#also 2 i will never know your timezone you are an enigma to me
finn-shitposts · 4 months
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hiiiiii look at my drawing of me and my friend (bnuuy) as creatures and salt box (idk what its for) ok gud naight (its 2am)
OH YOU TWO GOT LITTLEGUYIFIED!!! (3 dabloons) Man what a lovely style, esp w the warm colours and the rimlighting + shadows to match the environment they are just truly There, mwah 10/10 <3
also salt box where i live is usually for winter to salt the roads so they dont get icy!
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diveronarpg · 4 years
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Congratulations, NAY! You’ve been accepted for the role of LAVINIA. Admin Minnie: I’ve always thought Lillian was one of the trickier characters to fully grasp, because it’d be so easy to turn her into an outline of a person and not the whole vivid picture. But you, Nay, have won me over completely. You have such a knack for characterization and nailed Lillian’s voice, that balance she strikes between light and power. The interview portion was my absolute favorite part — I loved the way you brought her to life and the way you showed us the inner workings of her mind, heart and soul. I’m so, so glad to put Lillian into your talented hands! Please read over the checklist and send in your blog within 24 hours.
Alias | nay
Age | twenty-two
Preferred Pronouns | she / her
Activity Level | i find it cruelly ironic that i asked for time away from the roleplay community to try to make sense of my chaotic life, and a couple of weeks later, the world imploded and now we’re all quarantined. somehow, i’ve got my shit together-ish. and i really sorely need the light that is the DV fam in these trying times, however, so. 8/10, i’d say?
Timezone | gmt+5
How did you find the rp? | i sold my soul to it some time ago~
Current/Past RP Accounts | never RP’ed a day in my life, what’re you talking about?
Character | LAVINIA / lillian wen
What drew you to this character? | titus adronicus isn’t exactly the darkest of shakespeare’s works, but the storyline of lavinia in particular happens to be one that has always been brutally impactful to me. there is this absolutely fascinating dichotomy lavinia depicts through her journey in the play, one between honor & freedom, that keeps me up at night sometimes. and when it comes to lillian, that struggle feels embedded in her story just the same. regardless, i don’t know that it’s possible to not be drawn to lillian wen.
there’s a multitude of aspects that keeps me inescapably besotted with her — the foundation upon which she blossomed from child, to girl, to the woman she is; an aura of a true, chatoyant aesthete; a plot arc of sexual assault survival, used as a steppingstone towards advocacy… but most of all, i think what won out was the soul she’s got, and all the light it bleeds. there is a line in her biography that reads: “belief was a powerful thing in the wen household.” i’ve thought about that line for daaaays, honestly. it was that line that really got me with her, because i could already see it in my head: she was raised by two women—artistic, emotional, intellectual, opinionated women—and they taught her belief as a religion. she was raised to know it was the most useful weapon she could ever have in an admittedly dastardly world; faith, in herself & in the power of light, and hope, and living in one’s truth. to be raised that way, and make what she has of herself, to wind up in a loveless, strategic marriage and part of a mob? she is such an intriguing character, with such insurmountable potential for growth.
there is something about lillian’s devout optimism, which doesn’t deserve to be mistaken for naiveté, & a faith in humanity that bolsters me, reminding me a fair amount of the sweetness i’ve always adored in juliana, and how there is more than one way to be a fighter, which is exactly what lillian is. but i also think that aspect in a discordant war-time setting would be so god damn cool to play with, because it prompts questions: how far does being good get you? is anything really in black & white? what does a limit feel like? what could you break open to let the light in? i’d love a chance to find answers through an unravelling of her story.
What is a future plot idea you have in mind for the character? | 
NOTE: here’s the ever-present disclaimer that these are all merely ideas, subject to discussion & changes, able to be altered in collaboration with other characters.
