#honestly give me more Fordola
me projecting my character issues on stormblood by giving eyrie issues
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astrxealis · 1 year
the character development of so many ffxiv characters mean so much to me :((
#⋯ ꒰ა starry thoughts ໒꒱ *·˚#raghhh thinking of thancred right now! his development from 1.0 to how he is in shadowbringers means sooooo much to me#and then endwalker !! but the character whose character development from uhh early xiv to enw that i am thinking of rn is urianger :]#his character means so much to me (all of them do but you see i relate with urianger more i think) and the way he grows and then#the HUG and then aghh yeah ..... elidibus is such an interesting character for me with his development because#it's not just in-the-story development but the fact that. the writing of his character? he goes from this... rather flat character and they#give his character a depth that perfectly fits with that. and. then. yeah. yeah. yeah. just yeah.#fordola also hmmm from stb to the healer role quests. yeah <3 and then wow i forgot who else oops uhm but raha's character development#means the most to me out of everyone in ffxiv! he's like... aside from relating to him and him being my most favorite character ever#his story just makes me so hopeful and happy and just. yeah. proud and joyful. and then hmm wol's character development is#honestly absolutely fascinating. the devs managed to give the player's character who is formed by the player development throughout#the story? especially with drk quests. will never shut up about drk quests.#okay that's all my rambling for now but seriously i love the character development in ffxiv.#zenos as well honestly! him from stb to enw with how he regards us as a 'friend'?#OH AND ESTINIEN god i have so much to say about him and ysayle i love their development so much but i am tired of typing now lol
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tallbluelady · 11 months
Since you are one of Urianger's biggest fans, I thought you might know: Is anyone in his birth/childhood family ever mentioned?
I ask because a friend and I realized we couldn't remember anything about his family at all, and we know a little about every other major Scion's birth family (even Papalymo, though *that* one is really obscure.) But for Urianger, we only get his childhood friend and her family.
I wondered if we'd missed something in a side quest or something. Thanks!
Lord this turned into an essay... more after the break. TL;DR: The game does not give us any non-Moenbryda or non-Louisoix related people related to Urianger. They don't even confirm that he hung out with the other Scions during their years at the Studium. This leads us to believe that he was a ward of Louisoix of some sort, but there hasn't been any confirmation to that either (that I'm aware of).
There's not a whole lot about Urianger's past in game, honestly. A lot of characterization comes from Binding Coils quests (concern for Alisaie/the start of keeping secrets), Warring Triad (I can sense your bullshit, Unakalihai/wry sense of humor with Y'shtola), 3.4 (Alisaie telling us that she and Urianger were close/Urianger asking for Louisoix's guidance during the WoD fight), and small bits of StB (giving Alisaie her crystal rapier/coming out of the Lochs to help kick Fordola's ass). He gets a LOT of development in Shadowbringers, but nothing about his younger years. And you could put everything we learn about Urianger in Endwalker into two columns: how he is moving on with his life trying to stay true to his heart and how Moenbryda influenced him and continues to influence him.
There is not a lot about this man's youth! Everything in Urianger's past as far as the game gives us is that he spent his childhood with Moenbryda and was Louisoix's pupil. He doesn't have a Tales from series entry yet (big shame) and his entry in Encyclopedia Eorzea is about how he's a disciple of Louisoix and his amber carbuncle. There is a bit of 1.0 lore that Louisoix tells you that Urianger read too many prophecies as a kid and he hyperfixated himself a unique speech pattern. 
We don't even really know if he was friends with Thancred growing up! They're clearly at the very least best friends in adulthood but other than having an overlap in the years they attended the Studium there's not any straight confirmation they hung out.
What fanon I've managed to pick up is that he was adopted by Louisoix in a similar fashion that Louisoix adopted Thancred. I had an IRL friend straight up tell me that was the case but I can't think of or find a source for that. He had to be close to the Leveilleurs as a teen to young adult at least so he could become Alisaie's friend but he could still technically have living parents and be close to his mentor's family. He has his own last name, after all. Though, with it being Augurelt (an augur being a type of soothsayer) you could maybe argue it was something he chose himself. The game has yet to tell us.
Thanks for the ask!
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Round 3 - Eliminations
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Some big losses here today as we say goodbye to Shuyin, Jack Garland, Sorceress Ultimecia, Rufus Shinra, Seifer Almasy, Ardyn Izunia, Angeal Hewley, and Fordola rem Lupis. We're sad to see you go.
Congratulations to Sorceress Edea, Estinien Varlineau, Reno of the Turks, Barbariccia, Elena of the Turks, Yotsuyu goe Brutus, Aranea Highwind, and Vayne Carudas Solidor! We look forward to seeing you in Round 4!
For some of the reasons this lot was nominated in the first place, look no further than the link below:
Jack Garland: >He just wants to kill chaos, gotta admire a man with a goal in life. >Dedication and resilience. >I want him to break my spine over his back and turn me into a million little rock candy fragments and he loves his tall goth wife Astos >He doesn’t give a fuck who you are unless you’re Chaos. Also, you can strip him naked ingame and play him that way. He’s waiting 2000 years for the Warrior of Light to get stronger and take him >Love >He act smart and focused but actually a moron who in fact is a genius but lost all his brain cells due to world reset. Also his constant grumpy face and the most fuckable attitude doesn't help him being less fuckable. Despite all that he is a genuine good guy who treasure his companions. Anw his tits is fucking fat.
Ultimecia: >overall insane style and serving cunt also she has a cool plan to become a god instead of just being some guy >She is very hot >mommy milkers (praying emoji) i'm not a furry but….
Rufus Shinra: >He’s Rufus Shinra.
Seifer Almasy: >Cocky smirk, sexy scar, broad shoulders, giant weapon, damaged bad boy who needs hugs and then to be put on his knees >He’s so stupid. And sexy at the same time yes sir
Ardyn Izunia: >Tol bitch, do what he wants also look at dat hair c,: >The attitude >fam have you seen that man? Have you heard his voice? I would let that man do truly unspeakable things to me. >Tall, broad shoulders, sexy dark smirk, goody-goody past and tragic fucked up backstory, immortal and stupid powerful but has an obsession with goofy hats. Tentacle sex with black demon powers a possibility. >Rat man rat man rAT MAN RAT MAN. Also, like. 10k demons in a trench coat >He's pathetic and that's a very fuckable trait for me <3 I don't know how to explain this in english listen, he's just… he's a dramatic little man and he clearly needs and deserve to get fucked (honestly by Verstael not by me but I'm getting out of the current context here) I'm saying this in the most positive way possible I love him :') >look at him. look at his stupid face and hair and clothes and vibes. also have you heard his voice. also: forsaken king. also also: doomed by the narrative/bahamut. also also also: chronic pain plague king. >Cocky but can back it up >sexy hobo chic + gorgeous red hair and an incredible voice >I think it’s the spite >The pink hair
Angeal Hewley: >idk if he's really a 'villain' but it's worth a shot…. I love him and his huge tits more than anything. he's a handsome, kind, muscular man waiting to be dominated and I think that's so sexy of him
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witchofthescions · 1 year
1. What’s your full ability, to your understanding? (Bonus Q for muns: Does this differ from their actual full ability? Or their potential?)
