#also ​one of them eats cheese off the table . not heartwarming but hes weird and i had to share it
kkoct-ik · 2 years
i love having a cat because there is just a little guy in your home and he loves you. he also hates you a little bit but most of all he loves you
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tellmealovestory · 5 years
Love Is All Around
Summary: Bucky surprises you on your favorite holiday Valentine’s Day.
Notes: Also posted on a03. This was difficult for me to write because I really, really don’t like Valentine’s Day, but this idea wouldn’t leave my head until I wrote it down so here it is.
Warnings: Badly written smut, oral (f receiving), sex, unprotected sex, USE PROTECTION, fluff
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It was the most wonderful time of the year. No, not Christmas. Valentine’s Day. The holiday that celebrated love in every way. It was the perfect holiday for an incurable romantic such as yourself.
Every store front was decked out in shades of reds and pinks and whites. Dark red hearts with white lace trim taped to store front windows, streamers and balloons, giant teddy bears, hallmark cards, romance was alive and well and it wasn’t just the stores.
Everywhere you went you could see happy couples holding hands, sharing kisses in the middle of sidewalks, in stores. It was beautiful and sweet and heartwarming.
The bakery you worked at was decked out the most. Every cookie was decorated in shades of red or pink and heart shaped. Red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting with little hearts stuck to the top. Heart shaped cakes meant to be shared between lovers piped with pink and red roses, cursive piping with romantic sayings scrolled across the top of each frosting covered cake. Donuts with pink and red and white sprinkles lined the cases.
It was beautiful and wonderful and exciting, but utterly exhausting. Valentine’s Day may have been your favorite holiday, but working at the bakery meant one of the busiest times of the year. It seemed as if everyone in New York was coming in to request special made cakes and cookies and pastries for their loved ones. It meant that at the end of the day your feet were sore, your lower back aching, your eyes heavy with the need for sleep. It also meant that you could barely enjoy the holiday that you loved so much. By the time you were done at work it was all you could do to get home, grab something to eat and fall asleep before starting over the next day.
While you loved your job, loved being able to take ingredients from scratch and make them into something beautiful and edible that had people craving more sometimes you wished you could sit back and enjoy the holidays.
It didn’t help that between the holidays keeping you busy at work and your boyfriend an Avenger trying to schedule time to see him was becoming more and more difficult. Sure, sometimes when work was slow he’d stop in to see you which you always loved. And when the two of you had a day off more often than not you could be found with each other. But between the rush at the bakery and the bad guys not having anyone to love them down on Valentine’s Day the two of you weren’t able to spend your favorite day together.
When he had told you he was going to be away on a mission you had been disappointed. It wasn’t his fault. You knew what his job had been and what the risks were when you had started to see him, but you had still been bummed out, you had been looking forward to a nice romantic night in with him. No matter how hard you had tried to hide your disappointment he had seen right through you and had promised to make it up to you, a promise you were looking forward to.
Saying your goodbyes to your coworkers you pushed open the bakery door, listening to the bell jingle overhead as you headed out into the brisk February air of New York. The streets were crowded, couples holding hands, people looking disgruntled at the couples, people shoving and yelling and laughing and taxis and horns honking. After moving to New York the loudness of the city had been jarring, but now you couldn’t imagine being without it. In a strange way all the noise was a comfort to you, it meant you were home.
Tugging your scarf tighter around your neck you glanced up at the darkened sky watching the snowflakes fall. It was pretty and romantic and it made your heart ache knowing that you were about to go home to an empty apartment and spend your favorite holiday by yourself. At least you could comfort yourself with the box of red velvet cupcakes you had brought with you from work and you could comfort yourself with every cheesy romantic movie you could find on the hallmark channel without people making fun of you.
Not making it more than a couple of steps before you heard your phone ringing loudly in your purse you smiled when you saw it was Wanda texting you. The message was brief saying only come over for a girls night? You replied yes. It may not have been the romantic night you envisioned, but it was better than being by yourself.
Something was off as you entered the compound. It was quiet, which wasn’t that unusual when members were away on a mission, but it was still... weird. 
The hairs on the back of your neck stood up and you wondered if you should turn around and leave. What if it was a trap of some sort? Turning around you were about to leave when something caught your eye. Debating if you should go and investigate or leave incase this really was a trap your curiosity got the better of you as you took a tentative step forwards. Grabbing your phone out of your purse just in case your steps were cautious as you moved towards the large kitchen and the piece of paper that was sitting on the middle of the table. 
Your heart picked up speed thumping wildly beneath your chest, your hands were sweating and you were sure your phone and box of cupcakes were about to slip from your hand and drop to the floor. This was how you were going to die, by being the idiot who instead of running when something seemed off going towards it instead. 
There was still time to turn back, but your feet seemed to move on their own and as you reached the table your heart only raced faster, your eyes widening in confusion as you looked up expecting to see Tony telling you this was some elaborate prank. Your eyes reread the note that told you Wanda had run out to get popcorn and to go to Bucky’s room. Again, the sense of something being off washed over you, but again your curiosity got the better of you.
Your phone rang, the noise invading the quiet of the compound had you jumping, a yelp of surprise falling from your lips as the box of cupcakes crashed to the floor. Wincing at the ruined food you swore you were going to pass out the way your heart was thumping beneath your chest. Looking down at your phone you relaxed slightly for the first time since entering the compound when you saw it was another text from Wanda. Your eyebrows furrowed as you reread the message two, three times, your confusion only mounting as you tried to understand the meaning behind your friends words. Follow the note, Y/N.
This was getting weird. Could she see you? 
“Wanda?” You called, feeling dumb when silence greeted you. “If this is some kind of sick joke Tony set you up to it’s not funny!” 
Still nothing but silence. The fear was giving away to anger as you shoved your phone into your purse. Reaching down you grabbed the box of cupcakes not bothering to see the damage you had caused when they had dropped. Your heart was still pounding, warmth of embarrassment and frustration and anger climbing up your neck and cheeks as you stalked towards Bucky’s room. This was ridiculous. You were going to kill Tony. Slowly and painfully you thought.
“This isn’t funny anym-,” you started, your words getting cut off, lodged in the back of your throat. Your eyes widened, your lips parting into an o of shock and surprise when you threw Bucky’s bedroom door open not to find Tony or Wanda or any bad guys, but Bucky standing there.
