#also I am so stoked I even managed to draw this I’ve been dead for 2 business days!
lucid-bug · 7 months
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I’m sick as a dog rn and all I can think about is this modern au where Valeriu inherited his father’s corrupt corporation and Lorraine is hired on as his pr manager…
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oneinist · 3 years
Recap #3: The month of the BLOCK/SLUMP/RUT 🤣
It’s the time of the month where I look back and ramble, give some shoutouts, ramble some more... Reflecting is such a big word but I suppose it fits. Or maybe this is more like my journal 📗
Soooo, August has been a bit of a peculiar month for me. I miraculousy managed to post one drabble, at least, but my writer’s block is still very present and fucking with me... My head used to overflow with all kinds of smutty ideas and now it is close to blank apart from this one idea (which is a Kaka/Iru/Yama doing the naughty in Iruka’s headmaster’s office with Kakashi and Yamato in Anbu gear - not a word written though, just lives in my head).
So instead I have been indulging in reading fanfiction and it has been wonderful! I am in love with @pinkcatharsis Ever after Tenzou/Iruka, @vulcan-highblood Will You Stay The Night (or will you stay forever)?, A Match Made in... and You Feel Like Home (and i don't know why) - all three are Kakashi/Iruka, as well as @cyhyr Branding Kakashi/Iruka. I didn’t know Ao3 History kept track of how many times I’ve accessed a fic and it looks like I have stalked you cause all of these have about 30 visits each from me. What can I say, I reread XD Anyhow, thank you so so much for sharing your wonderful work~~~ 🍠 🐬 🍆
I’ve also been reading @ao3commentoftheday blog whenever they post and I am rethinking and relearning so much about fandom still. I’d like to think I am opened minded and supportive, but I realized that I am very much influenced by the performance and production oriented society that I live in - especially from my work place... It’s all very well summarized in @mysticmilks post. I think the analogy is spot on 🍪🍪🍪 I know I’ll never get it 100% right all the time myself either, I am just committed to trying and doing what I can.
And another completely random realization I’ve had is that I am going to switch my multi-chapter drabble fic into a series where the drabbles are stand alone. When I started writing just three months ago I felt very insecure about my low word counts and felt as if it would be misleading to treat each drabble as a single piece of work. Now, I would never think like this about another author so I realized I was giving myself a hard time. 
Micro fiction, flash fiction, drabbles are just as much fanfiction as anything else. From a practical stand point too, I realized that the tags would make more sense if the drabbles are separated. Most drabbles are Explicit but some are Teen and Up, again, most are smutty but a few fluffy too - now everything is just blanket explicit and smutty which doesn’t really tell the whole story. 
For I while there I could still draw but sadly for my block spread and took that away from me too... ... ... It got so bad that at a point in August I would feel dead inside when I looked at a canvas ☠️ I decided to take a step back from creating all together. 
So I have just gone crazy on the like and reblog train! You all put so much wonderful content out there be it fics or fanart, headcanons, meta discussions or just your personal thoughts on random stuff, and memes - never forget the memes. 
Also I am low key happy panicking over the surge of followers. Like THANK YOU but also all I do is reblog at the moment so even more THANK YOU. I wanted to draw something naughty to celebrate my 69th follower and maybe I still will, just very much after the fact 😅 Currently closing in on a 100 and I am just flabbergasted. 
In August I was thinking that this would be my last monthly recap and I would switch to quarterly ones after this, but now that I am writing it, I am enjoying it, so we’ll just have to see, I’ll leave my options open for October~~~
This is where I feel a tad bit sad again. I have a wonderful maze for the KakaIru Maze Challenge and I have WIPs for all my prompts but I am not making any progress due to my block. I am still hoping for this block to just GO AWAY and that I will complete the challenge now that the deadline has been extended, but I also know that I need to be kind to myself and not force anything.
So there’s this wonderful forum kakairu.rocks I have been apart of since I stopped lurking and became active in my fandom - I reblog their stuff quite often 😄 There are polls, quizzes and headcanon discussions, Fic recs and a bunch of amazing events run by the awesome @kakairu-shrine. We recently launched a more extensive prompt section to the forum too. I say we, because I was asked to join as moderator about a week back together with the lovely @kaoruhana08. I am honored and stoked. It is semi-official since already mentioned on the forum tumblr. Why don’t you come join the forum if you are into KakaIru ❤️❤️❤️
Closing notes-ish
I miss drawing and writing, and I’ve probably made it sound much worse than it is and I am sure that it will pass eventually and I will be back to my usual brain rot XDDDD 
Last a shout out to everyone in Umino hours and KakaIru discord servers for being so supportive - YOU ALL ARE SO AMAZING!! 
Also I understand it might seem weird for me to say I am in a block when I managed to whip up this here WALL OF TEXT. As always, if you read this far, why thank you~~~ 👀
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louiserandom · 4 years
Of Nosebleeds and Allergies
Rating: T
Pairing: Senju Tobirama/Uchiha Madara
Summary: The sight of Madara waltzing around in the summer heat half-naked, muscles flexing beautifully, causes Tobirama to have an unexpected nosebleed. To hide the true cause from his overbearing Anija, he blames it on aggressive pollen allergies. 
It seems fine, until it isn't, because of course Hashirama would then assume that his Mokuton is a devastating allergen and starts sobbing because he now has to stay away from his beloved baby brother.
A/N: for @tuliharja who is DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS MADNESS, SOMEONE ARREST HER😤😤😤 but also thank you asdfghjk i had WAY too much fun writing this😂😂😂😂 this is peak flail. PEAK FLAIL i tell you
Read on AO3 or continue under the cut :3 enjoy!
It's a cursed day, Tobirama decides.
For one, he'd always remained blessedly ignorant over why exactly Izuna swoons practically every time Tōka accidentally flexes her muscles—though whether or not it's ever truly accidental is up for debate—until today.
