#already high sorryyyy
lesbiangallagher · 4 months
took the day off today to spend my birthday eating my favorite food, playing my favorite game, listening to my favorite music, lying down in my softest sheets, having some of my favorite weed, talking with my favorite people, and enjoying my first day of being 28 !!!!!! 🧁🩷🥰 taurus nation TAP IN
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mayon3sa · 2 months
🗯️700 Days of you
SYNOPSIS: Part 2 for the infamous Bakugou texts
DISCLAIMER: Guys English isn't really my first language, though i understand it well i had my friend read over and give me feedback on what i should've changed and added I'm sorry if this is a let down but i tried really hard, i hope you guys enjoy any feedback is greatly appreciated, also I'm so sorry it took almost a week i kept scraping so many ideas sorry , ending was kinda rushed as well sorryyyy :((( <3
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You've known Bakugou Katsuki for roughly 700 days, which is since you were 14. It's not like you knew him well, you just always saw him around your middle school, neighborhood, and at your parents' jobs. The first time you caught a glimpse of Bakugo was on the first day of middle school, the same year you would be leaving for high school. There wasn't anything special about that day, but what made you cherish that day was that he looked back at you as well.
The very first time you got to catch a glimpse of who Bakugou was as a person was through a school project. There aren't enough words in any dictionary to express your gratitude towards Aizawa for pairing you guys together. That day, you managed to get his number and meet up with him at a cafe. Looking back at that memory, you start to cry, not from sadness but embarrassment.
"Hey Bakugou, over here, I got some food for us," were the first words you had spoken to him directly. It seemed foolish to think about his response; would it be "Thank you so much, I love you, let's get married"? Not really. Maybe you had started reading too many romance mangas with Sero. "I don’t like anything that’s not spicy," he said bluntly, getting straight to the point. You would be lying if you said you weren't feeling as if he would explode any second.
"Oh, well, I can always ask for something else."
"There’s no need for that, let's just get started with the project."
"Oh, right. So, I was thinking..." As the afternoon soon turned into nighttime, you both had a pretty decent outline. Bakugou wasn’t bad, at least you didn’t think so. He was the type of person to get straight to the point of whatever he needed to communicate. Although he had trouble wrapping his head around the idea of teamwork, he was still there with you, giving you his views on your research and fixing the paper you had made.
When the night approached, you had both parted ways. That day, you could proudly say that Bakugou wasn’t as entitled as everyone made him out to be; he was smart. It came as a shock to you - getting used to his yelling was hard, but seeing him care for a school project and be somewhat smarter than you was even more surprising.
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The second time you caught a glimpse of Bakugou was when you were at work. Not that you wished to be a stalker, but that's what it seemed like at the moment. As he walked through the door, both of you were stunned to see each other. Although you wished you could crawl into a hole and die in that moment, you still had to stay professional.
"Hello, welcome to Mitsumu’s Fashion headquarters. What can I help you with today?" This was the most embarrassing moment in your life. He just stood there staring at you before he spoke up, "Yeah, I’m just gonna go to my mom’s office. She told me to stop by to help her with a photoshoot." "Oh yeah. I’m supposed to be there. We can start the shoot in a few minutes. Just waiting for the next receptionist to clock in."
20 minutes went by, along with 20 minutes of your anxiety catching up to you, fearing what was to come. The shoot went by pretty smoothly in your opinion. Well, at least Bakugou posing in different outfits went well. The only thing that went south was when the other crew members whispered about you. It was as if you weren’t there.
‘She’s such a screw-up, why can’t they just fire her already i’m getting kind of annoyed having her around’ was a sentence that caught you in a trance, amongst the ‘ugh not her’ and the ‘she’s so weird’ hearing that sentence was enough to make you stop dead in your tracks. 
Words hurt. They seemed to cut deeper with every passing day at work. But then you realized that perhaps not all words hurt equally. It was Bakugou who made you believe in that last sentence.
“You two over there near the lights, you’re not discreet at hiding your gossip, instead of focusing on a teenager at your grown age you should maybe focus on doing your job, see that light over there go fix it. It’s your job. She’s doing hers quite fine, Such shame the person you seem to talk about put you both in shame”
He looked at you, and you looked at him. In that moment you knew that deep down the angry Katsuki Bakugou everyone was so afraid of was a mask to hide how he felt. You realized at that moment that Bakugou wasn’t a bad person at all, he just had issues, just like everyone else, And part of you understood that it was okay that he did that. Because by the end of that day, you could say, Katsuki Bakugou was a kind person.
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In your eyes, Katuski was the kindest person you could think of if you get to know him that is, and although kind isn’t a word people use when describing him, It was what you thought of him, and you certainly loved viewing him as such.
Katsuki Bakugou, who stayed sleepless nights with you in a cafe reading romance novels and hearing you rant about your favorite character
Katsuki Bakugou, who always glanced at you when sparring because you would cough more normally than what your drawbacks usually are
Katsuki Bakugou, who when you have no money pays for your food and orders more to disguise it as an eating competition saying he would win and ends up giving you his food because he claimed he didn’t like it, even though it’s his favorite
Katsuki Bakugou, Who hated physical touch but would let you cling to him whenever you got excited, scared, or sometimes needed a shoulder to cry on
Katsuki Bakugou, Who isn’t good at comforting people but tries to show support in different ways and when he’s cornered for being soft will always reply with ‘I’m just telling the truth’
That was the Bakugou you knew, or at least you thought you did. But you couldn’t recognize who stood in front of you.
Bakugo Katsuki, who now stood in front of you saying words you wish you could cancel out “We were never friends, I only let you stick around out of pity”. Maybe this was the kind of person you tried seeing in someone. But not everything goes how we want it to go, do we? In the end, it was you seeking comfort in someone else when they probably didn’t want you around.
Maybe 700 days of thinking you knew Bakugou were probably reduced to 1, the one being today. You had concluded the person you once thought was kind was just a character you decided to make in your head.
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“What’s up with you, you looked like you got run over” How you wish you could smack your best friend right now, “Shindo you think you’re so funny, could you at least pretend to care, you assface” Yo Shindo, the only person you could say has seen through you, not just physically but emotionally as well.
Shindo just never seemed to leave you alone, having met you at recess one random day in kindergarten. He had spotted you and just followed you around wherever you went. You hit him multiple times with rocks hoping he would leave you alone “You can’t keep hitting me with rocks that’s mean, and I’m older than you” were the first words he had told you.
“I don’t care if you’re older just leave me alone” “No” “ Why not” “Because” “Because?” “Just Because” From that day on Yo Shindo followed you everywhere and you listened to whatever he had to say. At this moment, you wish you had thrown a tree trunk at him when you were younger.
“Get up let’s go get ice cream, you’re even making ME depressed, I don’t know what happened at UA, you don’t have to talk about it just come with me to get ice cream”
“How did you get in my house in the first place”
“I broke in”
“You’re lying, no you didn’t Yo”
“I’m kidding your mom let me in”
Hanging out with Shindo was always a way to decompress however you felt in situations. Being separated from Shindo at the start of High School was always hard to get used to. Not having him come visit you during lunch always felt so strange to you, half of your life seeing him come to your door with two bento boxes just disappear into thin air, leaving you lonely almost every day.
“Shindo is there any way I could transfer to Shiketsu” 
“Not that I know of, why?”
“At school, there was this guy I started getting close with, I liked him a lot. Maybe as friends, as more, I can't tell my feelings apart but I know one thing. We started getting closer and getting to know each other, I thought he was a great guy, he would do things that just made me feel loved, not necessarily romantically loved but I felt seen with him”
“It was that comfortable feeling I get when I'm with you. If that makes sense, I thought he felt the same way since he also opened up to me. He texted me yesterday saying he didn’t want to be friends with me anymore, I thought it was a joke Shindo, i even went to the company to look for answers, I found him in the middle of a shoot and I was hoping he would tell me  it was a joke but in the end, he told me‘ We were never friends, I only let you stick around out of pity’.” That sentence alone was enough to let Shindo know how you were feeling and as if on instinct he was quick to hold you against his chest as you explained how you felt
“It’s stupid to think he would feel something about me, I feel stupid Shindo I loved him a lot. Whenever I was with him I felt seen, those moments with him made me feel that someone other than you loved me, I feel so stupid, I’m so stupid to think that the boy I fell in love with never existed, it was all just what I wanted to believe Shindo”
“He never cared for me”
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It had been weeks since you told Shindo about what happened. Things weren't going great, but they had taken a turn for the better. After school, Shindo would pick you up and bring snacks. Sometimes, he would take you to the library after school.
Your occasional hangouts became more frequent, and Shindo started dropping you off at school in the mornings in addition to picking you up. You began to notice a positive change in yourself, and you were proud to say that you were feeling a lot better. You weren't the only one who noticed this shift; your classmates noticed it too.
"Y/N, you seem happier, especially since that guy started dropping you off and picking you up. Are you guys dating?" Mina was quick to ask you as you showed up to class one day.
"You mean Shindo? Oh, we’re just childhood friends. He started helping me train and with my school work," you replied.
"You guys are always together. It’s almost impossible to hang out without you having plans with him," Midoriya added.
