least favorite, but Fiska is the only one she actually invited gratuitous violence on, so I think that might say something... (I think when she arrived at the excavation site she had some pretty severe PTSD going on...) Rann has a scholarly respect for Myrddin, but really gets along with his daughter Trysha. (oh no I'm gonna start spiraling) Just imagining them studying magic together, him teaching her and indeed learning from her as well, and ending up with this incidentally really fucking adorable almost father-daughter relationship that Myrddin (in my eyes) clearly doesn't have with her. And this being one of those areas outside of Reverie where Rann starts to have legitimate human feelings and desires like the thought wouldn't necessarily occur to him yet but definitely that seed, yeah, of maybe he'd like to have kids one day. 😭 He is also deeply intrigued by Phaesus, but it's... complicated... I'd say Phaesus falls into a very hazy zone of 'dislike' because of wariness and a discomfort of coming too close to something keenly similar to himself (that he can't entirely remember, so it's just a Feeling, almost like instinct, which makes it more unnerving.) On the flipside he absolutely cannot abide Lady Elena, the fact that she would harm those she was meant to heal is appalling to him, and Radcliff isn't too much better for being so self-serving in the face of others suffering.
(I just looked back and realized I still have Em and Olivia omfg I can do this I can be brief and concise)
Olivia loves everyone. Except assholes. It's pretty simple, really. But she really loves Wilhelmina and Srail (my Srail simping strikes again). And Ursula. And Keltse, and Sigurd, and- Shorter list of dislikes, apart from the usual suspects, she can't stand Albert, and Philbert is an old racist arse. Deep down, Emrys would claim not to care for anyone. It's what he'd prefer. Unfortunately, deeper down, he's a softie, and has a lot of fun drinking with Keltse, or playing with Daphne and the other kids in the slums. He's a big fan of everything Wilhelmina is doing, and Srail and him have some "history" that made things a bit awkward initially when they met again with Olivia, but they're on above-average good terms now. He surprisingly gets along well with Glyndwr; at first he's just kind of sardonically intrigued by him and yeah, kind of an ass, but Glyndwr doesn't really pick up on that. In the end he can't help but understand what it feels like to not 'fit in' with your kind the way you 'ought to', but finds it... 'inspiring' might be a bit strong, but sure, that he still finds his own way to do so and connect with his people.
Misc. #3 - What would be their go-to fast food order?
I recently went on vacation and we don't have Bojangles where I am but it will haunt me now (KFC wishes it could be Bojangles imho). So Reverie would get a 3pc leg and thighs with double side of Bo-tato rounds and a large sweet tea and a bo-berry biscuit. Live my dream, girl. At Panera Rann gets the pick two order with half a bacon turkey bravo sandwich and half fuji apple chicken salad, and an iced tea. I feel like Olivia would get the Panda Express orange chicken and rice… But Kristi and I both agreed she'd go either way depending on mood from light refreshing salads to a triple cheeseburger. She'd be the type to really customize her order too "no pickle, extra mayo-" etc. And often trying the latest spicy thing on the menu even though they always kill her. I'm giving Emrys my taco bell order: steak grilled cheese burrito and a side of nacho fries - except he's a big energetic guy he'd probably be able to down two burritos.
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jakey-beefed-it · 1 year
If Varian is a nicknamer, what are the nicknames he's come up with for the Scions or any other NPCs who come to mind?
Got long, also some spoilers, so here's a cut
Alisaie- Starts off calling her 'red' for the hair ribbon (the only way he can tell the twins apart at a glance at first) and occasionally , progresses to 'kid' and then just her name or Ali. Sometimes still calls her 'kid,' especially when she's goin' through it, as in 'c'mere, kid' [hug]
Alphinaud- Starts off calling him 'fancy lad', by late ARR he more often calls him 'General' with mild if obvious sarcasm (the unheard 'Armchair' going before it still very apparent) but by the time Heavensward starts up properly he is calling him 'kid' like Alisaie. By late Heavensward it's Alphy more often than not. Once or twice he slips and just calls him 'son'.