Super Asks
Okay are we talking about the Echo or everything I'm capable of, 'cause that's some very different answers.
I guess I should maybe explain 'em all, why not.
So first of all, there's my black magic. That's something I've had access to since I was a kid. I've got a bit of an affinity for fire that the destructive power of black magic really brings to the fore, haha. And on the flipside, I've also got white magic. That really brings out my wind affinity, even if white magic's better at healing than destroying.
And then there's all the skills I've got from my dark knight training. That's all just... delving into my dark side and using it to protect others, basically. It honestly kinda feels like an extension of my black magic, all things considered. Much more magic-y than most knights I've seen.
Now, the Echo... that's a whole can of worms. On the most basic, it's supposedly "the power to hear others' souls" or however Minfillia put it way back when. What it ends up doing is giving me the power to speak to anyone regardless of what language we're speaking and also occasional visions into people's pasts. Like what I mentioned with regards to Fordola. It's kinda disorienting and it pretty much always leaves me with a godsdamned headache to contend with, would not recommend. Oh, and it's not something I have any control over, so I'm even more glad that I'm not getting them constantly like Fordola.
It also somehow gives us some immunity to primal tempering, which is really handy. Outside of all that, it also seems to manifest slightly differently in different people, which I'm sure I've mentioned before. For Lenar, his Echo gives him the power to "borrow" other people's senses, Cress's helps him track people and things better, and Gohnoh'a... hasn't figured out what his Echo does outside of the basics yet. And of course Krile's Echo is just like, an increased sensitivity to others' souls. So she gets Echo visions more often and, kinda like Cress, she has something of a knack for tracking souls down.
As for mine... it lets me bring memories to life. Like, not illusions but not quite fully-formed people. It's solid enough, and it acts as the memory suggests they would. But it's not... real. It's not the actual person, not their soul or body. It's just a really convincing shade. If you hit it hard enough it'll turn into a cloud of aether and dissipate. Do I have any idea why any of our Echo powers manifest the way they do? Nope! The Echo's just... weird that way, I guess.
((There is one Echo power that Erna is leaving out: when she dies, she has the ability to possess another body if she so chooses. In a manner very, very similar to the Ascians... which is part of the reason why she doesn't like to bring that aspect up.
As for whether her understanding of the Echo matches up with what it actually is/does... that's something that will be revealed Later™️))
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aschenprince · 1 year
ALSO MISIJA FOR U, Lyse, ur own wol, Fordola, Lucia, Hilda
ohhh this is fun okay
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY | THAT'S MY FUCKING WIFE YEAHHHHHHHH
Misija is honestly one of the most relatable characters in the game to me, and probably the only one I've been able to be sincerely bonkers about. She's hot yeah but do you ever see a woman take her generational trauma and brewing anger over the injustice in her homeland out on a bunch of rich men? Hell yeah hell yeah hell yeah hell yeah-
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
She's my partner's fave and I love her story arc, but I don't find her attractive or feel super hype over her? I think she's neat and doesn't deserve the hate she gets and I could write an essay about how Loudwindow's genre of labeling every woman a white woman has detracted from Lyse's story of diaspora but. That is for another time ig.
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
I mean, butch furry cat/rabbit woman w/ gender issues? Yes please. Also I project a lot of what I want from life onto her (struggle leading to eventual happiness and peace) so I obv. adore her. How can you not???
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
Fordola hits similar character tropes for me that Misija does, but because Fordola is so young I can't really profess attraction to her? I love her character though, probably one of the few MSQ characters I actually give a shit about.
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
Big woman whose fatal flaw is caring about Aymeric. I think I'd be more invested if she got more unique story beats dedicated to her, but I can say that she's aesthetically very attractive.
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
Hilda's character has a lot of potential, but they kind of squandered her and while I like her design, I feel not attachment to her. o(-< She's just okay. I think this is also bc generally I do not like elezen outside the ones my friends make and Cyella.
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autumnslance · 3 years
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“Who are you to judge me, Gaius!? Do you remember the names of the tens of thousands of men, women, and children killed for the sake of your conquests?”
“I do not deny the blood spilled at my behest. Nor will I run from my past. That is why I fight. To prevent the wrongs I committed from being repeated.”
OK, so I actually DO like this climactic scene at the end of Diamond Weapon. More on this and my own take on Gaius below the cut.
The horrific truth of Diamond Weapon, the Overmind, and just how Allie survived is revealed--what’s become of Alfonse is horrifying but honestly not too surprising, given the prototypes Estinien found in the palace labs in the 5.1 flashback duty, nor the previous experiments into Oversoul itself. This also explains the voice we hear through the fight and the things he says, which since I was able to pay more attention on later attempts, seems very obvious.
Gaius says what he’s always said here, since the beginning of the chain: he’s realized he made a lot of mistakes in fighting for the Empire, and now that he knows what a sham it all was, he seeks to clean up the messes he made to prevent more damage. He doesn’t expect forgiveness; he’s simply doing what ought to be done, and it’s in character for a man with his convictions (which were what made him an interesting and popular antagonist in 1.0 and ARR).
No one’s told Valens he should look up the boss strats before pulling; even Mizzteq can’t help you then, buddy, and the edits I’ve seen for that section are glorious. Sure Valens knows all Gaius’ combat data as a Legatus--but Gaius has been the Shadowhunter for the last *cough* years, and has learned a few new tricks, and the body language as he empties his clip, loads his new ammo, and sets off his newest attack in Valens’ face was fantastic.