Today being the particularly sweltering mid-summer day when virtually every citizen of Konoha is frying alive, apparently, with only Tobirama, whose body temperature is naturally cooler due to his enhanced affinity for water, feeling perfectly content.
Madara, on the other hand, doesn't seem as comfortable, and that's Tobirama's only fully coherent thought before his mind blanks at the sight of Madara taking his shirt off, in their shared office no less, and stretching out his arms in a decidedly indecent manner.
Tobirama swallows heavily. Madara decides then to take a drink from his water bottle, so sloppily that stray droplets trickle from the corner of his mouth, along the column of his neck down his chest. Tobirama's brain, in turn, short-circuits.
Tobirama wonders if it would really be that strange if he runs away through the window right this second. Or douses the office with a Water Dragon.
He clenches his fists. Sighs. Berates himself for his ridiculous thought process.
Maybe Tobirama is overreacting. All right, maybe he's definitely overreacting, because of course, he logically understands that were it not for his stupid, godsdamned uncontrollable crush on the Uchiha Clan Head, he wouldn't be phased by the current display. He takes care to keep his face neutral and his posture more or less relaxed, focusing his gaze on the papers before him and away from the thick, bulging muscles, the tantalizing expanse of exposed, slightly tanned skin. It's more than a little horrifying for Tobirama to catch himself imagining how he'd licking the thin sheen of sweat on Madara's collarbones, chest, abs and—
Well. This is going nowhere.
Tobirama closes his eyes and takes a few deep breaths, frantically thinking of dead kittens and bloody battlefields in order to ward off the scorching flares of arousal.
Annoyingly, it doesn't work. He opens his eyes only to see drops of red on his—well, what used to be his top-priority tax proposal, and it takes his malfunctioning brain a few seconds to realize that he's been hit by what used to be Hashirama's constant plague during his sexually hyperactive teenage years.
A nosebleed.
A fucking nosebleed.
He scrambles for a tissue, keeping his gaze fixed downward and hoping to the gods Madara hasn't noticed the debacle.
"What the fuck is wrong, Senju?" Just Tobirama's luck. "Are you hurt?"
"No," Tobirama says, shaking his head erratically, "I just—I'm fine. A random nosebleed. Nothing to worry about, just—keep working." He even does a little wave with his hand, which is reminiscent of the flailing that's supposed to be Madara's specialty.
By the Pure Lands, this is embarrassing.
Madara watches him with narrowed eyes and then, because the universe doesn't care for Tobirama's mental stability, stands and walks over to him, removing the tissue from his face and inspecting the damage. Pale green flashes in Tobirama's vision, and he shuts his eyes closed, half-petrified, half-savoring the warm, comforting tingle that is Madara's chakra sizzling through him as he presses his fingers to the bridge of Tobirama's nose to heal him. The sensation stokes Tobirama's increasingly uncomfortable erection, making him resent the delectable pleasure.
(This is probably the gods' revenge for all the times he'd broken the laws of nature with his experiments. It's maddening.)
"Just a couple burst vessels," Madara says with a nod, finally (albeit regrettably) removing his hand. "Probably because of the damnable heat, yeah?"
"Mmhm," is all Tobirama manages, throat dry and mind ever more foggy as he's treated to a close up of Madara's taut, dangerously enticing nipples.
"You should maybe work from home the rest of the day," Madara suggests, pressing his palm against Tobirama's forehead. "You don't appear to have a fever, but you are a little flushed." He smirks then. "I thought you were blushing. It's a—it's a nice look—whatever, shut up!" Madara jerks away from him suddenly, both hands flailing a little.
Now that's... an interesting comment. Something to think about later.
"When did you become a mother hen, Uchiha?" Tobirama teases while Madara stutters through a bunch of incoherent insults. At least this is the Madara he knows and—likes, a welcome contrast to his uncanny concern earlier.
"Tch. Like I care," Madara glowers, "get a heat stroke, whatever, I don't give a shit. I mean—I do, but only because your brother would cry and get snot all over me if you get sick."
As if on command, Hashirama struts right through the door, the wood disassembling and patching itself back again once he's inside.
"Good morning!" he sing-songs.
"Stop abusing the fucking door!" Madara and Tobirama shout in unison.
"Oh, come on," Hashirama whines. "The door doesn't mind—I'd know!"
"We do," Tobirama says.
"Yes, and I also mind your presence," Madara growls. "You have your own office, so get the paperwork you need and fuck off."
"Madara, don't be so—Tobi. Tobi! Is that blood?"
Tobirama rolls his eyes. Great. Just what he needs right now.
"It's just a nosebleed, Anija. You don't need to heal it, Anija, Madara already did. Please, for the love of the gods, keep quiet." It takes all of Tobirama's self-control to keep his voice level as he talks alongside his brother's panicked whining, and it takes a particularly hard shove for Hashirama to shut up and focus on him. "Anija. I. Am. Fine."
"Okay," Hashirama breathes, worry never leaving his eyes, "you're fine—for now. But what if you get another nosebleed? How much blood did you lose? Is it the weather? Are you sick? Did Madara hit you, do I need to beat him up?"
Tobirama scoffs. "I find it insulting that you think I wouldn't beat him up myself," he says, "especially considering his pathetic defeat in our last sparring match."
"You cheated, you fucking dick—"
"But none of the above," Tobirama goes on, silently laughing at Madara's attempts to get past Hashirama and presumably strangle him. "It's just..." His eyes trail treacherously over Madara's straining biceps. "Aggressive pollen allergies," Tobirama blurts out the first thing that comes to mind.
The right thing to say, too, because Hashirama heaves a massive sigh of relief.
"Oh. Gods, well, allergies are easy to treat at least," he says, "but they're still dangerous, Tobi, and they can hinder your breathing! You'll need to stay inside a lot, of course, and I'll prepare some medicine for you, and—"
"Stupid fucking Senju," Madara grumbles, a bit calmer now and simply glaring at both of them, arms crossed. "Make sure to stay away from your precious brother too, since your Mokuton is one big fucking allergic hazard," he sneers.