Krile- Professor. Where Varian comes from, 'Professor' is something you call a know-it-all busybody more often than a career descriptor. Krile doesn't need to know that. Alisaie has definitely picked up on it. Alphinaud would be scandalized if he figured it out.
Lyse- Basically calls her by whatever name she's going by at the time- though in ARR he might refer to her as 'knuckles' in an approving sort of way, like he listens to Papalymo's plan, hears that her alternative plan is to go in swinging, and says 'I'm with knuckles, on this one.' By Stormblood he invariably uses her name in the slightly awkward way you might with a crush.
Papalymo- Mostly called him by his name, though when he'd be particularly hard on Yda, Varian might take her aside like 'You gonna let that pompous runt talk to you like that?'
Tataru- What do you call the heart of your weird organization who throws her entire everything into keeping it going, learning new skills the way people pick up cool rocks? You call her whatever the hell she wants.
Thancred- When Thancred is on his game (coming to the rescue at critical moments, infiltrating enemy strongholds), Varian calls him by his name. When Thancred is being a horndog or drinking heavily, Varian tends to refer to him as 'Slops'. Like, grabbing his shoulder and hoisting him onto a chair so he doesn't drown in his own vomit, 'Come on, slops, keep it together'.
Urianger- Has a number of nicknames. Most of them revolve around how fucking odd he is. His penchant for Batmanning into a scene when no one knew he was even around has earned him the nickname 'Wigs' as in he wigs people the fuck out.
Y'shtola- Has never been anything but 'Y'shtola'. Varian respects her and low-key is afraid of the results if he tried to give her a nickname. Best case scenario, she retaliates proportionally, and if 'little sun' is any indication, people don't come back from Y'shtola nicknames.
Aymeric- Starts off with low-key contempt, something with the same in-universe ring as 'choir boy' but also 'fucking cop', not sure exactly what it'd be. But by the time the man is charging into a fortified position to rescue hostages all while tearing open his very fresh near-mortal wounds, there's no fucking way Varian says anything but his name with anything less than maximum respect.
Edmont- Calls him 'chops' in conversation with Alphinaud and Tataru like once (the facial hair), but quickly grows to really respect and admire him and by the end of Heavensward has to resist the urge to call him 'dad' sometimes.
Estinien- Dragoon abilities mean he gets nicknamed 'hops' a lot of the time. Also somewhat disparagingly calls him 'killer'; as in he recognizes a fellow Rabid Dog but doesn't feel like Estinien has enough self-awareness or restraint to really manage that without getting people hurt. He grows into it though, and thus gets upgraded- 'Estinien' when directly addressed, 'surly' when being referenced (only in his own presence- like 'Alphy, you and surly go check out the path').
Haurchefant- The man literally keeps charging in to the rescue on a chocobo. Varian starts jokingly calling him 'hero.' Then it's not a joke. Then it's really not a joke.
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themadchemist · 4 years
I'm curious about your headcanons on the Ascians and the Scions! Of any kind! 😄
Almost all of those are silly and some of them are probably ooc (if you were expecting anything serious, then you've asked the wrong person XD)
Anyway, I had lot fun thinking of those 💙💙💙💙💙
He's a professor and surprisingly all of his students really enjoy his class since he's so passionate about his subject and goes out of his way to ensure that everyone understands what he's teaching, even though it's extremely hard to actually pass his class.
Sometimes, some other members of the Convocation attend his classes (because they can piss him off and he won't do anything about it during the actual class). The only one who's actually welcomed is Elidibus who pays the utmost attention. On the other hand, Nabriales isn't welcomed at all after a certain stunt he pulled with his time manipulation abilities. (at least it helped him dodge a fire ball aimed at his face).