"Sorry, guys. We’ve just been catching up," you tried to clear up any rumors that might have caused any miscommunication.
Everyone had their eyes on you, watching as you spoke so highly about your 'best friend'. Especially Katsuki; he watched as you smiled, recalling all of your memories with him.
It left a sour taste in his mouth watching as you talked highly about someone else. He was never one to express his emotions well, but with you, it felt easy to try and express how he felt. He knew from the moment he stayed up with you in a library reading ‘A Silent Voice’ that he was developing feelings for you.
He was never one to indulge in emotions, but having those deep talks with you every night made him feel dumb for trying to deny his feelings.
He never confronted his emotions straight away, no matter how much Katsuki tried to adjust; he just couldn’t accept the fact that he was growing in love with you. 'Falling in love' seemed like a terrible way to describe their way of loving someone else. But again, who is he to construe about love?
Not that he purposely wished for it to be that way. Katsuki wanted nothing more than to have done things differently back then.
As time passed, he couldn't get the image of you crying out of his mind. It pained him to see you that way. It wasn't just because he liked you, but also because he knew he was the cause of your sadness. The guilt consumed him, and the thought of you moving on only added to his pain. He couldn't help but feel like a fool for what he had done to you.
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Katsuki was familiar with you. He knew about your favorite romance manga, your parents' connection to his, your love for fashion, your passion for romantic comedies, your favorite subject, and your usual order at the café where you both spent countless nights. He knew you well.
Katsuki knew all your fears - spiders, carnivals, clowns, open spaces, failure, and his mom when she yelled at your co-workers. He noticed all your symptoms and sometimes felt like both of your hearts were connected. He felt crazy saying it out loud, but those moments when you both trained together, you suddenly felt everything he could think of - dizziness, nausea, chest pain, shaking, and trembling. One thing that always stuck with him was whenever you felt anxious, you would bite your fingernails. Once, he took your hands and tried to stop you from doing that, and he noticed how quickly your heartbeat calmed down and started matching his instead.
"If anyone asked him why he was so in tune with knowing you on a general level, he would say out of courtesy. But if he was asked on a deeper level, he would say his heart was calm whenever you were with him, and he yearned for that feeling and you."
He always heard from his mom that love is the most powerful thing someone can experience, in friendships, relationships, or just emotional connections with someone. He believed the majority of what his mom claimed with thoughts of his own. Love is strong, but is it strong enough to make a person?
Certainly not he thought to himself as he watched you and Shindo laugh and push each other at the carnival.
He was tired of pretending he didn’t love you, but he was also tired of not knowing how to talk to you after developing feelings for you. He messed things up, and he knows it. 
It hurts to be something he so desperately wish he wasn’t, a uncommunicative person, but it hurts more than anything being nothing without you
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You were gone, no one knew where you had gone they just knew you weren’t at your dorm
The only things left behind were boxes of letters and a blanket he had got you when you were sick. Everyone was distressed, teachers all around the dorms most reassuring students others talking with Nezu on finding out where you were
And all katsuki could do was hope he wouldn’t rip the letter you had wrote to him through his tears and frustration from how tight he held the letter to his heart, hoping some way you could feel how his heart was beating and in hopes of you coming back
Tho the smartest yet dumbest person i know,
If you’re reading this it probably means i left, well kidnapped in other terms, i’ve known for a while i would be taken, i had a gut feeling about this a long time ago so just in case i die, or don’t make it back alive i wanted to write something for you.
There’s so many things i wish i would’ve told you before i left, but sometimes not everything goes the way we wish for them to go, I Know you Bakugou, you’re probably mad i left, or you’re probably pretending to not care, maybe even wondering where i am, if you still care that is, you’ve always been the type of person to think about things too often.
That’s not the real reason i’m writing this letter for you, there’s so much i want to say but i’m afraid there won’t be enough time to do so, so i’ll say it in this letter
Katsuki Bakugou, I am in love with you, i have been from the 700 days of knowing you, but words aren’t  enough to describe how i feel, i left a box under your bed, every reason why i fell in love with you is written in all of them. If i do end up being alive i want to say it to your face
But if i am dead, i want you to know you’re the first person i’ve ever truly loved in this life and hopefully i can love you the same way in my next one
And with that i ask one last thing from you, you’re a person who hates changes but please, if anything does end up going wrong i want you to pursue your dreams for bring number one, i’ll always be cheering you on
So for now this is my last goodbye Katsuki, Thank you for making me feel so at home, i still
think about what happened between us everyday but i hope the best for you in life, even if i’m not there
I love you, thank you for being my friend
You were such a dumbass. How could he not love you, when you constantly ran through his mind, he tried to keep his emotions in touch but just as he opened the box you left him he was met with notes and items that reminded him of you. What hurt him even more was reading through all the notes you had wrote for him
One particular note had shifted his emotions complete
‘Hey katsuki, remember that time i kept freaking out over my school grades and you comforted me saying it would all be okay? I still think about that moment and how you held me close to your chest and we layed in bed, in that moment when i looked up at you i saw the reflection of my LED lights in your face and all i could think about was you, i wanted to kiss at that moment from how pretty your eyes looked’
In that moment Bakugo Katsuki knew that what he felt for you wasn’t some simple puppy crush, he craved you he knew that whatever he tried convincing himself wasn’t true at the moment
Not when he was clutching your hairpins and notes close to his chest wishing the burning sensation in his heart would stop
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Weeks had gone by, You had been found by the pro heroes and all he could think about was how he wishes he was the one saving you instead. But atlas he was glad you were safe
When he had gotten word you were found but your condition was critical he wanted nothing more than to just run out of the dorms and find you, but he knew he would’ve been stopped by the teacher. So he waited, he visited the hospital you were staying at everyday, constantly asking when they would be taking visitors 
Everyday he was met with the same answer ‘no’ ‘not yet we’ll let you know when she’s ready’. It was killing him not knowing whether he would get the chance to clear up his mistakes and confess to you.
But all of those thoughts suddenly vanished as he waited for the nurses to let him in
You had no memory whatsoever on when you had been rescued, according to the nurses you had woken up 6 days after being rescued by the heroes, and according to one of the nurses there was a boy who constantly kept looking for you, surely it was Shindo, the nurses had said they would bring him to your room
Shock wasn’t enough to describe how you were feeling at the moment, Staring at the guy you least expected in front of you was surely not on your bucket list at all, you were going to speak first until he beat you to it
“I have a lot to say to you so just listen to what i have to say first”
“Back then, i didn’t really know how to deal with the sudden shift in my heart, watching you smile and do things we would normally do, felt so different one random day, I don’t know when it started but watching the way your eyes would shine made my heart tighten, i knew that whatever was happening to my emotions wouldn’t go well on my part”
“So i distanced myself, i never meant any of the words i said at all, i was a asshole for saying that to you, i’m not expecting forgiveness straight away, but watching you get so close to someone else made me feel uneasy, not in a possessive way, but in a way that makes me remember everything you were doing with him you had done all of that with me”
“And when i realized my feelings and had everything sorted out, i was waiting to confront you but i waited too long and you had been kidnapped, When i read your letter i knew that if i were to get you back i would tell you as soon as i could, i didn’t wanna risk you leaving without hearing what i have to say”
“I’m in love with you, I grew in love with you and your stupid smile, your stupid rants, I love you like i’ve never loved anyone before. You’re the only person that has made me smile and I yearn for that feeling and I crave you most importantly. Before i met you i didn’t understand the true meaning of what love is but being with you made me realize it’s okay to not have everything figured out and just enjoy the present” he had finished off
“You’re an asshole”
“I know that”
“You made me cry”
“I know that”
“But at the end of the day it’s you i would rather spend all the time with arguing and clearing every mistake with katsuki, I love you and i hope we can both learn more about each other”
Though he didn’t kiss you in that moment he did pull you in a hug that warms your heart. Every day you’re thankful you got to know Katsuki 700 days of knowing him made your heart warm at the thought of getting to say you had feelings for Katsuki. Things would certainly be tough from that moment on but if it was with Katsuki it was definitely worth it in your eyes.
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A/N: That letter part was heavily ib the galaxy is endless on ao3 ugh i love it sm
Taglist @makaylaislovely @emmab3mma @probablylia0 @socialkid @captainshindo @yourfriendlyweeaboo @st4rf0rlife @juliii @b2mmyy @sangwooswife @sunnydaychai @peyingbills @lemon-lav @tsumuus @itzjustj-1000 @whosmarjj @lovra974 @yourmajestyqueena @scarasw1f3 @tranquilcosmos @antriimx @siraxealot
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banquetwriter · 5 months
Could you write a Fem!reader x Johnnie Guilbert where fem!reader forgets to take her ADHD meds so she is bouncing off of the walls.
୨୧ a million miles a minute ୨୧
pairing: Johnnie Guilbert ♡︎ Reader
warnings: ୭̥⋆*。 reader gets overwhelmed but it's not intense or anything dw
summary: ʚ Johnnie has to deal with you off your adhd meds ɞ
Words: 1591
An: watch the valentines day baking video on Johnnie channel bc this is based off that video and the deaf blind mute baking challenge lol
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“Ahhhhh are you ready?” you squealed, scooting your socked feet over to the camera set on the tripod. “Yeah, we should be good to go,” Johnnie says, setting his phone down as you adjust the camera's settings.
