#also! dont look to closely at nami's tattoo
kruxton · 10 months
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hello. guess who
here's to hoping these guys can get me out of my sim slump hooray!
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mangokabuto · 6 months
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New tablet finally came! To break it in I decided to make myself some HC references. I really struggle with consistent faces and ESPECIALLY with profile faces, so i made myself a guide lol
I was originally going to do everyone but i got tired <3 and I don't struggle with the others as much lmfao
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as-i-watch · 3 years
You better get ready bc its time for
The Straw Hats' Tragic Backstories
Ranked from what i personally consider to be less tragic to most tragic. With pictures!
I accounted not only how scaring their backstories are but also how long they suffered for, balancing the bad and the good times. Be ready
N°9 (Less Tragic): Usopp
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Less Tragic is still Tragic. He lost his mom, never knew his father and never felt he fitted in at his hometown where he gain the reputation of problem child. That said, he still had a pretty 'normal' childhood and was a happy and emotionally stable kid, somehow.
N°8: Zoro
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Now with Zoro there's the issue there's a lot we (or at least I) dont know. The times he spend at the dojo gave him somewhat of a home but before that he appeared to be a homless orphan maybe? Also then there is Kuina's death which defined so much about him through pain. Beyond that, he grew up in a safe space with people that cared about him.
N°7: Luffy
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He never had a parental figure to look up to and he was raised in a way by many people. He's sense of familly lied with Sabo and Ace bc nobody else stayed around long enough (except for Dadan). Similar to Zoro, the 'death' of Sabo defined a lot about him through pain. He ranks above Zoro because he lived to survive and his and his brothers lives were often put in mortal danger.
N°6: Brook
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The fact that he had a whole happy life didnt allowed me to rank him very high but at the same time, wandering arround for decades alone, traped in the darknes, souraded only by the dead bodies of his nakama. I couldn't put him last either. Not to mention the lost of his body.
N°5: Franky
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Now it's getting real. Franky did have a happy childhood with his found family doing what he loved that is building ships. But, the boats he created were used against him to bring down and arrest his father figure/mentor. In desperation he traid to fight a train to stop it and lost his body in the process. He never saw Tom again.
N°4: Sanji
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There are two sides to this. One, so far all we (or at leats I) know of Sanji is from when he was already an apprentice at a kitchen, what's the story before that? Idk but i bet is not happy. Then ofc is the issue that he almost starved to death at the ripe age of 8 and had to carry on with the guilt of costing this pirate-chef his leg and career, who eventually became his mentor/father figure. No wonder he is so closed off emotionally. Thanksfully, after that he seemed to have gronw up without other insidents and he loved it in the Baratie
How are you doing? Sad yet?
Well buckle the fuck in bc we are entering the top three and oh boy
N°3: Chopper
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Rejected by everyone since he was born and it only got worse after the ate the devil fruit. He was attacked by his own and also by humans. The only one that showed him love and kindness was Hiluluk, his father figure/mentor, who he ended up killing while trying to find a medicing to save him. All things considered he had some happy times in the middle.
N°2: Nami
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She was a happy kid until Arlong came along, murdered her mom infront of her eyes and took her away. Not only she was forced to work and live with Arlong, but she also had the lives of everyone on her village on her shoulders, and she made it so at the age of 8! She lived the next decade terrorized by Arlong, alone, thinking everyone hated her and carrying that weight on her own. Her final snap when she stabs herself on her tattoo cannot be more heartbraking
N°1 (Most Tragic): Robin
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There's just, so much to unpack. She lived alone, her mother left her and her adoptive family rejected her. The only solance she found was studying but then the Marine came along. They killed everyone she loved in front of her eyes, they burned her entire island and made her the sole survivor. After that they persecuted her all her life, she was betrayed and sell out more times than she can count probably. She was forced to live in the run, never trusting anyone and never belonging anywhere, which was all she ever wanted.