{ 1 } GILDED CAGE — a corrupt, mob-allegiant District Attorney for a fiancé; there is no question that it is to a man of power her mothers have intertwined her future, seeing protection for the daughter who is their whole world in the bloodbath tainting the city that is their home. to cassian bhatt, lillian is a nothing more than an accessory. of course, she had never been raised to be a girl who emptily dreamt of an ideal love, not when there was the whole universe to fall in love with, and no end to the every day magic the people it brimmed with had to offer. but a loveless marriage? lillian has never been one to tell lies, only ever to hone an innate ability to make the truth as palatable as possible, and her prospective bond feels like one. would she still go through with it? would she ever be able to say no to two women who never let her want for anything a day in her life?
⋯ cassian is the most obvious plot for her story, so i wanted to tackle him, first & foremost. i’m almost sure that lillian won’t seal the deal; she’s come too far in life to only come so far, and wind up with a man she feels nothing at all for. however, i was reading through cassian’s biography, too, and i would be lying if i said i couldn’t see potential for lillian to both either love, or something to cause friction in their dynamic, even if it isn’t a necessarily pleasant sort. currently, i know that lillian refuses to do more than hollowly tolerate him, purely because he has been forced upon her, and her general distrust of men in the wake of her assault makes her anything but open to him. can we really deny that he’s a smart, capable, clever man, though? there could be spark. it could turn to a catalyst for growth in multiple ways, positive & negative, and i am dying to explore the many different ways their story could unfold. 
{ 2 } WHAT IS LOVE? — what if she does marry cassian bhatt? it is a possibility, after all. with the capulets, she has found a voice. she has a platform, she has causes she believes in & actively fights for, and a marriage wouldn’t bar lillian from any of that, nor would it keep her from being the precocious, curious creature that she is. and what if, after that’s done, she falls in love with someone? with her mothers never having been married, lillian never considered romantic love & legally-binding commitment to go hand-in-hand, but that does not mean it couldn’t. it doesn’t mean she couldn’t fall in love with a person she might, one day, want to be with. would she cross that line, if it came down to it? would cassian let her? would the capulets object to it, considering it is her relationship with him that has drug lillian into their fold?
⋯ this is more a subplot to the last than it is a standalone arc, but roll with it. lillian is, in a way that is one of my absolute favourite things about her, a delicious enigma of a woman. i don’t believe there is anything she couldn’t turn and look at from another side. and at the same time? i feel that she is a person who takes notions of integrity, and promises, very seriously. she is a woman of her word, at the end of the day. what would it take to blur her lines? you don’t choose who you fall in love with. you don’t choose when it happens, or how it happens. what you control is your actions, and lillian has both always believed that, and demonstrated it. so, what would she choose, in such a circumstance?
{ 3 } BEST LAID PLANS — she met cosimo capulet whilst on cassian’s arm, and it was over a glass of rosé, the man talked to her about her charity-work. he told her of the origins of the capulets’ particular brand of business: the robin hood reminiscent legacy initiated by one lucius capulet, of the revolution they had begun with, giving back to the impoverished lillian fought for as well. her mothers never would have understood how the good girl they had raised could level with a mob-boss, but lillian has, and it is how she has ended up a consultant to the capulets. but how far is she willing to integrate herself with their cause? how much of the necessary violence of a war can she truly stomach?
⋯ i told you: a dichotomy between honor & freedom. it feels like the crux of lillian’s story to me. i’ve got very strong headcanons in mind for the relationship she’s got with the capulets, purely because i would like for her relationship with them to stand on its own, as opposed to being more so reliant on the relationship her fiancé has with them. the fact that the capulets have given her a voice means a great deal to lillian, definitely more than she ever could have expected it to, and i would like to see that graciousness she’s developed drive her to make choices she might question under the lens of her own honor-code afterwards. you know me, i’m a sucker for internal conflict to drive character development, and i need it with lillian, for sure.
Are you comfortable with killing off your character? | honestly? i don’t think i could stomach lillian dying.
NOTE: out of caution, i’d like to precede this portion with trigger warnings for sexual assault mention and ptsd                              
she is already greeting you before she’s quite done opening the door. welcome, is what must remind you that you are, in fact, a stranger in her house. the warmth the curve of her mouth radiates is one that seeps in through your pores; it is not easy to remember that this is the first time you’ve met signora lillian wen. you’ve heard it before: like the sun, she is hard to look at, yet her warmth is undeniable. 