“Can you please scoot into frame my good sir.” you request trying to make sure it's focused. “Oh of course your highness,” he replies, scooting over a bit more into the camera view. “Ok ok a little moreeee.” you plead. “Jeez you asked too much of me.” he jokes, moving even closer into the frame.
You let out a small giggle at his words. The world around you slowly starts to fade away as you hyper-fixate on the camera. YouTube and video making are some of your biggest fixations and you need to make sure it is absolutely perfect.
You supposed you were taking too long because after about a minute you hear Johnie complaining behind the camera. “Baby hurry up.” he moans tapping the counter mindlessly. You squeal, feeling like your limbs are turning into concrete from standing too long.
“Sorry sorry! The camera is being mean to me,” you reply, finally deciding that the video was good enough. You slide around to the kitchen and crash into Johnnie slightly. “Woah watch it there,” he mumbles with a smile watching you fix your hair into place.
“Sorryyyy,” you mumble, making sure all the shit you two were going to use in the video was all set up. You look up at the camera and realize you never even pressed record. “Oh shit hold on.” you scoot yourself back over the camera much to Johnnie’s chagrin.
“Oh, Jesus come on,” he mumbles, watching you. “I'm sorry!!” you squeal again. “You took so long setting up that I thought you were programming a drone strike back there.” he jokes, starting to laugh at his own words as you press the record button.
You poke your head out from the camera with a shocked face. “I'm just kidding,” he says, holding his arms out as you use the tile to slide against him again. You bump into him but don't pull away at first. He smiles down at you and presses a kiss on your forehead.
You pull away with a big dopey grin unable to hide the glee he gives you. “I'm sorry I took so long to set up,” you say, holding your arms up and moving to the counter. “It's fine, don't worry about it,” he says with a grin.
“And I was just setting up to film a YouTube video. I can't imagine how hard it must be to shoot porn.” you joke with him laughing at your own words. He looks at you with a slight grin. “Jesus you're on one today,” he mutters looking at the camera that was (thankfully) now recording. “Hi everyone and welcome to this video that's already going great,” Johnnie says waving to his camera.
You giggle at his attitude and crouch down from how hard you were laughing. Johnnie rolled his eyes and looked down at you. “Can you please pull yourself together and film this with me? It's Valentine's Day, it's supposed to be romantic.” he mutters.
His words seem harsh but they aren't, he has a huge grin on his face as he holds his hand out to you to hell you off the floor. “Ahhh I'm sorry.” you apologize, then taking his hand you jump to your feet ready to start the video.
“Today your favorite chefs Gordan Ramsey and…” Johnnie says pointing to you. You try to think of another famous chef but nothing comes to mind. It felt like it had been filled with fizzy rocks and it was useless to come to terms with anything you were thinking.
“Ummm.” you start, furrowing your brow and wondering why it was so hard to concentrate today. You look at Johnnie with a small frown as you couldn't come up with any names. “Who is another chef?” you whisper at him biting your nails.
It wasn't a habit you were proud of by any means but it usually calmed you down. “Uh Chef Boyardee,” Johnnie says with a smile. You start laughing at his answer. “Duh,” he mutters again as you pretend to wipe your fake tears away.
“Dude I'm already pissed off in this video because you took so long to set it up,” he says using his hands to speak. You roll your eyes at his words, “Oh I’m sorry princess I didn't hurry up.” you mock him. “Oh Jesus am I gonna get called baby girl and princess now?” he said, rubbing his face as you laughed at him.
He picks up a few of the hideously colored boxes for you to hold and hands them to you. He picked up the rest and refocused the video. “So today we are gonna be making a bunch of Valentine's Day items,” he says looking at the boxes.
“I don't think we are gonna be making all of them, y/n hasn't taken her ADHD meds today, as you can tell. And is bouncing off the walls today… well, it's night but whatever.” he says, setting the boxes down and looking out the window.
“Well I think we should start with this one, the sugar cookie hearts,” you suggested showing the camera the box. “It looks yummyyyyy.” you comment looking at the box. The two continue making the video. There were many instructions and different moving parts and Johnnie, god bless him, was not good at being able to keep anything organized.
The lack of meds was catching up to your brain. You felt like crying. It seemed the world wasn't on your side right now, you forgot to take them one time and you're about to cry while making stupid treats.
Johnnie dumped a flavor packet into the borderline soup the two of you had made. It unfortunately missed the batter and landed mostly on the floor. “Johnnie,” you whined, all of your funny banter gone.
You took a deep breath and rubbed your face. You crouched down to your knees and sat on the floor. “Y/n? Are you ok?” Johnnie asked, looking at the camera. Then back at you.
You lifted your head a little, nodding. “Yeah, I'm ok. Just without my meds, I'm getting really overwhelmed right now.” you confess clutching your legs to your chest. Johnnie sets everything down wiping his hands on his shirt before rushing to the camera to turn it off.
He presses the button on the device before crouching down to the floor next to you. The oven went off indicating it was preheated and ready to cook your monstrosity of a creation. “I'm sorry Johnnie. I hate when people think ADHD is getting hyper.” you mumble hiding your face in between your knees.
“You're good baby, don't worry, ok? Do you need anything?” he asked scooting next to you, careful not to touch you to make anything worse. “No no I'm good it's just stressing me out how much stuff is going on,” you said moving your hands all over the place to demonstrate.
He smiles at you, not because he thinks it's funny you're overstimulated but because of your hand motions. “I know it can be stressful. Do you want me to finish the video by myself?” he asked. You lifted your head to look at him.
He doesn't say anything except look into your eyes. You just smiled at his offer. “No! I wanna finish it with you. I just needed a break. That's all.” you said, a wide grin plastered on his face.
He really loved you, didn't he? “Ok let me know if you need me to,” he whispered. Inching closer to your face. You completed the space between the two of you, pressing your lips against his. He moved his right hand to cup your face.
You pull away after a second with a smirk feeling much better overall. “Of course, I wanted to finish filming with you, it's Valentine's Day andI love you!” you said sitting up and offering him your hand to stand back up. He smiled at you.
“Of course, that's gonna end soon because we are actually just contract dating.” you joked, starting to giggle again. Johnnie started laughing as well at your joke as he turned the camera back on. “You need to say that joke again for the camera,” he murmurs walking around the counter.
You smile and tell him ok. Johnnie catches the video up and shows them the batter (soup) the two of you managed to make and how the oven was preheated and ready to cook said monstrosity.
Johnnie puts it in the oven and sets the timer. The two of you sit there for a second not saying or doing anything. “Well. What should we do now? Start another box?” he asks, leaning against the counter.
You roll your eyes. And slide into the center of the kitchen. “We should dannnnceeee,” you ask, shaking your shoulders slightly. He rolls his eyes but walks up to you. He takes your hands and follows the little shiny you were doing.
“We have to cut this. I bet I look like such a dork,” he says with a grin. “No! You look super kickass with your leopard print jacket! Or maybe that's a cheetah I don't know.” you say looking at his outfit. He rolls his eyes but can't help the way his face heats up from your compliment
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lesbians4lottienat · 3 months
Hihi this is like my first time requesting so hopefully it’s good 😭😭🤞
But pre-crash Nat and reader where they’re both ex’s and Nat is jealous of reader getting more closer to Lottie at a party or practice (whichever you like better) and it could either end like with Nat or Lottie or both
(I ran out of the idea at the end 😭😭 sorryyyy)
(( i got a little carried away cuz i liked this idea so much lol ! ))
Nat doesn’t like how close you and lottie have gotten after you and her break up. She finally works up the courage to talk to you about what happened.
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Nat scowls from beneath the bleachers, brow furrowed in confusion and annoyance. It had been two months since she had broken up with you, a drunken decision made in anger when you had gotten into a fight over her. You punched some jerk who had called her a slut, claiming that she “didn’t need your fucking help.”
And now, here she was, stewing in anger on the outskirts of the soccer field. Truth be told, it had scared her; seeing your bloodied, battered body worried Nat to no end. Knowing that she was technically the reason this had happened? Maybe you were better off without her. So, she did what she knew best. She pushed you away and isolated herself from one of the only good things she had going for her.
She stubbed out her cigarette, squinting her eyes in your direction. You currently stood on the field, accompanied by none other than Lottie fucking Matthews. The two of you passed the ball back and forth, warming up for your upcoming practice. You laughed at something Lottie said, and she felt the urge to roll her eyes at the dopey smile on the taller girl’s face.
You and Lottie had been getting closer recently. Determined to cheer you up after yours and Nat’s ‘falling out,’ as the rest of the team deemed it, she had been hanging around you more and more. Nat resented that everyone simply saw it as a fight between friends, although she supposed she had no one to blame but herself. After all, she had been the one to ask to keep the relationship between you and her alone.