He's really good at drawing but he doesn't really draw anything "artistic", he only uses this talent to design his creations' appearances. He also has a very nice singing voice but no one's ever heard him sing (except for Anais).
He doesn't have a problem with waking up early or not getting enough sleep because of work but he'd get grumpier than usual if someone wakes him up early on his rare days off.
Emet Selch:
He sometimes locks himself up in his office, claiming that he has so much work and that he's not to be interrupted. He actually either sleeps or reads some play during that time.
He's pretty good at dancing but good luck getting his lazy ass to actually dance.
Sometimes he has insomnia so he attends one of Lahabrea's classes to cure it because he falls asleep instantly when the speaker starts talking. Laha used to yell at him because of it at first but suddenly stopped at some point. (Hythlodaeus told him why). Another place that helps him sleep is Mitron's aquarium.
He used to tell Varis stories about a traveler, their friends and their battles against a grumpy fire obsessed old man.
He has a very bad case of sweet tooth but he tries so hard to hide it. (he failed and that's how Azem convinced him to help them with that volcano issue.)
He has chess matches with Lahabrea twice a month. He wins 75% of them.
Despite trying to put up a professional front, he's prone to joining Azem and Hyth in their less than serious shenanigans. He either get caught or feels so bad about it that he admits his involvement and apologizes.
Even after spending a long time in Amaurot, he's never memorized the directions to certain places. (it's hard to do so from his low point of view.)
Bonus #1 Hythlodaeus:
While he's normally very relaxed and lenient, he's actually really strict when he decides to work seriously (it happens once every month or two when he needs to catch up on all the work that he's piled up).
Bonus #2 Halmarut:
He's one of the few people who are capable of reigning Lahabrea in and serves as his anger control 95% of the time. He's really tired and he needs a break.
Alphinaud and Alisaie:
When they were younger, Alisaie was taller than Alphi but he somehow caught up to her over the years. She hates it and Alphi still has nightmares about Ali out growing him again.
Alphi once asked Alisaie to help him with physical training and she asked him to teach her how to draw. They're still trying to forget these events.
Alisaie is actually good at the "Alphinaud things" she just finds them extremely boring.
Alisaie definitely got into trouble in school for beating up whoever tried to bully Alphinaud and Alphi got into trouble for completely roasting who ever bothered Alisaie.
(Idk how Alphi's carbuncle works but) Alisaie was crushed when the carbuncle chose Alphi instead of her.
Idk why I even have this idea, but I like to think that Thancred grew up on a ship before having to live in Limsa for some reason.
His first friend in Sharlyan? (I don't remember) was Urianger, who was tasked with helping him catch up on the basics. He didn't really understand most of what Urianger said (he still doesn't understand certain things even now) but he didn't ask for someone else because he found Urianger adorable and his manner of speech "absolutely fucking hilarious".
He had a huge crush on Y'shtola when he first met her but it faded after he saw what he calls "Y'shtola's evil twin" when he had to accompany her for shoe shopping once.
He started reading plays and poetry to try to understand Urianger's vocabulary and picked up some lines that he used to impress the ladies. It was so bad at first that even Papalymo noticed it and started making fun of him for it.
He's really good with kids and he was absolutely thrilled when he first met Ryne, even more so when she showed an interest in reading and magic.
Thancred would sometimes leave her in Urianger's care for a couple of days.
He taught her all she knows about magic. And cooking and baking some things. They made Thancred a birthday cake once.
Sometimes he pretends that he's reading magic tomes when in reality, he's reading some fantasy novel. The only ones who noticed it were Moenbryda and Thancred.
He definitely taught Ryne about astronomy. He tried to teach Thancred too but he kept falling asleep or disappearing whenever Urianger turned him back.
Bonus #1 Y'shtola:
Idk why but I can imagine her doing embroidery.
Bonus #2 Papalymo and Lyse:
Papalymo is everyone's big bro and he's tired of their shit.