“Hey, doll,” He said, his lips curling up into a smirk, before laughter tumbled from his lips as you dropped your purse and the box of cupcakes and ran to him, your arms wrapping around his neck. Thanks to his super soldier abilities he caught you easily, his arms wrapping around your waist as he held you tightly to him.
“What are... you’re not supposed to be... Wanda texted me... I don’t understand!” You sputtered, the sight of your boyfriend catching you so off guard you weren’t able to complete a full sentence. Burying your head in his neck you closed your eyes, inhaling the woodsy and leather scent that always seemed to cling to him. The surprise of seeing him, of being in his arms like this was almost too much for you to handle and you could feel tears pooling in your eyes. “Are you really here? This isn’t some joke is it?”
Bucky could hear the quiver in your voice, could feel the salty tears falling from your eyes as they hit his neck. “‘M really here, doll, it’s not a joke,” he murmured, his voice low, his hand coming up to rest on the back of your head.
Pulling back you searched his eyes, part of you still not believing this was real, that he was really standing in front of you like this. Pressing your lips to his you sighed, he tasted like mint. “I don’t understand,” you whispered against his lips.
“You didn’t really think I’d let you celebrate your favorite holiday by yourself did you?” Dropping his hand from the back of your head he brought it up to your face, the pad of his thumb brushing away the few tears that had managed to fall from your eyes.
“But... you had a mission? You said you weren’t going to be back in time? And then Wanda texted? And... where is everyone, Bucky?” You didn’t mean to bombard him with questions, not when you wanted to kiss him, not when you wanted to tell and show him how happy you were he was here, but you were so confused.
“The mission got done earlier than we expected. I uh... had Natasha and Wanda help me out. Wanted to surprise you,” he said, his words laced with a hint of shyness. “They’re out, it’s just us tonight, doll.”
You opened your mouth, closed it, opened it again as you struggled to comprehend what he was saying. “How long have you been back?” You asked, your eyes narrowing in suspicion. Making a mental note to thank Nat and Wanda for this surprise you pressed your lips against his again. The idea of it only being the two of you tonight sent a thrill through your body.
Bucky avoided your gaze not sure how to tell you the truth and when he felt your lips against his he sighed, kissing you back eagerly, it had been too long since he had done this.
“Bucky... how long have you been back for?” You whispered against his lips, your fingers trailing up and down his neck as you pulled back from the kiss.
“Couple days.”
Dropping your hands from around his neck you stepped out of his embrace as you glared at him. No matter how excited you were to see him, no matter how wonderful this surprise had been you weren’t going to let him off the hook. Not after he had been back for a couple days without saying anything to you.
“Excuse me?”
Bucky flinched at the icy tone of your voice. “Doll, let me explain,” he murmured, his voice velvety soft and when he saw your eyes soften he knew he had you. Taking a step towards to you he reached for your hands, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips when you didn’t pull back. “Wanted to surprise you. I know you’ve been stressed with work and I wanted to do somethin’ special for you tonight. ‘M sorry I didn’t tell you I came back early.”
You wanted to be mad at him, but you couldn’t, not when he had taken the time to go to such extreme lengths to make tonight special for you, not when he had enlisted the help of Wanda and Natasha. “Depending on what you have planned I might forgive you,” you teased, a twinkle in your eye.
“Oh, you’ll forgive me,” he said, his voice lowering causing you to shiver in anticipation.
“You sound awfully sure, Bucky.”
He didn’t say anything, his smirk only growing before he pressed his lips to yours. The kiss started out slow and sweet, but it didn’t take long for him to deepen it. A moan spilled from you and just as you were about to reach out for him he was breaking the kiss.
“Take your coat off and wait here. I’ll be back in a minute.”
Dazed from the kiss it took a minute for his words to break through your fog filled mind and once they did you were left staring at his retreating back, a frown on your face as you wondered not for the first time since arriving what it was he was up to.
Following his instructions you unwound your scarf, unzipped your coat and kicked off your shoes. Folding your coat and scarf you placed them on the back of his couch. Crouching down you picked up your purse setting it by your coat before reaching for the box of cupcakes. Opening it up you frowned. Dropping them had resulted in them tipping onto the sides, large swaths of frosting sticking to the roof of the box. While they didn’t look as nice as when you had packed them they were still edible. Sort of.
“What’s in the box?” Bucky asked, his voice jarring you out of your worries over the dessert.
“Cupcakes.” You didn’t miss the way his eyes lit up or the way his tongue licked his lower lip and you couldn’t help giggling. “Red velvet, but I may have dropped the box. Once or twice.”
“They still look good. You made these?”
Nodding your head you held the box out to him watching as he dragged his finger through the cream cheese frosting that littered the top of the box. You wanted to tell him that he didn’t have to lie, you knew they looked like shit now, but when he brought his finger up to his mouth, his tongue darting out to slowly lick the frosting off any coherent thought left your mind.
“Delicious,” he whispered, his eyes roaming over you. Taking the box from you he placed it on the coffee table in front of his couch before grabbing your hand, interweaving your fingers he led you to the bathroom.
The lights in the bathroom were dimmed making the room appear cozy and romantic. The bathtub was filled to the brim with warm water and bubbles and the thought of Bucky dumping bubbles in there had you smiling. Inhaling you could smell the floral scents of roses and lavenders and a hint of vanilla.
“This is...,” you started, your words failing as your eyes drifted from the inviting bath to Bucky’s soft eyes.
“Use your words, doll,” he teased, his fingers grasping the hem of your shirt as he tugged it off of you, tossing it on the floor.
“This is amazing. I can’t believe you did this for me,” you breathed out, fighting the urge to cover yourself. You hadn’t expected him to be home so early so you had opted for something comfortable instead of sexy which left you in an older pink bra with straps that were always falling down and matching underwear. Bucky didn’t seem to care though because as he tugged your pants down you could hear him whispering about how beautiful you looked.
“Course I did this for you. Why wouldn’t I?” He asked, sounding almost offended at your words as his fingers unclasped your bra, sliding the loose straps down your arms before tossing it to the growing pile of clothes.
Shrugging your shoulders you bite your lower lip. “I don’t know. I guess because nobody has ever done something like this for me before. The most I’ve ever gotten for Valentine’s Day was candy... sometimes flowers. Never a surprise like this.” You gestured towards Bucky and the full bath as your fingers tug at the hem of his shirt. He gets the hint, pulling it from his body as you work on pulling his pants down his legs.
