#also I drew this like a week ago but forgot to post it here oops
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Whenever Throné ambushes an NPC I like to think it goes something like this
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dragon8er · 1 year
Dragontale Undyne
Hey guys, Dragon8er here!
Sorry for not posting in a while, I've been playing a lot of Zelda lol (so much so that I forgot to post this anywhere other than DeviantArt oops). I actually drew this like a week a week and a half ago, I just forgot to ever post it lmao.
And yeah, I finally designed Dragontale Undyne!
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I'm a bit mixed on the results, and so I'll probably change it, but I still like the drawing, so eh. To answer some questions, she's a sea dragon. She swims, so she doesn't fly. So unlike other Dragons, she doesn't have any wings. She also possesses hydrokinesis, and can bend and shape water to her will, which she uses to create weapons, typically spears.
I'll try posting more in the future, so stay tuned for that!
Until then, this has been Dragon8er, and I will see you all Drago-l8er!
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skullizzard · 3 years
Some doodles of SOLC characters I like
I drew these a few weeks ago and forgot to post them here oops
Wester !!!!! He’s a bastard but I love him. Also bonus Larten because :’)
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And Randel Chayne who can suck my blood any day of the week :)
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I wanna draw them both more in the future, I might play with Randel’s hair a bit in the future so follow me if u wanna stay tuned ig lmao
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sunriseindigo · 4 years
you can answer this in multiple parts or one post but! 002 - otohiko, tsuhara, and makitai?
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When I started shipping them:
not that long ago actually?? i used to be really really obsessed with yamahiko (still am lol) but i think a month ago is when i started to ship them!!
My thoughts:
omg look at these gays omg look at them go!!! i love both of them very much and the dynamic these too have is just,,, so wonderful!!! the fact that this ship isn’t really that popular just. astonishes me
What makes me happy about them:
the height difference. haruhiko has picked up teruya in the past and run off with the him blushing furiously. in a non-despair au where the two grow up teruya finally gets tall enough to do that to haruhiko. think about it.
What makes me sad about them:
that one moment in sdra2 where teruya started crying when he saw the statues of haruhiko and satsuki,,,, just,,,, waaaaaaaaaaa
Things done in fanfic that annoys me:
the fact that there’s no fanfics about this ship
Things I look for in fanfic:
them. plz someone make a fanfic for them plz i beg u--
My wishlist:
again, just content for them!! this ship is underrated and desperately deserves content and if i have to be the one to supply it then so be it,,,,
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
with haruhiko it’d be yamato cuz i think they’re also really cute together and have the same hyper vibes as this one!!! as for teruya i think he and kinji can be pretty cute,,, 👉👈
My happily ever after for them:
turns out that everyone is okay and the killing game doesn’t happen!!! haruhiko proposes to teruya after a 3 year relationship and are now happily married with a son and like,, 3 birds
When I started shipping them:
hmmm probably when i first joined the dra fandom!! i saw these two and my mind went “hey they should kiss” and now we’re here!!
My thoughts:
aka tsurugi starts crying after kinji hugs him because he’s touch starved and hasn’t received physical affection in years. both of them deserve to feel happy and i just want tsurugi to get therapy with the help of kinji!!
What makes me happy about them:
a few people ship this actually??? and they’ve made content about it??? and that’s so poggers??????
What makes me sad about them:
the fact that a few popular people who make content for this ship are people that i have bad memories associated with them and that these people have actually impacted my mental health in a very negative way....
Things done in fanfic that annoys me:
i remember reading a fic of them once??? i forgot the name but it was really sad and angsty and i almost cried
Things I look for in fanfic:
i!! want fluff of them!!!! plz i just want them to be happy.....
My wishlist:
an epic little comic around these two,,, it doesn’t have to be made by linuj i just want a comic of these two...
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
umm well yamarugi and otohara (that’s what i’m calling it lol) are cool!!! i’m not that against people who don’t ship this so yeah
My happily ever after for them:
kinji lives and encourages tsurugi to get therapy and just supports him in general!!
When I started shipping them:
again not too long ago actually!! i used to ship makitomo pretty heavily but then uh. something happened. and around a month ago i saw these two and started shipping them
My thoughts:
plzzzz let them kiss,,, i swear these two have been on my mind for almost two weeks and i’m just this () close to writing a full short fic story of these two!!!