Nat grumbled to herself as Lottie greeted her, feeling nauseous at seeing you staring anywhere but at her to avoid catching her gaze. She raised her hand halfway in a mock wave, rushing past you two and into the changing rooms. She wanted nothing more than for this stupid practice to be over. She hadn’t even wanted to come, but she was sure Taissa or Jackie would’ve hunted her down had she not shown. They both had been working everyone harder, mainly because nationals were approaching.
Nat sighed as she changed into her practice gear, being one of the last people in the locker rooms. She rubbed at her eyes, trying her best to ignore the angry tears that threatened to fall. She’d much rather be getting high with Kevyn Tan behind the dumpster right about now.
“Alright ladies, take a knee,” Coach Martinez had yelled, and Nat knew it was time to start. They were going through some basic drills today and ending the practice with a simple scrimmage. Nat looked to you when the coaches told them all to partner up with someone else, but you were already by Lottie’s side, her holding onto your hand. Stupid. She partnered with Laura Lee, her thinly worn patience being tested as the girl told her she had been praying for your and her ‘friendship’ to heal. Nat knew she meant well, but it took everything in her not to start a fight then and there.
It all started to go wrong when it was time for the scrimmage. You and Nat were on the same team. Great, she thought to herself, how could this get any worse? Of course, that was before she saw Lottie pouting at you because she was not on your team and squeezing your hand to wish you good luck. Jealousy swirled hatefully in her gut, and she couldn’t fight the scowl on her face.
It started small. You hadn’t passed the ball to her when she was closer to the net and could’ve easily gotten your team a point. You had still scored, earning the praise of your teammates, but the seed of annoyance grew at the simple gesture. She was clearly open! You could’ve avoided all but being knocked over by Tai if you had just passed to her! And, maybe she could’ve avoided seeing Lottie grinning ear to ear at you, sending you two thumbs-ups. She hated it. She hated the feeling of you so clearly moving on while she still loved you. She knew it wasn’t your fault; she was the one who didn’t communicate and scared you away. She wished you would just chase after her already and talk to her so she could apologize. She was too afraid, though. Too nervous to approach you. It would be awkward, too, with Lottie glued to your side lately.
Practice ended after what felt like an eternity. Nat quickly made her way to the showers, changing after cleaning herself up a bit. She stomped off toward the back of the dumpster, where she was certain Kevyn was waiting for her with something to take her mind off what was bothering her. She’s caught by the shoulder, however, before she can make her way to the comfortable familiarity of being high.
“Nat! You were great today,” Jackie exclaims, and Nat wants to roll her eyes. She barely had the ball. You had made sure of that, she thought bitterly to herself.
“What do you need, Taylor?”
Jackie’s smile falters slightly before she forces a laugh and shakes her head.
“I just wanted to invite you over for a team bonding exercise! Everyone else is coming over to my house tonight! We’d love to have you!”
Nat shifts uncomfortably. By how Jackie is looking at her, it's clear this isn’t an optional event. She sighs before nodding. Jackie squeals in excitement, shouting to Nat that she should be there by 8:00 as she stalks off.
Nat shows up at 9:00. She expects a few cars, but she’s met with a party in full swing. What the hell? She walks in and is met with even more people. She nearly groans at all the drunk teenagers bumping into her. While looking for a drink, she bumps into Shauna. Shauna seemingly stares at Jackie as she dances with Jeff a ways away.
“What happened to the ‘team bonding exercise,’” she mutters as she downs her drink. Shauna startles slightly before letting out a sigh.
“Jeff heard about it. Said Jackie ought to throw a party instead,” Shauna spits, bitterness clear in her tone. Deciding that she’d rather not deal with whatever is happening between those three, Nat simply shrugs in response and walks outside to the backyard. It's much calmer back there, with fewer people. There seems to be a circle of people sharing a joint they rolled themselves, judging by its poor quality, and Nat’s tempted to join. She avoids it, however, as she wants to avoid the scrutiny of her teammates if they find out. She walks back in to avoid temptation, passing through the crowd. At this point, she’s just going to leave; it’s not worth it. Lucky for her, she runs into the two people she wants to see the least sitting on the curb in front of the Taylor residence.
You and Lottie sit together, sharing a cigarette. You both have your drinks sitting next to you, quietly chatting and laughing with one another. Nat’s too tired to think better of it, and she approaches you two.
Lottie waves at her and says something, but she's too angry to hear right now. She grabs your wrist and yanks you up, mumbling out a simple, “We need to talk.” Before she can get you to a secluded spot, Lottie grabs her arm.
“If you have something to say to her,” Lottie starts, “You should be able to say it to me, too.”
Nat glares, looking back and forth between You and Lottie. Lottie glares back. The confused look on your face tells her that you hadn’t asked Lottie to do this.
“This has nothing to do with you, Matthews,” she seethes, “This is none of your business.”
“With how hostile you’ve been towards me for getting closer to her? I’d say this is as much my business as it is yours.”
“No,” she interrupts you, “I’m not letting you get hurt again because you’re too nice to stand up for yourself. I’m not leaving you alone with her,” she states, a protective glint in her eyes. Nat glowers up at Lottie, hoping that her smaller stature doesn't make her any less intimidating to the girl.
“Fine,” Nat starts, and a stupidly confident smirk paints Lottie’s features. She thinks that Nat’s going to walk away. Nat wants nothing more than to wipe that look off her face, so she continues. “I shouldn’t have gotten angry with you for sticking up for me. I was scared because you got yourself hurt. I…I didn't want you to throw away your future for me.”
Your eyes widen in surprise, softening slightly.
“I miss you,” Nat grumbles, hanging her head in shame, “And I’m sorry that I’m an asshole.”
Everything is momentarily silent, and Nat thinks she’s made an absolute fool of herself when you suddenly respond.
“I’m sorry that you're an asshole, too.”
Her head snaps up at your monotone voice, scared that you’re still upset. There’s a small, sad smile on your face, however. You reach out to her, grabbing her hand and squeezing it.
“Missed you, too, loser.”
And suddenly, you're kissing her—a chaste kiss on the cheek. Her face flushes, embarrassed that Lottie is seeing such a private moment. Lottie looks between you two, seeming rather confused. Nat feels a tiny sense of satisfaction at that. Guess you didn’t tell your new friend everything, then.
“Lottie,” you start, “Thank you for looking out for me, but Nat and I have some things to talk about. You’ve been such a great friend to me lately, and I appreciate it immensely. I’ll tell you about this later, I promise.”
Lottie deflates slightly at being referred to as a friend but nods, stepping back. She looks at you both once before walking off, leaving you two to enter your car and drive off. You take her to your house, knowing she prefers to stay away from her trailer, and you both have a long conversation about worries and fears for your relationship after you assure her that, yes, there is still a relationship.
Now, you lay in your bed, your face nestled in Nat’s neck. She runs her fingers through your hair, telling you how much she’s missed this, missed you. You fall asleep in her arms, almost certain that you hear her mutter, "I love you,” for the first time before you drift off.
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(( as always, comments and reblogs are very much appreciated :] hope you enjoyed!! ))
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nanathott · 21 days
Hey Nana! So I read this blog where this ADULT person (+22) had rules like “nyanya nya if you’re someone who says ‘don’t write about these characters they’re minors’ just block me. Aged up is like a timeskip in the manga except here it’s in a fanfic and it’s not canon, so what’s the difference between aged up fanfic and a canon timeskip? Plus they’re just 2d characters.” I HAVE to add that this person writes “light” incest but not “heavy” incest, like if it wasn’t the same shit wtffff
Honestly it pissed me off lol cause like, what even separates them from pedos at this point? (I didn’t mention but obviously this person writes suggestive/nsfw content about minor characters.) The moment you’re imagining that minor character in a sexual context or in certain positions I don’t see how it’s any different (or am I overreacting?)
Aaaanyway SORRYYYY (sometimes I feel like you need to have zero morals and zero values to be on apps like tumblr or ao3. But honestly the worst are the people reading that shit and hyping up the writers. It’s so inconsiderate to the people who have to live with that kind of traumas/struggles..)
(One time I was looking for a Chainsaw Man fanfic on ao3 and against my will I stumbled upon someone writing Denji x SIX YO/EIGHT YO!reader??????? (As a victim of pedophilia I legit thought I was gonna throw up. Like an idiot I read the comments hoping someone would call out how messed up it was and WHAT DID I SEE??? “Omg this is so good, I love it” and I wanted to lose it and start cutting heads off lol🤕))
ANYWAY! Have a great day Nana!! (Oh idk if I said this already (yeah this is all unplanned, I’m just talking with my heart hihi and forgetting stuff) but I wanted your pov, your thoughts or idk, I just wanted to share this lol) HAVE A GREAT DAY AGAIN! <3
that’s so insane, the reason why aging up minor characters is fucking weird is because THERE IS NO CANNON TIMESKIP, you saw them as a kid, look like a kid and act like a kid and got the urge to write smut about them….. that’s weird, the only reason they’re “aging them up” is just a way for them to attempt at justifying what they’re doing so they don’t feel like a creep (it’s still weird as fuck)
^ this goes heavy for mha characters bcs they reeeeally look and act like kids esp in the earlier seasons when they’re still naive and learning, not to mention they’re literally in a high school setting
but i totally agree, ik people have mixed feelings on this and smut about minors will always be a problem and cause discourse but idk, maybe those of us who are victims of pedophillia are more sensitive to these things but regardless of whether they’re their fictional characters or not it just feels gross
it feels like stripping them of their innocence esp in cases where people write smut for denji like u said, he’s dumb, uneducated, inexperienced, and is obviously a repeated victim of sexual assault and people use that as a way to write smut for him… it’s so strange, like leave that kid alone
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xiaosonlybeloved · 2 years
~when they take you on a date~
featuring- Xiao, Diluc, Heizou, Aether warnings- romantic relationship (obviously) a/n- im SO sorry guys ik i have an absolutely terrible posting schedule im soooo sorryyyy
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-probably an indoor date -although he's just content to spend some quality time with you, he's still gonna go for advice to some of his trusted confidants so that he can make it a nice experience for you -since he's fairly new to the mortal concept of dates, he does his best to make it memorable for you -he cooks his special Almond Tofu for you, a sign that he really cares for you -he actually spends a whole day preparing for this, and he's very nervous about whether you'll like it -so he's very relieved when he sees your excitement and happiness -if he takes you on an outdoor date, he'll take you to some pretty but secret place bc he'd know many of those, like that one spring in a cave near the harbor (?)