He tried to teach Lyse some magic spells but he quit after the first session. All that Lyse learned that day was that being hit with Papalymo's staff hurt and bruised more than punches.
This is all I can think of for now, sorry for not having many ideas about certain characters.
Hope this wasn't too ooc 😁
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cryptidprimalslayer · 4 years
a quiet moment after Doma Castle. 
wol x Hien
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You need a place to decompress he says. a place settle in and put down some roots. somewhere to call home again. i told him home isn’t always four walls and a roof, it’s sometimes two eyes and a heartbeat. he got real flustered after that. i’ll tease him sometimes and call him his boyhood name; in return he’ll call me “bunbun” as my father used to say. real creative of him but it stuck so it’s whatever now. that’s in the past. a lot of things are in the past now...... he asks me if i’m alright, i’m not as excited/relieved as he had expected considered we just freed his homeland; a homeland i was very vocal in aiding. i tried to brush him aside with a fake smile and i’m just tired. “i’m very happy that your people are free now. really. all our hard work paid off.” he gave me a slight frown and put a hand on my lower back, leading me to a quiet spot away from the celebratory mood. he wanted to know what was on my mind but i couldn’t pick a specific thing wrong. it just felt like an unidentified sadness settled over me and wont go away. it’s not depression, i know how that feels; it’s heavier then this feeling. our quiet moment away turned into him guiding me into a room where we could sit and talk more in depth. so i told him. i told him it felt like some vague sadness, like a rain cloud just decided to park itself over my head. i couldn’t make myself fake happiness about this turn of events. he said he thinks he understands this sudden sadness; it reminds me of my own home under the imperials. i guess that’s what this is.  
we were leaned against the wall while i was tryna distract myself from this sadness by messing with his fingers. i had removed my rapier so i naturally didnt skewer him or hurt myself. i was concentrated on his callous hands from holding a katana i didn’t see him use the arm around me to feel my neck burns. i physically jumped demanding he dont startle me like that. he’s the only person i’ll let look or even touch my burns. Alphinaud wants to see them whenever he comes to pester me about joining the scions, or even just to ask about me. he’s kinda a weird kid. he made a move again shifting my collar to look at them. for awhile he was content to gaze and run his fingers over them. “How much is covered?” he asked so i said just about my entire back, the left side of my chest and what he could see of my neck and nub. that’s just my upper body; my remaining leg is kinda burnt too. his attention shifted off my neck and onto sadi nub which he studied like his life depended on it. why are you so interested in my scarring? it’s of no consequence now that’s all scarred up. i could really care less how it looks and people telling me what i shouldve done to prevent these ugly scars. fuck them it’s my body. my thoughts where interrupted by Hien softly kissing my arm on a burn. when i say i forgot how to breathe in that moment looking at him.... I gasped audibly tryna breathe again and put a hand over my chest as if to calm my racing heart. It wouldn’t slow down anytime soon as he didn’t stop there. I kept my shirt on but my neck burn was still exposed. by the time he finally relented we were on the ground and I had the reddest face imaginable. “Your sadness is gone I take it?” So that was your play.... Gods I love you. He got a kiss for that.
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dragons-bones · 5 years
FFXIV Write Entry #1: First Meetings
Prompt: Voracious | Master Post | On AO3
Rereha honestly hadn’t even intended to pay much attention at first: Alphinaud was taking point and bulldozing his way along, and Heron and Synnove were the ones who would probably be giving Minfilia the report on the outcome of this meeting. In private. Without Alphinaud’s own commentary.
(Honestly, it was a wonder Alakhai hadn’t shanked him for the comment about ‘ingratiating’ themselves with Haurchefant. Even her own cynical Ul’dahn heart sometimes just wanted to help people for the sake of helping them. Gods, Alphinaud, you’re sixteen, go get hammered and relax.)