And that’s the main thing about Werlyt I do give it credit for; the expressions and movements of the characters to convey their thoughts and feelings, new rigging and animations used, blocking of scenes, lighting, camera angles, music--it’s all been really great. In some cases too good, like the ends of Sapphire and Emerald and those terribly uncomfortable scenes. Here, it even induces a “yeah finally!” response as Valens gets what he deserves, from the characters he’s set up to be the foil for and antagonistic with (unlike certain Trolley Duties in MSQ).
Diamond’s awakening is again very mech anime; since the Ruby fight there’s been a very Neon Genesis Evangelion feel to the series, and this continues it, as Alfonse’s mind controls the machine he’s been made part of and takes his revenge on Valens, alongside the memories of all the other victims of the Legatus’ ambition. The sound of a popping balloon is genuinely hilarious and yet fitting.
I really have little else to say about Valens. He exists solely as an over the top prop, trying to make Gaius look better by Valens being so awful. He has no personality or goals beyond that. I don’t care my characters never had to sully their hands with him, Alfonse deserved that kill. Good riddance.
The rain falling as father and son say goodbye is again very tropey but works for the scene, so again I don’t mind. It’s evocative and suits the mood as Gaius puts Alfonse out of his torment and removes the memory core to return to Allie.
I just wish we’d had more focus and time to be made to care about Alfonse and his siblings as more than indoctrinated sacrifices for Gaius’ pain and to shoehorn in a traditional redemption for a man who is otherwise taking responsibility for his past errors by cleaning up his messes and aiding the people of Werlyt until he’s needed for 6.0 MSQ. I still fully expect Gaius to be one of the folks who has a hand in rebuilding Garlemald, perhaps returning it to a Republic as imperialism was a Bad Idea. I don’t think this story was necessary to get him there, but luckily it’s optional content.
This story overall isn’t the best redemption arc; not enough time and focus, and it felt like they had the resolution determined but not the means to get there. Also it bears pointing out that aside from Allie, no one, not even the Werlyt Resistance, has necessarily forgiven Gaius for his past actions--nor do they have to, in order for him to change himself and work toward fixing his errors. There’s a lot of folks hung up on that (honestly very Western Christian idea with its tendency to permeate everything about our culture) notion of forgiveness being necessary in a redemption arc, and it’s Not, as was already stated in 4.1 with the Ala Mhigans and Fordola.
I actually think Gaius would agree with most of the criticisms about him. He’s aware of what he’s done--moreso maybe than the writers of this particular storyarc--and that not everyone will accept him, even if his skills in fixing his mistakes are useful. And he’s fine with that, as others’ acceptance and forgiveness isn’t necessary for him to keep working on cleaning up his messes.
So I can buy Gaius’ reactions and motivations, and his anger at Valens--there are aspects of it that are about patriotism, as Gaius hasn’t entirely shaken off his homeland and the indoctrination and what he feels was “right” about it--and am glad the writers/execs did let him have the kill here, and that the climax scene was the genre homage it was meant to be and worked from that angle. It’s just about the only part of this story that did for me.
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ononokinonon · 2 years
Give me ffxiv!
Ask meme
Under the cut, because of spoilers
M'Naago Rahz! She's badass, she's kind, I fell in love with her design on first sight, and she should totally have had Lyse's role in Stormblood. My character has had "Naago's Partner" set as their title ever since I could unlock it, and I'm not planning on changing it any time soon.
Alisaie, our precious chaotic little sister/daughter.
scrimblo bimblo
Alka Zolka the Slayer, the man of contrasts. A tiny bespectacled nerd decked out in heavy armor and swinging around a huge axe, how can not love this concept?
glup shitto
I spent a lot of thinking whether to put Naago here, or as my blorbo, since honestly, she fits both so well. So I've decided that, even if it's cheating, I'll give her both spots.
poor little meow meow
Fordola. While many other had gotten their redemption arcs in the game - some more sympathetic than her, some less - I found Fordola's to be most compelling and well written. It's not a simple lose to the heroes and get instantly forgiven situation, like it often is. No, every step of the way she needs to confront the results of her actions, the people she hurt, and the evidence that, perhaps, her choices and worldviews weren't the correct ones. It's a good redemption arc, because it doesn't sugarcoat, and makes Fordola actually struggle for her redemption - against both the world, and herself.
horse plinko
Mmm, Namazu dumplings... But seriously, Gaius. Not because I'm opposed to the idea of his redemption, but because how poorly it was handled. If the writers really want us to forgive him, just being tormented by a bigger bad won't cut it. He needs to suffer the consequences of specifically his own actions, and most importantly, he needs to show introspection. They laid the foundations for this, but, unlike Fordola above, they didn't build on them enough for this arc to be satisfying.
And also Asahi. Not even the "other guy", just plain Asahi. Because fuck Asahi. That guy's a dick.
eeby deeby
Zenos, If only to make him stop popping up everywhere and messing up more interesting plots. I'll admit that Endwalker's writing handled him better than previous expansions' did, but I'll still be more than happy if he just stays at the place we last saw him at and we never hear of him again.
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alionne · 3 years
3 | Scale
Stormblood spoilers up to & including the level 69 dungeon. 1409 words.
When Alionne first spied the figure, she thought it was a daydream, brought to life by her own desires. An unidentified male insurgent had destroyed the cannon at Specula Imperatoris, Stark had said. Which beggared belief, Alphinaud had pointed out. And Alionne’s thoughts had drifted to one such person, location unknown, with the strength to do such a thing.
Well. Mayhaps not anymore, not without the Eyes of Nidhogg. But those, too, had turned up in Gyr Abania, had they not? Perhaps he’d chased them, and… found the Eorzean Alliance, being attacked by a cannon, and… destroyed it, but without notifying anyone else?
It was the most ridiculously dramatic chain of events Alionne could imagine, which honestly made it sound more and more like Estinien, now that she’d thought about it. So, mayhaps he’d been on her mind while assaulting Castrum Abania. Mayhaps she’d looked for him, even, though if he had been the one to destroy the cannon, he’d certainly have left by now.
She hadn’t been thinking of Estinien in the command room, though— she’d been achingly worried for Alisaie, and then furious at Fordola, and Zenos, baffled by his invitation. She’d hefted Alisaie in her arms, and then looked back for one last glance in the direction Fordola had disappeared, hoping to catch a glimpse of the magitek armor bearing her away.
And instead, she’d seen… well. She couldn’t be sure. But armor did glint in a very particular way, and the shape of it had been so familiar...
Another moment, and it disappeared. She forced her gaze away, back to more important matters—Alisaie might no longer be bleeding out on the floor, but she still needed transport.