“come in,” she invites, and the silken slip-dress she’s donned seems to ripple like peach-hued water when she sweeps her arm, waiting for you to step over the threshold and stand beside her, so she might match you, footstep-for-footstep.
— What is your favorite place in Verona?  
“that’s such a deliciously difficult question,” lillian enthuses, beaming, despite her brows that furrow in thought over it. favourite, after all, is no small word; she must ponder it, then, for she does so like to mean the things she says. “ – you know, i don’t know that i’ve only the one,” is what she settles on, pouring out the lemonde she’s fixed up a pitcher of herself just now. the smell of the mint leaves she’s peppered it with infuses itself in the house, and she can’t help but breathe it in, deeply, satisfied. 
“so much of this city is so very dear to me. i cannot give you a favourite between them all, not when they’ve their own charms, and my own memories attached to them,” she slides over a glass to you, ice cubes merrily tinkling within,  “but i will tell you that the oldest shall always be the home i grew up in. it was more snug than this, perhaps, yes, but my mothers made sure it brimmed with all that feeds the human soul. there isn’t a memory under that roof that does not make my heart ache with nostalgia, which, really, is the heart’s way of telling you it was worth it. don’t you agree?” 
lillian clicks her tongue against the roof of her mouth, a sound of regret that does not match the soft radiance of her mouth. 
“humble beginnings, hmm?”
— What does your typical day look like?
the living-room is far from lacking pieces of furniture, all of them as comfortable to sit in as they are to look at. you know this, because she has suggested you try each out to settle on a preference, and you’ve done it. it is only once your stomach hurts from laughter incited from such childish wonderfulness that you realise: she has broken the ice.
lillian herself sprawls out on a chaise lounge by the window, tipped on her side with her legs curled underneath herself. she looks like a mermaid. her words sound lyrical when her laughter laces them: “ah, always the same, and also never as well.”
the sip of lemonade is delicate, brief, though she tips the glass for a second, fuller mouthful when you’re sure she can’t possibly have swallowed the first that quickly. never mind –
“i like to start my day rising with the sun,” she tells you. “my absolute favourite thing about living by myself is the luxury of not having to speak at all until i wish to do so – which, of course, doesn’t take too long at all, for i might be my own fondest companion. i like to prepare my own breakfast, after; eat outside, if i want, though i rather rebelliously might crawl back into bed with a tray when i feel particularly blue. i never stay under the covers for too long, however. i simply can’t. there’s too much to do. so, i dress myself up in whatever ensemble feels the most myself that day, and set off to find another way to save the world.”
her nose crinkles when she grins. you cannot help grinning back, can you?
— What has been your biggest mistake thus far? 
unbidden, lillian’s mind whirls so quickly, her thoughts slip from her fingers like water. and she is back there, in that room, with that man. that man who smiled when she walked into the room. who smiled when he motioned her to costumery that felt divine to touch, silken & decadent. who smiled when he called her a vision. who smiled when he held her down, while she begged, when he left her on the ground.
believing that smile, she thinks.
          “ ––– signora?” you ask, tone tender, for she looks so fragile when she is still.
as if a button has been pushed, lillian seems to snap out of it – appears to back to life. there is an apology in her smile, and it feels like a shadow. the shadow darkens her words: “to call one the biggest seems like tempting fate, doesn’t it?” she wonders aloud. “such as when one says things can’t possibly get any worse, and right then, the universe shows you how wrong you were about that?”