Standing in the bathroom, both of you in your underwear, the lights dimmed, you can’t help staring at him. The way his chest rises and falls with each steady breath he takes, the way his blue grey eyes seem to darken with lust as his gaze flickers between your own eyes and your lips. Standing there watching him you can feel your heart swell with love for him. Part of you is still upset that he’s been back for days without telling you, but standing here you can understand why he did it and you love him for it. So much.
Telling him without words you step forward closing the small gap of space, your arms wrap around his neck, your lips move over his in a kiss that starts off sweet before you deepen it.
Bucky rested his hands on your hips, a quiet groan tumbling from him when he feels your lips brushing over his. Almost a month without your touch, without your kisses had left him wanting to rip the last of your clothing off. When he saw you walk into his room earlier, saw the way your eyes lit up when you saw him, watched the way you ran to him excitement radiating off your frame he wanted to take you right there. Wants to take you right now. It would be so easy, but the way you seemed so surprised that someone would want to make this day, your favorite holiday so special has him melting in his love for you.
He’s never felt this way before. Never felt his heart swell when he sees someone, never had his thoughts consumed with one person and only one person. Never knew he could love someone. For so long after hydra he didn’t think he deserved to be loved, didn’t think he was capable of loving someone. Not after all the pain he had inflicted and caused over the years. Not until he met you did he even begin to realize what love meant.
Before you he never gave a second thought to Valentine’s Day. Sure, he knew about it, who didn’t? It was a day meant for lovers, something he was convinced he’d never get to experience. But now that he has you? Now all he wants to do is celebrate this day with you, celebrate it in a way that will make you never forget how much he loves you. You’ve managed to turn him into someone who didn’t care about this day to someone who wishes it was every day. You’ve turned him into a sap and he’s okay with that.
Sliding his hands from your waist down to the back of your thighs he picks you up easily, smiling into the kiss when he feels your gasp of surprise. Bucky lets out a soft groan when your legs wrap around his waist. Unintentionally grinding into you he groans again, the friction, the skin on skin contact almost too much for him, especially when your teeth are nipping at his bottom lip. He has to keep reminding himself to take this slow, but you’re making it incredibly difficult when all he can hear are your breathy little moans against his lips.
Carrying you into his room he places you gently down in the center of his bed. Your hair is spread out across his pillow, your breathing shallow as your chest rises and falls with each shaky breath. You look so beautiful, so fuckin’ beautiful he thinks as he hovers over you, one hand on your hip, the other resting on the pillow by your head. His lips are on yours, moving across your jaw, your cheek, down your neck. The needy little whines that spill from your swollen lips as he works over your neck has him groaning and grinding his hips in search of some kind of friction.
“Bucky, what about the bath?” You sighed, your head tilting to the side to grant him more access. Tangling your hands in his hair your fingers curl around his dark locks, tugging when he begins to suck on your neck. He parts your legs with his thigh as you grind against him, your back arching at the friction.
Grazing his teeth against your neck lightly he pulls back smirking when he sees the dark bruise he left on you. Trailing his lips lower he presses open mouth kisses down your chest before wrapping his lips around a hardened nipple. Digging his fingers into your hip he moans against your nipple enjoying the way your hands alternate between tugging and threading through his hair. “Later,” he mumbled, his warm, wet mouth moving to your other nipple to give it the same treatment.
Raking your fingers through his hair you let out quiet moan, your hips grinding against his thigh again, rougher this time and you can’t help the small smile that curls up your parted lips when you feel him groaning, the vibrations sending a thrill straight to your core. “I missed you, Bucky. So, so much,” you whined, neediness dripping from your voice, but you don’t care, all you care about is the act of his lips worshiping your body.
“Missed you too, Y/N,” Bucky murmured, pulling his lips away from your nipple as he kisses his way down your stomach. Hooking his thumbs into the waistband of your underwear he slowly tugs them down your legs, his darkened lust blown eyes locking on yours as he does so. Tossing your underwear to the floor he dips his head down pressing open mouth kisses along the inside of your right thigh. 
He takes his time allowing his lips to get reacquainted with your body. Ignoring your groans of frustration he smirks up at you watching the way your chest rises and falls as his lips move up higher to where you need him the most. His breath is hot as it fans over your soaking core and though he wants nothing more than to dive right in and taste you he simply presses a chaste kiss against your mound as he moves to the inside of your left thigh peppering your warm skin with more open mouthed kisses.
“Bucky... please,” you begged. Your breathing is heavy and uneven and you don’t know how much longer you can last with his teasing kisses along the insides of your thighs, you need more, you need him to touch you, you need his lips on you. It’s torture and just as you’re about to beg him to do something, to do anything his tongue is diving into your wet folds. You don’t mean to, but your hips thrust up and you want to apologize, but the only sound that comes out of your mouth is an obscenely loud moan and you’re so thankful that the two of you are alone.
The sound of your moans, your breathy gasps, the way his name tumbles from your mouth spurs him on and any pretense of taking this slow, of taking his time with you is forgotten. Setting a punishing pace he slides his tongue in and out of your wet folds, an occasional moan slipping from his mouth as he works over you. The continuous rising motion of your hips as you grind against his face as him smirking. You’re so needy for him, his needy girl. Moving his lips to your clit he alternates between kissing and sucking as he slips a finger into you. Groaning at the way your walls clench around him he easily slips another finger in. You’re so wet and warm and as he grinds his hips against the bed searching for his own form of friction all he can think about is being inside of you.
A month without Bucky made you forget just how talented he was both with his fingers and his mouth. Your eyes are clenched shut, your fingers curled tightly around his locks and for a moment you’re worried about hurting him, but then you feel his long fingers curling against you as his mouth wraps around your clit and any worries you had vanish. “Oh god Bucky don’t stop,” you cried out.
He can’t help chuckling against you at the sound of your needy cries. Slipping a third finger into you he sucks on your clit, groaning when he feels your hands tugging on his hair again. He swears you’re going to pull his hair out by the roots, but, fuck he doesn’t even care right now. You taste so good, so fuckin’ good and he almost regrets not telling you he came home early. His metal hand slides up your stomach, up your chest to cup your breast. Massaging you roughly he tugs on your hardened nipple, smirking when he hears the whines that he pulls from you.