But, on the ground, Alisaie safely spirited away, they’d had a lull, the recent battle won, the next one not planned yet. A chance to catch their breath. And Alionne had never been one for resting, and she was curious…
She spies Lyse with Raubahn, which means the girl probably won’t do anything too foolhardy tonight. It takes a few minutes until the new leader of the Ala Mhigan resistance can be pulled aside, but Alionne eventually finds her chance. “Do you still have that climbing gear?”
“The stuff we used for Nyunkrepf’s Hope? I… yes, I do,” says Lyse, confused. “Are you planning another trip? We did just climb it.”
“I was thinking about it,” admits Alionne, though she doesn’t say why. “I’m feeling a little restless, and I thought a short camping trip might be a nice way to tire me out.”
“Shall I come with you, then?” Lyse asks, as if it were already decided, and Alionne scrambles to think of a reason why she should go alone.
“Oh! No need! You’re the new leader of the resistance, you should make yourself available to everyone!” says Alionne, a little too eagerly, she scolds herself. “They’ve known you as a comrade, but I don’t know that they’ve all had the chance to see you as a leader, yet. Or to realize that you’re just as approachable now as you were before, you know?”
“I... suppose that’s true,” says Lyse, reluctantly. “But, you will be careful, won’t you? I’d hate to find you injured, or worse, because a golem got a lucky shot in, or you fell off a cliff.”
“I can handle myself,” Alionne tells her firmly, thinking of several cliffs she’s stepped off of willingly, without issue. Although, don’t tell her that, that’s not going to inspire confidence… instead, she winks at Lyse. “You won’t even notice I’m gone, promise.”
“I’ll hold you to that!” Lyse threatens, but she lets Alionne depart Ala Ghiri without further protest.
Retracing her steps is easy, automatic. As Lyse had pointed out, she’d just been here, and it leaves her mind free to wander.
Alisaie, Krile, and Y’shtola are all out of commission… although that feels like an understatement, in Krile’s case. The Resistance has won the Fringes and the Peaks, and no doubt there will be a plan to secure more of Ala Mhigo in the morning. Doma is freed, and Zenos’ attention is… on her, if Fordola’s unnerving eye contact had meant anything, but better her than anyone else.
Like the mysterious assailant who destroyed their cannons, she thinks, and then she’s thinking of Estinien again, as she hitches her rope to the first point Lyse had shown her.
It may not have been Estinien, she reminds herself. It could have been a trick of the light, or another wanderer. Even if it was, there’s no reason to think he’s still lingering here, now that the Resistance has taken Castrum Abania and the region is safe. Most likely, you’ll enjoy a nice climb and enjoy a nice view.
And with that, she pushes the dragoon out of her mind, focusing her attention on the climb. The dust on her palms, the edge of the rock digging into the pads of her fingers, the rough fibers of the rope as she loops it around her arm.
It’s a meditation, though not one that comes easily to her. Her thoughts turn to Fordola’s deep conviction and unnatural speed in the command room, and then she wrests them away, forcing herself to instead consider the cool desert air. Zenos’ “hunt” pops into her mind, and for a moment, she pauses, filled equally with the desire to fight and a worry about the outcome, but a burning in her arms forces her to refocus on the task at hand. Three-quarters of the way up, Alionne pauses on a small outcropping and suddenly thinks that Hien and Aymeric would like each other. If she weren’t so out of breath, she’d laugh at how unexpected, but right, the thought is.
The stars are coming out, and it reminds her of the Steppe and the Churning Mists and Thanalan all at once. The cliff, Alionne reminds herself, again. She feels a pleasant ache in her legs as she gets to her feet.
The last quarter will be slow-going, because even though Alionne’s already scaled this exact cliff in this exact way, it hadn’t been night last time. “What I wouldn’t give for a sodding chocobo right now,” she mutters to herself, and, alright, maybe she’s not trying to meditate anymore. Maybe she’s not avoiding thoughts of Estinien, either.
The thing is, if Alionne were a reclusive dragoon, this is the exact spot she’d hole up for a few days while her friends distracted the Empire. The ruins offer some measure of protection from inquisitive parties, and it’s very, maddeningly, stupidly high, she thinks, glaring at the rock face. Because gods forbid a dragoon stay on the bloody ground like anyone else, assuming there even is a godsdamned dragoon at the top of this godsdamned cliff, which there probably isn’t because Alionne has probably invented him, because she’s been looking for a familiar silhouette on top of every building she’s passed for months, ever since Aymeric had suggested that she’d be the most likely to see him of all of them, because he’s an uncommunicative, reclusive bastard.
And mayhaps frustration has propelled Alionne more quickly than expected, because she’s got a hand atop the cliff, now. The edge is an easy hold, and she lets the rest of her body weight hang, for a moment.
She’s too tired to lie about the feeling fluttering in her breast—she’s nervous. She’s been pretending all evening that it doesn’t matter if she finds him at the top, but she’d clearly come all this way for something. And even if Estinien is up here, she’s only going to find him if he wants to be found. Which he probably doesn’t, or he’d have contacted the Scions, or helped the Resistance, or even just been somewhere vaguely approachable.
You’re being ridiculous, Alionne tells herself, but something fond uncurls within her as she thinks it. It’s nice, to be nervous about something ridiculous, for once, instead of something potentially life- and nation-threatening. She’d climbed all this way, and here she was, hesitating on the very last step, for no good reason.
And just as she’s resolved to move, a hand grasps her wrist and starts to haul her the rest of the way up.
“Only a fool would climb a cliffside like this at night,” a reassuringly familiar voice growls at her.
“And only a fool would be waiting at the top,” she replies sweetly, and finds her feet at last.
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sebastard69 · 2 years
Post-Stormblood/Pre-Shadowbringers Thoughts
As per usual, these are in no particular order and under the cut to avoid spoilers!
- So I hate Asahi and I'm glad he didn't last long lmao
- I'm not a big fan of the whole "villain gets amnesia" trope, but I will at least say I'm glad that Yotsuyu was able to die in peace having finally gotten her revenge on those who used and abused her. The Tsukuyomi fight was gorgeous and emotional, and despite my dislike of the amnesia trope, I found myself unable to disagree with my WoL when he said that Tsuyu deserved a kinder fate than Yotsuyu met. I felt bad for Gosetsu, and even more so after Hien revealed that Gosetsu's daughter had died. I hope he finds peace in his travels.