-restaurant date 10/10 -except that it wouldn't be a normal restaurant, it'd be one of those elite, high level, super classy ones that only the incredibly rich people could afford -if it's an indoor one, then he'd pick a secluded table with warm yellow lighting and a lot of other rich ppl stuff -if it's open air, he'd definitely choose a candlelit table at night, with minimal lighting apart from the candles and sky -he'd spoil you a lot that day, as if he doesn't every day already -he'd let you buy absolutely whatever you wanted on the menu, no matter how expensive, all on him -oh and he'd probably shyly feed you a bit himself, and whenever you weren't sitting, he'd hold your hand firmly
-he's a detective what do you expect? -he'd probably give you the time and place beforehand -turns out it was an escape room he made, and you find yourself locked out with a bouquet saying "Solve this escape room and find me, and I promise you'll find a wonderful surprise waiting. Good luck~" -when you do escape, you'll find him waiting for you in a handsome suit (i imagined it a shiny grey) and another bouquet of your favorite flowers -he'd smile and wink at you charmingly or flirtatiously and say, "Wow [N/N], I'm impressed, that was faster than I expected. C'mon now, don't be upset if you are, because I have a load of amazing stuff prepared for you" -or he'd just go with you to an escape room or haunted house
-since he's an adventurer who's been to 4 different nations, he'd definitely know all the best and most beautiful spots for a date -so he'd take you on an outdoor date for sure -it would be a picnic or something tbh -he wouldn't directly take you to the spot, but he'd show you a LOT of places on the way -in the end, he'd take you to this cozy, hidden spot somewhere where there'd be a soft chequered blanket, a lot of food and some books and games -he'd make sure you enjoyed and had fun -overall the date would be just as sweet as he is, which is a lot
as usual. thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed! likes, comments and reblogs are all very appreciated
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fariesoiree · 6 months
Hiii ! I just came across your post about bridgerton inspired hobie fic and I thought it was brilliant ! Rebel medieval hobie is my soft spot fr...
Now imagine hobie being a very flirty man well known for having good times with women in the high society (even the married ones), but ending up being forced by his family to marry reader in order to save the family's reputation.
While reader, on the other hand, really couldn't care less about hobie as she doesn't want to get married but still ends up to becausewomen's voices at this era... well...
Now I can't help but daydreaming about flirty hobie who doesn't take the marriage seriously at first, but ends up falling for reader and trying to make her fall in love of him in return ; but reader sees him as a playboy and wants to stay distant but eventually can't resist him !!!
I'm sorry it was way longer than I imagined at first but I just had to share it with you since you came with this AU, anyway have a great day/evening and don't be shy about posting about your bridgerton vibe AU I'd love to read it <3
hi pumpkin! thanks soo much for sending in your thoughts i love when people get creative in my inbox! seeing this was actually a very pleasant surprise don’t worry :)
mmmm for my bridgerton hobie x reader au i have done some thoughts ( bc i actually do want to write it i just know it’s going to be a loooong project ), i always imagine hobie as very loose and free. he’s not interested in marriage at all, he more enjoys dabbling in the arts and literature. he’s known for questioning society and certainly gets around with many women ( and men but he’s better at hiding that ). his family is probably desperate to marry him off and give them some sort of honor after he’s tarnished it all. i’d imagine he has siblings that are already married with kids so it’s just him.
then there’s reader, who’s like a delicate little flower. i think she’s sweet and easygoing, always has been. i think she’d be a bit more susceptible to the marriage propaganda because she doesn’t really have much else going for her. she’s very knowledgeable in different languages, she can read and write, she can play instruments, but many men aren’t interested in that. they approach her because she’s the more beautiful thing they’ve ever seen, dazzling in the sunlight, but the moment she opens her mouth they’re kinda . . . turned off. so she’s kinda made herself seem more gentle and dumb. she doesn’t like it but it works for the time being.
so it’s kind of strange(?) when she’s sitting around and gets a caller and low and behold, it’s hobie. she’s heard of him, seen him around. they’ve greeted each other in passing but that’s about as much as they’ve gone. she isn’t too fond of him and he treats her like she has zero brains. the big shocker of finding out she isn’t like the other girls who don’t care too much for anything but the basic hobbies, he’s in shock.
wahhh i’m writing so much but to sum it up, he falls for her, hook, line and sinker just because she fooled him for a minute and he likes the real her. sorryyyy i promise it’s coming but it’s going to be a big project. a big, big project. whoever reads this far, thank you sm and thank you nonnie for bringing your ideas!
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rakassauce · 3 days
A weird ass idea came to me suddenly at 2 in the morning
So. I have this old touhou AU that I made in like...8th grade, I think? It was basically an aftermath AU of a fan game that interested me, called Concealed the Conclusion. Basically the gist™️ of it was that Gensokyo was all in Reimu's head, and she's dying so it was all falling apart so Marisa's trying to find her before it's too late—sorry for the shit explanation but hopefully you get the idea, I have not touched a thing related to it in ages
Idk why but I want to revamp it? It's a very, VERY vague au, I never did much with it, but like I kind of wanna build on it for funsies—and instead of it basically being a direct fan story for a touhou fangame (fan work-ception?) it'd be like...loosely based off of it. Or maybe heavily. You decide at this point
But see. Here's the part that makes it questionable imo;
Based on what I repost AND the art I rarely do post, y'all already know I've been in the Yu-Gi-Oh obsession hell hole for a year straight. It's been a comfort to me in tough times, as has Touhou in the past. I actually got into Touhou during a rough patch of junior high. Been in love with the world of children's card games and youkai ever since. (I've just never posted my touhou fanart lol, it's all old) That being said, I am a fucking SUCKER for crossovers. I LOVE the idea of seeing two or more of my favorite cartoons, books, or games, interacting or even working with one another. It's just difficult to find a good (or active) fic / official work that satisfies my strange niches
So. Onto the AU (please keep in mind this isn't fleshed out at ALL, I thought about this in the shower randomly) :
Gensokyo has...not been doing so hot, as of recent. Terrible weather, weaker youkai, and hell, even weaker magic. Worst of all? Aweakening Hakurei Barrier. Many are perplexed—even Gensokyo's sharper, more cunning minds. It seems the land of eastern fantasy has only been falling apart—so our beloved Hakurei shrine maiden takes it upon herself to investigate, thinking it's just another incident to be handled and dealt with.
Then she disappears. No where to be seen.
Marisa for once is actually...kind of worried. As soon as things seem suspicious, she's out searching, looking for her dear friend. Sure she was a lazy bum at times, but she wouldn't up and leave with no explanation, right?
Alright, this is where things get vague, since what I just typed was basically a synopsis of the AU—and now that I'm reading it over, BASICALLY CONCEALED THE CONCLUSION. MOVING ON, somewhere along the line, Sakuya and Yukari get involved. They find Reimu, weakened by whatever it was (forgive me I'm sorryyyy) hurting Gensokyo. Her powers are dull—but with some help, she does sort of get back on her feet.
Things seem to be getting better.
And then they weren't.
At the end of it all, Gensokyo is...frozen. Stuck in stone, sealed. The only surviving residents? Reimu, Marisa, and Sakuya. Why? Because with what very little strength she has left—without so much as a warning—Yukari opens a gap to the outside world from underneath them.
With that, comes the end of Gensokyo. Or so it seems. One can't be so sure.
The three are separated. Where, is hard to say. All Marisa knows...is that she's just an ordinary girl, living in Domino City with a foster family—after being found lost in the streets with no living relatives to contact.
Will I go the amnesia route? I have no idea yet—though the idea DOES seem interesting (to me at least)
Not sure WHY this spawned in my lil brain. All I know is that the idea of Reimu and Marisa NOT being able to bounce back A-OK from an encounter has always got the gears in my head going. Probably why I liked Concealed the Conclusion so much (even though I WILL admit it IS kind of mid)
Jesus I need to put this in an obsidian vault
OK that's all for tonight, thank you for reading :D I MIGHT add more, this took more courage than I thought it would—idk how you writers manage to do this
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freeuselandonorris · 9 months
19 and 21 for the writer asks?
thank you for asking anonnie!!