Well, fuck.
Hashirama's expression twists into one of terror, and Tobirama sorely laments the lack of much-needed alcohol in their vicinity.
"I'M AN ALLERGEN, OTOUTO," the God of Shinobi screams, his eyes welling up with tears. "No, no, no, that means I'll have to stay away from you and gods, all the trees I grew in the village—"
"Why," Tobirama says, fixing a confused Madara with a glare.
"—I'll have to draw away all my chakra and probably seal and oh no, think of the children! What if I've already caused deadly allergic reactions—"
"Why would you do this," Tobirama sighs as Madara grows more and more baffled by the spectacle. He obviously meant it as a (poorly contrived) joke, but has apparently forgotten that Hashirama is an idiot.
"—Tobi, you have to move out immediately!" Hashirama shouts at him, shaking is shoulders, then recoils with a yelp, and Tobirama senses him forcefully toning down his chakra. "And far away from me, until I find a suitable treatment—oh, Madara!" He turns to his friend. "Since Tōka and Izuna are on their honeymoon, Tobi should live with you for a while—I mean you've finally confessed and you can spend quality time together! Just, you know, don't sleep with each other until Tobi—"
"WHAT THE FUCK," Madara shrieks.
What the fuck, Tobirama's mind echoes.
"I DIDN'T TELL HIM, YOU UTTER ASSHOLE." Madara lifts Hashirama by the collar and pins him against the wall. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!"
"But you told me yesterday—"
"I lied!"
"Well, you can tell him now," Hashirama whines, prying Madara's hands off himself, "while I quarantine and de-Mokuton everything, because Tobi could suffocate and die, Madara, this is serious."
"I won't." Tobirama raises his voice to be heard over Madara's cursing. He pinches the bridge of his nose. He can feel a massive headache setting in. "Anija, you do not need to quarantine yourself. It's all right. I am not allergic to the Mokuton."
"How can you know?" Hashirama demands, managing to restrain Madara's hands behind his back. "You've never had allergies before, only this year when we've basically moved into a village half-built by my jutsu, Tobi! It all fits."
"It doesn't," Tobirama growls, "because I'm not allergic at all. I lied. Go away."
"Why do you two keep lying to me? And then why did you have a nosebleed?" Hashirama tilts his head to the side, confused.
Tobirama sighs. "Madara hit me. We need to talk it out."
"Wh-what the hell, Senju?"
"What?" Hashirama growls, just as Madara yelps as his hands are squeezed tighter.
"I hit him first," Tobirama lies through gritted teeth, "and he hit back. Stop fretting. Now if you leave, I promise we'll talk, make up and maybe even hug it out like you always force us to."
Hashirama blinks. "Hm." He slowly releases Madara and drops the scowl, though his eyes remain narrowed. "You'd better be telling the truth this time. If you're not, I will ground both of you and issue a decree for that if I have. And I expect both of you over for dinner today along with detailed explanations from both sides because this kind of behavior is unacceptable," he chastises them before stalking towards their desks, grabbing the paperwork labeled for him and heading out in the same atrocious way, through the malleable door.
Leaving Madara and Tobirama drowning in a very uncomfortable silence that stretches on mercilessly.
Madara clears his throat, speaking first,
With that concise assessment, he stalks back to his desk, dons his shirt back on and hides his face behind the high collar, slumping onto the chair like a disgruntled porcupine.
"So," Tobirama starts.
"Your brother is a menace."
Madara's chakra rages throughout the whole office, now almost painful as it burns against Tobirama's senses. He sighs.
"So," Tobirama says firmly, "when Anija said you meant to confess..."
Madara sinks further into his chair, half-concealed by his desk at this point.
"He meant—you like me?" Tobirama asks, wincing as Madara's chakra flares further.
"I hate him," Madara seethes.
Tobirama rolls his eyes. Such childish behavior.
"Well if that is what you were trying to tell me," he says, "I was going to say that I might—"
"Not attempt to kill me?" Madara cuts in.
Tobirama resists the urge to throw something heavy at the infuriating man. "That I might possibly not completely hate you too."
This has Madara fumbling to raise his head above his shirt only to gape at Tobirama for a few tense moments.
"Well, why didn't you tell me earlier?" he demands and even has the gall to sound offended.
"Why didn't you?" Tobirama parries. So many things would have been easier if he had, Tobirama's far-too-frequent hard-ons included.
"Because," Madara glowers, "because—why should I be the one to take initiative?"
Huh. Another interesting observation.
Tobirama smirks. "Fine then. This is me taking initiative: I say we ditch Anija's friendship bullshit and go get dinner together." He flinches. "Ditch him for as long as we're able, that is."
Madara blinks. "Dinner?"
"At your place," Tobirama suggests, dipping his voice lower, "if you'd like more privacy?"
Considering his embarrassing reaction to Madara's earlier display, it's viscerally pleasing for Tobirama to see the man blush, dark eyes glazing over prettily.
"Oh." Madara's lips curl in a grin. "I'd like that. I'd like that very much."
"Perfect." Tobirama barely reining in his own giddy smile. He motions to the thankfully small piles of paperwork they've left to get through. "Let's take care of these quick then, before Anija has the chance to sabotage us."
Madara huffs out a laugh. "Please. He'll be stuck with those missives until midnight, and that's if he's lucky."
"Do you remember that time when Anija had work to do and then didn't do it?" Tobirama muses.
"Hm. You mean every single time?"
It's a bit of a surreal pattern that follows, both of them falling back on their usual banter, only with the added weight of their revealed feelings hanging over them. It's a comforting weight, for Tobirama at least, and for once, it doesn't feel wrong to let his gaze linger on Madara's lips, focus on the way his tongue darts out to wet them, stoking Tobirama's fantasies about how they'd feel against his own. His staring must give him away, though, and it's a few minutes later that Madara falls into abrupt silence, his eyes suddenly widening as he proceeds to stare at Tobirama like he's grown another head.