Anyway, Rereha was here to stand on a chair and look pretty. Maybe have a cup of that excellent hot chocolate Haurchefant was always so delighted to dole out when one of them visited Camp Dragonhead. Indulge her hedonistic tendencies with one of those cream-stuffed puff pastries he promised to have ready for the meeting in the Intercessory.
She was absolutely, one hundred percent ready to zone out and not give a single godsdamn fuck about anything, right up until Ser Aymeric said, “I am not too proud to admit that I have followed your activities with an interest bordering on fascination. Full glad I was to learn that you would be joining us.”
The words were couched such that to anyone else, he was clearly talking about, and to, all four Warriors of Light. Except he was looking right at Synnove. Who had, perhaps, the faintest of blushes on her cheeks despite the stoic expression.
That’s when Rereha’s Echo woke up and smacked her right across the face.
Heron had once jokingly said that Rereha’s personal Echo gift, beyond the very helpful abilities all Echo-bearers received, was the ability to know when someone was having less than pure thoughts, considering how often Rere made bawdy jokes at someone’s expense—if she wasn’t outright blackmailing them. The thing was, Heron wasn’t exactly wrong.
Though, really, Rere didn’t need the Echo to tell that one Ser Aymeric de Borel was “fascinated” (hah!) by Synnove. That hadn’t been subtle in the least (well, not to her, since “overprotective big sister” Heron hadn’t twitched, but then admittedly Rere saw innuendo everywhere). And just who had been telling tales, anyway, hm?
She caught Haurchefant’s eye as they all settled around the table. Arched an eyebrow. What the hells?
He discretely shrugged one shoulder, mouth quirking up just slightly on one side. Tell you later.
She flicked her fore and middle fingers at him. Holding you to that.
Rereha, of course, completely zoned out on what Alphinaud and the Lord Commander were actually saying, though the bunny was getting frazzled, which was a delight. Instead, she paid more attention to where Ser Aymeric’s eyes were: frequently on Alphinaud, as the elezen was in fact paying attention, but Rere saw his gaze flick to Synnove every now and then. When he did, Rere’s Echo gave a slight ping.
So, probably not wanting to throw Synnove down on the table and ravish her. (At least not at this moment, thus not an exhibitionist that she could tell.) But definitely attracted. Definitely, definitely attracted.
And well, well, well, Synnove couldn’t take her eyes off Ser Aymeric at all. This had Potential.
(Thankfully, Rere’s Echo didn’t kick up a fuss for anyone in her immediate circle of friends and family and acquaintances. While the teasing would be epic, the nightmares would be awful. Heron and Synnove and Alakhai were her sisters and ew ew ew ew ew!)
As Ser Aymeric and the bunny (he was being an insufferable, she was going to call him the bunny, even if it was only in her head, since he hated the nickname so much) seemed to be winding down, however, Rereha noticed…a sound. Somewhere off to the left, behind one of the partitions here in the Intercessory. Where Haurchefant had mentioned the kitchen staff had set up the pastries for after the meeting. It sounded an awful lot like…
Rereha’s eyes widened and she frantically looked around. Oh no.
Oh noooooooo! Not the cream-stuffed puff pastries! Those were her favorite!
“Oh noooooooo,” she moaned aloud, drawing everyone’s attention.
“Is aught amiss?” the bunny said.
Rere ignored him and looked at Synnove. “Where’s Galette?” she hissed.
The Highlander stared back, horror quickly suffusing her features, and was up and out of her chair so fast it rocked from side to side. She darted around the partition, and her angry shriek echoed throughout the Intercessory: “GALETTE YOU ARE IN SO MUCH TROUBLE RIGHT NOW.”
“Mya!” Oh, that was definitely the sound of a carbuncle with her mouth full.
All of them were on the feet and rounding the partition to see the damage.