19. Give us a small teaser from one of your WIPs.
from chapter 8 of that one from work can come over on monday night, which will be posted soon!
“Living room?” Oscar asks, trying not to sound too awkward about it. “Or, um, bedroom?”
Lando laughs, one of his sudden high-pitched squawks. “I don’t mind fucking on the couch.”
“I meant do you want to watch telly or have dinner first,” Oscar says, exasperated and hideously, desperately fond.
He’s nearly jerked right off his feet as Lando yanks his hand without warning. He takes a stumbling step, their chests almost colliding, and makes a muffled sound of surprise as Lando kisses him again. He’s pushed right up against Oscar, straining in a way that makes Oscar wonder if he’s going to jump right into his arms. It’s not a prospect Oscar finds unappealing, although he’s not entirely sure he’d be able to keep them both upright.
“No, Oscar,” Lando says against his mouth, nipping his top lip sharply. “I don’t want to watch telly, you nutter.”
21. Have you ever deleted an entire scene after spending hours laboring over it? If so, why?
oh god yeah. loads. quite often i’ll work a scene into an early draft which feels important for connecting two parts of the narrative at the time, but then when i come to edit, i’ll realise it was a) restating something in another scene, b) pulling the narrative in a direction it doesn’t want to go in or c) completely unnecessary writing in circles (i do this a lot when i’m feeling blocked with a scene and it’s a useful way of writing ‘towards’ the direction i want to go in).
i can’t think of loads of specific examples, but i scrapped and rewrote the ending of all the blood runs hot before it’s cold about three times. there was also a muchhhh longer scene at the beginning of chapter 6 of ‘monday’ which explored oscar feeling jealous of lando and daniel hanging out (and specifically lando’s willingness to post photos with dan and not with oscar) which i scrapped partly because i felt i was planting a narrative red herring about past dan/lando that i didn’t actually want in there, and also because it felt too similar to a plot line in @strawberry-daiquiris’ opus jump right in, a fic that lives so rent free in my brain that i’ve already unconsciously plagiarised it a few times (lands!!) (sorryyyy) 🥲
fan fic writer asks!
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hi so i'm going to a fall out boy concert soon and i'm ashamed to say i've only listened to about half their discography. are there any particular albums or songs that i NEED to check out before i go, or are they one of those bands that will just play whatever the fuck songs at the concert and don't favor more popular stuff
HI SORRYYYY I ONLY JUST SAW THIS. i don't know which half of their discography you've listened to but their setlists for this tour seem to be comprised of a lot of the hits + some lesser knowns and the occasional true deep cut, so even if you've only heard the stuff that got radio play you should be fine. i wouldn't worry too much about, like, people thinking you're lame or a poser or whatever for not knowing all the words to every song
"da hits" you'd probably need to know would most likely be chicago is so two years ago + saturday + calm before the storm (take this to your grave), dance, dance + sugar, we're goin' down + a little less sixteen candles, a little more "touch me" (from under the cork tree), this ain't a scene, it's an arms race + thnks fr th mmrs + the take over, the breaks over (infinity on high), disloyal order of water buffaloes + headfirst slide into cooperstown on a bad bet + i don't care (folie a deux), the phoenix + my songs know what you did in the dark + save rock and roll (save rock and roll), centuries + uma thurman + irresistible (american beauty/american psycho), the last of the real ones + young and menace (mania), and love from the other side + hold me like a grudge (so much for stardust)
in terms of what i think you NEED to check out, that's really subjective! my very favorite fall out boy album is folie a deux, which didn't do too amazingly upon release but has been getting a bit of a renaissance, so if you want to get more into the band even outside of your concert experience i'm gonna have to gas it. their newest album that they're on tour to promote (so much for stardust) is really, really good, and the band has been pulling a lot of deep cuts from infinity on high recently (g.i.n.a.s.f.s., the afterlife of the party, golden, bang the doldrums, etc) as well. i think not knowing exactly what they're going to play on any given night is part of the fun; some of the stuff they've played on this tour so far already is stuff that's never been played live at all before, so honestly anything could happen
really i don't think there's any thing you "have" to listen to. jam to what you know, give what you don't a chance, and just enjoy the show! i hope you have fun!
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mychemicalrachel · 1 year
OK so i don’t know which one i want to read more so i’ll let you decide????? with pynch??? plEAse???? angry sex, rough sex, crying during sex or SEDUCTION jjgdf sorryyyy
[send me a sexy prompt]
Oh these are all so good, I couldn't pick just one! Thanks so much for the prompt!! 💕💕
13. Rough Sex + 27. Angry Sex
Ronan had long since gotten a hold on his anger. He didn’t get frustrated quite so easily as he did in high school, didn’t snap as quick, could bend without breaking. Bi-weekly therapy sessions helped. He learned anger management tactics, deep breathing exercises, how to analyze his emotions before acting on them. Ronan was by no means a saint, but he was better and, as Declan liked to point out– he may be grown, but he wasn’t done growing.
When the anger did eventually bubble over and become too much to contain, Ronan learned to cope with it in ways that were productive instead of destructive. He completely gutted one of the old barns on the edge of the property, insulated it, and outfitted it with enough gym equipment to rival a Planet Fitness. While it usually saw an average amount of use, from Ronan and Adam alike, it mostly existed as a form of therapy for Ronan when his emotions got the better of him.
He was taking his current frustrations out on the punching bag when Adam came in, quiet, curious, contemplative. Ronan ignored him when he sat on the bench, simply observing. He didn’t want an audience, but he didn’t want to talk to tell Adam to leave. He threw another punch, landing square in the center of the bag, and it swung away from him, and then another hit as it swung back.
The feeling of Adam’s eyes tracked Ronan’s movements, a slimy crawling itch slithering up his spine until it reached his neck– suffocating, choking– and he snapped. “What the fuck do you want?”
It wasn’t fair because he knew it wasn’t Adam he was angry at, but right now Adam was the only one within spitting distance.
He stood, coming to hold the bag steady, but Ronan didn’t hit it again. He glowered at Adam instead, who gazed placidly back. “What did you and Declan fight about this time?”
Later, when he had a chance to cool down, when this adrenaline burning inside his veins had been extinguished, he would tell Adam all about it. But not now. “If I wanted to fucking talk about it, I would have told you. I came out here to be alone.”
Adam hummed, not quite disbelieving, but something close. Like he was acknowledging Ronan’s response, weighing it, and then made the choice to ignore it. He pushed the bag and it swung into Ronan’s chest. “You don’t have to be angry alone. I can help if you let me.”
For a moment, Ronan thought Adam was asking for a fight– and it didn’t matter how pissed Ronan was, he would not hit Adam– but then he reached into his pocket and held up a small bottle of lube. He raised a single questioning eyebrow, tossed the bottle to Ronan, and turned around, already working his belt open.
By the time Ronan got his hands unwrapped, Adam had his jeans pushed down around his thighs, a hand wrapped loosely around his half-hard cock. “Come on, Lynch,” he tossed casually over his shoulder. “Work out some of that aggression.”
If his head was clearer, his his dick was softer, if Adam didn’t look so fucking delectable, Ronan might have had the sense to go back to the punching bag. As it was, with his head hazy and his dick hard and Adam looking like that, Ronan spread his fingers out across Adam’s back. He pushed his shirt up to see the stretch of freckled skin and scratched four nails down the center. Angry red marks appeared in their tracks and Adam inhaled sharply before scrambling to get the shirt off. He tilted his head, exposing his neck, an invitation for Ronan to take what he wanted.
“Fuck,” Ronan said, “Parrish.” He attacked Adam like a wild man, starved for touch, uncivilized, hungry. His kisses were hurried, tactless, open-mouthed messes that were more teeth than lips. When he bit down on Adam’s shoulder, Adam hissed, jerking only in surprise. His muscles flexed under Ronan’s palms as Ronan’s touch traveled down, down, down. Slipping his fingers into Adam, he realized, pleased, that Adam had prepped himself before coming out here, and he stretched easily.
“Are you sure?” Ronan asked.
Pushing back against him, Adam said, “I wouldn’t have offered if I wasn’t sure.”
And that was really all Ronan needed to hear. He pulled his fingers out all the way before shoving them back in. Adam stumbled over his own feet and reached back to grab onto Ronan’s arm to steady himself. “Jesus fuck,” he said, “I brought lube, asshole.”
Ronan pulled Adam’s earlobe between his teeth, earning sharp another hiss– part pleasure and part pain. Retrieving his fingers, he pushed Adam forward. “Against the wall,” he commanded, and Adam went. He braced himself against the old barn wall, legs spread, ass back, ready, open, waiting for Ronan to take him. Normally Ronan would take his time and appreciate the beauty of Adam Parrish, but right now, he didn’t fucking care. He felt like his brain was on fire, his limbs sizzling with the blistering embers. He stripped out of his gym shorts, pausing only long enough to make use of the lube Adam had so thoughtfully provided. Slicking his cock, lining himself up, he pushed all the way in with one long thrust.