— What has been the most difficult task asked of you? 
cassian bhatt. the syllables of his name sit at the tip of her tongue, burning, and lillian cannot say them. she cannot betray her mothers so. she knows, already, the looks on their faces would ache more—inevitably, unbearably more—than that of letting her jaw clench, and teeth grind, to keep that truth inside, until she swallows it down.
there can be more than one truth, lillian knows. she reminds herself: once, twice, three times. and then, over the rim of her glass, she smiles a smile she can mean. “that isn’t a mindset i agree with,” she states, “if you believe it is the most difficult, it might feel near impossible, might it not? that just won’t do. forget most difficult–” she sweeps it away with a wave of her hand, like a makeshift broom-limb, “–let’s only say we’ve all got our challenges, and we aren’t the most enthusiastic to rise to all of them.” 
she breathes a laugh, then. “my maman likes to remind me; mind over matter, petit fleur. i can hear it in my head already!”
— What are your thoughts on the war between the Capulets and the Montagues?
lillian’s brows crawl up her forehead. she looks so perplexed, you can’t help but wonder if you accidentally said a word wrong. her home is easy to relax inside, involuntarily, and the possibility would not be unfounded. she explains it herself, all the same, when she asks: “is it a war?”
it is difficult to discern whether the question is rhetorical or not. her head cants, and she answers it herself, “h.g. wells once wrote: if we don’t end war, war will end us.” her sip is pensive, now. “i believe that, truly. there are no winners; only those who are left in the wake of one. and so, i can only hope that is not what this is.”
her eyes are kind. “don’t you?”
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breadhyunn · 7 years
Good Things that happened this year.
This year pretty much changed who I am as a person, and of course, it came with it’s good and bad. Having learnt from the bad, I think we should all just focus on the good that happened this year.
One of the best things that happened to me this year, was, surprisingly, people. This post is to remind you all of the impact you’ve had on me. Each of you, from your own little corner of the world has helped make my days and nights better. So these 2 words come from the depth of my heart, with all the emphasis I can place and all the gratitude I can muster: Thank you. I hope each one of you finds strength similar to, if not greater than what you’ve given me.
The Good Things of 2017:
@roses-for-jongup honestly no amount of words can fully convey what you mean to me, and this is a fantastically sub par attempt. I’m the most comfortable with you, and that should say a lot. we’re armed with absolutely ridiculous knowledge about each other, and your smallest words, deeds, and eDITS have made me so happy. as I always say, you’re my ‘all of the above’, my mvp, and the only annoying person I’d take a couple of bullets for. a honeybun.
@anna-something to the world you may be a stoic powerful gal with a thunderous ability to tear us all a new one, but to me, you’re also a soft socialist grandma who sends me lovely drunk texts. You’ve changed the way I look at so many aspects of the world. I could literally talk to you about anything and have the time of my life. Your words probably matter to me the most. Thank you for improving me. I owe so much to you.
@daehyuns-beautiful-golden-skin michael, nothing makes me happier than you angrily key smashing at everything I say. You’ve made me feel better about myself, raised my self confidence, and always, always supported me. You’ve given me a shoulder to lean on and an ear to constantly rant to. Just remember, be it your memes, your dancing or your life in general, suds shall always be in the audience cheering you on.
@doitforbangyongguk I’m always stunned by how soon I got so comfortable with you, It’s just your aura. You’re hilarious, kind, and you’ve helped me through so much. DOOT DOOT.
@zeloswaffles Ah my sweet pancake mother who constantly complains about my unnecessary rudeness. Thank you for checking up on me, for taking an interest in me, for the advice, for everything.
@daehnii MY LOVELIEST WIFE, I swear we have the best conversations, and I’ve never met anyone with such similar opinions to mine. You’re the softest bean and every single message from you cheers me up. Gosh I love talking to you sosososososoooo much i just love you lei bye.
@foxjae you’re pretty much the reason I got motivated to write more. You always listen, you always contribute and I always learn something when I talk to you. And it makes me very happy knowing that you’re proud of me. You’ve called me out on my mistakes and I genuinely do appreciate it. The realest, coolest, queer mom.
@dreamermoonchan you’ve been there since the absolute beginning and I treasure you so much? You’re up for any kind of conversation, and we bond over so many shared interests. Thank you for making me feel welcome in the fandom.