What makes me happy about them:
well all of the content that i’ve seen about this ship is relatively positive!! i’ve seen a bit of angst for them but overall it’s just fluff and cute domestic scenes and just aughggggg.... my heart <3
What makes me sad about them:
they fact that they’re dead. wtf
Things done in fanfic that annoys me:
like i’ve said with otohiko, the fact that there isn’t a lot of content/fics about them in general. cmon guys!!!
Things I look for in fanfic:
just them. them. akane taira and kiyoka maki kissing.
My wishlist:
idk,,, a popular artist to make content about them!!! (no i’m not popular i only have 18 followers lol)
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
rei and akane are pretty pog with each other!! cute girls... kuromaki (kiyoka/mikako) also is pretty cute!!!
My happily ever after for them:
they kiss and own a bakery together once they marry!!!!
When I started shipping them:
i’d say,, around january?? that’s around a month after i joined sdra2. i wasn’t that crazy about them then but after seeing some. questionable content about soruko i decided to ship this and yeah!!
My thoughts:
comfort ship go brrrrr!!!! these two are so fucking cute holy shit i love them!!! their dynamic is spectacular and u guys seriously need to get on board with this because GOD I LOVE THEM!!!!
What makes me happy about them:
just thinking about these two makes me feel happy,,,, i just want good things for them.....
What makes me sad about them:
the fact that setsuka’s dead,,,,,,
Things done in fanfic that annoys me:
there’s like. only two people that make content for setsuruko. i just... that’s sad.....
Things I look for in fanfic:
them!!!! i want to read fics about them cuddling or setsuka making yoruko flustered.... i just want them happy and with content u see with setsubiki and soruko!!!
My wishlist:
again, popular artist makes them kiss. that is all i crave from dis cruel world....
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
yorubiki is cool as hell!! also as underrated as setsuruko and i want to see these two ships flourish...
My happily ever after for them:
everyone lives and setsuka and yoruko confess their love for each other!!! they live together and constantly flirt all the time
When I started shipping them:
again when i got into the fandom!!! there was a fair amount of content for them when i joined and for a moment i thought they were like actually dating in canon lol (linuj is homophobic of course he doesn’t say that /j)
My thoughts:
mikako gently kisses her professor gf on the cheek,,, these two are so precious for each other and i love it when people make content about them even if it’s plationic!!! again mikako encourages rei to get therapy cuz she also desperately needs like jesus,,,
What makes me happy about them:
i’ve seen a couple of sketches linuj drew of them and every time i see i freakout and think about it for two weeks!!! they also have a great dynamic and just seeing the people making content of this ship and it’s not nasty is great!!! keep it up u guys!!
What makes me sad about them:
m. mikako. she. is dead. (also some people that make reikako content have given me panic attacks so oops!!!)
Things done in fanfic that annoys me:
again there’s like no fics of these guys. what the hell!!!!
Things I look for in fanfic:
for it to be written and for it to not be just angst
My wishlist:
i just want people to make content of my ships plz
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
welll reikane and satsurei are very good underrated ships!!! kuromaki and inokawa (mikako/kanata) are also pogchamp
My happily ever after for them:
again the killing game didn’t happen and rei and mikako are living their best lives together!!
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Tell Us about Your Special Interest (or whatever you are into/passionate about)
Introduction by the one &only @march-for-no-reason : In part inspired by the Discord - I’ve noticed that many of us (myself included), have a particular sort of negative experience dealing with people. That is, when they dismiss, shut down, or outright demean your interests which are special and important to you. So I extend a hand, it’s okay. We’d like to know about your interests, it’s okay to talk about them, and hopefully provide a better picture of how wonderful this can be, and new knowledge you could learn through it.