"Wait a second. Did you happen to have that nosebleed because—"
"Because you're an idiot," Tobirama interrupts him, his insides growing cold with renewed embarrassment, "and that raises my blood pressure."
Madara's mouth shuts, curving in a devious smirk. The bastard. Of course he wouldn't be fooled.
Tobirama clears his throat. "Listen, the sooner we finish work, the sooner we can leave and go on that fucking date," he says with a pointed glare. "So concentrate."
"As you wish, Tobirama," Madara drawls, a teasing glint in his eyes, "wouldn't dare to disobey."
Somehow, even without outright taunts, Tobirama feels like he's been defeated. It doesn't matter, though; what he may lose in dignity, he’ll make up for by preserving his outward composure.
Besides, the next hours give him the added pleasure of seeing how the mere promise of a romantic outing ramps up Madara's usually sluggish productivity to an astonishing degree.
It's a good day after all, he decides, and about to get much better.
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Mockingjay Manor - Ch 7
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Chapter One /// Chapter Two /// Chapter Three /// Chapter Four /// Chapter Five /// Chapter Six
Happy Tuesday dear everlarkers! Last week’s installment of Mockingjay Manor concluded with a drugged and injured Everlark finding themselves whisked away from the terrifying Doctor Snow and hidden in a secret room by an unknown rescuer. You voted to put their trust in this unidentified saviour. What happens next? Let’s check in with the incredible @mega-aulover to find out....
A note, friends, that this chapter is rated M for canon-typical violence and begged-for sexual content.
As always, you have 48 hours, until noon EDT on Thursday, October 12th, to cast you votes in the notes or reblogs, not in the tags!!!
I crumple the note in my fist and toss it on the floor and the syringe I’d hidden in my sleeve drops onto the carpet and rolls away. The warning to stay put doesn’t sit well with me. I’m pissed off, angry at this man, Snow, and his tricks. The stupid portrait looms over me, mocking me. We’ve been attacked, stung by some experimental wasps, and threatened. He will not get away with this.
Peeta groans and my plans for vengeance fly from my mind. I kneel at his side and gently check his stings. “Are you okay?”
“Katniss, I’ve been stung before. Remember? Eleventh grade when you were trying to get rid of that hive.”
The hive had fallen to the ground and we’d both been badly stung. I thought I’d killed Peeta and I kissed him hard on the lips. It was my first kiss. The memory makes me want to blush but instead I grunt, “Yeah, but those were regular wasps.” I gingerly touch a red bump on his neck. “These weren’t ordinary wasps. I couldn’t move.”
“I was knocked out,” Peeta rubs his neck. “Did you find a note or something?”
The discarded note lies at my feet, and I’m fuming once more at the absurdity of the situation. “It says to stay here and that Finnick and Jo are safe.” It’s the last thing I want to do. Fulfilling the will’s requirement to fix up the house has transformed into a personal quest for the truth.  
Peeta frowns. “I know that look on your face.”
“What look?” I try not to appear defensive but my arms are crossed and my face has turned into a scowl.
“That nothing-I-say-will-convince-you-to-give-up-or-leave-this-house face.”
Standing, arms akimbo, I say, “Haymitch might have been an asshole, but he was family. I’ve got to clear his name of whatever is going on here. I want answers! Who is Snow and how can I get rid of him?”
“Not alone you won’t.” Peeta struggles to sit up and I pull him to his feet. “We agreed we’d do this together.”
Peeta leans toward me, his sweet face at once disarming me and stirring my libido. It's been this way since we were kids. I’ve never been able to pinpoint whether it’s his boy-next-door face, his sturdy but welcoming arms, or his good natured soul, but it drives me wild.
His hand slips over my chin and its rough texture causes my heart rate to triple.  Right before he places a chaste kiss upon my lips, his eyes smolder with unfulfilled passion. Instantly, my panties become soaked, and I think, awe hell, I need him.
I nearly lost him tonight and it’s making me desperate. The anger I’d been kindling is quickly replaced by desire, thick pulsing desire that has me panting.
All of the adrenaline flows south to the juncture between my legs; I feel my body pulse there. My arms wind themselves around his neck. The kiss deepens as his sweet tongue invades my mouth. Peeta always tastes of cinnamon and vanilla. It’s addictive and draws me in further. Passionate electrical torrents pass between us and our kisses become rushed. His large hands grip my hips, then my ass.
He’s still aroused and I can feel his hard length pressing against me. My nipples tighten into buds at the thought of having him. We walk backwards into a wall, and I grind against him. My hand gravitates downward and grabs him through his jeans. He is already thick with need and he groans before tearing his mouth away from mine.
Hungrily he pants, “Katniss.”
His blue eyes are the dark like the night sky; his hands desperately skimming over my body. Seeing him so uncontrolled makes me feral for more of his touch and sends dirty thoughts racing through my mind.
His hands make their way to my zipper and I shimmy just enough out of my pants to give his fingers the freedom to find my needy core.
“You’re so wet,” he mutters against my neck where his lips are burning a path to the sensitive spot under my jaw. His fingers part my folds, rubbing my clit in that magical pattern he knows I like so much. Spending so many hours on the edge of danger has done something to me and the need to feel alive, to know that we are both well, stokes the fire within me until I burn out of control.  
“Peeta I neee….” The rest of the words fall away when his thick fingers slip inside of me. It satisfies my cravings for a moment, but soon his fingers aren’t enough.
“Tell me what you want,” he says against my skin.
I am at the summit and I can feel a familiar tightening in my womb. “I need you inside...now!”
He pushes my pants down. I hear the rasp of his zipper and I feel his tip aligned with my entrance.
“NOW,” I urge, as his tongue invades my mouth and his thick member stretches my taught body. My bones melt like ice-cream on a hot pavement.
A muffled groan escapes both of us, his member sliding in and out of my slick, tight walls. Tearing my mouth away from his, I bite his earlobe, causing Peeta to pound into me. My body begins to convulse around him and everything fades to white as we come at the same time.