@onlystraightforjongup a severely underrated conversationalist, you send me big paragraphs, I send you big paragraphs, and it’s bloody brilliant. If I have to endlessly hypothesise about B.A.P in all sorts of universes, I’m glad it’s with you. one of my absolute favourite people.
@jongup-is-an-enigma the most approachable and open person I know. You’re so fun, and you’ve made me feel like I’m fun too, ya know? This gal knows how to cheer someone up. I hope you know that I’m always here for you, and so is my butt.
@zainbap my lovely unicorn dad, one of the defining aspects of my experience here is you sighing at every second thing I do. Your random bouts of affection, subsequently followed by utter exasperation are what I thrive for. You’re a beacon of light to not just me, but the fandom. i hope youre proud of how soft I’m being.
@jion-a my first mother, president of the mom squad and also one of the first people who gave me a sense of belonging in the fandom. You’ve been so kind to me. I almost feel like I don’t deserve you. Thank you for being a constant pillar of support for this smol child.
@7btobap6 ahhh my fight aunt, trust me I’ve never enjoyed fighting with anyone as much as I do with you. Beyond our external layer of hatred for each other, I hope you know that nobody probably has understood my problems better than you. I love you lots.
@fae-hyun I miss you like a hellofa lot okay. I genuinely don’t know what I’d have done without you. My everpresent daestan, we have shed tears of pain thanks to our goofball of a bias, but it’s all worth it because you’re you. God knows I’m still the koala to your tree.
@bapofficial you’ve borne my constant annoying callouts, the never ending puns, and all the general screaming and frankly, this is a big achievement. You’re so positive and motivating and your mere presence makes me feel a little brighter.
@bap-time ah my local mean dispenser, i will always be your fight child. Thank you for having my back, encouraging my content, and smothering me with all that soft. I love you even though you have poor taste in fashion.
@thediebutterfly my timezone sharing niece, you’re a blessing to the fandom. I love that we’re on the same wavelength about a lot of things *cough*bangdae*cough* and I love freaking out with you. Thank you for tagging me in cute/rude/all kinds of posts, it makes me wonderfully happy.
@aegyo-chan you have such a calming air about you, It’s so pleasant, and feels like home. I love that I finally have someone to cry to about the exploits of Kim Himchan while simultaneously torturing you with Daehyun. I love how we bond over our similar cultures. And I’m so thankful for how lovely you’ve been to me.
@moondance-mp3 MY ONION I DON’T EVEN REMEMBER HOW WE STARTED TALKING but I’m so glad we did. You never fail to make me laugh. We’re the queens of discourse now and no one can take that away from us. I love you as much as you love dae’s nose.
@bangedhim it’s all thanks to my lucky fate that I found you (see what i did there). weve been talking for longer than I can remember, wow. And you’re so goddamn entertaining. My cheeks hurt because of everything you send to me, the smiles just won’t stop. ily.
@daehdream remember that time I tried to adopt you and failed. Gosh golly everyone’s come a long way. I hope you know how much I and the fandom love and treasure you. an A+ fellow daestan and one of the strongest people I know.
@happy-daes my sweet billie bean, you’re very loved, and very strong and I’m always proud of you. All of your tags and all the sweet things you’ve said about me have made me feel loved too. Thank you.
@mooncakesjongup MY FIGHT ADI AUNTY, it was honestly the best thing for me to find out about how close we lived. Let the bollywood memes and b.a.p connections, and calling out each other’s kinks never stop.
@daesperado G IS THE MOST ADORABLE PERSON ON EARTH AND THAT’S THE COLD HARD TRUTH. You randomly popped into my dms and I’m hella happy you did because I got to know the wildest and cutest daestan ever. Bless your entire cute soul. Love blonde dae.
@brainboxercheetos pufffyyyyyy I always say this, but thank you so much for your unadulterated kindness. You’re true sunshine and you always send such supportive things to me, it’s heart warming. Keep being the lovely flower that you are.
@seren4moonjongup tezzy always leaves me tazed. From practically killing me with all those jongup stories to saving my life with brilliant words of advice. You’ve done it all, and I’m grateful.