The contrast of his cold metal hand against the warmth of your breast and the way his lips are wrapped around your clit and the way his fingers are curling inside of you hitting that one spot is too much for you. Everything is too much right now and as you clench around his fingers you let out a strangled moan, your back arching off the bed. 
“Bucky... Bucky I’m coming,” you moaned, your legs shaking, your heart pounding, a string of incoherent mumbles and whines and moans spilling from your lips as your orgasm wracks your body, your release drenching his fingers and his mouth.
Removing his lips from your clit he keeps his fingers inside of you as he kisses his way back up your body. His fingers curl against you, your walls clenching around him again and he knows it won’t take much to get you to reach your peak again. His hand massages your breast as he slips his fingers out of you slowly, his thumb rubbing circles over your clit as his lips meet yours in a deep kiss.
You can taste yourself on him, but you don’t care as you push your tongue into his mouth deepening the kiss. You’re so sensitive and though part of you wants to push his hand away from your clit you can’t, not when his thumb is moving a little faster and it feels so good, so much better than using your own fingers.
 “Bucky,” you moaned against his lips, your breath heavy and shallow. Nipping at his lower lip with your teeth you tilt your head back, whining softly.
His lips are everywhere, pressing kisses against your forehead, your cheeks, your nose, your throat, your neck, your ear. 
“You gonna come again, doll?” He whispered, his voice raspy, his thumb moving faster. “Come on, be my good girl and come for me. Show me how much you missed me.”
Nodding your head yes his words are all it takes for you to reach your second release of the night. Through the foggy haze of your release you can vaguely hear him murmuring good girl and those two words have you whining again. Guiding his lips back to yours you kiss him deeply.
“You okay?” He asked, his voice soft when he finally pulls back from the kiss.
“More than okay,” you breathed, your fingers hooking in the waistband of his boxers as you tug them down his legs. Chuckling he gets the hint as he pulls them off the rest of the way tossing them to the floor. Even though he’s brought you over the edge twice now you’re needy tonight and all you can think about is having him inside of you.
“Am I forgiven yet, doll?” He asked, his voice teasing as he repositions himself between your legs.
“Maybe.” Hitching your leg around his hip you sigh when you feel his tip pressing against your entrance.
He doesn’t say anything, his words getting stuck in the back of his throat as he pushes into you slowly. All he can think about is how wet and tight and warm you are. Giving you a minute to adjust he watches your face, watches the way your lips part, the way your head tilts back against his pillow, the way you’re fighting to keep your eyes open and on his as he pushes into you before bottoming out. 
The loving look reflected in his eyes as he stares down at you along with his slow pace has you melting underneath him. It’s everything you thought sex on Valentine’s Day should be; romantic and loving. You want nothing more than to keep your gaze locked on his, to keep staring into his eyes for the rest of the night, but as he bottoms out your eyes flutter shut, the pleasure mixed with slight pain too much for you. The stretch is only slightly uncomfortable as you adjust to him, but after a minute you’re more than ready.
 “Oh,” you sighed.
Licking his bottom lip he continues watching you, mesmerized both by the way you look so beautiful, but also by the quiet sounds of pleasure that you let out. Brushing his lips over yours he reaches for your hands, gently pinning them above your head as he interlaces your fingers together.
“I love you, Y/N,” he murmured, his lips pressing a kiss to the corner of your mouth before working them across your jaw and down your neck. His pace is slow, his thrusts even and deep and on any other night the pace would be torture for him, for you too, but you seem more than content to keep things slow and loving and sweet.
“I love you too, Bucky, so much,” you moaned, your head tilting to the side as you gently squeeze his hands. 
Though you miss being able to run your fingers through his hair, miss being able to tug on his hair when he presses against that one spot, you like this, it’s sexy and intimate and perfect. Hitching your other leg around his hip you moan at the new angle as he’s able to push deeper into you. Arching your back you press your hands up against his whining as he sucks gently on your neck. 
“Don’t stop.”
Ever so slowly he picks up the pace of his hips, he can feel your walls clenching around him, can feel your breasts pressing against his chest every time you arch your back, can hear your breathing pick up and it takes all his self control not to slam his hips into yours. He presses a final kiss to your neck before moving his lips back over yours. Untangling his metal hand from yours he slowly slips it between your bodies, his thumb rubbing small circles over your clit.
With one hand free you reach up to cup his cheek, the skin beneath your hand is warm and flushed and as your eyes flutter open you offer him a small smile. You know that neither of you are going to last long, not after so long apart and as you stare into his eyes you commit this moment to memory. The way that he’s staring down at you as if you’re the most important thing in his life. The way his lips are parted, the way that his breathing is uneven, the groans that occasionally tumble from those perfect plump lips. The way his thrusts are deep and slow and oh so perfect for a holiday that celebrates love. The way that a light coat of sweat clings to his forehead. The way that your heart feels like it’s going to burst out of your chest from love for him.
“I love you,” you whispered again, your smile growing when you feel his lips brushing over yours. You don’t think you’ll ever tire of saying those words to him, of hearing him say them back to you. Arching your back as he pushes deep into you you whine against his lips. “I’m so close.” 
"I love you too.” 
His kisses are sweet. The way he’s rubbing your clit in slow, easy circles, the way his hips have picked up the pace, the way his teeth are nipping at your lower lip before swiping his tongue to ease the slight stinging, the way the bed is gently creaking underneath your rocking bodies and the way the headboard rhythmically bangs against the wall has you coming undone beneath him. 
Digging your nails into the back of his neck you break the kiss gasping. His name falls from your lips in a series of breathless chants as your body quivers and shakes beneath his. The pleasure coursing through you is so intense you don’t think you’ll ever climb down from the high.
“Fuck,” Bucky called out pressing his forehead against yours. 
His thrusts are sloppy, but between the sound of you chanting his name and the feeling of your walls tightening around him he doesn’t stand a chance. A couple more thrusts and he’s spilling inside of you with a low moan. Giving your hand a gentle squeeze he unlaces your fingers. Removing his thumb from your clit he kisses you softly, once, twice, three times which has you giggling. Worried about hurting you he slowly pulls out of you, taking note of the way you whine at the loss of him.
Unwrapping your legs from around his hips you sigh at the loss of him, it takes you a minute to gather your senses, your mind still foggy. “I think I forgive you now,” you teased, a twinkle in your eyes.