- The katana wielding soldier is Zenos, isn't he? Like ok. So I know that Zenos isn't Zenos, Zenos is Elidibus wearing Zenos's face. But this soldier was there when the Scions discovered the lack of Zenos's body in his grave, and then later at the end of the patches he was there on the battlefield and said something about "reclaiming what's rightfully his", plus he makes very similar facial expression. So, he's Zenos's soul or whatever in some Elezen's body, right? But like how did that happen, I wonder???
- Oh nooooo, I really like Emet-Selch >.> I didn't even make it halfway through his introductory cutscene before I was firmly in simp territory. He's just... He's fun! He's fun. I like his music, I like his demeanor and attitude, and his stupid little swagger. Kind of hate that I'm simping for an Ascian but I unfortunately do not control who I simp for >:/
- Honestly not at all surprised that Garlemald was founded by an Ascian for the express purpose of sowing chaos. Like that just feels.... it tracks.
- Oh shit, so Gaius is still alive? I'm willing to believe he's genuinely severed ties with Garlemald tbh. He was completely duped and blindsided by Lahabrea, his disdain and hatred for Ascians and fervor for exterminating them seems genuine. Plus, these patches seemed to lean really heavily into the whole "reformed villain" thing, so it's not surprising.
- Speaking of reformed villains, I like the route they're going with Fordola. I still don't like her, and I still think the whole "we can't kill her or we're no better than the Empire" attitude is bullshit, but this route is also satisfying to me. Being forced to be continuously subjected to visions of her victims' pasts, and all the pain and anguish that accompanies them? Too many times have I wished I could make the people who hurt me hurt in the same way, but it's impossible realistically. With an artificial Echo, though, it's not, and she's being forced to confront the fact that her plans were flawed and damaging and that she had an active hand in the suffering of her people. On top of that, she doesn't want to be redeemed. She accepts imprisonment because she knows she deserves it; She asked to be executed because she feels it's the only way to truly atone for what she's done. Even after saving everyone from Sri Lakshmi, an act which theoretically could have won her her freedom, she willingly went back to her cell. Idk it's just really good imo, and it comes across better than Yotsuyu's amnesia arc.
- Love the fact that Estinien saved my WoL from Zenos, and I love the fact that Aymeric literally came running the second he found out Ambrose was awake. I just love THEM in general, and I hope to see more of Estinien soon.
- ALISAIEEEEEEEEE Q~Q God I feel SO bad for her, she's so scared and worried for her friends and her brother, and she's terrified of being alone, and aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :(
- In conclusion, @ squenix: let me give my friends hugs god fucking dammit >:(
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dragons-bones · 3 years
early morning 5.5 thoughts:
thoughts on Werlyt, MSQ, and YoRHa below the cut:
So I did Werlyt first to get it out of the way and it is still Bad Fanfic: The Quest Line. like. this was definitely better than last patch, but goddamn it just really highlights how unsatisfying the rest of the story was.
Cloud Deck was amazingly fun fight, though. EX is going to be a bitch but gimme.
where the fuck was Nero seriously goddamn this was the perfect place for him
NGE vibes were great but ultimately: still don’t give a single solitary fuck about the au ra kids. heavy-handed plot devices, every one of them.
that pop was very satisfying
(as discussed in the FC discord) ...that, uh. that ending cutscene is a lot less heartwarming when you realize all the Terncliff townspeople probably had trauma reactions to seeing images of their conquerors walking around all of a sudden.
MSQ was next and I have SO MANY First Brood feelings and am now seriously jonesing for a Meracydia-focused expac at some point in the future, hnnnnnnnng.
there was great worldbuilding and buildup, I think; the tempering stuff I found fascinating since it implies another layer to primal summoning and that the perception of the summoned by the summoner can have a huge effect on things.
I’ve seen some discussion before about untempering the Unsundered and honestly, after the Tiamat stuff, I genuinely wonder if it would have been possible at all. like, the implication with Tiamat’s is that it worked despite five thousand years because of her sheer force of will and that she saw Bahamut as an unequal. while the Unsundered I feel probably would have had the force of will...their perception of Zodiark wasn’t just as a god but as necessary to the continued functionality of the star and reality.
(for the record, my interest in the Unsundered remains firmly in the, “fascinating antagnoists” category and the Ascians as a whole with the, “god I’m really tired of these fucks” category.)
also! something I noticed: despite the excitement of everything, this was a pretty chill patch! both 3.5 and 4.5 were the big “holy shit” patches with 3.55 and 4.55 being the denouement into Stormblood and Shadowbringers.
but 2.55 was A Realm Reborn’s HOLY SHIT moment and I’m willing to bet good money that 5.55 is going to be the HOLY SHIT lead in for Endwalker.
Estinien versus Alisaie is hilarious btw and it’s a miracle that man isn’t dead. though god, I have to feel for Alisaie: I joke a lot you can’t tell my twin brother and I are even siblings, but before puberty hit us, we looked muuuuuuch more alike, and I knew another brother-sister twin set as a kid who looked so similar the only way you could tell them apart was their hair style (the brother’s was traditional-boy-short and the sister traditional-girl-long). I lost contact with them after we went to a different school, but I’m curious now if puberty did the same for them as for me and Twin-Boy or not. and as much as Yoshi-P and the devs talk about and semi-enforce a time bubble, I do wonder if we’re actually going to see Alisaie and Alphinaud age a bit in Endwalker
after the Alliance briefing, while the other leaders have gone off and the rest of the Squad and Scions go to talk with Arenvald and Fordola:
Aymeric: Darling, it’s not like we haven’t seen each other in a week, we had breakfast together this morning--
Synnove: Don’t care, I’m horny, find a private corner or I ride you on the meeting table.
Aymeric: I’m not complaining, merely pointing out a fact! And my vote is for the table.