@merlionmen we freakishly have a lot of common things between us, and it’s amazing. Thank you for calming me down, for bringing me face to face with reality, and generally agreeing that Leo is a loser. Romba Romba Nandri.
@feelsogukk you’ve always been so supportive of me and giving me motivation. Every time you call me your fav child my lifespan increases by 7 years. Thank you for all the giggles.
@daespacito you’re such a sweet soul, calling me out on my tags, complimenting my puns. I love seeing you in my activity AND YOU’RE DRAWINGS ARE MAGNIFICENT OKAY SHARE THEM WITH THE WORLD.
@sera-chyeah I truly adore how much you feed all babyz by tagging us in rude and soft content. You’re so lovely, and the fandom’s a better and more united place with you in it.
@talentedrice MY SMOL MY FIRST EVER CHILD you’re so cute, and your asks have never failed to make me happy. Thank you my bun, I’m very glad we’re talking more now.
@lulumonnie You’re a lovely hyper fluffy and wonderfully weird human and I couldn’t be happier that you’re in my life. Keep spreading the positivity in the fandom my lulu.
@blurrredpages there are so few people who genuinely have a heart of gold, and you are one of them. Thank you for being so radiant and giving. I’m sure you’ve helped not just me, but so many other babyz.
@baprice ari I’m still mad you don’t have asks open. I always thought your tags were hilarious and I’m so glad I bombarded you with messages. Some truly great content has come from conversations you. You’re wonderful. Plus all blonde dae enthusiasts are my best friends so you’re stuck with me.
@chenchenthedancingmachine the self proclaimed rejection inflicting daehyun to my love deprived himchan, my chair overlord, you’re legit one of the funniest people I know. Here’s to Jongdae, Jongup, tears and more. (ha)
@daefluffs @kitty-dae @daehoneyy @daehyunsgiggle @daehyunsbabyelf y'all are the most wonderful bunch of dae stans and I’m so glad that soft boy has fans like you all. We’re never going to have peace thanks to his extra ass and y'all are the best wartime soldiers I could’ve asked for. P.s, Stella, your tags on my posts make me cry bless you.
@sierahrt I know we don't talk much at all, but I really do appreciate you so much. From your amazing reviews of my fics (which are so motivating, believe me) to those lovely little asks you leave me. Thank you thank you thank you.
@soooldout @lightning-loving @b-ap @b-124a-p-224 @bbangmijae @shen-anakins you are lovely wonderful people, here’s to more screaming over B.A.P
Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year everyone! Sudi loves all of you a whole lot.
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theridge-rp · 4 years
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Izzy! We found your take on Salix very refreshing and can’t wait to see what you do with our lovable trickster! Please follow the steps on the acceptance checklist and welcome to The Ridge!
O U T  O F  C H A R A C T E R -
Name/Alias: izzy
Age: 22
Preferred Pronouns: he/him
Timezone: est
Triggers: ed talk/disordered eating mentions + sexual assault mentions/talk
How did you find us: through the skeleton rp tag ! i was browsing and found y’all !!
Please describe your activity: with quarantine i have nothing but time. i try to be on at least once a day so i don’t get behind on replies !
Anything else you need us to know:
D E T A I L S -
Character: salix willowbark
What drew you to this character: i usually tend to play very meek characters but something about salix’s ‘fuck everything im just gonna do me bc rules are oppressive in any regard no matter who is in charge’ attitude really just connects to how i actually feel normally in the world. obviously i don’t thieve ( for legal reasons of course ) but that constant need to mess with people, especially people who are all about politics, is something i have so much muse for. i can just see salix now always coming in extremely late to the council meetings on purpose just so he can make as loud as an entrance as he can even though he knows he literally has no value to them really, its just fun to watch them snap their heads expecting someone important but nope, its salix slamming the doors again. he’s that type of guy who is always around but you never see him leave or arrive anywhere, he’s just there and then gone along with your wallet if you’re lucky. salix would call himself an enigma but he’s just really good at sneaking in and out of places ( i wonder why huh? ). authority means absolutely nothing to him, anyone who tries to police him just gets greeted with nonstop laughter because he can’t even take them seriously and he was quite slippery, too hard to grab and arrest. salix has no schedule and he doesn’t make plans. if he gets invited to a party the times are optional so he shows up when he wants to or doesn’t. he’s a very fickle individual who likes to seek out adventure without falsifying with prior intentions. he’s a purest when it comes to adventures and nature, both should always be presented to you not picked by you.