- Thanksfully they all found happiness later in life having wonderful adventures with the Straw Hats, one big fam -
I hope you liked my post (ಥ‿ಥ)b
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doctorgerth · 4 years
Im so excited about this match ups! I would love to get romantic one! (I actually set alarm clock to dont miss it xD) My name is Veronica. Im 20yo straight girl. I have brown messy hair and green eyes i also have a lot of tattoos and im a bit chubby^^ Im also Artist. :) Im ENTP in MBTI personality test. about my personality: Im kind of sarcastic but i have good sense of humor. Im very loyal to my dearest and im very protecting to the people i love!
Omg, the fact that ppl go that far just to get a request from me is truly baffling! 🥺🥺 Well, I’m glad you were able to get a request in, love! Thank you and I truly hope you enjoy your matches 🥰
Your match is...
Sanji (ENFJ)
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Sanji was obviously wooed by you when you two first met despite not knowing anything about you. He shamefully couldn’t prevent the nosebleeds from your beautiful green eyes and curvaceous body. He also never thought about tattoos much before until he met you, but god is he a sucker for them on you! They make you look so bad ass and sexy, he can;t help but to stare at them or to trace them when he’s holding you close. It honestly was nearly impossible for him to even have a conversation with you at first just because he was too awestruck by your beauty. Thankfully, he’s been able to get over himself (at least a little), because getting to know you and falling love with you has been one of the greatest blessings in his life! Unfortunately for him, your sweet personality and loving heart makes you all the more beautiful to him, so the nosebleeds still happen every now and then lol 
You two share a lot of similarities but also bring plenty of differences to the table in order to make the relationship exciting! For starters, you two are both extroverted and enjoy the company of others. This proves beneficial as he comes from a crew (family) that loves to spend lots of time together and have lots of parties! So that gives you the ability to thrive and form relationships with the people who mean the most to him. You two are also extremely creative, you with your art and Sanji with his cooking. He embraces self-expression as he is the biggest fan of all your work! He keeps every piece you make him and hangs them up in his room and kitchen, little reminders of you throughout the day! 
Sanji had to take some time to get accustomed to your sarcasm (even tho he’s pretty sarcastic himself) but he’s just constantly worried about making you happy and doing the right things, so when you’re a little teasing and sarcastic, he has a brief moment of panic that he did something to upset you. But once he finally understands your mannerisms, he’s able to partake in some quips with you. Sanji can get pretty sassy! Being so in love with you, Sanji will convince anyone that you’re the funniest person ever! He is always there to laugh at your jokes and his laugh is always so sweet and genuine, making you get butterflies from making your favorite person laugh so much.
Being worried about loyalty from Sanji is understandable in the first phase of the relationship when you’re just starting to get established. Because we know Sanji loves all the ladies. But, the moment he commits himself to you, he’s so invested in loving you, there’s no time for him to really ogle over anyone else! He still respects the ladies of course and he cares deeply for Nami and Robin, but Veronica is his true love!! And nothing or no one can take him away from you, so there’s no room for questioning his love for you! Sanji is extremely protective of you and he definitely can be a bit smothering at times, but it’s all in good nature. He just doesn’t want anyone or anything to harm the person he loves most. He’s always willing to lay his life down for you, despite your protests. He gets a little pouty if you protect him because he’s just that type to think it’s his job to protect you. But he’s of course thankful every time you do so!
Sanji is a sensitive soul, whether he likes to admit it or not. So there are times when he’s a bit over-emotional and unfortunately, emotionally-driven conversations are not your forte. So it takes some time for you to become more empathetic towards Sanji’s feelings since you’re a bit more logical than he is. Sanji also wants to avoid confrontation with you at all costs. He doesn’t like to think there’s something wrong in the relationship or face the fact that he’s upset with you/vice versa. So sometimes he becomes a little passive and won’t tell you if something’s wrong even though you know something is bothering him. This is usually the only things you’ll argue about, so you gotta make Sanji comfortable with communicating through an argument. Just reaffirm that you’re not going to leave him over a small argument and he’ll become more open!