When I come to, Peeta is softly kissing me. Our bodies slide onto the thick plush rug, somehow I end up lying on top of Peeta. His voice rumbles through his chest, “If the situation weren’t so dire we could play out one of those smutty fanfics you're always reading. Maybe hang from that chandelier.”
My cheeks tinge pink at the mention of my one vice. Fanfic is my one and only guilty pleasure. Peeta happens to be the only person on the planet who knows about it. Playfully I hit him on the arm, “Wiseass.”
Spent, we straighten our clothing. The lightning crackles in the sky and the bright light illuminates the portrait of Maysilee. In the background, I spot white bell flowers cascading from a tree.  “Devil's breath,” I gasp, pointing at the painting.
“Those flowers in the background, they’re called Devil’s Breath. It’s a plant my mom uses to calm her patients. She’s always careful about using it, because it can make you incapacitated, almost zombie like. It can erase your memories. If Snow has this, it explains why those wasps affected us the way they did.”
“Note to self, stay away from wasps,” Peeta murmurs to himself.   
“Quick, help me.”
Startled by the voice we spin around. The dumbwaiter is back, and inside we find an exact replica of Maysilee Donner Abernathy, very much alive and definitely not a monster.  “Maysilee?”
“Nope, just her niece, Madge Undersee,” she says, hopping out of the dumbwaiter. “Help me get your friend to the sofa. He was stung pretty badly.” Peeta springs into action, helping maneuver an unconscious Finnick to the couch while Madge disappears in dumbwaiter again to go back for Jo.
“He’s pretty out of it,” Peeta says as he holds Finnick's face in his hands. The dumbwaiter rattles back into the room.
“They need the antidote, Katniss,” says Madge. Together, we move Jo, “Their hearts can stop just like my aunt and your uncle.” Madge takes two syringes from her back pocket.
“Wait, how did you know who we are?” I blanch at the thought of having to administer the antidote. Needles make me squeamish.
Madge rolls up Finnick’s sleeve and administers the antidote as she speaks. “My aunt left me a letter with my mom. After Haymitch died, I did a small inquiry.”
Jo is badly stung and her body is spasming. Rolling up her sleeve, I manage to accomplish what my mother and my sister have tried to instruct me to do a thousand times without success. As the contents of the needle are introduced into her blood system, Jo’s body calms down. “How’s that possible? Your aunt’s been dead for over 25 years?”
Peeta exclaims, “Like in the second Back to the Future when Doc leaves Marty behind in 1955 and writes him a letter from 1855 with instructions to deliver it to Marty in 1955.”
Peeta’s infatuation with Back to the Future could be the only non-attractive thing about him, but I can usually forgive it because that boyish look on his face is yummy.
Madge laughs at his Back to the Future reference. “Sort of,” she agrees. “About six months before I was born, my aunt thought she was going to die and wanted to make sure her killer was brought to justice. She wrote a letter and instructed my mother to give it to me if anything happened to Haymitch. In her letter, my aunt Maysilee wrote that Haymitch wouldn’t rest until he solved her murder, and that if he died, then someone else needed to take up the torch. She also said that if anything happened to her, my mother wouldn’t be emotionally or mentally capable of finding her killer. It’s true, she wasn’t. She still isn’t. She couldn’t even hand me the letter without dissolving to tears.” Madge took out the folded letter from her pocket and held it up. “She died the day she wrote this. As soon as I got her letter, I requested a copy of the coroner's report. It said my aunt died of an overdose. But one of the first things she stated in her letter was that she never took drugs.”
“So that thing in the attic with your aunt’s look, it isn’t her?”
Finnick groans and tries to sit up and Peeta pulls him upright. Clearly, the medication is taking effect. I shudder to think of what could have happened to all of us without Madge’s help. Losing Peeta is my worst nightmare.
“No,” Madge shakes her head, “That thing in the attic isn’t my aunt.”
“Tell me what you know and what’s with that symbol on your locket.” I point to her shirt.
“According to the letter, my family owned Mockingjay Cosmetics. This was the brand symbol. Dr. Snow was in charge of creating and testing out new products. You’ve met his secretary.”
“Effie,” Peeta says as Finnick sits forward. “Haymitch once told me he met her at work. I thought it was at the tech firm he owned.”
Madge pulls out a necklace with a locket. “From what I could find out from the old records my family had, your uncle Haymitch was a genius. He was working with reproducing skin cells, so that they could test the cosmetics without human or animal testing.” She opens the locket to reveal that her aunt and her mother were twins. “When FDA laws became stricter, my family complied, or so we thought. There was an investigation and we lost the company, because of Snow. My aunt believed Haymitch had something on Snow, but she couldn’t prove anything and before she could find out, she died. Your uncle moved to Silicon Valley, where he made his money. My mom has never gotten over the death of her sister.”
“Do you think that beast could have your aunt’s genes?”
“I only know that Snow’s been manipulating the genetic makeup of that mutt. I found some files that seemed to indicate that Effie’s been involved. Snow and Crane experimented on her with the Devil’s Breath, manipulating her memories.”  
Peeta speculates, “He made her into one of his mutts.”
Madge nods,“I’ve been able to grab samples of the vials in his lab and send them out for testing. It’s how I was able to get an antidote.”
“So how do we-” My words were frozen mid-sentence as a piercing howl echoes inside the house. A crashing and thumping noise penetrates the air, followed by the high-pitched, panicked screeching of birds. The chandelier shakes above us, and several crystals fall to the ground like broken stars.
Finnick’s eyes shoot upward. Like me, he’s a hunter and he’s instantly alert.
“He let experiment M loose,” Madge whispers, her face and eyes filled with horror.
Grabbing Madge by the arms, I shake her “Are there any weapons in the house?”
Madge gives me a blank stare right before she nods. She pulls on a wall sconce, “I found this one day by accident.” The picture springs open revealing two automatic crossbows. I’m overjoyed as I load it with arrows. The ceiling above shakes, bits of debris of dried plaster and dust fall on our heads . I hear the birds screech in fear and pain. There is no doubt the ape is killing the birds.