“I figured when you kept chanting my name,” he shot back, his voice playful as he gets up from the bed. Leaning down he presses a soft kiss to your forehead. “Stay here, ‘M gonna go run you that bath.”
“You’re amazing, you know that?” Letting out a happy sigh you watch as he disappears into the bathroom. Faintly you can hear him moving around, can hear the soft sound of water running and the promise of a hot bath where you can soak your tired muscles has melting into the comfort of his bed allowing your eyes to drift shut for a moment.
You’re not sure how long he’s gone for, but when you hear his footsteps you crack an eye open, a small smile on your lips as you watch him make his way towards you.
“C’mere, doll.” Hooking his hands underneath your knees he picks you up bridal style carrying you into the bathroom as you giggle, wrapping your arms around his shoulders.
“You know you could have just said the bath was ready,” you teased.
“And miss the chance to pick you up and hear you laugh?”
Setting you down gently next to the tub you unwrap your arms from his neck watching as he steps into the bath. Extending his hand you accept following his lead as you also step in. The water is hot, the bubbles overflowing and sloshing over the side of the tub landing on the tiled flooring as he lowers himself down into the water. Once again you follow his lead lowering yourself down you sit in between his legs, your back pressed flush against his chest.
The conversation is kept light, the kisses kept sweet and the laughter almost a constant as the two of you bask in each other’s company and the relaxing bath. His movements are slow and loving as he takes extra care to wash you. It isn’t until you start to shiver when the water begins to cool off that he suggests you get out and go back to bed. Helping you out of the tub he wraps you in a soft, fluffy towel drying you off before slipping one of his tee shirts over you. Drying himself off he slips into a pair of boxers.
Though it’s only a short walk back to his room the two of you can’t keep your hands off each other. His hands are on your hips, yours are on his shoulders as he walks you backwards to his room. I love yous are murmured in between sweet kisses and quiet giggles. When your knees hit the edge of his bed he tightens his grip on your hips, his lips pulling back from yours, the loss causing you to sigh.
“Get comfortable, I’ll be back in a minute,” he murmured, pressing a chaste kiss to your lips.
Dropping your hands from his shoulders you do as he asked. Settling yourself back into his bed you pull the sheets around you, smiling as you watch him walking back towards you with the box of ruined cupcakes.
“Have I told you how much I love your cupcakes?”
“Have I told you how amazing you are?”
“Once or twice tonight,” he teased. Climbing into bed next to you he places the box of cupcakes on his lap. Picking one up he hands it to you before grabbing one for himself.
“Then have I told you how perfect tonight was? Seriously, Bucky tonight was everything I wanted and more,” you said softly.
“Ya know, doll, the nights not over yet. We still have a couple hours left to celebrate.”
“What’d you have in mind?”
Plucking the cupcake from your hand he tosses it back into the box ignoring your laughter as he places the box on his nightstand. His lips are yours in an instant as he pulls your body on top of his.
It was definitely a perfect Valentine’s Day and you couldn’t wait to see what he had planned for next years celebration.
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in-tua-deep · 5 years
Hi, I'm the anon who asked for the fluffiest most heartwarming headcanons and they really cheered me up thank you so much! ❤️
asdfghASFGHJ i can give some more random headcanons if you’d like >:3c
we’re gonna go with a theme of food since i went grocery shopping today
After a while in the apocalypse, some things started to grow back. Plants are tough, and a fantastic way to supplement a diet of insects if you know which ones are edible
that’s a long way to say that the siblings witness Five just stuff an Entire Flower into his mouth and he also randomly will stoop while walking and just grab some clover or something and stuff it in his pockets
“And y’all say I’m weird.” Klaus says while they watch Five absently pick and eat an entire patch of dandelions on their Forced Family Bonding Picnic
Five isn’t the only one with food issues - Klaus and Ben also come with food issues and surprisingly Luther also has food insecurity thanks to his time on the moon (everyone noticed that nice note which asked his dad to please remember to send more food right)
Klaus lived with homelessness and Ben hasn’t eaten actual food since he died regardless of the fact that Klaus always sets a place for him or saves him a cup of coffee or tea to include him, and the day that Klaus manages to make Ben manifest enough to actually eat and drink is going to be a Whole Barrel Full of Emotions
honestly what i’m saying is that there is some really wholesome mealtime shenanigans where everyone takes turns providing dinner or lunch and everyone has to attend because it’s family time and there is. varying level of success.
Luther’s food is a little basic but edible enough once they all grab some seasoning. He doesn’t do anything fancy with it, but he can put together a fairly solid meal - and if he actually genuinely studied for this and watched a bunch of youtube channels on cooking well he’s allowed to do whatever he wants on his free time thank you very much
Diego is. Well. He’s been living on his own for a while he’s technically capable of putting a meal together. And if everyone is served scrambled eggs on toast then hey it’s breakfast for dinner shut up that’s a real thing screw you all. (He might have forgotten it was his turn until someone casually mentioned it and he had to make do with whatever was in the kitchen oops)
Allison looks competent in her life but the first time it’s her turn to do dinner they end up having to order pizzas because Allison gets distracted and everything burns. There is some extreme heist shenanigans scrubbing everything down and busting out the air fresheners before Five gets back and Five scowls when he finds out but is actually endeared though he’d never admit it
Everyone expects Klaus’s dinner to be a fucking disaster and it was but that disaster is not what the family was fed so it all turns out okay in the end. Mainly because they went shopping earlier and ended up with a bunch of freezer food and so the family is served a wonderful mean of turkey dinosaur shaped nuggets with sides of kraft mac n’ cheese and microwaveable steamed broccoli
look Klaus is easily distracted and inclined to experiment to the point of inedibility which is not a fantastic combination for family dinner night. the only reason it goes decently is because Ben exists to act as Klaus’s one brain cell and Ben’s intervention depends entirely on how much his siblings have pissed him off this week so.
Five probably just fucking. Proudly dumps a bunch of cans of food on the table and considers his job in ‘providing’ for his family done. When question he defensively says “they aren’t even out of date yet!” and everyone is left squinting at these metal tubes containing their dinner
Next meal though, after much explanation on what they mean by family dinner nights, is probably some kind of stew?? probably a really bizarre and weird veggie stew because you can just kind of toss whatever in a stew pot and go with it which is probably one of the only real things he knows how to make. He may or may not build a fire in the courtyard to cook it since he isn’t sure how to do it making an oven and stove but like. baby steps y’all baby steps.