Synnove: >:3
during Paglth’an: drive by shippy smooches after defeating the latest enemy group
WHAT A FUN DUNGEON but I’m gonna have to go in here as GNB to learn how to do the pulls
*paps Arenvald’s cheeks* you’re a good boy and I love you very much
I know Ishikawa-san isn’t likely to do anything permanently harmful to my boy, but if she does, I will fly to Japan and fight her (after a detour to fight Koji for all his goddamn puns)
and then Nier
my issues with some of the visual elements aside, the fights were hella fun...but the story had me all ???????????????????????
like, the stuff with the dig site chief and Komra I’m enjoying, but everything else...no. I was definitely a little confused for the CF and PB portions of the story, but the Tower at Paradigm’s Breach just...explains absolutely nothing in a meaningful way? and I really feel that this portion they went hard on the Nier/Drakengard references so I was left feeling, “I don’t know why this is important or what the implication of this very obvious reference is.”
like, Return to Ivalice from the get-go was an obvious homage so I just tuned most of it out until we got some sweet sweet Dalmasca/FFXII stuff, but even with this raid series being another crossover,  I felt like there was a mystery and buildup that was being well-handled for the first couple of parts, so this part falling flat is a letdown for me
I’m hoping we’ll get some meaningful explanations in addition to the Komra stuff in the weeklies going forward. cause like. damn. I’m sad about Anogg and heartbroken for Konogg but I don’t know what the context of everything is and I’m really frustrated.
really super glad that we’re going back to original stories for the 24-mans in 6.0.
So, yes! Having a fun time with 5.5, ready for 5.55 to fucking take me out at the knees. today, we do Hatching-tide, custom deliveries, fishing, and Fishing (Unreal)! a girl still needs an Incitatus whistle and also the anteater minion.
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storms-path · 3 years
Oh. Oh, I see. Here comes the anxiety train, choo choo~
How I feel about this character
He’s great. I really enjoy his relentless optimism, not only because he’s a wonderful ray of sunshine among the lesser-known Scions but also because his history shows that he’s seen the worst in people he should have loved and still chooses to see the best in the world and the people in it. I respect that a lot.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Honestly, Alphinaud is about all I can think of. Give the boy some time to get through elf-puberty and let the two see how far their hard-won friendship gets them. They’d be good for one another, I think.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Arenvald dragging Fordola kicking and screaming towards forgiveness and peace of mind is very good to me. Between him and Lyse, there’s a lot more hope for Fordola than she ever could have hoped for, and her own acidic realism works well to keep Arenvald’s feet on the ground and his eyes open. They’re two sides of the same battered coin in a lot of ways.
My unpopular opinion about this character
I… don’t really have one? I guess not wanting him and Fordola to hook up might be one? I dunno. He’s a good boy. He doesn’t need unpopular opinions weighing him down.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Please pull through, Arenvald. Please.
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gegenji · 5 years
Shadowbringers Ending Tangent
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----------------- WARNING!! -----------------
This is all highly spoilery and talks about the information provided during the last stretches of the expansion up to and including both the final battle and the aftermath thereof. Therefore this is all going in a Read More, and I highly advise not clicking unless you’ve completed the Main Scenario. Or you don’t mind spoilers, of course.
You have been warned!
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Okay, now that we have that out of the way, I want to discuss two plot points and an amusing musing to wrap things up. The big two, however, are as follows:
Who is the Warrior of Light?
What is the Nature of the Echo?
One leads into the other, and I’ll include a couple screenshots for reference. At least for the first part. The second is more personal theory than anything that was overtly (or perhaps subtly) provided by the expansion itself, and thus has no real evidence to screenshot. Still, I want to throw it all out there for folks to think about (or just tell me I’m dumb and thinking way too hard about things, either or)!
So, to begin...
Who is the Warrior of Light?
With the lead-up to the final battle with Solus/Emet Selch/Hades, a lot of things got thrown at us very quickly. But there’s a few things that got mentioned both here and in Amaurot (the section of the Tempest, not the dungeon itself) that I think give us some insight into who the Warrior of Light is - as well as who they were.
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First and foremost, we learn that Ardbert is basically the First’s version of the Warrior of Light, or - more precisely - a sundered fragment of them. It was mentioned that his aether has the same hue as the WoL’s by the Amaurotine shade who talks to them in the “Amaurot DMV” as I like to call it. We already know - thanks to Solus’ demonstration in the Crystal Tower - that Hydaelyn’s power is such that it can split one into many, lesser fragments (which is what caused the Sundering). The Warrior of Light made up of seven fragments of themself rejoined - and it’s the eighth from Ardbert himself that allows them to be able to contain the overwhelming Light of the five Wardens they absorbed and bring it to bear against Hades.
But it’s the other bits that follow hints to what the original form of the Warrior of Light was prior to the Sundering:
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This is more subtle, but the clincher is the moment I’m sure everyone remembers (as it’s a supremely awesome scene!):
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Given this scene after Ardbert’s rejoining with the Warrior of Light and - more importantly - Emet’s reaction to it along with the hintings our shade friend made, I think it’s pretty obvious who the WoL was prior to the sundering: Emet’s friend who spoke to you in the DMV - Hythlodaeus.
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Perhaps there was more to the Shade being aware than Emet just thinking “oh, they’d figure it out.” Perhaps there was a bit of resonance as the Amaurotine recognized itself in the Warrior of Light, and in the faint echo of Ardbert. And it was that which helped allow them to become aware enough to gain awareness despite being an arcane doppelganger. Or maybe I’m reading too much into it and Emet thinking Hythlodaeus would figure it out was enough.
But there’s other tidbits that I think also provide a bit more context on who this Amaurotine is beyond just “Emet’s Pal.” During the exploration of the area, it’s revealed that one of the Fourteen - the leaders of the city - is doing something heretofore unprecedented and stepping down from their position. This leader is never named and nothing is ever said about them. We know from Solus’ side-conversations that the rest of the Fourteen (of whom our Big Three Ascians were members) imbue the star with its own will and create Zodiark - and are tempered by him in the process.
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The Fourteenth, however, escapes this. Whether they’re involved in the summoning of Hydaelyn to counter Zodiark, I do not know. I believe not, but the Amaurotine in question being tempered by Hydaelyn could explain the Blessing of Light. After all, Ifrit claims the WoL “belongs to another” - though the Echo itself seems to block tempering in general anyway.
This could explain why the Warrior of Light is so strong. It’s not just that they’re 8 rejoined Amaurotine fragments, they’re the fragments of one of the Fourteen - someone on the same power level as the Big Three. Perhaps that’s why they’re so darn good at everything.
And, to lead into my next point - and my personal conjecture - why they have the Echo.
What is the Echo?
We know that all the Ascians have the power of the Echo, and the Echo is a keystone for how their powers work. We also know that the Big Three are the survivors of the Sundering, and they flaunt how they know how we don’t truly understand what the Echo actually is. And I think I know why:
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The Echo is a manifestation of Amaurotine aether.
When the Amaurotine died or were sacrificed or still living at the point Hydaelyn caused the Sundering, they and their aether were split across the Reflections. And it’s the fragmented manifestation of them that results in the Echo. At least, that’s my theory anyway.