It punched the air out of Adam, a choke somewhere between a gasp and a sigh strangled in his throat, and he pressed his forehead against the wall. Ronan didn’t stop to let him adjust before pulling back and snapping his hips forward again.
“Shit, Lynch,” Adam swore, his words wrapped in a moan. His nails dug into the wood so hard it left a series of little crescent shaped dents. “Fuck.”
“Fuck,” Ronan agreed vehemently. Wrapping an arm tight around Adam’s chest, holding him in place, he curled his other hand around Adam’s hip. The bones jutted out, angular and viscous, though not as defined as they had been when they were kids. Still, it was something solid to hold onto, balancing Adam and grounding himself, while he fucked into Adam again and again. Reckless and carnal and angry.
He could feel Adam’s ragged breaths in his own chest as Adam writhed, searching for friction or control while Ronan chased his own pleasure. For Ronan there was only this; tight heat, the wet suction of Adam’s walls pulsing around him. Biting down hard on Adam’s shoulder, he tasted blood in his mouth. It had the taste of a fight, the urgency, the rage, like knuckles against his teeth. Exactly what he’d been craving.
Untwisting his hold on Adam, like tentacles wrapped around prey, he pushed Adam hard against the wall and slammed into him one final time before he came. He pulled out and watched, mesmerized, as his cum dripped from Adam’s hole– red and puffy, clenching and unclenching around nothing, as if it yearned for Ronan to return. He shoved two fingers inside and wondered if he could get hard again just from the whine in Adam’s throat when Ronan stroked his prostate.
He came like that, with Ronan fingerfucking him, using his own cum as lubricant, his cheek pressed to the wall, hands grappling for purchase. He fell back against Ronan’s chest, trusting that Ronan would catch him, and he did. He held Adam close. Spent and exhausted, he placed a gentle kiss to Adam’s temple.
Adam waited until his breathing returned to normal before he asked, “Do you feel better?”
“I do,” Ronan admitted. He brushed messy fingers carefully through Adam’s hair. “Are you okay?”
Adam hummed. “I’m gonna be sore tomorrow, but I think it was worth it.”
Closing his eyes, Ronan breathed in tandem with Adam– two halves of a set of lungs. “I needed this,” he said, and kissed him softly. “Thank you.”
They both needed a shower, a drink, maybe a nap, and he knew he owed Adam an explanation for what ignited his anger this time, but neither of them moved just yet, content to exist quietly together. The feeling of Adam’s heart beating against Ronan’s ribs was the only thing that mattered. Everything else could wait.
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reptilia2003 · 1 year
Do you have any good reading on why degrowth is a bad idea? The idea of economic degrowth for the world’s largest overconsumptive economies (US and other high income countries) was presented to me favourably by a professor last term and though we only took a cursory look at it I thought it sounded like it made some sense so I would be interested in reading counterarguments
this ask might be really old sorryyyy! but in general degrowth is…kinda stupid. I don’t have any academic papers off the top of my head about it (though there are many) but basically it boils down to “as the world has gotten richer, more populated, and consumed more, poverty has fallen, especially in poor places. And within the last few decades, in many countries we’ve seen carbon emissions fall while GDP continues to grow.”
When the economy shrinks it hurts people, especially the poor. Since industrialization, and with it a massive amount of GDP growth, child mortality has fallen in a way that’s almost hard to fathom—one in two children used to die before reaching adulthood. Life expectancy is way up, and people are happier, healthier, and have more leisure time. We don’t need to go back to a world of poverty to solve climate change, so why should we?
here’s a few articles from a variety of political perspectives about this issue:
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the-transid-gacha · 2 months
Name(s): moldy, charlotte + your choice
Gender(s): cis
Orientation(s): bi? + your choice
TransID(s): transamerican, something transage, transnazi SORRYYYY + your choice
CisID(s): bpd, depression + your choice
Pronoun(s): she/her + your choice
Species(s): bread lol
Age(s): adult
Source(s): hfjone
Role(s): your choice (but not one with high responsibility)
Small bubble about appearance if you already have an idea: what she looks like in canon
We can also add (Upon request): idk
Like(s): your choice (basic stuff)
Dislike(s): also your choice
Personality trait(s): laidback, lazy, kinda boring ngl + your choice
Face claim(s): none
Para(s): 2 or 3 common ones
Emoji Signoff(s): your choice
sorry if this sucks 😢😭
Hey we're sorry for making you wait so long before hearing a response, but after reading more in depth on your request we will be refusing to fulfill it. You probably already know the reason, but our system is not comfortable as a whole a TransHarmful ID like the one included for this alter. We apologize for the long wait, but we would suggest going to another BAH to complete this request.
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ddeongies · 3 months
U LITERALLY UPDATED WHILE I WAS WRITING THIS but hi im sending it anyway because i do love giving feeback and opinions lol. i was rereading to prep before ryeji day and i have(had?) some thoughts. if anything is incoherent i’m sorryyyy but like we are seeing each other rn like i Understand.
to start off, i think its soooo funny how BOTH of them decided to keep the field of wildflowers secret during their respective grillings. like. lol. ok .
i honestly think...considering what we learn in chapter 7, that whole couch thing really ends up reading to me as ryujin trying to gauge the situation and see if yeji has any interest in her at all. cuddling into her like that I SEE U. I SEE HERRRR. which makes yeji's comment about ryu having "no ulterior motive" 10x funnier to me.
adding on to that, i think the fact that yeji does slip up a bit with how she's managing her feelings towards ryu both a) encourages ryujin to push forward a little more e.g. inviting her to pregame, sitting pressed up against yeji, all of her friends somehow disappearing from the dancefloor. and b) makes me wonder about how any potential "ryujin finds out yeji went off and slept with someone else" scenes will go. (for both of them really, like i do think yeji will definitely be feeling some type of way (bad) afterwards regardless of how soon ryujin may or may not find out).
to that last point, i remember how ryujin reacted when chaer asked her if it was okay that she had hooked up with yeji, before she had actually acknowledged any sort of feelings or desire towards her, compared to now, where she's gotten to the point of realizing her physical attraction but (as far as we know) no real emotional connection beyond being friends (yet). so i'm really curious about how she'll end up coming around to the realization that she's wayyyy more into yeji than she originally thought, and how yeji's actions in chapter 8 will affect her after she does come to that realization. like to me it feels like there's a high possibility of that feeding back into the deryusions and reinforcing ryu's idea that yeji only sees her as a friend. (WELL. THAT FIRST PARAGRAPH OF CHAPTER 9. LOL LMAOOOO. LMAOOOOO. )
it's really so funny to me watching it go back and forth between perspectives and seeing both of them go "there's no WAY she wants me back", like as frustrating as that kind of cycle could be it doesn't read as cliche or frustratingly boring because it's more of just both characters being unsure of what the other wants and acting based on that perception, true or not, and its written in such a way that keeps you engaged with the story and characters.
i honestly could go on and on about yeji's self-image in this fic (i had sent an ask a little over a week ago about it, and i did draft up some of my thoughts about her but it ended up being LONG AF lmao). but she's really so... as much as she is confident, i think it's briefly touched on in the fic itself, having a reputation does go both ways, and i think the way that she sees people treat her and the way she thinks they feel about her really are getting to her head when it comes to actually wanting to date someone. that comment she makes about people not seeing her as "girlfriend material" (the biggest lie ever), and how she's never been "it" for someone... ohhh baby no.... and as much as she is confident she's still almost convinced that ryujin would only ever see her as a friend which leads her to keep treating her as such (because above all else at the moment, they ARE friends, and yeji isn't the type of person who would push more than she thinks ryujin is willing to accept) and also to her misinterpretation of and outright refusal to read into any potential signals that ryujin might actually share her feelings.
i always feel a little bit silly whenever i do this because.w ell obviously YOU know all this already but here i am talking ur ear off about something u literally wrote and thought through urself and this also ended up being way longer than i thought it would even after i rewrote most of it to try and trim it down. idk this fic is making me crazy af omg….its genuinely...so well written. i love slow burn and narratives and character nuance and the ins and outs of relationship development and ur giving all of that and more. 🖤🖤🖤 OFF TO READ THE REST OF CH 9 NOW AAAAA
OMG I LOVE THIS i love comments and asks like this literally pls never stop!!! imma go under a read more so i can respond to each point!
also yesss you manifested the update LOL i hope you enjoy chapter 9!!!! and this is not incoherent at all i love it i live for this like i said like comments like this are the best part of posting fic i'm so serious
keeping the flower field private is so gay..... like ladies......