Faceclaims ( Please list at least two ): hero fiennes-tiffin & seo kang joon
ik they’re very different objectively looks wise but honestly when it comes to vibes they’re very similar. the reason i picked up hero & kangjoon was because they both kind of radiate this smugness while also being extremely charming looking. both are very attractive men who just have that look, that severe beauty that is just approachable enough with his charismatic personality. he’s definitely the type of guy to know people think he’s hot and doesn’t like to show that he likes it but he secretly loves it especially coming from people he’s tricked so both of these face claims to me just scream that type of energy. smug but not arrogant, attractive but not too attractive to where you can’t talk to him, just charismatic enough that you look past any red flags because that smile is just too genuine looking to be coming from a trickster, right?
I N  C H A R A C T E R -
Please list at least two headcanons for your character:
1. it is not uncommon for salix to disappear in the woods for a couple days only to come back to the ridge with no explanation. no one knows where he goes or why but sometimes he just needs peace and quiet from the constant reminders that their societies were close to a war. it’s like his own little meditative retreat.
2. salix likes to pretend he’s a human sometimes by covering his ears with a hat or scarf while going out on the town to see who he can fool and mess with. it’s very amusing to him and he’s learned humans are kinda dumb but then again so are all of the other races to him as well so it wasn’t a huge surprise. 3. salix is the type of guy who doesn’t believe in settling down and not in a ‘no one will ever love me so im too afraid to try’ way. the entire concept of a relationship just seems archaic to him and the amount of work that goes into that is too much work for him so he just puts it out into the universe that he is single but not looking to settle down.
4. salix’s charm is really easy to fall under because he’s an attractive sweet talker who knows how to work a person based on body language alone so he’s really not to be messed with. he is 80% non-violent and honestly mostly neutral when it comes to almost every topic because he could care less but that 20% left over is from situations where someone forces his hand to be used. he doesn’t use force unless someone is really bothering the shit out of him and that’s a hard feat to do since he’s such a fucker its hard to fuck with him back.
5. salix is constantly barefoot and prefers to never wear shoes but he is known to make the exception for special occasions ( but not always ! ). he doesn’t tell people his reasoning mostly because he doesn’t really want their input on what he does with his life because its his life but its simple, he feels more connected to the earth without shoes. shoes to him rob every species of the true experience of nature.
6. it is no secret that salix likes to use the five finger discount a lot but what people don’t know is that the stuff he steals that isnt for profit ( stuff he cant resell or barter with that he steals ) he always keeps. his home is just full of random shit everywhere in piles and there is absolutely no organization in his home but he doesn’t care, the chaos calms him because all those stolen things are his now, his little trinkets and random stolen things that he likes to just look at when he is home. ( which isnt super often, he likes to go out and not come home for a few days )
Please include a list of potential plots for your character:
1. i can’t stop thinking of salix annoying the hell out the council members just for shits and giggles. so i can just imagine him showing up somewhere a council member is and just acting like a moron until they leave. 2. anything to do with him stealing/pick-pocketing + messing w/ppl and running into the ‘law’ and just having to try to keep a straight face when he’s being questioned because he doesn’t take any authority seriously. i’d love to see how an angel responds to his ‘charm’ 3. i’d also love to delve into his neutrality, like how deep does it go and how far do his morals go with it ? he isn’t a true neutral but he’s close so to really go in-depth with his character to see what kind of person he turns out to be in the end of this, still neutral or will he bend and choose a side?
Please include an in-character sample. This can be as long as you’d like with a minimum of 400 words:
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