Ben gets to opt out of being in the roster for family dinner nights due to. his dead-ness. plus the fact that Klaus isn’t reliable in keeping him corporeal yet, but he does make some bomb ass desserts on klaus’s dinner nights when klaus has the energy to manifest him (as long as ben bugs klaus to remember to get whatever it is out when it’s ready)
Vanya makes so many casseroles y’all. When she was on her own she looked up stuff she could make that could be made in one dish and kind of went from there. Did she watch too many shows as a kid where a kindly neighbor brought over some casserole? probably. but her food is actually both edible, homemade, and freeze-able which puts her a leg up on pretty much all of her siblings tbh
the last day of the week, bc ben doesn’t cook, goes to Grace and everyone eagerly awaits those days because let’s be real Grace’s food is the best food and yeah, they might have come up with this thing to give her a break in the first place but damn if she isn’t the real expert and at one point or another they all end up seeking out her advice which she is always pleased by
Five might mainline coffee but surprise! He’s actually not alone in that. Vanya has long long hours of orchestra practice and needs a kick to stay awake, and Allison is completely unashamed with her starbucks obsession. Klaus is always eager to accompany Allison and gets the biggest most sugary drinks possible (as long as she’s paying)
Vanya does try to switch and keep to teas though. Especially after the whole apocalypse debacle. Look her powers are linked to her emotions and she’s going to drink whole gallons of calming whatever tea if it means she isn’t going to punt her idiot brothers through a few walls and go full on Carrie (even if they totally deserve it). She does have some regrets about the frequent bathroom breaks though
Luther is the sibling who tries the teas with Vanya. It’s quiet, they don’t really have to talk to each other, and it’s supposed to be calming so it’s their little bonding thing since god they both need it a lot tbh
Diego thinks coffee pollutes his system and probably keeps a whole bunch of sports drinks. and SMOOTHIES or like those dumb blended drinks? everyone loses respect for him the day they witness him voluntarily drink something with not one but multiple raw eggs in it
even Diego “my body is a temple” Hargreeves balks at Allison’s health smoothies which havekale in them. Allison insists they don’t taste that bad but everyone sees her grimacing when she thinks they aren’t looking. The only one that dares drink Allison’s smoothies is Five and everyone is convinced his taste buds died with the rest of the world in the apocalypse
Allison and Diego team up at least once to try and get the rest of the siblings to go on a health kick. Luther reluctantly joins their side because of the power of Allison and is regarded as a traitor by the rest. Vanya was almost persuaded until Allison said they were having spaghetti and brought out spaghetti squash. 
Klaus is ardently against this health kick because he wants waffles for breakfast, mainly. Five is only against it out of spite because they tried to throw away his marshmallows for his sandwiches
Klaus gets really hungry after using his powers to manifest Ben. His power is usually passive but when he’s actively using it, he’s burning calories. This probably leads to at least one collapse before Five elbows his way in to coach Klaus on How Not To Pass Out and to keep snacks on his person
Five’s power is similar in that jumps burn calories for him, which is why he almost never jumped in the apocalypse unless his life was in danger. The peanut butter and marshmallow sandwiches were created to give himself some much needed calories and energy. He fainted a lot as a kid and knows how to handle this kind of bullshitbut Klaus is kind of garbage at taking care of himself so i mean. it’s a big old learning curve going on and tbh both Klaus AND Five don’t eat enough they’re both too skinny smh
Everyone takes turns going grocery shopping except for Five and Klaus. Five because he’s not driving to the store alone because he might get arrested (plus his grasp of paying for things is. very loose). 
Klaus because of the Incident that Shall Not Be Mentioned involving a local grocery chain store, an entire aisle of baby food, just a little bit of public nudity, and a wet floor sign. That, and Klaus always came back with the most ridiculous things possible anyway so
Klaus tries to wheedle everyone into letting him go because Ben is with him, guys! But no one falls for this. Ben is petty and will take Klaus’s side or egg him on almost as much as he acts as Klaus’s sole brain cell, and Klaus also has a history of ignoring Ben even when he is acting like that one brain cell
Klaus does occasionally tag along with the others. Mainly Diego, because Diego has a not-so-secret Klaus-shaped soft spot. Klaus usually demands to ride in the trolley and knocks things off shelves like a small toddler or particularly mischievous cat
Everyone in the house teams up to make sure Klaus eats at least one (1) fruit or vegetable at least every other day
okay that’s all i got for now i have to take a shower but enjoy ;3c
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tauers-go-dutch · 7 years
Greece-y Turkey
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Hold onto your butts- this one is a long one.  We spent a week on vacation, so we have a lot to write about.  
A couple of months ago, Mariah and I were talking about plans to go on a longer trip for her birthday and for Thanksgiving, both of which would fall on the same week.  We first discussed Iceland- eventually turning it down not due to the cold (it’s apparently always cold in Iceland), but due to the perpetual darkness with no guarantee for a decent view of the Northern Lights.  So we looked for warmer alternatives.  After talking to various friends that had been there before, our minds turned towards Turkey.  Sure, the political climate hasn’t been great the past couple of years, but we figured the everyday people would be friendly enough. Besides, Turkey looked beautiful, and Istanbul is one of the most historic cities in the world. So we made plans… oh, and we decided why not go to Greece in the same trip?
The trip wasn’t without snags… Turkey requires a visa for US citizens.  We bought ours online, and two days later, shit went down and the US and Turkey revoked tourist visa privileges from each other. So… we didn’t know if we could go for a few weeks.  We ended up calling the embassy and previously issued travel visas were said to be honored.  Further, eventually privileges were reinstated by both countries.  That didn’t stop the Dutch checking agents at the airport from harassing us with outdated information- they almost didn’t let us board because, ‘Well, the presidents of both countries are fighting right now.’  Um, close… I guess.  And people say Americans are ignorant.