You two have such big hearts for your loved ones and especially each other, so there’s really no room for doubts throughout your relationship. You two can be the cheesiest and “grossest” couple sometimes, but everyone is just truly jealous of how much love is shared between you two. Sanji makes it very obvious that you’re the one for him, even on your bad days, Sanji chooses to love you and only you, every single day. Having you reciprocate is just a dream come true to him!
Other potential suitors:
Kaku (ENTP) - You make him laugh, and honestly, that’s all it took to make him fall helplessly in love with you. In his work life, genuine joy and humor is hard to come by. But you’re able to break that shell of his and remind him of his better days, the kind of life he wishes he could have with you all the time. You’re the type of girl that really makes him want to settle down, which is something he hasn’t thought much about before! Kaku is also extremely loyal to you and knowing he has someone as equally loyal waiting at home for him just really eases his mind. He trusts you with his life!
Sabo (ENTP) - He adores how easy-going and outgoing you are. Being around you is just so comfortable and enjoyable, even in the most social settings. The loyalty and love you have for your loved ones reminds him so much of his self and he just really appreciates it. Sabo is very intrigued by your sarcasm and honestly he probably beats you in being the more sarcastic person in the relationship. He just appreciates that you two can tease each other and have fun with it. Your relationship with Sabo is very relaxed and amusing!
Coby (ISFJ) - Your caring and protective nature over your loved ones really caught his eye in the beginning. He shares the same kinds of passions and values as you, so it was inevitable for him to fall in love with you. Life is pretty stressful for this Marine, so your easy-going nature always helps him to relax. He doesn’t have to try to be anything he’s not around you, you love and protect him with your life and he’s ever thankful and definitely reciprocates!
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tumblunni · 5 years
Man i'm remembering how raw all of Nami's early arcs were in One Piece and how much it sucks that she just got completely sidelined later on and increasingly turned into a sex symbol as well as being pushed further into the box of 'token weak normal human who can never win a fight' while usopp eventually escaped it. Oh except she can sometomes win sexualized fights against other sexualized women. *sigh* That moment where she got fuckin assualted ny an invisible man while naked in the shower and it was all played as sexy to the audience and sanji makes a shitty joke about wishing he had the invisible power to perv on girls and then EVERYONE ELSE EXCEPT NAMI gets some damn resolution on beating up invisibiluty asshole and its clear the whole thing was just an excuse for the author to show tits and her feelings dont really matter. Oh and the fuckin literal soap bath battle with the lady whose power is magic soap that makes people extra slippery and shiny like JESUS CHRIST BRO
Anyway lets not go on for an hour about the bad nami stuff and instead remember the great stuff!
Like that FUCKIN RAW moment in her backstory arc where theyve played the reveal of her being part of Arlong's crew SO WELL that you genuinely cant tell if she was really evil all along and is really betraying everyone. And then they slap you right in the face with what seems to be a scene of her murdering usopp! And its just done so damn great and dark and shocking, like right down to the framing of it where it looks like he escaped for a second and then he barely has time to gasp out a word before she stabs him. And they let this ride for a decently long amount of time too before revealing she's not evil after all. Just enough time to sink in and make you believe it! And the circumstances of the reveal are SO DAMN GREAT, yo! I think its straight up the most badass heroic thing anyone has ever done in the entire series and i hate how it doesnt get remembered much or aknowledged as much as the bigger more dramatic fights.
Cos you see...yeah Nami was not in fact evil and was just pretending to be loyal to these villains because theyd been blackmailing her for years ans she had a plan to trick her way out of it and wanted to keep her friends safe from being involved (and loads of other complex shit!) But she REALLY FUCKIN DEDICATED HERSELF TO HER ACTING cos she knew just how damn dangerous these bastards are and how much it was gonna take to fool them. The real reason Usopp got cut off mid sentence into a strangled scream is because Nami stabbed HERSELF to fake killing him! She wrecked the shit out of her arm and rubbed the blood on him and told him to stay down, and then managed to not let out the slightest sound of her pain and continue pulling off her amazing fake villain acting while bleeding out underneath her sleeve. Its not really brought up again but from the degree of how goddamn much she injured that hand and how she wasnt able to get it treated until after HOURS OF HIDING THE PAIN, it probably would have left her with permenant muscle spasms and difficulty moving her fingers. And she's a mapmaker so thats an injury that would really affect her career for the rest of her life. She risked all that to save a friend who believed she'd betrayed him and was 100% down to fight at that moment! Like seriously they also had some great development with usppp realizing he was wrong and working hard to overcome his cowardliness and put his own life on the line to help save Nami later on. It was such a good arc!!