Madge bends down and picks up the forgotten syringe. “Katniss, we can stop that creature with this. There’s enough of the Devil's Breath in here to kill it.”
“We did the mash! We did the monster mash,” Finnick sings, as he checks over the other crossbow.
“Finnick,” I warn as I macgyver the syringe onto the tip of one of the arrows with my hair tie.
“Katniss, are you sure this is the wisest thing to do?” Peeta’s voice always has a way of reaching me, even when I’ve got my blinders on and I cannot reason.
We can hear its steps echo through the threadbare walls. The mutt is hunting us. “We got to get rid of it Peeta. If it gets out…you need to take care of Jo.”
“Okay, I’ll take care of Jo, but I swear if I don’t see you in hour, I’m coming after you.” He places a soft kiss on my lips.
I want to tell him that I love him but there’s no time for this so I express it in my kiss. Stepping away, I turn to Madge, “Since you know the house better than us, is there a place where you can take Jo and Peeta, maybe call the cops?”
The howling is getting closer. There is no time to lose. We stare at each other in that pregnant peace before the storm. It knows we’re in here.
“Help me with Jo,” Madge shouts. Peeta tenderly puts Jo into the dumbwaiter and Madge wraps an arm around her waist to hold her up. We realize too late that three people cannot fit inside.
“Take care of her,” Peeta tells Madge and pulls the door closed. As the dumbwaiter rattles away, I hear the mutt sniffing at the door to the room.
“Peeta, get behind us,” I shout. Looking behind me, I see Peeta picking up a chair. The door smashes to splinters and the snarling wolf lunges inside, its eyes glittering with evil. Blood drips from its canine teeth and I spot feathers mixed in with its golden hair.
It snarls and snaps at Finnick, I aim the crossbow. It senses my movement and jumps at me as a blood curdling roar rips from its jaws. The arrow is released and it lodges itself in its chest. It roars in pain and stumbles, but lands on its paws and lunges at me again.  Finnick is shooting at it, but his arrows do nothing to it. He tosses his crossbow aside and rams the beast in its side.
“FINNICK NO!!” I scream as he struggles with the mutt.
The chair splinters behind me. I spin around. Snow is holding on to Peeta, who has a syringe buried in his jugular. Snow is wounded. Blood seeps from his nose but his eyes are wild, animalistic. Peeta is limp in his arms and his eyes are glazed over. Yet another secret door gapes open behind them.
“Peeta,” I whisper, my heart is thumping. I hold up the crossbow, Snow in my sights. My mind is flooded with images. Mutts in the attic that look like people, wasps, singing deranged birds, Devil’s Breath and that snake like Dr. Snow accusing my uncle. Finnick is being mauled and Snow holds Peeta. Do I take the chance, shoot at Snow and risk hurting Peeta? Or do I put my weapon down?  
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365footballorg-blog · 6 years
Premier League predictions: Lawro v comedian Howard
The Manchester and Merseyside derbies dominate the weekend’s Premier League action, sandwiched between Liverpool’s impressive 3-0 win over Manchester City and the return leg of their Champions League quarter-final on Tuesday.
How will that tie affect the outcome when both sides take on their local rivals?
BBC Sport football expert Mark Lawrenson says: “City need to beat Manchester United to clinch the title but we don’t often see a Roy of the Rovers story like that – you don’t normally win the league by beating your fiercest rivals.
“We know what United boss Jose Mourinho is like and he is not all of a sudden going to play loads of attacking players and try to go toe-to-toe with City – because he could end up on the wrong end of a big defeat as well as seeing them win the league.
“That is not in his DNA, and City will just be up against a red wall. What happened at Anfield on Wednesday will have affected them too.
“Over on Merseyside, this has become a harder game for Liverpool after their win over City because they will be on such a big high after that result.
“Everton will be lying in wait for them, and although City completely outplayed Everton at Goodison Park last weekend, this is different because the Toffees will fly out of the traps at Liverpool. That is always the way that these games are.”
Lawro is going for a 1-1 draw in both derbies. Do you agree? You can make your predictions now, take on Lawro and other fans, create your own league and try to make it to the top of the table by playing the BBC Sport Predictor game.
He will be making a prediction for all 380 top-flight games this season, against a variety of guests.
This week he takes on comedian Russell Howard, whose travels round the United States can be seen in his new series of Russell Howard & Mum: Road Trip.
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Howard is a lifelong Liverpool fan and says that if he could choose one Reds player to travel round the USA with, it would be full-back Andy Robertson.
“It would have to be him, because of his enthusiasm,” explained Howard.
“There are bits of America which are quite incredibly boring and if he has the kind of personality off the field that he has on it then it could be incredible because he is always so up.
“Robertson has been amazing for us this season and, also, I would imagine that if I was on a road trip with him, he wouldn’t want presents. He gives money to food banks and he is just a really lovely bloke.
“I think he would be amazing, and we would have Mo Salah on the roof, like in Teen Wolf.
“Salah could be up there, making people happy, and we could sing that song on repeat – ‘Ooh Mane Mane, we’ve got Salah – he’s on the roof’.”
Premier League predictions – week 33 Result Lawro Russell SATURDAY Everton v Liverpool x-x 1-1 1-1 Bournemouth v Crystal Palace x-x 2-1 1-2 Brighton v Huddersfield x-x 2-0 0-1 Leicester v Newcastle x-x 2-0 3-0 Stoke v Tottenham x-x 0-2 10-0 Watford v Burnley x-x 1-2 1-1 West Brom v Swansea x-x 2-1 0-2 Man City v Man Utd x-x 1-1 5-0 SUNDAY Arsenal v Southampton x-x 2-0 0-2 Chelsea v West Ham x-x 2-0 1-1
A correct result (picking a win, draw or defeat) is worth 10 points. The exact score earns 40 points.