Introcduction by me: Okay, but this is amazing. I saw the post @auroreamethyste made &I was like oh heck I wish I could do that too !!  Then I saw I was tagged either &I was like OMGOMG YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!  Get ready for ,, a lot of ........ Okay I’ll just shut up & make it. Thank you so so much for the tag !! you’ve made my day 65424 times better 
Alright !! there we go 
1. Introduce them: Gregory Stuart most perfect ever Lake  2. When did you get into them: I remember I started really to go crazy over him in July or August last year, but I believe it was probably earlier. But I first got to know him two years earlier.  3. What drew your attention: uhm, at first it was obviously 21st Century Schizoid Man’s bass part, but when I really really really fell in love with him was when I listened to his voice on tracks like The Sage, The Only Way, Trilogy, In the Wake of Poseidon, his vocal version for Cadence &Cascade, Epitaph and many many many many more.... I mean, seriously just listen to him  4. Favourite thing about them: O___________O oh my god how to pick -- Uhm. Except or like Everything, I’ll pick his passion &love to music - he said that but also you could literally feel it in every piece he had ever performed - music was his passion, it lived in his heart and you could sense how important it is for him. I love it so much, I hope I managed to explain it properly.  5. Is there anything you dislike about them? First instinct it yelling NO and running away, but I need to think of it for a moment. I’m sure there is a thing. The fact he’s dead  Uhm I actually found nothing  6. Tell us a little-known fact. Pals, I don’t think there is a thing I know about him that all the smart peeps here don’t know ,, I’ll try to dig in for a thing.  Oh oh actually I have one. Despite efforts to find resources &actual pics, it isn’t a confirmed fact, (I’m still digging for a proof) that while being in King Crimson, there’s a mention that he played the tambourine. Maybe I’ll pick up another fact that isn’t about the parsian rag or ,, anything ,  7. Tell us how much you love them: ???????????????????? HOW well just scroll through my blog &see it urselves 8. Is there anything you associate with them? hmmmmm ... There are several things. I associate him, honestly, a bit with the 19th Century. Idk, something in his personality ? Style? not sure I can point it out, but something in the sensation I get from the 19th Century aesthetic I can associate sometimes to Greg.  9. How do they make you feel? Happy, safe, inspired ,, sometimes really sad... sometimes really calm &sometimes hysterical as fuck, er, what else.... for me he’s a sort of a safe place I can go to when my mind isn’t at its best... squeaky!!! rlly squeaky &happy!! dolphin noises heck yeah ,,  But more than everything, just thinking of him makes me smile &it’s the best feeling in the world <3  10. Free Space! Anything you want to add, anything goes! promote them, have they inspired you to do anything?, favourite ________ from them, little things that make you squee….anything. :D
omg?!?! what to add what to add *rip me* 
First thing: you should listen to him bc he’s perfect  Random songs rec:  King Crimson: -Epitaph -In the Wake of Poseidon -Cat Food  Emerson Lake &Palmer: -Take a Pebble -Lucky Man -Bitches Crystal -The Only Way -Trilogy -Living Sin -Still... You Turn Me on -Closer to Believing  -The Sage  -Change -Affairs of the heart -For You Solo -It Hurts -Retribution Drive -Long Goodbye -Somone -Paralysed -Manoeuvers -Haunted 
I tried to make a short list but if you want more I can add on a different post. 
Oh, have a thing: 
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From here , the actual story of the carpet ,, if you haven’t read it already. Many have no idead what’s the actual story with that carpet &too many wierd ass rumors run around. 
I will add some gifs because I love Greg’s gifs and ,, okay 
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Damn it I can add all of the gif in the world I just can;t pick 
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Okay this is last one I pormise 
This , this , this , this , this , this , this , this , this , this , this , this  Examples to this perfect beautiful talented man &my fangirlism 
Sorry, I think links work only on computer &not on moblie ,, oops  Plus I wanted to post just one link but scrolling throguh my Greg Lake tag
That’s all I can think of for now. 
Ah also his guitar is perfect ,, I can’t find a blog post so I will post a pic (sorry if it’s already here!!) 
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Isn’t it perfect I want one like this &I also want the guitar
Damn it I thought I finished rambling but - How could I forget???? 
The secret tattoo 
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Can’t remember its background story &I’m also not sure what is the shape of it, but it’s anyway an asweome tattoo &it’s placed very well for a bass\guitar player. 
(Again - pics aren’t mine)
That;s it! &I hope that now for real! :D 
An addition from Helen which I 100% agree with: This has caused, at least for me, a tendency to not talk, not talk a lot in fear of oversharing, or feel I should feel bad for allowing something to get so close to my heart. Unhealthy, addiction, it’s bad for you, okay! Okay! WE GET IT!!!…..are just some of the things I’ve experienced. The feelings they give….is so pure, so good, nothing can really compare. I’m supposed to just…wallow in despair, separated from my light? That can’t be right. I hope this can demonstrate some of that.
A small addition from me: I find it painful how ignortant &nasty can people be. I never understood those people - seeing others talk about what’s important for them is such a great &pure thing &I love seeing how happy does the thing make them!!