Oh and of course theres the entire context to this whole thing that this villain group actually murdered nami's mother when she was a kid and groomed her into joining them. And right from the age of like six years old she was already planning how to out-manipulate the manipulators and gain the trust enough to take revenge someday. And she faked joining the villains, faked being fine with it, faked not mourning her goddamn mom. She let herself be treated like a heartless demon child by everyone she ever knew, so she could make these monsters believe she'd betrayed them and thus someday save them all. Save all those people who never even fuckin believed in her! And the villain dude fuckin branded her like a cow and she was so traumatized she tried to dig the tattoo out with a knife and seriously man her left arm must be so damn scarred and i hate that they dont atually show it just cos 'she's gotta be sexy'. They used to show the scar underneath her life-affirming happier replacement tattoo, but it just got phased out around the same time her waist became 2cm wide...
Also it really fuckin sucked that this arc just ended with Nami's decade long plan to save her family failing and she cries into the dirt and then all the male characters save her aand defeaat the bad guy instead. Even worse that this started becoming a trend where every new arc from now on would have some sort of femle character who was very sad and her grand character development was admitting she needed luffy to save her and then everyone else except her gets to defeat the bad guy she has this deep personal reason to want to defeat. Sigh!
So yeh seriously Oda i know ur tryin real damn hard to amp every damn battle as the biggest thing ever now but nothing will ever be bigger than back when you had more simple fully realized concepts that gave the whole cast time to shine and aalso very specifocally nami who was the best most goddamn engaging character and you suddenly somehow forgot this. "Woman who is so much of a damn hero that she'd stab herself to save her friends who didnt even believe she wasnt evil" is like the fucking apex of what this series has ever achieved and i wpuld personally like to remember her always as the way she was in that moment.
Also seriously it would have been way better if nami got to contribute towards defeating arlong AT ALL, and especiaally if she could have dealt the final blow. Like yeah she isnt some beastly strong superpowers guy like luffy and co, but it would have been so satisfying to see all her intelligence and planning pay off! Instead of just bullshit 'arlong somehow magically knew everything she was ever planning and he only let her believe he was fooled so he could have fun shooting down her hopes when she got so close'. Nah yknow what would have been really satisfying and great? If we still had that moment but then it was revealed nami actually double-doublecrossed him! Like he's boasting about seeing through her whole plan and then suddenly he stumbles and realizes she poisoned his drink or something. Would have been extra mega double triple satisfying if this was after him actually beating all the main brawn-over-brain characters in a physical fight, and it looked like our heroes were all doomed but she managed to take down this guy they couod never hope to defeat. Though some very simple clever trick that he never expected because he underestimated her. And also this could work well to introduce the seven warlords kf the sea without immediately undercutting them, like if we clearly show that arlong actually WAS wildly out of their league and they genuinely could not defeat one of the warlords at their current power level, they just got lucky with a creative solution. That would have worked better than having zoro fight mihawk for literally no reason except 'i wanna prove im stronger than mihawk'. Srsly so much of zoro's goddamn honor shit seems so dumb on a rewatch, he outright stabs himself to give himself a handicap cos something sonething honor, and refuses to accept help because honor and fights people who didnt wanna fight him because honor and generally this looks more like signs of the man being suicidal, geez! Also stabbing yourself for no reason is nowhere near as raw as stabbing yourself to save a friend. Also zoro fuckin passed out from blood loss and nami not only didng do that but also completely hid her injury from a literal shark man who can smell blood. And stared him right in the face and lied about murdering her best friend. Nami is the highest goddamn power tier in one piece and if the creator cant figure that out then i have no interest in reading any more of it
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