All kick-offs 15:00 BST unless otherwise stated.
Everton v Liverpool (12:30 BST)
I think this game will tell Liverpool boss Jurgen Klopp a lot about his players – for starters in terms of how they react to such a quick turnaround after playing on Wednesday night.
It is a big ask and it will stretch the squad, but I can’t see Klopp taking any risks with Mohamed Salah, no matter how he says he is feeling after coming off with an injury against City.
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Jordan Henderson will play because he is suspended for Wednesday’s return leg at Etihad Stadium (19:45 BST kick-off) but elsewhere in midfield Klopp might think he has to save the legs of James Milner and Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain.
Georginio Wijnaldum and, if he is fit, Emre Can will probably start.
But Klopp can’t make too many changes. Although their top-four place looks a lot more secure after Chelsea lost to Spurs last weekend, they have to keep pushing on.
For Everton, it is probably the perfect game to respond after being taken apart by City.
Some of the City players found Anfield hostile on Wednesday, but the atmosphere will be the same for Liverpool players at Goodison Park.
Probably one of the most important people in deciding the outcome will be the referee, because I think tackles will be flying in.
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Lawro’s prediction: 1-1
Russell’s prediction: I’d like to say we will win 2-1 but I’ve got a horrible feeling it is going to be 1-1 because Everton will be up for it and we will be a little bit tired from Wednesday, unfortunately.
Also, what I’d like to do, as I am a Liverpool fan, is predict a bad result – then if we get a good one, we win. 1-1
Bournemouth v Crystal Palace
Palace were unlucky to lose to Liverpool last weekend because there is no doubt that the Reds could have had Sadio Mane sent off with the score at 1-1, which would have changed the course of the game.
That defeat left the Eagles in the thick of the relegation scrap and it won’t be easy to get anything out of this game either.
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Bournemouth continue to keep coming back from the dead, picking up another point with a last-gasp equaliser at Watford last week.
It seems you write them off at your peril, so I am going for a Cherries win here.
Eddie Howe’s side have only lost two of their past 13 league games as they have climbed away from the relegation zone and another victory here would take them to 40 points and basically ensure they are staying up.
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How have they done it? Well, the good thing about Bournemouth is that they always create chances and they have got goals in their side too.
Add that to their mentality which means they are able to fight back in games and they always have a chance.
Lawro’s prediction: 2-1
Russell’s prediction: Wilfried Zaha to score two absolute belters, what a footballer he is. I think he’d be very welcome at Liverpool. 1-2
Brighton v Huddersfield
Brighton slipped up in their defeat against Leicester last week when they missed a penalty with the score at 0-0. If they had scored that then, at the very least, they would have picked up a point.
That result puts a little bit more pressure on them for this game, against a Huddersfield side who are slipping towards the relegation zone again after a run of only one point from their past four matches.
The Terriers have not been great on the road, which is why I am going to back Brighton, but both teams will know this is a massive match for their survival hopes.
Win, and the Seagulls are on 37 points. If you look at their run-in – against Tottenham, Burnley, Manchester United, Manchester City and Liverpool – I am not sure where they are going to add to that total.
On the other hand, a Huddersfield victory would see them go level with Brighton and drag them right back down into trouble, but really they just need something from this match to build on.
Even a draw would be a big boost for the Terriers’ confidence with the run they have been on, but I don’t think they will get it.
Lawro’s prediction: 2-0
Russell’s prediction: I have got a soft spot for both of these teams. I think this will decide whether Huddersfield stay up, so hopefully they will win it. 0-1
Leicester v Newcastle
Leicester are chasing Burnley for seventh place, while Newcastle are trying to stay clear of the bottom three.
The Magpies make themselves difficult to beat away from home but they never look like scoring enough goals for me, which is why I am going for a Foxes win.
Lawro’s prediction: 2-0
Russell’s prediction: Riyad Mahrez to get a hat-trick, and then he will dye his hair orange at the end. 3-0
Stoke v Tottenham
This is a big game for Stoke, who have lost their past three matches and are stuck in the bottom three.
After this weekend, they only have two home games left – against Crystal Palace and Swansea – and their away form is dreadful, so you would think they definitely need to get something out of this one.
The question is how can they do it? At the risk of repeating myself every time I speak about the Potters, I don’t know who is going to score the goals they need.
They have only managed four goals in the past eight games, and Xherdan Shaqiri has got three of them. They desperately need more from their strikers.
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Tottenham got a super result against Chelsea last time out, especially because it was the Blues who looked more like winning until Christian Eriksen equalised.
It was a big deal for Spurs to go on and win it after waiting 28 years for a victory at Stamford Bridge and they had more good news with Harry Kane coming back from injury.
Kane will be even closer to full fitness after another week of training and it is safe to say that goals are something that this Spurs team does not lack.
Lawro’s prediction: 0-2
Russell’s prediction: I’d like Stoke to win 10-0 in an attempt for Liverpool to secure a top-four place. 10-0
Watford v Burnley
After going 12 league games without a victory, Burnley have now won three on the spin.
It helps that they have key players like defender James Tarkowski and striker Chris Wood fit again, but I’ve also been impressed with the way Ashley Barnes has been playing up front.
Barnes scored a brilliant overhead kick against West Brom last week but he has been looking like a real threat for a while now. It is almost as if all of a sudden he realises he belongs at this level, and he has really kicked on.
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Watford’s home form has been decent but the thing about Burnley now is that they are playing with a real sense of freedom because of where they are in the table.
Whatever happens they are going to get their best finish in the Premier League, and they know they have a great chance of securing European football too.
The Hornets have not had that kind of season, despite making a strong start. They are not going to get dragged into the relegation fight, but I can see them getting beaten here.
Lawro’s prediction: 1-2
Russell’s prediction: 1-1
West Brom v Swansea
Alan Pardew’s exit means West Brom have gone through two managers, a chairman and a chief executive this season. It will not be long until they are officially relegated too.