 Okay.... I think I’m done rambling here. I’m sorry it took me so long to answer, I just needed it to be perfect. Every time I found another thing to add and it lasted forever and it is absolutely not a passive agressive reference to someone who was supposed to release their autobiography years ago so it lasted for hours. 
Oh my god I’m so excited this is like the best thing that happened to me at the last weeks I can’t believe how happy wiritng this post made me!!! Oh my god I can’t remember being this happy for w e e k s fuckckckckkkkkk aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Bonus: a small holler by me, thanks to @moveslikekeithrichards after this 
Should I tag other peeps?   Idk if you were tagged, @my-space-and-all-within but I honestly thought of you when I looked at the questions.  Also, I can’t remember if you were tagged @clearthroughtheclouds , but I thought of you as well :3   I saw many were tagged, forgive me if i tag someone twice. Ofc you can do it only if you want to :D &also sorry if you were tagged already I probably forgot  
(P.s: I’m so fucking proud of this post I’m in tears omg)
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luckytrick · 8 years
don’t know how to read me
Ah this is supposed to be about Ben, but I have to say something else about Marine.
He talked to me about normal things! That shouldn’t be something to celebrate when he also drew a line. He told me there’s nothing wrong with telling the person you’ve been hooking up with that you want to hook up, hence why he says it’s fine to just ask when i want to go over.
But anyway, I won’t think of that. We’ve been sleeping together 4 months and I’ve known him 5 months....
At his house the other day, he kept bragging about his grades LOL. That’s not something I usually care to listen about from anyone. My grades aren’t the best and haven’t been for a while. I don’t have the proper time to focus on grades because of work so my grades are passing. But he was just so excited talking about his 3.56 GPA from Fall and his A from his winter classes (I also got A’s, but since mine were for PE they were pass/fail).
He also mentioned how he’s basically taking 20 credits this upcoming semester because ROTC is so extra, but it’s only worth 2 credits. Apparently, he’s leading PT this week and the platoon (?? I know this is a word for ROTC, but I don’t know if this is the proper word. When I was in ROTC, we had enough students to have our own battalion. I think they only have enough for a platoon though...)
Okay finally Ben, but I have work so I’ll just leave this open and type when I get back from work haha. 
Oops I forgot about this post lol.
School started. Rough first two days for me I’ll say. I got to school as early as possible on Monday so I’d have good parking, but it was already gone. Then I had one class. Turns out there’s only 12 people in that class and we already have work due before the week is over. After that I hung out with some friends for a bit (SS was one of them. She baked me cookies as a thank you for a christmas gift), before I went to work.
I worked from 2pm - 2:32am without a break. I felt fine (that’s a lie) so I didn’t get too upset. That’s also a lie. I complained about the fact that whenever I wanted to take a break, my manager would give me a reason as to why I couldn’t take a break. I drove home and didn’t sleep until like 5am, but my alarm goes off at 6:45. I felt kind of okay and just got up and got dressed for the second day of school.
Horrible. My first class was nice, if not just a lot of lecture with no fun bits. (Or maybe I was just tired and not able to focus on pure lecture). Ben texted me just as the class started saying something about how “I could go for a bj or making out rn” I couldn’t stop laughing to myself as I stared at my phone like wth. I finally just got up and went to the bathroom to reply. I told him I didn’t get out of class until 11:15 so he just had to wait, but he never replied. fuckboy.
Then I hung out with J a little since all of my friends were already in class. Then Korean class where it’s all females except this one guy who I’ve shared at least one class with every semester and I don’t like him.
After Korean I went to the History department to try and order my textbooks. I already spent like ~$150 for one class alone. The rest were like ~$209, but I wanted them to get here sooner so I asked my mother to order and now I owe her ~$250 since they’ll be here quicker.
My last class of the day was from 4-5:15. I literally got there at the last minute cause I couldn’t find the room and there were barely any seats left. The classroom doesn’t even have enough seats for everyone (Can you believe I wasn’t the last one in? Yay!). As soon as the class settled and the professor finished attendance, I fell straight asleep. Woke up a few times to see what we were talking about before just sleeping. I’m lucky because I took a class with the same professor like two years ago and she uses the same powerpoint for every class she teaches on the first day.
I feel like I forgot a lot of stuff, but I’m too exhausted.
Texted Marine for a bit tonight. Went to the gym and ate food. Okay night.
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