The long buffet-style table up against the partition had, at one point, been covered in platters and trays of sweet confections and baked goods. There was a smear of rolanberry compote. And over there, almond croissants had once sat, based on the slivers of nuts and what was probably marzipan. The sugar bowl for tea was upended on its side, licked clean. Rereha recognized the decimated crumbs of her favorite cream puffs on one plate and pouted.
Alakhai smacked Haurchefant’s arm. “You know better,” the Xaela hissed.
“I do,” he said mournfully. “Fool that I am, I thought she would behave for this. And she got to the fudge first, of course.”
Standing over the table was an incandescently enraged Synnove Greywolfe, right fist on her hip, left hand holding a completely unrepentant emerald carbuncle up to her eye level by the scruff. Galette was covered in cream and frosting and fruit compote and crumbs, paws a filthy mess and tucked close to her body, and the last éclair dangling from her mouth.
“Drop it,” Synnove hissed.
Galette stared at her mama with huge, dark eyes. She yipped around her mouthful of pastry. But I’m cute and fluffy!
Synnove’s glare intensified.
(Rerea’s Echo pinged hard. All right, wow, she wasn’t sure she actually wanted to know that. Maybe he was a switch?)
Galette stared back for another few, long moments. Then she untucked her paws, reached forward, and used them to shove the whole éclair into her mouth in one gulping swallow. She beamed at Synnove and said, “Mya!”
Rere could hear Heron and Haurchefant both desperately trying to keep from bursting out laughing, even as Alakhai groaned loudly. The bunny was sputtering and making apologies, while Ser Aymeric’s second chuckled softly.
Synnove, meanwhile, went from enraged to discouraged resignment, sighing heavily and grabbing a napkin to start cleaning Galette’s face. “You are,” she said to her carbuncle, “a disgrace. A degenerate hooligan. You act as if I never feed you. What an awful first impression to make, as if you had no manners.”
Galette just purred smugly.
Rereha carefully turned to look out of the corner of her eye. Ser Aymeric was ignoring Alphinaud, who didn’t seem to notice, and was looking at Synnove as she scolded Galette. His expression was, to her practiced eye, besotted.
Oh, yes. This had Potential.
“Of course, that’s when the guard burst in announcing that the heretics had made off with the crystal shipment,” Rereha said, draining her cup of strong mint tea.
Minfilia scowled in disappointment. “Oh, of course it was,” she around a piece of Ala Mhigan halva. “Always at the most inopportune moment to ruin the tension.”
The pair sat in Minfilia’s private solar, just off the Antecedent’s formal receiving room and office. A proper Ul’dahn high tea (with bits and pieces of Ala Mhigan influence) lay spread between them, presented in a delicate silver service that Minfilia had inherited from F’lhaminn. While Heron and Synnove and Alakhai typically delivered the Antecedent the formal report that would be written up and included in the Scions’ official records, Rereha gave Minfilia the bard’s eye view, with emotion and embellishment with all the juicy details—and it was just so much more fun to share the embarrassing gossip about their friends over tea and sweets.
“That being said,” Rereha drawled, pouring herself a fresh cup and adding a spoonful of cactus honey powder, “it meant Synnove got to have Galette redeem herself with that nose of hers.”
Minfilia leaned forward, grinning into her own mug. Her expression was equal parts eager and mischievous. “And impress a certain Lord Commander even further in the process?”
“Now, now, my dear,” Rere said, wagging her finger. “I can’t be doing all the sharing. Let’s save that story for another time.”
Minfilia pouted at her, sticking her lower lip out so far it had to be exaggerated. Rereha sputtered on her tea, and threw back her head to cackle. The Antecedent joined her laughter, and once they calmed, launched into the recent misadventures of Hoary Boulder and Coultenet.
(It wasn’t until much, much later, on the Enterprise as they escaped to Coerthas, that Rereha heartbrokenly realized she’d never told Minfilia the second part of the story.)
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illegiblewords · 5 years
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Imagine me, a poor writer and theorist, checking a couple of references from Harmonea’s youtube videos. I am already getting like five ideas at once and checking references.