It is a sad state of affairs and it just shows you that if you don’t get things right off the pitch, then this is what will happen.
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Like I say, I do not see the Baggies staying up now but, with Darren Moore in charge, I think they will go and win this game. The fans will be behind him, that is for sure, and there should be a reaction from the players too.
Swansea were probably hoping that Pardew would still be in charge but, if they do lose, they have already shown under Carlos Carvalhal that they can react in the way to a bad result, which says a lot about the way they are coached and their mentality.
I don’t think they would have expected to get anything from their visit to Manchester United last week, and there is no need for them to panic if they come back empty-handed from The Hawthorns.
Looking at their run-in, it is interesting to see that the Swans end the season with two home games against Southampton and Stoke.
If they are in any trouble at that stage, then it looks likely that their fate will still be in their own hands.
Lawro’s prediction: 2-1
Russell’s prediction: 0-2
Man City v Man Utd
For various reasons, City did not produce the kind of performance at Anfield on Wednesday that we have got used to seeing from them this season, when they have been conquering all-comers.
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As I’ve said in my analysis after that Champions League game, Pep Guardiola got some things wrong. Raheem Sterling has been brilliant all season so why would you leave him out of such a big game? I don’t get it, and sometimes I think managers can try to be a bit too clever.
I don’t see this game going to plan for Guardiola either. I am expecting United to be very awkward, and they are capable of nicking a goal as well as being rigid and hard to break down at the back.
Lawro’s prediction: 1-1
Russell’s prediction: With a little luck, this will be the way City win the league and the world will rejoice. Plus, of course, it would help Liverpool to get top four. 5-0
Arsenal v Southampton (14:15 BST)
I said on Football Focus last week that Arsenal’s form is a bit like when you are feeling ill and take some antibiotics – you think you are cured but actually you are still not right.
The Gunners have won two league games on the trot now, but they are still Arsenal and they are still fragile. Even if they win every game between now and the end of the season, they still need an operation.
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They will beat Southampton at home, though.
Saints were turned over very easily by West Ham last week, which showed how big a job Mark Hughes faces to try to keep them in the Premier League.
Lawro’s prediction: 2-0
Russell’s prediction: I am going for Southampton to win and hopefully that again will help Liverpool to secure a top-four place – all of my predictions are so that Liverpool do well.
But I’d like Saints to stay up because, if they don’t, who the hell are we going to buy players from? We can’t go down to the Championship to look at players. 0-2
Chelsea v West Ham (16:30 BST)
I look at what is happening at Chelsea and think that Antonio Conte will be leaving at the end of the season. It is hard to see any other outcome.
It is also difficult to see the Blues getting back into the Champions League places after they lost to Spurs – but they should still have too much for West Ham.
The Hammers will be buoyed by their win over Saints last time out, but do I think they have got enough to go to Stamford Bridge and come away unbeaten? No, I don’t.
Lawro’s prediction: 2-0
Russell’s prediction: I think Chelsea will win but I would like West Ham to – so let’s go 1-1.
Lawro was speaking to BBC Sport’s Chris Bevan.
How did Lawro do last week?
From the last round of Premier League games, Lawro got five correct results, with two perfect scores, from 10 matches for a total of 110 points.
He beat This Country actor Charlie Cooper, who got three correct results with no perfect scores, for a total of 30 points.
Total scores after week 32 Lawro 2,860 Guests 2,420
Lawro v Guests P32 W18 D3 L11
+/- DENOTE POSITION DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LAWRO’S TABLE AND ACTUAL POSITION POS TEAM P W D L PTS +/- 1 Man City 31 26 4 1 82 0 2 Man Utd 31 25 5 1 80 0 3 Tottenham 31 24 6 1 78 +1 4 Liverpool 32 20 12 0 72 -1 5 Chelsea 31 20 6 5 66 0 6 Arsenal 31 15 11 5 56 0 7 Leicester 31 13 6 12 45 +1 8 Southampton 31 11 7 13 40 +10 9 West Ham 31 8 16 7 40 +5 10 Bournemouth 32 9 10 13 37 0 11 West Brom 32 10 6 16 36 +9 12 Burnley 31 8 10 13 34 -5 13 Stoke 32 7 12 13 33 +6 14 Everton 32 7 8 17 29 -5 15 Crystal Palace 32 7 7 18 28 +2 16 Newcastle 31 6 9 16 27 -4 17 Brighton 31 3 13 15 22 -4 18 Swansea 31 5 4 22 19 -3 19 Watford 32 4 6 23 18 -8 20 Huddersfield 32 1 11 20 14 -4
SCORE GUEST LEADERBOARD 160 Justin Hawkins, Chris Shiflett 130 James Anderson*, Joe Johnson* 120 Russel Leetch*, Will Poulter, Moeen Ali 110 Aron Baynes* 100 Cesaro & Seamus, Wretch 32 90 Arni and Justin from The Vaccines, Pete Wentz 89 Lawro (average after 32 weeks) 80 John Cena, Darren Campbell 70 John Bishop** Brendan Foster*, Mark Strong 60 Jimmy from Django Django, Will Ferrell, Nish Kumar, Non Stanford, Rick Witter 50 Steve Cram, Michael Dapaah, Channing Tatum, Joe Root, Margot Robbie and Allison Janney, Dario Saric, Osi Umenyiora and Jason Bell, 40 Craig David, Ed Lay 30 Rhys James, Felix White 20 Charlie Cooper, Richard Osman, Emmanuel Sanders and Josh Norman
* Shows weeks where Lawro had more than one guest, and only the highest score contributed to the guest total.
** Shows weeks where guest total does not include rearranged games.
Lawro’s best score: 170 points (week 30 v Arni and Justin from The Vaccines)
Lawro’s worst score: 40 points (week four v Umenyiora and Bell, week five v Non Stanford, week 21 v Darren Campbell and week 23 v Saric and Baynes)
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Premier League predictions: Lawro v comedian Howard was originally published on 365 Football
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