LOL i'm very glad you picked up on this! and since chapter 9 is out it's been confirmed lol, ryu definitely had an ulterior motive there. yeji was just a bit too much in her own head about everything to realize it
yes for sure! yeji doesn't want to scare ryu off (since she doesn't know how she feels), but she's only human, so like drunkenly telling her she looks hot on instagram is definitely the type of thing that ryu would see and be like "okay there's maybe more here than i originally thought." like i don't think she would've invited yeji over that night at all if that hadn't happened (even if she wanted to see her). also like, yes ryu, yeji is friendly foward and flirty, but she is for sure different with you than she is with her besties lol. and we didn't have yeji pov after that last hookup, but i can guarantee she didn't feel good about it. both because it wasn't ryujin and because she wasn't fully present with the person she was actually with. she's definitely the type of person who would feel really guilty about thinking about someone else during sex even if it's not on purpose
i do think ryu is in an interesting place with her feelings. she realized in chapter 7 that she's attracted to yeji, but then after they spent halloween together that's when she realized she's definitely feeling more than just physical attraction. she's kind of back and forth in this space (at least pre chapter 9) where part of her is like "yeji probably only wants to be my friend" and "yeji doesn't do relationships, but maybe she would want to hook up?" (BUT YES CHAPTER 9 LMAO)
i'm so glad to hear it's not reading in a cliche or frustrating way! like they're kind of dummies, but you can't really blame them. both of them have perceptions of themselves and each other that are getting in the way of jumping into a real romantic relationship, but that's kind of how life works (especially when you're young). i honestly think it would be expecting a lot from a couple of college students to think they would just like sit down and talk about their feelings in that vulnerable and honest kind of way. they are communicating and getting closer, but these things are a bit of a dance. so i guess i'm just trying to capture that real kind of slow burn back and forth. i don't want it to be contrived and slow just for the sake of it i just want them to feel real!
omg yes yes that ask! i loved that and if you ever have more thoughts on nmau yeji please do share i love talking about her and thinking about her and writing her! (the longer the better 😈) she's definitely both self aware and also not at all lol, which, again, is only fair for a college student i think. i think it's probably true that many people (ryujin included) don't assume she's looking for anything serious because she's never really shown the opposite to be true, but it doesn't mean no one views you as girlfriend material baby girl pls! she has high self esteem but it mostly manifests in those fields in which she's confident. hookups, soccer, certain classes. she knows she's hot, knows other people think that, but she has no romantic experience, and she's really feeling that lack of confidence in that area. she likes ryujin to the point where it's definitely getting in her way, but she just really wants to handle it with care it just happens to be a bit clumsy too!
PLEASE don't feel silly omg. i think so deeply about what i'm writing and the fun thing about it is some people will read what i wrote go "cool story!" and go on with their day until the next update. but some people (like you!!) will read my writing much more critically. i love to see what people pick up on deeper levels. the foreshadowing, motifs, nuances of characterization. like yes i know what i'm putting in, but seeing what other people pick up from my writing is genuinely my favorite part of posting! it's touching to me that you like my fic (and my yeji) so much, so thank you for this ask and your last one (and any future ones!!) 🖤🖤🖤
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willowrites · 3 months
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PAIRINGS. jake webber x fem reader
SYNOPSIS. you and jake had to be separated for a few nights but he stand being away from you for one
WARNINGS. implied sexual intimacy, nudes!!! obv, a little bit of sexting, talk about marijuana, yk high horny shit…PS. i do not condone sending any nudes!!! i strongly recommend that you do not especially under 18!!! if you want to by all means do what you want but remember this decision can come back to haunt you, people are so fucked up these days just make sure you will not regret who you send them to!!! take care 💞
AUTHORS NOTE. my first jake fic/blurb :p ty ty
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you had taken a trip to go visit your parents for the weekend and a certain someone beside your cute cat was not happy about it.
you had gotten on your 2 hr flight back to your hometown with no missed calls…and landed with 15 missed calls from jake.
from jake 😇
baby when do you land???
baby why does your location say “no location found”
are you cheating on me
great, well now you won’t get to go on that cruise i booked
it’s been 15 mins why can’t u answer me
did you already board
yes, jake looked nothing like he would act like this, but he was a huge baby.
from jake 😇
it’s been thirty minutes baby not funny anymore
i miss you
come back
as you landed you got a billion messages and the courtesy your phone had to notify you of them all was not missed.
the rest of jake’s messages consisted of …
from jake 😇
it’s been an hour i think i’m dying
from jake 😇
just jerked off for the first time in idk how long i need you
from jake 😇
i made food can you taste it? OH WAIT! you’re gone
from jake 😇
oh look it’s been 1 hr and 30 mins!? why haven’t you landed yet.
from jake 😇
IM DYING i think i’m dead
from jake 😇
2 hrs is UP!!!! why can’t i see your location
from jake 😇
from jake 😇
i love you pls answer me i’m gonna shit myself
when you saw the message or actually messages; plural.
you smiled.
to jake 😇
you received a message from him almost instantly.
from jake 😇
to jake 😇
i just landed im exhausted
from jake 😇
text me when you get to your parents house
to jake 😇
i will!
a few hours past and you were finally home from the airport
as soon as you get to your childhood bedroom your parents said goodnight and left you to unpack your things.
the jet lag wasn’t affecting you too much but you were still wide awake as you finally settled into bed.
from jake 😇
im glad you made it safe baby
i miss you
are you already asleep
to jake 😇
just got into bed
im not that tired i slept on the car ride a little
what are you up to
from jake 😇
smoking, thinking of you, the usual
to jake 😇
ugh i could use a smoke
from jake 😇
i could use some of you
to jake 😇
oh really, how
from jake 😇
many ways baby
ughhh why’d you have to go
i want you so baddd
to jake 😇
weed just makes you the horniest mf on the planet
from jake 😇
for you only
i want you so bad why r u so far
to jake 😇
im sorryyyy let me make it up to you
from jake 😇
as many rounds when you get back?
you had butterflies in your stomach as you turned your bedside lamp on.
you were only wearing a very thin lacy tank top and underwear.
you snapped a pic in the low light but didn’t put your face in the picture.
and then you sent it.
a few minutes past.
from jake 😇
you’re so beautiful
just wanna eat you out
to jake 😇
omg jake
from jake 😇
need u
you then stood up facing your full length mirror and looked at yourself.
you studied your appearance hyping yourself up then got up and went to your dresser that you had organized with your clothes you brought from home.
you tried looking for something sexier but the only thing you had brought was a swimsuit just in case your family decided to go swimming.
so you opted for just your bare self.
you turned back to the mirror grabbing your phone.
you weren’t sure how to do this but you knew jake would enjoy it regardless of what you did.
you had the idea to take the quilt from your reading chair and drape it across your naked chest.
so you took off your top and covered your right side but not your left.
you then took a mirror picture capturing you nude.
your heart pounded in your chest as you sent the picture.
a few minutes past again until you heard your phone buzz.
from jake 😇
holy shit
cannot take it anymore
need you to touch me soooooo bad
to jake 😇
sorry baby gotta do it yourself
from jake 😇
have no problem w that either
time passed and you felt yourself become aroused.
you wanted to touch yourself so bad and as you were about to, you received another message.
from jake 😇
that was quick
thank you baby
can’t wait to see you
and touch you
you smiled at the phone finally feeling time catch up to you…
© willowrites
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liminaltrainstation · 11 months
On Joshua Tree
We rode Danny’s friends vehicle in to the Mohave Desert, 5 of us with vastly different lives sunscreened, in ‘hiking outfits’ that seemed to fit each of our personalities and goals for the trip. As we rode further in that morning, rather than a sense of wonder, a strange tension had gathered amongst us. What were the 5 of us adults doing on this field trip? Did we bring enough water? Had we been caffeinated enough? Did we all have those granola bars we kept talking about. When we finally stopped and climbed out of the vehicle to go on what I had found out was a trail through an old dried up dam - a haunted trail as some click-baitish website had promised me. 
The sun was already out and beating down on us with such a force that it was evident why all the hikes were recommended to happen before 10 am. The sign said “DO NOT DIE” and we all stared at it with a silly sense of self. Something was spinning within me, was it the desolate expanse of the Mohave Desert and the chilling realisation that i might be stuck there with a group of people I did not really want to be with? Was it the feeling that I would not have my life-changing, woo-woo, extraterrestrial spiritual meeting amongst the massive rocks like I had imagined? If anything, the hike was almost awkward. I began guzzling down my nuun water, hoping for a high, to slightly ascend and find myself transported into a higher plane of existence. Eventually, after passing desert plants, desert carvings and naturally forming pots and pits on the ground, the hike became a steady exchange of us photographing each other. Somehow, though my professional life seems to constantly be in the business of capturing people, I’ve grown to really hate taking photos on vacations of people. The self-documentation of people standing like ornaments in a scene leaves me so exhausted, i’m not sure why. So i tried my best to not be given the responsibility of ‘group photo taker’. Instead I found myself longing to lay under the head on the rocks, letting the sun rock my world. 
Eventually from the first hike site we went to another - SKULL ROCK. Where the large orange rocks resembled massive giants that had bent down and gotten stuck to the desert floor. There was a smoothness, a babyness to the formations. Almost as if they were bubbles. Us, along with hundreds of other tourists could be found there, as the sun began to edge closer to noon, parkouring through these massive rock formations. Climbing under, over, beside them. On our way back to the car, I had gotten stuck in between a Korean family also trekking down their trail. I watched a father teach his son his technique and then accidentally ended up in step with them. I ran past them quickly ‘SORRYYYY!!!!’ - for being the unnatural guest in their ensemble, breaking their flow.
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