Obviously we got on the plane.  It was literally the last flight out of Schipol at midnight.  A poor three and a half hours of sleep and we were in Istanbul. But that was just the layover. Another sleepless few hours and we were in Kayseri- a small city in the center of the Asian portion of the country. From there, it was an hour shuttle ride to Goreme, the main city in the Cappadocia region.  Yes, I wrote this to indicate the bit of a pain to get to Cappadocia, but it is worth it.  The region is populated with ‘fairy chimney’ rock formations.  They are gorgeous, and even more so when you learn that people carved homes and churches in them in the middle ages.  Now, whole hotels are embedded in the rocks- including ours!  After settling in, Mariah and I found lunch (delicious Turkish pide), and just walked around taking in the sites.  I mean, the sunset was amazing!  Then was an early dinner (seriously delicious and home cooked) and early bedtime.
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Our cave hotel  
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The next morning, we were supposed to have a balloon tour to see the sunrise, but the wind was too strong to go up.  Oh well, we made the most of it by going to see some of the aforementioned churches in the Goreme Open Air Museum. If you end up going, pay the extra fee to go into the Dark Church.  Luckily, when we went, we were the only people in at the time, and the docent was kind enough to give us a mini tour of the church and the beautiful frescoes adorning the walls.  Unfortunately, the frescoes are only preserved from the little light entering the church (hence Dark Church), and no photos are allowed.  
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Afterwards, we tried Turkish ravioli (which is a dish from Cappadocia as we came to find out later) and some amazing Turkish samosas (I can’t remember the actual names, so I have to resort to analogizing the dishes).  We then took a quick taxi to a small town to the north called Avanos. The main part of town is very nice and picturesque, but we quickly found out the rest of town is not so nice.  We bobbled around a bit (and were guilted into buying a souvenir), then  we made our way back to Goreme.  We were told that the balloon ride would be canceled again the next day, so Mariah scheduled a consolation prize- a hamam bath.
This was a real treat- just be sure to check you inhibitions at the door.  We paid for a bath, massage, and facial.  We started in a sauna, which we really got the sweat going. Then, in just a towel, you lie down on a stone table.  A person then dowses you in water and gives you rough luffa scrub up and down your entire body.  This is followed by a lavender soap rub down- again all over.  You are rinsed and then given slippers to go back and relax before your massage.  Too bad my slippers were three sizes too small!  The massage and facial were standard, but welcomed.  We left the place feeling so relaxed and refreshed. Dinner that night was some of the best I’ve had.  Truly a great night.
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One size... fits all? 
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The next day wasn’t too eventful.  Honestly we just made our way back to Istanbul, which was rainy.  We had some good durum and climbed the Galata Tower for some spectacular views of the city.  Plus we had some great baklava.  You might be sensing a theme that I enjoyed the food there, which was good because the next day we scheduled a food tour around the city.
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Galata Tower
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We met our guide, Latif, in the old city.  Latif opened up a small local tour company, Istanbul on Food, with his college friend. His friend has since moved to Australia, but Latif carries on the business.  I can’t stress enough how good this tour is.  Latif has been in the tour game for 12 years, and his passion for Turkey really shows.  If you go to Istanbul, book this tour.  The food is so good, and there is so much (really too much).  
We went on the ‘Taste of Two Continents’ tour, and started the day off with breakfast in the Spice Bazaar.  Latif gathered simit bread, various cheeses, Turkish pastrami, menemen (eggs with peppers and tomatoes), clotted creamy and honey, and both chunky and smooth hazelnut butter.  Holy shit, everything was amazing, but the smooth hazelnut butter was dangerous, which shouldn’t be a surprise given it was basically Nutella without chocolate. Afterwards we hopped on a ferry over to the Asian side of the city.  While it was chilly, we sat outside and caught some amazing views.  In the meantime, Lafit shared how the Asian side, specifically the Kadikoy neighborhood, is, ironically, situated more like a European city than the European side of Istanbul.  After living in Europe for a year, I completely agree. It really is an intangible feeling, but Kadikoy was hip and trendy, and very enjoyable. To hammer home the European feel, we started at a sweet shop by the port.  There we had salep, a spiced hot drink made from orchid flour.  While the Salep was good, the really cool thing about the shop was the Christmas sweets that they sold.  Turkey, as you may know, is predominately an Islamic nation. However, it is a secular nation, and very open to people of other faiths, as evidenced by its sale of chocolate Santas.  It was very heartwarming to see Latif relive childhood memories upon sight of the chocolate Santas which he used to have as a kid growing up in Germany (Germany has the largest Turkish population in Europe, outside Turkey).
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From there, we had lunch at Ciya, which is widely regarded as the best lunch in the city. Each day the restaurant has a new menu of various dishes from regions throughout the country.  We had samples of two different stews, baba ganoush, stuffed eggplant, puff bread, and Turkish pizza.  Seriously, SO. MUCH. FOOD.  And this was stop three of 12.  The next stop was to the originator of a special type of donor kebap- an iskender kebap. This one doesn’t come wrapped up, but is rather eaten like an open-face sandwich and smothered in tomato sauce. And it is considered more upscale than the common street food version.  Luckily, after this stop we a stop for some lighter fare- traditional pickled veggies.  We had cucumbers (ie pickles), beets, cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, and even a plum. The plum was weird, but we cleansed our palate with a mix of pomegranate molasses and tahini.  Yum!  
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Next we walked over to a street stand, and tried some mussels.  We had both fried and steamed- the steamed was mixed with rice and lemon, and was heavenly.  Well, at least for me… not sure Mariah thought as much.  But our next stop was for tantuni.  This was described as Turkish tacos, and that’s pretty accurate. They’re even better with hot peppers! The sour yogurts drinks that came with them were pretty awful, though.  Latif said every American he’s taken on tour has hated them, so there’s that. Next was kokorec, which, stay with me here, is pig intestine wrapped around tripe, roasted, diced, and served in toasted bread.  Actually not too bad, but I wouldn’t make it a habit.  Supposedly, the EU is cracking down on kokorec for sanitary reasons (Turkey is/was half-heartedly trying to join the EU), which is probably a good call. Next is a quick stop for raw meatballs, which is actually meat-free, and made from walnuts.  Supposedly, the original recipes called for meat, which wasn’t cooked due to a punishment from god, but now is made from walnuts.  It’s actually decent.
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Unfortunately, this is not a milkshake- it is a salty, plain yogurt beverage! 