After all, the Amaurotine were ageless and undying prior to the Sundering according to Emet. Wouldn’t an imperfect version of this allow for, say, one’s essence to survive beyond death and move to a new host? The soul is “too powerful” to return to the Lifestream. 
Also, the Amaurotine’s aether was so great that they could Create (read: summon) and have their creations (read: Primals) live just off their aether instead of needing to take it from people and the planet. And without being tempered (as I believe Zodiark and Hydaelyn were just on a scale so vast that their Will overwhelms even Amaurotine resolve). Having even a bit of that aetheric capability - or overbearing Will - could be what prevents people with the Echo from being tempered. And it could explain why Ysayle - who had the Echo - was able to so easily manifest as Shiva as well as maintain her sense of self during it.
Thirdly, even despite speaking a language that no one present at Amaurot could speak, all the Scions understood what was being said. And the Amaurotine shades understand what is being said in turn. A preternatural ability to speak and understand all languages. Sound familiar?
It was my original belief that to have the Echo manifest requires that the original Amaurotine involved to be exceptionally skilled or powerful (hence why Ardbert apparently also had the ability, which links to my “one of the Fourteen” theory) and/or that enough Amaurotine aether is in a person that the skill/power threshold needed is lower. Hence why we are seeing people manifesting the Echo on the Source - seven rejoinings means that people are nearly half-Amaurotine at this point, so the more powerful Amaurotine souls are manifesting the Echo.
Taking this further, it’s feasible that all the Echo-users are the souls of the strongest of the Amaurotine - the Fourteen. Which would also explain why they’re so rare - as there would be just fourteen souls (barring uplifting through Ascian interference or replicating that aetheric energy through Resonance - though I have a pet theory that Zenos might actually be one of the Fourteen as well and was “inactive” due to being born a Garlean) that could be strong enough to make it manifest. After all, we only know of five (the Warrior of Light, Minfilia, Krile, Arenvald, and Ysayle) that were 100% not induced (unlike Fordola and Zenos, and the sahagin priest could very well have been uplifted by the Ascians, though could be the sixth if not). Adding the Big Three, that’s eight out of fourteen - leaving six unaccounted for.
Six (or five, if the sahagin counts) who might get revealed as the story unfolds - perhaps as Elidibus’ ‘Warriors of Light’ he threatened to send at our heroes at the very end of the MSQ. And I wouldn’t put it past SE to have the biggest players all be of these original Fourteen. Hence my pet theory of Zenos being one as, after all, he had the same treatment as Fordola yet has much higher capability - such as the body-hopping. And, if we want to go full theorycrafting and believe that being born Garlean inhibits Echo capability like this, perhaps our other major Garlean player Gaius is a latent Fourteen member.
Again, this is all conjecture based on what’s been presented thus far and has no real concrete proof behind it. However, I think I might be onto something with all this and thus my desire to just dump it all out for others to see and think on. Maybe provide more information that could prove or disprove my theory! I’m honestly curious to see what people think about it, so feel free to comment/reblog with your own thoughts!
And now for that Amusing Musing.
With that very last cutscene in Garlemald at the end of the MSQ, I’m getting a funny feeling that Zenos is going to try to do what he did with Shinryu but on a much bigger scale. After all, he just found out that Hydaelyn and Zodiark are Primals. And he’s out to get the Best Battle Ever with his War Crush, the Warrior of Light.
So I’m banking on him absorbing and (perhaps attempting and failing to) controlling Zodiark. And the Warrior of Light is forced - either by Zenos himself or as the only possible way to deal with him - to do the same with Hydaelyn. Which, of course, leads to the climatic final battle between the two. A titanic clashing of two god-men wielding the powers of the Two Greatest Primals.
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... Please look forward to it.
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storms-path · 3 years
Gaius (oh gods i’m sorry i’m probably opening a whole can of worms here—)
How I feel about this character
Gaius is a man of two halves for me. I enjoyed him during his ARR run as the big bad guy, since I do enjoy villains who feel that they’re doing the right thing to protect the world when in truth they’re just making it way, way worse. His motivations and actions make sense for who he is and how he was raised.
Suffice to say I’ve cooled on him quite significantly now. I’ve had quite enough of sad dads getting poorly-written redemption stories which fail to address their sins. He’s a lot like Hien in that regard, but on a much bigger scale.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Nobody. Gaius is for elevator monologues and free buckets of EXP, not fucking. ESPECIALLY NOT HIS SUBORDINATES.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Gaius x actually having to face up to his sins and not being forgiven for them. They did it so well with Fordola, why’d they drop the ball so hard with him? Just irks me.
My unpopular opinion about this character
So I read a post somewhere (either on Twitter or Tumblr, can’t quite recall which) that mentioned the Weapons storyline would have been much improved if Nero was the main character instead of Gaius, and now I can’t stop thinking about it. Nero trying to play off the fact that these kids are getting hurt and it’s mostly his fault with his usual smugness, only for it to shatter further and further and for him to make some honest-to-goodness steps to make sure it never happens again. Plus it means more Cid and Nero bickering, which everybody* loves!
*Me and me alone. Give me more divorced dads content, SE.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Shoulda stayed dead. His arc was neatly wrapped up, we didn’t need more. Maybe Endwalker will delve into his stuff more, maybe not. I honestly don’t want it to when there are better Garlemald-linked characters (Fordola, Cid, Nero) who could have that spotlight instead.
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autumnslance · 4 years
tell me how to make it better.
((I’m not sure I did angst prompt right. Night before the liberation of Ala Mhigo. Now on Ao3))
Aeryn stood on one of the hills overlooking Porta Praetoria, arms crossed tightly around herself, her gaze fixed on the lights of Ala Mhigo across the Lochs as the stars wheeled overhead and the camp below settled, as much as it could, into anticipatory rest.
“Tomorrow we shall be there,” Thancred’s voice said from behind her. She didn’t turn nor respond. He walked up alongside Aeryn, near soundlessly despite the gravelly ground. “You’ve been even quieter than usual since we rescued Krile, and your brow seems perpetually furrowed,” he continued.
“As you said: tomorrow we assault the city.”
“I had a good look through most of their defenses. I cannot imagine the Garleans have anything that gives you pause.”
She frowned. “Besides Zenos, you mean?”
Thancred shrugged, conciliatory. “Besides Zenos, perhaps. But it’s not as if you’ll be alone in there against him.”