And then this hits.
When Hydaelyn more or less blasts the shit out of Lahabrea, the figures involved include:
- Warrior of Light - Minfilia (Oracle) - Alphinaud - Y’shtola - Papalymo - Lyse - Merlwyb - Kan-E-Senna - Raubahn - Cid
This is ten so far.
Note Urianger is CONSPICUOUSLY ABSENT. Thancred being KO’d has a respectable cover but you guys don’t fucking trust Urianger. It isn’t even about the bajillion lies “for the greater good”, it is about his goddamn accent and him being bizarrely MIA for this scene.

Like seriously. SERIOUSLY. Supposedly he’s from Sharlayan and like Alphinaud and Alisaie grew up knowing him but the only other characters in the entire game who talk the way he does are the oldest of immortal dragons and HYDAELYN.
My actual theory is that somehow. SOMEHOW. Urianger is basically the vessel of a Hydaelyn-aligned Ancient who either regained awareness recently (????????) or regained partial awareness or was in bizarre stasis or something. Like he just for whatever reason skipped a chunk of time in-between Hydaelyn sundering and the present day, but dude’s an Ancient.
(And it becomes even more deeply ironic that he told Unukalhai to stop hiding his face already. He already got called out in-scene but the depth of that call-out probably goes even deeper. I’m telling you.)
Alternatively: Urianger was Zodiark all along. Clearly plausible and not at all a crack theory.
But anyway. Screaming about Urianger aside.
- Add Ysayle who is off murdering the Halonic Church - Add Urianger who might just be straight up Amaurotine running around pretending to be hip and modern without understanding any of the lingo whatsoever.
Now. There is a possibility that Alphinaud is a reincarnated Amaurotine summoner of Hydaelyn (I think he almost word-for-word quoted Elidibus at one point about balance or the fate of the star or something, I can’t remember the bit but there’s a post in the depths of tumblr about about how Alphinaud has clearly been an Ascian all along because he’s doing weird dialogue stuff with Elidibus) and Alisaie isn’t. Which would be some wild character drama for the two of them tbh and interesting as hell. And there’s also a possibility that Thancred, Krile, or both are not reincarnated summoners of Hydaelyn.
Twelve Eorzean deities. Twelve characters here.
How do they line up? Assuming that, save the Warrior of Light, gender matches…
Althyk - Nymeia - Minfilia (Fate, has to be as the Oracle) Nald’Thal - Halone - Ysayle (Hilarious irony) Nophica - Kan-E-Senna (Straightforward) Llymlaen - Merlwyb (Straightforward) Rhalgr - Raubahn (Straightforward) Menphina - Lyse (I guess???) Azemya - Y’shtola (Seeker of the Sun Miqo’te, blind all seeing Warden of ridiculous irony) Thaliak - Alphinaud (Honestly who else could he be) Oschon - Urianger (Just imagine me squinting suspiciously at the Wanderer title for a minute) Byregot - Cid (Making Nero’s complex a billion times worse)
My first instinct was that Warrior would be Althyk (the first of the Eorzean gods, followed by Nymeia) and Papalymo as a Thaumaturge would be Nald’Thal but then I went WAIT.
Because Louisoix called upon the symbol of Althyk to hurl Bahamut and co. into the future. And Papalymo basically echoes Louisoix with Shinryu. And if Hydaelyn basically makes mortality an inevitability, and the whole duality bit with darkness and light, I could still see WoL as Nald’Thal too. But that’s also personal bias a bit there lol. It could still just as easily be Papalymo is destruction magic and dies while WoL is space and time.
There are other ways the numerology could be fudged to totally make sense tbh. Nald’Thal is weird. The number fourteen could repeat again. Who even knows.
But I think that this screenshot identifies some of the reincarnated Amaurotines who summoned Hydaelyn and I’d be real surprised if they weren’t also the Twelve.
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