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Ok, so now after a few lighter stops, we went to a small pide restaurant.  Pide is a popular dish in Turkey.  It is sometimes called Turkish pizza, but Turkish pizza often refers to the flat pita with a meat and tomato spread.  Pide has a thicker crust, and layer with cheese and toppings like a typical pizza, and sometimes wrapped like a calzone.  It is delicious.  We had a veggie (which unfortunately included mushrooms to Mariah’s chagrin), and was the absolute best thing we had all day.  In fact, Latif didn’t really eat all day (he tries to keep from eating too much on the tours to keep from gaining weight), but indulged here.  My only regret is that I forgot to take a picture of the restaurant, and I can’t remember the name.
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I don’t think she can eat any more
On the final stop, we stopped at a local ice cream chain- Mado.  While a chain, this has the best ice cream according to Latif. We had some traditional Turkish ice cream, which is made thicker and richer than the American version.  We were also treated to a surprise birthday cake, courtesy of Latif.  SO. MUCH. FOOD.  Also, I forgot that we had some delicious baklava and Turkish coffee (no, you don’t drink the grounds that are left in the cup).  Latif even treated us to an extra treat of pudding made from barley/wheat topped with cinnamon and chickpeas.  It was good (truly), but we could barely eat it after stuffing ourselves earlier.  After the tour, we wanted to see the Taksim neighborhood, which is where Latif’s evening tour was located.  So he accompanied us and gave us a few more tips.  We thanked him and explored the neighborhood, including a holiday market, an orthodox Christian church, and an extremely lavish high school.  Then we went up to a brewery to close out the night. If I were hungry, I would have tried a burger, because they looked delicious (the beer was decent).  We called it a decently early night, but were pleasantly surprised when our hotel left us a complementary chocolate cake for Mariah’s birthday.  We made room. Overall, I think we can call this a birthday success.
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Just kidding - she made room
The next day, we hit up all of the hot tourist spots of the city.  We went first to the Blue Mosque.  The architecture is tremendous, but I feel that the lack of décor within mosques leaves them feeling empty.  Outside the mosque we were harassed by a vendor who wouldn’t take no for an answer, and despite our best intentions, we admittedly fell a bit into his tourist trap and bough some spices and candies.  After that annoying side quest, we went to the Hagia Sophia, which was the grand church of the Byzantine Empire in the mid-6th century, until being converted to a mosque in the Ottoman Empire.  Now it is a museum, and houses the art from both eras. Additionally, there are some neat tombs for old sultans of the Ottoman Empire.  Afterwards, we toured the Topkaki Palace.  The palace was grand, but I’m still palace’d out.  There were some beautiful views that made the entrance fee worth it, though.  What I was really excited for were the city cisterns, though.  These used to house the water for the whole city.  It was pretty cool seeing the setting for (*spoiler*) the climax of Dan Brown’s Inferno. Finally, we walked through the Grand Bazaar, which is really a glorified flea market, before getting a small bite to eat.  Oh, and we saw a surprise aqueduct along the way.  Not much more going on for the rest of the evening.  
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Underground cisterns
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Hagia Sophia
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The Blue Mosque
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The tombs of young princes
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Alright, so now we are on to the last leg of the trip.  We went to the airport to hop over to Athens… literally, we were going in a puddle hopper.  I may have been in a prop plane before, but I honestly don’t remember it.  I even got to have the window seat right by the engine- some cool photos ensued.  We traveled with an interesting set of characters, including an American diplomat (hopefully she made some progress while she was in town).
Upon arriving in Athens, we of course went to find food.  To our surprise, Turkey was really lacking solid falafel, despite being neighbored by several countries in the Mediterranean that specialize in it. That wasn’t a problem in Athens! We arrived in the afternoon, so some of the sites had closed their entrances early for winter hours. However, we still got to see some cool stuff, including the first arena for the Modern Olympic games (side note- don’t pay to go in, you can see it all from the outside).  We also walked through the city garden and found a little pond with so many turtles!  They had even stacked on one another- super cute.  We then climbed up toward the Acropolis (but not actually to it- that would be for the next day), and watch the sun set over the city.  It was gorgeous.  We walked around the city a bit more, and found some awesome street art. We also found a beer bar, which had some solid brews.
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First falafel!
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We started the next morning with brunch!  Mariah had a Greek omelet, but I tried something new.  Alas, I again can’t remember the name, but it was basically orzo-esque pasta, tomato sauce, and eggs.  Mix it up, and you have deliciousness on a plate.  We then split Nutella stuffed pancakes.  Yum!  Then we went up the Acropolis.  Yes, it is worth it.  The views are amazing.  Just check out the pics.  We also went to see the agora, which is cool, but probably not entirely worth admission. BTW, despite Greece not having the best economy, they sure know how to price admission to their attractions. They take a page from Disney, and charge the maximum you’re willing to pay, cause, I mean, you’re not going to not see the Acropolis.  As a side note, I was actually surprised at the number of Americans I saw around the city, considering it was Thanksgiving weekend.  We got some souvlaki (basically gyros), which by now you probably know were amazing- you just have to wait in line for an hour or so before getting some.
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Pretty excited about having a Greek omelette in Greece!
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A view of Hadrian’s Arch and the Temple of Zeus from the Acropolis
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That evening, we caught a drink in a cute coffee house that changes décor for the season. We happened to catch them as they changed for the Christmas season.  The drinks were awful, but the atmosphere was really cool.  We then found yet another amazing meal for dinner.  This place was seriously cool, because it was a family deli with a dinner service.  They not only give you free bread, but also pastrami and cheese as a free appetizer. We then ordered some dolmas (basically the first of the whole trip) and bulger salad.  We also had a pastrami egg dish (well, I did) and a Greek salad. Superb!  We then closed with drinks in a trendy bar called the Clumsies. My Celtic Forest drink played with my head a bit, since the ice kinda looks like seaweed.  
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Final baklava
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A quick stop for Christmas tea
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Seaweed cocktail?
The next morning, we went home.  It was particularly interesting, since we (ie, the whole plane) were immediately stopped after landing by border control.  This was very odd since we were traveling from one EU member country to another. Fortunately, we were able to pass with no problems (even though Mariah had to check her hand luggage at the gate so she didn’t have her passport).  At least we made it back in time to join our friends for a belated Friends-giving celebration.    
To say the least, this was an epic trip.  Easily one of the best we’ve had.  While I miss our family, and the traditional food, I loved trying out this Turkey for Thanksgiving, even if it was a bit Greece-y…
Ok, that was a bit much.  Tot ziens for now!
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