Aeryn let out a huff of frustration. “We’ve seen fragments of what he’s capable of, and he has only left any alive in his wake due to choice. I haven’t been able to stand against him the times I’ve tried, and if I can’t protect myself, how can I ensure anyone else’s safety?”
“Has it ever occurred to you that you are not entirely, personally responsible for the lives of all who choose to fight alongside you?”
She was quiet a long moment, before giving him a side-eye. “You’re one to talk.”
He chuckled. “Touché. Though someone has impressed upon me the importance of sharing concerns, and relying on one’s team.”
She just glanced at him again.
“It’s such sound advice, I’d thought I’d pass it on,” he deadpanned.
They stood in silence for a moment longer, before she finally said, in a barely voiced whisper, “I’m worried.”
She blinked at him. Thancred shrugged. “I will be concerned when combat doesn’t cause trepidation. When you’ve truly bought into your own growing myth as the unstoppable Warrior of Light.” He gave her a sad smile. “We both know it isn’t that easy, even when we Scions are ourselves falling into the trap of singing your praises.”
She blushed slightly and looked out over the city again. “I feel like he wants something from me, but I’m not sure what. Not just…a good fight, whatever that means to him. I fear he will stop at nothing to get whatever it is he wants, and naught will matter–he’ll kill anyone in his way, even his own people. It was his order Fordola followed at Specula Imperatoris.”
“You can’t spend all night trying to get inside the head of a madman; you’ll run yourself in circles and it will do no one any good. Least of all yourself.”
Aeryn shook her head. “You didn’t hear him in Yanxia when Yugiri and I made our ridiculous assassination attempt. You weren’t there when he…” she trailed off, the memories of that night, and of Rhalgr’s Reach before it threatening to rise, the healed wound in her midsection aching suddenly.
“No, I wasn’t,” he replied quietly. After a moment, he held a hand out to her, palm up.
Aeryn looked at the hand a moment, noticing the familiar, worn features of both skin and glove. She finally reached back, resting her hand on his.
He closed his fingers around hers and pulled her suddenly, his other hand resting on her waist as they spun, her feet instinctively responding, free hand on his shoulder. Only a single turn, and then they were carefully swaying there on the hilltop, to unheard music.
“…Been awhile,” she finally said, once over the surprise. Not since before the banquet, she left unsaid. Before I lost you all–and never did get Minfilia back…
“Indeed,” he replied. “And may be again, with war on the morrow. I would make a promise about dancing at our victory fete when all is said and done–”
“–But you dislike such declarations. So do I, truth be told. That constant uncertainty of combat is what has us both up here at this hour. So, tell me if there is aught I can do here and now to make things better, or at least easier, so our champion may get her needed rest. Lucky us, we’re in the van tomorrow.”
“Aren’t we always?” She replied with a bitter laugh. He had been sure to turn them so she was no longer facing the city, instead seeing the shadowy crags and valleys of Gyr Abania’s mountains stretching in all directions.
It was just them, the darkness, and the wind. He was sure-footed as ever, and she could feel his heart beating steadily as she rested her head on his shoulder and let out a heavy breath.
“Honestly, this helps a great deal,” she said, knowing her blush was returning as she did. “Maybe in some ways I was ‘buying into’ it all–at least enough to feel…very alone.”
“Well, you’re not. If I have my way, you never will be again.”
That made her pause. “What?”
“…Tomorrow we shall all be at your side, as will all of our friends and allies. All Eorzea, together. As it should be.”
“Go back to what you said a moment ago.”
“Master Louisoix dreamed of this, you know; if only he were here–”
“Thancred.” She stopped dancing, peering at him.
He stopped as well, eye cast to the side, obviously mentally running through a dozen different excuses or obfuscations. Finally, Thancred sighed. “I could claim it a slip of the tongue–and it was–I don’t wish to further distract or distress you, but…” He very gingerly cupped her cheek. “I meant it.” His thumb brushed the corner of her lips. His next words were very careful. “I realized somewhat recently how much you mean to me.”
She expected the familiar rise of anxiety, the pressure in her chest and fears in her mind–but none of it came. Instead she leaned into the touch, and settled against him again, though they were well past pretending to dance. “Much as I felt alone, there wasn’t anyone I thought I needed time with. Until you walked up; that felt…right.”
“Even if my ‘advice’ is naught but platitudes and reaffirmation?”
“It isn’t. And you still…care enough to try.” She said the word cautiously.
He squeezed her gently. “And I should like to discuss that further–but the hour grows late, the morning comes early. There should be opportunity, after–so long as we keep our heads tomorrow. Not a promise,” he added hastily.
“More a…clarification,” Aeryn responded. He chuckled; she felt it, more than heard it, as she leaned on him.
“How about this: When all is said and done, we owe each other a long talk?”
She thought about that, listening to his heartbeat–a bit faster now, if not by much–and weighing the risks of distractions, of waiting to speak versus not chancing it and speaking now.
At her back loomed Ala Mhigo, and the masked figure who wanted something she couldn’t, wouldn’t, give.
“All right,” Aeryn agreed.
“We should perhaps return to our respective quarters,” Thancred said quietly. The core Scions had each been granted small officer quarters, alongside the leaders of the Alliance. Barely enough room to move in, but relatively private and quiet for needed sleep.
She stepped away. They walked together down the hill and toward the barracks.
“You’re still overthinking.”
Aeryn nodded, but didn’t respond further. He sighed. They paused outside her door, but before he could say good evening, she snagged his wrist, looking down, feeling that damnable blush rise and heat her face as she tried to think of the best way to say what she needed. “Aeryn?”
“You asked how to make it better, if possible.”
“I did.”
“…Don’t leave me alone? Not for—I don’t—I mean—“
He put a finger to her lips, silencing her. “I understand.” He sounded amused, and when she looked up his expression confirmed it. “Sometimes company, even in simple sleep, is the best defense against one’s own mind.”
She nodded a thanks as she unlocked the door, pausing as she opened it, a sudden smile crossing her lips. “Perhaps explains a few things.”
He peered at her and the sudden change of tone. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Aeryn shrugged. “Oh, just thinking of some of your own habits,” she teased.
“…Former habits, thank you very much. I could leave again if teasing me is how you intend to avoid terrible thoughts.”
“Could, but you won’t.”
He shook his head and sighed, but with a hint of a smile still. “No, I won’t. Small price to pay, I suppose, and there are far worse torments I can imagine.”
They shut the door against the looming events of the morrow.
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